Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Tilston War Memorial Hall, 4th September 2015

PRESENT Councillors Chairman – Sue Willett Mike Hearn Ron Hints Penny Honeyborne Ian Munro Nicola Prince Neil Ritchie John Thompson Clerk – Mrs. Ann Wright Non Parish Councillors Public – 5



PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Councillors Honeyborne and Munro declared outside body interests in Item 14 as members of the Tilston Playing Field Association as the council would be considering the continuation of a joint insurance policy, the interest declared allowed the Councillors to take part in the agenda item but not vote. Cllr. Hints declared an outside body interest in Item 14 as members of the Tilston Wakes Committee which contributes to the insurance policy for the playing field, the interest declared allowed Cllr Hints to take part in the agenda item but not vote.

MINUTES RESOLVED 15/326 - that the Chairman signs, as a correct record the circulated minutes of the Parish Council meeting on the 2nd July 2015.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A resident of Malpas Road raised concerns that the transfer of the field behind the Hall had been dragging on and suggested that the Council should meet with the owners and resolve this matter sooner rather than later. It was noted that there is a great need for parking in Tilston particularly for events at the Hall. It was also noted the trees that have been planted are becoming overgrown and choked by other plants and the area is becoming a wilderness and the ponds are a danger due to their depth and steep sides. A resident of Inveresk Road noted that Inveresk Road becomes crowded with parked cars when there is an event on at the hall with vehicles often blocking driveways. The resident of Inveresk Road reported that although the mobile library had come to Tilston in August it had not come for the previous three months, resulting in fines for late books. He questioned whether the service would cease altogether and noted that Inveresk Road was one of the services busiest roads. He also reported that it had taken 5 weeks for new LED street lights to be installed in Inveresk Road and that since they were switched on they have been on during the day. The clerk agreed to report this. A query was raised whether the street lights needed to be on all night, and that this has an impact on nesting birds. It was agreed the clerk would raise the question with CW&C. A resident of Church Road suggested that CW&C Councillor Greenwood should be asked to attend the Information Hub to allow residents to speak to him. Mr Andrew Donaldson introduced himself as having purchased 2 Rock Cottages he advised that he will be submitting a planning application shortly to create a double drive with number 3 Rock Cottages, the drive will allow vehicle access to number 2 and improve the visibility for number 3. The drive is intended to be grassed with granite sett wheelers with a vehicle turning 322 circle at the top, the sandstone wall will be retained at the front maintaining the character of the street environment. It was noted that the necessary visibility would need to be achieved. A resident of Church Road asked if Jones Homes had paid all the required S106 money to CW&C, it was agreed the Clerk would seek an update on what payments had been requested and when payment is due. The new owner of the Carden Arms explained she was attending to hear the discussions relating to improvements to The Green. She explained she will be submitting a planning application for the Carden Arms making minor changes to the building which is a listed building. She hoped beer delivery wagons would park at the back of the pub in the future to prevent the road being blocked during deliveries.

MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE It was noted the clerk had raised a compliant with CW&C following reports the mobile library had not visited Tilston in June or July and users had not been informed. CW&C response had stated this had been due to staff illness and that 'robust procedure' was now in place so customers will be notified if it happens again. It was agreed the clerk should write to the library service and ask what procedures are now in place and what the plans are for the service in the future.

FIELD BEHIND WAR MEMORIAL HALL No further update had been received regarding the transfer, it was understood that the issue is now the environmental license. It was confirmed the land is not common land as had been suggested. The clerk will continue to pursue this matter.

INVERESK/CHURCH ROAD FOOTPATH It was noted that discussions had taken place as to whether an alternative route could be found between Inveresk Road and Church Road but that these were at a very early stage, it was hoped more information might be available at the next meeting.

COMMUNITY RIGHT TO BID It was confirmed that the bid had now been submitted to CW&C for consideration, it was understood a decision would be made by mid-October.

PUBLIC PHONE BOX, MALPAS ROAD It was noted that the phone box has now been adopted by the Community Heartbeat Trust and will be transferred to the Council's ownership in the future. The defibrillator cabinet to be fitted into the kiosk has been delivered and will be installed by Barlows as soon as possible. The paint has also been provided so the kiosk will need painting and new signage installing. The Heartbeat trust is still waiting for confirmation from BT about the installation of the emergency phone and the associated cost. RESOLVED 15/327 – that the Council pay The Community Heart Beat Trust £756.00 for the defibrillator cabinet and signage and that the funding be taken from the new homes bonus funding. RESOLVED 15/328 – that the Chairman sign the Defibrillator Responder Site Memorandum of Understanding. It was agreed that an event should be held to mark the moving of the defibrillator and the opening of the phone box, it was suggested the Lord Mayor of Tilston could do the officially opening, Nick Blair from the North West Ambulance service had also said he would like to attend.

ANNUAL WARD WALK Councillors noted the notes from the Walk, pages 326 and 327 of the minutes book. It was noted since the walk the Rookery Road sign had been broken and the Malpas Road pavements had still not been swept. The mattress had also not been removed from the Rookery Road garage site the Clerk will pursue these matters.


THE GREEN The Council noted the results of the survey from the Annual report and the combined results from the survey taken earlier in the year, minutes book pages 328 to 330. It was noted a large number of residents raised concerns about the speed of traffic travelling through the village and also the need to maintain the tree. It was suggested that an informal meeting be held with Mr Tweed to find away to progress the project possibly developing some alternative plans and that a date be set to have a public consultation event. It was agreed the public consultation would be combined with the phone box opening during the day on a weekend and would include cheese and wine. It was noted that consultation would be also be used to support grant applications.

BROXTON & DISTRICT NEIGHBIURHOOD PLAN RESOLVED 15/329 - That the Council write in support of the Broxton Neighbourhood Plan highlighting the need to preserve the rural nature of that area which is one of the most beautiful parts of West and which also benefits and is enjoyed by those who live outside the plan area.

PLANNING It was noted an application of solar panels has been submitted in neighbouring the Council area, it was agreed the Clerk would circulate the details and that Councillors would send comments to the clerk for submission. The Council noted the planning register, page 116. RESOLVED 15/330 – that the Council submit a comment of 'no objection ' for application 15/03591/FUL, Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of two storey rear and single storey side extension, Lowercross Mill House, Wet Lane, Tilston, SY14 7DW.

ACCOUNTS & PAYMENTS The Clerk reported the Council was now covered by the new transparency code and that this would be discussed at the Council's next meeting and would only require minor changes to the Council's accounting procedure. The Clerk reported the Council had received a clean audit for 2014-2015 and this had been published on the Council's website and highlighted on FACEBOOK. RESOLVED 15/331 – that the Council accept the accounts and payments as circulated on page 93 of the Cash Book. RESOLVED 15/332 – that the Council agree the following payments:- BDO LLP external audit £120 (inc vat) A Wright reimbursements £12.33 (inc vat)

INFORMATION HUB It was agreed that the Information should be open fortnightly 9.30 until 11.30 from Wednesday 16th September and that a flyer be produced and circulated listing dates it will be open until the end January 2016 so that its usage can be reviewed at the January meeting. The flyer will also include details of how the council can be contacted at other times. It was agreed the Council would purchase a letter box for comments which might be positioned under the notice board if agreed by Hall Committee.

PARISH MEETING It was agreed the phone box and consultation event would be held as a parish meeting. It was noted there will be a village event to raised funds for the Hall, Playing field and Church on 12th December 2015.

INSURANCE It was agreed that the Council should proceed with a policy just for the Parish Council due to the risk of a claim being made by the playing field association and the impact this would have on future premiums.


RESOLVED 15/333 – that the Council obtain insurance from Hiscox through Came and Company for one year (£278.98) noting that the phone box should also be included in the policy and that the premium may need to be adjusted accordingly.

CHESHIRE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS The Clerk noted she was now employed by CHALC and as such left the room which this item was discussed. RESOLVED 15/333 – that the Council join CHALC from 1st September until end March 2016 at a cost of £93.15.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.

The Next scheduled PARISH COUNCIL MEETING is on Thursday 5th November 2015, 7.00pm.

Signed ……………………….. Dated ……………………….. Ann Wright 07/09/15.


Notes of Tilston Parish Council Ward Walk th 6 August 2015

PRESENT Parish Council - Ron Hints, Penny Honeyborne, Nicola Prince, Neil Ritchie, Sue Willett. Clerk – Mrs. A. Wright Cheshire West & Chester – Ward Councillor - Howard Greenwood (HG) Rural Localities Team –Elaine Grant (EG) Highways Dept. – Helena Crawford (HC) Streetscene - Michael Barron (MB) Community Safety Wardens - Neil Denby (ND) Sanctuary Housing - Lucy Heath (LH)


Rookery Road - The amount of weeds was highlighted in the gutters of the road, these are present throughout Tilston. It was noted these are not as bad as in some areas of Chester however they are very bad in comparison to previous years in Tilston and are unsightly and making Tilston look untidy. MB noted that the weed spraying is due to be undertaken again, it was confirmed the road gutters are swept 4 weeks after the spray has been completed. The poor condition of the road surface was highlighted, HC confirmed the road had been included as a bid for works in the next financial year and had scored badly and had therefore not been allocated funding. It was noted the highways intervention depth is 2inches.

Long Lane - HC noted the damage to the Long Lane road sign. It was suggested the Parish Council should consider purchase of 'white marking posts' from CW&C for the verge along Long Lane instead of the existing reflective posts. The Parish Council should highlight the development site opposite when placing the request. It was suggested that the Parish Council should contact property owners on Long Lane who have put large stones on the verges suggesting that they should be removed as they are a highways danger and they would be liable for any damage done to a vehicle, and that this is unlikely to be covered by their household insurance.

Wynter Close & Wynter Lane - LH noted issues with residents parking on the pavements rather than in the parking area provided. LH noted the hedge on the corner of Long Lane and Wynter Lane, this had previously been cut by Sanctuary. ND noted the parked vehicle at the junction with Rookery Road and Wynter Lane which has not been moved for some time and has flat tyres.

Rookery Road Garage Site - LH confirmed the rubbish and mattress are due to be cleared. She confirmed they are happy for vehicles to park on the site at present however the future use of the site is under review and as such Sanctuary will not agree to any permanent accesses. It was noted any residents parking vehicles on the site do so at their own risk. It was noted water is still leaking outside 15/17 Rookery Road, the clerk will report to UU.

The Green - it was noted the Carden Arms is now closed for refurbishment. The Council has started a project to reconfigure the Green area to make it more attractive and greener. It was noted there is currently a consultation going on with residents to obtain their views. Any alterations will need to take into account the number of large vehicles turning around the tree.


MB noted the grass verge around The Green had not been cut by CW&C and the grass had reached knee height as such it had been cut by Cllr. Willett, MB agreed to investigate why it hadn't been cut.

Inveresk Road - HC recorded a number of pot holes along Inveresk Road. It was suggested damage was being done by large wagons accessing the development site and people parking on kerbs.

Malpas Road - The poor condition of the pavement was noted along Malpas Road past Tilston Lodge, it was confirmed this had been highlighted the previous year but no action had been taken. The Council was asked to make sure this is highlighted in the next bid round in February. It was noted the pavements had not been swept recently, the clerk took a photograph and will forward to CW&C and ask for confirmation of frequency of sweeps and also when the next sweep is due.

Public Right of Way - Malpas Road to Church Road - small group walked the footpath. A resident raised concerns about people dumping garden waste and soil in the ditch running along the path causing it to block resulting in flooding. The Clerk will make some signs asking people not to dump garden waste.

Church Road - Concerns were discussed regarding parking on Church Road particularly on the pavements. It was suggested the Council consider a 'Pavement Parking Order' making it an offence to park on the pavement or verges in that area.

Ann Wright 7th August 2015


Tilston Annual Report Survey - The Green. Do you think it is a good idea in principle to convert excess roadway into pedestrian space? Yes - 6 No - 4 Do you feel that safety for pedestrians could be improved in the centre of the village? Yes - 5 No - 4 Q: Do you think that traffic calming measures further out along the approach roads to The Green should be investigated? Yes - 9 No - 2 Do you have any thoughts or ideas about how we might improve The Green by road changes and landscape measures? What features would you like to see? Do you like the idea of greening ‘The Green’? What other highway issues do you think should be considered?  Tilston is village with Traditional centre admired by people part of conservation area (x2)  What excess roadway?  Would like centre to be more child friendly maybe play area in centre of village.  There are no issues for pedestrians.  What next traffic lights  Do not move tree as was given to the village as a memorial by Sir John Leach of Carden (x3)  Halt sign by Carden Arms (x3)  Change road surface around Green  Provide Green with tables and chairs, not car parking  Do proper investigation no road humps  Prevent parking on pavements.  Do not create pinch point around the tree.  Making the Green more Green would open up the pub and increase community spirit.  Put effort into stopping the illegal, irresponsible and dangerous parking at the school

Speeding  Support flashing signs by Carden Arms and Tilston Lodge top slow traffic on Malpas Road.  Have to cross Malpas Road x4 to get to school, accident waiting to happen.  More to slow cars down.  Hand bin stickers to all on Malpas and Church Roads.  Path from new houses to Church Road.  Support almost anything which slows traffic - Tilston a rat run  introduce mock gates feel entering an enclosed area  Speed cameras on Malpas Road (x2)


Tilston Parish Council The Green Survey Results - Overall 2015 ------Improving the Village Centre Questionnaires Returned 29 ------Q: Do you think it is a good idea in principle to convert excess roadway into pedestrian spaces? Yes [21 ] No [7 ] Q: Do you feel that safety for pedestrians could be improved in the centre of the village? Yes [ 21 ] No [ 6 ] Q: Do you think that traffic calming measures further out along the approach roads to The Green should be investigated? Yes [ 26 ] No [ 3] Q: Do you have any thoughts or ideas about how we might improve The Green by road changes and landscape measures? What features would you like to see? Do you like the idea of greening ‘The Green’? What other highway issues do you think should be considered? General Comments 1. Base scheme on Dutch model, remove unnecessary street furniture. 2. Improvements to the Green would make a huge difference to the village 3. great idea, problems can be overcome. 4. Larger area in front of the Carden Arms. 5. Area should be primarily for pedestrians. 6. Area should be more child friendly 7. Concerned by visual impact. 8. Concerned about effectiveness 9. Love idea of grass in front of the Carden arms. 10. The Green has functioned well for a long period of time and is part of the 'natural village environment'. Changes would have a man made, false feel (3) 11. Please respect the old village character and not create a unsightly road scheme. 12. Do not create more car parking on The Green. 13. Making more 'green' would increase community spirit. 14. Stop parking on pavements 15. Put more effort into stopping illegal, irresponsible and dangerous parking at the school. 16. There are no issues for pedestrians. 17. What next traffic lights? 18. There is no excess roadway.

Road Layout & Large Vehicles 19. large traffic must be able to navigate (3) 20. Work with highways to make sure things improve and do not become more difficult. 21. Do not create a pinch point around the tree Traffic Calming 22. Traffic calming by antique shop needs consideration (4) 23. 20mph in village centre. 24. Please do not use sleeping policemen or humps. 25. Large area for pedestrians and proven method of traffic calming i.e. different colour road surfaces and less road markings (3)


26. Traffic calming from beyond the school, from bridge or Carden Lane, beyond Holly Terrace on Duckington Lane, before the brow of the Hill on Malpas Road. 27. Very opposed to any narrowing on Barton Road with chicanes or street furniture. 28. Speeding in 30mph and 40mph zones needs to be addressed. 29. Because it is a straight road traffic will not slow down. 30. Whole junction should be raised 6 inches to slow traffic down, one big sleeping policeman. 31. Traffic should be regulated by many small bumps. 32. Double yellow lines past all the new houses. 33. Convert 2 way on north side and remove road near the stocks. 34. Road surface around the Green should be changed in some way to highlight calming e.g. coloured surface, cobbles etc. 35. Need traffic calming from Malpas and Shocklach directions. 36. Traffic should stop from Carden direction (4) 37. One way either side of The Green would provide more room for larger vehicles. 38. Would support flashing signs by Carden Arms and Tilston Lodge. 39. Issue Bin stockers to all on Malpas & Church Roads. 40. Introduce speed cameras (2) 41. Speeding on Malpas Road - support almost anything which slows traffic down. 42. Malpas Road has become a rat run. 43. Have to cross Malpas road four times - accident waiting to happen - need path from Inveresk Road to Church Road. 44. Introduce mock gates to create feeling on entering an enclosed area. Tree 45. Great to have more green space but keep the tree and of moved please take 'great care' 46. Move the tree slightly 47. Move tree closer to the pub. 48. Tree should not be moved, too old and part of the traditional village green. 49. relocation of the tree is vital to provide space for large lorries to turn. 50. Tree was given to the village by Sir John Leech of Carden as a memorial - should not be moved etc.


Tilston Parish Council

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