Trinity Drinks Sensibly
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TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY" RECEIVED HARTFORD • CONNECTICUT Smith Announces Resignation by Christine Herzig and financial aid who will report the Chaplaincy, and Security will Assistant News Editor directly to President English. shift to Winer as Dean of Stu- English feels that Smith's ab- dents. "We are fortunate," said sence will be a major loss because English, "to have a dean of stu- In a recently distributed letter to Smith has been "essential to the dents so well-qualified to take on faculty and administrative staff, operation of the College for so these extra duties." President James F. English an- many years. I am grateful to Tom The currently planned changes nounced the retirement of Vice Smith for the counsel and support may create a vacancy within the President Thomas A. Smith and he has given me as well as for his administration, and in order to al- the scheduled spring leave of Dean remarkable record of service to leviate this possibility, English has of Students David Winer, along this College." provided for another new position: with many other administrative The search for a new director of assistant to the president for plan- changes. admissions, as a result of Donald ning and institutional research. A graduate of Trinity, Smith re- Dietrich's decision to leave at the According to English, "This will turned in 1953 to serve as assis- end of this academic year, has been be a middle level staff position, for tant director of admissions. Other halted in order to compensate for which a search will be started early positions Smith has held here in- the consolidation of the Admis- in the new year." clude registrar, associate dean in sions and Financial Aid offices. Beginning January 1st of 1988, charge of graduate and summer The search will be re-advertised to Winer will be on leave, from which programs, and director of external reflect the added expectations of he will return sometime in the affairs. He became vice president the new position. According to summer and assume the four ad- of Trinity 15 years ago. "Through- Smith, "the new Dean will be ex- ditional duties. During his ab- out my 34 years here," com- pected to have more knowledge of sence, Diane Zannoni, associate mented Smith, "I've held a lot of organizational, managing and di- professor of economics, will serve varied administrative jobs." recting skills as well as financial as Acting Dean of Students. With the advent of his 65th skills." According to Winer, "Smith birthday, Smith decided he would The decision to combine the Fi- asked faculty for names of people retire during the summer of 1988. nancial Aid and Admissions offices who they thought would be inter- Vice President Thomas A. Smith will be leaving in August after 34 When asked how he felt about was one of "good sense," com- continued on page 5 leaving Trinity, Smith said, "there mented Smith. He continued by years of service to Trinity. Ph0'° by Meryl Levin comes a time, when you begin to saying that "we had some good sense that people already know candidates with the previously u what you think and what you are started search, however, we had going to say and that time has questioned whether we would, in Trinity Drinks Sensibly" come." Smith then added, "there the end, have enough top flight are many other things I would like candidates to recommend for the to do." newly defined position." Al- Says TAAP's Alcohol Awareness Week though, President English is "con- The areas currently under Theater was shown. The film was vinced that the new position will by Eric Taubenheim Also on Thursday evening Nel- Smith's supervision will be divided a series of short skits done by attract a larger group of strong son spoke at Alpha Delta Phi to all and distributed to other offices. Wellesley students that raised im- candidates than that which has interested members of the Greek Most of the responsibilities will be portant issues about the role of al- emerged thus far." system. He advocated that mem- assigned to the dean of students, Alcohol Awareness Week, held cohol and the problems it causes in bers of sororities and fraternities while the Admissions and Finan- Effective with the retirement of November 2nd through 6th, was relationships. help their respective brothers and cial Aid offices will now be report- Smith, supervision of College successful in educating the Trinity Thursday, Steve Nelson, dean of sisters with addiction problems. In ing to a new dean of admissions Counseling, Career Counseling, College community about the dan- students at Bard College, spoke to answering several student's ques- gers of alcohol, according to the the faculty on the effects of addic- tions on Trinity's new alcohol pol- Trinity Alcohol Awareness Pro- tion within an academic environ- icy, he encouraged compromise Styron, Pulitzer Prize gram (TAAP). ment. "The sad fact of the matter between students and faculty. "TAAP's message is to have stu- is that abuse of alcohol has no im- dents make informed decisions mediate negative effect upon a To end the week's activities, Winner, Visits Trinity about alcohol," said Ford Peck, co- typical high achieving stu- movies about alcohol addiciton chairman of TAAP. "We are stu- dent....but there is a breaking were shown in McCook Audito- by Elizabeth Horn the Clap Shack," and countless dents who would encourage re- point." He touched upon the issue rium. Ford Peck was pleased with News Staff Writer magazine and newspaper articles. sponsible drinking." Lorinda of faculty contact with students, the excellent turnout at the week's He received the 1967 Pulitzer Prize Russo, also co-chairman, called and stressed the importance of ed- programs. He commented, "peo- for his novel The Confessions of Nat "Alcohol Awareness Week a time ucating people about alcohol. ple have responded well." Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Turner and the American Book to educate people about alcohol." William Styron joined a faculty Award for what is perhaps his Student response to the week panel for a discussion of "History, most famous work, Sophie's was very positive. As many as 200 Rucci Addresses Campus Literature, and the Bicentennial of Choice. students attended the various the Constitution" in the Washing- In addition to Styron's literary events. The week started off on ton Room on Thursday, November career, Fabricant touched on his Monday with guest speaker Frank Auto Thefts And Damage 5. The hour-long forum, preceded political involvements, including Dumar, the director of Vantage most dangerous part of campus is by a book signing session, ad- his firm stance against the death Point in Clearwater, Florida. Du- by Peter Swanson the perimeter, particularly Sum- dressed the relationship between penalty, and most recently, his op- mar focused on learning to cope in Assistant News Editor mit Street, where there is a rela- civil rights and literature, focus* position to the Supreme Court social situations without the use of tively limited student presence. An nomination of Robert Bork. Al- alcohol. He also discussed the loss As one student said, "the most area such as North Campus is not though resisting the label of polit- of potential that a person suffers noticeable change on campus this a problem because of the amount ical activist, Styron commented from addictions. About 70 people year is the number of broken car of student activity. that he has no regrets about his attended Dumar's program. windows." Also, a daily report is issued to political involvements, including an Dr. Priscilla Kehoe lectured on In the months of August, Sep- all Security personnel alerting early stint working for Eugene Tuesday about the physiology of tember and October there has been them as to the locations of recent McCarthy. alcohol consumption. Also on a high incidence of car vandalism problems. Security officers are Styron and the panel immedi- Tuesday, eight college students and break-ins on the Trinity cam- able to focus on and patrol the cur- ately delved into the issue of the (one from Trinity) presented "Stu- pus. 23 cars have been vandalized, rent problem areas. death penalty, Styron recalled dents and Abuse: Our Personal 33 have been broken into resulting This method is not always effec- having been deeply moved by a Histories." About 25 people in theft of personal property, and tive, Rucci explained. "We put a reading of Albert Camus' "Reflec- showed up to hear the students five cars have been stolen. foot patrol at the CPTV lot and for talk about personal experiences tions on the Guillotine" in the early Director of Security Biagio Rucei about a week and a half nothing with alcohol and drug addiction. 1960's. Camus' essay, Styron as- explained the difficulty in control- happened. Then two days after we William Styron serted, "sold me completely on the Also on Tuesday night, Eileen stopped patrolling, we got hit." on the issue of the death penalty. ling the situation. "It is hard to idea that the death penalty is an Stevens, founder of the Commit- pinpoint a bad area," he said, "the Another problem that Security Dan Fabricant, a former gradu- absolute abomination." tee to Halt Useless College Kill- faces is the age-group of the as- ate student who completed his the- incidents go by rashes — it is not In 1962 Styron published an ar- ings, spoke to the leaders of sailants. "We've caught kids," said sis on Styron's novels last spring, a constant thing." ticle in Esquire magazine con- Trinity's Greek organizations in a served as moderator for the pro- Rucci did note, however, that the continued on page 4 demning the death penalty, citing Pi Kappa Alpha sponsored event gram.