Weekly Bulletin Friday 11th November

Notices  Amy Winehouse Foundation Young Persons’ Substance Use Survey: Cranbrook School will be conducting this survey and is seeking parents’ permission for their sons and daughters to take part in this. Please find attached a document which contains the Information Sheet about the survey, together with the active dissent form. Please only complete and return this to Barham House if you do not want your child to participate. Please look out for a separately e-mailed letter from Dr Weeds about the link with the Amy Winehouse Foundation, as well as parties and other aspects of student social life.  Careers Fair: The school’s annual careers fair takes place on Saturday 12th November from 10.00am to 12 midday in the Performing Arts Centre. Students (and parents) from all year groups are invited to drop in during the course of the morning to chat informally to those people representing career areas they may be interested in. This includes: journalism, publishing, law, armed forces, veterinary, fitness training, music and film, surveying, architecture, PR and communications, insurance, food writing, fine art, human resources, IT and technology, dentistry, GP, midwifery, finance, accountancy, TV, estate agency. In addition there will be two mini lectures during the course of the morning on ‘Plan My Gap Year’ and ‘How Jobs Are Changing’. More details from Christine Newman, [email protected]  Front In & Out car park: Please may we remind parents that entry to this car park for collecting students at the end of the day should not be before 3.40pm. Please also do not queue for entry to the car park on in either direction if the drop off/pick up bay is busy as this causes congestion along Waterloo Road.  Parents of yr12/13 students: On Friday 25th November @ 1.45pm there will be a talk in the Queen’s Hall called “Dancing in the Rain”. The topic of the talk is Depression. There will be approximately 40 spaces available for parents who wish to attend this talk. For anyone wishing to attend please contact [email protected] to book your space. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  E-Safety: All year 9, 10 and 11 students have had talks on staying safe online this week, in which they were reminded to check their privacy settings for all online accounts and to never send or share private information. Issues over sexting and cyberbullying were also covered, where it was emphasized that this not only puts them in unnecessary danger, but it is also against the law. The following website contains more advice on how you as parents and guardians can encourage your children to be safe online, as well as full details on how they can report any abuse. https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/  Anti-Bullying Week: Co-ordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance it takes place from 14th–18th November. The Theme for this year is ‘Power for Good’. For more information, please visit the website https://kentesafety.wordpress.com/2016/11/10/anti- bullying-week-2016-14th-18th-november-powerforgood/  Thank you messages from the CSPA:  A BIG thank you to all who donated clothing to the CSPA’s Refugee Appeal just before half term. Over 30 young people from all over Kent attended a recent event organised by Kent Kindness Maidstone and had fun playing table football and table tennis, enjoying a good meal, choosing warm winter clothing and speaking with the charities who were there to provide specific help and advice. Representatives attended from the Red Cross, the Refugee Council, Kent Law Society, Young Lives Foundation, Virtual School Kent, National Citizen Service, Asphaleia, and a national children's trafficking charity which has just started up in Kent. This was the first ever event of its kind and was a success. The plan is to run it again, probably in the New Year. Some of the children and staff who attended wanted to pass on their gratitude to you, as you will see below. Thanks again!  A very big thank you to the Bell and Jorrocks Pub in Frittenden for hosting the Allan Boys' Parents' Curry Night last Thursday and for donating the proceeds of £124 to the CSPA. Apparently the evening was a great success enjoyed by all who attended.

Dates for your diary:  Saturday 12th November: Careers Fair - Performing Arts Centre  Thursday 17th/Friday 18th November: DanSing - Queen’s Hall @ 7pm - tickets available from Mrs Hastings  Saturday 19th November: CSPA AGM & Ceilidh Night  Friday 25th November: Queen’s Hall - Talk “Dancing in the Rain”  Friday 9th December: Webster Parents Christmas Drinks Party  Monday 12th December: Cornwallis Panto  Friday 16th December: End of term (13:00)

Attachments: *Weekly Bulletin *Futures Bulletin *Sports Fixtures *Menus *Careers Fair Poster *CSPA AGM & Ceilidh Night Poster *AWFYPS Letter *CSPA Photo Comp

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