

Understanding Grounded Theory


LEARNING OBJECTIVES Many researchers find this difficult, and report that 1. Describe the purpose for conducting a grounded having the ability to conduct grounded theory research theory investigation. requires much time and effort to refine.1 2. Describe the process involved in grounded theory data collection and analysis. The goal of a grounded theory qualitative study is to

3, Describe how substantive theory is developed from build substantive theory that is “grounded” in the data; Downloaded from grounded theory research. this theory is typically localized, dealing with a particular real-world situation or complex setting.3 INDEX TERMS: Constant comparative analysis, Grounded theory was first launched in 1967 as a viable inductive research, theory building research paradigm in and was later refined in such disciplines as health sciences and .2 Clin Lab Sci 2015;28(3):197 Grounded theory researchers believe that building a http://hwmaint.clsjournal.ascls.org/ theory is just as important and valid as testing a theory.1 Wendy Miller EdD, MT(ASCP)SI, Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL I used a grounded theory technique for my dissertation to study how medical laboratory science clinical Address for Correspondence: Wendy Miller EdD, instructors viewed themselves as teachers. From my MT(ASCP)SI, Dean of Health , Elgin research I was able to begin conceptualizing a theory of Community College, 1700 Spartan Drive, Elgin, IL clinical instructor identity based on the experiences of the participants in the study. 60123, 847-214-7308, [email protected]

Purpose on September 25 2021 INTRODUCTION A basic qualitative investigation is especially useful for is defined as inquiry into meaning, uncovering the ways that individuals make sense of their and may be used to generate theories based on the lives and experiences.3 Grounded theory research seeks coordination of findings and understandings.1 To some, not to simply understand, but to build a theory that qualitative research may seem “unsystematic” or explains the phenomenon of interest.3 Theory is “exploratory;” however, this is exactly what is necessary considered “grounded” because it is anchored in the to develop new theory.2 Grounded theory is one words and experiences of the participants. The qualitative research method that seeks to create theory researcher begins with the individual stories of each from the data itself. Using an inductive technique, the participant, and then through the analytic process takes researcher collects information and draws conclusions their stories apart and puts them back together again in from what is observed. According to Shank (2006), such a way that tells the story of all the participants complex settings are best understood by starting at collectively.3 Grounded theory research emphasizes “ground zero” and allowing the data to guide the theory discovery and is particularly suited to investigating development process.1 problems for which little theory has been developed.

Description and verification are secondary concerns in This article focuses on grounded theory research, which this particular research method.4 is based on a framework that emphasizes situations where the researcher starts with as few preconceptions as The success of a grounded theory investigation depends possible. If the researcher is already familiar with the to some extent upon the sensitivity and analytical skills setting under investigation, he must set aside what is of the researcher. In grounded theory, the researcher can already known and allow the situation to speak to him.1



cultivate crucial insights not only during his research, the participants were also asked to sign and date an but from his own personal experiences.2 However, in informed consent statement indicating that they had doing so, the researcher must constantly check his own agreed to participate in the study, be audiotaped, and be position in relation to understanding and conveying the contacted should any of the data need clarification. The stories of the participants.3 Additionally, the researcher participants interviewed in my study were each assigned must learn to listen for what is voiced by participants as a pseudonym for the purpose of maintaining well as what is not voiced.3 anonymity.5 A member check was also completed after all the had been conducted in which the Data Collection participants were sent a copy of their transcript along Theoretical sampling, saturation, and constant with a letter asking them to review the document for comparative analysis are grounded theory techniques accuracy.5 that determine which data to collect, when to stop gathering data, and how to handle the data.4 Each of Data Analysis Downloaded from these techniques will be described below. Data analysis in grounded theory is a process that requires astute questioning, a relentless search for In most grounded theory studies data come from answers, active observation, and accurate recall. “It is a interviews and participants' observations; a wide variety process of piecing together data, of making the invisible of documentary materials, literature, and previous obvious, of recognizing the significant from the http://hwmaint.clsjournal.ascls.org/ research are also potential sources of valuable insignificant, and of linking seemingly unrelated facts information.4 Data collection is guided by theoretical logically.”1 In particular, the researcher looks for sampling in which the researcher jointly collects, codes, patterns that cut across various aspects of the data. and analyzes data and decides what data to collect next When these patterns organize different segments of the in order to develop a theory as it emerges.4 At some data we call them themes.1 In true grounded theory point, the researcher will likely find gaps and will need research, themes are said to “emerge from the data.”1 to go back to the field and collect additional data. Unlike , decisions about data The basic analytical procedure in grounded theory collection cannot be planned in advance, and there is research is the constant comparative analysis of data often more than one technique for data collection that which consists of four stages. Stage one compares is considered appropriate. Different kinds of data give incidents and generates large, tentative categories using on September 25 2021 the researcher different views or vantage points from a process known as open . In this stage data is which to understand a situation or setting. These broken down, labeled, and fit into as many categories as different views are called slices of data.2 When the are appropriate. The researcher also records in memo researcher begins to see similar incidents over and over form any insights that occurred during the comparison again, he becomes confident that the research is of incidents.4 Because the constant comparative method saturated.2 Saturation means that no additional new requires the researcher to keep track of one's ideas, it data are being found. increases the likelihood that the resulting theory will be clear, and colleagues will accept its credibility.2 In my own study, data collection was accomplished through semi-structured interviews in which thirteen In the second stage of constant comparative analysis, the participants were asked a series of open-ended researcher attempts to establish properties within each questions. The purpose of the questions was to gather category.4 This is accomplished through axial coding their thoughts about how they viewed themselves as which groups the initial open codes into descriptive or clinical instructors. Follow up questions were posed key elements. In my dissertation a total of seven key during the interviews as needed. The interviews were elements were identified that related to clinical audiotaped with the permission of the participants and instructor identity. lasted approximately 30-45 minutes each. The audiotapes were transcribed by the researcher and a During stage three, similar categories are reduced to a typist within one week of the and analysis smaller number of highly conceptual categories or began shortly thereafter.5 As a matter of recordkeeping, themes, hypotheses are generated, and any new data are



checked for fit into the overall framework. If a category after each interview, which captured the essence of each is saturated, further incidents of that category need not conversation, were also examined and used in be coded since doing so adds nothing to the theory.4 interpreting the data.5 The three themes that emerged in my research were as follows: Nature vs. Nurture: We Finally, in stage four the actual writing of the theory Have the Ability to Teach, Professional Identity: Doing takes place. At this point, the researcher is convinced Something Extra, and Thinking About Teaching Made that his analytic framework forms a substantive theory Me a Better Teacher. Each theme was supported by two that is a reasonably accurate statement of the area being or three key elements which included: personal traits, studied and is in a form that others going into the field teaching strategies, sense of self as a teacher, teaching can use.4 adds variety, keeping current, learning the role, and training the next generation. Data collected in my study were inductively analyzed using a constant comparative technique.2,3 In this In the end a conceptual model was developed which Downloaded from analysis, data were initially labeled using key words; this provides a visual representation of the findings from the procedure is referred to as open coding. Open coding study. This model is shown in Figure 1. The four continued until all categories or conceptual elements dimensions of teacher identity that were initially were recognized. A peer review process was then identified through a are depicted by the conducted in which the coding was checked by inner circle. The themes and key elements which http://hwmaint.clsjournal.ascls.org/ dissertation committee members for appropriateness. emerged as a result of the grounded theory research are The categories were eventually organized into three identified in the boxes near the teacher identity broad themes using descriptors from the study dimension to which they correspond. participants’ own voices. Memos written immediately

Nature vs. Nurture: We Have the Ability to Teach [Personal Traits] Thinking about [Teaching Strategies] Teaching Made Me a on September 25 2021 Better Teacher [Learning the Role] Professional Identity: Doing Something Extra [Teaching Adds Variety] [Keeping Current]

Nature vs. Nurture:

Thinking about We Have the Ability Teaching Made Me a to Teach Better Teacher [Sense of Self as a [Training the Next Teacher] Generation]

Figure 1. Integration of themes with teacher identity concept map



Data Results clinical instructor role may have been more likely to The practical application of grounded theory research volunteer to be participants in the study, and may be assessed along four criteria: 1) fitness – the individuals who did not view themselves as teachers theory must closely relate to the area being investigated; may have passed up this opportunity.5 Self-presentation 2) understanding – lay persons working in the area bias occurs, on the other hand, when participants try to should be able to understand and use the theory; 3) provide data that they believe is what the researcher generality – categories of the grounded theory must be wants to hear, or as was the case in my dissertation, abstract enough to make the theory a general guide to would present themselves positively as teachers. changing situations; and 4) control – the theory must offer enough robustness and clarity to make its And finally, researcher bias should be avoided in any application worthwhile.3 In other words, “grounded qualitative method. I was keenly aware of the fact that theory must fit the data, provide a useful explanation, prior to conducting my interviews I had developed four Downloaded from be relevant to actual problems, and capable of being dimensions of teacher identity based on a literature modified by future inquiry.”3 The major purpose for review, and these dimensions could certainly impact the doing grounded theory research in an applied field is to interpretation of the data collected.5 improve professional practice. Grounded theory, if it has been truly generated from a situation and is CONCLUSION http://hwmaint.clsjournal.ascls.org/ grounded in the data, will give the practitioner a Grounded theory is an established qualitative research conceptual tool with which to guide future work.4 method that may be used in order to gain an understanding of a particular situation, group of The presentation of grounded theory will satisfy most individuals, or phenomenon. Through data collection readers if the theory can be applied to situations and and rigorous analysis, a theory is generated that is guide thinking, understanding, and further research. “grounded” in the voices of those studied. This Occasionally the reproducibility of a study may be technique is highly recommended if one is investigating questioned however. Theory that deals with a social or how medical laboratory scientists generate meanings psychological phenomenon is probably not reproducible based on their own experiences. because conditions cannot be matched exactly to the original study. Yet given the same theoretical REFERENCES on September 25 2021 perspective of the original researcher and following the 1. Shank G. 2006. Qualitative research: a personal skills nd same general rules for data gathering and analysis, approach, 2 ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. another investigator should be able to reproduce the 2. Glaser B, Strauss A. 1967. The discovery of grounded theory: same theoretical explanation about a given strategies for qualitative research. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de phenomenon.3 Gruyter. 3. Merriam S, Associates. 2002. Qualitative research in practice: Limitations examples for discussion and analysis. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. There are certain limitations to any qualitative study, 4. Merriam S, Simpson E. 2000. A guide to research for educators and grounded theory is no different. In this type of and trainers of adults, 2nd ed. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing research the effects of sampling bias, such as self- Company. selection or self-presentation, must be taken into 5. Miller W. 2011. Toward conceptual development of a theory of clinical instructor identity using the experiences of medical consideration. Self-selection bias is a concern in any laboratory science practitioners. Dissertation. 5 activity where participation is voluntary. For instance, in my study practitioners who identified with the