Magnetism 2021
Abstract Book ONLINE EVENT Lorem ipsum Magnetism 2021 12-13 April 2021 Contents Plenary 2 Wohlfarth lecture 3 Public lecture 3 Talk from NPG 3 Topical materials for spintronics 4 Theory and computational magnetism 1 6 Thin films and nanomagnetism 1 10 Correlated electron systems 13 Magnetization dynamics and damping 15 2D and carbon-based materials 17 Antiferromagnet spin dynamics 19 General topics in magnetism 20 Thin films and nanomagnetism 2 24 Theory and computational magnetism 2 27 Spintronics 29 Thin films and nanomagnetism 3 34 Poster session 1 38 Poster session 2 58 Poster session 3 78 1 Plenary Magnetic Weyl Semimetals! Claudia Felser1, Kaustuv Manna1, Enke Lui1, and Yan Sun1 1Max Planck Institute Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany transdisciplinary topic in condensed matter physics, solid state chemistry and materials science. All 200 000 inorganic materials were recently classified into trivial and topological materials: topological insulators, Dirac, Weyl and nodal-line semimetals, and topological metals [1]. Around 20% of all materials host topological bands. Currently, we have focussed also on magnetic materials, a fertile field for new since all crossings in the band structure of ferromagnets are Weyl nodes or nodal lines [2], as for example Co2MnGa and Co3Sn2S2. Beyond a single particle picture we identified recently antiferromagnetic topological materials [3]. [1] Bradlyn et al., Nature 547 298, (2017), Vergniory, et al., Nature 566 480 (2019). [2] Belopolski, et al., Science 365, 1278 (2019), Liu, et al. Nature Physics 14, 1125 (2018), Guin, et al. Advanced Materials 31 (2019) 1806622, Liu, et al., Science 365, 1282 (2019), Morali, et al., Science 365, 1286 (2019) [3] Xu et al.
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