Subject Index
SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Abbe flap, vermilion submucosal pedicle, for upper lip Accurate platelet counts for platelet rich plasma, validation reconstruction (Special Section: Cancer), 17:1259– of hematology analyzer and preparation techniques 1262 for counting and (Scientific Foundation), 16:749– Abbé island flap (Original Articles), 18:766–768 759 Abducens nerve, microanatomic and endoscopic study Acellular cadaveric dermis, experimental study of (Scientific (Literature Scan), 19:546 Foundations), 18:551–558 Abortive subtype of frontoethmoidal encephalocele (Case Acellular human dermis (alloderm), exposed skull with, one- Report), 10:149–154 stage skin grafting of (Technical Experience), Abraxane, for treatment of metastatic breast cancer (Special 19:1660–1662 Editorial), 17:3–7 Acetylic resin, in conjunction with silicon for maxillofacial Abrikossoff’s tumor (Clinical Note), 12:78–81 rehabilitation (Brief Clinical Notes), 17:152–162 Abscess, brain, from cranio-orbital foreign body (Clinical Achondroplasia and Pfeiffer syndrome, genetic relationship Note), 7:311–314 between (Clinical Note), 9:477–480 Absent ear, bone-anchored implants for (Scientific Acoustic evoked potentials in neurophysiological Foundation), 19:744–747 evaluation in craniostenosis and craniofacial Absorbable. See also under Bioabsorbable stenosis, 8:286–289 Absorbable biomaterial in craniofacial skeleton fixation, Acquired orbital deformity, reconstruction of (Clinical 10:491 Note), 19:1092–1097 Absorbable fixation Acrocephalosyndactyly, 7:23–30, 8:279–283 for
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