Optimize Redis with NextGen NVM

Shu Kevin/Si, Peifeng/Li, Zhiming Intel Corporation

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 1 Agenda

 Redis introduction  NVM introduction  Scenario 1: Use NVM to increase Redis capacity  Scenario 2: Use NVM to improve the performance of Redis persistency  Completed features support of Redis on NVM  LRU & Defrag  Linux Copy-on-Write on NVM  Summary

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 2 Redis Introduction

Redis DB

Redis is an open-source in-memory K-V that offers high performance, Dictht Dictht replication, and a unique data model with dictEntry dictEntry dictEntry ...... optional durability. 1 2 N

Key value next

Redis data in logging Appendonly.aof type encoding ptr DRAM STRING RAW pointer Sdshdr Disk

Data change command String List Hash Zset Client Fig1. Redis persistency - AOF Fig2. Redis data structures

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 3 Agenda

 Redis introduction  NVM introduction  Scenario 1: Use NVM to increase Redis capacity  Scenario 2: Use NVM to improve performance of Redis persistency  Completed features support of Redis on NVM  LRU & Defrag  Linux Copy-on-Write on NVM  Summary

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 4 NVM Highlight

 Large capacity  Lower $ / GB  Close to DRAM throughput and latency  Persistency - may or may not use

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 5 Agenda

 Redis introduction  NVM introduction  Scenario 1: Use NVM to increase Redis capacity  Scenario 2: Use NVM to improve the performance of Redis persistency  Completed features support of Redis on NVM  LRU & Defrag  Linux Copy-on-Write on NVM  Summary

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 6 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity

Run 24 Redis server Run 24 Redis client  Design Option #1 - instances instances Store all heap data in NVM XEON XEON  Replace jemalloc by 24 40G Eth 24 CORES CORES libmemkind  Minimum Redis code Redis Test Environment: change needed • Single CPU node, 2-2-2 configuration • Stress redis server with same amount of multiple client instances NVM DDR

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 7 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity

Design option #1 - Store all heap data in NVM  Performance optimization opportunity:  Big and sequential data access pattern has better performance than small and random data access pattern in NVM  Meanwhile in Redis, a lot of management data structures are small and usually be accessed randomly

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 8 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity

Design option #2 - Store most of heap data in NVM  Only store large value in NVM (>64 byte by default)  Keep Redis management data structures in DRAM  Optimize the data placement strategy for each data type


 Close to Redis performance run on DRAM  URL: https://github.com/pmem/pmem-redis

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 9 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity

In DCPMM  Implementation details: String In DRAM  Encoding to STRING:

 RAW: Store value (>threshold) in DCPMM and store SDS pointer in type encoding ptr DRAM. String RAW pointer sds

type encoding ptr  INT: Store in the DRAM String INT Integer  EMBSTR: Store in the DRAM type encoding ptr

String EMBSTR pointer sds

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity List


type encoding ptr In DRAM  Implementation details: LIST QUICKLIST pointer

 Encoding to LIST: QUICKLIST Quicklist Head tail count len  After Redis-3.2.7, quicklist is used to

Quicklist Quicklist Quicklist implement the list data type. Each node node node quicklist node contains a ziplist structure. Ziplist Ziplist  ziplist is to save memory usage for Ziplist

small items like int/embedded string Head tail Len:2 entry1 entry2 end  Store value (>threshold) in DCPMM INT/embedded prevlen encoding prevlen encoding pointer and store the pointer in ziplist string


2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 11 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity In DCPMM Hash

In DRAM  Implementation details: type encoding ptr  Encoding to HASH: Hash ZIPLIST pointer Ziplist type encoding ptr  ZIPLIST: Store value (>threshold) in Hash HT pointer DCPMM and store the pointer in ziplist dictEntry dictEntry dictEntry ...... 1 2 N  HASHTABLE: Store value (>threshold) in DCPMM and store the pointer in hashtable field value next

typeptr encoding ptr type encoding ptr

STRINGAddr RAW pointer STRING RAW pointer

sds sds

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 12 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity


 Implementation details: In DRAM type encoding ptr  Encoding to SET SET INTSET pointer INTSET type encoding ptr  INTSET: It is unnecessary to move SET HT pointer intset into DCPMM due to its small

dictEntry dictEntry dictEntry size ...... 1 2 N  HASHTABLE: Store value

(>threshold) in DCPMM and store field value next the pointer in hashtable type encoding ptr type encoding ptr

STRING RAW pointer STRING RAW pointer

sds sds

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 13 Use NVM to increase Redis capacity

Zset In DCPMM · In DRAM  Implementation details: type encoding ptr ZSET ZIPLIST pointer Ziplist  Encoding to ZSET type encoding ptr

ZSET SKIPLIST pointer  ZIPLIST: Value (>threshold) stored in DCPMM and the pointer

Zskip Zskip Zskip Zskip stored in ziplist Head node node node node

 SKIPLIST: Value (>threshold) stored in DCPMM and the pointer stored in skiplist score 1 2 3 4 robj pointer pointer pointer pointer

sds sds sds sds

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 14 Agenda

 Redis introduction  NVM introduction  Scenario 1: Use NVM to increase Redis capacity  Scenario 2: Use NVM to improve the performance of Redis persistency  Completed features support of Redis on NVM  LRU & Defrag  Linux Copy-on-Write on NVM  Summary

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 15 Use NVM to improve the performance of Redis persistency

Design option #1 – Persist everything in NVM  Use libpmemobj to store data and its mgmt. structures in NVM

Source:  URL: https://github.com/pmem/redis/tree/3.2-nvml

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 16 Use NVM to improve the performance of Redis persistency

Design option #2 – Pointer based AOF  Store key in DDR and AOF (same to Open Source Redis)  Store value in NVM (for persistency) and only store its pointer in AOF(for recover)  Leverage AOF to guarantee data integrity

Performance:  Much better than Open Source Redis AOF (sync=always)  URL: https://github.com/pmem/pmem-redis

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 17 Agenda

 Redis introduction  NVM introduction  Scenario 1: Use NVM to increase Redis capacity  Scenario 2: Use NVM to improve the performance of Redis persistency  Completed features support of Redis on NVM  LRU & Defrag  Linux Copy-on-Write on NVM  Summary

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 18 Completed features support of Redis on NVM

Besides data movement optimization, also covers below features for NVM adoption:  Data retirement support: LRU on NVM  Evict the objects only when both DDR and NVM are full  Support to evict objects in NVM  Defragmentation on NVM  In Redis 4.0, leverage jemalloc to support defrag the space in NVM

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 19 Completed features support of Redis on NVM

 Pitfall – Linux Copy-on-Write is not supported on NVM

 Problem Statement • Redis leverages CoW to do RBD snapshot, replication, etc. • The NVM space doesn’t support CoW, because it is based on a memory mapped file. Hence the parent and child process share the same NVM address space, which may cause data corrupt during COW.  Solution • During CoW, duplicate objects in parent process of Redis • Introduce two hash tables to help the parent process to decide if it needs to duplicate the object or not

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 20 Summary Optimized Redis with Next Gen NVM can achieve:

 Full compatible API and Functionality  Compatible with open source Redis 4.0+  Higher capacity per instance with lower TCO  Way to use NVM as a volatile device to provide larger capacity for in- memory database  Higher Perf on persistency  Novel design to use NVM for high performance persistency on Redis

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 21 Reference

 Persistent Memory Development Kit http://pmem.io/pmdk/libpmem/  Libmemkind https://github.com/memkind/memkind  Libpmem http://pmem.io/pmdk/libpmem/  Open Source Redis download https://redis.io/  Optmized PMEM Redis Repo https://github.com/pmem/pmem- redis

2018 Storage Developer Conference. © Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 22