MyBucks S.A. 9, rue du Laboratoire, L-1911, Luxembourg (RCS Luxembourg: B199543) Annual accounts for the year ended 30 June 2018 MyBucks S.A. (Registration B199543) Annual accounts for the year ended 30 June 2018 Index The report and statements set out below comprise the annual accounts presented to the shareholders. Page Report of the Réviseur d’entreprises agréé 3 - 5 Balance sheet as at 30 June 2018 6 - 10 Profit or Loss accounts for the year 30 June 2018 11 - 12 Notes to the Annual Accounts 13 - 24 JBEJCQP20180719T18261001_001 Page 1/5 Annual Accounts Helpdesk : RCSL Nr. : B199543 Matricule : 2016 2200 276 eCDF entry date : Tel. : (+352) 247 88 494 Email :
[email protected] BALANCE SHEET Financial year from 01 01/07/2017 to 02 30/06/2018 (in 03 EUR ) MyBucks S.A. 9, rue du Laboratoire L-1911 Luxembourg ASSETS Reference(s) Current year Previous year A. Subscribed capital unpaid 1101 101 102 I. Subscribed capital not called 1103 103 104 II. Subscribed capital called but unpaid 1105 105 106 B. Formation expenses 1107 3 107 2.436.357,00 108 3.253.701,00 C. Fixed assets 1109 109 28.953.712,00 110 24.845.108,00 I. Intangible assets 1111 111 112 1.601.866,00 1. Costs of development 1113 113 114 2. Concessions, patents, licences, trade marks and similar rights and assets, if they were 1115 115 116 1.601.866,00 a) acquired for valuable consideration and need not be shown under C.I.3 1117 4 117 118 1.601.866,00 b) created by the undertaking itself 1119 119 120 3.