3 bus time schedule & line map

3 - - Tinsley Green - Gatwick View In Website Mode Airport

The 3 bus line (Crawley - Three Bridges - Tinsley Green - ) has 5 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 5:01 AM - 10:50 PM (2) Crawley: 5:01 AM - 5:51 AM (3) : 11:21 PM (4) Gatwick Airport: 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM (5) Tinsley Green: 11:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 3 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 3 bus arriving.

Direction: Bewbush 3 bus Time Schedule 28 stops Bewbush Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:41 AM - 10:10 PM

Monday 5:01 AM - 10:50 PM Gatwick Airport (South Terminal) Station Approach Road, Tuesday 5:01 AM - 10:50 PM

City Place, Wednesday 5:01 AM - 10:50 PM Beehive Ring Road, England Thursday 5:01 AM - 10:50 PM The Greyhound, Tinsley Green Friday 5:01 AM - 10:50 PM

Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood Saturday 5:51 AM - 10:50 PM

Forge Wood, Tinsley Green

Crematorium, Tinsley Green Balcombe Road, England 3 bus Info Direction: Bewbush Heatheld, Stops: 28 Balcombe Road, Crawley Trip Duration: 40 min Line Summary: Gatwick Airport (South Terminal), Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill City Place, Manor Royal, The Greyhound, Tinsley Worth Park Avenue, Crawley Green, Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood, Forge Wood, Tinsley Green, Crematorium, Tinsley Green, Worth Park Avenue, Pound Hill Heatheld, Pound Hill, Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill, Worth Park Avenue, Pound Hill, Three Bridges Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges, Squareabout, Three Bridges, Haslett Avenue East, Crawley, Bus Station, Crawley, Squareabout, Three Bridges Broadway, Crawley, Orchard Street, Crawley, , West Green, The Apple Tree, West Green, Haslett Avenue East, Crawley Ewhurst Road, West Green, The Mardens, Ield, Overdene Drive, , Craigans, Gossops Green, Gossops Green Shops, Gossops Green, Bus Station, Crawley Buckswood Drive, Gossops Green, Henshaw Close, Friary Way, Crawley Bewbush, Ellman Road, Bewbush, Colwyn Close, Bewbush, Dorsten Square, Bewbush, Brettingham Broadway, Crawley Close, Bewbush 4 The Broadway, Crawley

Orchard Street, Crawley Pegler Way, Crawley Crawley Hospital, West Green West Green Drive, Crawley

The Apple Tree, West Green 55 Meadowlands, Crawley

Ewhurst Road, West Green

The Mardens, Ield

Overdene Drive, Gossops Green

Craigans, Gossops Green

Gossops Green Shops, Gossops Green

Buckswood Drive, Gossops Green 206 Rother Crescent, Crawley

Henshaw Close, Bewbush Mowbray Drive, Crawley

Ellman Road, Bewbush Petworth Court, Crawley

Colwyn Close, Bewbush Colwyn Close, Crawley

Dorsten Square, Bewbush Dorsten Place, Crawley

Brettingham Close, Bewbush Direction: Crawley 3 bus Time Schedule 13 stops Crawley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 5:01 AM - 5:51 AM

Monday Not Operational Gatwick Airport (South Terminal) Station Approach Road, England Tuesday Not Operational

City Place, Manor Royal Wednesday Not Operational Beehive Ring Road, England Thursday Not Operational The Greyhound, Tinsley Green Friday Not Operational

Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood Saturday 5:01 AM

Forge Wood, Tinsley Green

Crematorium, Tinsley Green Balcombe Road, England 3 bus Info Direction: Crawley Heatheld, Pound Hill Stops: 13 Balcombe Road, Crawley Trip Duration: 16 min Line Summary: Gatwick Airport (South Terminal), Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill City Place, Manor Royal, The Greyhound, Tinsley Worth Park Avenue, Crawley Green, Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood, Forge Wood, Tinsley Green, Crematorium, Tinsley Green, Worth Park Avenue, Pound Hill Heatheld, Pound Hill, Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill, Worth Park Avenue, Pound Hill, Three Bridges Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges, Squareabout, Three Bridges, Haslett Avenue East, Crawley, Bus Station, Crawley Squareabout, Three Bridges

Haslett Avenue East, Crawley

Bus Station, Crawley Friary Way, Crawley Direction: Forge Wood 3 bus Time Schedule 30 stops Forge Wood Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 11:21 PM Brettingham Close, Bewbush Tuesday 11:21 PM Neptune Close, Bewbush Neptune Close, Crawley Wednesday 11:21 PM

Mercury Close, Bewbush Thursday 11:21 PM Mercury Close, Crawley Friday 11:21 PM

Sullivan Drive, Bewbush Saturday 11:21 PM

Bewbush Roundabout, Bewbush Sullivan Drive, Crawley

Dorsten Square, Bewbush 3 bus Info Dorsten Place, Crawley Direction: Forge Wood Stops: 30 Colwyn Close, Bewbush Trip Duration: 28 min Bewbush Drive, Crawley Line Summary: Brettingham Close, Bewbush, Neptune Close, Bewbush, Mercury Close, Bewbush, Ellman Road, Bewbush Sullivan Drive, Bewbush, Bewbush Roundabout, Petworth Court, Crawley Bewbush, Dorsten Square, Bewbush, Colwyn Close, Bewbush, Ellman Road, Bewbush, Henshaw Close, Henshaw Close, Bewbush Bewbush, Gossops Green Shops, Gossops Green, Craigans, Gossops Green, Overdene Drive, Gossops Gossops Green Shops, Gossops Green Green, The Mardens, Ield, Ewhurst Road, West Green, The Apple Tree, West Green, Crawley Hospital, Craigans, Gossops Green West Green, Smalls Mead, Crawley, Orchard Street, Crawley, Broadway, Crawley, Bus Station, Crawley, Overdene Drive, Gossops Green Haslett Avenue East, Crawley, Squareabout, Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges, Worth The Mardens, Ield Park Avenue, Pound Hill, Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill, Heatheld, Pound Hill, Orde Close, Pound Hill, Ewhurst Road, West Green Crematorium, Tinsley Green, Forge Wood, Tinsley Green, Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood The Apple Tree, West Green 55 Meadowlands, Crawley

Crawley Hospital, West Green 31 West Green Drive, Crawley

Smalls Mead, Crawley

Orchard Street, Crawley Pegler Way, Crawley

Broadway, Crawley 12 The Broadway, Crawley

Bus Station, Crawley Friary Way, Crawley

Haslett Avenue East, Crawley Haslett Avenue East, Crawley Squareabout, Three Bridges

Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges

Worth Park Avenue, Pound Hill

Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill Worth Park Avenue, Crawley

Heatheld, Pound Hill

Orde Close, Pound Hill

Crematorium, Tinsley Green Balcombe Road, England

Forge Wood, Tinsley Green Waterseld Road, England

Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood Direction: Gatwick Airport 3 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Gatwick Airport Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM

Monday 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM Brettingham Close, Bewbush Tuesday 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM Neptune Close, Bewbush Neptune Close, Crawley Wednesday 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM

Mercury Close, Bewbush Thursday 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM Mercury Close, Crawley Friday 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM

Sullivan Drive, Bewbush Saturday 4:33 AM - 10:41 PM

Bewbush Roundabout, Bewbush Sullivan Drive, Crawley

Dorsten Square, Bewbush 3 bus Info Dorsten Place, Crawley Direction: Gatwick Airport Stops: 33 Colwyn Close, Bewbush Trip Duration: 43 min Bewbush Drive, Crawley Line Summary: Brettingham Close, Bewbush, Neptune Close, Bewbush, Mercury Close, Bewbush, Ellman Road, Bewbush Sullivan Drive, Bewbush, Bewbush Roundabout, Petworth Court, Crawley Bewbush, Dorsten Square, Bewbush, Colwyn Close, Bewbush, Ellman Road, Bewbush, Henshaw Close, Henshaw Close, Bewbush Bewbush, Gossops Green Shops, Gossops Green, Craigans, Gossops Green, Overdene Drive, Gossops Gossops Green Shops, Gossops Green Green, The Mardens, Ield, Ewhurst Road, West Green, The Apple Tree, West Green, Crawley Hospital, Craigans, Gossops Green West Green, Smalls Mead, Crawley, Orchard Street, Crawley, Broadway, Crawley, Bus Station, Crawley, Overdene Drive, Gossops Green Haslett Avenue East, Crawley, Squareabout, Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges, Worth The Mardens, Ield Park Avenue, Pound Hill, Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill, Heatheld, Pound Hill, Orde Close, Pound Hill, Crematorium, Tinsley Green, Forge Wood, Tinsley Ewhurst Road, West Green Green, Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood, The Greyhound, Tinsley Green, City Place, Manor Royal, The Apple Tree, West Green South Terminal 55 Meadowlands, Crawley

Crawley Hospital, West Green 31 West Green Drive, Crawley

Smalls Mead, Crawley

Orchard Street, Crawley Pegler Way, Crawley

Broadway, Crawley 12 The Broadway, Crawley

Bus Station, Crawley Friary Way, Crawley

Haslett Avenue East, Crawley Haslett Avenue East, Crawley Squareabout, Three Bridges

Three Bridges Station, Three Bridges

Worth Park Avenue, Pound Hill

Ridley's Corner, Pound Hill Worth Park Avenue, Crawley

Heatheld, Pound Hill

Orde Close, Pound Hill

Crematorium, Tinsley Green Balcombe Road, England

Forge Wood, Tinsley Green Waterseld Road, England

Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood

The Greyhound, Tinsley Green

City Place, Manor Royal Beehive Ring Road, England

South Terminal Caledonian Way, England Direction: Tinsley Green 3 bus Time Schedule 6 stops Tinsley Green Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 11:20 PM

Monday 11:20 PM Gatwick Airport (South Terminal) Station Approach Road, England Tuesday 11:20 PM

City Place, Manor Royal Wednesday 11:20 PM Beehive Ring Road, England Thursday 11:20 PM The Greyhound, Tinsley Green Friday 11:20 PM

Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood Saturday 11:20 PM

Forge Wood, Tinsley Green

Crematorium, Tinsley Green Balcombe Road, England 3 bus Info Direction: Tinsley Green Stops: 6 Trip Duration: 6 min Line Summary: Gatwick Airport (South Terminal), City Place, Manor Royal, The Greyhound, Tinsley Green, Wimblehurst Road, Forge Wood, Forge Wood, Tinsley Green, Crematorium, Tinsley Green 3 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved