Feel free to adapt for younger and older children and youth. And use whatever components suit your family!

Today’s Faith Formation lesson is based on Biblical texts from this past Wednesday’s Lenten service and this Sunday’s worship service. Wednesday centered on living with a lifetime of favor with God. Sunday’s passages tell us about another covenant God makes which involves laws given in love. The Gospel text shows Jesus’ reaction to God’s laws being broken. SO LET’S…

1) GATHER together:

• Take several deep breaths - inhaling on the count of 4, holding in to the count of 7 and slowing exhaling to the count of 8. Then as you inhale, breathe in “God’s love”. Exhale and breathe out: “frees me” (younger children could maybe exhale to: “is good”). Repeat this several times and begin to feel “free”.

2) SHARE with each other:

• Something that seemed unfair to you this week such as a rule you had to follow or something you saw happen - something that might have made you angry • Something that was done for you this week out of love or that you did for someone else out of love.

3) TELL God’s Story:

Choose an age-appropriate Bible and have someone(s) read the following passages. *SPECIAL BONUS! Check out our Faith Formation page on our website for a video telling today’s lesson from Exodus from the Spark Story Bible. Thank you Mrs. Young! * • Psalm 30: 4-5 • Exodus 20: 1-17 • John 2: 13-22

4) REFLECT ’s Story: • Talk about some of the rules you all have to live with at home, in school, at work, in the community, etc. Do some seem unfair? Why do they seem that way? • Why do we have to set some rules to live by? What would happen if we didn’t have any rules? • Which of the 10 Commandments seemed like they would be hard to follow? Why do you think God gave the people rules? Do you think they obeyed them all? Why or why not?

• Jesus got angry in the Bible story from John. Why do you think he was angry? How did he show his anger? How do you feel about Jesus getting angry? In this passage Jesus had every right to be angry because people were putting money and greed ahead of loving God and protecting those who were poor. They were breaking the commandment about only loving God. Money had become more important. Sometimes we need to speak out in anger for justice for others, to make life better for those who are hurting. It doesn’t mean though we use physical violence. What are ways to show “good anger” that can help to make things better for ALL. How can we make a point positively even when we are mad? How can we “cool down” when we get angry? How do you let your anger go? • How do we know we are still loved even when family and friends get mad at us?

5) CREATE from the Story:

• As a family create a list of “10 Commandments” for all of you to follow daily - make it a “joint” creation! “Covenant” with each other that you will try to follow them. Post for all to see and be reminded of the promise you made with each other. • Using whatever material you have on hand - index cards, plain paper, construction paper, or even a rock from outside use crayons, markers or paint to put one word or a short phrase that will guide you each day to follow God’s commandments. • As a family come up with your own new translations for God’s commandments. Parents: below are a “Kid’s version” of the commandments which may make this a little easier!: 1) 1st Commandment: “Put God first.” 2) 2nd Commandment: “Have no other gods but the one true God.” 3) 3rd Commandment: “Be careful how you use God’s name.” 4) 4th Commandment: “Keep Sunday special.” 5) 5th Commandment: “Respect your parents.” 6) 6th Commandment: “Do not hurt other people.” 7) 7th Commandment: “Keep your marriage promises.” 8) 8th Commandment: “Do not steal.” 9) 9th Commandment: “Do not lie.” 10) 10th Commandment: “Do not want things that don’t belong to you.”

You could write down your family’s translation of the commandments and add to your “God Spot”

• Younger children - explore emotions…. 1) Cut 2 paper plates in half. “Model” for them the 4 emotions of: “happy”, “sad”, “silly”, “mad”. Have your child draw mouths on each of the 4 plate halves denoting each of these emotions. If possible, attach a popsicle stick with tape to the back of each plate so your child can hold it up to the lower half of their face. Read a story where they could show what emotion is being felt. Make up your own story doing the same thing. Or just share different scenarios and ask your child to show what emotion they would feel with each of them. 2) Using index cards or paper cut to about the same size have your child write down on each a different way they could handle their anger, i.e. “listen to music”, “dance”, “jump”, etc. If possible punch a hole in each card and attach to the ring. The cards can be used when your child next becomes angry. And the cards can be added to if your child comes up with more creative ways to handle getting mad!

• FOR ALL AGES - Moses had quite a job - getting folks to freedom and starting new lives. It took a lot of courage and faith! Take some time this week to honor and learn more about a more contemporary Moses who we remember on March 10 - Harriet Tubman, also known as “Moses” because at the end of her life she had led over 300 slaves to freedom mostly through the Underground Railroad, pointing out that she “never lost a single passenger”. She had ties close to us - Cape May (there’s a new Harriet Tubman museum there now!) and Philadelphia were two of her “working bases”. Not only did she work without ceasing to bring people to freedom, she also served as a nurse, scout and spy for the Union Army during the Civil War. Still not slowing down she would go on in her later years to work for women’s rights and other civil rights. SHE WAS A TRUE HERO! Google some more information about Harriet. WATCH the recent movie “Harriet” (PG 13) or check out YouTube for videos about her suitable for younger children. There are some good animated videos! And spend some time this week helping to introduce your child to a truly remarkable woman who accomplished so much with her strong faith giving her the courage needed to do all she did. May God bless us all with a little bit of “Harriet” within us!

6) BLESS each other:

• Place your hand gently on the heart of the person to your right and say: “May God’s love for you be shared with others”. Continue around the circle.

7) PRAY to close ( can use this prayer or create your own!)

O God, thank you for giving us your commandments and for always keeping your promise to protect us. With your help, we want to follow your rules because they keep us in relationship with you. We give thanks for your continued favor and blessings! Amen!