Willamette Valley Birding Checklist
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WIllamETTE VALLEY BIRDING CHECKLIST Over 420 species of birds have occurred in the Sp Su F W Species Habitat Sp Su F W Species Habitat Willamette Valley region. The following list of 250 $ $ $ Greater White-fronted Goose a,p,w $ $ # # Western Grebe* p,w,F species includes those most likely to be detected, - - - Emperor Goose a,p,w # # - - Clark’s Grebe* p,w,F along with a few more rare birds that are often sought # # $ Snow Goose a,p,w # # American White Pelican p,w,F by visitors. The following symbols are used to indicate - - # Ross’ Goose a,p,w $ # $ % Double-crested Cormorant p the relative ease of detecting (seeing or hearing) these ! ! ! ! Canada Goose* a,p,w Mostly along major rivers birds during a given season: % % ! Cackling Goose a,p,w $ $ # - American Bittern* w - - - Brant a,p,w % % % ! Great Blue Heron* a,p,w - Very rarely detected - # $ Trumpeter Swan a,p,w $ # $ % Great Egret a,p,w # Rarely detected # $ % Tundra Swan a,p,w $ $ $ # Green Heron* w,r $ Occasionally detected % % % % Wood Duck* p,d # $ # - Black-crowned Night-Heron w,r Rare away from local roosts % Regularly detected $ # $ $ Gadwall* p,w % ! % $ Turkey Vulture* a,g,r ! Very regularly detected # # $ Eurasian Wigeon a,p,w % % % # Osprey* p % % % American Wigeon a,p,w $ # $ $ White-tailed Kite* g,S These symbols are not intended to indicate relative ! % ! ! Mallard* p,w $ $ $ % Bald Eagle* a,p,w abundance. Some birds such as owls may be difficult $ $ # Blue-winged Teal* p,w to detect even if fairly common. Others such as Osprey % $ % ! Northern Harrier* a,w % % % # Cinnamon Teal* p,w are conspicuous and hence easy to detect, even if they $ # $ $ Sharp-shinned Hawk* c % # % ! Northern Shoveler* p,w are present only in small numbers. $ # $ $ Cooper’s Hawk* d,o % # % ! Northern Pintail* p,w # # # # Northern Goshawk m,c ! # % ! Green-winged Teal p,w Species that breed in the region are indicated by an $ # $ $ Red-shouldered Hawk* r,S asterisk(*). Species that are not native to the region, $ - # $ Canvasback p,w Local in moist woodlands but were introduced by humans either directly to the # # # $ Redhead p,w # # - Swainson’s Hawk a,g region or indirectly to other parts of North America, are % # % ! Ring-necked Duck p,w ! ! ! ! Red-tailed Hawk* a,g,r indicated by (i). The following letter codes are used to - - # Tufted Duck p,w “Harlan’s” form occurs rarely in winter indicate the most likely area to encounter bird species: # # $ Greater Scaup p,w,C # Ferruginous Hawk a,g $ $ % Lesser Scaup p,w # # $ Rough-legged Hawk a,g C Most often seen along Columbia River $ $ # Harlequin Duck* m # - - # Golden Eagle* g,m F Most often seen at Fern Ridge # # Surf Scoter p Rare away from nesting area in Coburg Hills N More often found in northern Willamette Valley - - Long-tailed Duck p ! ! ! ! American Kestrel* a,g % # % % Bufflehead p,w # - # $ Merlin a,o,u S More often found in southern Willamette Valley Often around finch flocks. # # $ Common Goldeneye p - - # Gyrfalcon a,g a Agricultural fields, pastures # # $ Barrow’s Goldeneye p Around grazing waterfowl flocks. b Brushland, brushy edges % $ % % Hooded Merganser* p,w # # $ Peregrine Falcon a,g,w c Coniferous forest % % % % Common Merganser* p Around waterfowl and shorebirds. d Deciduous or mixed deciduous-coniferous forest # # # Red-breasted Merganser p - - # Prairie Falcon a,g g Grassland, prairie & savanna $ # $ % Ruddy Duck* p,w $ $ # # Virginia Rail* w Nests rarely at Fern Ridge. $ $ # # Sora* w m Mountains (Coast Range or Cascades) $ $ $ $ Ring-necked Pheasant* (i) a,b % % % % American Coot* p,w o Oak woodlands $ $ $ $ Ruffed Grouse* m,d Sandhill Crane a,w,C p Ponds, lakes, rivers, treatment ponds $ $ $ $ Sooty Grouse* m,c Sauvie Island Formerly considered to be coastal subspecies of r Riparian forest and edges Blue Grouse. # # # Black-bellied Plover w,a u Urbanized areas, towns % % % % Wild Turkey* (i) o,d # American Golden-Plover w,a w Wetlands and marshes Flocks are common in rural residential areas. - - # # Pacific Golden-Plover w,a $ $ $ $ Mountain Quail* m,o $ $ $ Semipalmated Plover w,a Brushy slopes, clearcuts % % % ! Killdeer* a,w More detailed information on breeding bird status is % % % % California Quail* (i) b,a,o # # Black-necked Stilt* w available in the Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas, published Native to SW Oregon but introduced to valley. by Oregon Field Ornithologists, P.O. Box 10373, % $ % # Greater Yellowlegs w,p,a # # # Red-throated Loon p,C $ $ $ - Lesser Yellowlegs w,p,a Eugene, OR 97440. Visit www.oregonbirds.org for - - - Pacific Loon p,C additional references, for detailed information on the $ # $ Solitary Sandpiper w,p # # # Common Loon p,C % % % $ Spotted Sandpiper* p,w timing of migration for birds in the Willamette Valley, % % % % Pied-billed Grebe* p,w and for links to e-mail lists that give reports on locally # # - Whimbrel w # # # Horned Grebe p,C rare birds. % $ % # Western Sandpiper w,p,a - - - Red-necked Grebe p,C % $ % $ Least Sandpiper w,p,a # # - Eared Grebe p,C # $ Baird’s Sandpiper w,p Dry mud margins around wetlands. 44 Sp Su F W Species Habitat Sp Su F W Species Habitat Sp Su F W Species Habitat # $ # Pectoral Sandpiper w,p % $ $ $ Red-breasted Sapsucker* r,d,c % % $ $ Marsh Wren* w % # $ % Dunlin w,p,a % % % % Downy Woodpecker* r,d,b $ # # $ American Dipper* m # # Stilt Sandpiper w,p $ $ $ $ Hairy Woodpecker* m,c Fast-flowing streams and rivers. # Ruff w,p ! ! ! ! Northern Flicker* d,c,r,o,u % $ $ % Golden-crowned Kinglet* c # # Short-billed Dowitcher w,p Red-shafted form resident; Yellow-shafted and % # $ % Ruby-crowned Kinglet d,r,b intergrades occur in winter. $ $ $ $ Long-billed Dowitcher w,p,a $ $ $ % Western Bluebird* o,m $ $ $ $ Pileated Woodpecker* c,d,r # # # Mountain Bluebird g,m % # $ % Wilson’s Snipe* w,a Large-diameter snags. $ $ Wilson’s Phalarope* w,S # # # Townsend’s Solitaire* m $ $ # Olive-sided Flycatcher* m,c Nests sparsely in forest openings. $ # # Red-necked Phalarope p Perches in scattered tall trees above canopy. % ! $ Swainson’s Thrush* d,r,c # # Bonaparte’s Gull p $ ! $ Western Wood-Pewee* o,r,d $ # $ $ Hermit Thrush* m,c,r $ # $ $ Mew Gull a,p $ $ # Willow Flycatcher* r,m Nests in higher mountains; winters in valley. Willow thickets, regenerating clearcuts. $ # $ % Ring-billed Gull a,p ! % % ! American Robin* a,g,r,u $ # $ % California Gull a,p $ $ # Hammond’s Flycatcher* m,c Uses high perches in mature forests. $ $ $ % Varied Thrush* c,d $ $ % Herring Gull a,p Some move from mountains into valley in winter. # # - Dusky Flycatcher r,o $ $ % Thayer’s Gull a,p $ $ $ $ Wrentit* b % % # Pacific-slope Flycatcher* d,r,c # # $ Western Gull a,p,C ! ! ! ! European Starling* (i) u,a $ $ $ $ Black Phoebe* o,r,S $ $ % Glaucous-winged Gull a,p Near water in riparian edges. $ $ $ American Pipit a,p,m - - # Glaucous Gull a,p Fields and mudflats in winter; Coast Range peaks # # # Say’s Phoebe a,g in migration. $ $ # Caspian Tern p,C,F # # Ash-throated Flycatcher o % ! % $ Cedar Waxwing* r # # Common Tern p # $ Western Kingbird* g,o,S % % $ # Orange-crowned Warbler* r,d # # Forster’s Tern p,w - # Eastern Kingbird* g,C $ $ # - Nashville Warbler* o,S $ $ Black Tern* w,F Has nested at Sandy River Delta. $ % $ Yellow Warbler* r # # Marbled Murrelet* m,c # # # Loggerhead Shrike g % $ $ % Yellow-rumped Warbler* c,d,r,a Threatened; nests in old-growth forest in western # # $ Coast Range. Northern Shrike a,g,b Audubon’s form nests sparsely in Coast range; common $ $ # Cassin’s Vireo* r,d along with Myrtle in winter. % % % % Rock Pigeon* (i) u,a $ $ $ $ Hutton’s Vireo* o,r % % $ - Black-throated Gray Warbler* o,d $ % $ Band-tailed Pigeon* d,c $ $ $ Warbling Vireo* d,r $ # $ $ Townsend’s Warbler m,c # # # # Eurasian Collared-Dove (i) u Recently established in region. # # # Red-eyed Vireo* d,r $ $ $ - Hermit Warbler* m,c Riparian gallery forest with tall cottonwoods. % % % $ Mourning Dove* a,r $ $ $ MacGillivray’s Warbler* m,c,d $ # # $ Gray Jay* m,c Forests with dense understory, regenerating clearcuts. $ $ $ $ Barn Owl* a,g ! ! ! ! Steller’s Jay* c,d % ! % # Common Yellowthroat* b,w,a $ # # $ Western Screech-Owl* r,d,c,o ! ! ! ! Western Scrub-Jay* o,d % $ $ Wilson’s Warbler* m,c,d,r % $ $ % Great Horned Owl* a,d,o - - # Clark’s Nutcracker m,c Forests with dense understory. $ $ # $ Northern Pygmy-Owl* m,c ! ! ! ! American Crow* a,u $ $ # Yellow-breasted Chat* b,r - - # Burrowing Owl g,a % $ % % Common Raven* m,c,a % $ % - Western Tanager* c,d # - - # Spotted Owl* m,c % % % ! Spotted Towhee* r,b Threatened; nests in old-growth forest. # # # $ Horned Lark* g Streaked Horned Lark is imperiled endemic $ $ $ # Chipping Sparrow* o,S $ # - $ Barred Owl* d,c,r subspecies; other subspecies occur in winter. Winters rarely in old filbert orchards. - - - # Great Gray Owl m,c # $ # Purple Martin* p,m,C,F - - # Clay-colored Sparrow* r,a,b - - - # Long-eared Owl r,w Local near open water where nest boxes are provided; # # Brewer’s Sparrow g rare around clearcuts. # # # $ Short-eared Owl* w,a $ $ # # Vesper Sparrow* o,g,S Rare local breeder. % % % # Tree Swallow* c,d Oregon subspecies is declining; found in open savanna $ # # $ Northern Saw-whet Owl* c % ! % Violet-green Swallow* d,r,u and weedy Christmas tree farms. # $ # Common Nighthawk* m,p $ $ # Northern Rough-winged Swallow* o # # Lark Sparrow g,a Declining species; nests in open habitats in Nests in stream and river banks. % ! % $ Savannah Sparrow* a,g mountains and on gravel bars along river. % % $ Cliff Swallow* a # # Grasshopper Sparrow* g,S # # # Black Swift m Open areas near bridges, barns. Breeds locally near Brownsville, Fern Ridge, Waterfalls. % ! % # Barn Swallow* a,u and Finley NWR $ $ $ Vaux’s Swift* c,u ! ! ! ! Black-capped Chickadee* d,o,r $ $ % Fox Sparrow b Nests and roosts in hollow snags and chimneys. % % % % Chestnut-backed Chickadee* c Sooty form is common in winter; other forms are rare. - - Black-chinned Hummingbird m,S % % % % Bushtit* o,r,b ! % % ! Song Sparrow* r,b $ # $ $ Anna’s Hummingbird* u,o $ $ % Lincoln’s Sparrow w,b Parks, gardens.