Matthias Marschall | 278 pages | 30 May 2015 | Packt Publishing Limited | 9781785287947 | English | Birmingham, United Kingdom Infrastructure Automation Cookbook - PDF Book

Eventually, you end up with a separate branch, the so-called vendor branch, for every downloaded cookbook integrated into your master branch and nicely tagged. You define a role in a Ruby file inside the roles folder of your Chef repository. Make sure you have wget installed on your local workstation, in order to be able to download the required files from public servers. We will also take you through the core concepts of managing users, applications, and your entire cloud infrastructure. Edit your knife. Real-time data that is easy to filter and provides reachable and actionable data for every node under management. This can take a few minutes If you're using separate organizations for each developer, you can automate choosing the right organization, by making your knife. This cronjob will run the Chef client every 15 minutes and swallow the first four retrying warning messages. Note Don't even think about building your without using a version control system to manage it! Verification of component 'chefspec' succeeded. It tells Berkshelf to use the Chef supermarket as the default source for all cookbooks:. Make sure you've at least one cookbook I'll use the ntp cookbook registered with your Chef Server. You can use knife in local mode, too. Deleting a node from the Chef Server. Having separate environments for development, testing, and production are good ways to be able to develop and test cookbook updates and other configuration changes in isolation. Downloading and integrating cookbooks as vendor branches into your Git repository. Pages You want more? Hosted Chef uses two private keys called validators : one for the organization and the other for every user. Chef's Knife allows you to manage the interface between your Chef bookshelf the repository and your chef server. Managing virtual machines with . Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook - Writer

If you get the preceding error, your cookbook only has a metadata. Chef Community. Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook will help you learn the techniques of the pros by walking you through a host of step-by-step guides to solve real-world infrastructure automation challenges. They're a great starting point for your own infrastructure. Additionally to your default organization in your Hosted Chef account, you need to create a new organization for every totally sandboxed environment. This makes it much easier to maintain the cookbooks, which really matter. In this book, I'll assume that you're using GitHub. Let's see how to write a cookbook by running a bunch of utility recipes and manage the required cookbooks with Berkshelf:. The types of attributes Ohai collects include, but are not limited to:. The Chef configuration happens in a nested Ruby block:. By using environment-specific default attributes, you can, for example, configure your MySQL service to consume lesser memory on staging than on production. The book also covers the use of ChefSpec for testing recipes, which is A Good Thing: cookbooks need testing before being deployed see below. It is used by your local workstation to authenticate the Chef server:. But if you call Knife in the following manner, it will use the given environment variable as the organization name directly. Training Hands on training for Chef practitioners designed to solve real business problems. To make sure they work, you need a clean, initial state of your nodes every time you run them. It needs to be able to run chef- client without any errors. This includes an advanced two-way integration with ServiceNow CMDB, and webhook-based notifications that can be used to parameterize other external reporting tools. Installing knife-ec2 0. The Chef Infra Client uses Ruby as its reference language for creating cookbooks and defining recipes, with an extended DSL for specific resources. This will execute all the resources on your local box and physically change your system. A cookbook defines a scenario and contains everything that is required to support that scenario: Recipes that specify the resources to use and the order in which they are to be applied Attribute values File distributions Templates Extensions to Chef, such as custom resources and libraries Chef Infra Client uses Ruby as its reference language for creating cookbooks and defining recipes, with an extended DSL for specific resources. A network node is any networking devicea switch, a routerthat is being managed by a Chef Infra Client, such as networking devices by Juniper Networks, Arista, Cisco, and F5. Knife executes a set of commands to download the desired cookbook and to integrate it with your local repository. This approach enables you to change whatever you like in your master branch and still pull down newer versions of the community cookbook. It needs to be able to run chef-client without any errors. However, in practice, using GitHub as your central repository has proven to be very helpful. You just have to run two simple commands: berks install berks upload which download all the dependencies of your cookbooks and upload all of them to the chef server. On branch master nothing to commit working directory clean. Chef is a tool that lets you automate your more cumbersome IT infrastructure processes and control a large network of computers and virtual machines from one master server. This is where Berks help. The Chef Infra Server stores cookbooks, the policies that are applied to nodes, and metadata that describes each registered node that is being managed by Chef Infra Client. Also, you need to tell Vagrant as which client it should validate itself against the Chef Server:. Watch Webinars. We want to boot a simple VM. Ohai includes many built-in plugins to detect common configuration details as well as a plugin model for writing custom plugins. Find out how roles can help you in finding nodes in the Using search to find nodes recipe in Chapter 4 , Writing Better Cookbooks. Learn more Webinars Watch past Chef automation webinars and register for our upcoming webinars. You'll use the command-line tool knife to interact with the Chef server. Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook - Reviews

The software development community has known about and proven these practices since at least ; there is no excuse for not treating infrastructure as code, not in Instead of manually installing all the cookbooks using knife cookbook site install , we create a Berksfile besides the metadata. Using the knife. Using roles. Highly recommend for those just learning Chef. To be a little more flexible, we made our knife. Note The Apache 2 license is the most commonly found in cookbooks, but you're free to choose whichever suits your needs. In this recipe, we'll create and apply a simple cookbook using the Chef and knife command-line tools. The community has authored thousands of cookbooks, ranging from niche cookbooks that are used by only a few organizations to cookbooks that are some of the most popular and are used by nearly everyone. Find out how to use foodcritic in the Flagging problems in your Chef cookbooks section in Chapter 2 , Evaluating and Troubleshooting Cookbooks and Chef Runs. Chef continues to lead in the DevOps space by helping IT teams adopt modern day best practices including: Test Driven Development : Configuration change testing becomes parallel to application change testing. This is not possible by solely using the environments feature. Usually, you don't really care about all those cookbooks and don't want to see or even manage them. Make sure you have Chef DK installed and a node available for testing. Was this page helpful? Before you're able to run Chef Solo on your servers, you will need to add two files to your local Chef repository: solo. Chef helps solve this problem by treating infrastructure as code. In this chapter, we'll see the basic infrastructure components of your Chef setup at work and learn how to use the basic tools. Uploading ntp [1. The Chef Infra Client uses Ruby as its reference language for creating cookbooks and defining recipes, with an extended DSL for specific resources. Data bags are indexed for searching and can be loaded by a cookbook or accessed during a search. Read the Blog. There are more than a dozen knife commands. Defining cookbook dependencies. However, it would be nice to use knife for more than just the basic stuff. By using the --freeze option when uploading a cookbook, you tell the Chef Server that it should not accept any changes to the same version of the cookbook anymore. It will check if something is going wrong and notify you before the problem becomes noticeable to your clients. Downloading and integrating cookbooks as vendor branches into your Git repository. Chef maintains a large collection of cookbooks. Berkshelf will only use the exact versions specified in the Berksfile. Also, you need to tell Vagrant as to which client it should validate itself against the Chef server:. You can achieve this by using Virtual Machines VM. Using the Hosted Chef platform. Let say you want to install OpenJDK 7 on your node. The node object is the main data structure, which is used by the Chef Client to converge the node to the desired state. From github. Matthias holds a Master's degree in Computer Science Dipl. In our case, we're interested in the iptables cookbook:. When bootstrapping a node, chef installs everything like ohai, chef-client on the node and it also runs chef- client automatically. You can set custom run lists for all the nodes in your roles and override attribute values from within your roles. Go through the There's more Collections of recipes are stored in a cookbook. Professional Services Let our experts help accelerate your adoption of Chef and its best practices. A virtual node is a machine that runs only as a software implementation, but otherwise behaves much like a physical machine. You'll save all the work of running berks install and berks upload manually before creating your node with Vagrant. Progress provides everything you need to develop, deploy and manage high-impact business applications. These courses cover a wide range of computer science topics, including Java, data structures and algorithms, operating systems fundamentals, Unix and system administration, and web application development. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. You will find your organization name as the last part of the URL:. Instead of polluting your Chef repository, it stores all the cookbooks in a central location.

Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook - Read Online

You start the Chef client mode by using the run it --client parameter:. Using environments. Cookbooks and policy settings are uploaded to the Chef Infra Server by users from workstations. The directory structure within the chef-repo varies. In recent years, Matthias has helped build several web-based businesses, first with Java and then with . This keeps your Chef repository clutter-free. Note Don't even think about building your infrastructure as code without using a version control system to manage it! You can put breakpoints into your recipes. Upload the iptables cookbook on your Chef server by executing the following given command and code lines:. If you get the preceding error, your cookbook only has a metadata. Of course, you can use version constraints exactly the way you did with depends. The Chef configuration happens in a nested Ruby block:. There, they have shared their ideas about DevOps since the early days of the continually emerging movement. Tip Take a look at the following code:. Enterprise Control and Coordination Operating complex services and environments is a collaborative effort requiring a consistent view of intended and actual state across teams. For each cookbook, attributes in the default. Chef Infrastructure Automation Cookbook — First Edition For systems administrators and developers this book could revolutionize your cloud and server infrastructure through automation. First, the command makes sure that you're on the master branch of your repository:. Welcome to Ubuntu The node's environment can be queried using the node. Next, we instantiate a Grit::Repo object from the current working directory. You will be brought up to speed with what's new in Chef and how to set up your own Chef infrastructure for individuals, or small or large teams. In recent years, Matthias has helped build several web-based businesses, first with Java and then with Ruby on Rails. Every time you run chef-client on your node, chef runs ohai before that. Ensure configurations are applied consistently in every environment with infrastructure management automation. Create a Gemfile containing the berkshelf gem:. I registered as the user webops with an organization short name of awo. Using the Hosted Chef platform. Learn how your comment data is processed. A cookbook is the fundamental unit of configuration and policy distribution. Recipes A recipe is a collection of resources that tends to bring your node one step closer to the desired state. We'll use opscode-ubuntu The following command will open your shell's default editor so that you can modify the environment definition:. Not only can you run chef-shell in standalone mode but you can also in Chef client mode. If you want to start from scratch again, you will have to destroy your VM as well as delete both the client and the node from your Chef Server by running the following commands:. Use --force to override. When Chef Infra Client runs, it performs all of the steps required for bringing a node into the expected state, including: Registering and authenticating the node with Chef Infra Server Synchronizing cookbooks from the Chef Infra Server to the node Compiling the resource collection by loading each of the required cookbooks, including recipes, attributes, and all other dependencies Taking the appropriate and required actions to configure the node based on recipes and attributes Reporting summary information on the run to Chef Automate Chef Infra Client authenticates with the Chef Infra Server using RSA public key-pairs each time a Chef Infra Client needs access to data that is stored on the Chef Infra Server. You can configure which Chef server to connect it to in a file called chef-shell. You just commit your Berkshelf dependency file called Berksfile to your repository, and every colleague or build server can download and install all those dependent cookbooks based on it. If you want to know anything about your nodes or want to update anything like their recipes, knife is the way to go. Verification of component 'kitchen-vagrant' succeeded.