
Worksheet for the movie The Andromeda Strain From the Official Michael Crichton Website at

Andromeda Strain Produced by: Universal Pictures Directed by: Written by: Nelson Gidding Based on a novel by: Michael Crichton Starring: • Arthur Hill as Dr. Jeremy Stone • David Wayne as Dr. Charles Dutton • James Olson as Dr. Mark Hall • Kate Reid as Dr. Ruth Leavitt Originally Released: 1971 : Best Art Direction-Set Direction,Best Film Editing Runtime: 131 minutes

PREMISE OF THE FILM: When a satellite falls to earth near a remote New Mexico village, the recovery team finds everyone in the area dead except an infant and an old derelict. The survivors are brought to a five-story underground lab where a team of scientists attempts to determine the nature of the deadly microbe before it starts a world-wide epidemic.

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ON BINDER PAPER. Please answer in full and complete sentences.

The Andromeda Strain is a science fiction movie. What you will be viewing has not occurred but many of the ideas are based on scientific methods and facts. Somewhere in a high school science class you were taught the “Scientific method.” The usual steps are: 1. Form a question/problem 2. Gather information 3. Formulate a hypothesis (working theory/model) 4. Experiment to test hypothesis 5. Make a conclusion **You will see these steps at work in the movie. Identify each stage as it develops and describe each in your own words in a paragraph.** (5 pts)

Then, answer the following questions in FULL and COMPLETE SENTENCES. Worth 2 points each. 1. What does Major Manchek recommend when he makes a phone call using the red phone?

2. In the scene where Dr. Mark Hall (the surgeon specializing in blood chemistry) and Dr. Jeremy Stone went to Piedmont in space suits, what information did they gather by viewing the bodies? Give at least 3. PRE-READING ACTIVITY: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

3. Why did Dr. Stone say the organism must be put in a “controlled situation”?

4. Where was this “controlled situation” located? Describe the lab as well.

5. Why did each of the levels have to be “bio-medically cleaner” than the level above it?

6. Name at least 2 decontamination techniques used in the movie.

7. Why did they need to “clean” their bodies?

8. How did they determine how the disease entered the body?

9. How did they determine its size?

10. Dr. Mark Hall's testing concerned the blood since that part of the body was completely destroyed by the organism. What was wrong with the old man's blood? (we'll find out more later—just say what he noted at this point.)

11. Dr. Levitt is a microbiologist. What was she doing with the petri or culture dishes? When the red light flashed and sent her into a trance (a form of epilepsy), what petri dish flashed “No Growth”? What does this mean?

12. Why did Dr. Stone want to stop the destruction of Piedmont now by means of an atomic bomb? (He had wanted to use it earlier to sterilize the place.)

13. Could “Andromeda” grow in the old man's blood? Why or why not?

14. Could “Andromeda” grow in the baby's blood? Why or why not?

15. What eventually happens to “Andromeda”?


16. There are a few different ways that both the scientists and the government are portrayed as careless or underhanded in the film. List as many as you can identify, and explain the scenario of each portrayal. (5 pts)

17. Discuss the end of the film when Dr. Stone is speaking with the senator. What is the message that the audience is left with at the end of the film? (5 pts)