1RM Saturday, January 18, 2020 ...... 11 ROYAL VISIT EXCLUSIVE

Look at the Irish . . William and wife Kate TUI . . . strike planned to make their Teachers first visit here will strike WILL & over pay inequality By CRAIG FARRELL THOUSANDS of teachers are set to strike next month in their ongoing pay inequality dispute. KATE’S The Teachers’ Union of Ireland plans to have its members walk out on Tuesday, February 4. It has 19,000 members in second level schools, colleges of further and adult education and ITs. Boss Seamus Lahart said: “We have exhausted every avenue open to us to bring this matter to resolution and have been left with no choice but to GREAT take strike action over the ongoing scandal.” According to the union under the current system, teachers employed after January 2011 are set to earn around €110,000 less than their longer-serving colleagues over the course of their careers. Mr Lahart added: “Critically, they will earn over €50,000 less in the first ten years of their ESCAPE career when key life choices are made.” Body find Couple are planning a lad arrest trip to Ireland in spring A MAN of 40 has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a body was found in the North. PRINCE WILLIAM and EXCLUSIVE by KEN SWEENEY The PSNI said a mur- Showbiz Editor der investigation was Kate Middleton are plan- launched after the body ning to escape the Harry Meghan embarked on a two-day of a 25-year-old man was royal tour to the Emerald Isle, discovered in Craigavon and Meghan controversy their first official trip outside on Thursday night. with a visit to Ireland. England as a married couple. A post-mortem exami- On that stopover, they visited nation is due. The Irish Sun has learned Croke Park and the Book of Kells Police yesterday sealed that officials in the Depart- at Trinity College and met Presi- off the area as forensic ment of Foreign Affairs are dent Michael D Higgins and Taoi- teams examined it. finalising arrangements for seach Leo Varadkar. The PSNI said that as the royal couple to come However, older brother William, investigations were being here in March. the second in line to the throne, is carried out, there may be Details of royal trips are said to be even keener on Ireland. disruption to motorists always closely guarded secrets A colonel of the Irish Guards, and residents. until shortly before the event due he has been previously snapped DUP MP for Upper to security concerns. celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a Bann Carla Lockhart said But insiders say William, 37, pint of Guinness and presented her thoughts and prayers and Kate 38, will take part in a shamrock to officers and guards- were with the family of series of engagements over two men of the First Battalion of the the deceased. days which will most likely take Irish Guards at Cavalry Barracks in Cork and . in Hounslow in west London. Tourist bosses here believe a The Duke and Duchess of Cam- Knife hell visit by the royal pair would bridge have visited Northern Ire- boost Ireland as a holiday desti- land twice in recent years. nation after a drop-off in British In 2016, and in February last visitors to the Republic in the past year when, during a two-day trip, fix appeal year due to Brexit. they played football at Belfast’s And Buckingham Palace is hop- Windsor Park, took part in a A NEW approach is ing that coverage of a historic visit canoe race in Co Fermanagh, vis- needed to tackle “out of by the future king to Ireland ited the Roscor Youth Village, a control” drug and knife could be the perfect distraction to residential centre for children, crime, it is claimed. the fall-out over Prince Harry and before pulling pints at a reception John Curran, Fianna Meghan Markle’s announcement for young leaders at Belfast’s fam- Fail’s National Drug Pol- they would step back from duties. ous Empire Music Hall. icy spokesman, made the In 2011, Prince William’s grand- During that trip, Prince William comments in the wake of mother Queen Elizabeth II became made a stirring speech calling on 17-year-old Keane Mul- the first monarch to visit this people to “come together for the ready-Woods’ gruesome country since 1911 during a four- common good”. feud death and the fatal day stay in May of that year — It was widely interpreted as a stabbing of student Cam- famously enjoying a walk through plea for unity over Brexit — and eron Blair, 20, in Cork. Cork’s English Market. echoed comments made by the Offering his sympathies, William and Kate are the latest Queen in her Christmas Speech. the Dublin Mid-West TD major royals to visit. Charles and William, speaking at an event to said: “Communities are Camilla have made five trips to celebrate the region’s inspirational being destroyed across Ireland since 2015, with the prince youngsters, made his call for har- the country and families sharing a joke with former Sinn mony as he praised Northern Ire- being left devastated by Fein leader Gerry Adams at a land Olympic legend Mary Peters, reception in Dublin in 2017. who won gold in the women’s this epidemic. A new WE ARE VERY AMUSED And in 2019, Prince Harry and approach is needed, and pentathlon at the 1972 Games. it is one which the Fine From top left, Charles and Gerry share a joke in Dublin in 2017, the Queen Gael-led Government has in Cork’s English Market in 2011 , Harry and Meghan’s 2018 Croker visit MEGHAN IN DRIVING SEAT — P16 & 17 failed to achieve.” T JUS .20 €1 ALL THESE FREE INSIDE

Saturday, December 7, 2019 Where’s that wee Frankie?

in association with

IN THE BLUE CORNER . . . Duncan Ferguson and Frank Everton v Lampard in their playing days Chelsea 12.30pm, BT Sport 1 Ooh & ‘eck! Frankly squeaking FERGUSON’S FEAR FACTOR FRANK LAMPARD goes head-to- head with Duncan Ferguson By DUNCAN WRIGHT go and head balls in the box if big today admitting: I spent my time manager Marco Silva. And the Lon- Dunc was around. Unfortunately I as a player trying to avoid him! doners’ boss is likely to get closer don’t have a story. I’ve only crossed Chelsea are the opponents as Fer- to the big Scot on the touchline paths with him on the football guson takes charge of Everton for than he ever did on the pitch. pitch. The stories are out there. the first time since the club sacked Lamps said: “I stayed away from That’s why I stayed away from him! him, well away from him. I didn’t “He was really effective, a very Turn to Page 2

Saturday, December 7, 2019 BEST VALUE IN IRELAND €1.20 (75p NI) www.thesun.ie 10YRS AFTER GERRY RYAN’S FAI IN TRAGIC DEATH AT AGE 53.... CRISIS lAssociation MORAH now has total debt of €55m lFormer CEO Delaney gave EXCLUSIVE by KEN SWEENEY FINDSMORAH Ryan has found love it a ‘€50k gift’ again ten years after her radio legend husband Gerry Ryan passed away aged just 53. The mum-of-five is dating top l songwriter Don Mescall and €1.9m cost friends say it has developed into something “very special”. One added: “They’ve created to get rid of this special bond in such a short period of time.” O’Neill’s team Full Story — Page Five

By CRAIG FARRELL and NEIL COTTER LOVE DISGRACED John Delaney gifted €50,000 to the FAI while secretly agreeing a €3m golden handcuffs deal. The FAI said yesterday they are €55m in debt and paid €1.9m to get rid of ex-boss Martin O’Neill ‘VERY SPECIAL’ and his staff. Pals say Morah & Don, inset, Full Story — already have a close bond Pages 6 & 7 AGAIN 1RM Saturday, December 7, 2019 ...... 5 GERRY’S WIDOW DATING SINGER

EXCLUSIVE by KEN SWEENEY Showbiz Editor FOCUSED THE widow of broadcaster ON FAMILY Gerry Ryan has finally found After Gerry died love again almost ten years in 2010 Morah after the RTE star’s death. devoted herself to The Irish Sun can exclusively their five children reveal that Morah Ryan has been dating Limerick songwriter Don Mescall since early November. Morah met Don — who has penned tunes for Boyzone and Backstreet Boys — at a concert in honour of music leg- end Shay Healy in early November. The mother-of-five then travelled to one of his gigs in Limerick where, after the show, they stayed up till 5am chatting in a local hotel. A source close to the couple told The Irish Sun: “Since Gerry died, Morah made her five children her priority. “But now they are grown up, she can take some time for herself. Her friends are thrilled she has now met someone as nice as Don.” They have been in “daily contact” since they were re-introduced at the Celebration of Shay Healy gig in Dublin’s Gaiety Theatre on November 3. They had met before on the Ray D’Arcy TV show in 2016 when Morah’s daughter Bonnie performed I’m Out, a single she had co-written with Don. The Irish Sun can reveal the Lon- don-based singer is planning to visit Morah at her Clontarf home when he passes through Dublin on his way back to his native Limerick for Christmas. The source told us: “This is some- thing very special for Morah and Don. “They’ve created this special bond in such a short period of time and are really excited about it. But they’re also nervous about the news getting out and how people will react.” Although Don is no stranger to fame, having penned three No1s for Nathan ‘This is Carter and written songs for superstars including Boyzone, Backstreet Boys and Geri Halliwell, he is said to be nervous about stepping out with Morah — particularly as she hasn’t been seen with another man since Gerry died. ‘He’s resigned himself to the news getting out’ An insider said: “Don is a shy kind of guy. He’s not used to the spotlight but he has strong feelings for Morah. He’s resigned himself to the news get- ting out sometime soon.” Morah travelled south just two weeks special after the Gaiety night for a Don and Friends evening at University Concert Hall, Limerick on November 16. Afterwards they joined friends at the Lakeside Hotel in Killaloe, Co Clare. A source said: “Don and Morah were up until 5am together chatting. They really looked delighted to be seeing each other again.” Artist Morah has never spoken about her private life despite numerous offers to write her memoirs. She split with Gerry in 2008 after 26 years of marriage. He described it as “the most painful thing I have ever done” in a newspaper interview before for shy his death in 2010. Speaking after Gerry’s shocking passing, Morah said: “I suppose I was brought up where you married and, you know . . . obviously I walked down that aisle saying, ‘He’ll be throwing the clay on top of me and then he’ll be down after me.’ “So it’s quite shocking when that doesn’t happen. And you plan growing old together, and that’s all gone.” However, Morah overcame her pain to devote herself to their children Lot- tie, 32, 30-year-old Rex, Bonnie, 26, Elliott 24, and Babette 19. Morah said of her beloved family: Don and “There is not an hour that goes by that I don’t think of Gerard. We are very close as a family, thank God. “And we are there for each other. We are blessed to have each other — as we were blessed to have Gerard.” There has been added excitement in the Ryan house of late after Lottie — who Morah has said most reminds her of the late Gerry — was confirmed for Dancing with the Stars. Insiders predict Lottie will do well and connect with the public in a way that will turn her into a big RTE star BOND IS — just like her dad, who got his break with the infamous Gay Byrne Show Morah’ SPECIAL Lambo incident, when he allegedly killed a sheep during a survival stunt. Don and Morah A committed vegetarian, Don has a speak daily since daughter from a previous marriage but PALS’ JOY FOR RYAN getting together has been single for the past year. JUST €1.10 4-PAGE PUZZLES PULLOUT Monday, May 11, 2020 BEST VALUE IN IRELAND €1.10 (55p NI) www.thesun.ie FREE INSIDE SHOWBIZ LEGENDS GO TO WAR

EXCLUSIVE by KEN SWEENEY CROONER Dickie Rock has threatened to give Johnny Logan “a f***ing box” after the Eurovision winner blasted him in an interview over the weekend. The Hold Me Now singer claimed Rock was a “legend in his own head” and “living in a fantasy world” — before revealing he missed hugs in the lockdown. But Dickie told the Irish Sun: “Give Johnny a hug? I’d give him a f***ing box. I’m 82. Even now I’d give him a box.” Full Story — Pages Four and Five DICKIE: ROCK-Y IS NOT HAPPY Dickie said his 82 years wouldn’t stop him I’LL BOX from laying out Logan JOHNNY LOGAN’S

Logan’s running off HEAD OFF at mouth . . Johnny Ace, 82, hits back after Eurovision star slams him 4 ...... Monday, May 11, 2020 1RM 1RM Monday, May 11, 2020 ...... 5 COVID-19 PANDEMIC SINGERS IN WAR OF WORDS OVER COMMENTS WHAT’S ANOTHER JEER

Pressured . . . Merkel Hey day . . Dickie among fans in 1971 YOU EXCLUSIVE by KEN SWEENEY Germans Showbiz Editor SINGER Dickie Rock has threatened to give Johnny struck by Logan “a f***ing box” after the Eurovision winner easing off claimed the showband star lived in a “fantasy world”. By GARY MENEELY The two biggest legends of Irish showbusiness are at war CORONAVIRUS infec- tions are rising in after a weekend interview in Germany just days which Johnny dissed Dickie. WANT after it eased its lock- In the piece, Logan went on a down restrictions. tirade after being asked about A report revealed Rock, asking: “What would Dickie Germany’s reproduc- Rock know about being a musi- tion rate — the number cian? Dickie’s idea of an interna- Hold Me of people each con- tional tour was to have a gig in firmed patient infects England. He bought a pub in Spain Now... or I’ll — is now above one, so he could gig there. meaning the number “We know Dickie in Ireland but box the head Eurovision winner Johnny said Rock was ‘a legend in of infections is rising. go out of Ireland and say ‘Dickie his own head’ and not really known outside of Ireland Chancellor Angela Rock’ and people will think you’re off him! Merkel announced a talking about some kind of a stone broad relaxation of you’d find in a museum. restrictions on Wed- “I love Dickie, but he’s a legend nesday, bowing to in his own head . . . he lives in a pressure from 16 states. fantasy world.” A SPAT But there were pro- Johnny, 65, also claimed that he tests calling for mea- was struggling with social distanc- sures to be lifted even ing as he was a “hugger”. quicker on Saturday. An outraged Dickie told the Irish Data showed the Sun: “Give Johnny a hug? I’d give confirmed number of him a f***ing box. I’m 82. Even new Coronavirus cases now I’d give him a box.” had increased by a The Cabra-born entertainer was daily 667 to 169,218. left scratching his head as Logan concluded the interview by saying his lifelong ambitions were to “keep my hair and outlive Dickie Rock”. Dickie told us: “I can’t under- stand it because I always got on very well with Johnny Logan. There have been no incidents. WITH “I praised him to the world and I praised him to everybody. “Johnny seems to be blowing off his own achievements an awful lot. Johnny must be very insecure. His career is mostly abroad and he is very successful at it. “I’m happy that Irish people know me. I am happy to be at Anger . . . Chief Potts home and not to have to go away to pursue success.” And the Candy Store singer out- right denies a claim made by Cops nab Johnny in the Irish Times piece that he owned a pub in Spain. Dickie told us: “I don’t have a ME? - pub in Spain. That’s not true.” coughing Logan had also reeled off a list of celebs he had sung in front of during the interview, including Pope John Paul, the Queen, Prince spit thugs Charles and Lady Di. He added: “I toured with the Royal Symphony Orchestra. I’ve By GARY MENEELY done the London Palladium about THUGS coughed and 20 times, Top of the Pops about 14 spat at cops as they times. Get Dickie to match one of broke up a lockdown those, you know?” birthday bash. But Rock responded: “I’ve done Officers were called the London Palladium, the Royal to the property in Bol- Albert Hall. I’ve played Carnegie ton, England, after get- Hall. Johnny talks about playing DICKIE ting reports of a mass for British royalty. Well, I’ve brawl in the street. worked with the king of Ireland A fight had broken in Monaco, Michael Smurfit, at l Johnny slams Rock over crooning career l Dickie says he’ll give Logan ‘a f***ing box’ out at a birthday party his inauguration to be the Irish attended by some 40 consul in Monaco. The Smurfits adults and kids around are Irish royalty.” 8pm on Saturday. Songwriter and multi-in- deep in his heart? He “There’s no doubt, he has a great biggest rival is a man called Red accepted straight away. He said, to shell out €3,800 for replacement bring them groceries every day. When cops tried to strumentalist Johnny had had the looks. He voice and great personality”. Hurley, who I have never had a ‘How long will you play for?’ I flights with a rival airline to get Dickie said: “It’s the older people disperse the group, also taken a dig at “He seems had the height. The showband star revealed how bad word with. We get on well said, ‘Two hours’. This guy was in them back to Dublin. who are at risk from Coronavirus, some revellers started Dickie for not playing He was a good- he had met Logan last year at the together and I respect him greatly. his 30s, he sounded impressed with He explained: “It cost us a few which could be me. to cough and spit at an instrument or pen- to be blowing looking lad. home of Dickie’s musical director “I am still gigging too. I am that but I explained that singing is bob to get back but it was worth it. “But that’s not going to happen the officers. ning any of his hits. “I’ve said to my Eugene McCarthy. doing a wedding in Kilshane House my life blood. “We had gone out with Etihad because I’m reasonably fit and tak- Seven people were But Dickie coun- wife Judy, if He recalled of that meeting: next October.” “It’s very encouraging getting Airways but the day we were due ing the stairs three at a time. arrested for being tered: “That’s plain off his own Johnny Logan “Johnny and I got on fine.” The pensioner is under lockdown calls like that, and himself and his to come back, they cancelled all “That’s the kind of exercise I’m drunk and disorderly stupid. Frank Sinatra hadn’t been born Dickie stressed that while himself with his wife Judy at their Dublin bride will get a hell of a show their flights. doing, as well as gardening. and breaching Cov- didn’t write his songs, achievements in such a small and Johnny might have gone head home — and said he is taking three from me next year.” “We had to buy extra tickets “We don’t have anyone coming in id-19 regulations. Elvis didn’t write his country, if he’d to head for gigs around Ireland stairs at a time to help keep his The showband star also told how from Qatar Airways, who got us cleaning or cooking. We do it all Assistant Chief Rob- songs. Yet they were the an awful lot” been born in when Logan first won Eurovision in fitness levels up. he and his wife were nearly left home via Doha just in time.” ourselves and Judy, my wife, feeds ert Potts blasted the most amazing entertain- America, he would 1980, he didn’t consider him a rival. Dickie said: “A guy rang up ask- stranded in Thailand just before Since then, the couple haven’t left me the best of food — so I’m confi- behaviour, saying it ers of all time. have been another Dickie said: “I was always com- ing could he book me for his wed- lockdown when their flight home to their home in leafy Donnybrook, dent of getting through this.” was “disappointing”. “Perhaps Johnny is unhappy Elvis.” Dickie added: petitive with other singers and my ding in Killarney in July 2021. I Ireland was cancelled. Dickie had Dublin, as their grown-up kids @IrishSunOnline