8at';& May 23 . 1986 Spring Fair underway

Fairgoers of all ages are enjoying the right by the north gate entrance.) annual Spring Festival now underway at Entertainment tonight will feature the Desert Empire Fairgrounds. The fair former TV host Billy Mize, who started in opens at 5:30 tOnight, and activities start at the field in Bakersfield as a noon both tomorrow and Sunday. member of the "Trading Post" show on General admission, which includes being KERO-TV, hosted the Gene Autry Melody able to see the entertainment and exhibits Ranch show for nine seasons over KTLA in Awards highlight first American Heritage Week as well as to enjoy all the fun available on Los Angeles, and has written songs for such stars as , Vicki Carr, Glenn the midway, is $1 per person, with senior "Tonight is a first - the first event in the tions of all these cultures. realized, and departments, supervisors and minorities today struggling for equal Campbell, Ray Price and Mickey Gilley. citizens and handicapped persons admitted first time that the Center has celebrated Schiefer added that he has been especial­ employees have responded by opening employment opportunity. Mize will do two performances beginning at for 50 cents. Children under the age of 12 American Heritage Week," Gerry Schiefer, ly impressed by the evolution of the EEO doors for people traditionally under­ In the 1960s, she said, EEO became the 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. Also sharing the lime • are admitted free of charge. Entrance to NWC Technical Director, told those function from one of enforcement to represented in the work force. These have hammer of the Civil Rights law, and this light at these two performances will be the fairgrounds is from the north gate only assembled at Monday evening's EEO becoming simply a matter of good person­ included employee development, recruit­ was followed by the 1967 laws against age and auto parking will be entirely in the Ridgecrest's own " Wayne Paisano" and his ~ Awards reception at the Commissioned Of­ nel management. ment outreach programs and affirmative discrimination. Now ,she said, it is in­ north parking lot. (Handicapped parking is "Road Runners." ficers' Mess. action. tegrated into the personnel function. ( " I'm grateful for EEO," he continued. "The individual does make a difference I " As a member of a minority, I know what In the 1984 Olympic Games, he noted, 104 Beth Perrine, the Center's Deputy EEO to the overall success of any organization," INFORMATION CELEBRATION - The most popular event of American it's like to have prejudice against you." Heritage Week proved to be the international food sale In Administra­ Memorial Day Services countries participated, and people in this Officer, traced the history of EEO as dating she added. country have their roots in all of those na­ Center management, he noted, has tion Circle on Tuesday during the lunch hour. More than 700 hundry from the minorities (such as Germans, She and Schiefer then recognized those Memorial Day services will be held at Phillips, Commanding Officer of Air Test tions. American Heritage Week here cele­ employed an aggressive program to ensure Polish, Irish, Jewish and Catholic im­ who had been nominated for EEO awards participants " celebrated the differences" by munching on ethnic Desert Memorial Park cemetery in Ridge­ and Evaluation Squadron Five. brates the diversity and special contribu- that all human resources potential is being migrants) of the mid-19th Century to the this year. goodies prepared by various department recreation committees and crest on Monday at 10 a.m. Principal The traditional ceremonies include a (Continued on Page 7) community organizations. - Photo by PH AN Bob Reynolds speaker for the event will be Capt. A.M . . welcome by Sam Treece, Ship's Captain of VFW Ship 4084 , who will serve as master of ceremonies. A wreath-laying ceremony will Additional time given be led by a representative of the Gold Star Bishop is celebrating Mule Days Mothers; members of veterans and frater­ nal groups will join. Mule Days are again underway this packing and hitching contests and mule Brown auditorium starting at 9 p.m. En­ Following the program, a lunch will be to finish waste study weekend in Bishop, about 140 miles north of races of all sorts. And, naturally, mule trance fee is $6 per person and those who served at the American Legion Hall, 641 An additional month has been granted by Under federal contracting guidelines, Ridgecrest on Highway 395. Big events will shoeing. plan to attend must be at least 21 years old. Inyokern Road in Ridgecrest. Those pres­ the Regional Water Quality Con­ each of these steps must be done under be ongoing at the Tri-County fairgrounds, Other entertainment at the fairgrounds The biggest non-motorized parade in the enting a copy of the printed program to trol Board, Lahontan Region, to the Naval separate contracts and must be com­ the Charles Brown auditorium - and the includes music to start Saturday's I p.m. world kicks off at 10 a .m. tomorrow in the show that they attended the ceremony at Weapons Center to complete a study petitively bid. The awarding of each con­ streets of Bishop themselveS:· Admission to and 7 p.m. shows, with music provided by streets of Bishop. A special feature this the cemetery or anyone in military uniform relating to the cleanup of hazardous waste tract takes from three to four months. all fairground events if $5 per person per "The Reinsmen." Sunday morning at 10 year is that all California State Legislators will be admitted free. at the Center's airfield. The hazardous While emergency provisions exist to short show (separate shows are planned for o'clock, there'll be a fiddling contest at the will be riding in the parade. The Verterans' Coordinating Council in­ waste was that generated from 1945 to 1980 circuit the system legally, these provisions daytime and evening). main arena. "The Reinsmen" will play Sunday morning there'll be a pancake vites everyone in the Indian Wells Valley to in the was~jng of aircraft and dumping of do not apply to the hazardous waste Events taking place at the fairgrounds again Sunday afternoon at I o'clock when breakfast starting at 7 a .m. in the park, attend this annual program. various types of detergents, solvents and cleanup programs at NWC since all con­ include everything from pole bending to the arena's afternoon activities get going, with the !jons Club doing the cooking as a degreasers. taminants are in the isolated saltwater western pleasure events, along with steer and the fiddling contest resumes when fund-raising event. Another hazardous waste cleanup at the aquifer and do not pose a threat to human roping and barrel and chariot races (all Sunday evening's events begin at 7 o'clock. Hot weather warning All that'll be left on Monday (besides a airfield - that of recovery of hydrocar­ health. mule-powered). Of course, there'll also be Tonight there'll be a dance at the Charles cleanup) will be a mule auction at 10 a.m. Warm weather brings the need to remind bons, such as contaminated fuels - is those new to the area that leaving either underway and proceeding according to Were the Navy to try to proceed other Information Engineering Workbench demonstrated children or animals in a car in hot weather plan. The other requirement of the Lahon­ than under the federal procurement regu­ is not a good idea, especially if the car tan Regional Water Quality Control Board, lations (which apply direcUy to the Navy), KnowledgeWare, Inc., will demonstrate enforces infonnation engineering stan­ Three short overview presentations and windows are rolled up. that of establishing a better firefighting it would be in violations of procedures its Information · Engineering Workbench mandated by Congress. Navy personnel dards and automatically performs a two­ product demonstrations are planned, each Temperatures in a parked car at mid.

Why Mexico CIty suffered severe damage Guest speaker [or the evening is Cal Tech although it is more than 2!iO miles from the Professor Ronald Scott, an internationally epicenter of the earthquake that struck recognized expert in earthquake engineer­ Mexico will be discussed at the spring ing. His talk is entitled "The Soft Clay meeting of the China Lake Chapter of Lake-Bed Underlying the Center of Mexi co Sigma Xi, the Research Society of North CIty - What it Isand How It Vibrates." America. Also to be discussed is what im· Tickets for the dinner, which costs $11 plications this has for the Indian Wells per person, go on sale on May 30. They may Valley. be purched from the following Si gma Xi members, Francis Canning, NWC ext. 3932 : The open dinner meeting will be held at Don Decker, NWC cxt. 3247; Dan Gillespi e. olford wins MCAP award the Enlisted Mess on Thursday, June 5. A NWC ext. 3124; Carl Helmi ck, NWC ext. 1415; Glenn Roquemore, NWC cxt. 3356 ; social hour at 6 p.m. will be followed by a Latest winner of the Model Construe­ appropriate. baron of beef and ham dinner at 7 o'clock, Dave White, NWC ext. 3089 ; and Frank Wu . ;ion Agency's MCAP award is Dwight The surplus in housing experienced at with the program to follow . NWCext.I040. Holford, head of the Housing Division in China Lake is unusual for a Navy base, OUTSTANDING SUPERVISORS - Taking top honors for their outstan­ ding EEO contributions as supervisors were Mary Dierdre Corragio, the Public Works Department, for his Holford says. It has been caused in part CONTRIBUTIONS HONORED - Kathy Kraft and Tom Hanchett, a team proposal to grant local authority to divert by the number of civilians moving off the head of Technical ServIces in the library Division of the Technical In· of Personnel Management Advisors, receive plaques as being the surplus housing assets to other than hous­ Center, yet having public quarters to offer formation Department, and Bill Bonner, Associate Head of the Public Capt. Stephenson feted employees who have contributed most to equal employment opportu· ing uses. new civilian hires has proven to be a Vital Works Department for Production. They were presented their p laques The occupancy standard for Navy factor in attracting the caliber of person­ nity a t the Center during this year and citations by Gerry Schiefer, NWC Technical Director. Military Family Housing (MFHl is 98%. nel the Center needs to continue to be a at June 10 retirement party To achieve it normally requires a 99% oc­ leader in the RDT&E arena. cupancy in order to compensate for units Being able to withdraw units easily and ,---'"'"--, / Capt. Paul Stephenson, Chief Staff Of­ telephone Kathy Trigg in the Program out of seIVice. To remove any units from quickly so occupancy rates stay high has EEO Awards. • • ficer, will be guest of honor at a retirement Coordinator's Office, NWC ext. 2634, so that housing that are considered to be surplus, been helpful to military personnel assign­ (Continued from Page 1) Awa rd was the Public Works Department. name tags can be made. To cover the cost party planned for him on Tuesday, June 10, either temporarily or permanently, has ed to China Lake, Holford says, because In the employee category, winners this Capt. R.M. Cugowski, Public Works Of­ at the Commissioned Officers' Mess. A required a request to do so be sent to the this means military families who wish to ficer, accepted tile award from Schiefer Facilities Engineering Command year were Kathy Kraft and Tom Hanchett, social hour at 6 p.m. will precede pres­ of hors d'ouevres and other party expenses. live in quarters in town or to buy their who work as a team as Personal Manage­ and Mrs. Perrine. The award will remain via Western Division, Naval Facilities own homes while stationed here are able entations at 7 o'clock. each person attending is being asked to ment Advisors in Code 096. Other nominees with the Public Works Department until it Engineering Command and the Center's to do so rather than being required to Those who plan to attend are asked to contribute $5. is again presented next year. major claimant. move on board to ensure the housing 0<> were Olivia Francis and Gerry Wisdom. Holford points out this ordinarily has cupaney rate stays high. Winners in the supervisory category were Curtis Bryan, head of the Aerosystems taken a period of several months and has Mary Deirdre Corragio, head of the Department, served as master of ceremo­ involved a lot of paperwork. " And, " he Following Holford's suggestion, paper­ Technical Services Branch in the TID nies for the evening; he has headed the work for removing housing from the list, notes, "generally several phone calls Library Division, and Bill Bonner, Center's EEO Committee during this past were required if any of the paperwork either temporarily or permanently, can be accomplished monthly, and goes into Associate Department Head for Contracts year. Capt.ln K. A. Dick.rson Off;ci. 1 W.. A- Iy Albl,ut,o., raised any questions on the part of people in the Public Works Deparlment. Both were The evening began with music by a Dix­ NWC Comm",,,,, N."., WHPo"r C.",., I Clti".l.h: C.".for" i. 93555-600 , not familiar with the local area." the worldwide Naval assets database at recognized for their outstanding work in ieland Jazz Band. The program itself was (6'9 } 9J9..J354 IN 939-3355 He suggested local authority be given to Port Hueneme monthly. At least three Gerold R. Schiefer led off by the Center's color guard pres­ T«ItnitM Dirw:to, D ••lli". , : Nft1¥, .sto,;"· Tu.,d.y. 4:3 0 pm I Pho'ogr.,h, ." ' ] 0 *" divert housing to other areas either tem­ steps of the transaction have been supporting training, establishing career removed, saving both time and money - ladders and turning EEO ooncepts into enting the colors and by a presentation in Denny Kline porarily or permanently. One side of a Th . RocA-.r_, ,~", ,," Am. ,ic. " Fo~ • • Pm, $.rylC. "",.". ,. AU and ensuring buildings can be put to good working policies. Indian sign language of the Lord's Prayer l'ublic Aff." O"a, • ,. o"ic,. , U. S . N""y pho to, ufllft' orlt .""" ,. duplex unit, for instance, can be put to use ;. ",if,«1. Pri,.,«/ ...... ,y .,."th ""' GP,i. t«! as an office or storage area temporarily if use to meet a critical shortage of facilities Other supervisors nominated were Nor­ by Ms. Clara Angeli, as she sang the words . Mickey SUI", fllnd'-by . comm. ,cl. 1 firm in compll.nc. here. The China Lake Desert Dancers then Edito, with IJIAVSO F',J5 ,."i,«/ oW. V "19. it is vacant. To make a pennanent diver­ man Nelson, Code 62511; Commander O"ic•• r N"."iU ."d l"",im,.,: /"'0"" •. sion to another use than housing requires Anyone who has a suggestion or an idea James Ealy, Code 26A; Mel McCubbin, presented a series of folk dances, followed St... , Bolter t,o,., publilhH/ i,., rh. Rod. ,..., dOft nor the entire building be vacant. Whole to simplify contracting or any other facil­ GOOD WORK RECOGNIZED - Cdr. Public Works Officer Cap\. R.M. by the Gospel Singing of the Union Baplist Auoc"',. Edito, Code 325; Bob Riggs, Code 365; John "~''' 'i'y ,. fI«r tit. o,ficiM fI;" ", rh _ buildings that become vacant can also ity-related operation is encouraged to Cugowski (r.) is joined by Cdr. J .E. Ealy, Assistant Public Works Offi cer, LaMarr, Code 142; Keith Wills, Code 088; Church Choir. PH2 Rick Moore 0 "",'''''.,,'0' 0.'.",., /"'orm. tio,, '" then be removed permanently and turned telephone Richard Staples, local MCAP PHAN Bob Reynolds til. Roc •• , .., " Mlrh'O,;,«1 10f /HIbllC and Bill Bonner, Associa te Depa rtment Head/Production, in m O,u nting John Hoyem, Code 3106; and Claude The evening closed with talks by Mrs. ,.IH :. by tfI. N.".1 W• .,d,,; C.nt.r PubilC into offices or put to such uses as may be Ma\13ger, at 3411, ext. 254 . SIo" Phologrophe" Aft_;f'I O"ic.r. Ccxh 003. the plaque denoting that Code 26 received the EEO Award for thiS year Brown, Code 3921. Perrine and Schiefer and the presentation for its outstanding work in that field. - Photos by PH AN Bob Reynolds Taking top honors for the Department I of the awards.

------May 23,1986 May 23, 1986 Four divisions active in Youth Soccer League

Full scale action continued last weekend one goal by James Swader for the Strikers 3, Earthquakes 1 Salter were key players for the Sockers. in the NWC Spring Youth Soccer League. Roadrunners. . The winners also had It took a team effort to pull out the win. Timbers I, Drillers 0 Teams from all four divisions were busy outstanding goal play from Toshi Coenen. Joe Mechtenburg and Damon Kelling ac­ Mike Frederick had the only goal of the with games as their 1986 spring season Jason Ford and Andrew Benson were counted for the scoring as the Strikers won game and was a key player on defense for winds down. standouts for the Eagles who come close to again. Jason Duff had the lone goal for the the Timbers. He got assistance on defense • Division One a shutout of their own. Earthquakes. from Michael Eberhart, Ryan Lilly and C2IIefs Z, Owls 0 Coyoles 8, ApoUos 0 Sting I, Allecs 1 Tony Pracchia. Brandon Lilly, Doug Behind Michael Hobson's two goals, the Early Saturday morniljg the Coyotes Danny Kamben notched the lone goal for Wilson, Joel Harruners and Greg Oshel QUESTION Chiefs were easy winners. The victors ripped the ApoUos squad as the winner used the Sting while Philip Wave in goal made were standouts for the Drillers. Military dependent - I would like to ask someone to investigate why we cannot picked up excellent defensive play from three goals each from Frank Gamble and several key saves to preserve the tie. Miles Division Three get things at the Commissary and the Exchange. When at the Commissary, I Kenny Kirscbenman, Denbigh Brown, Dan Hartley to breeze to the win. Jennison Ross had the only goal for the Altecs while Tornados 5, Surfs 3 have taken it to the managers and they all say it's because of Long Beach. If it Shane Kasperbauer, Billy Nelson and Josh Kenady and Jesse Owen added solo goals Mike Koelsch and Josh Rogge led an in­ The short-handed Surfs got all three truly is Long Beach, I would urge somebody to say something to Long Beach in Kirkpatrick en route to the shutout. The for the victors. spired defense. Ross' score came on a goals from Robin Hemmings. Brian Giesen, our behalf. (h ls were led by Jason Bowling and Chris Division Two penalty kick. Scott Hanson and Thomas Watt were Many times they are without things and it will take weeks, sometimes months, Moore. Lancers 7, Cosmos 2 Blizzard 4, Sockers 2 among the leaders in the loss. Alex before they are ever stocked again. When you go over to shop, many times Rowdies 6, Fury 2 Mike Ogren ripped Cosmos with four Behind two goals each from Renee Arm­ Valdivia ripped the Surfs for three Tornado shelves are not stocked; it is still back in the back. Thanks to a four-goal effort by Neil Cov­ goals while Sean Waldron and Steven Yoo strong and John Trabey, the Blizzard's goals while Jerry Green scored the other In the Exchange, the employees don't seem to know when they do have some­ thing. I have inquired about one item in particular, they said they didn't have it, ington, the Rowdies had an easy time of it. had one goal each. The coaches said Chris­ were winners. Chris Bjornstad had some two. Chris Marshall was the defensive referred me to the Hobby Shop and they didn't have it. I went out and bought it Louis Moore and Melissa Frazier added one tian Robertson and Paul Underwood led a key second baH saves in goal. Donnie Hill leader in goal. goal each to secure the win. Coaches strong defense. Jason Maxwell and Andrew did all the scoring for the Sockers, two Rougbnecks 4, Sounders 0 out in town at considerably more. The next day I happened to be wandering OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES REWARDED - Earning the Com­ around in the store and I happened to find the item back in the tools. credited Kyle Gentry with an outstanding Grabowski had the only goals for the goals in the first period. Romin Marin, Mike Kinne scored twice while Andy mander's Award for their work with the Soldering Technology Seminars The other thing is that they advertise things they have in the Exchange. They defensive effort. Cosmos in the loss. Mark CastiUo, Brett Becker and Jenny Scott and Steve Sticht had one score each in and with the field of soldering technology were, 1. to r. (shown with have had a garden sale that they have been advertising and put out a brochure Express4,CobrasO the winning effort. Danny Philpott and Capt. K.A. Dickerson), Chris R. Peterson, Kathryn L. Johnson and on. This morning I went over and J encountered another lady over there and they Despite fine defensive play in goal by Aaron Schwartz were top players for the Harold G. Peacock. - Photo by PH AN Bob Reynolds didn't have the item she made a special trip for. They have got none of the plants Nick Charlon and Michael Curtis for the Sounders. that were advertised and they had a shovel advertised that had a rehate, I asked Cobras, the Expre$S picked up three goals Roughnecks 6, Diplomats 0 for the rebate slip, but they didn't have those either. from Chris Pottcn and one score from Their second shutout of the day found the It just seems to me that if they aren't going to have the things, then don't Three win Cmdr.'s award Vasken Haroutunian to take home the vic­ winners getting solo goals from Jimmy advertise them. Again, they say it's Long Beach, we get whatever Long Beach tory. Bailey, Pat Garrison, Scott Becker and Winning the Commander 's Award for tended had they been able to find motel sends us. I would appreciate very much somebody checking into this and if it Roadrunners 1, Eagles 0 Natalie Noel; while Mike Kinne had two Mission Support for their work in Soldering space (some, he noted, already commuted truly is the fault of Long Beach and not our buyers or stockers who don't know A tough defensive struggle ended with scores. Technology and sponsoring the ninth and from motels in Lancaster). Such atten­ how to stock, then I would urge the command to take some action with Long Division Four tenth annual Soldering Technology semi­ dance, he pointed. out, demonstrates the Beach. I appreciate you listening to my complaint. Whitecaps 4, Rogues 1 nars were Harold G. Peacock, Kathryn L. Naval Weapons Center's reputation for ANSWER The Whitecaps ended their season with a Johnson and Chris R. Peterson. outstanding technical expertise and suj>­ A year ago, I solicited full support from the Field Support Office (FSO) in San win. Richard Flores scored twice; while As Capt. K.A. Dickerson, Center Com­ ports the view of the Center as a leader in Diego that every effort must be made to ensure NEX China Lake receives a bet­ Derek lindsey and Aaron Crook bas solo mander, made the presentation at Monday the elimination of soldering and manufac­ ter share of advertised sale items. The support given this Exchange over the past scores. K. Swasey had the only goal for the morning's Commander 's meeting, he turing deficiencies. year has improved. In fact, NEX China Lake ranked first in sales volume among Rogues in their loss. conunented that these seminars were the' 22 activities in its group. And our Commissary Store exceeded the average sales most outstanding and well organized semi: In addition to their outstanding contribu­ growth percentage not only in the San Diego region but the average sales growth nars that he has had the pleasure of atten­ tions to the seminars, Peacock and Ms. Stars cage throughout the U.S. ding. Johnson were commended for their work at Nonetheless, as you point out there are still problems, particularly for adver­ "These seminars, where government the Electronic Manufacturing Production tised sales events. Support for our Exchange during these sales depends on in­ personnel and industry personnel can get Facility, and Peterson for work in the field ventory availability. Stocks are allocated by the buyers at FSO to all the Ex­ team visits together, fill a real void," he commented. of soldering technology that have combined changes in the region on the hasis of normal sales volume giving the larger Ex­ "Soldering plays a very important role in to improve many of the processes and pro­ changes the largest allocation. China wke's share may only be one or two of a Meadowlark Lemon, the Clown Prince of ensuring that missiles work properly." cedures in the handling of electronic com­ given item. This seems obviously too low but the problem fa cing buyers in San Basketball, will lead the Shooting Stars The letter of nomination written by D.J. ponents. Diego is accurate prediction of customer acceptance of the special buys for sales. basketball team to Ridgecrest for a benefit Russell (in his former role as head of the The popularity of an item could be underestimated (or perhaps the manufacturer " They constantly communicate with basketball clash against the China Lake Engi neering Department) says of the only offered limited quantities) and during the course of the sale event, items will their industry counterparts on major prol>­ Firefighters and Ridgecrest Volunteers on soldering technology seminars that "No sell faster, which causes out of stock. On the other hand, if the accepulOce of the lems and possible solutions to further the Tuesday, June 3. Game time is set for 7 event at the Naval Weapons Center has item is poor, Exchanges will wind up overstocked and have to absorb eventual common goal of excellence in soldering and p.m. come close to establishing the close ties and markdowns, which affect profits. Wrong predictions are more noticeable in manufacturing," the nomination concludes. All proceeds from this clash will benefit mutual respect with industry that these smaller stores. Peacock, a general engineer supervisory, the Muscular Dystrophy Association ac­ seminars have. The favorable corrunents If you can't find an advertised item on the floor, see the NEX Customer Service with a degree in electronics engineering, cording to Mike Tosti, representing the from industrial personnel at all levels can­ section. The personnel there will make every effort in assisting you to either ob-­ has been on board NWC since 1968. Ms. China Lake Firefighters. not be overstated." tain the advertised item or take advantage of the promotional savings. All the Johnson is a chemist supervisory and has For more than 25 years Meadowlark Russell commented that approximately Customer Service section has to do is make a phone call and the desired item will been at NWC since 1981 , while Peterson, a Lemon has been identified with basketball, 700 persons throughout the Un ited States show up on the next delivery truck, if still available in NEX Long Beach. general engineer, holds a degree in most of the time with basketball comedy, and foreign countries attended each of the Anytime you have a specific prgblem that you feel both the sales clerk and the mechanical engineering. He has been at great athletes having fun, bringing laughs seminars, and that more would have at- China Lake since 1968. to the fans, but still putting on an exhibition Customer Service section have not been responsive to, you should seek out the of outstanding basketball skills. store manager or the Officer in Charge, Lt. Tanjoco. We'll keep trying to improve In addition to Lemon, two other former our services to you.

Harlem Globetrotters are part of the All Ch in. L •••n , including milir.ry p'non~/. ci.,iliM """/0","', .nd Ih.ir d.".nWnrs.,_ in";tN/ Shooting Stars: Larry (Gator) Rivers and 10 wbmit quntion, to M il column. Such qu,rift mUI( ". ;n food ,-,,, MId ".,.t.in to m.,r." of ;n~t to • I.~ I.""..,,' 01 th. Ch;,. LB. communi"". An,..w,., to Ih.,. qu."ionl .,. dirKf'''' Jerry (Love Bug) Venable. from c.p,. K. A . Dichnon. p/,.u nil NWC ut. 2121 with ",our qu'U;tM .nd ".r. .,..th.r ~Ou." Advance tickets are on sale at the Flower • milir:.ry m,mMr. c/yili.n ""pIOYH or d",.nd.nt. No oth.r id,nri lic.tion il tt«'ft1MY. Sine. on/", tftfH or lour qu.Jtionl nn I» .nlW.rrd in " .. Rock.,..r .«h W'ftk, .n",on. """'0 would 1iI1. 10 Shoppe in Ridgecrest and NWC Fire Station HlW'- ,.ning .an .nn\9r 10 • qcJfttion m.", I ..". n.".,•• nd MJdrns for _ direct conr.:I, but thil i, One. Tickets are $6 for adults and $5 for nOI rrquirftl Orh.,-w;M. Th.,.. i. no Inlml m.r thll column I» UI~ to tub.,." normM. "rabli"'~ students. ch.in""~OIf'Im.nd ch.n".I,. The Shooting Stars promise a good show, according to Tosti. The China Lake Firefighters and Ridgecrest Volunteers will fa ce a team made up of former college and NAS Pi lot eiects from A-7 professional hoopsters, well schooled in VOllEYBAll ACTION - GBU and the BlM squads ' tramural volleyball play at the Naval Weapons Center basketball fundamentals and fundamentals finished atop their respective divisions during the in· last week. - Photo by PH2 Rick Moore of having fun on the court. Lt. Victor E . Wagoner, 32, an instructor Lt. Wagoner reported that his parachute pilot from VA-I22 at Lemoore Naval Air was hit by a gust of wind just as he was Station. punched out of his A-7 Corsair II approaching the ground, resulting in a aircraft Tuesday afternoon and landed near harder than expected landing. He reported Monache Meadows fishing Intramural softball squ.ads Haiwee Reservoir, where he was picked. up that his back was painful when he was by the Center's Search and Rescue picked up by the helicopter. helicopter. The SAR helicopter landed Lts. Wagoner top tip for long weekend swing into summer season and Cink 0" the lawn of tlte Center 's He has been on a routine mission when Branch Medical Clinic. Extensive X-rays Anglers who'd like to get away from the They suggest that anglers try Monache China Lake Intramural Softhall season Twisted Saylors and Wreckers. In the Gold his aircraft got into trouble and he had to and a physical examination did not show crowds this weekend and who don't mind and Snake Creeks as well as the Kern opened last week with 14 teams taking part Division other teams include: NWC Ops, exit the craft at a high altitude. The plane any broken bones, so Lt. Wagoner was possibly needing to do some hiking should River. The Kern is about three feet deep at in two divisions. Cobras, Aint's, First Class Association and crashed near Cactus Flat east of Haiwee released Tuesday evening and returned to Reservoir, about two miles from where he head for Monache Meadows. The road may crossings, but there are lots of deep holes. Two teams were unbeaten in each divi­ Have-Giove-Will-Travei. his squadron at I~moore. not be open - and even if it is - anyone Anglers who are heading for Lake sion after the first week's action. VX-5 is 2~ was found . heading in should beware of mud and deep Isabella on this three-

;I~. , May 23.1986 4 May 23. 1986 China Lakers developed method to clear fog Reserves are family to father-daughter team - Takeoffs and landings at fog-shrouded airports have Chief Petty Officer Charles E. Garton set mained with the new Naval Weapons management of maintenance personnel and decided to join the Naval Reserve Sea Air created problems not just for Naval aviators but for all the example, but insists that his daughter Center Support Unit (NWC 0176) as the coordination of assigned tasks with Naval Mariner (SAM ) Program wbere sbe could flyers since the era of manned flight began. In one five-year Phyllys set her sights on a career in the senior enlisted member. He maintained his Weapons Center Aircraft Department. continue her civilian goals in career and period, the Navy alone lost $113 million in ship and aircraft Naval Reserve through self detennination, Leading Chief Petty Officer position from Storekeeper Seaman Phyllys Garton, a education after a brief recuit training accidents attributed to wanner-than-freezing fogs around the desire for adventure and the challenge 1976 to 1984. His present duties involve 1985 graduate of Burroughs High School, period at Orlando, Florida and an advanced

the world, and 74 lives were lost as well. Nationally, at the and advantage of furthering her education. training class "AIt school in Meridian, same time (and in 1960-70 era dollar values), many more Mississippi. She returned to Ridgecrest, lives and more than $300 million in loss occurred due to such Chief Garton, a Naval Weapons Center California where she perfonns monthly fogs. electronics technician with the Warhead reserve training drills with her father in China Lake's weather modification group undertook " Project Foggy Cloud" to see if any practical means could Test Branch, was the designated Officer­ NWC 0176. In civilian life, SKSA Garton be found to clear fogs over airports. in-Charge of the Naval Air Facility reserve works with Sharon's Travel Service, where Two approaches were used: to improve visibility by unit (NAF 1191) at China Lake from she hopes to become a cerlified travel Years of Naval spraying the fog with electrostatically charged water January 1975 to March 1977. NAF 1191 was agent and continues her general education droplets (causing it to " rain out") and also to test the fea­ redesignated as an Air Systems Program course work at Cerro Coso Community Col­ Aviation sibility of substituting a low stratus cloud for fog so as to unit in July of 1976 and Chief Garton re- lege. clear the first few hundred feet of air near the ground. This could be accomplished by using small amounts of lithium chloride, a hygroscopic material that serves as cloud con· Army's Veterinary Service densation nuclei, to seed atmospheric layers that are clear, moist, calm and lie above the ground-based layer in which fog is forecast to fonn. Tests in the and at Arcata airport in observes 70th birthday McKinleyville resulted in a practical fog·dearing operation Fort Irwin's Army Veterinary Service being developed. Techniques investigated by the Center 's Naval Weapons Center, the Marine Corp> group are now in use by commercial operators at a variety personnel join with their counterparts Logistic Base at Barstow .rnd Nellis Air of airports in the nation. throughout the nation to celebrate the 70th Force Base. anniversary of their service on June 3. The Anny's Veterinary Service was ini­ The Army Veterinary Service is Execu­ tially involved in meat and dairy inspec­ tive Agent for the Department of Defense tions heeause troops had been fed em­ and has responsibility for meat and dairy balmed beef during the Spanish American How to su rvive terrorists food inspections for all military services in War. During World War I, the unit also addition to taking care of government Terrorists have taken hostages in the to see you as a person, not as a repre· provided veterinary service for the cavalry animals and animals belonging to military past to get publicity for their cause, and sentative of the United States government and in World War II they were active at E::L::-M *fuIlce personnel. there is no reason to doubt that they will or the military. React with courtesy. remote stations in the European Alps and Fort Irwin personnel take care of the continue the practice in the future. Even recommended one expert. In many cases, in Bunna where mule pack trains were us­ needs of their own base as well as the ed. though your chances of heeoming a hostage this has resulted in improved treatment. are very small, the information that follows If the terrorists want to take your pic­ "~Is could help you survive if you do. ture, let them. It could help the people A spate of traffic accidents called for The moments immediately following a looking for you identify the terrorists and peace. Police suggested that the family get police action last week. terrorist incident are the most crucial. Do will also let your family know that you are another set of keys made. Clinic reserves to New York First, a vehicle backing across Bowen what you are told, and obey the orders you alive. +++ was hit by another vehicle traveling east­ A Ridgecrest woman reported receiving An estimated 23 members of Branch personnel from non-NATO countries as are given, caution anti-terrorist expert' What about escaping? If you feel you'll be bound on Bowen. Minor damage resulted to Clinic Reserve Unit 119, China Lake will well. with the Department of Defense. Stay calm executed during your internment, that annoying phone calls. A suspect has been tbe first vehicle and the second escaped identified. represent Naval Reserves at the Statue of Hundreds of ships from throughout the . and don't do anything that threatens any­ should be the driving force in determining +++ Liberty gala in New York City this July. world will be in the New York Harbor area one's security. whether to attempt an escape, said one ex­ unscathed. The trailer came loose on an explosives Instances of vandalism reported includ­ Officers and enlisted personnel from the during the rededication celebration. This In the case of a kidnapping, stay alert to pert. Each person will have to evaluate his truck traveling on North Knox Road. Minor ed someone entering the fence at the golf unit, which drills at the Naval Weapons effort marks the completion of a long, and what is happening and try to figure out own situation and make his own decisions. damage resulted to the truck and no other course maintenance area and slashing the Center 's Branch Clinic, was selected as the costly project to refurbish Lady Uberty where the terrorists are taking you. Make However, you should know that your ser­ damage was reported. tires on a fairway mower. On Ticonderoga only west coast reserve unit to take part in and preserve it as an attraction to millions mental notes on things like speed traveled. vice and your government is doing all they A government traveler reported to China a resident reported that someone broke the the rededication of the Statue of Liberty on of visitors each year. mode of transportation and other indicators can to win your freedom. Lake police that his vehicle was involved in outside rearview mirrors on his vehicle and its 100th Anniversary. The Branch Clinic Unit has climbed from that could help identify terrorist actions. Remember, if you are taken hostage: the in the BEQ parking lot, one sailor angry a readiness level four to a top-rated level a minor accident while in Arlington, HMCS Gary C1ymore said, "we feel very, Once kidnappers have you where they most critical phase of survival is during the with another slammed the door on his one readiness state in the past couple of Virginia, with damage resulting to the side very fortWlate to represent Readiness ~ant you, they may decide to interrogate first 72 hours; remain calm, but realize it is vehicle shut so hard that the glass in the years, noted the Senior Chief, helping earn view mirror. Command 19 at this once-in-a-lifetime you immediately. The best advice is to all right to be courteous, eat, exercise and window broke. them the privilege of this assignment. " We When a small truck traveling on the G-I event." The Senior Chief added, ··this will remember the Code of Conduct: Don't note details of your captivity ; plan for a +++ exceeded the standards," he conunented, Tower Road near the Kennedy viewing really be a test of our skills." make any anti-American statements or possible rescue attempt; understand that Police responded to a disturbance of the "and were picked for this honor. II stands left the road, it overturned in the Members of the unit have heen assigned divulge classified information. Your im­ you can do only so much; and your goal is peace calion Blandy Avenue when the FAMILY TEAM - Chief Charles E. Garton and SKSA Phyllys Garton It promises to be an exciting two weeks desert. The vehicle was totalled, but the duty manning aid stations during the cete· mediate goal should be to get the terrorists to survive with dignity. reporting party and the victim got into a for the unit. Many members are busy get­ driver, who was fortunately wearing a form the only father·daughter team for NWC Support Unit 0176, a Naval bration expected to attract more than one verbal altercation. The victim got so angry ting their formal unifonns completed and seatbelt, was not injured. Reserve unit drilling at the Naval Weapons Center. million additional persons to the New York that he put his fist through a window. This making sure they are ready for the socia1 A three.. ar slanuner happened Friday resulted in cuts and the victim had to be Cityarea. morning Gn Inyokern Road between and diplomatic roles they have to play in transported to Ridgecrest for sutures. Working aid stations is only a part of Bullard and Switzer Circle. Two cars were addition to working at aid stations. TV commentator to speak +++ NRS sets May 31 tournament what the men and women of Branch Clinic stopped when a third came along and Members of the unit expect to be Police investigated a report of children China Lake is hosting the Second Annual ticipate in this worthy event. Unit 119 will be doing from June 25 to July quartered onboard the U.S.S. Kennedy or Dr. Jemif... James, televisim and radio in what direction'!" slammed into the rear of the second car. playing with a gun in the housing area. Navy Relief Society Softball Tournament, All profits benefit the Navy Relief Socie­ 9. They will also play important diplomatic other ships in New York Harbor serving as and columnist for the Seattle She'lI talk about speed of change. cru.ng­ Vehicles 1 and 3 were damaged slightly, but commentator +++ May 31-June 1 at NWC ballfields. ty at China Lake. roles, hosting sailors of similar ranks from a type of floating hotel for the thousands of TImes, will speak m persmal change at the ing survival skills. resistance to change. the vehicle in the middle (which was only A resident of Sykes Circle reported that This tournament is open to all military For additional information on this visiting ships of this nation's NATO allies. military personnel expected to ldke part in Center Theater from 1 to 2 p.rn. Wednes­ excellence. steps of change. risking and four months old) received major damage. unknown persons attempted to gain entry and DOD teams for a $75 entry fee . Orga­ tourney, call AECS Hileman at VX-5 , NWC Senior Chief C1ymore said he also ex­ the celebration honoring the Statue of Ub­ day, May 28. All China Lake civilian and barriers to change. +++ into the residence. nizers encourage Center teams to par· pected they would be asked to host military erty. military personnel as well as townspeople Two dog bites were reported last week. ++ + ext. 5255 or AMS2 Pigford at NWC ext. 5068. are invited to attend ber free lecture. Currently employed by KIRO radio and Owners of the animals received notices of A motorist found two government checks KIRO-TV I both CBS outlets I. she has been quarantine. One of the owners is on and turned them into the police. The police Check limit up Dr. James will present an overview of a offered a national radio talk show b~ ' NBC. Sangamon and the other on Sellars Circle. are trying to locate the person in whose Dr. James has made appearances on both look at the future. Scope of ber talk is +++ name they are made out. Rear Admiral D.E. Wilson, Commander, the Phil Donahue show and "Good Morning Good citizens turned in found property to "You're changing every day. The issue is, + + + Navy Resale System, has raised the check America." Her column is the most read the police. One person found a jacket in a Police were called to remove a snake cashing limits in Navy Exchanges. Accor­ colwnn in the Sunday "You' seclion of the government vehicle at Michelson Labora­ that was found in Chapel Annex I. Officers ding to Lt. Raymundo R. Tanjoco, Officer tory. The owner had reported the jacket Seattle Times. removed the nonpoisonous snake and in Charge of the Exchange at NWC, as of Holder of a doctorate in cultural anthro­ stolen the preceding week and gratefully released it on the desert. May I, 1986, the 1000ai exchange was em­ pology from the University of Wa shington. reclaimed his property. A government box ++ + powered to cash personal checks for she has taught anthropology at Chico State containing electrical hardware was found A personal check made out to an individ­ authorized customers in an amount up to College in California and at the University on Water Road and turned in. An II-year­ ual was found outside the Safell' and Secu­ $150 a day per sponsor. This is an increase old boy found a wrist watch in the desert of Washington, and has served as both rity Department building. So' far police of $50 over the previous limit. In addition, Assistant and Associate Professor in the north of Blandy and turned it in. The owner have been unable to locate the person to patrons may now request up to S25 in cash Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral can reclaim it at the China Lake police sta­ whom it is made out. in excess or the amOl",t of a purchase paid Sciences at the University of Washington. tion. And another good citizen turned in a +++ by check at the register. This is an increase In addition, she has written several books government paycheck found at the in­ Also f OWld was a government computer of $15 over the previous $10 limit. such as "Ufe is a Game of Choice," "The tersection of Lauritsen and B1andy. Police gasoline card. This was picked up in the Slug Manual: The Rise and Fall of Critical contacted the person to whom it was made parking lot of Hangar I. Comment," "Success is the.Quality of Your out; that individual happily reclaimed the +++ Journey" and "Windows," and also has check. Two meters were reported stolen from New clinic times produced a number of tapes on stress, + ++ Warehouse 15. Value of the missing meters seH-

- - Personnel Development and inflection of voice). and 55% is nonverbal. Communicating entails getting information to those Opportunity who need it and listening to what others are saying. This course provides you w i th an opportunity to sharpen these ski lls. Topics include verbal communication processes and models, nonverbal No. 63 / May 23, 1986 versus verbal communica tion, effective listening NAVAL CORRESPONDENCE FOR MANAGERS techniques, empathy In communication, positive AND TECHNICAL WRITERS with indivIQuals at all levels of Navy. Ele­ tidpate as a full member of a research reinforcement versus punishment, conflict resolution 26 June, Thursday, OBOO-1130, Training Center. ments: Ability to work well under pressure team, ability to communicate both orally strategies. and solving communication problems. Promotional Opportunities By: Odessa Newman. ApPlications lor pOS itions listed in this colu m n will and adjust easily to organizational, pro­ and in writing, ability to trouble shoot Deadl ine: 2 June. Scope: Provides a brief on Chapt er 1 (Naval be accepted from current, permanent NWC employees gram and procedural changes; and ability complex instrumentation. to work independently; ability to use and Writing Standard) of the Department of the Navy's and fro m eligible employees of attac heu dctivities who CONFLICT RESOLUTION .pply a variety of written manuals and in­ No. 39-1127, Security Clerk (TypIng), GS- Correspondence Manual and highlights policies and are permanently assigned to NWC unless otherwise 19 and 20 June, Thursday and Friday, 0800·1600, ,tructions. Promotion potential to Claims 303-3/4/5, Code 39E - This position is procedures in Chapter 2. Chapter 1 will strengthen specified in the ad. Alternative rec ruitment sources located in the Advanced Projects Office in Training Center. By : S. Diestler. Examiner, GS-2l35-5. the Weapons Department. The position will your skills in organized, natural, compact, and active Scope: Few daily communications take place may also be used in filling tbese positions; vaca ncies writing. are subject to restrictions imposed by the DOD Priority No. 31-139, Clerk-Typist, GS-322-3/4, Code be responsible for providing documentation without some confhct or confrontation. Conflict and Deadline: 12 June. Placement Program. Applicants must meet all legal and 3107 - This position is located in the F/A-18 ~ontrol in the acquisition, cataloguing, confrontation are necessary and unavoidable Program Office, Aircraft Weapons regulatory requirements inc luding minimum Qualifica· Issue and return of classified and consequences of organizational communication. It is Department. The incumbent is responsible unclassified documents and other related tion requirements by the closing date. Applicants will PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (p]) FOR important for conflict to be handled constructively for providing clerical support in the form of materials. KSAs: Knowledge of Navy, be evaluated on the basis of experience education SUPERVISORS and effectively to improve the atmosphere for future typing, filing and mainUiins tlx> F/A-18 NWC classified material handling pro­ training, performance ratings and awards ~s indicated 17-20 June, Tuesday-Friday, Training Center. By: communication and 10 resolve the present confliCt. WSSA briefing material files ; compiling cedures. Skill in operating IBM in the SF·I?1 along wilh any tests, medical examina­ Code 09 Staff. Topi C-50 i"elude verba! and nonverbal comm unic at ions, briefings upon request. Position requires Displaywriter. Ability to plan, organize and tions, performance evaluations, supplemental frequent personal and telephone contact accomplish work independently. Ability to Scope: This course provides new supervisors with conflict and confrontation s! tuatl ons response qualification statements andlor inlerview that may be with individuals at all levrls of the Naw. perform other clerical functions. Promo­ basic information on the NWC personnel system. t echmques. and conflict resolution styles. ' il! ote: ThIS class is deSigned as a follow-up to necessary. Career ladder promotions are subject to Elements: Ability to usc Uid a~d tion potential to GS-5. AGENDA diplomacy in dealing with both on and off No. 39-030, Intordisciplinary; General/ DealI ng With People Vie recommend that yo u ha"lle satisfactory performance and cannot be guaranteed. Tuesday,17June Center personnel ; ability to screen and Electron ie/Mechanical/ Aerospace prior Iraln lng in verbal communicatIon befo re APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Candidates must sub· OBOO-OBI5 Introduction distribute incoming mail'; ability to work Engineer, DP-80I/855/830/861-3, Code 3907 attendlrlg thiS cl a')s mit a current SF·171 , along with a supplemental OB15-0915 Position management well under pressure; flbiJity to usc or learn - This position is located in the Tomahawk Deadline. S June. qualifications statement (if required), and should sub­ 0915-0930 Break to use the IBM Di splrlywritcr. Promotion Crui se Missile Program Office, Weapons mit a copy of their latest Annual Performance Evalua. potential to GS-4. Department. The position is that of Project 0930-1030 Classi fication tion if relevant to the vacancy. If a supplemenlal INTRODUCTION TO SUPERVISION No. 33-{t]8, SUJX'rvisfJr~' Inh·rdisciplilI.'1ry Engineer for the BGM-I09D system. The 1030-1130 Pay systems statement is not required, candidates are encouraged 23-27 June. Monday-Friday. 0800-1600, Training (Genera I/Elect ronif~ F.ng:iu('('r IPhysicist l. incumbent will be responsible for 1230-1400 How To Fill Vacancies to submit additional information which the addresses Center. By: Donna Jones. DP-801/855/131().3/4, Code 33:U _ . This posi­ IlllUlRgement and technical direction of aU Wednesday,1BJune the specificKnowledges/Skilis/ Abilities (KSAs) cited in tion is head, Advanced Tcchnoiol-'Y Projccl<; Tomahawk BGM-I09D efforl.. This in­ Int ended Audl€J1c ~ First !e': el SUpery j')ors 0800-0945 EEO as Part of Personnel Management the ad. Write the pOSition title/series/leve l and an­ Branch located in the Fuze Systems Divi­ cludes coordination and review of aU design ne ~ d 1n g train ing ~ n b,)s;c supervisory Ideas Overview/Complaint nouncement number of the SF-171 and all attachments. sion of the Fuze a nd Sensors Dcpal1mcnt. changes and test, for development of a Scope: The d ..h~ . org .lllized 1n lO the ITI<"In ..l geme.llt 0945-1000 Break Be sure that your forms are complete and accurate This branch perform, "dv" need develop­ cluster warhead for BGM-I09D, including 1000-1130 Affirmative Action Programs functions o f pl,Jnnlng. organi Zing, di recting. and ment, engineering development and pro­ consideration of MissilelWarhead inter­ controlling, ""Jill prOV i de you With funddmental since you cannot be rated on miSS ing data nor wi ll you Black Int erest be contacted for additional information. Be certain the duction suprart of proximity scnsor fa ccs, dispensing system.:;, air vehicle g ro u nd ing In prJctlc.)1 modern concepts of system'; and related test equipment for modifications and safety devices. Incum­ Hispanic EmploymentlSTAR TlWork SF·171 and supplement are dated and have original superVISion Topics Include Introduction, leadership. air-ta-a ir and surface-tn-a ir guided bent will also be responsible for engineer­ Experience Mentor/Upward signa lures i n ink. mi ssiles. TIle incumbent is responsi ble fo r ing design consultation and support of ex­ M ob ility/ H andic~ p plannmg and organiZing. probfem solVing clnd All applications will be retained in the vacancy an­ providing technical and managerial lead­ plos ive S&A approache s, including Federal Women deCI Sio n making. motivati on, com munication nouncement fi le; they will not be relurned or fi led in of­ ership to ;J team of scientist.:;, engi neers di spenscr and submunition consider:l tions," 1230-1400 Perfo rmance Eval uation Systems resolutIon of Interpersonal conflicts, deleg ation, r-JW( fi cial personnel folders. Applications and supplements and technicians and report, directly 1.0 the Management of producibility aspects, in- (Demo/Nondemo) personnel management . and cJ workshop summcJ ry are accepted at the Re ception D es~ , Room 100 Per. Di vision Head. In addition, the incuml>cnt - cluding documentation, manufacturing 1400-1415 Break Deadlllle: 9 June. sonnel Department, 505 Blandy. Ads close at 4:30 p.m. will be responsible for interiacing with a ll techniques, in' pection methods and tooling 1415-1600 Supervisor's Role Developing on Friday, one week after the announcement unless levels of NWC management, Program Of· and gaging requiremenlc;, Job Relevant Employees To ~n,oll l n these classes submit Training Reque~t otherwise specified. Applications received af'ter 4:30 fi ces, SYSCOM sponsors, other government Criteria: Ability to provide technical and Thursday, 19June form (NAVWPNCEN 12<1 10173) VIO department p.m. on the c lOSing date will not be considered. The agencies ;lnd services and development managerial direction and coordination for a ch~nne;, to Code 09<1 (Code 094) contractors. Previous experience in full ­ major complex ' system. Ability to com­ 0800-0900 Labor Rel ations/Grievances Naval Weapons Center is an Eq ual Opportunity scale development desira ble. Knowkclg:(': municate both orally and in writing. Employer; selections are made w ithout d iscrim ina lion 0900-0915 Break DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONCEPTS of electronic design princi pl es and radio Knowledge of Naval Procurement and for any nonmerit reason. 0915-1130 Priva cy Act Thi. i. a .elf-pa I;llIatiull. lIS(, monitors and operates radio and intercom 0915-1015 Employee Assi stance Progr~m ments; provides estimates and computer diagnoses and repairs mechanical pro­ With an understeJnding of file management. ;md rCPilir of high s p: ~(! d aimIng amI digi tal communications at the RCC Supervisory 1015-)130 per di em, mileage and other transportation blems with gasoline and dicsel powered How To Deal With Employee Scope : ihls (ourse should prepare you to be able instrument'll iull IIsed in Ihe stmh· of hh!hl v Communications Olllsole. 'J1lC incumbent costs: and perfOlnls other related duties. tractors , trucks. sweepers, mowers ewd (I Performance Problems to transient ,·mnhllslion and ;Ictnnf.ltifl;l will devclop, by WCly of systematic on-the­ Abilities: to plan, organize and accomplish variety of othcr equipmcnt utilized in ~ ()If 1230-1330 Worker's c..:. m pensa tion • ~xplain what a databas.e management system work independently; to research. com­ course operation';. Work. also requircs phenomenii . In'·IIIIII )I" l1t will be.' fI pelf't of a job training, an ability to recognize 1330-1345 ~reak IS: what it does. and the advantages. and prehend and apply travel regulations: to machining, welding. body work. prcventivc ~ rnllp stu(iying ha zilrd phcllnllwna . in­ mHlfunctioning voi cr C'il'cuih and t.o report 1345: 1600 Question/Answer Period dlsadvant;;ges for using one perlorm routine clerical functions ; to use a maintcnalltc and invcntory control and (.Idvertent ignitiHll , dcfl <': .l' ration tn dcton'l­ thcsc to scnior tedJ i! H~IJ~ ; dUlji, thr. sec­ C;onclusion • Identify and define the major terms used in typewriter and calculator; and to interact ordering of rcquircd rcpair parts. tion lnmsitioll IIJlfI shod: sf'J)siti vilv of un­ tion and to ~ ' rf .; ·. !l c·ommunic;:)tions Deadline: 3 June. data modeling and data management systems Uictfully with all levels of NWC personnel. Qualification RequiremenL,,: MlL"it be able dama~Cfl etn ed 10 l ill po!>i l ions Ihrough reassignment only. For this reason, All off· Center Ir.:lInlnq fC? q U('\t c; (DO Form 15 56) Inining communication requirements and logs and performing follow-up action on a communication and to resolve the present conflict. improvemcnt" in existing systeln~lgn m (' n l Opporlunily An nouncements ar e separate from the Promotion must be recei ved b y th e Hu m an Rec;o u rcc Topics include verbal and nonverbal communlcJtions, munictlte orally: communicate in writing. frequent pcrsontll and tclcphone contact OpPofluml les co lumn In Ihe Ro cio: el ee r. Appl i c ~ tion s will be accepted until the date Development Div lC; IOIl ( Cod~ 01)11) ,I t I('ast 30 d.1Y\ conflict and confrontation Situations, re') ponse Promotion potential to DS-:t with individuals at all lc\'cls of Nav\". ElL'­ stal ed ~n I he announc(;- ment. Employees whose work history has not been brought be fore the beginning o f o ff·Center COu r\ e Ple"se up 10 da t ~ are encouraged 10 l lie an SF·171 or 172. All applicants must meet techniques, and conflict resolution styles. t h~ Nil. 14-009. Computer SJl'-·eialist. DS-334-1. mcnl,,: Ability to work well under p~ess ure minimum qualifica tion requirements es tablis,",ed by the Ollice of Personnel il!ote: ThIS class is designed as a follow-u p to allow fo r SE:\ler ; additional days to o btaIn ~ lppr ov ,)ls CfKI(' 1442 - IncumlX'nt manages the Sun and adjust easily to orgtlnizational, pro­ required from the Inlll .. 11u19 dcp.lr tm('nl and to o.l llow M anagement. In!ormation concerning the recruitment and placement program and Oealing With People. VoJe recommend that you hJve J\1icrosystem Computer for the Requisition ~ J'am and proc'Cdul'al changes; tlnd ability for delivery to Code 094 AllOWi ng su i flcient tune w ill :\1t1nagement Branch. This is a new com­ to work independently; ability to usc and Ihl: evalu at ion m ethods used In these rea ssignment opportunities may be obtained prior traming m verbal tommunication before Ir om Per s- onnel Management Adviso rs (Code 096 or 097). Applications should be increase the likelihood of o btaining sp Ll ce Itl the puter system which will be used to produce apply tI variety of writtcn manuetls tlnd in­ attending this class. lited w ith th E- person whose name is listed in the announcement. The Naval course and Wi ll mHumlze the nf.'ecl to spend scnsith·c acquisition packetges bcinj! ac­ structions. Promotion potcntitll to Shipmcnt Deadline: S June. Weapo ns C enler is an Equal Opportunity Employer. unnecess,)ry time " wCll klng through" the paperw ork, quired for Center usc. The incumbent will Clerk, GS-21:14-5. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS making pho ne call ') , hand-carrying checks. etc he epxected to hecome expert on the No. 2:Hl18. Clerk-Typist. GS-322-4, Code 16-18 June, Monday-Wednesday, 0800-1600, Also. never register yo urself in t1 d~HS . ThiS w ill he system sufficient to interface the system 25.1 - Incumhent is responsible for pro­ No. 31HI26, Interdisciplinary (General, program. The TDY point is at Wright Pat­ Training Center. By : S. Diestler. done for you by Code 094 after all reqU ired approval\ with other systemc; and to determine how to viding cleri cal support in the form of typ­ Electronics, Mechanical, Aerospace terson AFB, Dayton, Ohio. The incumbent best utilize the system for planned applica­ ing, filing, compiling data, maintaining Scope : Studies show that when a person have been received. ~tuden l s reglc;te rtng themselv ec; Engineer, Physicist), DP-801/855/830/861/ will report to the Navy Deputy Program ti ons. Knowl cdgcs: of microcomputer logs and performing fo ll ow-up action on a 131()'3, Code 39 - This position is that of an Manager and serve in primarily a system communicat es with another person 7% of the In clasc;es may be liable for the tUIti on ch arg.e If the systems applications: of computer soft­ wide \'ariety of items. Position requires on-site representative to work on a Hi engineering role. Will be responsible for communication is verbal (words). 38% is vocal (tone training IS not approved (Cod e 094) ware documentation packages. Abilities : to frequent personal and telephone contact month TDY assignment on a tri-service technical review and assessment, making teclmical reconunendations directly to the Send updated SF-l7l to Dillard Bullard, Navy Deputy Program Manager. Inter­ Code 39. faces directly with the other elements of No. 39-024, InterdisclpllDary (General, Recent Separations Code Name Title the joint program office, the Navy sponsor Electronics, Mechanical, Aerospace Computer Science classes College advisors visit and other elements of the development Engineer, Pbysicist, Mathematician, Con­ 2fi025 Quintanilla, Alexander Pipefitter COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS PLEASE NOT! team. Previous experience in the Full Scale puter SeienUst) DP-801/855/830/861/1310/15 26025 Wise, Leroy R. Boiler PlantOpr. CS49 - Assemblers (a Cerro Coso Community College course) will be held at 20/155&-3, Code 39 - This position is located Engineering Development of major weapon 26436 Winterly, Leonard W. Electrician (High Volt.) the Training Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 :30 a.m. to systems is desirable. Send updated SF-l71 in the Weapons Department. The incum­ 3143 Owen, Claude E. Electronics Engr. 12 :30 p.m., July S through August 14. bent will be the NA VWPNCEN Systems Cal State Northridge to Dillard Bullard, Code 39. 3664 Williams, Ronald E. Electronics Tech. Engineer on a major tri-service weapons This class is designed for those individuals who have had some assembly lan­ 3683 Nelson, EddieG. Electronics Tech. Supvy. No. 39-0%5, InterdlscipllDary (Generai, system development program. Incumbent guage experience or have had a fonnal course in assembly language programm­ 3686 Day, RandyG. General Engr. ing some time ago. This I-unit class is designed to prepare those individuals for Electronics, Mechanical, Aerospace will be responsibie for maintaining an Dr. Jagdish Prabhakar of Cal-State University Northridge will be on-Center May 29 6133 Winter, Harold G. Electronics Tech. CSCI 171 - Computer Architecture, which will be offered in the fall . Vic Stone is Engineer, Physicist, Mathematician, overview of all teclmical aspects of the to advise current and prospective students in the external degree programs offered by the instructor. Computer SeienUst), DP-lI01/855/830/8301 weapon system development, making the school. teclmical recommendations to the NWC Cal-State University Northridge has external degree programs in electrical 861/1310115201155&-3, Code 39 - This posi­ COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE - A new course has been the program manager and directing specific Computer Science classes engineering, applied mechanics and mechanical engineering at NWC which lead to a tion is located in Weapons Department. added to the schedule for this academic year. The course is CSCI 397C: Special teclmical efforts. The incumbent will be master's degree. The incumbent will be the NA VWPNCEN Problems: Workshop/Practicum on Computer Programming Management. responsible for providing the Navy Those who wish to see Dr. Prabhakar are asked to make an appoinbnent by T&E manager on a major tri-service Cerro Coso Community College "ill offer records management. Classes will be from Class will be held on June 703, July 12-13 and August 23-24. For more information, teclmicai interface with the sponsor, other telephoning Kit Driscoll at NWC ext. 2648. weapon system development program. Will five Computer Science courses during the June 24 through July 'l:I on Tuesday, Wed­ consult the summer course schedule advertised in "NWC Announcements" and be responsible Ie the NWC program services and contractor activities. Previous summer 1986 semester which begins June nesday and Thursday evenings from 5 to 8 " Rocketeer" or call Cecil Webb at NWC ext. 2648. manager for the planning and management experience with Fuli Scale Engineering 23. p.m. of NWC T&E activities in support of the Deveiopments and broad technical Computer Science 15 was designed for Other Computer Science courses being program. Previous experience with weapon background in weapon system develop­ computer science majors as an introduc­ offered include: Computer Applications - system level test and evaluation during full ments is desirable. Send updated SF-l71 to tion· to elementary PASCAL language. Cal State Chico Word Processing; Assemblers; and Text scale engineering development is desirable. Dillard Bullard, Code 39. Computer laboratory activity will be re­ Editor for CP1M Operating Systems. quired. Classes will meet on Monday, CSB MPA program altered Dr. Orlando Madrigal of Cal-State University Chico will be on-Center May 30 to ad Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6 to Registration for Computer Science vise current and prospective students in the external degree programs offered by the Secretarial opportunities 10 p.m. beginning June 23 and ending courses will take place on June 17, 18 and 19 school. August 14. for both new and continuing students from 9 Cal-State University Chico has ex ternal degree programs in computer science which Computer Literacy, a hands-on a.m. to 1 p.m. and between 2:30 and 6:30 Effective July 1, a new master's program, M.S. in Administration, will take the place of the Master of Public Administration program offered at NWC through Cal lead to bachelor's and master's degrees. Those who wish to see Dr. Madrigal are asked microcomputer cours~, is designed for p.m. No appointments are necessary. State Bakersfield (CSB). There will be a two-year transition period to accomodate to make an appointment by telephoning Kit Driscoll , NWC ext. 2648. This column is used to announce secretary position s for which the duties and job people who have had little or no exposure to For information on receiving tuition sup­ relevant criteria are generally similar. Secretaries serve as the principal clerical current MPA students so that they can finish degree requirements. Individuals making and administrative support in the designated organization by coordinating and car· computers. It will cover simply program­ port from NWC, see article entitled Cerro application to the program after June 30 will earn the M.S. in Administration. Courses rying out such activities. Secretaries perform numerous ta sks which may be ming, word processing, spreadsheeting and Coso sets Registration. will transfer between programs during the two-year period so that there should be no dinimilar. Positions at lower grades consist primarily 01 clencal and procedural loss of units. duties and. as poSitions increase in grades. administrative functions become CSB advocated the change because of changing on-campus MPA program require­ predominant. At the higher levels, secrelaries apply a considerable knowledge of ments are difficult to implement at NWC and because the new program is even more the organization, Its obiectives and lines 01 communication. Depending on grade related to the administration work at NWC . The curriculum for the new program is level, typical secretary duties are implied by the job rel('v<1nt criteria indicated Engineering drawing taught Cal State Bakersfield below. specifically designed for NWC . Current MPA students and those interested in the new program are urged to attend Applicants will be rated against 4 or more of the lollowlng lo b rel('vant cnteria : Cerro Coso Community College will offer Preparation of detailed working drawings, III abitity to perform receptionis t and tele phone dulles ; (1) ability 10 reVI('W , track, an information briefing on the transition to the M.S. in Administration program which WIU be screen and distribute incoming mall; (3) ability to rev iew outgoi ng correspondence ; two courses in Engineering Drawing exploded views, assembly drawings and an will be held at the Commissioned Officers' Mess on May 23 at 1O :30a.m. Academic counselors of Ca l-State Hakerslleld on-Center June :' to advlse cur­ (4) .blity to compose correspondence andl or pr('pare non .lf'chnlcal reports ; IS) beginning June 23. introduction to reporduction processes will rent and prospective students in the external deg ree programs offered by that schooL knowledge of filing systems and tiles management; (6) ablhty to me('t the ad· Engineering Drawing la will be a fun­ also be covered. Emphasis will be placed Exlernal degree programs offered at NWC by Bakersfield include a bachelor's ministratlve needs of the oltice ; (7) ability to train cferlcal personnel and organl,e damental class based upon the American on team design work. Field trips will be of­ degree in business administration and a master's degree in public administration. workload of clerical stall processes; (II) abl.llty to plan and coord ln,)t(' travel ar· Bakersfield also provides math courses in other external degree programs at NWC. rangemen1s ; (9) abihty to maintain and coordinate !. UperVI !.or 's cillt'ndar and to Standards Association " Drawing and Draf­ fered. arrange conferences. /' ting Room Practices;" lettering; freehand Continuing students may register on June More Cerro Coso news ... Those who wish to see one of the academic counselors are asked to make an ap­ Unless otherwise Indicated. apphcants lor Branch Secrl'tary WIll be rolled on detail drawing; and so forth. William 16 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 to 6:30 pointment by telephoning Kit Driscoll at NWC ext. 2646. elements 1/2/ ]/ S/ I ; Division Secretary apphcants wdl be rall'd on ('Iem('nh 1/ 1.' ]: Boland will instruct the course on Monday, p.m. New and continuing students may 417/1/9; Program Oi'lce Secretary applicants will be ral('d on ('Ie m enls 1' 1 ' ] ''' ' S Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from register on June 17, 18 and 19 from 9 a.m. to 8/ 9 ; and Department Secretary appllC<1nt s will be ralpd on elpmpnts 4 ' 71 8 ' 9 ; A 1 p.m. and from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. An SUPPLEMENTAL FORM IS REOUIRED AND MAY BE OBTAINED IN ROOM 100 5:3at09:30p.m. Speed reading class planned OF THE PERSONNEL BUILDING. William Maxwell will instruct Engineer­ enrollment fee of $15 will be due at the time ing Drawing lOb, lOc, on Monday, Tuesday of registration for each of these courses. and Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 5 p.m. For information on receiving tuition sup­ Cerro Coso Community College is offering two I-unit, 18-hour lecture courses In No. 3%-200, Secretary (Typing), G8-31S­ port to the Advanced Technology Branch. This course will cover advanced work in port from NWC, see article entitled Cerro "Speed Reading." (15, Code 3283 - Provides secretarial sup­ Knowledge of Xerox 860 desirable. Promo­ fundamentals, teclmiques and so forth. Coso Sets Registration. These courses are designed for students with average, or better, reading skills who port to Weapons Systems Branch " A." tion potential to GS-5, however it is not need to improve their speed and comprehension ; and for those whose work or profes­ Knowledge and working skill on a Xerox guaranteed. sional training requires extensive supplementary reading. Emphasis will be placed on 640 desirable. Promotion potential to G8-5. No. 39~2S, Secretary (Typing), G8-31S- flexibility in attacking a variety of reading situations. No. 3%-205, Secretary (Typing), GS-31S- 5/6, Code 39 - Provides secretarial support Writing competency test set The first course will meet on Monday through Thursday evenings from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Engr. 23 required 4/5, Code 3268 - Provides secretarial sup­ for Special Projects Office. Promotion beginning June 23 and ending July 10. The second course will begin July 14 and end July port to Weapons Systems Branch "B." potential to GS-6. 31, meeting on Monday through Thursday afternoons from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Diana Veneski will instruct both classes. UNDERGRADUATE ENG INEERING STUDENTS PLEASE Knowledge and working skill on a Xerox No. 39~29, Secretary (Typing), GS-3IS- The Upper Division Writing Competency the exam. For further information on "Speed Reading," contacl the College office at 375-5001. NOTE! 640 desirable. Promotion potential to GS-5. 4/5, Code 3925 - Provides secretarial sup­ Examination will be given on June 18. Those individuals planning to take the Engr. 23 - Properties of Materials I a course taught by Cerro Coso port to the RPV Technology Branch. Cal State Bakersfield students (both Cal State Chico course CSCI 172, Systems For information on registering for summer cJasses, see article entitled "Cerro Coso No. 3%-210, Secretary (Typing), G8-31S- Community College and required for the BS degree in electrical Knowledge and working skill on IBM undergraduate and graduate) may satisfy Architecture, must pass the writing exam sets registration" in today's issue of the Rocketeer. 4/5, Code 3%42 - Incumbent provides sec­ engineering) will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6 Displaywriter desirable. Promotion poten­ the writing competency requirements by prior to the beginning of the course. retarial support to the Thermal/Structures p.m. this fall . tial to GS-5. passing this examination. The examination fee is $10. Checks must Branch located in the M/L compound. This change in schedule was made because of the conflict with Cal State Bakersfield undergraduate be made payable to Cal State Bakersfield. No. 2~31, Secretary (Typing), GS-3IS- Math6C. Promotion potential to as-5. Contact Kit Driscol at NWC ext. 2648 to Placement tests scheduled 4/5, Code 2606 - Provides secretarial sup­ students must have completed at least 90 The lab portions of Engr. 23 (one three·hour session per week ) will quarter units of college work prior to taking arrange to take the exam. No. ~%6 , Secre ~ 3ry (Typing), GS-31S- port to the Geothermal Program Office. probably be held Tuesdays or Thursdays after the lecture. 4/5, Code 3S2'2 - Provides secretarial sup- Promotion potential to GS-5 . Placement examinations for new students planning to enroll at Cerro Coso Com­ munity College during the summer 1986 semester will be administered by appointment in the College Student Services Centers. Tests will be given on May 21,22, 2i and 28, by appointment only. Non-appropriated Funds Cerro Coso sets registration Students enrolling in degree programs or transferring to a (our-year institution need to take thi s test battery before the summer semester begins on June 23. Cerro Coso Community College has established registration for summer courses on The test provi des a measurement of achievement and ability in English, general and Arrivals June 16 through June 20 . Schedules, which should be released by Cerro Coso approxi­ college aptitude and mathematics. mately May 16, wilt"be available in the Training Center lobby. Results of the examinations are used by the College counselors to assist studcnts in ITO seminar slated June 4 2226 Gunther, Max The Center will pay for full tuition if the courses are provided under the NWC/Cerro enrolling in appropriate classes and programs and arc not used to deny any student = McManis, Barbara Coso Contract. If courses are jOb-related or will strengthen an individual's contribu­ permission to enroll for college classes. Craig, Sharon tions to the Center's mission, tuition will be paid directly to the college by Code 094. A There is no charge for this examination and the complete battery of tests takes ap­ Dr. Stephen Covey will present a Thomas Jefferson wrote in the "Declara­ =2'l:t1 Morse, Martha DD Form 1556 (Request, Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training and proximately three hours. fechnical Director's seminar on Wednes­ tion of Independence" that a government 2226 Stewart, Joe D. Reimbursement) must be submitted via department channels to Code 094 . Interested persons can make reservations and recei\'e information about thc tests day, June 4, from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. in the derives its just powers from the consent of 2226 Burge, Wendy If a course is not directly job-related, along with the DD Form 1556 a NAVWPNCEN and dates a\'ailable by calling the Cerro Coso Student Servkcs Center at :n5-5001, ext. Michelson Laboratory Auditorium. The the governed, he and those who signed Ule = Sorge, Kristine 12420/66 tAcademic Enrollment Justification ) and a NAVWPNCEN 12410/68 p students while registering. ~tion generally requires a change in the professor of Organizational Behavior and Requests for tuition support (DO 1556) must be received by CWSE OF BUSINESS necessary to see a counselor during walk-in counseling. rame of reference as to how a person sees Business Management at Brigham Young 2212 Mower, Chrtstine June 6 so that they may be processed and returned in time for registration. Those All students are encouraged to see a counselor if they are taking courses toward a he world, thinks about people and views University. He holds an MBA degree from 2212 Hannah, Dorothea received after that date will be returned and employees will have to pay the tuition specific degree program or have questions regarding a choice of major. study pro­ management and leadership. Harvard University and a doctorate from 2225 Hoggard, Dennis themselves. EMPWYEES WHO PAY TUITION WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED. gram, graduation requi rements, general education certification or transfer credits. He notes a paradigm shift occurred when BYU. = Campbell, Yvonne For further information, contact Cecil Webb, NWC ext. 2648. r:'or more information on enrollment counseling call the College at 375-5001.