
Baby TALK Home Visiting Reference Guide

Newborn Newborn Developmental Perspectives

1 Month One Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: I your voice! - Knows your voice Let’s TALK- A Cry of Passion, IELG: My eyes can track! - Follows an object Handout and Activity: Can My Baby See, art book IELG: I can lift my head - Lifts head briefly Let’s TALK- The Powerful Newborn, newborns impact their world

IELG: Why do I startle? - Responds to a noise

Handout and Activity: Large Motor Development, foot rattle Supplemental Material(s)

2 Months Two Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: So, these are MY hands! - Hand awareness

Let’s TALK- The , opportunities in diapering

IELG: Do you want to talk? - Mouth noises, face-to-face interactions Handout and Activity: Hey Good Lookin’, mirror card IELG: Is this what I look like, too? - to look at faces

Let’s TALK-That Bad Baby, good baby vs. bad baby

IELG: I know what happens next! - Begins anticipating routines Handout and Activity: Attachment, fleece blanket Supplemental Material(s)

3 Months Three Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I can lift my head and chest! - Raises head and chest when on tummy

Let’s TALK- The Eyes Have It, learning through observation IELG: Shake, rattle, and grasp! - Grasps and shakes toys Handout and Activity: Along for the Ride, car seat gallery IELG: Baby’s Got Babble! - Begins to imitate sounds Let’s TALK- A Face in the Crowd, stranger recognition IELG: You make me smile! - Smiles socially

Handout and Activity: Look Into My Eyes, tracking

Supplemental Material(s)

4 Months Four Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: Rolling to back - Rolling over Let’s TALK- The Mozart Effect, music’s impact

IELG: Sitting so Pretty - My neck is becoming stronger Handout and Activity: Puppet , bunny puppet IELG: Learning through my senses, my mouth is the best! - Explores objects with his mouth

Let’s TALK- Born to Learn, support baby’s learning

IELG: The World is a Rainbow - I can see lots of colors now Handout and Activity: Goose Rhymes, book Supplemental Material(s)

5 Months Five Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: That’s my name! - When you call his name

Let’s TALK-Daily Reunion, reuniting with baby

IELG: (Almost) In the palm of her hand! - Rakes small objects with whole hand

Handout and Activity: Fun with Blocks, soft blocks IELG: Listen to the beat! - Reacts to music by cooing Let’s TALK-Being with Babies, being present with baby IELG: Hand to mouth! - Brings toys to mouth Handout and Activity: Visual Development, picture cards

Supplemental Material(s)

6 Months Six Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Left, Right, Write- Fine Motor & Early Pre-Writing Skills - Transfers objects between hands

Let’s TALK-Affairs of State, state management

IELG: Peek-A-Boo! I Learn By Looking At You! - Plays peek-a-boo Handout and Activity: Colors All Around, book of colors

IELG: Partially out of sight…but not out of mind! - Finds partially hidden toy

Let’s TALK-Stressed Out!, stress in babies

IELG: with a cause…and reaction! - Begins to understand cause and effect

Handout and Activity: , peek-a-boo board

Supplemental Material(s)

7 Months Seven Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I feel for you! - Responds to your facial expressions Let’s TALK- They Don’t Miss a Thing, babies and IELG: Meet me in the middle - Holds objects mid-line Handout and Activity: The Value of Board Books, spool ring IELG: BIG on Books Even Though I’m Little - Listens to you read and talk about pictures

Let’s TALK- Universal Issues, Unique Responses, culture impacts

IELG: Your Little Handful Has Her Hands Full - Holds two of three objects offered

Handout and Activity: Music for Your Baby, rockin’ drums Supplemental Material(s)

8 Months Eight Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: My Babble has meaning! - with consonants? Da, Ma, or Ba?

Let’s TALK-About Face, face to face interactions

IELG: I can use my fingers! - What small items does she want to pick up with her pincer grasp?

Handout and Activity: Sibling Adjustment, bear puppet

IELG: Who’s that baby! - I reach out and pat the things I see in the mirror

Let’s TALK-Just When You Thought . . . , developmental pace

IELG: Ready, set, move! - Is the baby interested in motor activities? Handout and Activity: Baby-proofing Your Home, rolling toy Supplemental Material(s)

9 Months Nine Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: What is the limit? - Setting limits Let’s TALK-The Connection, support one another

IELG: Bang, bang, bang! - Bangs objects together at midline

Handout and Activity: Creating Your Own Culture, jingle drums IELG: Here is my nose and there is a ball! - Points to body parts Let’s TALK-Building Parental Muscles, parental development

IELG: New people can be scary! - Stranger anxiety Handout and Activity: Going to the Doctor, doctor bag Supplemental Material(s)

10 Months Ten Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Books are yummy! - Looks at picture books Let’s TALK-Take Care, self care IELG: Look what my body can do! - Pulls to stand

Handout and Activity: Leaving Your Baby, babysitter board

IELG: “The wheels on the bus go…” - Likes moving parts on toys Let’s TALK-Tug of War, parental responsibilities IELG: Look what I did!!!! - shows pride in accomplishments Handout and Activity: Sweet Success, clothes pin drop Supplemental Material(s)

11 Months Eleven Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: How big is baby…so big! - Playing “so big” Let’s TALK-Falling in Love Again, changes in

IELG: Since you thought that was funny, I’ll do it again! - Repeats actions if laughed at

Handout and Activity: Out & About with Your Baby, stroller toy IELG: Fill and dump, fun, fun, fun! - Puts objects in containers Let’s TALK-Learning Ups and Downs, developmental model IELG: What’s on that spoon? - Holds a spoon Handout and Activity: Cause & Effect, magic scarf box Supplemental Material(s) 12 Months Twelve Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Listen to me! - May say a few words: "mama," "dada," and "uh- oh"

Let’s TALK-Comfort and Joy, self-regulation IELG: Roll, roll, roll your ball! - Begins to roll or push a ball

Handout and Activity: Daily Schedule, naptime sign IELG: I know what you mean! - Responds to directions Let’s TALK-Learning to Respond, emotional and IELG: I can do it myself…please help me! - Wants to be independent Handout and Activity: Bath Time, bathtub stick-ons Supplemental Material(s)

13 Months Thirteen Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I love you the best! - strongly attached to a specific toy Let’s TALK-Your Mother and Mine, motherhood IELG: May I have this dance? - likes to dance to music

Handout and Activity: Balls, ball play

IELG: I’m “telling” you no! - Shakes head “no”

Let’s TALK-One Bite at a Time, the small things count IELG: What’s the point? - Understands and uses pointing Handout and Activity: , bedtime moon Supplemental Material(s)

14 Months Fourteen Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I am SO frustrated! - Shows frustration by having a tantrum Let’s TALK-Taking on Temperament, temperament and behavior IELG: Let me show you how much I love you! - Shares affection Handout and Activity: Big and Little, growth chart IELG: Waving, signing? Communication is fun! - Waves bye-bye and can communicate with

Let’s TALK-No More Buy Buy Baby- relationships impact development

IELG: Page by page, I am learning to love to read! - Wants to turn pages in books and Enjoys looking at picture books

Handout and Activity: Sign Language, basic signs

Supplemental Material(s)

15 Months Fifteen Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Even when it’s hidden I know it’s still there! - Finds a hidden toy Let’s TALK-Collecting Expertise, parents learning curve

IELG: I want to be friends…maybe - Shows more interest in playing with others

Handout and Activity: Farm Animals, paper bag puppet

IELG: It may have been ok last week, but now I am SCARED! - May show fear and insecurity with a previously accepted situation

Let’s TALK-Face It, power of a parents face

IELG: Let’s have a (pretend) picnic! - Enjoys “Make Believe” play; wants to imitate adults

Handout and Activity: Fish, paint a fish scene

Supplemental Material(s)

16 Months Sixteen Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: How high can I go? - Builds a 4 block tower

Let’s TALK-All in a Night’s Work, sleep

IELG: I can climb stairs, and furniture, and who knows what! - Walks up steps and Climbs from one piece of furniture to another

Handout and Activity: Going to the Zoo, zoo puppets

IELG: I am talking, are you listening? - Babbles with expressions; may use simple words

Let’s TALK-Totally (Not) Prepared, proactive/reactive parenting

IELG: Pouring water? Bath time just got more fun! - Pours water into different sizes of containers during bath time

Handout and Activity: Sign Language, family signs Supplemental Material(s)

17 Months Seventeen Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I see what you’re asking and I can point to it! - Points to pictures of familiar objects

Let’s TALK-Bubble-Wrap the Baby, keeping baby safe

IELG: I can do it again, and again, and again, and again… - Enjoys doing the same things over and over

Handout and Activity: Sign Language, social signs

IELG: I can clean, fold, sweep…and I love it! - Helps in your jobs around the house

Let’s TALK-The Tipping Point, tantrums

IELG: The cow says moo, the dog say woof! - Makes animal sounds while looking at books about animals

Handout and Activity: Rain, crayon and watercolor picture Supplemental Material(s)

18 Months Eighteen Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Let's sing and motion together - Imitates songs and finger plays Let’s TALK-The Soul of a Story, reading to children IELG: I can do it by myself! - Does things for himself

Handout and Activity: Sign Language, food

IELG: If I want it, it’s mine; if I see it, it’s mine; if I had it, it’s still mine! - Is possessive of toys

Let’s TALK-The First Time, celebrating baby’s firsts

IELG: If you cry I will give you a hug! - Shows sympathy Handout and Activity: Bugs, plastic bug sensory activity Supplemental Material(s)

19 Months Nineteen Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Kicking and throwing a ball is fun! - Tries to kick a ball; tries to throw a ball

Let’s TALK-The Power of Persistence, parental endurance

IELG: Head, shoulders, pants, and shoes! - Points to body parts and clothing when named

Handout and Activity: Bears, clay paw prints

IELG: Family pictures are fun to look at, especially when they include me! - Enjoys looking at a family book made out of family pictures

Let’s TALK-Great Expectations, discipline

IELG: Budding Monet, look at my drawing! - Scribbles on paper Handout and Activity: Fall Leaves, leaf and contact paper project Supplemental Material(s)

20 Months Twenty Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I want you, don’t go! - May have difficulty with separation Let’s TALK-Trips with Tots, traveling with a IELG: I can put the puzzle pieces in! - Completes a simple three or four piece puzzle

Handout and Activity: Sign Language, animals

IELG: Bring me the ball? No problem! - Is able to follow simple directions Let’s TALK--What Two Do?, toddler development

IELG: I know what I want, I can let you know too! - Indicates wants Handout and Activity: Trucks, book of vehicles Supplemental Material(s)

21 Months Twenty-One Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I want it now, now, now - temper tantrums Let’s TALK-Washing Dishes, learning through “helping” IELG: Ooey, gooey, messy fun! - messy play Handout and Activity: Ducks, paint with feathers

IELG: Cleaning, cooking, sweeping, dusting…house work is fun! - Imitates housework and “helping” you

Let’s TALK-When Kids Know Best, children’s choices

IELG: Let me see how far I can reach - Stands on tip toes Handout and Activity: Tails, matching animal heads and tails Supplemental Material(s)

22 Months Twenty-Two Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: In the fold - Folds paper Let’s TALK-Backing Off and Stepping In, parental involvement

IELG: I can make up my own mind now! - Wants to make decisions

Handout and Activity: Night Sky, star project

IELG: Playing charades - Uses gestures when communicating with others

Let’s TALK-Life in the White Spaces, spending time with your child

IELG: My scribbles are becoming more purposeful! - Imitates a circular scribble

Handout and Activity: I Can Get Dressed!, paper bag clothes

Supplemental Material(s)

23 Months Twenty-Three Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I know where my toys go! - Remembers where objects belong Let’s TALK-Super Hero Parents, reactions to threats to our child IELG: Up and down I go! - Goes up and down a slide Handout and Activity: Gardening is Fun, plant seeds

IELG: Stringing beads, one by one! - Strings one-inch beads

Let’s TALK-Thar She Blows!, temper tantrums

IELG: The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round, Round and Round… - Sings phrases of songs

Handout and Activity: Dinosaurs, fern rubbing Supplemental Material(s)

24 Months Twenty-Four Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: My block is a phone! - Begins engaging in simple pretend play Let’s TALK-The Parrot, power of our words IELG: Let’s put these in order - Nests blocks or stacks rings in right order when shown

Handout and Activity: Happy Birthday, birthday drawing

IELG: Will you be my friend and play next to me? - Engages in parallel play alongside other children

Let’s TALK-A Little Help From our Friends, system of support IELG: The cow says moo! - Matches sounds to animals Handout and Activity: Birds, pinecone birdfeeder Supplemental Material(s)

25 Months Twenty-Five Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: I can pedal my trike! - Rides a tricycle Let’s TALK-Cause to Clean Up, learning through cleaning up

IELG: I can eat all by myself and it is messy and fun! - Feeds himself

Handout and Activity: Animal Homes, animal cut out activity

IELG: I think I need to go! - Begins to anticipate the need to go potty Let’s TALK-Daily Dance Party, music IELG: Help me get to the next step - Transitioning in activities Handout and Activity: Camouflage, animal camouflage activity Supplemental Material(s) 26 Months Twenty-Six Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: We are family! - Names people in family Let’s TALK-To Pee or Not to Pee, toilet training IELG: 1, 2, 3…count with me! - Understands the number one

Handout and Activity: Funny Bunny Fun, bunny paper plate

IELG: Brush, brush, brush your teeth! - Brushes teeth with assistance Let’s TALK-Whose Goal Is It?, the child’s developmental agenda IELG: I want to make you feel better, my friend! - Is self-centered, but tries to comfort others

Handout and Activity: Boats Float, float/sink play Supplemental Material(s)

27 Months Twenty-Seven Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I can take off my clothes all by myself! - Independently removes clothes

Let’s TALK-Silence is Golden, the value of silence

IELG: My scribbles are starting to look more like drawings! - Draws “pictures”

Handout and Activity: Circus, pretend circus play

IELG: Ask me a question, I bet I can answer it! - Answers questions

Let’s TALK-Kids and Medicine, sick children

IELG: Will you play with me, friend? - Plays with dolls Handout and Activity: Squirrels, acorn play Supplemental Material(s)

28 Months Twenty-Eight Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Circle to circle, square to square, matching shapes is fun - Matches shapes (circle, triangle, square)

Let’s TALK-The Story of the Day, bedtime routines

IELG: I can pay attention for a longer time, wow! - Gradually increases attention span

Handout and Activity: Summer Fun, sand art

IELG: Snip, snip, snip with my scissors! - Makes snips with scissors Let’s TALK-More Than One Way, differences in IELG: I am a boy, I have blue eyes and brown hair! - Identifies self as boy or girl Handout and Activity: Clouds, cloud painting

Supplemental Material(s)

29 Months Twenty-Nine Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: This is for this and that is for that - Understands functionality of objects

Let’s TALK-Conversing with Kids, conversation

IELG: Say what? - What words do you hear from your toddler during play?

Handout and Activity: Spiders, paper plate spider web

IELG: Bookworm - Looks at books on his own Let’s TALK-A Perfect Storm, family demands IELG: Come out, come out, wherever you are! - Plays hide and seek

Handout and Activity: Children’s Play, thumbprint and pompon caterpillars

Supplemental Material(s)

30 Months Thirty Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Picture this - Imitates adult when coloring/drawing Let’s TALK-Efficiency Dilemma, in the moment with your child IELG: So, this is what numbers mean! - Begins understanding the concept of numbers, especially one and two

Handout and Activity: Consequences, mouse bookmark

IELG: I'm giving it the boot! - Kicks a ball

Let’s TALK-High Octane Parenting, consistent discipline IELG: First this, then that - What happens next? Handout and Activity: Daily Schedules, daily routine chart

Supplemental Material(s)

31 Months Thirty-One Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: I’ve got this grammar thing down! – what does the _ say?

Let’s TALK-The Emergence of Empathy, emotional development

IELG: I want you, I don’t want you, I need you! - Often displays contradiction in independence/dependence

Handout and Activity: A Fun Family Feast, healthy food collage IELG: How big is this? - describing size Let’s TALK-Mindful Parenting, helpful routines

IELG: I pretend to be mommy, and teacher, and doctor…oh so fun! - Enjoys pretend play, such as feeding a teddy bear

Handout and Activity: No One Like Me, book about me

Supplemental Material(s) Months Thirty-Two Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Let's talk? - Actively participates in conversations

Let’s TALK-Parenting Karma, caring adults

IELG: SO, I think this means I have to go potty! - Begins to control bladder and bowels during the day

Handout and Activity: Read for Joy, make a book, IELG: Is less more? - Which group has more? Let’s TALK-“Jump at de Sun”, child’s sense of competence IELG: Let me sort these out - Identifies categories Handout and Activity: Ready for Preschool, school bus project

Supplemental Material(s)

32 Months Thirty-Three Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Jump like a kangaroo - Jumps one to two feet in distance Let’s TALK-How Does Your Garden Grow, gardening and parenting IELG: Let's make something - Likes creating Handout and Activity: School Readiness Skills, color shape game IELG: Will it float? - Learns about sinking and floating Let’s TALK-Fuel for Growth, how a child develops

IELG: I follow the rules! - Begins to follow simple rules Handout and Activity: Sharing, cookie counting game Supplemental Material(s)

33 Months Thirty-Four Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Let me tell you about this - Draws picture and tells story about it Let’s TALK-Dare Ya to Love Me, challenging behavior IELG: Blue and red make… - Plays with mixing colors

Handout and Activity: Birth Order, family book

IELG: I can do that AND that - follows multi-step directions Let’s TALK-Making Friends, children’s friendships IELG: Make it stick! - Glues items on paper Handout and Activity: Germ Warfare, germ painting Supplemental Material(s)

34 Months Thirty-Five Month Developmental Perspectives

IELG: Suishy fun! - Plays with modeling dough

Let’s TALK-Parenting in the Present, cherishing the moment

IELG: Red with red, circle with circle, I’ve got this! - Sorts colors and shapes when shown

Handout and Activity: Monsters, clay monster

IELG: I look like a flamingo! - Stands on one foot for five seconds Let’s TALK-When Worlds Collide, co-parenting IELG: You can't pull a fast one on me! - Wants books read just as written (Don’t skip any pages!)

Handout and Activity: We’re Different, We’re the Same, handprint rainbow

Supplemental Material(s)

35 Months Thirty-Six Month Developmental Perspectives IELG: And a one, and a two - Knows sequencing Let’s TALK-Birthday Dreams, birthday celebrations IELG: A trusted friend - Likes characters in books Handout and Activity: Children’s Fears, emotions puppets IELG: Look at my vocabulary grow! - Learning prepositions Let’s TALK-Learning from our Little Ones, children teach us IELG: Dancing to the beat! - Enjoys moving to music Handout and Activity: Too Much TV, make play-dough Supplemental Material(s)