Team Hardcore Call Transcription September 30th

Brigitte Linford: 6-Figure Foundation”

[Beginning of Recorded Material]


00:00:01 Jenelle: Wednesday, September 30th, and I'm very excited to bring to you today Brigitte Linford. She is…well I’ll introduce you to her in just one second. First of all my name is Jenelle Summers and I'm head of Team Hard Core and I'm very happy to have all of you. We have other teams that get on these trainings and that's awesome. The more I can share with everyone and share top coaches like Brigitte, the better, right? We’re all human beings, we’re all sharing with each other, and working together on this mission to end the trend of obesity. So today September 30th, so some of you I know are still pushing for Success Club Five or Ten or your goals to add numbers to your team or whatever it may be. I just want to say, don't give up. I mean I love it when I have those coaches that are like, “You know what? I may not make it but I'm going to push until, you know, midnight Eastern Standard Time. I'm going to push.”

That's how I am and I think you'll hear from anyone who's had success in the business…and it's not like if you don't hit it, it’s the end of the world. It's not, but just those little extra messages and connections with certain people and following up with people who have done challenge groups before or whatever it may be, following up with someone that, you know, had interest in the business. Those things do make a difference. You can go from, you know, just having one or two points on the last day of the month to suddenly having five. So don't for a second think that it's out of reach or it's too late. I've heard coaches say before, “Oh well, we only have a day or two left so I'm not going to make this month.” I'm like, “What?” Who gives up that early? I mean just… I just don't recommend it. If you are serious about this business and you’re on this call and you're on trainings like this, you’re spending time like this, then go for it. His business is so much about just going that little extra mile, and it's not even really a mile, but putting that little extra effort, it really is huge. It makes all the difference. So definitely go for it. So I'm not going to go through all the announcements. I want to get right to the content; I want to get right to Brigitte. Brigitte is a very special guest. She is a Super-Star Diamond. She's a 15-Star Diamond in her first business center and in her second business center she's a 4-Star Diamond. She's also a Success Club 10 All-Star Legend - it's amazing.

And she's also a devoted mom; she's a wife. She's one of the most humble leaders out there. She's extremely successful and she is so because of the hard work that she's put in. She has an amazing story. If you're not following Brigitte on YouTube, on the Beach Body podcast, on, you know, Facebook, definitely do so. You will find so much inspiration from her and her story and what she's been through and how she's building her business. So definitely follow Brigitte. She is one of those leaders that she, you know, she leads quietly but with a lot of strength and she leads by example. So I think were going to learn a lot from her. I'm very blessed to have her on our call today, so with that Brigitte are you there?

00:03:04 Brigitte: I am. Thank you so much for that very kind and generous introduction. I just want to make sure everyone can hear me good and I'll go ahead and click the screen share here.

00:03:16 Jenelle: Cool.

00:03:19 Brigitte: All right. You guys can see this okay, right?

00:03:22 Jenelle: Guys, text me if for some reason you can't see Brigitte's PowerPoint, okay? I’ll let you know Bridget if they can't see it because I just made it so that they…I just on my end changed it so that they can see your PowerPoint but we won't know for sure so I’ll hear from them if they can't.

00:03:41 Brigitte: Okay. Awesome. Well thank you so much for this opportunity to kind of chat with you guys. One of the things I just love about this network is how so many coaches just work together and they are just open about what they are doing in this business to grow and to increase and to find more people that they can help, and so it's just one of those things I love about Team Beach Body. It really is everyone working together as a team. So I am honored to be here today. I wanted to go ahead and give you guys a little bit more of an introduction on how I came to this place, a little bit of my background, and what my life was like before Beach Body, if that's okay? So when I found Beach Body I was really…had been on this journey to change my life and to really get things under control for the first time in my life really. I should have included a little introduction slide here with a picture of what I looked like before, my before photo, but this really started off as a journey for me to see what I could accomplish when I got my health and fitness under control. Because I had never been the 00:05:00 person who [ate] clean and worked out. Like I had never in my life done those two things simultaneously and quite honestly I was curious.

I was really curious what life would be like and what would change and what I could look like in a way if I did those things and so I was ready. I started off just doing walks around the block and get out of breath going two blocks but then the next day, I'd be like, “Okay, let's see if I can maybe start running a little bit,” and it just started off me taking care of my own health and fitness and then that led to Beach Body. One day I was on Facebook and I saw a post from this guy and he was talking about paying off his mortgage early and it just blew my mind because he was paying like an extra $5000 towards his mortgage, and we were living off like $4000 a month. And so it blew my mind that somebody could have $5000 extra to pay towards their mortgage, because I'm thinking we don't even make that much in a month. Like who is this guy? He must be a celebrity or like how does anybody have that much money? Like it just blew my mind. We had never had that kind of, you know, income of having $5000 extra and I just kind of started watching him and I saw him posting about P90X and I saw him talking about Shakeology and I was thinking, “Well, I have P90X, you know, I had gotten it off of Craigslist years prior and I had never really used it,” and I thought, “You know what? I'm going to find a way to make it work to use Shakeology.” So I started using Shakeology, did P90X, all on my own. Like I didn't reach out to this coach: I was too embarrassed at that point. But I had a transformation and I lost weight and people were asking me what I was doing and I just felt amazing. So I started looking at the business opportunity and still hadn't reached out to this coach yet and told him I was stalking him. But I remember, you know, just getting to a point where I felt like there's other people who are like me, there's other people who are struggling with their own like physical transformation. They feel stuck and they're not seen the changes that they want because…I mean I was running 20 miles…I got to a point where I was running like 20-30 miles a week and I couldn't lose any weight. And the moment I started doing P90X and using Shakeology, I lost weight. So it was just something where I knew that this had value for other people because it had such value in my life and had made such a difference for me that I just knew that I needed to do this and I also knew that it would be such a huge blessing for my family financially. We have been without and, you know, you can see this screen here…I’m going to talk about money, I'm going to talk about yes, how you can lay the foundation for a six- figure income.

And I know you get into this business because you're passionate about people and you're passionate about these products and really that's the only way that you can succeed in this business, but I also know that for you to say that money doesn't matter, try telling that to somebody doesn't have money to buy food for their kids, you know, and that…I’ve live through that. You know, we've lived through a place where, you know, my husband had a great job at one point in our marriage and things just kind of fell apart we went without income for two years and that's a really long time to go without a paycheck. I mean we were living off of credit cards and, you know, doing odds and ends jobs, you know, aerating or I would babysit for friends or try to sell things on craigslist and, I mean it was extremely rough and that never leaves you, you know? And I just remember thinking like I’d let be a driving force for me of knowing that. I don't ever want to go back to that, seriously. I don't ever want to have to explain to my kids why the utilities have been shut off again, you know? I don't ever want to have to leave our house because were being kicked out because we haven't been paying the mortgage. I never, never, ever want to go back to that place and so I have just…I 00:10:00 mean I saw this business opportunity. I explained that I saw my coach earning a good income and he was earning a six figure income, and I thought, “This it is my chance, you know, this is my chance to really do something where we can create a freedom.” So I feel like I approached this business and I ran out the gate. And

I've heard different people share their story and one of them on my mind is Meg Wiczynski, because I know that she's on this team and she has shared that, you know, right out the gate, she didn't run out the gate and it was a process, but then she had that “Ah-ha” moment. So these are the things that I did as a brand-new coach to lay that foundation, but you can make that decision at any time. Like any moment in your business, you can say, “You know what? The next six months are going to be my hustle season, this is going to be the season where I really lay that foundation and I turn things around. And I'm going to get a different income from this point on and I'm going to change things because the opportunity is there and people are making that money,” so why not you? You know, there's nothing like, no reason why that can't be you. So I have five things that I have narrow this down. I kind of was thinking of this when I had a few coaches getting started and they're like, “Okay, tell me exactly what you did when you started as a coach because I want to duplicate what you did.” So I had to think about it and think of what did I do? You know, what did I do as a brand-new coach that made the difference? And selling narrowed it down to five things. So, you guys have your pen and paper? There's going to be a few things that I might mention that are written out on this slide, so just write down kind of that one thing that really stands out to you because again, this is something I've heard from other coaches, but I feel it is, I don't know, enlightened truth that sometimes it's not like that you're way off on things, but it can just be that one degree difference that you make that makes all the difference in your business. So even if you walk away from this webinar with just one idea of something that you can change, you'll notice a difference.

So first thing that I did, in this business as a brand-new coach is I focused on learning. I was a student. Anything that I could absorb, I was all over it. So I remember as a brand-new coach, my husband was working two jobs just to make ends meet and that meant that he was gone from 6 AM till 10 PM at night and he was gone all day on Saturday. So I felt like I was kind of a single mom. I had three kids, at the time my youngest was under one in my oldest was only in kindergarten. Kindergarten in Idaho where we were living at that time was only a half day. So I felt like I had three young kids pretty much with me the entire time. I started in April and then school was out in May and so we had this long summer break and I was…felt like it was such a crucial time in my business. So there are things that I did where I would ask my parents, you know, “Can you take the kids on a Saturday?” And that's what I did on my very first Saturday as a Beach Body coach. And I remember calling my mom and saying, “You know what? I just signed up to be a Beach Body coach. This is something really important to me and I really think that I can do this. I really think that there's this opportunity here and I want to dive into this training that's available for me. Can you take take the kids?”

And so my parents took the kids on a Saturday all day, and I dove then to the coach online office and I remember going to the coach training that they had in their back then. And back then it was kind of them pass. Like they had random videos all over the place. It wasn't really organized; it wasn't structured, and now it looks amazing. Like now it's really outlined well in telling you like this is what you need to do if you're getting started, these are the things that are important when you're working to move past being an active coach, and these are the things that are important if you're wanting to advance to Emerald. And I think it's genius. Like I love how they have it, but I know that you guys are a part of an amazing, amazing team, and I know that Jenelle is providing training for you guys. So you've got training. I'm sure in your team pages online she's got that available for you. And if you're a brand-new coach on 00:15:00 this call, you get to remember that, you know, Jenelle’s been a coach for years. She has been putting out content in whichever coach you signed up with, that they know more than you.

They put out training before you signed up and so go back and look at the recordings, watch old recordings from team calls and go through the files tab of your team page and read through the documents. Like take it upon yourself to go through that without waiting for your coach to give that to you as an assignment, okay? That is something that I did as a brand-new coach. I didn't wait for my coach to tell me that you need to go through this, you need to go through that. I didn't wait until it was an assignment, I went ahead and just soaked up anything that I could. Those National Wake-up Calls - now I just have to tell you those were life changing for me because again, I remember thinking like, Jenelle Summers here. I remember is a brand-new coach thinking, “Oh my gosh. Jenelle Summers is like this super successful coach. Like if I could just get 20-30 minutes of her time and ask her like what has been successful for you? What is been the key things for you in this business?”

I remember thinking, “I would pay thousands of dollars for her time that I don't have. I don't have thousands of dollars, but if I did, I would pay so much money to talk to a successful coach in this business and asked them what they have done.” And yet then I learn about the national wake-up call and I'm like, “Wow. Like this is golden information that you…” and it just blows my mind, like I just couldn't believe that here's these top coaches and they're just so open about what they're doing and that's all over in those National Wake-up Calls. So I signed up in 2012, April 2012, and I knew that there had been hundreds of National Wake-up Calls that had happened up to that point. So as a brand-new coach I went through and I listen to all of them and they’re really only like 20 or 30 minutes long. So it's not like it's like this huge commitment, but I was like, “Well I can listen to one a day or, you know, if I go for a drive and I'm going on a road trip or something like that, I can listen to a bunch of them.”

I really love listening to podcasts and they actually have all of the National Wake-up Calls on podcasts, which I'm sure you guys probably already know, but I remember when I learned about it, it kind of was me stumbling upon it. No one told me so…but if you download that podcast app. It's a free app on your smart phone or your tablet and when you get in there you can do a search for Beach Body and you can see all of the national wake-up calls and so it just makes it really simple and easy to listen to the archives of the information that has been given before you signed up as a coach. So [unintelligible] of that, okay? Now team webinars, you know, I kind of mentioned this, this is again all of the information…not just like here I am preaching to the choir. You guys are on this webinar, you are here, you’re showing up, but also recognize that there our other calls that it happened before you signed up as a coach and take advantage of them. So, you know, I mentioned that was juggling three kids all by myself, getting started trying to work this business, and so I had to be creative. So what I did to kind of fit this in is I would pull out my laptop and put it on a chair next to my TV, when I was doing my work out, and I got to a point where I'm like, “You know, I know this workout. I know what P90X, Agility, what that workout… The process of that it's going to go. And so I can put Tony Horton on mute and I can turn on this webinar and listen to this webinar while I do my workout.” Because I had to be creative. Had to find ways to do double duty if I could.

So I went back through and again, listen to all of the webinars that were available from my team. And went back and listen to all of them and I just did one a day while I was doing my workout. You know, because that's time I'm doing my work out anyway, I might as well listen to something that can help me learn about the business. And the podcast I mentioned, you know, I did that in the car a lot when I was driving, but a lot of that too is even when I was getting ready, you know, it maybe…there’s other girls who our not so high- maintenance like me, that it takes me a good 20-30 00:20:00 minutes to get ready every day. And I'm like, “Well, instead of just sitting there, you know, in my head, like thinking about what I need to do that day, I might as well listen to something well and getting ready.” So even still to this day it's a habit for me to have some sort of podcast on while I'm getting ready, but when I first started it was those National Wake-up Calls. The files tab…so I'm sure you guys have a files tab of your team page and there is a plethora of information. Now I remember the first day that I learned about the files tab. Again it was me like just kind of playing around on my team page and I stumbled upon it and I was like blown away. I remember thinking, “Holy cow. Do people realize that this is back here?” It just was…it blew my mind, you know? So I remember even making a post in my coaches team page and being like, “Oh my goodness guys. Did you know that there is a files tab?” And I'm sure my coach Scotty was thinking like, “Yeah, I probably told you about that,” which he probably did and I just, you know, was on information overload and it went in one ear, out the other. But take advantage of the documents that are back there and read through everything. I mean ask yourself, “Have I read through everything in the files tab?” You know, this is where you get to do a lot of the self-evaluation and kind of ask yourself those things. Now seminars, so I will tell you, you know, getting started we were extremely tight. You know, we didn't come from money. This was…it was a huge investment for me to even by a bag of Shakeology, you know.

And then to buy my first challenge pack, you know, I was not able to immediately sign up my husband right away because we sincerely did not have the money. And so I had to earn the money from commissions before I could afford to buy a challenge pack. With that said, I want you guys to know that I have every single year invested in going to a seminar. And I'm talking about a seminar like, you know, in a different location. You go to California and you meet with somebody and that seemed to be like the only things that I knew about at the time. But now I see all of these online academies popping up everywhere. So I signed up in 2012, the very first seminar that I ever went to was Smart Success by Chalene Johnson, which I'm sure that you guys have heard about. That totally was a game changer for me. I love that seminar. It was so great for me. Especially as a brand-new coach for me to really laid the foundation on what I wanted my business to look like. In 2013 then I went to bed Danny Johnson seminar. I went to a series, they're called Impact Training, it's down in Utah, and I invested in those and the week after leadership I'm headed to…well the week after Super Saturday here in October I'm headed to a Tony Robbins seminar. So it kind of made it where once a year, talking with my husband I'm like, “Once a year, I need to be going to a seminar to really like step it up,” you know, and I don't even feel like I've ever grown past this. You know, still to this day I'm like, “I’ve got to be a student. I've got to realize for me to do this, I don't have all the answers, but I'm willing to learn. Unwilling to immerse myself in personal development and make it a priority.” But the audiobooks, I mean if you're like me and you’re this busy, busy mom and you're thinking, “I could never even fathom in my mind what it would be like to sit on the couch for 30 minutes without having my kids interrupt me and be able to read a book,” but that's how I felt. So the audiobooks were the only way that I was able to get this in, but it worked, you know. So if you're going to see the kind of results where you're laying the foundation for six-figure income, this is the mentality that you have to have is how can I learn? Where can I soak up more information? And just take advantage of it all. I know that I'm kind of taking a little bit of time here so I'm going to have to speed it up from here, but…

00:24:32 Jenelle: You are totally fine Brigitte.

00:24:33 Brigitte: Okay, I'm always a little conscious of…all right guys, so the second thing that I did as a brand-new coach is I made a list of names. Now I am inherently more shy. Like I am not the person who grew up with a big group 00:25:00 of friends. I had a small, very small network of people. I remember before I signed up as a Beach Body coach, I would go through these cleanses on Facebook and like remove people all the time, because I'm like, “Yeah, were not really friends,” and I like would delete people. And so I remember when I started as a coach I'm like, “This is really out of my comfort zone and I really have to learn how to put myself out there and try to meet people and try to make friends.” And so one of the best things that I did was making this list of names of just people that I know. And I was 100% not confident with inviting every single person on that list right off the bat. Like that is not what I'm asking people to do: make a list of people you're willing to talk to. Just make a list of people you know and the value I feel in doing that is it will spark your memory and you'll remember…realize like you know you actually know more people than you think. And that's coming from someone like me who, you know, didn't go out of my way to make conversations with people. I very much like withdrew a lot growing up and did my own thing and so it really made a difference for me to remember that, you know I actually do know a lot of people and the courage could come later on. But you're in the business of talking to people. You have to realize that that's what this business is. If you signed up because you felt in your heart that you could make a difference in somebody's life. Like if you are really lucky, you could change one person's life in a really significant way if you did this business, and you knew that. Like you had the opportunity to help people. But you're never going to help somebody if you don't talk to them, you know, and that's what I realized. I'm like, “I have to put myself out there.” So you have to, in this business, have a list of names. That is your inventory. And we know that if there is a business like Wal-Mart or Target or whatever and they don't have inventory, they go out of business, right? It's the same thing for you in this day. So I look at that invite, invite, invite vital behavior as every single day I need to add somebody to my list, and every single day I need to get somebody off of that list. To me that's what I teach my team that the invite, invite, invite vital behavior means.

So every day it's like, “Okay, who else do I know? Or, who else can I meet? Or, do I have mutual friends with that I can maybe introduce myself to? Or, you know, how can I get into a Facebook group and meet new people? Or, how can I learn about Instagram? Or, how can I learn about a “like” page or periscope? Like how can I add to this list every single day and who can I can I get off of this list?” So when you get somebody off that means you invited them to a challenge group and they said “yes” or “no” or you invited them to your coaching team and they said “yes” or “no.” So if they said “no,” I'm like, I would mark a little line through their name but I still had my list and I still was, you know, I wasn't like deleting them as a friend or, you know, anything like that. So they weren't like dead in my mind or anything, but I was removing them from the list of prospects, you know, because I figured well they're still going to watch what I'm doing, you know, I'm still going to interact with them on Facebook, but I know that I invited this person so I don't need to go back and keep asking people over and over again, “Well, did you change your mind? So what about now? So do you think that you want to be a coach now?” And like to me I just felt “spammy” if I was constantly like inviting the same person over and over again and they kept telling me “no.” I mean there's classy ways, of course, to follow up with people but, you know, I'm not going to get into that right now. But my point is is that I was from day one thinking, “How can I expand my market?” And so you have to think smart. You have to think past the 90 days because it seems like for the first 90 days of anybody's business, they have a pretty good warm market that they can talk to.

So you need to start thinking right off the bat, “Who can I add and who can I talk to and who can I meet with people?” So I remember as a coach every single day I was like, one of my key things, like, “Who can I add on Facebook and how can I just start a conversation with them and who can I also reengage with?” So for me like I new on this list of names that a lot of those people I hadn't ever talk to or I had, you know, gone through school with them but we weren't like close friends. And so I'm like, “Okay, will I need to start making friends with these people.” So I again and very shy and so it started with me like “liking” their posts and I still remember to this day one of these 00:30:00 girls I went to high school with and I was not the popular girl at all and she was really popular. And I remember thinking, “I have no clue if she even knows who I am,” and I don't even know how we became Facebook friends, but somehow or Facebook friends. But I just remember thinking like, “She’s totally the kind of person that I want on my team,” you know.

So I didn't have the nerve to like invite her, but I went to her page and I would just “like” her posts and I would leave comments on her posts and just start talking to her. And I remember sending her a random message out of the blue and being like, “Hi, my name’s Brigitte. You probably don't remember me from high school, but I just saw a picture of your kids and you guys went to Disneyland and your kids are so cute. It looks like our kids are about the same age, and you know, anyways it's just fun seeing you on Facebook and just wanted to drop you a message.” And you can see like that that message is just likes soaked within security and that's where the personal development has been like monumental for me and really has helped me in therapy and all those things have made a big difference for me, but I mean that is what I said at the beginning. And anyways, talking with her and we had this conversation. We just started interacting here and there and she would see my posts about me doing Beach Body and one day she asked me about it and I told her about it and she was not interested and then she was like, “Well I think so but, you know, I don't want to spend the money on it.”

And anyways, it took her like months of talking about it before she actually was ready, but then she became one of my Star Diamond coaches and, you know, her Diamond is a Star Diamond…has a Star Diamond, you know…just has built this team that is amazing but, you know, I knew that I wanted her on my team but, you know, so just start with where you're at, then take a step forward is my point in sharing that. So if you're thinking, “I can't like invite,” well do something. Like do something out of your comfort zone and it will get easier and easier and easier, but you have to move. Like you can't stay where you're at and expect a different result, you know. If you want a different result in your life you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You have to push yourself to do different things every day. So this last thing, and this is where I feel a little vulnerable here because, you know, my team knows me. Like they know my background, they know that I have a strong faith. I get in on this team call and I guess I don't know the dynamics of the team, but I just had to be honest about what I did.

So if someone's asking me, “Brigitte, what did you do?” This is the truth. I made that list of names and every day I was thinking, “How can I add someone?” Every day thinking, “How can I get someone off?” And people always ask me like, “Well how did you know who to talk to? Or, how did you like no who to invite? Did you like send them a non-Beach Body relationship message and then two days later send them Beach Body message and invite them to your challenge? Like what is the algorithm?” You know, people want details. And unfortunately I can't say that there was a specific science to it. The honest truth is that I prayed every single day, “Who should I talk to?” So for me personally my personal opinion is that I believe in a God and I believe that he cares about every single person on the earth and I believe that every single person can benefit from Beach Body. I believe that God cares about what were doing as Beach Body coaches. I think that he cares. Like I think he cares that if I invite someone to this challenge group that that person's going to have a transformation in their going to feel amazing and it's going to be a snowball effect in their life and they're going to be a better wife, they're going to be a better mom, they're going to show up better in their work place because they feel good.

Like I think that what we’re doing has such a huge significance, far greater than we can even comprehend and so of course, of course in my mind, of course God cares about what I'm doing and the people that I'm talking to. So why wouldn't he tell me who to talk to, right? That's how I see it. I see it that it’s like if I look at that list of names and every single day I pray over that list of names and I ask God like, “Who do you want me to talk to and what do you want me to say?” I feel very strongly that he's going to guide me and he's going to show me who to talk to. So I'm not here to shove religion or belief in God down your throat. If you don't believe in God then like it's the universe that's going to guide you. Like whatever it is that you believe in, you're going to know. Like your instincts…you will know. You will be guided on who to talk to if you calm 00:35:00 your mind and you let that like…let your spirit like guide you. Like it will tell you who to talk to. And so there were some times that yes, it was a process of me like just showing interest in that person and same like, “Your kids are so cute. Looks like you had so much fun on that vacation,” or whatever. You know finding a sincere way to engage with that person and sometimes it was a message to a person that said, “Okay, you're going to think I'm crazy.

I know this is totally out of the blue but I keep getting this re-occurring thought in my mind that I need to message you and I need to tell you about this challenge group that I have started. And I know it probably sounds crazy, but I really feel strongly that you're supposed to do this with me and I'm just supposed to give you the information. Tell me like are you interested? Light can I share with you more about this?” And sometimes I would even leave a voice message that like…even still, to this day, like yeah I'll leave a voice message that says just that. That it's like, “Okay, this is totally out of the blue, I understand that. I know we haven't talked in like seven years, but I really just…your name just keeps popping up in my mind.” And here's the thing, is that that's a sincere message because truly they are name was popping up in my mind. Like as I prayed about my list of names, people's names will inadvertently pop up in your mind…that you need to talk to this person. But here's the thing, you have no idea what God has planned for every single person that you talk to.

Like you could talk to somebody and it could spark something in them that will burst into this burning massive flame in five years, you know? Like everybody's on their own journey. Like everybody is going through life like learning things at the perfect time for them, at the perfect situation. Like it's all part of this interwoven master plan that we don't get to see. Like we don't fully understand and so if somebody says “no” to you, or they’re like, “Well thanks for thinking of me and I appreciate that I've been on your mind, I'm just not interested right now,” that is 100% okay. Like I don't ever sit there and doubt myself and think like, “I wonder why I thought of that person? Or, well I felt really strongly that I was supposed to talk to that person and they said “no.” Or, I felt really good about this coach and they like never did anything with this business.” Like I don't worry about that stuff because, here's the thing, I know for myself that my journey has been a roller coaster and I look at the people in my life who came along at certain times and inspired me in their own special way and all of that has helped me move along and progress in life. And I was progressing at the perfect time that I was supposed to and moving along at the perfect time that I was supposed to, but I know 100% that if I had tried to do Beach Body a year prior, like in 2011, or even when I first bot P90X back in like 2010 or 2009…I can't remember which year I bought that, but if I had tried to be a Beach Body coach then, I never would have succeeded. Never, never, never would have been able to because it wasn't the right time.

I hadn't progressed in life, I haven't learned certain things, and so but yet, the fact that my brother did P90X and had amazing transformation, he played a vital role. He was the reason I bought P90X in the first place, you know? So he played a vital role even though he couldn't see it from where he was standing at that point. It will be the same for you. You all have a unique opportunity to play vital roles in people's lives. Like even if someone's not buying from you, they could be sitting there and they'll start thinking about it. You know it's planting a seed that you have no idea like when that is going to harvest, you have no idea of the plans and you just get to trust that you talk to everybody that you can talk to. You spread the word and you just trust that the right people are going to come to you at the right time and anyone who says no, like it has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with the fact that that person’s on a journey and no figure it out when it's the right time for them, but it has nothing to do with you. So I don't look at people telling me know as a personal thing at all. Like I just don't think it is, has anything to do with me.

Like I just assume like, “Why wouldn't someone want to be on my team? Or, why wouldn't someone want to join my challenge group?” If they say no it's not because of me, it's because it's not the right time for them, okay? So you get to remember that too. 00:40:00 All right, the third thing that I did as a brand-new Beach Body coach is I set some goals. And I know everyone's like, “Whoa, earth-shattering information.” Not really, right? Yeah, I know you've heard about this before but one of the key things I think I did is I set non- negotiables and then I sat like push goals, you know, things that I was like, “Okay, this for sure is going to happen, but then if this could happen that would be really awesome. I'm going to go for it and I'm going to give it my all and this is my push.” So I did a little…like the team retreat with some of my coaches earlier this year and when we did it we did this ropes course. And I remember when we went they had us doing different things and they would…at each one of the stations they would have us set two sets of goals. And I just thought it was really interesting that that's what they were doing here where they're saying, “Okay, what is your goal?” And they would ask everyone their goal. And so like at one station we had to climb this tall like net rope, rope net and there was a bell with the very top that you would go in you would ring. And you are like strapped into a harness and so you would kind of rappelled down but the idea was to climb to the very top and ring the bell.

So I noticed like some of my coaches setting the goal and saying, “Okay, my goal is to go and ring the bell and I'm going to make it to the top and I'm going to ring the bell.” And they’re like, “Okay, well then what is your push goal?” And they’re like, “Oh, well…” They would change their goals and they'd be like, “Okay, well my goal is to go halfway up and my push goal is to go to the top and ring the bell.” And I'm thinking, you're like selling yourself short because you know you're going to hit that push goal. You know you're going to the top, so taken a step further. So to me I was like, “I know I'm going to the top. I know I'm going to hit that bell and I'm going to ring it, but my push goal is to do it in a minute and a half, or two minutes,” or whatever I did. And so I kind of found a way to push myself above and beyond what my non-negotiable was. So for yourself, you know, we're here at the end of the month and you could say, “Okay, today's the last day of the month. I'm going to see if I can help five more people get started today,” you know? And you may say, “That’s my push goal but my non-negotiable is at least to reach out and talk to 10 people,” you know? “But if I can help five of them get started, that would be so awesome.” And so kind except those things. What are the non-negotiable things in your business? And it's going to be different for everyone, you know, everyone has different circumstances with what's going on in your life and what you want from this business, but there still needs to be non- negotiables. Like there are things that you are setting for sure along the way and then there are other things where you're like pushing for it. So for myself I set goals where I’m like, “I’m I'm going to hit Success Club 10 every single month.”

For me that was a non-negotiable. But sometimes I was like, “Well if I could push and help maybe six or seven coaches this month instead of just two or three, that would be really awesome.” Or rank, it seems like I would set these big, lofty rank goals. I think I missed like the majority of them, you know? And I remember my first time like I missed my rank goal. Like I said a goal to go Emerald in like a couple days because I thought, “Oh, it's not that hard.” It took me two weeks to go Emerald and that was with me working hours every day. Like trying really, really hard. And I remember it took me like months, like six months after my initial day of when I wanted to be a Star Diamond. I didn't go Star Diamond very quickly and I also didn't go to start very quickly. Like it took me a long time and I felt like, you know, I can't missing my goals and so you're going to fail at things and you have to embrace that, but there's still the non-negotiables that you are like, “This is whatever, I'm going to do whatever it takes.” And that kind of leads to my next thing but this attitude of like whatever it takes. Like I get a lot of coaches who will ask me like, “How many invites doing need to send to hit Success Club Five? Tell me the bare minimum that I need to send.” And then it's almost like they go and do that bare minimum.

And so it's like, “Well, if I have to send 30 invites to get three people to say yes then I'm going to send 30 invites.” And you know what? That's okay. Like if that's where you're at, that's okay but I'm going to tell you that the mindset of “I'm going to do whatever it takes, like I don't care if I have to send 100 invites, identifying three people to say yes this month.” Like that attitude of “I’ll do whatever it takes,” that's the attitude that lays the foundation for a 00:45:00 six-figure income. Like I'm just going to say. Like when you look at someone who was earning a really good income in this business, that's what they're doing and that's the mentality that they have. And that kind of leads into my fourth point here. There are things that you have to look at this business and say, “I’m going to do this no matter what. I'm going to be consistent and I'm going to be steady. So I remember, it used to drive me a little crazy until I talked to this coach about it, but she'd be like, “Slow and steady wins the race. Slow and steady wins the race.” And I'm like, “There’s nothing inherently good or like inherently like valuable about going slow,” you know? Like you can…like the story of “The Tortoise and the Hare,” and how, you know, this tortoise wins the race. It's not because he was slow and so you have to go slow, it was because he was steady. He was consistent he like never stopped moving forward. He always was taking a step and you have to do the same thing. You've got to be steady in this business and every single day show up like, “If I don't show up today tomorrow, I don't have a business.” I mean like that's the mindset you need if you want to build a significant income in this business. Like you cannot miss a day of posting ever. Like you've got to show up. And if that means you’re scheduling it on Postcron or, you know, Buffer or what ever one you use, you've got to schedule those posts.

Now I will tell you that I don't post on Sundays. I've always kind of taken off Sundays. Like I don't even get on the computer on that day. The team knows, my challenge groups know, like that's my day off and I've always kind of done that from the I don't post on Sunday but every single day other than that I don't not post. I just don't not show up. And then it's the same thing with my groups. Like I don't just go missing on my groups and unfortunately I have run groups with coaches and like it makes me emotional and gets me choked up to think that someone could go missing on their group, but I've seen it happen. Like I’ve seen coaches go missing and they just don't post in their group and I'm thinking like, I can't fathom that because my mentality was, “You do this.” Like you show up for the people on your team because they trusted in you. Like someone trusted in you. You are the reason why people joined your challenge group. You are the reason why they joined your coaching team. It wasn't because they believed in Beach Body, it's because they believed in you. So you can't go missing. You can't like…it doesn't matter if you have this long day at work and you're tired and you're so ready just to go to bed, still got to show up and post and you can't go MIA on a group if you're wanting to build a significant income. Like you just can't do that. For myself like, and again, this third bullet point here of just how much is just enough to get by. Like a kind of mentioned that on the previous slide, but it's the same thing.

Like, you know, these coaches who are looking at this and saying, “Well what's the bare minimum invites I need to send? What’s the bare minimum of people I need to add to my network to get to 15-Star? Or, what's the bare minimum amount of coaches I need to add to my team?” It's like the mentality that you need to adopt is, “How much can I get done? Like I'm going to do whatever it takes,” okay? So in everything, like that's the mentality if you want to grow this solid business. Now I grew up in Idaho and I spent my summers going to a cabin with my grandparents and my parents and on our property we had this water well and we had this pump. And I remember as a kid playing around with this pump and I thought it was interesting and kind of fun to play with…excuse me, one second…get a little drink of water there…but I would play around with this pump of water and I remember as a kid, like I'm the full scrawny 8 – 9 year-old kid trying to get water to come up from this well through this little water pump and it took a lot of effort to get like a few little drops out in this business…or like from this water well, I'm sorry.

And like…then I remember my dad and I just remember thinking, “I’m just so weak,” and I remember my dad coming over and he do the same thing, that he had the pump that thing consistently before any water came out 00:50:00 for him either and then after that he was kind of able to let up and he could do it and am more like consistent way to keep the water flowing. I truly feel like that's the same thing in this business where there's like an energy, a bowl of energy, a bowl of momentum that you create. If you're like really hustling and giving this your all and same like, “For six months I'm going to do whatever it takes. I'm going to talk to as many people as I need to and, you know, I'm just going to push above and beyond and try to hit Success Club 15 or Success Club like 10 if I've been going for Success Club 5.” Like just really push for six months to create this ball of momentum and then it's much easier to kind of pull back and say, “Well this is the activity that is sustainable long-term, but now I have that momentum growing and the momentum is there and I can just keep on, you know, pumping this water well, but I don't have to, you know, put as much arm work into it.” And that is what I did in this business. I focused on “How can I create this momentum in those first six months? And then after that I'm still going to be steady and still going to run this challenge group every single month,” but I was going to do whatever it takes.

So I remember as a brand-new coach how this looked for me is I ended up running a lot of challenge groups. So, you know, I mentioned like I didn't have a big network when I signed up as a coach. I literally had less than 200 friends on Facebook. I grew up in a small town in Idaho. Like I just didn't feel like I knew a lot of people and I was also more socially awkward than anything else and so it was hard for me to talk to people. And I remember I had to talk to a lot of people to find three or four or five people to say “yes.” So for me Success Club 10 was a nonnegotiable, but I remember I would do all my invites and I'd be talking about it on social media and I'd be talking two new people every single day and I'd have like three people ready for a challenge group, and only three people said “yes.” And so I'm thinking, “Okay, this is great. Like I’ll start my challenge group and we'll just have like three people when it, that's fine. Will get started and I'm going to give that group my all, but I have to hit Success Club 10 and if I wait until next month to run another to challenge group, then I don't have anything to invite people to.”

So at the beginning when I was a brand-new coach I did…I’m like, “Well I guess I'll start a challenge group in two weeks.” So I ended up starting challenge groups like every two weeks when I was a brand-new coach because I wasn't very good at talking to people. Like I was getting a lot of rejection, a lot of people say “no” and so I had to…like that's what I had to do, but I was willing, again, to do whatever it takes to get the results that I saying, “These are my non-negotiables,” okay? All right, and this is the last one. This is the last light key thing that I feel, you know, made a big difference in my business that I had to learn to adopt in. You know, my story kind of leads into it but I had to embrace failure. Now I know when I first started, like my mentality is I like…I’m a perfectionist, I tell myself I'm a recovering perfectionist because I've had to let that go. Like you just can't reach success if you are a perfectionist. Like that will hold you back. Like you have to get past that. But I used to pride myself on that. I used to think like that was such a good thing to be a perfectionist but I realized that like so much of that mentality was like “I'm all or nothing” mentality were I was like, “Well if I can't do it perfect then I'm just going to give up.” And my history, like my life has so many examples where I did that. So like when I was in junior high…when I was in high school, I grew up and I played volleyball and I remember all my friends like trying out for the volleyball team in high school in my junior year I tried out for the team and I did not make the varsity team. And all of my friends made the varsity team. And so I quit. I was like, “Well, if I failed…” like I looked at that as a failure and I was like, “If I'm going to fail and not going to do it.” So like I quit and then it was the same thing with like even going into college. Like I played the piano and I love playing the piano and I'm actually pretty good. Like I'm going to say that but I was trying so hard to get all of these music scholarships to go and be a music major at college and I auditioned.

I did all these things and the college that I really wanted 00:55:00 to go to, I did not get any music scholarships there and it broke my heart, and so I quit. Like I quit the piano. Like I did not take lessons anymore after that, I didn't like purse to music really passed that other than for, you know, a hobby and that kind of thing. And so here's the thing, when I started Beach Body coaching I was 29 years old, and well I was actually close to 30, but I have lived 29-30 years with regret because I’d given up. And I knew that, at that point, I was the living testimony that struggle is far less painful than regret. And so I was like, “I’m going to struggle through things. I'm going to struggle through this business. I'm going to like have to push through this and I'm going to have to keep on going and it's not going to be easy, but if I give up like I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life.” Just like I always regretted that I didn't continue on with the volleyball. Just like I've always regretted that I didn't continue on music in some way and keep at least taking lessons and things like that, and continue working that gift in college. Like I gave up on that and I always regretted it and I want you to know like it's going to be the same thing for you. Like in this business like if you don't give us your all and you don't let the failure like roll off your back and you let it take you down, you will always regret it. So you have to get back up.

You have to know that failure is like part of the journey to success. Like it is the payment. It's something that every single person goes through to reach success. Like the people who were super successful in this business have had a lot of failure, you know? But you're just not going to get to 15-Star if you don't have coaches quit or you don't have a coach like, you know, get mad at you or you don't have like a customer return their product. Like that's part of the journey and you just have to embrace it and say, “I don't have to know everything that I'm just going to take a step forward.” So I’m going to read those little story/quote in the bottom right-hand corner here. It says, “Did you know that an Apollo rocket is actually on course only 2 or 3% of the time. At least 97% of the time it takes to get from the Earth to the Moon, it is off course. Put another way, for every half hour the ship is in flight it is only on course for less than 60 seconds.” Now I feel that that is so perfect for this business because I think a lot of new coaches get into this and they're scared of sending out an invite because they are fearful that they're going to do it wrong or they think, “I’m not going to sign up coaches until I have the perfect training website and a team name and team shirts and I'm going to have my blog all set up and I'm going to have everything in place and then I'm going to invite someone to join my team.” Like they think they have to have it perfect.

You can't do that. You're not going to have all the answers. You're not going to know everything, but if you adopt a mentality that you are willing to look at everything that comes to you as feedback and you can adjust and you can learn as you go and you adopt that mentality, that will lead you to success - because success is one step past your failure. Success is one step beyond your greatest failure. So that moment when you feel like, “This is not working for me,” that's a good sign. It's a good sign because that means your breakthrough his right around the corner, okay? So these are my key things for you guys, that if you sit there…sorry let me move this back a little bit…but if you take this and you make sure that you are making your list of names and you are embracing failure, you're willing to talk to people, you're willing to be a student, you're willing to do whatever it takes, you're willing to be consistent with these things, I'm going to tell you that “yes,” you can lay the foundation for a six-figure income in this business. And I will show you guys here…so this is…sorry my computer’s freezing up here a little bit. Let me know if you guys still can't see my screen. But this is the result, so we know that Beach Body does not guarantee any results. You know, they're not going to guarantee anything here, but I will tell you that those things I just shared with you, that's what I did. And I started in April 2012 and so my tax 01:00:00 returns for 2012 for both my account and my husband's account was $11,458. It took me nine months to make $11,458 and I’ll tell you I was ecstatic about that. I thought that was awesome.

I was so excited but yet at the same time my husbands like, “I think if we calculate the amount of time that you spent on this business, you aren't probably like $.10 an hour.” Like seriously, you know? But I also…like I treated this like a six-figure income right from the beginning and I had a lot of failure. It took me a lot of time to sit there and figure out like how to get somewhere I was starting out to where I wanted to be, but I knew I had to learn, I knew I had to make changes, I knew I had to go through failure, I knew I had to be that student, and I knew I had to be consistent and continue moving forward. But the next year I had laid that foundation. I busted my butt for six months, laid that foundation, then I pulled back and I have the momentum going and I was able to be just with those things but the momentum was there and we had that six figure income in 2013 between my account and my husband's account. And then it is just continued to multiply. It has continued to just like…the momentum is there and it just keeps on going, but, you know, every once in a while I'll be like, “I’m really going to go back to what I did at the beginning and really hustle and really like dive in to personal development and immerse myself in that and like be a student and like just soak up information and, you know, do more push goals. Instead of just setting a non-negotiable, like I'm going to go above and beyond like and just see what I can do and all do little seasons that with my family, and what works well for my family and, you know, there’s seasons for all of those things, but it just continues to multiply.

Like it continues to grow and grow and grow to a point where I look at the income that my coaches are getting and like the volume on my team and it is extremely humbling, especially for someone like me where I never in a million years even thought like that I could make a six-figure income. Like that blew my mind and it continues to blow my mind. I'm sorry. I get emotional a lot, but it blows my mind what's possible in this business. But I'm here to tell you that if I can do this, you can too. Like there's nothing…like I know that sounds so cliché, but like there's nothing special about me. Like I just was willing to do those things that I shared with you guys, and if you're willing to do those things to you’re going to see results, you're going to see your business grow and take off. And I'll tell you right now is like the perfect time to apply these things in your business because these last three months of the year are like the best strategy of when to push. So it's like the last three months of this year plus this first three months of next year. So say for the next six months, and entering into a season of hustle and I'm just going to do everything that I can. It's going to blow your mind. Like it's going to blow your mind how your income will change from here to March of next year if you do these things. So put it to the test. Put it to the test. Put me to the test. Do these things and see how it will change your business and you can let me know how it works for you. So thank you for letting me be on this call and chatting with you guys. It's been an honor sharing with you guys.

01:03:52 Jenelle: Brigitte, oh my gosh you had me in tears at least three times. Thank you so much for everything you shared. You opened up so much about your journey and all of your struggles and I know that that's going to resonate with so many people. So much of what you said we've all then through and I know, because I've been doing this long enough, that, like you said, you just have to embrace it. It's just part of it but, you know, for the coaches that are newer in the business, they are like, “Maybe I'm just not good at this and this isn't for me and it's something that's never going to take off for me,” because they don't understand that that is part of the process and that is normal. And we do think you're special Brigitte. Thank you so much for sharing all of that because not everyone will open up like that and all of us are just, I know I speak on behalf of everyone that we are so appreciative that you are just so open an honest, and you're so incredibly humble yet you're so passionate and driven. And it just shows in everything that you do and so guys I want you…hopefully you had a chance to take notes during this, but li Brigitte said, you know, you just do what you can: whatever it takes. And so if it means that you had to, you know, while doing something else, but you're going to listen to it again from your car or whatever, luckily we can play this right from our phones because it's on YouTube, then so be it. But the information that Brigitte shared, I mean I 110% agree with every single step that she said building your foundation. I was just like, “Yes, yes, yes.” You probably saw me going like this the whole time. So Brigitte, thank you, thank you, thank you. I know everyone is just going to blowup with feedback on this one. It's been amazing. I will say this, we weren't able to see your slides the whole time. Maybe everyone else could, but there was a couple times where I couldn't, so I'm not sure how I came across. So if you are willing if you would message me with it, that would be awesome

01:05:51 Brigitte: Yeah, absolutely. Also with those slides you can share them with your team.

01:05:55 Jenelle: Awesome. Thank you so much you guys. Have a great afternoon. And Brigitte, thank you again.

01:06:00 Brigitte: Thank you so much. Have a great day.

01:06:02 Jenelle: All right. Thanks. We’ll see you.


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