Volume 2, Number 1 December 30, 1963





ILLUSTRATIONS TEXT FIGURE 1. Dendrogram of Eucarid evolution _ 2



I. INTRODUCTION ...... 18 II. ADDITIONS TO THE CATALOGUE OF ACES'TA 18 Recent species ...... _ 1.8 Tertiary species ______.... 18 Species incorrectly referred to Acesta .... _ 1.9 HI. ADDITIONS TO THE CATALOGUE OF PLICAChS'l'A 20 LITERATURE CITED . 20 Superorder KUCARiDA Order EUPHAUSIACEA Order Suborder DENDROBRANCHTATA Suborder PLKOCYEMATA7V~ Supersection NATANTIA Super sec: lion ~REPT~ANTIA Section KUKYPH1DA SeeU< STENOPOD1DA 10. Section MACRURA 11.. Section A NOMA LA 12.. Section BRACHYURA 13.. Subsection THALASSINIDEA 14. Subsection (GLYPHLKIJ)EA) 15.. Subsection HOMARIDEA 16. Subsection PALINUR1DEA

Figure 1. Dendrogram of Eucarid Evolution.


ABSTRACT I. INTRODUCTION Eumalacostracan fossils from the Missis- A new consideration of the adult and the sippian indicate the beginnings of Recent developmental characteristics of Recent Eu­ superorders other than the Eucarida; which carid Crustacea indicates that all previously- latter probably also differentiated around proposed systems of classification of the this time, from a primitive shrimp wirh members of the order Decapoda are in vari­ carapace sculpture like that of Palaeopalae- ous degrees polyphyletic (in the sense of fnon, in a marine form not yet discovered grouping taxa together some of which are There is no valid evidence to suggest Eu- more closely related to members of other caiid polyphyly. The only Paleozoic record groups given equal rank; cf. Simpson, 1961, of the superorder seems to be the peculiar p. 120 ff.). This conclusion (for which the form Palaeopefnpbix from the Permian, evidence is given in detail in a forthcoming which is certainly not a Glypheid but may treatment of the Recent Eucarida) necessi­ represent an early, calcified offshoot of the tates a critical examination of paleonto- stem-form of the order Decapoda (the fam­ logical findings, since the primary rest of ily PALEOPEMPHICIDAE, n.) In the any phylogenetit hypothesis is its compati­ early Triassic, not only are the known Eu- bility with the fossil record. The present carids definitive Decapods, but this order paper is, then, a review of current paleonto- was already differentiated into the suborders logical ideas from the new point of view, and PLEOCYEMATA and is offered in advance of detailed evi­ (n.), which were themselves already sub­ dence from the Recent in order to secure divided (e.g., the Peneidae were presumably comment on its weaknesses from specialists already separated from the AEGERIDAE, in fossils. n. fam.). The available Mesozoic represen­ The Recent evidence indicates that the tation undoubtedly includes a dispropor­ following more or less widely-accepted major tionate frequency of forms specialized by taxa are monophyleric: (1) the superorder calcification; and this record seems too late, Eucarida Caiman (carapace fused with all fragmentary and non-consecutive to supply thoracic tergites, probably in relation to the crucial evidence either for or against the habit of jumping backward; appendix mas- present view of Decapod phylogeny founded culina on male second pleopod); (2) the on evidence from Recent forms. The habirs Eucarid order Euphausiacea Boas (body-gills and characteristics to be expected of Pale­ entirely lost but podobranchs including that ozoic fossils representing the hypothetical of the eighth thoracic appendage retained; stems of Eucarid groups are outlined. specializations for sperm-transfer and for

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE FOR THIS PAPER: H. K. BROOKS, Department of Geology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida JOHN S. GARTH, Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los An­ geles, California MARTIN F. GLAESSNOR, Department of Geology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia HENRY B. ROBERTS, Division of Marine Invertebrates, United States National Mu­ seum, Washington, D. C.

3 4 Tulane Studies in Geology Vol.2 pelagic life; (3) the Eucarid order Deca- but docs seem to show that the conflicting poda Latreille (loss of the eighth epipodite previous deductions from the known fossils and podobranch, enclosure of all gills in the are not required by the evidence. A final branchial chamber and enlargement of the section of the paper outlines the probable maxillary pump with correlated reduction of characteristics of Paleozoic Eucarid fossils the muscular basal part of the pereiopodal ex- which (according to the present view) are podites; attenuation of the endopod of the to be hoped-for in the gap between the first thoracic appendage and permanent flex­ early, generalized Eumalacostraca known ure of that of the second one); (4) the from the Devonian and the specialzed De­ Decapod supersection Reptantia Boas (loss capod genera (Peneine, Glypheid and Ho- of all pleurobranchs anterior to the fifth maridean) so far recorded from the Permo- thoracic somite; specializations for ben- Trias and the early Triassic. thonic life). The Recent evidence unequivocally indi­ II. Till; EOSSII RliCORI) cates that the "suborder Natantia" of Boas A. Paleozoic: is polyphyletic. The Pcneids represent one 1. Devonian and Carboniferous: The of two major branches of the order Deca- Paleozoic Eumalacostraca have recently been poda and require separation as the sub­ extensively revised by Brooks (1962). Ac­ order Dendrobrancbiata (Bate, redefined). cording to him, the fossil record begins in They retained dendrobranchiae and a non- the Devonian with three shrimplike genera incubatory habit with naupliar eclosion from believed all to have had a more or less en­ the generalized Eumalacostracan that also larged antcnnular peduncle, undifferentiated gave rise to the marsupial superorder Pera- biramous thoracic limbs with an undivided carida; but differentiated from the ancestral sympod, fureal plates on the telson (how­ Decapod by a few unique specializations, as ever, cf. I.e., Plate 52, fig. 2, and also How­ well as by developing chelae on the fourth ell, 1957, fig 1) and a well-developed to sixth thoracic legs. The other major carapace, shorter than the pJeon but cover­ branch of the Decapoda, for which the new ing although not fused to all thoracic ter- suborder PI.EOCYEMATA is required, lost gites. Oostegites have not been seen, al­ the secondary rami of the gills and developed though this might be "due to a deficiency pleopodal incubation with zoeal eclosion, but of the fossils" {I.e., p. 224). apparently continued at first to be achelate. One of these Devonian genera (Palaeo- This incubatory branch appears to have di­ palaemon) extended into the Lower Mis- vided early into two stems. The first-dif­ sissippian; and during the later Mississip- ferentiated of these two, which was especial­ pian and the Pennsylvanian there have been ly characterized by delay in appearance of found five other shrimplike genera assigned the arthrobranch gills during ontogeny to the same order (Eocaridacea Brooks). In (supersection Natantia Boas, as here re­ Brooks's material of these later genera also, stricted) soon divided further into two high­ ly divergent lines nowadays represented by "oostegites have not been seen , but the sections Srenopodida Huxley and Euky- Peach claimed they were present on phida Boas The other offshoot of the Crangopsis. This needs reinvestigation" (p. Pleccyemate ancestor is the benthonic super- 266 However, on p. 205 Brooks says that section Reotantia Boas, of which the Recent the Crangopsis "marsupium may have Thalassinidea (some still achelate and most been similarly developed on Anthracophaus- still little-calcified and with a longitudinal ia"; and on p. 206, "It is inferred that a suture on the carapace) secrn on the whole marsupium may have been present as one to have differentiated least decisively from has been reported on a closely related the Reptant ancestor (although conservative genus"). features are scattered among all Reptant During the Mississippian, fossils of a groups, along with specialized ones). variety of other sorts of Eumalacostraca ap­ pear. One of these groups, the Palaeo- The present somewhat superficial exami­ caridacea Brooks, had no carapace and is nation of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic record assignable to the extant superorder Syn- does not reveal any decisive evidence in carida. A second had only a vestige of cara­ favor of the above phylogenetic hypotheses, pace (covering no more than the first two No- 1 Evolution of the Eucaricla 5 thoracic somites) and, although tentatively obscure the tenuousness of the inferred assigned to the Peracarida (after Caiman), phylogenetic relationships" (p. 274). The is noted by Brooks, p. 268, to be a possible an­ members of this new superorder are "unique cestor of, e. g., the Pancarida A third group, in that all have biramous thoracic append­ the Palaeostomatopoda Brooks, seems Hoplo- ages with a single joint in the sympods and carid (if, as stated by Brooks on p. 211, furcal lobes and a median spine on the tel- "Peach . . . mistook remains of the jointed son" (p. 265). However, since the six- endopods for a brood pouch in Perimecturus jointed anterior thoracic appendages de­ elegans . . . and the broad lobes shown on scribed for the Paleostomatopod Archaeo- p. paltoni as a 'brood pouch' are probably cans are neither biramous nor unique but the remains of pleopods"; which would re­ would resemble those of the Recent Hoplo­ move the objection by Tiegs and Manton, carida, it might be better not to include 1958, p 336, that "Few will support Glaess- Brooks's Palaeostomatopoda in the same su­ ner in placing the fossil Periinecturidae, perorder with his Eocaridacea and Pygo- possessing a typical peracaridan brood pouch, cephalomorpha. on the ancestry of the Hoplocarida"). The described distinctions between Eo­ A fourth group, which is first known caridacea and Pygocephalornorpha seem of from the Mississippian but mostly from the doubtful significance when considered in Pennsylvanian and the Permian (Pygo- relation to the diversity within these two cephalomorpha Beurlcn as restricted by groups. The Eocaridacean Pale op daemon, Brooks), consists of forms distinguished with cephalothorax "only slightly reduced in from Brooks's Eocari dacea by having a length" and "an incipient branchiostegal de­ cephalothorax at least no shorter than the velopment -of the pleurae of the cara­ pleon and a "Branchiostegal development pace" may, as Brooks thinks, represent the of the pleura of the carapace" (described type from which "the Pygocephalornorpha for Anthracaris. p. 177, as an infolding of evolved" (p. 266); but some Eocaridacea the lower edge of the broadened carapace, possess, whilst others seem ro lack, the de­ which fits "against the flanks of the thoracic finitive Peracarid specialization (brood- somites just above the coxa of the legs to lamellae). It seems more likely that Pygo­ form a crablike branchial chamber"). Of cephalornorpha with oostegites were an off­ these forms, Anthracaris had a sperm- shoot of some similarly marsupial Eocari­ receptacle on the last thoracic sternite of dacea such as must also have given rise to the female (p 184, pi. 2 and 39) and no the Mysidacean Peracarida (since an oostcg- oostegites (pp. 173, 265). 1 ealhocaris had ite-formed marsupium is presumably cor­ costegites and no sperm-receptacle (p. 265 related with abbreviated development, and and pi. 7). Pygocephalus "not only has a such a trait seems too complex to have much peracarid marsupium, but the seminal re­ probability of appearing more than once; al­ ceptacle diagnostic of syncarids and deca­ though it can be lost, cf. Bovallius, 1890. p.. pods" (p, 265.. However, Woodward's fig­ 31). The sperm-receptacle on the last ure of Pygocephalus. in which Brooks recog­ thoracic sternite of Anthracaris suggests nizes a sperm-receptacle, is said not ro show that this form might have descended from costegites; and Brooks, p. 198, says that some Eocaridacea which similarly lacked Woodward interpreted the "receptacle" as oostegites but had a sperm-receptacle, other a "doubtful (anal?) plate displaced"). In descendants of which lost the carapace (by the other five Pygocephalomorph genera hysterotely ?) and gave rise to the Syncarida listed by Brooks, it does not seem to be (although sperm-receptacles are not very known whether the female had either oo­ safe indicators of relationship, having been stegites or a sperm-recepracle. In the Pygo- independently developed many times on cephalomorphs from the southern hemi­ various somites of ; cf. An­ sphere, the pleon was flexed under the drews, 1905, pp.. 48-9, on Homaridca and cephalothorax, a crab-like convergence. Burkenroad, 1936, pp. 62-3 on Peneids). It thus seems possible that the distinction Brooks unites the Devonian and Carboni­ made by Brooks between Pygocephalo­ ferous forms having a well-developed cara­ rnorpha and Eocaridacea is between poly- pace as the superorder Eocarida Brooks, phyletic grades (like rhe original Decapod since "a vertical classification . . .. would 6 Tulane Studies in Geology Vol. 2 suborders "Macrura" and "Brachyura") rather form of telson preserved from a predeca- than between homogeneous taxa, and that pod ancestor'. The paleontological evidence his restricted "Pygocephalomorpha" are presented herein proves his deduction". merely "the Paleozoic benthonic Eumala- However, Gurney, in the quoted suggestion costracans" (p. 265), convergent from di­ ("It is possible that it is a primitive form verse natant "Eocaridacea." of telson . . ."), was not referring to furcal Brooks then suggests polyphyletic descent rami, or to median spine as such, but to a of the Eucarida from members of his "Eocari­ peculiar pattern of telson common to some dacea" and "Pygocephalomorpha," as fol­ adult Mysids and Euphausiids and to some lows: (1) "Recent euphausids have retained Eukyphid Decapod larvae. What he says the primitive telson and are probably spe­ about Euphausiacea (p. 119) is that they cialized pelagic descendants of" the "Eocari­ "afford no evidence as to the origin of the dacea" (p.. 266). (2) "The may telson". The median spine, contrary to have evolved from the Eocaridacea" (p. 270; Brooks's generalization, is widely distributed' and cj. Brooks's phylogenetic diagram, plate being found in some adult Mysids and Deca­ 16, where die line with a question mark, pods (as is also an enlarged pair of spines which evidently represents the differentiat­ like those of the Euphausiids, or a terminal ing Pencids, is drawn entirely independent fork suggestive of those in some of the of the Euphausiid and Reptant lines). (3) larvae). What Gurney (1942, pp. 116-7) "Though Anthracaris from the Pennsyl- identified with the furcal rami of Branchio- vanian has some characteristics of the eryo- poda, Copepoda, Leptostraca and embryonic nid decapods, it is a pygocephalomorph" (p. Mysids were the forks of the larval telson 269); and "It should be noted that the of Peneid and Brachyuran Decapods, not the Decapoda may be polyphyletic The spines or setae borne on these forks (which Eryonidae probably evolved from the Pygo­ he says, p. 119, "may be retained" while cephalomorph" (p. 270). the forks are "absorbed into the telson and lose their individuality altogether"; cf. also Brooks's suggestion of Eucarid polyphyly Caiman, 1909, p 244, and Tiegs and Man- would imply that the definitive Eucarid spe­ ton 1958, p. 295). The large "Eocarid" cialization (carapace fused to all thoracic furcal plares shown by Brooks (setose in the tergites) arose convergently on several oc­ restorations of the Pygocephalomorphs An­ casions. However, this seems improbable; thracaris, Mamayocaris and Tealliocaris; pi. especially because Euphausiids and Deca­ 2, 5, 7) suggest the Leptostraca, whereas pods have in common a second, independent, the enlarged pair of spines of Euphausiids peculiar specialization, not previously raken arises by hypertrophy of one previously un­ into consideration by taxonomists; namely, distinguished pair among the multiple lar­ the bifurcation of the appendix interna of val spinules, and does not seem especially the second male pleopod to form an appen­ significant. dix mascnlina. A rigorous examination of Brooks's evidence thus seems to be required, Brooks (p. 202) says of Anthracophausia as follows: that "The generic name . . . is most appro­ (a) The stated reason for deriving the priate as far as superficial resemblances to Euphausiids from the "Eocaridacea" directly the Recent euphausids are concerned. rather than as a branch of the Eucarid line Peach . . . presented reliable evidence that (their "primitive telson") is elaborated by the carapace was not fused with the posterior Brooks on p. 168, as follows: "all fossils thoracic segments, but this primitive char­ excepr the syncarids have a pair of furcal acteristic is to be expected of the ancestral lobes and a median spine on the telson. A euphausids. Most disconcerting, however, is furca is known in adult Recent Eurnalacos- the presence of a marsupium on females of traca only on euphausids and the syncarids the closely related contemporaneous fossil of the Order Bathynellacea. The median Crangopsis . . .". One might go further and spine is known only in the adults of euphau­ sids. Gurney (1942, pp. 116-123) noted the say that if oostegites were in fact present in occurrence of these structures of the telson these genera, their members seem most un­ in ontogenetic stages of the Eumalacostraca likely to have been ancestral to the Euphau­ and concluded they are relics of a 'primitive siids or Peneids; and that they ought to be No- 1 Evolution of the Eucarida 7 regarded as primitive Peracarida (in the Decapods from the characteristics of the manner of Caiman, 1909, p. 181). available Paleozoic Eumalacostraca is as (b) Brooks gives no reason why the follows: It seems most unlikely that any peneids should be thought to have arisen of the ancient forms with reduced, depressed directly from Pennsylvanian Eocaridacea, in­ or heavy carapace, reduced or permanently dependently both of the Euphausiids and of flexed pleon, oostegites, uniramous or rap­ the other Decapods. Presumably, he was in­ torial legs, or a sperm-recepracle, could have fluenced by the remarkably Penem-\ike out­ given rise to the Eucarids. The three known line and posture of the pleon in Anthraco- Devonian genera seem to have lacked all phausia (pi. 48). However, the intestine of these specializations, but seem in this to have /{nthracophausia is shown by his photo­ been primitive, generalized Eumalacostraca graphs to have run along the middle of the showing little to connect them more closely pleon, rather than at the dorsal third as in with one rather than another of the extant Euphausiids or above the dorsal fifth as in superorders, Syncarid, Peracarid, Hoplocarid Peneids and other Decapods. The position and possibly Pancarid specializations are all of the intestine relatively low in the body known in the Mississippian; and it would presumably indicates that the pleonic flexor not be too surprising if a marine shrimp of muscles of Anthracophausia were not en­ similar date should ultimately be found, larged relative to the extensors, hence, that which had developed the definitive Eucarid the organization of its pleon was more like specializations. Of the relatively unspecial- that of Lophogastrid Mysidacean Peracarida ized ancient forms, rhe one perhaps closest than of the back-jumping Eucarids. to such a direction of development might be Palaeopalaem,on, which has carapace sculp­ (c) The only Pygocephalomorph feature ture suggestive of that both of Mysids and which Brooks specifically states to be like of Decapods. The extremely hypertrophied that of Eryonids is a sternal structure on the antennular peduncle of Palaeopalaemon is, last thoracic somite of presumptive females however, a specialization which seems to of Anthracaris which "is reminiscent of the disqualify it as a direct ancestor of the sperm receptacle of the syncarids and eryonid Eucarida, decapods" (p.. 184). However, as pointed out by Andrews (1911), Eryonids do not Brooks's restoration of Palaeopalaemon have a sperm receptacle; instead, a pair of (pi. 9, fig a) shows a system of carapace spermatophores is applied by the male to the grooves resembling those of the Recent My- surface of the hinder sternites of the female sid Anchialina typica. The groove marked (mistaken by Geoffrey Smith for a recepta­ "cvg" in the restoration ("cervical groove", cle like that of Recent Syncarids). Brooks p. 170) appears on Brooks's beautiful photo­ regards the mandible of Anthracaris as "char­ graphs (pi 50, fig, 5; pi, 51, fig. 2) as deep acteristic of decapods" in having a second and narrow, faintly turning to the dorsum at articulation hinging it to a strongly devel­ its upper end. Just below and parallel to it oped epistome (pp. 181, 183, 265); but ac­ is a longer ridge, separated from it by a cording to Snodgrass (1951, pp. 23, 41, 44-5, shallow trough which reaches the dorsum 46; 1952, pp. 182-3), a double-hinged man­ behind the middle of the carapace. The dible and a well-developed epistome are groove shown in the restoration as running characteristic also of Peracarids and Hoplo- in a rostral direction from a mid-lateral carids The resemblance of Anthracaris to junction with "cvg", anterior to the level of Eryonids in habitus is surely convergent, an excavation of the dorsum, might be the since its free thoracic tergites are obviously homologue of Boas's groove d in Decapods pre-Eucarid, whereas the Eryonids are spe­ {cf. p. 8 below). The dorsal notch might cialized chelate Reptants, not even primitive matk Boas's groove e, the cervical in the among Eucarida Decapoda Pleocyemata (the sense of Glaessner (cf, Brooks's pi, 14, fig, C, stem-form of which was almost certainly of a Recent Lophogastrid, where the groove natant). marked "cvg" is the one described by Glaess­ Consequently, paleontological evidence of ner, I960, p. 43, as "the last transversal fur­ Eucarid polyphyly is in fact completely row of the Mysidacea . . . [which] extends lacking. What is instead to be deduced backward in a narrow U-shaped loop . . . about the ancestor of the Euphausiids and [and] is undoubtedly homologous with the 8 Tulane Studies in Geology Vol. 2 branchio-cardiac groove of the Decapoda." or any other Reptant, However, I believe Brooks's "cvg" in Pulaeopalaemon might be him to be right in assigning Gemellaro's equivalent to the "intermediate transverse genus to the Decapoda; on the grounds that furrow" which Glaessner notes for the Re­ it has a cardiacobranchial sulcus reaching the cent Lophogastrid Eucopia and evidently dorsum near the posterior margin of the regards as homologous with Boas's groove c, carapace (groove a or o in the notation of the post-cervical of Decapods). Although Boas), and that the posterior matgin of the the homologies cannot be regarded as cer­ carapace has the dorsal concavity character­ tain, it would seem possible to derive the istic of Eucarids. quadruple system of dorsum-attaining cara­ What Brooks presumably regards as a pace grooves (a, c, e, d) which can be postu­ cervical sulcus extends anterodorsally from lated for the stem-Eucarid from something the middle of the side on to the short ros­ like tbaf in Palaeopalaemon. trum of Palaeopemphix. and appears to rep­ The sharply-marked, midlateral, longitu­ resent the complete, primitive form of Boas's dinal ridge of the carapace of Palaeopalae­ groove d. A complete groove found in the mon is of special interest, because of the Triassie Pemphix anterior to e (but cross­ suture along its crest which is suggested by ing the dorsum fat posterior to the rostrum) Brooks's photographs (pi. 50, fig. 7 and 51, is identified as d by Glaessner (1960, fig. fig. 3) If this suture existed in life, it 19, 4), but this primitive Palinuran Reptant would suggest that the midlateral ridge of has so many sulci that their homologies are Palaeopalaemon might be homologous with unclear. In a few Recent Euphausiids, Pe­ the unridged longitudinal suture which is neids and Eukyphids {e.g., Euphausia, Halt- found scattered in a few Recent Peneids, one porous, Glyphocrangon), a groove identifi­ Recent Eukyphid and many Recent Reptants able as d runs anterodorsally from a mid- of various sections (linea thalassinica, 1. lateral origin on the cervical to the rostrum, anornurica, 1. homolica). somewhat as in Palaeopemphix. It is worth special note that Brooks (pp. What Brooks evidently considers as the 221, 258-9, 260) finds Palaeopalaemon un­ "post-cervical" of Palaeopemph'x seems to usual among available Paleozoic forms both be Boas's groove q or e (the cervical); not in having had a somewhat calcified exoskele- c, which according to Gemmellaro's figures ton and in having been fully marine (cf. seems to be missing. The deep, oblique end of next section). groove (a) which runs from below the 2. Permian: In the early (or early-Middle; juncture of d and e to near the posterodorsal or middle Upper) marine Permian (Sosio margin of the carapace (where it crosses beds of Sicily, cj. Gignoux, 1950, and Nea- the dorsum) resembles the cardiacobranchial verson, 1955; but note Montanaro Gallitelli, of Haliporus (the Recent Peneid which 1956, pp.. 878, 882) Brooks recognizes a seems in several respects the nearest of Decapod He says, "the only Paleozoic: fossil these to the si em-form of the relatively that may be a true decapod is Palaeopemphix primitive suborder Dendrobranehiata); ex­ sosiemis and related species The cept that the cardiacobranchial of Haliporus carapaces figured by Gemmellaro have sends off a posteroventral branch (as well cervical, post-cervical, and branchiocardiac as groove c). The extreme posterior cross­ sulci co-mparab'e to those of Pseudoglyphea ing of the dorsum by groove a in Palae­ sp'nosus and Vseudopemphix albertn opemphix is particularly reminiscent of from the Triassie . .. ." (pp. 269-70). On Haliporus (and some species of the related p. 274, he goes farther and assigns Palae­ Hymenopeneus; as well as the Reptant Tha- opemphix to the Glypheidae (which were lassina). It is not exactly matched by any almost certainly definitive Reptants closely of the forms of groove a diagrammed by related to the Recent Homaridea and Pa- Glaessner (1960). linuridea). A number of Gemmellaro's specimens are In my opinion, Brooks's identification in figured as with a tubercle between d and e, P alaeopemphix of a post-cervical sulcus and another behind e. These (although also (groove c in the notation of Boas) is in­ reminiscent of, e.g., the Pygocephalornorph correct, and Palaeopemphix is a peculiar Anthracaris) might be homologous with form with no close relation to the Glypheids the postorbital spine characteristic of all No- ! Evolution of the Eucarida 9 colenocerine Peneids as well as some Ser- the end of Section IIB2 and in Section pestids and the Triassic-Jurassic Aeger, and III below) for thinking that the Paleozoic tilth the postcervical spine found in a few Eucarida were, like the Recent ones, pre­ Recent Solenocerinae. ponderantly uncalcified, shrimp-like, marine The short, high carapace of Palaeopem- forms; and it also seems possible that, until jjhix and the absence of groove c seem sur­ the capacities latent in the Eucarid type of prisingly specialized for a primitive Deca­ organization had begun to be successfully pod; although its short rostrum, complete realized rhrough the evolutionary accumula­ groove d. groove a crossing the dorsum near tion of further specializations, no dense the posterior margin, and postorbital tuber­ populations were produced (especially, not cle might be primitive Decapod features benthonic ones, so long as sea-bottom niches (the whole peculiar combination requiring were still occupied by long-adapted Trilo­ taxonomic distinction, which is here insti­ bites). As regards the frequenr fossiliza- tuted by proposal of PALEOPEMPHICI- tion of marine Trilobites and Ostracods in DAE, new family). If the longitudinal ridge the later Paleozoic, Brooks (1957, p. 896) 0f Palaeopalaemon and the longitudinal points out that they "possessed exoskeletons sutures scattered among the Recent Deca- fortified with calcium carbonate " Like­ poda are in fact homologous, as here sug­ wise, Harrington (1959, pp.. 043, 076, 085) gested, Palaeopemphix seems disqualified as states that "The exoskeleton of trilobites the stem-Decapod by loss of the suture. I consists both of hard mineralized integument would guess that when its pleon and ap­ and comparatively soft chitinous parts pendages become known, it will prove to Ventral appendages of trilobites are very have been an achelate, calcified, benthonic rarely preserved Parts of the integu­ offshoot of the hypothetical natant stem- ment were mineralized and hard. . . . This Decapod. mineralization gave a high rigidity to the Since it is here suggested that there was test, rendering it easily fossilizable". Benson a varied fauna of Eucarids in the Paleozoic, (1961, p. Q56) says that "pelagic Ostra- culminating in the differentiation of the codes are rare as fossils", and Scott (1961, two Pleocyemate supersections of the Deca- p Q21) says that the carapace of ostracods poda before the end of the Permian, the "is composed of two parts: (1) a hard layer question arises why the only available traces of calcium carbonate, and (2) a soft layer, of such a fauna are the somewhat debatable the epidermis. The hard shell substance is carapaces of Palaeopemphix (when, in con­ preserved in fossils " Thus, scarcity of trast, a number of tipper Paleozoic non- Paleozoic: Eucarid fossils is conclusive evi­ Eucarid Eumalacostraca are known, as well dence only againsr abundance of calcified as a variety of Ostracods, Trilobites and other kinds. aquatic ). Brooks has pointed out (1957, pp. 895-6; 1962, pp.. 258-262) that B. Mesozoic: marine arthropods with unmineralized exo- 1. Trias sic: The phylogeny of the Meso­ skeletons are nor, under usual conditions, zoic: Decapods has recently been discussed likely to remain intact long enough for fos- from a paleontological point of view by silization. Fresh- and brackish-water forms, Glaessner (1957, I960). Balss (1957) such as the majority of known Paleozoic treats the fossils along with the Recent De­ Eumalacostraca, are more frequently exposed capods, and Balss and Gruner (1961) give to catastrophes (floods and sudden silting; a paleontological and phylogenetic summary. drying-up and hypersalinity of lagoons; ana­ Remains of only a few Decapods have erobic conditions brought about by influx been found in the Lower Triassic or Permo- of organic material, stagnancy or stratifica­ Trias. Two species are referred to the genus tion of water-layers; etc.) wliich enhance Antrimpos, some members of which are the likelihood of preservation of uncalcified thought to be very closely related to the kinds. Natant Crustacea are unlikely ro have recent Peneine Peneus (cf. Burkcnroad, heavy shells. Scarce forms have {ceteris 1936, p. 127, on the Upper Jurassic Atrim- paribus) correspondingly less probability of pos specioms); indeed, Balss (1922, p. 131) being preserved than do abundant ones. places the Lower Triassic: species alavus in There are several reasons (indicated at "Penaeus" with the statement, "mit Sicher- 10 Tulane Studie in Geology Vol. 2 heit hiergehort". In a lower Triassic setting, lated Protoclytiopsif has recently been de­ Anlrimpos cannot be regarded as primitive; scribed from the Permo-Trias of Siberia. It since the Peneinae have undoubtedly evolved is the present view that the Homaridea must from the upper end of a Solenocerine line­ have been derived from an achelate stem age, the lower end of which must have dif­ so that Clytiopm cannot even be regarded ferentiated from a stem which also gave rise as primitive among the Pleocyemata Rep­ to the very primitive Aristeinae; and since tantia. Glaessner (I960, p. 48) groups the this stem seems to have evolved from a com­ Homarids with the Peneids (and Steno- mon ancestor with the Sergestids, probably podids), citing Beurlen as having shown resembling Aeger. Thus, even without con­ that the "three pairs of chelate legs in the sidering the differentiation of the ancestral Trichelida could not have been acquited Dendrobrancliiate from the probably ache- by primarily benthonic forms"; but against late, petasma-lacking, appendix-interna-bear- this view that the third legs would have to ing stem-Decapod, an early Triassic Peneine be reserved exclusively for walking, one Peneid implies a long series of Decapod pre­ might argue that the Eryonids could not decessors. have arisen from the achelate Glypheids A second early Triassic form is referred through Vemphix (as proposed by Glaess­ to the Glypheid genus Litogaster (with a ner, I960, fig. 19) without benthonic de­ question mark by Glaessner, 1929, but with­ velopment of chelae on all walking legs, not out a question by Balss and Gruner, 1961). merely the first three. Also, the number of If it is indeed a Glypheid, it is presumably true chelae among Recent Homaridea varies a Reptant Decapod; and evidence from the from one pair to four or five, and, as will Recent unequivocally indicates that the Rep­ be shown in the forthcoming review of tantia must have differentiated not only after Recent Decapods, chelae seem to have been separation of the incubatory Decapoda Pleo- independently developed by Eumalacostraca cyemata from the Dendrobranchiata, but on numerous occasions and on various tho­ after separation of the Pleocyemate Natantia racic appendages including the second and from the lineage that later gave rise to the third. Chelae must therefore be regarded as Reptantia. This is shown by the combina­ a feature highly subject to convergence, and tion of specializations accompanying the ben­ the wide variation in number of them among thonic habit in all Recent Reptants (re­ different Pleocyemata strongly suggests that duced first pleonic somite overlapped by the the stem-forms both of this suborder and of pleurite of the second when that is expanded; its supersections had none. A comparison of loss of exopodite of the first pleopod, loss Glaessner's figures 18 and 19 (I960) shows of pereiopodal exopodites, etc.; and espe­ a remarkable similarity in carapace between cially, loss of pleurobranchs anterior to the tlie trichelate Triassic Homarids and the fifth thoracic somite), which must in all achelate Glypheids, consonant with the pres­ probability have been established in a com­ ent suggestion that these two groups are mon ancestor before subdivision of the closely related to each other, rather than the group, rather than by convergence after­ Elomarids to tlie Peneids (which have a quite wards.. The reason for thinking that the different style of carapace sculpture).. Natant group of incubatory Decapods Although 1 concur fully in Glaessner's (Stenopodida and Eukyphida) must have observation (I960, p. 36) that "the paleon­ branched off before the definitive Reptant tologist contributes one criterion of incon­ specializations were established is that the testable significance, the appearance of Natantia not only have pleurobranchs an­ various taxa in time ," it has to be terior to the second leg as adults but develop emphasized that the date of a fossil fixes them before the arthrobranchs as larvae only the minima] age of the taxon repre­ (cf. Burkenroad, 1939, pp. 316-8). Thus, if sented, leaving open the possibility that it the Glypheids are Reptantia, they are not had differentiated much earlier. The (some­ primitive Decapods what questionable) evidence supplied by A third early Triassic form is Clytiopsh, Palaeopemphix, combined with the degree with two species, classed as a primitive and of divergence among early Triassic forms, extinct but Homaridean Reptant group by leaves little room for doubt that direct evi­ Balss (1957, pp. 570-1, fig. 1164); the re- dence of the primary evolution of the major vfo. 1 Evolution of the Eucarida 11

Decapod subdivisions has to be sought in Peneinae such as Antrimpos, although the the Permian. latter could be derived from something like In the Middle Triassic, in addition to a generalized form of it. The order of oc­ further Glypheids and Erymaid Hornaridea, currence of the earliest known fossils of the Glypheid-like Pseudopemphix and the Antrimpos and Aeger thus appears to be Palinurid-like Pemphix have been found ( cf. the reverse of that in which their lineages Balss, 1957, pp. 1562, 1577), both with differentiated. rudimentary chelae. Glaessner (I960) shows 2. Jurassic: From the Lower Jurassic, that there would be no great difficulty in there has been reported a variety of Pleo- deriving the carapace of Pseudopemphix cyemare groups not known from the Trias­ from that of the Glypheid Litogaster, that sic. These include Eukyphida, Mechochirid of Pemphix from Pseudopemphix, and that Glypheids, Axiid Thalassinidea, Scyllarid of Upper Triassic Eryonid Palinuridea from Palinuridea, Pagurid (and possibly the Gala- Pemphix (note thar the fact that Pemphix theid) Anomala, and Dromiacean Brachy- had begun to develop chelae would seem to ura; as well as a peculiar genus, Uncina, exclude it from the direct ancestry of the which Balss (1957, p. 1560) classifies Scyllarid Palinuridea, despite its resemblance (afrer Beurlen and Glaessner, 1930, p. 52) in habitus to the more primitive of rhe as the Natant "Tribus Uncinoidea . . . Den latter).. Stenopodidea nahestehend". What are indi­ The Middle and the Upper Triassic yield cated as unquestionable remains of Gala- remains attributed to the peculiar shrimp theids, the Thalassinid Callianassa (sensu Aeger, which is shown by beautifully pre­ lato) and Eukyphids have been found later served late Jurassic material to have been in the Jurassic, strengthening the identifica­ a Peneid, not a Stenopodid. In addition to tions of less well-preserved Lower Jurassic its three pairs of chelate legs (the third finds referred to these incubatory sections. longest, but not stouter) and its first ple- Evidence from the Recent indicates that onic pleurite overlapping the second, Balss the Anomala (of de Haan and Boas, com­ reports a petasma (1957, p. 1559), and I prising the Pagurids, Galatheids and Hippids have been able to determine that the pleonic and excluding the Dromiacea and rhe Tha­ hinges are of a pattern characteristic of lassinidea, one or the other of which has Recent Peneids (exposed condyles at the customarily been included under the name first two and the last two articulations, and Anomura H.M.-E.) constitute a monophy- a pleurire-covered but well-developed con­ letic taxon (antcnnular stylocerite, peculiar dyle at the third articulation). It is, how­ antennal region of the carapace, posterior ever, a most peculiar form, as pointed out part of longitudinal suture low on the cara­ bv Biirlrenroad (1936, pp. 1.-2: 1945, pp. pace, reduced fifth leg, medially placed 562, 579). The absence of hepatic spine in aperture of antennal gland, no podobranchs, most species, the usual presence of a post- etc.). The presence of differentiated Pagu­ orbital spine, the ventral tooth of the ros­ rids and Galatheids in the Lias would thus trum, t^e densely pubescent integument etc., mean that the definitive stem of the Anom­ variously suggest Recent Aristehiae, Soleno- ala bad arisen earlier, presumably in the cerinae -md some Peneinae; whilst the hyper- Triassic trophied third maxillipeds and the dorsally- The Lower Jurassic Scyllarid Palinuridea unarmed rostrum suggest certain Recent are presumably derived from an achelate adult or larval Sergest'ds. The somewhat ancestor, therefore perhaps from a time lie- reduced first pleonic somite is unlike rhat fore the aonearance of rudimentary chelae of any Recent Dendrobranchiates but com- in the middle Triassic Pemphix, It must be parab'e with that of the peculiar Upper granted that chelae can be lost as well as Jurassic Acanlhochirus and Dma as figured gained (as shown by, s in Aeger suwsrests that its lineage in which, however, the retrogression has goes back to the undiffctentiated Dendro- been accomplished by loss of rhe dactyl); branchiate stem; and the new family AE- and Recent Scyllarids have a more advanced GERIDAE is herewith proposed for it. It development of the diagnostic Palinuridean almost certainly cannot be derived from specialization (the thoracic condyle that en- 12 'lulane Studies in Geology Vol, 2 gages a depression on the underside of the The Lower Jurassic Brachyuran (Eocar- carapace) than do the Eryonids, as well as cinus), a Dromiacean in which the pleon various other marked peculiarities such as is "relative gut entwickelt, nicht unter den fusion of the basal joint of the antenna with Carapax geschlagen" (Balss, 1957, p. 1601), carapace and epistome. Nevertheless, it may nevertheless in certain respects be less would not be surprising to find a primitive conservative than some of the forms found achelate Scyllarid, resembling Pemphix in later in the Jurassic (e.g., it lacks vestiges of the uropods; and according to the present habitus, earlier in the Triassic than the view that, the linea homolica is probably Eryonids. homologous with the linea anomurica and Derivation of the Axiids, in the Lower the linea thalassinica, it has lost this primi­ Jurassic, as "direct descendants of the ex­ tive feature). The distinctive characteristic tinct Glyphcocarida" (Glaessner, I960, p. of the higher Brachyura (loss of arthro- 48), is at first glance plausible but seems branchs behind the first leg) is foreshadowed to create phylogenetic difficulties. The dis­ in Recent Dromia, which still develop pos­ tribution of adult and larval characteristics terior arthrobranchs, by a peculiar delay among Recent Thalassinidea suggests that in the appearance of these during onto­ the Axiids (without linea thalassinica), the geny. Therefore, although Giinicy's view of Callianideids (some with remnants of the the derivation of the Dromiacea seems sound linea) and the Callianassids (with linea) (1942, p. 270: "it is probable that .. . . the had an ancestor with two pairs of chelae, Dromiacea sprang" from a stock represented appendices internae and a suture on the by Recent Laomediid and Upogebiid Thalas­ carapace; and that this group arose from a sinidea), his disagreement with "the general common ancestor with the Recent series conviction that the Brachyura are descended comprising Tbalassina, the Laomediids and from the Dromiacea" and his opinion that the Upogebiids, which have a suture al­ "the Dromiacea should be excluded alto­ though no appendix interna, and have de­ gether from the Brachyura" seem to over­ veloped only one pair of chelae or none at emphasize the primitive ontogenetic fea­ all (cf. Gurney, 1938, pp. 339-343 and tures of these crabs. In contrast, although 1942, p. 240). It thus seems likely that the exception is here taken to Glaessner's view achelate ancestor of the Jurassic Axiids had (I960, fig. 19, p- 45) that the connection a linea thalassinica, which would exclude the of Eocarcinus with the unsutured Pseudo- Glypheids. The latter (which are placed pemphix (classed by Balss, 1957, p. 1577, close to the Thalassinidea by Balss, 1957) as a Glypheid) is "beyond doubt", his state­ might well be an eatly, calcified offshoot of ment that "It seems to have taken the the uncalcified, achelate Tlialassinid-like Brachyura the long span of Jurassic time... Reptant stern, paralleled later from the same to consolidate their organization on the level stem by the chelate, superficially Homari- of the Dromiacea" appears to describe a dean-Iike Axiids rather than ancestral to fact (since the higher Brachyura of the them. Such a possibility cannot be dis­ must have had calcified ancestors, missed as improbable in the lack of sutured the lack of Jurassic traces of which would fossils, because the great Tertiary abundance be inexplicable). of Callianassid remains consisting almost Uncina from the Lower Jurassic is be­ exclusively of major chelae shows that tin- lieved bv Balss (I.e.) to have been near the calcified, sutured, achelate Thalassinid-hke Srenopodida, but if its first chelipeds were forms would have had infrequent chances the largest and its enlarged second pleonic of fossilization. Ir is therefore here sug­ pleurite overlapped the reduced first seg­ gested that fossil stem-Reptants have not ment, it sounds more like an aberrant been found, that Recent Thalassinids have Homaridean which had lost the uropodal diverged only gradually and incompletely diaeresis like some Recent Nepbropsis (as from this stein; and that the fossil Reptants also suggested by the presence of chelae on have been preserved because they had be­ its fourth and possibly on its fifth legs, come calcified (a specialization with which described by Beurlen, 1928; cf. the multi- was correlated a loss of the longitudinal chelate Recent Homaridean Thaumastoche- suture). les). 1 I I ^TQ 1 Evolution of the Eucarida 13

I The Solenhofcn quarries have supplied a branchiata and Eukyphida. Even though it I marvellous array of thin-shelled Upper Ju- includes so exceptional a deposit as Solen­ 1 rassic shrimp, among which Udorella is of hofcn, the available Jurassic: record hardly ! especla' interest to the present discussion, suggests enormous success for these primi­ ' This form, as reconstructed by Balss {cf. tive, uncalcified adaptations; yet the strong 1957, fig- 1131), evidently had a pleon with persistence of bottom-living though natant I expanded second pleura widely overlapping Peneids and Eukyphids into the Recent de­ the large first somite, and with strong con- spite the increasing pressure of radiation of I dyles exposed at the first two and the last the Reptantia surely implies a great pre­ I two pleonic articulations but none at the dominance of such unarmed and unarmored I third. Such a pleon is characteristically forms in most niches of the Jurassic seas. / Eukyphid. In contrast to all Recent Euky- By analogy, the known Triassic and Jurassic i phida, however, Udorella had all five pairs Reptants may have been those relatively I of le8s subchelate (like the middle six scarce bur readily fossilizable offshoots i thoracic endopods of the Mysidacean Y.u- which had developed from a persistently | copia) instead of having the last three pairs abundant, uncalcified Reptant stem-lineaee, simple and the first two chelate or, as in by way of repeated, independent steps to­ Crangonords, the second pair chelate and ward the hard-shelled, pincer-armed adapra- the first subchelate. The presence of long tions conducive to free-ranging benthonic exopodites on all the legs, and the unre­ survival in a world of predatory vertebrates. duced first pleonic somite, demonstrate that i Udorella can not have been a Reptant (de- The sutured ancestors of the Anomala and I spite its resemblance in habitus to the Re- the Brachyura probably arose in the Triassic i cent Thalassinid Naushonia; cf. Grace, 1939 from the same conservative, unarmed and ' and Thompson, 1903). unarmored Reptant lineage that had earlier given rise to the calcified, unsutured Gly- | As has already been indicated in Section pheids from which the Homarids and Pali- II, B, 1 above, the fact that the Eukyphida nurids arose; presumably by way of the must be derived from an ancestor with habit of carrying shelter with them in fotays pereiopodal exopodites, unreduced first ple­ for food out of reach of their crevices (a onic somite and biramous firsr pleopod, and habit that would favor modification of the with pleurobranchs on the second through posterior legs and the pleon). The habits eighth thoracic somites, means that they are and structure of some of the Recent Tha- derived from an incubatory lineage that had lassinids may be quite close to those of the not yet developed definitive Reptant char­ hypothetical stem Reptant and its conserva­ acteristics. The Eukyphid (and Stenopiodid) tive descendants from which the Anomala line must therefore have already been sepa­ and Brachyura seem to have arisen, rated from the Peneid and the Reptant A diagrammatic representation of what lines at the start of the Mesozoic; despite seems likely to have been the order and • the lack of any record until the Jurassic It time of appearance of the different Eucarid I seems possible that the ancestors of Udorella groups is given in Figure 1, The names ! never h?d chelae (and that the first legs of there applied to the different taxa are dis­ Recent Crangonoids are also relics from cussed in the account of Recent Eucarida | the Permian). now being tidied for publication, but a brief ' All of the major Recent Eucarid taxa ex­ explanation of the present acceptance of a cept the Stenopodida and the Euphausiacea tripartite subdivision of the Reptantia under (which are not known at all as fossils) are the ancient names Macrura, Anomala and represented in the Jurassic; but comparison Brachyura seems needed here. A more nat­ with the Recent suggests that the Jurassic ural grouping might be achieved by sepa­ representation may be strongly biased to­ ration of the Glypheidea, together with their ward forms fossilized because they had de­ presumptive early offshoot the Homaridea veloped calcified arms and (or) armor. The and their presumptive later offshoot the Eucarid group with the greatest Recent Palinuridea, as the section Trichobranchida population-mass is the Euphausiacea; and (restricted, from Huxley): forms lacking a next most abundant (in biomass) are very longitudinal suture, and wirh the filaments probably rhe ancient, natant groups Dendro- of the gills arranged on the axis in pairs of 14 Tulane Studies in Geology Vol.2 multiple series or in disorder (assuming III. SUMMARY OF PROBABLE CHARACTER­ that the extinct Glypheids would in this ISTICS OF FOSSILS OF THE HYPOTHETICAL feature have resembled their presumptive ANCESTORS OF MAJOR EUCARID TAXA early and lare offshoots). The remaining The foregoing discussion of the fossil rec­ three Reptant subsections Thalassinidea, ord of Eucarid evolution has followed the Anomala and Brachyura would be grouped order of that fragmentary selection; but has together as the section Phyllobranchida (re­ been written from a view-point largely based defined; from Huxley), probably having had on Recent evidence concerning phylogeny. a common ancestor (subsequent to the sepa­ Many of the crucial characteristics are un­ likely ever to become known in fossils (even ration of the Trichobranchida) which re- if deposits like the Burgess shale and the rained the longitudinal suture and had the Solenhofen limestone should be located in gill-filaments disposed feather-like in uni- the Carboniferous, Permian and early Trias- or b:-serial pairs along the stem. Although sic). In the present section, therefore, some the gills of the more primitive members of deductions are offered concerning possibly all three Phyllobranchid taxa have been recognizable features of undiscovered key classed as "trichobranchiae", and although fossils of the Eucarida, in the order in which the expansion of the filaments into flattened they are here presumed to have evolved leaves was evidently developed independent­ (Figure 1). ly on various occasions (and not only among 1. It seems likely that the Eucarid stem- Reptantia), Huxley's name seems appro­ form developed from a primitive Eumala- priate enough. costracan shrimp with four carapace grooves Such a grouping of the Replants into Tri­ crossing the dorsum and a longitudinal chobranchida and Phyllobranchida would lateral suture, which lacked brood-lamellae have several disadvantages. First, it would and sperm-receptacle. It may have differ­ constitute a radical departure from all the entiated about as early as did the progenitors current classificatory modes; whereas one of other Recent Eumalacostracan super- such departure (the present suborders Den- orders (in the Mississippian). It was prob­ drobrancbiata and Pleocyemata) seems ably a fairly large prawn; since if the enough to introduce at one time. Second, the branchiae of Lophogastrid Mysids are homo­ traditional name Macrura, dispensed with logous with the body-gills of Decapods (as by Boas in his great revision, keeps being seems likely), the ancestral Eucarid must piously restored to use, and might better be have had both these body-giJls and podo- anchored in a more or less acceprable, re­ branchs; and even though its water-pumping stricted fashion (as by Waterman and system may have been inefficient, so ex­ Chace, I960, p. 25) than left unassigned for tensive a set of gills suggests a high volume- attempts at revival in the ancient sense by to-surface ratio for the body. It was prob­ non-evolutionary systematists (as Holthuis, ably a strong swimmer (large pleon and 1955, p. 4).. Third, poorly-known or early pleopods), a weaker walker (adequate but Reptant fossils could safely be reported as unspecialized thoracic endopodites) and a Macrura, when their classification as Gly­ back-jumper with the intestine placed above pheids, Homarids, Thalassinids, Trichobran- the middle of the pleon to give room for chids or Phyllobranchids would not be as­ enlarged flexor muscles (since use of the sured. Fourth, further hierarchic down­ uropods for retrograde evasive propulsion, grading of the taxa Anomala and Brachyura rarher than for forward jumping or mere would over-cramp the subdivision of these steering, seems a probable correlate of tne latest-differentiated but highly-successful, diagnostic fusion of the carapace to the numerous and varied groups. Accordingly, thoracic dorsum, presumably required for Chace has for the present been followed in streamlining during rapid backward mo­ grouping the long-tailed Reptantia which tion). It seems likely to have been a detritus- have normal uropods and fifth legs as the feeder (no chelae) which travelled and Macrura; with the reservation that their spawned off the bottom like some Recent phylogenetic relationships, as indicated in Peneids (since the lack of fossils suggests Figure 1, might be better expressed by a a thin shell). The habitat was probably different arrangement. marine, like that of the great majority or No. 1 Evolution of the Eucarida 15

Recent Eucarids (note that although the cestor and the Euphausiid branch are: (a) nursery grounds of the juveniles of many cardiacobranchial sulcus crossing the dorsum Peneinae are in the estuaries of the warmer near the posterodorsal margin of the cara­ regions, rhe adolescents of almost all of these pace; (b) well-spaced and strong though return to the sea to mature and spawn. Only unspecialized walking legs on the posterior a few species of one Sergestid genus have five thoracic segments, with reduced exo- achieved completely fresh-water life. In­ podites of which the basal part was not en­ vestigators of excrerion, osmore­ larged, and with the coxal exite of the gulation and ionic balance seem generally to posteriormost thoracic leg completely lost; believe that Recent brackish- and fresh-water (c) endopodite of firsr thoracic appendage Eukyphids and Reptants are likewise invad­ greatly reduced, that of the second one re­ ers from the sea, cf. Robertson, I960, p.. 335 duced and flexed, and that of the third and Parry, I960, pp. 360-1). turned forward and not used for walking; Features at all likely to be detectable in (d) intestine high in the pleon (in relation fossils and to distinguish the Eucarid stem- to improved back-jumping); and (e) de­ form from the Eumalacostracan ancestor velopment of an antennular statocyst with are: (a) carapace fused to all thoracic ter- a statolith composed of sand-grains (prob­ gites; (b) spines, rather than fureal lobes, ably independent of the Syncarid organ; flanking an unarticulated telson point; (c) needed for precise orientation in a natant coxa distinct from basis of thoracic append­ bottom-feeder which has to avoid unexpected ages; (d) intestine fairly high in the pleon. grounding during rapidly repeated jumps). The Permian Paleopemphicidae seem likely 2. The stem-form of the Euphausiacea to have been a calcified offshoot of the early probably differentiated from the Eucarid Decapod stem. ancestor fairly soon afrer that arose (perhaps in the Pennsylvanian), by completely aban­ 4. The stem-form of the Dendrobranchiata doning contact with the bottom, as a feeder probably differentiated from the Decapod on suspended detritus, like some Recent ancestor in the middle of the Permian, by coastal forms. Characteristics that might be specializations of which those likely to be detectable in fossils and would distinguish detectable and diagnostic in fossils are: (a) the Euphausiid stem from its Eucarid an­ development of small chelae on the first cestor are (a) thoracic endopods weaker, three pairs of walking-legs (used for pick­ especially posteriorly, and set closer together; ing out and seizing small benthos such as (b) male genital aperture shifted from limb- annelids, the setae of which might con­ base to sternite; (c) a branch of the ap­ ceivably be recognizable in a fossilized gut); pendix interna of the first male pleopod en­ (b) uncoupling of the pleopods of the three larged as a spermatophore-handling organ; posterior pairs, by loss of the appendix in­ (d) branchiostegite of carapace reduced (in terna; (c) shift of the endopod of the first correspondence with loss of the body-gills); pleopod proximally from rhe rip of the (e) reduction of sculpture of the carapace protopodite, its reduction in the female, and including loss of the postcervical and cardi- enlargement of the entire ramus in the acobranchial sulci and of the longitudinal male to form a spermatophore-handling or­ suture (the primitive function of which lat­ gan (the fietasma, not homologous with the ter was probably as a spring to extend the Euphausiid organ derived from a branch of branchiostegites again, after these had been the appendix interna, nor with the also in­ clapped down to eject foreign matter from dependently-modified first endopods in the gill-chamber). various Reptant Decapods; about which Siewing, 1956, pp. 135-6, 157, 159, seems 3. The stem-form of the Decapoda may quite mistaken). have differentiated from the primitive Eu­ carids early in the Permian, by improved 5. The common stem of the Eukyphids, adaptation to scavenging on the bottom. In Stenopodids and Reptantia (Pleocyemata) particular, the gills became wholly enclosed probably differentiated from the Decapod by the carapace, and the maxillary pump stem during rhe middle of rhe Permian, by greatly enlarged. Features possibly detecta­ developing pleopodal incubation (which ble in fossils, which would distinguish the probably replaced an earlier habit of scatter­ stem-Decapod from both the Eucarid an­ ing the eggs by off-bottom spawning; and 16 Tulane Studies in Geology Vol. 2 so permitted the beginning of Decapod evo­ distinctions of fossils of the stern ReDtant lution toward completely benthonic life),. It would probably be (a) strong achelate legs is possible that ovigerous setae might be without exopodites; (b) exopodite of the recognized in fossils, otherwise the incu­ first pleopods lost and the rest not large batory stem-form might be hard to distin­ enough for effective swimming although guish from the stem Decapod, still coupled by an appendix interna; (c) the 6. The stem-form of the Eukyphids and first pleonic somite reduced and the second Stenopodids (Natantia, sensu restricto) prob­ pleonic pleura somewhat overlapping the ably arose from the incubatory branch dur­ first; (d) the anterodorsal part of the cara­ ing the Upper Permian, by loss of the hinges pace with spiny longitudinal ridges instead at the third pleonic articulation (permitting of the simple postorbital spine of the stem a humped posture). The diagnostic speciali­ Decapod.. The earliest offshoot of this Tha- zation, delay in development, or loss, of lassinid-like Reptant stem was probably Gly- arthrobranchs, would not be detectable in pheid, in the late Permian; and these (like fossils. The more benthonic Stenopodid line their early derivatives, the chelate Homar- probably soon differentiated from the Euky­ ids) would be distinguishable by calcifica­ phids (according to the scarcity of adult or tion and the loss of the lateral longitudinal larval diagnostics common to their Recent suture of the carapace. representatives, and the numerous striking ACKNOWLEDGMENTS differences between the two). Among fea­ Eor facilities, for geological guidance and tures that might be seen in fossils, the early especially for encouragement in the resump­ Eukyphids (a) probably retained pereiopodal tion of research, 1 am more deeply indebted exopodites and did not develop true chelae to Professor Harold E. Vokes and to the for some time (and then perhaps at first members of the Department of Geology of only on the second walking-leg), whereas Tulane University than I can express. Dr. the Stenopodids probably soon lost the per­ Alfred E Smalley of the Department of eiopodal exopodites entirely and developed Zoology has been generous with Recent ma­ chelae on the first three pairs of walking- terial and literature (to be mote fully ac­ legs, with the third pair enlarged (perhaps knowledged in the forthcoming review of the first Eucarid weapons); the Eukyphids Recent Eucarids). Dr. John S. Garth, Dr. (b) retained a biramous first pair of pleo- Martin F Glaessner and Mr. Henry B. pods and the appendices internae, whilst Roberts have variously supplied facilities, the Stenopodids lost the coupling of the material, information and clarifying criticism pleopods and the exopodite of the first one; and discussion, far beyond rhe duty of an the Eukyphids (c) developed expanded ple­ J id"i tori al Coram ittee. * onic pleura with the second overlapping the first, whilst the Stenopodid pleura remained LITERATURE CITED small (and when at all expanded, overlapped ANDREWS, 10. A., 1905, The sperm receptacle from front to rear); the Eukyphids (d) re­ of Cainbarus: Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. tained a large first pleonic somite, which 178, p. 181-489, 1 pi. in the Stenopodids tended to become re­ ANDREWS, E. A., 1911, Sperm transfer in certain Decapods: U. S. Natl. Mns., Proc. duced; the Eukyphids (e) lost the condyle 39, p. 419-434, 15 text figs. only at the third pleonic articulation, whilst BALSS, F., 1922, Stuclien an fossilen Deea- the Stenopodids lost those of the anterior poden: Palaeont. Ztschr. 5(2), p. 123-147, articulations as well (according to an as yet 12 text figs. incomplete survey of the Recent forms),. BALSS, II., 1957, Decapoda, VIII, Systema­ tic in GRUNEU, Dr. H. C. Brorms Klas- 7 Einally, the stem-form of rhe Rep- sen und Ordnung-en des Tierreichs, Bd. tantia probably developed the definitive 5, Abt. T, Buch 7, "Lief. 12: Leipzig. Geest characteristic of that supersection (loss of & Portig, p. 1505-1672, 69 text figs. the anterior plenrobranchs, undetectable in BALSS, II. and II. TO. GRUNER, 1961, Decapo­ da, X, Palaeontologie: in GRUNER, Dr. fossils) in the Upper Permian and became H. C. Bronns Klasson und Ordnungen des specialized but still thin-shelled crawlers on Tierreichs, Bd. 5, Abt. I, Buch 7, Lief. the bottom (probably crevice-dwellers until * Unfortunately, Dr. H. K. Brooks's criti­ the evolution of armor, arms and shelter- cisms were received after the manuscript carrying and fossorial habits) Recognizable had been sent to the printer—Ed vf0, 1 Evolution of the Eucarida 17

14: Leipzig, Geest & Portig, p. 1771-1784, GTJRNEY, P., 1938, Larvae of Decapod Crus­ 2 text figs. tacea, Part V, Nephropsidea and Tha- BENSON, R. II., 1961, Ecology of Ostracode lassinidea: Discovery Repf. 17, p. 291- Assemblages: m MOORE, Treatise on In­ 344, 39 text figs. vertebrate Paleontology, Pai t Q, Arthro- GTJRNEY, R., 1942, Larvae of Decapod Crus­ peda 3, Crustacea Ostracoda: Geological tacea: Ray Soc. 129; reprinted 1960, Society of America, p. Q56-Q63, 1 text Weinheim, Germany, J. Cramer, 306 p., fig- 122 text figs. BE0ELEN, K., 1928, Die Dekapoden des HARRINGTON, H. J., 1959, General descrip­ Sehwabischen Jura : Palaeonto- tion of Trilobita: in MOORE, Treatise on graphica (Stuttgart) 70, p. 118-278, 31 Invertebrate Paleontology, Part O, Ar­ text figs. 3 pi. thropoda 1, Trilobita: Geol. Sec. Ameri­ BEOKLEN, K. and M. F. GI^AESSNER, 1930, ca, (338-0117, 58 text figs. System itik der Crustacea Dee.apoda auf HOLTHIJIS, L. B., 1955, The recent genera of stammesgcsehichtlieher Grundlage: Zool. the Caridean and Stanopodidean shrimps Jahrb., Abt. f. Syst. 60, 1, p. 49-81, 23 . . . : Zocl. Verb. Leiden 26, 157 p., 105 text figs. text figs. BOAS, J. E. V., 1880, Studier over Decapo- HOWETJ,, B. F„, 1957, A new Malacostracan dernes Slaegtskabsforhold: Vid. Se.lsk. crustacean, Palaeopalaemon ellcri, from Skr. 6, Naturv. math. Afd. 1, 2, p. 25-210, the Upper Devonian Cowanca formation 7 pi. of New York: Wagner Free Inst. Sci., BOVALT.KJS, C, 1890, The Oxyeeohalids: Bull. 32, 4, p. 37-38/1 text fig. Nova Acta reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal. (3) 14, 4, MONTANARO GAIT.ITELLI, E., 1956, Kkmeria 141 p., 87 text figs., 7 pi. and Tracliypaammia from the Permian BROOKS, II. K., 1957, Chelicerata, Trilobito- of Sosic, Sicily: J. Paleont 30, 4, p. 876- niorphia, Crustacea (exclusive of Ostra- 882, 1 text fig., 2 pi. ccda) and Myriapoda: in LADD, Treatise NEAVERSON, A., 1955, Stratigraphical Palae­ on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology, 2, ontology, a Study of Ancient Life-Prov­ Paleoecology; Geol. Soc. America, Mem. inces, 2nd ed.: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 67, p. 895-929. 818 p., 90 text figs., 18 pi. BROOKS, II. K., 1962, The Paleozoic Eumala- PARRY, G., 1960, Excretion: in WATERMAN, coslraca of North America: Buils. Amer­ The Physiology of Crustacea, vol. I. chapt. ican Palecnt. 44 (202), p. 163-280, .16 text 10: N. Y., Academic Press, p. 341-363, pis., 38 i)ls. 5 text figs. BURKENROAD, M. D., 1936, The Aristaeinae, Solcnocerinae and pelagic Penaeinae of ROBERTSON, J. D„, 1960, Osmotic and ionic the Bingham Oeeancgraahie Collection: regulation: in WATERMAN, The Physiolo­ Bingham Oc. Coll. Bull. 5 (2), 151 p., 7 gy of Crustacea, vol. I, chapt. 9: N. Y., Academic Press, p. 317-339, 3 te> t figs. text figs. BURKENROAD, M. D., 1939, Some remarks SCOTT, H. W., 1961, Shell morphology of upon non-Peneid Crustacea Decapoda: Ostracoda: in MOORE, Treatise, on Inver­ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11) 3, p. 310-318. tebrate Paleontology, Part Q, Arthropoda BURKENROAD, M. D., 1945, A new Sergestid 3, Crustacea Ostracoda: Geol. Sec. Amer­ shrimp . . . with remarks on its relation­ ica, p. Q21-Q37, 11 text figs. ships: Trans. Conn. Ac. Arts Sci., 36, p. SIEWING, R., 1956, Untersuchurgen zur 553-593, text figs. Morphologic, der Malaccstraca (Crusta­ CALMAN, W. T., 1909, Crustacea: in LAN- cea) : Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat. Ont. Tiere, KESTER, A Tteatise on Zoology, Part VII, 75 (1) p. 39-176, 72 text figs. Fasc. 3; London, Black, 346 p., 194 text SIMPSON, G. G., 1.961, Principles of A.nimal figs. Taxonomy: Columbia Univ. Press, 247 CIIACE, F. A. Jr., 1939, On the systematic p., 30 text figs. status ot the Crustacean genera Nauslio- SNODGRASS, R. E., 1951, Comparative stud­ via, Ilomoriscus and Coralliocranqon: ies on the head of mandibulate Arthro­ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11) 3, p. 521-530, pods: Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publ. Co., 14 text figs. 118 p., 37 text figs. GIGNOUX, M., 1955, Stratigraphic geology: SNODGRASS, R. E„, 1952, A textbook of Ar­ (English transl. of 4th French ed., 1950) thropod anatomy: Ithaca, N. Y., Corn- San Francisco, Freeman, 682 p., 155 text stock Publ. Ass., 363 p., 86 text figs. figs. THOMPSON, M. T., 1903, A rare Thalassinid GLAESSNER, M. F., 1929, Crustacea Deca­ and its larva: Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., poda: Loss. Cat, Animalia 1, 41, 464 p. Proc. 31 (1), p. 1-21, 3 pi. GLAESSNER, M. F., 1957, Evolutionary trends TIEGS, O. W. and S. M. MANTON, 1958, The in Crustacea (IVIalacostraca) : Evolution, evolution of the Arthropoda: Biol. Rev. 11 (2), p. 178-184, I text fig. 33 (3), p. 255-337, 18 text figs. GLAESSNER, M. F., 1960, The fossil Decapod WATERMAN, T. R. and F. A. CHACE, JR., Crustacea of New Zealand and the evolu­ 1960, General crustacean biology: in tion of the order Decapoda: New Zealand WATERMAN, The Physiology of Crustacea, Geol. Surv., Paleont. Bull. 31, 63 p., 24 vol. I, chapt. 1: New York, Academic text figs., 7 pis. Press, pp. 1-33, 6 pi.