Profile of the President of

1.0 INTRODUCTION The current University president, after serving honorably for the past twelve years has elected to retire. The following synopsis and profile outline the challenges and opportunities which his successor will face. Significant among these are the needs to build an adequate financial base that would engender and foster applied research which will make the University relevant and a proponent for change and leadership among its peers in and abroad.

The University has had an illustrious past providing critical leadership for the country and continent at a time when resources were scare but quality was assured. In a world of declining resource availability, it is necessary that the University tap the declining fount of resources to confirm its relevance and qualitative edge. A significant alumni base exists around the world but requires mobilization in drawing on these latent funds.

Liberia is at a crossroads and with the structure and focus of educational services being what they are, the University president will be required to lead efforts to re-shape how this dialogue transitions into positive action. The history of the institution speaks to its character of a liberal Christian ethic. However, in a multi-religious world where science and technology continue to take center stage and a significant portion of the world’s population remains challenged, the University has to provide the forum where a systematic analysis and review of the issues provide a fulcrum for solutions to the country in particular and the continent and the world in general.

The search committee in its MANDATE has been challenged that while realizing the nature of the institution’s origins, it proceeds along a path that speaks to the innate nature of a University, i.e., its universality. Applications are encouraged without bias as to race and gender. The ability to systematically implement a roadmap of agreed timelines and goals will be key in determining the successful applicant. Appropriate remuneration and benefits will be a feature of this undertaking.


Cuttington University is one of the oldest private universities in and since its founding in 1889, Cuttington has been dedicated to helping talented, motivated students hone their skills, define their goals, and follow their dreams. Henrique Tokpa, who has announced his desire to retire, became president in 2002, re-opening Cuttington before the civil war abated and then rebuilding the campus that had been looted and stripped of zinc roofing at the war’s end. In the last thirteen years he not only rebuilt Cuttington’s strength, but also guided it through the Ebola pandemic, hosting the International Medical Corps, Ebola Treatment Unit, and the U.S. Navy who took over new labs in the new Allied Health facilities.


Old Cuttington

In 1889, the Episcopal Church in founded Cuttington Collegiate and Divinity School on the Southern-most tip of Liberia. The School was named in honor of Mr. Robert Fulton Cutting, Treasurer of the Board of Missions of the Episcopal Church in the United States, who in 1885 had donated US5,000.00 to Bishop Samuel D. Ferguson, then Bishop of Liberia, to purchase land on which to build a school.

The primary purpose of the funds was to establish a manual labor farm which could afford opportunities for practical instruction of boys in the Mission Schools and at the same time serve as a pattern for others. On February 22, 1889, Bishop Ferguson laid the corner stone of the first building and named it Epiphany Hall. At that time, Cuttington admitted only men. The students came from all parts of Liberia and other West African countries. The enrollment was limited to 100 students and standards of admission and achievement were high.

Rev. M.P.K. Valentine, M.A., was the First President of Cuttington Collegiate and Divinity School. At that time, the curriculum was divided into the following four departments:

1. Agriculture

2. Industrial

3. Theological

4. Preparatory. The College awarded its first two certificates of proficiency in 1909 and was incorporated to grant degrees in 1922. Until 1929, when it was forced to close down for financial reasons, the College played an important role in providing classical education to Liberians and other Africans from the nearby West African countries.

The New Cuttington

In 1949, Cuttington was re-opened through the instrumentality of the late Bishop Bravid W. Harris, then Bishop of Liberia, as a four-year co-educational liberal arts college, and re-named Cuttington College and Divinity School.

Through the assistance of President William V.S. Tubman, the Liberian Government donated 1,500 acres of rich agricultural land in Suakoko, Bong County, to the Episcopal Church to establish the college.

In 1977, the school was re-named Cuttington University College and consisted of the following six (6) degree granting Colleges:

1. Education

2. Humanities

3. Social Science

4. Natural Science

5. Nursing

6. Theology

. The Graduate School comprises four departments offering Degrees in Theology, Nursing, Education and Business Administration and encompasses the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Research and Development Institute and a Service Learning Department undertaking job specific training programs.

. The Undergraduate Programs offer the following Degrees and Certificates:

. BA in Public Administration, Peace and Development Studies, Education and Sociology.

. BBA in Management.

. BSc. in Economics, Accounting, Nursing, Agriculture, Integrated Development Studies, Biology. Chemistry, Plant Science, Natural Resource Management, Crop Science and Animal Science.

. The Junior College in , offers Associate of Applied Science Degrees in General Studies leading to a Bachelor’s Degree in various academic disciplines.

. The Department of Professional Studies in the Undergraduate School offers Certificates in Peace Studies and French.

In addition to these programs, several sectors of the University have been reactivated with a focus towards reaching out to the surrounding communities and beyond. Poultry development in the College of Agriculture and Integrated Rural Development reaches out to farmers in the surrounding area and provide teaching methods of improving production.

Cuttington University maintains its foundation as an institution of the Episcopal Church of Liberia in the Province of West Africa with the Bishop of Liberia serving as chair of the board, currently the Most Revd Jonathan Hart, Bishop of Liberia and Archbishop of the Internal Province of West Africa in the Church of the Province of West Africa. The ideal candidate, competitive with all others, will be an active Episcopalian or Christian with deep experience working with the Diocese of Liberia.


Reporting to the Board of Trustees, the President serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the University with responsibility and final authority for the operations of the three campuses in Suakoko, Congo Town () and Kakata.

The President:

*is the spokesperson of the University with respect to its policies, priorities, and official statements. In all aspects of the position, the President embodies the University’s public affairs mission, demonstrating ethical leadership, cultural competence, and community engagement

*ensures that the University has effective working relationships with partnering institutions”, as a founding member of the Association of Episcopal Colleges in the Episcopal Church (AEC), the Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC), the Government of Liberia, other similar bodies…

 is expected to encourage an environment which supports original thought, critical assessment, and global competence and promotes excellence in instruction, academic research and faculty improvement programs.

 implements the policies and programs of the Board of Trustees and ensures that the Board is kept fully informed on all matters of operational and political significance.

 ensures that the University has effective working relationships with partnering institutions especially of the global, Episcopal and Anglican Communions, the Government of Liberia, other similar friendly bodies; nationally and locally, and bodies and advocates for higher education without borders.

 promotes and cultivates private and corporate financial support for the University, assures effective communication of the University’s vision to internal and external constituencies, develops strategic partnerships that further the University’s goals and objectives, and manages the University’s finances in support of the University’s mission and strategic objectives.


4.1 An earned terminal degree is required and the ideal candidate will have demonstrated significant administrative expertise.

4.2 Experience and skills: Experience leading and managing a complex organization in a challenging financial environment. Successful leadership experience in higher education administration as well as a record of excellence in teaching, research, and service activities at a university is preferred.

4.3. A demonstrated commitment to promoting a diverse environment and a leadership philosophy championing the value of teamwork and empowering others to lead along with a commitment to academic quality is required. An understanding of higher education finance and demographic trends affecting higher education is required.

4.4. The ability to identify institutional strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities and to develop a vision to lead the University forward is required. The ability to lead a strong academic community while providing students an outstanding education at a fair cost is crucial.

4.5. Exceptional communication skills are required, as well as a strong work ethic and the ability to complete multiple priorities is necessary. Experience in developing relationships in a variety of key area enhancing the organization’s presence and reputation is required. Proven ability and the desire to reach and personally influence alumni, donors, friends and sympathizers of the University using a wide variety of tools, while working with both local and international business communities to enhance both the general and local livelihood of the University, is preferred.


5.1 The President leads the University by identifying strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities while developing and implementing a strategic vision that ensures implementation of the University’s nationwide public affairs mission. 5.2 The President ensures that the University’s finances are well managed such that revenue streams are developed and grown to support the achievement of the strategic vision of the University. Develops and presents an annual operating budget to the Board of Trustees for approval. Oversee the implementation of the annual budget and the prudent management of all subventions provided by the Government of Liberia or others.

5.3 Provides leadership and oversight of all the University campuses. Manages the University’s resources to ensure effective stewardship of various funding resources as well as ongoing sustainability ventures.

5.4 Promotes and encourages the University’s role in economic development, research, and the development of global competence in students and the community.

5.5 Promotes and maintains effective communication with all constituencies, both internal and external; serves as the primary liaison between the University, the Board for Higher Education, the Association of Liberian Universities and its organs, as well as likewise institutions in Liberia.

5.6 Encourages a culture of openness, teamwork, transparency, and empowerment throughout the University.

5.7 Promotes diversity initiatives internally and externally and ensures active engagement in University programs by under-represented groups in Liberia.

5.8 Assures effective partnership and communication with members of the Board of Trustees by consulting board committees and individuals during the development or clarification of current policy or strategic direction, ensuring open and thoughtful consideration of all views during board deliberations, clearly communicating senior leadership’s position on issues at hand, responding to board inquires, and carrying out board initiatives, policies, or programs (University Governing Policies) through development and implementation of Operating Policy Manuals.

5.9 Exercises supervision and control of employment actions, subject to Board approval, for administrators, faculty, and nonacademic employees.

5.10 Maintains academic programs in accordance with accreditation standards and assures that the University operates in compliance with applicable national laws and local precepts and norms.

5.11 Exercises the authority granted by the Board of Trustees, as needed, to appoint committees, preside and vote at meetings of the faculty, declare financial exigency, suspend or eliminate programs or implement a reduction in force, establish and enforce student admission standards, preside at commencement and other University-sponsored public functions, confer degrees authorized by the Board, recommend conferring of honorary degrees, authorize others to exercise authority as President during his/her absence, and to delegate authority to other employees.

6.0 SUPERVISION The President reports to the Board of Trustees and directly supervises the Provost, the Vice Presidents and other executive heads performing staff functions connected to his office..

How to Apply Please submit online to [email protected] : 1. A one page single space typed outlining your professional objective in applying and why you believe you are best qualified. 2. A CV | Resume’ with at least three (3) referees 3. Professional | Academic Documents (copies) The deadline is the 12th of November 2015. Only online applications will be accepted.