
. t WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 196d PAGE THIRTY-SIX jianrlffHtier Averasre.Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended Fair, lees liunlM tonight, laW Sedlac^s Feted July 2, 1966 Marcin Selected' Police Arrests about 60; auiuw *nd w arn to* About Town Chamber Cites Dr. Smith , BEitN HOLE BEAN FESTIVAL tnmMWV Aiigti 6B-0(X To Attend OCS On Anniyersary 14,465 Manchester^A' City of .ViUage Charm Seaman Recruits C3eyton C. Two 'motoriste were charged Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sed- For City Beautiful T^ork Joseph V, Marcin, son of Mr. this morning ■with improper SATURDAY, JULY tth Hence, eon of Mr. and Mr.s. lacek of 324 Hillstown Rd. were (ClMslfled AdverUstaif on Page DA) PRICE SEVEN CENM Francis L. Hence of «1 Lenox and Mrs; Joseph Marcin 0^128 passing after they were ar­ Ma n c h e s t e r , c o i^n „ Th u r s d a y , j u l y 7, i96s -In recognition o f . his out- letted Svmday at a 2bth anniver­ VOL. LXXXV, NO. 235 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) St., and Geo.rge A. Gartwrig-ht. rested on Center-S'!, to sep-:' ServifiB 3 to 8 P.M. .slandihg senhfce to Manchester, Vernon St. has been accepted to sary'celebration at the home of -wn of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald arate incidents. Police said both in all aspects of beautification, enlist for the U.S. Army Officer Mr. Sedlacek’s sister, Mrs. Alice G. Oartwrigfit of 31 Green,Hill passed a car on the right. Slarsiak, 360 Hillstown Rd. The B«cHi Hoio Boent. Horn, trowo ...... t*" '. Dr. Dougla.-i M. Smith, chairman Candidate School it was an­ 'St. recently completed seven The two are John P. Butniito-/. ^aa assisted by Mrs. Brood. Colo Slow, CoHoo, HHIk, leo Croom. weeks of Na\'y basic training of the City Beautiful Commit­ nounced by Staff Sgt. Clarence V i' V < tee of the Manchester Chamber rey. 22, of 21 Gorman PI., and Frank Ingrish of East Hartford ait Great Lakes, IH. of Commerce, has been present-* H. Dube, Manchester Army re­ Robert J. Ohvera, 29, of 60, and Mrs>-.Walter Lyons of ' Rolii or Shlno ed witli a Chamber appreciation cruiter. Lenox St. Both were issued Hampden, Mlibs., sisters of Mrs. tig Oil Storage Miark Matheny, son of Mr. Warnings for speeding. They Two ko'9* oxhlbition holls ovoHoWo <■ plaque. SecHacek. About iSp attended the and Mrs. Wilbur G. Matheny of A recent graduate of Villanpva are to appear in Manchester Due mainly to Dr. Smith''s event. Adults: $1.50 ChHdroii: tS e S6 Brookfield St. is attending University, Marcin is presently Circuit (Jourt 12 on July 18. The couple was marjried July WiUiston Academy .stam­ efforts in the past year. Man­ attending eight Weeks basiq chester recently won recogni­ Patrigic F. Milne, 16. of East 19, 1941 by the Rev. Joseph Lau- mer sesdon at Eastham^ton, rion at St. Petor’k Church, New TOLLAND COUNTY tion from the National Clean- training at Ft. Jackson, fe.C., Hartford was charged last M tm . Britain. They have lived to Maitr AORICULTimAL CCNTER Up Bureau in its first .year of and will then enter eight weeks night with failure to obey a competition, and Dr. Srnith's advanced individual training. traffic signal light. He was ar­ Chester since their marriage. am They have two children, David Routt 30 committee and the t(>wn were Upon completion of this train­ rested on Main St. at Bis^ell. Jfinet Ackerman cited for their „ well-rounded ing, he anil return home for,'two He is to appear in Circuit Court Sedlacek and Deborah Sedlacek, program. weeks and then report to Infan­ July 26. both at home. In 4-H Review The committee devoted the try Officer Qandidate School, month of May to town wide Ft. Benning. Ga. After 23 weeks Law Declares Mue jAinot Ackerman, 14, cleanup programs, to be the at the school, he wili be com­ Dog Airlift One Plane Shot Down, , dMigtiter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ basis for Manchester's entry in missioned a second lieutenant. ward AxAerman of 32 Keeney the National Cleanup Bureau's MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — St., is seipresettting Hartford The Manchester Army recruit- N ot Eighteen dog.s, left {lehind next competition. Dr. Douglas M. Smith er stated that there is a need But Pilot Is Saved Counby ait tiie OonnecUcut 4-H The programs' included Arbor. when their masters were State FaeJiion and Dress Re- for. officer candidates. Basic airlifted the 90 .miles from Day plantings, memorial tree her staff should be engraved on qualifications include being a SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)— U.S. Navy planes Tiesv bonigJit at 7:30 at Von de Cuba to Miami, were reunit­ plantings, jimk-car week, 'Main the plaque, to give them due U.S. citizen, graduate of an ac­ today bombed the oil storage depot ki the Haiphong Mehden Hall. University of ed with their owners today St. tree-plant'er.s, lownwide recognition for the work that credited college or university, Connecticut, Storrs. Re1;ail Groceries after a 9,190 mile air trip. dock area two miles northeast of the heart of the city cleanup day, high schogl student' they have done.” between 18*2 «nd 27 years of Girls appearing tonight will for the second time, the U.S. military command an­ work-day. service station beau­ age, and able to.pass a physical NEW HA'VEN (AP)—The Ap- on the premdse that both were The "re^gee dogs,” ineli­ be e4"aKiated and a r^resenta- nounced, ^ ’ tification. and business property PRISONER FOUND HANGED examination and mental and ap­ pellate Division of Circuit Court engaged chiefiy in the retail gible for the refugee airlift, 'tive seileoted from the'group to HARTFORD (API—Robert A. / BIG were crated in Cuba, then A u s. spokesman said A4 Sky- sance pUots Ibe next day refiort' landscaplnjr. titude test. Officer candidates reversed today the conviction sale of foodstuffs, represent Oonneoticut at a Na­ -hawli§ from the aircraft car- ed tremendous devastation, In accepting the award from Waller, 23, of Hartford, was will be initially enlisted for a of a supermarket sales manager (pjje appellate division, noted, flown to Spain, then bock tional 4-H Club Oongreas m found hanged by a pair of trous­ across the Atlantic to New rier ihwcock struck the fuel in- OU depots also were among Chamber President W. J. God-. period of two years, , ,pn a charge of illegadly con- however, that the four super- stallation. at 1 p.m. add that tiie American radders* taigeta OhScaso, in., during the month frey Gourley. Dr. Smith said, ers from the bars of his cell X York and finally to Miami. Those wishing further Infor­ ducting a promotional drawing, markets involved sell, to addi- pilots repotted “ all b ^ b s on ^ivednesday. They attaicked one of Nwember. “It is with a.great deal of pride door at the State Prison early There is no direct airline In order to be eHgible to com­ mation concerning the Officer The deoisioiVx took four First yon to dry groceries, a myriad target.” \ ' storage area 86 mUes norifa of that I accept the award for Tuesday.'. , National supermarkets out of the other items ranging from service between Cuba q|id pete, entrants had to be 14 Candidate Program may con­ The spokesman said one Sky- Hauioi, a fuel tank plant ftt miles outstanding achievment to the Waller was sentenced last “ retail grocery phs.in” category, meats to wool hats. the^United States. yean of age and a participant month to a three-to-eight year tact the Army Recruiting Sta­ hawk was Shot doWn by auttiair- north of the oapltai auid am oil Chamber, and I can only say tion at the Army - Navy Club. Under a stele lottery statute,, “ Every item in each of the The owners of the pooch­ craft fire b>it the jiiot, was storage^ attea 31 nrUes northeast in 4-M eluto work at leant three that the names of every mem­ term after, being convicted of es. picked up the tab. yeans. Miss Ackerman was »e- Monday, Wednesday and Fri­ GUAIAHEE promotional drawings for adver- gtores is sold by competi- rescued. of Hanoi. ber of the City Bea'Utiful Com­ larceny'and of breaking and en­ tising purposes are legal' and tors, other than giochry stores Pilots reported smoke from H iey also struck at a m i^ la leoted on the ba«s of con s^ c- mittee, along with the Cham- tering. day. 1 8 5 3/ ______tton of her outfit, poise, per- MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER permissible so long-as there is or supermarkets,” It-said, the depot rose 20,000 feet and a site'86 miles northwest Of Bitmol moaHty and appearance. She is no charge to the public for par- rph^ decision noted that the NHRR Ends fireball erupted from a second* as welt as at bridges, VOOdSi a Bsre-yeBr member of the 4-H misses’ summer Gemini 11 Readied for a Ride ticipating — except in cases (jefendant’s principal claim was ary explosion, the spokewnan tniote and ndl Unes. ' feonDenaftlunn CSub of Hanches- where the sponsor is “ a retail a supermarket is not the said. One of the planes loSb .RMnes- ^ tern, a luniiov leadeir In the cMb All dressed up and ready to trkvel, the Gemini 11 space craft is about to be grocer or retail grocery chain.” equivalent of a grocery store. 5th Year of He said pilots saw no aStips day was an F106F, a laite-fhodel, '■nd B janitor ooonnekir 'ait'tiM ■nut aboard a “ super guppy” transport, the world’s largest airplane, for trans- The decision today upset the The supermarkets, it said. at the piers near the oil depot two-seat version of the stogie^ now OMiidocW center in separates ^rtation to Cape Kennedy, Fla. Workmen at McDonnell Aircraft Coi^. put Circuit'Court conviction under-have “ easily, recogfndzed differ- but that there were three ships seat F106 Tbunderchtef. A was IMlBsWxatiMb* She wiH ex»com- finishing touches on the wrapping. Astronauts Charles Conrad and Richard this statute of John Harrington, ences including “ self-service, Bankruptcy in the outer harbor. The ships the first FI06^ lost in, the Viet pam th« Mdtaaa hitensbate del- the sales manager. cash payment, no deliveries, the apparently were not attacked. .Nam 'war. A spokesman said it Gordon will ride Gemini 11 into space in the fa ll (AP Photofax) The Haiphong depot, through was on a “ pathfinder misrion’* egmoo on a tow of Oonnecti* The charge against Harring- great variety of rkm-food mer- NEW HAVEN (AP)—The New OMS. ton stemmed from a promotion- chandise regularly carried, and „ Railroad comnleted five ^ North Viet for a flight of .ThundereWefS but ib e MS bean iitetonien, neww pants Oknit tops al drawing for prizes to four the large advertising and pro- _ N am 's petroleum ^ l i e s mov^ he would not elaborate. leijlOMiBt anid twaaurer of her First National stores — two in motional efforts which are nec- ^ which the line and its ^ The other Weitoea. cM^ and 6uipei*i*eocWit of the Tentative Peace :ns New London, one in Niantic and essary to produce an Increaring have become adept at ** *” l®T0t another to GroUm__in October ^ p loy es have heconm m p i jj,, i,eart of cotmaissance plane Mat- beard aeo6l4 booiSB ait a Hiartford JULY SH^E CLEARANCE - k ■ ■ (See Page Fifteen) treading water and hoping for a attacks set off a fptnn 40 miles northeast of Ha- 44Z SMr held ait B tp i- skirts # blouses 1964. better day. .. . worldwide debate. nod. Pdlete to the area sOwvbed i » many yaam. She The drawings were conducted ' ------The process under which thq Earlier toe U.S. command . heavy antidircratt'fixe and aaw wns oauloed »W?|»5r of the Mart- for advertising purposes. Regulor 7. / railroad passed- . . from private. ,, , announced American planes a fireball that couW have been goad 0°nnlgr-c:tH Vela Aseocia- After Omaha’s The appeallate diidsion’s decl- Hike Reveeded management to toe direction of ^ jnjggions jihe Voodoo. tlcA S « » . *5. ^ion. written by Judge Bernard court-appointed .trustees North Viet Nam These two k»3es pWS the Sky- ]Setf 4rll paojenta InolMde D A R Y I^ L A T S OMAHA, Neb. (AP)—A ers'Avish they had the guts to Addressing . toe 57to anmml ^ Kosicki, noted that another do.” Not "all toe elders agreed. In Draft CaR ^ ^ Wednesday and eluded four, sur- hawk dhot down w er Hatphong t o a ^ Old«bSp0, SBitlB add orefts, Values to 5.9B tentative peace followed Elsewhere, policeponce atar Sacrun-oacrum- T tlon for l e AdvlSce^ent oi stat,ute one dealing mth alc^ papers on July: 7, 1961, face-it^air missiles^ but-two of today binaught the totisl M iUim , cfaAd case and junior The Interstate, Commerce 7.99 W ^nesday’s rain which ento, Calif., SoTJ“:r s ;. ooio,.. P»p... WASHINGTON (AP) A lag the raiders were shot down, planes reported, logt over.Koriii leademhip. She wBI be a aopho- 3.66 cooled off the'Steamy steamy pave- pave­ ,or investigation of murder that “ there is no room in Amer- l ^ e r v ' E ^ ^mmd^ion, which h ^ ^ J o oonveptipnal ground^ ^ Nam to 281, moee at Mandhewter High DART LITTLE HEELERS *6.90 ments of an Omaha Negro in^ toe Tuesday night slaying of ica for racism of toy color, kind Department to deal with many matters affect- fire/The ,^3..^ e e piloto were b st^ The US _mtflUiplane . - i iplsdong BdKxA bi {kptemlbeia neig'hborhood where van- two-Negro transients. Hie vie-- or description.” boost draft calls today for July mg the- debt*ridden railroad, , . „ « , gaged in the retail sale’,' of spe remarked that “ normsl” ' “ ’" ’ "“ "S' flown Wednes^^ were tbs idgtt* Jamaieas, Bermudas, pedal pushers and slacks in e^y dalism and violence occur- tims, „ identified as Harry In Atlanta Stokely tornto and August: RoBulor te 15. . care cotton and cotton blends. Sizes 10-18. Solids, _ rodfiK three'nights. .Brown, ei, and Ernest Martin. chael, national x^airman of the LOI4 Celelirptes plaids or checks. Knit tops in stripes, solids, novelties. I^ aybe this will cool-things 42, were felled by shotgun blasts VITALITY and FIANCEES *9.90 off,” Mayor A.V. Sorensen said, on a, downtown street just six Battle of Boyne Washable blouses in dressy and tailored s^les. Sizes referring to the rain. blocks from the state, capltol. I Bone, Black Patent, White, Hi or Mid-Hi'Heels 10-18 or 8, m, 1. - Workaday traffic movea moved in Policer-ouce saiusaid theuiie mar^«aslayipgs were" c .c sirengunstrength interwoven -With an ^ «erv statute t.h-Defense «i^,^te'a*T wirmai'™ success to two days, the • die- (eingle-piane fUgibts) was f l i i gffMat aanivenBaigr of the and out of the arta, and glass not racially motivated. They attepopt-to Imild stronger racial ^ case Us the first of its %Mep^ve are n^lonirer » “ 6 Viet Cong the average ctoily number of of ^ be cele- Regular 10.99 ^ tuMitil SHwlBy at a church aer- along north 24to street was to establiah a reason. .. _____ The previoas.idg)b 108 mis. Vtoa at IB $M . at The Presby- girto’ 7-14 \ misses’ daytime swept away. people d our j^^tj,qrity else-where that would ”...... 166 of toe enemy in a day-fong Stone, - was tec^rd^ teiian a iw cb . Tb* Rev. Geopge ladies’ nsw “ The July and August reyi- The job of overserin^t^ ^ 1 - battle Wednesday. AMERICAN GIRL *7.90 How much heat of resentment dent Hubert H. » mich^ri.^a leader m the “ black be of direct and helpful guid- result from a reduction to road’s affairs fell to U.S. Dis- before, when American Jets y it Raptor, will preach. f !^ o r e the June ^th raid, the dodged 16 missiles. T|)at was ~ Bone, Black Patent, White, Hi or Mid-Hi Heels . • tednis dresses and frustration remained? called for “ new initiatives and poiy^er' faction within toe civil a^ce.” ^ ^im ates of Army enlistments trict Judge Robert P. Anderson, M m beK o( Washtagton Loyal • slufts • dusters Haiphorig oil storage complex, a the. ItiSlieri total. M pm M fsp summtr jewelry “ A lot,” said a young Air responsibility to ci'vil rights rights movement. “ That’s all In findtog^ Herrington’s con- jjjp these months based on the who i^^still performing the chore Omnge *id floyal B l^ captoiW^ ^ > 00011111x618 ^ oil any day of the Vl-motUlf e b • new shifts Force veteran; "Those kids matters by our states and local want.'’ •viction iiy'error, the division recent enlistment experi- althoug^he is.flow on the-.U.S-. X^iaeenkoijr and ladles anxilia- • eool dresses were just doing what their eld- governments Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stored to 36 storage tanks, 16 wto. The tl.S. oonmitoid had itoa tneei at Orange HaH said the'trial court concluded ence,” the announctotent saidi afou ir Cqurt pf Appeals. warehouses and an open storage arindunc^' earlier i t ^ ^ to 99 Values to $3. •1.49'“’set and another Negro leader, Dr. that a /Supermarket and a gro------Anderson appointed three at Mkb and |iraceod to the I t AUAN SANDALS *4.44 Your Choice J.H. Jackson, disagreed over .were-syhoiiamots, b^ed (See Page Fourteen) area. In the raid last week 46 SAIMB' .had been fired, but ttit Reg. 3.98 ^ 3 # 5 9 * 1.88 trustees, to take,, oyer active Na'vy planes dropped 19 tons of command said thif figwe Necklace and earring set* and some King’s plans for a ci'vil rights ^ ^ management. One of toe three, WW »s Not all sizes in all styles of colors, but a good selection bombs and fiye-inch Zum rock- suited from dujBttcatlona In pt- Comfortabte lightweight du«ter* er Cotton shifts, sleeveless dresses and rally lii Chicago Sunday,..-v " *"* Harry W. Dorigan, died recent­ MMiMjia Itunily'picnlo Saturday, pins In group. Colors or wer-popul»*' ^hkvas Midsummer Recess ets on the depot and roconnais- lots’ reports. sleeveless shifts or dresses in summer tennis dresses In prints and summer Jackson said he would not ly. The survi'ving members of guJy le, «t Martin Park, East eummer ' * support the rally because “ it is, colors. Sites for misses, women. cblors, sites 7-14. the management team'are trust­ Uh w w fcyftiiil «K>se attending will not enough to call togfcther large' meat ait Orange HaH at 10:30 Despaired for Years, ees Richard Joyce Smith and .. Nothing Stirring crowds of pewle” to iem on- William Kirk. Hanoi Indicates stn, strate and pre^ure. 4he prog'SaM will Include Although legislatures to the gamee B&d swimming, and re- Special purchase At Louisville, Ky., a white cbildreifs 3-6x father won custody of .his five (See Tage Four) toeelbinefltB from noon to 3 p.m. Freckles Now4 Coveted __M 6 ^ VMn^ the group will In Senate or House white children from their moth­ NEW YORK CAP) — Freckles “ The next step after putting nes Trial »e*waa"w vrBhge Hall to oele* er, vriio is now married to a'Ne- playwear quality WASHINGTON (API—'Twas tol with questions. With chll- gro. y _ those sito-induced flecks on on natural .colored freckles,” b]»ite 13^ Ewttle of the Boyne, thp. midsummer recess on (Japi- dren, sim tan oil and sugges- Judge Lyndon^ R. Schmid the face over which almost ev- she says, “ will be matchir^ Lupton Backing ih e event 'is open to all mem- J'*. ■ tol Hill. Not a thing was stir,, tions , _ ^ ...... ery ------ber^ their families and friends. rilled that “ the/6est interests of gry woman more than 12 years them to the color of a dress. For ring, not even a bill. . In big empty chambers amw children. . . . lie.. with their .. . fa-. old despairs . — are now consld- ., example,------purplewith freckles a For U.S. Pilots Gordon McGowan, past mas- COUNT ON HALE'S TO Full GOP Slate; your From' office to office, each great dins? workmen are ham.-., but he made no direct ored beauty marks to be covet-: purple dress.” tot, k eharge pf entertain­ s u m m ^ TOKYO (AiP) — Hanoi Radio and marched ipder mmed M> corridor and hall. Senate and mering and cleaning out Wns. ^reference to race,. ed and admired. *' Even though the Lilly Dache ment.' Wilbur Chadwick, mas- eheiiee Plans Primary indicated today that American cort.’’ It said the erowds <^f Ha- House staffs were having a ball. Lest Congress return Mondto officials" at Cordele, Ga., fur- • sport shirts . With the boss gpiie, there’s have reason to be smug. wiw*»s . , i,.. through the,, crowded streets of en, but the broadcast said wev be obtain^ by contacting Wil- SMASHING more time for b^nch. More Another office proved itself h .v e -^ « n Omahas Negro population is make up for totp.deficiency. into___ focus for some time nov), Hanoi Wednesday, the North included: Kam IX Tiukiogton, lOS W,- Cen­ time for flirting, for knitting deftly adroit by fixing a typ^ entire state GOP ticket and plat­ estimated , at 30,000 to 40,000. Spreading nke the pox^ the according to Hollywood makeup Vietnamese broadcast said the qjl Robinson Risner, IL ter St, pai^ biMtea • dross shirts writer for Nedzi of Detroit. form that includes a denuncia­ ^ , — and lunch. Vnter« icTiore toe recess /nd Uouglas Stewart, execuUve spot fever Is’ expected to he- ^^o had\re-. people of Hanoi "knew that the captured last Sept. 16; U, ft Two hours at toe beauty shop, tion of toe John Birch Society. write stacks of mall Efforts to director of the Urban League, come contagious soon ^uiong painted up some frecl^- nobody’s countin’. A walk on the Lupton, defeated to his dis- government would represent jjavy Cmdr.’ James Bond Stocto< • Honioy shirts u nn Bvfli] ,uses..the higher figures and says .fashion-conscious ladies in this femmes for phot^tills. them all to try^and pumsh the 4)910^ 42, captured Sept..9; Oaph W he^ Stolen DRESS SM.E la-wn, leisurely lunch by the hv the-bushel fills P®*’- t o e Negroes Uve countiy.The cosmetics industty gome New York modeling rict convention bid.for the nom- pirates to proi^rtion tb^ their uyg jj^g Berg, captured lask fountain. ~ ,tion, announced tpday that he V, girls’ 7-14 all the desks There^re de- oh toe near north side. . . is ready for it. agencies report an increasing take his fight to a primary crimes.” ’ July 27; lit, J.G. Gerald Leo- Off Parjsed Car No buzzers for roll, calls. all., tne aesKS. me g a The hub of Negro, activity tra- . “Oianping and irresistible’ demand for cute misses with, a The broadcast said the Amerl- ncr-i Qiffee, captured Feb. ft OF THE SEASON ^ e r phones ^gling. Get on mands^ to be ensured, many; ^ay Amelia Bassin, an ^Xkltor^ p^^per elecW .on Aug. ,10. cans were “handcuffed In. pairs Everett Alvarea Jbia Two wheek ^ tires wore swim suits «the « elevatorrfeinitor without even ring-nne- reouests.requests, / - tion of ,24th and Lake a.r«t..=Streets, executive .live for Faberce.Faberge, reacts to noggg O' P«PP vro h The\»"no,.oromennouncemeht brought a yemoved from tihe toont of a ear ______-V v ■■■ <('•'' San Jose, OaUf., captured Aug. jjig. So between /brunches•hi ■ - freckles. The firm intends, to On toe other hand, Eddy Senz parked at a service station some i , 5 9 i f e r w Kennedy’s raifting, ■ Morse lunches and l^ u ty shop, there (S^ Page Four) ‘ j 5, 1964; and Lt. Omdr. Robelt (See Page .Fourteen) make them a •part”'of its out- . • Ktumaker, 33, New Wlbntogton, time over the weekenct went to Wisconsin. Someone’s in a continuous /huddle by toe old doorsy western look fOr fall. ,j(See Page Fourteen) Oamelo Lttrico 'of 153 N. ^ . OFF OUR the White House £®d it. isn’t mail drop. , P^oison Gas Pa., captured Feb. 11, .1966. View St., South Windsor, had R tg 3.99 Johnson. ' . ’ihen it’s'ttme*for coffee, milk Hanot/said the i^tots wera left the car for repairs at Mor- E N T IR r Fiilbrijght’s out cn pb'eket and and tea. But one is missing— Covers Town “dressm in their war crimtoals* iarty Bros, on Oentec St. Handsome gingham sport shirts In Teddy went north. Proxmire where can she be? oUva khaki pajamas, '"wearing Tlw wheels and while wall STOCK Prints, Stripes, solids and novelty solids, plaids, stripes. New , Henley had five parades to celetoraje "It!/:^ Goltoe Pence of the Sten- tbai rubber sandals. They tires were removed from th6 patterns. All popular styles from color or golf style knit shirts in sev­ Ms fourth. ' nis compound. “ My big man,” Accidently walked docilely, dropping their front aecle While the oar was eral colors. S, m, 1, xl. Tourists still flock to the Capi- she said, “ ■was not'out of town.” heads to the face of ths menac- parked hi the rear lot of the fam ous, makers. ARG'VT.F, Minn. (AP) — Be- tog fists and the tormidablt station.' 3 DAYS ONLY tween 300 to 350 persons, mostly screams of a human sea." Police put the vahie of the youngsters, were evacuated (See page Foua} Item* at fSO. THURSDAY, FRIDAY SAVE ON MEN'S, BOYS' SUMMER NEEDS from this i^rthwestern Min­ A taoometer was taken Jrom nesota community late Wednes­ another oar parked at the Ista- 100-Voice Choir day night after it was discov­ tkm over the weekend. The car AND SATURDAY ered the town was accidentally belongs to Luther Kelly of Eiist boys’ 6-12 Men’s New^ en’s Keratron sprayed, with a poisonous chem­ Hartford. • WHIPPED CREAJ|S • JERSEY ical, authorities sSid< News Tidbits An Oakland St. woman toJd Swim Trunks Lancer Siacks To Sing for Luci Chief o f . Police Dennis Rous­ police yesterday she lost a wal­ casual slacks KNITS • GDTTONS • BLENDS seau said toe community of 800 Indian Prime Minister Obondi let'containing J1'41 while shop­ was being sprayed from a light ping at Stop and Shop bn Fri­ • PASTELS • PRINTS • PATTERNS R « . 3.99 ! * 3 . 3 7 2 for $13. *6.88 WlASHINGmlN (AP) — A ' About 700 guests are expMted SALB! ^2«59 Premanent press, ever set wense. ^ choir of 100 men and boys wiM for the marriage of the daugh- plane to combat day afternoon. She, said ; she, when It was d i^ v e r ^ t o a t ^ c S ^ e to seek _ found the wallet to the lot out- 'Siwis' 545,16-20, 12 '-24 «/i. Kodel and cotton'MI&id with Kbni^roo All new 'ISbric,'styl^ edors. Sine s, summer shadee. Sises 29-42. at the wedding of Luci ter of the President and Mrs. • wrong^emlca^ was b e i^ g^^ _ JuUw. Klein wBI b« aide but the money was gone. ftalah. .Beige, olive, navy or b l ^ , m, L xl. Sizes 4 4 - ^ 5 0 ...... gl mors Johnson and Patrick J. Nugent. Johnson at noon Aug. 6 in toe Reg. or slim*. Sluea 14 to 20, 4.8TS, The WWte HouSO-'announced National Shrine of the Immacu- He said toe p la^ Twltn^ee before toe Senate Eth- Tire woman, Jeanette'■Regr today that the choral muric for late Conception here, pas,ses over toe town befote toe ‘ ^ ^ ^ ftte e when it meeU ley of 107 Oakland Sti, said the' mixup to chemicals was discov- misconduct money was from a welfare Reg. Vd.99 *8.81 the ceremony will be provided The White House said 400 invi- by the combined men’s and tations embossed with the presi- * ™ vw . .a nr hearings of Sen, Thonnaa J. check for ji76 that .she had Now Going On — Our Dr. B,E. Pumala of Warren, men’s hand-detailed boys’ choirs of two Baltimore dential coat of arms will be' Dodd Union negottotors fashed-earlier in the afternoon. Reg. 11.99 *9.60 ^ingMar^lO^^ medical ^rUne mechanics The bicycle thief struck again. Bpman Catholic churches — toe mailed Friday to about 700 per- A girl's lfl^yc\e was taken from trepieal svHs Caithedral of Mary Our Queen sonal friends and, relatives of “* 1 ., chemical mis- -laat ditoh’* «e- and the Church of the Dnmacu- the young couple and the John- P^™“ f ’'‘Vmands which must ba\nM« to \ outaide a WeUa S t house over Reg. 14.99 *11.97 whichUilHItABi he rlAarvMlKiwfdescribed as-“quiteoa ‘ VllllTA M.a ^ the toeeiCMd: Tallies io ^ " late Heart of Mary. son and' Nugent families. Many avoid strike at \6 a-m. tortlor- r Robert F. Twynham, director of the ih'Vitatlons will go to cou- letoal poison.” row . . . Warsaw l^ ct members in ^ lower store level • • Parathion is used as an insec­ Reg. 17;99 *14.39 ^ Daoran and Wod h l^ In Munmee of the cathedral choir, will.com-, pies. ’Those invited to the cere-, assail U.S. poUcy to Viet Nam . Impotts inoreased 14 per cenf toned, soUdii. ydnlda, Irideaoeata. R eg. ribse music for parts of the .nViF Tjtiony also will be invited‘to thg- ticide id farming areas. . . GOH governors olrole araiiad. ' ■ ' y SAVE ON ALL DOMESTIC ITEMS! There were no Immediate ef- shorts and V longs, sises g6-46. Bai Mass and will play toe org- ’ white House reception which blanket Midoraement of Prelsl. v..tb«;.gicat;,#pur o'- this 9 ferta from the xwisonous chemi- year over a oorreepondln^ per­ an at the wedding. The com -. ^111'follow. , ^ dent Johnsoa’s Viet Niun foHegf, EXTRA CLeRKS # CASH • Two, attractive *^reasons why freckles should be — now girls are painting on dots to make up for the. oal. he saw. but an emergeuoy ^ iod of 1966, iwhile exports went S' .Uned choirs will be under " jjamea of the gueato were not laeik of same. (AP Photofax) up only 7 per cent. Rep. Thom- Housa t Halt, Hah St, MMohattar • 0|Mi i Days - Tlwn. Mil 6 P J i dtrawtiop of Norman Sydnoa, etW e^, not condemned ara Samantha Eggar (left) l |gae Page few). tkm i gs S. Ourtto of Missouri has C H A R G E # LJ YAWAYS dlwietoar of the church cbohr. |0ea Ragt and D o!^ i W . 7*h6y*r«.q)orted spots for y^axa

, I , 'A- i A


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 P A G E T H B E B MANCHESTER EVENINa HERALD, M ANCH^tEB, CONN^ THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 PAG E TWO South Windsor Sheinwold on Bridge Bcrdened l:80-0:80-8;88 W. G. GLENNEY CO. ^ Cellist Hit Sat. 2:00-4:lS-6:85-9:08 HATCH B(MJ> BllMMNO High School Honor Roll South dMto Son. 8i00A:lS-6:80AiM In Concert WITH OAimOUS PLA T it PSRWMC ur i TTi " * THtSTM Both lidet viIliimMa 8 The Mgh school honor roll tor Gelineau, David Kltchin, Torbln Gef Sef For Outdoor Living , By AI^ED 8HBINWOLB. NORTH NOMM , By JOHN OBUBEB jf ^iqii don’t mind mixed met* MBHlilSMI the fourth quarter has been an* Loreiuen, Kevin Norige, Thom­ A A K 7 as Sayers, Barbara Sleeper, Bnino dl Cecco provided the aphors, the secret of winning at V J4 nounced by Fred J. Caruolo, 0 A K 10 98S B l K i r i i r a i Patricia Strong. higtaligfat of the opening concert bri<%e is to Ud a band to the prin'Mpal of the^Mgh KhooL of this season’s Hartford Festl- ^IK and then play the pants off _____ A 98 Honors; Beverly Ballard, 'Su­ val of Music last evening at W is r BAST KIHMMJIH Seniors san Bogus, Sgramne Castetter, the cards. No Elurppean expert A 9843 AM05 Millard Auditorium at the Univ­ is more famous for both of these ■ M i m B — . High honors; Karen Barber, Sylvester (Jhetponis, Jean Dux- V K95 V 107«» Bradtord bury, Lymji Brickaon, Donald ersity of Hartford. arts than Mrs. K M Marinis, for O Q74 0 J6S2 Mary KtSesa and MAKE YOUR HOME Offering Tschaikowsky’s many yetirs one cifN Great Brit- * 4 3 2 A 65 MHZNIinHKnE. Myrick. Goodwin, Linda Janicl)Le, Susan “ Variations on a Rodoro ain’B^moflt dfasUngutfihed play- A o u m Honors; Nelda Bkrehers, KarveUs, OyntWa Kozlowskl, PRETTY AS A PICTURE WITH Theme,” the talented ceUist wh6 era Q 62 Steven Bolstridge, Kathryn Jodnne LieFIeur, Donnil Lee., J q » has made numerous ensemble Opening' — three of 8 Booth, Diane Boxer, Diane Also Michael Ixmdon, John O Richard Luman, Sharon Lytm, appearances in the area gai^e a spades. ^ A A K J 1 0 7 4 Brandish, Nancy Burke, Patri­ performance which was • really Mrs. MarlniB leaped to ^ ' WmI EXTRA cia Capano, James Creagan, Sandra Myrick, Linda Shaffer, notable. He played with a cer­ clubs to keep the bidding sim^, Pus 1 0 \ Pms. OOIXIR CARTOON Helen Curtin, Ruth Daley, Mau­ Ruth Sharp,, James Sills, Deb­ tainty and musicality which pie. Making thi alani was not reen Dragone, Kenneth DUbay, ra Smith, Andrew Tripp, Janet might weU be envied cellists ^ t e so simple, STARTS WED. — “MUNSTER OO HOME Victoria Dubiel. and Stuart Yonika. of wider rejiutation, and was vvould be easy to try the Hurd. Freshmen POST and High honors; Sandra Alpers, recalled again and again by the tiuffip finesse first and the heart W lH^ you can play 1h«. canMs Also Richard Lane, Kathryn Sandra Antonowlch, etiise Do- delighted audience. finesse later, relying on one of Itce this, you can atford 6b be a L ^ o rte , MaryAFrancis Litwln- gush, daudette Ohagnon, Kath­ Bandra Wrufbel, soprano, w a ^ finesses to work. 'When both frisky bidder. Tonight — 1st Run Plus as, Robert MoAmieny, Carolyn also heard as a soloirt during fail, the slam Is down, but ai Aaily Questton _____ I Top Co-Hit—Both Color Miller, Vivian Page,. Ronald St. ryn Dutoiel, Linda Dux, Hilary the evening, presenting a per- jgast you have a reasonable ex-"' ; Fartaer opens wltii one dia- Cyr. Diane Salonla, Larry Hawkins, Jeffrey Holcombe, tormance of Beethoven’s “ Ah, ©use to give to your partnerr moind, and tlie next player paaa- Schwartz, Paul Sheldlck;'Nadia ’ThomM K o n ^ y ^ , S i^ a n ^ ^ - Accentuate the beauty of your home. Ideal for boundary lines perfido” which likewise pleased gjnee Mrs. Markus is just as nmn, Susan Staiger and Kethy RAIL FEIKE ^ea- Too hold: Spadee, 0-4-8; /"Ihe'SlSbirethatgetsyou whereyou bii^! ’’ Wasylenko and Gary Xantho. and floral backgrounds. See our sample sections on display. the audience; moat of whom cavrtious in. the play as she is' Urban. Install'It yOurAelf and save! Free use of post hole digger with Hearta, A-Q-8-S; Diamonda, ^ Juniors were probably familiar wite her bold in the bidcKng, she found None; Qubs, A-K-J-10-7-4. ---- Honors: Audrey Beeler, Pa­ 5 or more sections. work through, numerous ktcal g, w «y to make the rtaan with- High honors: Ronald Dayton, tricia Cahill, Linda Chapman, Wbat do yon aayT Barbara Faust arid Mary Ann appearances. out risking either finesse. Answer: Bid two duba. Tou Kathleen Delaney, Katgleen De- Hoff if Linkd, This scene and (^ria was de- tjijjg English expert took the would jump to three clubs if Nlcola, Bruce Dennis, Mark' a n d t a v l Honors: Marlene Cavanaugh, Hvered with dramatic intensity fij.gt trick in dummy with the pieuriner had opened with one Ellentoerger, Roger ,E,varis, Kenneth Cook, David trinse, . An explosionrf.eij fire, fanned by stiff winds, raced through thte sprawling, 300- and excellent Intonation, but the of spades, discarded two heart, but the hand Is hot quite Ridhard Faust, Deborah" F w -“" ’BoVDidiget I>iane Dodd, Deborah Falcone, room Ocean View Hotd on Block Island yesterday, reducing the historic land­ soloist’s iowefr registCT is ■ in- hearts on the top diamonds, apd good enough for an immediate ghetti, David GroAei, Barbara linda Ijavoie, Rebecca Nieder- mark to a charred mass. Firemen battled four hours but it burned to the adequate to the demands of the ruffed a diamond wUh the ten jump when partner opens In Jiarvls, Peggy Ka'rkowsiki, Nan­ music. Moreover, her diction clubs. When boQi opponents S Wrong KunibeT! werfer, Norman Olmstead, Ro­ your Void suit. cy Kuehn, Jdaigaret Linko, foundation. (A P Photofax) . was pretty, bad in a ’ language followed suit, it was dear that Copyright 1946 berta O’Neal, Jeanne , Ota, John Lqngo, Kent Luman, Ju­ (Italian) generally OMWidered to (jje d ia m oi^ were going to General Featnrea Oorp. {"\COU*fc»IW iii^ Sherry Phipps, Peter Romeyn, dith Nelderwerfer, Diiriald Pe- INJURED BQY DIES be the mo^ singable of any break normally. Joyce Spencer, Sherry Strohm, degimas. Old Block Island Hotel PROTECTS-ENCIUSE^^ \ u m • STAMFORD (AP) — A nine- tongue. Hidden Entry Judith Weiman, Sandra- West-,' Also Alton Parks, Patricia The ddigtvtfiiUy chosen pro­ The next step was to lead the brook and John Zagorskl. year-old Stariiford- boy died 7 Dmte at KDtKDOW Remlinger, Anthony Sheten- Burned to the Foundation gram also included part of four of dubs from the South “B o y il^ I Got A Sophomores siky, Alane Silver, Sharon Wednesday of injuries he re- HAND SPLIT RAIL FENCE Baxah’s First Brandenburg Oon- hand. West stepped up with the lONirCK ...... ceived June 26 when he was MILLER’S "Wrong N ^ b e r * High honors; Nancy-Ooughlin, Skiedrior, SiheJley ’Tomplkins, BLOCK______ISiLAND, R. I.''(A P)- and a detachment from the USS a car. oerto and the PuJoinella Suite queen of dubs and returned a Sharon Creagan, Steven Fan^ by Btravdnaky, the latter of­ Shown Ist'^ach EXIdie Viklinetz, Cynthia Za- ipjjg- 94-year-oid Ocean View Ho- Hartley, a Newport - based de- Austin Sabata Jr of 14 Corbo spade to the queen. RESTAURANT fkSszi, Dwight Footer, Christine giQraki and Susan, Zim m em ^. tubbed’ the “ Queen of the stroyer wiMch sent men ashore jj, Stamford Hos- 10' SECTION. fered several Seasons back by Mrs. Markus led the seven of MEmiim E verang Exc!ept XO E. OENTEB ST. - -Atlantic Coast” in its heyday with pumps. .nital. *4.40 *4.70 Robert Brawley and the Festi­ dubs to dummy’s nine, thus Fri. and Sat. m s bqen destroyed by fire.. The hotel was on the east side hadnin path ^ (AP PhotofaX) val Orchestra when these sum­ fiiiding a hidden entry to dum­ FEATURING TOira AND SAVB DELIVERED WIBISI TMrty guests and 12 employes of the Island overlooking the At- by Harry WWte- 2 RAttSi 1 POST n !The dqppHy dreased “ GF’ at left emerges (right) as pretty Lynn Smith, wife mer concerts were held in my. 'This put her in position to FILET MIGNON and •M«.HanDNRBit I PER SECTION BROILED LIVE LOBSTER Service Discharge Easier escaped without injury Wednes lantic Ocean. Most of the build­ ley of 3 Warwick Lane, police iof L L ^ g a r L. Smith of the 82nd Airborne Division. Mrs. Smith agreed to Blooimfield. ruff a diamond with the ^ c k of EVERY NIGHT This p»articular Bach was new clubs, day night when the huge, 336 - ing had been unused in recent reported, 3-RAH. ALSO AVAILABLE aid her huBband in his effort, to impress reserve officers on the importance ■M Fun Conns room hotel burned to the founda­ years. o f pieiMarefdness for any situation—even a pretty girl diisguised as a soldier. at these concerts though so with the diamonds thus estab- For Sole Surviving Son^ oammoniiy offered that I have gebed, Mrs. Markus drew the tion. ■ __ CooktaD Jong since forgotten how many i^st trump with the king of- dubs ’The hotel was built in 1672 by OPEN LUNCHEONS EdMsm Sman Pweott , WASHINGTON (A P )—The regulattona be disseminated at jjicihoias ^aU, a Block Island NFW New Training Technique / times 1 have heard it by aknodt and got to dumniy with the king Defense Department has opened earliest practicable date.” native who made Ws tortune in eveiryane from the Boston Sym- of spades to discard the queer* the way^tor hardsMp discharge action, _ a ^ P e n ^ n !-rSylvan She agreed to^ the charade to Beach has .been ordered closed help the young\jeutenant im­ The "Lenox" 6' x S' Knotty Cedar because vandals dumped a green press on the reserndsts the inv Blocked Nuclear Pact THE FIRST TIME! (Shingles not included}. Yours'for only *229JI Navy-type dye marker into the portancs'of being able to face GENEVA (A P) Rusala ac underground testing program — waters of Bunnell’s Pond. cused the United States today of '.‘one can read about it in our Joseph M. Fennell, director of LIFETIME deliberately blocking agreement newspapers” — the Soviet ,Un Bridgeport’s Parks and Recrea- MASONRY 24” UL APPROVED on nuclear disarmament In or­ iori, on the other hand, does not don Departmwit, said Sylran East Hartford annoimce its underground tests. Beach will be closed until the DRIVE-IN routes PRICES! FRANK’S CAFE der to keep its hands free to de­ FABULOUS SALE! K V ^ / S N E A K E R SCALLOP MOTORKEO BRAZIER Tbe Family Restaotant velop and use atomic weapons. “ It is, we believe, conducting waters can be cleaned, CORNER MAIf( » PEAR L The Soviet delegate, Alexei A. an active nuclear testing pro- 'I>erhaps before the coining week- end. BLOC THURSDAY SPECIAL! RwscMn, told the I'T-^nntlon dis­ gram, underground, Foster armament conference that U.S. said. He added: The-g(reen dye clings to swim­ FCm GHILiniCIi MISSES, TEENS, WOMEN, YOUTHS, B O Y V ^ YOUNG mers, Fennell said, it was THURSDAY, JOLY 14 AT 11 AM Something New Has Been Added! , BAKED demands for international su­ “ For example, on June 29 the thixjwn into the pond Tuesday SniPFED TURKEir. pervision of a -treaty banning United States recorded seismic TREASURE ISLAND # AIL PWIS1I QUALITY ^ underground nuclear explosions signals wMch-We suspect were MStRVSD SCATING ADULTS 52.00-CHIlD.5l.00 ^ Rustproof steel bowl and hood; $ 1 ^ are “ artificial obstacles bn the not caused by natimal phenome- • ALL GUAAANTEED FOR adjustable irfu-ome-plated grllL Coiiiplete liobster road to agreement.” ...... They were from the Soviet / • BOLTON LAKE Relationship W E A R - Decorative, colorful edging Swing-out motor has 1-year gnar^ ’ ' Dinner He said the United States nucimr t ^ in g area. We do n gt/ for patios, walks, 'drive-- antee. Sturdy steel legs with sebks “ to impede agreenient conclude, because of an active • pjankOin D. Roosevelt, ,32nd Ways, fkm er beds. Choice rubber tires. ,i Friday Only- RESTAURANT and HOTEL ^ ALL WflH THE FAMOUS and thus to enable itself to con- underground test program president, was a fifth cousin (rf S colors. Modular size , New Low Price ^ 2 .9 5 Label SALE; 2” X r ’ X 12” 7 tinue. underground tests tor the which is permitted by the limit- wife, Eleanor, was a Peppk oa the go ' R0UTB 44A, BOLTON—643-9731 purpose of developing new ed test ban-treaty, that the So- jijece of Theodore Roosevelt, ' Specializing In types of nuclear weapons.’* Union desires to torpedo .^jg 2otih U. S. president. In Manchester 3 5 « for n. Fln^Italian- RoscMn aileo denounced U.S. negotiations of a comprehensive This American Meals! opposition to a Soviet-proi»se “ Dine i|i eleganci^ in oiir main r Children Under 12 FREE dining room and teirace over­ MANCHESTER PSSSSm O f N m So o m ii “ L a ^ ” 8:4S “ Morder’l 10:40 looking beautiful Bolton Lake 1^ _ Tba sign eJ BURNSIDE EARLY BIRD FEATURE this PBOfea- WNmn paopte on Nw go gM ■ while enjoying the soft mood music of the Lou Mai l4io. atonal - dealer ThrjUllng CompaMon Hit Jumbo Mmt . . . RuRf go IW.G.GLENNEY 649-5253 wi&o exoeli e i u B BW M BI CHBF for a JWWbOi Rib Roast, Lobster, Steak PBOfessloiMil t e n and capable JuiMn m n n ARE W E ALL Our Specialty CO. flervlae, odvtoa POTENTIAL KILLERS? Special Seafood Menu 3 36 OBil peednelA tkmiBawmBimmi Every Friday MAIN STREET go Bm gv Cfairf Ibr <|IU fmfamoat.-*,. Ko OO0U MANCHESTER PARKADE fiLLiNG TO N SHOP FRIDAYS TO 8:30 P.M. GLASTONBURY Wedding and Banquet Facilities A v a lla b l^ lip to 450 People : > • ... BUILDING MATERIALS—LUMBER--FUEL '«s> j Motel Boons Available—Doable and Single ,Qoc|ipfuaoy W«J-8'BNiw.f • CHARGS ACCOUNT^ MMEt Toes.. Wetf.. H m ts. $1J0 — eWUrtn 75e hBHWMminoMSIHfHOnir/ P^IZAS AND GMNOaS TO GO • ------i ------1------Z1 M O H

...... p a g e f i v e ^CHESTER EVENING HERALD,' HANCHEI^TEB, CX)NN., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1&66 _ew.*e— ***"**row*p||**Wi^^*n^"™^^^** Peter Burns, Itarry Willette and BIANCamSTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CX>NK«, THURSDAY, JULY 7,1966 Million Veraon David MoOormaOk. WANT TO SPCNO A PEW > A G E F O im The following boys received Iloffa Gathers Power Fortune Just the Silver Award: John Mc- FASCINATING HOURS IN THE CWPgl? Bolton Sykes Students Presented Devitt, David Ignatc^tz, Ver­ THCN VISIT THE BLOOMFIELD ANTIQUE Obituary . for a Moment non Stein, John Bpnney, George ME A Takes Dispute Lucerinl, Marshall Myers, Tom Nelson Quiti^ Is Promoted; On Teamster Throne SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — Academic^ Athletic Prizes Carruthers, Gregory Caravella, For five days Mrs. Ujia ’Tingle FLEA MARKET , MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — and Dusty has time and age on Sam Harris, Brad Mosher, Joe of suburban Northbrldge had John Giulietti Ms side,” this source said. The Sykes Junior High oC both the basketball and^ bwe- Calaci, Mike Farris, Larry Town Starts Annual Report James R. Hoff a,. Teamsters un­ the largest private bank account T o Three Arbitrators Hoffa, after wlmilng a pay School’s annual awards aseem- ball teams, was Osignon' and Crtiig Rothman; Sunday July IOUib 12 Noon to 8 pjUe ion president, gathers all possi­ in Australia — $40,000,441.39 — The Manchester Education Association, unhappy with Dies; Dev^oped INelson Quinby MI of Rta. 6 raise from $76,000 to $100,000 a bly was climaxed this year with year's outstanding athlete, his Donald-Case received an award Sponsored by Beth Hlllel Synagogue ble remaining strings of power and. (lid not know it. a $^,000 salary increase unanimously voted by the and dlA has been appointed as- year and the authority to ap­ « the presentation of the Whitlock name has been inscribed on the as the Out.stnding Physical j^d'U- THE LOCA'TION — Approximately 1095 Blue Hills Ave. Tracer Court into his hands today before cer­ point .Fitzsimmons as his 'suc­ Her fleeting g ^ foitane ^^^^g excellence to eight continuing trophy, cation Student of the year. Extension. (FoUow The Signs) board at educatipn last nifht—^the same increase i^ sistanlt principal o f the Saonuei cessor, WiU ram through tioday.; cently rejected by the MEA—is taking the salary dis- tain re-election to a five-year came ro Cfommon^ seventh grade students. Donald Case won the trophy Several thoosand interesting and worthwhUe Items will be VtetNOM — John GiuHetti. B. Webb Junior High 'Schodl term he might have to finish in another resolution preventing on displayt and for sale by 50 Dealers from throughout Uhe IDBA. .today designated ------78. of Kdly Rd. and Flagler in Wetbeiefield, where be' has prison. the union from kicking him out A rea Vi^riather ball player. Larry Russel re­ WINDSOR BLOCKS (AP) — New England and New York. ^ Jam M P . Sbidler at Hartford as a{)|>rovad, they are entitled to BMKh, Fla., developer of Ver­ , Then, Teamsters insiders say, tor any past offenses that may Its arUtrator sind sent a letter ta u g ^ science for .the past three ceived the award as intramural Morning^Hlliowers and thunder­ Food Bar Open Tiiroaghout The Day it. If they don’t sign them, non Mobile Home Paxh, died begins the waiting game to see land him in jail, to ttio aCbool board infomninc years. / ping-pong champ, and . the showers will give way to partly ttiere is a question as to wiieth* late yesterday afternoon at who emerges in the power This resolution says no elect­ Admission 7^c but with this ad, 2 for $1.25 them at Ms arbitration inten- Quirhy graduated from Mto- ”Globetrotters” were awarded sunny skies, warm temperatures er th^ are ^titled to the ex­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. Struggle certain to follow if Hof- ed union officer can be removed „ v . s « chester'High school ih 1956, re­ certificates for winning the and less humidity in Connecticut ' tlons. tra money. Mr. GhiUettl was bom in Italy te loses his jury-tampering and from office'except tor “ actions tellers Iroklng at me surrop gty^jeg; and Jane Thompson WILLIAM P. SPEAR - Show Diraetor The Isttar In part reads: “The ceived Ws BS ar'WSWmantic play-off in the intramural bas­ today, the, weathermanj,say6. Sept 10, UM, and came to mall-fraud appeals. occurring during their current tiously. I went over a ^ asked Bradford Mosher, mathe- unresohmd issues , . liMtaide the (State OoSege i n / l ^ and U s ketball league. Members of this The U.S. Weather Bureau says Rocfcviae M years sgo. He was Leading candidates are F’rank term of office.” them why there w m a delay. mntics ' dii^greement over tbe MSa’s MIA in education adndnistra- team were Robert B^pBe, John a cool' air front will bring the 12th Circuit a rigger and steel worker snd Fitzsimmons, whom Hoff a has Since this will be passed be­ “ A teller ask^ me^whether I winners were each pre- ’ request- that the board of eAi- tion from .the University of Oon- Constine, Lenny ^hScio, Mike partial clearing and less humid at one time worked at the Al­ handpicked to succeed him; fore Hoffa’s re-election it would had made a d ^ s it recently ^ ^ certifl- ' cation and the MiElA ap|>eal dan jyMtiTig MlBs, TWoottviUe. necticut this Jqne. Hit is con-' and I said yes $M.46. ^ ^ North, Mark bfegus, Donald conditions to the state this aft­ Court Cases Harold Gibbons, ^Hoffa’s fonner prevent- the liniqn from remov­ Milanese, G »i^ Argiros, Robert Jointly-to the town board of di- He nUred several years ago- tinuing course work toward his ing him because of the 1964 con­ "He then asked me whether I . ernoon. ■ ■ chief aide until a bitter personal had not made a mistake and First priro in tae junior h i^ Daley, Kan Maselek, Joe Calaci recton for a, restoration of $100,- Survivors indude Us wtfe, sixth year certifiqate at the ttni- victions that led to his impend­ Humidity fs high this morning 000 to the board budget for break and Einar Mohn, who and jim Foley. MANCHESTER SESSION Mrs. Into Neri Giulietti; two- versity. / . narrowly missed the top job ing 13-year, prison sentences. deposited 40 million dollars in- « f ’h ' and will lower rather slowly in RENT t90Sd7, to maike possible the ini- “ jointly with Rockville High Jem'bers of the baseball imdday under a relatively light Joe Gust, assistant family re­ sons, John J. Giulietti of Ver­ While teanWiig at Webb Jun­ when H ^ a succeeded the jailed The convention also created plementation of the salary “ Unfortunately the mistake School in late May wrot to Shar^,^^^ certificates were breeze, (fooler and drier air lations officer, asked that a 90- non and Ubro Qiulietti of Flag­ ior High, Quinby was a curricu­ Beck in 1967. the. new post of general vice •;uiuonunaieiy uie jiuaianc ------,,1 nnir''team .riven A Completely Safety . schedules previouidy recom- day sentence given Richard Ol- ler Beach; a daughter, Mrs. Vin­ lum consultant and trial teach­ was the bank’s, not mine. Their °n Steve' Beerwonth, Greg Berger, will be felt tonight, with Friday AilNthree are among 13 team­ president, which Hoffa has re­ machine had added a row of Gordon and t h ^ pr^ze to Mar- , mended and to meet other im- brias of Spruce St. be modi­ 1 . ' cent Omk> f t Ehnlnvst, N-T.; er for Educational Services me. served for Fitzsimmons Peter Burns, Ernest Calkci a warm, dry day. iperativa educational needs as sters vtae presidents maneuver­ They were "given Checked Car fied and thaV he be released eight grandcUldren 'and... six of We^ Newton, Mass., follow­ It is one of numerous complex zeros to the balance in my bank by‘‘ Mr7‘Gr'aor‘^^it&k, "head Donald Case, Fr^ Chances are tbat Saturday will ' tecom m em led by the su|Mrioton- Nelson Qutadky i n ing in thCs background of' the from. jail. The sentence grest-grandchOdren. Top Shriner ing teaching methods proscribed current thuridprous support of Changes scattered throughout book. of the home economics depart- Scott Eden, l^ger Fla • ^ g be about the same aa Friday, BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH dent of schools." , modified and an order was is­ The funeral win be held Satur- by the compsaiy snd reporting to all “oontributow,” the 93-page union constitution "Still, it is nlce^to have been a , Gallup, Joe Jones, A'®*' Krow-, the weather bureau said. Miss Martha White, co-chair­ Hoffa by some 2,000 convention sued for his rele£ise,^effectiye ia y at 2 pxn. at the White-Gib* Orv«le Findley Rush of Mc- on the results. ' asking for their reports. which Hoffa is rewriting to re­ multimillionairess — even ' • J. 0,4. SAnaH. 1^®- Gordon McCombe, Jim The weather map ^ows a low man of MiBlA. negotiating team, delegates.. The m istrial arts d ep ^ - wells and Glenn ONE ^IXED FEE today. son SUneral Home, 86 Ehn St., i,ean, Ve., a business executive He_____ is _a/meoriber of Kappa __ meeting, the______finance But, «>me informed;^ sources tain pov^er. though it was' only for five pressure system over ■ northerti said today die felt the MBA Rockville. The Rev. Ralph J. Washington, D.C., aittomeyy Delta Pi/'educational honor so- Mwn^jer^ ftmds from days.” ment’s ^ r achle^ment awar^ schmei^e All of the awards Quebec, with the cool air front NO MILEAGE CHARGE . 1. OllMias was given the Sen- Bay,' ths man who may-Jbe the Outside of death, the only oth­ for odtstanding shop students, scnmeisse. a “ “ D«inh vrould get a satiatootory sohi- violation KeDy of Sacred Heart Chwreh jg the new Imperial Potintate of ciety, sM the State and n^oh- 1M64I8 budget which will be er constitutional avenue for Hof­ extending southwestward into most likely successor to Hpffa CONTRACT AWARDED gWen for ablUty, effort and tion’’ toom aibitration. of probation, and has been in wiU officiate. Burial will be in the Nobile® of the Mystic Shrihe. bI scjence teachers association; out durlngrlhe 19064)7 »s fa’s replacement is if he res­ central New York State. as chief of the world’s blggbst WASHINGTON (AP)—A $63^>-^Achlevement, ■ went to Nell X- The board. In adopting tbe Hertford State Jail since. He (]h-ove Hill Cemetery. He was elected yesterday/dun- Bolton, *1Pete,” as he is ealyear. igned and some high union offi­ Americo Buccino, physical Most of the shower activity is $264,000 increase, noted that a and wealthiest union is going 842,793 contract for the constcu^- Hoekstra and Glenn Schmeiske, violated his probation by failing Friends may call at the fu­ ing the Shriner's convention in j^town to Ms friends, I’s a mem- Most of the money is ter late ■virtually unnoticed. cials predict he wiU never do education ■ instructor, named ahead of a wind-change line, PAUL DODGE tion of two fleet'Oilers hM^'been" seventh grade, CJhasJes Kelly salary schedule was needed to support payments’ to neral home tomorrow from 7 San Francisco, CaUf. He will be of the conservation commis- mub, but some, such as the “Keep your eye on Dusty that. Thomas Strano the winner—for and the change of breeze in mid-‘ hire teacfliera for Ine 30WHW family, and was to 9 p.tn. installed tomnorrow. sion, and the Republican Town for town haB renovation In- The revised constitution per­ awarded by. the Navy^to 3ener- and Raymond Sutyla, eighth the second time-r-of the physi­ day from southerly to westerly Governor Meets Film Star $300 Miller,” one informant said in forp; Electric grtide. The awards were pre- LEASING and RENTALS ■dxMd- year. arrested tor this; When brought mits a Special convention to al Dynamics, Cor] will probably take place without ------^------, Committee. He Is'naarried fo'tlm vestigation, are lustjust carried referring to Vice President droton. Conn, sented by Louis O’Mara, head cal fitness Gold Award given .373 Main Street, Manchester—Phone 649-^881 Aobiitrataon - stonito Maxes ^ court, h i was chaiged with Gov. Otto Kemer of Illinois, loft, meets movie star Louis DzIedsinsM Sr. elect a neW president only if Boat Diviijion, Ip v..,—------,, , , • ______under the President’s physical any additional showers. The in­ 7 sen, David Janssen, Coiirad former Baibara ElUat qf Bol- along until the money is finally Murray W. Miller, 50, of Chica­ /that .although d e d ^ w violation of probation. The ships ^wlll be built at of tho industrial arts depart- coming air rna.s8 origilnates in Rock Hudson during a barbecue held for the na­ Louis DMeddneld Sr., 69, Janssen, Ronald Pearl, Herbert ton, and is the son of Mr. and used tor Ha purpose. go, the youngest of the union’s both Hoffa ahd FiUslmmons Fatness program. Others re­ made by the arbltratiora, toey t j ^ OVbrias is now tion’s governors yesterday at a western movie set resigned, were removed from Quincy, Ma»^; The contract was ment. south-central Canada. Hartford, father of Raymond ^jj^ndt and Joseph SylveCter. Mrs. Nelson Quinby Jr, Tanner "Left • over” unencumbered hierarchy. announced Wednesday. Steve Beerworth, member ceiving the Gold Award were are "advisory” and not btnd^ ready to resume supporting his Dziedsinski of 28 Durkin St. and money rewerto to the General “It won’t happen overnight office or died. , to either sida One atbttraxor jamlly, and Uiat he (Gust) had in Hollywood. (A^ Photerfax) The Holmes Funeral Home, St.. Manchester. Jolui Dziedsinski of Tumble- Ftoance Board Fund. The 1986-68 surplus it not is selected by the MBA, ^ letter from a nursery saying ^ 400 Main St., wqs in bharge of brook Dr., Vernon, died 'Tues­ arrangements, r The boaird of finance is hop- yet knovhi. ^ ^ f Hanoi Indicates day at Hartford H o^tol after tog to get the town report tor The finance board will meet by the two cnoeen by tai© |^>on his release from jail- . ____ • a Short illness. the 1006-66 fiscal year publi^ied July 21 only if it has necessary sad the board. Aocordlng to Gust, Olbrias had Survivors also toclude his to 1966. businesB to attend to. ” MSO AVAKAHS MMM8 IMS SAU IDf liie^ aititeaitor^ detimoee ^ ptxjmise of the job when he wife and two othv sons. Hospi^d Notes The report has, to the past, WTns SebManUp AK f AMAOUS TRAK-M VAIUES are aot axxseptaWe to either o r wntenced to jail. War CrimesxTrial The funeral wiU ba held -1^ usually - been issued durtog the Miss Donna Tedtord, daugh- ON POUAMD aWOOS #103, FLORAL PM U r COTTON both Hsctiond,. the M BA and the Thomas Mikoleit, 23, of 21* morrow at 10:16 a.m. from tbe Patti its Ton- of totto altontoite mJsiy pn- itorvto Battte, 26, ef Boston, An earlier report said they Descrtbiiig the parade, Hanoi Hocky Hill. )vood St; Walter Berk, H^oron; out ...... during the same calendar , ' ^ don. She —reccivad -i—» seholarMiip.s poenkJ. told Judge John Daley, "I don’t ^rere taken to a ^ace of interro- Radio said: Mends may .call at ihe Carol Bucclno, School Rd., year that the fiscal year ends, from two other mgsnisations One proposal by board m e^ know anything about all this,’’ g^tion. “The armed forces eacorting neral home tonight, A^m 6 to 9', BoUon; Richard F. Olay Jr, 75 The first step is gathering re- during her sopbompre yes*, bear Leonard Saader esRad ^ after toa arresting officer tasO- ~ wre-deast said those na- the criminals and—> tbe security ^ Valley View Dr., Wapping; ports from all the town’s boards — :—• the adopfton of a teaclMra’ sal- fied tost ha wsa toe one who bad jj ^ forces had to use both words Wiwm. Ami Marie Holt / Wallace Oolpitts, 12 Miaple ^t., and oommiaalonB. The ftoance Manobeator EvenlB$ Her- ary iniBreass of laWjiOO given a toMdtog bckM ^ ^ number of air pirates .and muscles to contain the an- OOLUMHIA — Mrs. Anp Mar- board at its meeting Monday aid BoUon oqrroipoodenl, flfeJjhMl Awva mf buucwus wavaa^ « MAntaiTtod of la BoJi; 88, of Columbia died Nevers Rd., Wapping; night directed Its clerk to writs demewea Young, teL 048-1861; HITS ‘ " S,’^LjL=*TSii!^.r«sfstato'po- S '? “ * *»*«■ ^ r ^ >» e 6«»«■-'’‘s^e~en^vedl'n •* x“» teem, includingoW men wd aTn'M ^^jd conva- Brian DaMerchanit, Storrs; Wil­ burst M o wBrati hham a m t er pwpoBftd^ ^to Aak ^ Vietnamese.” women them w T he wid- liam Dougela, 39 Chestniit'*St; a oDolrasiifia bochgtoMid on cod Stephen Dwelley, 37 Pearl St.; A n d o v e r owr pseriroly loiprad 2-pwoe ■bout $6,000 tor text books, fiad that he bad clocked the oar the\ir^7ates bpt sim-' f in^a^Th”*^'^ K arrie EUis, 22 Packard St.; NHRREnds euiti.OtwonderfiiMifwasteaWe bringing to. to«Jn«;^ two V>y raised their fists, an^ Shout- h\ ^ : t n J Mrs. Aim Foster, 50 Westmin- •'t'- .dbtkxk la falwB or f^aam. Stow $36,500 toa $064,000 to(- been traveltog 86 to a B6enlle toowad them w W U. S. pris- ed..' years ago ster Rid.; Susan itowler, 11 Gos- Buildi^Pennite , -- 5th Y e a r of ------H. ssU be aton>ad tb. ontra ^ajm to- broadcast said a woman ins farm sboitt 25 8 i o 2QU •re. and li'ved ther^ until Mr. Holt’s lee St; George Ffaemer, M D W lIld ie 1H J lU ie Anotber propowl, oar. took toa toiver’a hcensa ckn^ 31 road repairet, Au TM U, whose Florence SU; Mrs. Theresa tottw'trom toa tolver and tosuad toa 14 Army men and 2 Marin^ death. X bytoa M B A ,- was Guerra, Stafford l^rtogs; Ellen No building permita for dwel- Bankruptcy one njseted by It doztag mod* Mwedfog ticket. was —Mrs. HoU wasw « bom in Holy------latten Met week. Battta, In wbosa namg toa tic- _ haga or otiier major stnwtaxres spokesman said Its Wounded to toe raid, bia 26 ybars. Sha Was a mem- Clara La Croix, Hartford; iJ”'Mra (Contlm ed ftVBs Ih g e One) ISas Wbita- suggeaUd the ket was made out, said: *T was- Pentagon her Way to ttie front of the were issMd by tbe bultdtog of­ ber of.'Colum bia OongregaiUon- Eliaatoefh Ia s , Lake St., Ooven- board join toa ixnto. and ask n^ iinra at toe time-" records ataewed no Navy prison' crowd, and declared: ficial durii« June. Only tiiree states aerved by ttas Hew Haven aldmreta and IM ladles Sodafy. tiy; OUles J. Lirette, East Hart- town diractors tor a $100,000 Judge Daly asked t^ «Jf*;***‘ “ *■ "M y ai^rer at thlem Is too pennits were Issued and these edt’Yesfcmatkm w4tb toe tog eidficar If ba could positive- North'Viet Nam bae^repeatod- -pg^t for words. But I won’t She . ^ is survived by nieces and ford. ^ ... ____ _ **.*—pleas *for------be^------in tbe* yearn------be- Irndmatendlmr ttmt not aD of ly idenltiy tbe person appear- ly threatened to toy captured Strike these pirates who are al- n«lfc«*s. Also, Mkbael Misovidi, 21 were tor totaor repairs ■’W ad- the trend to the hank u toe an(snt1rsi would go tor sal- tog to court aa the drivep, but American aijrinen as war crimi- peady in our hands, (hily. those ^/Privat^funeral 3t.; Sve^ McBito^ dltions to eodsttog homes^tor a rupfey years has baeq( toward __^ tbe oMcer said be could not do sals but never reported any ■rho don’t repent wfll be fitting- yesterday at the Potter 217 Siamnit St; Brendan R. total stated value of $326. increaMng public asBltoahce. anea. ala. )y punished by oqr people.” / Funeral Home, WUlimantic. The Putnam, 2 Rheei St. Rock- TiM board, durtog madtotfon, so wHb any certainty irince over »oUi^ Properly transfers for toa By deaignattog the New Ha- C O O ® had atiptoated that If anyppor- a year had et^iaed Mnca tbe Nmth Vietnamese radio boast­ "Sbouts suddenly rose trofo Rev. Geoiga K. Bvana. p ^ r vUle; Kevin Roy, 324 Windsor yen as a participant to f^ tllA P * tioh of toa cut was xeMoied fey time of arrest ed ‘'that all the .Tto Fleet .car- tbe far end of the street: T)^«wi ^ tito town clerk’s office, ' were 'financed high speed rail trans- t t o R A T t i toe dhraOten, the teachers Because of tiw todc of*.p w M e tee shootto' is 8oote b rte o N tog toat k had not made suck a Itogton. tts y were arrested in School, and Was aa active by Leo A. and Zinaida I. Nel­ Fialkoff to the emergency N. Cyr and Akiko K. Cyr, prop­ recently announced, after Polaroid ramera, ca>d trade wp to tee newFw PolaroM •tiTJutotion. WiUtogton. ^ room is part of a program to Ratoh . SohaUer, Mrs. Ernest member of tiie Junior . EK- erty at 69 Tracy Dr. son off Bunker IfiU Rd. was nPpA«*f < Smith, ents, include a twin sister. Miss m erger wiQ not jeopardize tee ptafect piehiree evonr tenri Ume tog of the 81(».(X)0 proposal sugoiB PPurt on June 27, and at this yjg^jj,g the - emergency room Sieffert, Mrs. Arthur Airoda to James F. Shaw and __ Teen Dancee_ tested during mediatioh and time the EM pickrt up Pur^ ^ Mark Winzler, Mrs. Robert Le- Carolyn Oourtright at bopae; nv jobs of the New Haven’s present cartridge. Tbe pietore devieloptwhile Vs may call their personal physi- Teen-age dances will reeume comarap you'ra 2 ■■ (Or o Uaued from Page One) ****xZiS» In WW«Y been to jaB since the time of ed„ hv the fall session of the "rf-MiU C re^ JU. Burial will be st., $700.u' FMIy odfutioMa Ymtsd top, 7 asked fa r # ^ 6 ,6 0 0 aelairy' to In Bui^ Break feie arreet on June .13. Vernon Adult Evening School, jn tbe' lfeuriily plot in Mill Creek Donald W . ' Dicdtie for W il- ^$iappty ot atrophlne, an antidote, ■ute eoiay far dt dotei Irceleo. crease, ptee a $26,000 rertora- was being flown from Minneap­ tion to be recommended by the The Steering Committee for Oonetery. Bam J. Stonamon, demolish Ibieves broke into Burr Concordia Ends Disciussion o^Problems of Youth The family suggests that one-car garage and erect two- olis as a precaution. gypHlatenaeift fo r auppiies, Nursoy on Allen PI. sometime ' Residents were advised to .equipment, text Ijpoks and Liipton Backing and Sex approved the outBne thoee wWblng to do so make car garage at 461 Parker St., during the night and made off PROCm SliM 4 DRY MM Vacation School for the course, prepared'by a contribntloas to a Memorial $3,000. |7g.g2 from a filing catol- spriiy water on grt^s, shrub­ jnaiateaaace items. bery and trees and to scrub ex­ Full (X)P Slate; subcommittee comprising Mrs. Fund at TWitily OewBOMit Newton H. SmitA.te Sons for net Ame pobce reported todav. ■otoplatellFabric dioroDn- The hoard rejected the ■‘pro­ Ooncordto- Lutheran posed dolling. posal Snd voted . the $364,000 (Continued from Page One) Chu*’** Helen Abuza, Mrs: Paid Herbei Cburcb. ' v ' \ A. >M-' Hojdtink,'' ahiaratioos to the nursery office ''venienlly plowd’oW frond ■Vacation School will have its and Mrs. Merritt Salmon Jr., at ------■"— . 1------j » Rousseau said parathion Is iuner a motiem by board mom- State Rep! John dwelltog st 23 linwood Dr., ^ open the cabinet, Awl ^ nlswWi *0 go program tomorrow at 7 a recent meeting.' , considered dangerous at tem­ from'atoom to dry. Fted^ l»er Alfred CaimphcH and sec- ^ Boyd of Westport, FairfieM poUce said. Attempts were the church sanctuary. ", The steering committee is re- peratures above-60 degrees. He ended b y boMcd meffrifeer Thom- GOP ct»airman, aakingt j ^ n e r a l s Eugene Giraribn tor William mgde with a crowbar to open a , Mrs. Lawrence WUtkofske, su- sponsible for arrangihg details H . Balch, alteratja|M to dwell- cMoinet safe in the “fewner’s of- said effects of the spraying Atty. 'John Rottner, boaid' S^^e was as- of tbe course. Working with tbe Ing at 115 'WaahingMn.'St., $2,-- safe was damaged, would not be definitely known Kdward « . Osbb until later today whe^ the tem­ . eiplalned that prob- piaSonTT.'adopted «^‘**^* ^ 000. pc^e ^Id; but no entry was ppRMWi 1^97 CLOTEiSlME Funeral services for Mward fa r perature rises. '-'ij!" -I— might arise with typ ers j ^y,^ MOO? WiU you also . lum by members ol^ the com- Ronald Kozak. The course will Ailaritie Fence p>. Ine. made. Attempts were als6 |IJ|j|wJ udmg < Inlhislint '00 ••••••••••*' ■nittee of eduoetiao at the run for seven weeks. Material G. Cobb of Mt. Dora, BTa., foe- Bernard Daley, fence at lOOiS made to open' a soda dispensing Dr. Pnm ala aaid about 26 to W te fk n ^ SIgb 'tbe4r InckvSdaBl clarify wtieUier or not 30 Argyle reeideuts went to tee eontraeto to tbs hopes of get- ^______ehnreih. will range from toctoal materi- meriy of Manchester, haw bean TVUland T)pkc-i 9*10. machine. • - UUIDT L98 UUMMT c m you are stiU on tbe payroll of dianged from 1:30 to 3 pm. boepttal for examinations hut ChtoMid «n l*, foil loqd eop«fe»y- Ea«y eoRowlwa . bmir SIfiVE SIHHS i “ I ting XBase money from a poe- J|^ Ctonnecticut R^puliican dW T ^ program tiriB toclude al on sex edneattnn to social Abraham EBtin, additions to The money taken consisted robrioiw nine* songs by the nursery, kinder­ pitoblema teeing today’s teen­ tomorrow at the Holmes Fu- three-family dwelling at 15-17 "they looked okay.” ess, plaids oed tow. sible futme salary increase. lens Committee and-or Gtord«» ARD COHR SET ^ conservative organization from Anthony J. • DiParrio, addi­ forcing tbe front door. The Grand Forks, N.D., Air, a series of lectures on "Prob- tions to dwelling at 337 Burn- XI...... iiiniiiiiiiiiii I-— r - " - — i. ___ 1 SSliaKSr*^;; Penotefil Noticef 1 which Lupton recently resigned“ l**'^“*^“* assist with the PoBce ss4d fingerprints were Force Base, about 36 miles to Icms of Growing Up,” for young Funeral seryleoB for JuUbs R. imim st, $300i -X . I ' ' -btaLtot. csMMMsirir.4p.9.wCsrnpesi t0 9 M . 9M ’ ' I ® J (Hs exeentiro direetor to arfep service. IT nr n.„i,tih o -T « •!*«. taken lit tbis scene and an in- the west, offered rinedical sop- OUTDOOR 6.95 TEE POSfS f ^ eeek-the State qmirtr nomi- 'Perfect attendance awards people of Junior High School Janssen of Natchez, tO m ., fa r- ______vestigatkm is proceadta^...... pUes and medical pers^el fo nation. The group hse been « • »«»*»•. t n o M slier the pro- age, are also under consideration meriy of Manchester, were hrtd compressor house for Industrial $<*|Ugk

M i * s A. s' 0- ; ux?-K'* ; ^ \ ? V.

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Spanish Bedroom SEWING MACHINES, VACUUM CLEANERS Red Nylon.Upholstery Women's Sport JVear-Co-otdinates------^^ElAOy^ O C C Suite >247 Q iy. Description . R®9- Now- ^Slocks - Shorts - W /CT U r P $ 5 POWER SWEEPS X 24-95 14.00 Tbps - Skirts 1 Contemporary Sofa, 259.95 6 3 Pc. Maple Den Set Gold Nylpn Upholstery 6 VACUUM CLEANERS 29.95 18.09., Now KENMORE GAS AND ELEC^C RANGES USED UPRIGHT VACUUM \ 69.95 19.00 35 CMIdren's L/S Shirts 1.69 Qty- Description Reg. ■ ir*' 39 Children's Bell 43 PAIR ABORTED GURTAI|IS to 4.98 88^ pr. Now SEWING MACHiNES IN CABINETS 99.95 69.00 4.99 BROADtOOM ROLL ENDS OF Qty. Description" Bottoms PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES " 49.95 19.00 92 MISCUT SHADES to 3.98 55^ ea. I 20" GAS RANGE 79.00 ZIG 2AG SEWING MACHINES 199.95 149 00 5 Children's Topper OUR BEST SELLING CARPETS 16 BEDSPREADS to 29.98 4 C ^ OFT 1 DOUBLE OVEN GASi^RANGE 359.00 Sets VAC BAGS s MUSLIN SHEETS 134 THREAD ' 1 30" ELECTRIC RANGE 149.00 6 Children's Topper Lg. Selection of Colors & Finished COUNT- / ■ 349.00 Sets II 36" ELECTRIC RANGE I . • - TWIN SIZE FITTED AND PLAT ^ 1-99 $147 Sizes,- >4s Housewares, Home Modernizotion 28 Children*! Bathing PULL SIZE FIHEO AND FLAT •2.19 $ 1 6 7 Suits [Qty. . Descriptipn Wes 2 for 95c HARDWARE - S A V t PILLOW CASES 2 . . . #7* 16 TEFLON FRY PAN. 2.89 188 Bib Type Overalls PERCALE SHEETS 180 THREAD Was Now K) ALUMINUM FOIL 25' ROLL COUNT Description 199.00 24 l ^ ' s Golf Stocks TWIN SIZE FIHED AND FLAT 2.34 $169 10" RADIAL SAW W/STAND 246.88 K> PLASTIC PAILS -69 3p.00" 2.54^ BELT & DISC SANDER 39.99 2 45 PC. DINNERWARE SET 13.99 FULL SIZE FITTED AND FLAT $21® 42 Men's GeH Stocks 32-99. 25.00 IS ODD SIZE ALUMINUM WINDOWS 15.98 '■ :'U'' 2 for 1.34 20" ROTARY MOWER Doseription ‘ Reg. ^ PILLOWCASES ^ 991^ Va " e l e c t r i c d r ill 9.99 7.77 1 LAWN BUILDING 99.95 29 Men's Pack It - . 'J ’ ■ . Qty. Description Reg* Now Jackets 20" ROTARY MOWER 32.99 '25.00 1 STEEL GARAGE DOOR_- 99.95^ Nylon Braided Rugs 59.99 "~3-^ CHINA SERVICE FOR 8 19.98 $ 9 9 9 20" S.P. ROTARY MOWER \ 109.99 95.00 3 ALUMINUM ROLL-UP AWNINGS 48 Men's W ^ Shorts 18 45 PC. SETS MELAMINE 24.98 $180® 96" WIDE 30" PROJ. 63.00 38.00 • > 17" I4AND MOWER 27.99 24.00 58.88 38 Men's Sport Coots e a r l y AMERICAN OIL LAMPS 7 SHALLOWELL JET PUMPS *72 50 31 Scatter Rugs 26” x 46” 6.99 21 3.99 $1®9 21.99 18.00 \ WITH QT. OF CITRONELLA pIL;^ 25^' LAW N SWEHMER ^ 66.00 J. w — ' ^ 1.19 1 97** X 150" WIDE fAJIO 123-95 ASSORTED PICTURES AND PROPANE CYUNOERS ...... 2-w All Men's Straw Hots 21 U P TO Sdf^/p OFF 1 75,000 BTU G AS FURNACE 139-95 69.00 5 0 % OFF M GIFT WARE ' ‘'V. . - - • 7.49 5-00 Scatter Rugs 34” X 58” PROPANE KIT 10.99 41 TWIN SIZE THERMO BLANKETS 8.99 $6«» JIBHWASHERS AND KITCHEN GABiNETS r GARDEN HOSE 1.99 J.55 “ 5 0 % OFF >8.99 FULL SIZE THERMO BLANKETS 10.99 19 $8«« SAW HORSE BRACKETS 1*79 1.33 UP TO 50% OFF _ SHOWER CURTAINS *7.99 $ 5 0 0 • Scatter Rugs 44” x 76^ 16,99 12 e > 1 2 '» Limited Quantities os Shown BATHROOM WINDOW MoneiiWter Shopping Porhode, Phone 643-1581 40 7.99 $ 4 0 0 ■‘n... . ' ' -■ i • ' CURTAINS ' SHOP AT^EARS AND SAVE Shop Early for Best Selectlen 26 Cocoe M a tsl4 ” x j f l” 2.19 BATH TOWELS . 2-00 Open Doily 9:30 a.m. to V p.m. — Free Pairing 75 - - - # m Satisftiction Guaranteed or Your Money Book

■ p a g b N im CONN, THUBSDAY, JULY 7, 196» X UANCHESTER EVENING HERALP, MAJSfCH^TER, CQNNi» THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1968 ICANGHESTER EVEIHNG C T B A IA FACE EIGHT present,” be eaid. You know. Reples Observe cil of ■oonotelc.AdvinBes—ex- ; A | l v P r t i l i e S f o r W i f e Ilk# a Rkgmrcy plate ten sirvic* presteng llte i»P« that AeWsy takiiv command of . the United States Connecticut ~ or some bosatMUl eutlery.” 25 Years Wed 'Q)te-Blumenbetg had listened eSrsfullr and alslr- Beaumont’# salary to |56 a and Britltei forces now stationed in ing whether he had any reply. Seeks ReSieaded Witman week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rsals si EoFtthtg l|FraUk Germany—Frendii troops are escaping Y an kee biside “Don’t call on me to defend onr only by Pntei^ent (Jjb. Paulle’s decision to monetary pteicies,” Atetity re* 142 Cooper Hill flt. last iilgM JSBBD BY THB„, VEAB BBOOVERED priotiko oo.. m e Withdraw them from NATO command By A.H.O. ^ w iV ic*s> plied sarfloBlteUy. I F i t h Cigarette Coupons eelkbtated their 26th waddiog U BtlMU S^et —is sMTiething more than a pleasant «AN FRAMCHCX) (AP) — anniversary at a dtimar at MU. lEliehijuDcnMrtM. Ooun. the ootporata leodsra as saying. The poverty Oouneil Mon F »totGtn»ow indication of the capacity of Alllte There waa aome Indlc^ti^, ol turned to .other businsBS with no “Ha to prepared to offer hM>^ Anuy Gtopt. lUchasd A. Shaw ttbona T»vam.‘'*(hMhnry. V I IWiSi ^ U l S R. nSRGUSpM But that’s , causing Inflation, \lOMD0N (AP) V flaw book to Ms Alexandria, Va. PuUIslieni - troops to forget Whom they were fight^ the Republican St^W'^ Conven­ speeifie changes in nwetaltT mote advortlasd iktdny flir a . aeff, pfaw 4,600 cigarette coupons The eoupla was marrtiifl led Oi^ber 1, HU. tbsy went cn, and destroying in ntarriage to a , suitable wtan- Itomo wMh a fOponod bear on Ing 20 years-ago. tion, that the gadgeteers }mA whatever chance the poverty policy suggested, in laeC at thU wife with a dowry o* *-■«> «•*** Ms lap. Tha bmr, a statue, by 6. 1241, in WUliatnSbrid^ ’ery BreoinK Bxcept ft®d«ye stage of the money crisis, there rstte eoupons. He also wards a an. about the saihe age vdio ean It is also a symbol of the fact that got to E. CTajrton Gengraa early program has. pcmptor Bantamino Butano, is N. Y., and have Uvad In MSaR* - Sered »t the Offlc^ et simply is iw easy way to bring redhead. nuMch the same amiOuitt of oou- e« Second Claae MaU the ivictors of that war of 20 years ago and-sold him, in honor of ^ Humiihrey next related that vakisd at M.OOO. down interest rstes and expand “J IMnk this ta'a good bates poisi aa bar down,” Cheater about 20 ydars. Mss. have fallen'into the very i aame trap | he told the businessmen: Baatxnbnt’a ftrat marriage . Gaptain naw , a lagal officer ______—OT RATES greati the money sigiply. . Ite a totnance,” ha ateM. ‘IVx- a in the Judge advocate ganotal’s Raalo to tha tonnar Mazy Paynhia ln»dTeace which has engulfed victors of . other the usual quantity of question- “You’ve eon’vinced me. You lasted eight yaars and ended in fltaeidiard of RoricvUlo. They Yet the fact that the nation’s start it win maan that wa’fl offiae, who own* a Himalayan wars until, in the end, they succeeded gooda have to do your oonvincing over have two ttatnga in oammon — divorce 14 years ago. have two sons, Pto. Sbopbard ICOOtlM '^aennnM******* in breeding them.selves a new war. there. He polntad his finger second highest pul)llc officite sat, contributed |1 to a Humane ICOAthS •an««»**n****o niere were, for those at tha smoking aad eteleoUng coo- “1 like redhaada and 1 moot Sociaty Drive, racaivod a rafOa Raale witiL the U E. Marinf., Cm Honth eeaven********** Allies can not merely seem to forget convention, Gengraa straw hats, next door to the White House, is worried enough to protest, daflnitely warrt a radhaad,” he Corps in Viet Nasn and Carte to the utter amasement of his even in pri'vate, should sotetd an pons.” tiefcat and won tiro bear doiutted ** iniantiiiR o> ~~ whom they were fighting against; they and Gengraa buttons, Gengraa Bsaumaiitt paid tor the tol- said. by BuCaao. Raala a studteit at Bannat Juk- ■wne associated pr ess ^ . also forget whom they were fighting tie clasps and Gengras ash listeners who never before had alarm bell in the White House. Beaumont smokes 20 eiga- kir High School; and a daugh­ Jbt Aaeoeieted Preee la exclualyely entlUed Tbe question is whether Hum­ kMrtng classMsd ad: to the uae of republlcetlon of eM news d^ with. And the sad old-fashioned tale of trays. And when these happen­ hsaid the Vice-President even “ Bachelor, 44. May, stef-cen- rettes a day and has been col­ ter, nuahath Reals, atoo ait petchea credited to It or not suggete criticism cf tbe Presi­ phrey will now take bis con­ Tha aatloB’s ntunieipatkiea edtn -this paper and also the local newa puh- what happened after World War II is ed to be dominating the scene, terad, » tote ?% Incliaa, haa lecting the coupons tor itsarty 10 Bonnet dent. cern directly to-,the presideiit, win have to spend |W union that Russia and the United States, it was easy to conclude Uiat tha daolded ba to fad tiP ^*dth doing yean. Raala Is a ihaanr af dMuy **"aM* of republlcadion of apeclal dl» candidate himaelf and all his Humphrey fin^y turned to an unpleasant task for any bio own eooktng, teateiteg and "Wltti 2,000 oolqxsas wa eoUM to moat sewage faoiHty raquira- patches nereia are also reserved.______aping what Britain and France did af­ monts the next two daoodas. famed behind the scene man­ Ackley, chtermra of the Coun­ VicePteaident hoosekaeping; gat a raidty nice wedding ter World War I, started playing agers from the world of pro­ power politics against each other all fessional advertising and coun­ over again. Using the conquered Ger­ Ereii^ H e r a l d ______seling had fallen victim to the many as pawn and lever and possible fallacy so dear to rank ama­ PijU service client of ,R;. E. A. Servtee^lne. Publishers R^reaentatlTto — ™ Jbjwa balance of power between themselves. teurs in the political game—the aiflihMm Special Apency — Hew XMk, Chl- Each of us has our half of Germany, and fallacy that if you can get ■apo. Detroit and Soaton. neither rtf us will let go7 and the fact enough gimmicks going for you, Broal S tm t, Maneliesler isg.irniBlt audit BUREAU OP CSRGUDA- a political campaign will run It­ n O M S . ______that we make a German panzer gen-' f •ral commander of our troops in our self. half of Germany is symbol of the basic But when we measured tha War Toeadajr — 1 P-m. Eogtoy.^_ Diily II to II choice we have made, which has been whole aspect of the convention, we decided that somebody, pre- to prefer to organize ourselves for, or mimalbly Gengn^ himself, had Seif-Serviee Depsrtmenl Store S S » “- ^ ^ ^ against, new war rather thin to make been exercising some common a peace for the old war long since fin- sense resttelning hand on the isiied. gimmick side of the axpendl- r. war 7 If, a few years from now, tiie United tures. States and Riuwia wake up to find that There were, for Instance, only some escclting new kind of Germany has some 15 Gengras girls in evi­ WhafW A €k*d TIreT juirt reunified itself, and is busy arming dence at the convention, and itself, let %em not levy the traditional such a limitation in . numbers MR. AND MRS. ROBERT J . COTE The viewpoint of ttu tiN indwrtry ta blame on the German character, or the was definitely on Indication of common s^nse proportion. Ad- The marriage cf Mtos Petsy cessories, and a corsage of the currmt eontroveiwy over tlta qual- Bnissian tradition, or the national love ^ ' ity and govermneat oontpol waa eocprww- -vance speculation would easily Ann Btumenberg cf AsMaird. white eama^oska tipped with of unthinking discipline. Let them take pink. The bridegroom’s mother pd raoantly by Bdwin H. Soimecken, dl- have agreed, we think, on some Wto., to Robert J. Cole of Bol- blame upon themselves because, wore a bkra suit, riatecliing ae- . leetor o< corporate fanning for tha much larger number as a sam­ having every reason to be aware of such ple of the way Gengras would tig ftva** ta tire making. selves nevertheless put the Germans ■When it came to the real Ashland. blue. Rugged Long-Usling Oo i^ irig Ibat the eoiwumer haa a business session of the conven­ The bride 13 the daughter of A reception for 100 waa held back in uniform, handed them weapons, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bhrmen- difficult cbore before him when he acts, tempted them with atomic bombs, and tion, which .included the nomi­ at Mimks lAne, Ashland. Fbr B i g 1 2 ' x 1 2 ' out to eliooee a good tire in .the market berg of Ashland. The' bride-' -\; A h im in iim flattered them with command. nation of the candidates and a motor trip ti^'tli# East Coast, HX CHE gixxwn is the son of ''-Mr. and of multiple and aometimes misleeding their acceptance speeches,, the Mrs. Cote wore an aqua lace Jm i Udjela, aoimecken eaid H la difficult to 15 Gengras girls came close to Mre. Wilfrid Gate of South Rd.,„ dress, white socssaorios, and a ’ BoNon. f buy a lot of tbinge, and that dote not outnumbering the total number corsage of wMte camationa. mean the goveroment ■ Hiould grade of live spectators present at the 'The Rev. Robert Urban of toi- ' Mrs. Cote Is a graduste of True Vahie« I^rior, Wis., performed the dou- everything. convention — in addition, of Aahtond Btyh Sebool and St. bte zing ceremony. Bouquete cf 10 Ft *1Biir«, it la alwaya eotrrenient (to Nostalgia to a personal thing, and course, to the delegates and al­ Iteke’a Sebool cf X-ray Tech­ 14.97 yeDow gladioli and white mums anyone who doesn’t have some hasn’t ternates. Advance speculation nology, Dnlirtli. Mbn. Mr. DINING fib e r s bavu. eatablhsbed gradee). But what, d art bis tnqr. Mv^ long enough or hasn’t lived at all. In the matter of attendance WWW on the aJtar. Oote to a ISflS grado- pade chair ate you iitttog in? UHiat^ The bride waa given be mar- One must keep one’s nostalg:lc remem- would have agreed, we think,' tee of iipnehrster High grade eult are you wearing? I get*be same commodity the memory of the beholder. Therefore by 12 Btensn xtothotte Ohorrhes • 5 9 from a beadbow, artd tele car­ It iU-befits a man to mislead youthful There would have been pretty In tbe North Haven Mwfdm- 'X en-the market today, and more dHf«P- general agreement, in advance, ried a single, longtewnmed rwd minds by pretending that all the old air Walbigflotd area tor Am eon- 1 9 . 9 7 rose, wKh m atd&« streasneZZ; PMitiyc fMOi fM atkn cneasti Is id sn- 2.99 ^ anoea in Mb^ng than rate differaime in top, that somebody like Gen­ waa cleaner, all the old water more in­ ■tmetion cf a new Ronaan Qailio- giialt^. " CEILING, ST. JOSEPH’S CATHEDRAL gras would be almost certain ' lir a Dwvtd Rusatel of Itenis- tww acsta, Extrudgd al'uuiinsn ‘|;s r ' vigorating, and all the old food tastier. igiolie. Mhm., wsw maM of boo- Uc B l^ School in WalHngofrd. IY>r Inetetiee about 120 manufaetur* to show Connecticut what a big Spokesmen tor the temrehea wsks. CazTjrisir liatidlcs foirc snd sft.^ ■ •n offer tires with S^O different It wasn’t. Not all of it. ' ^ _ time convention demonsttetion or. She worw a floor4englh dreaa 43” bcflB^ 12** 63 lbs, E t iiy yeBow astin faafakmad with a —tai the money win be naad to namea, with over 180 of them labeM If there is an esthetic legacy to be would look and sound, like. Rut 8 csnisr *uy ropei'^aiid dldta, A Thought for Today train: a gold headpiece, and car­ begin eonatinetlon on a ptoat laiiig j €■ tafft sf dar. llodd IOC Romebow ae ‘‘premium.” To eknid the passed on?- It consists of the recollection there was leas music and less wMcb wm cost a total of lAfl sound and . leas organized ried a long-teemmed ytetow ntpgg. 7 OS- tent twilL 8 ft. coster htisht, § f t.: mattmr furOier, somtT tire^maken' pro? of those lost things which had, in them-, By Rowland Evans Jr, Simnsored by the Mancheetor ... mOHon. The 26«o0m aehote to selves, ah objective worth, quite di­ Inside . Council oi .JOhurinbea .marching power at this con-, eipacted to open In .------duee the same tire mider different Uit vention than at any convention 'jMnea Henmlhnn of Wsfiiim- vorced from one’s personal reaction to D . N o v a k 19M. 12 R - AbimfnMi ie o i beta for sale at varying prioea through in years, and the unit which did tkaa, Wto., served as best man. ■ them. We have an obligation, known Bf MW, » la different marketing teiannels. '— Mrs. ^umenberg' won a p m JUG make the big hit of the conven­ an fnitbfulneee, to be good •BToDmant win total LflW- What Mr. Sonnecken ignorea or over­ In that category, we would enter two Report tion, a little Negro drill beam jtefc c r ^ dreaa. matching ac­ looks when he suggests an anology be­ items: stewaixto cf aU that God has, from Hartford’s Bellevue One would be the taite of the kind WASHIT^TON—The deap- the VleterVetedent traveled to. high-level poverty Council in given to us. All belonge to Him Square, had been recruited only tween suite and., tirte. or chterr and the Executive Office Building, tires, to the obvious fact that, the state of oatmeal which used to cook all night. ening money criois and its dan- New York for a banquet at the and we have received aQ that the night before. SWna fsatosaa aa niiewa Ons pie 7 PIECE GOLF SETS National Oonference of Chto- next door to the White House. Weigha 46 lbs. Max. hp 4^ Madel UO of Ur* is more important te a coneum- . on the back of the stove. 'We have hedrd gere to the economy has brought we ha've as a trust from Him— In short, it is our guess that" that such oatmeal is stall available, but Vice President Hubert H. ti-one and Jews at the Waldorfr He listened listlessly as Secre­ somewhere In the course of''' ar and bis feilowman ttian the state of tary of the Interior Stewart all poeaesBion, aU money, our no Ale has supplied particulars about Huimphrey to his first real dte- Astoria. Humphrey received on planning the convention, th<; his siBt or hto (hair. award. So did Donald Cook, Udall talked about housing for life ItseOf. ’The greatest trust SfriliPt “Priie Clp* it. ■ . sertt from Johnson admutertra- of all to the life that God haa new candidate came to the idea- 12 Pr. $«iii»-V Hrii If he picks a bad suit, it ean eoat him tion policy. praerident of American Elec­ Indians. In reply, Robert Wood, that the forthcoming electioit nothing but money, poatebly disoomfort, Another appropriate item would be ? tric Power Co. and long a Under Secretary of-Housing, and given to us. We- are called to That ddssent to pri'Vttte, not share our Hvee in trustwortW- was not something that „ could and a sartorial-deficieney. the clip-clop' of a horse’s hooves on a Johnson irithnate. , Urban Development, pointed public, and will reanain oo. nese, dependability and loytety. be won by gadgetry, gimmickry- •14 9 Tbe potential price to himself, and to city street when the-milkman made Nevertheless, at a recent-meet­ Cook, who turned down an out that the entire housing mar­ and hoopla, and that, If there|! early rounds. This would sound’- j ^ as ket is at a standstill for lack Our pceroraiona'. our talenta, our *S COMET Knylea-Pail Nam y ethers, of picking a bad or. inadequate ing of- top Admdnis.tration of- • LBJ appeal to become Secre­ money,'-'^ these may be used WM money to be spent. Ita 4-Door station Wagon. B e ^ 41«9 S ^ l-noL hSll, lapsArafca sMea. S wide beautiful today, we are sure, if some- fSciato, Humphrey departed tory of the Treaeury in 1066, to of mortgage money. might better go for something’' tore, to aU too’clear. ^•cgHadtr, standtfd shift. Special! r NKR FUIES to serve, not jute oureelvea, but __ eada. Biax. hp 10; 49^ haamt llfl ■ one were secretly to stage it for our That brought Humphrey to Tbe argument falto further when osm ‘from his now-familiar role of a Johnson loyalist -who ha^ others aa viell. ^ doing so, by that might be rated a basic as-^ Ha. MteM 12SVZL examinea the chore of picking a tire in ■ benefit.' the faithful liieuteheht to sug­ never pulbMcly 'crittodzed the life. His bottled-up apprehen­ being gobd teewarda, we enrich sential. eomparison to-selecting a suit. In £he Readers can add to the list. But each gest that President Johnson AxkniRistraiHon. But it to no sions over tight" WteiCJi poured our Hvee and ^ortfiy God in the A few nights later. In wha||f, Iteh^ must pass the test of intrinsic ought to change hto monetary secret that Cook la deeply wor­ out in a rapid-fire monologue H-vlng -of them. purported to be a casual teles', fixite the quteities are leugely hidden • policy. ried by the tight money policy. while his colleagues listen^ in vision interview, we saw thq' MW, BrlwMW. p w • * « « » ty29 S ; worth, 100 49 from view, and price together with 'This most certaitey dote no* amazement. Submitted by the candidate sitting handsomely' btakna ExCtetant cczidiaoti. ------At the New York banquet,,. Rey. FeMx M. Davte, trust ht the seller are tlM only guides. coimote any split between the Hurnphrey chatted not only He told the council he had g^uomed, wearing a bright and! Xa the second the qualities are more cb- President and the Vice Prees- Minister refreshing executive responsive-, with Cook but with several oth­ been in New York thfe night be­ . Second CongregatiDnal 43 ifiMBfff* vfous, better understood, as we*l as less dent. Rather,:' it reflects the ness, located at a desk which’ <-n-—4- 4-!jboor. 8-cyllnd«, auhimsMr traan- Vietnam No Place For Pets er captains^of industry about fore arid gotten ah earful from CSiurch' *1 W S vital. depth of ■ Humphrey’s concern the money squeeze. The con­ - men who wntrol much of the looked very efficient and g^er- i -Bdcslon, ncBo, beater. Gbmn. A few weeks ago I listened to Ed Part of-the ttre ^problem stems from over rising interest rates and versation between the Vice nation’s wealth. They informed natorial, under lighting which A -F o n I F o MB m •. Sullivan appeal to people who p-wn Ger­ tight money while Viet Nam Prteident and the business lead- him, the Vice-President contin­ looked as if it had been install-, ffie fact that in a tire, as in an automo­ man shepherds to give .them to the U.S. constantly expands the gowemr era continued informally aifter ued, that the Johnson monetary Id just for such televlsioij mo­ bile, the buyer looks for something other Army for service as “war dogs” in - Today’s Highlight In Histoiy MO OtS^OoPVwyiila 91095 ment’s cash, needs. Indeed, at the banquet qonol-uded. Humph­ policy was killing the Johnson ments, and that, we would Spalding ''Prhe Cup’’ than safety. Thus the maker is hard put Vietnam. vinyl interior. Coaatyiettey a q rtp » 99 that meeting Humphrey was rey return^ to Washington be­ poverty program'. On this date in l»46. President Judge, to the kind of Image the’; UnSMHMI to balance safety . with noiseleasness, What sort of person could bring him­ supported indirectly by the fore midziight. his nriinKl filled Harry S. Truman, Secretary of candidate and his brain trusters Paul Harney "Tournamenf ease of handling, and smooth ride. ’They could live with ever-ris­ self or herself to deliberately send a dog President’s own chief economic -withyvmt he had heard in New State James Byrnes and 65 Intend to strike, and would ra­ 43 COMEf Here the consumer must" give a lit­ to this service I can’t imagine'. ing interest rates by simply gSaaSs a i hhMk, penasnaaaiSe wlte inl adviser.: Dr. Gardner Ackley. Y^ government officials left NPr-. ther have than all the throw­ tle. K the tire maker to going to No doubt these people will convince Huihphrey, considerably more passing the' charges onto the away gadgetry in the cam­ On tile next afternoon, June consumers, Humphrey quoted folk, 'Virginia aboard a cruiser OUTBOARD themselves that they have a' patriotic achieve what haa been called the sophisticated about eccHiomdcs^ 2®, the 'Vice-IPresident presided for the big three conference' in paign world—the image of look­ gto'Vwwafto* r, gsarsEteo OB s i I not mesn tba£ tkis to tbereby'good navm. ' : NO oiie who has' ever fought a war at prevent the town from buying Rsvere shnsissn with FTrestoso vetes webMsg. 7 irsrtksl Unworthy aad nstetorad isad primi- cloee peraonal quarters needs reminding I b cd ieit Inr tesBing, fiakisg, ste. Kflb crabarrsao after it slsrte. Corors of this or will ever deny H. desk-chairs from the Gerald A. b r o t h e r s tlvs and wen iong^memortod as it''may But I draw the line at uslng''dogs. — Nealous Co. for use in the new •K^osneetiesVstodeBt Useoln^Blerciiry Dester^ bs to react mptoaMstiy to such, news, TOM HUGHES, GENERAL MANAGER high school in the fall; Bowers tt may be eren more benighted‘and mis- OF THE On t a r io h u m a n e so - brought suit when the tdwn 301 CENTER STIIEBT-X43-5135 guided sad fook* tf ton* mtk Sitei , jCOETT IN, •DOGS IN CANADA', A amraided the oontrac* lor tiw ' PUBLICATION o r I B B CANADIAN dteK \~rMffflBSeimoil* OPEN EVEWlNiGS—TitUlWPAY im p I ------^ ^

■ V ■ X-4 i ' ■■ FACE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, llANCHESTER, CONNv THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING^HERALD, MANCHESTER, CQNN^ THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 P A G E TEN lere TV-Radio Tonight Fago' 10) lit XCanstield ktat« Training Center. tlnetis” after ’ Workers proved ‘•We’ve bad gbqd support* in [tbejnsblvis by working for char- Deposit by JULY 8th. town but the program is ex­ liUes and accepted suboontracts, panding.. More services are. T elevision {Though w ork 'ls- stUl done for needed and we wt^ to give • charities, rebardotes now are ■MB gATmmA*Tt *V WKiag''|ftMB OOH?UBni USTOfO them recreation along with 'earning inoney. training,” he added. 6:00 { MO-lS-aa) Mmvi® (93) Square Danoe „ J As FendpU put It; "We’re not 8) Hike Dou^aiKlas (40) Peter Jennlnca, V f i w t Workers now bring their 7:30 (24) French Chef ___ {going around as a charity but 12) Herv Grlfhn lunches to the workshop, locate^ aO) Mackenzie's Haiders (1JO9M0) Daniel Boone (C> EOm from JULY 1st {as a business.’’ 30) Three Stooges ( &904qS BatmaD (C) at -ae School S t, In the old- ( S-19) ’the Munetera r r t T i 11 Mrs. Sumvan reiparked, (40) Liloyd ThazUm trade school, but Fendell plans 6;a0 (30) Whlrlybl^ \ „,„;‘''rt>ey’ve'comc a long way and (90) BrtUsh Calendar to serve lunches soon. He ex- (40) Dennle. Henace • we're quite proud of them.’’ 6:46 ( » ) Peter Jennlnga. News 8:30 (24) The Fourth EMate 6:00 (20) Navy Film ( 3) My Three Sons (O >re assembling. packa^ng. Workshop (18) Digest (10-92«» taredo (C)^ ^ (30) Seahunt ( 8-20-40) Henry Fhyfe (C) mm. -■wrapping, salvaging, stuffing ^ kitchen set. (2B) Rodey and His Frienda 9:00 ( 8) Bewitched 'and T*'® workshop now has sub- (. 8-40) Newa, %>orts. Weaitoe ( 3) Movie (24) What’s New? (24) Sports of the Week ; A $28,791 grant from the Of- contracts ^ the follo^ 6:16 (40) , ,rfoot 9:30 ( 8) Peyton Place , _ iflee of Economic opportunity®«"^P®nies; Oieney Bros.. H art- 6:30 (10-2 I) Huntley-BrinMeT (1 0 -2 ^ ) Mickle Firm’* (O ' i . ■ (C) (18) Subscription TV I ® has been secured to tod the (24) Great Society 10:00 (10-32-30) Deaii Martin (O) Ui.Newsbeat ( 8) The Baron ((?), town’s new Foster' Grandpar- 3) Walter Cronfclte (O 10:30 (19) Eye on NFT. ente Program. The money has Manchester Memorial 8) Newswlrc 11:00 ( 3-8-10-20-22-v30-fO) New*. not arrived yet, however. -H^pital. J(18) HollyArood Backstage Sports, Weather (20) This Is the Life (12) Newsbeat The program calls for the workshop, first located 6:46 ( 8) Peter Jennings, News 11:16 (10-30) Tonight Show (C) at the Bunce Center, Olcott St.’, 7:00 ( 3) Dittle.st Hobo . (20) ABG .N T^ife 'V v r hiring of 15 men and. women, (24) What'.s New? (40) SportsXFlnal '• 60 or older, who need addition- when - It was , started ^ in 1965, has (22-30-10) News. Weather 11:90 ( M ) Movie (20) Mr. District Attorney 11:28 i40) (Checkmate •*% al income. They will be paid »l"®® r ’,.,,. ( 8) Twilight Zone 11:30 (22) Tonight Show (O f’ J- i-f , $1.36 an hour to work 16 hours ^^® (18) Subscription TV (18) Vintage Theater " IS. a week wlt#i the retardates. tors appreqn ^ed $4 0()Q to (10) Wanted (12) Movie 7:16 (30) Sports Camera 1:00 (40) Ate- Force Ffltn > f m The .workshopT program, en­ ovate the trade schools base­ ment and the workshop changed tering its .second year, is spon- sored by the Manchester Asso- sites. The program was started by R adio elation for the Help of Retarded ^ MAHRC. ’ (This Hsting Incdnles only those news broadcasts of !• or II Children Inc., and run by the town (Officials, civic organiza- * •’ . . mlnuto length. Some station* carry other snort newscast*.) r Manchester Parents Association tions, state and federal- agen­ «> v - for the Help of Ret-arded Chil­ cies and a vtxsational grant by TrQBO—^U6S 7:66 Yaidcee* vs. Red Box dren. - 10:20 Dial 12 ^ , w the Office of MenUl Retard^ |;00 ^ ^SStasST*® 12:16 News, Sign Off It i« financed by three main 'r r ,n tion, . State Department of i:06 News. Sign off ' TTflC—IMS sources— a local t o d drive, the 6:00 Afternoon EdttkHi . i I ' Health. WBCH—sis 6:00 News, Sports. Weather State Division of Vocational Ed- Shortly afterward, the State 5:00 Hartford Highlights 6:35 Americana 8:00 Gaslight 7:30 News of the World 7 ucaition, and the Office of Men­ Division of Vocational Rehabil­ 13:00 Quiet Hours 7:66 Red Sox re. Yankee* ' A tal Retardation of (Connecticut. itation reoogrnized ,the workshop WINF—123* 9:40 Nightbeat B:00 News 11:00 News, Weather. Sport* Fendell sadti that although lo- ^ rehabilitation center and 5:15 Siwak Up Hartford 11:30 Art Johnson cal organizations and business purchased rehabilitation serv- 6:0(1 News. Sports WPOP—1 4 » ■ have donated money and need- j^es for area retardates, 6:46 Lowell 'Thoma* 5:00 George Brewer V 7:00 World -Toplght 6:30 Ken Griffin ' , ed workshop materials gener- a certificate has been issued 7:15 Frank Gifford 10:00 HoUlne Wwkers »ss«nble small parte released to the workshop as' sub-contracts from area companies. ously, the program still needs to the workshop by the Wage 7:30 Harry Reaeoner 12:00 John Sherman ’ more money to function. and Houts Division of the U.S^. I He explained that every year Deparment of ' tabor accredlt- A Warm Atmosphere the workshop’s books end up in ing and accepting the alu^ as a the red. member in the National Associ- Golf Pro One of Two STORY By BOB COLBY JL He pointed out that ft costs ation of Sheltered Workshops „ PHOTOS By JOE SATERNIS $3,(XX) a year for each patient and Homebound Programs, Inc.^ Manchester’s sheltered workshop, the only one in the Workshop Director Norman Fendell shows a worker her ev^uation record dur­ Held in Stock Frand i i f i area, is providing 15 of,,the town’s mental retardates ing a counseling session. with something hai-d to come by in an institution—a . _ Tolland HARTFORD (AP) — Two Iversen alleged that he made a Bridgeport ■ men have been false claim for $74,0(X) against ^ warm, interpersonal atmosphere. the assets of the firm after It ay- ceived. quire a sense of accomplish- Sulldvan,. the workshop’s super- Co., Inc., in-Monroe, and Daniel common stock when they were ment by working and earning visor, and Daryl ^Morriseette, ers may pay the fitU amount U The Holy Name Society has announced, that a trailer will F. Laiwl*, once the vice presi­ actually receiving stock issued money, her assistant. they prefer. be parked In the church park­ dent and director of the firm. in Lawler’s name or held in bis The work and money are pro- They, along with part-time Payment of- the fii^ half lo ' i. mm mm ing lot, hegijming Sunday, to The Indictanent alleged that direction in escrow. J due July 1, and a penalty will vided by about five area com- volunteers Richard Wehmann, collect bundled and tied papers. Iversen and LUwler made false u ' be applied to bill unpaid after The indictment charged the 'j'" panics and organizations who Mrs. Eleanora Mohr and Mrs. The Holy Name Socl^ will claims in order to get buyers stock was offered for $3. a share . Aug. 1. The Secontl hal;[ pay­ farm out subcontracts to the Frederick Tedchman, instruct receive Oomiiniunion In a bddy at for the firm’s stock. and that investors were told they ment is due Jan. 1, 1967, and is i workshop and pay proportion- the wtirkers and hefp them the 7 a.m. Mass Sunday. The firm manufactoed elec- "wolfld be part of an inside ately according to the retard- wbtk to their capacity by en- I payable until Feb. 1. After Feb. trcmic and radioactive devices > Ttoe R ev. Mr. Curtin also has group getting in on the gpotind ale’s production compared with couraginjg ea ch ' worker’s abdl- , 1, a penalty will be'levied. announced that Confessions win and went Jntq^ involuntary bank­ floor of a corporation whose S i ® ■ No bill will be sent for the ' that ^ a normal worker’s. Ities. now be heard at the conles^cmal ruptcy In February 1963. Stock wotdd. be selling at five Fendell’’ explained that time , Ai®° working part-time is second half payment, which* to In the tranBcept, and la retjuest- In addition the iiMhotinent said times the one doUar current pC- studies are performed on all Raymond Thompson, a town ? part of the present bilU (ng parlsMtmera next to ait in the Lawlegp had falsely statficL ’that fering.” ~-i Mrs. Bugtoee will be at the jobs to determine this produc- fireman who serves as an agent trailaoept pewa during confes- basbb^ atara Yogi Berra of the -Jpe ReicUtor, a well known U tion ratio 1" obtaining subcontractors, and I town hall Saturdays during Jtdy alons. Oonfesatona are heard Sat­ New York Meta and WWtey former Associaied Press sports The workshop’s main concern ; from 9 aan. to noon; Wednes- urday from 4 to 6 and T to 8 Ftord of the New Torit Yankees writer, identdffled in the in­ is to train .worLrs whose ages students who provide re^eation j days from 9 a.m. to noon and pmu were Investors bi BUectro Op- aftemooDB dictment as one of. eight inves­ "jf'S rangp^d from the teens into the ------■ ’ from 1:30 to 3 p.m.; and Aug. 1 Deon’a List ttoed DeveHopmesnt and R e­ tors who were tinted, in the and serve as “social contacts.’’„ forties, and place them in com­ ^ from 9 Am. to noon and 1:30 Miaraha Rager, 23 WllMe C9r- search. alleged fraud. ‘"Ihe retardates look forward Lawler, 46, was identiified as^ I munity jobs. He said that there « to 8 p.m. cle, is one of 30 studenta bn the ■ RelcWer, of Roelyn Heights,"^ are now workers who have pos- to their (the students) visit all ^ She will be available at other dean’s list for the spbond haM a goM pro at the Rock Ridge' week long,’’ Fendell ^observed. tiountry CMb In Newtown, where N.Y., Is now a public relations sibilities of such jobs. reasonable times at her home of the 8ch(5ol year ■•4t the Uni­ aide to Basehall Oommissioner The workshop’s physical, lay­ for the pest 14 years be has The town’s educational coor­ { on Mountain Spring Rd., except versity of Oonneptltsut school of WUliam Elckert. He reportedly out is conducive to working 5Thursdays and Sundays, or may Fine Arts.’ / given go« advice to m|m y pro- L dinator, Sidney Cohen, ex­ Each worker has his own desk fe^onal basbl^ players, in­ bought 1,000 shares of the stock. plained; “When they (tbe. re­ •'b? oaHcd for an appointment. Richard ^'P^dnter, partridge Other Inveatois mentioned in and about 20 large windows lin- a Taxes -op automobiles must Lane, padb, the dean’a list for cluding such stars as Joe Dl- tardates) reach the point where Magi^o, TWs Speaker; Ted Wll- the indictment bought as many „ . - V., T ^ ii*g one side of the 2300-aquaxe ■' be paid by>ug. 1. After that work 'fluting the second semes­ rectangular room permits Mams, iMickey kfenfle,^ and Mau­ as 12,000 sbares, the Grand Jui^ date, the State Motor Vehicle ter the Uhiyerslty of Oon- to the community.' good lighting and ventilation. charged. Richard Wehmann, a three-day a week workshop volunteer, supervises the Department will be notified and nMfbxit’B School ^^togineering. ry Wlito. Bail wsa set at |6,opo for Iver­ According to Fendell, “Most At Mie end of the room is a Iversen and Lawler were each sembly o f small electric sewing machine parts used by Engineered Metals. “ no reglstraUons v^llj>e renewed Sooreboort.^ of the retardates are train- small office which serves Fen­ indicted on six oounte of mail sen and $2,600 for Lawler. No alble. W e’ve noticed' from daily until the tax has been paid.. , IMenfa SofiDball League gamee date was set for their appear- dell, Mrs. Sullivan and others. to be . played, tonigbit at the -fraucL work records that the 'vast ma-. The taxes are computed on An adiHtioaBl count against ano* in court to cntcwpleas. Fendell noted that they’re Amlbt field are Rockville Weld­ jority of cafes show a teriffi'c cisamped for office space but the October 1005 Grand List, increase in production.’’ ; because of the town’s change- ing VB. Bouchard Fbundationa , that expansion is planned. ■ and Bill’s Auto parta va. ooun- He pointsjd out that ■ one of The workshop becamjg a.“ bus- over to the uhlforan f^ tootion by fiUing out an avail­ zuM from the amaaed oadets. :ir * 1964 BONNEVUE - mm Power steering and brakes, auii().',tnii0« 1 O K Budiet seats* . * ■ 1965 CATAUNA Never registered. Power steering and O A V E plW M ie:649-5203 for details Booklets are stuffed for Emanuel Lutheran Church. t . - braices, auto; tranif., R&H, 7 1965 B O N N E V ILIE Parkade OHke Open Saturday Morning! • Pow er steering and brakes, au lo. tamiB.* ^ 2 ^ ^ ^ RdcH* ...... 1962 PORDS^ (2 toehoowfrom.) FsirarsteoinzandAI | O C brakes,auto.’trane. ea. ■ wo# e awk 1960 BONNEVILLE (S MIIIGS B A uti trans., RitH, power steering and $ ^ O K brakes. w # o # ' OF M anchester 1961 O LD S. 88^ ~ MAIN Office east branch' .. Auto, trans., R&H, power steering and M A C raanteW street E. Center St,‘Por. Lenox M ench^PW t— I brakes^ , / ^ BOOTH WIMP80R OfteCC. sm een - Avenueaypi^J IMRICM '8E P A U L DODGE S. p. M. fays to Save Plan PONTIAC,lnc. LAST 4 Weeks. .China offer ehids July 30th. 373 MAMCHBSIiR Small artificial roses are pasted on plastic for ,Burr Nursery which uses them Rayniond Thompson, a town fireman and workshop as an advertising novelty. Looking on is Mrs. Clifford Sullivan, the workshop’s volunteer, demonstrates how to cut remnants Mns. Suffivan hiaadi *. . i' ■upervisor, . , _____,£ — ♦ . which are woven into braided m gs. A X jd V

I'/c; ■>( v V '

■ , y , . ■ . . , THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 >r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JTJLY 7, 196g Pagejs 13 to 24 PAGE TWEI.VB Section Two THURSDAY, JULY 7,^966 the Americans would, find Wm, Leader of Cong Platoon Showing the others that He w a s South Windsor aotually captured. Give The Children A RedI Thrill!! B ash o re sent two piatoone of PONieS DIEUVBRED TO YOUR DOOR" 185 BeMet Pupils Was Waiting to" Surrender troope baxAt with'Det’s wife and Tiling Honor Roll she showed them where Her FOR BIRTHDAY FARTIES, PICNICS Council Approves Start of Plans . CHI, South Viet Nam his hamlet but there were too husband was hiding. . AND BAZAARS '/ Earn Quarter Honors (AP) — "He couldn’t show us many other Viet-Cong around. When the U.S. troops entered C A U 649-8101 A N D A SK f6k "FOP** Lists 189 Students enough.’ ’ , "When the time came, he sent’ the area, Det ran out quickly / Bennet Junior High School has n a m ^ 185 studehU For Town Hall on Wapping Site Lt. Ool. Boyd T. Baahore of his wife out and she contacted a and showed the A-mericans the Illing Junior-High School has named 189 students to to its honor roll for'The fourth quarter marking pe­ Vietnamese army pfficer-lln Hau hiding places of other Viet “ Gentle, M ^ u m and Spirit 1 Morses for Repi T\)led6, Ohio, a battalion, com­ According to Your 1 xperienoe.” its honor roll for the fourth quarter. The seventh grade riod. Seventy-three of the honor students were in thi The town- council last night 'barni and one tool shed, $750; be taxable, however, and will mander in the 26th Infantry Di­ Nghia Provlncg. Cong. Eighteen finally were tak- placed 67 on the list; the eighth grade, 79, and the seventh'grade, 55 in the eighth grade and 57 in thi aujthorizdd the expenditure of one addition, ■?50,000 (issued to not be added to the Grand List. vision, was talking about a Viet "The officer* came to ,us, say- jen. MoonUirht Ride* on Wed. Night! ninth grade, 43. The honor students are: ninth gra(le. The honor students are: ' ^ . $7,500 for preliminary plans for James Milkde for construction The revenue to the depart- oong platoon leader who surren- ing a Viet Omg was hiding out “ This was a most suocesbJCul Seventh Grade f ' at Tan My village and wanted to effort as far as bringing in pris- - ’ Seventh Grade a new town hall. ^ an-i-addjitionail 30 units for a ment from permit fees for the dered In this area’^S miles nor- Brander, Marline Bray, Lynn Alan Agoatinelli, Peggy Anderabn, Janet Bangaaser, Dl- Surrender. But the Americans bners is concerned,” said Bash? Bruce Arey, fjohn Babineau, A public hearing will be held convalescent home on Main S t.); month was $1,873.60. thest of Saigon. VERNON ChitUck, Joyce Cole, Thomas ' win» Morgan Bantley, (pristine anne Bennett, Janice Bonham, would have to go-out there and qy**. Sandra Bauld, Cynthia Cohen, at 7;1'5 p.m. Jiily 20 preceding one swimming pool, $3,500; one In June 1966, penglts were The Viet Oong, named Tran Cone, Judith DellaFera, Jean Bensen, -Ralph Bemardi,,. Susan John Briggs, Maureen Burk#, get him, to make- it look like a . Asked why Det decided to Joseph Cohen. Gail Czerwinski, the next regular council meet­ sign, $1,000 (Shepard Indus­ issued for .(construction -valued wanted to surren- RIDING STABLES Dorchester, Joan Dziellnski, Su­ Brendel, Robert Brennan, Cher- Christine Clarke, Patrick Col- real ca^ure so the other Viet give himself up, Bashore quoted Susan Dixon, Susan Dowds, Jan­ _♦__! ■*____ <-•__ «______ya ing, on an expenditure Of $66,- trial Park); and eight Additions at $692,474, including 17 dwell- der several weeks ago, but was san Emmerllng and Roberta relyp Burgess, David Caldwell, let, Joy<» Comber, Donald Co- Cong wouldn’t know he had sent the Viet Oong as ha-ving said: “ I Urite Street — Yemen et Duggan, Ingrida Dzeriis, J a ^ 000 to buy about 11 acres ■ be­ and alterations $13,525. ihgs vaOued at $294,000. waiting for the Americans to Marilyn Caron, Patricia Cobb, vill, Lynn CXirkin, Lynne Der­ word for the Americans to pick was sick and fed up -with the Over so Homes — Lovely Trails et Engberg, Carol fcwing and Fleishman. tween Sullivan Ave. and Elling­ A permit was- Issued for oon------move in,’ ’ A shore said. Also, Kenneth Garrity, Fran­ ' Barbara Etovldson, Jeanne rick and Janet DieM. “ When we came into his area him up." whole mess. I was thinkji^ of Instniotlohs'Available . • • Kathleen Faulds. ton Rd.,- behind the Wapping slruotion a t the new nuddie Manchester Evening- Herald cesca Gates, Gregg Gibbs, Mar­ Demko, Donna Deyorio, Nancy Also, Douglas Eichman, Mar­ Also, Alexandra Ferguson, Community Church, as the »^ux>l on the Pero property, at South Windsor correspondent, about June 18 on a pjwiflcation The plsln called for Det to be my wife and ttoee chiw en. ilyn Gray, MnryeHen Halvorsen, Eddy and-. Paul H. Elsesser. cia Elliott, Lois Else.sser. Ste­ Richard F(>rde, Stanley Geidel, Aipie Lyons, J»l. 644-8582. operation, he tried to get out of in a certain garden area, when Now. I know they will be bate. Terry Heins, -Bruce Hust, Marcy Also, Susan Garrison, Robert ven Bliah, Delxirah Franklin, Jo­ proposed location for the build­ $1,^7,000; the school will not Arthur Guadano, Jane Hubbard, - Juran, Marylou Kansek, Lisa Gay, Lynn Girard, Enes Goian- anne Gut, Etouglas Hansel], Mar­ ing. Robert Rust, James Jackson, Kehler, Dale Kowell, Tony Ku- gos, EWapne Gray, Carol Gull- garet Helfriok, Janice Johans­ The coimcll eAso approved a Virginia Jewell, Marjorie Johns, usik and Linda Marchisio. lemette, Thomas Harney, son, Ctorolyn Johnson, Diana resolution desi^dting the site. Rtonai'd Jq>'ncr, Elizabeth Ju- Also, - Carol McIntosh, Doris James Harris(wi, John. Holik, Johnson, Ernestine Johnson, Mayor James ThWwe said, behvillc, Eliae Kloter and Brian Mitchell, Susan Moyer, Martha Kim Hovey, Barbara Hyde, Con­ Kathryn Johnston, Barbara however, that the resolution did -MoAwley. Mustard, James Naschke, Mar- stance Johnson, Lynn Johnston, Kelly and Janice Krause. not constitute approval for ^he* toeOUNT NUMitS (SANK USK ONLY) Also, William McGovern, Mar­ nette Ostrout, Christopher Pen- Lynne Keeley, Marcella Kiecolt, -..Also, Kathy Krause, Laura purchase. The land of itself wilT.^ cia iMcKeotigh, Daniel McLen- CONNECflCUT CHARGE CARD APPLICATTOW sdeTo, Leland Potterton, Susan Anna Marie - Mein, Carol Kurtz, Gary Larson, Donna not'aotually be purchased until non, Sally - Anne Miller, Joan P U A U PRINT ALL tMTORMATION RiQUeSTIO MLOW Primus, Gregory Rein, Martha Kraus^, Debra Kurtz, Michael Lawrence, Sheri Levine, Ste­ after the pUblic hearing. The Mwan, Vir^nia Morse, Paul Russell, Karen Smith, William Lappen, and Ralph Lewkowicz. phen Lewkowicz, Cq-rol litke,' town haus an option on the land. A«K I namkopspowsk liU. VSS r Mioyer, Joyce Newth, Timothy NAME m rULU Starkel, Debra Thirion, Etovid Also, Lorraine’ Lomiberdi, Gary Livengood, Barbara Luhd- Mayor Tlirowe said that the Nicola, Doretta O’Hara, Patri­ Ware, Charlene Weimergren and Tereaa Low, Nancy Mejcer, \naeg, Robin Neleher, Jani(to proposed town hall has been un­ iTstJiiiieWG cia O’Neill, Thomas Pantaleo, |*TATB Itipeeei Stuart Wolf.— Lynn Merritt, Thomaa Midbalik, Obuchowski, Elonald Osier, der consideration for a year- MOMBMOSeW and Michael Parker. Winslow Mills, Shedla MSsovioh, Douglas Pastel, M-arjorie Pella, and-®.-half, and two studies Also, Jacqueline Qudn-lan, MeMnda Moore, Jtiyce Moreau, ■Siylvia Pei'la and' Raymontl have been made of proposed David RandaU, Stephen Rls- MOWIANO ATABOVKADOSnSl MAMS OK MONTMec NO«MS Susan C. Nelson, Alan Noske, sites. The recommendations of ^ taqj Roberta Ryan, Craig Damages Minor Pisch. Rtohord Oetway, Carlyle Osier, Also. Cheryl Reinhom, Paula the more recent site study com -, mewN -SaAMns, Martha S avhid a They Moved One Block and Took the House^ Too Smith, Nancy Stad(ton, Ernest —---- ^— ------Donald J. Heniy, chairman irt Stevens, Carol Strong, Deb­ car ahead. The vehicle wad hit parking lot on Madison St. Unlike olden days. When a house Stafford; Mark Staknis, Patricia of the ptfbllc building commis­ orah Taylor, Katherine ’Taylor, R was moving day today for this six-room Cape Cod house, anyway. was moved on. nglers, this one was moved on wheels and on Taylor, Scott Thresher, Gary sion, said it will take some Kathleen Vendrillo, Peter Wal­ as the owner changed his address from 28 Madison St. to 11 AOO PoHce said Andrea L. a flat body, drawen by a truck cab. Although SNETCO, and Tureck; Catherine' ’Twomey, Barry Says eight to ten weeks for the pre­ den, WWtmafi West, Jeffrey Ftostero St., where a brand ne\V foundation and basement Sdhwari^>erg of Hartford ap­ HELCO crews stood by, in case any wires had to be remov­ Kathryn Vaida, John Warren, liminary plws to be WWteseH, Laura Winsler, Etovid awaited Tt. Although the route to Foster S’t was to the east, _;s<. plied her brakes when the car ed, none were. What were removed, however^ were a host of Bruce Watkins, Lenard Werner, .... CdtmHfinan Itanlel P. Cava­ Woolley, James W<»lley and the movers, Evans Bros, of Glastonbury,'had to take the ahead slow<|l down to turn .into large tree branches, on- the narrow Madison St. Also stand­ Ease Taxes naugh asked if the architect westibouifd lane of E. Center St. and two-way. traffic used Deborah RTiite, Stephen Wltoon' Barbara Young. M ott’s Supermarket - lot. The ing by wire police, firemen and just plain people, atoout 200 modify the plans- If they the eastbound lane. The move was necessitated to make and' Karen Lee Winter. (sar ahead, driven by James E. Of them. (Herald photo by Pinto.) meet with the couneifs Eighth Grade room for the Southern New England ^T^ephone Co. new Eighth Grade For Seniors Norrhandin, 18, of N. River Rd., approviil,at his expense. Abn, Paige Adams, David Ai­ Also, William Aleabury, Kath­ Coventry, was stru(k in the Henry sidd it is usual to have ling, Martha Arey, Stephen leen Anton, Margaret Atherton, State Sen. David M. B a r t y , rear but (tomage was minor. 56 New Voters several sohematic drawings Armstrong, Thomas Barrett, John Bickley, Patricia Boll, Ml- Democratic candidate for re- Lynn -Beg;gs, "Donne Biathrow, A motorist who oWiged a Kiirland Gets • Yesterday’s three - hour chael W. Bourque, Barbara election, today repeated a prom- prepared for ooitsMerataon be­ \ 3 Independents Seek fore the preliminat^splans are Ronald Bilodeau, Frances Blet- passing (»r by pulling to the voter-mahing session result­ Braokett,. James W. Button, Su- ise he made last April that. If prepared. The architect\Would zer, Richard Brody, Carole right sideswiped a utility pole College Post ed in the addition of 56 new san Choriamb, Ruth Chutel, elected in November, he will Chapman, Virginia Crowell and last night on Lake St. voters to Manchester’s rolls, Nancy Deganne, KatMeen Didan introduce legislation lhat would work on the shematic Robert A. Kurland of Ulster, imtn a basio plan was Richard Diza. Richard Galinat, 16, of Cov­ Posts in Government almost toree times the num­ and Stephen Dunlap- pixwide a partial exemption (»i N. Y., formerly of Manchester, ed. Also, Joan Doherty. Maureen entry, told police he pulled to ber who registered at a sim­ Also, David Eddy, Garth Ed,- real estate assessments fwr sen- Donovan, Wayne E)ouglas, Su- ilar sessi(xn in June. dy, Barbara Eklgar, Lawrence ior citizens. The firm of Ri^s^, Gibson theme right w'hen w:nen a car started to - Nominating petitions havenave beenoeen securea secured^ iromfrom theui« ^^ sociology30X 1^ ^ ^ of ,san Dziellnski, Sharon Fields, Elkin, Patricia Farrell, Diane "People living on social se and Von Dcdilin will draw the secretary o f state’s office by two in(i,ependent candi- community coi- ■ Of the 56 new voters, 24 Kathleen Finnegan, Judith registered Republican, 19 Fontana, WiUiam Goyer, John ity and with Jimitecl incomes,” plans. V MWStiM M w ssn Msm NSSIM dates f o r the Manchester board of education and by one Kingston, n . y ., it was- Town Manager Terry V. Fleishman, Gary Oalasso, Mari­ were DehuKrabs, and 13 Gracyalny, Carolyn Haberem, Barry said, "quickly deplg*» ^renkel asked how far the anne Gold, Lynne Hayward, A car parked near a latindro- independent .candidate for state representative from announced by the college. His were unaffiliated. Gail Heller, Michele Howard, what savings they have, thanks architect would have to pro­ Wendy Heritage,: Mary Hickey, mat was damaged last night Assembly District 20 (West Side). appointment will begin in Sep- ______Alison Jac(>bs, Linda Jacobs, to the increasing cost of livin$c Jane HScock and Bruce JpsUn. while the driver, Carol- ■ Ann ‘ FYank Lupien a t 21 Sunset ------: ^ — — tember. He recently resigned as \T C: Gregory Johnston and l#aw- and the rising tax rates —fre- ceed until an estimate, o f the \ J cost of the biulding could be ’ Also, Kent Joslin, Steven Kas- Brietner of 440 W. Middle ^>ke. St and Norman E. Whitney of president of the Manchester executive director of the King-^ V 3 C f l t l O H I 5 C 1 1 0 0 1 rence Kahn.' querttly making the private own- given, cl, SuMn Katz, Ann King. Mary was doing the laundry. tM- o,... YR (Young Republicans) Club, aton (N. Y.) Jewish Communi- A * 'Z * 4^1 o. Jane Karp, Sandra Kny- erShip of real estate impossible. Kirkham, J. Lawrence Knight, 561 Adams St. are , making inauiries of tv (Tenter and will remain on Hemy said usually the pre- The’ woman told police when . has been making inquiries o f ty center and will remain on A t i^ lO n t.ilO S0S bel, Ellen Kyavitz, Michael Kut- "It seems to me,” he said, KatW Kolbe, Jeannette LeSure, for board of education seats officials on the pro- Hminary plans were drawn, be­ she went outside sftie found the the staff throughout thele sum­ sum- 2ion Lutheran 'Vacation Bible cher, George X^undberg, Susan "that it’s asking too much of ,, Nanc^ Macomber. Talivaldis fore ah estimate could” be ar­ left front of th^ car damaged. for tub terms November 1966 cedure to follow, mer, supervising the summer will have he (hosing pro- Maclean, Robert McAllister, Su- these people to pay a tall share rived at However, Mayor Maidelis, Mark Mangun, Fred­ to November 1960, in d FVeder- All of the men mentioned to program gram tomorrow at 6;36 ;p.m. on san Mdiafferty, Edmund Miko- of Increasing ,.31. erick Marshall, Rodean McCann Throwe noted, if the project is ick A Bsker of 34 Lilac St. is date as independent or opposi- A- 80*1----- of - Mrs. - Reba Kurland church lawn. The____ _ event______isIVWTUJVJf, lowsky, Kimberly XCller, > Eli Ok- whifch------are mainly --4 a,ttributable. and Terenf the sought by Lupien and Whitney In the meantime, the nine- cial work from Tulane (Irf.), The mayor ask^ that a ref­ . et ,Ol(javage and Daniel Panta- sdw ol s ta ff wi'U a lso b e ^ cited ert Trotter,. Barry Walch, Don­ partial reimbursement by the town charter, will be conducted are now filled .by Republican man Democratic nominat^ University. state to residential towns, such erendum figure be obtained IW. fo r its w o rk in th e schr. Walter Schardt night, and apparently reached World War Et and was decorat- fer tax losses from those partial council meetinig, July 20, and Alfred R. (tompbell Jr. All on agreement on candidates ed three ■ times during the war the Church School, 'Will' be Nintti Grade ory Powell, Joyce Preston, Pam­ in the Municipal Building Hear­ Also, Janet Ackerman, Janetexemptions The mayor also requested three are expected to seek re-^for the board of dire(Stors and for his comlbat activities. An ac­ served after the program. ela (JuinUl, Paula Radding, Ei­ ing Room. - that the council be invi-ted "to election, as is EtomoCrat' N. board of education. tive menilber of the Kingston meet with the building com­ leen Robert, Robin R)(«ers, Etov- T h e proposed sidewalks, hi id Rood, William - Scholtz and the North End Renewal area, Charles Boggini, who will run Democratic 'tp'wn Chairman Lions’ Club, Kurland has served mission and the architects dur­ as president of the. Professional Eric Sinnamon. will be .complertely financed by for a two-year term, to expire Ted Cummings today declined ing flieir delibpratlons. November 1968. to release any of the names bvA Advisory Committee of the Ul­ Mayor-Throwe .noted that the Also, Philip Splllane, Shelley Manchester Renewal Agency DAN BAKER'S FAMOUS SHOE Baker will run for a new and hinted that all of the incum- ster county ftommunity Chest item on last night’s agenda, call­ -Stone, Craig Sweeney, Karen (MIRA) funds, and, to date, none Vater, Martha Veraiart, Irene of the eight property owners in- third seat in the General As- bents, with the exception of and as a member of the execu­ ing for con^deration ,of a date sembly. Up to now, Manchester board secretary Robert Stone, tive'(jommittee of Ulster Coun­ for a referendum was there s» i Q CONNECTICUT Virkutis, Karen Ware, Heather ■volved has raised any objecti(xns SHAfilFS THUnS. JULY 7 has had two representativeis in will-run in October, ty oouncia of social Agencies. SALE Wheeler, .^Wallace Whiting, to the construction. ,- the council could pick a date the State Assembly, boith elect- Cummings said, “A lot of He is an active member of the .s ‘ CHARGE CARD .James Wickwire, Mark Wil­ * The sldewoHcs, to run be­ when the greatest number of ed at-large. Reapportlonment names were mentioned last liams, David Wolfram and Lin­ tween Oolway- St.-to-a point ap­ Mid-Hudson Valley (^apter, of voters go to the polls, as in the THE CdtaMECTICUT JIANK AMD TRUST COMPAMY has given Manchester three night and the committee is now the NaUoiMll Association-of So­ da Wrobel. proximately 350f feet east of sta^e elections. This would in­ representatives, all required to in the process of selecting. ’ cial Workers and holds the sure wide representation-of the Ninth Grade Buckland Alley, are included In reside within their districts and H'a said, ‘W e have the peo- the MIRA’S site improvement (soveted title of A .C -S .V f^ Acad-, town voters. Also, Julia Annum, Karen Bis- and all to be elected by the vot- pie and we will put together emy off Certified Social Work­ bids, ppmed yesterday. ^ little League sell, Robert .Bleiler, Nancy era within the district. a Hirst class slate of experienced ers. In I960, he was honored by Results of recent little Airmomaeo i ' Baker’s opponents aj? expect- ,P^ Queen Eflizaheth.with the title League games are Indians, 9, ed 'to be Henry Becker— - for - ■ the- who aa;e j erpenenced in .busi­ Member, Royal Society of R ^ Sox, 6; Yanks, 16, Short 123 H5b nSTCflt Dem(XJrats and Wilber Little ness.” Health, m 1066 he was honored Seconds, 6; Cubs, 7, Cards, -t; Cummings said that his for the Repubiicans. .... ' by the American National Red m o q o y m u 8 / b 1 committee has Indians, 11, Mets, 4; Short Sec­ A possibility also exists that' ntamuiaitmg Cross with a certification .of ap­ onds, 8, Red sox, 4' Dodgers, 7, an opposition Republican slate come up with a replacement preciation for outstanding serv­ JOHN DOf for State %n. David Barry, to Yanks, 2; Cards, 4, Mets, 3; for the’ board of directors may ice to the organization in its be seated at the board of di­ Short Seconds, 4, Cubs 0. be filed by a group headed by first aid, small! craft and waiter division standings are Indl- Charles Riegel off of 99 EYancesPrances rociors^rectors’ JuiyJuly 12 meeting. ™How- v .- activities. . Sns. 8-2; Short Seconds, ^-4; Dr. Riegel, a meiAber o f the ever, he decHned to name him He^ja .parried and the father ' Cubs, 7-4; Cards> 6-5; Yanks, - f-eAM*- GOP Town Gommltitee ■ and at tame. off a son. 5-6; Red Sox, 5-7; Dodgers This card carries a lot weight. It opotfi 3-7; Mets, 2-S, tile door and lets you say, “ charge iti* in Farm Division game -results . Flars and Loafers are Colts, X, Tigers, 6; Sena­ hundreds c i stores and service establiahr Women's Dress Pumps tors, 28, Giants, 2; TwinSj 10,' ments aU ov«f Connecticut. , Angels, 7; Ool-ts, 35, Giants, 1; All Colors ^ 7 # 8 8 • 3 . 9 8 Colts, 12, Astros, io. You can buy just about angrtlting you Team standings in the Farm •Ottld ever wish fo r ... d oth in g, fum ituiu^ Division .are Senators, 7-1; O r­ Famous Brand! Slioos ioles, 6 -1 ;'Ool-ts, 7-2; Twins, 6-3; i^pliances, sp(3rting goods, ditigs and a KewTs Sm okers Angels, 2-8; 'Giants, 1-6; TUg- h ^ ttf services.' Reg.$13-$15 ^ lO a O O Women's and ChiMronS ens, 0-8. You make this one eredit applieaition. Wee Division results art We are starting our, Semi-Annual C ASH SALE • 2 . 9 8 Braves, 5, Reds, 4; White Sox, Use

F o r T h r U. H rul ALL SALES FINAL \ / OPEN WED., THURS, FW. T ia 9 P.M anti Thi- lli-nl .Si-rvicti BAKER’S FIRST FOR NO EXCHANGES OR REFUMpS FREE PARKING 44.S ii.tinroitit i(D 20 UNION STREIJT—R 9 CKVDULE, CONN. SHOES THAT LAST Shoes I 5 'I' M l I ri{ M ancheetCT648-(>89()--lt^vM te^M ^ y

-■ •'fit-*, ", S' > V .

iKt.' /

MANCHESTER EVENING HERAXD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 PAGE FIFTEEN FACE FOrRTEEIf MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TOTRSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 Vernon Nine Arrested 100-Voice Choir In Sacramento BULLDOZEB, BACKHOE, Despaired for Years, To Sing for Luci New Prefab Wall Coiitinued from Fags One) GOP Readying for Election Negroes^ Deaths aAX3RAMBNTO, CaMf. (AP) DUMP TRUCK disclosed, but the White House Behind Reichstag George Mhhoran, veteran Re- Dramaitista Theatre in New ■ — Nine whites, including six BY HOUR OR CONTRACT said a laige segment would be . publican registrar of voters, is York, T^reckles Now Coveted feet high- Prefabricated sec­ teati-agers, were held in the city CALL young 'out-of-town friends of BBRiUN '(AP) — The-old, expected to be renominated to In the fall, Sadlak plans to jail today op murder charges in mature woman to believe that Dud and Nugent.„. tions are about five feet long, a continue his research in theater (OonUBwwit from* Pafire One) thick Communist wall behind the post by a nominating com- the sbdtgun deaths of two Negro McCarthy ENTERfRises freckles can do anything to Im- House guests at the WWte foot high and four Inches thick. . mittee named , Tuesday by- design and production technique 6 4 9 r 5 3 9 1 1 iboioiiglity disapliirpves of frec- prdve her. The freckle'fad is a West Berlin’s Reichstag build­ They' are quickly dropped Into tra i^ e n ta . House will be: ’Thomas G. Oarruthers, Re|)ubll- in Europe. Six young men were arrested W«« u a beauty vogue for jt»t part of thi? whole silly youth Nugent’s parents, Mr. and ing was being replaced today place, one atop the other. Police Arrests 8 A.M/to 5 P-M: ^oan town chairman. Wednesday. Tbree others had any woanati. He U tbe veteran worshipping kick.” Mrs. Gerard P. Nugent, Wauke­ Crystal M. Plggins of 6 Kings­ with a new, slick and prefabri­ said a West Berlin police offi­ The commiiUe« will present been picked up ^lortly after makeup man who takes' t^ e YetXsuch glamor girls sis Sa- gan, HI., and their daughter-ln- bury Rockville, was \ar- cated wall. cer: "No one will be able to its nominees for registrar, state Tuesday night's shooting in a qut from applying Wa bag ^ manthk Hlggar, Julie Christie, laiw, Mrs. (Jerard Nugent Jr., dimto that wall without help. representative, and 10 justices rested yesterday and charged' oiMRieth: tricks to enterta^ln- , E ast Germ an soldiers Since capital waterfront slum area Doris Day, 'Joan Crawford and San Diego, Calif., who will be a It’s too high and too rilok.” ^ of the peace to a town com­ with' shoplifting at Hartmann’s menft celetorttles to rush to Tex­ Wednesday have torn down a' populated mainly by transients. ,.i Katharine Hepburn have long bridesmaid. mittee meeting and' a pae«ty Supermarket on Windsor Ave., as or Washington to emphasize 100-yard stretch of the old wall, The prefabricated waU appar­ Spokesmen for law agencies been .sporting their specks with The matron of honor, Mrs. ' caucus scheduled' for Aug. 16. Rockville. She is scheduled to tbe best features of the Johnson extending almost to the east or ently is a new wrinkle In what refused to give many details pride. v, James Ray, Hale Center, Tex., The meeting, will be held at appear in Circuit Court in Rock­ Announcelrient! iram en, .‘"Ihat's different,” say.s Senz. and her busiband. emperor’s gate of the still badly the East Germans call their about the slayings, but inMsted ‘toodern border,” with which 1:80 p.m. at the old city court ville on July 26. 'm there was no racial motivation ‘IPrecWea- Is a part of the "iniese women are swxepted for And these four bridesmaida, damaged Reichstag. Other sol­ A Stafford Springs motorist they have said fljey will replace roopa in town hall. Members as far as they could determine. glow of youth and should not be their talents. Freckles become a all from Texas: Miss Betty Beal diers were lifting into place the escaped injury last night when .’-^41 the old wall and bathed wire ' will act onithe recommendations They said they didn’t know W e Move|d hidden by the young,” he says. part of the whole famillsir, ac­ and Miss Beth Jenkins, both of new wall along the exact line the car he was operating left fences that encircle West Ber-' of the .nominating committee, why Harry Brown, 51, and Er­ “But it is wishful thinking for a cepted personality.” Austin; Miss PiatU MlcGoulrk of where the previous one had CMd Town Rd. tippisd over and^ stood. lin. and may also name others as nest Martin, 42, both transients, Fort Worth; and Miss Warrie candidates if they desire, Cer- went down an embankment at Dynn Smith of San Antonio. Once the seat of the German The Ekist German arm y ■work had been killed by gunfire from JULY 1st / ruthers says. the rear of Clyde Chevrolet. Po­ AOss Smith, a college roommate parliament, the Reichstag was detail is guarded by other sol­ two paasing car^. Alvin Karpis Today The oautfis, open to all reg­ Hce report that the driver, Ylob- Booked on murder charges of Lynda Johnson, lived in the mysteriously burned after the diers, watch dogs and an ar­ ert V, Fall, 17, was i.ssued a TO LARGER QUARTERS istered Republicans, will be held were Bill Howard Fallon, 23; White House briefly while she Nazis came to power and fur­ mored car crew. It operates warning for speeding and opera­ 30 min^ites liter, at 8 p.m., in Tino Padiilla, 19; Timothy Mill­ TO SERVE YOU DeTTER . . . ! Federal Prison Guid^ and Lynda attended George ther damaged during World behind a portable bathed wire ting too fast for conditions. War n. Reconstruction is not fence emplaced along the actual the Superior Courtroom in town er, 16; Sam Acuna, 20; SCott, Wasbifigton University. i»ll. The recommendation of Hospital Notes expected to be compl®t6n« show you around,” Named to the nominating Also booked on thp/ same up with hl^a in New Orteans. sition was voiced at a public of refugees fleeing to West Ber­ the Spree River toward the ney Joluison,’ Somers; -Giovani committee were Walter Camp­ charges were EJpifaniq^ Gutier­ mya the guide cheerfuUy. Jt'B a atory, Hoover, - now 70, hearing Wednesday by the State lin, is a crude concrete struc­ Brandenburg Gate about 600 bell, Ruth Gordon, John Daigle, Zanetti, Broad Brook. GARNER’S •‘We'*as it has each I sem ce stati(Mi to install sentatives to the General As-' ic candidates.ih this fall’s ejec­ The appeallate division noted the definition or, by a process fino food and eoektolls????? him — judt as FBI agents had year since hts initial rejection semtoly. Lai* term they were tions will attend tomorrow that the -, language specifically of interpretation, ^ amend the •■'-’a slain Mia Barker and one of her for parole in 1951. Warden R. W. Allen and Raymond Spielman, night's meeting of the Demo­ making retail grocers and gro­ statute. That is a legislative Visit the throe outlaw sons in a 1936 gun Mlay says he is being sponsored .both'Democrats. cratic Town Committee, to be cery chains subject to the pen­ function." flgUt Id Eknida. for parole by a resident of Mbn- ■am iiffler? ,v- Because of the redistricting, 'held at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall. alties of the .statute banning lot­ iihe appellate division aaid TEbe Fffl labeled Karpis jm^ I c treal, Canada, where Keqpis /. NEW GOLONIAI, DINING ROOM —GOGKTAIL LOUNGE the town will have only one Among those expected to at­ teries was added by. the 1963 that “the court erred in its ul­ •nen^ No, t after the $100,000 was bOm Ahvin Kaipaviscz 07 Another Rockville Bell Changes Hands representative in the future. tend are the Democratic nom­ legislature a.s part of the same egdtortion-kldnaping of William years ago. timate conclusion that the de­ The bell from the old Methodist church at Paric PI. In Rockville, which has been quiet since loDgdoesitt^ Spielman is now town tax col- inee for lieutenant governor. amendment that granted other, fendant was guilty of the crimes Gocktails MriMl Dajly and Sunday Baimn Jr., of St. Fa^, Minn. Karpis now lives at Summit the ohiuch moved to a new budliting, is out of retu'em ^t: It has been given by the People’s lefctor, and is not expected to State .Consumer Protection types- of bu-sinesses the right to charged beyond a reasonaibia SOME o r^U R SPECIALTIES INCLUDE SIRLOJN STEAK^ F ^ 2, Hoover, meanwhile, was iipset House, a former guards’ rest* Savings Bank, which now occupies the old church building,. to the Vernon Historical So A Im d ftfi ilif* toebt tax collector during the recent Also attending are 'Miss Na “Had- the legislative purpose sooiated with Edward the (^n- heoaone the first furtive to be land since he arrived. rical society subsequently asked the bank for, and was given, the old Methodist church bell. M D iiin been to deny a supermarftet the SATURDAY NIGHT, COROWA TRIO, 8 PJM. TO 1 AJH. BWbemttbiMdlyapefbiplMlaiowfbow GOP state convention in Hart­ omd Hammer, new state central lessor, a king of England. -A :(Herald i^oto by Saternls.) ford, a "great honor" for the broad exemption provided by the RESERVATIONS ACCEPTim FOR BANQUETS AND FUNCTIONS to g to fiMwi. iiooB ft xnofibr Jcb to ft committeewoman from Tolland symbol of rnercy, the blunted town. , * ■ County, and Eugene Bourdeaud- amendment, it could h.ave been ■OYito ila d to dO M ftw to BidGtalmtoBttHto so started,” the decision said. sword is carried in the corema- 872-0269 ROUTE 88 (NEXT TO OLENNEY’S LUMBER CO.) Tentative Peace Reigns Barrel'Slide of the Klosterneuberg mon- er. Pa«elrutschen, the sliding ’The committee also took note hui of Willingtori. the Demo­ astecy In Lower Austria to i>er- over humpshaped objects, such H^boeakiiJoawaoL*tl>mtoEotan^d, of two town activities: The an­ “If the legislature had intended tion procession before the kings cratic candidate for judge of of England, between the sworilte ELLIN GT.!^ OONNECWOUIE ' KLOSTERNEUBERG, Austria form a strange fertility rite, as stones and slopes and even owr to n looiing •* <» t o nual town budget meeting and probate from the Tbl'land-Wil- to include, all. stores dealing After Omaha’s Violence —Every Nov. 15, the feast ^of ’They climb, up one side of a barrels in the hope of increas- C M ^ n o to oto o f fhto CocfiColB, pan M the recently ihstituted town- mainly in foodstuffe, "'It cortild of justice temporal and jurittc*' lington Di-striot. apirituail. jobs and better recr^tion facil- St. Leopold, thousands of peo- 14,000-gallon wine barrel ‘ built Ing fertility, was qnce cojnmon toM toJoBiwteAlgatoboM Lltfliftekha wide refuse collection. John Burokas, the party can­ eastiy have said so. . _ , (Oontfmed from Page One) itiee.' They oomplained of police pie 'Visit ihe usually staid halls in 1704 and aldde down the other in Western Eiuope. j f AP sufiOan n ib V to The cornmittee unanimously didate for staite representatiiue ■ passed^■'ieeplution favoring the On tt>s northeast com er is a bnitiallity. from the 52nd District (ToV 19% bibtai; MPtol t o retsnti^ of the annual town losge aenr superiiiaiket. ia fncsit ”We don’t know how to tafic to kuid, Ellington and Somers)', at ^ bufldii* te a concrete they (kwit know how GMDDtotoifEtolnDnrbV budget meeting, “In order to and a member of the town com* IM rt^ lot fully a block long us,” said one youth ■' 'preserve for the'taxpayer some mlttee, will also be on hand. control over his tax dollar.”^ so d a ha9f-hilock deep. describing relations with police. i p u m m t u t m m a w i u R s Plans for the forthooming, / Were the outbreaks complete- And Oarruthers noted that, election will be discussed by the VM^peridng lot has 'been a ty spontaneous? although there was some BfgbtUme gathering plaCe for oommitteg. Town oommibtea Yes, said those who met wllh “girattoling" about Uie appar- m eetings s m open 'to all reigliih / : tsenngewT, and (tst’s where the the g<^vemor. Rut Jm a Living-* em ‘ytaorganlzatiaiif of the ootloin was on the nlglbt of July tosed DMriMJrats In Bto6aiiid>')i atone, IB, watching the 24th ' reduas eoHeCtioii, ihe qom nilk 3. A fiireworkB ctsnpilaint Strecit: traffic a couple of days (MHINTRY BOY’S •-^tee ^afqaneiftted tiie pt^lenW * , haouglit poiMce. Within a couple after the disorders, said, .■‘’lihem , imitouniered In statttnig "the new at hours Qmaiha bad a riot ■with 253 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER fellows weale looking for a 'way peogroro. ChWIed Peadhies SBO Negro youngsters pitted to attract attention” — a way to AP LONGfR LASTING MUFFL|R$'^ Dlal-a-Uft Sffaiiwt poAioe. fticus ailtention on. their de- Tbe M en's Union of the Wnkm Soinething New When the Negroes fired bot- mand-s., Distributed By ~ Oongregetional Church of Rock- ATLANTA-—'A new prododt ttes and stones at buildings and Ozzie Joe Kelleybrew, 46, vilta has inaugurated a dial-a- that oomibines eqnveriience and dUbsere again on July 3 and 4, chatting with two friends on Kft sandoe for tiie Rockvtile quahtiy is coming up—sliced stnto highfway patrolm en and North 24th. said, “The young Save r Mea, oifeving prayers, and in- fneeh peaches packed to wide- Narional Guardsmen joined the ^ds who grow up now aire Save USED CARS S^OWtimisI m essages. Dial-a-hft nwriUh Jars, dhiHed and ready to whole lot dlfierent than they ALCAR AUTO PARTS, INC. liftW be Bailed by dialing 876- Uee. Theyr are tree-ripened aH \ Got. Frank Moniaon (lew used to be.” day or night. the peak of flavor. you .CAN afford o •ram the govemerB' conference “I don’t know , about this kind 226 SPRUCE s t r e e t , MANCHESTHC ReNgioua Education Once oh the'market they’ll be in Oalifoniia to join Mayor A.V. of thii^. I’ve always work^,” Lowest Prices In town (W hy?) / “ Mra. Luther L Barnard of Tod- 'avallelble ae long as. 12 weeks- Sonnsen in seeking an end to he said. Kelleybrew, a cement and ROUTlE 83, VERNON land bos been engaged as inter- aifltw the end of the peach sea­ (lie violence.'’ talked to worker, said he has been em- Because, we don spend rime and money ^lishing and hidinf dents or 'Bn Oreotof of rehgiaus eduoa- son. voealion. this suminer! yovng Negroes who said, they ployed by white contractors, •on ■• Unton Congregational The new proceae for preserv- epeke foiri the rioters. and in all paris of town’^ rust. We don't beautify the car for you, only riie price. .oW prices con (jbOMg of Rockville. Mrs.. Ber-. tog fresh peeich slieare’s "T hs Teiinipest," being 2000 M7.70 in .9 T 94JL(t M anchester of Miss Bardot ahd handed the SAG AUTO SERVICE BOB’S TEXACO Ijtodaoed by tlio Aine«4caQ , book beck^unsigned. SW naiES DBOWNS tOUNTRY BOY SPECIALS IM W. Middle Tpke. MILE m u . TEXACO The Cairtinal’s Munirh office Bfanchester ■aid today! “Jfiss Bardot is of WJLDWOOP, N.J. (AP) — Ma IRSON ’S ESSO GUT’S CITCO Horn tenfhe no conpsro to the Cardinal. But Charles J. Peoorino, 53, of 87 56 Mercury 51 Chevy 54 Bu iek R t4 4 A 24 apparently, and not unjistly, be Wesley Terrace, Rocky Ifill, SUNSET SERVICE B CHARLIE LUCE TEXACO book with dig^.* BANK RATES - WE FINANCE - . NO RED TAPE r il Hartford Rond •68 Center S t A looel newapoper Mm- M anchester M anchester BlUi’S AUTO PARTS "wissjarKiMr ^ EeeeWr atiJOoe. IWK* m entedt FRESH CANDY SOUTH WINDSOR OFFICE SmiWan Avam» S h y p jy ^ C e n W i ^ ‘*The Caidina] m ight have We Trade For Anything. Cows, Horses, Buggies or Koy^You Nome It. spread' the 'cloak of Christian WHITMAN, SCHRAFT McCANN’S TEXACO HILTGEN’S 66 WAPPINO BURNSlbC OFFICE DumNdi AtitotiW t Otiwoli S*"* 486 Center S t neighborly love over the whole CANDY CUPBOARD )¥e Irinonce — No Red Tope — See Country Boy First 1— Dipp In To 680 Center S t Farkade lMfice Open Saturday Moroing! d vit affair. Magdalena was forgiven. , Manchester' Manebesfar . OAMPTBSHEUb Why riiQnjdbt Brigitte also bs Arthur brug Jkiy Howdy — You Are Wefeome. Coll 649-7162.

\- \ ■ i O' \

PAGE SEVENTEEN MANCHESTES]^ EVfiNINa HERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN^ THURSDAY, JULY 7, ‘Powder Puff IIANCHESTE3E EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., “rtlU R sbA Y, JULY 7, 1966 Colttpibia FOR^ PAGE SKTEEM From Your Neighbor Krtch^n ’ Fliers Arriving Researcli Project^tarted Hot Dogs ‘Iw’ Town Will Share in Area’s In Qearwater Cosmetics . By DORIS Ae UHNG As FoodBargain ■ The strawberry seiuson is at OLEAFtWATBR, Fla.. (AP) — r r s Sdtetioii of i "its height and homemakers, Remedial Reading Program Forty-three planes piloted , by NEW YORK (AP)—When the werywhere are Including them tomperaiure soars, toe sands M e iiic lady fliers In the Powder Puff Most Errors in Hospitals In their menues in a variety of Myron Oollette, superinten- in the exhibition ball July 28, Derby have landed at Clearwat­ Uggetts Hie Baby Has burn your feet and tee anokA of. and there will be a food sale ways. Mrs. Allan R. (Mary) d«it of schools, told the board er — and another 39 were ex' tee barbecue is about. in toe Crittenden of 2141 Ellington At The Parkade land, it U -National Hot Dog of education Tuesday night that an< pected before sundown tonight.^ a n d Rd.„,.Wapplnjg, has an unusual The arts and crafts and the Two entrants from ftoio MANCHESTER Unknown, Unreported Month. flu ffy Hbnoy Dip th ^ she the town sitoool 'will share in traditional "broom closet” will Food Bioppers' will find toe pilot 'Jean Bonar of Mansfield H c n te serves as a dunking-top for a government grant of $17,000, be in tee exhlfl^tion hall all and co-pilot Patricia^ Colli of UTTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP)—It Terms of ^tlie . grant lorlJld tal Sjntsm tor givtag medicine, hot dogs featured ito this month. Been Named. Itrawberries, and a)so as a ■ given to run a remedial read­ thrrt dfiys. Those who have con­ Belleville — were the first to is 9:50 pjp. , ' them V» name the boM*tal. At presenti raost hOirMnto Other features will vary wide­ lo fx t * Hie categories ol errors art: opaimtu under a system that dressing for sliced pin'eappls or tributed to the broom closet touch down Wednesday] in the NUrse X, nearing the end of ly across toe nation. ing ‘program tor area school 1 Omissioo—a dose not given, leaves to nurses the preparing Iruit salad. before are asked to contact- 82-plane race that started in AiaaM, Alleiii Jay, son of Jamea AUeti and Janice her tiring shift, suddenly real­ Better buys on beef—parUcu- systems. WINDOW SHADES by the time the foUowing dbeS a*d adnrinlstering of dbees a r m M o n d a y s y e a r r o u n d k > Fluffy Honey Dip. The money will be spent on Mrs. Harry Ohowanec, Mrs. Seattle, Wash. KlecMey Arnold, 72 Beelzebub Rd.. Wapping. He w m bom izes it is past the time for a dose larly oil chudi roasts and due. '.. schMuled tor patients. 1 cup sugar a teacher, an aide and equip- Clarence Grant or Mrs. Guy Less than an hour, behind Mrs. June 21 at Mt. Sinai Hoapital. Hi8„mnt^h»al g^andparenU are of medicine for -the patient in' 'steaks, rib roasts, round steak ★ Opm Thnn. and Frf. Nilas fW 9 ★ cup honey WASHABLE 2. Witmg dose—a dose at Under the axperimental sys- and ground boe4—ar* reported ment. Psychologists, psychia- Beck if they have items to be Bonar was a flying grandmoth­ Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Perr>-. NoHvicb, N.1. His room 3010-E. Vt cup hot water er from Salinas, Calif., Mrs. INTERSTATE ^mndparents are Mr. and Mf». Benjamin Arnold, Philadel­ least 5 pet cent above or below tom devised by Barker and in toe Miihfdst and the West trists social workers and others picked up. Hurriedly, she plucks a bottle the prescribed amount. HsHer, aH drugs wars dlatribut- . f egg whites, beaten , stiff will orient the teachers to tee Ardell Hipn. phia, Pa. He haa a slater. AHson Joy, 6y Coast. • dash salt 'v AQUA SHADES from the mass of those arrayed 3. Extra . does—one. given ed from a central pharmacy to Steaks/ and roasts are fea­ goals of the program. Manchester Evening Herald Third in were Hazel Siga- before her—the wrong one. ‘ ijt teaspoon vanilla xfoose, Montezuma, Ibwa, and Knasowald,'^'Marie Aniela, .d^aughter of Walter and more than the number of timee nurses on a doee-l^-dose basis tured in the Southeast and The hot lunch program ac­ Ooliimbla correspondent, Vir­ ttn # II Made to Order She shakes two tablets out. % cup mayonnaise ginia M. Carlson, tel. 228-9224. Engaged d ^ lo t Phyllis Ann Barber, ~ ^ «O U w ith Your Rollers FMomena laipacchino Kasaowaki, 54 Hamlin St. She wa.s prescribed by the physician. when each was due. Nortfieast. HOW IN PROGRESS count balance, including income scurries, to room 3010-E, ,iand 4. Wrong form—a dose given Drugs tor injection were pro­ ■Ihe prices of fresh pork lo(ihs Combine sugar, honey and since February and a balance MiSipn. Iowa. |)OTii Jupet'^S at Manchester Mpfnorial Hospital- Her maternal / The engagement of Miss La Full Line of Custom rouses the patient, Who swal­ in a manner other than tbeit vided in labeled, , disposable syr- l^tve dropped as much as 4 hot water. Heat slowly, stir­ from last June, totals $14,891. A solo pilot, Mrs. Katheiin nandlbcAlier is Mrs. Mary Lupacdiino, 152 Chestnut St. .She ring until sugar dissolves. Then Voter Workshop N.C., Sai Ibur brothers, Jooepti, 8, Jcdm, 7, Anthony, 5, and lows the pills. presetibed, suCh as giving in inges; UMeto were in smaH, cents a pound on the West Coast MANCHESTER Expenditures for labor and ma­ Verne Correll of ainton to Wil- Ann N^s^t, Waxhaw, VENETIAN BLINDS Ijinutes later, Nurse X goes pju form a drug prescribed for labeled bags. boll, without stirring, to the liam P. Atkinson of Manches- came in fobrto. MVteel, 4. and cured hams 3 cents. Bacon terial totaled $14,844 leaving a home. injection.' ■ The experimental system wfis and spare ribs are up about 3 firm-ball stage at about 248- balance of $46. This, plus ^lan Announced . J w.. u..- Under a cofnplicated elapsed- • • • ■ • • ■ OLDSMOBILE , degrees if candy thermometer ter has been ^ “ i " time and h a n d i^ system none l^fftond, Mlehael Frederick, son of Frederick H. and This, a research team reports, 5. ynordered drug—A dose operated tor two months at the centa. "Your Greater Hartford Quality three- month reimbursem E. A. JOHNSON snver^. Is used. Gradually beat hot WASHINGTON (AP) - The ^rento, Mr and Mrs. Lee ,t^„dings niky be. figured A sm (Hrouard Laffond, 32 Hickory Dr . Hebron. He was bom is an example of one of several not prescribed by tee physician. Arkansas Medical Center,, and Egg pricea are up 2 to 8 cents Oldamobile Dealer lor Over 32 Yeara’* from the American Heritage Foundation Correll of Clinton. ^ Barker and Heller repc^ 'pre­ syrup into stiffly beaten egg PAINT CO. June 23 at Msmchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal types of errors thut occur in 6. Wrong Uihe—a dose given a dozen in the New York area, ait WEST CENTER STREET ~ 648-2411 H er fiance, of 1231A Center St. until toe last plane X ® " jvhltes. Add salt and vanilla. result in a total of $9«, announced today spon.sor.ship of 728 Main St.—Tel. 649-4501 pandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pamphile O. Girouard, Marl- hospitals ’more often than com'- at least 30 minutes before or liminary results show ttie error but down in Chicago. in the treasury in September. is the son of the late Mr. and grouna. rate was reduced by more than Open Mon. thru FrL till 9 P.M. Cool. The recipe may be varied, a nationwide series of voter ._ — — . — —- bormigti, N.H. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. . monly as^mc,^------after tee prescribed Ume. Butter may be headed higher- SniE! Total receipts in t^^ activity workshops aimed at increasing Mrs. Stewart Atkinson of Man- The researtteers examined half. Itie supply of fresh vegetables Thun, and Sat. till 6 P JMU Mrs. Crittenden says, by using fund were $4,687. Aher expen­ Frederidc J. Laffond, West Swahzey, N.H. ^ Dr. William, Heller &nd Ken­ light com syrup In place of political activities at toe grass Chester.' # • • * # 789 instances where medicine Barker and Heller say the and fruits has been climbing ditures, the balance is $276. neth Barker of the University of |ioney and adding one table­ toots level. Miss Correll is office mans- Bolduc, Lynn Maries daughter of DonaW N. and Ellean- was given. Birrors occurred in program may alrt result in dol- with toe temperatures. 1 The board voted to discwi- Arkansas Medical Center in Lit­ spoon orange peel 'with the Foundation President Louis- ger of Eddy Associates, dis- or Grouch Bolduc, 116 Benton S t She was bom July 2 at 16 per cent of teem—one out of lar savings in at least two ar- Oahbage leads tee list, alopg tinue a performance bond cov­ tle Rock detailed their findings mayonnaise. A. Novins said the first work- trict representatives tor Thom- NOW IN PROGRESS Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grrandparents eaeh sevdn doses. , eaS: with cucumbers, lettuce, onions, USEDGWS ering Herbert Englert’s bus E>ec. 29 in a report to a medical 1 A native of Millard, Mo., Mrs. ering Herbert Englert s bus Monday as Register, Clinton. Mr. Atkin- are Mr. and Mrs, George Grosch, Cedar Swamp Rd.,. Tolland. In ^ follow to their conclu- —With aM drugs handled out peppers, radishes, squash and meeting 1n Berkeley, C^if. Crittenden is the daughter of service. The bond was taken Tuesday/in Philadelphia. .<»n is a member of the Town Her pntMnal gpwidfather Is Florian Br. He was bom Juiy 4 at Man­ nating medication errors. Center, tor example. and watermelons. ■j Dr. Nelly Nepumeceno will meeting next week will Oidsmobile Dealer for Over 32 Years” chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is rors. Agisted by a two-year, $733,- /-W ith a reduction In medica- primary gjrades f 'was the only cWW In .the class.” She moved i continue as Dcbool medical ad- broad and intensive 512 WEST CENTER STREET — 643-2411 Mrs. WSUam Pritchard, York, Pa. His. paternal gr^^ndpar- Barker started the project. 000 grant from the U.S. Public Mon errors, hospitals could hops MARIJUANA GARDEN .vs * /visor. attack on basic problems in our be repre-sentatives of Republi ents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raegel, York, Pa. Kle has two In 1959, while a resident In Health Service, they have devel- to save themselves tee expense , NEW HAVEN (AP)—A police to Huntington, Ind. at the age Open Mon. thru Frl. ttU 9 P.M. PRESENTS THE WONDERFUL, NEW of nine. She la a graduate of (Herald photo by Saternte) The milk Wd from Rillyland systems,” Novins said, can and Democratic state com aiateis, Jomifer, 6, and C*roi, 2%. pharmacy at a university teach­ oped and tested an experilnen- of legal battles. ______/raid on Philip Palmisano's gar­ Thurs. and Sat. till 6 P.M. Purdue University, where she Dairy -ww accepted -and ste- uj^ciig^jons will..... center_____ On—. toe mittees of Connecticut, Dela ••••.* ing hospital, Barker noticed a den Wednesday resulted In the MRS. ALLAN R. CRITTENDEN dent accident insurance will be _ modernize modernize voting votinc pro- nro- ware, Maine, Maryleuidi Massa’ Checkers, Ted Scott, son o f Theodore H. and Ro.semary nurse carrying two hypodermic confiscation of 29 marijuana received a B. 8. degree in child development. co^nued from L«, Societe Des registration problems, chusetts. New Hampefltire, New Forest (^|«ker8, Hoffman Rd., EUingtoh. He was bom July syringes into a room with four plants, five small containers of Artisans. apathy of voters and political fi- Jersey, New York,. PennsylvSh-’ 6 at Manchejster, Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ j>atients. By mistake, each pa­ Producer Says $4,000 Deal marijuana seeds, and two pipes. She met her husband at Pur­ due, where they had a radio It was voted to aJlow tee His- ia, Rhode Island, Vermont and ents are Mr. and-Mrs. Raymond J. ForMt, Florence, Mass. tient got the wrong injection. Palmisano, 35, was charged torioal Society to proceed with show. He was the announcer Events in World At next week’s meeting "will toe District of Columbia," His paternal grandparents ars Mr. and Mrs. FYank-CTieckers, Barker wondered how often with violating state narcotics restoration plans tor Moor's In­ Not for Rigging TV Show and she was the engineer. He 21 Grant St., Rockndlle. Ha has a sister, Cheryl-Anne, 3. such things happened and he laws. dian Charity School, 'with the ___. , ■ * • * • • is a senior analytical epgin^r launched k research project to OKLAHOMA /cSTY, Okla. deaUngs wkh Miss Channing or VANILLA CREAM AND iHion Sinonr. Korea fAP) — After ~ stipuiauonstipulation inaithat aiierauonoalterations anuand King, Doreen Louise, daughter of Ronald D. and Shar­ ch e^ on errors. at Pratt and Whitney, Division SEOUL, Korea (AF) Aiier anthorities immet (AP) — Producer CSiaries Low* her husband prior to broadcast of United Aircraft Oorp., EastBast five yearsyears'of of iniermiuemintermittent nego- -- authorities ^,6 signs immediate- put away. renovations to be approved by on Pohl King, Washington Rd., Marlborough. She was bom After it had been In'full swing FRESH PECANS IN Bast five years 01 im erm iuenine^ ordered toe signs put away. ^of tee board I of and former congressional inves- of the CSioiuidiig rtKW. Hartford. The couple has a Uatlons/toe United States and l ^ d toe o iJ r ^ ^ S n July 1 at Manchester Memorial Hospital- Her maternal for tVko months. Barker said: tigator Rex Sparger Jr. have The statement given by Roh- grandparents are' Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Pohl, Pine Ridge "Errors, were FINEST CHOCOLATE daughter, Janet Marie, 2. -niey South Korea agreed today on a ^ "preserve trah- V, , , f Lo.,-,, denied that a $4,000 transaction ert E.L. RichardsMi, Lowe’s came to East Hartford in 1962 treaty governing the status of ^ OeorsreGeorge Patros, principal, Dr., Andover. Her paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Hwas connected with Sparger’s attorney, said: "Mr. Lowe hired PAIIMTS was authorized to seek four per­ Russell P. King, Marlborough. ' , M O M THAN VOOO S T O IK . COAST TO COAST and WauDlng in 1964. ’ toe 60,000 U.S. servicemen sta- MUent w e ^ attempts to rig audience ratings Mar. Spoigar to conduct a survey Mrs Crittenden is a charter tloned in Korea. SHOPMiRS TO LEA'VE sons as _part.lime . personnel tor error —one per patient every ^ a Carol Channing television of audience reaction and 460 Main St., Manchester m S r of Peta Xi Chapter of Secretory of State Dean Rusk MOSCOW (AP) - A 10-man lunch rooiA supervision. so Bassett, Jennifer Lee, daughter of Ga,rdiner W. Jr. and day. product identification relative to Beta Sigma PW sorority and and Foreign Minister Lee Tong- Pakistani arms shopping dele- teachers /may have an umnter- Linda Hagenow Rassett, 270 Hackmatack She was bom Barker said more than 99 per f^Tuly 1 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal epaiger, who has been sued 'the Carol Channing Show’ tele- its vice nresldent She was his- Won will sign toe treaty in Seoul gation leaves for home tonight rupted^Kinch period, cent of the errors went by .un­ torian 1 ^ year and a scrap- Saturday. The last stumbUng in an optimistic mood after 12 Patrts was asked to order a gfrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hagenow, 368 Adams known to anyone, including the for $1.5 million damages by the cast Feh. 16, 1966. national television rating firm ' ,“Mir. Sparger is a television book she made won at bote block was removed Wednesday ■days of talks wlto Soviet offi- floor machine, paint for use St. Her-paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mfa G. W. Bas­ person making the error. cials, Pakistani sources -said. within tee school, 10,000 gal- sett, 491 Weir St, GHaatonbury.. * By projection of his figures, of A.C. Nielsen of Chicago, said research consultant eminently a state and MimChester area when toe United States agreed Wednesday he received' the qualified to conduct such ,a sur- contest Lest year. She whs to give Korea primary jurisdic- The sources said no agree- i6ns of oil, a latge wail • • 9 ' 9 Barker's research indicated 51,- ment was signed. screen tor the auditorium, In- Pierce. Usa Rae, daughter of Arthur W. and Nancy 200 errors would be ijiade in the money from Miss Channing and vey. Mr. Sparger’s reasonable MSBCheeter Area Cbunril treas- tion over major criminal of- Palamberg Pierce, 147 Cooper Hill St. She whs bom July 2 hospital during a year. But only her husband, Lowe, for an au- fee for such a survey was $1,000^ GALS. FOR tirsr. She designed tee decora- lenses committed by U.S. serv- MEMOBIAL TO POPE / at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ 36 errors were reported in a dience survey. phis $4,000 for expense which LB. BOX tioM ter Beta Sigma PW’s Val- Icemen while oft duty, W ARBAW .-Itol^ (AP) / - A typewriters and a U.S.D.A. CHOICE YALUE^WAY TRIMMED ents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Palmbergr 71 Lockwood St. year through normal channels A statement mode In Los An- Mr. Lowe paid by check - cer- . 98 entins BaH. Last May. she re- ^ movement to build a memorial ^ el«1 6 -6 7 onlSo. Her. paternal, grandparentu are Mr. and Mrs. WilMam Pierce, outside the research program. geles by an Attorney for Lowe tainly evidence of Mr, Lowe s ONE QAT — “ $ 1.85 celved a "best program” award - L).S. t o S ig n Iract min Polandpoiana loto Pope John X X iil approved, 80 Fairfield St. She has a brother Arthur W. Jr., 2%. Barker followed up with a pi- and Miss Channing also denied good ledth. tor her pa?ogram on painting and GENEVA (AP) - - The United has been started by a progov- I fo o io m b a ’s • . • • • • lot sy^em to see if the mimber, the $4,000 check received by “ At no time did J/Lr. Lowe UTEX Sddpture. She attends Wapping States says it will s i^ toein t^ emmenteminent Catholic orgamzation, organization, -nnual St. ColunUba’s Grisel, Blaine Alan, son of WilHasn L. and D(»«thy of errors could be reduced. It Sparger was related to the Nie4- have any intent of engaging in HOUSE PAINT' CjmmnuRity Church and is also national^venUon on toe ellm- vernment-ownedrnment-owned newapa-newspa- Opalach Grisel, Box 168, RPD 1, Bolton. He was bom June any manipulation of toe' ratings per Zycie W a r^ a ^ - Warsaw ^ e SIRLOIN - PORTERHOUSE led him to believe they could, sen company ratings, • MIH.TV«VRPOH OUTSIN PAHtT 29 at Manchester Memorial H o^tal. His maternal grand­ and he laid the foundation for The ^tem ents were m a^ system. His hiring of Mir. Spar- w o w n * WOOD. taicK. stucco, h obbl« w . MoWne. AmbaMador Arthur J. ^Gold- Life — rep. POTATO SALAD 1961 CodiHae Sport Coupt > NOT PBE-PACKAGKD SPECIAL EARNINfiS 1965 CodiHae DeviHe ConvortiblR Mknic IV—- Foctory A/C BARBECUED Factory A/C * .CIe 53c RBSERVE A CAR PAID FROM . Deluxe 4-Door Sedon 1965 VeBttwegen Coupe NOW . . . CALL FRANKFURTS and COLD CUTS CHOICE SQjECTBD PRODUCE DAY OF DEPOSIT 1961 Chevrolet Stotion Wagon 1962 .^^evny' loipola 45 VARIETIES—SLICED TO ORDER 643-5135 6 Cyl- POTATO SALAD^MACARONI SALAD—COLE SLAW ^ 5 b n e BiBg Chefries «,. % At the begipBiiiflr of Jaaour, — 25 OTHiR LATE MODOS ^ LEASING ApriL July and October. HOME FREEZER OWNERS LIVE Ji: Let us fill your 'freezor with O.S.D.A. choice meals Native' poultry, • Fancy Nectarices a 29c Ocean Fresh, Maine One-Two«Three Seobreok Farm frulft Ond vd^iatables. Save up to 20*/e and Tear Leasing Phaw OPEN TILL 4 P.M. MONDAY 'mltOUCBI FBIDAT LOBSTERS AH Makes and Models m iB a D A Y NIGHT 6 tv 8 O’CLOCK SCRANTON MOTORS, inc; eat like a king. 2 Sumner Squash 2 a.. 29c Sorry folks — no lobotpne thbi week. Please try ns next week. CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE PONMAC Thank yon. m ^ We rent cold storage. . . . lb. p kg. 40o M pR IAR TY ROCKV1UJE KiMMe 0*ea Oooldea 1M UNION siREer for os litrie.os $1;25 a 1------801 CENTER STREET s vv 1 \(r s TBL. MANCHESTER 648-961<8 BOCKVILLE V IM H n moot. Compare tMs ded before you buy a OPEN teVBNINGS ,/;/’/ L O . - W Ernie Scranton. — Dick Backofen • Tom Scranton HIGHLAND PARK MARKET Sales ConvaltBBto IF YOU UKE THE UST GIVE US A TEST BROTHERS Howard Kecnqr —' Jim Gorman it .. MomeliesierMCfiam. Phoee 442-4278 -Ooiiaeettoiit^ OliaMC 51 BISSELL ST. REAR OF ICC PLANT 643-8424 B17 tUnoote-SfcMaqr Dealer" — OPEN DAILY — m m iiTizTBrnii #IR*RSI*t IRSTITtTlA^ PLENTY OF FRa PARKIfiG SPACE leOT MAIN 8T. — MBAB MAPUB T . 8 A.M . to 9 PJyl.m-1HURlSDAY 8 A.M . lo 6 P JI.M -S A T .tA JI.la 5 P .M . BBAIKM OnnQE. KOCTE 81. COVENTKY ill O H

, • - r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER,. CONN.. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER* THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 THE Manchester Auto Parts NL Champions Powell’s 11 RBIs A L Record Herald Angle By Long-Range Best First Half Ever EARL YOST Moriarty’s Despite Slugging Sports Editor Yankee Coal Four - Year For Dodgers ’ Osteen^ Answer; Plain and Simple NsUoml League Orioles in Split ^Impossible’ NEW YORK (AP)—Take a strong arm, add lots of Answer is plain and simple wfiy^AIanchester doesi pot Reififn Ends pressure and a portion of self-help and you have a Los have an adult baseball program. “There just isn’t NEW YORK (AP)—Boog Powell had his fancy hit­ Angeles Dodger pitcher. Claude Osteen fits the formula San Franj. . NEW YORK (AP) — Manager enough interest,’’ Wally Foi’tin, progi‘aip director for Drama and "fetcitement DUSTY SOFTBALL Pittsburgh , tingLlllK clothesClUI/liea on,oil, butUUl theme CinderellaVjlimei cim guyK.uy turnedtuwicu outuui. toi-v, be vnal nt perfectly. Osteen won his sixth game by 19th this season, came off relief the Recreation and Park Department office reports. Doubleheader last night saw Los Angeles I^iyy Stahh^who byouRht tlm Kansas City A’s 'home ISlnJ ” e Lv! York Yankees to in the NationalXLittle a one-run margin thi.s season pitcher Don Dennis with two *Tn fact, there isn’t even enough interest to warrant the Sportsman Tkvem best Phlladel. .. just before the clock strucki . midnight. . i. won-lost mark by pext League went right dowB.^o 1 Wedn«8(k.y night — 1-0 against men out in the eighth. It left orgahizing an Intermediate Baseball League for boys,’’ Sealtest, 8-5,. at Charter Oak Houston ... Powell, Baltimore’s slugging the wire last night a Tuesday’s AU-Star game has CSncinnati ^ and he drove in Wm 10 behind Jimmy Foxx who he added. Adult baseball in thi.s irk and under the lights at St. Louis .. first baseman who hA^been on Buckley Field before the Detroit 1-0 in 10 innings, Min­ turned Into a plghtmarish, the run. ; hit 534 iKsners, second only to City of Village Charm has been M tN ;^ebo, the Independents Atlanta ...... 39 a hitting tear since the nesota nipped (Cleveland 4-3, mathematical impo^ibllity. ■ In bringing Ws record to 11-6, Babe Ruth’s 714. ' dormant for nearly a decade Manchester Auto Parts de­ Clnoinnaiti .... M beginning of May, tied the feated J.Ioriarty Bros., to annex triminfed.^ Dumas Trucking, 17- Washington swept the Chicago The Yanks' doublbhead^fr set­ Osteen allowed the Reds just . / • • and Intermediate League play, 12. New York ... 34 American League record by 1966 regular season laurels. The White Sox 4-3 and 3-2' and Bos­ back bv Boston Wednesday three hits and went 2-for-2 to PIRATES-CUBS— for boys 18 and over has also Chicago ..---- 24 driving in 11 runs in the Orioles' .success snapped the fou r-ye^ A1 Lange,'Don Domijon and ton took two from the New York dropped their season’s record to Roberto Clemente doubled joined the ranks of the de­ twi-night doubleheader agrainst raise his average to .261 with 12 reign the Gas House Gang en­ Ron Fillipprie each collected Yankees 5-3 and 5-4. 34-44 and they have only six ceased. Wednesday’s Results the A's Wednesday night. hits in 46 at bats. One of iKis two home two runs • and drove in joyed. Moriarty's, under the two hits' for -- they- Tkvem-----v -...... with games left before the major With no adult baseball, young San Francisco 3, St. Louis 2 singles drove home John Kenne- three more with his 13th homer coaching of-AI Sprpul, won loop ReynoldsVajjd DolK, Zuro But the best the Orioles could ORldLES-A’S— leagues’ annual classic. men, many of whom started out , Pittsburgh 10, Chicago 6 dy, in the eighth inning. In two in the Pirates’ victory. Dona honors in 1962 thrdugh 1965. matched the feat for SeaTte^ do was gain a split, winning the When Houk took over from as Little Leaguers, have turned New York 7, Philadelphia 5 Powell’s efforts In the first of his other one-nm deicsions, CHendenon also got his I3ih The APs^ in winniilg 6-3, hung Sportsman 041 021 x—8 -9 ^ , opener ll-O before Kansas CJlty johnny Keane two months ago, their attention to siow-pitch' TED STAWICKI GARY KINEL JIM CLARK Atlanta 8, Houston 1 game backed Steve Barber’s Osteen who now has three RBI, homer and fourth in as many -up a 12-3 season marl: whfle^the Sealtest 001 0-10 0—-5-8-5 Rockville took the nightcap 9-8 when Stahl the club had won only four of 20 softball. Fast pitch softball, Rockville Manchester Los Angeles 1, Cincinnati 0 five-hit pitching, but he couldn’t scored the winning run. games for the Pirates, a two- concluded with an 11-5 log. Darling and White; Reynolds, slipped into the glass slipper do it alone in the nightcap. The games. Three weeks later they “ This is the best first half I've run shot. like baseball, is now only a Ibday’s Games and doubled home the winning moved ivere within three games of the memory on the local scene. "i^inely hitting and defensi.ve^'^^P*" Gagne, A’s trailed 6-2, then ever had,” Osteen said after play niarked the triumph. ^v New York (Friend 2-5) run in the' 11th Inning — just in the/-®®® m-irk. They sagg^W ,)ater, From this comer, the main ahead with a six-run rally i, gaining his second shutout of METSPHILS— Lyle Ea^nian's relief pitching Each side had two big innings Rocjiville ‘Nine Out to Stop Philadelphia (Buhl 6-4) before a midnight curfew would ^ ' but Houk insisted that his goal reasons for the adult baseball eighth. the year. ”I’ve always pitched a J[ack Hamilton picked up his feattj^red for the: APs. He came hut the ‘Indies had ,the,. most Pittsburgh (Veale 10-5) have halted play. was ” .500 by the All- Star situation being in its current' P.owell pulled Baltimore' back lot beitter the secopd half of the eighth save in his last 11 a;^ on in the fifth irhvipg with the power under the arc ligb tsr'^ ^ cago (Simmons 2-2) . However, neither Stahl’s key break,” deathly state is due to (1.) into a tie with a two-run;homer season than I did the first.” pearances for New York. Eld bases loaded, one oiikand his Frank Lateano and Ron La- Atlanta (Clonlnger 9-7) aLLOs hit nor the A’s sudden role as Wednesday’s first game loss, lack of interest on the part of With two out in the ninth "^fOre Last year at this time Osteen Kronepool knocked in three club leading, 4:;3. He reUTcd the Pointe each came up with three Legion Run for Zone Title Angeles (Drysdale -ID^xhl^t spoilers — they’ve won nine of 5-3 made that impossible. Dal­ the gifted ball pdayers, (2) like­ the A’s finally won it in (he- 11th was only 6-10, but he closed with runs 'With a pair of double* for side without ahy, trouble anjl safeties for the indies and Cincinnati (Ellis 5j; at liaf their last 15 against /ror,t-run- ton Jones’ two-run pinch homer lihood of immeiate' service ^aseiman Ray Latiace at .385 Bushey and surprising Gary a rush to finish at 15-15. the Melts, who exploded for four handcuffed the foe^Hj the sixtii\Qlayt Klein added a pair. Bill Following . ■,» , a i. > two - day^ i Birancisco (Sadecki '^•6 or Cjlibr mng Baltimore, Detroit and/ in the ninth inning gave Boston calls, (3) the automobile and aJid, outfielder Gary.. Gott at Kinel, the most versatile— and Coming through with key hits nuis in the seventh Ihning. Phil- frame as well. , B^lkewicz hit safely three times Manchester S Olirush- bon 3-5) aeveland - could overshadow / its opening game victory. In the ejcceilent job opportunities!^ ■370.\ Mark Heller youngest—player with the is nothing new for Los Angeles lie pitcher Jim Bimning was Eastman also was the limiting in fouT ^ips and Dick Mulvey, American Legion base- Only games scheduled. the one-man show put on by « • • ' / nightcap, Carl Yaatrzemski wihi^ find many young men rounds but the 300 Club at an ^quad. pHchers. Don Drysdale has done forced to leave the game in the star with a 'in the. Toon LykiSj, Charlie Lisk and OflU team returns to the Poiivell. drove in three runfe with a single workang two jobs and (4) the even .300. \ Righthander Joe Kayan is the Friday’s "Games ANGEL8-TIGER8— it many times in his career, so sixth with a pulled groirt JHU3- 7 sixth, with a man on base, which ^ p b Hubbard\^ach had two Zone Four wars tonight The 24-year-old left-handed and a homer as the Red Sox has Santjy Koufax, a notoriously cle. He has an l l - l record fact that by the age of 18 or Coach Cervini, has all four .likely Rockville mound starter. York at Plttsbur) Angels starter George Brunet won 5-4. icpd the verdict for the Broad bloVs, for the ’Truckers. against Rockville at Mt, swinger drove in four runs in poor hitter, and rookie Don Sut- against the Met*, 19 they have already had their pitchers ready, 't^Gace and’’ Fine performers with the jsiSi-night allowed only two hits and Bos­ Joe Pepitone had two homers Streeters. Indep^dents 04^052 x—17 N'ebo. First pitch is slated at 6 the opener with a three-run dou­ ton is catching on fast. Sutton is fill of baseball. The latter would Marc ScRardt, each\(rf whom visitors have been Ted Stewacki'^ Flhiladelpihia at .Ohic; ton’s Earl Wilson just four and Jake' (Gibbs one for the Yan­ Enjoying- good batting nights Dumas 020 — 12 o'clock^ ble and a sacrifice fly, tj^en Tutting .271. BRAVE8-A8TROS- a/pply to young men who start­ has - won four starts^. Brad and Jimmy Clark. ^ Houston at St. Louis through nine innings. California kees in the twin-bill. were Johnny McKeon with three Dion and MoFall; Piersorf'smd Getting a, combination'ofegood pushed into high gear in the Willie Mays smashed a three- Joe Torre hit hls.21st homer ed out in Little Leagiie hase- Atlanta at Los Armies, finally broke . through againgt Whitey Ford started the' first hits and Tom Tomko with a Templeton. ^ \pitching and timely , hitMpg, nightcap and added seven runs nm homer to give San Francis­ and an RBI single and Mack ball at the age o f eight. CSncdnnali at Stut Franihsco, reliever Larry Sherry in the game for New York, pitching pair, both in winning colors. Cbaph Jc batted in. with a g;rand slam co a 3-2 victory over St.' Louis Jones homered and tripled for Bring back sandlot baseball eoaph John cer^'ini-8 sui^is- JSickUius Ticsdor Lead N. 10th on singles by Tom Satriano five innings during which he . Fielding gem was turned in ing c^etw homer, a two-run homer and a and kept the Gianjs l l i ' games the Braves. Don Schwail, mig^- for boys and there would be REC SOFTB.ALL ing cret^ has annexed nine deci and Bob Rodgers, around sac­ gave ujl three runs apd four by Jay Anderson of the Auto run-producing double. ahead of second place Pitts­ ing his first start since 'bethg rriore youiig men interested in Flag hopes of the Teachers sions in lOtstarts to hold down Araerl rifice. hits. Pete Ramos was the loser. Parts. He robbed Toifimy Casa- That tied the AL record for burgh, which trounced Chicago traded to Atlanta by Pittsburgh, basebaJi at 18 and 19, but were dealt a serious blow last the top run^dp the Zone Four Hal Reniff was charged with the lino of an extra base hit. Earli­ RBIs in a twinbiU, accom- 10-5 for its 10th victory In the worked 6 1-3 innings for the vic­ that's ail in the past. might at Robertson Park when standings. ■ y TWIN8-INDIANS— second game loss. Don McMa­ ELSTON HOWARD er; Gasalino-had turned in two Paul Dodge Pcttiac .scored an iRpckville has worMiye of nine First Shot Acsciii’acy BaHimon pdished previously only by Earl.., last 13 games. tory. What does the future hold sparkling defensive plays. Tony Oliva and Bob Allison hon was credited with both vic­ 8-2 verdict. The two clubs are enga^einents and cannot afford Detroit/^...... ^ Averill M Cleveland in 1930 and The New York Mets beat Phil­ for adult basebsdl in Manches­ There are more tips on catch- With the score tired 1-1 after Jim Tabor of Boston in 1939. It each drove in two runs for the tories. now deadlocked for second any morb losses if it has any . 1TJLU.SI c lI ITAU .J.TJ.JLdLI. dev^nd 45 adelphia 7-5 and Atlanta wal­ Batting (175 at bats)—Snyder, ter? ing in Howard’s book than, one two frames, the Partsmen ex- also lifted Powell’s average to Twins, Allison c»nnecti^g for a place with 7-3 records and trail ideas on getting back in the ‘Milst’ , ‘ at Muirfield OaJwmia 44 Most NL Pitchers Selected loped Houston 8-1 in other Na^ Baltimore, .344; Kaline, Detroit, No one" really knows. could pick up in a month' of ploded for three runs in the .301 and raised his RBI total to homer off Sarti McDowell in the Batting (175 at bats) — Alou, ^ league-leading Walnut Barbers thick the pemiant battle. ^ h « s o t a tional League games. .318. Sundays. Y o u n g men who third and then staved off an M.B of MUIRFIELD, Scotland (AP)—If the b'ijf Hitters of 66 — one short of the major second inning and Oliva rapping Pittsburgh, .332; Clemente, • * • . Runs — F. Robinson, Balti­ aspire to be should bid to win out. The losers tal- one-half. After tonight’s hveeting. Man- ^re finding it hard to take Muirfield in the British i^Woago league leader, teammate a tie-breaking, twO-run double Pittsburgh, .325. Catching: Howard w s "City more, 66; Aparicio, Baltimore, ______run—not walk—over to the Hed twice in the fourth to close Jeff Morhardt allowed only chaster treks to East.Hartford Qpen championship, the reason may be that Muirfiel ’ Brooks Robinson. 'off reliever Dick Radatz in the Hits^Alou, Atlanta, 110; Cle­ GIANT8-CARDS— . Catching is one posit two hits, singled by Stan Friday night and then On Sun Nevii’ York .. .43*' 19<2 BoasT All-Star Experience Mays’ 524th career hblner and 68. . ’ i. " nearest bookstore today and the gap to .4-3 but their next ESsewhere, California edged eighth. mente, Pittsburgh, 102. baseball in which there is a , ______OgTodmik and Bill Elagleson. day goes to Rockville for a sec- decided to take them in advance. Washington .427 20>2 threat was snuffed out by East­ Koufax has been named to the two relief experts—McOool (4-4) shortage af talent. Youngsters That belief was voiced today Boston ...... 386 24 CINCINNATI I (AP) — man’s pitching: Meaniwhile, Morhardt was ond game. Tonight’s encounter squad six times. and Raymond (6-2). seem to shy, away frorn the du- ♦ ♦ pacing the Dodge attack with will be the first between the B>^n Nelson, the Texan who Reside the Firth of Forth; Most of the pitchers pick­ ■Winning ca ch e s .were Fred 'Wqn virtually everything in WedhMday’f Results The contest w-ith the Ameri- Perry, who is 12-1, has the ties o f catching. The team — three hits and Don Crowell and neighboring towns. With 54 holes to go hje shares O ff t h e C u ff McCurry a;ul Nick Cataldo, ssigftt^from i ^ . from 1939 to 1943 and still ^ jh Britijih Ryder Boston 5-5, New Yc>rk 3-4 ed for the National League an League All-Stars in St. best record, among the starting high schpl, c o llie , American John McNeill added t#,'o each Outfielder Denny Lynch ' Is Channel 30 in New Britain will while A u ^ Davis and Thure Minnesota 4, Cleveland 3 in next week’d All-Star Louis’ new Busch Stadium next rjiitchers. Marichal (13-4) has an League or semi-pro — that to the nine-hit attack. holds the’ record of sweeping 11 cupper Jimmy Hitchcock, ahd' setting a torrid batting pace straight tournaments. Washington 4-3, .Chicago S-2 ' Came have hadi some ex- Tuesday will be Marichal’a fifth AU-Star earned run average of boasts a top-fiigbt receiver carry 20 American Football Blom ber^did a -great job with Paul Dodge 002 103 2—8 9 6 the betting make^ the Colum­ with eight hits in 15 trips and a Nelson, a spectator oh these Baltimore 11-8, Kansas City 0- perienc€ in All-Star compe- All-star Ganie. Gibson haa/beeiL-lrria as the winner in 19«2 and usually comes up a winner. League games this sea.son in- the M ^ a ll seasOn- Teachers 0C|0 002 0— 2 2 8 bus, Ohio, mastey a solid favor 013 002—6-12-0 .533 mark. Next in line, among Scottish links ijow that illness 9, 2nd game 11 innings tition. « named three times a n y V e a le -1964. He ^ v e up only one hit in Elston Howard is generally eluding 12 featuring the ,Bo.Ston.-A^uto^arts Jeff Morhardt and An.saldi; ite to keep ahe - . 100 200-3- 8-1 the regulars, are pitcher-first prevents him from swinging a California 1, Detroit 0, 19 in­ Manager Walt Alston of the ^vas first selected last year, but^three innings after starting last acknowledged the best major Patriots,* seven from Fenway ® Gracyalny and Turkington. Lema, o f Leamdro, Calif., J Eastman (5) and club, said: nings Ixw Angeles Dodgers said did not see any action. year’s game. league catcher in the last dec- Park in Boston. The first tele- and Sande^, of -Ojai, Calif.,* ade. 1316 veteran New York casi; will be Sept. 4, Buffalo M /Gee; Blomberg, Pensiero "This course‘ has been made Wednesday his choices were The eight hurlers have a col- The victory in that game went CHURCH SOFTBALL were one /Shot behind with par Today’s Games Yankee receiver, a Most Valu- at San Diego. Initial Boston \A I, Pagani and Pietrah- impossible for the real long hit­ .'tandy Koufax of the Dodgers, lective record of 79-3lf to Koufax (16-3), who worked 71's along with 8outh Africa’s Detroit (Lolioh 4-2) at Minne­ able Player awards winner in skirmish will be Sept. 18 at, donio. Saving. their best offensive Rich Young ters. With all that massive JUan Marichal and Gaylord Manager Sam Mele of Min- only one inning. CUbson (11-8) Harold/Henning and Scotland’s sota (.Pasciial 8-5), night 1963, has authored an interest- Denver. . .Bat boy for t moves for the night, Savings rough crowding in on the nar­ Perry o i San Francisco, Jim nesotai, who heads the American worked the last two innings of a m a ^ r ' champion, Ronnie Chicago (John 8-6) at Wash- Ing book on his favorite, sub- Baltimore Orioles is Jay Mi Bank of Manchester rallied for row fairways, the penalties for Running:,of Philadelphia, Bob League team, announced his the game and saved the Nation- Grid Stars ingrton (Riohert 8-8), night ject, which is titled.'’ Catching, zone'. Unlike other bat four runs after Community'- being off target are too severe.” Gi,b8on of 'St, I^jouis, Claude Ray- selections earlier. They were al L e a s e 's one-run margin, njong seven tied at 7 were Boston______(Sheldon . _ ____ 5-19) , at . New Puhli.sher is. the .Viking Press, Jay performs hds duties Baiptist had scored three times It was precisely this consid- mond of, HouStpn, Billy McCool Gary Bell and Sam McDoweH of Veale (1^5), Koufax and Me— jdaryiPlayer, the South African York (Downing 6-6), night and it sells for $2.95. tlTe''use'' b“r'aTtificial lin-^. Son in the seventh irming to eke out eration that made such stars as , of Cincinnati and . Bob Veale of Cleveland, Denny McLain of Cool are iMt-handen. The other Teammates Only games scheduled. For young catchers, the book of a Maryland^ State ^rooper. a 7-6 duke at Mt. Nebo last Jack Nicklaus,--Arnold P a lm er/sta r whd^won the Open here at Piktsburgh. Detroit, Steve Barber of Balti- five hurlers are right-handed. night. '-■/ ATLANTA (AP) - Two rich Sanders, and Tony Lema Muirfield seven^^y^^^ and Is a must. "Howard explains in Mazzone, 12, lo'st botl^ ands in Frida’s Gaines Only Perry McOool and Ray- more. Jim Kaat of Minpeaota, The eight starting inflelders Tied a t 3-3 going into' the deteil all the essential plays a fire when only t W and one- young college football players- concentrate pa power ironyln- Kel Nagle of Austraha. ^ Cleveland at Kansas City, N mond have never before been Mel Stottlenyre of NeW York, and outfielders for both teams seventh; the Baptisf rallied for and -positions for a backstop- half years old. . Ajarry Pan- in; i^ r n a t i o n a L l e a g u e Donny Anderson of Texas Tech ®‘®ad of driving off the t^s m Arnold Palmer, ^c|^f ' Latrobe, -iiDetrodt at Minnesota, N named to an All-Star squAd, Jim Hunter of Kansas City and have already been selected by "'ednesday’s first round./ Pa., still a hot tip to -win the but the two per.-. The book Is fully illustrat- ciera,. liConn b^eball coach. Fourteen runs in the fina! three runs only to see the tih d 'jim ''G raW sk i of'iTunoi~sI Wednesday’s first round.. Califorhiar at Baltimore, N Running (9-4). has been picked 'Pete Richert of Washington. vote of the players ed and lists six chajpters, cov- has been named President of llj.e three inning.s powered the Oil- Bankers roar back with four will battle for the, last ‘ time Sat- Nelson, — ------’non-playing------captain^ of British title for the third time seven times—including twice in All of Mejp’s selections were managers still have to name p team, lay in wait at 73 along with 16 Wa^lhgton at New Tfork, 2 ering the works of a catcher Yankee Oonfwence Baseball ers to a15-4 decision over the to tal^e the verdict. The losers UPday night before' they team up American Ryder the American ' League—and starte>s; while Alston picked nine more men to their iquads. rallied after two men were out, in what they hope will be re- ''■’hich beat the B r if^ last,ct vonryear aihnraothers , 'including iricluding defending from A to Z. Coaches- . , ^ i Chi Rpdriguez Lawyerslast night at 'Ver- Chicago at Boston, N , , For example, Howaif’d„.writes has forw ard^ his eptfy for the planck Field. The Oilers are Dick 'Valentine’s hiw er open­ warding careers with the Green B'rhdale. Engla^, said: champion P.eter Thomson of a catcher should / always grab ICO on A i^ 18->2>"aU the Welh- no"w 10-5 for the season and the ing the gates. Bay Packers. -“Accuracy wit''''"’”the '*-=• first shot Australia, Julius Boros of Mid the ball in his bare hand — apd ersHeld w im lfy Club. Ticket Laiwyfrs 7-9. Six hits in the last frarpe. Anderson___ play for will the Muirfield. Pines, N.C., Dick Sikes of Putting Things Together L not hold it In Oje glbve — in prices have been announced: Alan Noske and Jteve Sa- including Tom Corcoran’s horn- 'West and* Gr^bowski for the Anything e ls e ^ trouble.” Springdale. Ark., and Dave Vernon Ties making- a tag of a runner at $1 for^he practice roimds, $3 miotds stroked homers for the er arid Bill. May’s single with East in the (Goaches All-Ameri. Thinking thfe same way, Nick- Marr of Litchfield Park. Ariz. home plate. Pro-Am .on Aug. 17, $4 Oilers. Noske had two other the bases loaded, produced the ca Game, which marks the sec- plenty of long irons to After today’s second round ‘■What I do cm a tag play Is Jp f m e first day, Aug. 18; $6 hitq and Mike Landry added a tour runs. Skip Mdkc|e4t aLo ond time they have dueled. ^ /irst-round one-under- the field will be cut to the low 66 Herb’s, 1-1 RSox Extend Streak to leave a piece, of the plate itcr' .foiy’Aug. 10; and $6 for each double and two sdngles and homered for the^onkeirs while The two youngsters—each of over the 8,887-yard links and ties. the runnen I let h*n see ijt, so ^ u r d a y and Sunday, Aug. 20- Wayne Stceley had two one- Bob Hughes and Bob (Miller each whom received a bonus report- ' ■' ^ ^ ______' STANDINGS he vVill have" something^o go . .UConn’s Bob Schaeffer, base blows. Best for the Law- had two hits for the loseirs. edly in the neighborhood of W L Pet. At Expense of Yanks for and will not n e p ^ to barrjel/signed by*the St. Louis Cards, yers was BiIb Teetf ■with three SavjingB 209 001 4—^7 13 3 $6(X),(X)0 to sign with the Packers Valeo Machine 12 1 .923 ALUMNI BA8BEBALL NEW YORK (AP)—^The finally are right into me. ^Then I get / waa No. 1- in the country in o f his team’s five hits. ■ Ci^. Baptist (X)0 210 3—6 11 0 -T-were on opposite sjdes last Once Struggling Startei; Moriarty Brothers g .667 BanUy’s Oilers trimmed Pon- grip on the h a lf with my ,b ^ e frequency of home runs hit dur- Oilers 100 545—15 13 1 And Mabtrick; Burgess, January in the Hula Bowl at Eastern Renovating 7 .585 putting thihgs together, with the bench knd bu M n ticelli's Contractors last night hand and p m on the tag eiVnet 'ing the 1966^^] college season, Lawyers 001 012— 4 5 6 Puokiler and McMiUian. Honolulu. Hamilton Standard 6 .545 crew paying^ big dividendsi Jn a |bid to cliinb out of the with the bare hand or /With ' Sclmefer had seven in-18 games Cartier, Michalik (6| and B. ------^— “ We won that game by prie Hamilton Ace in Bullpen Russel Pontiac 6 .417 American League cellar.] ~ _ St the West Sid* Oval, 6-2. ho(h’^iiands. The man w h / trie-s- . , .Russ Rotko. a teammate Landry; Wierzchowski, Pdtruz- ALUMNI BASEB.ALL point,” Grabowski said, ‘‘al- PHILADELPHIA (AP) , — Hamilton, although admitted Herb’s Sport Shop 4 ,333 The Red Sox extended their liarojln the top of the eighth and Charlie Brackett hurled a four- , t6 put on the tag ■with^e ball of &haefer at UConn, has alw ___zello, (5)', Banas (6) and C. Two singles, two walks and 'though Donny had a better day, Jack Hamilton is a typical ex- ly sour on bullpen work, has VemoH Orioles -3 .300 ■ winning streak to four games i by th e tailing slugger cracked a hitter while Mike Nimerowski In hig glove,- on e-h am ^ is the penned a .contract -with the St. an error resulted in twb fourth than I did. I scored a conver- ample of what is mean^ by the. gaved eight games in his last 11 Plimpton’s 2 10 .167 irweeping a doubleheader from double to left; Darrell Brandon and Brackett each had two .hits man who gOtg knocked loos? Louis Cardinal organization-, inning mps and two singles and but he caught a couple of old expres.sion that^^essity is appearances' for the Mets. He the New York Yarikees W ^nes- ran i6r ConigUaro and scored on and Tommy Rea added a triple^ from the ball.” . / * Rotko is a pitcher. N ot reported uratil today 'w'as another base on balls produced passes.” the mother of invention. ’ *’'>=has become one of tv,«the *r,r.top .-o.re- No decision was the verdict day as Dalton Jones’ two - run Rico ^etrocelli’s double. for the Oilers. The latter wae Tuesday night’s contest be­ two fifth inning pins Green GraboWski and And^son will Th? 200-pound pitcher of the lievers in the National League, last night fas Vernon, and Herb’s pinch homer provid^ a 5-3 vie------— out at home trying for a homer. tween Pagani’s Caterers and klanor trimmed Manor Con- team up for the College All-Star New York Mets. was a strug- Three times in the last, four, battled to a , 1-1 tie at Colt's tory in the opener an^ Tony , Bantly Oil 002 000 4—6-7-3 Nornian’s, 'won by the foriner, ■struetion last night at the West Game in (^hicago Aug. 5, when 'gling .starter for managdr"'W'R5 games he trudged In from the in a Hartford Twilight Leagu? ConigUaro delivered a key pinch d OWIIHS Pontfcelli’s 000 101 0—2-4-7 Rally/lSets Rockville Win^ 20-2. . ■ '• - ' Side Oval, 4-1. the 1965 college standouts meet Westrum until a few weeks ago. bullpen against the Phillies and game. Brackett and Ough; 'Wheeler, Timmy Qui.sh led a -13-hit at­ Dave M(|'er outhurled Dale the Green Bay Packers, cham- Suddenly ~ Westrum looked saved two Victories, Vernon starter Tony Judenig S i S c a i " ^ L E A b R Robb and Laurettl, Wheeler, Soum Windsor Bows Again tack with four singles.. Team- Ostrout, allowed three hits. pions of the National Football around "for a right hand relief Wednesday night Was typical was reached for two singles and pfelief specialist Don McMahon Helaine Swanson 135—M7, Flo Richard, Hassett. mates'Seott Kelley had two Ted Malek had two singles League. pitcher and Hamilton was it. of- late Hamilton performance, a fielder's choice in the firs^ obtained in the deal which sent Johnson 127—344,' Gloria Dar- doubles. Bill Peoples a double for the winners arid Don Denley Then the two hard-running The 6-footer, who thus far has He oame in with one out and inning which needed one run Dick. Radatz to ‘Cleveland in ling 132—303; Mai Darling 163 FalJlnsr behind 3-0 after two slugfest. Larry Silver,- Lanny Continuing a game which and two single.g and, Johnny stroked a ' lojig double for ,the backs will report to Green Bay, traveled the baseball trail as two on in the seventh and the and that was all he allowed. , early June, eameiV^^^ vicloi*- ' —369, Mike Kelly 161-139—*-418, In n in g^ Rockville’s American Adams and Sam Wilde each hit en3ed in a 3-3 tie on June 17, Herdic -arid single and double Construction cre\v. where they plan to room togeth- the guy who was tossed in to Met& ahead 6-3. Altfiough the Coach BYank McCoy's club ies^ with help from /elicver John Biid Woods 369, Ken Markstein 1 nine roared back ,to safely twice with the latter pick- BalnUy Oil scored one run in the as the Caterers won their fourth Green Manfr 000 220-:-4 4 2 sweeten the 1964 deal in which Phillies, scored a pair, Hamilton tied the count with a marker Wyatt, olriained from Kansas .359. ■ * poui) out a 12-6 win over Dan- ing up the victory in relief of eighth inning to tack a 4-3 loss decision in 14 starts. Man. Cons'!'. 010 000— 1 3 2 Both are being counted on the Philadelphia Phillies ,ac- closed the door, with the tying in the fifth *n Dave Klecak’g City in mid-June. m last ijight in Danielson. It Jim Clark. cm Fonticelli. iel; The long . Norman’s hit off Dave Moyer and Ted Ford; heavily in the All-America quired Jim Bunnihg, wasn’t the and go ahead ruhners aboard by-'hit;-a walk to-AJ.-Putz and Jo? EkWle Kasko,. a veteran utility- the fifth win in nine starts Trailing 8-2, ip. the fourth, 7 Tommy Rea’had 22 strike- Wl Bud Wilson was a single by Ostrou't and Sullivan. Game, with Grabowski the happiest guy in'the world about striking out pinchhitter Doug Van Oiidenhove’s single. , man, played third base in the ibr Coach Bebe Milanese’s Club. Rockville exploded for five runs ^llts. Mike NlmerowakUs double Bill Sibririsz. East’s starting fullback and Ari- going to the bullpen. , Clemens. ^ ' That was the extent of the opener as Joe Foy remained on and was never headed. Wilde, drove in two runs for the Oilers Pagani’s .460 442—20 13 2 .ALUJINI JUNIORS derson playing halfback for the From the unlikely community Iij the eighth'^he-.got in hot scoring before darknees halted the bench for lack of husUe. STANDINGS after getting tagged for a three- and'Ken Hanko doubled and- Noi-mari’s '■ 200 Obo*— 2 1 8 / - of Morning Sun, Iowa, the 27- water as the F^hillies loaded the play after seven Innings. • Kasko had three hits, including sSnetiBe! The Mets defeated the'Giants run hom er' in the third, held ” I enjoy playing against Don- year-pld Hamilton always bases on two singles and a walk. Juden's didn’t allow another scored the ■winning run in the 'W'^ilaon and Herddc; Anderson, last night at Oxarter Oak^,9-4, his first homer, and a double, Danielson at bay. ny,” Grabowski said,'“ although thought of pitching .as starting But HSmilton, whose confidence hit after the first and young eighth. Mike McMahon starred Manchester • and the Cards trounced the and drdve in two runs. Foy Moving into second.placc last he’.s so much faster than me I and completing gairies. He nev- has mounted with every relief Tom Sorenson was reached for for the losers. WiUlmanUr AMERICAN LEAGUE Dodgers, 14-5, at Keeney Field. played the second game, col-, night behind Manchestei- (9-1.) don't even like to think about er gave much thpught ,1°, relief success, hitched up the '^ ^ ts but three. Bantly Oil 000 012 01-4-4-3 South Windsor Playing errorless ball. Police Finnegan had four,hiitg, and iectlng one hit and driving in a TRAINING COURSES WITH PAT was jWillimantic, a 2-0 winner hurling as a measw o f making a^ and W ith Two, put fahried’:'Bob Tonight, Moriarty’s of Man- PonUcelli 010 200 00-3-3-2 When Should you start thinking about j»u r career? Right n ^ » And Rockville & Fire defeated Sear.s last night Cobb^ and Milew.ski three each run. one of the best places to think about is the Aircraft. Because Pratt & over South Windsor. The Thread .Grabowski is a, burly' 220:'living. ' jrfecker.- 'The ninth was easy, Chester oiace Plimpton’s and INTRODUCTORY TRAININQ PROGRAMS East Hartford at W’addell Field, 4-2. for the Caixt.s. The latter col- Jose Santiago weakened in the Rea and OUgh; Wheeler .and Whitney Airdhft has an exceptional choice of jobsand training courses City nine is now 5-3 and South , • M h pounder who broke Big Ten run- But wljat a difference- several.-.and^Thd Mets won 7-5 to .make it Vernon nwis into front-running —8 0 hours of basic machine and related Stafford The winners liad only two hits, \he seventh inning and gavi way to Hassett, Robti. that can set you on the road to a high-paying lifebme career. Windsor’s defending champs 5- ^ oihg. marks b y gaining 2,'878 weeks'ca'n make in a pitcher’s, three out of four against the Valeo. Both games start ,at 6 clessroominstructiori.’ ; 7 ’ntompsonvUle foip less than Sears. Losing . McMahon. The big ri^tdiand- nino i had wo hits each yards" in-'his career;.-.. life. * ' '‘fourth-place Phils. -* rw... Windsor Locks 4. East Hartford edged Wind.sor pjtg'per Bob Briggs fanned nine. life. at Colt’s. er checked the Yankees through Come In and talk oVer these*PiWA “career starters" ^th oneof our ADVANCED TRAINING PROGRAM^ Locks, 9-7 and Stafford ■ bom for the Dodgers. employment representatives. Rnd out about the high starting Danielson Wayne IVierzbicki, Feature for the M etiwas Jim' the eighth and, after Mike Ryan Courses ranging from 22 weeks to 93 barded Thompsonville 2/2. for tile two" Sears runs in the , At - singled in* the nintti, was lifted Sports Schedule Dtecuss your work interests and the valuable skills you can learn. And weeks in Machining. Sheet Metal. T(»l, Balesano’s home run. ^rssr g rt the facta on tae excellent vacation and holiday benefite, the Die and Gage Malting. Machine Repair Rockville 002 514-12-13-2 first inning. Mels .. 400 122 X—9 11 2 for Jones, who •■'promptly un­ Ted Stawicki paced Rockville insurance and retirement programs, the sports and social activities and Pipe Making. , Danielson 213-000— 8- 8-2 Police & "Fire 021 001 -4-2-0 Giants 010 002 1 -4 2 2 loaded his fourth homer. Wyatt with four hits, one a Hotrier, Thursday, July 1 make the Aircraft such a good place to work.. Sears , 200 000 -2-6-3 Siiaw, Sil'urer and Norton; hurled a scoreless ninth in pre­ APPRENTICE PROGRAHS-vCoursea ranff* and Curt Zahner contributed two Clark', Wilde and Zahner; Har- Lapenta and J. Malonoy; Medics vs. Nassiff s 6—Buck- Werkhoven and Fiengo. serving the decisioi). . / Join the many '66 graduates whtf have already started their career Ing from three to four yearn In Sheet and drove in four runs in The deU„ .G>:e*;ne and Graves. Briggs and Tucker. Carl Yastrzemskl drove in ley Metal, Machining and Tool & Oid Making. Peck’s vs. A*N, 6—WaddeU traifiing at pay gt the Aircraft. Cards 303 530 — 14 15 0 three runs, including a pair with Norman’s vs. Ajflraldi’s, 6 — Dodgers 103 010 ()— 5 6 0 an inside-the-park"homer, in the- second game. Yaz broke a 3-3 Verplanck . ' ' Batteries: Cobb and LaBelle; Harvey MVP Wyman vs. Ray’s,. 6.‘1 5 — Ah aqua) opportunity miployar Zarek, Mahl'r, Brown and Ken­ tie in the seventh by eingllng K- ^Charter Oak , Automatic nedy.' ■ ■ home Jose Tartabull. who ha^l C. T. LaBONNfi Most valuable player ,, ' ■ Walnuts vs. A&N, 6:15 —■ H m liw iK§fi§§i/§tt §n!M k ht singled and stolen second. V ISITTH E EMPLOYMENT O m CE, 400 'The Red Sox added another with East Catholic Robertson " ' and ASSOCIATES, INC. Transmission ROOKIE LEAGUE MACHINING • INSPECTION. Pratt & Main Street, East Hartford. Connecticut run in the eighth, bUt the best High’s successful Meek ys. No. Methodist, 6:15 The Phillies woiV their first OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Monday Trouble? the Yankees could do in the final —Nebo ^AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS game last night, a 14-5 decision baseball team this Whitney through Friday—8 a.m. to5 p.m.,Tuesday, ‘Greater Hartford's DYNAMIC Insurance two innings against Wyatt was Gus’s ve. Congo, >8—Nebo SHEET METAL • BENCH WORK •k Free Road Test and over the Mets. Fin.e..®itC.lXillg,.]t>y. spring was. catcher Wednesday and Thursday evenings ’tH 8 Estimate score .once o n 'a walk, a single Legion vs. RockviUe, 6--Nebo Agency • Mark Wagner and honrie runs Rick Harvey. The TObL & DIE MAKING R ire raft p.m.i and jSaUirdays-8 ajiu to 12 noon. ■k All M'ojrk Guaranteed and a double play grounder. Friday, July 8 Other Connecticut plants in North Haven ir Budget Terms by Bud 'Martina an4 Mac Mc­ Dave Morehead allowed -only Trinity - bound East AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING Mahon paced the triumph. , Green Manor vs. Auto Ports, and Southington. If avatoble/bring your BRINGS YOU ★ Free Towing two,^^ hlU In four Innings, but Hartford resident was EXPERIMENTAL MACHINING No Ldw-Prloe “Come-on” runner-up in the bat­ 6— Buckley. u m'lUtaty diacharge papers (0D-214X birth >v - in f. . \ tiretf an^i gave way to Dan,Os-' (Dillon’s vs. P tetr, 6—Wad­ WELDING • STENOGRAPHERS certificets and social secwilycanl whaa ■ Estimates that. Cost You Graduate of Year insU with the score - tied 2-2. ting race., with a ;360 Money r ’-’ - - - - >ir . . deU. ( \ , youviiitoiirelfiGe. YANKEE^ Osinskl blanked the Yanees In average, led the Eagles CLERK TYPISTS ^ .-AT’ ' Pagui’s vs. Dilers, 6—Ver- p INDIANAPOLIS (A P)—Eddie the fifth and was lifted for a Monehaster in stolen bases, runs pianck, El^lfEERlNG AIDES Fisher, relief pitcher for the pinchhitter as the Red Sox l^ k WARM-UP TIME batted in, doubles and Legion at .Bast HarU<>rd, 6 -* - Transmission Co. Baltimore Orioles, was named a 8-2 Iwd on an unearned livn 16 BRAINARD PLACE Wednesday as the American 3- triples. Selection was High C^ooi. in the sith-. . nu^e by the : East lOSl'Benefit SoftbaU PRECEDING YANKEE BALLGAMES (Rear Seymour Auto Legion bagefball graduate of Uib MdMahon surrendered a hom­ 1 players. Harveyjwaa a header—Walnuta va. 'Store, Main SL) year

; S>' ■' PAGE TWENTY-ON* jjANCHESTEB EVENING h e r a l d * MANCHKSTEBe OONNi, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1988 WWPWNwSrtWWW I^ N I N O HERALD. MANGHESH5B> t p f c T H ^ R ^ JU I^ T. 1966 Help Whatei*-Male SI ^ BY FAGALY StiS SHORTEN Help Wseite*—M|to 81 p a g e t w e n t y Motodytl**' HteycldS 11 THERE ,OuGHTA BE A LAW HjBTOpDb ddaUamAb — *e4d«d NOW HnUNO — Ihqtertencei BY ROUSON OUR BOA]S»ING H O U S ^ with MAJOR HOOPLE IMS BTJL/TAOO MetraUa, 900 cc, tor part-iHrte nl|lita in edrvtce carpeatare, pattern makers or IftTlWLE MARCHING C l ^ i g J W e ^ dopartimeiit for 8-11 p.m. or apprentices-for builiUng fonrn^ u t i l e sp o r ts : clean, low' UkUeace, M X- M>- VlGllil& M RrrONE-OH'QIX 3700. m COMES MIGHTV dDE MENOW*« . 11.A ajn. iSiita. Apply, tneii** go^ pey. haneflta. opportuni­ TT Personalities l« HALF'PIMTGUS MCOT ty ior adveaBomant Mr. Kelthi % J/ iourvi 5fOT HIM N OUR IjOCALI. 1VIO--WIENW POMP* OF w y p RESH tenaiwa MendMeUr ile- 848-0194. ). A otom s in u fU M W.ASTIMG A GIANT -TU0A ' nOOTUNG ATlW FUlTEf mpri« lioapltaL Aa n^pial op- 1—— Mirtlii UNtwiNtw IOonw OBO cx; B.S.A., |«0 oehest dttfcr. ' portualty Mnpj|6yar. _ — ----- HAK- KftPF TK06. fr te A BIT LWEO IN,I 5 AM to Adam port 643A421. ■< PR|SS OPERATORS " MARTHA / eiJT LOOt< ON \X AS AN SSUM* I $0M|ETIMCS t W N K X SHOIH^ 1IsWe 6T/H6NT/ EVEBY ^l£l<«TlFtC • S S S S ?* * ^ 1M6 AliSTdTB 176 oc. .motor­ PORK LIFT OPERATORS BE SNW 0IN 6 FROM TREES - T l p^^yANCE REQUIRES i2TDWardtlM »Rfngworm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS NMttandaM* »N ow ipap« cycle, Wycle Engine, 870 miiea, PACKERS 3U6T UKE 1HE OTHER -OONT FOfTONE MOMENT 8 AJtf. to 5 PJL wln^leldbnd saddle hag, only g e n e r a l ELECTftlC CHIMPS AROUND H E R E 'T H IS j\ T H ifjK fR E FIRST U 6 « T BULB ISBovonco Mdt pmmpta Pint Nhtft — 48 Hour Waak with *w IW A S A BEAUnFUL ROOM EOlSON EVBR ewtrACTUAUV .gM. Cell 643-7483 anyUme. M'Wwirwl COPY H.OSING TIME FOR CLASSIPI*® A D V t. ’ edQoifdN IBEFOR B YOU TALKED M b :a s t a S t o v e "DO y o o « v - i ^ MONOAV Thru FRIDAS lliSO AJR. — SATUBOAS • EASTERN BOILER j s s t m i liNftO LETTINS> 'W lu fig nL ■—.. m — lO i-y*'i I M lioomu 8 t, ‘Manchester BU6GS BUNNY er 8. 742- UPonnit TSyS * * * * * ^ ^ DMW Sso cc. Call TEliteViSION TRAINING 17Rlwi(Ep.> * U Athena SSouMiliiil SBOaiaiide piiea M is. TtelLJOic DpaVUR, permanent •< ISBltter.veub ■ • Biead ipreid SSSlaTrt , PLe ASE READ YOUR AD SPECIALIST ^ ir » A&MNBTTiP . .opening arvailable With EaM iPOppoMdtoIan M Mr. toinwiy TSalnea MCiaNkB ClaaalAed or “ W ant Ada” ara takaa avar tba fbon A d a la Jbwr soac Aouy I (cM ) ElCotariea B P ionon a aSLanq^iap > Hartibrd wholesaler tor reli­ convenience. The adverRa^ ahooM read Ma ad tha FUST BEARIN'AUSSES/ 21Dninkard B2Afrlean wwm , fUbennaa ^tor oxpandlng able man over 26 with recent 22 Rocklike nattor 5? ¥ * ^ BilalalaB l i PTSnmdiaa d a y i t a p p e a r s and REPORT ERRORS la tbtiiB far the BnsinoSs Scrvli poc: jr - -^ ^ 24Triina,aihairITWr 840adie liliiiM' 38 Van next Inpcitiom. The Herald la reapodathlb tor oalY ONK lacdr- O ffe r e d p a r ^ e n L Ews*U|Mt oppor-i : local references. Call Mr. Feld- 2«HovefoTtivelr SSStaaner (ah.> juOeaatfog at •Mlntdllceaea reet or tunlrted InoertliMi tor any advertlheiA rt aad thM only man, 9a9-48ge. 28Adoleacent SeXMontU bamg caitain^MB dSLobrieaiils^ BHARPilNlIIU Sarvfca — Sawa, tunlty tor right ^ah. Out­ 44Hom1i ckS to the esctenit ot a ‘TnaiU laaerttoa. tttrora which do not yatoa DOWN aosjmopalB of a leaeon the vahia ot the adrartlaenieBt WU *01 ho oorieeted by taUvea. a xia . ahaan. akatos. MARRHEb man tor tire servlca V 2BHariiie^ All concreta rtoiLira |tenaha> or over, experience not neces- i. H ouston, TEXdS sary. Wljl train. Good pay. Ap­ £ L ^ 21 Trouble Reaching Our Advertisor? ahla prices. 34I-0S5L ^ a * u n . J. MOCAATHT, 9*9-8871 119 2z**6s2S ply to Cbrls, Ded'a Drive to- BY V. T. HAMLIN - M o OPLE AMO ^ RENTALS—^PoWor roller, chain nMkMk^T M-Honr Aimering Service ALLYOOP EDISON A6AINST THE WORLDS. UUS. K S" saws, trail roller and aerator. Ir.wn vao, rototillers. Also sales Hdating: and PlambiniT lr7 Help Wanted— Peakale Sfl Help Wanted— Female 35 ST X- Free to Herald Readeri and service on ell lawn equip­ WAIPttiib — Fgrt-tirtie service ^ /§■ FT. ‘nunns w n iw J - '■ / that it e , WATIRESS over 21, full or part- CXlMiPANION - Hous4k44|)er Stitiori attendant, evenlriga. oeg«.TH» g - , ffSS/CAMOW^MJTITHINK Want toformatloB oa ofM of onr ...... ment. Capitol Equipment, 88 COMPLETE plumbing aiT2 time. Apply in person, Thrte interested in good hom4 Must be iS br older and have Hrtwcjiwri . y r y i 9 ^ - ^ S“ No ter at the tetaalwaa ttMadT Sbaplr-can Main St.. 643-7*58. beaUng Mrvlca, complete new \ iS hi:. I AeewNMBiy bew wpwsi J’ S ReStauranT, Route * A 44A elderly gentleman. Call 848- driver’a Mcenle. Attjdy ta P®r- PICNIC K BY DICK TURNER bathrsom installations and CARNI\ AL ST IXULUNG and blasting — all bathroom remodeling. 30 yeain BriUm.. . Son, dOedoB’ B Attarific Servloe, types compressor work. We are /TABLE ______EDWilRDS In businasB. BtH VahOanqp, FEMALE Bookkeeping machine WOMAN wanted for part-time Inc., West Rd., Ellington. fully Insured. No walUng peri­ m 648-4749. ______^ op4i^tor, financial institution. cleaning, moralngA Inquire l^BB-DBlLUm FOB ANSWERING SERVICE od. For service, call Ben 18- CONTROL desk eperator and F Paid fringe b*nefit8. Call Mr. SUte Theatre. *4*-78*2. w B O m PLUMfllNG and heating ______porter. Apply in peraorii Holi- iIb a s t a s s e m b l e lal, 889-9786. Winkley, 644-87*6 or 875-0838. r r m 6KMI5N - t7S-251l repairs, alterations, electric ------1 —Ti day Lanel, *9 G penev F cellars, gkragei and and gas hot water heatef*. free and leave your ueaaago. You’ll hear from onr ATnes, Heljp Wanted— M *lt 2* Maridsester. Me iHMM iiHiaaM Jig ttmo wlthoat rpoadlng all avealag at tha yards cleaned, trash hauled to estimates. C.iU *43-1498. ------^ M — ■ , j ''' 'dump. Reasonable. Call 648- DO^S AN AVON MEN FOR Bridgeport and en­ 4 T GO BOILER FIRIMAN to «^rate 5819. ■ gine lathe work. Apply G.T.-K. Oil fired bofler*. Experienced. # . G. GLENNS CO LJ u Automobilet For Sale 4 Millinery, masMBakinir W REPRESENTATIVE Corp., 878 Tolland St., Meet 5 T Boiler repeirtnan. Will train. *36 NORTH BCAIM ST. S" LAVOIE'BROraSRa —general DRAPES, vaitnoes, etc. — Pus- Hartford. Apply Chertby Bfrii., Inc., *l □ □ □ □ 1962 FORD station wagon, 6 cyl­ work, chain saw, lots cleaned, Call OB you? If not —■ W HERALD inder, new engine. 1955 Ford toib niade to your measure- th9re’8"a wonderful oppor­ Cooper Hill St., Pereowiel Dept. ST ST trees removed, landscaping. menta, lined or unlined. For □ □ pick-up utility body. 649-4938. Completely insured. For free tunity for yOu t® “JolB BY AL VERMEER □ □ . further information call after AVON” — and earn *20 to p a r a g o n 'TOOL CO., Inc BOX LETTERS 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, con­ esUmate eaU 742-7iM*, 875-8845 PBISCCLLA’S POP anyUme. g ; 348-181*. *40 in your free time. Call Has Immediate BY J. B. WILLIAB^ For Your . vertible, a maroon and black now for appointment in HOW OUT OUR WAY beauty. Can be had for no cash Openings For; DO LAND CLEARDCa. tt*e re- MoTimt—Tmckiiif— your home at your conven­ SO YOU'RE Information dqwn, low monthly payments. ience. Complete training. M 3U t VOU ' usTTEM-ausrr ’cause m Y FQRdcTrr-Y*tJRH^ movtl. and chain saw work. Storage. 20 IM AU OO LIKE piETiN'AdAikiAKiPOKay \ Ask for Dan, $^-8255, dealer. A. Michaud, 742-8018. Excellent commission. Call Tool Makers (Jig w d fix­ ■?? MY, ORDEREPAPRETZELANP) vnronaa. TKB h e r a l d will not „ _ MANCHESTER DeUvery. Light 289-4922. tures). All Around Machin­ 1968 TEiMPElST Lemans — GTO ists; First Class Bridge­ NEW. > ADIETPR1NIC,I5N0 BAPIFVt3U J dlsoloae the Identity of W'JfTED — Lawns to mowc-ii |tnieklng aad package delivery. ^gEASOUHXJ FELLAS ^ HAD^dTTHADTOefT / WiOMTfiETOUR any advertiser using .box engine, a powerhouse and a why do it. Let me do it port and Lathe Operator*, NOT GOING TO BAMAMABPUT* ^Refrigerators,CVOAaA0«aG5»w*»* ^ashfrs sad ■■ I I, ------77--- HADTDORPERTH'S*I'SMMBI I THEREAMD lettera. Reader* answer­ beauty. No ...caah down, low me anytime. 875-1852. MorisontiLMniing Maohins - y aa $6.50 per week for 24 ona you’ve mentioned. If 875-7609. M an ch ester Ex­ 0612 or 3444MM. WOMAN^for part-time cleaning. When should yon start th ii^ g ^ o R t not it win be handled tn months. Aric for Mr. Griswold, change—^BnterpriM 1945. - Call 840-4519. JANITORS — part-time eve- 7 - 7 the usual manner. ^ , 289-3264. dealer. INSIDE and outside patattag. irings. call 643-5^1, *:S0-6 p.m. Sght now! And one of the b e ^ ta e w t* t t e * TYPEWRITERS You name your own pric*. w o m a n to stay about, ia 4be Aircralt. d 1966 FORD CUSTOM 600, 4-dodr^ arid electric. Repaired, over­ gpsjlaittffb®.i4Hi ratesM iM forior homaewnenhoBWiwiieM with_.A.. elderly 4^:^-.lady occasionally.______All.. Aircraft has an exeeptionfi choi^ of ^ ^ | V-8 with overdrive, *1,650. Must DISHWASHER wanted nigliU. nrour iiKtfliw’ objhrt* to me fionking and Found hauled, rented. Adding ma­ 66 or over| ti9-7l6l,‘ 175-840^' 643-8606. sell, 649-5797. chines rented and repaired. Apply Cavey’s Restaurant training eonteee that can set y®P roaf to • do9» ehe think horns are made for • •» women only? LOST—iN w sboy’s 26” Colwn- JOSEPH P. Lewis custom piklntr lifetime career. Pickup and deli'very eervice. MAN wantadj part-time bia bicycle, black and chrpme, 1962 OORVAHt'Avertible, 4 Yale Typewriter Service, 649- tag, Interior and exterior, pn- speed, white with black top, ings OT. aftarriooos, weekita^ aad **ik over-'these ' baskets, , urgently needed. 4986. i perbangtag, wallpaper re­ Please call 649-7190. . j. clean. Oall’ after 7 p.Tn., 648- moved. Wallpaper books on re- FAMILY and day Satnr^ay 7® 8494. q u ^ 'F u lly insured. Free aa- .« Cr wxbL SVMOe Anuly -raw*Mata^taif W ktorting pay.. .the W ti^JJa l o s t — Black cocker — vicinity . Bottling, is Spencer St cuss yObr work interests^ and the v ^ j^ te BEN CASEY CADILLAC — 1967, all power, Hdasel ScnrldCG tlrontes. CaU 649*668. DRUG STORES of Green Stamp Store, Main ESTIMATOR—engineer tor site yon can loam. And get the facts on the St.; Manchester. KeWard. 429- air-conditioned, no reasonable 13-A PAINTINa BY I^at FO^Uia*. m SORRY,SIW offer refused, must sell. Call take-offs, layout work and field ^ t i o n and holiday benefits, the 4367. : U RBWEAVDfO Of tomrioa. moth tatorliir and astarior, i^paper Havo openings in wantidbeanme 649-1919 after 6. b»iigiiig and sraU paper tamov- supervision. CSvil engineer's de retirement programs, the aports and a o ^ a c t i n g l o s t — Pasrijook No." 17783. ------.boles. Zippers r s p a l^ Win­ gree helpful hUt not neoesSary. that make the Aircraft anch a gw^ to w «iu Good dow shades m*ds to gaensuis. aL Dutch Boy aad DoP4jat Manchester for an ex- Notice is hereby given that 1969 HRiMAN. Minx — Quality woiknUashlp, CaO Call Thomas Colla, Conn. Con­ B Y FRANK O’NEAL condition, best offer. Call 649- an sises VansttsB Ujlnda, Ksjr struction Corp., 648;9665. Join the many ’« f f V ^ ^ t e s wim Pastfbook No. 17782 issued by evenings, 246-06N. pefienced cosmetician, s h o r t r i b s the First-Manchester Bank 4 , 5736. mads while you wslL )Znpe r*- f u l l and part-time help started thrir career training at ^ Trust Co., has been lost arid oorders tor rent. Unitow’s. *67 EXTERIOR painting our spe­ excellent salary, liber- Aircraft. Cmne in and start your future today at f fORTMUSiT . ANP6lDPIttUN$. Meta., 64»*2». wanted. Apply William., Pack application has been made to 1960 VOLVO — new motor. CaH cialty, very reasonable rates. Free estimates. Call anytime, id benefits. Apply Per­ Lianber, 2 Main SL P&WA! M l said bank for payriient and is*, 649-2162 after 6. - > ^ ■ f 'HZ suance of new bpok.^^ ______Hnikllng—pCuntrAEttllf 14 568-1547. sonnel Dept., Family Hundreds of good Jobs- now avallBlble in? >. 1960 FORD station wagon, coun­ l o s t — Pass Book No. 7602, try sedan, automatic, power A d d it io n s —remodeitog, g«- Drug Stores,, 59 Leg- Savings Department of The steering and brakea, good con-, . rages, rec rooms, bathrooms floor FlnWilng 24 WANTED Connecticut Bank, 4 Tnjst WEiLAU-RISHTi ditlon. 649-9639. tHed. Mtchene remodeled,. OaH FLOOR 8ANDINQ and reflnlsh- get St„ East Hart- Company. A,pplication. made 1 0 1 . DRIVE HOME Leon OeezynsU, Builder, 649- tag tspeetaliatag in Mac Clean, Late Model i m K O T K H t for payment. / 1986 STUtoEBAKER President 4391. ______'fo r d , 289-1541. jyWtfSBF. and 1967 Golden Hawk, *76 floCrs). Waxing floors. Paint­ ing. PapertiangiBg. No ]Cb too USED CARS LOST at niing, 26” red and each. 643-1364. QUAUTY Carpentry Rooms, URURMT EliBIIR MBBHMIIBS BY DICK CAVALLI chrome boy’s bicycle with dormers, ponhss, baaemenU «m«ii j(rim Varfaille, *49-5750. MORTY MEEKLB WOMAN for dry cleaning . Top Prices basket and light. Call. 649- TsftaUhad, eabtaats, hullt-4ns, CANPHIL Floor covering, 78, store, .part-tffne work, hours 1958 PONTIAC, very good con­ For All Make* BY ROY CRANE 3329. “ , formloa, atamtaum, vtoyl. mreh Bt Wan to wall carpet­ 1-6, 8 hours on Saturday. Aak PBCMNOWCNfMOOING f o r ONB 0LOR(OU5 dition, *195. 649-4259. / atoril, carame aiding. WllUam BUZZ SAWYER TWBGOr.GOOO m o m e n t I T H C X J S H T l o s t — Brown female ehihua- ing. linoleum. Free estimates. for Mr. Gray. Manchester Diy CARTER CHEVROLET OH THE DARKNESS, IT ISN’T MOTICEP MB^roevexj, T0\A«CK K^ROB^■lHAN Robbins CaipantiT Berries, Expert installation. Call 643- Cleaners,^ 93 WeHs St. £VB2 n X T H B & X P C F nem5ANNOtMaN0 lua. finder please call 649- 1966 OUDeSUCGBSlM, 4-door se­ C O . . I N C . BiNUIIWORK VOU LOOK BUSUED, CUUM. wvWENTHE '(DUNe'MARlNf COLLAPSES MR.eCX3MB2- dan, immaculate, one ewner, 1218, or 649-2986. na woKRtic lETMS CMUW TOUR AMMO .It. .,n.r I rsan 'A T AdAiAltkllTI/’VK} . THE BOOMER C aW W iy/ HIO P^ieNAJION. 2050, ______1229 Main S t MOUT9COTT need cash, *2,400. or win CARPENTRY — am erete work, PACK FOR a w h ile ; ^ ------Phone 649-52^^ TWA t BIE MMilNB 7HEBE...HE‘5 M1M5SU8HT, / MO­ Annolincemente’' 2 trade down. 649-1921. anythtog from eaUar to roeC Bonds-Stodm -* 6E6)MKIK|(;T. '■i. i‘ .- Inside and out, no aubetltute for sell 1960 Bfortgac** 27 STA36BR-> ELECTROLUX .vacuum clean- MOVIENG — -M ust quality work, aatlsfaetlon.nac^ Chevrolet Bei Air, ■very rea- BiRUMFr ENUNE TG8nN8 ers,, sales and service, bonded antoed. oompetnUva prices, na MORTGAGE ^ A N B — first, sonaJble. 649-7906. Job too small. D A D Carpan- second, t b ^ ; aU ktada raaltyv repreaentettve. Alfred Amell, ^ 110 Bryan Dr., Manchester. 1966 MJUBTAB^. red, black In­ tey, daya ftt-UOfi. avaotaga 9«»> atatewlde,'credit rating unnecn experwintA 644-8141. terior, excenmt condition, *3,- - essary. Reaaonable, confident USED CARS 200. 649-9681. tial, quick arrangemonts. Alvin A COM PLETE t m OABPENTRY—32 years axpa- Lundy Agency, 637-1971, 98* IIR0HININ6, WELD1NR Eersonals rience, OMupleta- remodritag, s e l Bc t i o n 12 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, red, ra­ Main "St., Harttoiil, evenings. TRAINING COURSES WITH PAY vta: dio, good condition, excellent additions, r*c roenris, concreta 39S*879. 7 ' RIDE VyANTED from Hartford work and garages. References ______, , •WUWMrtWt. Rd. to Aetna Life, Farmington Bres. Asking *885. CaH 649- BOURNE BIHM INTRODUCTORY TRAINING PROGRAMS M given, free esttmataa. Ckdl 643- SECOND MORTGAGB — Dta "The House cf A ve., working hours 8 —4:10. 0520 after T:30 pjn. bourn of basic machine and irelated damawmi fai- BY LESLP TURinSR 2629. ------.Umitod funds avaikbla .for------sao Customer Sattefactloa” CaU 649-0168 after 5 p.m . , ond mortgagaa, paymaots to 5 Gals. stmetiop. CAPTAIN EASY c o m p l e t e remodeHng serv­ 285 MAIN ST. RIDE WANTED to Pratt and 1960 W D G ,''^., eocceUent condi­ aott your bodgat Expedient •5.95 BY LANK LEONARD ______HOPFVW ^ tion, *975. 6431-0294. ice. Roofing, sMtag, garagee, servlee. J. D. Realty; MS*UB. MANCHESTER ADVANCEIH r AINING PBOGBtAag — MICKY FINN veil T T*v MUsrvE 7 ------.1. THEORIES, . Whitney, second shift, from ■vi­ rec rooms, ooncrete woik, .cab- ^ rSnO I lBFT BV ATHIEF WHO \ ARB WGOIM© , 1 ooSpunKp lURiftfriD cinity Hackmatack St. to N o ^ W . G. GLENNEY CO. 246-5862 649-4571 ranging from 22 weeks to 93 w e ^ fa M id i^ ^ N0TWBB5HTO J o r /1984 OCiDSMOBXLE 98, LS, aH taet and oaumter work, cera- Sheet Mefid, Tool, IMe and Gage MBkfag, Madhfae WP parking lot. Call 649-3274. SchodB and GfaUMMS 83 BBS NOSTH MAIN ST. INTRUPBt V RA1 riectric, low mileage, original taib, tlle, floor tUe. OUl 649- Repair and Pipe Making. owner. 649-7620. 2*40 for free esUmatos. AntMnobileS For Sale 4 APPRENTICE p r o g r a m s -■ C o u r ^ iP62 IfliNCJOLN' Continental, NEWTON H . SMtCH A 8 (W — 'PACTOR - TRAILER NEED CAB? Yovr credit turn­ black, phish interior, excellent vBamodellng, repairing, addf- frun -three to four years in Sheet Metal, Mmiliwiing ed down? Short on down pay- condttion, *2;295, flnm. K you ddfis, , rec rooms, garages, JOBS W AITING and Tool A pie Making. mentt Bankrupt? Beposae*" nr« looking for a good car can porches and roofing. No Job |THRE|FQREMEM WANTED y iS IT TB|E e m p l o y m e n t OPTICS . aton'T Don’t deapalrl Bee Bon- 649-8710.^ too amalL CaH B4B-S144. ; EARN *200. PER oat Douglma. Inquln about lbw\ first sHft BHpwirWoB) 400 Main StroeL East Rartffwd, Cmmectieat AiKD H lQ IH m est dow*. emallest payment* I f anywhere. No amaU loan or fi­ ’fincks—Tractoi* 8 o p e n f o r y o u r ‘CONVENIENCE Monday t r a i n n o w — PAT liA’nOR T l ^ r f our foremen got caught in the nance emnpaay p***- Dougin* I960 FORD F-lOO truck, eVh aoroWHLL HOME laapmenuB* have left these desirable vacanaes to through Friday - 8 sjn. to 5 p.m., Tuesday, W e d ^ M;otors, 338 Mata. ' ■ t ^ crib. 11,000 mliris on new Od. — Rooftag, aiding, altora- t r a in M y o u r AiRBA .can q tS ify . We need three day and Thursday evenings till 8 pju., and aati^ tisns. addltlam aad inmodal' 1964 PONTIAC Bonneville. 4- erigtoe.. Call 649-8638. 6-8. PA R T-TliaB rflom and. Wwh will be in a modem p lu t gitnateQ days 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Oth«r Connecticut l ^ t o fa tag flC an typas. BxesDanI door hardtop, original owner, workmanahlp. 8*8 6416. lE a b t a ^ u l rural settii^. W « N ^ h Haveu and SoUthiWtoip U k7;aiM^ Bbowroom condition, .876-9*70, your military diaeharge papers (D 1 ^ 2 l4 ), birto ■A BY LEFF and McWlLLIAMS Traflern— ' eleckric-anillancc manufacturer with A. A. DION, nia RoaO^ Ears whoa you laazn.. BY RALSTON JONES aad FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES 1960 (XJ>SMOBILB — station Mdbile Homen d»A SW eii5S S W «IS n **t^ t*»e friendly ateoG- cwtillcato aad siw ^ y»u vinC MR. -ABERNATHY aldlag, printtW. Oupaatzy. Al- Laam on all makes aad our ^fice. ^ OKAY, CHRIS...BUT 1 ' ' wagrm. Reasonable. Inquire 9 models cf aquipment .until ^m re of a small company.; v -a « ------NOT FROM VOU. .VOUWB GOT NOCHOICE. FORJtBNT — new Sear* MO iirsttons and additlnna. OUI- you CAN'T AFFORD THia *^AHOVNL PROMISE VOtl THIS - TM Foster St. 648-5748. ^ You wiU be recdgnixed M an TIME FORA T W A a LtAVINE TOWN T VOURE RESPONSIBLE GONNA PAV YOU BACK.. tent.trailer, camper, with 9x- taB*< WorkmaaiaUp guuaa- qualified for immediate OOSH, CRABeRASS, >OU T' IHAliSMyJOByAAR. PARTV... BUT t C AN .* HOT IN SHAPE s n a c k . M y LrTTLS UUEM X M A R D A B ^ \ FOR. HER GOING 13’ screened Or. dosod-4n at­ taed. 298 Autumn Bt **«-4B*6. employment QUA L ITT m dock nomber . . . and exceptional perfortaiance CBWMNiy ARETOUSH AND ABBBNATHy, BUTIHAVE T O 301N V 0U , REPOSSESSIOn V take over RRATT AND WHITNEY 9W EEnEPIEL KEULV... VOuM e D I ON THAT CROISE. t r a i n i n g i s UCEINSED NCAN1DTHE EMPtOYECS! AAVeOFTSIOEIDOl POB- PAVy... paymenta, no cash needed wltt tached room. Available week* ' will be rewarded. ^ ■ • hAp s u p i msiANca,iSM>fin^ mnp HELP lO FIND HER. average credit. 1963 Chevrolet of July 8,16 and 22; Pleaae oaU a n d A0CRBDITBD. A^K Large pazUng area only 10 s ^ c ^ from our p ^ Bortfing aad CMmueyB JS*A- a b o u t o u r i r o n c l a d V TDM/par. ImpB0a,^1966 Ford #4*41381. ' , - _ Iwnifi mnirfd meals in our lntand-«ew«feterin A n tC R A F t OUAKARm B . 1961 'FolkswBgen. conyero^ S O O riN O '^ BpaelalUtar >w • • • edinpietely air-conditioned idaRt aad effteea. jiivWBM ed Ufated Aircraft CMHontioii: - . Can 389-8364, *ek Ice O r tb r o JNDR RENT — Rpavri roots of aH kiiida, nan, __ •filer ffiage benefits. Holmes. Call evenings a76-6986. guttar w «k, chtasaeya OaHHartfOTd MO-fTTlaaytitaR Baai Hartfmrd, Connecticut ataanad.. npata^f* AtaBatame All TcpUea wiU be treated with coafideiice by CREDIT BY tnONB. Need * aiding. 10 yaarat exparieBce. eQual OMHHrtunlty employer. Au Ekiuul Opportunitjl En>|^er >-7 car? No cash needed, 100 car . Gam gie-i5erviee-r- PriM satlmates. 08U Howlari, selecUon,' Ask for,M r, Brun­ H i ^ WnHted— Female Rl Send Biiplication or resume to 644-SSI8. SBABir YPUB Rm iBB RODAY ner, ^ 8266, dealer. Stemxe i BVCREATTONAI. program- dl- o a r a g e totr rant, appeOoumata- BOXG. HERAW A T P A W A 1960 PONnAC' CataUna oon- . ^___. liwtor Gfliifc wMi ]y 1400 sviexe faet, utUittea, vertflile, good ooodltloo, *796. Read Herald Ads •»« t*** <«* ««»*•• ou t 848-7877. bustases tan* 15 B4B80BR .. ■ t'* \ PAGE TWENTY-THREB MANGHfeSTER EVENII^G Hl^lBALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY; JULY 7, 1966

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALt), MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1966 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Lots For Sale 73 May Split Rights Movement PAGE IWENTY-TWO Houses For Sale 72 Houses Fot Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 ONE ACRE 6 miles from Man- Business Locattom Res^'Property i7EW llSHNQ—Porter Street $14,500 BUYS this 8 bedroom COZY 8 romn Cape Wanted—To Boy 68 ' 4partinenta— ^Flata— ▼* ’ ...... ___ „ _. nnimrini lie. bullt-lnSibuilt-lns, extra large lot.lot, $15.-$15,- tdiesteor center, block founda­ Articles For Sale 45 For Rent 67 MANCHESTER—7 room S ^ t Ranch, with large lot. For full redecorated with Colonial de­ Tenements 68 For Rent 64 modified 2-level Ranch, 900. Can Irene Kwlat, Leonard tion, -septic tank, excellent Level, family room, 1% baths, information Call Mitten Agency cor, eat-ln kitchen, large lot, Advocate 16’ BOAT, Bristol, 40 h.p. mo­ 8 finikh^ rooins, plus i un­ Agency, Realtors, 646-0469 or well, $2,500. Terms $500. down. ^Black Power W r m c m r o o m ap«rlmmlHS DISIBABUt ^ nlSS'RinaSlS modem kitchen with bullt-lns, Realtors, 648-6930. walk - out baeement, $17,900. tor,,canvas'top, good condition'. finished room , vpper and low­ 742-8349. Owner 742-8090., CLASSIFIED Must sell. jM4-8120. one car garage,^ priced for er terrftces, huge wooded, lot, - Leonard Agency, Realtors, 646- guna, pewter, acrap ' gold, quick sale. , 122.900. Phllbrlck tremmdous possibilities for 0469. FOUR room Ranch, tile bath, CHOICE wooded lot in excellent 14’ LONE'&TAR liberglas boat, - ______Mrs. Reynolds, State Theatre, ^ “ Agency, Realtors, 649-8464. watches, old jewtsliy, hobby TTIREE room furnished cottage, Ihrge family. Priced in mid full baament, shaded yard, city and convenient location, 86x197,, Defines Faction’s 40 h.p- Mercury .motor, Mastw FOR RENT — 6 rooin apartment i p.m.-8 p.m HBNRY ST. — older Colonial, 7 collections, paintings, attic eon- bycy weekweeK or month.monui. Call 742-im - 30's. For further information utilities, close to shopping, as­ 643-2966 or 649-8638. Craft trailer, preservers, skis, S large bedroom?, hieat and hot ------. Modern BEST BUYS rooms, recently new, IVi hatha, advertising tents or srtaole estates. Furni­ 7864 or inquire Andover Kitch- call R. F. Dlmook Co., 61^ sumable mortgage. Call owner Ainr /API__ A’ Black power seems to me ferent from anybody else wlelA tow rope, 6 gallon tank, 82 water, $130, cWldren welcome. SET OF OFFK^ kitchen with huilt-ins, 2% plumbing and furnqcih. Central LAKE — Wooded ATLANTA, Ge -.-n, (A ) ^ Kwtno* Number tog their political power. ture Repair Service. SI8-744S. 876-7362. ■» State TheaU” Building. In- en. Route 6. 6245. \ for quick sale. 643-9869. baths, formal dining room, vaciniming system, fine family building lots, very reasonable, A leader of the new “black a m tWs You are talking al.io not CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEP1?. HOURS Strong St; - ■ • ’ quire 1 p.m.-8 pm . Mrs. Rey- HOUSBHOUl lots, antiques, f«niiiy room with fireplace, 2- .MANCHEISTBR — 4 fam ily BY BELHORE home. $21,900. E. J. Carpenter, ’ lakefront privileges. Good- er” faction within the dvtj one, .that black people^ only Jn termri of political power, WEST SH5e — Pleasant 4-room nolds, 643-7832. MISQUAMICUT, R.L-i^-oot^gO, 8 A.M. to 5 |P.M. 14’ * Th o m p s o n ; 25 h.y. John- bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, car garage, A-A 2!one, 832,600. home, excellent condition Realtor, 640-6061. ctolld-Biu^ett Realty, Real­ rights movement defines the coimtry are oppressed for one what’s Implied In this is th« son motor; new' canvaw Cover, apartment, second floor, adults '------j-—— , . 4 rooms, neex beadh, hot muter glassware. W e buy estates. Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, throughout, permanent siding, $k );oqo. A>v,,^reaHy bo»npact BUILT BY ANSALDI tors, 289-0939, 289-9151. . te'ite as political strength inter- reason:—and that’s because of ,vhole scope of power or trailer optional. 364 ^Bell St., only, no p ^ . Call 649-6897 after S’TORE — center of Manchester, and heat. Qall 643-0491. MANCHESTER Vicinity — Im­ Village Peddler, Auctioneer, \g Q gj newly remodeled store, front 640-8464. ^ aluminum stoUns and screens. Rapoh'’^i/4 bldel(s from Main woven with an attempt to build their color,, and that’s w>hat this strength whether it’s economic Olastonbury, 633-43S maculate 5 room Ranch, on a BOLTON — large wooded lots, C O PY CLOSING TIME F O R CLASSIFIED ADVT. 420 liS ie St., Bolton, 649-3247. ■ ‘ * and interior, reasonable rent------— ------______» S-car garage, parking. Fully st 3 garages. VeJyv,clean. Aak stronger racial pride among country has'to face. ’Uh^r rally „r political or otherwise? TWO BLOCKS from Main, • 90x150, full cellar with rec Five Room Ranch off converse Rd. Beautiful res­ MONDAY Thru FWIDAY 10:80 A.M. — 8ATUBDAS f AAL als. Brokers Invited. ^522-3114. , Wanted To R«nt 68 ■* occupied, good Investment at for Norman Hohenth room, 3 bedrooms, eat-ln idential area. CaU 649-7367. Negroes. . cry must be the issue around a ; Yes. ’That’S correct. When room Colonial, 2-car g a ra ^ , . $27,500. Wolverton Agency, " ,, Diamonds—W atdisn— Rooms Without Board 59 f o u r rxvt.r\:PiYL o o m apartment,ctLscbi idtivut, sec-oviw- - * kitchen,, oil hot water heat, “ We iiist want to get the white which they are oppressed, as it you taUt about black people in ' eiteloMd porch, rtiadod lot, Full basqment, 2 fireplaces, Jtwtdrj: ,»48 ond ffloGT, 64 Birch St., 649-6668. MEDIUM SIZE comer s l ^ — — .. . ------■ Raalters, 649-2813.______$11,500. Do it yourSelif apertah X aluminum combinations. $15,- •iqiRiBE to choose from. One in people our backs. That’s all was tor unions. The workers this country, you talk about THELXUU TH OJCW N HOUSE,*XV/W»*SS| Cot ■ ■ ...... ■ I — ..... '■ ' ■ suitable for store or office. WANTED — 6 room Cape or permanent siding, $16,9^. ceramic tiled bath, plas­ suburban location 117x274. NEW ’TWO family flat — W , Six rooms, garage. 'Several 90Q. Wolverton Agency, Real"' we want’’ said Stokely Carmi- came together. They were op- propertyless people. I mean, as DIAL 643-2711 WATCSl AND JEWELRY re­ tage Mnet, centrally located, f o u r room, apartment, porch Available July 648-7723 or Ranch by July 15. Good refer­ Hayes Agency, 648-0181. tered walls, full Insulation, Bowers school area, large unique possibilities. Ask -for toteN649-2813. Another 100x200 with utilities, chael, national chairman of the pressed because they w « e a whole we don’t have any pro,^ pairing. Prompt eersdce. Up ta large, pleasantly furnished first floor, - central, electric, 649-1690. ences. Call 289-2984. hot Water oil heat, cast A 2tone. And one with 142’ $1 8 ,(800—Oversized, Immacul^ ’ kitchen, i2’ living room, s»p- Norman Hohenthal. Student Nonviolent Coordinating workers. And we must come grty. We’re stiU waltin^tor our 820 on your old watch in rMms, parking. Call 649-2888 stove, heat, garage, available MANCHESTER — Ranch, fine iron recessed radiation, frontage where permission and ^leadi^ t/^ether ^uwmd the issue that 40 acres and a mule. The only MAIN ST. — sizeable store and 6 room Cape, one unftalsh^ (,arate furnaces, city utilities. CoflriniMd From Procodins trade. CSoeed Mondays. F. B. for ovecnight and pamaaent August 1st, adult opuple, no residential neighborhood, mod­ wall to wall carpeting, dS- has been granted to K,.os build oa “black power.” ' oppressed us-whlmSK2% baths, large liv­ utilities, combination ..win­ Realtor, 643-1577. SNOC chairinan nearly two power to stop their oppression, maybe using that as a stepping MIEAIjS for errands for man or 629-0618. Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. plete with fruit trees, bushes, Male or Female^ 37 4^^ ROOMS, $120; 3% rooms. CONCORD RD. — Beautiful ing room with paneled wall dows, large 2-car gtirage, ■ ...... months, said in an interview at We need power to »top oure. So, gtone, we ^ get to ecmomic COST ACCOUNTANT — Duties ------lady with license, night work­ etci Recent roof. Clean and quick occupancy^' P r ic ^ $110; heat, hot water, stove,' re­ RESTAURANTS —' Your <*olce Ranch, large living room, for­ fireplace, 9 closets, large fani- R e s o r t P r o p e r ty F o r Sale 74 Ws Atlanta office that the new it’s black power A ^ power, is reaUy the cni- Include cost analysis, standard IF YQU have some experience Garden-^Farm— ^Dalry er or retired person. 649-5459. frigerator, parking, 15 Forest neati Central location. Ask for for immediate ^ le . as a short order cook or have of four. Priced $3,800, $6,000, mal dining room, cabinet lly room with fireplace plus - philosophy might split the civil power just means W a ^ problem. cost system. Apply Cheney Products 50 St., Off Madn St., 646-0090, 643- Houses For Rent'" 65 Joe Lombardo. some grUl work experience and ------RiOOM With kitchen privileges, ^ $7,000 and one Indtiding real NO'nCE kitebeu. 3 bedionns. reerste game room and work Shop. / ANDOVER l a k e — cozy * 4 rightsright.s movement. movement. cominircoming together together and and getting getting qQ;. rgo,„ «bwhen e n 'you boil it down Bros., Inc., 31 Cooper Hill St., 5675. can work part-time year ’round STRICHjY fresh eggs for sale, central location, Mrs, Dorsey, r a m b l in g 8 room partly fur-: estate $170,000. For more in­ ' tloo room, landscaped yard. Priced for Ime^ate sMp at CHARLES/LESPERANCE room cottage overlooking lake. sNOC's objective people to represent their needs you’re talking about Personnel Dept A public hearing will be held $14,500. Six and ope-half room $25,900. Philbrick Agency, 649- •we are looking for siA:h a per- Nlghtcrawlers, TomaszowskI, 14 Arch St. / . nlshed Qolonial, pleasant loca­ formation call Phllbrlck Agen­ - Marlon B. Robertson. Realtor, Btone fireplace, cablneted political pewer for and-to stop tS»at oppression. is political power? by the Plm hing and Zoning older home in desirable loca­ son. Mornings 8-12, i days a Box 363. South Rd., Bolton, tion, ideal for bachelors, fire­ cy, 649-8464. Commission of Manchester, 6456968. 8464. "64^-7B20 kitchen, screened porch, dou- j,jggpQeg_ instill within them a q ; Roy Wilkins (of the inj^t’s correct, COMFORTABLE room for gen- FW E RXXXMIS and garage, $90. tion. A scarce price range. Ask JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT week, good hourly rate, pleas- open daily. 649-6472. places, garage, pool. 643-2880. ble determination to make their n a AOP) has said no matter q : Do you feel the black pow- tleman, separate entrance, C ^ l 649-1946. Connecticut, on Monday eve­ ■■714 ROOM Ranch, 8 bedrooms, ^!or Joe Lombardo.- BOWER’S area — Immaculate ant working conditions Apply -pEAS. BEANS, beet^" ning, July 11, 1966 at 8 p.m. in ____ Agency, 646-0131. decisions—about civil how you say it, it means awti- ^ ^ipprooch wilV^Ut the civil Recent accounting school SWISS parking. 649-2460. lo- oversized kitchen, 2 rec rooms, 6 room Cape. OH forced air in person. Brass Key Restau­ . 4 % ROOM duplex, residential MANCHESTER—Premii$n the Hearing Room of the Mu­ heat, garage, private lot, $17,- ’p\)(ro-PAMILY on Main St. - r ooV EN TR Y — Lakefront 4 rights and anythliig.else—and to white- What’s your vley/? rights movement? or college graduate needed chard, lettuce, 21 Angel , St., cation, t-ibedroom Cape, 2 full • lot 102x380’, exceptional condl- jogjog. Seven room home with rant. TWIN BEDROOM to be shared location, $135. monthly.'^ J. D. INVITATION nicipal Building to consider the 900. Call Lappen Agency, Real- a valuable piece ,of property furnished cottage, sleeps create a spnse of Identity wim never used that m ight I don’t to augment our stoff. Pre­ Manchester. baths, rec room,'available Im­ tion, Buckley School area. $19,- garage. Just listed. with another gentleman, next Real Estate, 643-5129. following application for Spe­ for business, etc.,. For further 7 boats and float Call 649- cplbred/peoples of the world, gee why the imow. But I think whait th* vious experience in the REOISTEIRBID Pharmacist — mediately, references, lease 900. Philbrick Agency, 649- jjioejy shaded lot. Convenient tors. 649-6261. 2 PICK YOUR OWN strawberries, to Slower, parking. 649-6801 af- T O BID cial Permit in accordance with details call Philbn^ck Agency, 9068 after 4 :30. x^i^ijalarly Africans. rallying cry of black power «.ivll rtghts movement has to do field not essential. Com­ full-time or regular part-time. I- 8464. good picking. Zeppa Farm, 308A THREE ROOMS, heat, hot wa­ required. T. J. Crockett, Real­ Sealed bids will be received Article IV, Section H of the West Side location, close to MANCHESTER—Immaculate 6 ...... Bift. the SNOC chairman said, mean that. I mean, the act as a buffer zono pany offers excellent bene­ Manchester Memorial Ho^i- '^terS. Realtors, 649-8464. Birch Mountain Rd., Manches­ ter, lights, garage', refrigera­ tor, 643-1577. at the office of the General zoning Regulations; PRINCETON St. — Custom built shopping and transportation. room (jape, 2-car garage^ near .a>e new move is not anti white ^ ^ unions was “•workers between the black community fits, wages and working, tal. Call Mr. Arpnian. 643- ter. tor and stove. Call .643-8418. Manager, 41 Center Street, Group Dwelling project lo- 8 bedroom home, oaittnet kitch­ Ask for Carl Zinsser. bus, shopping and/^hools, COME and see our 6 and 6 du­ Suburban For S®!* 75^' ner black supremacist. Anti- world unite.” And they vvtaite cemununtty, hut conditions in a growing 1141, Ext. 208 for appoint- ______. ______ROOMS TP RENT — 17 Spruce Manchester, Conn., until Au­ cated at 436 No. Main St., en' with dining area, laundry quick occupancy. Bel Air Real plex at 96-98 Ridge St. Modern ______, white violence' by Negroes is uniting themselves. The express the feeHng o f the concern. ment. An equal opportunity p i c k YOUR OWN strawberries. THRiBB ROOM apartment, St. Call 649-2494. Suburban F(Ur Rent 66 gust 2, 1966 at 11:00 a.m., for Residence Zone B. Project room, large cedar closet, 2 $17,900. This immaculate Estate, 643-9332. / kitchens, dining 'and living MOVING— Owner^must spll at merely a fear of white persons, -peoifla who were worried comnuinity in the tOTe of employer. 26c a quart.. Eva M orm ’s, Bod- stove, refrigerator, first floor, ______room,. 3 bedrooms, bath and a tractiVely landscaped-"' ex^U; Send resume stating eixpe- Street Sweeper— (Four 'Wheel, consists of 16 dwelling baths. Jalousied glassed - In room Colonial styled home is be said. were their employers who ex- black community. That’* 7 ton Center Rd., Bolton. parking. Nice location. Call COVENTRY — Private, seclud- CX)ZY 4 roony Ranch — Ideal tive home op 3 acres. Separate rience and education to Two Engine, Four Cubic yard units. Variance requested porch, 2 car garage, Marion ideal for just about every pur- half each side. Two garages, '■‘And it’s a healthy fear,’ plotted them. S® what we In SiNOC axe going to Apartments— Flat*—■ '644-8184. ed 3 rooms, 8 miles UOonn; tor retlremem or starter home. many Improvements. Owners 4 room afiartm ^t — Income. PXX Box T3, Hartford. Situations WantedT- for size of lot. Applicant: E. Robertson, Realtor, 643-5953'■ pose—schools, shopping, trans- Carmichael said. “ It’s one that “ black power,” it seeiiiia;to..,i_ STRAWBERRIES — Pick your Tenements 63 4 rooms, central, 5 miles UOonn capacity) In park : Jike area. Have a Very private.,.5 mileS to Man­ Am m • _ ------— ----- ; portation, churches, etc. Quiet asking mid 20’s. Weekends or vata.o mu^ 10 m m - je-serve J______«11 to ri'hoV’ have for all they m e ’ the oidy*people - who a._ should * -* Female 38 own, 26c quart, bring own con- - „ THREE ROOM apartment, 423-3911. • speclfi- Eugene T. Kelly, Trustee. dream ^c6me true for $11,200. room modem apart- . ^ MANCHESTER 2 family, 5 residential area. Newly re-done evenings, call 643-0123, 649-5035 Chester center. Will sell far have done to ^ tee w..i.k black neonle.” people. ^%^rrfed are tee people who tainers. Zeppa Farm, School TWO 3 first floor, heat, hoC water ...... cations are available at the All Interested persons may Ohar-Bbn Real Estate, 643-0683 aWGRETARY Receptioirist, ’pos­ ments, refrigerator, range, dis and 5 flats, on bus line, $18,------^ ..... ------below cost. Owner, 742-8090. Some of the questions and an­ Rd., Bolton. electric refrigeraitor, gas ROCKVILLE AparttmentB — Controller’s Office, 66 Center attend this hearing. inside and out. Two car garage. MANCHDSTER — new 6 room, are exploiting and oppressing ition desired in Doctor’s or Oral po^al, with utilities. Rent $110 900. Philbrick Agency, Real- Shade, sun, and privacy. Pro­ swers from tee Interview: DEAN MACHINE range, parking. Ideal for efficiency 3 V2, 4%, heated, street, Manchester, Connect!- Planning and NEW 60 foot 4-famlly, nearly V/t baths, 3 bedrooms, close to BOI/rdiN LAKE—Custom built black i>eople. ' r o O D U C T S Surgeons (dentist’s) office in LEHTUOE cut to oi^er, '2 to $126, one year lease, escrow, • tors, 649-8464. fessional appraisal available on finished, large rooms, indi- Q ; Who originated the term NOTICE / working couple. Adults only. range, refrigerator, $85—$115. cut. Zoning Commission bus line, churches, schools, year ’round home, Ideal loca- Q: Does black power ianplgr area, by mature experienced heads, 25c. Yellow 'squash. 649-4342, 649-3666. request. Ask for HcXner Gras- “ black power” ? ■•* M6 Adams St., Manchester No pets. Available July. 15, Rockville 875-2557. Town of Manchester, John B. L'amenzo, STEPHEN ST. — Large Immac­ ' -vidual heat, designed for ■ bus­ shopping, $2 1 ,50 0 , 130 Parker tion, next to Neiwcoca Camp. .t^Use of violence? woman, immediately, wiH con­ Casimir Kurys, 161 French seler. , / iness in basement, $22,600. A; I - don’t know. That’s a LOOKXNG lor anything In real 643-6S88. Connecticut Chairman ulate Colonial, fireplaced living S t Open day and nigh.t N ew * Pull basement, garage, 2 or 3 . . A; Not in nqy ~^^taticm rf of the Town of Man- Has inune^te openings lor tlM sider others. OaiTl 643-2811. Rd., Bolton. Clarence W . WelU, Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. bedrooms.■ ' ----- Shown by appoint- term . that has beenlen familiar estate tentals — apartments, ------—— Robert B. Weiss. room, big dining room, sun- room Colonial, 2 baths, 4 bed­ - ___ 1 Was small. it. I don:t see why it *ould. ^ Oohnecticut, the Zon- foBowing: tenement Secretary condl tionesd for ment, Ray Spielman Agency, WANTED — large ironings to do homes, multiple dwellings, no FOUR BOOM Gei^eral Manager porch, bedrooms with oversized $21,900. Air MANCHESTER — Large 7 room rooms, 2 .car garage, plose to SNOC vocally started l>among WhenwhAn you'vn« talk about J B 0*w ' of Appeals wlH hold 95 Foster NOTICE summer comfort. Really im­ Rockrtlle, 875-1020. Bnrrat Lartlie OpemteM — hi m y home. 10c each, cash and fees. Call J. p. Real Estate, rent. Inquire closets, 2-cbt garage, lovely lot. Ranch, 214 t>aths, modem everything, $26,500. 591 Adams the civil rights organization's — this- country, - -you , talk a. nubUc hearing on Monday, Household Goods 51 maculate 2 bathrooro^^ 3 bed­ lAgMm carry; 15c each pick-up and de* 643-5129. 643-7340. PUBLIC HEARING Low 20’s. Bel Air Real Estate, kitchen, formal dining room, St. Open day and night. Orv \ b e i n g able to Uve within tee g ^ ^ tj,, room Ranch. First floor family SOUTH WINDSOR — spacious the Mississippi march. Bvery, Travel anywhere. Eve- ADDITIONAL 643-9332. Goslee, Real Estate 644-8063. of Boom of tee Municipal CLEAN. USED refrigerators, WE HAVE eustomers watting ------yr^------^------family room, 24x24 with flre- oversized 7 room Split, 2% Q: What is your definition Baottaige Operatora — ntgtate nlT«8, 643t92M. APPRaPRIATTONS room. Walkout ba/ement. (Juiet teatYtoimept would be any ihf- tee foUowing ap- ranges, automatic washers MA2«3HBSTBR — 2 famtiy 6 place, 2-car garage, large lot q a LL CARL Zinsser to see this baths, paneled family room, the concept? for the rental of your a ^ - Furnished Aimriments 63-A BOARD OF DIRECTORS deadend street./incredibly low Tool Makers and Maehindats — with guarantees. See them at and 6, 15bcl7’ kitchen, 12x19’ with fruit trees, $26,000. Phll­ immaculate Cape .on a quiet, garage, top location, deadend phcatlcn: STATE HBASUNO EXPERIENCED Insur­ ment or home. J. D. Real Es- ______^______TOWN OF MANCHES’TER, heating cost./^e consider this days and nights B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 849 ■ living room, 2 generous bed­ brlck Agency, 649-8464. residential street. Alumin'um rtreet. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. ----- \ ------jik a o i. ance woihan desires part-time tate, 643-5129.. ONE room furnished apart­ CONNECTICUT one of the p k st -values in town. L e g a l Main St. CaU 643-2171. rooms, oil hqt water heat, siding for minimum mainte­ Suburban For Sale 75 C. & 'A . DoClantis, 886 Hart­ Surface Grtnder — day* work, (general Insurance). ment, ‘all utilities. Apply 10 Notice is hereby given that Ask for ^bmer Grasseler. MANCHESTER — Goodwin St, EAST HARTFORD 3 family Refliable, references. 649-0719. DUPLEX — Modem 6 rooms, aluminum combinations, sepa­ nance and low heat bills. Ga­ ford R oad , Business Zone It SINGER automatic 2Bg-Z^ In iDepot Square, Apt. 4. the Board o f Directors, ’Town of / excellent 7 room Cape, (4 bed­ home, Saunders St., 14 rooms, BOL/TON l a k e — 4 room NOTICE OF heat, hot ■water, stove, refrig;- rate utilities, built in 1961. rage, attractively landscaped Request Speclsi Exception f^ Froduoidon Milling Operators —• cabinet, like new, monograms, Manchester, Connecticut, will We b^ve never had a better rooms) large kitchen with diah- income return, separate heat­ home, private owner, gas heat, h e e t iNq o f HIGH SCHOOL senior desires erator, garage, centrally locat­ $26,900. Wolverton Agency, and treed yard. Priced to sell days and nigh'te , embroiders, buttonholes, blind hold a Public Hearing in the V E H R E n D crop' of listings than we have washer and bull tins, rec room, ing systems, selling in upper neeu- Rosedale Beach, garage, _____STATE____ OF___ (T gas station, and Cei^cate of baby sitting Job, days. Call ed, $160 monthly. 943-7467. ANDOVER-S^S room furinlshed Realtors, 649-2813. ingnediately at $15,900. Beifl- TRICT QF_M. heming, etc. Originally over Municipal Building Hearing ______now. Don’t put off buy- 2-car gemage, near schools, 20’s. For further information beautifully landscaped lot, fur- bate court, •A7 1966; 'Approval for same, at I®* ______~ mominge, 84841066. ' apartment, parking. 742-7541. ore Agency, 643r5121» $300, take over left 7 payments _____ Room, 41 tenter Center »ireei, Street, ivitui- Man- j^IANGOT^IER — Immacu-/lng any longer. Real estate has churches, bus line. Priced right call The R.F. Dimock Co. 649- nished or unfurnished. 643-6982. EJstate of WJ ___BViuldfl, cfttidn* ______HtbncficstGr, mid pw rirf, de- ^ totererted majr 1>A¥ s h i f t —L athe operatM, q a IPa BILe ! efHcient~ cheerful of $8 eacl^ Call 622-0981. THREE room apartment, 470 furnished rooms all Chester, Connecticut Tuesday, late 4 bedroom Colonial, lapge Mstorlcally been your best in- at $19,500. Schwartz Realty, 522- MANCHESTER — Immacidate 5246. . ceased Instngnent assembler. Steady ----- , . ------VERNON—Raised Ranch on % mdd ------fuHy landscaped, 2 baths, den, either housekeeper and-or cook tions as follows: room, 2 fireplaces, li,vY)aths, ping, low 20’s. Bel Air Real Ranch, garage, lot 200 John p; CBfford, & Tool Company, 67 Wood­ 50 per ceiit more for ov«t- utilltis, and dryer, private pa­ 849-8869. X 300, low 20’s. Russell’s Real family recreation room, 4 bed- giSd Court has aiJpOtote^ChariM position or compafuon - nurse To: General Fund Budget 2 - car garage, ^luminum our sales have never been Estate, 643-9332. Chainnan ' ^ land-St, 649-4675. head? Also Werilized recondi­ tio and cellar, $160. J.D. Real . “ Estate, 649-9659, 1-228-9334. to'’ elderly person. Practical THREE room fumi^ed apart­ 1966/67, Contribution to Re­ storms, convenient to East higher. We work day and night, rooms, fireplace and s l i d i n g , Sd John A. GaglaiteU^ tioned used itimiture. LeBlanc Estate, 843-5129. CHARMING RANCH WEST (3BNTBR ST. — here’s a glass doors to raised patio, Manchester, jdi^tererted Perwm LOCAL factory branch office nursing experience, but not li­ ment, including aH utilities, serve Fund Account ...... Hartford, parkipte grounds, belong to what we be- SeorefteiBf furniture, 195 South St,, terrific -value in a 10 room, Vernon - • _ less than one year old. Gall c«n n ^ « has openings for men ■with am- censed. Excellent references. RBNT MAN in need of rentals. parking, 649-7743...... $10,708 Immedlate occupancy. Hanley is the best Realtor board Rock'Ville. 2-famlly home with permanent ■ Four Large Hi^reonis 875-4656. M. Murphy, an aUeged oredltor biinon for big earnings. Apply Interview airanged by phoning ______Have tenants willing to sign to 'be financed from invest­ NOW AT Agency, 643-p(>30. m the state-rr-Ther Mandjestet Large wooded Idt, 6 siding, 2 car garage and two - -' said estate. 1103 Main St., Best Hartford. 846-0036 anytime, ^ e r July 10 ggyviNG • 7E — last lease, plui escrow. 649-4342 or ment earnings Town of Man­ ----- oi«. Board of Realtors, llke-new Garrison Colo- BaOTON LAKE—4 toom win- The said comnitedOTOT chester, Keeney. Street MANCHESTER — Six room rdoms, spaciot^living excellent ISmken heating sys­ NOTICE 941 pjm- caill evenings only. year’s model. pever used, sac- 849-3686. nlatl and attached - garage terized, cottage. Y50’ on lake, Municipel^^BuUdl^ln^tid Colonial,/ 1% baths, modem room, fireplace, for­ tems. We urge your immedi­ rtfice $35. or per week. 646- Read Herald Ads School, Highland Park on high treed lot with godd location, Shown by ap- cheater.. „„ ------In ^oordance with tee re- lim dnoepit- ‘ kltchep with bullt-lns, stove, Call us — We have properties mal dining room, 3 ate inspection of this dandy in­ A e TAIL lumibeap - S ’ s : breeds. Harmony HUls, H. C. TWO electric stoves, . exceHeitt With bullt-ins. Full heated 1 ^ - j j ^w ^ e STER — two family, bates, buitt-ina, aluminum winterized by adding furnace, PUBLIC HEARING ker St. — Scale l ”-40’— 1966/67, Civil Defense De­ ilns, owner, 228-9238. KEENEY STREET-To ^ange ^ ^ Resldenca Chase, Hebron Rd., BoMoii. 646- oondiUon, oiie $60, one $40. Ma­ ment, $15,900. Chor-Bon Beal _ sweng, garage,------quality-- built, cement dock, gooid swimming. GAS STATION attendant and a d d i t i o n a l / 6/6/66 are revised partment ...... $4,000 ’64 RAMBLER—330 Station ’62 CHEVRQL Bel Air 6-5, 2-car garage, oonveriratiy MANCHESOER V icinity — hogany wardrobe, $10.; 849-4019; Estate, 643-0683. • low 20’s. Hayes Agency, 646- Hutchins Agency, Realtors, to Residence Zone M ’ " ^A Zones. Permlsslan Am re- tire man, experieimed, substan­ 5427. « APPROPRIATIONS 6/28/66. to be financed from 1965/66 Wagon. R *H , auto. Very 4-Dr. Sedan* 1-cyl., R&H, looked, Investnient .foppo*tun- 7 rodin Raised Ranite, custom part of an area now in Rural irf : BOARD OF, DIRECTORS ah interested persons may Surplus $350, and from Fed­ standard, wbitew^K Yours Ity. Leonard Agency, tteattors, o m , -______. . ' built 1963, features include a 649-6324. - ^ quested for extension of 120- tial salary, bonus plan, com­ AKC German Shepherd puppies, KiENMORE gas dryer, iike nw , clean, with a rack. Wanted—^Real Estate 77 Residence Zone described as ^ limitation for starting TOWN OF MANCHESTER appear and be ard. Maps ,of eral Civil Defense Funds $3,- for\»nonly ..Y.E.S. " $1195 16x30' heated and fireplaced ------— — -----. ______— pany paid pension plan, many pure white, exceptionally beau­ 3100. BS'lt-well gas stove, apart­ O n ly ...... Y.E.S. $1296 646-0469. MANCHESTER Green — $12,900 follows; Northerly: By land above location. CONNECTICUT the above , pr lals may be 650. . ■ family room. 3 bedrooms, ex- BOLTCN - 7 room Ranch, plus other! fringe . benefits. Apply tiful, bred for temperament ment size, $48, very good con- A Welcome Aide Seven rooms near stores, bus, finished rec room and GOVERNMENT employe wite N /F Swetzea, Outbrod, and j Notice is hereby given that seen in the P. sing Office, • Robert M. ^tone. ceptlonal closet space, SO* llv- l^rge substantial . d o w n payment Farmoil, \lnc., ROute S3, Rock­ . and beauty. 742-8970, 1-875- dition. 844-2227. ’64 FORD —:iPuturd Convert- schools. For informa^km, call I»ar. Two fuU bates, 2-car ga­ Darling, in port by. ea^, street. Residence Zone B. the Board of Directors. Town fling and Secretary ’64 CHRYSLER — Newport | ing rodm, dining room, kitch­ wants to buy a 4 bedroom ville, or caM 875-3379.. 1809. H ble. R&H, standard trans. 2-Dr.' Hardtop. R&H. auto., Strips o f Embroidery Mitten Agency* Realtors, 643- rage, large wooded lot,.superb 3,687’, mote or less; Easterly: - extension of permlsslort" BIGGEST b a r g a i n IN of Manchester, Connecticut, , Ihlng Commission Board of Directors en has all bidlt-ins, S full home in Manchester. $20,000 Looks like new. PS PB. whitewalls. 6930. bOnditiem'.' SeHiiig for $28,500. By Keeney Street 898’, more ^ maintain paridng ’ lot, at TOWN — TAKE YOUR -John B. "Lamenzo, Manchester, Connecticut baths. Heated 2-car garage, d a c h s h u n d puppies — stand­ will hold a Public Hearing in O n ly ______. ... Y.E.S. $1495 Y.E.S. $2196 bracket. K you have such a or less’: Westerly: By land of location.. TIME IN PAYING! Dated at Manchester, Cpn- 200x288 treed, krt. Excellent call R. F. Dlmock Company, MECHANIC ard reds, AKC registered,' tha Municipal Building Hearing Chairman , ------— ------MANCHESrngR ■— Bowers home to sell .please call, 643* 1, 2 or 3 YEARS TO PAY! buy at $33,900. IVolverton Realtoro, 649-5246. HELCb. 2,908* more or less. Robert Pitz, 4W Vertton St., phampidn sired. 649-1308. Room, 41 Center Street, Man­ C la r ic e W. Welti, necticut, this 29th day o f June ’66 MUSTANG— 2-Dr. Hard­ 'b A School, 7 room ' Colonial, liv­ 4459. ' "SUPER DELUXE” Agency, .Itealtors, *49-2613. ’This parcel contains aK>rox. ^giden ce Z Akto gravel, sand and fill. - • —— ------7------Department of Education. tor, 648-1577^______’64 FORD -T- Country Sedan Satlon Wagon. 9-pa«senger CLEAN 2 PAMIL't)r" 'lot. Living room, kitchen, its ftiU-time chief physical teer- Easterly; By land N/P i^hony J. Urbanetti, aouth Dept., 10 a:.m.-^ p.m. G ^ rge H. Griffing, Inc. And- (FREE DELIVERY IN CONN. To: General Fund' Budget, Staion Wagon. 4-Dr„ R&H, f r e e s e t -u p b y o u r m e n with R&H, Hiyd., and alj the OAKWOOD RD—A new Olo- dining o t m , -three bed­ .Apist, van 214.5’, hidre or less; Forest Street, (opposite over. 742-7886. Board of Education 1966/67 PS, whitewalls, low mileage. 5 rooms on eadh side o f FREE SERVICE BY extras.* All set fOr Vacation V . A nial neculng completion,, wood- rooms, bum-ins and famHy native of BockivlUe with ..Southerly:' By Middte 'Tum- fjheetnut St.) fedustrial Zone., ...... $4,800 Y.E.S. $1895 this Banch styled 2-family.’ SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. DON’T MERE3LY brighten yoi>r -EXPERTS Time . - ■ Y.E.S.' $1196 . ed lot, Bowers School. Buy room for only $17,500. fifteen years of experience in pike East, 193.3, more or less; R{.quest variance to build ga- for... Summer Student Work LOW COST. TOO! Walking distance to stores, Manchester Shopping Parkade carpets— Blue Lustre them. . . FREE STORA(?E UNTIL • now and have It decorated to Please call J. MbLaugldin physioal therapy, Mte* Werit- Weqterly: By land N /F Mott, rage cibset to side line thait Program ‘’ifhder Public Law ’64 CHEVROLET — Bel Air schools and bus line. There Manchester;' Conn. eliminate rapid resoiling. Rent WANTED 1 CASH RATEI (15 WORDS) ' your tastes. T. J. Crockett, at 649-5306. hoven holds a badielor’s' degree 214.5’, more or' leas. AppM- Regulations permit, at above lo- 88-210 (Vocational Education 4-Dr. Sedtui. R&H, auto., V-8, are separate yards and electric shampooer $1., Paul’s Please note! Appliances are ’65 OLDSMOBILE — 881 . -I Realtor, 643-1577. from tee Sargent College of cant; Mott's Siqier Miftkdts, cation. A ct of 1963), to be .financed One Doy .... 45c, 3 Days .....$1.17 283 engine .... Y.E.S. $1895 driveways. Good value at Paint ft Wallpaper Supply. reconditioned and guaranteed Celebrity Sedan. A 'real B&W Boaton University. and a post- Inb., and extended by . Plan- Earle C. Tedford, 49 Oxford by periodic reimbursement smooth one — with all the $23,900. Please oah D. BIs- HOWARD JOHNSOOTS of ------— — ------for 1 year. On display at main Six Days ....$1.98 ^ 10 Days .,,..$3.00 MIANCHEOTEB — 4 bednooirt BARROWS & WALLACE „graduate____ certificate in physical ' nlng and Zoning Commission, st.. Residence Zone A. Request ^Slanchester needs .short order MILLIONS OF RUGS have b «n from the Coonecticujt ^tate ’63 OLDS — Dynamic 88 extras. In showroom shape. co, 649-6306. store. Garrison. Colonial. Double ga­ Manchester Parkade therapy froto ‘ ‘ University ” ' Tirn>DLE TURNPIKE ’WEST— variance to build garage closer cook, nights, 4 p.m.-12. Apply cleaned wite :^e Lurtre.- It s APPOINTMENT Department of Education. IMR^EDIATE ACTION I 4-Dr. Sedan. R&H, Hyd., PS; Y.E.S. $2796 rage, 1% bates, 2 fireplaces. Manchester 649-5306 ______PeiiliBrylvania. ^ is regtot^ed change to Business Zone to side hne than Regulations P.K I Robert M. Stone, Call before 10:30 weekdays (9 AJW. Saturdays). You “PB. One owner Y.E.S. $1896 ' 4 years oW. ExJtros. Immediate B&W in person only, Howard John­ Americas ASK FOR "CARL” tee'' American Physical m , all or part of an aurea now permit, at above location, son’s Restaurant. 394 Tolland shampooer $1.’The SMbrwin-Wd- jjjfd . 247-0358 or 527-9036 \ Secretary can ^tart an ad or cancel an ad same day.' Jl occupancy. Paefek Realty, 289- BARROWS ■ & -WALLACE AIRDGVER — Handyman’s op- ' . *-_ociation and is M ■u-.Tu.fiMtor 1>>L'HrwS* ------___.__------o »H1« mint . iMcrapy nainf « i merapy w » m , ______— - in Residence -Zone A and Raymond T. Quish, 940 Mid- , Tpke., exit 94, Wilbur Cross, liams Co; If you have nO m'eans of trans- -.Board of Directors ’63 VALIANT-^2-Dr. Coupe. ’65 OLDSMOBILE — Jetstar | 7475. Manchester Parkade portunity - ”®®* * censed by tee State of ConneoU- Nianchest'er, Conn. R&H, stand; trans. Just right Sports Coupe. All power, all Manchester 649-680* and dolling up but tt has 6 •>' Residence® Zone C, hounded die Turnpike, East, Residenca Manchester. ATIjANTIC boiler — complete portation. I’ll send my auto for out and described as follows: Zone A A and Rural .Zone. Be- Dated at Manchester, Con for the lady of the house. spedid equipment. A spirited rooms, fireplace, hot water ____^ nAminicftra- -wHh controls, expainsion tank, you. No obligation whatsoever. Northeriy: B y land N/F Al- quest variance to erect building necticut, this 30th day of -June 643-2’^ ! . Classified Dept. Y.E.S. $996 autoniobile .... Y.E.8. $2895 Manchester WOODBRilDGE ST.—^Vacant 2- ■.eat, OHlled » .U , 2-car ga- Joseph Miraioito, '''600 feet 'vulcan pipe, excellent French. Italian, c Lithuanian, family flat. Original owners len, 400’, jn ore or leM’, North- , to be used as funeral home, Help Wanted— condition, suitable for. shop ga- Albanian, German’ .S ^ ken Here 1»66. rage, good sized lot FOREST HILLS selling. Five rookns down, six easterly and Easterly: B y w hich Regulations do not per- Male or Female 37 rage. etc. Call 643-1133. "YOU’LL DO Blj^ER AfT" _ _ . ^ 8 2 4 9 tg>. AH natural oek trim, HllHard Bond 1,470’, more or mlt, at above location, ______------A—L—B- E—R—r —S Off Vemon Street less; Southerly: By Middla Weldon Drug Company, Ino., SA'ViB BOG!' Do you? owii rug 43.4.5 Al^LYN'ST ^ HARTFGltD beautifiil floors, ptastar, etc. tor, 949-4M8. ' Nightim* sk o p p m Mijoy daytime Hhiminotioii | ^ 4 3 (Two heating systems. ^Svo- bdlttaition wid oystto ftorosis. Turnpike West 1,800’, more or 7*7 Main Street, Business Zona and upholstery cleaning with OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. ■Vxr yteir chores lndo« ^toondfato-look- 8Mi' room air-conditfoned car garage. Property is vacMit BOLldN — Coventry town Hne, wU do a great deal toward less, from Adams St., easter- m. Request variance to seU al­ Blue Luster. Rent electric ------^------— ------Affention provided by new Kglifilig system at our aH new new Ranch, 2 full tnths, and owners anxious. T. J. spotless * room Raikh, large enricUng tee qu^ty of physi^ shampooer’ $1. Ohjotit Vstriety MIATTRESS and box , spring Land & Property Owners. am, MW-es^ aprem J trim a sew-staplp apron with ly to present A Zone and doholic liquors under a .drug- MONEY DOWN . Avrord Winning Auto Ttam uinlmim of lebrio and h m a ^ orcp6-«tttch emlhrold- mud room, dressing room, Crockett, Realtor, *48-1677. httOhen, fireplaced living room, medicine ftt Rockvine Hospital. westerly property line o f gist permit. Which will be wltb- STATISTICAL Store. • ■with bpokcase headboard, full Attorneys, - Corporations V . .. f family room, large bed­ ______^------— . garage.'beautifully landscaped Weriteoven has token a ^ ' - ■ - ^ lengrtb. mirrors, boudoir chair, ; .huge pocket. treat linens to this N/F Langtry: Westerly: By in 1,000 feet of other liquor out- rooms, extra large living GAILLON oil drum, $20. 'Two assorted lamps.' 649-3907. Banks H N iA N d M AT LESS , No 8249 wite i look to keep or gift-give! MANCHESTER—'Porter St ^ Priced to sell: at $16,900. jpecial course in propriocep- Adams Street, 357.84’, more lets, at above location. - ' CLERK • town spreaders,- Scott, $6 and ------^------A Mghly qualified group of ’ In sizes, small 10-12. m ^ u m N o. 2943 has hot-iron room, ultra modern kitch-. 4 bedroom Colonial, large Hayes’Agency, 646-0131. jiye^^euromuacular Facilitation or less. Applicant; A-.Jarais Sherwood Hill. 30 Pin# Hte Breck ,Jr„ $6. OaH after 4, 742-,.,^FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, full land and property specialista THAN S'/a^ MTERCSt ; (14-16); large (18-20). Medium ^ ^ en. ; ' kitten wite buUt-lns, dining ------Tachniques at the Kaiser Foun- and extended b y Planning St, Residence Zone B. Bequert ..------n TT .vacuum solicit for purchase or re­ MANCHESTER ’ iroom, paneled ?-%vtag «>om Hop Rehatoliitatiqn Center ia 8261. freezer, $40. G E . 1% yards * » , aivijeil-ivg directions. and Zoning CkHumlaelo*. variance to er^ add^onto sale any size‘tract of land .. with fireplace. 1% IwteBr at- Cnflorfai built by U & R. ♦— k.. cleaner $10. ■'649:6562. FOft OVER 3|0 YEARS To order send 60o In eo^ tot ^ gend 36o in eotoa toi * GERSTUNG AGENCY aey CXJkmli^ oSltornia, whdeb teachea mete- AM interested persons may eaxpent eipser to aids t o Position '^peh for person or prbperty you have in your OLDSMOBILE mu. buMt-hiB. sun deck, RICH, STONE-FREE loam, iu e " 649-5361 iteched garage, paitto. OaH 40’ S ^ of Regiflattona pennlt. atabora to- with statistical back­ inventory. : Anne Gabot, Manchester Bv®. $15. Gravel, sand, fill, Stone, M You Are liitmrested in A New * V o m Oteater Haitloid uali^ OMauoblla ■vwtag Bei*M,J^Ap|^W ^ ug© AVE. OF Evenings and Weekends owner, 648-0804. n .v a s Agmeri the above proposed dhanges are cation. _ ground, or above average -v’- manure, white aand box and O.E._ SfPOl^, miscellaneous that \ ■ ' bealec for Over ! Yean” . ' I S i b S ; > S i W Y O « K . l l . Y , Call 64S-7033 or *49-8968 It^arc altitude.; patte’aaiid. 648-9504. fieoM. d ot 6»«M 2 a$U» 6. MANCHEarrazt — SobiBban attend this hearing. vag|M end worldag qondU I VNBBK O EN VEB 8T R B D I s e t t in g ,' rriativ^ new Colo­ Zoning Board of Appeal# i^^5jmi7C55i5iirw«rp5 ut-ebuis ------BAST HARTFORD — Adwa^ - ^rebitoiorraeS** ^^£^as- ' Zoping Commission flod*. Alr^aiidKlonea of- TBU 648-MM MAN01JB§TER— 8 room cus­ nial, 4 rooms tewn and 3 iip, John F. (Clifford, good oondttioB, $80. OaU ( Fm- free oonfMeullal ap­ lor each for each pattern. Print Name, one full bate', 2 lavatories, 6”. room Ranch, carport, full Mirabiw lo e theraov John B. Lamenao, Musical fnatrumeiits S3 - Address Wtth Zip Code, Style ^ t h Zip Code, Style tom . Split, large lo t giorage, Chairman praisal and oonsultotioo -on full basement, conteinatlon ^ I h ^ c e l l e n t condition, ca- Chairman CBCETTCH 'TENINBSSHAN elec­ and S ia ^ carports, :sun deck. In-law. ar- ceiling, only $17,900. at RojAv^a Goner^ ciorance W. WeW, fo b s A . that unused prbperty call windows, attache*:^ gd iog^ 94. . Bealtow, of tea agctn^.eftacflva Bwwtoir \ tric guitar, double plck-ig). Do^'ntiMI0m’t.'-mi tee Spring^ iHeve you sent toe your copy rangement Call Helen Palm- Send resume Box lipue of Booto Fartitoiii •b m M. to p.o. ;; Boats and Accesaories 4C sway bar, with’ case and am­ LAND PLANNING 643-5129 — 643-8779 ftiTmt**"* 60» lisonaa'd AgcncfV 73. Hertford, stating edu- ‘7 .— ------— ot **8-8*11. eation - and experieiioe,,a,S’(‘ MARRO CRAFT aluminum plifier \rtth tremelp and re­ ASSOCIATES ’’M in t Ooft **» ■ f S.' well as salary - require- boat, 12’, trailer, J

/ \ V 4 n

PAGE TWENTY-FOUR jianrl;(0tpr 1Eiipnttt0 IfpraUi

months. Murtc, to popular re­ total number of offenses last Manchester DupllMte Bridge cordings, will be available for June -wws 280, with 241 of these Young.o Adults * <. Club will sponsor a game tomor­ Larceny Cases dpneing, and: the parking lot, About Town row at 8 p.m, at Hie Italian being illegal parking. The number of pecaohs ar­ To Dance, Swim adjacent to' the Waddell Pool, Amerimn Club, IdS BJdridge St: Rise in June CJrestfield Oon\"ale9cent Hos­ rested for disorderly conduct Manchester’s young Adults will be open tor use. MisB Janice Chapdelaine at Registrations Will be taken at pital had its annual outdoor pic­ The nunmber of cases of lar­ will kickoff their summer activ­ Beginning next Tuesday, and 7:46. Hie game }s open to the has decreased from 11 hi 68 Chestnut ,Rlt. recently was nic yesterday. Entertainment ities program with t w ^ big continuing every Tuesday and public..-Refreshments will be ceny and theft under $60 in to 8 in June. In June of laM feted at a Grocery and Green­ hy Rusty Ryan,Mike L«one and year, 17 persona were charged events this ■ weekendr— lance Thursday in July and August, serySd. value rose considerably in June, back Shower at the home of the 'VX-ls” ' band, and Patti on Friday night at the' old Che­ the high schooT lurking lot will as compared to the month of with this offense. Titor and Gail Soucy danced ney Tech Building' on School be at the disposal of the young Miss Carol Matcfliett, 97 Hatnr The Recreation and Park IM- May, according to the monthly St., from 8 to 1-1;30 p.m. and a Adult group. lin 9t. Family and friends were and gave demonstrations Of partment will sponsor an adult report issued by the Manches­ splash p a r ^ ' under the lights present from erurrounding baton twirling. swim period weeikly fixim 6 to • _ at the n y f Waddell Pool on towns. Our LaboraiMry Remaiiw 8 p.m. at the following pools: ter police Department. GOF to Draft Saturday, also from 8 to 11:30 The bride-elect opened her The Polish American Club will Monday at Saulters, Tuesday at In June, 30 such offenses Cyclist Spilled, gifts while seated beneath a “At Your Service” to Fill have a apccial meeting-ionior- Waddell and -Wednesday at Ver- were reported, while in May, pm. Slate Monday The affairs, open to all- Mah- mulUcodored ar;5wgeimen'r' of Tcw at 7:30 p.m. at the club, .106 planch. only 17 such offenses were re­ Suffers Bruises PRESCRIPTION^ CaU- chesterites between the ages of streamers and wedding bells. A Clinton- St. ported to police, m May, only I The executive board of thfe ,17 and 20, will be supervised by A . boy on a bicycle ran buffe/t luncheon was served aft­ Members of Manchester one person was arrested tor this ing for Newly Discovered' Republican Town Committee members, of the rec and park against a car pulling out of a er the gifts were open^t,. Ronald Barracliffc, son of Mr. WATES win meet tomorrow at offense, while seven ' persons Settlement of 1 Air Strike department and by members of service station on Hartford Rd. Miss Ohapdelaine will become.. Medicines . . . 0 »r Medi- and Mrs. Edgar Barracliffe, 98 7 p.m. at the Walter N. Leclerc were arrested in June. will meet on M o n ^ night to the Manchester Jaycees. yesterday afternoon. the bride of Kenneth Mulvey of W. Middle Tpke.. is taking a Fhneral Home, 23 Main St., to The number of cases Of lar­ draft its recommendations for cW^ropper DELIVERS ' six-weeks summer course at the pay respects to Frank Nackow­ The '‘Prophets,” a popular The boy, James Turklngton, West Willingtpi) Aug. 6 at ceny and theft over value of GOP candidates for town office University of Mexico, Mexico ski, whose sister, Mrs. Anna dance bauid from Hartford, will 12, of 250 Spring St., suiffered Second Con^egatdonal Church. FREEl^Phone 648-4136 $50 also rose last iriohth. Six­ in the O c y ^ elections. play at the Friday night dance, bruises after he was spilled Little Relief City, He is a student at Central Jeske, is a member of the group. / Bible College,'«pi-ingfield. Mo. teen cases were reported in ' Its ^com m ended slate will and a slight fee will be chrged. from the bicycle. 1,000 Rioting June, while In May only IQ such STOWAWAY GOES HOME The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ then'be offered for endorsement If the event proves successful, Police said he was pedalling cases were reported. The six­ along the sidewalk when he LONDON (AP) — American In Sight fo r Members of the VPW Auxil­ sor a card party tomorrow at a Republican town caucus, dMces, with a new band each teen offenses, for June, though, struck the front bUfoper of a schoolboy James “Davey” Da­ In Maryland iary and Arrgy-Naw Auxiliary 8 p.m. at tSie po^ home. called for July 18 at 8 p.m. in week, will be held each Friday was a small number compared' car operated by Donna H. Mc­ vidson — who successfully flew the Whiton Auditorium. In ad- night during July and August. Traffic Jams will meet tomoiTOW at 7 p.m. to June of last year, when- 64 Kinney, 19, of Coventry. The from Kansas City- to London at the Walter N. Leclerc Eu- diUon to the slate, nominations The Saturday night splash Penitentiary such cases were'recorded, land bicycle was' considerably dam- minus tickets or passport — was False Alarm will be accepted from the floor. party will be a regularly sched­ WASHINGTON (AP) — neral Home, 33 Main St,, to pay nine persons were arrested for sent home today. respects to Frank Nackowski, uled affair during the two aiged. BALTIMORE, Md. fAPl - - the offenses. This June, three GOP Town Chairman Francis Legal restrictions— and th« ^ ' • oth At Hospital Prisoners rioted and set fire to unprecedented prosperit.v VfJiVov persons were arrested for this DellaPera today declined to re­ prison workshop^ today at the groups. lease any n^Lmes of potential of tlie airlines — curbed aiortly after 7 this morning, type of offense. Maryland Penitentiary. Author­ candidates for the board of di­ two fire engines and a ladder Last month, 79 traffic acci­ ities u.sed tear gas to try to sub- government efforts tdday rectors, board of education, and truck of the Town Fire Depart­ dents took place and 22 persons dUe them. to relieve air traffic jams other town posts, but said, "A ment sped to Manchester Me­ were injured as a result;- the Fighting broke out in One pris­ that may result from tlie group of very attractive and morial Hospital in answer to an previous mOrtlh, the same num­ on yard. Inmates broke into the strike against five major capable candidates have si^ MAYTAG alarm which was set oft there. ber of injuries resulted, but Barbecues pri.son commissary and there companies. milted their names tor consid­ -But there was no fire, and, there were three less accidents ) was some looting. 'Tliey threw Foi- the time being, there wa« eration, and I am quite pleased according to firirfdepartmeht of­ —76— in May. I rocks at the windows of the little that either the Civil Aero­ with them.” WASHERS ficials, it was “hot a false alarm, The number of ^.persons ar­ mess hall. nautics Board or the airiine in­ either. The alarm was set off rested for fraud was double in The slate will be submitted Vernon L. Peper.sack. state dustry generally could do to al­ to the GOP executive board commissioner of correction, AND accidMitaJly, AK>arently the re­ June as compared to the num­ leviate the .<»ituation. Monday by a six-man nominat­ are •said the riot broke out when the The be.st hope for relief lay in mote control bOx, which is ber the month before. Four ar­ prisoners went from Iqnch into DRYERS pull-box type of alarm, vvas rests were made, in Jime, while ing committee, consisting of a call for renewed negotiations F bumped ahd \ pushed put of DellaiFera, Harlan Taylor, Atty» the recreation yard about noon^ —orderer for TO a.m. Saturday two were made, in May. time. SKI', place. When an attempt was John F. Shea Jr.-, Wilber Little; — .between the striking,.AIT^- Arrests for speeding jumped Tile fire ccJhipleteJy engulfed made to straighten it, the alarm N. Adler Dobkin and Vincent Cip^ International Association of. oonsdderably in June, with the beckoning a (fcense plate shop in the pris­ Gmoyesi. Machinists and the five airlines. went off, department officials continued use of radar in town. on compound. Other shops also Eastern, National, Northwest, NORMAN’S say. -Sixteen :sudh arrests were made little la leader of Assembly were ablaze. Trans World and United. How the box was bumped out in ^ e month, while hi Jiune o f District 20 (West Side), Dobkin A newsman on the scene .said Immediately after the break­ h'i»r Ttic IU'hI Ib-ill pf position is not known, though la ^ year, only one person .was of Assembly District 19 (East You .can’t go wrong with All American Hot Dogs or about 1,000 of the prison’s 1,460 down in negotiations Thursday, lUld i'lii- •*<"< St-rvln' there is work being done at the- chalrged wito speeding. Side), and Genovesi of Assem­ Hamburgers; especially if you buy them at Pinehurst hospital and an accidental Jog­ bly District 18 (North End). My Husbandj Only Said Vd Have to Kiss Babies! inmates weTe rioting. President Johnson ia Texas in­ u,\i{Tl oiil» ni» The number of traffic vtotaf- Service Meat Counter; and, of course, a tender U.5. No injuries were reported. structed CAB Chairinan Charlei ging might have resulted from The Republicans will operate Mrs. Lurleen Wallace, candidate to succeed her husband, George,' as governor M \N« IIKMTHC tione, comparing Itwt, month The rioting broke out in the S. Murphy to "take all appropri­ the activ%, department offi­ ’with' three Aaaambly Di.^r*®*' choice Porterhouse or Sirloin is something everyone with the same month last year, o f Alabama, gets/a special greeting , by “ Cy” a sea lion at Marineland of th8 wake of a scuffle Thursday in ate action to provide needed cials say. leaders, and not seven Voting has decKned somewhat. The to­ loves. It’s fun. however, to try iorp^hing^^ ,Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace visited the oceanarium while attending the na­ which one prisonejs and tour airline services with the air car­ District leaders. The seven Vot­ tal number of traffic vdototionB such as Blodk Island center slices of FRESH S W O R C ^ I tional governors’/ponference. (AP Phqtofax) guards were slightly injured. riers remaining in operation.” ing Districts will be headed by was 230. Thie includes 1T7 of­ FISH . . . Lamb or Beef Kabobs or fhe favorites listed ’ Warden Roger "B. Cbpinger Jr. Murphy called in representa­ fenses of Illegal parking. The lieutenants. had reported the situation tense ^below / tives at all the airlines, and they Viet RoundL] But outwardly quiet this mom- TWA hostess Judy Taylor sums up the sentiments of thousands of stranded met with the board and ita staff . Ing. The prisoner Involved had., travelers. Based in New York, she sits unhappily on her baggage at Boston’s for several hours Thursday - . / ! ■' ■ ' , / .. , been transferred to another in- Logan Airport after strike shut down five major airlines. (AP PKotofax) j night. The net result appeared / Btltutian- ! to be frustration. Summer Special ^ Pepersack said ^ groyp of " A s / One Industry representa­ Appieal Unanswered; prisoners tried to mcite about tive put it, air travel is so ex­ Leaii; Shoulder traordinarily popular this sum- LIMITBD HMB ONIY 800 others to riot Thursday, aft­ In Rayburn Building BINiGO MARINATING er the scuffle, By accusing the. $3,000 Reward .^ e r that virtually every flunk, P. A. C. BALLROOM LAMB CHOPS *. 99^ guards of treating the prisoner /(- local and supplemental airline .ctive Again brutally. HARTFORD (AP) The is operating at full capacilgiy 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE While you don’t need to tenderize the state of Gdnnecticiit is of­ Thus none of the airlines baa -PIKE— better euts of American U.S. Choice (If you want to tri spit cooking Eye of the (Gee Page T m ) fering a $3,00Q reward for 93‘Foot Tunnel available the equipment or the Legs, carefully bOTcd and 3^i lb- Penobscot Chickens ar® at that oonf-erence/are theoreti­ SAIGON, South Vi6t Nam EVERY MONDAY— 8 P.M. beef, there are many cuts which bene­ LONDON (AP) — The information leading to the crews to accommodate th^' fevorites.), f cally: still in force and Britain (AiP) —U. S. fighter-bombers COIN WASH ANQ DRY GLEANING U.S. and ComniUnist gov­ arrest and conviction of the more than 160,000 passengers * fit from it. If you buy these, such as Masted oil, rail and missile sites 275 WEST MIDI».« TURNPIKE and the So-riet UniAny kind of marinating adds flavor brought fo the negotiating table, mand reported. thorized by state daw, was CHUCK GROUND *. 79^ copferenqe ai)d the fend of Rayburn House Office Building, ing equipment in order to reach plan for leasing their idle planes to a steak, but it doesn’t tenderize it should inimediately coiivene Trust Records announced ‘Thursday by i lbs. DRY CLEANING American\ bombing of In a day of furious air action, a tunnel • stretche.s irom - a the Longworth, Post Office two to other airlines, even If crews unless you follow certain prittciples. f^other -meeting at Geneva. ,• Lieut. Gov, Fred J. Etoocy, FAMOUS North Viet I^am. two American planes were shot B/RiEDGEPORT (AP) — The freight elevator 95 fCi^t into a stories higheh. could be obtained to' fly iStem> / We have a sale on Tobin’s First Prize Skihless F i^ka ‘ ‘I offer these proposals as no in the absence of Gov. John Make sure your marinade contains a Mrs. Gapdhi proposed Thurs­ down. The pilot of one was res­ State National.Bank of Connecti­ concrete dead end.. Banks said it was correct that An airline hit by a strike would _ / at each | 0 « or 7 7 ^ lb. whichever is lowest. (They more than an idea,” Mrs. Gan­ Dempsey, who is at the. I960. liquid fat such as olive or other oil day that con-y^ning of the con­ cued; the other is missing. cut said today it will not release Unlikd’ the adjoining pedestri­ the architect’s office made the get little benefit put of having a run about 8 to the pound.) dhi said ‘ ‘India is committed to National Governors’ pon- BRANDS and an acid such as vinegar'or Lemon ference be fqllowcd by a truce The four torpedo boats were details of its trust fond records, an corridor from the Rayburn final decision. “ We thought it competing airline Increaso ItS/. a peaceful solu^oA Wd not to vention in Los Angeles. and that a ^settlement include ^tted by reconnaissance requested by a House subcom­ buildings to the neighboring was a giood idea,” hp said. "I business with borrowed equip- Juice. any particular' solution,.!'- we the withdrawal of- all foreign planes near a coastal island mittee, "unless required to do L ongw ^ h House Office Build­ still think it’s a good idea.” During World War II the Marinade for beef, lamb or poultry t forces from Viet Nam and g;uar- would be willing to support any about 30 miles southeast of Hai-' bv laral orocess The Rayburn building, most CAB exercised emergency pow- PINEHURST ROUND ■ . __■ ____.___ alternative oltD-rnalivK nrnTviRnl proposal that offarHoffers ing, the tunnel goes nowhere. It Combine 1 c. Chablis or dry white antees of neutral independence President Benjamin Blackford Keys to City isn’t used for anything either. expen.sive federal structure ever era to channel airline equipment for Viet Nkm, Laos- and Cam^ hope of. success.” (Kee Page Etevea) IVRSvVG wine; 1 c. pure vegetable oil; 2 cloves said in a statement- that the u "It was put in initially at the erected, w^s built by the Phila- along routes of greatest need, STEAK GROUND b 99* bodia. of garlic, crushed; % c. lemon juiced* bank coneddens highly confiden- JI^OW . iP lliC O n O in y request of the Post Office De­ delphia .construction firm of Me- Attorneys at Thursday night's There ‘^can be no milila^ FAMOUS LABa 1 bay leaf;- tsp. leaf rosemary,^ tial the information about “dis- partment in case they-wanted to Closkey and Co. The head of the session expressed doubt that the V a ■solution In Viet Nam” and there NEW YORK (AP> Those, tributibn of stock ownerMiip in put in a conveyor system” from firm, Matthew Medoskey, was board has authority to reassign crumbled; 1 / 2 tsp; leaf thyme, crum­ is no alternative to a peacefjil big gold — actually brass — Swim Suits a car. trust accounts of its custom­ the Longworlh post office to the formerly treasurer of the Demo- equipment, or to grant, special bled ; 1 / 2 tep. leaf marjoram, crumbled; Perfeef for Grilling aettlemenl, she said in a broad- keys to the city formerly given State Legislators^ ers.” Rayburn .building, says James oratic National Committee- and new route permits, to meet th# Shorts ‘ 1 tbs. salt; and 4 tsp. pepper. Let f ■ cast before leaving for talks to important visitors have fallen V . Saying, that the .bank Is un­ H. Banks, second assistant ar­ ambassador to Ireland. strike emergency. PBNOBSCOn . with leaders of the United Arab victim to the economy wave. Slacks stand oveniight. Pour over meat in willing to release such Informa­ chitect of the Capitol. "W e built that building'ac- -Chairman John'’ W. BuMi o< shallow pan. Marinate 2 hours, turn­ Republic, Yugoslavia and the tion, Blackford added: Important visitors are now cording to the coritraot draw- the Interstate, Commerce Com­ Shifts FRESH GRADE A “But l^ey’re not ready to use Soviet Union. She- arrived, in en "We believe we should protect- being given a color .print of an ings and the ^contract specifica- mission urged the nation's fal!* ing occasionally. Baste meat. with GOVERNMENT GRADED it,” Baqks added in an inter­ . Cairo today to meet with Pre'Si- our customers by not releasing 1825 engraving of. City Hall, ilouses" it shQuIcI beta Vespa. marinade during roasting. Makes view. "The volume doesn’t jus­ CH tCKENS (Jent Gamal Abdel Nasser. CHICAGO (AP) — The pay generally pay legislators more 3^,31 distribution in, framed in- green leather and (See Page 8even) - 1 ^ , yage Ten), about 2 cups. Most foreign governments, than those less densely inhabit- jneir trust accounts unless re­ with a space for the mayor's tify it.’’, ______^______RQMJCED FOR^ Split, cut up or whole. We receive scale for state legislators "This’,is the first I ever knew' including those of' the United ed. And the states of middje leg-^quij.0(j to d o.so by legal pro­ autograph. ranges from $100 to $10,000 a iiiihat tffarwss -theBe ..for.;. I oft^n daily shipment of these fine chix States and North Viet Nam, islator income expect to pay ‘ cess.” The keys to-,the city, believed . C iB A R A H C E ^ wondered about it,” said HoiwtT' . -4 ■■ direct from New England Farms. were informed of Mrs. Gandhf’s year and it’s going to go up, an more next y.ear. The House B ilking and Cur­ to. be a hangover from the days- Postmaster H.H. Morris when Please remember, fresh poultry .proposal in advance. She 'also Associated Press survey shows. These offer a contrast with rency subcomniiltee-, headed by of walled cities in Europe, cost Pinehurst Fruits —■ Vegetables told the architect’s office said should be unwrapped, covered loosely sent a personal letter to Pre^i' New York’s legislators, ,by , dent Ho Chi Minh of North Ifiet (See^Page Ten) (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) the corridor had been intended and stored in coldest part of your re­ voting this week to raise their foi- a mail conveyer system. ROOSEVaT MILLS Nam. ' expense allowances- from $1,000 , frigerator immedia);ely. "We wouldn’t have been much SEEDLESS iThe crux of hcKpro^sal was to $3,000, reached the compen- Affected by Strike 216 E. MAIN ST. in favor of it in the first place,” apother Geneva i^conference of .sation level of $13,000 $500 This weekend save 20’c lb. on Farm 'Morris added. "They tried it WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) Picket lines were set op at ROCKVILLE, CONN. the type hel^ in 1964 t<>negotiate more than in Michigan, where GRAPES .b39* Fresh, Penobscot over in the Senate Office Build­ Pickets were out at Bradley 6 a.m. as machinists struck four m end to the French .Indochina the sal ary, whs $10,000 and ex­ ing but it jiist didn’t work. Air Field today as the International major airlines operating out of lifer. The agreements reached penses $2,600. currents would blow the letters Association of Machinists struck Ix^an International Airport in Open Mon. thru Sat. Hll 5:30 — Fri. Night «H 9 P.M. ‘ PLUMS, NECTARINES, MELONS Chicken Breasts The House and Senate mem­ off the. belt’. There wasn’t any three of tlie seven airlines at Boston, causing a nudi on the SALES and SERVICE CHERRIFS a n d MAC APPLES bers in Albany, it is expected recommendation from us.” the field, i ., ■ facilities of other operating al4N WASHED CALIF. POTATOES will keep their place at the top A iPost Office Department - Affected by the ,IAM strike' lines. of the pay scale in 1967 with a here are Trans World Airlines, All flights were canceled by SPORT These Cuts Should Be Marinated •spokesman concluded "w e could $5,000 base pay boost, to $16/000, United and Eastern. Eastern,. Trans World, United have suggested consideration YELLOW SUMHER and $1,000 expenses. American Airlines, not affect- and National airline's foie to the c rides SPOT that they might put something MB But California’s • legislators, ^ by the -strike, said its trah’s-' strike expSeted to affect FAMILY SHOULDER , B^ck?Policy like that in.” But he added: "It COLONIAL RUG & TILE 63f CENTER STREET — TEL M9'-S747 for who made $6,000 and fringe pay continental flight, Bradley to ;,persons a day In Boston- would be entirely up to the Cap­ OR CHUCK STEAK lb. this year; hope to jump to a $16,- Los Angeles, this morning was One of the-greatest probJeme 875-0983 Ve^ON CIRCLE 649^6677 In] Viet Nam 000 annual salary If voters ap­ itol architect.’’ was caused by ttie cancellation* Any conveyer system u-sing booked solid. prove ,*a' constitutional change.' Other airliri'es o ^ ra tin g , at of Eastern shuttle flights to |/>S;^^GELE>S fA P ). — The allowing- the l^ sla to rs to sell the tunnel would have pass Bradley are Mohawk, Allegheny New York and Washingfoin. RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL Stive A f Piriehurst For London Broil nearlyrroanlihous verdict of the their own pay. . h and Northeast. Northeast, which also qp- Comfortable Cars For BONELESS SIRLOIN h.» 1.49 natiorifs goveemors is that there Michigan’s Legislature trieci . George Wigfield, station man- erates shuttle flights to fihe two LBE?S AMERICAN MADE can.'Vis no turning back in. the for, $17,500 next year, including ager for Allegheny, a regional large East Coast cities, said its Instant Maxwell House ■jupsw^ in Viet -$2,600 in expense'allowance, but 65 Trapped line, said his morning flights to first" morning flight was over--, W ALL TO W>VLL CERAMIC TILE Summer Driving ifaxcLf . settled for $12,600 and $2,500. New York, W£ishing;ton and oth- subscribed long before the TiSq V. CENTER SHLD. CLOD ~ ,9a 4041 vote, the governors Other high^population states CARPEYTIHG COFFEE 1 0 ^ . Jar ^1.26 er eastern points were also a.m. departure time. TORG4NOL approval at the windup of In Cave-In filled. .— ------Af SAVINGS 58th annual conference Some stranded Chicago-bound SEAMLESS BONELESS CHUCK /TWorsday to a resoiution affintv- UTSUNOMIYA, Japan (API passengers rerouted their sched- ■ m UK) LINOLEUM Maxwell House their "resolute auipport of ■ Pathologists. — A cave-in at an .Irrigation ules, taking Bradley-Detroit-Chl- a O O R M G AIR CONDITIONED A GREAT FAVORITE ojfir global commitaients, in- lb. can ' 73« tunnel trapped about 65 workees cago connecting flights Using COFFEE * ■'"ng our support'of the mili- Charged with near here today and 19 of them short haul carriers. Bulletin All Work Guaranteed > FuHy Insured 19S9 CADILLAC $999 laty d^ense of South Viet N^m were found dead in a gas-filled In all, 46 flight* originating or i lb. $ 1 .1 9 /against I aggreasion." , » connecting at Bradley are af­ FLANK CTEAK! Fixing Prices pocket, police reported. U.S. ATTITUDE COOL Sedan DeVille. Fully equipped. D o m in o ’ , Tlie !f>ne dissenter, Republl* Re.scue, workers frantically fected by the strike. WASHINGTON (At) — FREE ESHMATES j[ can kGoV. Mark O. Hatfield of GHKIAGO (AP) — The 4,600 ' cleared away debris and man­ Managers said employes of U.S. officials were distinctly , SUGAR MISS IOWA . Oregon, called it a "Mank member College of American aged to bring out 32 workers,' ■"’tihe struck airlin^...not partici­ 1964 CATALINA $1,995 cool today toward a sog- check” for President Johnson’s Pathologists — doctors who own five of whom were reported In pating In the strike will not be Four-Door Sedan , • ' gestion by South 'Viet Nam’s WHIOH^ AMOUNT W IU PIT YOUR BUDGET? conduct of the war. He said he and work in medical - labora­ serious conditional sent home today but a "gradual BACON chief of'state, Gen- Ngu­ HOOD'S NEW SUMMER DRINKS doesn't support Johnson’s poH- tories — has been charged with Police said other workers cutback will take place if the tit, yen 'Van Thleu, that a efes. El jaricenfixlng conspiracy by (he managed to get out and they did strike is prolonged.’’ Some 200- A.MOUNT 24 Mo. 36 Mo. - 48.Mo. 60 Mo. 1965 BONNEVILLE SLINS FRESH ground atta<*k against North Yt Gal. **I do not support escalaQdh~^ ' Justice Department, .not know whether any others employes are on strike here. Brougham. Fully equipped. Power windows, power Viet Nani and the deetnic- seats, tilt steering wheel. this war,’ ’ he declared. The department Thursday were still trapped. -.v>. Because Bradley Field is part f 500.00 $ 22.95 $ 15.97 . $12.49 $10.40 LAMB PAHIES Democratic Gov. Grant Saw- I iccused the college, which de- state-owned area, tion of enemy Installations n e w CHIP AHOY ^ Tme cave-in occurred about .of a large yer of Nevada, who i^n^redu, ?led_foe^ charge, of conspiring fo 100 yard.s inside the 6ntranca-of picket lines had to be estab- m ay be rie<'essary to finish iooo:/H) 45.89 31.94 24.97 20.79 I9 t PONTIAC $2^ NABISCO COOKIES 319* 2 lbs. 7Sr ithe resolution, said it did not 'monopolize the nation’s 20,000 the 1,400-yard tunnel under con- llshed on Route 76, about a mile the War. The State Jfopoi*- 2600.00 114.71 ,79.85 ^ .4 * S1.96 Grand Prix W \ . t the governors to fqtdre oomanercial medical laboiirz/t struction at Monomura, 85 miles from the terminal building. ment ,;decUqed ^to malte teiy 'apttons that might be taken. .es».$vhich have annual saleii north of Tokyo. Only one flight would be af- formal eomment. Prlwtely 8SO0.0O ^ 159.72 110.95 86J» 71.89 peonocratlc GOv. William L. In exicesB of $3 MUlon. A gasoUne engine being liked fected at Tweed-New Haven Air- officials looked apon.TUea’s comment as patriotic talk Guy of North Dakota, elected to The college, rfcplying In ’ a, Vacationers View Cape Cod Kennedy Memorial to light the. tunnel was believed port in New Haven. That is design^ to strengthen ^le PAUL DODGE isuoceed GOP Gov. Jolm H. skatement, said; “ TOe timing of Cape Cod vacabioners listen to Hyanni8,-JVlass., policeman tell about thfe John F. to have given off poisonous car- Eastern’s 12:30 p.m. regular MON. TH|6u s a t . 9 M 4 IR^ed of Maihe as'rttie oonfer- this action, coming as it does at Kennedy Memorial which will be dedicated tonight. The memorial and plaza-. bon monlxide that filled the tun; daily departiu-e^ sense of nationalism of young effireni graduating from >nM ebalrman, took no part In the inception of medloaxe and ov^ook Nantucket 3ound on which ^ k*e prej^ent Oiften from neai> ..hM after the cave-in. Rescue Bridgeport Airport Is not EXCEPT kaoia bad to wear gaa mask*, ieoted by Itoe irtirik*. ■tiUtaqr MhM>> PONTIAC, Inc. be V'-'’' ■ y" 3 0 2 MAIN STREET Opeii ThurSe o i^ Frie till 9 1HUR& AND FRI. T U 9 PJR.' 373 M AM SIM E T