Caroline \\ 1inn Chief Ex~cutive OAicer P.O. Bux I g9$S I Sau Diego, A fJ'l 112 ) Tel: ( r, ) Ci50-61~5 A ~ Sempra Energy utilit/'
[email protected] Hand Delivered April 16, 2021 Purchasing & Contracting Department Civic Center Plaza 1200 Third Avenue, Suite 200 San Diego, California, 92101 (619) 236-5921 Re: SDG&E RESPONSETO INVITATION TO BID FOR A FRANCHISETO CONSTRUCT,MAINTAIN AND USE PIPESAND APPURTENANCESFOR TRANSMITTING AND DISTRIBUTINGGAS IN THE STREETSOF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO SDG&E BID DETAILS BEGIN ON PAGE 3 OF THIS DOCUMENT Dear Purchasing & Contracting Department, Mayor Gloria, and Honorable Members of the City Council, San Diego Gas & Electric Company ("SDG&E") is pleased to submit this responsive bid for a franchise to construct, maintain and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas in the streets of the City of San Diego ("SDG&E Gas Franchise Bid"). We take this opportunity to thank the City of San Diego for its efforts to make this Invitation to Bid ("ITB") an open process, which has invited discussion on key terms in the 1TBand has engaged interested community stakeholders through an expansive community forum, survey, and outreach process in January and February 2021. As the Mayor's office announced, over 1,300 community organizations and leaders, city residents, employees, and elected officials had their voices heard before this solicitation was released. We are committed to participating in this process and look forward to an opportunity to discuss the details of our bid and the terms of the Gas Franchise in person.