Sturmian Words and the Permutation that Orders Fractional Parts Kevin O’Bryant University of California, San Diego
[email protected]∼kobryant November 12, 2002 Abstract A Sturmian word is a map W : N → {0, 1} for which the set of {0, 1}-vectors T Fn(W ) := {(W (i),W (i + 1),...,W (i + n − 1)) : i ∈ N} has cardinality exactly n + 1 for each positive integer n. Our main result is that the volume of the simplex whose n + 1 vertices are the n + 1 points in Fn(W ) does not depend on W . Our proof of this motivates studying algebraic properties of the per- mutation πα,n (where α is any irrational and n is any positive integer) that orders the fractional parts {α}, {2α},..., {nα}, i.e., 0 < {πα,n(1)α} < {πα,n(2)α} < ··· < {πα,n(n)α} < 1. We give a formula for the sign of πα,n, and prove that for every irrational α there are infinitely many n such that the order of πα,n (as an element of the symmetric group Sn) is less than n. 1 Introduction A binary word is a map from the nonnegative integers into {0, 1}. The factors of W are the column vectors (W (i),W (i + 1),...,W (i + n − 1))T , where i ≥ 0 and n ≥ 1. In particular, the set of factors of length n of a binary word W is defined by n T o Fn(W ) := (W (i),W (i + 1),...,W (i + n − 1)) : i ≥ 0 .