Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Joint Committee 10am, Friday 4 June 2021 Dunfermline Strategic Transportation Intervention Measures (STIM) Full Business Case Item number 5.4 Executive Summary This report presents the Business Case for a Proposal to part fund the Dunfermline Strategic Growth Transportation Infrastructure Programme, as part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland (ESES) Region City Deal. This proposal, through the Housing Infrastructure Fund, will provide a means to unlock and accelerate investment in essential new strategic transportation infrastructure in the Dunfermline Strategic Growth Area. This will facilitate large-scale mixed-use development and investment in the Dunfermline and wider Edinburgh City Region economy including unlocking up to 2,000 affordable and 6,000 private homes. Pam Ewen Head of Planning, Fife Council E-mail: |
[email protected] Report Dunfermline Strategic Transportation Intervention Measures (STIM) Business Case 1. Recommendations 1.1 To endorse the Full Business Case (FBC) included as Appendix 3 to this report to support for submission of a Housing Infrastructure Fund application(s); and 1.2 To note that Fife Council’s Policy & Co-ordination Committee on 13th May 2021 authorised officers to submit the Business Case to the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Joint Committee and Government partners for final approval. 2. Background 2.1 The attached Business Case presents a proposal to part fund the Dunfermline Strategic Growth Transportation Infrastructure Programme. 2.2 Fife’s Strategic Development Areas (SDAs) are large scale, mixed-use, development allocations which are identified through the Strategic Development Plans of SESplan (for the Edinburgh City Region) and TAYplan (for the Dundee City Region).