Australian Tropical Rainforest - Online edition flammeum P.H.Weston & Crisp Family: Weston, P.H. & Crisp. M.D. (1991) Telopea 4(3): 503. Type: QUEENSLAND, Tolga Scrub, 17 14 S, 145 29 E, G.G.Sankowsky 626 & P.Radke, Aug 1987 (NSW 235579). Common name: Satin Silky Oak; Satin Oak; Pink Silky Oak; Orange ; Oak, Satin Silky; Oak, Pink Silky; Oak, Satin Stem Oak grain in the wood and inner blaze. Leaves and Flowers. © B. Gray blades about 8-25 x 2-4.5 cm. Lateral veins forming definite loops well inside the blade margin. Oak grain in the twigs. Flowers Pedicels paired, very long, more than half the length of the , common peduncle absent. Pedicels and the outer surface of the tepals ferruginous pubescent. Tepals red, about 3.5-5 cm long. Hypogynous glands absent. Ovules about 8-9. Fruit Fruits +/- spindle-shaped, about 7-10 cm long. Seeds winged at one end, the wing many times the length of the seed. Habit, flower. © CSIRO Seedlings Cotyledons broadly obovate, about 8-10 x 10 mm. First pair of leaves with lobed margins. Third and fourth leaves usually lobed. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade +/- linear, apex obtuse or rounded, base attenuate, glabrous, lateral veins forming definite loops inside the blade margin; terminal bud clothed in rusty red hairs. Seed germination time 12 to 14 days. Distribution and Ecology Endemic to NEQ. Altitudinal range from 700-1100 m. Grows in well developed upland rain forest on a variety of sites but reaches its best development on soils derived from basalt. Natural History & Notes Leaves and Flowers. © B. Gray One of the most outstanding and recent introductions to horticulture producing an outstanding display of red flowers. Produces a beautiful soft, silky textured timber with a conspicuous oak grain. Wood specific gravity 0.53 Cause et al. (1989). RFK Code 944

Fruit, side view, dehiscing and dehisced fruit, seed. © W. T. Cooper Copyright © CSIRO 2020, all rights reserved. Scale bar 10mm. © CSIRO

10th leaf stage. © CSIRO

Cotyledon stage, epigeal germination. © CSIRO

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