Project 468585
DETROIT AREA STUDY: PROJECT 468585 "ASSESSING RESPONSIBILITY AND PUNISHMENT" Faculty participants:' V.. Lee Hami 1 ton Joseph Sanders "ATTITUDES AND BEHAV IOR" , . Faculty Participants: Me1,vin Hanis Howard Schuman "COMPARISON OF TELEPHONE AND PERSONAL INTERVIEW MODES" Faculty Participant: Robert M. Groves Director: Robert M. Groves August, 1977 Detroi t Area Study University of Michigan Col Var. .-. - . .4. No. No. f .% Question and Code r: - - - - . .. ' project Number (8585).. ,: .- 3 I. r ::- . .!. 1 .' : ' '. Card. Number, (1.) ,. :, .. > .. t - 6:8 DAS Quest ionnai re umber‘ (001 - ): --. ,. -,<C.. ,. :. , .:: . : .., .- - 9-13.. ID NUMBER --,.' .; (for telephone cobersheets - . .'. -. ..:. ,.. 7 . .I =, . .. .. .... ' record exact numbei an: Code 0 i n .?els"~1736~f;:. :':;i .. b2:A,.. I, ' . 1.,.. .: ., , ' '. 8 - . - . , Q. '':: . 99999. .NA L, . 1.. i. ;..!.,. .. 00000.. I NAP- (for gdisonil co$eis/l;ets '.pnly:) :..:+i -, ;. .. <.- .. .: . !- 1 .) . .,.. , . ,. ' . 14-15 .3&5 . Final interviewer Code (If non-inter.~iew,:'.l:akt'.::. I. .,. .: interviewer -to dispose of coversheet.). .-.:-;. _ ....(._... ., ... ,I . ... \, - r . .. .. " 01 Adams, Anne (F,w) 29:: .Vaitkus; Mark (M,w) .':* ' . ' , 02. Boroeiec, Pris (F,w) .. .. 30. Young-; 'Robert ;; (M',w) ' . '-. a .. 03.; ~rohn",Roger (M,w) ' . ..IT , :, . .:. 04. ~hertos-we1ler, Cynthia (F,w) . ' . ...-. - ., . NOTE : 05,. Chin, Jeffre'y (M,W) . 4:l.. : 1.i;. (A 1 yce (F ,B) , ' Interviewers 06.'. Clark, Gerald (M,w)- ' ; 42; Behnke; .Mary .(F,'w) ..., . 07. Crane,. ~arie(F,w) .'. 43. Bremen, ~lsie'.:(F,W) . -'. -. numbered 01- 08. Donkor, ~oseph'(M,B) - . , 44.. Crowley,' Bill'ie (F,W) :, 30 are DAS & .- 09. Doval.ina, 'lsmael (M,w) 45. ~o~le',Pat (F,,w) . - _.. ., 41;60 are Feinberg, Bradly (M,w)- . , 46. , Flanagan., Helen (F ,w) , .
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