Lessons from Yoda Dr. Jim Harris on the “Star Wars” Sage

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Lessons from Yoda Dr. Jim Harris on the “Star Wars” Sage Human Capital Management Lessons from Yoda Dr. Jim Harris on the “Star Wars” sage. y son and I love the entire Skywalker spanned several centuries. Star Wars movie series. From For Luke, Yoda’s wisdom did indeed Mthe birth of Luke Skywalker speak across time yet was applicable to through the final destruction of the his current fight with the Dark Side. We Death Star and the liberation of the uni- too must seek timeless wisdom for our verse, the longevity of this epic story daily challenges and not get caught up across multiple generations is indeed in the hype surrounding a new manage- unique.And the Star Wars story is not ment fad. over! So many wonderful characters are now part of our pop culture including Wisdom is a critically important to C-3P0, R2-D2, Jabba the Hut, Chew- defeating the Dark Side. bacca, Darth Vadar, and for many the Yoda understood the tactics, strategies, most popular, Yoda, who uttered those and the power of the Dark Side. He did famous words: his best to warn Luke of all the insights he had gleaned from centuries of fighting “Do...or do not. There is no try.” Christian business leaders to approach the past Darth Vadar’s in his universe. contemporary business “gurus” through Sometimes Luke listened – sometimes he So what can a business leader learn from the lens of God’s word. We can learn did not. Christian business leaders need Yoda?Here are four things we can all ap- powerful and morally schrewd ways of to be reminded that our battle is not only ply to our leadership from the wisdom conducting business through their ad- against our competitors – our battle is of Yoda. vice, but I encourage you to compare it indeed against a Dark Side that is dedi- to the wisdom of Solomon, Moses, and cated to destroying our companies and Wisdom is built from experience. Jesus before implementation. our lives. This is not to be taken lightly. Yoda taught Luke Skywalker from his For only through the wisdom that sur- deep experience. Even he knew that Wisdom is packaged in sometimes passes all understanding will we triump real wisdom is not simply some pithy in the end. strange ways. statement or cute way to twist a new Remember when Luke Skywalker first saying. His wisdom was honed through met Yoda?Remember his first impres- Long Live Yoda the experiences of failure, tragedy, and Although the character Yoda died in the sion of this quirky, silly looking crea- triumph. The wisest business leader in final episode, his wisdom will certainly ture? Luke was not impressed with the history once said, “There is nothing new be passed along to the next generation of external Yoda. yet when he discovered under the sun.” I therefore caution all Star Wars movie characters and fans. It the wisdom within Yoda, his view radi- is a fun diversion for Christian business cally changed. Luke immediately want- leaders to consider how his wisdom ap- ed more! We need to look beyond the plies to our business lives and how we outer covering and into the soul of those can better integrate this wisdom into our from whom we seek wisdom.Eliminate Dr. Jim Harris daily walk. So, listen to experience, look any preconceived notions of what a for wisdom in unique packages, judge Patrick B. Ropella “wise person” looks like, sounds like, or President, what you hear and read across time, and Chairman & CEO, Ropella acts like. There are likely many Yoda’s in Ropella Leadership always remember that the wisdom we Tel: (850) 983-4777 your path. Seek them out. Transformation seek is ultimately tested by a real and re- Web: www.Ropella.com lentless Dark Side. Wisdom speaks across time. I am Dr. Jim Harris teaches thousands of professionals Patrick Ropella is Chairman & CEO of the Ropella an avid reader of many great business every year how to crystallize their goals, leverage their And may the right force be with you! Group an international Executive Search, Leadership magazines: Fortune, Forbes, Fast Com- strengths, energize their teams, and realize their signifi- pany, INC., Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Transformation, and Corporate Consulting firm. He au- cance as a professional and as a leader. From keynotes Build Network, and more. As I read and thored the book and web-based training program, The and workshops to 1-on-1 coaching and digital learning learn strategies and tactics from so many Right Hire – Mastering the Art of SMART Talent Man- products, Dr. Jim helps transform your potential into wonderfully successful secular business agement, and has seen his content featured in many productivity, and your passion into results. An author of leaders, I consistently remind myself trade magazines, business publications, and industry to evaluate their “secrets” across years, eight books, Dr. Jim offers you, your team and your journals. Patrick regularly speaks at webinars, career even decades.Real wisdom is timeless, audience a unique combination of perspective, insight, fairs, and conferences. not time bound. Yoda’s wisdom to Luke passion and integrity. Happi.com May 2013.
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