Sinai… Land of War and Peace Countering errorism

Chairman Diaa Rashwan

Chief of the Information Sector Dr/Ahmed Abu Zayed

Prepared by Public Administration for Editing

Cover design Ramy Ahmed

Maquette & Art Direction Ahmed Sayed

Follow-up Supervision Nehad Raafat

Translated by Sinai Foreign Editing Department Land of War and Peace English Section Heba Nabil Countering Terrorism Nesreen Nabeel Ola Gamal Rania Saad Riham Al Wakeel Yosra Gamal

English Review Sayed Abd Aleem

English Proofreading Nesreen Nabeel

Executive Supervision Samia Badawy


Printing General Supervision Hossam Amin

Printing Press Director Eman Gaafar

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Chapter I: Sinai... Land of War and Peace...... 5

- Sinai… Decisive Battlefield in Egyptian History...... 7 - Four Wars in the Twentieth Century...... 12

- Restoring Taba to Homeland...... 33 Chapter II: Countering Terrorism in Sinai...... 39

- Karm Al-Qawadees Attack...... 43

- The Right of the Martyr Qualitative Transformation in Military Operations..45

- Mount Halal and Combing-out Operations...... 49 - The Comprehensive Operation “Sinai 2018” ...... 50

- Planning, Preparation and Processing...... 50

- Phases and Targets of the Comprehensive Operation “Sinai 2018” ...... 50 - Armed Forces Branches Participating in the Operation...... 51

- The Forces’ Tactic...... 54 • First: Scope of Action of the ...... 55 • Second: Scope of Action of the Third Army...... 56

• Third: Scope of Action of the Counter-Terrorism Unit...... 57

• Fourth: Scope of Action of the Navy Forces...... 57 • Fifth: Scope of Action of the Air Force...... 59

- Ultimate Objective of Preserving Human Rights Standards...... 59

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Chapter I Sinai… Land of War and Peace

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Sinai… Decisive Battlefield in Egyptian History Sinai has always been the keyword in the Egyptian national security issue through its history since the Assyrians, Hittites, Alexander the Great, Romans, and the Byzantine rule that lasted until the Islamic conquest in 641 AD. It is worth mentioning that Sinai Peninsula is the Asian part of Egypt where it connects Africa with Asia. Sinai has always been the decisive battlefield in the Egyptian history throughout different eras. This has been manifested as follows: 1- The Pharaohs Era King Djoser, one of 3rd-dynasty kings in ancient Egypt, took over Sinai Peninsula after his victory in a great battle against the Bedouins in 2700 BC. He recorded his victories on a rock in Sinai while he was fighting a Bedouin. Moreover, there was another depiction of a battle in the era of the 4th dynasty that has been known for building the Pyramids. 2- The Hyksos Era Chariots in the Hyksos era were credited in crossing Sinai Peninsula and then, their success in taking over the Egyptian lands. The Egyptians managed to expel the Hyksos by using the same weapon after a 100-year occupation and established the biggest empire at that time during the reign of Thutmose III.

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3- The Persian Era The battle of Pelusium took place in 525 BC, where Cambyses the son of Cyrus, the Persian king who entered Egypt via the Sinai Peninsula, was defeated. 4- The Greek Era The Persian armies crossed Sinai during the reign of king Ardashir III to occupy Egypt. Moreover, Alexander the Great armies invaded Egypt through Sinai; Rafah, Arish, and Pelusium “Port Said nowadays”. The Romans built forts on the Mediterranean coast of north Sinai. The Christians fled to south Sinai due to the Romans persecution and they established a church and a monastery that was known later Saint Catherine’s Monastery. 5- The Islamic Expansion The Islamic expansion forces, led by Amr Ibn al-As, entered Egypt via Horus Road in north Sinai and took over Arish, Pelusium then Bilbeis that was the connecting road between Sinai and the Levant. This was the reason of the Bedouin’s emigration from the Arabian Peninsula to Sinai and settling there; thus Islam has been then spread in Sinai. 6- The Crusades In the late of 1117 AD, Baldwin, King of Crusaders, on his way to Jerusalem, crossed Sinai to take over Egypt. He captured Pelusium and burned its mosques but he returned back because of his illness.

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Afterwards, the Crusaders renewed their attacks on Egypt; they launched campaigns on its coasts, burned Tenis city and looted Pelusium then returned back. In 1167 AD, the Crusaders attacked Egypt once again through Arish and Bilbeis. 7- The Ayyubid Era In 1187 AD, Sinai was the crossing land for Saladin armies in his wars against the crusaders where he defeated them in Hattin battle. The interest in Sinai increased and it was fortified by military castles such as “Al-Gindy” fortress. Moreover, Al-Salih Najm Al- Din Ayyub built the town of Salihiya at the end of the Ayyubid era in 1246 AD to be a stop in the way to the Levant. 8- The Mamluk Era The Muslim Armies, led by Sayf Al-Din Qutuz, crossed Sinai to protect the country from the invasion of Mongols and Tatars. They succeeded in defeating them in Ain Jalut battle. This era marked the beginning of a phase of stability in the Sinai Peninsula, where Sultan Baybars Al-Bandakdari took care of paving the Suez/Aqaba road, as the Egyptian Hajj (pilgrimage) road, and secured the road to the Levant. In Sultan Al-Ghuri era, many citadels were established in Sinai such as “Nakhl, Al-Baghla and Naqab Al-Aqaba”. 9- The Ottoman Era The Ottoman Sultan Selim I invaded Egypt through Sinai after defeating the Mamluks. The Ottomans were interested in the

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pilgrimage roads through Sinai, and the Ottoman Sultan refused emigration of Jewish to Sinai to prevent their greedy. Furthermore, he established El-Tur Castle. In the era of Sultan Selim II, the Jewish desire to emigrate to Sinai was renewed once again as they emigrated sporadically. Their emigration started by a Jewish person called “Abraham the Jewish” and his family. Then, many Jewish families came until a complaint against them was submitted to the Ottoman Sultan due to their maltreatment to the monks of the monastery. 10- The French Campaign In 1799, a year after the French Campaign to Egypt, Napoleon Bonaparte directed his campaign to the Levant through the military road north Sinai but the Ottoman forces led by Ahmed Pasha Al-Jazzar, Acre governor, had preceded to meet him and captured Arish castle. A great battle took place on Sinai where the French forces faced fierce resistance from Sinai Bedouins, Arish people and the Ottoman forces in the castle. The French forces captured Arish after ten days of the siege and they considered it a great victory. The French campaign continued its way to the Levant, but it failed to conquer Acre and retreated to Sinai. Thus, Arish witnessed the negotiations between the French and the Ottomans in Grand Vizier Camp, Arish city. Arish Treaty was signed on January 28, 1800 and put an end to the French Campaign to Egypt.

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11- The British Occupation At the beginning of the British occupation to Egypt, Britain tried to woo Sinai Bedouins against Urabi’s movement “Urabi Army”, through “Palmer” in 1882 but he failed and was killed by the Bedouins. After the British had occupied Egypt, they arrested and prosecuted 12 persons from Sinai. In 1902, Theodor Herzl, the founder of the political Zionism, began his endeavors to obtain the approval of the British Mandate authorities in Egypt to establish a Jewish colony in Sinai. However, the Egyptian stance was not to compromise any inch of its land, thus the Herzl’s mission failed. When Britain occupied Egypt and Palestine, it participated in the border demarcation between Egypt and Palestine in 1906. Colonialism worked to isolate Sinai from Egypt and denied to be entered or visited. In 1916, the Turks occupied Qatia, north Sinai, evacuated Arish city and extended a railway between Egypt and Palestine via north Sinai. Thus, Sinai became a scene of conflict and war between the Turks and the British. The conflict was resolved in favor of the British as they made Sinai directly affiliated to the military administration.

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Signing Arish Treaty Four Wars in the Twentieth Century 1- The 1948 War Immediately after the foundation of Israel State in May 1948, the first Arab-Israeli war broke out on December 29, 1948 and the Israeli forces failed to penetrate the eastern Egyptian borders. The skirmishes continued until the Egyptian-Israeli military operations ceased on December 29, 1949. 2- The 1956 War On November 29, 1955, the Israeli forces launched two attacks on Al-Kontella and Al-Dayaa, North Sinai, and the Egyptian forces repelled them. On October 29, 1956, Israel, France and Britain launched an attack on Egypt, known as the tripartite aggression that resulted in occupying Israel to Sinai. In 1957, the Egyptian forces succeeded in completely expelling the Israelis from its lands.

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3- The 1967 War On June 5, 1967, Israel launched an attack on Egypt, and completely occupied Sinai and turned it to a fortified place by constructing the Bar-Lev defensive line. Sinai remained under the Israeli occupation for 6 years where it depleted its resources and seized its treasures and bounties, as follows: Preludes to War On March 8, 1957, the tripartite aggression ended up by the withdrawal of Israel from Sinai and Gaza strip and the entry of the United Nations Emergency Forces (UNEF) to maintain the ceasefire in the areas that Israel withdrew from. After the withdrawal, the Israeli Prime Minister announced that Israel will consider the closure of Tiran Strait in face of Israeli ships as a reason for war. On May 15, 1967, significant ground troops of the stationed in Sinai, after getting information from the Soviet about Israel’s intention to attack the Arabs. Egypt called UNEF to withdraw all soldiers for their safety. On May 22, Egypt declared the closure of Tiran Strait in face of Israeli ships heading to Eilat Port. Israel considered this step as a declaration of war after the Suez Canal crisis and the enhancement of Egyptian troops in Sinai. On June 5, 1967, the Israeli Air Force launched a sneak attack on all Egyptian Air facilities in Sinai, Delta, Cairo and Nile Valley

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in three waves of strikes. The first one used 174 aircrafts, the second used 161 and the third used 157 at a total of 492 air raids destroyed 25 military airfields and more than 85% of Egypt's aircrafts. Moreover, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights have been also occupied. After bringing trials for the perpetrators of the military failure, it was evident that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, had failed to develop and properly implement the plans, including the random withdrawal plans. However, President Abdel Nasser bore the greatest responsibility for accepting to be in a position to receive the first strike. On November 1967, the Security Council (SC) issued a Resolution No. 242 that calls for Israeli withdrawal from the territories it had occupied in June 1967 and the return of refugees to their homes. Post-1967 Setback After a short time of ending the 1967 six-day war, President Gamal Abdel Nasser launched a fierce and ongoing war along “Bar Lev” Line established by Israel on the edge of Suez Canal. This was called the War of Attrition which lasted for more than 3 years (1967- 1970). It was the first armed conflict that forced Israel to maintain a high mobilization rate for a long time, and caused negative impacts on its economy and the morale of its soldiers.

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4- The Sixth of October 1973 War It is the biggest war on the battlefield after the Second World War. It reversed the balance of power and the management of battles of common weapons. War Objectives - Liberating the Arab territories occupied by Israel in June 1967. - Ending the no-war no-peace situation that was imposed on the region under the reconciliation policy between the two superpowers; the USA and the Soviet Union. - Restoring the Arab and Egyptian dignity, and changing the image of the Arab armies. - Ending the Israeli military superiority over the Arabs due to the USA’s supply of modern weapons to Israel. The Secret of Choosing the Year of 1973 It was chosen due to the detailed information obtained by the Egyptian authorities that Israel concluded agreements on armament and advanced weapons that were going to reach in 1974. The Secret of Choosing October It was chosen as it was the suitable month concerning the tide and the current speed in the Suez Canal; the most difficult military water barrier in the world. Whereas, the appropriate days were chosen when the moonlight would be bright in the middle of the night, and dark in the other half

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of the night, to carry out the process of building bridges in the light of the moon and crossing the military vehicles in the dark. The Secret of Choosing the Day and the Hour The 6th of October 1973 coincides with “Yom Kippur”; a Jewish feast known as the Day of Atonement, as well as it was Saturday; their weekly holiday. Thus, the Israeli forces were less ready to go to war in that day; the Egyptians studied the effect of each holiday on mobilization in Israel. And it was found that they had different means of calling up the reserves troops with non-public means by broadcasting symbolic words on radio and television. Yom Kippur was the only day in the year in which the Radio and Television stop broadcasting, and it means that calling up the reservists in a quick overt manner was out of the question. The zero hour was decided to be on October 6, 1973 at 2 pm; it was an untraditional time for military operations that always used to begin either at the first or at the last light of day. Moreover, the reflection of the sun rays at that time of the day hindered the Israeli forces in the east bank of the Canal.

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Former President Anwar Sadat in the middle of senior military commanders during the preparations of October War 1973 October War Strategic Planning The military strategy of the October War was an offensive strategy, aimed at surprising Israel in Sinai, with a united attack from both the Egyptian and Syrian fronts, and deceiving the Israeli and American Security and Intelligence devices. The strategic deception plan implemented before 6 October had a successful effect. President Sadat declared general mobilization more than once during the months of May and August; this suggested the beginning of the war, and Israel responded with calling up the reserves every time. As the Egyptian army announced the general mobilization more than once, the Israeli intelligence was sure that this one would not differ from the previous mobilization of May and August.

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The strategic deception plans also included publishing the Egyptian newspapers, on the morning of October 3, 1973, news about receiving applications for Umrah (Lesser Pilgrimage) from members of the armed forces. News had also been published about the visit of the Romanian Defense Minister to Cairo on October 8, and that he would be received by the Military Minister Field Marshal Ahmed Ismail, himself, in addition to, news about demobilization the reservists for the military exercise which had been ended few days before the war. The Sixth of October Epic: At 2:05 pm on October 6, more than 220 Egyptian aircrafts, heading to their targets, took off to Sinai via Suez Canal at one time. They succeeded in destroying dozens of sites of Israeli artillery, radar posts and guidance and warning centers, as well as many enemy administrative zones and important military gatherings in Sinai. Meanwhile, the Egyptian artillery started to implement the most powerful gunfire in the Middle East. The infantry troops and Port Said military sector forces began storming the Suez Canal, using about a thousand of rubber boats and 1500 ladders to climb the Bar- Lev Line. Eight thousand soldiers reached the east bank of the canal and began to climb the Bar-Lev Line and storm the enemy's fortified defenses.

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After eight hours of fighting, 60 corridors were opened in the Bar-Lev Line, in addition to 8 heavy bridges and 4 light ones were constructed. Thirty ferryboats were built and operated, and Egypt's flags flied again on the east bank of the canal. The glorious October war ended on October 28th; the Egyptian delegations and the Zionist entity met to put in place the cease-fire. By this victory, Egypt put an end to the myth of the invincible army. The October War changed the modern military thought and the crossing process became an essential reference for all modern world armies. The British military historian Edgar O'Ballance described the crossing, saying: "It was a full-fledged military miracle”. Salient Consequences of October War The war of October had repercussions on the international relations between the countries of the region and the outside world, especially the superpowers. First: Political Consequences 1- Egyptian diplomacy managed to blockade the Israeli political influence, and imposed isolation on foreign relations of Israel, especially on the African arena. 2- The stalemate of the stance caused by the policy of reconciliation between the two world poles, has been broken. The results of the war succeeded in activating the issues of the region and moving towards a peaceful solution, despite its

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military start, when SC decided, in Resolution No. 338 of October 22, 1973, to start negotiations immediately between the warring parties 3- The impact of Arab solidarity was felt on the political, economic and military levels. This was clarified by the support of the Arab countries to the war effort; the use of Arab oil as a weapon in the war, in addition to providing the armed forces of Egypt and Syria with troops and weapons from other Arab countries. 4- The political work performed during the fight (disengagement agreements) was purely military, where the negotiations were held by military parties to discuss the complications of the military situation, which helped in realizing real cease-fire between the two parties. 5- The restoration of Egyptian-American relationship that was previously cut in the wake of June 1967 War. The Soviet Union lost its distinguished position in Egypt when Sadat decided to end the work of Soviet Advisors in the Armed Forces and increase of the American influence. 6- The American domestic political position had an effect on its foreign policy; US President Nixon was involved in an election scandal, and the vice president was also involved in a financial one. As a result, the US National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, became the main driver of US foreign policy.

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Kissinger pursued a policy of dictating whatever is in the interest of Israel, so that the interest of Israel became the overriding concern of American foreign policy. Second: Economic Consequences 1- The change in the political climate of the region, including the peace agreements and initiatives that followed, has helped revive foreign investment and direct foreign and Arab capital to invest in Egypt, which led to relative economic recovery and growth. 2- Arab economic solidarity has been attained. 3- The orientations of Arab economy have been shifted to the western bloc instead of the eastern, this led to a change in the Egyptian economic system as a whole, and moving away from the totalitarian system to economic openness and easing the economic burdens on the Egyptian economy. 4- On the international arena, the October War had changed some of the world economic concepts, as the prevailing belief was that low levels of economic activity would result in low rates of profits, which in turn would reduce investment and productivity rates, resulting in low inflation rates. 5- The repercussions of the October 1973 war in the oil sector led to restructuring the oil industry, and the revenues from oil exports of Arab countries increased.

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Third: Military Consequences 1. The Egyptian side: The Egyptian forces managed to achieve several goals of the offensive plan, as well as several foundations of the Egyptian military strategy, whereas it failed to realize some targets of the plan. The American military and political intervention beside Israel led the latter to benefit from the mistakes of the Egyptian leadership, both militarily and politically. The most prominent results of the October victory were the start of major projects in the turquoise land, in addition to the restoration of full sovereignty over the Suez Canal and the return of navigation in the canal in June 1975. 2. The Israeli side: Israel failed to estimate the power and military capabilities of the Arab neighboring countries. It also failed in its analysis of information regarding the start of the war by Egypt and Syria. The American arrangements helped Israel to achieve some of the previous political demands; that was the real Israel gain out of the war, and this was as follows: a- Freedom of navigation for ships to and from Israel via Gulf of Aqaba. b- Freedom of navigation for ships to and from Israel through Suez Canal provided they do not carry military materials. c- Direct negotiations with Arab parties.

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d- Negotiating to end the war with neighboring countries. e- Getting recognition by Arab countries of Israel as a state, and establishing political and economic relations with it. f- Ending Arab political and economic blockade against Israel, as well as the foreign boycott. Post-October 1973 Initiatives: On October 16, 1973, President Sadat announced the initiative for comprehensive peace in the Middle East, assuring that peace Egypt seeks is based on justice and equality, and relies on the following: • Egyptian insistence on liberating its occupied territories by Israel in 1967 as well as finding a solution for regaining the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. • Egyptian commitment to the UN resolutions, and readiness to cease fire in exchange for immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from all occupied territories seized before the 5th of June 1967, under international supervision. • Egyptian readiness, immediately after the withdrawal, to attend UN international peace conference and to try to convince the Arab and Palestinian people of its significance so as to set rules of peace in the region. • Egyptian willingness to begin immediately cleaning Suez Canal and opening it to international navigation

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Cease-Fire Resolutions Sadat Peace Initiative had the following consequences: • Issuance of UN Resolution No. 338 on October 22, 1973, stipulating cease fire, ending all military activities immediately by the troops of the two parties and the immediate start of negotiations to establish a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Egypt accepted and committed to the Resolution, whereas Israel violated it few hours after its entry into force; hence, battles raged once more. • Issuance of UN Resolution No. 339 on October 23, 1973, demanding cease fire between concerned parties and the return to lines of October 22. Egypt and Israel agreed the Resolution, but Israel violated it again by attempting to capture Suez. • Issuance of UN Resolution No. 340 on October 1973, assuring the return of troops to October 22 lines, and establishment of SC international emergency forces to supervise the implementation of SC Resolutions. Peace Talks After the fighting had stopped, Egypt and the Arabs began to push the cause of peace through political efforts. Peace Talk Axes By the end of October 1973, Egypt mobilized its political power to work in three axes, so it has engaged in various talks in order to

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achieve peace with each of the Soviet Union, the United States, and then Israel. These axes are: A- Egyptian-Soviet Talks in Cairo Its main topic was the agreement on arrangements for holding international peace conference, which was proposed by Egypt in initiative of President Sadat on October 16, 1973, and was approved by the SC Resolution No. 338. B - Egyptian-American Talks in Washington These talks took place between Henry Kissinger, the US Secretary of State, and his Egyptian counterpart Ismail Fahmy regarding achievement of limited agreement for the disengagement between the belligerent’ forces. It included arrangements for withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Suez area to the east of the Canal. C- Egyptian-Israeli Talks on the Cairo/Suez Road The military talks between Egypt and Israel had undergone several stages as follows: a) Talks of Kilo 101 (October and November 1973) Based on an American initiative to hold a joint Egyptian-Israeli meeting under the auspices of the UN on October 26, and after the Egyptian military and popular forces succeeded in repelling all Israeli attacks on Suez, Egypt agreed on October 27 to a ceasefire at the Kilo 101 Cairo/Suez highway. In this context, several meetings

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were held to reach an agreement acceptable to both parties, as the US announced on November 9 that Egypt and Israel agreed to a six- point accord aimed at paving the way for talks to reach a permanent settlement in the Middle East. In November 11, an agreement was signed, which includes a commitment to a ceasefire and disengagement between the forces with the arrival of daily supplies to the city of Suez, provided that the international emergency forces would monitor the road, then, the exchange of all the captives and the wounded begins. This accord was considered an important beginning in establishing a lasting and just peace in the Middle East, but when the pact’s implementation talks of the disengagement and the separation of forces began, Israel started to elude once again. Thus, the talks became trapped within a vicious circle; this forced Egypt to end the talks in November 28. b) International Peace Conference in Geneva Egypt agreed to attend the International Peace Conference in Geneva at the invitation of the US and the Soviet Union under the supervision of the UN Secretary-General. The first session of the conference was held on December 21, in the presence of representatives of Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the Soviet Union and the US; yet, the Syrian side was absent. Egypt engaged with Israel in military talks in order to disengage the forces, and within two weeks

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from December 26, 1973 to January 1974, they reached a dead-end, so the meetings stopped. c) The Initial Disengagement Agreement (January 1974) After several shuttle trips conducted by Kissinger between Aswan and Tel Aviv on January 18, 1974, the first agreement to disengage Egypt and Israel was signed in the UN tent at Kilo 101, and stipulated an accord to disengage and separate the Egyptian and Israeli forces, while adhering to the ceasefire and suspending all military and paramilitary actions on land, sea and air. The Agreement also defined the line to which the Israeli forces would withdraw over an area of 30 kilometers east of the canal, and the lines of the separation area between the forces in which the international emergency forces would be stationed. The convention was concluded by stating that it does not count as a final peace treaty, but a first step towards a final, just and lasting peace, in accordance with the SC Resolution, and within the framework of the Geneva Peace Conference. On January 24, 1974, the agreement executive protocol was signed, and the implementation began on the following day immediately, and actions proceeded with complete accuracy without any obstacles. The Israeli forces withdrew eastwards inside Sinai, while the Egyptian forces did not leave a single inch of the lands they had liberated therein, and they regained control over the areas that had been evacuated in the west of the canal. The

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Agreement determined five phases to implement the withdrawal. This was the first withdrawal done by Israel from the land it occupied under the pressure of military force in the October 1973 War. It represents the first precedence in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict until then. d) The Second Disengagement Agreement The opening of the Suez Canal for international navigation on June 5, 1975 marked the start of an advanced and new phase of the peace process. After many contacts between Egypt and US, as well as the Soviet Union with the continuation of Henry Kissinger's shuttle tours, an accord was reached on the second separation of forces between Egypt and Israel in September 1975, which was implemented in March 1976. According to this deal, Egypt advanced to new lines and retook about 4,500 km of Sinai land. The withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Straits area is one of the most prominent strategic achievements in this deal, in addition to the return of the Egyptian oil fields in Ras Sidr, Abu Rudeis and Belayim. Perhaps the most important aspect of the agreement is that the conflict in the Middle East will not be resolved by military force, but by peaceful means, indicating the need for the two parties to reach a final and just peace settlement through negotiations.

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Initiative of Sadat to Visit Jerusalem (November 1977) President Sadat announced in a statement before the People's Assembly that he was ready to go to Israel, where he actually surprised the world in November 1977 by visiting Israel and delivering a speech to the Israeli Knesset, stressing that the achievement of any peace between all confrontation states and Israel without a just solution to the Palestinian issue will never achieve the permanent and just peace. Foundations of the Peace Initiative: − Ending the Israeli occupation of the Arab lands occupied in 1967. − Realizing the basic rights of the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination, including their right to establish their state. − Stressing the right of all countries in the region to live in peace within their secured borders through mutually agreed procedures that achieve adequate security for international borders in addition to appropriate international guarantees. − Emphasizing that all countries in the region are obligated to manage their relations in accordance with the goals and principles of the UN Charter, especially not to resort to force and resolve disputes between them by peaceful means. − Ending the state of war in the region.

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Camp David Conference (18 September 1978)

The late President Anwar Sadat and the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in the US Congress. On September 5, 1978, Egypt and Israel agreed to the American proposal to hold a tripartite conference at Camp David, US. An agreement was reached on September 17 of the same year, and the Camp David document was signed at the White House on September 18, 1978. The treaty included two important documents to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict. First Document: Peace Framework in the Middle East It stipulated that the articles of the UN Charter and other rules of international law and legitimacy provide acceptable standards for

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the conduct of relations between all states, achieving a relationship of peace in accordance with Article 2 of the UN Charter. It also stipulated that future negotiations that would be held between Israel and any neighboring country ready to negotiate peace and security, are necessary to implement all provisions and principles of SC Resolutions No. 242 and 338. Second Document: Accord Framework for Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty On March 26, 1979, Egypt and Israel signed Peace Treaty, as they are convinced that the urgent necessity to establish a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East in accordance with SC Resolutions No. 242 and 238. They reaffirm their commitment to the framework for peace in the Middle East agreed upon at Camp David, which stipulated an end to the war between the two parties, the establishment of mutual peace and the withdrawal of the Israeli armed forces and civilians from Sinai. A Timetable for the Phased Withdrawal from Sinai The Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty led to a complete Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula and the return of Egyptian sovereignty over all Egyptian territory. A timetable for the phased withdrawal from the Sinai was set as follows:

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• On May 26, 1979, the Egyptian flag was raised over the city of Arish, Israel withdrew from Arish/Ras Muhammad line, and the implementation of the Peace Treaty began. • On July 26, 1979, the second phase of the Israeli withdrawal from Sinai (an area of 6,000 m2) from Abu Zuneiba to Abu Khirbet was initiated. • On November 19, 1979, After liberating the land and achieving peace, the handed over the governorate of South Sinai a document of assume its powers • On November 19, 1979, the Israeli withdrawal from Saint Catherine and Al-Tur Valley took place. This day was considered the national holiday for the South Sinai Governorate. Thus, Sadat returned Sinai through negotiations and used both soft and hard powers in one strategy, which is called "smart power" in strategic sciences, and Sadat was able to use it before it reached the West. Sinai Liberation (April 25, 1982) April 25, 1982 was a remarkable day in the history of Egypt, as it succeeded in recovering all national land in the Sinai Peninsula after a fifteen-year occupation, and the Egyptian flag was raised on Egypt's eastern borders; Rafah in northern Sinai and Sharm el- Sheikh in southern Sinai. This day was declared an Egyptian national holiday commemorating the anniversary of the liberation of the land.

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Thus, the first achievement of peace was the complete return of Sinai to the motherland "Egypt", but there was an amputated part of its land represented in Taba, where Egypt refused to compromise on the land or surrender the Egyptian sovereignty; once again peace was the way. Restoring Taba to Homeland Taba... History and Geography Taba is a genuine part of Sinai, an unquestionably Egyptian land, with an area not exceeding one km2. It has a unique strategic and tourist location that controls the pathways connecting Sinai with the Gulf of Aqaba, and it also controls the Gaza road. Taba has always been coveted by the aggressors, as it has been subjected to three attempts to seize it; the first in 1892, the second in 1906, and the third during the final withdrawal of Israel from all Sinai lands in 1982. Israel provoked an artificial dispute over the Egyptian borders and claimed its ownership of Taba area and raised the problem about placing markers on the borders, and then the conflict erupted between Egypt and Israel over that one-km2 coastal strip. Egypt's Initial Stance Egypt's initial position was clear and explicit; there is no concession or abandonment of a single inch of Sinai soil and that any

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dispute over borders must be resolved in accordance with Article 7 of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty. April 26, 1982 Agreement Diplomatic efforts and contacts continued between Egypt on one hand and both Israel and the United States on the other, regarding Taba issue. On April 26, 1982, both the Egyptian and Israeli parties signed an agreement that included the method and principles for settling the dispute over the demarcation of the borders in Taba area on the Gulf of Aqaba according to the following principles: • Israeli withdrawal should be beyond the international border line. • The multinational forces and observers should be present in the disputed area until the borders are finally agreed upon. • Israel should not undertake any new constructions in the area until a final solution to the dispute is reached by conciliation or arbitration. • Meetings should discuss the method of implementing Article 7 of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty. • USA should participate in these meetings at the request of both parties. Egypt formed a legal committee, including a group of professors and experts in international law to study the legal aspects of

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conciliation and arbitration and complementary aspects related to Taba issue. It also formed a technical committee to approve the system that should prevail in the disputed areas during the transitional phase, as Egypt perceives the need to resort to arbitration in the first place to solve this problem. During the three years 1982- 85, the Egyptian diplomacy played a prominent role, and Egypt went through a continuous series of arduous negotiations and strenuous discussions during which its position was very clear; i.e. resorting to arbitration. Acceptance of International Arbitration Egypt accepted arbitration in the Taba case even though the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty signed on March 26, 1979 stipulated in its second paragraph that “the permanent international border between Egypt and Israel is the recognized boundary between Egypt and Palestine under the mandate.” Despite this categorical text indicates that Taba is definitively Egyptian, Israel deliberately raised a problem, before the withdrawal from Sinai, by refusing to withdraw from Taba. Egypt dealt with the crisis calmly, and missed on the Israeli side every opportunity to procrastinate. In commitment to the spirit of peace, the Egyptian diplomacy adopted the "long- breath technique" and signed an accord on April 25, 1982 to solve the remaining technical issues related to international borders.

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Egypt fought a diplomatic and legal battle resulted in signing an agreement of January 13, 1986 under which Israel accepted the arbitration principal. It took other eight months of painstaking and exhausting negotiations until the arbitration stipulation was signed on September 11, 1986. The arbitration stipulation was a testimony of superiority of the Egyptian diplomacy, which did not left the Israeli side any loophole it can make use of. The Egyptian negotiator insisted on his just and specific demand, which is "to determine border sites.” The Restoration of Taba The arbitration battle, in which elite of Egyptian scholars and diplomats participated, lasted for about fourteen months, and the judgment of the Arbitration Court, in the Canton of Geneva, was issued on September 29, 1988, to decide that Taba is definitively Egyptian. Nevertheless, Israel deliberately obstructed the implementation of the ruling, bearing in mind that its resort to arbitration means its prior commitment to the court's decision. Egypt was wise and rational and adopted the long-breath technique to force Israel to implement the ruling. After about six months of negotiations, debates and meetings,

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Israel announced its acceptance of the arbitration judgment, and the Egyptian flag was raised on Taba on March 19, 1989. Egypt proved, through the battle of arbitration, that peace is more precious than usurping the lands of others, and that the security of any state is only guaranteed by good neighborhood with others. Egypt's victory in the Battle of Taba is a victory for international justice, for the principle of resolving disputes by peaceful means, and above all, a promotion of peace policy.

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Chapter II Countering Terrorism in Sinai

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The slogan of the Armed Forces: Victory or Martyrdom Sinai has been coveted by a lot of enemies due to its geographical and strategic location; it is the key to Egypt’s marvelous location in the heart of the world’s continents and civilizations. It is also the connecting bridge between Asia and Africa and between the East and the West. Sinai, the Land of Turquoise, is still resilient against contrived conspiracies and fabricated crises that try to plant extremist organizations to separate Sinai from the motherland. Nevertheless, the brave Armed Forces have always been ready for them and succeeded in facing these conspiracies throughout years via a number of military operations; most prominent of which was the Comprehensive Military Operation “Sinai 2018”. The operation was given the starting signal by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and assigned to the heroic armed forces and policemen. It has deservedly

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described as the widest and strongest military operation to combat “takfiri1” extremist groups since the 6th of October War. The operation managed to eliminate most terrorist hotbeds and destroy their infrastructure. Sinai will always be Egypt's security gateway, and the Egyptian Armed Forced will always remain the country’s security shield. In October 1973, the Armed Forces restored the land of Egypt and liberated Sinai. Today, the Army is fighting a fierce battle against terrorism; sacrificing the blood and soul of its sons to protect Egypt’s soil and sovereignty and to purify Sinai from the dens of terrorism that took advantage of the security absence in wake of January 2011 Revolution in order to penetrate in this strategic zone of the Egyptian territories. Decisive Confrontations against Terrorism Upon the repetitive terrorist attacks against the Army, Police and the Sinai residents, a series of military operations began at Sinai to eradicate the terrorist groups. Such terrorist and Takfiri elements sought to establish a terrorist center and impose their control over this area of Egypt’s land. For this purpose, they started attacking the Armed Forces in an attempt to shake the confidence of Egyptians in the capabilities of their Armed Forces.

1 Takfiri: Groups accusing others Muslims of apostasy

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Commencement of Military Operations The decisive military operations against terrorism in Sinai started with the “Eagle I Operation” in 2011, after Arish Police Department was attacked with heavy artillery. The military operations continued due to targeting the army’s patrols, its focal points, and its soldiers, so there was “Eagle 2 Operation” in 2012 after an attack on a military unit; where 16 soldiers were killed, as well as 7 soldiers were also kidnapped in another attack in 2013. On wake of June 30, 2013 Revolution, the intense of the terrorist attacks had escalated, where 25 soldiers were killed in August 2013. In light of such repetitive crimes, Joint Forces from the Army and the Police launched a wide-range military crackdown started in September 2013 to chase the terrorist and Takfiri elements in several governorates, on top of which was North Sinai. In this respect, the Army succeeded in Countering terrorism, eradicate several terrorist dens, arrest a number of Takfiris and demolish the tunnels in the Northern border zone along Arish/Rafah line. Karm Al-Qawadees Attack On October 24, 2014, a coordinated terrorist assault targeted an army checkpoint in Karm Al-Qawadees, killing 31 personnel and injuring 30 others. Upon such painful accident, President Abdel- Fattah El-Sisi issued the Republican Decree No. 366 of 2014, declaring the state of emergency in some areas of Sinai.

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SCAF Convened: The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) convened with full members in an emergency meeting on Saturday, October 25, 2014, under the chairmanship of President El-Sisi, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to review the latest developments in Sinai. SCAF asserted its intention to eradicate terrorism, emphasizing that such attacks would only increase the willpower of the people and the Army to eradicate the roots of terrorism. New Phase to Eradicate Terrorism from Sinai Sinai had received further security reinforcements from the Second and Third Field Army, along with elements from the Rapid Deployment Units and the Special Operations. Thereupon, the security level has been raised to maximum alert in order to assist the Army and the Civil Police Units and formations in their war against terrorism. Several procedures had been applied, in addition to the emergency case and the curfew at night, the Rafah crossing which links the Egyptian territories to Gaza Strip was closed to prevent the terrorists from sneaking to Egypt. Moreover, a part of the border strip had been evacuated, where houses lying at a distance of 1000 m between the Egyptian Rafah city and the borders with Gaza Strip (along 14 km) had been evacuated in order to stop the infiltration of terrorists to Egypt.

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Sinai Citizens Fighting Terrorism Throughout their history, the Sinai citizens played a key role in the protection of the Eastern borders against any external aggression. The Sinai citizens had long suffered from extremism, as several families lost their sons in such confrontations. “The Right of the Martyr”... A Qualitative Transformation in Military Operations On September 7, 2015, SCAF announced the start of the comprehensive operation "the Right of the Martyr" in Rafah, Sheikh Zuweid and Arish to counter terrorism in Sinai. In this context, troops of the Second Field Army backed by members of the Commandos and Rapid Intervention Forces, with the help of the anti-terror units of the Civil Police, raided terrorist dens in the areas referred to above, and eliminated the takfiri elements there. The "Right of the Martyr" Operation constitutes a qualitative transformation in the strategy of fighting terrorism. As the forces charged with confronting terrorism shifted from a state of defending the land, the citizens and themselves, to take the lead through an intensive overall crackdown where the terrorist dens had been identified. The Armed Forces suddenly attacked the dens, compelling terrorists to lose their balance and ability of confrontation; thus restoring the right of the martyr through adopting the proactive strategy and fully destroying the enemy.

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Salient Results: The Armed Forces declared the end of the first phase of the overall security and military operation in North Sinai "the Right of the Martyr" which lasted for 16 days, after realizing its objectives. This operation envisaged the liquidation of more than 300 terrorists and arresting others, in addition to destroying 10 weapons and explosive depots and a large number of cars and motorcycles, and hundreds of dens in Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid. In this respect, the Armed Forces intensified its procedures of securing the vital facilities, public utilities, and public and private properties in Arish and Rafah and their leading roads. The Army also asserted that it is continuing its operations to chase the terrorist elements with determination to preserve the security of the homeland and to secure Egypt's great people. The Right of the Martyr II The second phase of “the Right of the Martyr” Operation was launched on June 3, 2016 to complete purging Sinai of terrorism. In this respect, the participating Army and Police Forces launched several strikes against the terrorist "Beit al-Maqdis" (Supporters of Jerusalem) group. They also launched several campaigns against the terrorist dens in Arish, Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid. In the third day of the operation, Apache helicopters and F16 Jet Fighters targeted a number of terrorist strongholds.

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Objective of the Operation The Operation aimed at eliminating the terrorists and the remnants of the extremist group "Beit al-Maqdis" that escaped from Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid to Arish and executed a number of sporadic terrorist operations, including the assassination and the detonation of explosive devices in Police and Army's armored vehicles. Thereupon, the Armed Forces, in collaboration with the Police, decided to rapidly begin the second phase of the "Right of the Martyr". Salient Results: The "Right of the Martyr II” Operation realized tangible results, thanks to the full cooperation of the Sinai citizens with the Armed Forces. In this vein, more than 500 terrorists had been killed, in addition to arresting others. The Army also destroyed more than 99% of the tunnels with Gaza Strip. The Armed Forces announced that they would continue implementing the second phase of Operation "Right of the Martyr", with the aim of creating appropriate conditions for the start of development process in Sinai, as follows: 1- Realizing continuous cooperation with the Police in order to impose full control over Rafah, Sheikh Zuweid and Arish, along with full readiness for a decisive and instant dealing with any threat against the Sinai citizens.

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2- Putting all public utilities and vital targets in Rafah, Sheikh Zuweid and Arish under full security, besides the main and bypass roads leading to such cities. 3- Providing aspects of health, food and social care for all Sinai residents. The Right of the Martyr III The third phase of the "Right of Martyr" Operation began on May 25, 2016 with an expanded operation throughout Sinai in the extremely dangerous terrorist elements’ hotbeds. Salient Results: "Right of Martyr III" Operation led to the following results: − A number of 85 terrorist elements had been liquidated by air strikes at Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah. − The Artillery Forces had also succeeded to destroy 190 dens and 57 houses used by terrorists in launching their criminal operations. − Three suspects had also been arrested and 10 vehicles and 5 motor cycles used by terrorists in attacking the security checkpoints had been destroyed. − A number of 73 shelters hideouts used by terrorist elements in several areas in Sinai had been destroyed.

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Mount Halal and Eradicating Terrorism Mount Halal (Jabal Al-Halal) extends from the North to the South of Sinai, where its greatest part lies in the heart of Sinai, stretching for 60-km length, 20-km width and 1000-m height. As a result of the topography of the terrain, the mountain became a safe haven for terrorists, Takfiri and criminal militants; the matter which represents a real threat to Sinai region. The General Command of the Armed Forces set a plan for storming and combing-up Mount Halal to purge it from the terrorists, and restore stability in Sinai. The operation was carried out on three phases: Phase I: The operation had been launched after garnering the due information with the help of faithful Sinai people. Phase II: It closed all axes of the Mountain and sieged it completely from all directions to prevent access of provisions and ammunition.

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Phase III: Nine combat groups were prepared to raid the Mountain; each group had its plan and divided the Mountain into 9 sectors, where each one undertook the combing-up operation in specific sector. The Comprehensive Operation... “Sinai 2018” Planning and Preparation The Comprehensive Military Operation... “Sinai 2018” came in the aftermath of attacking Al-Rawda Mosque of Bir El-Abd in Arish on November 24, 2017. The attack resulted in the death of more than 300 people while they were performing the Friday Prayers in the mosque. Consequently, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi asked Lieutenant General Mohamed Farid Hegazy, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and Major General Magdy Abd El-Ghafar, Minister of the Interior to use all the brute force against terrorism to eradicate it in maximum 3 months. Phases and Targets of the Operation The operation included many phases and targets according to the communiqués issued by the Armed Forces and disclosed by Colonel Tamer El-Refaei, the spokesman of the Armed Forces. Salient phases and targets are: • The field operation started in the morning of February 9, 2018. • The implementation was preceded by preparation, collecting information and deploying forces in specified areas.

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• The areas, where the operation took place, included North and Central Sinai and other places in Delta as well as the desert hinterland, western the Nile Valley. • The objectives of the military operations are to tighten control over the external outlets of the Egyptian state. • The preliminary results of the operation included targeting hotbeds as well as arms and ammunition warehouses used by the terrorists as a base to target Law Enforcement Forces and civil targets in North and Central Sinai. • Security measures on the maritime domain have been intensified, aiming at cutting off the supply lines of terrorist elements. • Security measures at border crossings had been intensified. • Security measures on vital targets and areas all over Egypt have been intensified. Armed Forces’ Branches Participating in the Operation: The operation includes main branches of the Egyptian Armed Forces: 1- The Navy: Its mission was to intensify security measures on the maritime domain aiming at cutting off the supply lines of terrorist elements. 2- The Air Force: Its mission was to target hotbeds of terrorist elements in north and central areas of Sinai.

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3- Border Guard Forces: Their mission was to intensify security on borders. 4- The Police: Their mission was to protect residents and residential areas of North Sinai. The operation has achieved 95% of its targets so far. Salient Procedures of Planning and Preparation for the Operation The first phase of implementing the comprehensive operation was planning and preparation; among the most prominent measures implemented during this stage are the following: - Closely monitoring the hiding areas of the terrorist hotbeds, especially in north and central areas of Sinai, and identifying other threat sources by the information-gathering agencies, in cooperation with Sinai’s faithful citizens. - Training members of the Armed Forces and the Police who are specialized in combating terrorism. - Implementing a realistic and intense training plan on the ground and organize cooperation between the military and police forces on the planned security and operational tasks. - Raising the readiness of the security checkpoints. - Implementing a psychological and moral rehabilitation plan for the participating forces focuses on adherence to the doctrine of the Armed Forces: “Victory or Martyrdom for the Security and

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Stability of the Homeland” in addition to revenge for the martyrs of the Armed Forces and the Police who were victims of the treacherous terrorism. - Carrying out security raids against the discovered terrorist hotbeds. - Carrying out the plan of dealing with tunnels by using all technological means to reduce the dangers of terrorist elements’ communication (destroying about 3000 tunnel openings through the past few years) in addition to continuing procedures to impose the buffer zone along the borders with Gaza Strip. - Boosting the readiness of facilities and administrative and service units, especially in North Sinai, in full coordination with local government services (bakeries - hospitals - food supplies - social services) to provide the basic needs of the honorable people of Sinai. Comprehensive War against Terrorism The Military Operation “Sinai 2018” is considered a comprehensive war against terrorism on various strategic aspects. Heading towards the East, the Armed Forces succeeded in continuing the establishment of the buffer zone on the border strip to cut off supply routes and destroy a great number of tunnels to reduce the harms that affected the Armed Forces and the Egyptian national security. Furthermore, the Armed Forces managed to impose a full

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siege on the terrorist hotbeds in Sinai, as well as tightening security measures on crossings and ferries in the Suez Canal to prevent the movement of terrorist elements to and from Sinai. Regarding the military operations in the south west direction, the Border Guard Forces in cooperation with the Air Forces were able to intensify their successful strikes to combat infiltrations and arms smuggling, and comb-up routes and gravel roads to chase any terrorist elements. Consequently, a great number of takfiri and criminal elements were eliminated; in addition, amount of arms and ammunition was seized. Moreover, the Navy imposed full control over the coasts of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, as well as Rafah and Arish. Getting decisive instructions from the political leadership represented by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, the Comprehensive Operation shall continue until full elimination of terrorist hotbeds. The Forces’ Tactic Areas of operation have been divided, starting from the west bank of the Suez Canal until the international border line. The most prominent procedure in that phase regarding the north-east direction was executing comprehensive raids targeting terrorist hotbeds by the Unified Leadership assigned to counter terrorism, these procedures were as follows:

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First: Scope of Action of the Second Army The Second Army troops moved from their positioning areas to a number of main pivots including cities of Rafah, Sheikh Zuweid, Arish and their desert hinterland with the task of clearing these areas from terrorism. Furthermore, they imposed a tight security cordon on the western and eastern of Suez Canal navigational route to prevent any escape or infiltration of criminals or those who help them. Moreover, the Second Army offered air and sea support through specifying a number of aircrafts to carry out aerial bombardment against terrorist hotbeds along with their logistics areas. The sea support was across the sea coast which included tightening the blockade against the movement of the terrorist elements. In addition, the Second Army in North Sinai in the contiguous zone to the Suez Canal’s eastern bank until areas of operation combed all routes and gravel roads and caught any terrorists or those who help them as well as prevented either infiltration of terrorists from fighting areas or re-centralizing in those areas. Furthermore, they combed-up the area located behind the contiguous zone to the Suez Canal’s eastern bank until the international border line. The Forces destroyed the infrastructure of the takfiri elements. In addition, they inspected the individuals to ascertain the legality of their situation and handed over the suspects to the relevant security authorities, especially in residential areas.

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The Police impose control over the searched areas and restore normal life in these areas. As for the terrorist hotbeds monitored by assured intelligence information, they were cordoned and raided by land forces in cooperation with air forces according to the situation. Furthermore, the security forces assigned to set up security checkpoints on roads and main axes in the operation zones in North Sinai, along with the military engineers secured forces against explosive devices. The security forces also, in cooperation with Border Guard Forces, discovered and destroyed tunnels in the border strip in North Sinai. Moreover, they continued establishing the buffer zone on the border strip and compensated the affected persons. Second: Scope of Action of the Third Army The Third Army supported by Special Forces of the Commandos and paratroopers, in cooperation with the Police, were tasked to deal with terrorist hotbeds and their logistic areas. This was done through dividing the raids’ areas eastern the Canal in Central Sinai to the international border line into main sectors, in addition to assuming control over the border strip in the north-east strategic direction, and providing air and sea support through aerial bombardment of the terrorist hotbeds, as well as securing crossings leading to Sinai and the Red Sea Coast.

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The second area of operations for the Third Army extends to the international border line where there are forces responsible of combing the mountainous areas in Central Sinai, as well as destroying all takfiri’s infrastructure. Third: Scope of Action of the Counter-Terrorism Unit in Delta and the Desert Hinterland Western the Nile Valley The Counter-terrorism forces undertake security patrols to comb-up desert hinterland areas in the Valley and the Delta and secure them against any terrorists’ infiltration. In the scope of central, north, west and south military zones, a number of land, navy and air units undertake training activities in parallel with carrying out intensive security patrols to help Border Guard Forces. Furthermore, those units continue tasks of securing the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, as well as tightening control over the state's external outlets, securing oil and mineral resources, offering air and sea support to intensify securing the state’s borders against any external threats. Fourth: Scope of Action of the Navy Forces The Navy secured all strategic directions round-the-clock and executed training and operational maneuvers. Furthermore, the Navy sent a maritime formation supported by an aircraft carrier holding Naval Special Forces, helicopters and members of the Air Defense Forces to the eastern strategic axis, face terrorists and secure

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navigational routes and the entrance of the Suez Canal. Moreover, the Naval Special Forces debarked on the northern coast of Sinai in order to tighten the naval blockade over the area from Port Said to Rafah, comb-up the coastal areas, attack terrorists found beside the coast, cut off their supplies, prevent their escape or infiltration to or from the operations zone with full cooperation with the Air Forces, the Border Guard Forces and tactical formations participating in the operation. This was done together with securing vital strategic targets on the coast and deep inside the exclusive economic zone to protect the mineral wealth (natural gas and oil) in the seabed. Regarding the northern strategic direction, the Navy secured the Suez Canal navigational route in order to protect the maritime transportation lines in territorial waters in cooperation with the Border Guard Forces. On the western strategic direction, the Navy imposed full sea control to prevent any infiltration of terrorists across the western sea borders, promote maritime security to prohibit organized crime operations such as smuggling arms, drugs and goods, as well as illegal migration. On the southern strategic direction, the Navy intensified its measures to prevent infiltration of terrorists across borders and stop smuggling to protect the Egyptian national security.

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Fifth: Scope of Action of the Air Force The Air Force secured all strategic directions and targets in the State round-the-clock through aerial reconnaissance with readiness to deal with all threats once discovered. Furthermore, the Air Force continues executing its tasks through concentrated air attacks against terrorist elements stationing in Sinai. The air force operates outside the population centers to protect civilian lives. In addition, the air formations support the fights of tactical, land and navy formations while executing their different missions. The Air Force secures the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts aiming at achieving air protection to all economic targets. The Air Force heroes dealt with many targets in certain areas and in short time period, thus assured their high professional level in executing the tasks assigned to them. Ultimate Objective of Preserving Human Right Standards The magnificence of this comprehensive war against terrorist elements is manifested in the commitment of the Armed Forces and the Police to all human rights parameters and standards and to the full protection of civilians in all areas that witness security raids. As, the Armed Forces abide by rules of engagement internationally established, take all legal procedures against terrorist elements and the wanted, and refer them to prosecution according to standards assigned by the Constitution. Furthermore, the suspects are released after reviewing their security status.

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The Operation’s Command allocated 12 phone lines to receive civilian calls against terrorists. This is in addition to the complete cooperation and coordination among all the state’s institutions and local authorities to provide food supplies, health and social insurance to residents of areas witness security operations. Above all the Operation Command provided transparency and credibility in presenting information about the security situation on the ground before the public opinion at home and abroad. A careful reading of the evaluation of the Comprehensive Military Operation “Sinai 2018” reveals that the achievements and victories that have been realized were not expected to be achieved in many years, thanks to the patriotism of Egyptian brave soldiers. From the accurate information disclosed in the communiqués by Colonel Tamer El-Refaei, the spokesman of the Armed Forces, the Comprehensive Operation accomplished impressive results on the theatre of operations. This was realized via securing all borders and vital targets inside the Egyptian governorates, targeting the leadership of the terrorist organization in north and central Sinai, destroying all discovered terrorist hotbeds, arresting a great number of terrorists and pursuing criminals. Moreover, this was also attained by destroying the extremists’ infrastructure, seizing a great number of vehicles and motorcycles of the terrorists, as well as a great quantity of explosives, arms, bombs and explosive devices.

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On the field level, the military operations included all targeted directions and axes, not merely in the Sinai Peninsula. This has contributed in a significant setback in terrorist operations against civil targets, thanks to the success of the accurate monitoring from intelligence agencies, tightening the grip on the terrorists and deployment of the forces in every place.

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