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The PAW PROJECT —————— A 501(c)(3) Paw nonprofit organization Project Number 3 Fall 2004 Fundraiser for The Paw Project and St. Martin's Animal Arnold Terminates Big Cat Declawing Foundation Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB 1857 into law on November 29, 2004 September 29, 2004, making 7:30 PM at California the first state to pass The Key Club anti-declawing legislation in the West Hollywood, CA US. The bill was sponsored by the Paw Project and introduced Fun, Food, Drinks, by Assemblyman Paul Koretz. Live Music and Auctions AB 1857 passed the California Admission: $25, Assembly in May 2004 with a bi- $35 at door partisan vote of 48-28-4. In late August, Senator Sheila Kuehl for more information successfully steered the bill call 877 729-7765 through the Senate, overcoming that body's initial reluctance to pass the bill. The governor could have vetoed the bill or In this issue: have allowed it to become law without his signature. California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (right) celebrates the signing Anti-Declaw Bill 1 Mr. Koretz was able to per- of AB 1857, introduced by Paul Koretz and sponsored by The Paw Project. Succeeds in CA suade the California Veterinary a video in the Assembly hearing of Santa Clarita, CA, who admit- Medical Association not to op- of his declawed cats walking. This ted that his group was responsi- pose the bill since it did not AVMA Declares 1 tactic backfired as the legislators ble for the declawing of 40,000 include domestic cats. Declaw Position could clearly see the animals limp- big cats, including Montecore, The opposition to the bill was a ing in obvious pain. A few veteri- the white tiger who crippled rag-tag, ad hoc coalition that Vets Repair Feet 2 narians, ignoring the new AVMA Roy Horn, of Siegfried & Roy. included a group of animal of 30 Big Cats guidelines opposing wild and ex- Also opposing the bill, as they rental company owners led by otic cat declawing, also opposed do all pro-animal bills, were the Charlie Sammut of WildThings. Genesis Award 2 the bill. The most infamous of pit bull breeders' group called Sammut had inexplicably shown for Paw Project this bunch was Dr. Martin Dinnes (Continued on page 3) Paul Koretz: 3 Cat Champion AVMA Officially Opposes Declawing Big Cats The American Veterinary Medi- new position statement in Janu- mittee to adopt the statement Cities Denounce 3 cal Association (AVMA) has ary, 2004. Just 14 months be- which continues, "Because of Declawing approved a position statement fore, the Paw Project ap- their size, weight, and environ- that says the Association proached Tim Reichard, DVM, ment, exotic and wild cats com- Cosmic Pet Aids 4 "opposes declawing of captive of the Toledo Zoo, a member monly experience adverse effects The Paw Project exotic and other wild cats for of AWC, and gave him data when declawing is performed. The nonmedical reasons." collected from the many recon- Welfare Committee believes the AB 1857- 4 The AVMA Animal Welfare structive surgeries performed procedure is ill-advised for these It's the Law Committee (AWC), with input by the Paw Project. With this cats, unless required for medical from the American Association information and the experience reasons." The committee has Billboard gets 4 of Zoo Veterinarians and of other zoo and wildlife veteri- recently revised its position on Big Awards American Association of Wild- narians, Dr. Reichard was able declawing of small cats, but still life Veterinarians, adopted this to convince the welfare com- does not consider it inhumane. Paw Project PO Box 445 Santa Monica, CA 90406 [email protected] 877 729-7765 Page 2 The Paw Project Donations Make Paw Repair Surgery Possible In the past several months, now he is very playful and ener- many declawed animals have getic. had reconstructive paw surgery, Pablo, a six-year-old male bob- bringing the total number to 30. cat who had been declawed as a Eight different species have cub, had his front paws repaired been treated, including lion, in March. His friend and room- cougar, tiger, leopard, lynx, mate, Kato, a six-year old ser- jaguar, bobcat, and serval. All val, had his front paws repaired four of the animals named in a couple of months earlier. The Paw Project's prior appeals, Blue, Czar, Kato, and Pablo, Blue and Czar had been raised have had surgery thanks to the in a traveling circus, but were abandoned when they became generous donations of our sup- porters. lame. Pablo and Kato were confiscated as illegal pets. Their Sandra Hughes Goff of Santa owners thought declawing them Monica, CA ran the Los Ange- would make them safer to han- les Marathon in March to raise dle. Instead, they were con- money so that Blue, a tiger, demned to a life of pain and could walk comfortably again. lameness. Her friends and family helped Blue get the surgery he needed Wild animals belong in the wild, to treat his front paws. Blue will but when they cannot be re- be having surgery soon to re- turned, they can be handled Pictured above: safely without declawing. Pablo, one of the bobcats pair his back toes. at The Nature of Wild- Czar, Blue's brother, has under- Reconstructive surgery does not replace the claws or solve works in Topanga, CA. gone his final surgery. It took all instances of lameness, but it At right: Pablo's infected three separate surgeries to repair his four feet. Czar is can relieve some of declawing's paw prior to surgery has effects by reattaching tendons atrophied pads and abnor- recovering nicely, and the care- mal bone positioning. givers at his sanctuary are de- and eliminating sources of infec- Reconstructive surgery lighted at the change in the tions. alleviated pain from bone tiger's personality. He used to With your help, The Paw fragments and repositioned be agitated and aggressive, but Project can continue its work. the pads. "If you see injustice Paw Project Story Wins Genesis Award and say nothing, you "The Paw Project," a PBS tele- May 8, 2003. The six-minute the jaguar in South America, vision report on the successful segment covers the story of KIRO-TV's (Seattle) news re- have taken the side of movement to ban declawing in West Hollywood's Mayor John port on the cattle industry's the oppressor." West Hollywood, CA was Duran and his battle to outlaw treatment of "downer" cows, among the winners at the 18th declawing of all animals within and a report on the cruelty and Desmund Tutu Annual Genesis Awards. The his city's borders. carnage of Mexican bull fights. awards are presented by The In the report, Duran explained Feature film awards went to Human Society of the United that he was unaware that de- the Pixar Animation Studios States Hollywood Office to clawing was inhumane until he film, Finding Nemo, and MGM's members of the media for sto- met with Paw Project Director, Legally Blonde 2. ries that depict the plight of Jennifer Conrad. He remem- Gretchen Wyler, vice-president animals. bered feeling disgusted to learn of the HSUS Hollywood Office, Nancy Salter, a producer for that veterinarians were rou- expressed her pleasure that the KCET's Life & Times, accepted tinely amputating cats' toes anti-declawing movement was the award at the March 20, without educating owners represented in the winner's 2004, Beverly Hills ceremony. about complications or alterna- circle. "When the awards show The ceremonies were shown tives. airs,” she said, "there will be on the Animal Planet television Other 2004 Genesis Award another 2,000,000 viewers who Seabiscuit had an uncredited cameo channel. winners included a PBS docu- are educated on this cruel and role in KCET’s “The Paw Project” "The Paw Project" aired on mentary on the predicament of unnecessary surgery." Paw Project PO Box 445 Santa Monica, CA 90406 [email protected] 877 729-7765 Number 3 Page 3 Paw Project Hero: Paul Koretz Assemblyman Paul Koretz is headed a program of pet adop- where homeless dogs and cats author of the nation’s first tions at Council meetings. Ko- in shelters are sold for bio- state law banning declawing. retz is also working to create a medical research and for prac- Mr. Koretz began his political Beverly Hills/West Hollywood tice surgeries in veterinary career in the city of West "no-kill" animal shelter. He cre- schools. Unfortunately, these Hollywood where he served ated West Hollywood's Animal bills were held-up in face of as Mayor and City Councilman Issues Task Force and authored vehement opposition. for 12 years before his elec- an ordinance to reduce dog and “Animal legislation will always tion to the 42nd district of the cat license fees for animals that be challenging to work on, but California State Assembly in have been spayed or neutered. that won’t deter me,” says As- 2000. Paul Koretz has been a Assemblyman Paul Koretz has semblyman Koretz. “It’s my long time champion of pro- made it a priority to carry pro- goal to help my fellow legisla- gressive issues and has estab- animal legislation every year. In tors understand how important lished himself as a leader in 2003, Koretz introduced AB these issues really are to Cali- environmental protection and 342, which would ban the bar- fornians. If we ignore the pain animal welfare legislation. baric practice of using hunting and suffering of animals, then Koretz is a well-known advo- dogs to chase bears up trees we do a disservice to our own Paul Koretz lives in West Holly- cate for animals and was the where they can be shot at al- humanity.” Koretz received an wood with his wife Gail, daugh- author of a resolution declar- most point blank range.