ITCHINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Virtual Meeting held on Monday 27th July 2020

The Clerk invited all Cllrs to join the Meeting by Video Conference Call Present on the Video Conference Call: Cllr Penny Simpson – Chairman Cllr James Sheppard – Vice-Chairman Cllr Victoria Barrett Cllr Brian O’Connor Cllr Alan Peers Cllr Sarah Peay

The Clerk Jan Critchley

District Cllrs and County Cllrs had been asked to send in their reports to the Clerk by email.

83 Apologies for Absence – Cllr Alan Strudley. The Chairman said that she is giving special Chairman’s Dispensation to allow Cllr Sanjeev Joshi leave of absence whilst he is unwell. All agreed.

84 Minutes of the last Meeting The Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all Cllrs for approval. The Minutes were approved by all Cllrs present on the Conference Call. The Chairman then accepted the Minutes and signed her copy which she will send to the Clerk. Action

85 Matters arising from the Minutes The following Matters Arising had been circulated to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. All Cllrs present on the Video Conference Call approved the following Matters Arising. 1. Minute 71:1 New Pathway on Chapel Road - Darren Rolfe from WSCC has confirmed that he is now back working so he will be programming the installation of the extra bollards into his schedule shortly. The Clerk will now go ahead and order the bollards. Action With regard to WSCC replacing the shrubbery that they removed when the pathway was installed it was agreed that once the new bollards are in place, small shrubs should be replaced and planted between the new pathway and the fence near to the level crossing. The Clerk to contact Tom King once again. Action

86 Planning Applications New Applications DC/20/1218 - 1 Sycamore Rise, Barns Green - Surgery to 4 Oak Trees. Parish Council is unsure of ownership of the trees so this should be clarified, but wish to leave the decision to Will Jones, Arboriculturist at HDC.

DC/20/1276 - 4 Trout Lane, Barns Green -.Rear single storey extension. Rear first floor extension. The Chairman declared an interest as a near neighbour but had no comments to make. Itchingfield Parish Council has no objections and therefore recommends this Planning Application for approval.

DC/20/1188 - Elmhurst Farm, Road, - Construction of replacement dwelling. Itchingfield Parish Council has no objections and therefore recommends this Planning Application for approval.

DC/20/1096 - Westmeadow, 4 The Wedges, Itchingfield - Single storey extension to North. Itchingfield Parish Council has no objections and therefore recommends this Planning Application for approval.

DC/20/1200 - Clayfield Farm, Valewood Lane, Barns Green - Class Q prior approval for the conversion of agricultural barn to two 4 bedroom dwellings. The proposed pair of dwellings are being built out of a modern steel-clad barn, have no architectural merit, and are totally out of keeping with most local dwellings. Clayfield Farm is currently only being used for domestic equestrian use and other domestic uses. No domestic curtilage is shown in the proposal and there seems no rational for the provision of two large agricultural workers dwellings on this site and Itchingfield Parish Council consider that this is an abuse of the class Q planning route. The site is outside the BUAB of Barns Green in a largely rural/agricultural setting, is not on a site approved for development under the HDPF, nor is it on a site accepted for the emerging Neighbourhood plan currently with HDC at Regulation 16 status, it is therefore contrary to HDPF,(2015) policies 1,2,3 and 4 and is contrary to NPPF Regulation 40. Itchingfield Parish Council therefore recommends this Planning Application for Refusal.

DC/20/1186 - Lower Batchelors, Emms Lane, Barns Green - Development of six semi-detached dwellings of which two are affordable dwellings. No provision for waste or recycling is shown and car parking spaces are not defined for some dwellings. This proposed development is outside the Barns Green BUAB on a site not included in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan, currently with HDC at Regulation 16 status, nor is it on a site included in the HDPF (2015) therefore contrary to policies 1,2,3 and 4 in the HDPF and Regulation 40 in the NPPF (2012). Itchingfield Parish Council therefore recommends this Planning Application for Refusal.

DC/20/1340 - Site address; 1 Peskett Close, Barns Green - Non material amendment to existing planning permission (ref DC/17/1736) validated 09/08/2017, approved 25/05/2018 so still valid. Itchingfield Parish Council would like to re-iterate what it said previously that the Parish Council is concerned about the formal provision of access and the statutory car parking spaces regarding this Planning Application. Apart from that there are no other objections.

The Clerk to write to HDC Planning Department with the representations as presented at the virtual meeting. Action

87 Report and Update on the Children’s Playground by the sub-committee of the Field Committee of the Trust The Clerk had circulated the report from Gemma Lovegrove, member of the Playground Sub-Committee, ahead of the meeting. There seems to be confusion as to how the money offered by the Parish Council and the S106 Money can be used. It was therefore decided, that the best way forward was for the Clerk to organise an on-site meeting at the playground and invite members of the Parish Council, members of the Field Committee of the Village Trust, members of the Playground Sub-Committee and members of the Cricket Club to attend Action

88 Report by County and District Councillors – All reports had been requested by email ahead of the meeting. Reports had been received from County Cllr Amanda Jupp and District Cllr Tricia Youtan, but nothing had been received from District Cllr Stuart Ritchie. County Cllr Amanda Jupp sent the following report which is summarised: 1. “The County Council is continuing to hold meetings virtually and the first Full Council since lockdown took place on 17th July. The next meeting which is in addition to already published dates, will take place on 18th September 2020. 2. You may have seen articles in the local paper encouraging residents to continue to be vigilant and follow the guidance regarding face coverings, hygiene and social distancing. The County Council has produced a Covid-19 Local Outbreak Control Plan as required by the Government which details how local, regional and national organisations will work together as a system to prevent cases of the virus where possible and respond to any local outbreaks. The “Keep West Safe” campaign was launched last week and will run throughout the summer across all channels including print and radio advertisements. The aim is to further reinforce the importance of arranging a test if you identify early symptoms as well as provide guidance around isolation. 3. There will also be a Local Outbreak Engagement Board which will be chaired by myself, as a sub-committee of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The first meeting will take place on 27th July and following this I will be communicating with Parish Councils to let them know what has been put in place and how we can all work together. 4. During the last few weeks WSCC have been distributing the Government Infection Control Grant of £13m to care homes and other care providers in order to help control outbreaks in care settings. As at 17th July, there had been 148 cases in care homes in West Sussex. 5. As you are no doubt already aware, children will be returning to school in September and teachers and children will be supported by WSCC staff to help with any issues that are likely to arise. The Director of Education is fully aware that it may be difficult for some children to return to school, particularly if they are transitioning to secondary education. 6. The likely cost of Covid-19 to the County Council is currently estimated at £75m and although the Council has already received funding of £36m from the Government, there will be a considerable deficit and it is currently looking at ways of mitigating this”. District Cllr Tricia Youtan sent the following report which is summarised: 1. “I continue to attend HDC Zoom meetings and of course there is a major application for tomorrow week for Wellcross. At the last committee meeting the application for a care village over the road at Lyons Farm was turned down. However, Officers are pushing hard for it and I hope you have got someone to speak against it. The reasons I argued so strongly against it at a briefing before, when it was taken off the agenda, were three main concerns. Flood plain, road, outside BUAB, not in your neighbourhood plan, ecological and last airfield. None of these can or indeed have been addressed satisfactorily so far so let's wait and see how they address these points.” Cllr Brian O’Connor agreed to speak at the HDC Zoom Planning Meeting on 4th August 2020 on behalf of the Parish Council. The Clerk to write to HDC Planning Department to let them know. Action

2. “I am delighted that WSCC has put up warning signs along the Downs Link as cyclists were becoming a genuine danger to pedestrians, especially from Baystone, Mill Lane, towards Christ’s Hospital. 3. Volunteers across district have done an amazing job aided by HDC and village shops have risen to the challenge to the benefit of us rural residents. I am delighted that David and Pippa have had their planning application approved after taking it to appeal, I knew that the Inspector would never allow such a valuable commodity as the village shop to close. 4. Traffic remains a problem speeding through our country roads and this will worsen once WSCC start roadworks on the big roundabout at the A24/A264. People will be sick of the traffic delays and will start yet again to find alternative routes. Sad for wildlife which had such a good time during lockdown.”

89 Neighbourhood Plan The Chairman had circulated an update from Norman Kwan from HDC Neighbourhood Planning Team as to why our Neighbourhood Plan is ‘stuck’ at Stage 16 with HDC. Apparently, Neighbourhood Plans who allocate sites are open to more scrutiny from the Examiners on the issue of Housing Requirement Assessments.

90 Accounts for Payment 1. There are five payments to be paid. Notice of all payments had been circulated to Cllrs ahead of the meeting to be approved: £28.50 to EE Home Broadband in respect of the Internet Service for July 2020. £1,500.00 in respect of a grant to Itchingfield Parochial Church Council towards the upkeep of the churchyard. This was agreed at the November 2019 meeting. £80.00 to Pat Cochran in respect of Litter Warden duties for July 2020. £1,014.04 to the Clerk comprising of £951.64 salary for July 2020 and £62.40 expenses. £902.99 to HMRC in respect of Employers and Employees Tax for April, May and June 2020. All cheques were approved.

91 Correspondence – all correspondence was circulated ahead of the meeting. 1. An email had been received from the Chairman of the Barns Green Village Hall Committee regarding support for the Village Hall due to its financial loss due to Covid-19 and wanted assistance from the Parish Council by contributing to the cost of the film licences for the two film nights. After deliberation by the Cllrs it was decided to write back to the Village Hall Committee to say that the Parish Council would like to offer their support by underwriting any losses which these events might incur. If this happens, the Committee to give details of outgoings, taking etc. The Parish Council to also ask if the current regulations prevent the Village Hall Committee from running a socially distanced bar. The Parish Council to also ask the Committee if it was able to take advantage of the grant offered by HDC, details of which were sent to both the Village Hall and the Barns Green Sports and Social Club. Action 2. An email has been received from Fiona Christer on behalf of the Barns Green Guides regarding support for the Club due to financial loss due to Covid-19. After deliberation by the Cllrs it was decided to write back to the Barns Green Guides to say that whilst the Parish Council wouldn’t want the Barns Green Guides to fold or be in distress, and was disappointed to learn that the Club may be charged for keeping their regular slot open, the Parish Council is unable to grant public funds to pay for the non-usage of the Village Hall. The Parish Council therefore suggests that the Club speak to the Village Hall Committee, as a long-term user, and ask that they are not charged to keep their session available. Hopefully no one else will want to use their particular slot until they are able to use the Village Hall again. Action

92 Barns Green Cobra – Our Village Response to the Coronavirus. The Clerk reported that the Parish Council has so far received three payments from The Hub, Beeding with regard to the District Covd-19 Appeal. So far, the Cobra Group has not made any claims. The Cobra team, although winding down, are still doing a very good job. The Chairman to write a letter to Fiona Christer who heads up the voluntary group thanking all the volunteers for doing such a fantastic job. Action

93 Complaints Policy The Clerk had circulated a copy of the new Complaints Policy for Itchingfield Parish Council to be approved and adopted. This was duly approved by all Councillors present on the Video Call. The Clerk to put the adopted Complaints Policy on the Parish Council website. Action

94 Parish Wardens The Clerk had circulated an email from Darren Worsfold, Neighbourhood Warden Supervisor at HDC. HDC employ Parish Wardens and hire out to parishes costing approximately £35k per annum per Parish Warden. These Parish Wardens can be shared with other parishes. The Cllrs looked at the role of the Parish Warden and the services they provide and it appears that the role is more of a social warden whereas the main issue that we have in the parish is with anti-social behaviour which needs to be covered by more police presence in the parish. It was agreed that the Clerk make more enquiries to the Sussex Police to see how they can help us rather than going down the route of hiring a Parish Warden. Action

95 Highways Highways – The Chairman said that she had circulated an email from Cllr Sarah Peay with regard to the continuing issues of speeding traffic in Bashurst Hill and Lane and whether the Parish Council could look once against the possibility of getting a 40mph speed limit in place. The Chairman said that she has heard from County Cllr Amanda Jupp and she is willing to take this forward on the Parish Council’s behalf. Cllr Victoria Barrett suggested that it may be a good idea to have a Traffic Survey carried out to provide evidence to apply for a TRO. All agreed. The Clerk to contact the company that the Parish Council used before and request that they carry out a Traffic Survey on the full length of West Chiltington Lane from Toat Hill Garage to Valewood Lane. Action The Clerk to let County Cllr Amanda Jupp know that we are planning to carry out a Traffic Survey and ask that she talks to the WSCC Traffic team. Cllr Sarah Peay will look at the best points at which the strips should be placed in West Chiltington Lane and Bashurst Hill and how many. Action The Chairman said that now that the Barns Green Traffic Group has disbanded, she said that she will write to Paul Allen to thank him and his team for all the work they have done. Action

Litter – The Clerk reported that our Litter Wardens are now back working starting back on 1st July 2020. The Clerk confirmed that she has ordered another waste bin to be sited near to the children’s playground and another dog bin to be located at the bottom of the village car park. The Chairman said that the Parish Council may have to put up a notice at the top of the car park stating that there are dog bins further down. The Clerk to contact Paul Greenslade at HDC to report the following: When leaving the A264 and coming towards Barns Green on Itchingfield Road on the first right hand bend there is a small pull-in and a lot of rubbish has been dumped there that needs to be cleared. Cllr James Sheppard or Cllr Sarah Peay to send a photo to the Clerk. Action

96 AOB 1. Cllr Brian O’Connor requested that the Clerk write back to anyone who sends the Parish Council comments On Planning Applications to make sure that they send their comments direct to HDC. Action 2. The Clerk to add a Disclaimer to the Parish Council signature footer that she has set up and circulate. Action 3. The Clerk said that she has been contacted by Mike Branston who currently cuts the Orchard so say that he has another volunteer David Nash. The Clerk to send David a letter to sign so that he is covered by the Parish Council’s Public Liability Insurance whilst cutting the Orchard. Action

97 Date of Next Meeting Monday 28th September 2020. The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance at this virtual meeting. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.29 pm. The Chairman said that the Parish Council would aim to hold the next meeting at the Village Hall. It was suggested that the Clerk ask if the Jubilee Room is available so that we can hire both that room and the David Francis Room so that all attendees can be social distanced. Action