
Interpretation of an Aeromagnetic Survey of the Island Area,



Prepared on behlf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission


GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director

Library of Congress catalog-card No. 7W188816

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 2401-2087 CONTENTS

Page Page Abstract...... 1 Lava flows and thick sills .Continued Introduction...... 1 Aeromagnetic anomalies...... 16 Previous magnetic surveys...... 2 Ground survey anomalies...... 16 Aeromagnetic survey...... 3 Analysis of magnetic anomalies...... 17 Reduction of data...... 3 Depth estimates ...... 17 Ground magnetic surveys...... 3 Dipole and sheetlike models ...... 19 4 Magnetic properties of rock samples ...... Interpretation of anomalies...... 19 Measuring ...... 4 East Cape anomaly ...... 20 Measuring remanent magnetization ...... 4 White House Cove and shelf-break anomalies...... 20 Geologic setting...... 5 Pillow Point and Rifle Range Point anomalies...... 22 Volcanic breccia ...... 6 St Makarius Point anomaly ...... 22 Magnetic properties ...... 6 . Aeromagnetic anomalies...... 8 Mex Island anomaly ...... 23 Ground survey anomalies...... 8 Bird Rock, Windy Island, Chitka Point-Constantine Volcanic , siltstone, and tuff breccia ...... 9 Point anomalies...... 23 Dikes and small sills...... 10 Site B anomaly ...... 23 - Intrusive rocks ...... 11 780 anomaly ...... 23 Magnetic properties ...... 11 Site F anomaly ...... 23 Aeromagnetic anomalies...... 12 Relation of submarine structure south of Amchitka Lava flows and thick sills...... 12 to aeromagnetic anomalies...... 24 Magnetic properties ...... 14 References cited ...... 24


Page Aeromagnetic map of Amchitka and and surrounding area. Alaska ...... In pocket Residual magnetic anomaly and generalized geologic map of Amchitka Island. Alaska ...... In pocket Plots of magnetic anomaly and standard error from ground survey data at stations 0.1 mile apart on Amchitka Island. Alaska ...... In pocket Index map of Amchitka Island and the ...... 2 Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility: 2. Volcanic breccia ...... 7 3. Volcanic breccia fragments...... 8 4. Volcanic sandstone, siltstone, and tuff breccia from drill hole EH-6 ...... 9 Equal-area projections of remanent directions of magnetization for volcanic sandstone and siltstone and tuff breccia from drill hole EH-6 ...... 10 Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio. density. remanent intensity. and magnetic susceptibility for intrusive rock ...... 12 Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the White House Cove instrusive ...... 13 Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the East Cape pluton ...... 13 Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for surface specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes...... 14 Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for drill-core specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes ...... 15 Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for andesitic lava collected from surface exposures of the Chitka Point Formation ...... 16 Equal-area projections of remanent and total directions of magnetization for basaltic lava collected from surface exposures of the Banjo Point Formation ...... 17 IV CONTENTS FIGURES13-15. Diagrams : Page 13. Observed data from record and from low-sensitivity plot superimposed on profile A-A' along flight line 111 ...... 18 14. Theoretical magnetic anomalies computed for five directions of traverse over a dipole source...... 20 15. Theoretical magnetic anomalies computed for seven traverses striking over sheetlike models 21


Page TABLE 1. Average of densities and magnetic properties for eight specimens collected from the East Cape pluton and 16 specimens collected from the White House Cove intrusive...... 11 2. Average remanent directions and intensities for three specimens collected from the East Cape pluton, measured at natural state and after partial alternating field demagnetization to 100 and 200 oersteds...... 12 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY OF THE AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA


ABSTRACT Computation of the effects of sheetlike models shows that the steeper gradients of theoretical anomalies are positioned An aeromagnetic survey of about 1,800 square miles of near the ends of flows or sills that have been terminated by Amchitka Island and the adjacent insular shelf has provided faulting. Drill sites were selected in areas away from gra- information on Tertiary volcanic, intrusive, and sedimentary dients considered to be fault related. rocks. This includes identification of rocks that cause anoma- Nearly all prominent anomalies over land and many over lies and the lateral extents, structures, and approximate water can be reasonably interpreted and can be correlated depths of those rocks. Near proposed drill sites, anomalies with known geologic features. Anomalies and geologic data were examined for features that might be related to faulting. suggest that the of the Chitka Point Formation orig- The survey was facilitated by data on the magnetic properties inated in a large volcanic center on western Amchitka Island of 347 rock specimens collected from surface exposures and and eastern Rat Island. Faults that are well delineated by 216 from drill cores and by plots of 25 miles of ground mag- aeromagnetic contours on Amchitka do not appear to extend netic traverse. The data on magnetic properties furnished very far seaward, and marked submarine trenches that have bases on which anomalies were related to geologic features; the same general trend are not well defined magnetically. ground surveys classified near-surface rocks as either lava or breccia. The total magnetization of volcanic breccia, tuff breccia, INTRODUCTION volcanic sandstone, and siltstone averages about 7.0X104 gauss, an effective direction generally being along the earth's An aeromagnetic survey of Amchitka and Rat Is- magnetic field. This value is designated as the "ambient mag- lands and the adjacent insular shelf was made during netization level" for the area. The prominent anomalies come December 1966 and January 1967 to gain informa- directly from lava flows and thick sills that have total magne- tion on the structure and subsurface distribution of tizations which differ from the ambient level for the island. Tertiary extrusive and intrusive rocks. An area of Anomalies also come indirectly from large bodies of intrusive rock that have altered and destroyed the content of about 1,800 square miles was covered by the aero- overlying flow rocks. The average for 219 surface and 81 core magnetic survey. The resulting data were supple- specimens of lava is 14.2~10~gauss induced intensity and mented by laboratory data on the magnetic properties 12.8~10~gauss remanent intensity. Lavas of the Chitka of 347 rock specimens collected from surface expo- Point Formation have normal remanent polarities and pro- sures and of 216 from drill cores and by plots of 25 duce positive anomalies. The lavas of the Banjo Point Formation, as well as the pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof miles of ground magnetic traverse. Point in the upper part of the Amchitka Formation, have The main purpose of the study was to investigate both normal and intermediate polarities and produce positive anomalies near proposed drill sites (fig. 1; see also and negative anomalies. Individual breccia samples from the pl. 2), particularly emphasizing the recognition of Banjo Point Formation and the lower part of the Amchitka features that might be related to faulting and the Formation have significant values of remanent intensity, but directions vary so greatly from sample to sample that a thick detection of large intrusive bodies at depth. Major section of breccia does not give a magnetic anomaly. Although faults may control the initial deposition or em- dikes and small sills have total magnetizations well above the placement of magnetized rock or may displace rock ambient level, their thicknesses are too small to give a sig- boundaries and their associated magnetic anomalies. nificant effect at the datum plane 1,600 feet above sea level. Anomalies in random pattern seldom indicate struc- The normal polarity of the White House Cove intrusive and the reversed polarity of the East Cape intrusive confirm that ture, but those that have dominant or drawn-out these intrusives are separate features, emplaced at different trends or abrupt terminations suggest a relation to geologic times. faulting. 2 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA

To identify near-surface rock sources, positions of ples were investigated to determine whether the anomalies were compared with geologic units as geologic units possessed magnetic properties that mapped by Carr and Quinlivan (1969). The mag- could cause anomalies. netic properties of surface and drill-core rock sam-

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FIGURE1. -Index map of Amchitka Island and the Aleutian arc. PREVIOUS MAGNETIC SURVEYS data now available from shipborne surveys do not indicate that any displacements trend toward Am- One of the most exciting investigations in recent chitka Island. Grim and Erickson (1968) inferred years surrounded the discovery by Mason (1958) a small north-south offset in the magnetic pattern that the floor of the produces remark- near long 177" W., 175 miles east of Amchitka, ably regular magnetic anomalies, or magnetic linea- which they called the Adak fracture zone. Hayes and tions, which form parallel patterns, often extending Heirtzler inferred a large north-south fracture zone for distances of several hundred miles. Since then, at long 176" E., 100 miles west of Amchitka. studies by numerous investigators have resulted in No anomaly lineations have been reported over the discovery of similar anomalies in the Atlantic the oceans north of the , and neither and Indian Oceans and in the development of com- the magnetic anomalies nor the magnetic properties prehensive new theories that make use of the con- at Amchitka resemble those from ocean areas. In a cepts of paleornagnetism (Cox and others, 1964), 1 study of 94 submarine lava samples, Ade-Hall (1964) sea-floor spreading (Vine, 1966), and continental found that 67.5 percent of the samples had magnetic drift (LePichon, 1968) to explain the geologic his- susceptibilities less than 10x10-* gauss per oersted tory of oceanic areas. and that 61 had Koenigsberger ratios greater than Hayes and Heirtzler (1968) discussed the relation 10. On Amchitka, less than 10 percent of the ande- of magnetic lineations south of Amchitka, beyond sitic and basaltic lavas (see histograms, figs. 9, 10) the Aleutian trench, to the arc and had susceptibilities less than IOXIO-~ gauss per oer- trench. Abrupt changes in continuity of the anoma- sted or Koenigsberger ratios greater than 10. Al- lies south of the trench suggest large north-south though basaltic lavas do show high Koenigsberger displacements or faults in the sea floor that offset ratios, their susceptibilities are also high, averaging anomaly patterns as much as 150 miles. The limited about 40X10-4 gauss per oersted. GROUND MAGNETIC SURVEYS 3

Keller, Meuschke, and Alldredge (1954) published On the assumption that a planar surface would aeromagnetic survey data for northern , best fit the data and represent the regional anomaly part of Island, and . to be discarded, the observed data of plate 1 were Magnetic properties are unknown for the volcanic plotted on a rectangular grid representing a length formations on these islands, and the anomalies can- of 50 miles in the x direction (S. 55" E. along the not be discussed in terms of geologic features. The island axis) and a width of 30 miles in the y direc- fairly large number of positive anomalies suggests tion. Based on 1,500 data samples taken at 1-mile the presence of normally magnetized lava, such as grid intervals, the least-squares adjustment, arrived the Chitka Point lavas on Amchitka. Richards, Vac- at by means of an electronic computer, provided the quier, and Van Voorhis (1967) computed the direc- following equation for the regional anomaly: tion and intensity of magnetism for the Quaternary T (X,Y =C~X+CSY+CS. volcanic rocks that form the topographic relief of T(x,y) is the regional anomaly, in gammas, com- Great Sitkin on Great Sitkin Island, and of puted for coordinates x, y; C1 equals 1.70 gammas Mount Adagdak, Mount Moffett, and a parasitic cone per mile, C2 equals -9.64 gammas per mile, and C3 on the northeastern side of Mount Moffett on Adak equals 4,304.6 gammas at lat 51'54.6' N. and long Island. Directions of magnetization for the four vol- 178O56.0' E. canoes are quite different, a fact indicating that the The residual anomaly, which is the near-surface anomaly-producing rocks are products of separate magnetic expression of a geologic feature, was eruptive episodes. graphically determined by subtracting data on the regional anomaly from the observed data. The 50- AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY gamma contours of plate 2 show detailed residual anomalies for most of the area of the survey at a As shown on the aeromagnetic map (pl. I), more scale of 1: 100,000. than 65 flight lines were flown: 12 long lines and a few short lines were flown northwest and southeast GROUND MAGNETIC SURVEYS at about a %-mile spacing along the axis of the island, and 51 long lines were flown northeast and Ground magnetic surveys, taken along roads, were southwest at about a 1-mile spacing; two tielines conducted to determine if there are significant differ- were flown in the northwest direction, one over the ences in anomaly patterns over volcanic breccia and north insular slope and one over the south insular over basaltic lava flows. The ground surveys also slope. A barometric elevation of about 1,600 feet was served to provide the detail needed to better delineate maintained throughout the survey by means of a the aeromagnetic anomalies. Plate 3 shows the resid- continuously recording radio altimeter. The mag- ual magnetic anomaly and standard error data - netic measurements were made by a continuously tained from stations 0.1 mile apart along Infantry recording Gulf fluxgate magnetometer, installed in Road from mile 0 on Kirilof Point to mile 23 north- a DC-3 aircraft equipped with loran and Doppler west of drill hole UAe-3, along Clevenger Road, and navigational systems. Aero Service Corp. performed along the access road to drill hole UAe-1. At each sta- the aerial survey and compiled the data shown on tion, five readings were taken 5 feet apart, and the plate 1. values were averaged to give the magnetic anomaly at that station. Anomaly-producing rocks are close to REDUCTION OF DATA the surface beneath the tundra, and the proximity of strongly magnetized rock introduces extreme local The observed data consist of both residual and anomalies. A measure of these effects is shown by regional magnetic anomalies. The residual anomalies computing the standard error of the five readings are of particular interest because they come from and plotting the error as a bar, as done in the lower geologic features that are near surface or buried diagram, "Standard Error, In Gammas," plate 3. only a mile or two. The regional anomaly is not The Sharpe MF-1 fluxgate magnetometer used in important in this study because it comes from the the survey provided values of the vertical component northward increase in the geomagnetic field and of the earth's magnetic field. Owing to the effects of from rock sources too deep to investigate by drilling. temperature changes and other factors, readings A least-squares method (Richards and others, 1967) could only be repeated to within +-20 gammas. Four was used to eliminate the regional anomaly or, that base stations were established, and one base was not being possible, to reduce its contribution to a reoccupied about every 3 hours to correct for large minimum in the small area of the survey. changes in the earth's diurnal field. 4 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC URVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA

MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF ROCK SAMPLES netic properties may conform more closely to a nor- mal distribution when the abscissas are plotted as A magnetic survey detects those geologic features logarithms. Our studies, though incomplete, tend to that have magnetic properties unusual enough to confirm their conclusions, and the histograms in- cause a disturbance, or an anomaly, in the earth's cluded in this report were therefore plotted with magnetic field. The anomaly arises when a feature logarithmic abscissas. has a total magnetization that is significantly dif- The reader will note the use of the words "sample," ferent from the total magnetization of the surround- "specimen," and "sampling site." Rock samples were ing rocks. collected from points separated by at least 50 feet. The average total magnetization of a uniformly Specimens were taken closer together vertically, com- magnetized rock mass, denoted as the vector J,, is ing from the same core run of 10-foot length, or defined as the vector sum of the induced magnetiza- from two or three pieces drilled from the same sur- tion, Ji, and remanent magnetization, I,, of the mass : face sample. Sampling sites were as much as 1 mile Jt=Ji+Jr. (1) apart. The direction of induced magnetization is assumed along the earth's field, and the intensity of induced MEASURING MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY magnetization is a function of the magnetic suscepti- Reversible magnetic susceptibilities were deter- bility, k, and the strength, H,, of the earth's field: mined by inserting samples into one of a pair of Jr=kH,. (2) matched Helmholtz coils connected to an induction The direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic comparison bridge. For large roughhewn samples, field are known for Amchitka (explanation, pi. 1) ; coils whose inside diameter is 8% inches were used ; therefore, it is magnetic susceptibility, direction, and and for small, 1-inch diameter by 1-inch length intensity of remanent magnetization that must be drilled plugs, coils whose inside diameter is 2% measured to evaluate total magnetization. For this inches were used. Meter deflections were calibrated study, the dry bulk density of each sample was mea- against a commercially available alternating-current sured to provide an independent parameter that could bridge by using a set of standard samples. help in determining whether or not the selected rock MEASURING REMANENT MAGNETIZATION samples were representative. The intensity, azimuth, and inclination of rema- Histograms give magnetic properties and densities nent magnetization were determined for both large for 563 rock specimens collected from surface out- roughhewn and small drilled plugs by means of a crops and drill cores (figs. 2-4, 6, 9, lo). Numbers commercially available fluxgate-type clip-on milli- and types of rock specimens used were: 85 surface ammeter, modified to function as a magnetometer. and 74 drill-core specimens of volcanic breccia ; 61 Jahren and Bath (1967) described the procedure drill-core specimens of volcanic sandstone, siltstone, that the present authors used. and tuff breccia; 43 surface specimens of intrusive Surface samples were oriented before they were rock ; and 219 surface and 81 drill-core specimens of removed from the outcrop by marking a north arrow andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes. Koenigs- on the sample top and a horizontal line on two or berger ratios (the ratios of remanent to induced more sides. An arrow pointing upward was marked intensities of rock samples J,/J,), are also included on all pieces of drill core immediately after the core as a histogram. Site locations for the surface sam- was taken from the core barrel. Although the geo- ples are shown on plate 2. graphic azimuth is unknown, the intensity and in- In reporting units of magnetic intensity, the au- clination of remanent magnetization were obtained thors followed Collinson, Creer, and Runcorn (1967) for cores from vertical holes. Most of the samples in their attempt to specify electromagnetic units collected during the geological reconnaissance were more precisely. Magnetic susceptibility is expressed not oriented; however, the remanent intensity was in gauss per oersted, and induced, remanent, and determined for many of them. total intensities are expressed in gauss. At the (Bath, 1967), lightning The extreme scatter found in magnetic property introduces a relatively strong component of remanent data indicates that the usual procedure of using an magnetism that is confined to near-surface rocks. arithmetic mean places too much emphasis on large Tabulation of data from these samples will not give values and yields an average value that is greater a true value of average magnetism for a geologic than the true total magnetization of a geologic fea- feature under study. In Nevada, data were used from ture. Statistical studies by Irving, Molyneux, and underground samples that were free from these ef- Runcorn (1966) suggest that histograms of mag- fects and from surface samples in which remanent GEOLOGIC SETTING 5 direction remained constant during partial alternat- breccias is placed at the base of a locally glassy lava ing-field demagnetization in the laboratory. Although sequence and at the top of a thin interval of sedi- lightning has rarely been observed on Amchitka, the mentary rocks. Numerous dikes, many of hornblende possibility of contamination effects cannot be ig- andesite, cut the breccias on the eastern part of nored, because parts of the island have been above Amchitka. More than 3,000 feet of the older breccias sea level for perhaps 1 million years (Powers and is exposed, but because of the thickness of numerous others, 1960). The present authors partially demag- dikes and sills that intrude the section and the possi- netized 24 surface and seven drill-core samples of bility of fault repetition, this value indicates a maxi- andesitic and basaltic lava in alternating-current mum thickness. fields of 100 and 200 oersteds and found no signifi- The pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof Point con- cant directional changes in the moderately to strongly sist of glassy monolithologic breccias and subordinate magnetized rocks that produce the aeromagnetic pillow lava flows and a lesser amount of bedded vol- anomalies. Some of the weakly magnetized rocks did canic sedimentary rocks. All these were probably show changes in their remanent directions. This deposited in a submarine environment. Composition- change is explained as being the result of a com- ally, the rocks of Kirilof Point are less mafic than ponent of viscous magnetization or the remanent others known on Amchitka ; Powers, Coats, and Nel- effect acquired when a rock remains in the earth's son (1960) published an analysis of hydrated glassy magnetic field over a long period of time. In this breccia from Kirilof Point which indicates that the study, it has been assumed that lightning has not rock is a latite. The Kirilof Point rocks are about introduced a significant error in the magnetization 3,500 feet thick in the vicinity of Pillow Point. values. The Banjo Point Formation overlies the Amchitka GEOLOGIC SETTING Formation, showing only a slight unconformity, and The stratigraphy and structure of Amchitka are is composed mainly of basaltic breccias, a few pillow now fairly well known as the result of recent studies lavas, and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, all of by Carr and Quinlivan (1969) and earlier work by submarine deposition. Hornblende andesite and ba- Powers, Coats, and Nelson (1960). As shown on the salt sills are present locally. Because of a major generalized geologic map (pl. 2), the rocks are di- erosional unconformity at the top, no complete sec- vided into (1) the Amchitka Formation, which com- tion of the Banjo Point is exposed. The formation is prises a lower unit of older breccias and an upper probably between 2,000 and 5,000 feet thick and is unit of the pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof Point, late Eocene or Oligocene in age (Carr and others, (2) the Banjo Point Formation, and (3) the Chitka 1970). Point Formation. The Chitka Point Formation overlies the Banjo The lower Tertiary Amchitka Formation is the Point Formation with marked unconformity and oldest formation exposed on the island. Rocks in the is restricted (Carr and others, 1970) to subaerial northwestern part of Amchitka formerly mapped as hornblende andesite and pyroxene andesite lava Amchitka Formation are now included in the Chitka flows, breccias, tuffs, and conglomerate in the north- Point Formation (Carr and others, 1970), and rocks western part of Amchitka (pl. 2). Included in the on eastern Amchitka are included either in the older Chitka Point Formation by the present authors breccias or in the pillow lavas and breccias of Kirilof are all rocks previously mapped by Powers, Coats, Point. and Nelson (1960) as Amchitka Formation on the The outcrops of older breccias of the Amchitka northwestern part of the island and some rocks in Formation are restricted to the eastern part of Am- small areas along the coast (between chitka, mainly between Constantine Harbor and the about lat 51°30' N. and Cyril Cove), previously diorite intrusive rocks of East Cape. Inliers mapped as Banjo Point Formation. The Chitka Point of hornfels occur within the intrusive masses. The ranges in thickness from 0 near the middle of Am- unit consists of fine- to coarse-grained sedimentary chitka to at least 2,000 feet in the vicinity of Top breccias and lavas with poorly developed pillows Side in northwestern Amchitka. On the basis of a interbedded with small amounts of sandstone, silt- potassium-argon date and other evidence, the Chitka stone, and claystone which contain volcanic debris. Point Formation is determined to be Miocene (Carr Most of the rocks are propylitically altered. The de- and others,l970). gree of alteration increases erratically eastward Dioritic intrusive rocks cut the Chitka Point For- toward the intrusive complex, and strongly meta- mation on the western part of Amchitka and the morphosed older breccias occur adjacent to the older breccias of the Amchitka Formation on the intrusive masses. The upper contact of the older eastern part of the island. Intense hydrothermal al- 6 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA teration of the Chitka Point Formation in the Chitka I MAGNETIC PROPERTIES Cove area may be related to the diorite that crops The volcanic breccia consists mostly of coarse out at White House Cove (pl. 2). Much of the Chitka fragments of volcanic material that was rapidly Point Formation and the older breccias of the Am- deposited at low temperature by submarine land- chitka Formation are affected by weak to strong slides. During deposition, the earth's magnetic field propylitic alteration, producing epidote, quartz, cal- alines the smaller magnetized fragments so that they cite, chlorite, and pyrite. In addition to causing settle to the ocean bottom in a consistent direction locally intense alteration, the intrusives gently tilt of remanent magnetization. If this alinement is main- the invaded rocks at White House Cove and on the tained throughout consolidation and cementation, a eastern part of Amchitka east of St. Makarius Point. deposit consisting mainly of small fragments will Although faults are not as abundant as aerial acquire a bulk magnetization that is directed along photograph lineaments suggest, there are perhaps a the earth's magnetic field. The earth's field could dozen major fault zones, a few of which may have not, however, affect larger pieces of magnetized ma- a width of several thousand feet and within which terial, especially those deposited rapidly. These larger the rocks may be highly fractured. Most of the ma- pieces, therefore, would give the breccia a random jor faults trend about N. 70" E. and dip northwest remanent magnetization. at 75"-90". Although some of the movement appears Experiments with breccia core runs of the Banjo to be lateral, some faults have stratigraphic displace- Point from exploratory drill hole UAe-1 verify that ment of as much as 4,000 ft. The middle third of the remanent directions are basically random. Mea- the island is a series of fault blocks that repeat the surements on 15 core pieces from core run l (Gard southeastward-dipping section. Most of the major and others, 1969), oriented with arrows pointing faulting predates the Chitka Point Formation. upward, gave seven upward or negative inclinations, Within the area of the aeromagnetic survey are six downward or positive inclinations, and two nearly three important submarine fault systems. One lies horizontal inclinations. Inclinations for the 14 pieces 5-10 km (kilometers) (3-6 miles) north of Am- of breccia from core run 2 were: seven negative, five chitka and Rat Islands along a prominent escarp- positive, and two horizontal. Other breccia core pieces ment. In addition to outlining the escarpment, faults gave similar results. of this system border the basins and ridges between The present authors concluded that this wide scat- Amchitka and Semisopochnoi Islands. Most of these ter effect of disoriented breccia fragments on rem- structural features appear to be younger than the anent magnetization will cancel most of the remanent Chitka Point Formation. Southeast of Amchitka contribution to the total magnetization of a large about 40 km (25 miles), on the slopes descending breccia deposit. Equation 1 then reduces to J, =Ji. into Amchitka Canyon and Ward Basin, are east- The histograms of figure 2 present data from 97 northeast-trending faults that parallel those on Am- breccia specimens, all the breccia measured to date. chitka and probably have the same general sense of Logarithmic averages are 14.8 X gauss per oer- displacement. About 25 km (15 miles) south of sted for magnetic susceptibility, 5.1X10-4 gauss for Amchitka on the insular slope are several sharply remanent intensity, and 0.72 for Koenigsberger ratio. incised asymmetric submarine canyons. These mark The average density is 2.36 g/cc (grams per cubic northeast-trending faults, downthrown on the north- centimeter). Equations 2 and 3 (p. 4, 11) determine west. These faults cannot be connected with cer- that the total magnetization becomes 7.1X10-4 gauss tainty to any exposed on Amchitka. in the direction of the earth's magnetic field. Because VOLCANIC BRECCIA breccia is the predominant lithology of Amchitka, the authors have designated this total magnetism of Breccias are an important part of the entire strati- breccia as the ambient level for the island. A large graphic section on Amchitka; most of the samples geologic structure having a magnetization that dif- were collected from the Banjo Point Formation. fers in intensity or direction from the ambient L. M. Gard and W. E. Hale (unpub. data, 1964) level should, therefore, produce a residual magnetic showed that the Banjo Point consists of a thick anomaly. series of submarine basaltic breccias, lapilli tuffs, The 41 core samples from the Long Shot drill hole and conglomerates, and a small number of inter- EH-5, collected at depths from 76 to 1,999 feet, are calated beds of volcanic sandstone, siltstone, shale, considered to be representative of breccia of the and tuff. Banjo Point Formation. Data from these samples MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF VOLCANIC BRECCIA 7 have the following averages: Dry bulk density, 2.36 the earth's magnetic field. The relatively high rem- g/cc; magnetic susceptibility, 19.8X10-4 gauss per anence of these pieces of core is apparently caused oersted; remanent intensity, 16.0~10-~gauss; and by a few large breccia fragments and is not the total intensity, 9.5~10-~gauss in the direction of remanence of the rock as a whole.



FIGURE2. - Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 97 specimens of volcanic breccia. Arrow indicates average value. Histograms (fig. 3) list properties for 62 lithic of 2,415-4,925 feet gave averages of 2.32 g/cc for fragments removed from two surface samples of the density, 4.9~10-Qauss per oersted for magnetic breccia of the Banjo Point Formation. Most of the susceptibility, 5.1~10-~gauss for remanent intensity, pieces are from lava flows that were probably orig- and 2.4~ gauss for total intensity. Thirteen sam- inally emplaced away from the present island area. ples of older breccia from depths of 5,756-6,997 feet Core sections of the breccia of Kirilof Point and gave averages of 2.45 g/cc for density, 33.9X104 the underlying older breccias from UAe-1 have gauss per oersted for magnetic susceptibility, 5.9X rather different average total magnetizations. Thir- lo-* gauss for remanent intensity, and 16.2X10-* teen samples of breccia of Kirilof Point from depths gauss for total intensity. 8 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA

-1.0 0 1.0 2.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 LOG10 KOENIGSBERGER RATIO LOGlo REMANENT INTENSITY (GAUSS)


FIGURE3. -Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 62 specimens of volcanic breccia fragments. Arrow indicates average value. AEROMAGNETIC ANOMALIES the lavas, except that the contrast is not great be- Aeromagnetic traverses over the large area of tween the Chitka Point lava flows and the Banjo Banjo Point breccias and the older breccias (pl. 2) Point breccias. In the Infantry Road traverse (PI. 3) , show an anomaly level that is generally above the the 8?4 miles over the Banjo Point Formation (from regional value but is interrupted by several promi- mile 8 to mile 16.5) and the 6% miles over the nent and many local negative and positive anomalies. Chitka Point Formation (from mile 16.5 to mile 23) In the area of the Banjo Point Formation, the averaged less than 1,000 gammas for anomaly ampli- marked negative anomalies have been named "Mex tude and less than 50 gammas for standard error. Island," "-780," and "Rifle Range Point" anomalies. LOWvalues of standard error come from near-sur- The most marked positive effect is named the ''Site face breccia; high values.from small near-surface B" anomaly. As will be pointed out in a following features such as flows, dikes, or sills. section, the marked positive and negative anomalies From mile 0 to mile 5, the pillow lavas and come from lava flows or sills and do not represent breccias of Kirilof Point as mapped by Carr and the magnetic effect of breccia. The magnetic field Quinlivan (1969) show extreme magnetic effects. becomes fairly uniform after lava-related anomalies Anomaly amplitudes reach values of 5,000 gammas are removed. and show standard errors of 600 gammas over near- surface and strongly magnetized lava flows. From GROUND SURVEY ANOMALIES the data of plate 3 the following near-surface source A striking difference in average anomaly ampli- rocks may be identified: lava from mile 0 to mile 0.7, tude and standard error is present over breccia and breccia from 0.8 to 1.1, mostly lava from 1.2 to 2.1, lava flows. The magnetic expressions of the breccia mostly breccia from 2.2 to 3.0, and mostly lava from are relatively uniform and have lower values than 3.1 to 4. VOLCANIC SANDSTONE, SILTSTONE, AND TUFF BRECCIA 9

The short traverse along the access road to drill to be mapped at the 1: 100,000 scale, and the outcrop hole UAe-1 presents an excellent example of the areas are too small to be correlated with individual characteristic low values of standard error that are aeromagnetic anomalies. Sedimentary rocks may be found over near-surface breccia. The traverse also more extensive in some areas offshore as suggested locates the Mex Island anomaly more accurately than by the abrupt change of the character of the mag- the aeromagnetic survey does. The ground data of netic field (pl. 1) in the area of the broad positive plate 3 place the anomaly minimum at 0.3 mile from anomaly about 10 miles north of Chitka Point. A UAe-1, not at 0.6 mile as indicated by the aero- thick deposit of rocks having consonant total mag- magnetic data (pl. 2). netizations is required to explain the uniform nature of the field. VOLCANIC SANDSTONE, SILTSTONE, AND The histograms of figure 4 present data from 30 TUFF BRECCIA core specimens of volcanic sandstone and siltstone and 31 specimens of tuff breccia, collected at depths Although Carr and Quinlivan (1969) reported ranging from 543 to 2,225 feet in drill hole EH-5. interbedded sedimentary rocks in the Chitka Point Logarithmic averages are ll.0X10-4 gauss per oer- and Banjo Point Formations and in the older brec- sted for magnetic susceptibility, 1.4X10-* gauss for cias of the Amchitka Formation, the beds are too thin remanent intensity, and 0.26 for Koenigsberger ratio.



FIGURE4. -Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic suscepti- bility for 61 specimens of volcanic sandstone, siltstone, and tuff breccia from drill hole EH-5. Arrow indicates average value. 10 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA. ALASKA

The average density is 2.16 g/cc. Except for rem- alined by the earth's magnetic field. Most of these anent direction, average values are similar for the samples are from graded beds or fine-grained, rap- volcanic sandstone and siltstone and the tuff breccia. idly deposited sediments. For 17 specimens of tuff The authors assumed no structural tilting and breccia, the average inclination is 67", or close to obtained true values of remanent inclinations by the 62" value for the geomagnetic field, a condition measurement of drill cores that were referenced to which suggests the effect of a viscous magnetization a vertical drill hole. Remanent azimuths are un- acquired after emplacement. known, but a measurement of variation was obtained The total magnetization of volcanic sandstone, silt- by referencing azimuth to a line marked along seven stone, and tuff breccia is controlled by magnetic continuous lengths of drill core before these lengths susceptibility, or induced magnetism. The low Koe- were cut into several specimens. Figure 5 gives incli- nations and variations in azimuth for drill-core Sam- nigsberger ratio of 0.26 shows that the contribution ples collected from EH-5. The low average inclina- of remanent magnetism is relatively unimportant. tion of 27" for 16 specimens of volcanic sandstone The authors therefore assign these fine-grained sedi- and siltstone is difficult to explain. One possible mentary rocks an average total magnetization of explanation is the tendency of platy magnetic par- 6.5X10* gauss in the direction of the geomagnetic ticles to settle horizontally and thus be only partially field.

FIGURE5. - Equal-area projections of remanent directions of magnetization for specimens cut from continuous lengths of core from drill hole EH-5: A, 16 specimens of volcanic sandstone and siltstone; B, 17 specimens of tuff breccia. Differences in azimuth are referenced to an arbitrary line marked along the core before it was cut. The average of all azimuths is assumed northward, but inclinations are referenced to a vertical drill hole and are, therefore, true values. , lower hemisphere; 0, upper hemisphere ; X, present geomagnetic field. DIKES AND SMALL SILLS tion. Most of the dikes and sills exposed in these The presence of dikes and sills beneath prominent areas have thicknesses that are less than 50 feet. aeromagnetic anomalies suggests that the magnetic From the geologic detail shown by Carr and Quin- contribution of several of these small features is livan (1969), it seems clear that these features sufficient to explain some of the anomalies. For should be considered as possible source rocks. The example, the -780 and St. Makarius Point anomalies St. Makarius Point and -780 anomalies are dis- shown on plate 2 are over complexes of basaltic dikes I cussed in more detail under the section on "Inter- and small sills intruded into the Banjo Point Forma- pretation of Anomalies." C ROCKS 11

Data are available for 30 surface samples collected 19.7~10-Qauss for 16 specimens from the White from dikes and small sills (pl. 2). Logarithmic aver- House Cove intrusive. ages are 25.7~10-~gauss per oersted for magnetic TABLE1. -Average of densities and magnetic properties for susceptibility, 5.5~10-~gauss for remanent inten- eight specimens collected from the East Cape pluton and sity, and 0.45 for Koenigsberger ratio. A maximum 16 specimens collected from the White House Cove intrusive value of 17.8~10-~gauss for total magnetization is East Cape White House computed from these data. Subtracting the ambient pluton Cove intrusive Density ...... cc 2.58 2.50 level value (7.0~10-~)from 17.8X104 gauss, the Magnetic susceptibility X10-4 gauss per oersted.. 11.9 20.8 effective total magnetization for the 30 samples col- Induced intensity ...... X10-4 gauss.. 5.7 10.0 Induced direction : lected from dikes and small sills becomes 10.8X10-4 Declination ...... degrees.. 7 7 Inclination ...... do. 62 62 gauss. A single dike or small sill that has this value Remanent intensity ...... X10-4 gauss.. 1.3 19.7 Remanent direction : of effective total magnetization will produce an aero- Declination ...... degrees 181 5 magnetic anomaly of little importance at the datum Inclination ...... do 75 69 Total intensity...... XI4gauss.. 6.6 29.6 plane 1,600 feet above sea level. Assuming a thick- Total direction : Declination ...... degrees. 8 6 ness, E, of 50 feet and a depth, t, of 1,200 feet, Inclination ...... do.. 69 66 computations using the equation 2Jt e lo5 Difference in directions of remanent magnetism ATmax= -- gammas t supports the concept of two separate episodes of give a maximum anomaly, AT,,,, of only 9 gammas intrusion. Experts in paleomagnetic investigations for a total magnetization, Jt, of 10.8~10-~gauss. of remanent directions now generally agree that, Computation for a sill 50 feet thick at a depth of during cooling and crystallization, the magnetic min- 1,200 feet, erals in igneous rocks become magnetized in the 2.4~~lo5 direction of the earth's magnetic field. In the geo- ATmas= --t gammas, logic past, the earth's magnetic field has changed gives a maximum anomaly of only 11 gammas (fig. direction and has undergone numerous complete 15). Because the effect of a single dike is small, the reversals of polarity (Cox and others, 1964). Direc- authors have concluded that a complex of many dikes tions for 16 specimens collected from the White is required to explain a prominent aeromagnetic House Cove intrusive (fig. 7) have a normal polarity anomaly. that averages 5" in declination and 69" in inclination, a direction that approximates the 7" declination and INTRUSIVE ROCKS 62" inclination of the present geomagnetic field on Amchitka. Partial demagnetization of three of the Samples of intrusive rock were collected from the specimens in alternating fields of 100 and 200 oer- complex of diorites and andesites exposed on the steds did not result in a significant change in direc- eastern part of the island, from exposures on White tion, and the natural-state magnetism appears to be House Cove, Chapel Cove, and Ivakin Point, and stable and related to the direction of an ancient from intrusive features that are too small to be geomagnetic field. shown on plate 2. In marked contrast, the remanent data of figure 8 from eight specimens of the East Cape pluton show MAGNETIC PROPERTIES an intermediate polarity, having an average decli- The histograms of figure 6 present data from 43 nation of 181" and an inclination of 75". The natural- specimens of intrusive rock. Logarithmic averages state magnetism contains an unstable component of are 12.5X10-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic sus- viscous remanent magnetization which was removed ceptibility, 5.1~10-~gauss for remanent intensity, by partial demagnetization. At 100 oersteds (table and 0.85 for Koenigsberger ratio. The average den- 2), inclination changed from plus to minus. The sity is 2.55 g/cc. The broad spectrum of values shown average direction for three specimens at 200 oersteds in the remanent intensity histogram indicates the gives a reversed polarity, or a declination of 188" presence of more than one pluton. A closer inspec- and an inclination of -49". tion of the data reveals that the lower values come Table 1 gives the total magnetization values that from the complex exposed on the eastern part of the are used in the interpretive studies of the two plu- island, including Ivakin Point. Table 1 shows an tons. The reader may be surprised to find that even average remanent intensity of 1.3X 104 gauss for though the direction of fossil remanent magnetiza- eight specimens from the East Cape pluton and tion for the East Cape pluton is reversed, the aver- 12 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA age direction of total magnetization, shown in figure importance are the thick andesite lava flows of the 8, is normal and approximates the earth's present Chitka Point Formation, the andesitic and basaltic magnetic field. This is the result of the low 0.23 lavas within the Banjo Point Formation, and the value of Koenigsberger ratio. The remanent effect latitic pillow lavas of Kirilof Point in the Amchitka becomes trivial when it is added vectorially to the Formation. induced effect.

TABLE2. -Average remanent directions and intensities for AEROMAGNETIC ANOMALIES three specimens collected from the East Cape pluton, mea- sured at natural state and after partial alternating field The positions of several aeromagnetic anomalies demagnetization to 100 and ,200 oersteds that have values well below the regional level corre- [Collected at sample site 13, pl. 21 late with the positions of large exposures of intrusive Demagnetization level rock. The East Cape negative anomaly is over a Natural state 100 200 complex of diorites on the eastern end of the island oemted oersted Specimen B26A1-61: (pl. 2). The White House Cove negative anomalies Declination ...... 189 199 203 Inclination ...... do. 44 -49 -58 are over exposures of intrusive rock at White House Intensity ...... 10gauss.. 3.8 3.0 2.9 Specimen B26A247 : and Chapel Coves. A less pronounced low occurs near Declination...... dm.. 169 187 184 the intrusive complex at Ivakin Point. Inclination ...... do . 66 -46 -46 Intensity ...... XI- gauss.. 1.5 .7 .7 Specimen B26C1-67 : Declination ...... deg.. 128 170 178 Inclination ...... do.. 72 -40 -46 LAVA FLOWS AND THICK SILLS Intensity ...... 1 gauss.. 1.7 .4 .3 Lava flows and thick sills produce most of the pronounced aeromagnetic anomalies. Of particular

z- 0 -1.0 0 1 .o -5.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 LOG10 KOENIGSBERGER RATIO LOGlo REMANENT INTENSITY (GAUSS)


FIGURE6. - Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic suscepti- bility for 43 specimens of intrusive rock. Arrow indicates average value. LAVA FLOWS AND THICK SILLS

FIGURE7. - Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 16 specimens of intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the White House Cove intrusive. 0, lower hemisphere; X, present geomagnetic field; +, average direction. N N

- -

FIGURE8. - Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 8 specimens of intrusive rock collected from surface exposures of the East Cape pluton. 0, lower hemisphere; X, present geomagnetic field; +, average direction. 14 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA

MAGNETIC PROPERTIES logarithmic averages are .36.3X10-4 gauss per oer- The histograms of figures 9 and 10 present data sted for magnetic susceptibility, 15.9~10-~gauss for from 219 surface and 81 drill-core specimens of lava remanent intensity, and 0.91 for Koenigsberger ratio. flows, sills, and dikes. The surface samples (fig. 9) The average density is 2.49 g/cc. were collected from all areas of the island except Although remanent directions at Amchitka appear the areas of undivided intrusive rocks (pl. 2). Their generally constant throughout individual flows or logarithmic averages are 22.9X10-4 gauss per oer- sills, average directions may change from formation sted for magnetic susceptibility, 9.8~10-~gauss for to formation, and even within some formations. For remanent intensity, and 0.89 for Koenigsberger ratio. example, all pieces of the pillow lavas of Kirilof The average density is 2.6 g/cc. The subsurface data Point from core runs 4, 5, 6, 16, and 18 of UAe-1 (fig. 10) were taken from the following: 30 speci- (Gard and others, 1969) have negative inclinations mens from drill hole EH-5,12 from UAe-1,24 from that average about -60". The change from forma- UAe-2,10 from UAe-3, and five from UAe-7c. Their tion to formation is demonstrated by the data from



FIGURE9. - Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 219 surface specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes. Arrow indicates average value. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF LAVA FLOWS AND THICK SILLS 15 drill hole UAe-2, located about 5 miles southeast of ages and 95-percent confidence intervals: 76'26" for UAe-1. Four core samples of lava collected from the seven samples from 2,340.8- to 2,342.2-foot depth; Banjo Point Formation at depths of 2,5783,103 feet 55"+11° for eight samples from 2,466- to 2,468.3- have positive rather than negative inclinations that foot depth ;and 41O-t-4"for five samples from 2,479.7- average 68". However, not a11 units in the Banjo to 2,480.9-foot depth. The 76" average differs sig- Point have the same magnetic characteristics, as nificantly from the 55" and 41" averages, and the illustrated by the negative inclinations of lava Sam- authors thus assume that the andesite at the more ples at depths of 2,227-2,244 feet in drill hole EH-5. shallow depth was emplaced at a different time. Small changes in remanent inclination can be The remanent data plotted in figure 11 indicate interpreted in a similar manner. Inclinations of that the thick lava flows of the Chitka Point Forma- andesite core from EH-5 have the following aver- tion have normal polarities. The 58 surface speci-

-1.0 0 1.o 2.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 LOG lo KOENIGSBERGER RATIO LOGlo REMANENT INTENSITY (GAUSS)

-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 DRY BULK DENSITY LOG10 MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY (GRAMS PER CUBIC CENTIMETER) (GAUSS PER OERSTED) FIGURE10. - Histograms of Koenigsberger ratio, density, remanent intensity, and magnetic susceptibility for 81 drill-core specimens of andesitic and basaltic flows, sills, and dikes. Arrow indicates average value. 16 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA mens collected from 26 samples at 11 sampling sites specimens of basalt collected from five samples at average 26.4X104 gauss per oersted for magnetic four sampling sites in the Banjo Point Formation susceptibility and 15.1X10-4 gauss for remanent average 29.1X10-4 gauss per oersted for magnetic intensity. Average total magnetization, having a di- susceptibility and 114.6~10-4gauss for remanent rection that approximates the present geomagnetic intensity. The intermediate directional data for these field, is 27.4X10-4 gauss. samples are shown in figure 12. The average total A few strongly magnetized surface samples that magnetization for these samples is 111.5~10-~gauss, the authors have collected to date show intermediate having a declination of 316" and an inclination of remanent polarities. For example, the 10 surface -26".

FIGURE11. - Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 58 specimens of andesitic lava collected from surface exposures of the Chitka Point Formation. , lower hemisphere; x , present geomagnetic field; +, average direction.

AEROMAGNETIC ANOMALIES GROUND SURVEY ANOMALIES The positions of several aeromagnetic anomalies The data obtained from the traverses and plotted having values well above the regional anomaly cor- on plate 3 show the characteristic irregular pattern relate with the positions of known exposures of rela- of magnetic anomalies over lava. Weiss (1949) was tively young andesite lava flows of the Chitka Point perhaps the first investigator to point out the ex- Formation. Bird Rock, Windy Island, and Site F treme variations in the ground anomalies beneath positive anomalies are over these flows on the north- the aeromagnetic anomalies caused by near-surface western part of the island (pl. 2). The Infantry and reversely magnetized rocks. is Over exposures that are Data obtained from the short traverse along Clev- breccia, but flows probably lie beneath the breccia. enger ~~~d illustrate the of strongly magnee The edge of the large positive feature named the rock buried beneath nonmagnetic rock. The Chitka Point-Constantine Point anomaly is also over the flows. It has been previously pointed out (p. 8) irregular and negative residual anomalies indicate that positive Site B anomalyand the negative rocks having strong remanent intensities and re- M~~ ~~l~~d,-780, ~ifl~R~~~~ point, and pillow verse polarities that are assumed to be the pillow Point anomalies are at least partly related to older lavas of Kirilof Point. The low values of standard lavas that are buried within or beneath the Banjo error indicate near-surface rocks that are considered Point Formation. nonmagnetic, such as breccia or alluvium. ANALYSIS OF MAGNETIC ANOMALIES

FIGURE12. - Equal-area projections of remanent (A) and total (B) directions of magnetization for 10 specimens of basaltic lava collected from surface exposures of the Banjo Point Formation. @, lower hemisphere; 0, upper hemisphere; X, present geomagnetic field; +, average direction.

ANALYSIS OF MAGNETIC ANOMALIES Areas of relatively uniform anomaly could overlie A detailed investigation of the complex anomaly large volumes of either intrusive rock, sedimentary patterns given in the Amchitka aeromagnetic survey rock, or volcanic breccia. is possible in areas where individual anomalies stand DEPTH ESTIMATES out so clearly that they can be separated from neigh- boring magnetic effects. The understanding of geo- Several investigators working in petroleum-rich logic structure and magnetic properties of the rocks areas pointed out the advantage of using aeromag- on the island enables one to identify many of the netic data to obtain preliminary estimates of the anomaly-producing features, compute estimates of thickness of the sedimentary section throughout ex- depths to their tops, and make inference about their tensive areas (Steenland, 1965 ; Henderson and Zietz, lateral extents and thicknesses. 1958). Their premise is that sedimentary rocks are The identification of anomaly-producing features nonmagnetic and any magnetic anomalies must orig- becomes more difficult over the insular shelf where inate from the underlying igneous rocks. Calculation little is known about marine geology. However, con- of depth to the magnetic rock therefore yields a siderations of magnetic properties and magnetic thickness estimate for the sedimentary rocks. anomalies over the island units permit a qualitative On Amchitka, the igneous rocks are at or very analysis of many of the anomalies shown on plate 2. near the surface. Some rocks, such as volcanic brec- The most likely causes of complex anomaly patterns cia, are relatively nonmagnetic and do not signifi- are the strongly magnetized lava flows and thick sills cantly distort aeromagnetic anomalies arising from within the Amchitka and Banjo Point Formations; deeper, strongly magnetized rocks. These magnetic the positive anomalies being related to rocks which anomalies were analyzed to determine thicknesses of have positive inclinations of remanent direction, and breccia, some lava flows, and other rocks having low the negative anomalies to rocks which have negative magnetizations. Computed depths were compared inclinations of remanent direction. Most of the broad with the actual depths of known geologic features positive anomalies with the more moderate anomaly that had been obtained by drilling. patterns are undoubtedly produced by normally mag- In general, shallow sources give sharp anomalies netized lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation. having short wavelengths, and deep sources give 18 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA broad anomalies having long wavelengths. Numerous models : first, the extent of maximum slope (Vac- simple rules have been introduced to determine depth quier and others, 1951) ; second, the interval between or some other dimension of the anomaly source (Vac- the one-half maximum slope intersections with the quier and others, 1951 ; Grant and West, 1965). Most anomaly curve (Peters, 1949) ; and third, the inter- rules are made in accordance with some property of val between inflection points (Bean, 1966). Com- an anomaly calculated for models of varying depth, parison of these computed anomaly properties with length, width, thickness, magnetization, or geomag- similar properties of an actual anomaly will yield netic latitude. Often the property consists of the the depth estimate. horizontal distance between two critical points of Figure 13 was prepared to illustrate observed data the anomaly. For most Amchitka anomalies, compu- from magnetometer records, anomalies produced by tations were made for horizontal sheet and dipole near-surface rocks, and an anomaly produced by


3- Infantry Road 2, 500 - - 0 4 Z I 92 90 a= J 1 2 3 0 I 2 -500 - - m W [L LOW-SENSITIVITY PLOT OF OBSERVED DATA

&iz 4 1000 ISLAND


0 6000 12 000 18 000 24 000 FEET I I I I I

FIGURE13. - Observed data from magnetometer record and from low-sensitivity plot superimposed on profile A-A' along flight line 111, as shown on plate 2. INTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES 19 rocks below sea level. The data were recorded at a Lava flows frequently occur as well-defined mag- scale of about 1:30,000, and the distance from air- netic bodies that have dimensions nearly approaching plane to ground and water surface was obtained by those of a horizontal sheetlike model. The sheet model radio altimeter. Anomaly analysis indicates that the has practical importance also because its anomaly rocks causing the shelf-break anomaly are a.long the does not change in shape for the sake of increases shelf break and 1,100 feet below sea level, those caus- in thickness up to about one depth unit. The anomaly ing Bird Rock anomaly are at the ground surface, pattern does change for increases in length (fig. 15A) those causing the two dipole anomalies on the north and for increases in width (fig. 15B). Also, when side of Infantry Road anomaly are at the ground the average total magnetization of the body is known, surface, and those causing the Infantry Road anom- calculations based on the anomaly amplitude will aly and the dipole anomaly on its south side are give an estimate of thickness. buried 500 feet beneath the ground surface. By using a thickness of one-third depth unit and then converting to the sheet notation, the anomalies DIPOLE AND SHEETLIKE MODELS of figure 15A were computed from equations 4.3a In spite of the complexity of the earth's magnetic and 4.3b of Werner (1953, p. 17), and the anomalies field at a barometric elevation of 1,600 feet (pl. I), of figure 15B, from the prismatic models of Vacquier, certain individual anomalies do stand out (pl. 2), Steenland, Henderson, and Zietz (1951). The direc- and they appear to represent the effect of single tion of total magnetization, I,, is parallel to the magnetized bodies. For these anomalies, a quantita- earth's magnetic field at Amchitka, and the thickness tive method of interpretation may give information of the sheet model, E, is expressed in depth units, 2, on the length, width, and thickness of the magnetic where E'=f. The model length, I, width, w, and the feature. The method consists of finding the model, t or models, that are both geologically reasonable and traverse distance, x, are also expressed in units of capable of causing an effect equivalent to the anomaly. depth, t. A sharp anomaly having an interval of only about one depth unit (or less) between maximum and INTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES minimum values was considered as a model of point dipole effect. One depth unit is equal to the distance The following discussion deals with some of the from airplane to anomaly-producing rocks. Such a magnetic anomalies that can be explained by known model represents a fairly small geologic feature that geologic facts. Also discussed are some anomalies has roughly the same dimensions in all directions. and anomaly patterns that are subject to more con- Experimental examples of dipoles are the three small jectural interpretations. anomalies shown superimposed on the Infantry Road The lava flows and thick sills produce most of the anomaly of figure 13, and theoretical examples are anomalies in the aeromagnetic survey. The theoret- data on the five traverses shown in figure 14. The ical magnetic anomalies plotted in figure 15 show dipole anomaly portrays the limiting case that gives steeper gradients near the boundaries of models, no information on the dimensions of the source. A which represent simplified configurations for flows strorigly magnetized body that measures only a few or sills having horizontal attitudes. Most drill holes feet on a side will produce the same anomaly con- are located away from the strong anomalies that figuration as a body with dimensions up to about have dominant trends or are terminated abruptly. half a depth unit. Larger dimensions will distort the Termination may also be caused by erosion or other anomaly and thus show a shape effect. geologic processes, and the present authors have re- lied heavily on geologic evidence before designating To investigate the dipole effect, anomalies for five a feature as fault related. directions of traverse over a dipole source were com- Remanent magnetization exerts the most marked ATt3 puted from - (eq 8 of Hall, 1959, p. 1947), as influence on the total magnetization of flows and P sills, and remanent direction thereby becomes a dom- shown in figure 14. The depth from datum line to inant factor in determining anomaly configurations. source is designated t, and traverse distance, x, is The Koenigsberger ratio averages 0.9 for all the expressed in depth units. The direction of total mag- measured andesite and basalt specimens, and the netization is parallel to the earth's magnetic field at ratio increases for many anomaly-producing forma- Amchitka, p is the dipole moment, and AT is the tions. For example, the 58 specimens from the Chitka anomalous total magnetic field measured by the air- Point lavas (fig. 11) have a ratio of 1.2, and 10 speci- borne magnetometer. mens of basalt (fig. 12) have a ratio of 14.0. 20 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA

EAST CAPE ANOMALY and Q12-67 (sample sites 12 and 11, pl. 2) which have high average remanent and induced intensities At East Cape, Pillow Point, and Ivakin Point, the of 156X10-4 and 24.5X10-4 gauss. Drill hole UAe-2 diorite complex intrudes both the older breccia and at site B penetrated several thick bodies of mafic the breccias and pillow lavas of Kirilof Point. Con- magnetic rock in this general part of the section. tact metamorphism has locally changed some of the For example, a hornblende andesite sample, collected wallrock to hornfels. Explanation of the broad nega- at a depth of 6,002 feet, has remanent and induced tive anomaly in the area of East Cape is based on magnetizations of 14.0X10-4 and 20.9X gauss. the very low remanent intensity of the diorite and the somewhat higher values of the intruded breccia. WHITE HOUSE COVE AND SHELF-BREAK ANOMALIES Eight specimens of diorite (table 1) have a low aver- Another prominent negative anomaly related to age total intensity of 6.6~10-~gauss along the direc- intrusive rock is at White House Cove directly over tion of the geomagnetic field, which is a value just outcrops of diorite porphyry that intrude the Banjo under the ambient level for the island. Thirteen sam- Point Formation and probably the Chitka Point For- ples of breccia, dikes, and sills from the area mapped mation. The anomaly curves across the island to the as older breccia and hornfels (pl. 2) have somewhat Bering Sea side of Amchitka where there is a small higher average values-4.4~ gauss for remanent outcrop of diorite (Carr and Quinlivan, 1969). intensity, and 10.0~10-4gauss for induced intensity To explain the negative anomalies, two possibilities -but the contrast is probably insufficient to explain that require relatively low values of magnetization the anomaly. We therefore conclude that lava flows were considered. The first assumes that the White in the older breccia are strongly enough magnetized House Cove intrusive has a total magnetization lower to cause the contrast. Examples are samples Q57-66 than that of the adjacent rocks. The limited sample

Northward for lines A, B, C, D Eastward for line E

Dipole51 'I

FIGURE14. -Theoretical magnetic anomalies, AT computed for five directions of traverse over a dipole source magnetized along the geomagnetic field having an inclination of 60". Strike of traverse lines: A, magnetic north; B, 22.6" east or west of magnetic north; C, 45" east or west of magnetic north; D, 67.6" east or west of magnetic north; E, magnetic east. t, depth from datum line to source; P, dipole moment. x, traverse distance, is expressed in units of depth, t. INTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES

FIGURE15. - Theoretical magnetic anomalies, AT, computed for the following: A, traverses striking magnetic north over the centers of four rectangular sheetlike models; B, traverses striking magnetic east over the centers of three square sheetlike models. All models magnetized along the geomagnetic field having an in- clination of 60". Model length, I, width, w, thickness, €, and traverse distance, x, are expressed in units of depth, t. E'=E/~; JI,intensity of total magnetization. 22 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC JRVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA data now available do not support this concept. temporaneous. The two rocks - intrusive and lava According to table 1, the diorite has a total intensity - are also similar petrographically. All these data, which is well above the ambient level for the island though sketchy, suggest that the western end of and which is about equal to the total intensity of the Amchitka and the eastern end of Rat Island may Chitka Point lavas. This comparatively high value constitute a large volcanic center related to the of magnetism would result in a positive rather than Chitka Point Formation and that the diorite por- a negative anomaly relative to the Banjo Point and phyry may be a series of large ring dikes related to practically no anomaly relative to the Chitka Point. the volcanic center. The second possible explanation of the anomaly seems to be more reasonable. It requires a local de- PILLOW POINT AND RIFLE RANGE POINT ANOMALIES crease of magnetism in the near-surface volcanic Analysis of the negative anomalies that trend rocks that overlie the pluton, and it requires a lac- southeastward from Pillow Point (pl. 2) indicates colithic structure that would give the pluton a thick- source rocks that are (1) near surface, (2) magne- ness about equal to the total thickness of the Chitka tized in a negative or upward direction, and (3) Point lavas. A thicker intrusive could change the elongated in the direction of strike. The anomaly is anomaly from negative to positive. The anomaly also less than 2,000 feet wide but extends southeast from extends over intensely altered lava flows of the the island 6 miles. At the shoreline of Amchitka the Chitka Point Formation (pl. 2). This hydrothermally anomaly correlates with pillow lavas of Kirilof Point altered rock is represented by samples B4-67, B5-67, as mapped by Carr and Quinlivan (1969). The anom- and Q30-67 (sample sites 4, 6, and 5, pl. 2), which aly is also over intrusive rocks at Pillow Point. have an extremely low total average magnetization Although intrusive rock samples (283-66 and Q79-66 of 0.5~10-"auss, a condition indicating the almost (sample sites 10 and 9, pl. 2) were not oriented to complete destruction of magnetite. Lava and breccia determine remanent direction, other data show that samples collected beneath the anomaly but outside they do not have the required total magnetization the intensely altered zone such as samples B19-67, and have a negative or upward direction. Their aver- C75-67, and C76-67 (sample sites 3, 2, and 1, pl. 2) age induced intensity (20.1X10-4 gauss) is greater have an average total magnetization of 5x gauss, than the remanent intensity (17.8~10-*gauss), and which is also well below the regional level. Much of this will result in a total magnetization having a this area shows evidence of weak to strong propylitic downward direction. The pillow lavas of Kirilof alteration, the chief minerals of which are pyrite, Point, however, are known to have upward total di- chlorite, and quartz. rection, and these rocks crop out beneath the anom- Plate 1shows that the White House Cove anomaly aly and have a strike that is nearly the same as the is only part of a much bigger negative anomaly that anomaly. extends from the Bering Sea coast of Amchitka Part of the Rifle Range Point anomaly (pl. 2) northwestward more than 25 miles, culminating in correlates fairly well with those pillow lavas of the a very pronounced negative anomaly over the eastern Kirilof Point that are presumed responsible for the part of Rat Island. The part north of the northwest- Pillow Point anomaly. However, the anomaly di- ern tip of Amchitka is designated as the shelf-break verges from outcrops of the pillow lavas and appears anomaly on plate 2. Its termination may be related to follow the southeast side of the Rifle Range fault to faulting along the shelf break, the escarpment out into the Pacific. The rocks that cause this part that parallels Rat Island and Amchitka Island on the of the anomaly have not been identified, but a possi- north. On Rat Island, the anomaly is over diorite ble explanation is given in the following discussion porphyry that appears to be identical with the dio- of the St. Makarius Point anomaly. rite on Amchitka. Alteration is also locally intense on this part of Rat Island. The total pattern of the ST. MAKARIUS POINT ANOMALY anomaly thus subtends an elongated partial oval in- The downward inclination of the total magnetiza- side of which are lavas and probably source vents tion of the five samples collected from dikes and sills for the Chitka Point andesite lava flows. Gravity beneath the St. Makarius Point negative anomaly data (Miller and others, 1969) show that the west- (pl. 2) shows that these are not source rocks. Depth ern end of Amchitka is a gravity low. In addition, estimates support this interpretation. The depth esti- the fact that remanent directions shown in figures mated from the negative anomaly on profile T-16 10 and 11 are very similar for the White House Cove (pl. 1) is at least 500 feet below the surface. The intrusive and the surrounding Chitka Point lava anomaly is near the axis of a gentle northeast-trend- flows indicates that these rocks may be nearly con- ing syncline. This fold may be a result of uplift due INTERPRETATION OF ANOMALIES 23 to intrusion of the diorite to the east. It seems notable exception which has a high negative inclina- reasonable to assume that the St. Makarius Point tion value, sample B7-67 (sample site 7, pl. 2), was anomaly is caused by reversely magnetized but locally collected from a feature that is probably too small thicker pillow lavas near the top of the Kirilof Point to give an aeromagnetic anomaly. rocks. These would lie between 1,000 and 1,500 feet The Windy Island anomaly corresponds to a pile below the surface at the location of the anomaly. of fairly young subaerial andesite lava flows that The apparent thickening of this reversely magnetized make up the highest part of Amchitka. These flows lava in a structural depression further suggests that dip seaward from the high points of the island, and this depression was present in late Kiril'of Point the aeromagnetic data suggest that they extend well time. This means that structural movements may out into the ocean, particularly south of Windy Is- have begun in Kirilof Point time. Support for this land. As previously described, the White House Cove concept is also found in the previously mentioned anomaly, a result of alteration associated with intru- Rifle Range Point anomaly in which the buried source sion, appears to cut across the anomaly produced by rocks of the strongest negative anomalies are re- the less altered lavas of the Chitka Point Formation. moved from the trend of the present strike of these The Chitka Point-Constantine Point anomaly is lavas. Here, too, the only rocks known to be capable mostly over water, but at the northwestern end it is of causing the anomaly are pillow lavas of Kirilof over lava flows of the Chitka Point Formation. It Point. These may be thicker and structurally local- seems reasonable to assume that these lavas, which ized in the Rifle Range Point area, just as they appear to dip seaward, thicken or are less altered are thought to be in the St. Makarius Point area. northeast of Amchitka in the area of the anomaIy. Furthermore, the largest and most intense negative It is also possible that the southeastern part of the anomalies on or near Amchitka lie offshore (pl. I), anomaly is due to basaltic rocks in the Banjo Point south and west of the Rifle Range Point anomaly Formation. where one string of negative anomalies projects sea- The Infantry Road anomaly, also over the Chitka ward. This culminates in a large negative anomaly Point Formation, is mostly over altered andesitic about 4 miles southwest of Rifle Range Point. breccias that are not highly magnetic. The anomaly may result from andesite lava flows buried beneath MEX ISLAND ANOMALY the breccias. Andesite is reported at a depth of about This negative anomaly appears to be another that 80 feet in a drill hole in the eastern part of this area. is attributable to the pillow lavas of Kirilof Point. SITE B ANOMALY Like the anomalies at Rifle Range and St. Makarius This anomaly, just north and on the downthrown Points, it occupies a position on the upthrown side side of the Rifle Range fault, is one of several posi- of a major fault. Although the Kirilof Point does not tive anomalies over faultblock wedges of the Banjo crop out in this area, pillow lavas of the Kirilof Point Formation. Another unnamed anomaly lies in Point were found in drill hole UAe-1 at a depth of a similar position north of the major fault between about 1,400 feet. The depth estimated from the anom- St. Makarius Bay and Constantine Harbor. alies on profiles T-130 and T-8 (pl. 1) is 1,300 feet to the top of the source rocks. A considerable part of -780 ANOMALY the section penetrated between 1,400 and 6,100 feet This negative anomaly appears to be produced by in UAe-1 is reversely magnetized, although at most a reversely magnetized near-surface lava flow or sill depths the remanence is weak. Like the Rifle Range in the Banjo Point Formation. The body is repre- Point anomaly, the Mex Island anomaly extends sea- sented by sample C24-67 (sample site 8, pl. 2). It ward several miles to a large pronounced low over has a magnetic susceptibility of 35.5X10-4 gauss per the ocean floor (pl. 2). oersted, a remanent intensity of 37.5X10-4 gauss, a remanent declination of 210°, and a remanent incli- BIRD ROCK, WINDY ISLAND. CHITKA POINT-CONSTANTINE POINT ANOMALIES nation of -57". The Chitka Point andesite lava flows are normally SITE F ANOMALY magnetized, and, where relatively thick or high in The anomalies discussed so far stand out clearly total intensity, they produce positive anomalies. Ex- from those in neighboring areas, and they are re- amples are the Bird Rock, Windy Island, and Chitka flected by data taken on several aeromagnetic tra- Point-Constantine Point anomalies (pl. 2). Almost verses. The Site F anomaly is one of the numerous all oriented samples collected beneath these anom- small anomalies that relate to only one or two tra- alies have positive remanent inclinations. The one verses. The anomaly has an amplitude of 150 gam- 24 INTERPRETATION OF AN AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY, AMCHITKA ISLAND AREA, ALASKA

mas in the aeromagnetic survey- (pl.- 2) and 500 1 Carr, W. J., Quinlivan, W. D., and Gad, L. M., Jr., 1970, Age gammas in the ground magnetic survey (pl. 3). and stratigraphic relations of Amchitka, Banjo Point, A depth estimate from profile T-123 (pl. 1) places and Chitka Point Formations, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in Cohee, G. V., Bates, R. E., and Wright, the anomaly-producing rocks at about 100 feet below Wilna, Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature, U.S. the ground surface. Drill hole UAe-3, which started Geological Survey, 1969: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1324-A, in breccia, penetrated Chitka Point andesite at a p. A16-A22. depth of 180 feet (Lee, 1969). Four drill-core speci- Collinson, D. W., Creer, K. M., and Runcorn, S. 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