The Center for Constitutional Rights is dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights move- ments in the South, CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization commit- ted to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change. Design: Nicholas Coster,
[email protected]. Photo credits: p 2: Yanick Salazar • p 4: Pam Bradshaw • p 6: Pam Bradshaw • p 7: Juan Manuel, Herrera/OAS • p 11: Qa’id Jacobs • p 12: Qa’id Jacobs • p 14: Alexis Agathocleous • p.15: Snowden: Laura Poitras/Praxis Films. Assange: Cancillería del Ecuador. Manning: courtesy of • p16: © RON- ALD KABUUBI/epa/Corbis • p.19: Courtesy of Iraq Veterans Against the War/Civil Soldier Alliance • p.20-21: Picture 2: Laura Raymond. Picture 5: Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq. Pictures 6, 11, 15: Pam Bradshaw. Picture 10: Courtesy of Iraq Veterans Against the War/Civil Soldier Alliance. Picture 12: Aliya Hana Hussain • p 22-23: Pictures 2, 6: Pam Brad- shaw. Pictures 4, 5: Sameer A. Khan • p 23: Pictures 4, 5 by Sameer Khan • p 27: Pam Bradshaw • p 29: David Hicks: Adam Thomas (devdsp@flickr) • p 30: Top left: Shayana Kadidal • p.32: Chelsea Manning by Alicia Neal, in cooperation with Chelsea herself, commissioned by the Chelsea Manning Support Network • p 33: Top: Pam Bradshaw. Bottom: Kevin Gay • p 34: Bot- tom left: Alexis Agathocleous • p 36: Bram Cymet (bcymet@flickr) • p 41: Bottom: Courtesy of Iraq Veterans Against the War/Civil Soldier Alliance • p 46: Douglas Gorenstein • p 62: Ruby Dee: Courtesy of MDCarchives The Center for Constitutional Rights is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.