Editorial: on the Future of Conservation Biology Author(S): Edward O

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Editorial: on the Future of Conservation Biology Author(S): Edward O Society for Conservation Biology Editorial: On the Future of Conservation Biology Author(s): Edward O. Wilson Source: Conservation Biology, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Feb., 2000), pp. 1-3 Published by: Blackwell Publishing for Society for Conservation Biology Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2641896 Accessed: 09/06/2010 15:29 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=black. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Blackwell Publishing and Society for Conservation Biology are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Conservation Biology. http://www.jstor.org Editorial On the Future of Conservation Biology Conservation biology has been aptly described as a disci- are prime targets for the emerging field of general com- pline with a deadline, buLtfor those who work in this in- plexity theory. They have already been singled out as tensive-care ward of ecology it is more precisely a never- paradigms of complex adaptive systems and are certain ending avalanclhe of deadlines. The conservation biolo- to attract the attention not just of ecologists but also of gist knows that each imperiled species is a masterpiece physicists, molecular biologists, and others who are run- of evolution, potentially immortal except for rare chance ning short of virgin fields of inquiry. or huLmanchoice, and its loss a disaster. You and I will Like the rest of science, community ecology advances be entirely forgotten in a thousand years, but, live or die, by repeated cycles of reduction and synthesis, in which the black-footed ferret, barndoor skate, Lefevre's riffle bottom-up analysis of the working parts explains the shell, Florida torreya, and the thousands of other species complex whole and, in reciprocity, an evolving theory now on the brink of extinction will not be forgotten, not of the complex whole guides further exploration of the while there is a civilization. Our conservation successes, working parts. The relevance of this perpetual process the only truly enduring part of us, will live in their sur- to conservation biology is as follows. The more or less vival. independently evolved key working parts are the spe- Conservation biologists are crisis managers who ply cies. In the future, solid advances in community ecology the full arrayof biological organization from gene to eco- will depend increasingly on a detailed knowledge of spe- system. Their scientific work is both basic and practical. cies and their natural history, which feeds and drives It is also one of the most eclectic of intellectual endeav- theory. ors. Consider the following example from recent media It follows that community ecology and conservation headlines: survival of the red-cockaded woodpecker, a biology are in desperate need of a renaissance of system- bird (an American bird no less) turns upon our knowl- atics and natural history. By systematics I mean much edge of its distribution and natural history, suLrvivalof more than just the phylogenetic analysis of already the mature pine woodland in which it lives, the eco- known species. Phylogenetic reconstruction, currently nomic and political forces that erode its nest sites, the the dominating focus of systematics, obviously is worth legislation that protects it, and, not least, the moral pre- doing, but more scientifically important and far more ur- cepts that support the very idea of ecosystem and spe- gent for human welfare is the description and mapping cies conservation. of the world biota. They are scientifically important be- No real basis exists-as some writers have imagined- cause descriptive systematics is the foundation for com- for conflict between ecosystem studies and single-spe- munity ecology. And they are urgent because the devel- cies studies in conservation biology. Each is vital and opment of a mature, accessible knowledge of global intellectually dependent upon the other. Within the biodiversity is necessary for conservation theory and broader framework of ecosystem studies, community practice. ecology in particular is about to emerge as one of the Few biologists other than systematists appreciate how most significant intellectual frontiers of the twenty-first little is known of Earth'sbiodiversity. Estimates of the to- century. Although-it still has only a mouse's share of sci- tal number of species still vacillate wildly: 3,600,000 at ence fuLnding,it stands intellectually in the front rank the low end and 111,700,000 at the high end (Global with astrophysics, genomics, and neuroscience. Com- Biodiversity Assessment, 1995). The estimated number munity ecologists face the daunting challenge of ex- of species described and given scientific names ranges plaining how biotas are assembled and sustained. Most between 1.5 and 8 million. Here also the true number is of their effort today is in description and analysis, with only a matter of speculation. Even figures for the rela- closest attention paid to one species or to several spe- tively well-studied vertebrates are spongy. Estimates for cies as modules. As time passes, more resources will be the extant fish species of the world, including both de- put into the mathematical modeling and experimental scribed and undescribed, range from 15,000 to 40,000. manipulation of entire assemblages, from the bottom That figure becomes a veritable black hole in the case of up, species to communities. Biotas, like cells and brains, the bacteria and archaea, whose species could with Conserv'ationi Biology, P'ages 1-3 Volumiie 14, No. 1, February 2000 2 Editorir7al Wilson equal ease number either in the thousands or in the tens sity Information Facility (GBIF),whose charge is to coor- of millions. dinate and bring on-line all the rapidly accumulating Natural history is still further behind. Even among the electronic databases for various groups of organisms. named species-never mind those still undiscovered- The effort will be aided by the growth of regional institu- only a minute fraction, less than 1%,have been studied tions such as the East Asian Network for Taxonomy and beyond the essentials of habitat preference and diagnos- Biodiversity Conservation, headquartered in Seoul, and tic anatomy. In general, ecologists and conservation biol- the Biodiversity Foundation for Africa, based in Bula- ogists appear not to ftilly appreciate how thin the ice is wayo. on which they skate. By 2020 or earlier the combined methodology might The ftill exploration of the living part of this planet work as follows. Imagine an arachnologist making a first will be an adventure of megascience, summoning the study of the spider fauna of an isolated Ecuadorian rain energy and imagination of our best minds. Its relevance forest. He (or she, recognizing with admiration the pow- to human welfare was spelled out in the Convention on erftil and growing influence of women scientists in this Biological Diversity of the 1992 EarthSummit, and much discipline) sits in camp sorting newly collected speci- of its methodology and possible organizational flow- mens with the aid of a portable, internally illuminated chart by Systematics Agenda 2000. Funding is still lim- microscope. After quickly sorting the material to family ited given the task at hand but is rising under the aus- or genus, he enters the electronic keys that list character pices of organizations such as the Global Environmental states for, say, 20 characters and pulls out the most Facility and special programs of the U.S. National Sci- probable names for each specimen in turn. Now the ence Foundation. arachnologist consults monographs of the families or If conservation biology is to mature into an effective genera available on the World Wide Web, studying the science, pure systematics must be accompanied by a illustrations, pondering the distribution maps and natu- massive growth of natural history. For each species, for ral history recorded to date. If monographs are not yet the higher taxa to which it belongs, and for the popula- available, he calls up digitized photographs from the tions it comprises, there is value in every scrap of infor- GBIFfiles of the most likely type specimens taken wher- mation. Serendipity and pattern recognition are the fruit ever they are-London, Vienna, Sao Paulo, anywhere of encyclopedic knowledge gathered for its own sake. photographic or electron micrographs have been made- For example, all that can be learned about an endan- and compares them with the fresh specimens by pan- gered conifer on New Caledonia, about the rest of the ning, rotating, magnifying, and pulling back again for conifers of New Caledonia, and about every other mem- complete views. Does this specimen belong to a new ber of the entire world conifer flora, deserves dedicated species? He records its existence (noting the exact loca- pursuit. Periodic summaries of the information are right- tion from his global positioning system receiver), habi- ftilly placed into Nature, Science, Proceedings of the Na- tat, web form, and other relevant information into the tional Academy of Sciences, and other mainstream jour- GBIF, and he states where the voucher specimens will nals.
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