(All the Celzsu8 Publications of this State will bear Volume No. VIII)

PART I General Report including Subsidiary Tables (in Sub-Parts)

PART II-A General Population Tables

PART II-B Economic Tables (in Sub-parts)'.

PART II-a Cultural and Migration Tables (in Sub-Parts)

PART III Household Economic Tables

PART IV Housing and Establishment Tables (in­ (in Sub-parts) cluding Subsidiary Tables) and Report

PART V Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and (in Sub-parts) Scheduled Tribes

PART ,VI Village Survey Monographs (A Separate Sub­ part for each Village Surveyed)

PART VII Survey of Handicrafts of the State (A Separate Sub-part for each Handicraft Surveyed)

PART VIII-A Administration Report - Enumeration

'PART VIII-B Administration Report Tabulation



District CenslIs Har.d books for each of the 43 Districts in M adhya Prade~h


The publication of District Census Hand-books, which was begun in the 1951 Census, represents a significant step in the process of making Census statistics available for the smaller territorial units basic to executive and developmental administration. Apart from the fact that the proper implementation of policy depends on the ability of the administrative authorities concerned to quantify accurately the variables involved, it is at these levels that policies get really thoroughly tested; also, policies can fail-and probably have failed-because their statistical basis was weak. It is undoubtedly necessary that gaps in statistics at lower levels be filled as rapidly as possible. It was not possible at this Census to base all census statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.

2. What we had tried to do in the 1961 Census Hand-books is to make them more informative by the inclusion of as many categories of non-census statistics as possible; some of these are :-climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, banking, education, health etc. There is also an introductory note to each Hand-book high­ lighting the more striking features. I t has not been possible for the Census Organisa­ tion to check the accuracy of the figures supplied by various authorities; it is to be hoped that some other organisation, better equipped for the purpose, will take up this task.

3. One unfortunate fact about these Hand-books is that they bacame avail­ able to the users rather late in the decade. This is partly due to the considerable time required for the collection of information from various authorities but the main difficulty is in printing. Printing capacity in the State presses is inadequate and the procedural formalities to be observed in dealing with private presses also take a lot of time. This bottle-neck must be got over if at least at the 1971 Census these Hand-books are to have a useful active life of more than 4 or 5 years of the inter-censal decennium.

4. The Census organisation is grateful to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having been so kind as to undertake the publication of these Hand­ books and to the Superintendent, Government Printing and his organisa­ tion-particularly the Assistant Superintendent, Printing, Government Regional Press, Indore and his staff-for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri Asok Mitra, to whom we are all deeply grateful. Our thanks are also due to the various authorities who supplied us with all the necessary statistics.



Page.~ Notes and E"p~tio.. s I-vii APPENDIX-I Standard I nd ustrial Classiflcation viii-xvi APPENDIX-II National Classification of Occupations xvii-xxiii Selected Sta tistics Selected statistics of India, Madhya Pradesh, Divisio..ns, Districts and Important Towns of Madhya Pradesh xxiv-xxxiii Introducing the District (i) Location, (ii) Physical Features, (iii) Flora and Fauna, (iv) River System, (v) Climate - Rain­ fall, (vi) Temperature, (vii) Humidity, (viii) History of the district, (ix;) The People, (x) Age and Sex Composition, (xi) Changes in Age distribution since 1951, (xii) Sex distribution by age, (xiii) Population Density, (xiv) Working Force, (xv) Religion, (xvi) Mother tongue, (xvii) Scheduled Castes and Tribes, (xviii), Education, (xix) Literacy, (xx) Medical Services & Public H;e~lth, (xxi) Agriculture, (xxii) Panchayats, (xxiii) Community Development, t:lPCiv) Co-operation, (xxv) Industry, (xxvi) Administration, (xxvii) Communications. (~xviii) Electrification, (xxix) Summing up ... - 1.18 PART I A-General Populatiaa Tables 21-24- TABLE A-I Area, Houses ~nd Population - 21 APPENDIX-I Statement Showing 1951 Territorial units Constituting the present set up 21 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX-I 22- APPENDIX-II Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 ... 22 APPENDIX-III Houseless and Institutional population _. 22 TABLE A-II Variation in population during sixty years 23 APPENDIX District and Tahsils showing 1951 populaticn according to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, changes in area, and population involved in those changes 23 TABLE A-III Villages classified by population 23-24 TABLE A-IV Towns classified by population ill 1961 with variation since 1901 24 B-EconoDlic Tables 25-117 (i) GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES 25-95 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 26-27 TABLE B-1 Workers and non-workers classified by sex and broad age-groups 28-29 TABLE B-IlI PART A Industrial classification of workers and non­ workers by Educational levels in urban areas only 30-31 PART B I ndustrial Classification of workers and non­ workers by Educational levels In rural areas only 30-31 ii

Pages TABLE B-IV 32-47 PART A Industrial classification by sex and class of workers of Persons at work at Household Industry 32-33 PART. B I ndustrial classification by sex and class 'of worker of Persons at work in Non·Household Industry, Trade, Business, Proffession or service 34-37 PART C Industrial classification by sex and Divisions Maj or groups and Minor groups of Persons at work other than Cultivation-District 38-46 Tahsils (Rural areaS only) 47 TABLE B-V Occupational Classification by sex of Persons at work other than Cultivation- 48-65 Tahsils (Rural areas only) 66-68 Indore City 69-81 TABLE B-VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at work other than Cultivation classified by sex, Broad age-groups and Educational levels In Urban areas only 82-85 TABLE B-VII 86-91 PART A Persons working principally (i) As Cultivators, (ii) As Agricultural Labourers or (iii) At Household Industry Classified by sex and by Secondary work, (i) At Household Industry (ii) As Cultivators or (iii) As Agricultural Labourer 86-87 PART B Industrial Classification by sex of Persons working in Non-Household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service who are also engaged in Household Industry 88-91 TABLE B-VIII 92-93 PART .A Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex, broad age-groups and Educational levels in Urban areas only 92-93 PART 'B' Persons unemployed aged IS and above by sex and Educational Levels ih Rural areas only 92-93 , 'TABLE B!IX Persons not at work classified by 'se.x, broad age-groups and type of activity 94-95 (ii) HOGSHEOJ"D ECONOMIC 97-117 TABLES .,. TABLE B:'X Sample Households (i) Engaged neither III cultivation nor in Household Industry, (ii) engaged either in Cultivation or Household Industry but not in both and (iii) engaged both in Cultivation and. Household Industry for all areas .. , 97 TABLE B-XI Sample Households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in Land and size of land cultivated in Rural and urban areas Separately 97 TABLE B-XII Sample Households engaged in Cultivation only classified bv Size of land cultivated and number of family workers and hired workers in. Rural and U'rban areas separately 98-101 Pages TABLE B-Xlii Sample households engaged both in culti­ vation and household industry showing size of land cultivated classified by principal household industry in rural and urban areas separately 102 TABLE B-XIV Sample households engaged only in house­ hold industry classified by principal house­ hold industry in all areas 103-105 PART A Households classified by major groups of principal household indu5try and number of persons engaged 103

PAR~ B Households classified by, minor groups of principal household industry 104-105 TABLE B-XV Sample households engaged both in cultivation and household industry classified by size of land in rural and urban areas separately 106-109 TABLE B-XVI Sample principal households industry classified by duration of work in a year and total number of workers engaged in household industry in all areas 110-117 TABLE B-XVII Sample households classified by size and participation in household cultivation or industry 116-117 'C-Social and Cultural Tables and D- Migration Tables 119-131 TABLE C-I Family composition of sample households 119 TABLE C-II Age and marita1 status 120-122 TABLE C-III PART A Age, sex and education in all areas 12$ TABLE C-III PART B Age, sex and education m urban areas only 124 TABLE C-V Mother tongue 125-126 TABLE" C-VII Religion 127 TABLE C-VIII Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 128-129 PART A Classification by literacy and industrial cate­ gory of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Castes 128-129 PART B Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Tribes 128-129 TABLE D-II Place of birth 130-131 E- Housing Tables 134-171 TABLE E-I Census houses and the uses to which they are put 134-135 TABLE· E-Il Tenure status of s::lmple censu~ households living in census houses used \\'holly or partly as dwelling ...... 136 TABLE E-IlI Census houses used as factoric:> nnd workshops classified by industry, pO\\'er and no power used and size of employment 137-168 IV

Pages TABLE E-IV Distribution of sample households living i!l census houses used wholly or partly as dwe­ lling by predominant material of wall and predominant material of roof 170-171 TABLE E-V Sample households classified by number of members and by number of rooms occupied 170-171 SCT- Special Tables for Scheduled. Castes & Sch~uled Tdhes 174-193 TABLE SCT-I Tahsilwise figures of Scheduled Castes for rural areas only 174 Tahsilwise figures of Scheduled Tribes for " rural areas only 174 PART A Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Casts 176-179 PART B Industrial classification of persons at work and ~p~l,-work~rs. by sex for Schedl\led Tribes 180-181 TABLE SeT-II PART A Age and marital status for Scheduled Castes 182-185, PART B Age an:d marit~l status for Scheduled Tribes t~t5-187 TABLE seT-III PART A Educati(),o in 'urbqU area1i only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes .- 188-189' PART B Ed1Jcation in r~ral are~s only for SchedtVf4 Castes and Scheduled Tribes _~ , ~ - I. . , ' , 190 TABLE seT-IV PART A Religion for Scheduled Castes '1,.' J91-192 PART B Religion for Scheduled Tribes 192 TABLE SCT-V Sample households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in. land and size of land cultivated in ru!'a.l areas pnly for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 193- SO-Special Table for Scheduled Castes only TABLE SC-I Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for Sche­ duled Castes 196· ST-Special· ''Tables for Scbeduled Tribes only TABLE ST-I Mother-tongue and bilingualism for Sche­ duled Tribes ... 198 TABLE ST-II Persons not at work classified by sex and type of activity for Scheduled Tribes 199 VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 203-257 APPENDICES TO TOWN & 261':"263 .. V ALLAGE DIRECTORY PART II Other District Statistics . " TABLE 1.1 Monthly rainfall and rainy days 286-287 TABLE .1.2 M'ean maximum, highest and lowest tempera­ ture recorded at Indore observatory 288 TABLE 2A.l Land utilisation s.tatistics 289 TABLE 2A.2 Area under principal crops 289 TABLE 2A.3 Gross area 9f crops irrigated and.. total net area irrigated 29(} TABLE 2A.4 Gross area irriga.ted by source of irrigation 290 v

Pages TABLE 2A.5 Major and medium irrigation project'S ~90 TABLE 2A.6 Yield rates of principal crops in Lbs. per acre 291 TABLE 2B.l Fortnightly wholesale price quotations of staple food grains 292-293 TABLE 213.2 Dai.ly wages (ill Rupees) paid to males, females and non-adults separately for skilled and unskilled persons in specific agricultural and non-agricultural occupations 294-299 TABLE 2C.l Statistics of livestock and agricultural implements 300 TABLE 2C.2 Taccavi Loans distributed 300 TABLE 2D.l Statistics of Co-operative Societies 301-302 TABLE 2D.2 Statistics of insurance and national savings 302 TABLE 2D.3 Employees State I'1.surance statistics 302 TABLE 2D.4 List of Banb 302-303 TABLE 2.E Consumer price index number for working class 303 TABLE 3.1 Statistics of criminal justice 304 TABLE 3.2 Strength of police and jails 304 TABLE 3.3 Annual receipts under certain heads of revenue 304 TABLE 3.4 Land revenue for the decade 305 TABLE 3.5 Statistics of registration 305 TABLE 3.6 Statistics of Local bodies 306-307 (i) Income & expenditure of Improvement Trust, Indore 305 eii) Income & expenditure of Board, · 306 (iii) Income & expenditure of MandaI Panchayat, Indore 306 (iv) Income & expenditure of Kendra Pan­ chayats 306 (v) Income & expenditure of Municipal COr­ poration, Indore 306-307 (vi) Income & expenditure of Municipal Council, Depalpur 307 (vii) Income & expenditure of Municipal Council, Sawer 307 TABLE 4.1 Co:::nmunity development coverage ... 307 TABLE 4.2 Allotment and expenditure during first and second five year plans 30R TABLE 5.1 Educational statistics 308 TABLE 5.2 Statistics about colleges 309-312 TABLE 5.3 Statistics of journals 312 TABLE 6A.I Health statistics 313 TABLE 6A.2 Number of persons who availed offamily planning method~ 313 TABLE 6A.3 Vaccination statistics 313 TABLE 6A.4 B. C. G. Campaign 314 TABLE 6A.5 Progress of National Malaria Eradication Programme 314 VI

Pager TABLE 6B.l Births and Deaths classified by sex) and RuraljUrban ... 315 TABLE 6B.2 Deaths in the district from some selected causes 315 TABLE 7.1 Communication Statistics-Roads 316 TABLE 7.2 Distance from Indore to the headquarters of contiguous distric1:S, divisional headquarters State capital towns and all cities having more than one million population 316-317 TABLE 7.3 List of Railwayd Stations 317 TABLE 7.4 List of post offices, telegraph and public call offices 3IB TABLE 3.1 List of important fairs and· melas 319 TABLE 3.2 List of Printing Presses 320 TABLE 3.3 List of Cinema houses 320 TABLE 3.4 Important events 321


Inde>re District Frontispiece

Depalpur Tahsil Facing page 203

Sawer Tahsil 217

Indore Tahsil 229


This note gives the meanings and explana~ with a population at least of 5,000 with atleasit tions of terms and concepts used in this Hand­ three-fourths of the adult male pOPula~?n being book. This is necessary because, without a engaged in :non-agricultural pursu~! The proper grasp of the meanings of such simple rural-urban classification, being operationally concepts as building, house, household, worker. cardinal and prior in point of time to the etc., it is not possible to appreciate the data census count, had to be tackled earlier and a list presented in the Handbook. Thus, one who of 219 towns in the State was therefore pre­ does not know that an unpretentious hut in the pared much earlier than the census proper. thick of Bastar forests with unplastered bamboo This included 28 habitations which were tenta­ walls and a thatch roof and with space hardly tively treated as towns, the intention being that, enough for two cots is not a whit less of a build­ aft.::~ the 1961 Census data became available, ing than the Indian versions of the skyscrapers theIr cases would be re-examined. Later on, in one of the metropolitan cities, or that a however. no modification was made in the list, central jail housing all manner of criminals and even though 7 towns did not satisfy either the shady characters is as much a household as the minimum population criterion or the one based household of the most pious and god-fearing on the ratio of non-agricultural adult males citizen in the State, may not be able to appre­ being 75% or greater. These are Gogaon in ciate what exactly the figures represent. Besides West , Datla Bandhi in Chhindwara (both explaining the terms and concepts, the note under 5,000 in population); and, Icchawar alSo contains brief notes on the salient and Patan, P,endra, Akaltara, Arang respectively i~ peculiar features of some of the Census tables Sehore, , Bilaspur, Bilaspur, and Raipur presented in this Handbook. Districts (not satisfying the economic criterion). The reason for not disturbing the original list of Census.-The Census in India is a decennial towns was that as many as 14 habitations which operation taking place in February-March of did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria the first year of every decade. It ensures laid down earlier managed to sneak into the list coverage of all members of the population of towns as municipalities, and inclusion of irrespective of age. The operations constitut­ seven more such towns was not supposed to ing a Census involve, besides counting of heads, introduce greater demographic distortion than the counting of numerous attributes of the was already preselIlt. The cases of Chachaura­ person coooted. These . are demograpltic, Binaganj town in and ­ social, economic and cultural in nature. The Rajgarh in District are peculiar in that number of these attributes regarding which each of these two municipal towns consists of! information is recorded has been increasing two distinct habitations separated by 2 miles in from census to census and is limited only by the first and 3 miles in the second case. considerations of cost, time aJ_ld organisation. Population.-The important thing about a popu­ All areas, which were not urban were rural. lation is that it is dynamic. It is a constantly They' consisted of 'villages' . A very large changing ,entity. These changes take place by majority of the census villages were 'revenue the natural processes of birth and death as well villages', which had well .demarcated or re­ as by migration. A statement of population cognised boundaries, and which included not only has therefore little sense unless the point of time the inhabited portion (or portions) but also to which it relates is also stated. A population agricultural land and uninhabited waste (or figure is correct only for a particular point of other) lands. The census village was thus not time; and, even though in practice one may synonymous with a habitation or a dwelling' in omit to indicate this point of time, one fact, a village could contain two or more distinct should none the less be clear about it. The habitations separated by considerable distances population figures pr:esented herein refer to the known variously as 'tola' or 'mazra' Or 'para'. sunrise of 1st March, 1961, unless otherwise Besides, in many districts there were forest stated. villages, situated inside Reserved forests and without clearly demarcated boundaries. The Rural-Urban Classification:-Data collected at a:r:eas ent~red against these villages in the a Census is usually presented separately for the VIllage DIrectory are thus only approximate. rural and urban areas. A 'town' or a 'town­ It is to be noted that being as observed by group' constitutes an urban area. A 'town' in Martin [Census Superintend~nt (old) Madhya the 1961 Census was either (i) a municipality. Pradesh, 1911 and Census Commissioner for cantonment or corporation; or (ii) a habitation India, 1921] arbitrary and irregular units of (ii) area, carved out chiefly for revenue and admini. that a particular group of towns is situated in strative purposes" there are many revenue such a way, and exhibits some interconnecting villages which do not have any habitation. They features of such a kind, that they can be consi­ are not, therefore, of much demographic interest, dered a single demographic entity whose organic and their inclusion in the Village Directory is nature is likely to become more and more evidenti only for a proper tally of area aggregates. in ~he futu~e. Examples are: City witli Bairagarh III the West and Heavy Electricals A-General Population Tables: Township in the East; and Durg Town and There are four main tables and three Bhilai Industrial Township. The other type of appendices in this series. towngroup is a group only in name in the sense that it represents a group of localities whiCh Table A-I.-This table presents the basic figures geography unites but definition separates. relating to area, houses and population separately Examples are Sagar Towngroup consisting of for the rural and urban areas of each district, Sagar Municipality and Sagar Cantt. andl each tahsil, and for each city, towngroup or J abalpur Towngroup (consisting of J ahalpur town. The area figures used in the table for the Corporation, Jabalpur Cantt. and Khamaria) district and the tahsils are those furnished by ~n l_loth these il!-stances, the urban compl~ the State Director of Land Records. In case of IS smgle and contmuous, but as each corporation the district, the area figures furnished in 1962 c;>r cantonl!lent !s a separate town by definition, by the Surveyor-General, India are also given. It gets splIt up In the Census into more than one The Surveyor-General does not furnish area town. In Madhya Pradesh there are six town­ figures for tahsils. In case of cities and towns· groups in all; three of them belong to the first the area figures are furnished by the local type: Bhopal in : Murwara in urban authority (if any) in charge of the munici­ J abalpur District and Durg in Durg District· pal administration, or by the local revenue the o~h~r three belong to the second type, Pach: authorities. Except in case of Raipur and m~rh~ In Hoshangabad. District, Sagar in Sagar Sagar districts, there is no agreement between DIstrIct and Jabalpur III . the area figures for the district furnished by the Director of Land Records and the Surveyor­ Houseless & Institutional Population:-"House­ General, India. These differences arise princi­ less population" means those who did not live pally from the differences in the methods and were not enumerated, in Census-houses at adopted by the two agencies in measuring and the last Census. Obviously these swell the computing the area. ranks of the social destitutes who, to speak in every day parlance do not have even a roof over In the case of eighteen districts (Bastar, their heads, but live under the shade of trees on Raipur, Durg, Raigarh, Bilaspur, Surguja, bridges or on pavements. "Institutional popula. Balaghat, Seoni, Chhindwara, , Narsi­ tion" means the population that was enumerated mhapur, Jabalpur, Sagar, Hoshangabad, Betul, in institutions at the bst census i.e. in hostels East Nimar, Tikamgarh and Panna), only the jails, boarding houses, hospitals etc. ' • district 'total' and 'rural' figures for area include the forest area; the figures for forest area were not available for individual tahsils in these Class of Towns.-Towns are classified into six districts, and hence the tahsilwise, area figures c!asses as below according to their population for these districts do not include forest Slzes:- area. This fact is important particularly for Class appreciating the district and tahsil population Population range density figures of these districts. The population I 100,000 and above' density (i.e., persons per square mile) given in column 4 of the table is calculated on the basis of II ,50,000-99,999 the figures of area supplied by the State Directo­ III 20,000-49,999 rate' of Land Records. IV ~0,OOO-19,999 Occupied Residential House.-This is a V 5,000-9,999' Census house which was actually occupied at the VI time of enumeration for residential purposes Below 5,000 either partly or fully. The concept of 'Census Towns of Class I are also known as Cities. house' together with the allied concepts of' 'building' and 'household' are dealt with later in this note. "Status" of a town means the authority in charge of its local urban administration. Thus Town Group.-The introduction of the concept of a town could have a 'M'unicipal Corporation; a "towngroup" is a new feature of the 1961 Census. Municipality, a Cantonment Board a Gram One kind of 'towngroup' has its basis in what Panchayat, a Town or Notified Area'Committee. may be called demographic prognosis, this being etc. ( iij )

B-(i) General Economic Tables.-This· series se.curities deposited in a bank, and doing no other mcludes 22 tables containing information on work, were treated as non-workers. Persons certain economic aspects of the population. The professionally engaged in anti-social activities concepts involved have undergone significant (i.e., thieves, robbers, prostitutes, beggars, etc.) changes as compared with the 1951 and earlier were, however, not treated as workers. The Censuses. In the 1951 and earlier censuses or at approach to the concept of "work" was pragmatic any rate in the last few censuses income or econo­ and numerous illustrations were given to clarify mic independence (and dependence) were treated the concept. The basis of work was held to be as the criteria for denoting the economic status satisfied in the case of seasonal work i.e., work of a person. Separate account used to be taken at cultivation, livestock, dairying or household of all persons who were economically independent industry if the person has had some regular work and of those who were economically dependent. of more than one hour a day throughout the grea­ An intermediate category of economic semi-inde­ ter part of the working season. In the case of pendence was also introduced in the 1931 Census. regular employment in any trade, profession, This consisted of the 'earning dependents' of the service. business or commerce the basis of work 1951 Census and even there the element of income was satisfied if the person was employed during was present. This income-based classification any of the fifteen days preceding the day on which seems to have not infrequently resulted in a he was visited by the Census enumerator. A suppression of information relating to those who person who was working but was absent from worked in household economic activities but did his work during those fifteen days or for a longer not actually earn any income like men other period owing to illness or other causes was than the head of the household· and women of the treated as worker. Work included not only family or children working at the family cultiva­ actual physical work but also effective supervision tion or cottage industry but not earning any and direction of work. incomes. The 1961 Census introduced the con­ cept of work and totally abandoned the 'income' The Working Categories :-The primary classifica­ approach. Thus all people who' worked (i.e., tion of the population is by means of a simple were "economically active") including family dichotomy into workers and non-workers. The workers who were not in receipt of any income, & former is further sub~divided into nine sub-classes working children who did not earn enough for or working categories of the Census. These are their maintenance were treated as workers. On listed below; the correspondence with the the other hand such persons as a receiver of rents Standard National Industrial Classification is on immovable property, or of interest on also indicated.

CENSUS WORKING CA1'EGORY CORRESPONDING DIVISION OR MAJOR GROUP OR MINOR GROUP OF NIC . I Workers in cultivation .- Min'or 9rQUps 000, no}, ·002, 003, 004, - II Agricultural Labourers The same as in I above • f , III . Workers in mining, quarrying, live-•. Major Groups 01, 02, 03 and 04 and. Division 1 ,. stock, forestry, fishing, hunting Minor Groups 005. 006, 007, 008, 009 (if not. and plantations,. orchards and classifiable as household industry) . \ allied activities IV Workers in household industry Minor Groups 005 to 009, 013, 014, 015, 020 to 02'6, 031, 032, 040 to 048, 107, Divisions 2 & 3· (excepting Minor Groups 201, 217, 218, 232~. 252, 260, 290, 324, 325, 338 and 380) if on a. household scale V Workers in manufacturing other Divisions 2 & 3 than household industry VI Workers in copstruction Division 4 VII Workers in Trade and Commerce Division 6 VIII W orkers in Transport Storage Division 7 and Communications IX Workers in other services Divisions 5, 8 & 9 (iv)

The only term requiring explanation is' PRINCIPAL AND SECONDARY WORKER: household industry, the others being self­ Table B-VII Part A and Part B involve the explanatory. As regards household industry, ru concepts of principal and ' secondary work. For three-fold test was laid down, viz:- every worker the principal work had to be indi. (a) "Household Industry" should consist of cated in the case of a person who was engaged, manufacture, processing or servicing and in more than one work, and also the secondary may include sale but should not be con­ work if he was engaged in two or more than two fined simply to buying and selling. At productive activities. The concepts of primary least part of the goods offered for sale and secondary work had nothing to do with the from the household should be manu­ income accruing to a person from his work. factured or processed by members of the The principal work of a person was that activity household. which took up most of his time; similarly the secondary work (in case a person was engaged (b) "Household Industry" should be on the: household scale where the workers in two or more than two kinds of work) was that mainly will be the Head of the house­ :yvhi~h took up less time than the . principal work hold himself and/or members of the out greater than the other kinds of work. Unless household, the role of hired workers specifically stated to the contrary in the table from outside being of secondary heading itself the tables in the Handbook are importance. Thus, in any Hou8ehold based on the principal work of a person. Industry, members of the household should be in a position to lend a hand Non-workers:-The non-working section of the in the industry whenever they find the population also was divided inco eight classes time in the course of their daily chores. according to the nature of their ac.tivities. Thus Household Industry cannot, therefore, be a non-worker could be (i) a full time student or on the scale of a registered factory but child attending school, (ii) a pel..:on engaged ~n home duties (like a housewife or other adult can use machinery and employ power female who does no other work) (iii) dependetiti like steam engine or oil engine or electri­ including an infant or child not attending school, city to drive the machinery. a person permanently disabled from work (c) Location also is important, for proximity because of illness or old-age; (iv) a retired decides participation by members of person who is not employed again, rentier, a the household. In a village this parti­ person living on agricultural or non-agricul­ cipation is possible if the Household' tural royalty, rent or dividend, or any other! Industry is located at home or within person of independent means for securing which: the village because village organisatioll' he does not have to work and who does no other is such as makes it possible for mem­ work; (v) a beggar, vagrant or independent bers of the household to move about woman without indication of source of income freely in the village to look after their and others of unspecified source of existence; work. In urban areas such free move­ (vi) a convict (not an undertrial who was to be ment is not possible, and therefore, recorded for the work he did before being for household industry in urban areas admitted to Jail); (vii) persons who were seek­ we should consider only those indus­ ing employment for the first time; and (viii) tries which are located or at least the persons who previously had worked, but were major part of whose work is located at out of employment, and were again seeking home. work. Class of Worker :-A worker, other than a culti­ Education Level8 :-A person was treated as vator, agricultural labourer or a worker at ill!terate i~ he did n~t. satisfy the test of literacy, thIS meanmg the abIlIty both of reading and household industry could be: (i) an Employer, writing. The test of reading was held to be that is, ·who hires one or more persons in his satisfied if a person could read printed matter work; (ii) an Employee, that is, who does his or easily legible manuscripts. The test of work under others for wages or salary in cash writing was the ability to write a simple letter. ?,he minimum educational level is primary or . or kind; (iii) a Single Worker, that is, who is .1 unior basic, and this includes all persons who doing his work without employing others, except have passed this examination but have not casually, and ~ithout the help of other members pass~d th~ next higher level examination i.e., of the family, except casually (this includes matrIculatIOn or higher secondary. Persons workers working as members of a co-operative); who h~d formal. sc~ooling. but had not passed the prImary or JUnIor baSIC level examination and (iv) a Family Worker, that is, who is doing were literates without any educational levels. his work in his own family without wages or A person belonging to any particular educa­ salary in cash or kind. A person could be an' tional level means a person who has passed the employee in a household industry also. examination denoting that level. {v)

lNDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION We have used only the three digit Code number OF WORKERS: for classifying occupation. All occupations are" divided. into ten divisons to each of which a Workers have also been classified according digit is allotted. The first digit of the code to their occupation and industry. The concepts number of an occupation stands for the 'Division' ,of 'industry' and 'occupation' are of fundamental into which it is classified. Each division is then importance in connection with all economic sub-divided into a number of groups not exceeding .activity and it is necessary that they should not ten. The first and second digits of the code be confused with each other. By "industry" is number represent the 'Division' and 'Group' into meant the sector of economic activity in which which an occupation is classified. Each group a worker is engaged e.g., the textile industry, again is divided into a number of families not mining industry, etc., whereas by 'occupation' exceeding ten and t]1e first three digits of the code is meant the exact func.tion that a worker per­ number stand for the division, group and family forms in that sector e.g., fitter, carpenter, into which an occupation is classified. To typist, etc. Occupation thus is "a trade,. ~r?­ illustrate, the code number 911 stands for. the fession or type of work performed by an mdlvl­ family 911 (Cooks, cook·bearers, domestic and

The instruction for drawing the 20 % sample census-houses which were not owned by the .of households from the houselists a-re reproduced households living in them were treated as 'rented' Ibelow:- even though no rent was being actually paid. "Before marking the sample households ·the Houselists should be arranged in order 0:6 "Factory" andl "Workshop" :-As is clear from location code numbers in the case of rural areas! its definition, a Census house could be a workshop. for tahsil etc., and in the case of urban areas A workshop is a place where some kind of pro­ other than towns with population Q.f 50,000 and duction, repair or servicing goes on, or where over. In the case of towns with popUlation of goods or articles are made and sold. A bigger .50,000 and over the Houselists should be arranged workshop which was either registered under the in order of blocks. The first sample household Indian Factories Act or was of the scale of al should be chosen randomly among the first five registered factory was returned as a factory. households in the first Houselist. From that For a manufacturing, repairing or servicing every fifth household from the first random establishment to be registered under the Indian household should be continuously marked ...... Factories Act, it should have ten or more workers The sample should be marked continuously for if using power and twenty or more workers if not .all the Houselists. If in a particular Houselist using power. .at the end two households are left after the marking of the sample households then these VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND ITS ApPENDICES: households should be carried over to the next Village Directory:-The Village Directory cor­ Houselist and the third household in that list responds to the Primary Census Abstract of the should be marked as sample households". 1951 Census. It gives for each village of the district: (a) information relating to area, census houses, households, scheduled castes and scheduled ,Census House and Census Households:-The con­ tribes and literacy; and (b) the classification of! cepts of "building" "house" and "household" are the population into workers and non-workers, and important and differ somewhat from their con­ again 'workers' into their 'Industrial Categories' notations in common speech. A building refers separately for both the sexes. For facilitating to the entire structure on the ground. A census comparison with the Census Handbook of 1951 house is a structure or part of structure inhabited the serial number at which the village is to be -or vacant or a dwelling, a shop, a shop-cum­ found in 1951 Handbook is also given. A new dwelling or place of business, workshop, school feature introduced in this Census is the presenta­ etc., with a separate entrance. A census house tion of additional information about each village! was thus a building, or part of a building with a relating to schools, hospitals, child and maternity separate entrance. A census house could have welfar,e centres, medical practitioners, electricity, ..a variety of uses, residential as well as non_ post and telegraph offices etc. This has been residential; or it might be vacant (at the time of done by entering symbols against the name of each houselisting). village. Another nevel feature is the presenta­ tion in eleven appendices of useful information relating to villages .and towns i.e., industrial A household was defined as "a group of establishments, places situated on bus routes, or persons who commonly live together and would within five miles of a railway station, places hav­ take their meals from a common kitchen unless' ing pucca wells, markets, public reading rooms, the exigencies of work prevented any of them drains etc. ~rom doing so." A household necessarily lived m a census house or part .of a census house. The To enable the reader to locate the village in ~efinition of a household was broad enough to the Village Directory without much difficulty) an ~nclude all persons living together in a census­ ulphabetical index of village names is given. house and dining from the same kitchen even if: This gives for each village the 1961 they were not related to one another. S'uch were location code number of the village (in the Village the ip.stitutional households, like jails, hostels, Directory, villages are arranged according to .~osPltals etc. The house in which a household their Location Code Numbers) ; and its location hved could either be owned or rented. All code number in the 1951 Hand-book. (viii)

APPENDIX-I STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION This classification groups the industries into 9 Divisions 45 ~ajor Groups 343 Minor Groups The divisions, major groups and minor groups with their Code numbers are listed below.

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description ~inor Group' (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Preparation of timber 022 Fishing and Hunting. Production of fuel including char- 00 Field Produce and Plantation Crops:­ coal by exploitation of forest 023 Production of fodder by exploita- Production of oereal crops (includ­ tion of forests 024 ing Bengal gram) such as rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize 000 Production of gums, resins, lac, Production of pulses such as arhar, barks, herbs, wild fruits and leaves moong, masur, urd, khesari, other by the exploitation of forests 025· gram 001 Production and gathering of other Production of raw jute and kindred forest products not covered above 026· fibre crops 002 Production of raw cotton and 03 Fishing: - kindred fibre crops 003 Production of fish by fishing in sea 030' Production of oilseeds, sugarcane and other cash crops 004 Production of fish by fishing in in- Production of other crops (includ- land waters including the operation ing vegetables) not covered above 005 of fish farms and fish hatcheries 031' Production of fruits and nuts in Production of pearls, conch, shells, plantation, vines & orchards 006 sponges by gathering or lifting from Production of wood, bamboo, cane - sea, river, pond 032' reeds, thatching grass etc. 007 Production of juice by tapping 04 Livestock and Hunting:­ palms 008 Production and rearing of livestock Production of other agricultural (large heads only) mainly for milk produce (including fruits and nuts and animal power such as cow, not covered by code number 006 & buffalo, goat 040· flowers) not covered above 009 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 041 01 Plantation Crops:- Rearing and production of other Production of tea in plantation 010 animals (mainly for slaughter) such Production of coffee in plantatien 011 as pig 042- Production of rubber in plantation 012 Production of ducks, hens and other Production of tobacco in plantation 013 small birds. eggs by rearing and poultry farming 043' Production of ganja, cinchona, opium 014 Rearing of bees for the production of honey, wax, and collection of Production of other plantation honey 044'- crops not covered above 015 Rearing of silk worms and produc- 02 Forestry and Logging:- tion of cocoons and raw silk 045, Planting, replanting and conser- Rearing of other small animals and vation of forests 02'0 insects 046 -, Felling and cutting of trees and Trapping of animals or games transportation of logs 021 propagation 047 ( ix)

¥ajor Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ----- Production of other animal hus­ 21 Beverages: - bandry products such as skin, bone, Production of distilled spirits, ivory & teeth I 048 wines, liquor from alcoholic malt, Division 1-Mining and Quarrying:­ fruits and malts in distillery and brewery 210 10 Mining and Quarrying:- Production of country liquor 211 Mining of coal 100 l\l'ining of iron ores 101 Production of indigenous liquor such as toddy, liquor from mahua, Mining of gold and silver ores 102 palm juice 212 Mining of manganese 103 Production of other liquors not Mining of mica 104 covered above 213 Mining of other non-ferrous metallic Production of aerated and mineral ores 105 water 214 Mining of crude petroleum and natural gas 106 Production of ice 215 Quarrying of stone (including Production of ice_cream 216 slate), clay, sand, gravel, limestone 107 Processing of tea in factories 217 Mining of .chemical earth such as soda ash 108 Processing of coffee in curing works 218 Mining and Quarrying of non­ metallic products not classified Production of other beverages 2,'19 above such precious and semi precious stones, asbestos, gypsum, 22 Tobacco Products:­ sulphur, asphalt 109 Manufacture of bidi 220 Division 2 & 3-Manufact?t?"ing:- Manufacture of cigars and cheroots 221 2'0 Foodstuffs: - Manufacture of cigarette and Production of rice. atta, flour, etc. cigarette tobacco 222 by milling, dehusking and process- Manufacture of hooka tobacco 223 ing of crops and foodgrains 200 Manufacture of snuff 224 Production of sugar and syrup from sugarcane in mills 201 Manufacture of jerda and other chewing tobacoo 225 Production of indigenous sugar, gur, from sugarcane or palm juice Manufacture of other tobacco pro- and production of candy 202 ducts ~'26 Production of fruit products such 23 Textile-Cotton: - as jam, jelly, sauce and canning and Cotton 'ginning, cleaning, pressing preservation of fruits 203 and baling 230 Slaughtering, preservation of meat Cotton spinning (other than in and fish and canning of fish 2'04 mil~) ~l Production of bread, biscuits, cake Cotton spinning and weavtng in and other bakery products 205 ~~ ~2 Production of butter, ghee, cheese Cotton dyeing, bleaching 233 and other dairy products 206 Cotton weaving in power looms 234 Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 207 Cotton weaving in handlooms 235 Production of hydrogenated oils Manufacturing of khadi textile in (Vanaspati) 208 handlooms 236 Production of other food products Printing of cotton textile 237 such as sweet.meat and condiments, Manufacturing of cotton nets 238 muri, murki, chira, khoi, cocoa, Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 209 rope and twine 239 ------. ex)

Major Group Description Minor Group Tvlajor Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) ---"----~------~------24 Textil2-Jl1t£:- Manufacture of coir and coir pro- Jute pressing and baling 240 ducts 277 Jute spinning and weaving 241 Manufacture of umbrellas 278 Dyeing and bleaching of jute 242 Processing and manufacture of tex- Printing of jute textile 243 tile products not covered above 279 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden fibre suen as hemp, mesta 244 Products:- 8awing and planing of wood 280 25 Textile-VY 001: - Manufacture of wooden furniture & Wool baling and pressing 250 fixtures 281 Wool cleaning and processing Manufacture of structural wooden (scouring) 251 goods (including treated timber) Wool spinning and weaving in mill 252 such as beams, posts, doors, TNindows. 282 Wool spinning other than in mills 253 Manufacture of wooden industrial Wool weaving in powerloom 254 goods other than transport equip­ Wool weaving in handloom 255 ment such as bobbin and similar Embroidery and art work in equipment and fixtures 283 woolen textile 256 Manufacture of other wooden pro­ ducts such as utensils, toys, artwares 284 26 Textile-Silk: - Manufacture of veneer and plywood 20'85 Spinning and weaving of silk textile Manufacture of plywood products in mill 260 such as tea chest 286 Dyeing and bleaching of silk 261 Manufacture of boxes and packing Spinning of silk other than in mill 262 cases other than plywood 287 Weaving of silk textile by power Manufacture of materials from loom 263 cork, bamboo, cane, leaves and Weaving of silk textile by handloom 264 other allied products 288 Printing of silk textile 265 Manufacture of other wood and Manufacture of silk cordage, rope allied products not covered above 289 and twine 266 29 Paper and paper Products:-­ 'Zl Te~tile-Miscellaneous:­ Manufacture of pulp from wood, Manufacture of carpet and all other rags, wastepaper and other fibres similar type of textile products 270 and the conversion of such pulp into Manufacture of hosiery and other any kind of paper and paper board knitted fabrics and garments 271 in mill 290 Embroidery and making of crepe Manufacture of pulp from wood, lace and fringes 272 rags, wastepaper and other fibres Making of textile garments includ- and the conversion of such pulp ing raincoats and headgear 273 into any kind of paper and paper board handmade 291 Manufacture of made up textile goods except wearing apparel such Manufacture of prod"ucts, such as as curtains, pillow cases, bedding paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes materials, mattress, textile bags 274 and moulded pulp goods from paper, paper board and pulp 292 Manufacture of water-proof textile products such as oil cloth, tarpaulin 275 30 Printing and Publishing:­ Manufacture and recovery of all Printing and publishing of news~ ~ypes of fi?res for purposes of padd- papers and periodicals 300 mg, waddmg, and upholstery filling 276' Printing and publishing of books 301 , .) ~Xl '

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Groul> (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code)

~ll other types of printing including Manufacture of matches 334 lIthography, engraving, etching, block making and other work con- Manufacture of medicines, pharma­ nected with printing industry 302 ceutical prepara~ions, perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet prepara- All types of binding, stiching, siz- tions except soap 335 ing and other allied work connected with binding industry 303 Manufacture of soap and other washing and cleaning compounds 336 31 Leather and Leather Products:­ Manufacture of turpentine, synthe- Currying, tanning and finishing of tic, resin, and plastic products and hides and skins and preparation of materials (including synthetic finished leather 310 rubber) 337 Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 311 Manufacture of common salt 338 Manufacture of clothing and wear- Manufacture of other chemicals & ing apparel (except footwear) made chemical products not covered of leather and fur 312 above (including inedible oils and Manufacture of leather products fats) 339' (except those covered by Code Nos. 311, 312), such as leather uphols­ 34 ~ on-metallic Mineral Products tery, suitcases, pocket books, ciga­ other than Petroleum and Coal:- rette and key cases, purses, sadd- Manufacture of structural clay pro- lery, whip and other articles 313 ducts such as bricks, tiles 340 Repair of shoes and other leather Manufacture of cement and cement foot-wear 314 products 341 Repair of all other leather products Manufacture of lime 342 except footwear 315 Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stone 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products:- crushing 343 Manufacture of tyres and tubes 320 :Manufacture of stonewares, other Manufacture of rubber footwear 321 than images 344 Manufacture of rubber goods used Man ufacture of stone images 345 for industrial purpose 322 :\Ianufacture of plaster of paris Manufacture of all kinds of other and its products 346 rubber products from natural or Manufacture of asbestos products 347 synthetic rubber including rubber :.\1anufacture of mica products 348 raincoat 323 Production of petroleum, kerosene 35 Manufacture of earthenware and and other petroleum products in earthen pottery: - 350 petroleum refineries 324 ::.\fanufacture of chinaware and Production of coaltar and coke in crockery 351 coke oven 325 Manufacture of porcelain and its Manufacture of other coal and products 352 coaltar products not covered else- Manufacture of glass bangles and where 326 beads 353 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products:­ Manufacture of glass apparatus 354 Manufacture of earthen image, Manufacture of basic industrial busts and statues' 355 che~icals such as acids, alkalis & theIr salts not elsewhere specified 330 Manufacture of earthen toys and art wares except those covered by Manufacture of dyes, paints, code No. 355 356 colours and varnishes 331 Nl'anl1facture of glass and glass Manufacture of fertilisers 332 products except optical and photo­ ~'anufacture of ammunition, explo- graphic lenses and glass products SIves and fire works 333 covered above 357 (xii)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 35 Manufacture of other non-metallic Manufacture of electric lamps and mineral products not elsewhere fans 375 specified 359 Manufacture of insulated wires and 36 Basic Metals and their products ex- cables 376 cept ;'\fachinery and Transport Manufacture of all kinds of battery 377 Equipment: - Manufacture of electronic equip- Manufacture of iron and steel ment such as radio, microphone 378 including smelting, refining, rolling, conversion into basic form such as Manufacture of electric machinery billets, blooms, tubes, rods 360 and apparatus, appliances not specified above 379 Manufacture including smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals and 38 Transport Equipment:­ alloys in basic forms 361 Manufacture, assembly and repair- Manufacture of armaments 362 ing of locomotives 380 Manufacture of structural steel Mamifacture of wagons, coaches, Jlroducts such as joist, rail, sheet, tramways and other rail road Jllate 363 equipment other than that covered Manufacture of iron and steel by Code No. 363 381 furniture 364 Manufacture and assembling of motor vehicles of all types (except- Manufacture of brass and bell ing motor engines) 382 metal products 365 Manufacture of motor vehicles Manufacture of aluminium products 366 engines parts and accessories 383 Manufacture of metal products Repairing and servicing of motor (other than of iron, brass, bell metal vehicles 384 and aluminium) such as tin can 367 Manufacture of bicycles and tri­ Enamelling, galvanising, plating, cycles and accessories such as (including electroplating) polishing saddle, seat frame, gear 385 and welding of metal products 368 Building and repairing of water Manufacture of sundry hardwares transport equipment such as ships, such as G. 1. pipe, wire net, bolt, boats, and manufacture of marine screw, bucket, cutlery (This will engines 386 also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering pro­ Manufacture & repair of air trans- ducts done by jobbing engineering port equipment including aero­ concerns which cannot be classified planes, aeroengines 387 in major groups 36, 37, 38, and 39). 369 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 388 Manufacture of other transport 37 Machinery (All kinds other than equipment not covered above such transport) and Electrical Equip­ as animal drawn and hand drawn ment:- vehicles 389 Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing Indus­ except textile machinery 370 tries: Manufacture and assembling of prime mover and boilers, other than Manufacture of optical instruments electrical equipment, such as diesel and lenses, opthalmic goods and engines, road rollers, tractors 371 photographic equipment and sup- plies 390 Manufacture of machine tools 372 Manufacture of textile machinery Manufacture of scientific, medical and accessories 373 and surgical instruments and equip- Manufacture of heavy electrical ment and supplies 391 machinery and equipment such as Assembling and repairing of motors, generators, transformers 374 watches and clocks 392 ... , (XUI,

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Manufacture of jeweller!, silver­ Wholesale trading in vegetables, ware and wares using gold and fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish other precious metals 393 dairy products eggs, poultry and other foodstuff (not covered else Manufacture and tuning of Musical where) 601 Instruments 394 Wholesale trading in all kinds of Manufacture of stationery articles fabrics, and textiles products such not covered elsewhere such as pencil, as garments, hessian, gunny bag, pen-holder, fountain pen 395 silk and woolen yarn, shirtings, Manufacture of sports goods 396 suitings, hosiery products 602 Manufacture and repair work of Wholesale trading in beverages, such goods not assignable to any other as tea (leaf), coffee (seed and group 399 powder), aerated water 603 Wholesale trading in intoxicants Division 4-Construction such as wines, liquors 604 40 Construction: - Wholesale trading in other intoxi- Construction and maintenance of cants such as opium, ganja etc. 605 buildings including erection, floor- Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi ing, decorative constructions, ele­ cigarettes and other tobacco pro- ctrical and sanitary installations 400 ducts 606 Construction and maintenance of Wholesale trading in animals 607 roads, railways, bridg€s, tunnels 401 Wholesale trading in straw and Construction and maintenance of fodder 608 telegraph and telephone lines 402 Construction and maintenance of 61 Wholesale trading in medicines and water ways and water reservoirs chemicals 610 such as bund, embankments, dam, Wholesale trading in fuel and light- canal, tank, tubewells, wells 403 ing products such as coke, coal, kerosene, candle 611 Division 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Wholesale trading in toilets, perfu- Sanitary Services mery and cosmetics 612 50 Electricity and Gas:- Wholesale trading in metal, porce- Generation and transmission of lain and glass utensils, crockery, electric energ! 500 china ware 613 Distribution of electric energy 501 Wholesale trading in wooden, steel Manufacture of Gas in gas works and oth~r metallic furniture and and distribution to domestic and fittings 614 industrial consumers 502 Wholesale trading in footwear 615 Wholesale trading in tyres, tubes 51 Water Supply and Sanitary Services:­ and allied rubber products 616 Collection purification and distri Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil • bution of 'water to domestic and oil and allied products 617 industrial consumers 510 Wholesale trading in other house­ Garbage and sewage disposal, hold equipment not covered above 618 operation of drainage system and all other types of work connected 62 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and with public health and sanitation 511 other building materials 620 Division 6-Trade and Commerce Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, cane, thatches and similar products 62.1 60 Wholesale Trade:- Wholesale trading in cereals and 63 Wholesale trading in paper and Pulses 600 other stationery goods 630 ------(xiv)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group, (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Wholesale trading in agricultural Retail trading in toilet goods, per- and industrial machinery equip­ fumes and cosmetics 651 ment and tools and appliances other Retail trading in medicines and than electrical 631 chemicals 652 Wholesale trading in electrical Retail trading in footwear, head­ machinery and equipment like gear such as hat, umbrellas, shoes motor, battery, electric fan, bulb 632 and chappals 653 Wholesale trading in all kinds of Retail trading in tyres, tubes and transport and storage equipment 633 allied rubber products 654 Wholesale trading in skins, leather Retail trading in petrol, mobiloil and fur 634 and allied products 655 Wholesale trading in clocks, eye glasses, frames 635 66 Retail trading in wooden, steel and . other metallic furniture and fittings 660 Wholesale trading in hardware and sanitary equipment 636 Retail trading in stationery goods and papers 661 Wholesale tradill1g in scientific, Retail trading in metal, porcelain medical and surgical instruments 637 and glass utensils 662 Wholesale trading in precious Retail trading in earthenware and metals and stones, gold and silver- earthen toys 663 wares and jewellery 638 Retail trading in other household Wholesale trading in all goods not equipment not covered abov:e 664 covered above 639 67 Retail trading in bricks, tiles and 64 Retail Trade:- other building materials 670 Retail trading in hardware and Retail trading in cereals, pulses, sanitary equipment 671 vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, Retail trading in wood, bamboo oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, cane, bark and thatches 672 poultry 640 Retail trading in other building Retail trading in beverages such as materials 673 tea (leaf), coffee (seed and powder). aerated water ozt1 68 Retail trading in agricultural and Retail trading in intoxicants such machinery equipment, tools and as wines, liquors 642 industrial appliances 680 Retail trading in other intoxicants Retail trading in transport and such as opium, ganja, etc. 643 storage equipments 681 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, ciga­ Retail trading in electrical goods rettes and other tobacco products 644 like electric fan, bulb, etc. 682 Retail trading in fuel such as coke, Retail trading in skins, leather and coal. firewood and kerosene 645 furs and their products excluding Retail trading in food stuffs like footwear '1nd headgear 683" sweetmeats, condiments, cakes, Retail trading in clock and watch, biscuits, etc. 646 eye glass, frame 684 Retail trading in animals 647 Retail trading in scientific, medical Retail trading in straw and fodder 648 and surgical instruments 685 Retail trading in precious stones 65 Retail trading in fibres yarns and jewellery 686 dhoti. saree, readymade garment~ Retail trading in musical instru­ d cotton, wool, silk and other tex­ ments, gramophone rec"Ord, pictures tiles and hosiery products; (this and paintings including curio includes retail trading in piece­ dealing 687 goods of cotton, wool, Bilk and Book-selling 688 other textiles) 650 Retail trading in goods unspecified 689 (xv)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 69 Trade and Commerce Miscellaneous:­ 73 Communication: - Importing and exporting of goods Postal, telegraphic, wireless and and commodities 690 signal communications 730 Real estate and properties 691 Telephone communication 731 Stocks, shares and futures 692 Information and broadcasting 732 Providents and insurances 693 80 Public Service (This does not in­ Money lending (indigenous) 694 clude Govt., Quasi-Govt. or local body activities, other than adminis­ Banking and similar type of trative, in such fields as transport, financial operation 695 communication, information and Auctioneering 696 broadcasting, education and scienti­ Distribution of motion pictures 697 fic services, health, industries, pro­ All other activities connected with duction, construction, marketing & trade and commerce not covered operation of financial institution above including hiring out of dur­ each of which is classified in the able goods such as electric fan, appropriate industry groups) :- microphone, rickshaw, etc. 699 Public Services in Union and State army including territorial corps Didsion 7.-TranspoTt, Storage and Communi­ and volunteer corps 800 cation: Public Service in Navy 801 70 Transport:- Public Service in Air Force 802 Transporting by railways 700 Public Service in Police 803 Transporting by tramway and bus Public service in administrative service 701 departments and offices of Central Transporting by motor vehicles Government 804 (other than omnibus) 702 Public service in administrative Transporting by road through departments and offices of Quasi­ other means of transport such as Government organisation, munici- hackney carriage, bullock cart, ekka 703 palities, local boards, etc. 805 Animal transporting by animals Public service in administrative such as horses, elephant, mule, departments and offices of State, camel 704 Governments 809 Transporting by man such as carry- 81 Educational and Scientific Services:­ ing of luggage, hand cart driving, rickshaw pulling, cycle rickshaw Educational services such as those driving 705 rendered by technical colleges, tech­ nical schools and similar technical Transporting by boat, . steamer, and vocational institutions 810 ferry, etc. by river, canal 706 Educational services such as those Transporting by boat, steamer, rende:t;ed by colleges, schools and ship, cargo boat by sea or ocean 707 similar other institutions of non_ Transporting by air 708 technical type 811 Transporting by other means not Scientific services and research insti­ covered above 709 tutions not capable of classification under any individual group 812 71 Services incidental to transport 82 Medical and Health Services:­ such as packing, carting travel agency 710 Public health and medical services rendered by organisations and indi­ 72 Storage and Ware Housing:­ viduals such as by hospitals, sana­ torium, nursing homes, maternity Operation of storage such as ware- houses 720 and child welfare clinic as also by hakimi, unani, ayurvedic, allopathic Operation of storage such as cold­ and homeopathic practitioners 820 storage 721 Veterinary services rendered by Operation of sMrage of other type 722 organisations and individuals 821 (xvi)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group, (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 83 Religious and Welfare Services:­ 87 Recreation Services:- Religious services rendered by reli­ Production of motion picture and gious organisations and their estab­ allied services such as processing lishments maintained for worship editing etc. 870 or promotion of religious activities, Recreation services rendered by this includes missions, ashrams and cinema houses by exhibition of other allied organisations 830 motion pictures 871 Religious and allied services render- Recreation services rendered by ed by pandit, priest, preceptor, organisations and individuals such fakir, monk 831 as those of theatres, opera Welfare services rendered by orga~ companies, ballet and dancing nisations operating on a non~profit parties, musicians, exhibitions, basis for promotion of welfare of circus, carnivals 872 the community such as relief soci­ Recreation services rendered by eties red-cross organisation for the indoor and outdoor sports by orga­ collection and allocation of contri- nisations and individuals including bution for charity 832 horse, lllotor etc. racing. 873 84 Legal Services:- 88 Personal Services:- Legal services rendered by barris­ Services rendered to households ter, advocate, solicitor, mukteer, such as those by domestic servants, pleader, mukurie, munshi 840 cooks 880 Matrimonial services rendered by Services rendered to households organizations and individuals 841 such as those by governess, tutor, private secretary 881 85 Business Services:- Services rendered by hotels, board- Engineering services rendered by ing houses, eating houses, cafes, professional organisations or in- restaurants and similar other orga­ dividuals 850 nisations to provide lodging and Business services rendered by orga­ boarding facilities 882 nisations of accountants, auditors, Laundry services rendered by orga­ book-keepers or like individuals 851 nisations and individuals, (this Business services rendered by includes all types of cleaning, professional organisations or indi­ dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning viduals such as of those of advertis- services) 883 ing and publicity agencies 852 Hair dressing, other services render- Business services rendered by pro- ed by organisation and individuals fessional organisations or indi- such as those by barber, hair­ viduals such as of those rendered by dressing saloon and beauty shops 884 news agency, news paper corres­ Services' rendered by portrait and pondent, columnist, journalists, commericial photographic studios 885 editors, authors 853 89 Services (not elsewhere classified):­ 86 Community Services and Trade and Services rendered by organisations Labour Associations:- or individuals not elsewhere classi- Services rendered by trade associa­ fied 890' tions, chambers of commerce, trade unions and similar other organisa- Division 9-Activities not adeq'nately tioos 800 descirbed. Services rendered by civic, social, 90 Activities unspecified and not cultural, political, and fraternal adequately described including organi$ations such as rate payers activities of such individuals who association, club, library 861 fail to provide sufficient information Community services such as those about their industrial affiliation to rendered by public libraries enable them to be classified 900 museums, botanical and zoologicai Fresh entrants to the Labour gardens etc. 862 Market 999 APPENDIX...;_II NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS (Code Structure) Which clRS"sifies occupations into 331 Occupational Families (three-digit code numbers) 75 Occupational Groups (two-digit code numbers) 11 Occupational Divisions (one-digit code numbers) Note I.-The Classification does not provide separate code numbers for Apprentices, Foremen and Instructors (in-plant only). These may be classified by giving the prefixes of "A". "B", or "C" respectively before the code number of the occupation which is being learned, supervised or instructed. Note Il.-n. e. ·c.-not elsewhere classified.

DIVISIONS, GROUPS AND FAMILIES o professional Technical and Related Workers: 032 Physicians, Hc:meopathic 033 Physicians, others 00 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors:- 034 Phys..iologists 000 Architects 035 Den tists 001 Civil Engineers (including overseers). 039 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists" 002, Mechanical Engineers n.e.c. 003 Electrical Engineers 04 Nurses, Pharmacists and other Medical.& 004 Chemical Engineers Health Technicians:- 005 Metallurgical Engineers 040 Nurses 006 Mining Engineers 041 Midwives, and Health Visitors 007 Surveyors 042 Nursing Attendants and Related 009 Architects, Engineers and Surveyors, Workers n. e. c. 043 Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Technicians 01 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and 044 Vaccinators other Physicyal Scientists:- 010 Chemists, except Pharmaceutical 045 Physiotherapists, Masseurs and Chemists Related Technicians 011 Pharmaceutical Chemists 046 Sanitation Technicians Optometrists and Opticians 012 Physicists 047 013 Meteorologists 049 lY,t:edical and Health Technicians, n.e.c. ( excl uding Laboratory Assis­ 014 Geologists and Geophysicist tants see 091). 015 Mathematicians 019 Chemists, Physicists, Geologists and 05 Teachers:- other Physical Scientists, n.e.C. 050 Teachers, University 02 Biologists, Veterinarians Agronomists & 051 Teachers, Secondary Schools Related Scientists:- 052 Teachers, Middle and Primary 020 Biologists and Animal Scientists Schools 021 Veterinarians 053 Teachers, Nursery and Kindergarten Schools 022 Sliviculturists 059 Teachers, n.e.c. 023 Agronomists and Agricultural Scien­ tists 06 ,Turists:- 029 Biologists, Veterinarians, Agrono­ mists and Related Scientists,' n.e.c. 060 J'udges and Magistrates 061 Legal Practitioners and Advisers. Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists 062 Law Assistants 030 Physicians and Surgeons, Allopathi€ Q69 Jurists, and Legal Technicians 031 Physicians, Ayurvedic (lncluding P;:tition Writers) 07 Social Scientists and Related Work~l's:- 101 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 070 Economists cials, State Government 071 Accountants and Auditors 102' Admin,isttators and Executive Offi­ cials, Local Bodies. 072 Statisticians and Actuaries 103 Administrators and Executive Offi~ 073 Geographers cials, Quasi-Government 074 Psychologists 104 Village Officials 075 Personnel Specialists 109 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 076 Labour and Social Welfare Workers cials, Government, n.e.c. 077 Sociologists and Anthropologists 11 Directors and Managers, Whosesale and 078 Historians, Archeologists, Political Retail Trade:- Scientists and Related Workers 110 Directors and Managers, Wholesale 079 Social Scientists and Related Trade Workers, n.e.c. III Directors and Managers, Retail Trade 08 Artists, Writers and Related Workers:- \ 080 Authors 12 Directors, Managers and Working Pro- 081 Ed~tors, Journalists and Related prietors, Financial Institutions:- Workers 120 Directors, Managers and Working 082 Translators, Interpreters and Proprietors, Banks Language Specialists 121 Directors, Managers and Working 083 Painters, Decorators and Commer- Proprietors, Insurance cial Artists 129 Directors, Managers and Working 084 Sculptors and Modellers Proprietors, Financial Institutions, 085 Actors and Related Workers 13 Directors, Managers and Working Pro· 089 Musicians and Related Workers prietors, other:- 087 Dancers and Related Workers 130 Directors, Managers and Working 089 Artists, Writers and Related Proprietors, Mining, Quarrying and Workers n.e.c. . Well Drilling 131 Directors, Managers and Working ()9 Draughtsmen, and Science and Engineer­ Proprietors, Construction ing Technicians, n.e.c. 132 Directors, Managers and Working 090 Draughtsmen Proprietors, Electricity, Gas, Water 091 Laboratory Assistants and Sanitary. 099 Science and Engineering. Techni­ 133 Directors, Managers and Working cians, n.e.c. Proprietors, Manufacturing .ox Other Professional, Technical and Related 134 Directors, Managers and Working Workers:- Proprietors, Transport and Com." munication OXO Ordained Religious Workers 135 Directors, Managers and Working OXl Non-ordained Religious Workers Proprietors, Recreation, Entertain­ OX2 Astrologers, Palmists and Related ment and Catering Services Workers 136 Directors, Managers and Working OX3 Librarians, Archivists and Related Proprietors, Other Services Workers 139 Directors, Managers and Working OX4 Geographers Proprietors, n.e.c. OX9 Other Prufesgional, Technical and Related Workers, n.e.c. 2 Clerical and Related Workers: 1 Administmtive, Executive and Managerial 2'0 Book-keepers and Cashiers:- Workers: 200 Book-keepers, Book-keeping and 10 Administrators and Executive Officials, Accounts Clerks Gove-rnment: _ 201 Cashiers 100 Administrators and Executive Offi­ 202 Ticket Sellers and Ticket Inspectorlt cials, Central Government (All De­ including ushers and Ticket Collectors fence Services Personnel 1;g be (excluding thos('. on moving trans­ included in this family) port) (Xix)

21 Stenographers and Typists:- 34 Mohey-Lenders and Pawn-Brokers:- 210 Stenographers 340 Money-Lenders (including Indige.­ 211 Typists nous Bankers) 341 Pawn-Brokers 22 Office Machine Operators: 220 Computing Clerks and Calculating 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers ana. Machine Operators Related Workers: 221 Punch Card Machine Operators 40 Farmers and Farm Managers:- 229 Office Machine Operators, n.e.c. 400 Cultivators (Owners) 28 Clerical Workers" Miscellaneous:- 401 Cultivators (Tenants) 280 General and other Ministerial Assis-. 402 Farm Managers, Inspectors and tants and Clerks Overseers 289 Miscellaneous Office Workers includ­ 403 Planters and Plantation Managers ing Record keepers, Mol:J.arrers, 404 Farmers and Farm Managers~ Diaphers, Packers and Binders of Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing office papers. 409 Farmers and Farm Managers, n.e.c. 29 Unskilled Office Workers:- 41 Farm Workers:- 290 Office Attendants, Ushers, Hall 410 Farm Machinery Operators Porters etc. n.e,c. 411 Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and Insects Hearing 3 Sales Workers: 412 Gardeners (malis) 30 Working Proprietors, Wholesale and 413 Tappers (Palm, Rubber trees, etc.) Retail Trade:- 414 Agricultural Labourers 300 Working Proprietors, Wholesale 415 Plantation Labourers Trade 419 Farm Workers, n.e.c. 301 Working' Proprietors, Retail Trade 42 Hunters and Related Workers:- :n Insurance and real estate salesmen, sales­ 420 Hunters men of securities and services, and 421 Trappers auctioneers :-- 429 Hunters and Related Workers, n.e.c. 310 Agents and Salesmen, Insurance 311 Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real 43 Fishermen and Related. Workers:- Estate 430 Fishermen, Deep Sea 312 Brokers and Agents, Securities and 431 Fishermen, Inland and Coastal Shares Waters 313 Auctioneers 432 Conch and Shell gatherers, Sponge 314 Valuers and Appraisers and Pearl Divers 319 Insurance and Real Estate Salesmen, 439 Fishermen and Related Workers~ Salesmen of Securities and Servi'ces, n.e.c. and Auctioneers, n.e.c. 44 Loggers and other Forestry Workers:- 32 Commercial Travellers and Manufacturers' 440 Forest Rangers and Related Workers. Agents:- 441 Harvesters and Gatherers of Forest 320 Commercial Travellers Products including lac (except logs) 321 Manufacturers' Agents 442 Log Fellers and Wood Cutters 329 Commercial Travellers and Manu­ 443 Charcoal Burners and~ Forest Pro­ facturers' Agents, n.e.c. duct Processors 33 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related 449 Loggers and other Forestry Workers. Workers:- n.e.c. 330 Salesmen and Shop Assistants, Wholesale and Retail Trade 5 Mines, Quarrymen and Related Workers: 50 Miners and Quarrymen:- 331 Hawkers, Pedlars and Street Vendors 500 Miners 339 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related Workers, n.e.c. 501 Quarrymen (xxii)

793 Cement Finishers and Terra7.zo and 828 Coffee and Tea Blenders and Related'_ Mosaic Workers Workers 794 Hut Builders and Thatchers 829 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and 795 Well Diggers Related Food and Beverage Workers, n.e.c. 799 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construc­ tion Workers, D.e.C. 83 Chemical ,and Related Process Workers:- 830 Batch and Continuous Still Operators, 80 Compositors, Printers, Engravers, Book­ Binders and Related Workers:- 831 Cookers, Roasters and other Heat Treaters, Chemical and Related 800 Type-setting Machine Operators Processes 801 Compositors 832 Crushers, Millers and Calenderers. 802 Proof-Readers and Copy Holders Chemical and Related Processes 803 Printers (Paper) 833 Paper Pulp Preparers 804 Printers (Textile) 834 Paper Makers 805 Photo-Litho Operators, Photo-litho- 839 Chemical and Related Process. graphers Workers, n.e.c. 806 Engravers, 1

.8n ;: i Bo~lermen and Fir-e~· . 93 Building ,-:Gare-Takers, Cleaners and 872 Crane and Hoist Operators Related Workers:- .873 Riggers and Cable Splicers 930 Building Care-Takers 874 Operators of Earth-moving, and 931 Cleaners, Sweepers and Watermen Other Construction Machi:p.,ery, n .. e.c. 94 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and 875 Materials-handling Equipment Opera Related Workers:- tors 940 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians 876 Oilers and Greasers, Stationary and Related Workers Engines, Motor Vehicles and Relat­ ed Equipment 95 Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Pressers:- 879 Stationary Engine, and Excavating 950 Laundrymen, Washermen and Dho­ and Lifting Equipment Operators bies and Related W Qrkers, n.e.c. 951 Dry-cleaners and Pressers 89 Labourers, n.e.c,:- 890 Loaders and Unloaders 96 Athletes Sportsmen and Related Workers: 899 Labourers, n.e.c. 960 Athletes, Sportsmen and Related Workers "9 Service, Sports and Recreation Workers. 97 Photographers and Related Camera Opera­ 90 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards and tors:- Related Workers:- 970 Movie Camera Operators 900 Fire Fighters and Related Workers 979 Other Photographers 901 Police Constables, Investigators and Related Workers 99 Service, Sports and Recreation Workers, 902 Customs Examiners, Patrollers and n.e.c.:- Related Workers ' 990 Embalmers and Undertakers 903 Watchmen and Chowkidars 999 Service, Sport and Recreation 909 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards, Workers, n.e.c. and Related Workers, n.e.'c. X Workel's not Classifiable by occupation 91 House Keepers, Cooks, Maids and Related Workers without occupations:- Workers:- XO XOO Workers without occupations: 910 House Keepers, Matrons, Stewards Matriculates and above (Domestic and Institutional) X08 Workers without occupations: 911 Cooks, Cook-Bearers (Domestic and Institutional) Literates 912 Butlers, Bearers, Waiters, Maids and X09 Workers without occupations: other Servants (Domestic) Others 913 Ayas, Nurse-maids X8 Workers Reporting Occupation Unidenti­ 919 House-Keepers, Cooks, Maids, and fiable or Unclassifiable:- Related Workers, n.e.c. X80 Workers reporting occupations un­ identifiable or unclassifiable 92 Waiters, Bartenders and Related Workers 920 Waiters. Bartenders and Related X9 Workers not Reporting Occupation:- Workers (Institutional) X90 Workers not Reporting occupation. xxiv


Note:-Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division! Total Area in Popula- No.· of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

INDIA T (a) 1,232,561 (b) 1,228,402 358 567,351 :11,7°0 78,855,586 84,5II,1l87 R 1,2I3,535 297 567,351 65,070,272 68,948,516 U 14,867 5,3°5 2,7°0 13,785,314 15,56:;,371

MADHYA PRADESH T (a) 171,217 (b) 169,042 192 7°,414 219 6,230,854 6,615,580 R 168,322 1 65 76 ,414 5,376,498 5,628,373 U 720 6,428 219 854.356 987,207 GwaJior Division T (a) 17,253 (b) 17,21 5 '5 200 6,594 24 595,496 651,261 R 17,I55 '7 :166 6,594 506,706 534,736 U 59.8 9,739 24 88,790 116,525 Morena T (a) 4,489 (b) 4,511'5 1/+ 1,290 6 134,708 142,304 R 4,507 ·2 159 1,290 121,645 129,293 U {·3 15,611 6 13,063 13,511 2 llhind T (a) 1,723 (b) 1,720 ·1 373 898 4 104,424 113,916 R 1,717'0 3-16 898 95,831 104,439 U 3·1 15,1:28 4 8,593 9,477

3 T (a) 2,002 (b) 2,015 '0 326 760 4 95,868 124,830 R 1,988 '2 168 760 55,457 60,484 U 26'8 12,124 4 40,411 64,346 4 Datia T (a) 782 (b) 785'7 255 416 313,112 39,249 R 783·7 "218 416 32,755 33,137 U 2 ·0 14,715 5,357 6,112 5 Shivpuri T (a) 3,986 (b) 3,943 ·1 142 1,308 3 108,766 )JO,897 R 3,939 ·9 132 1,308 101,503 102,881 U 3·2 12,266 3 7,263 8,016

6 Guna T (a) 4,271 (b) 4,240'1 I·H 1,922 6 113,618 119,565 R 4,219,7 123 1,922 99,515 104,502 U 20'4 :3,665 6 14,103 15,063'.

Rewa Division T (a) ~2,845 (b) ~2,677 ·8 187 10,638 18 81.",913 884,909 R 112,601 '5 :176 ):0,638 76:1,397 8:1:5,457 U 76 '3 3,445 18 54,516 59,452

7 Tikamgarh T (a) 1,944 (b) 1,960 ·9 232 872 88,630 93,830

R 1,958 ·7 222 872 '" 84,563 89,549' U 2 '2 9,389 4,067 4,281

8 Chhatarpt!r T (a) 3.381 (b) 3,330 ·3 176 1,076 5 115,636 126,377 R 3,295 ·7 161 1,076 104,417 114,110 U 34·6 1,630 5 11.219 12,267'

9 Panna T (a) 2,716 (b) 2,785 ·0 119 934 65,378 72,882 R 2,78.(': 5 113 934 62,173 69,201 U 0'5 31,579 3,205 3,681 xxy.


India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T ----~-..,__------per 1000 Educated percentage variaticn R Persons Males Females males Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

439,234,771 226,293,201 2u,941,57° 941 105,333,:<81 24 '00 +2:1.50 T (b) 3 60,298,168 183,504,v95 176,794,073 963 68,304,933 x8'S6 R 78 ,936,603 42,789,106 36,147,497 845 37,028,348 46 ·9J: U

31(,372,408 16.578,204 15,794,204 953 5.544,862 17 '13 +24 '17 T 27,745,174 14,085,038 13,660,136 970 3,530,896 12'73 +20 '95 R 4,627,234 2,493,166 lI,I34,068 856 2,013,966 43'52 +47 '70 U

3.436,639 1,841,668 1,594,971 866 588,172 17 'Il +2l1.J:2 T 2,854,229 1,526,730 1,327,499 870 355,363 u'45 i- I 9·55 R S82"pO 3 14,938 267,472 849 232 , 8v9 39'97 +36 '52 U

783,348 -1:26,061 357,287 839 116,616 1+'89 +23 '64 Tl 716,221 388,901 327,320 842 89.701 12·52 +20 ·36 R 67,127 37,160 29,967 806 26,915 40'10 + 74 ·30 U

641,169 3-!6.797 294,372 849 ill.617 17.41 +21'44 T2: 593,516 320,175 273,341 85-1: 94,551 15.93 + 17 ·78 R 47.653 26,622 21,031 790 17,066 :35.81 +98 ·06 U

657.276 353,813 304,063 859 183,336 27'87 +24'06 T3. 333,4:28 178,648 15.Jc,780 866 47,699 H·31 +18 ·09 R 324,H8 175,165 149,283 852 1:35,637 41'81 +30'85 U

2')0,467 105,640 9.Jc.827 898 29,836 14'88 +22 '00 T4 17i,037 90,264 80.773 895 20,115 1 ~ ·76 -1·35 . 11 R 29,-1:30 15,376 H.054 914 9,721 33'03 --21'99 U

557,954 295,543 262'{11 888 64,522 11'56 + 17 '19 175. 519,072 2H,718 2H.35.J: 889 49,862 9·61 + 14 '28 R 38,882 20,825 18;057 267 14,660 37 ·70 + 77 ·65 U

595,825 313,814 282.011 899 82,245 13'80 +23 '6-! T6- 520,955 274,024 2-1:6,931 901 53,43.'> 10·26 +22 ·45 R 7+,870 39,790 35,080 882 28,810 :08·48 +32 -62 U

4,251,042 2,180,496 lI,070,546 950 499,783 II '76 +24. 65 T 3,988,217 2,037,582 1,950,635 957 401 ,185 IO'v6 +26·9l1 R 262,8l15 142,914 II9,9II 839 98,598 37 '51 _lI'OO U

455.662 239,035 216,627 906 44,067 9·67 +24'44 T7 435,193 228,339 206,854 906 36,698 8·43 +25'81 R 20,469 lO,696 9,773 914 7,369 36·00 + 1·12 U

587,373 310,653 276.720 891 65,932 11'22 +22 ·08 T8 531,054 280,.159 250A95 893 47,072 8·86 +22 ·93 R 56,319 30,094 26,225 871 18,860 33·49 + 14'59 U

331,257 170,942 160,315 938 36,034 10·88 +27 '57 T9 31+,520 162,1'32 152,388 940 29,214 9·29 +32 ·39 R 16,737 8,810 7,927 900 6,820 40·75 -24'26 U XXVI


Note: - Under Column 3, (al represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division! Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District fTown Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 Satna T (a) 2,823 (b) 2,866 ·3 242 1,753 4 137,-!50 147,088 R 2,857 ·2 221 1,753 123,670 132,231 U 9 ·1 6,965 4 13,780 14,857 11 Rewa T (a) 2,509 (b) 2,427 ·6 318 2,296 142,452 156,911 R 2,422 ·9 301 2,296 134,316 147,175 U 4·7 9,143 8,136 9,736 12 Shahdol T (a) 5,412 (b) 5,354 ·4 155 1,974 5 164,854 176,452 R 5,330 ·6 145 1,974 151,876 163,077 U 23'8 2,427 5 12,978 13,375 13 Sidhi T (a) 4,060 (b) 3,953 ·3 147 1,733 101,513 111,369 R 3,951'9 146 1,733 100.382 110,114 U 1·4 3,692 1)31 1,255

Indore Dh,ision ... T (a) 27,34I (b) 25,525 ·6 232 11,003 62 1,062,218 I.lg3,830 R 25,412 '4 177 11,003 832,700 847,060 U I13 '2 12,604 62 229,518 286,770 14 Mandsaur T (a) 3,966 (b) 3,654 ·3 206 1,576 12 146,902 150,173 R 3,611'8 163 1,576 115,576 116,915 U 12·5 12,762 12 31,326 33;228 15 T (a) 1,727 (b) 1,878'0 257 1,038 5 91,103 92,776 R 1,869' 2 185 1,038 63,858 64,932 U 8·8 15;676 5 27;245 27,844 16 T (a) 2,360 (b) 2,343 ·6 282 1,111 6 118.755 133,443 R 2,332 ·1 192 1,111 86.159 88,049 U 11 '5 18,654 6 32;596 45,394 17 T (a) 2,615 (b) 2,622 ·7 196 1.331 6 88.284 89,627 R 2,621'4 183 1,331 8(009 82,284 U 1·3 26,862 6 7,275 7,343 18 Dhar T (a) 3,150 (b) 3,183 '5 202 1,471 6 116,351 119,339 R 3,163 ·3 182 1,471 103-,455 106,131 U 20·2 3,300 6 12,896 13)08 19 Indore T (a) 1,479 (b) 1,369 ·4 550 640 4 108,369 146.097 R 1,343 ·2 224 640 54.70-1- 53.347 U 26'2 17,283 4 53;665 90,750 20 Dewas T (a) 2,706 (b) 2,596 ·9 172 1.039 7 88,436 89,260 R 2,589 ·1 147 1,039 75,006 75;594 U 7-8 8,638 7 13,480 13,666 21 West Nimar T (a) 5,206 (b) 3,751,4 264 1,715 13 171,432 177.463 R 3,739 ·9 228 1,715 147,166 150,647 U 11 ·5 12,007 13 24,316 26;816 22 East ::-\imar T (a) 4~132 (b) 1,125 ·8 166 1,082 3 132,486 135,652 R 4,112 ·4 129 1,082 105,767 107,131 U 13·4 11,469 3 26,719 28,521 XXVll


India, while (b) represents area figur~ furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T per Educated percentage variation R Persons M_ales Females 1000 males Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

694,370 353,430 340,940 965 108,237 15·59 +25 '22 T 10 630,916 318,866 312,050 979 83,585 13·25 +27 ·93 R 63,454 34,56+ 28,890 836 24,652 38·85 +3'40 U

772,602 388,887 383,715 987 114,998 H·88 +21'90 Til 729,537 364,483 365,054 1,002 95,639 13 '11 +27 ·31 R 43,065 24,404 18,661 765 19,359 H·95 -29·H U

829,649 424,04~ 405,607 957 85,423 10·30 +27 ·49 T 12 771,889 392,62-4- 379,265 966 66,036 8·56 +29'47 R 57,760 31,418 26,342 838 19,387 33·56 +5'87 U

580,129 293,507 286,622 977 45,092 7 ·77 +24'95 T 13- 575,108 290,579 284.529 979 42,941 7·47 +23 ·87 R 5,0~n 2,928 2,093 715 2,151 +2 ·34- U

5,93~,593 3,065,693 ~,865,900 935 1,230,410 20'74 +27. 65 T 4,504,813 ~,306,2Z~ 2,I98,601 953 586,067 I3'01 +25 '74 R J:'4~6,780 759,481 667,299 879 644,343 45. 16 +34 ·(:8 U

752,085 390,731 361,354 925 168,796 22·44 +23 ·98 Tl4- 592,55{ 305,891 236,663 937 100,329 17·02 +20 ·63 R 159,531 84,840 74,691 880 67,967 42·60 +38 '24 U

433.521 249,047 23f,474 941 103,431 21'39 +26 ·67 T 15 345,105 176,2 i3 168.392 958 43,58g 12'63 -:-28 '09 R 138,-116 72,834 ',)5,532 900 59,842 43·23 -l 23 ~36 U

661,7~0 3H,515 317,205 921 155,100 23'44 +21 ·79 T 15 H7,Ol8 229,589 217,i29 947 60,335 13'50 +2i ·77 R 214,702 114,926 99,776 868 94,765 44 ·14- +21'83 U

514,384 262,695 251,689 958 31,116 6'05 +34·42 TI7 478,657 243,941 234,716 962 16,645 3·48 +27 ·66 R 35,727 18,754 16,973 905 14,471 40'50 +361'65 U

643,774 328,177 315,597 962 86,607 13·45 +27 ·74 T 13 577.285 293,192 28+,093 969 60,826 10'54 +25'21 R 66,489 3+,985 31,504 901 25,781 38 ·77 +54 ·96 U

753,594 400,470 353,124 882 288, 115 38'23 +25'38 T 19 30 1,511 155,873 145,638 934 59,194 19·63 +25 ·38 R 452,083 . 244,597 207,486 848 228,921 50'64 +25·39 U

446,901 230,751 216,140 937 77,404 17'32 +29 ·42 T20 379,521 195,434 18+,087 942 51,805 13·65 +21'71 R 67,380 35,327 32,053 907 25,599 37·99 + 101'20 U

990,464 505,919 484,545 958 151,802 15·33 +30'55 T21 852,387 433,675 418,712 965 96,816 11'36 +28'14 R 138,077 72,24+ 65,833 911 54,986 39·82 +47 ·63 U

685,150 353,378 331,772 939 168,039 24'53 +30'88 T22 530.775 272,404 258,:~71 948 96,078 18·C9 +32 ·20 R 154,375 30,974- 73,401 9tl6 72,011 46·65 +26 ·53 U XXVlll


Note:-Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State Di,:ision/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Tow n Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residenti al No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bhopal Division T (a) _ 2"1,"133 (b) "1"1,202 '5 175 9,868 37 756,058 8°3,011 R 2"1,087 '0 147 9,868 636,7II 669,724 U IIS'5 5,422 37 119,347 :133,287 23 Shajapur T (a) 2,388 (b) 2,384 ·9 221 1,064 5 103,299 106,880 R 2,378 '5 199 1,064 93,788 96,367 U 6·4 8,325 5 9,511 10,513 24 Rajgarh T Ca) 2,383 (b) 2,365 ·7 218 1,673 5 93,751 104,622 R 2,351'0 199 1,673 84.384 94,565 U 14·7 3,330 5 9)67 10,057 25 Vidisha T (a) 2,839 (b) 2,819 ·5 174 1,498 4 96,016 99,295 R 2,816'4 151 1,498 83,894 85,771 U 3 ·1 20,803 4 12,122 13,524 :26 Sehore T (a) 3,600 (b) 3,607 ·2 209 1,557 7 146,299 159,6')-4 R 3,569 ·0 135 1,557 96.410 100,631 U 38'2 7,117 7 49.889 59,013 27 Raisen T (a) 3,272 (b) 3,277 ·7 126 1,401 3 82,591 88,452 R 3,272 ·8 119 1,401 78,757 83.846 U 4·9 4,430 3 3,834 4;606 28 Hoshangabad T (a) 3,867 (b) 3,856 ·3 160 1,399 9 125,776 132,194 R 3,818'4 131 1,399 100.829 106.637 I U 37'9 .-3,144 9 24,9+7 25,557 :29 Betul T ( a) 3,884 (b) 3,891'2 114 1,276 4 108.326 111,924 R 3,880 ·9 132 1,276 98.649 101.907 U 10·3 4,576 4 9,677 10;017 Jabalp'lir Division T (a) 29,3"16 (b) 29,"127 '4 196 13,108 40 I,173,460 1,216,395 R 29,050 '1 164 13,I08 981,670 I,OH1,041 U 177'3 5,450 40 191 ,790 204,354 30 Sagar T ( a) 3,961 (b) 3,960 ·5 201 1,846 8 163,374 167.087 R 3,932 ·3 157 1,846 130.071 131;538 U 28'2 6,406 8 33,303 35,549 31 Damoh T (a) 2,827 (b) 2.808 ·7 156 1,144 2 94,332 97.993 R 2,800'4 137 1,144 83.785 86)95 U 8·3 6,744 2 10,5+7 11,198 32 Jabalpur T ( a) 3,918 (b) 3,908 '2 326 2,267 II 273.039 282.377 R 3,818'7 210 2,267 175.604 180;255 U 89'5 5,280 II 97;435 102,122 33 N arsimhapur T (a) 1,979 (b) 1,981'4 208 993 4 81,933 88138 R 1,952 ·1 185 993 72,786 77)62 U 19·3 2,537 4- 9,B7 10,376 34 Mandla T (a) '\,127 (b) 5,120'0 134 2.088 2 136.018 139,484 R 5,116 ·1 127 2,088 129.229 132.118 U 3·9 8,370 2 6;789 7,366 xxix

"- DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Populatio n Females per Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T ------_._------_ - 1000 males Educated' percentage variation R Persons Males Females Persons 1961 1951-1961 lJ

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

3,877,°34 llI,olllo,59 lll 1,856,44ll1 9 1 9 643,415 1«)-60 +27'38 T 3,llI 50,765 1,679,841 1,57°,glll4 935 38ll1,llIOO :n: '76 +llIllI·lI.6 R 626,269 34°,751 285,518 838 261,215 4:1'71 +62 '7I U

526,135 270,777 255,358 943 74,325 14 ·13 +21-45 T23 473,105 242,844 230,261 948 53,243 11·25 + 18-74 R 53,030 27,933 25,097 898 21,082 39 ·75 +52 ·53 U

516,871 269,666 247,205 917 51,616 9-99 +20'90 T24 467,852 243,937 223,915 918 34,825 7'44 +21'09 R 49,019 25,729 23,290 905 16,791 34'25 + 19 '12 U

489,213 258,840 230,373 890 66,102 13 '51 +26'71 T25 424,933 224,290 200,643 895 41,478 9-76 +23 -92 R 6.J:,280 3.J:,550 29,730 860 24,624 38'31 +48 ·92 U

754,684 404,785 349,899 864 162,083 21·48 +44 '82 T26 482,892 252,692 230,200 911 48,738 10·09 +23 ·29 R 271,792 152,093 11~1,699 787 113,345 41·70 +109 '97 U

411,426 215,709 195,717 907 54,967 13·36 +30'46 T 27 389,588 203,930 185,658 910 47,725 12 '25 +26'19 R 21,838 11,779 10,059 854 7,242 33 ·16 +230'03 U

618,293 319,760 298,533 934 141,594 22'90 +21'52 T 28 499,070 256,0-1-0 243,030 94-9 85,932 17·22 +20'90 R 119,223 63,720 55,503 871 55,662 46·69 +24 ·19 U

560.412 281,055 279,357 994 92.728 16 '55 +24'08 T29 513;325 256,108 257,217 1,004 70,259 13·69 +22 '83 R {7,087 24,947 22,140 887 22,469 47'72 +39'50 U

5,721,602 2,911,657 2,80g,945 965 x,177,649 2°'58 +21 '74 T 4,755,366 2,391,76x 2,363,60S 988 738,9118 IS'54 +:16 '70 R g66'llI36 51g,8g6 446,340 859 438,661 45'4° +54·57 U

796.547 414,834 381,713 920 163,412 20-52 +25 '21 T30 615.843 318,273 297,570 935 88,389 14 ·35 +20'10 R 180,704 96,561 84,143 871 75,023 41'52 +46'40 U

-±38.3.J:3 223,067 215,276 965 80,874 18-45 +22 ·63 T 31 3P2,570 193,806 188,7C4 974 56,166 14·68 +21·90 R ::>5,773 29,261 26,512 906 24,708 H'30 +27 ·83 U

1,273.825 662.045 611,780 924 363,656 28·55 +21-83 T32 801,179 403,056 398,123 988 135,123 16·87 +7'28 R 472,646 258,989 213,657 825 228,533 48 '35 +58 '18 U

\ 412,406 211.238 201,168 952 88,864 21 ·55 +21'61 T 33 363,+10 185,321 173,089 961 66.578 18·32 +20 ·34 R 48,996 25,917 23,Oi9 890 22,286 45'49 +31'94- U

684,503 341,294 343,209 1,006 97,122 14 ·19 +25 ·00 T34 651,359 324, III 327,248 1,010 81.222 12 .,+7 +22'12 R 33,144 17,183 15,961 929 15,900 47'97 + 132 ·70 U xxxii


Note:~Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General fif

Union/State/Division Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 + 5 6 7 8

3 Gwalior (Muni- U 24'11 12,+67 37,143 59,355 cipal Corpo- ration) 4 Bhopal Town_. U 36'57 6,096 3 42,289 49,228 Group (a) Bhopal Mu- U 27'49 6,743 33, II 7 39,947 nicipahty (b) Govindpura U 7'07 2,935 5,8G7 5,912 Industrial Township (Heavy- Electricals Ltd.,) (c) Bairagarh U 2'01 8,372 3,305 3,369 (Town- Area) 5 Ujjain (Muni- U 6·75 21,357 18,334 30,970 cipality) 6 Raipur (Muni- U 9 '72 14,382 25,7G5 30,823 cipahtv) 7 Durg Town Group U 47 ·90 2,781 2 37,919 41,452 (a) Bhilai Nagar U 40'H 2,145 1 27,224 30,225 Industrial Township (b) Durg Muni- U 7'76 6,071 10,695 11,227 cipality

8 Sagar Town- U 19'33 5,415 2 18,082 20,09'1- Group (a) Sagar Muni- U 13 ·03 6,561 14,659 16,666 cipality (b) Sagar Can- U 6 '30 3,045 3,423 3,428 tonment

CLASS II TOWNS Ratlam'Muni- U 5'00 17,494 17,965 18,122 cipality

2 Bilaspur Muni- U 12 '49 6,942 18,~36 19,138 cipality 3 U 4'39 18,699 13.524 14,150 MLnicipality 4 Muni- U 8'71 7,291 1 I ,231 12,340 cipality 5 Murwara Town- U 13·04 4,637 3 13,740 14,402 Group (a) Murwara U 8'48 5,441 10,937 11,159 Municipa- lity (b) Tikuri U 0'88 8,284 1,005 1,469 Factory Town~ ship (c) Ordnance U 3'68 1,906 1,748 1,774 Factorv Area Katni xxxiii

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Conld. India, while (b) represents area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

'Population Females per Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T R --.------.. ------~------1000 males Educated percentage variation Persons Males females Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

300,587 162,204 138,383 853 127,535 42'43 +24·43 U

222,948 125,875 97,073 771 97,194 43·59 +117·87 U 185,374 102,584 82,790 807 80,010 43 ·16 +81·15 U 20,747 14,419 6,328 439 8,946 43 ·12 U

16,827 8,872 7,955 897 8,238 48·96 U

144,161 77,005 67,156 872 67,666 46·94 + 11·05 U 139,792 73,977 65,815 890 66,324 47·44 +55·66 U 133,230 83,566 49,664 594 65,861 49·43 +557 ·96 U 86,116 57,953 28,163 486 43,179 50·14 U

~7,114 25,613 21,501 839 22,682 .w·14 +132·67 U

104,676 56,303 48,373 859 46,734 44·65 +30·73 U 85,491 1-5,735 39,756 869 38,158 44·63 +28·67 U 19,185 10,568 8,617 815 8,576 44·70 +40·80 U

A...~D TOWN GROUPS 87,472 46,391 41,081 886 41,855 47'85 +37·96 U

86,706 45,795 40,911 893 43,970 50·71 + 121·76 U

82,090 ~2,410 39,680 936 36,093 43·97 + 17 ·16 U 63,505 33,790 29,715 879 32,639 51·40 +22 ·27 U 60,472 32,085 28,387 885 26,591 43·97 +78·47 U

~6,169 24,554 21,615 880 19,838 42·97 +36·26 U

7,290 3,702 3,588 969 3,647 50·03 U

7,013 3,829 3,184 832 3,106 44·29 U


~d-o-I~II-;-:-::~:~:-·-i~-·~:-:~·l r UJ c::: , 0 .~ 0 Z

: . I- U c::: I- C/') -a

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-, I 1 ! I' \


By K. D. BALLAL, LA.S. Central Tabulation Officer

The district of Indore situated in the begins the Ma!wa plateau and the ,entire maia plateau has four tahsils, Indore, Mhow, Sawer block of the district lies on this plateau. Thi~ and Depalpur and, though according to the '1\'1. P. is an almost entirely plain tract known for its Land Revenue Code, each tahsil is a sub­ productivity and richness of soil. A popular division, for administrative convenience Sawer adage goes that "no famine visits Devi Ahilya'g. and Depalpur have been grouped together and Kingdom". With the exception of the one in placed under one sub-divisional officer. The 1899, famine has never visited this land. Nature other two sub~divisions have a sub-divisional. has been bountiful and has showered her bless­ officer each. All the three sub-divisional head­ ings on Malwa in the form of a rich soil, a Quarters are at Indore in the sense that the sub­ moderate climate and adequate rainfall. divisional officers are stationed at Indore which is the district headquarters. This district The soil in the district is generally black assumes importance--although, barring Datia which is rich and hence more suited for cotton. District, this is the smallest district in area in It is sticky and cracks only after two showers the State,-because of the location of Indore City and retains moisture for a long time. which is an important centre of commerce, trade and industry and is the biggest city in Madhya Flora and Fauna: Pradesh. Administratively too, it has been In the eastern, south-eastern and south-: important as it was the capital of the western parts of the district there are low andi upto May, 1948, and later what was commonly high rocky hills on which Khakra, Dheek 01' caned the "summer capital" of the erstwhile Palas (Butea 1nonospernw) , Babul (Acasia State of . After the reorganiza­ wrabita), Khair (Acasia catechu), Khejora or tion of States in 1956, it became the headquarters Rinjda (Acasia Zeucophloea) , alld many shrubs of the Commissioner, and of a like Dhaman (GTewia tilaefolia) , Ber (Zizypkus few heads of Departments, such as the Director jujuba) , Khejra and Kargam (Capparis) and of Health Services, the Labour Commissioner, the Director of Industries, the Registrar of Co­ Ka'faunda (Carrisa spirarum) are found. operative Societies, the Director of Panchayats and Social Welfare. the Public Service Commis­ There are typical forests of the c2ntral sion, a bench of the High Court, the State Ware­ I ndian Highland class with teak or Sag and Sagwan (Tectona grandis) , Tendu (Diospyros housing Corporation and the M. P. Financial Corporation. - tomentosa) , Tinis and Tinach (Ouginia dalbergiodes) and similar species. Physical features: The wild animals met with in the -district The district of Indore lies between 22° 2{i' are the same as are found in most of central and end 23°25' north latitude and 75°00' and 76°25' northern India. The Bison, which was once east longitude at a height of 1,823' above the known in this area, seems to have disappeared mean sea level. The area * of the district is mainly due to the opening up of the country as 876,413 acres or 1369 '39 sq. miles. the animal has an extreme aversion to cultivation and man. Among animals of the carnivorous The district is surrounded by the districts order, the tiger is met with, though by no means of Dewas on the east, Ujjain on the north, Dhar jn large numbers, in the deep ravines which on the west and W,est Nimar on the south. In intersect the plateau between. Simrol and the southern part of the district run some of the Seoni. The Panther, black buck (Antelope) ranges of the Vindhyas entering the district from :md wild pig are also found in the district in the the south-eastern part of Indore Tahsil and hilly areas. mainly occupying most of Mhow Tahsil from south to west and touch the southern part of The domestic animals and birds of the Depalpur Tahsil gradually diminishing in alti-, district include buffaloes, cows, bullocks, ponies, tude and finally appear in interspersed small goats, sheep, pigs, fowls and ducks. Ox'en are l:illocks near of Depalpur ,Tahsil. In the employed for agriculture and as draught r,orth-west of this hilly area. or .Mhow Tahsil anima.ls. Black ducks, cranes, storks and -.. The~e ilgures are those furnished by the Director Land Records, M. p~ whereas,the area ~f~he district according to the Surveyor Generlil ofIndia!s 1497·)6 sq. niires; , 2

1 I , • · peacocks are commonly fotind among' the wader 'j teart of the city' of Indore. It ultimately joins classes. In winter the migratory fowl like teal liver SIPRA in . (Chhota Murghabi) , pochard (Lal chonch) , \,~idgeon (Chhota L[~lsi") and pintail (Sanh) An important affluent of SIPRA viz:, the ~tc. appear in the streams and tanks. There are GAMBHIR rising from the Janapao hills in the a few kinds of fish found in the rivers, tanks Vindhyas flows through Mhow tahsil' on the and reservoirs in the district: they are mainly boundary of Depalpur and Indore tahsil. At Barbus torl (mahseer), Labeo rohita (rohu) and village Badarkha, 14 miles from Indore, this OphiocepJzalus 1mnctatus (Sanwal) or murraI) river has been dammed for supplying water to etc. Indore City. Rit.'er System: Climate-Rainfall : The rivers of Indore district fall into one The district enjoys an agreeable G:limate: main system viz. that of the CHAlViBAL with it is temperate. neither too hot in summer nor j'cs affiuents, the GAMBHIR and the SIPRA too cold in winter though on a few occasions the (also spelt "KSHIPRA") with its tributaries ",ummel' temperature is known to rew~h rather like the KHAN and the SARASW A TI. The high levels. It is fairly dry exc·ept irl the rainy CHAMBAL, the most important Ma:lYla river, season. The hot season commences flom March famous for the constructed and continues upto the middle of June, after ~lcross it in , rises from Janapao which the monsoon breaks and holds sway till hill in the northern approaches of the Vindhyas September. October and November constitute in Mhow tahsil nine miles south-west of Mhow the post-monsoon season and December to cantt. A tank on the hill near J ankeshwar February is the cold season. temple marks the nomir.al source. After being joined by the KALISINDH and the PARBATI The average rainfall in the district is down stream, it joins the beyond the fl75 mm. (38-39"): the southern part which is a boundaries of Madhya Pradesh. The CHAMBAL hilly tract gets more rain than the rest of the determines part of the boundary between district. The rainfall is mainly confined to the Rajasthan and uttar Pradesh on the one hand monsoon during which 9170 of the total rain is :md Madhya Pradesh on the other. received by the district, July being the month when it is heaviest. The variation in the rain­ The total length of the above mentioned fall from year to y.ear is large: during the last rivers is given below:- 50 years, the maximum rainfall was recorded in 1944 which was 159% of the normal and the River Length in district year 1918 had the lowest rainfall (18 '51") (Miles) which was 47% of the normal. The heaviest CHAMBAL 40 rain in 24 hours so far was 293.4 mm. (11.55") on July 27, 1913 in Indore City. SIPRA 24 GAMBHIR 46 Tempefat1.~re : KHAN 34 January is the coldest month when the minimum reached is 3 '82°C (average of last SIPRA (also spelt "KSHIPRA"). mention­ 10 years i.e. 1951-60); the day and nig~t -cd in the vvritings of Kalidas and considered temperatures being slightly lower than m sacred, especially at Ujjain city and in jts vici­ December. In the wake of cold waves in winter, nity, rises from a small hillock Kokshi Bardi the temperature sometimes drops to freezing (2,079' l\1.S.L.) 12 miles south-east of Indore point, but such days of biting cold are hardly dty. Flowing in a 110rth-easternly course, it one or two in the season. After February, forms the boundary between the Indore and tempera'~ure rises progressively and in May­ Dewas Districts and ultimatelv joins the June which are comparatively hotter months, ~HAMBAL. . varies between 40°C to 42°C: the maximum temperature in these months is 45°C (113°F). The KHAN river, a tributary of SIPRA But in spite of the high temperature in the day, 1'18es near Umaria village. about 7 miles ,south the nights are pleasant. ()f Indore city and flows through the city of Indore. It has been dammed in the Navlakkha Humidity: garden where it intersects the Agra-Bombay Except during the monsoon, the atmosphere road. Two miles further down it is joined by is generally dry, the afternoons being drier than the SARASWA TI a small stream which rises the mornings. In the post monsoon and winter near Machla village; the confluence is in the months humidity goes down by 30 to 40% in the -afterp.Q9)1s, while in the summer months, air In 1901 'In!d6re' district 'w~s diVld~d':'int() is con$i~e;rably uril:\r with humidity as low as 10 parganas -(tahsjl&-), but in 1904,' it .w~s. 10 to 15;%, ; " ' reduced to six' land. ~It ,~9q8r. )( cWr~' _~~~p~r reduced to five tahSl}S' ',Vii;' -tn'dbfe, ,j'trepal't)\1r,.· History of the district: , , Mhow, Sawer and . ~ The district of Indore bec~me prominent in history in.recent times, i.e., since its headquarters Petlawad tahsil was ultim~telyt transferred became the' capital of Indore () State. to Mahidpur district. in 1936 not being conti­ gubus with 'the district'; the other four t~hsi1s. From the old san ads and papers of which continue ito he :Uie admin;istrative constituents. copies have been furnished by the Kanungos of of the district tillthe presept'day. . . , Indore*; it appears that the village Indrapur (of which' Indoor and later Indor.e is an In '1951, there was' one city and on~ town obvIous corruption) existed as far back as the vi~. Indore and Mhow and 673 villa.ges: the year 1661, its name deriving from the Shiv tahsilwise break up,owas as foHows:- shrine, (Indreshwar) where a temple was ereyted Name of Tahsi~ No. of village~ in 1741-this, the' oldest shrine of the city c'an be seen even tOday. In course of time, the . L lndore 176 Zamindars of Kampel (20 miles south-east' 6f' , 2.. : Mhow 179 ** Indore), who represented the most influential . ,'.~; Sawer 143 tt 'local stock at' the time, were attracted by the, , 4. Depalpur 175 £ trade to which the arrtiies of the : chiefs, passing on' to and from the Deccan, gave, rise, .. III the }~?i .C~nsus! .In~;r~' d~~trict h~ one the spot 'being one of the regular stages on the CIty and thr;~e t,6wns '9~z. II}cJor:e •. Mhow • Sawer route leading to northern India. It is said that alld: Depalpur;: (the '.l~l:it,two w,e);,e classified as. after his escape from Agra, where he was towns for the first time) )and 665 ,villages .. The imprisoned by Aurangzeb, Ghhatrapati Shivaji tahsilwise break up of villages given in the body had made a brief halt in this village while he of ,the Hand-Book shows that. there has. been a was passing through Ujjain to pa'y homage to reduction in' the 'number of. v:nl~ges, in' clndQre1 Mahakal, on his way to the Deccan. Depalpur and Mhow- tahs'ils, whereas th~re has ;, IVialhar Rao Holkar, founder of the Holkar been, an increase in Sawer.' tahsil. In f\{ho~v dynasty who was taken by Peshwa Bajirao into tahsil, the number of villages h418 decreased by his service in 1724, received 12 districts in three: The reason fOr this' decrease is: that, Malwa in recognition of the prominent part he three villages, namely Naharkheda, Barwan., and played in the Maratha expeditions in Malwa in Kalakund have been redtfCed to the statu~' of the y'ear 1731. Indore district wa:s later hamlets under ,competent orders. ~cquired by hini 'in 1733. But Indore was not Similarly, 10 villages in Indore tahsil have' the capital nor district headquarters until 1818. been inCluded in the extended Corporation limits· It only remained as a village in Kampel pargana of Indore Municipal Corporation and now form till then. The district headquarters were shifted part of Indore city and one village Alapura was from Kampel to Indore in 1766 by Ahilyabai merged in village Biladi. The villages namely Holkar who was said to have liked the place Panjrya and Sarolya recorded as forest villages. when she camped ther,e in that year. It was by jn revenue records are not shown in the District the efforts of John Malcolm and Tatia Jog that Census Hand-Book of 1951. the Holkar's capital also was shifted 'from to Indore in 1818. After that In Depalpur Tahsil, the tahsil headquarters­ Indore remained the Capital of the State until which was a village in 1951, was classified as a 28th May, 1948 when, as a result of the forma­ town and therefore removed from the list of tion of Madhya Bharat, it was shifted to villages. Gwalior for a major part of the year; Indore remaining the capital during the summer In Sawer Tahsil, there were 143 yillag,es in months. In 1956 after the formation of 1951 Census, but, as Sawer was treated as town reorganised Madhya Pradesh it became the head­ in 1961, it was struck off from the list of vi1lages quarters of the district as well as the seat of the and village Manoharkhedi was merged in village Divisional Commissioner. Khadana. . Thus, there has been a decrease in • IndQre State Gazetteer Vol. I, page 424. t The tahsil of Petlawad was transferred to Mahiclpur District in pursuance of Holkar Government Notification No. 60, dated , 29·8·;1936 which came into effect from 1-10- J 936. • . . I ' " I •• Including two villages transferred from Sardarpur Tahsil. U.lncluding one village tr ansfeEre

* As adjusted according to 1961· Constitution of the District. The density of population of the ,district is Age and Sex Composition: -fairly high: it is 550 persons per sq. mile for 1961, whereas it was 439 persons per sq. mile in The Age and Sex structure of the populatio!'! 1951, (The density figures have been worked out of the district is presented in the following tabl€, on the basis of the area figures of the Director of for comparison corresponding data for the state Land Records, Madhya Pradesh). It is the also is given:- highest in the state. TABLE

Distribution of 100 persons of all ages into certain age-groups by sex, and sex-ratio Percentage of population in the age-group Ag,e group INDORE STATE ._--_-_-.Sex.. Ratio p M F P M F Indore State (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1(8) (9) 0-4 15-8 8'1 7'7 16'4 8'2 8'2 950 996 5-9 14-8 7'7 7'1 14-3 7'3 7'0 912 966 10-14 11-3 b'l 5'2 10'1 5'5 4'6 841 847 0-14 41'9 21 0 9 20-0 40'8 21'0 19'8 906 974 15-)9 8'8 4'7 4'1 7'9 4'1 3'8 855 929 20-24 8'8 4'5 4'3 8'6 4'2 4'4 954 1.069 25-29 g'l 4'2 3'9 8'8 4'5 2'3 951 -939 30-34 7'1 3'8 3'3 7'3 3'9 3'4 876 897 15·34 32'8 17'2 15'6 32'6 16'7 13'9 909 959 35-39 5'6 3'1 2'5 5·8 3'1 2'7 794 878 40·44 5'3 2'9 2'4 5-3 2'7 2'E 800 950 45·49 3'7 2'1 1·6 4'2 2'2 2'0 726 886 50-54 3'8 2'1 1'7 4'0 2'1 1'9 769 908 55-59 1'8 I-i 0'7 :.1'1 1'1 1'0 667 903 35-59 20'2 11'3 8'9 21'4 ]]'2 10'2 766 905 60-64 2'3 1'2 1'1 2'4 1-2 1.2 917 1,080 65-69 0'8 0-4 0'4 O·g 0'4 0'5 967 1,157 70+ 1'8 0'8 1'0 1,8 0'8 1'0 1,169 1,373 60+ lJ'9 2-4 2'5 5'1 2'4 2'7 1,009 1,190 _Age not stated 0'1 N N 0'1 N N 838 898

The age-data given above are - based on fl ged man between 34 and 55, and the remaining ungraduated ages and though the quinquennial two are young and old persons. The relative groupings adopted above suppress to some extent numerousness of the persons belonging to the the distorting effects of age-heapings at multi­ last-mentioned category can be judged from the ples of 5, still the data is not fit ,enough to permit fact that of every 20 persons in the district, one analysis by quinquennial age-groups unless is likely to be an old person above 60 years of . corrected :or smoothed. It would therefore be age. The preponderance of yonger persons in safer to confine the scrutiny of the age-data to the population of the district can also be seen the age-intervals 0-14, 15-34, 35-59 and 60+ from the fact that three fourths of the popula­ which may be described as corresponding to tion is less than 35 years in age, while roughly children, young persons, middle aged persons 90 ~~ are below 50 years of age. The population 2nd old persons. of the district is thus youthful as against old; and is therefore likely to be a growing popula­ As in the case of the State, in Indore district tion. In this, the population of Indore partakes too, the proportion of children under 14 is the of more or less closely the pattern disclosed by maximum. In concrete terms, roughly 2 out of the age-data of the State as a whole, . every 5 persons in the district are children below 14 years. The next age-period i.e., young­ Changes in Age-Distribution since 1951: persons, account for 1 out of ,every three persons Changes in the age-composition of a popula­ III the district, while one out of every five persons tion, if measured satisfactorily, are indications is middle-aged. In other words, of every 5 per­ of the likely trends of its growth. The table wns in the district, 2 ar,e children, one a middle inset below gives the percentage distribution of 6

100 persons in the district in 1951, by broad age­ case of the district as a whole the density has', groups; the r,elevant proportions for 1961, are increased by 111 persons per sq. mile, during the· also given in order to focus attentiol'l on the last ten years, it has decreased by 1,457. persons changes that have occurred. The 1951-data is per sq. mile in case of Indore city. This does, based on a 100/0 sample of the population, and in not represent the correct picture so far as the making the comparison with 1961 Census data density of population from the point of' (based on total population) we are making the view of congestion and paucity of accomniodation, assumption that the age-composition in the is concerned. The density has gone ,down sample (1951) represented the universe. becau3e of the inclusion of the villages along' with the agricultural lands in the corporation , TABLE limits in 1960. To have an idea of the conges-. Percentage distTibution of 100 ,persons in 1951 tion in the ward area of the city, it would be· and 1961 into broad age~groups. nppropriate to exclude the population and the area of the non-ward part of the city. The· Age-group 1951 1961 .------population of the ward area is 348,003 and the· P M F P M F area is 9 ·27 sq. miles; as such the density works ?ut to 37,541 per sq. !Dile .. _There h~s been Jtnet 0-14 37.3 19".5 17.5 42.0 21.~ W.O Increase of 26,:3?0 in the population of the' 17.2 15.6 ]5-34 36:,6 19.1 17.1 32.8 ~istrict as against a more than proportionate, 35-64 23.4 13.2 10.2 22.5 12.5 10.0 Increase of 31'59% in the number of occupied 65 + 2.2 1.0 1.2 2.6 1.2 1.4 census houses. In 1951, 7'2 persons lived in a A. N. S. 0.5 N 0.5 0.06 N N ~--~ census house wher,e as in 1961 the number of _- ... _-,------.,.,.,,_'_ ----- In 1951 children and young persons were persons living in an occupied cenfojus house is 6.9. more or less equally frequent. There is a percep­ According to the 1961 Census, the number of' tible change in the age-composition since then. persons per census house in the neighbouring The proportion of children below 14 years of district of Ujjain is 5 ;6. In Indore City the age has significantly increased, while the propor­ number of persons per census house in 1951 was tions in the older segments i.e.,young and middle 11'9 where as in 1961 the number is 9'2 pers~ns -aged persons have registered corresponding per census house. The figures of persons per decreases. Th,ese changes suggest that th3 census house of the TahsiIs of Indore District chances of survival of children below 14 years of vre given in the inset below:- age have improved during the deC8de. 1951 1961 Persons per Persons per Sex distribution by age: census house census house, Except in the ages beyond 70 which show__ p. lndor'e district .. 7'2 6'9 feminine preponderance, masculine excess is the rule in all the age-groups. In its sex composi­ In dore tahsil 9:8 ,8'2, tion Indore thus d.eviates from the State patter:n Sawer tahsil 11'8 5'6 in respect of the ages 20-24, 60-64 and 65-69. Depalpllr tahsil 5'1 5'6 which show an imbalance advantageous to the ,Mhow tahsil 4'7 5'4 fairer sex in the case of the State. Whereas the divergence is not of much consequence in the It may also be profitable to give similar­ case of the older age-groups, it has significance figures for other cities of the State with in the case of the age-group 20-24. Thl S reference to the above figure of Indore city:- Ciiiference is indicative of possible influx a: young males in the district in search of jobs. 1961 Between ages 25 to 59, the ratio is considerably City Persons per adverse to the fair sex. This again has to be Census house: ascribed principally to the fact that more thaI! Indore 9'2 50% of the district's population is urban and Ujjain 7'8 urbanisation generally goes with a change in Bhopal-Govindpura-HEL the sex-ratio adv,ersely to the females. Partly 5:2 Jabalpur this trait may also be due to greater feminine 5:0 mortality between these ages. Sagar 5'7 PopUlation Density: Dnrg-Bhilai 3'5 Raipur 5'4 The density of population.in Indore city in 1951 was 19,775 per sq. mile wher'eas in 1961 Gwalior 8'9 it is 18,318 for the city as a whole comprising rrhe urban population in the district is 60~{;" the non-ward area and the non-municipal Urban flnd in the State it is 14 '3%. The correspond-­ area. It wiII be seen that, whereas in the ing figure of 1951 Was 60'4 % for the district .. Unlike the uroan-rural composition of the the disabled, infirm and those suffering fro~~1 population which has remained almost static f'xtreme old age or virulent diseases who are over the last decade, there has been a difference incapable of doing work, and secondly. 2.mong in the sex-ratio. In the district as a whole and the able-bodied and physically fit beggars, thel'e in eyery tahsil the number of women per, 1,000 is a peculiar inertia towards work and merely men has decreased in the last ten years. '-In providing work opportunities for them would :Got 1951 there were 900 females to 1,000 males: in solve their problems but, in addition, it would ] 961 it is 882 females per 1,000 males. This require legislation and installing of poor houses decrease is not peculiar to Indore District alone; et.c. In these circumstances, we cannot take note even ill the State as a whole, in 1961 Census the of the entire number of beggars for assessing ratio of females to males has declined to 953 as the extent of unemployment, in the district. So, against 967 in 1951. from the employment point of view V1e have to take into consideration 2,244 unemployed The following figures of females to 1,000 persons. These figures seem to give a very males in 1951 and 1961 will bear out the above optimistic ·picture and one might be beguiled statelnent :- into the complacent thought that, once 2,244 jobs 1951 1961 are found there would be no unemployment in Number of Number of the district. But it will be far from reality; females females for, apart from th~ fact that unemployment is a per per continuous problem and never ceases to ,exist. 1,000 males 1,000 males my fear is that these figures may not represent the precise extent of employment. There are Indore district 900 882 two reasons: (i) the question regarding un­ Indore tahsil 873 863 employment [(a) persons seeking employment (Including city) for the first time and (b) unemployed, but seek­ IVlhow tahsil 900 867 ing work] did not invoke correct and adequate Sawer tahsil 980 957 returns may be due to the uniformed manner in Depalpur tahsil 989 952 which the enumerators put the question or may be Indore city 854 85] due to the reluctance on the part of the respon­ dents to disclose their state of unemployment or WOTking Force: may be due to both in some cases; and (ii) quite Out of the total population of the district, a number of students especially in the age group 275,004 persons are workers and 477,590 are of 22-32, having returned themselves as full­ non-workers. Table B-IX gives details of all time students could not be assigned to this cate­ non-\vorkers by sex and age--groups in differ,ent gory. In fact, they are active entrants of the categories. With regard to unemployed per­ employment market but pursue their studies. in sons, as one would readily see, the various 2bsence of work and are assiduously in search categories of non-workers take ,into account of it. But because they were students, they persons who are not doing any ,vork because ,vere npt shown as unemployed in the above they do not have time, ability or physical capa­ mentioned category of non-workers. My conclu­ city; for example, full-time students are expected sion, therefore, is that the extent of unemploy­ to be fully absorbed in theie studies, the disabled med should not be judged only by the figures and infants have no ability nor capacity to work appearing i:.... : columns 19 to 22 of Table B-IX. and so they do not normally figure in the employ­ ment market. But there is an important class The percentage of workers to the total of non-·workers who have ability and capacity to population in the district is 36·6: the percentage work but "'ho do not have an opportunity to of male workers to total males is 50 ·80 and of \vork and, ma:\, be, no will to work. Such are female workers to total females works out to the persons who come in the last category of 25 ;00 the corresponding percentages for 1951 "unemployed persons" as well as in the category Census are 34 ;60; 53 ;30 and 13 ;80 respectively. of beggars and vagrants. It is for these people that the Five Year Plans have to provide work It will be observed that the percentage of .opportunities. The inmates of penal reformatory total workers has increased by 2 in the last ten or other institutions do not present much of a years; among male workers it has decreased by problem from the point 'Of view of providing 2 ·50 and among female workers ,increased by employment. The beggars present a slightly 11 ·20. The increase among the females is rather different problem, in that their rehabilitation extraordinary, which is perhaps, due to the 1961 cannot be taken for granted by merely providing definition of 'workers'. jobs. Firstly, the census data do not separately provide information about the number of able­ Out of the total workers, 42'6 % are engaged -bodied beggars capable of doing work and of in agriculture. The percentage distribution of workers in the other Industrial categories is:- constructed and the institution came to be known_ as Daly College. III IV V VI VII VIII IX ------4'8 15'8 2'5 10'0 17'9 In 1884, the United Church Mission of Canada established the Indore Christian College· In 1951, 12 '6% of the population was rmd the Canadian Mission High School. Although engaged in agriculture; in 1961 it is 15 '6% which there existed two primary schools for girls indicates a slight increase in the agricultural started by the State Government from 1867, yet working population. It is however unsafe to for women's education beyond primary level,.'_ draw any conclusion because there is, strictly the Canadian Mission was the pioneer. The first speaking, no comparability in the worldng popu­ high school for girls was started by the state in Jation of 1951 and 1961 Censuses. In 1951, the 1913, called the Chandrawati Mahila Vidyalaya. very concept of 'work' was missing, and the approach was based on the concept of earning. Medical Education began in 1848, with a small class attached to Indore Charitable Hos­ Religion: pital. A school was started in i878, and in 1948, the institution was upgraded to a college Hindus are most numerous in the district, viz., Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College. constituting 85 '46 % of the total population; next to them are Muslims 10 '-;10%. Jains 2 '49%. The Holkar College was founded by the 0 '7310, and Christians 0 '65 % . Persons State Government in 1891, for imparting higher belonging to other religions are in small number. education in arts and science subjects with eight students on the roll and was located in the Mother tongue: building of the City High School, v{hieh is today There are 78 languages/dialects spoken as known as the M. S. Marathi Middle S-chool on l1:.other tongue in the district. Most common the Mahatma Gandhi Road. The college shifted anlOl1g the are*- to its present building in 1894. The law classes were opened in ·1928, and commerce in 1939. (61'8%); Malvi (13 '67c); lVIarathi (8'370); (8'09c); Sindhi (3'2%); The college was bifllTcated into a Science Gujarati (1'4%); and Punjabi (1'37<:). College and an Arts and Commerce College in 1960-61 and these have been named as Hol1mr' Scheduled Castes & Tribes: Science College and the Government Arts and The scheduled caste population of the Commerce College. tiistrict is 102,651 which is 13 '62 % of the tot:li population in 25 different castes which are The Rajkumar Singh Ayurvedic College c:eclared as scheduled. The more numerous was started in 1936, as a non-Government insti­ castes together with their number are, ChamaI' tution. The Agriculture College was opened by ::'5.753; Balai 31,439; Mehtar 8,011; and Bagri the Government of Madhya Pradesh in 1959-60. 4,052. The number of scheduled tribes is very The Govindram Seksaria Technological Insti-­ ir.significant, 462 in the district out of whom 272 tute (G. S. T. I.) was founded in 1952, as Kala are Gonds; the rest are Korkus and Seharias. Bhawan by the d. S. Charity Trust. The lVI. P. College of Veterinary Science and Animal Education: Husbandry -cum-Livestock Research Institute was established in Mhow in July, 1955. The first school of Indore City and also in the district was started on June 6, 1841, in the The people of Indore District and especially residency area at the instance of Sir Claude of Indore City evinced keen interest in the spread Twade, Resident for Central India, which was of education and made generous contributions to :mbsequently shifted to a Dharmashala on the the establishment of primary and high schools western bank of the Khan river on April 7, 1843, right from the time the State took an initiative in and was named "Indore Madrassa". The build­ this sphere. Besides the schools and college· Ing was used to accommodate another school started by the missionaries of the United Church started by Agency authorities and called Indore of Canada, the establishment of the Trilokchand Residency School. In 1870, some princes of the Jain High School (1922); the Gujarati College' ruling family joined it and in 1876, a separate (1951) ; Vaishnav High School (1951); Mahesh­ class was started for them and was called the wari High School (1941); the Khalsa Higher Indore Residency Raj Kumar's College. In 1909 Secondary High School; the Parasram Puria be present buildings of Daly College had been Higher Secondary School, Balaji Ganesh Girls

* The pe~centage of speakers of each Mother tongue to the total population is given in brackets. 9

High School, Kamla Nehru Kanya Vidyalaya The growth of educational institutions is Saifia Higher Secondary School and Sanyogita- particularly marked during the period 1947 to gunj Kanya Vidyalaya was by private indivi- 1961, in this district as will be seen from the duals. two tables given below:-

Institutions in 1947 J nstitutions in 1961 .. ----..._~---.. -----~------_------.. _------S.No. Institution No. Boys Girls Teachers NC'. Boys Girls TeaC'hers

1. Pre-Primary Schools 2 157 72 6 28 1,538 1,697 142 2. Primary Schools 293 12,197 3,156 930 546 46,275 19,025 2,051 3. Middle Schools 27 4,921 1,919 248 56 17,086 5,344 617 4. High Schools 14 2,552 1,724 212 41 13,915 7,196 1,035 5. Colleges 2 919 136 68 5 2,743 864 250 6. Teachers Training 1 48 16 4 192 116 51 Schools 7. Vocational Education 2 138 13 7 1,864 138 188 Institutions 8. Music, Arts & 13 767 192 47 62 1,925 524 155 Commerce

The tahsilwise break up of the primary The number of female literates has more than schools in 1950, is as follows:- doubled during the last ten years. N arne of Primary Boys Girls Total In Indore City there are 200,140 literate' Tahsil Schools persons i.e., the literacy percentage is 50 '68; ------among males to total males it is 61'13% and among females to total females 37 '84%. In 1951, 1. Indore 22,720 16,241 38,961 228 the literacy per'centage was 36 '18; among­ 2. Sawer 77 2,620 1,321 3,841 males it was 47'9710 and among f'emales 23'39%. The total number of female literates in 1951, 3. Depalpur 97 2,786 347 3,133 was'32,032; in 1961, the number is 68,712. Here 4. Mhow 65 1,199 735 2,034 again the number of female literates has more than doubled during the last decade. Among the eight cities in the State, the percentage of Distt. Total 467 29,325 18,644 47,969 literacy is the highest in Indore city as will be, seen from the figures below:- Literacy-Out of the total population of the Name of City Percentage of district viz., 753,594 ther,e are 288,155 literate literacy persons or 38 '23 % . The percentage of literate males among the total males is 50 '56 and in the 1. Indore 50'68 case of females, it is 24 '26 %. Similar figures in 2. Jabalpr 1951, for district as a whole were 26 '77% ; among 50'49 the males 38'13% and among females 14'16%. 3. Durg-Bhilai 49'43 During the last decade literacy in the district has 4. Raipur 47'44 increased by 11 :46%; among males by 12 :43% 5. Ujjain 46'94 andamongfemalesby 10'10%. In the 1951 Census out of a total of 282,553 females, 39,998 or 6. Sagar 44'65 14 '16 '/e were literates; whereas in 1961 out of 7. Bhopal 43,60 353,124 females, 85,660 or 24 '26% are literates. 8. Gwalior 42'43 10

The growth of the higher and technical education during the last decade in Indore District may be seen from the following inset:-

S. No. Educational Standard 1951 1961 Persons MaI'e-s--=-F-em-a~le-s Persons~ l\'I'-a-o-Ie-s---F~em-ales

1 Matriculation' and 10,980 9,62~ 1,354 23,467 18,555 4,912 higher secondary 2 Technical diploma Not available 428 400 28 not equal to degree 3 Non-technical diploma Not available 37 33 4 not equal to degree 4 University degree or 1,641 1,410 231 6,765 5,578 1,187 Post graduate degree other' than technical degree 5. Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post­ graduate degree: 5 213 213 Engineering 147 142 327 62 M·edicine Not available 389 42 42 Agriculture 16 16 49 6 4 2 49 Veterinary 4 3 1 Others Not available 143 120 23 Teaching 115 73 42 (}{Qle.-The number of diploma holders and degree holders is Jlot available separately for 1951 j tr.e figures against S. No.5, include both

Centre is at in Indore Tahsil with sub­ Med:ica~ Services & P1tblic Health: centres at Tillore-khurd and Khudt>J. The The first allopathic hospital like the first dispensary at Sawer has been up-graded as a school was also started in Residency area in 1848. Primary Health Centre but no sub-centres have In 1852, a dispensary near the old Palace .in the lleen established so far. The dispensaries/ city was opened; but the first midwife did not Primary Health Centres at Depalpur, Sawer and appear till 1874. Another dispensary in Malhar­ Manpur have maternity wards. In Indore city ganj was opened in 1882, and in 1891 Holkar besides Govindram Sakseria Go.vernment Mater­ Hospital was started. It was however in 1901 nity Home with 55 beds, there are 11 maternity that an equipped hospital came up and was homes in the private sector. In the district the known a& Tukoji Rao Hospital opposite bed capacity for the indoor-patients in various the present Sessions Courts. This was later Government dispensaries and hospitals is 1,069 shifted to the, pr.esent 1\1. Y. Hospital. A out. of which 844 be,ds are in Indore City alone, flanatorium at Rao and a leper asylum at Indore 21 m lVIhow, 10 in Depalpur, 10 in Manpur and 6 followed in quick succession to the M. T. Hospital. in Sawer. Private bodies also had built a few noteworthv institutions viz., ~he Canadian Mission Hospital, . Th.e Emplo!,ee~ State Insurance Schenie Lady Kanchanbal Ayurvedic Hospital. Ralyan- WhICh IS operatIve In Indore City and Mhow 111aI Nursing Home, Robert Nursing Home the town was started in 1957 and extends to City Hospital and the L'nion Hospital.' TM 47 industrial establishments covering 42000 growth of. medical facilities is particularly families of industrial workers. The sch~me notable during the last decade with the establish­ has. 11 dispensaries and 2 panel doctors. ment.of M. Y. Hospital, Manorama Raje T. B. Beslde~ these the district is covered by the B.C.G. Hospltal, T. R. Clinic and Infectious Diseases campaign and the National Malaria Eradication Hospita~ ~tc .. In the district. there are 11 hospi­ Programme. tal~, 6 CIVIl dlspe~sarie8 and 12 upgraded dispen­ sar~es. . All tahsIl headquarters have dispen­ Agriculture: ~arles; m Mhow Tahsil, besides a civil hospital m the cantoment, there is a Primary Health Although the Urban-Rural population ratio Centre at Manpur with sub-centres at Jamli ?f the .district is 60 :40 and the persons engaged Hasalpur and Main; another Primary Health III agnculture constitute only 15 ',6 % of the total 11 population, still agriculture is one of the main There is no major irrigation project. in the industries and the most important one in the district; wells and tanks are the main sources rural area. The principal crops of the district of irrigation. The irrigated area has incr'eased are jowar, wheat, maize, gram and tur (Arhar) from 2 '30 % of the net area sown in 1950 to and under cash crops fall cotton, .linseed and 2 '88~o of the same area in 1960. The net ground-nut. In 1959-60, the area under different increase in irrigated area is 35 ·79'c. The area crops was 63 '9 % of the total area of the irrigated by different sources of irrigation is. district. The doubLe-cropped area in the same given in Table 2AA. year was 2:9 510 of the total area and 4 '970 of the net cropped area. There has been an increase Ther~ seems to be tangible achievement in of 10 '8% and 8'8 % respectively in the gross regard to the acceptance of improved techniques. cropped ar,ea and net sown area since 1950. and practices and improved implements in the The corresponding increase for area under food last· decade. Prof. L. C. Dhariwal has listed crops is 15'5 '/c. Table 2A.2 in the body of the out the implements used by the cultivators of this Hand-Book shows that though their behaviour tract in the Holkar State Gazettet in 1931 ;. has been somewhat erratic in the intervening there are; Hat or Plough, Bakhar or Harrow; years, the area under jowar and cotton has Dora (Hoc), Nari (Seed Drill), Pathar (a log of considerably decreased during the last (decade. wood to break the clods in a field) . Now the The gainers have been chiefly the pulses, wheat implements in vogue are-(l) Bharat plough, and ground-nut. The area under wheat has (2) Thakur plough, (3) Kirloskar plough, been more or less constant from 1951-52 to (4) Wah Wah plough, (5) Malvi dora, (6) Indore 1954-55, but it assumed an upward trend in ridger, (7) Akola hoe, (8) Hoshangabad 1955-56. Year 1957-58 again witnessed a Winnower, (9) Olpad thresher, (10) American reversal of the trend for wheat which was Winnower-cmn-thresher, (11) Gur making set, restored in 1958-59 and' continued till the closing (Sindewahi furna'ce), (12) Narbada moat, year of the decade. (13) Kirloskar ridging plough, (14) Plant pro­ tection equipment such as hand and power duster During the last ten years, the area under and hand and power sprayers. cotton was the highest in 1954-55. The l1:otal 1)roduction of wheat, jowar and gram was Improved techniques and practices accepted 65,600, 19,400 and 16,800 tons respectively in by the cultivators of Indore District are­ 1959-60. The total yield of these crops has (1) double-cropping, (2) rotation of crops~ increased by 45,317, 9,098 and 9,498 tons, (3) line sowing, (4) summer cultivation, respectively over the production of these crops (5) seed treatment, (6) selection of seed by in 1950-51. If we take the yield of the above compartment method, (7) burning of stubble, mentioned principal food crops, i.e. jowar. (8) proper irrigation methods, (9) soil 'conser. wheat, maize and gram, we find that there has vation methods, such as field embankments, guli been an increase of 198'/~ over their production }Jlugging, terracing etc., (10) use of manures in 1950. It need not be reiterated that, as such as municipal compost, village compost, green compared to 1950-51, the average yield per acre manures, fertilisers etc., and (11) use of (except cotton) has also increased in view of improved seeds. the overall increase in the agricultural produc­ tion but to facilitate better appreciation of the position the increase in production in lbs. per A cultivator in Malwa was labelled as indo­ acre is given below*:- lent as compared to his counterparts of Maha­ rashtra and the Punjab. There were reasons for such inactivity and sloth on his part in the Production in Ibs. Increase (+) or per acre in the year decrease (-) of past. Firstly, the fertile soil in Malwa gave an yield ,enough for his bare needs without much Crops -~-- .. -----.---.. ~-.-.. - Cnl. 3 with respect 1.950-51 1939-60 to col. 2 effort; secondly the holdings were comparatively '---.. - ... ----=:.. ----~ .. --.. - .. - .. - .. - .. ---.. - .. ---.. --.._-.- sizeable and above all the urge for a better -- 234 standard of life was conspicuously absent; and, Wheat besides, slumber is sweeter than toil. During 216 353 +137 the last decade however there is a discernible Jowar 192 456 +264 change in his attitude and in his values and Gram outlook on life. His increasing contact with the 277 414 +137 opulent urban centres, his contact with official Linseed 195 300 +105 agencies and the assistance programme spon­ sored by the Government through the five-year Cotton 204 135 -69 plans, to boost agricultural production and the * Derived from offici a! p'.lblications of' D. L. R. t Ha1k ar St ate C. azetteer 1931, page 12 i 12

:Ftruggle for existence becoming fiercer day with the objective of "initiating a process of'

. Th~e income of the Panchayats of the district The State Government established the Indore WhICh IS. received mainly from rates, taxes and Premier Co-operative Bank Ltd., in 1916 and in' cesses, lIcense fees, grants-in-aid 'and fines has the first year of the incorporation of the Bank been on th.e in.creas,e from 1957 to 1960 although there were 46 member societies. the gra~t-m-ald from the Government forms the bulk of Its revenues. The Co-operative movement got a spurt in the Urban sector notably, Indore City and there Community Development: was a net work of Urban Co-operative Societies organised during the two decades following the Th~. Community Development Programme enforcement of the Co-operative Act. In 1934, started III Indore district with the inception of there were as many as 35 Urban Co-operative l\lhow Block as a Pilot Project 011 2-10-1952 Societies in Indore City affording not only credit 13 facilities but also facilities like consumer's stores, Pliscellaneous goods of daily use. These mills milk dairy, Printing and Publishing, laundry had 22,765 employees in 1951, but, perhaps due services, Ayurvedic, medical, pharmacy, insu­ to rationalisation, the number of employees has I'ance etc. Important among these which are gone on decreasing from 1957 to 1960. In 1957 still functioning are, the Chandra Seniya the number of workers in the textile mills was Kavastha Prabhu Paraspar Sahakari Pedhi Ltd .. 21,983 whereas in 1960 it fell down to 19,3.66. the" Brahman Sahayak Pedhi, Shri There are 3 silk textile factories employing Gaud Sabha Ltd., Hindu Nagrik Sahakari 94 workers. The overall employment position in Sanstha Ltd., The Boys Stores Ltd., Shri the factories in Indore District also registers a Samartha Sahakari Pedhi, Co-operative Stores, decreasing trend during the above period, the Hukumchand Mills Karmachari Paraspar contrary to the progressive increase in the Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., etc. The Paraspar number of factories. In 1951, there were 133 Sahakari Pedhi has since been incorporated as a factories employing 30,765 persons; in 1960 the Bank. About this time, the number of Co­ number of factories increased to 179 but the operative credit societies in the rural area of the number of factory employees decreased to 25,583. district also increased to 125. There were 30 such credit societies in Indore Tahsil, 41 in Out of a total of 179 factories, 169 are non­ Mhow Tahsil, 11 in Sawer Tahsil and 45 in textile establishments engagmg 6,210 operatives. Depalpur Tahsil. Some of the main non-textile registered factories significant from the point of view of emploYJll1ent Before the launching of the First Fiw,e Year potential are- Plan there were 318 Co-operative Societies; in the plan period the number increased to 500 and a sum of Rs. 44,8001- was given to 23 societies as Name of Factory No. No. of subsidy and Rs. 544,800/- advanced as loan to workers 23 societies. employed The programme in the Second Five Year Plan 1. Printing and publishing 15 588 or the district was divided into seven broad heads, industry viz., organisation of 11 L. S. S. (and 4 godowns), 2. Ginning Factory 5 237 2 marketing societies (and 2 godowns), 16 3. Malwa Vanaspati and 1 250 better farming societies, 80 village service socie­ Chemical Company ties, development of co-operative central bank, 2nd share contribution to lVI. P. State Ware­ 4. Other Chemical Works 4 98 housing Corporation. All these targets were 5. Tile and Cement Works 2 58 achieved during the plan period with a total 6. Ston~e crushing 4 228 outlay of Rs. 17,48,978/-. 7. Pre-stressed concrete 3 179 industry-hume pipe. Industry: 8. Confectionary Works 3 127 Nearly all important industries of the i). Dal and Rice Mills 6 59 district are located in the city of Indore, which has ,earned the name of being an Industrial and 10. Oil Mills 4 218 commercial town: one of the most 'Important' 11. Manufacture of 26 594 towns of the State. containers & steel Works 12. Brass and Iron Foundry 10 564 The largest single industry in the district is and Engineering Works. , the manufacture of textile goods in mills. There 13. Automobile Workshop 10 240 ar.e seven textile miils in Indore CitY' :the first mIll was established by the State Government in 14. Cycle Industry 5 129 1866, at a cost of over 9 lakhs of I rupees. The second mill called the 'Indore lVIalwa United At the time of house-listing a detailed Mills' was started in the private sector in 1909; census of Industrial establishments, t.e., regis­ the other five mills were also established in tered factories and unregistered small work­ private sector as joint stock concerns. These shops," was taken in 1960. Tabulation.of the mil~s turn. out coarse cloth, long cloth, checks, house-list data shows that there are 7,306 indus­ ~~It~ ancfcKhaki drill, dusuties, twills and other trial establishments in 90 different industries s lrtm~, dhotis and saries etc. Some of them engaging 55,875 persons (49,503 males and 6,372 :manufacture sheets, bed covers and other females) in the whole district. • A workshop is a place where some kind of production, repair or se~vicing goes on or where goods or articles are made and sold. 1"

The number of industrial establishments in group "manufacture of shoes and other leather­ the urban area is 4,230 in 85 industries employ­ foot wear"; other branches are-- ing 46,825 persons (42,922 males, 3,90,3 females; l'jame of Industry No. of esta-­ female percentage to total \\'orkers being 8 '33) ; blishments: in the rural area, the number of establishments is 3,076 in 42 different industries engaging 9,050 1. Making of textile garments. 1,003 persons (males 6,581; females 2,469, female per­ 2. Manufacture of wooden 510 centage to total workers in rural area, is 27 '28). industrial goods other than transport equipment. As there is no strict comparability between the figures of industrial establishments in 1951 3. Production of other food 580 Census and those in 1961 Census, it is not possible products such as sweetmeat to study the growth of industry during the last etc. decade especially with reference to the nature of 4. Manufacture of jewellery, 482 the industry, because, firstly there was no silver ware and wares elaborate classification of industries as we have using gold and other in Table B IV-C now, and secondly, no such pr,ecious metals. census of industrial establishments was taken in ] 951. What we find in 1951 Census data, are 5. Production of atta flour 460 the details of small scale factories, their number etc., by milling of food and" number of persons working in them. Under grlJins etc. these heads we find that in 1951, there were 435 2,809 non-textile establishments employing 8,891 6. Sundry wares, such as G. I. persons. We can however, select some of the Pipe, wires, nut bold etc. establishments of 1951 Census and compare them 7. Repairs to bicycles 402 with their number in 1961 Census to indicate the trend in the growth of industry:- 8. Manufacture of cork-bamboo, 266 cane, leaves and other allied ------. products. No. of estab­ No. of persons lishment employed Nature of Industry ------.__ - __ ---.--____ _ 9. Manufacture of earthen ware 318 1951 1961 1951 1961 and earthen pottery. 10. Repairing and servicing of 116 1. Tailoring and 385 1,003 968 4,@1 motor vehicles. Dress Making. 11. Production ot edible fats 103 and oils (other than hydro- 2. Manufacture of 408 1,100 1,094 2,495 genated oil). shoes and mending As already stated, there is no comparability of shoes and between the industrial statistics of the two, leather foot wear censuses but some of the items listed which appear almost identical, reveal that the number of' 3. Repairs to 126 402 264 1,447 tailoring shops, establishments of goldsmiths, bicycles manufacturing of shoes, repairs to bicycles" manufacture of furniture, iron smithy and 4. Goldsmithy 230 482 661 1,385 printing and publishing have increased by about­ two and half times of their number in 1951. 5. P~ttery 229 318 642 1,040 It may also be useful to indicate briefly how­ 6. Carpentry 122 168 228 1,481 the workers are distributed in various industries.

7. Manufacture of 38 85 139 376 According to 1961 Census, there are 158,39(}' furniture workers in addition to those who fall under' 8. Iron smithy category I-cultivators and category-II agri­ 189 435 587 1,727 cultural labourers; among these 56,774 are indus­ trial workers or are working in manufacturing' 9. Printing and 30 73 77 506 publishing mdustries; 13,254 persons are at work in the household industry and 43,520 in the non-house­ ------hold industry. The largest number of industrial The highest number of industrial establish­ workers is 23,694 (1961) who work in "cotton ments in the district is 1,100 in industrial minor spinning and weaving in Mills" (232 ISIC),- 15

Other important industries which engage sub': 2 Clerical and 13,398 8',5 stantial number of workers are- related workers Persons Percentage 3 Sales workers 21,935 13'8 I. S. 1. C. Description of engaged to- total S.Nn. Minor the industry in the industrial 4 Farmers­ 8,344 5;3 Group industry workers fishermen, No. loggers and 1 273 Making of Textile 4,091 related workers g:1rments. 5 Miners, quarrymen 345 0'2 2 311 Manufactur'e of 2,495 and related, shoes and other workers. footwear. 6 Workers in 6,741 3 340 Manufacture of 1,858 3'3 transport and clay products. communications 4 369 Manufacture of 1,727 3'0 sundry hard wares 7-8 Craftsmen, 73,619 46-5 etc. production, process workers 5 388 Repairing of 1,447 and labourers bicycles etc. not elsewhere ._------_---- classified The number of non-industrial workers i.e., those 9 Service, sports 15,657 working in "construction, electricity and sanitary aI}d recreation services" trade and commerce, ,communication workers and services is 90,503, as under:- 10 Workers not 232 0'1 Percentage to classifiable by Nature of work Persons total workers occupations other than category I & II The shift in occupational pattern during the 6,991 last 10 years is not easily ascertainable because 1 Construction 4'4 the occupational classification differed in 1951 2 Electricity and 1,218 0'8 Census from that in 1961 Census. We have sanitary services adopted the national classification of occupation 3 Trade & Commerce 27,633 17'4 upto a three degit code of the occupation family 4 Transport-storage 9.095 5'7 in 1961 Census for the first time. Broad divi­ and communication sions of occupations have also been changed; for example, the number of civil engineers is not 5 Services 35,782 22'6 ascertainable from the 1951 Census data as they 6 Unclassifiable 9,784 6'2 have been clubbed together in other personnel of the Public Works Department and classified Occupational-Pattern: nnder sub-division 8-7 group 8-71*, but in the The occupational distribution of ,yorkers occupational classification which has been adopted l'eveals the following pattern:- in 1961 Census there is a special "division" "nd under it a "group" and further a "family" for technical and professional workers working Divi- No. of Percentage to total sion Description workers workers (except in different categories of I.C.W's. Neverthe~ (NCO) those in category less, the comparison between the two sets of I & II) statistics is possible in respect of some divisions of occupations as well as some of their "families". () Professional, 11,401 T'echnical and The '0' division of 1951 Census nearly related workers corresponds to division '4' (farmers and fisher­ men) of 1961 Census. In these occupations, 1 Administrative, 6,718 there has been an increase from 2,107 to 8,344 executive and in the last ten years; there has been a substan­ managerial tial decrease in the number of "miners-quarry­ workers men" from 903 to 345, in that period. * 1951 Census, District Census Hand Book page 53. 16

There has been a substantial increase in the in 1951, the number of physicians and surgeons. 11 umber of "craftsmen production process in the district in 1961 is 673 or 78% greater' workers" (divisions 2,3 & 4 of 1951 Census than their number in 1951. In 1951 there wag. corresponding to division 7-8 of 1961 Census) one registered medical practitioner on every from 47220 in 1951 to 73,619 in 1961, which is 1,578 persons whereas in 1961 for every 1,120' an inde~ of the ;:;atisfactory industrial growth persons there is a medical practitioner. In the of the district. case of nurses whose number was 273 in 1951, there are 657 in 1961 registering an increase of' The number of sales-workers (division 6 of 140'7%. In 1951 there was one nurse for every 1951 nearly corresponding to division 3 of 1961) 2.185 persons, in 1961 there is a nurse for 1,147' bas registered a normal increasl in keeping with persons. There has been an increase in the' the general growth of population of the district, r;umber of dentists from 16 to 29 and from 99 to, from 19865, to 21,935 and similar is. the case of 122 in the case of midwives. workers in transport and communIcation occu- pations whose number increased from 5,547 in 1951 to 6,741 in 1961. The number of teachers including Univer­ sity teachers increased from 2,151 to 4,970' Let us ,examine the relativ,e position of the during the decade; the increase among University technicians ,and professional workers and see teachers has been from 270 to 381. The number' how far the facilities provided for technical and of females among teachers in 1951 was only 413, professional education in the two plans have and in 1961 it is 1,391. been able to make up the deficiency of technical personnel which was acutely felt in the last decade. A few occupations have been selected to, indicate the trend of change in the occupational In the field of medical services we find that l'attern where a close correspondence is found as against 378 registered medical practitioners in the definitions of 1951 and 1961:-

1951 1961 Occupation ------....-----_...... ~------Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

1. Astrologers 122 122 144 143

2. Domestic Servants 2,917 2,21-9 6S8 1,856 981 875

3. Non-ordained religious ],233 1,190 43 780 746 34 workers

4. Advocates 186 184 2 429 424 5

5. Barbers and hair 1,313 1,292 21 1,471 1,459 12 dressers

6. Laundry services 999 769 230 1,516 1,055 461

These figures indicate that the occupations of representative of the Government at the district-, "domestic servants" and "non-ordained religious level and acts as a co-ordinator of all the depart­ workers" are decaying whereas that of 'Astro­ ments, especially the development departments. logers' has not attracted many new comers. He is assisted by an Additional District The numqers added to 'Advocates' and 'Laundry Magistrate who is a Deputy Collector and six services' is considerable. other Deputy Collectors among whom three work as Sub-Divisional Officers and Sub-Divisional' ADMINISTRATION Magistrates, As Sub-Divisional Magistrates, they are responsible for law and order of the· There is a complete separation of the sub-division concerned and the disposal of cases judiciary from the executive ever since the days under the preventive chapters of the Cr. P. C. of the erstwhile Holkar State. On the ,executive In addition, there is a District Treasury Officer side the Collector and District Magistrate is the (usually from M.B.F.S. Cadre) and District­ nead of the district administration and the Excise Officer. On the Police side there is a Senior Superin- ' State with Khandwa was op-ened upto Choral as tendent of Police, one Supdt. of Polic-e, one A. S. P. far back as 1,875, and extended upto Indore in and three Dy. S. P's. There are 20 Police 1877. Later, this route was extended beyond, Stations in the district out of which 10 are in Indore to link it with Ajmer via Ratlam. Total Indore City, one each in Mhow, Depalpur -and length in the district of this line, which is meter Sawer Towns and ,7 in the rural areas. The total gauge, is 107 kilometers. This continued to be strength of the Police Force is S. 1. and C. 1.'8 the only railway line in the district till 1958, 80, H. C.'s 196 and Constables 1,091. when the Bhopal-Ujjain broad-gauge line was extended upto Indore via Dewas. This line has The demand of land revenue of the district a run of 25 kilometers in the district. has increased by 13 '34% over the past 10 years. The recovery of land revenue has generally been Roads: more than 99 % of the total demand. The The district makes up its deficiency in income from sale proceeds of judicial and non­ respect of railway communications by its net judicial stamps and from entertainment tax has work of roads with the City of Indore as its almost doubled during the decade. There has centre. Indore lies on the important Bombay­ been a slight decrease in the receipts from Agra road, now a national highway. Besides, Excise, and those from Sales Tax and Tax on the the city is connected by first class roads, for the sale of motor spirits have increased eight most part asphalted, with the Towns of Dhar, times and seventeen times respectively over the Ujjain, Dewas, Khandwa, , Harda decade. (via Khategaon) and all the headquarters of tahsils in the district. The district has 230 linear miles of all-weather Government roads On the judicial side, the District and Sessions per 1,000 square miles of area, which compares Judge is assisted by 6 A. D. J's for the district. with 129 miles for the State as a whole, and There are 10 Magistrates for the administration 247 miles for the District of Jabalpur. Inclusion of criminal law. of village roads increases the figure to 243 miles in the case of the district, 184 in the case of the The total nU\llber of cases under the criminal State and 352 miles in the case of J abalpur law in various courts 'regular' as well as District. Indore thus comes second in the State 'miscellaneous' has been on the increase every in respect of its road communications. year since 1950, with the exception of the -year- 1960 where the number was slightly less than Electrification * : the preceding year. The number of murder Indore District is now on the Chambal Gird. cases has been ranging between 20 to 27 annually By 1960-61, ] 6 villages in the district were during the period 1950-60. Dacoities have been electrified giving a rate of 2 ~5 electrified villages few in the district ranging between 2 to per 100 villages. This compared with 0 '5 4 annually. There has however, been an upward electrified village per 100 villages for the State trend in commission of offences like kidnapping as a whole and 2'8 electrified villages per hundred and robbery. villages for J abalpur District, which then led in case of rural electrification. During the Third COMMUNICATIONS Five Year plan it was proposed to bring electri­ city to ten more places (including the towns of Railways: Depalpur and Sawer) in the district. For want of useable data, it is not possible to trace the The district is poorly served by railways, changes in the consumption-pattern of electri­ though the Holkar State Railway connecting the city for the last ten years.

*( Based on information furnished by the Electricity Board, Madhya Pradesh) 18


Indore District which, save Datia, is the down the aver.age number of persons per occu­ smallest district in the State, derives its pied houses from. 7·2 in 1951 to 6·9 in 1961. importance from Indore Town. This city Still the district has more persons per occupied, (biggest in the State) accounts for more than house than the State as a whole (5·2 persons pet 50 % of the population of the district, giving to house). Indore City having 9·2 persons per it the highest population density (550 persons occupied residential census house in 1961 per sq. mile) in the State. The district falls in continues to be the most congested ,city in all the the Malwa plateau, known for its salubrity of cities of the State. climate and richness of soil. The District is leading in the State in reg,. In its chequered career during the last six pect of education. It has the highest percentage decades, the district has seen major vicissitude of literacy in the State in 1961, having improved only once viz., during the decade 1901-1910; and it by 11· 5


Number of Number Number of Tahsil/City or Total Area in PopUlation Villages of occupied Population T own-group or Rural per ------Towns residential ------r- town Urban Sq. miles Sq. Km. Sq. mile Inhabi - U nin­ houses ted habited Persons Males Fema1es

2 3(a) 3(b) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

INDORE DIS­ T (a) 1,479 3,830 ·61 550 640 25 4 108,369 753,594 400,470 353,124 TRICT (b) 1,369 ·40 3,546 ·75 R 1,343 ·25 3,479 ·02 224 640 25 54,704 301,511 155,873 145,638 U 26 ·15 67,73 17,288 4 53,665 452,083 244,597 207,486

! Depalpur T 394·69 1,022 ·25 214 174 15,419 84,533 43,301 41,232 Tahsil R 394-41 1,021 -52 202 174 14,515 79,8€0 40,814 39,04& U 0-28 0-73 . 16,689 904 4,673 2,487 2,18&

1 J1epalpnr (M) U 0'28 0·73 16,689 904 4,673 2,487 2,18& 2 Sawer Tahsil T 294·04 761-56 240 146 2 12,551 70,434 35,988 34,44& R 293·61 760·45 225 146 2 11,651 65,997 33,699 32,298 U 0·43 1 ·11 10,319 900 4,437 2,289 2,148

,> S[!!!'O;- (M) U 0·43 1·11 10,319 900 4,437 2,289 2,148

3 Indore Tahsil T 370-05 958'43 1,297 153 14 58,337 480,164 257,730 222,434 R 348·49 902·59 245 153 14 15,421 85,223 44,384 40,839 U 21'56 55-84 18,318 42,916 394,941 213,346 181,595 3 Indore (M. C.) U 21·56 55 '84 18,318 42,916 394,941 213,346 181,595 4 Mhow Tahsil T 310'62 804'51 381 167 9 22,062 118,463 63,451 55,012 R 306 '74 794'46 230 167 9 13,117 70,431 36,976 33,455 U 3'88 10'05 12,379 8,945 48,032 26,475 21,557 4 Mhow (Cantt.) U 3'88 10'05 12,379 8,945 48,032 26,475 21,557

Note:-l. Under Columns 3(a) and 3(b); (a) represents the area figures furnished by the Surveyor General of India; (b) represents the area figures furnished by the State Survey Department. The area figures of tahsils, total and rural, are based on the figures of State Survey Department. 2. The urban areas are collected by the Census Organization. 3. Population per square mile has been calculated on area figures furnished by the State Survey Office. 4. Towns treated as such for the first time in 1961 are printed in italics.

APPENDIX I StateJnent Showing 1951 Territorial Units Constituting the present set up (Only those names/areas ,,-hich have undergone changes since 1951 have been shown below)

Details of gain in Territories Details ofloss in Territories Net Area Name of 1951 Territorial ------Gain (+) Loss (-) District and Units Area in Brief des- Area in ------__ Tahsil Brief Description cription ------Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. miles Km. miles Km. miles Km. , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

INDORE Indore Seven villages transferred from 21·4 55·4 +21'4 +55'4 District District Ujjain Tahsil ofUjjain District

Sawer Tahsil Sawer Tahsil Seven viJIages transferred from 21·4 55·4 +21'4 +55·4 Ujjain Tahsi~ ofUjjain District

Note:--The area figures given herein are those of the State Survey Department.Names and Location Code Numbers of these villages appear in the annexure to the Appendix. 22


ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX-I Nam.es of viIIages transferred from Ujjain Tahsil ofUjjain District to Sawer Tahsil of Indore District

S. L. C. No. of 1951 No. N arne of Village Revenue No. Area in acres Census

_-_- ----.---~ ------" 2 3 4 5 1 Badodiya Panth 8-1-212 N.A. 975 2 Budaniya Panth 8-1-219 N.A. 958 3 Titaoda 8-1-253 N.A. 1,327 4 Hansakhedi 8-1-215 N.A. 966 5 Podod 8-1-218 N.A. 4,027 6 Kalkhala 8-1-216 N.A. 2,001 7 Kachalya 8-1-217 N.A. 3,417 N.A.=Not Available


Number of villagEs with a pOJlulaticll of 5~oCC and over and towns with a population under 5,000

------"~~------Villages with a population of 5,000 and over Towns with a population under 5,000

DistrictJTahsil Percentage to total Percentage to total Number Population rural population of r\umber Populaticn urban popuh:tion the district of the district 2 3 4 5 6 '7

Indore District 5,064 1'7 2 9,110 2·0 Depalpur Tahsil 5,064 1 ·7 I 4,673 I ·0 Sawer Tahsil 1 4.437 1 '0

APPENDIX-III Houseless and Institutional Population

Total/Rural Houseless Population Institutional Population Djstrict/Tahsil ------_...... _ ... Urban Persons ' -~'1ales Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

INDORE DISTRICT Total 8,606 5,072 3,534 6,790 5,540 1,250 Rural 6,923 3,882 3,041 657 585 72 erban 1,683 1,190 493 6,133 4,955 1,178 Depalpur Tahsil Total 2,829 1,587 1,242 Rural 2,789 1,556 1,233 Urban 40 31 9

2 Sawer Tahsil Total 3,135 1,762 1,373 13 12 Rural 3,127 1,754 1,373 Urban 8 8 13 12 3 Indore Tahsil Total 2,167 1,427 740 4,416 3,405 1,011 Rural 625 353 272 159 134 25 Urban 1,542 1,074 468 4,257 3,271 986 4 Mhow Tahsil Total 475 296 179 2,361 2,123 238 Rural 382 219 163 498 451 47 Urban 93 77 16 1,863 1,672 191 23


District Year Persons Decade Percentage Males Females variation decade variation

2 3 4 5 6 7

Indore 1901 302,057 1911 272,396 -29,661 -9·82 144,056 128,340 1921 338,992 +66,596 +24 '45 183,483 155,509 1931 380,889 +41,897 +12 ·36 207,217 173,672 1941 454,541 +73,652 +19'34 244,2.14 210,327 1951 601,035 +146,494 +32 ·23 316,277 284,758 1961 753,594 + 152,559 +25 ·38 400,470 353,124


District and Tahsils showing 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdicticn in 1951, changes in area, and population involved in those changes

Area in 1951 Area in 1951 1951 Popula­ Population in 1\et increase 1961 tion according 1951 adjusted (+) or decre­ Sq. miles Sq. Km. Population Sq. miles Sq. Km. to jurisdicticn to jurisdlcticn a,e (-) be­ prevailing in of 1961 tween eels. 1951 7 and 8

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

INDORE DISTRICT 1,369 ·40 3,546 ·75 753, ')94 1.325 ·00 3,431 ·75 596,622 tOl,035 + 4,413 (+44'40) (+ Il5 '00) ( -;"4,413) Depalpur Tahsil 394 '69 1,022 '25 84,533 396·00 1,025'64 69,315 69,315 (--1'31) (--3 '39) 2 Sawer Tahsil 294·04 761 '56 70,434 271·00 701 ·89 52,268 56,681 + 4,413 (+23 '04) (+59'67) 3 Indore Tahsil 370·05 958·43 480,164 360·00 932·40 378,334 378,334 (+10'05) (+26 '03) 4 Mhow Tahsil 310 ·62 804'51 118,463 298'00 771'82 96,705 96,705 (+ 12 '62) (+32 '69)

Note.-Though the district and Sawer Tahsil have undergone a change in area only to the extent of 21·36 sq. miles, the total change since 1951 is shown to be 44·40 sq. miles. This is due to computational error. The changes due to transfer 'of territory are given in detail in annexure to Appendix 1 to Table A-I.


Total Total rural population I-Villages with less than 2,000 population number of -_------.. --~~--~-~ ... -...... ___...---... - .. - .. - ... - .. - .. ------District/Tahsil inhabited Persons Males Females Less than 200 200-499 _ ..... villages ------.. - .. - ... ~.-.-.. - .. - .. _ .. .. _.. __ .. _------_ _-- Number Males Females Number Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

INDORE DISTRICT 640 301,511 155,873 145,638 177 10,501 9,895 273 46,611 43,967 1 Depalpur Tahsil 174 79,860 40,814 39,046 36 2,286 2,161 90 16,237 15,457 2 Sawer Tahsil 146 65,997 33,699 32,298 27 1,908 1,900 67 1l.442 10,974 3 Indore Tahsil 153 85,223 44,384 40.839 34 1,832 1,667 66 11,174 10,545 4 Mhow Tahsil 167 70,431 36,976 33,455 80 4,475 4,167 50 7,753 6,991

-~------~------Note:_There is no village in the district having a population greater than 10,000. 24


II-Villages with Population of 2,000-9,999

District/Tahsil 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999 .. .. _-_.._---- ... ----- ______._---_.. _-_..____. .. _-_- ---.. - .. ~ .. ---~~----- __----_ __ -_-----_-- Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females

I 12 l 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

INDORE DISTRICT 140 46,600 43,844 35 26,388 21,361 14 23,143 21,137 2,630 2,434 1 Depalpur Tahsil 41 14,164 13,631 4 2,493 2,461 2 3,004 2,902 2,630 2,434 2 Sawer Tahsil 43 13,552 12.892 9 6,797 6,532 3 Indore Tahsil 35 12,062 11,076 12 9,232 8,359 6 10,084 9,192 4 Mhow Tahsil 21 6,822 6,245 10 7,866 7,009 6 10,055 9,043

Note.-There is no village in the district having a population greater than 10,000



Name Area in 1961 Percentage of town! Status of town Year -,,--~-p--~~"- Persons Decade decade Males Females town-group Sq. Sq. variation variation miles Km. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Class 1-100,000 and above

Indore* Municipal Cor- 1901 97,804 52,932 44,872 poration 191 I 54,142 43,662 44·64 30,154 23,988 1921 105,317 + 51,175 + 94·52 ~9,794 45,523 1931 142,524 + 37,207 + 35·33 82,324 60,200 1941 203,695 + 61,171 + 42'92 115,298 88,397 1951 310,859 + 107,164 + 52'61 167,642 143,217 1961 21-56 55-84 394,941 + 84,082 + 27-05 213,346 1111,595 Class HI -20,000-49,999 Mhow Cantonment 1901 36,039 20,788 15,251 1911 29,820 6,219 17'26 17,723 12,097 1921 3J,737 + 1,917 + 6'43 19,218 12,519 1931 31,177 560 1 ·76 17,496 13,681 1941 34,823 + 3,646 + 11'69 19,693 15,130 1951 44,655 + 9,832 + 28'23 24,050 20,605 1961 3'88 10-05 48,032 + 3,377 + 7-56 26,475 21,557 Class VI-Less than 5,000 DepaljwI' Municipality 1961 0'28 0-73 4,673 2,487 2,186 Sawel' Municipality 1961 0'43 1 '11 4,437 2,289 2,148

* In 1941 Census, Indore Residency, with a population of 15,197 (8,874 males, 6,323 females) in 1931; 12,226 (7,056 males, 5,170 females), in 1921; 9,195 (5,362 males, 3,833 females) in 19II; and Il,II8 (6,76~. m~les, 4,350 females), in 1901 (and its name was A. G. G's Camp) was merged with Indore mumclpahty. B~ECONO~IC TABLES (i) GENERAL ECONOMIC TABLES 26


______Occupied Residential houses 0.....----- Totall'lo. of persons enumerated (including Scheduled Di~trictITahsil/Town Area In inmates of institutions and houseless persons) Castes Sq. miles No. of houses No. of House- ---~----~------holds Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INDORE DISTRICT T ].'169,4 108.369 146,097 753,594 400,470 353,124 52,945 49,706 R 1;343 ·2 54,704 55,347 301,511 155,873 145,638 28,582 27,768 U 26'2 53,665 90,750 452,083 244,597 207,486 24,363 21,938 Depalpur Tahsil T 394·7 15,419 15,574 84,533 43,301 41,232 7,924 7,522 R 394·.j. 14,515 14,662 79,860 40,814 39,046 7,700 7,310 U 0·3 904 912 4,673 2,487 2,186 224 212 1 Depalpur (M) U 0'28 904 912 4,673 2,487 2,186 224 212 2 Sawer Tahsil T 294·0 12,551 12,551 70,434- 35,988 34,446 8,460 8,499-< R 293·6 11,651 I HiS 1 65,997 3'3,699 32,298 8,202 8,227 U 0'4 900 900 4,437 2,239 2,148 258 272' 2 Sawer (M) U 0'43 900 900 4,437 2,289 2,148 258 272 3 Indore Tahsil T 370 ·1 58,337 95,685 480,164- 257,730 222,434 28,781 26,659 R 348·5 15,421 15,743 85,223 44,284 40,E39 7.956 7,849 U 21·6 42,916 79,94:2 394,941 :213,346 181,595 20;825 l8,81l}, 3 Indore (M. C.) U 21·56 42,916 79,942 394,.941 213,346 181,595 20,825 18,810' 4 MhowTahsil T 310 ·6 22,062 22,287 118,4(,3 63,451 55,012 7,780 7,026 R 306'7 13,117 13.291 70,431 36,9/6 33,455 4,724 4,382 U 3·9 3,945 8,996 4U,032 26,475 21,557 3,056 2,644 4 Mhow Cantt. U 3'88 8,945 8,996 48,032 26,475 21,557 3,056 2,644


II III IV V In Mining, Quarrying, LlVestock, Forestry, 1-'i5- At As Agricultural hing, Hunting and Household Industry In Manufacturing Labourer Plantations, Orchards ------other than Dlstflct(Tahsil(Town ------~-- and allied acti, iti('s Household Industry

------~~ ... -----~------,~------Males Femalt's Males Females Males Females Males ,Females' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 INDORE DbTRICT T 19,793 20,252 7,421 I,H2 8,950 4,304- 41,256 2,264-: R 19,492 20,018 5,593 909 5,7GO 2,401 1,499 222; U 301 234 1,828 233 3,250 1,903 39,757 2,042.

Depalpur Tahsil T 5,885 6,353 1,384 251 1,755 761 207 C R 5,853 6,308 1,287 222 1,632 701 125 4.- U 32 45 97 29 123 60 82 e. < I DepaipliT (/I-'[) U 32 45 97 29 ]23 60 82 I£.

2 Sawer Tah5il T 4,618 5,174 1,826 188 1,510 619 163 2'" R 4,558 5,070 1,716 127 1,404 549 81 U 60 104 1lCl 61 lOG 70 82 2

:2 Sauce· fM) U 60 ]04 llO 61 106 70 82 2 3 Indore Tahsll T 6,028 5,182 2,652 415 4.316 2,277 39,048 2,07,_ R 5,847 5,108 1,293 300 1;44-8 562 883 1~ U 181 74 1,3:)9 115 2,868 1,715 38,165 1,9?

3 Inde',: (M. C,) U 181 74 1,359 115 2,868 1,715 38,165 I,!,..... 4 Mhow Tahsil T 3,262 3,543 1,559 288 1,369 647 1,838 R 3,23+ 3,532 1,297 260 1,210 589 410 U 28 11 262 28 ]53 58 1,428 4 Mhow Cantt. U 28 11 262 23 153 58 1,428

J¥ote: - M =Municipality. M.C.=Municipal Corporation. 27

ABSTltACT -Contd.

I Scheduled Tribf's Literate and Educated pf'rsons Total ""orkers As Culti,"ator Distl"ictf ------~-----..___- T"hsil/ --.--~--'------_-_-_-_-_-_------_------Females Males Females Town Males Females Males Females !\1aks 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 200 202,455 85,660 203,627 72,377 45,080 32,489 T 262 58,045 43,932 31,888 170 131 51,248 7,946 86,820 R 1,143 601 92 69 151,207 77,714 116,807 14,332 U 12,706 1,868 24,723 17,336 12,764 9.245 T 11,358 1,456 23,495 16,840 12,524 9,062 R 1,348 412 1,228 496 240 183 U 1,348 412 1,228 496 240 183 U

24 '27 11,516 1,517 20,625 15,307 10,198 8,692 T 2 :c.4 27 10,278 1,173 19,480 14,718 9,976 8,542 R 1,238 344 1,145 589 222 150 U 1,238 344 1,145 589 222 150 U 2

110 90 148,258 71,369 125,731 25,233 12,407 6,946 T 3 26 26 16,830 2,657 24,232 13,335 11,780 6,729 R 84 64 131,428 68,712 101,499 11,898 627 217 U 84- 64 131,428 68,712 101,499 11,898 627 217 U 3

128 83 29,975 10,906 32,548 14,501 9,711 7,606 T 4 120 78 12,782 2.660 19,613 13,152 9,652 7,555 R 8 5 17,193 8,246 12,935 1,349 59 51 U 8 5 17,193 8,z.t6 12,935 1,349 59 51 U 4


VI VII VIII IX X In Transport, Stora!?e and In Construction In Trade and Commerce Communications In Other Services Non-Workers District/ ------~------...... _-- Tahsil/ Town

Males Females 1'viales Females 1'vlales Females Males Females Males Females 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 5,950 1,041 26,074 1,559 8,986 109 40,117 9,217 196,843 280,747 T 1,300 350 2,507 273 904 6 5,893 1,978 69,053 87,593 R , 4,650 691 23,567 1,286 8,082 103 34,224 7,239 127,790 193,154 U

288 62 736 110 97 1,607 485 18,578 23,896 T 233 59 548 88 68 1,225 350 17,319 22,206 R 55 3 188 22 29 382 135 1,259 1,690 U

55 3 188 22 29 382 135 1,259 1,690 U

276 41 559 74 182 2 1,293 491 15,363 19,139 T 2 245 41 401 42 160 2 939 343 14,219 17,580 R 31 158 32 22 354 148 1,144 1,559 U

31 158 32 22 354 148 1,144 1,559 U 2 4,020 683 22,301 1,142 6,639 92 28,320 h,421 131,999 197,201 T 3 244 45 935 60 248 1 1,5:)4 394 20,152 27,504 3,776 R 638 21.366 1,082 6,391 91 26,766 6,027 111,847 169,697 U 3,776 638 21,366 1,082 6,391 91 26,766 6,027 \1 1,847 169,697 U 3 1,366 255 2,478 233 2,068 14 8,897 1,820 30,903 40,511 T 4 578 205 623 83 428 2 2,175 891 17,363 788 20,303 R 50 1,855 150 1,640 12 6,722 929 13,~40 20,208 U 788 50 l,p55 150 1,640 12 6,722 929 13,540 20,208 U 4 28




------~------r I II III In Mining. Qu- arrying, Live- stock, Forestry, Total Fishing, Hun- Rural Age group ting, Plantation, Urban As Agricultural Orchards, and Total Population Total Workers As Cultivator Labourer allied activities .. -----... - .. - ... --~------...... ------_._------_-_---_ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males------Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ·12 13

Total ... Total 753,594 400,470 353,124 203,627 72,377 45,080 32,489 19,793 20,252 7,421 1,142 0-14 316,211 165,876 150,335 6,7 II 4,408 1,641 2,135 1,208 1,588 2,199 13O· 15-34 247,265 129,537 117,728 102,720 37,627 21,467 17,413 11,271 11,145 3,255 547' 35-59 152,118 86,118 66,000 81,786 26,646 18,071 11,492 6,430 6,647 1,658 402. 60+ 37,511 18,673 18,838 12,275 3,685 3,899 1,449 884 870 309 63 Age not stated 489 266 223 135 11 2 2

Rural Total 301,511 155,873 145,638 86,820 58,045 43,932 31,1'88 19,492 20,018 5,593 909' 0-14 128,966 67,887 61,079 5,491 4,066 1,614 2,095 1,199 1,583 2,136 122 15-34 95,122 4S,115 47,007 43,649 31,225 21,045 17,124 11,139 11,040 2,425 439' 35-59 61,360 32,475 28,885 31,689 20,126 17,547 11,263 6,294 6,543 852 303 60+ 16,013 7,384 8,629 5,987. 2,626 3,724 1,406 860' 850 180 45, Age not stated 50 12 38 4 2 2 2

Urban Total 452,083 244,597 207,48'6 116,807 14,332 1,148 601 301 234 1,828 233· 0-14 187,245 97,989 89,256 1,220 342 27 40 9 5 63 8· 15-34 152,143 81,422 70,721 59,071 6,402 422 289 132 105 830 108 35-59 90,758 53,643 37,115 50,097 6,520 524 229 136 104 806 99' 60+ 21,498 11,289 10,209 6,288 1,059 175 43 24 20 129 18 Age not stated 439 254 185 131 9 29

B:-I B'( SEX ,4.Nf)" 8ltOAD aGE-GROUPS



Age­ In manufacturing In Transport, group At Household other than house- In Trade and storage, and In Other Services Industry hold industry In Construction Commerce communication ------_- ---. .. ---.. -,,- -- ... _.. -_ ... __ .. --_- -- .. -_ .. ___ .. _.. __,..-.. -- --~---,.---- -_ .. --_ ... _.. _-_ - -_ .. _.. --.-.. --- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 14 15 , 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2

8,950 4,304 41,256 2,264 5,950 1,041 26,074 1,559 8,986 109 40,117 9,217 196,843 280,747 Total 393 248 335 72 60 39 317 31 48 510 164 159,165 145,927 0-14 4,255 2,255 20,446 949 3,024 467 12,365 476 5,165 49 21,472 4,326 26,817 100,101 15-34 3,529 1,532 18,901 1,127 2,501 503 11,173 814 3,519 51 16,004 4,078 4,332 39,354 35-59- 772 269 1,561 113 363 31 2,208 236 250 7 2,029 647 6,398 15,153 60+ 13 3 2 11 2 4 102 2 131 212 A.N.S. 5,700 2,401 1,499 222 1,300 350 2,507 273 904 6 5,893 1,978 69,053 87,593 Total 302 143 25 14 22 21 64 13 5 124 75 62,396 57,013 0-14 2,108 1,228 884 133 708 198 1,194 78 523 3,023 985 4,466 15,782 J5-3+ 2,219 893 533 69 519 129 1,026 6 2,347 780 786 8,n9 35-59 " '. '6 'I' 0 471 137 . 51 '1i, , 2 '223 397 138 1,397 6,003 60+ 2 8 36 A.N.S, 3,250 1,903 39,757 2,042 4,650 691 23,567 1,286 8,082 103 34,224 7,239 127,790 193,154 Total

91 105 310 58 38 18 253 18 43 386 89 96,769 88,914 0·14 1,547 1,027 19,562 816 2,316 269 11,171 398 4,642 49 18,449 3,341 22,351 64,319 15-34 1,31tt' '639 18,368 1,058 1,982 374 10,147 674 3,167 45 13,657 3,298 3,546 30,595 35-59 301 132 1,504, 107 312 29 1,985 194 226 7 1,632 509 5,001 9,150 60+ 13 3 2 11 2 4 100 2 123 176 A.N.S. 30



I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Live stock, Forestry , S,N. Educational levels Fishing, Hun- ting and Plan- tations, Orcha- Total population of workers and As Cultivator As AgricUltural ' rds and allied non-workers Labourer activiti~ ----,.__,....___..._-----~-- ---'--"_ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I TOTAL 452,083 244,597 207,486 1,148 601 301 234 1,828 233 2 Illiterate 223,162 93,390 129,772 426 560 211 224 ' 833 220 3 Literate (without educational level) 171,866 108,241 63,625 585 36 72 8 631 6 4 Primary or Junior Basic 25,512 17,640 7,872 85 2 15 I 73 I 5 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 23,467 18,555 4,912 43 2 2 1 203 6 6 Technical Diploma not equal to degree 428 400 28 2 1 7 Non-technical Diploma not equal to degree 37 33 4 8 U ni\'ersity degree or post graduate degree 6,765 5,578 1,187 7 66 other than technical degree, 9 Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree-TOTAL 846 760 86 21 10 Engineering 213 213 1 11 Medicine 389 327 62 12 Agriculture 42 42 20 13 Veterinary or Dairying 49 49 14 Technology 6 6 15 Teaching 143 120 23 ... 16 Others 4 3 1 PART B-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION OF WORKERS AND INDORE

17 TOTAL 301,511 155,873 145,638 43,932 31,888 19,492 20,018 5,593 909 18 Illiterate 242,317 104,625 137,692 26,028 31,102 16,826 19,916 4,326 900 19 Literate (without educational level) 52,389 45,086 7,303 16,670 746 2,522 63 1,142 9 20 Primary or Junior Basic 5,228 4,696 532 1,132 38 142 39 91 21 Matriculation and above 1,577 1,466 III 102 2 2 34

I Depalp..... : 22 TOTAL 79,860 40,814 39,046 12,524 9,062 5,853 6,308 1,287 222 23 Illiterate 67,046 29,456 37,590 8,103 8,965 5,145 6,286 1,089 220 24 Literate (without educational level) 10,849 9,472 1,377 3,878 88 648 21 175 2 25 Primary or Junior Basic 1,799 1,726 73 526 9 60 I 22 26 Matriculation and above 166 160 6 17 1

2 Sawer 27 TOTAL 65,997 33,699 32,298 9,976 8,542 4,558 5,070 1,716 127 28 Illiterate 54,546 23,421 31,125 5,892 8,372 4,115 5,055 1,429 127 29 Literate (without educational level.) 10,303 9,230 1,073 3,907 167 409 15 248 30 Primary or Junior Basic 974 882 92 168 3 34 25 31 Matriculation and aboye 174 166 8 9 14

3 Indore 32 TOTAL 85,223 44.384 40,839 11,780 6,729 5,847 5.108 1,293 300 33 Illiterate 65.735 27,553 38,182 6,083 6,479 4,794 5,072 871 295 34 Literate (without educational level) 17,502 15,123 2,379 5,367 229 1,021 390 5 35 Primary or Junior Basic 1,369 1,138 231 290 19 30 36 25 36 Matriculation and aboye 617 570 47 40 2 2 7 4 Mhow ?7 TOTAL 70,431 36,976 33,455 9,652 7,555 3,234 3,532 1,297 ' 260 38 Illiterate 54,990 24,195 30,795 5,950 7,286 2,772 3,503 937 258 39 Literate (without educational level) 13,735 11,261 2,474 ~,5l8 262 444 27 329 2 40 Primary or Junior Basic 1.086 950 136 148 7 18 2 19 41 Matriculation and above 620 570 50 36 12 31,


In Manufactu- At Household ring other than In Transport, Industry Household In Trade and Storage and Com- In Other Services Industry In Construction Commerce munications _-_---_ ------.------_ S.N. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-~------~----- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

,------~- - 3,250 1,903 39,757 2,042 4,650 691 23,567 1,286 8,082 103 34,224 7,239 127,790 193,154 1 1,303 1,540 12,985 1,756 1,858 662 4,266 1,130 2,310 75 9,072 4,612 60,126 118,993 2 1,709 335 22,061 244 1,905 18 13,331 113 3,866 6 13,491 969 50,590 61,890 3 178 25 2,507 26 227 2 2,221 6 566 1 2,767 381 9,001 7,427 4 54 3 1,774 14 489 8 2,792 25 1,113 16 5,513 803 6,572 4,034 5 45 60 11 4 196 15 81 13 6 15 7 11 4 7 6 346 2 62 933 11 212 4 2,646 411 1,299 757 8

24 49 13 11 532 48 110 36 9 17 49 8 9 101 28 l(} 4 4 2 271 47 46 13 11 17 5 12 44- 5 13 3 2 -. 14 98 22 22 I!> 1 2 1 16

,I NON-WORKERS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVELS IN RURAL AREAS ONLY DISTRICT ,5,700 2,401 1,499 222 1,300 350 2,507 273 904 6 5,893 1,978 69,053 87,593 17 3,359 2,327 688 211 825 350 681 239 304 6 2,728 1,776 48,860 80,865 18 2,108 70 710 10 418 1,520 32 455 1,946 114 17,595 6,259 19 224 4 77 1 37 253 2 67 607 59 2,066 389 20 9 2{ 20 53 78 612 29 532 80 21 Tahsil 1,632 701 125 49 233' 59 548 88 68 1,225 350 17,319 22,206 2Z 989 676 68 48 166 59 115 81 15 615 322 13,151 20,932 23 484 22 43 1 52 267 6 31 313 11 3,581 1,226 24 158 3 13 13 149 1 17 203 II 565 48 2!> 1 1 2 17 5 94 6 22 26 Tahsil 1,404 549 81 2 245 41 401 42 160 2 939 343 14,219 17,580 27 926 536 29 2 162 41 109 34 52 2 437 318 10,270 16,638 28 448 12 45 73 251 7 74 318 17 3,457 855 29 30 1 6 9 30 1 18 112 8 450 79 30 1 1 11 16 72 42 8 31 Tahsil 1,448 562 883 136 244 45 935 60 248 1,554 394 20,152 27,504 3Z 748 547 I 426 131 115 45 261 52 95 581 332 13,579 25,228 33 677 15 396 5 115 607 8 115 641 39 5,794 2,078 34 19 41 7 42 10 115 14 559 162 35 4 20 7 25 28 217 9 220 36 36 Tahsil \ 1,216 589 410 35 578 205 623 83 428 2 2,175 891 17,363 20,303 37 696 568 165 30 382 205 196 72 142 2 1,095 804 11,860 18,067 38 499 2! 226 4 178 395 11 235 674 47 4,763 2,100 39 17 17 1 8 32 22 177 26 492 100 40 4 2 10 29 229 14 248 36 41

------~--~ --~------_---- -_-_ ------_ ------~------~--- 32



~ ~------_ Branch oflndustry Total Total Employee Others Rural ------"'~------Division and Major Group of 1. S. 1. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---- " "_-_. INDORE DISTRICT ALL DIVISIONS T 8,950 4,304 455 144 8,495 4,160 R 5,700 2,401 265 18 5,435 2,383 U 3,2.50 1,903 . 190 126 3,060 1,777 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting T 703 196 67 636 196 R 618 154 65 553 154 U 85 42 2 83 42 00 Field produce and Plantation crops T 12 12 . 1 R U 12 12 04 Livestock and Hunting T 691 195 67 624 195 R 618 154 65 553 154 U 73 41 2 71 41 2&3 Manufacturing T 8,247 4,108 388 144 7,859 3,964 R 5,082 2,247 200 18 4,882 2,229 U 3,165 1,861 188 126 2,977 1,735 20 Foodstuffs T 530 204 90 10 440 194 R 312 71 68 244 71 U 218 133 22 10 '196 123 21 Beverages T 88 5 88 5 R 16 5 16 5 U 72 72 22 Tobacco Products T 59 286 9 79 50 207 R 5 1 .. 5 .~ /_ U 54 ~ ;, 185 '. 795:· Ji''4'5- , .~/• 6 23 Textile-cotton T 402 357 18 8 3M ;949 R 199 112 16 4 183 . 108 U 203 245 2 4- 201 241 24 Textile-Jute 'l' 62 8 62 8 R 2 8 2 8 U 60 60 25 Textile-wool T 7 15 7 15 R 7 11 7 <.··,,:·:U U 4 4 26 Texti1e-silk T R U 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 1,130 595 95 12 1,035 583 R 627 2..45 42 585 U 503 350 53 12 450 . '/§1~ 28 Manufacture of wood and wooden products T 1,727 LOl4 54 2 1,673 1_.(H2 R 1,181 "566 20 1,161 566 U 546 4-48 34 2 512 446 . 29 Paper and paper products T 25 25 25 I 25 R U 25 25 25 ',:\"i 30 Printing and publishing T 13 10 13 !O R 1 1 U 12 10 12 10 31 Leather and leather products T 1,712 751 11 6 1,701 745 R 1,374 674 1,374 674 U 338 77 11 6 327 71 32 ',."! Rubber, petroleum and coal products T 8 3 5 R U 8 3 5 33 Chcrnicals and chemical products T 17 5 2 17 3 R 4 1 4 1 U 13 4 2 13 2 33



Branch of Industry Total Total Employee Others ------.. ---.. ~.-... ~ .. ----..._.. -- Rural ~------.. ------_-_--_-- ~ ... -"'--... - .. ----- Divi~ion and Major Group of 1. S. 1. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females

~------~------~~------~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

------~---~ 34 & 35 Non-Metallic Mineral products T 909 577 55 18 854 559 other than petroleum and coal R 737 474 44 10 693 464 U 172 103 II 8 161 95

36 Basic metals and their products except ma­ T 836 45 29 807 45 chinery and transport equipment R 350 30 2 348 30 U 486 IS 27 459 15

37 Machinery (all kinds other than transport) T 6 6 and electrical equipment R 1 1 U 5 5

38 Transport equipment T 66 66 R 45 45 U 21 21

39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries T 649 211 24 7 625 204 R 221 49 8 4 213 45 U 428 162 16 :3 -H2 159


-----~--_------~------Branch ofIndustry Total Employee Others

Division of 1. S. 1. C. Males Females Males Females Males Femaies

2 ~3 4 5 ti 7

INDORE DISTRICT (RURAL) ALL DIVISIONS 5,70.) 2,401 265 18 5,435 2,383 0 A~riculture, Livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 618 154 65 553 154 1 Mining and Quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 5,082 2,247 200 18 4,882 2,229

I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 1,632 701 90 10 I,S{2 691 o A~riculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 117 23 II 1{.)6 23 I Mining and Quarrying ... 2 & 3 Manufacturing 1,515 678 79 10 1,436 668

It Sawer Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVI"IONS 1,404 549 82 1,322 5-48 o A<;(riculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 186 29 41 145 29 1 Mining and Quarrying 2 & 3 Manufacturing 1,218 520 41 1,177 519 3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) ALL 'DIVISIONS 1,448 562 35 3 1,413 559 o A~riculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 142 17 5 137 17 1 Mining and Quarrying 2 & 3 Manufacturing 1,306 545 30 3 1,276 542

4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 1,216 589 51\ 4 1,158 585 ° A~ri~ulture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 173 85 8 165 85 1 Mmmg and Quarrying 2 & 3 Manufacturing 1,043 504 50 4 993 500 34


Branch ofIndmtry Total Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Urban Division and Major Group Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females of!. S. I. C. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' 9 10 11 12 ~------~------_ INDORE DISTRICT ALL DIVISIONS T 129,804 15,332 9,910 358 79,964 6,765 33,511 6,991 6,419 1,218 U 112,108 11,594- 9,272 312 72,397 6,020 25,767 4,560 4,672 702 o Agriculture, Livestock, forestry, T 7,043 902 235 19 2,655 84 2,958 418 1,195 381 fishing and hunting U 1,791 ,224 115 11 1,064 42 280 64 332 107 00 Field Produce and Planta­ T 1,013 203 27 727 40 129 39 130 124 tion Crops U 759 50 19 641 33 71 5 28 12 01 Plantation Crops T 9 20 5 2 I 2 19 U 7 17 4 1 2 17 02 Forestry and Logging T 877 159 82 491 5 193 91 111 62 U 499 15 73 265 4 97 7 64 3 03 Fishing T 234 95 8 9 125 68 92 27 U 122 35 5 1 24 8 92 27 04 Livestock and Hunting T 4,910 425 113 18 1,426 38 2,511 220 860 14-9 U 404 107 14- 10 156 5 88 44 146 48 Mining and Quarrymg T 378 240 37 21 241 170 72 41 28 8 U 37 9 4 15 1 3 8 15 10 Mining and Quarrying T 378 240 37 21 241 170 72 41 28 U 37 9 4 15 1 3 8 IS 2 & 3 Manufacturing T 41,256 2;ey4 2,278 56 32,940 1,546 4,882 529 1,156 133 U 39,757 2,042 2,195 52 31,958 1,442 4,513 439 1,091 109- 20 Foodstuffs T 2,143 208 315 9 1,282 100 397 74 149 25 U 1,890 203 294 9 1,122 100 343 69 131 25 21 Beverages T 193 2 27 140 2 17 9 U 187 27 135 16 9 22 Tobacco Products T 89 100 6 6 61 46 21 45 3 U 89 100 6 6 61 46 21 45 3 23 Textile-Cotton T 23,502 967_ 11 "7 23,312 915 161 41 18 4 U 23,183 950 9 7 23,036 914 120 27, 18 2 25 Textile-Wool T 2 2 U 2 2 26 Textile-Silk T 94 89 4 U 92 87 4 27 Textile-Miscellaneous T 2,665 279 584 20 1,106 50 793 188 182 21 U 2,597 258 578 16 1,084- 47 758 176 177 19· 28 Manufacture of Wood and T 1,833 42 149 3 643 15 949 12 92 12- and Wooden Products U 1,699 26 137 3 585 10 89,3 . 8 84 5~ 29 Paper and Paper Products T 40 7 6 22 4 9 2 3 U 40 7 6 22 4 9 2 3 30 Printing and Publishing T 1,077 13 62 1 927 8 56 2 32 2: U 1,028 12 62 1 878 8 56 2 32 1 31 Leather and Leather T 827 19 72 189 3_ 518 9 48 7 Products U 693 16 50 158 3 445 6 40 7· 32 Rubher. Petroleum and T 83 3 9 60 3 10 4- Coal Products U 82 3 9 59 3 10 4- 33 Chemicals and Chemical T 300 26 48 212 14 17 11 23 Products U 253 26 46 169 14 15 11 23 34&35 Non-metallic Mineral T 1,504- 463 90 2 974 311 362 98 78 52. Products other than Petro- U 1,200 326 88 2 719 230 326 54 67 40, leum and Coal ' 36 Basic Metals and their pro- T 2,352 31 177 3 1,590 12 461 13 124 3 duCt5 except machinery and U 2,272 24 173 3 1,546 11 433 7 120 3 trmsport equipment 37 Machinery (all kinds other T 637 4 38 535 4 44 20 than Transport) and Elec- U 627 4- 38 531 4 39 19 trical Equipment 38 Transport Equipment T 2,324 4 403 1,342 2 394- 2 185 U 2,251 3 392 1,315 1 367 2 177 35, '

TABLE B-IV PAJIT BoINDUSTRIAL CLA$SUlCATlON BY SEX AND_CLASS OF WORKER. OF PERSONS AT WORK IN NO~HOVS.FBCj)LD INDUSTRV, TRADE, BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR S:ERVICE~Condd. " Branch ofIndustry Total Total - Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Division and Major Group Urban of 1. S. 1. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

39 :Miscellaneous Manufacturing T 1,593, 93, 280 4 456 54 669 32 188 3 Industries U 1,574 81 279 4 451 44 658 30 186 3 4 Construction T 5,950 1,041 230 2 2,788 212 2,932 827 U 4,650 691 212 1 2,069 142 2,369 548 40 Construction T 5,950 1,041 230 2 2,788 212 2,932 827 U 4,650 691 212 1 2,069 142 2,369 548 5 Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary T 2,736 1,032 3 2,360 901 373 131 Services U 2,474 925 3 2,147 853 324 72 50 Electricity and gas T 1,207 11 931 II 276 U 1,128 II 855 II 273 51 \Vater supply and sanitary T 1,529 1,021 3 1,429 890 97 131 services U 1,34:6 " 914 3 1,292 842 51 72 >6 Trade and Commerc~ T 26,074 1,559 5,598 186 7,804 104 9,427 948 3,245 321 U 23,567 1,286 5,296 174 7,333 98 8,252 831 2,686 183 60-63 Wholesale Trade T '2,977 92 542 5 1,118 18 964 65 353 4 U 2,870 91 527 5 1,080 18 936 64, 327 4 64-68 Retail Trade T , 20,257 1,413 4,984 175 4,586 54 7,817 867 2,870 317 U 17,958 1,146 4,701 163 4,207 48 6,711 756 2,339 179 69 Trade and Commerce Mis­ T 2,840 54 72 6 2,100 32 646 16 22 cellaneous U 2,739 49 68 6 2,046 32 605 11 20 7 Transport Storage and Communi­ T 8,986 109 494 3 6,019 50 2,473 56 cations U 8,082 103 444 3 5,361 46 2,277 54 70-71 Transport T 7,767 64 494 3 4,809 6 2,464 55 U 6,928 58 444 3 4,214 2 2,270 53 72 Storage and Warehousing T 72 2 63 9 U ,~2 _, 2 55 7 73 Communications T 1,147 43 1,147 43 .. , U 1,092 43 1,092 43 .8 , Services T 30,862 4,920 1,029 71 24,710 3,543 4,368 981 755 325 U 26,902 4,582 998 71 22,106 3,342 3,263 878 535 291 80 Public Services T 13,020 273 13,008 273 12 U 11,713 251 11,703 251 10 81 Educational and' Scienti­ T 4,650 1,606 23 15' 4,528 1,554 99 37 fic Services U 3,864 1,509 23 15 3,777 1,463 64 31 82 Medical and Health Sen-ices T 2,314. 793 198 7 1,869 692 220 90 27 4 U 2,012 724 196 7 1,612 657 179 58 25 2 83 Religious and Welfare T 1,367 61 19 2 395 29 953 30 Services U 956 50 \ 16 2 310 29 630 19 84 Legal Services T 542 5 9 129 3 404 2 U 529 5 9 125 3 395 2 85 Business Services T 191 8 14 132 8 45 U 167 14 112 41 86 Community Services and T 320 34 267 24 53 10 trade and labour associations U 302 32 257 22 45 10 87 Recreation Services T 1,299 71 85 21 598 24 500 26 116 U 996 53 ,77 21 574 II 305 21 40 88 Personal Services T 6,761 2,027 668 25 3,625 923 1,858 760 610 319 U 5,975 1,916 650 25 3,478 893 1,379 711 468 287 89 Services (not elsewhere clas- T 398 42 13 159 13 224 26 2 2 sified) U 388 42 IS 158 13 215 26 2 2 "9 Activities not adequately described T 6,519 3,265 6 447 155 6,026 3,060 40 50 U 4,848 1,732 5 344 54 4,486 1,666 13 12 90 Activities unspecified and' T 6,519 3,265 6 447 155 6,026 3,060 40 50 not adequately described U 4,848 1,732 5 344 54 4,486 1,666 13 12 (Thii includes new entrants to the labour market) 36


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family worker ... _---_-_-_------~-~--.. ------_-_ ------Divi;ion Males Females Males Females Males Female~ Males Females Males Females of I. S. I. c. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11

Indore District (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 17,696 3738 638 46 7,567 745 7,744 2,431 1,747 516 0 Agriculture, Live- 5,252 678 120 8 1,591 42 2,678 354 863 274 stock, forestry, fishing and hun- ting Mining and 341 231 33 21 226 169 69 33 13 8 Quarri'ing f} Manufacturing 1,499 222 83 4 982 104 369 90 65 24' 4 Construction 1,300 350 18 719 70 563 279 5 Electricity, Gas, 262 107 213 48 49 59 Water and Sanitary Ser- vices 6 Trade and COm- 2,507 273 302 12 471 6 1,175 117 559 138' merce 7 Transport, Stcrage 904 6 50 658 4 196 2 and Communi- cations 8 Services 3,960 338 31 2,604 201 1,105 103 220 34 9 Acti'lities not 1,671 1.533 103 101 1,540 1,394 27 38- adequately des- cribed

I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 3,486 769 80 5 953 67 1,975 532 478 165· 0 Agriculture, 1,273 212 25 3 244 7 827 128 177 74- Livestock, [Otf'S- try, fishing and hunting Mining and 14 10 14 10 Quarrving

i }Manufacturing 125 49 3 17 81 41 24 7' 3 4 Construction 233 59 6 89 138 58 5 Electricity, Gas, 49 48 32 25 17 23 Water and Sani- tary Services 6 Trade and Com- 548 88 38 2 67 281 42 162 44- merce 1 Transport, Sto- 68 2 49 17 rage and Com- munications 8 Services 945 63 6 446 8 395 34 98 21 9 Activities n'lt 231 239 9 24 205 196 17 19" adequately des- cribed

lOll Sawer Tahsil (Rural) --Contd. ALL DIVISIONS 3,542 557 69' 1 1,358 83 1,628 375 487 98 0 Agriculture, 1,679 105 13 498 6 846 39 322 6Oo Livestock, fores- try, mhing and hunting Mining and 37 22 35 21 2 Quarrying ~:7:

TABLE B-IV PART B-,-·INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX AND CLASS OF WORKER OF PERSONS AT WORK IN NON-HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY, TRAl>E, BUSINESS, PROFESSION OR SERVICE-Concld. ];Sranch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker ------'------.-~------_- Division Males Females Males .Females Males Females Males Females Males Females of 1. 'i. I. C. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

:I Sawer Tahsil (Rural )-...... concld. ~ } Manufacturing 81 2 4 53 20 4 :3 . 4 Construction 245 41 5 190 19 50 21

5 Electricity, Gas, 51 20 32 19 20 .,."''' Water and Sani- t ary services 6 Trade and Com- 401 42 44 62 196 14- 99 28 merce ( Transport, 160 2 2 138 2 20 Storage and Communic ations 8 Services 704 43 .348 32 295 7 60 4- 9 Activities riot 184 280 2 2 180 273 2 ;; adequatelv described 3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 5,157 936 241 29 2,608 368 1,945 448 363 91 0 Agriculture, 1,045 110 26 2 362 19 507 50 150 39 Livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and 248 190 33 21 191 148 13 13 11 8 Quarrying' ~ } Manufacturing 883 136 26 678 102 159 26 20 7 4 Construction 244 45 5 158 23 81 22 5 Electricity, Gas, 113 11 108 5 5 6 Water and Sani- tary services 6 Trade and Com- 935 60 127 5 222 455 2~ 131 32 merce 7 Transport, Sto- 248 6 180 62 rage and Com- munications 8 Services 1,069 112 17 687 66 317 42 48 4 9 Activities not 372 271 22 4- 346 266 3 1 adequately described 4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 5,511 1,476. 248 11 2,648 227 2,196 1,076 419 '162 0 Agriculture, 1,255 251 56 3 487 10: 498 137 214 101 Livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting Mining and 42 9 40 9 2 Quarrying ~ 1Manufacturing 410 35 50 3 234 109 23 17 9- 4 Construction 578 205 2 282 27 294 178 5 Electricity, Gas, 49 28 41 18 8 10 Water and Sani- tary services 6 Trade and 623 83 93 5 120 5 243 39 167 34 Commerce 7 Transport and 428 2 40 291 97 1 Communications 8 Services 1,242 120 7 1,123 95 98 20 14 ,5 9 Activities not 884 743 70 71 809 659 5 .13 adequateiy described


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Branch Total Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers at Non-Household Indus- ofIndustry try etc. ------~~------,-'_- Persons' Males Females Males Females Males Fema!~s Division of I. S. 1. C. - I 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8

I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 6,588 5,118 1,470 1,632 701 3,486 769 0 1,625 1,390 235 117 23 1,273 212 ' 1 24- 14 10 14 10 2&3 2,367 1,640 727 1,515 678 125 49 4 292 233 59 233 59 5 97 -l-9 48 4-9 48 \) 636 548 88 548 88 7 69 68 1 68 1 8 1,008 945 63 945 63 9 470 231 239 231 239

~ Sawer Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 6,052 4,946 1,106 1,404 549 3,542 557 0 1,999 1,865 134 186 29' 1,679 105 1 59 37 22 37 22 2&3 1,821 1,299 522 1,218 520 81 2 4 286 245 41 245 41 5 71, 51 20 51 20 6 443 401 42 .,. 401 42 7 162 160 2 160 '2 8 747 704 43 704 43 !J 464 1&4 230 184 280

3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) ALL DIVISIONS 8,103 6,605 1,498 1,448 562 5,157 936. 0 1,314 1,187 127 142 17 1,045 110 .., I 438 248 190 248 190 2&3 2,870 2,189 681 1,306 545 883 ' 136 4 289 244 45 244 45 5 124 113 11 113 11 6' 995 935 60 935 60 7 249 248 1 248 1 B 1,181 1,069 112 1,069 112 9 643 372 271 372 271

Mhow Tahsil (Rural) ALL 4 DIVISIONS 8,792 6,727 2,065 1,216 589 5,511 1,476 0 1,764 1,428 336 173 85 1,255 251 I 51 42 9 42 9 2&3 1,992 1,453 539 1,043 504- 410 35 4 783 578 205 578 205 5 77 49 28 49 28 6 706 623 83 623 83 7 430 428 2 428 2 8 1,362 1,242 120 1,242 120 9 1,627 884 743 884 743 48

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Division/Category Persons Males Females Division/Category Persons Males F~!)lales (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

1 DEPALPUR TAHSIL (RURAL) Division 9 Service, Sport and Recreation (:j02 Si5 "87 ALL DIVISIONS 6,588 5,118 1,470 Workers III 1,509 1,287 222 VI 12 9 IV 2,333 1,632 701 Vln 4 4 V Ii-! 125, 49 IX 586 502 VI 292 233 59 Division X VII 636 548 88 68 1 _Workers not Classifiable by 3 3 Vln 69 , Occupations 1,575 1,225 350 IX IX 3 3 Division 0 Professional, Technical and 45 I 419 32 2 SAWER TAHSIL (RURAL) Related Workers ALL DIVISIONS 6,052 4,946 1,106, IV 1 1 III 1,843 1,716 V I 1 f27 32 IV 1,953 1,404 549- IX 449 417 V 83 81 •• 2.. Division VI 286 245 il Administrative, Executive and" 49 47 2 VII 443 401 42 Managerial v\'orkers . ' VHI 162 160 ., 2' III 2 2 IX 1,282 939 343. VI 6 6 Didsion 0 VII 2 " Professional, Technical and 354 334 VIII 2 2 Related vVorkers IX 37 35 2 III 6 6 -..., .. Divisicn 2 VI 1 1 IX 347 327 20· Clerical and Related \Vorkers 60 57 3 -, III 1 ) Division I ...~ V I 1 Administrative, Executive and 71 63 ,8 VI 4 4 Managerial "Vorkers VII 13 13 III 1 1 VIII 4 4 VI 6 6 IX 37 34 VII 3 3 Division 3 Vln 2 2 IX 59 51 8 Sales vVorkers 591 503 88 VII 591 5(.13 88 I Dil'lSion 2 Dit'ision 4 ! Clerical and Related Workers 56 56 Farmers, Fishermen, H lInters, 1,613 1,386 227 III 20 20 Loggers and' Related Workers V 4 4 III 1,472 1,26fl 204 VI 2 2 IV 140 117 23 VII 9 9 V 1 I VIII 3 3 Division 5 , IX 18 18 Division 3 Miners, Quarrymen and Re­ 14 14 I lated Workers Sales'Vorkers 399 362 37 III 14 VII 399 362 37 Dil'ision 6 Dzvision <~ 129· Workers in Transport and 57 56 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, 1,956 1,827 Communication Occupations Loggers and Related 'Vorkel" 98 VI 3 3 III 1,734 1,636 VIII 52 51 IV 215 186 29' IX 2 2 V 4 4 Division 7-8 IX 3 I 2 Division 5 Craftsmen, Production Process 3,148 2,118 1,030 Workers, a'ld Labourers not Miners, Quarrymen and Re­ 53 33 lated V;'orkers elsewhere cla~sified III 53 33 lIT 20 ') IS 1': 2,192 1,514 678 Division 6 \' 171 122 49 Workers in Transport and Com­ 127 125 2 \'T 267 211 56 munication Occupations VII 30 30 III 4 " 4 VIII 7 7 IV 1 1 IX 461 232 229 VIII 122 120 2 6-7

TABLE·S.V OOt1UPAT-IONAL CLASSIFICATION llJI'SEX'OF PEltSONSU :WORK" ()-TMEB. THAN C't1J(.l'JI'VA'RON ...... Contd. (Figuresfor Divisions onry are given)

Division/Category Persons Males Females Division/Category Persons, Males Females ( 1) (2) (3) (4) ( 1) (2) (3) (4)

D iv ision 7-8 Division 4 Craftsmen, Production Process 2,627 1,771 856 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, 1,271 l.160 111 Workers and Labourers not Loggers and Related Workers elsewhere classified III 1,088 996 92 III 22 13 9 IV 157 140 17 IV 1,737 1,217 520 V 3 3 V 73 71 2 VI 4 4 VI 276 235 41 IX 19 17 2 VII 29 24- 5 DivisiOfl 5 VIII IS 15 Miners, Quarrymen and Re- 201 72 129 IX 475 196 279 lated Workers _Division 9 III 197 68 129 Service, Sport and Recreation 409 375 34 VI 4- 4 'Yorkers Division 6 III 3 3 Workers in Transport and 169 168 V 2 2 Communication Occupations VI 1 1 III 3 3 VII 3 3 V 6 6 VIII 20 20 VI 1 1 IX 380 346 34 VII 1 1 VIn 144- lf3 INDORE TAHSIL (RURAL) 3 If 14 14 ALL DIVISIONS 8,103 6,60S 1,498 Division 7-8 III 1,593 1,293 300 Craftsmen, Production Process 4,211 3,115 1,096 IV 2,010 1,448 562 Workers, and Labourers not V 1,019 883 136 elsewhere classified VI 289 244 45 III 244 167 77 VII 995 935 60 IV 1,847 1,302 545 VIII 249 248 1 V 933 797 136 IX 1,948 1,554 394 VI 248 204 44 VII 105 103 2 nivision 0 VIII 67 67 IX 767 475 292 Professional, Technical and 448 402 46 Division 9 Related Workers III 4 4 Service, Sport and Recreation 525 485 40 IV 5 5 Workers V 9 9 III 9 8 VI 1 1 V 12 12 IX 429 383 46 VI 10 10 VII 5 5 -Division VIII 17 17 Administrative. Executive 136 129 7 IX 472 433 39 and Managerial Workers Division X III 19 18 V 10 10 Workers not Classifiable by 4 4- VI 8 7 Occupations VII 14 14 IX 4 4 VIII 5 5 4 MHOW TAHSIL (RURAL) IX 80 75 5 ALL DIVISIONS 2 6.72 7 2,065 Division 2 8,79 III 1,557 1.297 260 1,805 1~216 589 Clerical and Related Workers 302 292 IO IV III 29 29 V 445 410 35 IV 1 1 VI 783 578 205 V 40 40 VII 706 623 33 VI 13 13 VIII 430 428 2 VII 41 41 IX 3,066 2,175 891 VIII 15 15 Division 0 IX 163 153 10 Professional, Technical and 552 480 72 Division 3 Related Worl<;ers 3 3 Sales Workers III 836 778 58 VI 10 10 V 6 6 VII 4 4 VII 829 771 58 VIII 3 3 VIII 1 1 IX 532 460 72 68

TABLE'B-V OCCUN.'DlONAL OL\SSD'lC1lf'1O.N -BY. SEX OF PERSeMs.)4'J. lYMK OTHER TBl\N C'VLDVATION-r-Ctmcld. (Figuresjor Divisions only are given)

------~- ~-" Division/Category Persons Males Females Division/Category Persons Male~ Females ( I) (2) (3) (4) .{ 1» (2) (3) (4)

Division 1 Division 6 Administrative, Executive 154 l5I 3. Workers in Transport and Com- 345 342 3 and Managerial Workers munication Occupations III 3 3 III 13 13 V 5 5 V 1 1 VI 13 13 VI 4 3 VII 10 10 VII 5 5 VIII 7 7 VIII 309 307 2 IX 116 113 3 IX 13 13 Division 2 Division 7-8 Clerical and Related Workers 295 282 . 13 III 25 25 Craftsmen, Production Process 4,628 3,079 .1,549' IV 3 3 Workers, and Labourers not V 7 7 elsewhere classified VI 26 26 III 96 41 55 VII 16 '16 IV 1,553 1,043 510, VIII 12 12 V 423 388 35 VI 716 514 202 IX 206 196 10 VII 36 29 T VIII 68 68 Division 3 IX .L,71t6 .... 996 740' Sales \Vorkers 633 558 75 V 3 3 VII 626' 551 75 Division 9 VIII 4 4 Service, Sport and Recreation 505 437 6B- Division 4 Workers Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, 1,626 1,358 268 III 9 9 Loggers and Related Workers V 6 6' III 1,358 1,167 191 VI 12 11' 249 173 76 VII 5 4 IV VIII 26 26 VI 2 1 .- 1 VIn 1 I IX 447 381 66 IX 16 16 Dhision X Division 5 Miners, Quarrymen and Re- 50 36 14 Workers not Classifiable by 4- 4 lated Workers Occupations III 50 36 14 VII 4 4 69


Division, Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Family 1 2 3 4 5, 1 2 3 4 5

All Divi~ions Total 112,298 100,691 11,607 Group 01 Total 43 42 III 1,474 1,359 liS III 1 1 IV 4,583 2,868 1,715 IV 1 1 V 40,104 38,165 1,939 V 39 38 VI 4,414 3,776 638 IX 2 2 VII 22,448 21,366 1,082 VIII 6,482 6,391 91 Family 010 Total 14 13 1 IX 32,793 26,766 6,027 V 14 13 1

Division 0 Total 8,468 6,654 1,814 Oil Total 5 5 III 71 70 I IV I I IV 10 8 2 V 2 2 V 510 473 37 IX 2 2 VI 250 250 VIII 48 48 014 Total IX 7,579 5,805 1,774 III

Group 00 Total 420 418 2 019 Total 23 23 V 23 23 III 9 9 V 84 84 Group 02 Total 110 109 1 VI 173 173 III 49 48 1 VIII 12 12 IX 61 61 IX 142 140 2 Family 020 Total 3 3 Family 000 Total 2 2 III 3 3 IX 2 2 021 Total 56 56 001 Total 184 184 IX 56 56 V ,,12 12 023 Total 45 45 VI 167 167 III 45 45 IX 5 5 029 Total 6 5 1 002 Total 45 45 III 1 1 III 3 3 IX 5 5 V 35 35 VI 2 2 Group 03 Total 594 529 6.'> VII 5 5 V 10 B 2 003 Total 22 22 VIII I 1 IX 583 520 63 V 12 12 IX 10 10 Family 030 Total 333 274 59 004 Total V 10 8 2 VIn 1 1 V IX 322 265 57 OD5 Total 031 Total 122 120 2 V IX 122 120 2 032 Total 21 19 2 007 Total 24 24 21 19 2 III 6 6 IX V 5 5 76 75 VI 4 4 033 Total IX 9 9 IX 76 75 035 26 26 C09 Total Total 141 139 2 IX 26 26 V 18 18 Vin 7 7 039 Total 16 15 IX 116 114 2 IX 16 15 70


Division, Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Family 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5

Group 04 Total 1,263 775 488 Family 059 Total 280 219 61 IV I I V 5 5 V 101 84 17 IX 275 214 61 VIII 30 30 IX 1,131 660 171 Group 06 Total 445 440 5 IX 445 Family 040 Total 387 49 338 440 5 V 40 38 2 Family 060 Total 15 15 IX 347 II 336 IX 15 15 041 Total 83 83 061 Total 393 388 5 10 V 10 393 IX 73 73 IX 388 5 062 Total 17 042 Total 174 128 46 17 IX 17 V 20 18 2 17 IX 154 lID 44 069 Total 20 20 IX 20 20 043 Total 373 365 8 V 20 18 2 Group 07 Total 339 308 31 VIn I I III 5 5 IX 352 346 6 V 96 85 II VI 13 13 37 044 Total 34 3 IX 225 205 20 IX 37 34 3 Family 070 Total 3 3 045 Total 5 5 IX 3 3 IX 5 5 071 Total 228 226 2 046 Total 141 141 III 5 5 V 10 ID V 77 7."> 2 VIII I 1 VI 13 13 IX 130 130 IX 133 133 047 Total 3 2 072 Total 8 8 IV I IX 8 8 V 1 074 Total 2 IX 1 IX 2 049 Total 60 51 9 075 Total 11 VIII 28 28 2 9 IX 32 23 9 V 11 2 9 076 Total 86 Group 05 Total 3,690 2,554 1,136 67 19 V 35 29 6 V 8 /3 IX 3,655 2,525 1,130 IX 78 .~5" 19 079 Family 050 Total 324 276 48 Total IX 324 276 48 IX Group 08 Total 550 509 41 051 Total 625 413 212 IV 8 6 2 IX 625 413 212 V 83 83 IX 459 420 052 Total 2,405 1,636 769 39 V 30 24 6 Family 080 Total 4 4 IX 2,375 1,612 763 IX 4 4 053 Total 56 10 46 081 Total 25 25 IX 56 10 46 IX 25 25 71


Division, Division, Group & Cate~ory Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Family 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Family 082 Total 3 3 Family OX3 Total 32 27 5 IX 3 3 IX 32 27 5

083 Total OX9 Total 49 48 IV V 42 42 IX 7 6 1 084 Total 90 89 J\T 7 6 Dh-ision Total 3,227 3,175 52 V 83 83 III 109 109 IV 21 16 5 085 Total 13 13 V 474 466 8 IX 13 13 VI 380 379 1 VII -197 495 2 086 Total 354 345 9 VIII 274 270 4- IX 1,472 1,440 32 IX 354 345 9 Group 10 Total 1,458 1,440 IS. 087 Total 44 14 30 IX 1,458 1,440 18 IX 44 14 30 Family 100 Total 142 142 089 Total 16 16 IX 142 142 IX 16 16 101 Total 455 440 15 Group 09 Total 224 218 6 IX 455 440 15- III 7 7 V 20 20 102 Total 127 127 VI 64 64 VIII 5 5 IX 127 127 IX 128 122 6 103 Total 54 54 Family 090 Total 96 96 IX 54 54 III 6 6 V 12 12 104 Total 680 677 3 VI 55 55 IX 680 677 3 VIII 1 1 IX 22 22 Group I1 Total 105 105 VII 105 105 091 Total 90 86 4 III 1 Family 110 Total .50 50 V 7 7 VII 50 50 IX 82 78 4 111 Total 55 55 099 Total 38 36 2 VII 55 55 V 1 1 VI 9 9 Group 12 Total 392 390 2 VIII 4 4 VII IX 24 22 2 392 390 2 Family 120 Total 54 54 Group OX Total 790 752 38 V 42 42 VII 54 54 IX 748 710 38 121 Total 120 118 2 Family OXO Total 158 147 II VII 120 118 2 IX 158 147 II 129 Total 218 218 OXI Total 454- 434 20 VII 218 ' 218 IX 454 434 20 Group 13 Total 1,272 1,240 32 OX:; Total 97 95 III 109 109 - IX 97 96 IV 21 16 5 72


Divi~ion, Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Family I 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Group 13-Contd. V 474 466 8 Group 21 Total 472 431 41 VI 380 379 I III 7 6 1 VIII 274 270 4 V 48 46 2 IX 14 14 VI 16 13 3 VII 74 69 5 Family 130 Total 7 7 VIII 11 10 1 III 7 7 IX 316 287 29 131 Total 380 379 Family 210 Total 162 157 5 380 379 V 20 20 VI VI 2 2 495 482 13 VII 27 25 2 133 Total VIII 5 5 IV 21 16 5 IX 108 105 3 V 474 466 8 211 Total 310 274 36 134 Total 274 270 4 III 7 6 1 VIII 274 270 4 V 28 26 2 VI 14 II 3 135 Total 14 14 VII 47 44- 3 VIn 6 5 1 IX 14 14 IX 208 182 26 139 Total 102 102 Group 22 Total 5 5 III 102 102 V 1 1 VII 2 2 Division 2 Total 11,440 11,033 407 IX 2 2 III 246 240 6 IV 2 2 Family 221 Total 3 3 V 1,613 1,605 8 V 1 1 VI 390 381 9 VII 1 I VII 2,763 2,737 26 IX I 1 VIII 707 698 9 IX 5,719 5,370 349 229 Total 2 2 Total 2,264 2,258 6 VII Group 20 IX III 30 30 IV I I Group 28 Total 5,897 5,698 199 V 217 217 VI 30 30 III 131 127 4- IV I 1 VII 1,5~8 1,537 VIII 73 73 V 1,141 1,137 4- IX 375 370 5 VI 255 249 6 VII 835 815 2G· Family 200 Total 2,013 2,009 4 VIn 520 512 B III 29 29 IX 3,014 2,857 157 IV 1 1 V 185 185 Family 280 Total 3,757 3,577 180 VI 28 28 III 98 94 4- VII 1,415 1,414 V 440 436 4- VIII 42 42 VI 169 164 5- IX 313 310 3 VII 494 476 18 VIII 416 409 7 201 Total 235 233 2 IX 2,140 1,998 142 III 1 1 289 Total 2,140 2,121 19 V 32 32 VI 2 2 III 33 33 VII 123 123 IV I 1 VIII 15 15 V 701 701 IX 62 60 2 VI 86 85 1 VII 341 339 2 202 Total 16 16 VIII 104 103 1 VIII 16 16 IX 874 859 15 73


Division, Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Family 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Group 29 Total 2,802 2,641 161 Family 321 Total 285 281 4 III 78 77 1 V 189 185 4 V 206 204 2 VII 96 96 VI 89 89 VII 314 314 329 Total 181 178 3 VIII 103 103 V 171 168 3 IX 2,012 1,854 158 VII 10 10 5,446 474 Family 290 Total 2,802 2,641 161 Group 33 Total 5,920 III 78 77 1 VII 5,920 5,446 474 V 206 204 2 VI 89 89 Family 330 Total 2,759 2,717 42 VII 314 314 VII 2,759 2,717 42 VIII 103 103 IX 2,012 1,854 158 331 Total 3,136 2,704 432 VII 3,136 2,704 432 Division 3 Total 17,483 16,576 907 V 360 353 7 339 Total 25 25 VII 16,945 16,045 900 VII 25 25 VIn 178 178 Group 30 Total 9,480 9,067 413 Group 34 Total 68 62 6 VII 9,480 9,067 413 VII 68 62 6 Family 300 Total 627 621 6 Family 340 Total 67 ·61 6 VII 627 621 6 VII 67 61 6 301 Total 8,853 8,44-6 407 341 Total VII 8,853 8,446 407 VII Group 31 Total 1,506 1,499 7 Division 4 Total 1,319 1,195 124 VII 1,328 1,321 7 III 878 787 91 VIII 178 178 IV 85 58 27 V 38 37 1 Family 310 Total 50 44- 6 VI 13 13 VII 50 44 6 VIII 6 6 IX 299 294- 5 311 Total 5 5 Croup 40 Total 267 216 51 VII 5 5 III 216 177 39 IV 51 39 12 312 Total 42 42 VII 42 42 Family 402 Total 3 3 III 3 3 313 Total 2 2 VII 2 2 403 Total 9 9 III 9 9 314 Total VII 404 Total 175 124 51 90 319 Total 1,406 III 129 39 1,405 IV 46 34 12 VII 1228 1.227 VIII 178 178 409 Total 80 80 Group 32 Total 509 502 7 III 75 75 IV 5 5 V 360 353 7 VII 149 149 Group 41 Total 892 831 61 Family 320 Total 43 43 III 502 462 40 VII 43 43 IV 34 19 15 74

TABLE B-V OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER THAN CULTIVATION INDORE CITY Division, i Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Family , I 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 I Group 41- V 38 37 Group 50 Total 17 10 7 Contd. VI 13 13 VIII 6 () I III 17 10 7 IX 299 294 5 I Family 501 Total 14 Family 410 To~al 45 45 7 7 III 45 45 III 14- 7 7 I 411 Total 149 1~3 26 502 Total 3 3 III 123 III 12 III 3 3 IV 26 12 14 Group 51 Total 4 4 412 Total 661 643 18 VI 4 4 III 297 286 II IV 8 7 1 Family 511 Total 4 4 V 38 37 1 VI 4 VI 13 13 4 () VIII 6 Division 6 Total 4,838 26, IX 299 294- 5 4,812 III 20 20 413 Total 13 13 V 128 127 L 13 13 VI 49 47 2 III VII 90 90 21 17 VIII 4,049 4-,026 23 415 Total 4 IX 502 502 III 21 4 17 Group 63 Total 21 21 3 419 Totai 3 VIII 21 III 3 3 21 Family 630 Total 9 9 Group 42 Total 2 2 VIII 9 III 2 2 9 Famiiy 420 Total 2 2 631 Total 12 12 III 2 2 VIII 12 12 Group 43 Total 30 27 3 Group 64- Total 3,761 3,749 12. III 30 27 3 V 95 94 1 Family 431 Total 29 26 3 VI 27 26 1 III 29 26 3 VII 87 87 VIII 3,077 3,067 10· 432 Total 1 IX 4-75 475 III 1 1 Group 44 Total :28 119 9 Family 641 Total 1,743 1,743 III 128 119 9 V 57 57 VI 18 18 Family 440 Total 48 48 VII 27 27 III 48 48 VIII 1,260 1,260 IX 381 381 441 Total 51 43 8 III 51 43 8 642 Total 40 40 V 1 1 H2 Tmal 26 25 VII 2 ? III 26 25 VIII 37 37 4.19 Tota! 3 3 643 Total 1,107 1,102 5 III 3 3 V 26 25 1 VI 1 :3 6 5 Division Total 21 14 7 VII 9 9 III 17 10 7 VIII 1,012 1,009 3 VI 4 4 IX 54 54 75


Division, I Division, Group & Category Persons Males Group & Category Persons Males Females Family Fem:les ) Family 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4- 5

Family 649 Total a7t 864 7 Family 6at T


Division, Division, Group & Category Persons Males Females IGroup & Category Persons Males Females Family Family 1 2 3 4 5 I 1 2 3 4- 5

Family 790 Total 38 38 I Family 810 Total 189 152 37 V 38 38 IV 34 24 10 V 155 128 27 791 Total 1,106 1,106 VI 1,106 1,106 811 Total 1,092 819 273 IV 173 102 71 792 Total 133 129 4 V 919 717 202 IV 5 5 V 127 123 4- 812 Total 3 3 VIII 1 1 V 3 3 793 Total 7 7 813 Total VI 7 7 V 794 Total 4 4 814 Total 4 4 VI 4 4 V 4 4

799 Total 533 380 153 815 Total 12 10 2 VI 533 380 153 V 12 10 2 Group 80 Total 835 812 23 819 Total 12 11 IV 54 37 17 IV 8 8 V 781 775 6 V 4 3

Family 800 Total 14 14 Group 82 Total 2,745 2,365 380 V 14 14 IV 354 238 lI6 V 1,470 1,307 163 801 Total 246 246 VII 921 820 101 V 246 246 Family 820 Total 626 492 134 802 Total 10 10 IV 149 98 51 V 10 10 V 477 394 83 803 Total 207 206 821 Total 182 161 21 V 207 206 IV 11 10 1 V 171 151 20 804 Total 95 88 7 822 Total 30 22 8 IV 33 26 7 V 62 62 IV 9 2 7 V 21 20 1 805 Total 3 3 823 Total 13 13 V 3 3 V 13 13 806 Total 824 Total 633 591 42 V IV 74 56 18 807 Total V 559 535 24- V 825 Total 42 42 808 Total 161 149 12 IV 2 2 IV 21 11 10 V 40 40 V 140 138 2 826 Total 4 4 809 Total 97 94 3 IV 4 4 V 97 94 3 827 Total 46 46 Group 81 Total 1,313 1,000 313 IV 1 1 IV 215 134 81 V 28 28 V 1,098 866 232 VII 17 17 -79


Division, Division, Graun & Category Persons Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Females Filmily Family 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Family 829 Total 1,169 994 175 Family 856 Total 69 43 26 IV 104 65 39 IV 42 21 21 V 161 126 35 V 27 22 5 VII 904 803 iOl 859 Total 378 223 155- 11 Group 83 Total 197 186 IV 218 99 119 IV 17 14 3 V 160 124 36 V 180 172 8 Group 86 Total 312 277 35- 4 Family 831 . Total 121 117 IV 1+ 3 11 IV 5 5 V 127 115 12 V 116 112 4 VII 99 89 1(} VIII 20 20 832 Total 24 22 2 IX 52 50 2 V 24 22 2 Family 860 Total 123 III 12 833 Total 2 2 IV 3 2 1 IV 2 2 V 47 46 1 VII 59 49 W 834 Total 16 15 VIII 14 14 V 16 15 861 Total 189 166 23- 839 Total 34 30 4 IV 11 1 10 7 3 V 80 69 11 IV 10 40 V 24 23 1 VII 40 'lIn 6 6 50 Group 84 Total 485 109 376 IX 52 2 IV 334 53 281 7 V 151 56 95 Group 87 Total 1,162 1,155 III 22 22 Family 842 Total 482 106 376 V 809 803 6 -48 IV 331 50 281 VI 48 V 151 56 95 VIII 130 130 IX 153 152 843 Total 3 3 IV 3 3 Family 870 Total 262 262 III 15 IS Group 85 Total 1,315 735 580 V 242 242 IV 973 450 523 VIII 5 5 V 342 285 57 871 Total 227 226 1 Fa.;nily 850 Total 723 329 394 V 225 224 IV 678 296 382 VIII 2 2 V 45 33 12 873 Total 14 14 851 Total 66 65 V 14 14 IV 8 8 V 58 57 874 Total 40 40 852 Total 12 11 VI 40 40 IV 2 2 V 10 9 875 Total 6 6 V 6 6 853 Total 29 28 IV 19 18 876 Total 446 HI 5 10 V 10 III 7 7 e55 Total 38 36 2 V 308 303 5 IV 6 6 VI 8 8 V 32 30 2 VIII 123 123 80

TABLE B-V OCGUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX OF PERSONS AT WORK OTHER. THAN CULTIVATION INDORE CITY Division, I Division, Group & Category Persons Males F emak. I Group & Category Persons Males Fema!es Family Family 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Family 879 Total 167 166 Group 91 Total 2,655 1,441 1,214- V 14 14 VI I I IX 153 152 IX 2,654 1,440 1,214 Group 89 Total 9,603 7,571 2,032 Family 910 Total 8 2 6 III 19 17 2 IX 8 2 6 V 808 725 83 VI 1,369 903 466 911 Total 971 632 339 VII 907 866 41 VI I I VIII 717 668 49 IX 970 631 339 IX 5,783 4,392 1,391 912 Total 1,558 805 753 Family 890 Total 1,761 1,687 74 IX 1,558 805 753 III 2 2 V 347 328 19 913 Total 101 101 VI 38 24 14 VII 493 489 4 IX lOl 101 VIII 491 467 24 IX 390 377 13 919 Total 17 2 15 IX 17 2 15 899 Total 7,842 5,884 1,958 III 17 15 2 Group 92 Total 635 627 8 V 461 397 64 IX 635 627 8 VI 1,331 879 452 vn 414 377 37 Family 920 Total 635 627 8 VIII 226 201 25 635 627 '8 IX 5,393 4,015 1,378 IX Group 93 Total 2,383 1,515 868 Division 9 Total 11,349 8,860 2,489 6 3 3 III 58 51 7 III 72() 44 V 310 271 39 V 164 VI 27 22 5 VI 72 66 6 VIII 59 53 6 VII 167 166 1 1,981 1,166 815 VIn 123 117 -6 IX 10,165 7,740 2,425 IX Family 930 Total 6 6 Group 90 Total 3,392 3,368 24 VIII 5 5 III 52 48 4 IX 1 I V 347 342 5 1,515 868 VI 44 43 1 931 Total 2,383 VII 167 166 I III 6 3 3 VIII 62 62 V 310 271 39 IX 2,720 2,707 13 VI 27 22 5 vIII 59 53 6 1,166 815 Family 900 Total 28 28 IX 1,981 IX 28 28 Group 94 Total 811 801 10 901 Tolal 1,921 1,913 8 IX 811 801 10 1,921 1,913 IX 8 Family 940 Total 811 801 10 811 801 10 902 Total 40 40 IX IX 40 40 Group 95 Total 1,164 802 362 IX 1,164 802 362 903 Total 1,403 1,387 16 III 52 48 4 Family 950 Total 1,148 786 362 V 347 342 5 IX 1,148 786 362 VI 44 43 1 VII 167 166 I 16 16 VIII 62 62 951 Total IX 731 . 726 5 IX 16 16 a.t


Division, Division, Group & Category Person' Males Females Group & Category Persons Males Femaies Family Family 2 3 4- 5 2 3 4 5

Group 96 Total 22 21 1 Group X8 Total 163 130 33 IX 22 21 1 III 1 1 Family 960 Total 22 21 IV 4 4 X 22 21 V 4 4 VII 58 189 58 Group 97 Total 189 VIII 1 1 V 107 107 IX 95 67 28 IX 82 82 Family 979 Total 189 189 Family X80 Total 163 !30 33 107 107 V III I 1 IX 82 82 IV 4 4- . Group 99 Total 98 96 2 V 4 4 VIII 2 2 vn 58 58 IX 96 94 2 VIII I 1 IX 95 67 28 Family 990 Total 4 4 IX 4 4 Group X9 Total 23 21 2 999 Tota! 94- 92 2 VUI 2 2 III 20 20 IX 92 90 2 IV 1 VII 1 Division 'X' Total 186 lSI 35 IX I III 2! 20 1 IV 4 4 Family X90 Total 23 21 2 V 4 4 VI 1 III 20 20 VII 59 58 VI 1 I VIII I 1 VII 1 1 IX 96 68 28 IX 1 82



Educational Levels

-----.--...... - ... - .. - .. ---~----- Primary Matricu- Technical or lation or diploma Occupational Age- Total Workers Total Literate Junior Higher not equal Division group Literate (without Basic Secondary to degree No. Workers educational levels)

... ------_.. -- - ... --~--- .. ------... ----- ... -- --.. -_ .. -_ .. _ .. _... _-- P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

ALL- Total 128,855 II5,358 13,497 82,731 3,502 56,994 1,691 8,539 442 II,938 875 317 15, DIVISIONS 0-14 1,481 1,184 297 532 43 485 37 47 5 1 15-34 6+,525 58,517 6,008 44,539 2,183 28,678 881 5,285 258 7,503 699 125 3· 35-59 55,624 49,437 6,187 33,911 1,189 24,636 709 2,978 169 4,226 169 160 11 60+ 7,085 6,089 996 3,627 85 3,086 63 226 9 203 6 30 1. Age not stated 140 131 9 122 2 109 3 6 2

DIVISION Total 9,596 7,549 2,c47 7,051 1,885 1,919 5 0 4 6Q6 341 ' 2,C91: 625 248 I?, '0' 0-14 6 1 5 1 1 15-34 3,690 1,219 680 255 298 191 1,406 490 87 3, 35-59 2,873 628 926 226 278 145 633 131 134 II 60+ 478 37 307 23 29 5 51 3 25 1 Age not stated 4' 2

DIVISION Total 6,308 6,240 68 5,664 54 2,689 1:5 682 I: :1,253 18 29 , I' 0-14 I I 15-34 3,085 26 1,474 5 419 688 10 17 35-59 2,438 26 1,123 10 247 545 6 IO 60+ 138 2 91 16 20 2 2 Age not stated 2

DIVISION Total 12,685 12,239 446 11,590 351 4,793 85 :1, 184 10 4,579 203 9 '2' 0-14 4 4 15-34 6,452 264 2,155 34 624 6 2,889 177 5 35-59 4,764 78 2,357 43 525 4 1,636 26 2 60+ 365 9 274 8 33 54 2 Age not stated 5 3 2

DIVISION Total 19,476 18,375 1,101 15,229 103 11,140 93 :1,770 5 1,854 4 6 '3' 0-14 90 2 79 2 II 15-34 7,079 45 4,579 40 1,044 3 1,160 1 1 35-59 6,790 52 5,330 47 643 2 653 3 5 60+ 1,265 4 1,148 4 72 40 Age not stated 5 4

DIVISION Total 1,878 1,660 218 668 8 524 4: 57 2 64 2 I '4' 0-14 14 13 I· 15-34 338 8 258 4 37 2 30 2 35-59 284 225 17 32 60+ 31 27 2 2 Age not stated 83



Educational Levels

------~------~--~~-~~~~-~-, Non-techni­ University or Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree cal diploma post-graduate ~--___-_-- ____-~ __~ _,._..._.._~--~ not equal to degree other Engineer- Medicine Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others degree than technical ing and dairy- degree ing Age group

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2

49 37 44 4 98 I I Total

0-14 9 2,600 305 III 130 36 22 32 3 40 15-34 13 1,611 118 68 139 13 14 12 I 53 35-59 58 6 6 12 1 5 60+ Age not 2 stated

II ~55 47 86 I Total 0-14 6 922 244 75 126 35 17 32 2 39 15-34- 5 669 103 51 117 12 8 9 43 35-59 44 5 5 12 1 4- 60+ Age not stated

IS ~I 8 3 Total 0-14 444 10 32 4 1 4 1 15-34- 2 463 8 13 17 1 4 3 10 35-59 7 1 1 60+ Age n0t 2 stated

I 53 3 I Total 0-14 777 47 15-34- 241 5 3 35-59 2 1 60+ Age not stated

I 45{ 3 I Total

0-14 293 2 15-34- 156 1 35-59 5 60+ Age not stated

!to Total

0-14 12 15-34 8 2 35-59 60+ Age not stated 84



Educational Levels

----~------~--.-~------Primary Matriculation Technical or Junior or Higher diploma Occupational Age- Total Workers Total Literate Literate Basic Secondary not equal Division group Workers (without to degree No. educational levels) ------_--._--_ ------_-- .. _-----. P M F Iv! F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

DIVISION Total 27 20 7 13 I 10 x 2 '5' 0-14 15-34- 7 4 2 35-59 6 6 60+ Age not stated

DIVISION Total 6,043 6,oxo 33 4,ro 4 12 3,087 I 464 533 II '6' 0-14 13 12 1 15-34 2,417 11 1,678 314 360 10 35-59 1,647 1 1,322 140 170 1 60+ 83 71 9 3 Age not stated 4 4

DIVISION Total 59,005 ' 52,448 6,557 3 x,821 730 27,533 667 3,0°4 56 1,172 7 x8 '7' .. '8' 0-14 310 33 285 30 25 3 15-34 17,989 451 15,183 406 2,020 ' 39 720 6 10 35-59 12,507 229 11,130 219 908 9 424 1 7 ... 60+ 1,007 16 929 12 50 '4 27 1 Age not stated 8 6

DIVISION Total 13,6x6 xo,635 2,981 6,488 356 5,275 32 x 763 27 3 82 5 6 '9' 0-14 94 7 86 5 8 2 15-34 3,464 158 2,658 136 523 17 245. 3 4 35-59 2,578 173 2,203 163 217 8 128 1 2 60+ 259 17 238 16 15 6 1 Age not stated 93 90 3

DIVISION Total 221 X82 39 43 2 24 9 8 'X' 0-14 15-34 18 9 6 3 35-59 24 14 3 5 60+ 1 1 Age not stated 85~



Educational Levels

Non-techni­ University or Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree post-graduate ____- __ ~ ______.______------_------______cal diploma not equal to degree other Veterinary degree than technical Engineering Medicine Agriculture and dairy- Technology Teachir:g Others _ degree ing Age group M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2

I Total

0-14 15-::;4 35-59 60+ Age not stated 80 Total

0-14 65 15-34 15 35-59 60+ Age not- stated

7 4 Total O-H 2 53 I 15-34 5 29 3 35-59 60+ Age not- stated


0-14 34 :2 15-34 28 35-59 60+ Age not- stated.

2 2 Total

0-14 15-34 2 35-59 60+ Age not- stated 90


Principal Work Principal Work Principal Work -,....._~-.~------~--_...._ -----__ ._---_------~-- Additional work Additional work Additional work at household indw,- at homehold indus- I at household indus- try (Division trY (Division try ;Dh'ision & Major Group) M F & Major Group) M F & Major Group) M F ------.-~------~------~------.. ---~----.. ------.. ~ ... ------1 2 3 2 3 2 3 ------.. ------~------.. ---- .. -,..------!"---~ .. - .. ------.. - .. ~.--.. ------~------

P. W. Major ... 20 253 5 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. Division 2 & 3 Group Major Group ... 04 2 Major Group 28 P. Division & 3 W. 2 Division ... 2 & 3 32 5 P. W. Division 9 1,671 1,533 Major Group '" 20 Major Group ... 20 9 2 A. W. Division 0 2 P. W. Major ... 3:!: 134 3 Group 21 3 Major Group 04 2 23 3 Di\'ision 2& 3 29 19 A. W. Division 2& 3 2 27 7 2 Major Group ... 31 2 28 2 Major Group 27 2 4 34 & 35 1 28 23 11 P. W. Major ... 8 I 3 73 38 7 31 3 4 Group ... 34 & 35 1 P. W. Major ... 69 101 5 A. W. Division 0 Group P. W. Major... go 1,671 1,533 Group Major Group ' .. 04 A. W. Division 2& 3 A. Division 0 2 Division 2& 3 Major Group 27 'N. Major Group 04- 2 Major Group '" 20 P. W. Division 7 904 6 Division 2& 3 29 19 P.W. Division ... 4 13°° 350 A. W. Division 2 & 3 2 A. Division 0 2 Major Group 27 2 4· W. 1\fajor Group 20 1 28 23 11 1\f ajor Group ... 04 2 27 1 31 3 4 P.W. Major 70 & 7 1 839 6 ... 34 & 35 1 Division 2& 3 3 Group 23 URBAN 1\lajor Group ... A. W. Division 2 & 3 2 34 & 35 } P_ W. Division 0 1,791 2!l!4 P. W. Major ... 40 I,300 350 IVfajor Group 20 Group 27 A. w. Division 1 Group 10 A. W. Division 0 2 P. W. Division 8 3,960 338 Major 3 Major Group ... 04- 2 A. "VV. Division 0 4 Division 2& 20 Division 2& 3 3 Major Group 04- 4 Major Group 02 Major Group ... 23 2 Division 2& 3 16 P. W. Major ... 499 15· Group 34 & 35 1 Major Group 23 2 P. W. Division ... 5 262 107 27 1 A. \\'. Division 2 & 3 1 A. W. Division 0 1 28 q Major Group 20 1 34 & 3,i. 3 Major Group ... 04. 1 P. W. Major ... 04 0 107 38 I 4 4 P. W· Major ... 51 18 10 Group, 3 7 P. W. Major 80 1,3°7 22 Group Group A. W. Division 1 1 Division 0 Major Group 10 r A. W. A. W. Division 0 Group ... 04 3 Major Major Group 04 3 P. W. Division 2&3 39,757 2,042 P. W. Division ... 6 2,5°7 273 Division 2& 3 11 A. W. Division 2&3 10 2 A. W. Division 0 3 Major Group 23 2 Major Group 22 1 Major Group ... 04 3 28 6 23 2 l' Division 2& 3 36 5 ... 34 & 35 2 27 4 Major Group ... 20 11 2 38 1 30 1 21 3 ... 34 & 35 1 P. W. Major ... 82 302 6g 39 1 23 3 Group 27 8 2 P.W.~jor 20 1,890 llII03· 28 2 A. W. Division 2 & 3 GIrOUP 34 & 35 Major Group 28 2 ~ . \V. Division 2& 3 38 7 ... 34 & 35 Major Group 23 1 P. W. M").jor ... 60--63 107 P. W.Major ... 87 30 3 18 GroQP Group P. W. Major ... 23 23,1B3 950 ' A. W. Division 0 A. W. Division 0 Group 2& 3 7 Major Group ... 04 Major Group 04 1 A. W. Division Major Group 22 1 Division 2& 3 3 Division 2& 3 3 23 2 Major Group ... 20 2 Major Group 27 1 27 1 34 & 35 I 28 2 30 1 & 34 & 35 1 P. W. M"'jor . .. 64 68 2,299 267 P. W.Major ... 88 786 III G.-oap Group 39 1 91


Principal Work Principal Work 1_!rinCi?:'l_~~~~ __ Additional work Additional work Additional work at household indus­ at household indus­ at household indus­ try (Division try ;Division try (Divbion & Major Group) M F & Major Group) M F & Major Group) M F _w-"'_"'_~_"""__"'_I"-_1""_"' _____ "____ " __" ____ ----... ---.. - .. ------..------1 2 3 2 ' 3 2 3 ---.. --... --,.--,.-... --... ------~ ... --.. _--_ ... _--...... ------_-.. _------_ .. ----

P. W. Major ... ll8 I,699 ll61 P. W. Major... &1 3,864 1,509 A. W. Division 2 & 3 4 Group Group P. W. Division 2&3 81 II A. W. Division 2 & 3 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 2 Major Group 27 3 Major Group 27 2 P. W. Division 4 245 P. W.Major ... 34&35 I,llOO 326 P W. 82~ I A. W. Division 1 Group • . MaJor... ~ ll,O:tll 7114 o A. W. Division 2 & 3 Group A. W. Division 2 & 3 2 A. v,. Division 2 & 3 P. W. Division 6 401 Major Group 34 & 35 Major Group 34 & 35 A. W. Division 2 & 3 )3 P. W. Division 0 1 4 4,65 69 P. W. Major... 83 956 50 P. W. Divisiun 8 43 A. "V. Division 2 & 3 2 Group A. '''T. Division 0 Major Group 20 I A. W. Division 2 & 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 P. W. Major ... !~ 4,65! 691 Major Group 23 P. W. Division 9 Group P. W. Major... 87 996 53 A. W. Division 2 & 3 Group A. W. Division 2 & 3 2 A. W. Division 2 & 3 6 3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) Major Group 20 P. W. Division 0 110 26 Major Gronp 23 28 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 P. W. Division 6 37 1 P. W. Division I A. W. Division 2 & 3 P. W. M;ajor ... 88 5,975 1,916 A. W. Division 0 Group Major Group 20 4 P. W. Division 2& 3 883 A. W. Division 2 & 3 22 1 A. W. Division 2 & 3 1 1 Major Group 20 23 P. W. Division 4 ll44 27 1 P. W. Division 9 45 A. W. Division 2 & 3 1 33 1 A. W. Division 2 & 3 P. W' Division 6 60 P. W. Major ... 60&63 101,870 Major Group 20 935 Group 27 A. W. Division 2 & 3 1 1 A. W. Division 2 & 3 31 P. W. Division 8 1,069 II2 Major Group 33 P. W. Major ... 90 A. W. Division 2 & 3 1 P. W. Major ... 64&68 Group Group P. \V. Division 2&3 3 4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) A. W. Division 2 & 3 7 Major Group 20 1 P. W. Division o 1,255 251 27 I Major Group 20 4 31 1 A. W. Division 0 1 2 22 1 A. W. Division 2 & 3 3 23 1 I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) 27 1 P. W. Division ... o l,ll73 212 P. W. Division 2 & 3 35 p. W. Division 8 26,90,2 A. W. Division 0 3 A. W. Division 0 A. "V. Division o 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 Major Group 04 3 P. W. Division 5 49 P. W. Division 4 Division 2 & 3 14 A. W. Division o A. W. Division o 6 Major Group 20 1 P. W. Division 6 548 P. W. Division 23 3 A. \V. Division 0 1 A. ""T. Division 0 27 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 28 5 A. W. Division 2 & 3 11 2 37 1 P. W. Division 8 945 P. W. Division 7 39 1 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Division 2 & 3 P. W. Major... 80 P. W. Division 8 I20 Group •.. A. W. Division 2 & 3 5 A. W. Division 0 A. "V. Division o 3 P. W. Division 9 231 249 A. W. Division 2 & 3 Major Group 04 3 A. W. Division 2 & 3 22 10 P. W. Division 9 743 Division 2 & 3 2 2 Sawer Tahsil (Rural) A. W. Division o Major Group . 27 P. W. Division o 1,679 28 A. VV. Division o 7 A. W. Divi~ion 2 & 3 92



Seeking employment

Age -.0 ____._..0_ ... _ ... --~-----.------... --.-.. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. -- .. - .. - .. - ... --... - .. ----.. - Total unemployed Total 15-19 20-2+ 25-29 30-34 S. Educational levels ]\'0. .. ._------_------...- ... -_------.... _--- __---- .. ~----- __ - P 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 .} 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ------1 Total 2,157 2,077 80 1,075 35 437 G 361 12 120 8 47 2 Illiterate 528 48'3 45 208 16 82 45 6 20 5 17 3 Literate (Without educational level) 1,130 1,IH 16 567 9 278 154 3 62 19 4 Primary or Junior Basic 221 220 127 47 52 14 2 5 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 226 215 11 145 6 27 4 87 16 2 8 6 Technical diploma not equal to degree 3 2 7 Non-Technical diploma not equal to degree 2 8 University degree or post graduate degree other 30 23 2 19 2 9 2 5 than Technical degree ~ 9 Technical degree or diploma equal to de- 17 I4 3 8 2 2 I 3 I 3 gree or post graduate degree-Total 10 Engineering 9 9 3 2 11 },ledicine 7 4 3 4 2 2 12 Agriculture 13 Veterinary and Dairying 14 Technology 15 Teaching 16 Other




RURAL UNEMPLOYED BY _--_-_--_-__ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -~----_--_---._----_-_---_._._-_-__ -_._-__ --~ Total unemployed Literate

Distric t/Tahsil Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 INDORE DISTRICT 89 85 4 22 22 1 Depalpur Tahsil 2 2 2 Sawer Tahsil 10 10 5 5 3 Indore Tahsil 17 17 4 4 4 Mhow Tahsil 60 56 • 4 13 13 93


for the first time Persons employed before but now out of employment and seeking work

I groups Age-groups ----~-... - .. __,,-~-- ... ------_...____------... --_,..---,._------.. -~-----.. ---~------35+ Age not Total 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ Age no t S. stated stated No.

M F M F M F M F M F M F :-'1 F M F 1\1 F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

108 8 2 1,002 45 150 2 208 5 257 12 150 7 172 17 65 2 43 5 275 29 33 41 52 5 50 6 71 16 28 2 43 3 547 7 93 111 152 4 79 79 33 3 12 93 20 29 26 10 5 3 4

7 70 5 4 20 3 21 8 16 ... l 5 6 1 7 3 .J. 9 3 3 3 8

- 1 .. 6 1 3 3 '" 9

6 3 3 10 II 12 :1 13 14 15, 16.



EDUCATIONAL LEVELS ------~------Literate (without educational level) Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation & above ...... _,.------~------.------.------.--~------~------~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 26 25 24 23 17 15 2 2 2 5 5 9 9 2 2 2 2 12 11 20 19 1 15 13 2 94


Total Full time students Household duties Dependents, infants Non-working population and disabled

Total/Rural/Urban Age-group -----....-- -~------Persons Males Females ------.---Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II


Total All ages 477,590 196,843 280,747 79,225 37,894 76 115,628 108,574 125,458 0-14 305,092 159,165 145,927 58,181 32,466 7 5,282 100,788 108,116 15-34 lD6,918 26,817 80,lDl 21,020 5,395 35 70,741 2,764 3,656 35-59 43,686 4,332 39,354 lO' 6 33,752 1,562 4,925' 60 + 21,551 6,398 15,153 17 5,811 3,368 8,625 Age not 343 131 212 24 33 II 42 92 136 stated

Rural All ages 156,646 69,053 87,593 18,884 2,354 3 27,365 49,128 57,395 0-14 119,409 62,396 57,013 15,360 2,199 3 3,784 46,922 50,995 15-34 20,248 4,466 15,782 3,522 155 14,569 665 983 35-59 9,545 786 8,759 6,763 439 1,851 60 + 7,400 1,397 6,003 2,247 1,096 3,532 Age not 44 8 36 2 2 6 34 stated r

Urban All ages 320,944 127,790 193,154 60,341 35,540 73 88,263 59,446 68,063 0-14 185,683 96,769 88,914 42,821 30,267 4 1,498 53,866 57,121 15-34 86,670 22,351 64,319 17,498 5,240 35 56,172 2,099 2,673 35-59 34,141 3,546 '30,595 6 26,989 1,123 3,074 60 + 14,151 5,001 9,150 17 3,564 2,272 5,093 Age not 299 123 176 22 33 11 40 86 lD2 stated I Depalpur Tahsil

Rural All ages 39,525 17,319 22,206 3,911 589 5,774 13,156 15,672 0-14 30,681 15,818 14,863 3,294 576 771 12,508 13,490 15-34 4,468 902 3,566 615 13 3,195 210 318 35-59 2,344 229 2,115 1,536 125 526 60 + 1,992 362 1,630 270 307 1,308 Age not 40 8 32 2 2 6 30 stated 2 Sawer Tahsil

Rural All ages 31,799 14,219 17,580 3,717 374 3 4,599 10,336 12,542 0-14 25,461 13,081 12,380 3,127 349 3 956 9,948 11,074 15-34 3,222 696 2,526 590 25 2,403 68 90 35-59 1,506 151 1,355 934 81 392 60 + 1,606 291 1,315 306 239 f' 002 Age not 4 4 4 stated \'1 :1 . ;:i.. . : i T ,_ :.-" '~Tj;; :~ ,"'; t. Indore Tahsil 3 .-, r Rural All ages 47,656 20,152 27,504 6,046 578 10,902 13,884 15,922 0-14 34,154 18,030 16,124 4,878 528 : 1,040 13,145 14,548 15-34 .. 7,577 1,498 6,079 1,168 50 5,632 259 380 35-59 3,685 219 ' 3;466 2,900 ' 145 548 60 2,240 405 1,835 1,330 335 44S . + ' , . Age not ....at' • stated 4 Mhow Tahsil Rural All ages 37,666 17,363 20,303 5,210 813 6,090 11,752 13,259 0-14 29,113 15,467 13,646 4,061 746 1,017 1l,321 11,883 15-34 4,981 1,370 3,611 1,149 67 3,339 128 195 35-59 2,010 187 1,823 1,393 88 ~85 60 + 1,562 339 1,223 341 215 96 Age not ... stated 95


Retired, rentier or ' Beggars, v,agrants etc. Inmates of Penal, Persons seeking U ncmployed, but independent means Mental and charitable employment for the seeking work Age-group institutions first time ------~------.. ----~-- --~------~------Males Females Males Females Males Felllaies Males Females Males F enl ales 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

INDORE DISTRICT 3,932 886 1,724 725 1,150 72 1,110 39 1,052 45 All ages T 1 1 172 60 16 2 0-14 110 30 435 191 796 38 994 31 663 19 15-34 1,311 347 736 269 295 30 99 7 323 24 35-59 2,510 508 379 204- 43 2 15 1 66 2 60 + 2 1 2 Age not stated

278 228 669 245 6 2 35 4 50 All ages R 111 35 0-14 28 3 168 66 6 2 29 4 48 15-34 81 74 259 71 6 1 35-59 169 151 131 73 1 60 + Age not stated

3,654 658 1,055 480 1,144- 70 1,075 35 1,002 45 All ages U 1 1 61 25 16 2 0-14 82 27 267 125 _ _ 7.9.0 " -", .. ~, ~." 27 615 19 15-34 1,230 273 477 198 " .29S " ";!% ~ 7 322 24- 35-59 2,341 357 248 131 43 2 15 1 65 2 60 + 2 1 :2 Age not stated ;,- , ; , ~ s':f " ", i_ , .~ { ; I Depalpur Tahsil 43 44 207 127 2 All ages R 16 26 0-14 6 1 69 39 ,".. 2 1.5-34 16 20 88 33 35-59 21 23 34 29 60 + Age not stated

It Sawer Tahsil 60 42 92 21 2 5 5 All ages R 3 1 0-14 8 2 23 4 2 3 3 15-34 27 20 40 9 2 1 35-59 25 20 26 7 1 60 + Age not stated

3 Indore Tahsil 47 36 153 66 5 6 11 All ages R 7 8 0-14 49 17 5 6 11 15-34 14 60 18 35-59 33 36 37 23 60 + Age not stated

4 Mhow Tahsil 128 106 217 31 22 4 34 All ages R 85 0-14 14 27 6 18 4 34 15-34 24 34 71 11 4 3'j-,~9 90 72 34 14 60 + Age not stated B.ECONOMIC TABLES


TABLE B-X SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS (i) ENGAGED NEITHER-IN CULTIVATION NOR IN HOUSEHOLD INDUS­ TRY (ii) ENGAGED EITHER IN CULTIVATION OR HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY BUT NOT IN BOTH AND (iii) ENGAGED BOTH IN CULTIVATION AND HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY FOR ALL AREAS (BASED ON 20 % SAMPLE) INDORE DISTRICT Households engaged Households engaged Households engaged Households engaged Total number of neither in cultiva­ in cultivation only in Household in both cultiva­ District/Tahsil household, tion nor household Industry only tion and Household industry Industry

R U R u R U R U R U ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II INDORE DISTRICT 11,053 17,737 4,302 17,101 5,625 208 721 421 405 7 All Rural Areas 11,053 4,302 5,625 721 405 1 Depalpur Tahsil 2,922 972 1,625 208 117 2 Sawer Tahsil .. . 2,330 799 1,273 154 104 3 Indore Tahsil .. . 3,145 1,401 1,505 182 57 4 Mhow Tahsil 2,656 1,130 1,222 177 127 All Urban Areas 17,737 17,IOI 208 421 7

TABLE B-XI SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED IN CULTIVATION CLASSIFIED BY lNTEREST IN LAND AND SIZE OF I.AND CULTIVATED IN RURAL AND U~BAN AREAS SEPARATELY (BASED ON 20 % SAMPLE) Figures 1,2 and 3 in column 1 stand for: 1. Owned or held from Government, 2 Held from private persons or In~titu­ tions for payment in money, kind or share. 3. Partly held from Government and partly from private person~ for payment in money, kind or share. INDORE DISTRICT Households engaged in cultivation by size of land in acres Interest in land No. of Cul­ cultivated tivating Less 1·0- 2 '5- 5'0- 7'5- 10·0- 12'5- 15·0- 30·0- 50 Unspe. households than I 2'4 4'9 7·4 9·9 12·4 14·9 29·9 49.9 & more cified 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Indore District (Rural) Total 6,030 118 403 688 685 520 567 401 1,553 672 415 8 I 4,936 107 366 634 622 435 477 288 1,178 518 303 8 2 212 10 34 35 18 21 23 15 43 -6 7 3 882 1 3 19 45 64 67 98 332 148 105 I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) Total 1,742 31 115 160 153 125 153 105 458 268 172 . 2 I 1,401 26 105 145 139 IO I 126 77 345 209 126 2 2 54 5 7 10 2 5 4 3 11 2 5 3 287 3 5 12 19 23 25 102 57 41 2 Sawer Tahsil (Rural) Total 1,377 36 75 120 128 133 106 106 388 167 11+ 4 1 1,045 32 63 107 114 108 87 62 275 116 77 4 2 55 3 12 7 6 5 7 3 9 I 2 3 277 1 6 8 20 12 41 104 50 35 3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) Total 1,562 22 92 169 200 125 152 114 419 166 103 1 1,342 20 86 l6~. 181,. ,112 131 92 334 139 76 2 40 2 6 4 5 4 8 3 3 180 I 8 9 16 18 77 24 27 4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) Total 1,349 29 121 239 204 137 156 76 288 71 26 2 1 1,148 29 112 219 180 114 133 57 224 54 24 2 2 63 9 13 7 7 7 5 15 3 138 7 ,17 16 16 14 49 17 2 Indore District (Urban) Total 215 16 35 27 21 14 7 50 22 22 1 181 13 34 24 19 12 4 42 13 19 2. 15 3 1 I 2 1 6 I 3 19 ·2 2 2 2 8 3 98


Total of Cultivating Cultivating households 3(cording to number Size ofland Householc,s (Class ranges in acres) H~)Use· Family. Hired holds \Vorker War· House· Family· Houxe· Family· Hired House- Famih- Hired ker, holds \rorkcr hold" \Vorker "Yor· hold~ "'orh:r "York· ker ._--._-'-- er M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 iO II ·,14 - '15.' 16

I~dore District (Rural) All Sizes .. , 5,6~5 8,548 6,377 1,79~ 9~4 . 84~ 8~ 1,879 ,~,(}53 I,5~1 ~,318 4.161 3.386 910 Les~ than I .. , 80 80 32 3 52 48 4- 18 18 17 8 14- 11 2 1'0--2 .-+ 356 388 228 ·8 170 157 13 129 136 118 57 95' 97 4 2'5--+'9 632 738 530 23 198 181 17 280 289 255 147 '252 240 6 5 '0--·7'4 .. , 635 774- 587 37 163 1~4 19 290 309 262 172 298 284 13 7.5--9.9 .,. 479 660 516 40 86 82 4 201 208 182 179 325 280 24 10 '0_12 '4... 534 792 589 80 67 58 9 224 258 171 19 216 392 339 33 12 ·5-H·9 .. . 378 589 416 42 43 42 1 1'48 16{} 124- 12 168 32-1: 234 27 15 '0--29 '9 .. . 1',482. 2,467 1,898 380 117 104 13 466' , 529 3,20 83 770 1,416 1) 171 237 30 '0-49 '9 .. . 646 1,234 958 412 22 21 1 98 ')18 58 20 399 708 525 300 ' 50+ .,. 395 815 612 764 -t- 4 '" 22 26 10 8 201 335 204- 264 Unspecifkd ... 8 11 II 3 2 1 3 2 4 I 2 1

I llepalpur Tahsil (Rural)

All Sizes ... 1,6~5 2,406 1,780 ~77 257 ~o 507 55~ 40 4 58 701 I,~35 1,011 308 Less than I 23 23 5 16 16 4 4 3 1 2 3 2 2 1'0-·-2 '4- 99 105 50 60 ~ 2 28 29 27 11 18 21 2-5···4'9 .. . 148 175 108 8 50 48 2 62 65 53 6 34- 59 50 2 5 '0- -7'4 .. . 143 174- 123 4 H 35 9 62 69 54 1 35 ti5 -53 3 7 '5-9'9 .. . 111 150 111 6 27 27 40 40 36 4- 42 74 67 2 10 '0--12,4 ... 146 196 136 18 22 18 4 74 84 57 7 48 89 73 6' 12 '5-·-14·9 .. . 100 138 113 14 8 7 1 44 42 , 40 6 45 78 64 a 15 '0--29 ·9 .. . 434 670 515 99 40 'j 38 .2 r ~44 164 103 21 230 405 352 69 30 '0--49 ·9 ... , 254 468 370 142 10 ·10 39 47 25 6 167 303 t32 105 50+ 165 305 246 330 9 8 4 6 86 139 96 III Unspecified : .. 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 I

2 Sawe:(' Tahsil (Rural) '. i '1'._ \ All Sizes 1,273 1,953 1,670 .[54 .35 19 424 440 376 546 946 858 Less than I ... 2Q 19 12_ 10 9 1 7 7 7 2 3 , 4 1'0-2.4- 64 70 49 26 22 4 ' 25 26 24 13 22 '21 2'5-4'9 ... 107 119 97 4 31 26 - 5 49 50 46 2 25 . 39 -42 I 5·0-7'4 ... 112 12'7 124- 3 23 20 3 55 55 54 1 32 49 64 2 7'5-9'9 .. . 122 147 124 7 20 18 1 ~O 68 ()9 3 30 54 49 -4. 10'0-12 '4 .. . 101 137 125 8 7 7 46 46 43 3 45 .. 77 '77 4 12 ·5-14'9.. . 100 151 117 4 7 7 44 47 38 3 47 91 73 1 15 -0--29,9 .. . 370 624 522 89 22 19 3 106 115 80 17, 204 371 325 62 30·0-49'9 .. . 164- 309 294 120 4 4 15 15 , 13 2 100 , 161 146 87' 50-1- 109 243 200 202 2 7 11 2 1 48 79 57 61 Un~pecified ... 4. 7 6 3 2 }':':"i' ! •••

:3 Indot-e Tahsil (Rural) All Sizes .. , 1,5(}5 2,391 1,53.1 311 293 18 470 .555 ;329 56 596 1',123 805 246 . Less than 1 .. . 16 16 7 12 1i 1 2 2 . 2 2 3 4 1·0--2'4 .. . 85 96 42 5 49 45 '4 21 23 17 2 15 28 21 3 2 -5-4,9 .. . 166 202 112 6 68 66 2 ' 62 j 68 52 4 34 62 .: 50 2' 5 '0--7'4 .. . 192 236 154 10 64 60 4 73 HI 61 4 53 89 84 5 7 '5.-9'9 '" 124 185 133 10 29 28 1 44 49 36 3 45 ... 86 ·68 6 10 -0-12 ·4 ... 146 234 156 12 26 24 2 55 73 33 4 55 '102 87 8 12 ,5-14,9 ... 2(j, 108 182 104 II 2n ,36 43 28 1 45 93 57 9' 15 -0--29 ·9.. . 407 696 483 III 34 31 3 137 164 81 29 201 390 30,0-49,9 .. . 290 63 161 323 206 95 7 6 1 36 47 16 9 89 170 103 70 ' 50+ 100 221 136 172 2 2 4- 5 3 57 .JOO 41 Unspecified ... 80 99


-----~-~-----.. -~----~------~~--.. -----... -,___~-.. ------... ~~~ 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons U nspecilied Size ofland (Class --~---,._-,..~-.. ------,.._------~-..__ .. - .. ------~~ ranges in acres) House- Family Hired House- Familv Hired House- Family Hired holds 'Yorker 'Yorker holds 'Vorker 'Yorker holds Worker 'Yorker ------,,____.._-_'------M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Indore District (Rural] 459 1,358 1,243 508 38 134 145 188 7 II All Sizes 2 Less than 1 ,I '0--2'4- 5 16 18 2 2'5-{'9 8 22 22 5 1 1 10 1 5 -0--7-4- II 34 37 4 2 11 13 7 '5--9-9 24 82 70 7 2 2 20 10 -0--12'4 19 63 57 3 12 -5--14-9 124- 401 374 4-6 4 17 20 14 15 -0--29-9 126 381 368 92 1 6 6 30-0-49-9 140 353 292 348 28 97 106 144 50+ :.1 6 5 3 Unspecified 1 Dapalpur Tahail (Rural) 12:9 333 3.6 a •• 9 ag 29 4.7 2 AU Sizes 1 Less than 1 1-0_2'4 I 3 3 2-5-4-9 2 5 7 5 -0--7-4 1 3 3 6 5 7-5-9-9 2 5 2 5 10 -0--12-4 3 11 8 12-5--14-9 20 63 58 9 15-0-29-9 38 108 113 31 30·0-49-9 62 135 122 166 8 23 24- 47 50+ Unspecified a Sawer Tahsil (Rural)

~31 386 360 :140 :13 46 57 44 5 ~ All Sizes 1 Less than 1 1-0--2.4- I 4 4 2 -5-4-9 1 3 3 5 -0--7-4 2 7 4 7 -5-9-9 . 2 7 5 10'0-12 ·4 2 6 6 12-5-14-9 37 119 114 10 15,0--29 -9 45 129 135 31 30-0-49-9 39 105 84 96 13 46 57 44 50+ 2 6 5 3 Unspecified

3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) -1:11:0 383 339 1:11 8 37 42 19 All Sizes Less than 1 1-0--2 '4 2 6 8 2-5--4'9 2 6 5 5 ·0-7-{ 5 17 20 5 8 7'5-9-9 10 35 34 10-0-12 -4- 7 26 19 1 12·5-14-9 33 102 97 17 2 9 12 2 15-0-29-9 28 94 80 16 I 6 6 33 30.0-49_9 97 76 75 4- 17 16 17 50+ Unspecified

---~~- 100


Total of Cultivating Cultivating housf'holds according to number Size of land (Class Househald~

ranges in acres) - --~-~.- - ~-- -~~------_ .. -- .__ ------__ ------__ 1 Person 2 Perso~,s 3-5 Persons

------~------~----- ~------.,...... ------.. ------~- House- Family Hired House- Family Haust- Family Hired House- Family Hired holds Worker Wor- ho;ds \Vorker hoJd'$ Worke~ ,\Vor- holds ' 'Warke;' Work_ ------_ __ ker ----~--- kel' -_------er M F M F M F !,,1 F

2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) All Sizes 1,222 1,798 1,394 296 182 157 25 478 506 412 38 "475 857· ,12 134 Less than I 21 22 8 14 12 2 5 5 5 2 5 I 1·0--2 ·4 108 117 87 3 35 32 3 55 58 50 2 18 27 34 1 2 ·5-{·9 211 242 213 3 49 41 8 107 106 104 4 54 92 98 I 5 ,0--7,4 188 237 186 20 32 29 3 100 104 93 3 52 95 83 :3 7 '5--9·9 122 178 148 17 10 9 I 47 51 41 2 62 III 96 12 10 ,0-12,4 141 225 172 42 12 9 3 49 55- 38 5 68 134 102 15 12 ·5-14,9 70 118 82 13 8 8 24 28 18 2 31 62 40 9 15·0-29'9 271 477 378 81 21 16 5 79 86 56 16 135 250 204 43 30·0-49'9 67 134 88 55 1 1 8 9 4 3 43 74 44 38 50+ 21 46 30 60 2 2 1 I 10 17 10 12 Unspecified 2 2. 2. 2 2. 2. Indore District (Urban) . , ,< All Si-zes 208 2 85 I'I7 193 61 54 7 52 57 a9 18 75 I20 68 92 Lf'sS than 1 1'0-2 - 1 .4- 16 13 10 4 6 4 2 9 8 8 2 1 "', 2 2 '5-4·9 33 40 21 10 12 12 13 14 9 3 8 14 12 7 5·0-7·4 26 30 13 16 13 11 2 4 5 3 7 11 6 6, 7 ·5-9·9 21 39 31 13 5 4 1 4 4 2 2 6 12 11 1 10 ·0-12'4 14 20 5 1 6 5 5 7 2, 3 8 2 12 '5~14'9 7 10 11 15 3 3 1 ~ 2 3 3, 2 15 ·0-29'9 48 78 33 48 U 10 11 12 3 7 20 36 18" 22 30·0~49·9 21 25 16 28 3 3 .. 4 3 2. 3 12 15 11 18 50+ 22 30 7 58 '2 2 1 "2 . .. 16 2(j 5'" 34 Unspecified t ..... " 101


of persons engaged in Cultivation

----~------_.. ------_------~---- .... - ... - .. - ... ---... - .. ------_ - 6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified Size of land (Class -----.:;---... ------_----_-_ ------,.....__------_-----_------ranges In acres) House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired holds Worker \Vorker holds \Vorker \Vorker holds ''Vorker \Vorker ,..------,..._....._------M F M F M F

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural)

79 256 228 46 8 22 17 78 All Sizes Less than 1 1·0-2'4- 1 3 3 2 ,5--4,9 3 8 7 4 10 5 ,0--7,4 3 7 10 3 7 '5--9,9 10 35 29 2 2 2 20 10'0-12'4- 7 20 24 2 12 '5--1;4'9 34 117 105 10 2 8 8 12 15 '0--29'9 15 50 40 14 30 ,0--49'9 6 16 10 II 3 11 9 36 50+ Unspecified

Indore Diliitrict (Urban)

11 4B 32 49 3 6 II 34 All Siz~s Less than 1 1'0--2 -4- 2 ,5--4,9 2 3 2 10 5 '0--7'4 6 19 17 10 7.5--9.9 10 ·0-12·4- 1 2 8 13 12 ,5-14,9 5 17 8 13 1 3 3 6 15 '0-29'9 • 2 4 3 7 30 '0-49"9 2 5 2 9 15 50+ Unspecified 102

I-I~ I

0'"1 o+ c'"l -

o:lCOU") .. ,

leo I .. '0 ...... 0" E ::l Z


'~ .. --

U") o 0 o C<") "1 ~~~ o :I C'l '~e ~C!) 103


Total Households engaged in Housd101d lnl:t:,ll, accOId­ number ing to the number of Person. engaged Code No. of Household Industry (Division and Major Total of 1. S. I. c. Group only ofISIC.) Rural House­ 2 3--5 G--I0 ~10l" '-' ll- Urban holds Per&on Persons Persons Persons than l\J speci- .__ ~p_c_r;on~_~ 2 __•______~ __~3 ___ _ 5 6 7 8 y 10 All Household Industries T X,X4~ 50 7 397 205 28 4 I R 721 30 4 258 I39 I8 2 U 421 203 l39 66 10 2 I Division 0 Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing ar:d T 58 33 17 7 I Hunting R 50 31 15 3 1 U 8 2 2 -l- Major- 04 Livestock and hunting T 58 33 17 7 Group R 50 31 15 3 U 8 2 -t Division 2 & 3 Manufacturing T 1.084 474 380 I~8 27 4 R '671 273 243 136 17 2 U 413 201 IS7 62 10 2 Major- 20 Food Stuffs T 82 32 31 18 1 Group R 46 17 18 10 I U 36 15 13 8 21 Beverages T 1 1 R I 1 U 22 Tobacco Products T 27 13 12 R U 27 13 12 1 23 Textile-Cotton T 74 26 23 21 3 R 23 6 8 9 L' 51 20 15 12 3 24 Textile-Jute T 7 2 3 I 1 R :; 3 1 U 2 25 Textile-Wool T 2 R 2 U 27 Textile Miscellaneous T 152 81 53 17 R 74 34 29 11 U 78 47 24 6 I 28 Ma~ufacture of Wood and Wooden Products T 249 114 84 43 8 R 169 84 ' 53 28 4 U 80 30 31 15 4 29 Paper and Papcr product~ T 3 2 R U 3 2 31 Leather and Leather Products T 216 95 74 41 6 R 181 72 67 36 6 U 35 23 7 5 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products T 1 1 R U 1 1 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products T 13 8 3 2 R U 13 8 3 2 34 Non-Metallic Mineral products other than Pertro- IT 107 20 48 32 5 2 & 35 leum and Coal R 95 19 40 29 5 2 U 12 1 8 3 36 Basic Metals and their products except machinery T 75 44 21 10 and transport equipment R 45 27 12 6 U 30 17 9 4 37 Machinery (all kinds other than Transport) and T 1 1 Electrical equipment R U 1 1 38 Transport Equipment T 6 4 2 R 5 4 I U 1 1 39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries T 68 31 25 10 2 R 25 9 II 5 U 43 22 14 5 2 104




Code Household Industry minor group Number of Code Household Industry minor group Number of No. of (Description) Households No. of (Description) Households LS.I.C. LS.I.C. T R U T R U

2 3 4 5 ______2______3~ __~4~~5~ All Household Industries 7'·1.I 4U 241. 0 Jute spinning and weaving of mats,... 4 4 040.1 Rearing of goat for milk and animal 25 asanics etc. power 244.1 Making of rope and cordage outof '" 040.2 Rearing of buffalo for milk and 3 hemp. animal power 244.2 Making of rope and cordage out of 2 2 040.3 Rearing of cows for milk and animal ... 3 2 jute power 255·0 ''''ea\'ing of woolen cloth in hand­ 2 2 040.5 Production and rearing of live~tock ... 15 13 2 looms such as blankets, rug3, etc. mainly for milk and animal power 270. I Making of durriei not elsewhere classified 272.4 Manufacture of hosiery and other 041. 1 Sheep breeding and rearing knitted fabrics and garments not 043.1 Poultry keeping and production of 8 7 elsewhere classified eggs 272.5 Lace garland making 1 1 043 . 2 Rearing and production of uucks, hens ... 2 2 272·8 Making of other embroidery pro­ 1 1 etc. and other small bircls ... g duct. not elsewhere classified pigeons, parrots, peacock, Maina etc. 273.1 Making of cap, hat and other 3 3 head-gear 200.1 Production of flour by village cha­ 9 7 2 kkie~ or flour mill by grinding wheat, 273.2 Traditional garments 70 70 maize, gram etc 273.4 Making of textile garments includ­ 71 71 200.4 Grinding of chillies, turmeric etc. I 1 ing rain-coat. and headgears not elsewhere classified 200.6 Parching of grains 17 5 12 274. I Weaving of Khes, bedcovers, cur­ 206.0 Production of butter, cream, ghee, B B 1 cheese, chhana, khowa and other tains, pillow case! etc. dairy products 274.3 Manufacturing of other made up 2 2 textile goods like mattress, quilt 207.0 Oil pressing ghani, Kolhu, at: by 13 II 2 small machines etc. not elsewhere classified 209. 1 Confectionery 275.0 Manufacture of waterproof textile 1 products such as oil doth, tar­ 209.2 Making of sweet-meats, laddu, peda, 18 II 7 paulin etc. barphi, batasa etc. 280.0 Sawing, planing and milling of wood 2 209.3 Sattu, bhunja, paper, barri, danauri .,. 2 4 4 281.0 -Manufacture of wooden furniture tilauri, sewai, aplam etc. • 1 and fixtures 209.4 Making afchura or chira, Muri, 5 2 3 murki, khoi 282.0 Manufacture of structural wooden 17 8 , 9 goods such as beams, posts, doors, 209.5 Making of chat 4, 4 windows 209,6 l\1:aking of dalmot, chanajor g-aram, 2 2 283.1 Carpentary works concerned with 71 ,3 rewari etc. repairs of agricultural implements 216.0 Production of ice-cream, ice-candy (wood) . or Kulphi malai, milk shake etc. 284.3 Manufacture of wooden toys 1 1 220.0 Manufacture of bidi 27 27 ' 284.9 Manufacture of other wooden 12 8 - 4 230.0 Cotton ginning, cleaning, carding 15 7 8 products not elsewhere classified pressing and baling. 288. I Making of box from moonj grass 1 I 231. 0 Cotton spinning (by charkha & 2 tak1i) 288.3 Making of mats, handfans and 33 33 umbrellas from palm leaves 233. 1 Dyeing of cloth (cotton) and yarn 23 6 17 288.5 Making of b asketa and broom sticki 79 24 55 234.0 Cotton cloth weaving lU power 1 looms 288'6 Making of donal and pattals 18 18 from leaves 235.0 Cotton cloth weaving in hand looms ... 25 7 IS 288.7 Canning of chair. 3 3 237.0 Printing of cloth (cotton) 5 2 3 288.8 Making of chicks, khas khas 2 2 239.2 Making of thread, rope, cordage 3 3 tatties and fans IIticks and poles and twine (cotton) from bamboo 105


(BASED ON 20 % SAMPLE) Part B-Households classified by minor groups of Principal Housl'hold Industry


Code Household Industrv miner group Number of Code Household Industry minor group Number of No. of (Description) Households No. of (Description) Households I.S.I.C. I.S.I.C. T R U T R u 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

288.9 Manufacture of other articles from leaf,... 5 4 365.2 Making of brassware 8 8 cane, bamboo, cork and other allied products not elsewhere classified 365.4 Making of brass and bell metal ornaments 289.3 Making of Cart wheels 367. 1 Making of tin utensils ... 292.3 Making of kite I I 292.7 Making of paper flowers etc. 2 2 368.3 Engraving, embossing, polishing 310.2 Currying, tanning and finishing of 3 2· and welding of metal products hides and skins, preparation of fini- 369.1 Manufacture of agricultural imple- ... 41 40 shed leather ments such as plough share, khurpi 311. I Making of leather boots, shoes or 164 133 PI kudal etc. chappals 369.4 Making and repairing oflocks and .. , 4 4 313.0 lV[anufacture of leather products such trunks as leather upholstery, suitcases, pocket 369.5 Cutlery books, cigarette and key cases, pur­ ses, saddlery, whip, acquaducts, 369.8 Foundry, Indu


Cultivating Households engaged in --~-~-~-~--~- .. ------... ------.. ~------.. - --- ... - .. ------~-- Total of cultivating 1 Person 2 l)eIsons 3-5 Persons Households which are ----- ,.__ .. _-_ .. _-- _-----_-_-__ ... -----_ .. _ ------_-- .. ------Size of land engaged m Household Industry (clas> ranges in acres) -_-_-_---_-_------House- Family Hired House- Familv House- Family Hired House- FamIly Hired holds workers workers holds worker's holds workt'rs workers bolds workers workers ------_ ----~ .. --. ~~-----.. ~ ------_ M F 1\1 F M F M F 2 3 .J: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Indore District (Rural) All sizes 40 5 693 54 0 152 46 43 :> 105 II3 91 6 :1:02 369 317 66 Less than 38 51 33 1 13 13 13 15 11 11 19 21 1 '0-2'.J: .J.7 63 52 2 10 9 16 17 15 20 33 34 2 2 '5--l:'9 56 88 61 5 13 13 16 19 11 2 24 44 42 3 5 ·0-7·.J: 50 79 65 14 3 2 16 17 15 26 44- 39 5 7'5-9'9 41 60 55 6 2 1 16 16 H- Z 22 39 37 4 10 '0-12 ,4 33 56 45 6 4 4 12 13 \ 10 11 19 20 I 12 ';5-B·9 23 40 33 4 b 6 6 16 30 25 4 15 '0-29·9 71 146 113 51 10 10 9 +6 92 70 17 30 '0-+9,9 26 6-! -!9 21 13 25 16 9 50 ..;- 20 46 3-1- 42 13 24 13 21 Unspecified I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural)

All shes II7 179 136 55 16 15 1 30 30 '1.7 3 60 104 86 3 1 Less than 8 8 7 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 1 '0-2 .-! 16 22 14 4 4 7 7 7 5 11 7 2 '5-4'9 12 15 7 2 5 5 3 4 2 4 6 5 2 5'0-7'{ 10 14 11 2 1 3 3 3 5 10 7 7'5-9'9 14 19 15 5 6 5 5 2 8 14 10 3 10 ·O-I::!·4 7 11 7 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 12 '5-14·9 5 8 8 1 1 1 4 7 7 15 '0-29·9 24 44 37 14 4 '4 3 16 28 26 7 30 '0-49·9 14 30 22 12 10 18 12 9 50 + 7 8 8 22 5 6 6 10 Unspecifed 2 Sawer Tahsil (Rural) All sizes ... 104 IS'}. I5I 34 II II :1:5 :l:S 22 55 96 92 IS', Less than 1 16 25 14 1 6 6 4 5 3 5 10 10 1·0-2·4 11 15 12 1 2 2 5 5 5 3 4 5 1 2 ·j-el-·9 ... 13 22 19 1 2 2 3 4 2 7 II 14 1 5 '0-7 ·4 ... 16 23 23 13 1 1 1 1 1 12 18 20 4 7'5-9·9 11 19 16 1 4 5 3 6 10 10 1 10 '0-12·4 ... 5 6 7 3 3 ::; 2 3 4 12 '5-14·9 ... 6 11 6 3 3 3 3 8 3 15 '0-29·9 ... 18 37 35 7 2 2 2 14 25 23 7 30 '0-49,9 ... 3 10 10 3 50 -'- 5 14 9 7 3 7 3 4, U1lspe~ified ... 3 Indore 'absil (Rural) All sizes _.. 57 II6 72 32 5 5 13 16 10 '}.S 57 36 10, Less than 1 6 Ii 5 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 '0-2 '4 7 10 8 1 1 2 3 1 { 6 7 2'5-4·9 ... 3 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 5 -0-7 ·4 ... 8 18 11 4 4 4 2 4 2 7-5-9'9 ... 1 2 2 1 2 2 10·0-12·4 ... 6 14 8 3 2 4 2 4 3 12 '5-14·9 ... 6 12 10 3 5 8 8 3 15 ·0-29·9 ... 12 28 16 18 2 2 2 7 16 7 2 30 '0-49·9 ... 5 14 9 3 2 6 2 50 + 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 Unspecified 107


Household Industry

6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons ------UNSPECIFIED ----,....._..._------~------~------_-,...__------Size of land (class ranges in acres) House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Honse- Family workers Hired holds workers holds workers holds workers ..---._ ,...._-_----- ~----,.___,..__ M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Indore District (Rural)

47 146 106 64 5 22 2 3 16 All sizes 1 4 1 I Less than 1 1 4 2 1 '0-2 ·4 3 12 8 2 '5-4,9 5 16 10 9 5 '0-7 ·4 1 4 3 7 '5-9,9 6 20 15 4 10 '0-12·4- 1 4 2 12 ,5-14,9 11 31 24 17 3 12 10 16 15 ,0-29,9 13 39 33 12 30 ,0-49'9 5 12 8 21 2 10 13 50 + Unspecified

I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural)

II 3 0 22 21 All sizes Less than 1 1 '0-2 ·4 2 ,5-4,9 5 ,0-7,4 7 '5-9 ·9 4 2 10 '0-12·4 12 ,5-14,9 4 12 8 6 15 ,0-29'9 4- 12 10 3 30,0-49 ·9 2 2 2 12 50 + Unspecified

2 Sawer Tahsil (Rural)

~. 41: 32 1:6 1 6 5 All sizes 1 4 1 1 Less than 1 1 4 2 1 '0-2 '4 1 5 3 2'5-4·9 2 3 2 9 5 '0-7 ·4 1 4 3 7 '5-9 ·9 10 ,0-12,4 12'5-14·9 1 4 5 6 5 15 ·0-29·9 3 10 10 3 30 ,0-49,9 2 7 6 3 50 + Unspecified 3 Indore' Tahsil (Rural) 9 32 21 6 2 6 5 16 All sizes Less than 1 1 '0-2 '4 2 '5-4,9 2 10 5 5 '0-7 ·4 7 '5-9'9 2 6 5 3 10 ,0-12,4 1 4 2 12 '5-H'9 1 4 2 2 6 5 16 15'0-29·9 3 8 7 3 30 ,0-49,9 50 + Unspecified 108


Cultivating Households engaged in

Total of cultivating 1 Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons Households which are Size of land engaged in Household (class ranges in acres) Industry

House- Family Hired House- Familv House- Familv ,Hired House- Family Hired holds workers workers holds worker~ holds worke;s workers holds worke-rs workers

,..~.--~~. - .. _. ._ __ ... --~--~ ---_---_ ... - M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

4 Mbow Tahsil (Rural)

All Sizes ... 127 216 181 3 1 14 12 2 37 39 32 3 59 Il2 103 7 Less than 1 8 12 7 2 2 3 4 2 3 6 5 1 '0-2 ·4 13 16 18 1 3 2 2 2 ~ 8 12 15 2'5-4·9 .. . 28 47 3{ 2 4 4 10 II 7 2 12 25 22 5 ,0-7'4 .. . 16 24 20 8 9 7 7 12 10 7'5-9·9 .. . 15 20 22 2 1 6 6 6 7 13 15 10 '0-12 '4 .. . 15 25 23 3 2 2 4 3 4 6 10 11 1 12 '5-14'9 .. . 6 9 9 1 2 2 2 4 7 7 1 IS '0-29 '9 .. . 17 37 25 12 2 2 2 9 23 14 1 30 '0-49'9 .. . 4 10 8 3 1 1 2 50 + 5 16 15 9 2 3 2 3 Unspecified Indore District (Urban) All Sizes ... 7 12 6 13 3 3 ... 4 I Less'than 1 1 1 1'0-2'4 2· 5-4,9 .. . 2 2 2 2 5 '0-7'4 .. . 1 I 2 2 7 '5-9,9 .. . 10 '0-12'4 .. . 12 '5-14',9 .. . 15 '0-29'9 .. . 2 5 4 12 30 '0-49,9 .. . 1 3 1 3 50 + Unspecified ... 109


Household Industry ------~------,.___._----... ------... ---_----_-----_------6-10 Persons More than 10 Persons UNSPECIFIED

Size of land (class ranges in acres)

House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family -Hired holds Workers workers holds workers workers holds workers worker~ ------.. --_-.. --- M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 :L3 24 25 26 27 28

4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural)

15 43 3 1 21 10 13 All Sizes Less than 1 1-0-2 '4 2 7 5 2 ,5-4·9 3 3 5 '0-7·4 7 '5-9·9 3 10 8 10 '0-12,4 12 '5-14'9 5 11 9 11 -15 ~O-29-'9' 3 9 6 3 30 ,0-49,9 I 3 ti 2 10 - 13 .- 50 + Unspecified Indore District (Urban) I 4 4 I :I 12 All Sizes Less than 1'0-2 ·4 2 '5-4-9 5 '0-7,4 7 '5-9'9 10 '0-12 ·4 12 '5-14'9 12 15 '0-29'9 30 '0-49'9 50 + Unspecified llO

TABLE SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFlED BY DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN (BASED ON Note-(i) In column 3, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and (ii) For descriptions of Divisions and Major Groups, INDORE

Household Total Total 1 to :3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry S. Rural ------.. ~------.....__~------No. (Division and Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group holds -~---- workers holds ----~- workers holds ~.-~---- worken only) M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 1 All Industries T 1,554 2,165 1,260 255 31 44 38 16 139 187 130 48 2 (a) 412 705 546 165 18 30 29 16 62 95 78 29 3 (b) , ,1,142 1,460 714 , 90 13 14 9 77 92 52 19 4 R 1,126 1,650 96B 221 27 40 34 16 117 159 lIB 36 5 (a) 405 693 540 152 18 30 29 16 60 93 76 17 6 (b) 721 957 42B 69 9 10 5 57 66 42 19 7 U 42B 515 292 34 4 4 4 22 28 12 12 8 (a) 7 12 6 13 2 2 2 12 , (b) 421 503 286 21 4 4 4 20 26 10 1 Divillion 0 ... T 174 275 199 27 3 4 4 2 (a) 116 210 173 23 3 4 4 3 (b) 58 65 26 4 4- R 165 261 194 27 :3 4 4 5 (a) 115 209 173 23 3 4 4 6 (b) 50 52 21 4 7 U 9 14 5 8 (a) 1 1 9 (b) 8 13 5 1 Major Group 00 T 1 1 2 1 2 (a) 1 1 2 1 3 R 1 2 1 4 ( a) 1 2 1 1 Major Group 02 T 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 ( a) 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 R 2' 3 3 2 3 3 'i (a) 2 3 3 2 3 3 i Major Group 04 T 171 271 194 26 1 2 (a) 113 206 168 22 1 3 (b) 58 65 26 4

B-XVI OF'WORK IN A "YEAR AND TOTAL NUMBER. OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN ALL AREAS 20 % SAMPLE) (b) for "without cultivation". Appendix I to Explanatory Note may be seen. DISTRICT

7 to 9 l\1onths 10 Months to I year Month not stated ------~------..-- ... - ... ------~------~--~----~--- ... ------_ .. ------~---~---.. -,.--.. - ... - .. - .. --.. ------~- S. Hous(" Family Workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired No.

~--.------workers holds holds ~ .. -~- .. ------workers holds workers M F M F ------M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 116 158 106 17 1,191 1,666 905 138 77 110 81 36 1 25 41 33 1 268 479 350 86 39 60 56 33 2 91 117 73 16 923 1,187 555 52 38 50 25 3 3 80 104 69 17 835 1,253 674 117 67 94 73 35 4- 24 37 29 I 264 473 350 85 39 60 56 33 5 56 67 40 16 571 780 324 32 28 34 17 2 6 36 54 37 356 413 231 21 10 16 8 7 I 4 4 4 6 I 8 35 50 33 352 407 231 20 10 16 8 9 3 4 3 159 257 182 24- 9 10 10 3 1 2 3 2 106 196 161 20 5 7 6 3 2 1 1 1 53 61 21 4- 4- 3 4- 3 3 4 3 150 243 177 24 9 10 10 3 4- 2 3 2 105 195 161 20 5 7 6 3 5 1 1 1 45 48 16 4 4 3 4 6 9 14 5 7 1 I 8 8 13 5 9 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 4- 1 2 ·3 4- 3 4 3 159 257 182 24 8 9 8 2 I 2 3 2 106 196 161 20 4 6 4 2 2 1 I I 53 61 21 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 ISO 243 177 24 8 9 8 2 4- 2 3 2 105 195 161 20 4 6 4- 2 5 J 1 1 45 48 16 4 4 3 4- 6- 9 14 5 7 1 1 8 8 13 5 9 113 154 103 17 1,032 1,409 723 114 68 100 71 33 1 23 38 31 I 162 283 189 66 34 53 50 30 2 90 116 72 16 870 1,126 534 48 34 47 21 3 3 77 10O 66 17 685 1,010 497 93 58 84 63 32 4- 22 34 27 I 159 278 189 65 34 53 50 30 5 55 66 39 16 526 732 308 28 24 31 13 2 6 56 54 37 347 399 226 21 10 16 8 7 1 4 4 3 5 1 8 35 50 33 344 394 226 20 10 16 8 9 4 7 4 97 145 77 50 29 42 43 28 I 28 56 38 38 26 39 42 28 2 4 7 4 69 89 39 12 3 3 1 3 2 3 65 104 60 50 28 41 42 28 4 28 56 38 38 26 39 42 28 5 2 3 37 48 22 12 2 2 6 2 4 4 32 41 17 7 2 4 4 32 41 17 8 112

TABLE SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHU~D INDUSTRY CLASSWIED 8Y DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN (BASED ON Note-(i) In Column 3, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and (ii) For descriptions of Divisions and Major Groups INDORE

Household Total Total I to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months S. Industry Rural .. -r-"-"--~-"-"-·-"-"-"'-~-"-----"- ..-.. - .. -'l----.. --...______-~-....___ .. ----..--- ... ------"'_--- .. _--- ... ------No. (Division and Urban Hou~e- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major group holds ,..~----~---... ~ workers holds -~--~----~-- workers holds .--~_-----~ worken only) M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Major group 21 T I 3 1 1 3 2 (b) 1 3 1 1 3 3 R 1 3 1 1 3 1 4- (b\ 1 3 1 1 3 1 I Major group 22 T 27 12 34 1 1 2 (b) 27 12 34 1 I' 3 U 27 12 3'1- 1 1 1 4 (b) 27 12 34 1 1 1 1 Major group 23 T 77 120 66 4 1 9 16 7 2 (a) 3 4 4 2 2 2 .3 (b) 74 116 62 4 7 14 5 4- R 26 41 18 2 6 6 6 .'> (a) 3 4 4 2 "2 2 6 (b) 23 37 14 2 4 4 4- 7 U 51 79 48 2 3 10 1 :a (b) 51 79 48 2 3 10 1" 1 Major group 24- T 8 14 8 :2 (a) 1 1 1 3 (b) 7 13 7 ~ R 6 10 7 .5 (a) 1 1 1 <6 (b) 5 9 6 7 U 2 4 9 (b) 2 1: I Major group 25 T 5 8 9 2 5 3 3 3 6 2 (al 3 6 6 2 f> 3 I 1 3 :3 (b) 2 2 3 2 2 3 4- R 5 8 9 ... 2 5 3 3 3 6 5 (a) 3 6 6 2 5 3 1 1 3 06 (b) 2 2 3 2 2 3

1 Major group 27 T 171 199 112 8 6 6 7 2 (a) 19 36 23 7 1 1 I .3 (b) 152 163 89 1 5 5 () 4 R 93 134 55 8 2 3 04- .5 (a) 19 36 23 7 1 1 1 1) (b) 74 98 32 1 1 2 3 7 U 78 65 57 4 3 3 3 (b) 78 65 57 4 3 3 1 Major group 28 T 310 397 237 22 5 7 6 36 36 35 :2 (a) 61 98 64 17 4 6 5 7 11 II 3 (b) 249 299 173 5 1 1 1 29 25 24 4 R 230 304- . 161 22 5 7 6 32 30 32 5 (a) 61 98 64 17 4 6 5 7 11 11 -6 (b) 169 206 97 5 1 1 1 25 19 21 7 U 80 93 76 4- 6 3 ~ (b) 80 93 76 4 6 3 1 Major group 29 T 3 3 1 10 2 (b) 3 3 I 10 3 U 3 3 IO 4 (b) 3 3 10 113

B~XVI OF WORK IN A 'YEAR AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN ALL ARE AS-Contd. 20 % SAMPLE) (b) For "without cultivation". Appendix I to Explanatory Note may be seen. DISTRICT

7 to 9 Months 10 Months to I year l\10nth not stated ____ r_ ..___ ~ __ - ... __ ,..__ .. ~----.. ___ .. ---.. - ... _ ... _ ... - .. _ ... _ ... - .. _ .. _ .. - .. - ____ "'-~"-_"_~"_ ... ___.. --- ..-r---""_"_ ... ___ .. _ .._ ... _ .. _ .. ______..___ .. _ S. HOll- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired No. seholds -----_-_-----_-_ workers holds _-_-_----- workers holds ------,.._.__ workers M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 2 3 -4 1 23 10 30 1 1 23 10 30 2 1 23 10 30 1 3 1 23 10 30 1 <4- 11 24 22 53 74 35 4 3 6 I 1 2 2 2 10 22 20 53 74 35 4 3 6 ~ 2 4 3 18 31 9 2 4 1 2 2 5 1 2 1 18 31 9 2 6 9 20 19 35 43 26 2 3 6 1 7 9 20 19 35 43 26 2 3 6 1 8 8 - 14 8 1 1 1 1 2 7 13 7 3 6 10 7 4 1 1 1 5 5 9 6 6 2 4 7 2 4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 7 2 150 176 98 7 7 9 4 1 16 31 19 6 1 3 2 2 7 7 2 134 145 79 1 6 6 2 3 2 2 81 119 45 7 7 9 4 4 16 31 19 6 1 3 2 5 2 2 65 88 26 1 6 6 2 6 5 5 69 57 53 7 5 5 69 57 53 8 17 19 15 3 241 324 173 16 II 11 8 2 I 4 5 5 42 70 41 14 4 6 2 2 2 13 14 10 3 199 254 132 2 7 5 6 3 13 15 10 3 171 242 108 16 9 10 5 2 4 4 5 5 42 70 41 14 4 6 2 2 5 9 10 5 3 129 172 67 2 5 4 3 6 4 4 5 70 82 65 2 3 7 4 4 5 70 82 65 2 3 8 3 3 10 1 3 3 10 2 3 3 10 3 3 3 10 4 114

TABLE SAMPLE PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD 1NDUSTRY CLASSIF1ED BY DURATION HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN (BASED ON .Note-(i) In column 3, tal stands for "with cultivation" and (ii) For descriptions of Divisions and Major Groups, INDORE

Household Total Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months "'_"'_"_"_-_"--l"'-"_"'--"-!"--"_"_ ... -_ .. _ ... - S. Industry Rural ~-"-"-"'-"----"'-"-"-"'--"--"'-"-"------_-_ .. _- _ --- .. .. _- ----~--, No. (Division and Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major Group holds .. - .. - .. - .. - ... --.. ---~ workers holds ---- .. _ .. _--- workers holds ------.--- -~.- - workers only) M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 Major Group. 31 T 273 376 208 4 7 8 3 18 24 9 2 (a) 57 94 67 8 13 4 3 (b) 216 282 141 4 7 8 3 10 11 5 4 R 236 329 201 2 7 8 3 16 22 8 5 (a) 55 92 67 8 13 4 6 (b) 181 237 134 2 7 8 3 8 9 4 7 U 37 47 7 2 2 2 8 (a) 2 2 9 (b) 35 45 7 2 2 "

1 Major Group. 32 T 2 (b) 3 U 4 (b)

1 Major Group. 33 T 13 15 8 1 2 (b) 13 15 8 1 3 U 13 15 8 1 1 4 (b) 13 15 8 1 1

1 Major Group. 34 T 26 31 20 38 5 10 2 27 2 (a) 1 1 12 . I 1 12: 3 (b) 25 30 20 26 4 9 2 15- 4 R 21 26 15 26 4 9 2 15· 5 (b) 21 26 15 26 4 9 2 15· 6 U 5 5 5 12 1 12 7 (a) 1 1 12 1 12- 8 (b) 4 4 5 1 Major Group. 35 T 112 IS8 109 17 3 6 4 10 17 10 2. 2 (a) 30 ~4 37 4- 2 3 3 5 9 6 3 (b) 82 1 4 72 13 1 3 1 5 8 4 2 4 R 103 171 103 17 2 3 3 9 16 8 2_ 5 (a) 29 53 35 4 2 3 3 4 8 4 6 (b) 74 118 68 13 5 8 4 2_ 7 U 9 17 6 3 1 1 2 8 (a) 1 1 2 1 1 2 9 (b) 8 16 4 3 1 Major Group. 36 T 98 145 35 7' 11 18 10 4 2 (a) 23 34 29 4 7 12 10 2 3 (b) 75 III 6 3 4 6 2- 4 R 68 99 33 7 10 17 10 4· 5 (a) 23 34 29 4 7 12 10 Z 6 (b) 45 65 4 3 3 5 2. 7 U 30 46 2 8 (b) 30 46 2

1 Major Group. 37 T 1 1 1 2 (b) 1 1 1 3 U 1 . 1 4 (b) 1 1 ...... 115

B-XVI OF WORK IN A YEAR AND TOTAL NUMBER OF WORKERS ENGAGED IN ALL ARE AS-Contd. 20 % SAMPLE) (b) For "without cultivation". Appendix I to Explanatory Note may be seen. DISTRICT

7 to 9 Months 10 Months to 1 year Month not stated --~-~-~-.-.-~---~------~------~ ... ---.. -~----- ...-- .. - .. - .. - .. ------.. --.. ~------~------House- Family Workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired s. holds _------_- workers hoMs ... - ... ----... -~ .. -- workers holds -1"----- ... ----- wor- No. M F M F M F kers 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

11 14- 8 234 325 185 4 3 5 3 1 2 5 3 45 72 57 2 4 3 2· 9 9 5 189 253 128 4 1 1 3 7 10 8 203 284 179 2 3 5 3 4 2 5 3 43 70 57 2 4 3 5 5 5 . 5 160 214 122 2 1 1 6 4 4 31 41 6 2 7 2 2 8 4 4 29 39 6 2 9

1 1 I 2 1 3 4

2 2 10 13 7 1 2 2 10 13 7 2 2 2 10 13 7 3 2 2 10 13 7 4

8 8 9 11 13 13 9 1 2 8 8 9 11 13 13 9 3 7 7 8 11 10 10 5 4 7 7 8 11 10 10 5 5 3 3 4 6 7 3 3 4 8 40 56 33 3 50 93 .53 10 9 16 9 2 1 13 20 16 1 9 21 11 3 1 1 1 2 "27 36 17 2 41 72 42 7 8 15 8 2 3 37 51 32 3 46 85 51 10 9 16 9 2 4 13 20 16 1 9 21 11 3 1 1 1 5 24 31 16 2 37 64 40 7 8 15 8 2 6 3 5 4 8 2 7 8 3 5 4 8 2 9 7 9 78 113 24 3 2 5 I 2 2 14 20 18 2 2 5 7 64 93 6 1 2 5 3 5 6 52 74 22 3 I 2 4 2 2 14 20 18 2 5 3 4 38 54 4 1 2 6 2 3 26 39 2 3 7 2 3 26 39 2 3 8



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Educational Levels Total Population Illiterate Literate (without ---_.. --_-_ Age-group education level) Primary or Junior Matriculation and Basic above ------_------Persons Males Females ------Males Females ------Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

AU A,e. 753,594 400,470 353,1114 198,015 1167,464 153,3117 7°,9118 11111,336 8,404 116,79111 6,3118

0--4 119,543 61,315 58,228 61,315 58,228

5--9 111,224 58,158 53,066 35,934 39,025 22,134 13,982 90 59

10-14 85,444 46,403 39,041 9,865 18,755 31,682 17,796 4,796 2,431 60 59

15-19 66,159 35,672 30,487 9,203 17,970 16,502 8,621 6,272 2,241 3,695 1,655

20-24 66,474 34,011 32,463 10,212 21,659 13,516 7,536 3,007 1,193 7,276 2,075

25-29 61,269 31,406 29,863 11,430 21,496 13,194 6,416 2,104 851 4,678 1,100

30·34 53,363 28,448 24,915 11,451 18,881 12,333 4,849 1,669 606 2,995 579

35-44 82,292 45,796 36,496 19,815 28,982 19,768 6,236 2,198 658 4,015 620

45·59 69,826 40,322 29,504 18,971 25,005 16,702 4,001 1,632 296 3,017 202

60 + 37,511 18,673 18,838 9,695 17,286 7,374 1,452 563 63 1,04-1 37 Age not 489 266 223 124 177 122 39 5 6 15 stated 124

I"I~ .. • oj ., , 6 " .:. I I,·· t: . If ....'" 1 I o l~ 1 :- ._ '_ I l~ I 1 I~ [til ... O')~--r-o<.C __ 6 :tn~~~;:J:~N 1 -..- t~ o r t( 1 ~ .. :ca t~ !

C') t("

~ ~'" ieo 6 !- ...."

:N ._ '_ 125


Total Rural Urban Language ---______--,__... __ ,. __... - --... --____ ~_ ... ______---... -1'"-----"'_... _------Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Afl!,han/ Kabuli/ Pakhto 19 22 40 18 22 Pa,htoj Pathani 2 Alabic/Arbi 82 37 45 15 3 12 67 34 33 3 Assamese 31 25 6 31 25 6 4 Awadhi 4 4 3 3 5 Baghelkhandi 15 12 3 15 12 3 () Balochi/ Baluchi 27 12 15 27 12 15 7 Banjari 33 32 1 33 32 8 Bengali 842 490 352 13 9 4 829 481 348 9 Bhili 80 42 38 78 40 38 2 2 10 Bhojpuri 5 3 2 5 3 2 II Bhoyari 8 3 5 8 3 5 12 Bihari 17 9 8 17 9 8 13 Bori 10 3 7 10 3 7 14 Braj Bhasha/Braj Bhakha 47 25 22 35 22 13 12 3 9 15 Bundelkhandi 1,093 616 477 936 521 415 157 95 62 16 Burgandi 224 113 111 148 76 72 76 37 39 17 Burmese 10 5 5 10 5 5 18 Chhattisgarhi 11 7 4 5 2 3 6 5 1 19 Chinese/Chini 8 4 4 8 4 4- 20 Coorgi/Kodagu 5 4 1 5 4 1 21 Dangi 3 3 3 3 22 Derawal 2 2 2 2 23 Deswali 2 2 2 2 24 Dogri 136 101 35 135 100 35 25 Dutch 1 26 English 518 231 287 27 12 15 491 219 272 27 French 18 1 17 18 1 17 28 Garhwa1i 49 36 13 11 8 3 38 28 10 29 German 31 11 20 2 2 29 9 20 30 Goane~e 58 30 28 58 30 28 31 Gondi 117 60 57 39 21 18 78 39 39 32 Gorkhali 43 25 18 42 25 17 33 Gujarati 10,566 5,619 4,947 772 375 397 9,794 5,244 4,550 34 Gurmukhi :132 171 161 2 2 330 169 161 35 Hindi 465,948 246,291 219,657 184,191 95,601 88,590 281,757 150,690 131,067 36 Hungarian 3 3 3 3 37 Irani! Iranian 1 1 38 Irish 3 3 3 3 39 J ati 10 9 10 9 40 Jodhpuri 1 1 1 41 Kachchhi 164 83 81 21 9 12 143 74 69 42 Kaikadi 2 2 2 2 43 Kannada 250 145 105 9 6 3 241 139 102 44 Kashmiri 39 31 8 38 30 8 • 45 Kathiyawadi 12 5 7 12 5 7 126


Total Rural Urban Language -.-... ~-.. --.. ---.. ----~-- ... _---_------~_----- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

~6 Khandeshi 3 3 3 3 47 Konkani 90 31 59 22 16 6 68 15 53 48 Koshti-Marathi 1 1 1 1 49 Lushai/Mizo 3 3 3 3 50 Magari 20 7 13 20 7 13 51 Maithili 5 5 5 5 52 Malabar 8 5 3 8 5 3 53 Malayalam 1,015 539 476 83 83 932 456 476 54 Malyi 102,197 52,545 49,652 97,723 49,782 47,941 4,474 2,763 1,711 55 Manipuri(Meithei 2 2 2 2 56 Marathi 62,228 35,970 26,258 1,944- 1,021 923 60,284 34,949 25,335 57 Marwari 7,123 3,819 3,304 4,64-9 2,512 2,137 2,474 1,307 1,167 58 Mewari 214 131 83 70 34 36 144 97 47 59 Multani 63 34 _29 63 34- 29 60 Nepali 393 288 105 14 13 I 379 275 104- 61 Nimadi 844 426 418 663 339 324 181 87 94- 62 Oriya 105 84- 21 35 34- I 70 50 20 63 Pahari-Unspecified 16 16 16 16 64 Paradhi 28 15 13 28 15 13 65 Pasi 2 2 2 2 66 Persian 1 1 67 Portuguese 23 11 12 23 II 12 68 Punjabi 9,824 5,391 4,433 389 219 170 9,4-35 5,172 4,263 69 Purbi 474 274 200 254 142 112 220 132 88 70 Rajasthani 1,702 888 814 795 396 399 907 492 415 71 Russian I 1 1 72 Sansi I 1 73 Santali I I I I 74 Sindhi 23,809 12,268 11,541 683 351 332 23,126 11,917 11,209 75 Tamil 1,463 925 538 32 22 10 1,431 903 528 76 Telugu 724 389 335 68 17 51 656 372 284 77 Tulu 13 5 8 13 5 8 78 Urdu 60,296 32,080 28,216 7,707 4,128 3,579 52,589 27,952 24,637

J: Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) 2 Sawer Tahsil (Rural) -~-.-.-.. -~-.. ----.. -----.. - .. ------.. ----... -I"--.. - ... --~-... -._ ----.. ---~ ... - .. ------,.._.._,,-----,.._------.. ----_ S. S. Mother tongue Persons Males Females Mother Tongue Persons Males Females No. No.

- .. --~----.. ---,..- -____ .... ------~----- ... -----.. ---.. - .. -----... - ... ---I"------... - .. --... - ... -I"-.. - ______2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

~-~-~- ... _~ - - ...... - ... -,..._-~ ------_--~------.. ------.. --.. - .. ---.. -----.. --.. - .. --... --.. - ... ---... - .. -~~ .. .. _,.._.--,..._ .. I Hindi 45,439 23,546 21,893 1 Malyi 42,542 21,779 20,763 2 Malyi 28,363 14,107 14,256 2 Hindi 19,895 10,026 9,869 3 Urdu 3,156 1,617 1,539 3 Marwari 2,143 1,170 973 -4, Marwari 1,986 1,061 925 4 Urdu 429 224 205 5 Marathi 119 61 58 5 Marathi 177 88 89 6 Bundelkhandi 6 Bundelkhandi 54 9 25 7 Others 797 422 375 7 Others 757 383 374- ___o._o. ____ !'---_- __..______.. _.. _~ __. - ... _.. _~-... _-~--_-----~----.. - ... _,,_--.. - ... -_----.. - 3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) 4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) ______.. _o._ .. _ .. ___.. _____.. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... - .. - ... - .. _-_-----_--p.---- "'-... ---_ .. -_ 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 ------_-_---- .. _ .. ---.------.. _ .. _.. _~--.. _ .. ---.. - .. - ... - .. ---.. - --.. ---- .. _-_------_---_ .. _----_.. _------1 Hindi 76,394- 39,841 36,553 1 Hindi 42,463 22188 20,275 2 Malvi 4,634 2,152 2,482 2 Malyi 22,184- 11,744- 10,440 3 Urdu 1,937 1,052 885 3 Urdu 2,185 1,235 950 Bundelkhandi 662 366 296 4 Marathi 1,063 537 526 '"5 Marathi 585 335 250 5 Bundelkhandi 220 126 94 6 Marwari 396 226 170 6 Marwari 124 55 69 7 Others 615 412 203 7 Others 2,192 1,091 1,101 127


Total ' Total Hindu Muslim Jain DistrictfTah,il Rural ---~--~-- ... - ... ---... - .. ---- .. --.. - ----_-_----- .. --_ --~-.. ---... - .. - ... -~ ... - --... ------Urban Persons Males Female. Males Females Main Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

Indore Distdct Total 753,5M 400,470 353,I!14 343,120 300,883 40 ,627 37,737 9,916 8,828

Rural 301:,51I 1:55,873 1:45,638 1:43,942 1:34,353 10,652 10,415 582 541:

Urban 452 ,0113 244,597 207,486 199,178 166,530 29,975 27,322 9,334 8,287 Depalpur Tahsil Rural 79,860 40,814 39,046 37,112 35,545 3,469 3,291 224 201 2 Sawer Tahsil Rural 65,997 33,699 32,298 31,175 29,950 2,287 2,140 125 143 3 Indore Tah.,il Rural 85,223 44,384 40,839 41,152 38,017 2,854 "2,596 169 153 4 Mhow Tah,il Rural 70,431 36,976 33,455 34,503 30,841 2,042 2,388 64 44


Total Sikh Christian Buddhist Other religiors ____ .. ______o __ Distri-::lfTahsil Rural - .. ~-... - .. - .. ---.. ---.. - -~-----.. ---- _- -- ... - .. - .. - .. ---.. - .. ~- ... - Urban Males Females l\1:lks Females Males Females Males Female.- 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Indore District Total 3,146 2,385 2,622 2,277 789 721 250 293

Rural 207 134 481 1:76 9 18

Urban 2,939 2,251 2,141 2,:101 780 70 3 250 292 ! Depaiptlr Tahsil Rural 9 8

2 Sawer Tahsil Rural 84 45 28 9 II 3 Indore Tahsil Rural 84 62 125 11

4 Mhow Tab~il Rural 30 19 328 156 9 7 128

TABLE SCHEDULED CASTES AND PART A-Classif'ication by Literacyand Indulitrial Category


District/Tahsil Total Total Illiterate Literate and Total \,\'orkeri As Cultivator Rural Educated Urban Persons

... ~------~---~- .------.. ~--- _--_-- P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Indore District T 102,651 52,945 49,7°6 38,564 47,511 14,381 2,195 28,411 16,90 7 4,054 2,g04 R 56 ,350 28,582 lZ7,768 24,108 lZ7,493 4,474 275 17,013 13,336 3,S93 lZ,a75 U 46,301 lZ4,363 21,938 14,456 lZo,018 9,g07 I,92O 1I,3g8 3,571 6I 29 I Depalpur Tabil R 15,010 7,700 7,310 6,809 7,257 891 53 1-,633 3,725 1.199 820 2 Sawer Tahsil R 16,429 8,202 8,227 7,029 8,143 1,173 79 4,966 4,328 1,103 1,052 3 Indore Tahsil R 15,805 7,956 7,849 6,622 7.811 1,334 38 4,819 3,335 1,080 592 4 Mhow Tahsil R 9,106 1-,724 4,382 3,648 4,277 1,076 105 2,.~95 1,948 611 1- I I

TABLE SCHEDULED CASTES AND PART B-Classif'ication by Literacy and Industrial Category of Workers

W 0 R K ------I II III In Mining, Quarrying, Live- Total Total Illiterate Literate ami Total As As stock, Forestry, Diltrict/Tah5il Rural Educated \'\'orkers Cultivator Agricultural Fishing, Hunting, Urban Persons Labo'lrer and Plantation, Orchards and alli- ed acti\'ities '"' ---- ,.....__ .. ------__ ~---- _------P M F M F M F M F M F --M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

Indore District Total 462 26lZ 200 214 196 48 4 156 97 2I IS 62 47 25 IO Rural 30I 17° I31: I51 131 I9 "3 73 21 I5 61 47 23 10 Urban 16I 92 69 63 65 29 4 43 24 I 2 1 Depalpur Tah;il Rural 2 Sawer Tahsil Rural 51 24 27 23 27 12 16 11 16 3 Indore Tahsil Rural 52 26 26 19 26 7 22 IS 2 4 13 9 4 2 4 MhowTahsil Rural 198 120 78 109 78 11 79 42 19 II 37 22 19 8 12~

C- VIII SCHEDULED TRIBES of workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Castes


II III IV V VI VII VIn IX X In Mining O_uarning, In T.lvestocl<, In In Trans­ As Forestr> , At Manufactu­ In Trade port, In Other Total Agricultural­ Fishing, Hun­ Household ring other Constr- & Com­ Storage Services Non-Workers Rural Labourer ting and PI an­ Industry than House­ uction merce and Urban tation,Orcl,. hold Industry Commu­ ards and nication allied activities

M F M F M F M F M F M F M Ii 1\1 F M F ------14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

8,3ltO 1,535 1,677 5.974 753 1,012 346 486 1 9 1 708 40 2,474 24,534 32,799 T 8,277 1,424 1,142 464 85 245 38 79 8 113 I 72 9 11,569 14,432 R 43 III 21 535 5,510 668 767308 407 183 595 39 3,259 1,745 12.965 18,367 U 2,311 2,434 311 27 480 299 38 7 19 5 II 8 256 132 3,067 3,585 R 1 2,358 2,789 593 20 -489 268 21 97 21 32 2 22 251 176 3,236 3,899 R 2 2,219 2,070 408 132 495 311 256 76 51 2 24 3 25 261 149 3,137 4,514 R 3 874 984 112 2 339 264 149 2 78 10 12 3 58 362 272 2,129 2,434 R 4

C-VIII SCHEDULED TRIBES and Non-workers among Scheduled Tribes

ERS ----~--~ .. -~- ... ----... - ... - ... ------... ----... ------.. --.-.. ------~---~ .. ------IV V VI VII YIII IX X

In Manufac­ In Trans­ T,)taJ At House­ turing other than In In Trade port, Storage In Other I'I on-V\' orkers Rural hold Industry Household Construction and Commerce and CommunIca­ Services Urban Industry tion

M F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

8 3 I 22 I II 106 103 Total 3 5 57 58 Rural 8 2lt I 6 49 45 Urban Rural 12 II Rural 3 4 II Rural 3 -41 36 Rural 130



Enumerated in Rural or Urban area of the District Country, State and District where born Total Rural Urban

Persons ~Ia1es Females Persuns Males Females Persuns Males Females

2 3 4 'i 6 789 10

-- ---~------~---~~-~--

TOTAL POPULATION 753,594 353,124 301 ,5 I1 I55,873 452 ,c83

A-Born in India 733,584 343,884 I55,7c8 43 2 ,338 233·SS2 198,346 (I) 'Vithin the S tate of enu- 635,810 301,975 H9,136 346,166 184,6S9 161,467 meration (a) Born in place· of enu­ 4-13,743 260,604 183,139 188,070 119,747 68,323 255,6i3 140,857 114,816 meration (b) Born elsewhere in dIS­ 85,805 27,338 58,467 66,369 18,600 47,769 19,436 8,738 10,698 trict of Enumeration (c) Born in other districts of 106,262 45,893 60,369 35,205 10,789 24,416 71,057 35,104 35,953 the State (i) Born in districts conti­ 55,104 20.080 35,024 29,496 8,505 20,991 25,608 11,575 14,033 guous to I nelDl e DIstrict

(I) UjjainDistrict 17,520 5,981 11,539 9,085 2,464 6,621 8,435 3,517 4,918

(2) Dhar District 14,964 5,396 9,568 8,857 2,590 6,267 6,107 2,806 3,301

(3) 14,015 5,000 9,015 8,218 2,145 6,073 5,797 2.855 2,942

(4) "-est :\"imar District 8,605 3,703 4,90L 3,336 1,306 2,030 5,209 2,297 2,872

(It) N,m-contiguous districts 51,158 25,813 25,345 5,709 2,284 3,425 45,449 23,529 21,S20 of the State

(II) States in India beyond 97,774 55,865 11,602 . 86,172 the State of Enumeration ANDHRA PRADESH 843 449 394 45 29 16 798 420 378 BIHAR 368 228 140 45 44 323 '184 139 MAHARA 5HTRA 20,838 10,530 10,308 719 339 380 20,119 10,191 9,928 ORISS.-\ 129 102 27 49 43 6 80 59 21 RAJASTH.\N 34,403 19,405 14,998 8,317 4,566 3.751 26,086 14,839 11,247 UTTAR PRADESH 25,169 15,732 9,437 1,809 1,118 691 23,360 14,614 8,746 ASSAM 71 58 13 71 58 13 6,276 3,245 3,031 199 lOG 93 6,077 3,139 2,938 JAMMU AND KASHMIR 330 240 90 27 26 303 214 89 KERALA 795 554 241 95 95 700 459 241 M.\J)RAS 688 401 287 30 18 12 658 383 275, MYSORE 501 348 153 37 29 8 464 319 145 PU:\"JAR 5,587 3,625 1.962 190 132 58 5,397 3,493 1,904. WESTBEl\;GAL 538 279 259 8 G 2 530 273 257 DELHI 970 511 459 27 17 10 943 494 449 HLM.\CH.\L PRADESH 65 62 3 65 62 3 TRIPL'RA I A2\'Dl\[AN NICOBAR ... I 1 GOA 201 95 106 4 3 197 92 105

B-Born 1n countries in Asia 8,833 149 74 18,86:1 10,102 8,759 beyond India (including U.S.S. R.) AFGANISTAN 33 23 10 33 23 10 BURMA 86 46 40 3 2 83 44 39 131



Enumerated in Rural and Urban area of the District ~---.--_. _____~ ____----"'______""- ______""______~-__---- __ f'-- __'" Country, State and District Total Rural Urban -...---p.-p.-. -...-...... -,.___ ... -.,..__---- where born -----~-... - ... _____..- ... ~-.. --- ... --... ------~------,.--~----~---- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CEYLON 8 5 3 8 5 3 CHINA 7 3 4 7 3 4 NEPAL 360 288 72 19 19 341 269 72 PAKISTAN 18,544 9,869 8,675 201 128 73 18,343 9,741 8,602 JAPAN 1 1 1 INDONASIA 5 4 5 4 ARABIA 2 2 2 2 IRAN 13 7 6 13 7 6 IRAQ 1 1 1 MALAYA 22 7 15 22 7 IS BHUTAN 1 PHILIPINES ISLANDS C-Countries in Europe excluding 63 20 43 .. 4 59 16 43 U.S. S.R. e.K. 12 7 5 II 6 5 GERMANY 28 10 18 2 2 26 8 18 FRANCE 21 3 18 20 2 18 SWITZERLAND I HOLLAND

D- Co untries in Mrica 49 22 27 r x 48 22 26 Countries not stated 49 22 27 48 22 26

E-Countries in America 22 10 12 2 r I 20 9 XI CANADA 6 6 6 6 U.S.A. 16 10 6 2 14 9 5

F -Countries in Australasia 10 4 6 2 2 8 2 6 AUSTRALIA 9 4 5 2 2 7 2 5 NEWZELAND 1

G-Born in transit I I I I

H-Unclassifiable 781 462 3 x9 33 9 24 748 453 295



Households in Census houses used as Total Tenure Total ---,..------.. -.-~--,..__----- District/Tahsil/City Rural status No. of Dwelling Shop--cum- Workshop -cum- Dwelling with Urban households dwelling dwelling other uses 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Indore District Total Total !lI9,086 !lI7,994 51B 567 7 Owned 14,050 13,393 :;z63 391 3 Rented 15,036 14,601 255 176 4 Rural Total II,!lIB6 10,BI:;Z 145 322 7 Owned 9,907 9.495 u3 296 3 Rented 1,379 1,317 32 26 4 Urban Total 17,800 17,182 373 245 Owned 4,143 3,898 150 95 Rented 13,657 13,lII84 21113 150 Depalpur Tahsil ... Total Total 3,182 2,941 82 159 Owned 2,801 2,598 63 140 Rented 381 343 19 19 Rural Total 2,996 2,783 71 142 Owned 2,668 2,489 54 125 Rented 328 294 17 17 Urban Total 186 158 11 17 Owned 133 109 9 15 Rented 53 49 2 2

1 Sawer Tahsil Total Total 2,544 2,374 29 141 Owned 2,284 2,132 21 131 Rented 260 242 8 10 Rural . Total 2,369 2,224 17 128 Owned 2,170 2,038 1O 122 Rented 199 186 7 6 Urban Total 175 150 12 13 Owned 114 94 II 9 Rented 61 56 I 4,

3 Indore Tahsil Total Total 18,848 18,229 378 234 7 Owned 6,337 6,076 162 96 3 Rented 12,51I 12,153 216 138 -4 Rural Total 3,244- 3,142 57 38 7 Owned 2,825 2,738 49 35 3 Rented 419 404 8 3 4 Urban Total 15,604 15,087 321 196 Owned 3,5J2 3,338 113 61 Rented 12,092 11,749 208 135

Indore City (Municipal Urban Total 15,604- 15,087 321 196 Corporation) Owned 3,512 3,338 1I3 61 Rented 12,092 11,749 208 135

4 Mhow Tahsil D9tal Total 4,512 4,450 29 33 Owned 2,628 2,587 17 24 Rented 1,884 1,863 12 9

Rural Total 2,677 2,663 14 Owned 2,244- 2,230 14 Rented 433 433

Urban Total 1,835 1,787 29 19 Owned 384 357 17 10 Rented 1,451 1,430 12 9 '137


Division, Number offactories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of ISIC power used Total Person Peuons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rural Divisionll & 3 Total 3,076 I,I95 III I (Manufacturing) I All fuels 164 67 93 4 (a) Electricity 29 17 12 (b) Liquid fuel 135 50 81 4 (c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse (d) Other power II No power 2,912 1,778 1,102 19 12 Urban Total 4,lI3 0 I,983 I,807 lI37 IlI8 44 IS I6 I All fuels 841 229 403 97 56 27 14 15 (a) Electricity 800 219 381 95 56 27 13 !> (b) Liquid fuel 30 9 19 2 (c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse 7 6 (d) Other power 4 1 3 II No power 3,389 1,754 1,404 140 72 17 Rural Division II Total I,44I 837 sSg I3 I I All fuels 163 66 93 4 (a) Electricity 28 16 12 (b) Liquid fuel 135 50 81 4 (c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse (d) ether power II No power 1,278 771 496 9 Urban Total 2,256 1,026 1,014 126 58 18 4 10 I All fuels 499 183 225 50 21 8 3 9 (a) Electricity 463 173 205 48 21 8 3 5 (b) Liquid fuel 28 9 17 2 (c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse 4 4 (d) Other power 4 1 3 II Nopower 1,757 843 789 76 37 10 Rural Major Group Total 333 I60 I69 4 lIO I All fuels 146 61 83 2 (a) Electricity 22 14 8 (b) Liquid fuel 124 47 75 2 II No power 187 99 86 2 Urban Total 9l1B 359 466 711 lIO 5 4- I All fuels 330 148 143 25 7 2 4 (a) Electricity 307 140 128 25 7 2 4 (b) Liquid fuel 23 8 15 II No power 598 211 323 47 13 3 Rural Minor Group Total 146 60 84 2 200 I Allfue1s 145 60 83 2 (a) Electricity 22 14 8 (b) Liquid fuel 123 46 75 2 II No power I 1 138


Division, ','; um ber of factories and w'orkshops by size cf employment Major Group Kind offuel ~- -~ ------_-­ ~--- _-_---. _ ..... --_.------_",----- __ ------_--,.- .. _.. -----_ .. _---_,.___- .. __ '"- and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISle power used Total r ~ crSOn Persons Persons Persons PeIsons Persons sons and above :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---_--- Urban Total 314 165 134 10 4 I All fuels 280 145 121 9 4 (a) Electricity 258 138 106 9 4 (b) Llquidfud 22 7 15 II No power 34· 20 13 Ru.ral Minor Group ;otal 2 2 202 II Ko power 2 2 Urban Total 4 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 Urban Minor Group Total 203 II Nopower Rural :Minor Group Total 2 I 205 II Nopower 2 Urban Total 52 13 29 4- 5 1 I All fuels 4 1 2 1 (a) Electricity 4 1 -2 1 II No power 43 13 29 3 3 Rural Minor Group Total 44- 14 30 206 II No power 44 14 30 Urban Total 12 5 7 I All fuels 6 1 5 (a) Electricity 6 1 5 II No power 6 4 2 Rural Minor Group Total 51 39 10 2 207 I All fuels 1 (b) Liquidfud I II No power 50 33 IO 2 Urban Tot.ll 52 13 21 14 3· I All fuels 37 2 17 14 3 (a) Electricity 36 1 17 14 3 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No power 15 I1 4 139


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offue! ~---.----~-.---.------~------~------,..______------_--..______---_ and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISle power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l() Urban Minor Group Total 208 I All fuels I 1 (a) Electricity I 1 Rural Minor Group Total 88 44 44 209 II No power 88 44 44 Urban Total 492 161 2iZ 44 10 3 2 I All fuels 2 1 (a) Electricity :2 1 II No power 490 161 272 43 10 3 Urban

:Major Group Total 28 7 ~9 :I J: 21 I All fuels 24 4 18 fa) Electricity 20 3 15 d) Other power 4- 1 3 II No power 4- 3 Urban Minor Group Total 13 2 10 214 I All fuels 11 9 1 (a) Electricity 7 6 I (d) Other power 4- 3 II No power 2 1 Urban Minor Group Total 4: 3 215 I All fuels 4 3 (a) Electricity 4 3 Urban Minor Group Total 11 5 6 216 I All fuels 9 3 6 (a) Electricity 9 3 6 II No power 2 2 Rural :Major Group Total 1 1 Il!il II No power

Urban Total 15 4 3 2 4 2 II No power 15 4 3 2 4- 2 Rural Minor Group Total 1 220 II No power 140


~ivision, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment MaJor Group Kind of fuel -~-... - ... -.-... - ... - ... -- -,"" - ... - ... ~ ... - ... ~ .. -.-.. - ... --~-- ... - ... -----.. - ... - ... -~-.. ---.. - .. ---.. - .. -..._- and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group ofISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons & above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urban Total 15 4- 3 2 4- 2 II No power IS 4- 3 2 4- 2 Rural Major Group Total 89 27 61 23 I All fuels 8 4 4 (a) Electricity 5 2 3 (b) Liquid fuel 3 2 1 11 No power 81 23 57 Urban Total 141 68 45 10 10 lZ J: 50 I Allfuels 44 18 9 7 3 S. (a) Electricity 40 18 9 7 3 1 (c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse 4 4- II No power 97 SO 36 3 7 Rural Minor Group Total 16 7 9 230 I All fuels 8 4 4 (a) Electricity 5 2 3 (b) Liquid fuel 3 2 1 II No power 8 3 5 Urban Total 44- 21 14 6 I Allfuel~ 36 18 9 6 I (a) Electricity 36 18 9 6 1 ,II No power 8 3 5 Urban Minor Group Total 19 5 6 2 5 .t 231 I AJlfuela 3 I (a) Electricity 3 .r II No power 16 5 6 4 Urban Minor Group Total 4 232 '" I All fuels 4- 4- (c) Coal, Wood & Baga~se 4- 4- Rural Minor Group Total 9 8 233 II No power 9 8 Urban Total 26 12 11 2 I All fuels 1 1 (<:) Electricity 1 1 ,>' Il No power ~;) 12 11 I 141


Division, N umber of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per­ Group of ISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO

Rural Minor Group Total 40 7 33 235 II No power 40 7 33 Urban Total 36 24 10 II No power 36 24 10 Rural Minor Group Total 4 3 236 II No power 4 3 Urban Total I II 1'<0 power Rural Minor Group Total 20 2 18 237 II No power 20 2 18 Urban Total 7 5 2 II No power 7 5 2 Urban Minor Group Total 4 2 239 II No power 4 2 Rural Major Group Total 2 II l;e4 II No power 14 2 11 Urban Total 3 1 1 1 II No power 3 Rural Minor Group Total 5 4 240 II No power 5 4 Rural Minor Group Total 8 2 6 241 II No power 8 2 6 Rural Minor Group'- Total 244 II No power Urban Total 3 I II No power 3 I 142


Division, Number offactories and workshops by size of employment

Major Group Kind offuel ~----,__-----.-.-"-.-"-,,,- ... -.-----,,-,,---,,,--"-"'-"__p--,..---~----- and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISle power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rural Major Group Total 6 5 J 25 II No power 6 5 Rural Minor Group Total 6 5 255 II No power 6 5 nural Major Group Total 2 II 26 I All fuels 1 (b) Liquidfuel 1 II No power

Urban Total 3 1 I I I All fuels 2 (a) Electricity 2 II No power 1 Rural Minor Group Total 262 II No power


Minor Group Total .. l 263 I All fuels (b) Liquid fuel

Urbllnt Total 2 I All fuels 2 (a) Electricity 2

Urban Minor Group Total 264- II Nopower

Rural {Major Group Total 294 227 66 I 27 II No power 294 227 66 Urban Total 794 445 30 7 23 14 4 I I AU fuels 37 6 19 6 3 3 (a) Electricity 37 6 19 6 3 3 II No power 757 439 288 17 11 Rural Minor Group Total 1 270 II No power l 143

TABLE E-III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSlFmD BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT-Contd. INDORE DISTRICT Division, Kind offuel Number offactories and workshops by size of emplo')ment Major Group or --~~~--~------and Minor power used 2-5 6-9 10-19 :20-49 50-99 100 Group of lSIC Total person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urban Total 7 1 4 II No power 7 1 . 4 Urban Minor Group Total 41 9 20 6 4 2 271 I All fuds 33 5 17 6 3 2 (a) Electricity 33 5 17 6 3 2 II No power 8 4 3 1 Rural Minor Group Total 272 II No power Urban Tolal 25 19 6 I All fuels 2 1 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 I II No power 23 18 5 Rural Minor Group Total 292 226 65 273 II No power 292 226 65 Urban Total 711 413 275 16 6 II No power 711 413 275 16 6 Urban Minor Group Total 6 2 4 274 I All fuels 1 I ( a) Electrici ty 1 I II No power 5 2 3 Urban Minor Group Total 4 1 1 J 278 I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 II No power 3 Rural Major Group Total 70 1l 4xS !l8x 5' x 28 I All fuels 8 6 1 (a) Electricity 1 I (b) Liquid fuel 7 1 5 I II No power 694 414 275 4 Urban Total 3110 135 IS8 IS 8 4 I All fuels 61 7 36 11 6 1 (a) Electricity 56 6 34 9 6 1 (b) Liquid fuel 5 1 2 2 II Nopower 259 128 122 4 2 3 144


Division, Kind of fuel Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group or - .. --.. ------.---.-~-.-.. -.-.. ------.___ .. ------.__------~ and Minor power used 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISle Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rural Minor Group Total 9 7 280 I All fuels 8 6 (a) Electricity I I (b) Liquid fuel 7 5 II No power Urban Total 31 4 17 8 2 I All fuels 29 2 17 8 2 (a) Electricity 24 I 15 6 2 (b) Liquid fuel 5 I 2 2 II No power 2 2 Rural Minor Group Total 15 9 6 281 II No power 15 9 6 Urban Total 70 34 30 4- I All fuels 4 I 2 (a) Electricity 4 1 2 II No power 66 33 29 2 Urban

Minor Group Total 3 3 282 II No power 3 3 Rural

Minor Group Total 494- 370 120 3 283 II No power 494 370 120 3 Urban Total 16 11 5 II No power 16 11 5 Rural Minor Group Total 8 5 3 284- II No power 8 5 3 Urban Total 90 50 35 3 I All fuels 12 1 6 3 (al Electricity 12 I 6 3 II No power 78 49 29 Rural Minor Group Total 176 30 145 .288 II No power 176 30 145 145


Division, Kind offuel Number offactories and workshops by size of emplo)ment Major Group or ------.-~--~~.___~----.. ------~~I"----... ---po------,...... _- and Minor power used 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group ofISIC Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urban Total 90 32 53 3 2 II No power 90 32 53 3 2 Urban Minor Group Total 20 4 15 289 I All fuels 16 3 12 ( a) Electricity 16 3 12 II No power 4 3 Urban . Major Group Total 24 7 15 I I 29 1 All fuels I (a) Electricity 1 II No power 23 7 15 Urban : Minor Group Total 291 :1 All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 Urban . Minor Group Total 23 7 15 292 II No power 23 7 15 Rural ',Major Group Total I I 30 1 All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 Urban Total 93 22 47 9 8 4 I 2 I All fuels 59 4 31 9 8 4 I 2 (a) Electricity 59 4 31 9 8 4 I 2 II No power 34 18 16 Urban : Minor Group Total 4 2 300 J All. fuels 4 1 2 (a) Electricity 4 1 2 Rural . Minor Group Total 302 J All fuels (a) Electricity

Urban Total 72 IS 37 9 8 3 I All fuels , 55 4 31 9 8 3 (a) Electricity 55 4 31 9 8 3 II No power 17 11 6 146


Di,-ision, Xumbcr offactories and worhhops by size of employment ______~ ______~ __ ... ______... ___ ~ .. _ .. ______"_ r_ __.,. ______...... _,_._____ --.._ Major Group Kind of fud and MinoT or 2-5 6-9 10-19 :20-19 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISle power used Total Person Persons Persons Pnsons PCISCIJS Per,':'!:s sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -_----

Urban Minor Group Total 17 7 10 303 II No power 17 7 10 Rural Major Group Total 986 657 :P5 4 10 3:1 II No power 986 657 315 4' 10 Urban Total 177 86 80 9 l J[ II No power 177 86 80 9 Rural Mbor Group Total 33 18 IS 310 II No power 33 18 15

Urban Total 8 5 2 II No power 8 5 2 Rural Minor Group Total 946 633 299 4 10 311 II No power 946 633 299 4 10 Urban Total 154 73 73 'S' II No power 154 73 73 8 Urban Minor Group Total 10 5 3 313 II No power 10 5 3 RQral Minor Groupe Total 7 6 1 314 II No power 7 6 Urban Total 5 3 2 II No power 5 3 2 Urban Major Group Total 30 6 19 4 I 3la I All fu .. ls 28 6 18 4 (a) Electricity 28 6 18 4 II No power 2 1 147


Di"ision, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel ------.------~---- ... - ... ----,...___---.. --.,..._._..__------... ------~ .. ------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urban Minor Group Total 28 6 18 4 320 I All fuels 28 6 18 4 (a) Electricity 28 6 18 4 Urban klinor Group Total 2 322 II No power 2 Ru),al Major Group Total 4 I 3 33 II No power 4 3 Urban Total 86 28 34 14 8 2 I All fuels 14 1 7 2 3 Ca) Electricity 14 7 2 3 II No power 72 27 27 12 5 Urban Minor Group Total 2 2 331 I All fuels Ca) Electricity II No power Rural Minor Group Total 3 3 333 II No power 3 3 Urban Minor Group Total 2 334 II No power 2 Rural Minor Group Total 335 II No power Urban Total 35 14 14 3 3 I All fuels 6 1 2 2 (a) Electricity 6 2 2 II No power 29 13 12 3 Urban Minor Group Total 30 10 12 6 2 336 I All fuels Ca) Electricity II No power 29 10 II 6 2 148


Diyi,ion, Number of factories and workshoJ;s by size of cmpJo~ment _____ ... ___ .. ______.. _ .. ______,._ .. _ ~ ____ -,0.- ___ Major Group Kind offurl ------....._~------,,- ~------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 JO-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of ISle power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urban Minor Group Total 12 4 4 2 2 337 I All fuel", 4 2 I (a) Electricity 4 2 1 II No power 8 4 2 1 Urban Minor Group Total 5 2 3 339 I All fuels 2 (a) Electricity 2 I II No power 3 2 Ru,ral Major Group Total 302 127 170 5 34 & 35 II No pow .. r 302 127 170 5 Urban Total 86 41 34 3 2 5 I I All fuels 5 1 3 (a) Electricity 5 I 3 II No power 81 41 33 3 2 2 Urban :Minor Group Total 6 2 2 2 340 II No power 6 2 2 2 Urban Minor Group Total 10 5 3 341 I All fueh 4 3 (a) Electricity 4 3 II No power 6 5 Rural Minor Group Total 342 II No power Urban Total 20 9 11 II No power 20 9 II Urban Minor Group Total 3 2 345 II No power 3 2 Rural Minor Group Total 287 126 156 5 350 II ~o power 287 126 156 5

Urban Total 31 19 12 II No power 31 19 12 149


Division, Number of factone; and workshops by size of emplo)ment Major Group Kind offuel ---.-~--~-.- ... -.-.~- ... ------,_.__..._ .. - .. ------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urban Minor Group Total 3 1 2 353 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 I II No power 2 I Urban Minor Group Total 354 II No power Rural Minor Group Total 14 13 356 II No power 14 13 Urban Total 12 5 6 II No power 12 5 6 Rural Major Group Total 1 96 1 35 60 J: 36 II No power 196 135 60 Urban Total 414 158 I6g 35 35 8 5 4 I All fuels 105 15 41 16 18 6 5 4 (a) Electricity 101 15 40 16 18 6 4 2 (I» Liquid fuel 1 1 (c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse 3 2 II No power 309 143 128 19 17 2 Urban Minor Group Total 16 2 7 4 3- 360 I All fuels 15 1 7 4 3 (a) Electricity 13 1 7 4 1 ( c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse 2 2 II No power 1 Urban Minor Group Total 7 5 2 362 I All fuels 1 1 ( a) Electricity I 1 II No power 6 4 2 Urban Minor Group Total 3 2 364 r All fuels 3 2 ( a) Electricity 3 2 Rural Minor Group Total 3 2 365 II No power 3 2 150


Division, I'Iumber of factories and workshops by sIze of employment Major Group Kind offuel and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per­ Group of ISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ulrban Total 58 30 22 3 2 I All fuels 7 3 2 ? (a) Electricity 7 3 2 2 II No power 51 30 19 1 Urban Minor Group Total 366 I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity I Rural Minor Group Total 367 II No power Urban Total 46 33 10 II No power 46 33 10 Rural Minor Group Total 2 2 368 II No power 2 2 Urban Total 38 15 20 2 I All fuels 31 10 18 2 ( a) Electricity 31 10 18 2 II No power 7 5 2 Rural Minor Group Total 190 133 56 369 II No powt"r 190 133 56 Urban Total 245 73 108 25 28 5 5 I AI! fuels 47 3 13 8 13 4- 5 (a) Electricity 45 3 12 8 13 4- 4 (b) Liquid fuel I 1 (c) Coal, Wood, & Bagasse 1 II No power 198 70 95 17 15 Urban Major Group Total 95 36 47 7 I 3 37 I All fuds 64 17 37 5 3 (a) Electricity 64 17 37 5 3 II No puwer 31 19 10 2 Urban Minor Group Total 48 10 30 4 2 372 I An fuels 45 9 28 4 I 2 (a) Electricitv 45 9 28 4 I 2 II No power 3 1 2 151.

TABLE E-III CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND .I'm POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT- Contd. INDORE DISTRICT --~ ------Division, .:,p,"" Number offactone~ and "orkshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel ----~--~------,,~---"------!""-"-.. - ... -,....__.. .. ----~ .. - .. - .. ---._____,,-~...._ .. -~------..- and Iv[inor or 2-5 6-9 10-l9 20-49 50-99 100 Group of ISle power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Minor Group Total 2 2 373 I All fuel .. 1 1 (a) Electricity I I II No power I I Urban

Minor Group Total II 5 6 377 I All fuels 9 3 6 (a) Electricity 9 3 6 II ~o power 2 2 Urban

Minor Group Tota1 22 15 6 378 I All fuds 3 3 (a) Electricity ::. 3 II ~o power 19 12 G Urban

Minor Group Total l2 6 3 2 379 I A!l fuels 6 2 '2 (al Electricity 6 2 2 II No power 6 f I Rural

Major Group Total 45 32 I3 38 II No power 45 32 13 Urban Total 499 268 194 21 xo 3 3 I All fuels 53 3 33 8 4 2 3 ( a~' Electricity 52 3 32 8 4 2 3 (b) Liquid fuel I I II XO power 446 265 161 13 6 Urban

Minor Group Total 13 8 3 38'2 I All fuels I (a) Electricity 1 11 No power 12 8 :3 Urban

Minor Group Total 116 17 71 2{} 4 3 3B4 I All fuels 47 3 31 8 1 3 (a) Ekctricity 46 :3 30 8 1 3 (b) Liquid fuel 1 I II No power 69 14 40 12 3 Urban

Minor Group Total 8 3 4- 385 I All fuels 3 Z (a) Electricity 3 2 II No power 5 3 2 152


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ---~------.-~ .. - .. ----.. - ... ---- .. - .. ~-.. - .. -----.. - .. ---.. ------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group ofISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rural Minor Group Total 45 32 13 38R II No power 45 32 13 Urban Total 357 240 115 I All fuels 2 2 (al Electricity 2 2 II No power 355 240 II~ Urban Minor Group Total 5 3 2 389 II No power 5 3 2 Rural Major Group Total 101 55 45 I S9 II No power 101 55 45 Urban Total 494 Sill 169 9 4 I All fuels 14 10 3 1 (a) Electricity 14 10 3 1 II No power 480 312 159 6 3 Urban Minor Group Total 1 I 391 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity I 1 Urban Minor Group Total 43 33 7 :3 392 I All fuels I J (a) Electricity I 1 II No power 42 33 7 2 Rural Minor Group Total 80 53 27 393 II No power 80 53 27 Urban Total 402 252 141 6 3 I. All fuels 12 9 2 1 ( a) Electricity 12 9 2 1 II No power 390 252 132 4 2 Urban Minor Group Total 9 7 2 394 II No power 9 7 2 Urban Minor Group Total 2 2 396 II No power 2 2 Rural lI"finor Group Total 21 2 18 399 II No power 21 2 18 153


Division, .l\""umber offactories and workshops by size of emplo)ment Major Group Kind offuel ------.-----~----.. - ... - .. ~------.. ---,.--...--~-----~---... - ... ---... ------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 'Group of ISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urban Total 37 18 18 II No power 37 18 18

1 Depalpur Tahsil-Rural

Division 2&3 Total 1,128 669 455 4 I All fuels 42 11 30 1 (b) Liquid fuel 42 11 30 1 II No power 1,086 658 425 3

Minor Group Total 36 11 25 200 I All fuels 36 11 25 (b) Liquid fuel 36 11 25 206 Total 7 2 5 II No power 7 2 5 207 Total 20 18 2 II, No power 20 18 2 209 Total 29 11 18 II No power 29 11 18 230 Total 6 2 4 I All fuels I I (b) Liquid fuel 1 I II No power 5 2 3 '235 Total 27 5 22 II No power 27 5 22 237 Total 19 2 17 II No power 19 2 17 '255 Total 4 :3 II No power 4 3 2'53 Total I All fuels 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 270 Total II No power 273 Total 95 74 21 II No power 95 74 21 280 Total 5 5 I All fuels 4 4- (b) Liquid fuel 4 4 II No power 1 I 2Bl Total 9 5 4 II No power 9 5 4 154


Di,"ision. .'\[ umber of factories and workshops by size of emplo,ment ~{ajor Group Kind of fuel .-.-"~--~~.~---~- .. --... -~-- ... -~-~------.-... --~------... ---- .. -~------. and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group ofISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons wns and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

283 Total 175 134 41 II No power 175 134 41 288 Total 108 16 91 II No power 108 16 91 310 Total 7 3 4 II No power 7 3 4 311 Total 363 276 87 II No power 363 276 1'17 3J.l Total 5 4 II No power 5 4 342 Total II No power

350 Total 95 42 52 II No power 95 42 52 367 Total II No power 368 Total 2 2 II No power 2 2 369 Total 65 45 20 II No power 65 45 20 388 Total 7 3 4 II No power 7 3 4- 393 Total 22 10 12 II No power 22 10 12 399 Total 18 16 II No power 18 16

I Depalpur Tahsil-Urban

Division 2 &3 Total :too 48 49 2 1- I All fuels 6 I 5 (b) Liquid fuel 6 5 II No power 94 47 44- ..:." Minor Group ZOO Total 6 5 1 All fuels 6 I 5 (b) Liquid fuel 6 I 5

209 Total 11 5 6 II No power 11 5 6 235 Total 1 1 II No power 1 I 155


Division, ;'\umber of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offue! ------~~~ ------~- .. ---.. -~ .. --.. --.. ---~~------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of ISle power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

264 Total II No power 270 Total 2 II No power 2 273 Total 11 3 8 II No power II 3 8 283 Total 12 10 2 II No power 12 10 2 288 Total 19 2 15 II No power 19 2 15 311 Total 14 14 II No power 14 14 350 Total 5 3 2 II No power 5 3 2 365 Total II No power

369 Total 3 2 II No power 3 2 388 Total 6 3 3 II No power 6 3 3 393 Total 6 2 4 II No power 6 2 4 399 Total 2 II No power 2

:2 Sawer Tahsil~ Rural

Division Total 846 540 285 10 II 2&3 I All fuels 38 17 19 2 (b) Liquid fuel 38 17 19 2 II No power 808 523 266 8 11 Minor Gl'OUp 200 Total 36 15 19 2 I All fuels 36 15 19 2 (b) Liquid fuel 36 15 19 2 207 Total 15 11 4 II No power 15 11 4 209 Total 11 3 8 II No power 11 3 8 230 Total 4 2 2 I Allfuels 2 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 II No power 2 2 156


Division, Kind offuel Number offactories and workshops by size of cmplC)ruel1t Major Group or and Minor power used 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-19 50-99 100 Group oflSIC Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 j 6 7 H 9 10

235 Total 10 9 II No power 10 9

236 Total 3 3 II No power 3 3

241 Total 8 2 6 II ~o power 8 2 6

214 Total II No power

255 Total II No power

262 Total I II No power 1

273 Total 75 54 20 II No power 75 54 20

283 Total 163 127 32 3 II Xo power 163 127 32 3

288 Total 23 3 20 II No power 23 3 20

310 Total 5 3 2 II No power 5 3 2

311 Total 297 196 89 2 10 II No power 297 196 89 2 10 350 Total 92 45 46 II No power 92 45 46

365 Total 3 2 II No power 3 2

369 Total 67 53 14 11 No power 67 53 14

388 Total U No power

393 Total 28 18 10 II No power 28 18 10

399 Total 2 II No power 2

2 Sawer Tahsil --Urban

Division Total log 53 56 2&3 I All fuels 5 5 (b) Liquidfuel 5 5 " ' II No power 104 53 51 157


Division, '" umber of factories and worksho[s b) size of <'mplo\ m(-Dl Major Group Kind offuel ----_... _------.. _--- .. ~ .. --.. -- ---_------...... _ - -- .. ... __ -- --- .. ----"'_ ~- .. ------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group ofISIC power used Total Person Persuns PersoTI' PersoLs Pcrson~ Persc r;, Sl,ns and above 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 Minor Group 200 Total 5 5 I All fuels 5 5 (b) Liquid fud 5 5

207 Tc\tal 2 2 II ~opower 2 2

209 Total 15 7 8 II No power 15 7 8 230 Total .II No power

273 Total 19 14 5 II No power 19 1-4 5 281 Total G 5 II Ko power 6 5 283 Total ... II No power

288 Total 18 3 15 II No power 18 3 15

311 Total 12 6 6 II No power 12 6 6 350 Total 9 7 2 II No power 9 7 2 369 Total 7 5 2 II Ko power 7 5 2 388 Total 6 4 2 II No power 6 4 2 393 Total 4 3 II No power 4 3

399 Total 4 3 II No power 4 3

3 Indore TahsU--Rural

Division II & 3 Total 438 ll87 146 3 I I I All fuels 42 24 18 ( a) Electricity 23 13 10 (b) Liquid fuel 19 11 8 II No power 396 263 128 3 Millor Group Total 35 22 13 200 I All fuels 35 22 l::l (a) Electricitv 17 11 6 (b) Liquid t'ucl 18 I I 7 158


Division, Xumber offactories and workshops by size of employment

Major Group Kind offuel ------.-~--~---.. - ... - .. ---~~------~------~~------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group ofISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

202 Total II No power 207 Total :3 2 II No power :3 2 209 Total 12 7 5 II No power 12 7 5 230 Total 5 2 3 I All fuels 5 2 3 (a) Electricity 5 2 3 233 Total 9 8 II No power 9 8 235 Total 2 2 II No power 2 2 236 Total II No power 237 Total II No power :255 Total II No power 173 Total 41 37 4 II No power 41 37 4 :280 Total 2 2 I All fuel~ 2 2 (a) Electricity 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 :281 Total II No power 283 Total 66 52 14 II No power 66 52 14 '288 Total 23 6 17 II No power 23 6 17 :310 Total 2 2 II No power 2 2

:311 Total 124 77 47 II No power 124 77 47 333 Total 3 3 II No power 3 3 335 Total II No power 159


Division) ::'>lumber of factori('s and worl,shops b, OIZ.: of cmplo}ment Major Group Kind of fuel ---~---.. ---..__ .. ---.---.. - .. --~ .. - .. ~- .. --... - .. ------_--_ .. - ... _...._ ... _------and Minor or 2-5 li-9 10-19 20-4-9 50-9'_; 100 Per- Group of ISIC power used Total Person Per,ons Persons Persons Persons Pen-on:; ,ons and above 2 :3 4- 5 6 7 ij 9 !O 350 Total 4-2 22 18 :2 II No power 42 22 18 2 369 Total 22 17 4- II No power 22 17 .j,

383 Total 22 16 6 II No power 22 16 6

393 Total 18 15 3 II No power 18 15 3 399 Total II No power

3 Indore TahsiI--Urban or Indore City Division ~ & 3 Total 3.600 1,599 1,57~ ~30 1~7 41 15 16· I All fuels 795 216 371 97 56 ~6 H 15 (a) Electricity 777 211 367 95 56 26 I".) 9' (b) Liquid feul 11 5 4- 2 (c) Coal, \Vood and Bagasse 7 6 II No power 2,805 1,383 1,201 133 71 15 1 Minor Group .. 2:)0 Total 274 151 108 10 4 I All fuels 246 136 96 9 4 (a) Electricity 239 131 94 9 4 (b) Liquid fuel 7 5 2 II No power 28 15 12 202 Total 4 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 203 Total II No power

205 Total 45 7 28 4 5 I All fuels 4 1 2 1 ( a) Electrici ty 4 1 2 1 II No power 41 7 28 3· 3 206 Total 12 5 7 I All fuels 6 1 5 (a) Electricity 6 1 5 II No power 6 4 2 207 Total 49 10 21 14 3 I AU fuels 36 1 17 14 3, (a) Electricity 36 I 17 14 3. II No power 13 9 4

208 Total 1 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 209 Total 414 116 240 43 10 3 2 I All fuels 2 1 1 ... (a) Electricity 2 1 1 II No power 412 116 240 42 10 3 I 160


Division, Number of factories and \I'orkshops by size of employment Major Group Kind offuel ------.------... --".____,.------~,...._....____.__------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50--99 100 Per- Group of ISIC power med Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

214 Total 9 7 I All fuels 7 6 1 ( a) Electricity 7 6 I II No power 2 1 215 Total 4 3 I All fuels 4 3 (a) Electricity 4 3 216 Total 11 5 6 I All fuels 9 3 6 (a) Electricity 9 3 6 II No power 2 2 220 Total 15 4 3 2 4 2 II No power 15 4 3 2 4 2 230 Total 41 19 13 6 I All fuels 36 18 9 6 (a) Electricity 36 18 9 4) II No power 5 1 4- 231 Total 18 5 6 2 4 I All fuels 3 I (a) Electricity 3 1 II No power 15 5 6 3 232 Total 4- 4 I All fuels 4 4 ( c) Coal, Wood & Bagasse 4 4 233 Total 20 7 10 2 I All fuels Ca) Electricity II No power 19 7 10 235 Total 34 24 8 1 II No power 34 24- 8 1 236 Total II No power 237 Total 6 4- 2 II No power 6 4- 2 239 Total 4- 2 1 II No power 4 2 1 244 Total 3 II No power 3 263 Total 2 I All fuels 2 Ca) Electricity 2 270 Tota! 5 4- II No power 5 4- 161


Di\'ision, Kind of fuel Number of factories and workshops by size of emplo)ment Major Group or ----- "'-~-""______"'-~-~------",--pr-",------~....-~--~ .. ---",-~~-",------.....-- and Minor power used 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group ofISIC Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

271 Total 41 9 20 & 4 2 I All fuels 33 5 17 6 3 2 (a) Electricity 33 5 17 6 3 2 II No power 8 4 3 272 Total 25 19 6 I All fuels 2 I 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 1 II No power 23 18 5 273 Total 564 310 232 15 6 II No power 564 310 232 15 6 274 Total 6 2 4 I All fuels (a) Electrici ty II No power 5 2 3

~i8 Total 3 I All fuels 1 1 ( a) Electricity 1 1 II No power 2 :280 Total 28 3 15 8 2 I All fuels 26 1 15 8 2 (a) Electricity 24 1 15 6 2 (b) Liquid fuel 2 2 II No power 2 2 "281 Total 55 29 20 4 I All fuels 4 1 1 2 (a) Electricity 4 1 1 2 II No power 51 28 19 2 :282 Total 3 3 II ND power 3 3 :284 Total 84 47 32 3 I All fuels 12 1 6 3 1 (a) Ekctricity 12 1 6 3 1 II No power 72 46 26 :288 Total 53 27 23 2 II No power 53 27 23 2 289 Total 20 4 15 I All fuels 16 3 12 (a) El~ctricity 16 3 12 II No power 4 1 3 291 Total I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 1 292 Total 20 5 14 1 II No power 20 5 14 1 162


Di,·ision, .i\:umber offactorit;, and workshops by size of cmplo)ment

Major Group Kind of fuel ,..._-----~------~------,~~-~------~~------~------~--..------and ["linor or 2-5 6-~ 10-19 ~O-49 50~99 100 Per- Group of ISlC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persolls PelSClj~ Pt'lSUP.S sons and above

---~-----~- 2 3 4 5 l.i 8 9 10

300 Total 4 2 I All fuels 4 2 (a) Electricity 4 2 302 Total 6:3 12 32 9 8 2 I All fuels 51 3 29 9 8 2 (a) Electricity 51 ::3 29 9 8 2 II No power 12 9 3 303 Total 16 7 9 II 1'\0 power 16 7 9

310 Total 7 :) II No power 7 5

311 Total 110 42 60 8 II No power 110 42 60 8 313 Total 6 2 2 II No power 6 2 2 314 Total 3 3 II No power 3 3

320 Total 28 6 18 4 I All fuels 28 6 18 4 (a) Electricity 28 6 18 4 322 Total 2 II No power 2 331 Total 2 2 I All fuels 1 ( a\ Electricity 1 II Ko power 1 334- Total II No power

335 Total 35 14 14- 3 3 I All fuels 6 I 2 2 (a) Electricity 6 I 2 2 II No power 29 13 12 3 I

336 Total 27 8 12 5 2 I All fuels 1 1 (a) Electricity 1 I II No power 26 8 11 5 2 337 Total 12 4 4 2 ~ 2 I All fuels 4 2 (a) Electricity 4 2 II No power 8 4 2 339 Total 5 2 3 I An fuels 2 1 (a) Electricity 2 1 II No power 3 2 163


Division, Number offactories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ---.. ~-~---~----.. --~-----~--.. -~-~~~-~---~-----~-,__ and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group ofISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons persons l'ersons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

340 Total 6 2 2 2 II No power 6 2 2 2 341 Total 10 5 3 I All fuels 4 3 (a) Electricity 4 3 II No power 6 5

342 Total 20 9 11 II No power 20 9 11 .. , 345 Total 3 2 II No power 3 2 350 Total 17 9 8 II Xo power 17 9 8

%3 Total :> 2 I All fuels 1 I (a) Electricity 1 I II No power 2 I '354 Total II No power

356 Total 12 5 6 II No power 12 5 6

:360 Total 16 2 7 4 3 I All fules 15 7 4- 3 (a) Electricitv 13 7 4 I ( r) Coal, W ~od & Bagasse ... 2 2 II 1\-0 power 1 '362 Total 4 2 2 I All fuels 1 1 (a) EJectricitv 1 1 II No powei 3 1 2 364 Total 3 2 I All fuels 3 2 (a) Electricity 3 2 '365 Total 56 28 22 3 2 I All fuels 7 :3 2 2 ( a) Electricitv 7 :3 2 2 II No pow~r 49 28 19 1 366 Total I All fuels 1 (a) Electricity 1 367 Total 34 27 4 II No power 34 27 4

36B Total 31 10 18 2 I All fuels 31 10 18 2 (a) Electricity 31 10 18 2 16-t


------~~ Division, Number of factories and workshoF> by size (,1' mcnt

__. -~-- ...... - ----~- ...... - ~-- ... _ ... - Major Group Kmd of fuel ... - -.------.. _.. .. - .. - ... - .. .. --- ... _--- - .. _ .. ------~------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of IS IC power used Total Per'::;vn Plnons Persons PerSons PHSons }'u'OI1S Persons and above~ 2 ::; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

369 Total 223 59 101 24 28 5 5 I All fuels 47 3 13 8 13 4 5 (a) Electrici l y 45 3 12 8 13 4 4 (b) Liquid fuel I I (c) Coal, v'lood and Bagas~c I II No power 176 56 88 16 15 372 Total 48 10 30 4 2 1 All fuels 45 9 28 4 I 2 1 (a) Electricity 45 9 28 4 J 2 I II No power 3 1 2 373 Total 2 2 I All fuels (a) Electricity II No power 377 Total 10 4 6 I All fuels 9 3 6 (a) Electricity 9 3 6 II r\o power I I ... 378 Total 18 13 4 I All !fuels 3 3 (a) Electricity 3 3 II No puwer 15 10 4 379 Total 12 6 - 3 2 1 I AU fuels 6 2 2 1 (a) Electricity 6 2 2 1 II No power 6 4 1

~82 Total 13 8 3 I All fuels 1 (a) Electri ci ty 1 II No power 12 8 3 384 Total 108 14 67 19 4 3 ,I All fuels 47 3 31 8 1 3 (a) Electricity 46 3 30 8 1 3 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No power 61 II 36 11 3 385 Total 8 3 4 I All fuels 3 2 (a) Electiricity 3 ... 2 Il No power 5 3 2 388 Total 298 194 102 I All fuels 2 2 (a'i Electricity 2 2 II No power 296 194 lOa 389 Total 5 3 2 II )\0 power 5 3 2 391 Total .J All fuels (a) Electricity 165


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of emplo) ment Major Group Kind offuel ------_---_----.. ------... ------_... _-,.__... - .. ------and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group ofISIC power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

392 Total 39 29 7 3 I All fuels I I (a) Electricity I I II No power 38 29 7 2

393 Total 360 219 132 6 3 I All fuels 12 9 2 I (a) Electricity 12 9 2 1 II No power 348 219 123 4 2

394 Total 9 7 2 II No power 9 7 2

396 Total 2 2 II No power 2 2 399 Total 26 11 14 I II No power 26 11 J4 1

4 Mbow Tahsil-Rural Division 2&3 Total 664 349 30 9 6 I All fuels 42 15 26 (a) Electricity 6 4 2 (b) Liquid fuel 36 11 24 II No power 622 334 283 5 Minor Group 200 Total 39 12 27 I All fuels 38 12 26 (a) Electricity 5 3 2 (b) Liquid fuel 33 9 24 II No power 202 Total I II No power I 205 Total 2 II No power 2 206 Total 37 12 25 II No power 37 12 25

207 Total 13 8 4 I All fuels I 1 (b) Liquid fuel I 1 II No power 12 7 4 209 Total 36 23 13 II No power 36 23 13 220 Total II No power ::!30 Total II No pow~r 168


Division, Number of factories and workshops by .ize of employment Major Group Kind offue! -~------~---~---.- ---.~.--.----- and Minor or 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Group of ISle power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons and above :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 292 Total 3 2 II No power 3 2 302 Total 9 3 5 I All fuels 4 I 2 (a) Electricity 4 1 2 II No power 5 2 3 303 Total 1 II No power 310 Total II No power 311 Total 18 11 7 II No power 18 11 7 313 Total 4 3 II. No power 4 3 1 314 Total 2 2 II No power 2 2 334 Total II No power 336 Total 3 2 II No power 3 2 362 Total 3 3 II No power 3 3 365 Total II No power 367 Total 12 6 6 II No pJwer 12 6 6 368 Total 7 5 2 II No p)wer 7 5 2 369 Total 12 7 4 II No power 12 7 4 377 Total 1 II No pOW('r 378 Total 4- 2 2 II No power 4 2 2 384 Total 8 3 4 II No power 8 3 4 388 Total 47 39 8 II No power 47 39 8 392 Total .. .. II No pClwer 4 4 393 Total 32 30 2 II No P')W('"r 32 30 2 399 Total 5 3 2 II No on\\"~r 5 3 2 TABLES E-IV & E-V 170

TABLE DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS LIVING IN CENSUS HOUSES USED AND PREDOMINANT (BASED ON INDORE Material of Wan Total Total ...... __- .. -~------~-.___ .. - ... ~.....---- .. ~------.. -~-.. --- Dis tric t /Tahsil / CI ty Rural No. of Grass, Timber Mud Unburnt Burnt C. 1. Stone Cement All Urban Census Leave, bricks bricks ;heets cor. crete other house- Reeds, or mate- holds or other rials Bamboo metal sheets

2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

Indore District .. , Total 29,086 545 6~5 II,159 4,973 10,241 341 260 2.08 744 Rural II,286 303 102 8,773 928 606 27 1!li2 10 4 1 5 Urban 17,800 242 51 3 2.386 4,°45 9,635 314 138 198 329 71 5 2,585 290 171 Depalpur Tahsil '" .. , Total' 3.182 2 54 4 Rural 2,996 68 5 2,499 201 164 2 54 3 Urban 186 3 86 89 7 I 2 Sawer Tahsil .. , Total 2,5+4- 15 24 2,127 249 103 3 5 18 Rural 2,369 15 2.J: 2,061 162 82 3 5 17 Urban 175 66 87 21 1 3 Indore Tahsil .. , Total 18,848 280 523 4,774- 3,439 8,871 330 43 194- 394 Rural 3.244- 81 12 2,602 213 227 17 19 3 70 Urban 15,604- 199 511 2,172 3,226 8.644 313 24- 191 324 Indore City (Municipal 15,604 199 5J1 2,172 3,226 8,6H 313 24 191 324 Corporation) 4 ;\-lhow Tahsil .. , Total 4-,512 179 63 1,673 995 l,e96 6 158 H 328 Rural 2.677 139 61 1,611 352 133 5 44 7 325 Urban 1,835 40 2 62 643 963 1 114 7 3 TABLE SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS CIASSIFrED BY NUMBER OF MEMBERS (BASED ON INDORE

Total Total No. of Total Households WIth no Householcls with 1 rocm Nwn- members :>\um- regula, room __ -- __ , __ •___ -._-.--_ b r of 0 ,._- -p-~--"- Total ber of -~--~-- ---~-.. -- .. - ... -- .. --_._- .... - .. - ,.--~ District/Tahsil/City Rural house- rooms Num- Number of Num- Number of Urban holds ber of members ber of members ._~._~~ house- --_"-_r~ house- .-_--__ holds holds M F M F M F

2 3 -f 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Indore District Total 29,086 77,862 69,104 54.35 2 136 395 28J 15,196 33,196 :l9,G7 0 Rural 1I,286 3 0 ,315 ,.8,231 17,630 125 336 269 7,005 16,502 15,502 Urban 17,800 47.547 40,873 36,722 II 59 12 8,191 16,694 13,568

Depalpur Tahsil .. ' Tutal 3,182 8,276 7,830 +,730 69 178 165 2,062 4,762 4,524 Rural 2.996 7,797 7,393 +,374 69 178 165 1,968 4,556 4,324 Urban 18G 479 437 356 94 206 200 _

2 Sawn Tahsil Total 2,544 6,779 6,469 3,892 2 2 2 1,664 3,978 3,791 Rural 2,369 6.303 6,033 3,480 2 2 2 1,606 3,868 3,682 Urban 175 476 436 412 58 110 109

3 Indorp Tahsil Total 18,8J 8 50,072 43,795 37,463 50 196 96 9,000 18.601 15,568 Rural 3,244 8,829 8,137 5,471 39 137 84 1,757 4,055 3,737 * Urban 15,604 41,243 35,658 31,992 11 59 12 7,243 14,546 11,831 4 Mho'_' Tahsil Total 4,512 12,735 11,010 1l,267 15 19 18 2,470 5,855 5,187 Rural 2,677 7,386 6,668 4,305 15 19 18 1,674 4,023 3,759 Urban 1,835 5,34-9 4,342 3,962 796 1,832 1,428 * This also gives the figures of Indore City. 171


Grass, Leaves, Tiles, Corru­ Asbestos Bricks Concrete All other Total Reeds, Thatch, Slates, gated cement and Lime or stone material Rural District/ Tahsil/ City Wood or Bamboo Shingle iron, zinc, sheets Slabs Urban or other metal sheets 13 14 15 16· 17 18 19 Z

4,133 9,368 II ,065 752 119 1,459 2,190 T Indore District 2,089 4,549 2,864 26 3 65 1,690 R 2,044 4,819 8,201 726 116 :1,394 500 U 1,021 421 990 :3 :3 744 T Depalpur Tahsil 1 967 391 890 3 1 744 R 54 30 100 2 U 127 743 884 17 14 758 T Sawer Tahsil 2 126 654 803 15 13 758 R I 89 81 2 1 U 2,280 5,429 8,569 646 112 1,249 563 T Indore Tahsil 3 360 1,856 850 8 3 17 150 R 1,920 3,573 7,719 638 109 1,232 413 U ~ 1,920 3,573 7,719 638 109 1,232 413 U Indore City (Municipal Corporation) 705 2,775 622 86 6 193 125 T Mhow Tahsil 4 636 1,648 321 34 38 R 69 1,127 301 86 6 159 87 U E-V AND BY NUMBER OF ROOMS OCCUPIED 20 ~~. SAMPLE) DISTRICT Households with 2 rooms I1ouseholds with 3 rooms Households with 4 rooms Households with 5 rooms and more

.. --.. - .. ~.....__ .. -,.- ... _P __ ,.. ______.. _ ..__ .. ~ .. ~_ .. _....--- .. ____ .. ~ .. _r_~ --... ---~- .. ~- .. - .. - .. - .. - --,..~ .. -,...... __--~-~- .. - .. - Total District/ Nurn- Number of Nurn- Number of Nurn- Number of No. of No. of Number of Rural Tahsil ber of Members ber of :!'-.1embers ber of Members house- rooms Members Urban _------______house- house- ~------house- ..__~--~--.- ... - .. -.-.. - holds __ .. - .. --_------holds holds holds M F M F ::-'1 F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2

8,276 ~3,419 21,306 2-995 9,890 8,862 I,lUI 4,680 4,223 1,272 8,775 6_282 5,362 T Indore 2,884 8,670 7,92 3 817 2,886 2,744 256 959 955 199 1,382 962 838 R District 5,392 14,749 13,383 2,178 7,004 6,u8 955 3,721 3_268 1,073 7,393 5_320 4,524 U 758 2,277 2,132 171 589 569 63 253 221 59 387 217 219 T DepaJpur 700 2,109 1,987 157 558 537 54 219 196 48 319 177 184- R Tahsil 58 168 145 14 31 32 9 34 25 II 68 40 35 U 599 1,783 1,717 177 655 595 66 218 250 36 235 143 114- T Sawer 2 539 1,605 1,54.3 150 571 526 49 172 196 23 15O 85 84 R Tahsil 60 178 174 27 84 69 17 46 54- 13 85 58 30 U 5,665 15,715 14,166 2,272 7,352 6,600 381 3,456 3,115 980 6,793 4.752 4,249 T Indore 3 974 2,876 2,595 306 1,044 1,046 101 369 372 67 444 348 303 R Tahsil 4,691 12,839 11,571 1,966 6,308 5,554 780 3,087 2,744 913 6,349 4,404 3,946 U 1,254 3,644 3,291 375 1,294 1,098 201 753 636 197 1.360 1,170 780 T Mhow 4 671 2,080 1,798 204 713 635 52 199 191 61 469 352 267 R Tah.il 583 1,564- 1,493 171 581 463 149 554- 445 136 891 818 513 U



Depalpur Tahsil 2 Sawer Tahsil 3 Indore Tahsil 4 Mhow Tahsil

...__----~ _____r-----_ Name of Scheduled Caste --~ .. ----.~--~-~-...__ ------._---- Males Females Males Females Males Females ------Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

AU Scheduled Castes 7,700 7,3IO 8,202 8,227 7,956 7,849 4,724 4,382 1 Bagri or Bagdi 730 689 533 519 591 597 108 139 2 Balai 3,624 3,455 4,239 4,296 4,093 4,035 2,470 2,322 3 Banchada 201 143 268 242 102 84 19 17 4 Barahar or Basod 10 13 14 34 40 5 Bargunda 66 65 94- 90 47 47 23 20 6 Bedia 5 6 7 Bhangi or Mehtar 316 287 155 134 91 102 200 192 8 Bhanumati 3 2 9 Chamar, Bairwa, Bhambi,Jatav, 2,219 2,152 2,541 2,563 2,626 2,596 1,334 1,197 Mochi or Regar 10 Chidar 9 9 10 19 11 Dhanuk 3 14- 18 2 2 12 Dom 14- 18 13 Ka~ar 2 14 Khatik 45 41 10 9 36 30 33 22

15 Koli or Kori /I ~ ,,' 3f 23 121 86 197 161 16 Kotwal 5 3 17 Mahar 2 19 II 18 Mang or Mang-Garodi 5 110 93 19 Meghwal 41 34 3 3 20 Nat. Kalbelia or Sapera 55 57 165 177 68 91 2 21 Pardhi 350 333 89 101 22 Pasi 26 21 52 48 59 19 172 161 23 Sansi 13 19 24- U nclassifiable 11 72 92



1 Depalpur Tahsil 2 Sawer Tahsil 3 Indore Tahsil 4- Mhow Tahsil N arne of Scheduled Tribes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

All Scheduled Tribes 24 27 26 26 120 78 Gond 24 27 12 12 55 36 2 Korku 13 12 65 42 3 Seharia 2 TABLE SCT-I 176


WORKERS ...... _.-~ _____• ___.. _ .. _ .. _ ... _ .._P' __,...__- ____ .. _ .. ______-----~_--- ___.---~ ___ I II III IV In Mining, A~ Quarrying, At Name of As Agricultural I-ivestock, Fore­ Household Scheduled Total Total Workers Cultivator Labourer s try, fishing, Industry Caste Hunting & Plantations, Orchards and allied activities

P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

All Scheduled Castes Bagri or 3,906 1,962 1,944 1,208 993 275 208 540 543 164 28 56 133 Bagdi 2 Balai 28,534 14,426 14,108 8,720 7,210 2,840 .2,119 4,376 4,652 656 58 146 77 3 Banchada 1,076 590 486 347 212 l()S 52 156 156 37 5 4 Barahar 111 47 64 25 29 4 15 19 or Basod 5 Bargunda 452 230 222 133 118 7 3 14 9 :3 100 101 () Bedia 11 5 6 2 3 2 2 7 Bhangi or 1,477 762 715 363 248 26 15 91 94 23 2 7 3 Mehtar g Bhanumati ... 5 :3 2 2 2 1 2 9 Chamar, ... 17,228 8,720 8,508 5,262 3,982 626 382 2,327 2,582 445 54 1,415 7M Bairwa, Bhambi, ] atav ,Mochi or Regar 10 Chidar 47 19 28 4 2 2 11 Dhanuk 39 16 23 6 5 2 12 Dom 32 14- 18 6 10 3 10 13 Kanjar 2 2 2 2 14 Khatik 226 124- 102 62 22 13 19 6 7 15 Koli or 622 352 270 185 61 12 6 14 11 34 27 1 Kori 16 Kotwal 8 5 3 2 17 Mahar 32 19 13 12 2 3 18 Mang or 208 110 98 57 48 5 3 20 36 Mang- Garodi 19 Meghwal 81 44- 37 27 22 18 21 3 3 10 Nat, Kal- 615 288 327 152 126 2 6 87 105 6 belia or Sapera

~ Pardhi 873 439 434 238 183 62 46 75 64 33 6 .11 61 Pas; 558 309 249 176 50 17 19 27 13 4 10 3 Sans; 32 13 19 13 8 13 8 Uncla~si- 175 83 92 11 11 fiable 177



WORKERS IN SPECIAL W a R K E R S OCCUPATIONS -,..--,..-,...__...... ------~-... -,..-~~-~- ... --~ ... - ... ----,..-...... ------_-- _-_ ------V VI VII Vin IX X In Manufa- In In In In Non-Workers Tanning and Name of cturing Constr- Trade and Transport, Other Services currying of Schedu- other than uction Commerce Storage hides and Scavenging led household and skins Caste Industry Communi- cations

...... - .. ~ _ -,,_._---- ... - ... _--- -- _-_ _ .. _.. _---- _.. _-- _ ... - .. - .. --.. --~ ..-- .. .. - .. -- -_""_---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 R A L 464 85 245 38 79 8 113 I 1,130 729 11,569 14,432 82 74 161 129 All Schedu- led Castes 4- 2 6 8 4 151 79 75'4 951 I

125 2 103 7 28 2 26 420 293 5,706 6,898 2 3 38 3 243 274 3 7 5 2 22 35 4

3 3 4 97 104 5 3 3 6 3 4 23 186 134 399 467 161 129 7

8 232 60 55 28 7 2 12 143 169 3,458 4,526 81 74 9

2 2 15 26 10 1 3 10 18 11 ... 3 8 8 12 13 8 2 11 2 13 2 62 80 14 :32 3 32 2 23 35 11 167 209 15

2 5 1 16 . 2 3 7 13 17 25 12 53 50 18

I 2 17 15 19 6 4- 17 34 8 136 201 20

51 6 201 251 21 42 6 38 18 19 7 133 199 22 11 23 72 92 24 178




W 0 R K E R S ,.~-...,.------.. ~~--~--.. --.. - .. ~...__ ... - .. ~, -""_.. -.,.__ .. - .. ---.... _---.-.._-- Name of Total Total Workers r II III IV Scheduled As As Agricultural In At Caste Cultivator Labourer Mining, Quarry- Household ing, Livestock Industry Forestry, Fish- ing, Hunting & Plantations, Orchards and allied activities

.. -.-.. - ..-_ ... ~t--- ..~ ~ -~ ~-,_- --- .--,... _------_------... _.. - .. - ...... - ... - .. - .. .. _ _._ .. - .. -_ .. -- P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


ALL SCHEDULED 46,301 24,363 21,938 II.398 3,571 61 29 62 43 III 21 626 535 CASTES Bagri or 146 78 6B 33 21 5 2 5 Bagdi 2 Balai 2,905 1,550 1,355 734 23B 34 22 16 II 16 4 14 35 3 Barahar or , __ 616 31B 29B 132 101 44 88 Basod 4 Bargunda .. - 180 85 9,') 43 57 42 57 5 Bedia 1 6 Bhangi or _,' 6,534 3,483 3,051 1,481 866 9 Mehtar 7 Chamar, 18,525 9,418 9,107 4,198 1,279 8 4 23 23 23 6 330 91' Bairwa, Bha- mbi,J atav, _.. Machi or Regar 8 Chidar 247 131 116 57 8 3 9 Dhanuk 596 304 292 146 81 .. 51 70, 10 Dhed 1 11 Dam 1 1 1 12 Kanjar 203 115 88 50 16 ... 4 3 13 Khatik 1,513 839 674 362 39 5 2 3 6 I H Koli or 6,868 3,765 3,103 1,979 236 7 3 18 4 22 51 Kori 15 Kotwal 6 3 3 2 16 Mahar 1,446 722 724 310 100 3 17 Mang or 812 421 391 221 145 5 97 117' Mang- Garodi IS Meghwal 15 !O 5 5 19 Nat, Kalbe- 4 2 2 2 lia or Sapera 20 Pardhi 58 34 24 14 5 21 Pasi 2,624 l,534 1,090 879 81 12 9. 4 22 2 4 T 22 Sansi 2 2 23 Unclassi- 2,998 .1,547 1,451 749 297 L 3 11 }O fiable 179



WQRKERS WORKERS IN SPECIAL ------.. ----.. - ... - .. --... -,.-~ ... -~---.. ----.__,,------._ ... - .. ---- X OCCUPATIONS V VI VII VIII IX Non-V\' orkers _.. _-_,.__.....------_- In In In In In N arne of Sche- Manufacturing Construc- Trade and Transport, Other Tanning Scavenging duled Caste other than tion Commerce Storage and Services and currying household Communica- of hides and industry tion skins

.. _.. _.---- .. _,..._ ...... _-.. __ ...___ -~ ... ----..._.....--~ _ _--- _ _ ------~---....._ .. ---- ~-~--- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


5,510 668 767 308 407 183 595 39 3,:159 1:,745 1:1,965 1:8,367 11: 1:,236 817 ALL SCHE- DULED CASTES 6 14 11 7 3 45 47

274 8 44 13 48 10 40 248 134 816 1,117 2 31 3 6 1 4 5 41 8 186 197 3

42 38 4 1 5 43 14 28 2 10 119 4 1,272 845 2,002 2,185 1,057 693 6

-2,764 535 316 205 88 88 117 33 529 294 5,220 7,828 10 24 7

28 2 4 5 6 10 4 74 108 8 30 3 3 3 57 7 158 211 9 10 11 2 2 7 9 3 32 4 65 72 12 187 12 15 3 87 13 23 34 8 477 635 13 1,386 56 135 22 64 19 114 232 80 1,786 2,867 6 14

2 I 3 15 20 2 20 6 21 5 47 198 87 412 624 16 8 4 5 4 3 15 88 20 200 246 17

4 5 5 18 2 2 19

10 4 2 1 20 19 20 500 19 73 12 31 16 73 155 20 655 1,009 5 21 2 22 223 17 116 37 13 28 353 230, 798 1,154 142 123 23 180



W 0 R K E R S -~-,___~-,,---~- .. - ... ~------.. - ... --.. --... ---~ .. ---.. -~- .. - .. ~ .. - .. ----.....__------I II III IV Name of Scheduled Total Total \>Vorkers As As In At Tribe Cultivator Agricul tur al Mining, Quar- Household Labourer rying, Livestock Industry Forestry, Fishing Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities

~ ... - - ...... -,.--.. - .. _ ... --.--~-.. ~-- .. --_--_"_ .. --.. ---- _ ---,._-_--_-_-- --_.. --_ P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

RU All Scheduled 301 170 131 113 73 21 15 61 47 23 10 Tribes

Gond 166 91 75 57 43 17 12 32 30 2 1 Korku 132 78 54 55 28 4 1 28 17 21 9 Seharia 3 I 2 1 2 2 I


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

All Scheduled 161 92 69 43 24 2 Tribes

Gond 106 53 -53 33 23 Korku 9 3 6 I Seharia I 1 U nclassifible 45 35 10 9 181


WORKERS V VI VII VIII IX X In In In In In Non-Workers Name Manu- Construction Trade and Comme- Transport, Storage Other Services of facturmg rce and Communications Scheduled other than Tribe household industry

_o. ______...... _.,_____--- ~------~~ ------~-- _-_ _-_ _.. _------_ -- .. ---.. _----.. ---- .. ---.. -- M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

RAL 3 5 57 58 All Scheduled Tribes

2 4 34 32 Gond 1 I 23 26 Korku Seharia


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

8 25 22 6 2 49 45 All Scheduled Tribes

4 24 22 2 20 30 Gond 1 2 6 Korku 1 Seharia -4 3 26 9 Uncla- sifiable 182




~gg;e~~~g'3~~ l' C'I") ,,~ C<') C"l"

=-< "" c<'l 183

-0'> c<') -

N U") ,....N .... :> u'"' ZI ir.r.. i Cili oi E-

1- 184

J I t i 1 1 !


+ - ....

- '"

r- 0 ""

o ""

I .I'"' I ~ 1 : 1 , ;\~1- 1M '"0 I.::: ;,,10 i ~ !M , E ... , to izI >


~ c:; I~ ..0 "@ :.• q; +->..,0.. ell

I 1 I 1-0 J .... ~ Ii: "" 1 .~ i ~ ; f_1,,- ~~ '~tIl ~

0 --01 li:Se-;~, r.n 1 ""' l -0 co ' .... til N ~ "~ ""' ~ 0 -0 -0 c3 '" r-- I ~ ~ 1~ ""' fI'J 0 ~ I iI -< r:il ...:l ~ ~ 1 ... 0 !XI .... ~ iii ~ ..;< ~ -< :.:i ;:J " ~ '" j ... co c3 -"0 ..;< 1'<.0 r-- c<") c<") 0 IQ c<") ~ ! "Or...u- 1 "" "" Z + ...... u CIl i U") o CIl -< ..;< >0. r-- ~ i:SJl !~ ..;< IX) M c'"J N N ~ bI1'" I ""-C'I - - -< -< I U") r:-- -< [ ... O"l r-- 0> <.D c<") co c<") 0 I' 0 00 U") ..,. ..C'lCO ""' ~ N "i' c<") N - .... U") "i' "i' N r:-- c<"), N~ C'I foe "0 ce.- ""' "" "" C'l "" ~ "~

-< c<") c<") c<") 0 '"i' N C'") 0 N ~ Z -:;:- S ::: N N N N N N 186



Total Population .....-.,___--~.--~~~,,__---.. -~-.. - .. - .. ------,.______... - ... ------~ .. --~- --- _'"-.. --_'"-.. ------Name of Scheduled Tribe Total Never Married Widowed Divorced! U nspedfied Total married Separated Status ------.-",_____..__ .. --_------_ -_--_ -_- ---.-,"_ .. --.. --~-... - .. - '"_--.. ------'"_-_- _-_-_ -_------P M F M P M 'p M F M F M F M P 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16

All Scheduled Tribes 462 262 200 143 80 107 100 II 19 x J; 112 78 Gond 272 IH 128 78 53 58 57 8 17 57 51

...'I Korku 141 81 60 38 24 40 34 3 2 30 24 3 Seharia 4 2 2 2 2 4 Unclassifiable 45 35 10 26 3 8 7 23 3


Age 15-44 Age 45 + Name of Scheduled Tribe Widowed Divorced/ Unspecified Total Never Married Widowed Divorced! Separatt'd Status married Separated

----~------_ .. --_---... -_ ~ .. ---.. --~ .. ---_----_--_ -_-_---_ --~ ---_-_.. _- --_-- -_----_ ------~-- .. - M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

All Scheduled Tribes 6 3 x 40 2 5 34 9 5 16 X Gond 4 3 21 21 17 7 4 1+ 2 Korku 2 16 3 15 2 3 Seharia 4 Unclassifiable 3 2 187



---- .. -.-~-,....._ ... - ... - ... - .. - ... -.------.. - .. - ... - .. -,__~ .. - ... - ... --.. -,.-,__... - .. ----~ ... ------.. - ... --... - .. --... ---- Never Married Widowed Divorcedj Unspecified Total Never Married N arne of Scheduled Tribe married Separated status married ---- .. - ... _.. _ .. _ ___ .. ----_.. _ ___ ...... _.._-- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

110 75 ~ 3 log 96 3~ 4 71 88 All Scheduled Trihes 57 ·49 2 65 55 20 3 41 48 Gond 30 23 35 33 8 25 32 Korku 2 Seharia 3

22 3 <) 7 4 5 7 U nclassifiable 4

SCT-II B-Collcld.

Age 45 + Age not stated

~--"--""-~---"'------"'------"'-"-"'-"-"-"-,"-"--'__------"-"'---~-- Unspecified Total Never Married Widowed Divorced! Unspecified Name of Scheduled Tribe status married Separated status ... _ .. _ .. --_.. ... _-_... _-_ ... .. - ... - - .. _.. _-_ .. _-_ ... .. _ _ _.. _ .. ... ---~-po.- _ _---_ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

I I I I All Scheduled Tribes


Korku 2

Seharia 3

... U nclassifiable 4 188


,...... i ! j~ r, i::.. r t~ ! 1

i .... j ...... 1 I r ~o 1 if.) i~ 1 I .... i j co .. l~ co..

I i .... I I i i~ I co co I ...... o ~ i Q" i .. 1 o~ i~ COo> j

co CO ..gs ~ co r-- 189

1 1.... ~ J I' I !::E ~ 1 1


... ..

co 0) .- - ...... Cf

c. !I~ c<") 1 : t::E N I 190



Educati ~;nal Level

N arne of Scheduled Castel Total Illiterate Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Scheduled Tribe educational level) Junior Basic and above

Males Females 'Males Females Males F<'males ;.\1 ales Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I,i) Scheduled Castes

ALL SCHEDULED 28,582 27,768 24,108 27,493 4,118 256 328 18 28 CASTES Bagri or Bagdi 1,962 1.944 1,785 1,937 167 7 9 2 BalaJ 14.426 1+,108 11,790 13,978 2,+31 128 194 2 11 3 Banchada 590 486 50+ 486 82 4 4 Barahar or Basad 47 64 39 61 7 3 5 Bargunda 230 222 202 221 23 3 2 6 Bedia 5 6 + 6 1 7 Bhangi or Mehtar 762 715 550 68+ IS2 29 20 8 Bhanumati 3 2 2 2 9 Chamar, Bairwa, Bhambi, 8,720 8,508 7,812 8,472 841 33 61 3 6 Jatav, Machi or Regar 10 Chidar 19 28 12 28 5 2 11 Dhanuk 16 23 10 22 6 12 Dam 14 18 13 18 13 Kanjar 2 2 14 Khatik 124- 102 76 94- H 7 3 15 Koli or Kori 352 270 214 242 121 24 14 4 3 16 Kotwal 5 3 5 3 17 Mahar 19 13 14 10 4 2 18 Mang or Mang Garodi 110 98 76 92 32 6 2 19 M(>ghwal 44 37 30 37 12 2 20 Nat, Kalbelia or Sapera 288 327 267 324 21 2 21 Pardhi 439 434 421 433 18 22 Pasi -309 249 19B 236 100 12 9 2 23 Sansi 13 19 12 18 24 Unc!ass,fiable 83 92 70 89 4

(ii) Scheduled Tribes

ALL SCHEDULED 170 131 151 131 19 TRIBES Gond 91 . 75 76 75 15 '2 Korku 78 54 74 54 4-

3 Sel~aria 2 2 191



NAME OF RELIGION TOTAL --...-- ... - .. - ... - .. -- ... --... - ... - ... - .. ---- .. ---.. -~----- Name of Scheduled Rural Hindu Sikh - ... ------,..- - ---~ Caste Urban ------~ ... - ... ---- .. .. ----- ...... Persons ----..---.------Males Females---- Males Females --Males------Females 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9

All Scheduled Total IOlil,65I 5lil ,945 49,706 5lil ,g25 49,695 lilO II castes Rural 56 ,350 28,581t 1t7,768 1t8,S61t 1t7,759 lilO 9 Urban 4 6,301 1t4,363 It 1,938 lil4,363 lilI,936 It

Bagri or Bagdi ... Rural 3,906 1,962 1,944 1,962 1,944 Urban 146 78 68 78 68 2 Balai Rural 28,534 14,426 14,108 14,406 14,099 20 9 Urban 2,905 1,550 1,355 1,550 1,355

3 Banchada Rural 1,076 590 486 590 486 Urban 4- Barahar or Basad ... Rural III 47 64 47 64 Urban 616 318 298 318 298

5 Bargunda Rural 452 230 222 230 222 Urban 180 85 95 85 95

6 Bedia Rural 11 5 6 5 6 Urban 1 1 1

7 Bhangi or Mehtar Rural 1,477 762 715 762 715 Urban 6,534 3,483 3,051 3,483 3,051

8 Bhanumati Rural 5 3 2 3 2 Urban

9 Chamar, Bairwa, Rural 17,228 8,720 8,508 8,720 8,508 Bhambi,] atav, Mochi or Urban 18,525 9,418 9,107 9,418 9,105 2 Regar

10 Chidar Rural 47 19 28 19 28 Urban 247 131 116 131 116

11 Dhanuk Rural 39 16 23 16 23 Urban 596 304 292 304 292

12 Dhed Rural Urban 13 Dom Rural 32 14 18 14 18 Urban 1 1 1 - 14 Kanjar Rural 2 2 2 Urban 203 115 88 115 88 15 Khatik Rural 226 124 102 124 102 Urban 1,513 839 674 839 674 16 Koli or Kori Rural 622 352 270 352 270 Urban 6,868 3,765 3,103 3,765 3,103 17 Kotwal Ru'ral 8 5 3 5 3 Urban 6 3 3 3 3 18 Mahar Rural 32 19 13 19 13 Urban 1,446 722 724 722 724- 19 Mang or Mango Rural 208 110 98 110 98 Garodi Urban 812 421 391 421 391 192


NAME OF RELIGION TOTAL ,..__~-- ... --.. -.-.~-.. --.. -.._------Name of Scheduled Rural Hindu Sikh ... -- -_ .. - - - Caste Urban ~-----~ .. --.. - .. --... - ... ---.. ----... - .. ---_ .. -.- .. __ ...... --- -.~~-.--- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

20 Meghwal Rural 81 44 37 44 37 Urban 15 10 5 10 5 21 Nat, Kalbelia Rural 615 288 327 288 327 or Sapera Urban 4 2 2 2 2

22 Pardhi Rural 873 439 434 439 434 Urban 58 34 24 34 24

23 Pasi Rural 558 309 249 309 249 Urban 2,624 1,534 1,090 1,534 1,090

24 Sansi Rural 32 13 19 13 19 Urban 2 2 2 25 U nclassifiable Rural 175 83 92 83 92 Urban 2,998 1,547 1,451 1,547 1,451



NAME OF RELIGION ------T 0 T A L Hindu Name of Scheduled Rural .. - .. --.. ---~-~--- .. - .. ------.. ----.. - .. -- .. - .. ------Tribe Urban Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

All Scheduled Tribes Total 462 262 200 262 ~oo Rural 301 170 131 170 131: Urban 161 92 69 92 69 Gond Rural 166 91 75 91 75 Urban 106 53 53 53 53 2 Korku Rural 132 78 54 78 54 Lrban 9 3 6 3 6

3 Seharia R Hral 3 2 2 Urban I

4 U nc!as:.ifiable Rural Urban 45 35 10 35 10

,Vote.·_ There are no Scheduled Tribes III other religions in this district. 193

L ('f C'.j a.-e ~ ~ IV <::<1:: - ::J' 1 Ol Io.c .... III N Ol rn I N 0 ~ l 1> '" J=a I j ;a I '" S E-t I rI2 ~ ~ i Ol 01:i I .. ~ ..... '" C> <0 ~ i 1>.,., '" "" I - ~ ! .., I ~ "... '. "!' ~ u :! Z 0 ~ - ~ ~ 0 .J:J c:: = ~ 0'• .CI ...l .2 ~ ~ ~ Ol .... <:> N ...... l !-< J, III ... ""~ i.) ·5 " ';> ....~ ;;;J -< ..... ~ '" III 1'-1 ;n "3 ... ~ ::2 u ~ l ~ rI2 ,0 !-< 01: 0 ~ 0' en .e 0 -< ll: '1 Eo< <:/1 ~ 0 ..... 0 S "d lC .. M 00 0 til OJ 6 ... III '!:l .. W '" bIl "is ...'" - lol H Z =='- N ... '" iIiI Z'': s~ '" " >-1 3- 0 ~ U lI: ;> ~ . , rIl .;_: .;:. 'r- E= --c Et: ~.. t " .., >- .., ::> >-1 ~ ~~§ E ::: ._ -= § .... !1 0 .S "g e 0 ... :1 " 0 ~ .. 0 E E u'; S ~E:: '- S~ .... 0 ..; ~::; eo ,:., '"' ~ :1 ~ a:: ;:... '.;1 G --c: ~·5 ,e: ;: ~~ ::::: .~ ~ ...... "-' 2~ o..~ c.. .~ ,r..-; 0 2~ ..... <;.i ~ U c.. _ _,_. ~ u CJ ~ ..::; ..... t.__c.;_~ ..c ..... 0...... ~ ~ c- >-1 " :::; s;; '0 ,....;... ~- --o;::cu=..c ""C~~E~ ,_ '- " ... "..c ...... L- l1J. .=. l:: ~ 0 :::: -t.r.! "":"" ~ :> ~ cr. ... " >- .... to C 2 ..2: E';: ~ ~ o -5 § 0 s : ] g.§..~~ ~ ... G 0.. "~c ..'" to -::: ,,~ ~ "C F ¢ ~ ~5 ":..... (':$ ~ ~ ~c ... l:: "'.. .., 0:: ...,... (50._ ,.... ~ t oc. -< ;. E P-'""O "d;v'l "":j VJ. ~ ~ ~ '" u £~ ~ :..- £~ E 0-.% .. ...,.. 1- 0 .....s..."'"~ $-, 0 c' s...... ;: t ~.;: 'r.a c3 E c;.S _. t,...... r; ..5 60 it ~c;:;..:.: C-, ~t...... ;.( ~ o I.? ;:t: p.,..:;..: ~d~~~ t ....'i': ~ '" '" -< "" '"



Total 1\ on-working Full time Persons seeking Unemployed population Students employment for but see-kIng Others Educational levels the first time work

P F M F M M F I\1 F

2 3 5 G 7 8 9 10 Ii 12 INDORE DISTRICT Total Total 57,333 2.J:,534 32,799 6,211 1,231 144 37 108 24 18,071 31,507 Illiterate 48,468 17,683 30,785 263 71 40 16 52 7 17,328 30,691 Literate (without educational In'el) 7,993 6.041) 1,947 5,203 1,129 86 21 48 17 709 780 Primary or JUlllor Basic 780 717 63 6b8 28 13 5 31 35 :Matriculation or Higher Secondary 83 81 2 73 I 4 2 2 I Above Matriculation or Higher 9 7 2 -1: 2 1 1 1 Secondary Rural Total 26,001 11,569 14,432 1,900 200 7 5 9,657 1+,232 Illiterate 23,80:.! 9,605 14,197 37 13 I I 9,566 14,184 Literate ',without educational leyel) 1,98:! 1,76-1: 218 1,672 174 5 4 83 44 Primary or JUlllor Ba,ic 203 187 16 180 12 7 4 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 13 13 II Ab()yc :Matriculation or Higher I Secondary Urban Total 31,332 12,965 18,367 4,311 1,031 137 37 103 24 8.414 17,275 IUit('rate 24,666 8,078 16,588 226 58 39 16 51 7 7,762 16.507 Lit< rate (without educational level) 6,011 --1,282 1,729 3,531 955 81 21 '14 17 62(c 73(, Primary or Junior Ba,ic 577 330 --17 488 16 13 5 2-1 3i Matriculation or Hig-her Secondary 70 68 2 62 1 3 2 I 1 Above :l\1atriculation or Higher '" 8 7 1 4 I I 1 Secondary I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) Total 6,652 3,067 3,585 389 25 2,678 3,560 Illiterate 6,191 2,655 3,536 37 13 2,618 3,523 Literate (without educational level) 40-1: 357 47 303 1') 54 35 Primary of Junior Basic 55 53 2 48 5 2 ,Matriculation or HIgher Secondary 2 2 1 I Above MatriculatioJl or Higher '" Secondary Sawer Tahsil (Rural) Total 7,135 3,236 3,899 528 57 2 2,705 3,842 Illiterate 6,515 2,684 3,831 2,682 3,831 Literate (without educational level) 549 489 60 465 51 23 9 Primary or Junior Basic 67 59 'l 59 Ii 2 :Matriculation or High,.,. Secondary 4 4 4 Above Matriculation or Higher '" Secondary 3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) Total 7,6'i I 3,137 4,514 501 28 6 3 2,G27 4,486 Ill,terate 7,113 2,627 4,-+81) 2,627 4,+~5 Literate (without educational Ic,'el) 497 472 25 -1:64 25 5 3 PriInary or Junior Basic 39 37 2 37 2 :!\latriculatl<)n or Higher Secondary 1 1 AbO\'" Mal riculation or Hiuher 1 S"condar, " 4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) Total 4,563 2,129 2,434 482 90 1,647 2,344 lllitnatf' " '" 3,983 1,639 2,344 1,639 2,344 Literate (without educationalleyel) 532 446 86 440 86 h Prirucl10y ur JunIor Ba... ic ... 42 38 -1: 36 4 '2 l\latrwulation or Higher S<'condary 6 6 6 Ah()\T l\fatrielllation or Higher Sec()ndary ST-SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES ONLY 198


Total persons returned as sp<'aking a language Subsidiary Languages Name of Scheduled Tribe Total Speakers subsidiary to that (This Col. will contain run on lines of n=es of shown horizontally subsidiary languages, followed in each ca;e III

.. --~I'------" _ ... --_.. _..__ -~-~-~~-.. --~-~--____r_- brackets hy 1.\0. of male and female speakers) Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES Z62 ';':00 z4 14 I MOTHER TONGUE: GONDI TOTAL 57 57 16 !l: Gond 57 57 10 2 Marathi (1\1-16, F-2) 2 MOTHER TONGUE ~ HINDI TOTAL 176 108 8 8 Gond 74 49 4 4 MaId (M·I, F-2), Nimadi (M-3, F-2) :Korku 65 47 4 4 Marathi (M-I), Marwari (F-I), Nimadi (M·S, F-3) Seharia 2 2 Unclassifiable 35 10

3 MOTHER TONGUE: MALVI TOTAL 8 13 Gond 5 10 KOIku 3 3 4 MOTHER TONGUE: MARATHI TOTAL 5 10 Gond 4 9 English (F-Il, Hindi (F-3) Korku 1 1


I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) No Scheduled Tribes

Sawer Tahsil (Rurlll) TOTAL POPULATION 24 27 16 2 MOTHER TONGUE: GONDl TOTAL 21 13 16 2 Gond 21 18 16 2 M:lrathi (M-16, F-2) :1 Indore Tahsil (Rural) TOTAL POPULATION 26 26 3 MOTHER TONGUE: GONDI TOTAL Gond MOTHER TONGUE: HINDI TOTAL 23 21 Gond 9 7 Korku 13 12 Seharia 1 2 MOTHER TONGUE: MARATHI TOTAL 2 5 3 Gond 2 5 3 Hindi (F-3)

4 Mbow Tahsil (Rural) TOTAL POPULATION ... 120 78 8 3 MOTHER TONGUE: HINDI TOTAL 100 66 7 8 Gond 49 31 4 4 Korku 51 35 3 4 Malvi (M-I. F·2), Nimadi (M-3, F-2), Marathi (M-i), Marwari (F-i), Nimadi (M-2, F-g) 199



Total Full time Persons seeking Unemployed but Non·working population students employment for seeking work Others Name of Scheduled Tribe the first time __ .__ .. -- --~-~--~~------.. - ___ __ - .. ----~- _ ------~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

All Scheduled Tribes 209 106 103 27 2 79 :lOI Gond 116 54 62 9 2 45 60 Korku 57 25 32 24 32 Seharia U nclassifiable 35 26 9 16 10 9-

I Depalpur Tahsil (Rural) Nil

2 Sawer Tahsil (Rural)

All Scheduled Tribes 23 12 II I II II Gond 23 12 11 11 II

3 Indore Tahsil (Rural) All Scheduled Tribes 15 4 II 4 :n Gond 5 5 5 2 Korku 10 4 6 4 6

4 Mhow Tahsil (Rural) All Scheduled Tribes 77 41 36 5 36 36 I Gond 38 22 16 4 18 16 2 Korku 39 19 20 18 20 KEY TO NOTATIONS

P for Primary School

M for Middle School

H for High School

C for Higher Institutes Including Colleges

T for Technical Institution

D for Dispensary

Rh, for Rural Health Centres

Hos for Hospital

MP (A) for Medical Practitioners Allopath;c

MP (H) for Medical Practitioners Homeopat.!--ic

MP (0 )for Medical Practitioners Others

Mew for Maternity and Child Welfare Centre

Po for Post Office

To for Telegraph Office

PTa for Posts and Telegraph Office

E .101' Electricity

Ei for Electricity for Industrial Uses

Ea Jar Electricity for Agricultural Uses

Ed for Electricity for Domestic Uses

S for Safe or protected Water Supply (including pipes, tubewells, etc.) DEPALPUR TAHSIL 30' 35' 40 E I I I E A H s TAHSIL DEPALPUR DISTRICT INDORE -5'2''- , I N

ARE.A, 2,52,419 ACRE: S (10~1·50 So. KILO "IETR ES) NO OF VILLAGES. 174- POPULATION 79,860

. -~~


55~- ~ -55 ..:


CC 3:"" ., '"Z ~O'- ::r: 0 « r;/

45~ -'


A. .p 5- c;> '5- o 6- o "0'- y



Serial Name of Village Location Location I Serial .'\ ame of Vill age Location Location No. Code No. Code No. \1 No. Code 0;0. Code No. 1961 19;:'1 196\ 1951 ----4 1-- --- _- ·--2 -- 2 3 1 3 4 I ------______

1 :\garadl 109 121 ! 48 C!:nrakhan 174 172 2 Agra 90 91 49 Chirtora 26 52 3 .'I.hir Khedi 73 80 50 D.msari 123 124 '70 4 .-\hirwas 'u 39 51 D;;'loca J54 5 Ajanda 121 \27 13G 52 Daulatabad 119 6 Akasoda 97 103 120 53 Dc\ fa Khcdi .1-] 7 Aknliya 52 25 60 , 54 Dhamya 85 8 Amabaliya 2 3 35 55 Dhann"d 96 liG 174 9 AmbaKhedi 105 5G Dharm, ara 10 Ambapura 173 ISO 102 IiI 57 Dharmat 16 9 11 ArnE 130 132 58 Dh"reri 137 129 12 Arniva 74 77 59 Ed.tasa 33 13 Arodakot 93 38 60 Farkocla 37 43 14 Ataheda 51 70 61 Gahun Khedi 15 )lt8wada 110 104- 55 71 62 Galonda 157 16 _'.tyana 33 22 164 63 Gan"ajal Khedl 68 83 17 .\ur:mgpura 140 J61 61 Gauramrura 18 16 HI Bachhoda 21 18 65 GarhiBlllocla 8 5 19 RaclifJura 152 lS2 Gh:tlaBlllod 66 164 139 20 Badodiya 65 79 67 Giruda 33 110 21 Badoeli\'a Panth 124 101 68 Girota 69 Gohan ~2 Badolihouz 79 108 123 23 Bagnda 171 175 70 Gokalpur 49 ,,6 24 R:lhirampur 6 14- 25 Bajarangpura 169 173 71 Gudar 24- 53 26 Bancdiva 62 85 72 Gulawat 112 97 27 Banya Khedi 46 74- 73 Harnasa 101 106 28 Barela Khedi 31 64- 74 Hasanahad 89 89 29 Baroda Fanth 100 113 i5 Jablpura 45 67 30 Beganda 86 40 76 J ,tlodiyagy~n 1 I 8 77 J al odi~, d P antb 95 105 31 Betma 145 151 73 ] alocliyapar 59 26 32 Retma Klmrd 156 168 79 J aITl£;oda 27 58 33 Bhama Kheda 42 24 80 Jhabriya 151 130 34- BhanwarGarh 161 169 81 Kai 35 Bhidota 60 45 33 65 36 Bhilbadoli 23 51 82 Kak\\"a 39 66 37 Bijaipllr 146 170 83 Kalasura \3B 154 33 Birgoda 84 KahBillod 61 87 172 148 39 Boriya 135 156 85 Kalmer 98 32 36 Kanwasa 40 Borsi 129 157 25 55 87 Karadiya 114 125 41 Chandan Khedi 20 56 88 Karjoda 40 42 Chancier 99 112 61 39 Karkl 77 43 Chand Khedi 142 134- 41 90 KarocJa :~O 44 Chatwada 102 107 63 45 Chhadoda 14- 12 91 Karwasa 165 146 46 Chiklonda 108 119 92 Katkoda 35 62 47 Chiman Khedi 72 82 93 Khadi 9{ 109 206


Workers Ser­ 1951 Area Occu­ House­ Total Scheduled Scheduled Literate & ial Census Village/Town/ III pied holds Population Castes Tribes Educated Total 'Vo­ No. Serial Ward/Block acres Houses rkers (I-IX) No. p M F F 1\1 F M F M F

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17_

19/1 12/3 Depalpur Tahsil Rural 252419 H,5J5 14,662 79,860 40,81439046 7,700 7,310 11,358 1,456 23,495 16,840 Girota 4,422 270 272 1,352 662 690 172 198 189 44 407 376 P,D, Po. 2 3 Amabaliya 1,183 74 74 416 217 199 43 41 67 3 130 112 P. 3 7 Pir-nalwasa 1,563 82 82 454 224 230 47 44 72 4- 138 116 P. 4 4 Kulala 1,179 46 46 227 116 111 36 34 22 2 72 61 5 2 Phulan 2,591 103 103 505 251 254 91 90 87 7 143 159 P. 6 14 Bahirampur 636 100 100 505 286 219 44 29 102 20 161 60 P, Po, To. 7 6 Osra 831 47 47 265 141 124 28 13 55 89 63 8 5 Garhi Billoda 627 49 49 304 161 143 71 63 43 3 89 52 9 IS Sironjiya 470 15 15 87 52 35 12 34 3 10 13 Tolawa1i 2,257 133 133 1304 416 388 81 83 114 251 92 P. II 8 J alodiyagyan 2,149 129 129 695 344 351 106 102 128 15 211 167 P, Po. 12 17 Ralayta 2,169 110 110 540 262 278 57 52 58 162 168 P. 13 21 Kharsoda 1,406 50 50 258 138 120 8 7 24 90 78 14 12 Chhadoda 3,579 160 163 901 446 455 142 16 251 236 P. 15 10 Padh1iYil 1,331 66 66 405 220 185 138 131 44 6 139 92 P. 16 9 Dharwat 1,594 133 133 748 375 373 23 24 96 13 195 179 P. 17 19 Naogaon Khanjar 639 9 9 54 27 27 5 13 l8 16 Gautampura 3,110 1,063 1,066 5,064 2,630 2,434 307 176 1,296 417 1,390 846 P, M, H, D, Hos, MP (A), MP (0), l\1cw, Po, To. 19 II Khaniar Khcda 578 31 31 178 89 89 14 16 16 53 49 20 56 Chandan Khedi 1,294 106 106 697 361 336 23 19 76 223 195 21 18 Bachhoda 1,716 99 99 604 297 307 82 100 29 189 134 P. 22 54 Palsoda 998 19 19 93 43 50 8 26 22 23 51 Bhilryadoli 2,682 174 IH 975 492 483 29 21 133 17 264 153 P. 2{ 53 G"d2r 1,064 67 67 440 240 200 10 II 37 1 147 III 25 55 Kanwasa 2,011 [) 1 87 518 254 264 72 90 66 7 160 127 P. :26 52 Chittora 678 45 46 210 104 106 31 35 25 61 62 :27. 58 famgoda 862 51 51 292 143 149 20 34 14 3 83 96 28 49 !v1en-dakwas 1,925 59 59 344 185 159 17 23 49 98 76 29 50 Pitawali 1,508 86 86 515 254 261 48 46 53 145 III P. 30 63 Karoda 1,095 62 62 383 lil9 194 13 12 30 115 110 31 60} Barda Khedi 743 33 33 184 95 89 34 29 12 62 44 32 57 Rudrakhiva 1,215 JOO 100 699 342 357 59 51 77 '1 200 188 P. . 33 22 Atvana 2,660 122 135 H8 357 391 53 65 83 8 223 190 P.· 34 20 Naulana 1,374 71 71 408 208 200 59 65 33 10 132 112 P. 35 62 Katkoda 2,153 106 107 562 282 280 58 58 102 4 171 144 P. 36 59 Sunala 2,173 144 144 712 352 360 51 51 89 IS 217 191 P. 37 48 Farkoda 2,772 117 118 710 381 329 64 73 68 4 234 83 P. 38 G5 Kai 1,715 101 103 569 286 283 27 43 78 3 177 146 P. 207


W 0 R K E R S N on- ~~------~------.- \Vorkers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x Serial No. -- ... ~ .. _:_--- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M }' M F l\I F

18 19 20 21 22 23 2+ 25 26 27 28' 29 30 31 32 33 34- 35 36 37

12,5249,062 5,853 6,308 1,287 222 1,632 701 1'25 49 233 59 548 88 68 1,225 350 17,31922,206 19/1 203 199 I-H 156 7 27 IS I ,1 + 10 1 H 1 255 314 1 77 50 34 62 3 4 3 9 37 87 2 69 63 42 52 6 5 8 6 S6 lH :> 48 43 19 16 2 2 3 H 50 4- 74 107 35 40 3 2 15 9 4 10 108 95 5

7.Jc 20 18 33 22 2 2 23 3 20 125 159 6

49 32 15 29 13 4 2 2 3 3 52 61 7 29 12 26 39 5 II 3 1 4- 11 72 91 8 11 14 1 '" 4 1 + 2 18 32 9 164- 27 71 57 5 3 6 5 5 165 296 10

105 116 19 17 17 2 13 7 2 47 32 133 184 11

81 92 58 72 :; 13 4- 5 100 110 12

53 50 30 26 4 ." 2 2 .. , ... 1 48 42 13 118 98 66 123 ~7 1 14 9 7 2 5 3 6 1 7 195 219 14

I 44 28 70 60 13 6 :} 5 81 93 15

149 131 30 46 4 6 2 6 180 19+ 16

13 14 27 17 372 208 154 259 64 20 303 148 28 22 37 6 204 51 22 206 132 1,240 1,588 13

23 22 23 27 1 4- 2 36 40 19' 174 166 23 28 4 1 14 3 4 138 141 20 107 81 53 40 24 11 2 2 3 108 173 21

20 15 3 5 3 2 17 28 22 162 87 68 61 7 5 2 12 5 4 3 228 330 23 123 97 12 13 3 8 93 89 24 56 49 59 73 23 2 6 3 12 94 137 250 47 43 12 17 2 2 43 44 26 55 60 16 29 1 6 1 3 6 2 60 53 27 5!l 41 24 30 6 , 2 6 3 1 3 87 83 28 102 77 32 33 3 6 I 2 109 150 29

88 76 15 28 7 4 6 1 74 84 30 34 28 18 15 6 2 1 I 33 45 31 101 105 74 76 3 14 7 2 6 142 169 32 115 94 62 87 11 22 8 4 8 134 201 33

85 75 33 37 2 5 2 5 76 88 34 83 91 45 49 21 12 4- 2 S 111 136 3-5

143 112 38 75 20 7 2 6 4 135 169 36

125 52 54 27 19 14 3 19 3 147 246 37 101 85 31 47 17 17 13 2 9 109 137 38 2lO


Ser­ Workers ial 1931 Village/Town/ Area Oceu- Hou,e- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & 1\0. Census Ward/Block in pied holds Cas('s Tribes Educated TotaJ \Vo­ Serial acres Houses rkers (I-IX) No. P F F F F M F 3 + 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 13 IS 16 17

80 III Jakkipura 1,677 42 42 278 141 137 40 26 16 80 46 81 88 11ur Khetla 2,556 131 131 723 37c! 349 64 60 88 5 215 14G P. 82 92 Paldi 2,107 73 73 359 171 188 58 63 56 II 119 73 P. 33 93 Mirzapur 67G 37 37 208 lIS 90 59 55 16 67 46 84 36 Runawada 720 4S 45 265 129 136 16 32 26 I 80 49 8S 35 Dhaniya 617 29 29 17:2 84 88 9 I 60 30 86 40 Beganda 1,721 i'l 72 430 215 215 43 2 133 94 P. 87 42 Khajraya 1,181 73 73 441 216 54 129 103 P. 88 110 Giroda 933 47 +7 254 128 126 50 56 15 80 53 89 89 Hasanabad 997 60 56 357 182 175 34 19 56 110 7 P. 90 9\ Agra 1,734 93 91 511 277 234 104 98 92 5 162 lID P. 91 9-1: Ushapura 1,255 62 67 348 177 171 11 16 88 7 100 81 P. 92 34 Khireli 831 33 40 248 129 119 5 3 28 1 79 18 93 38 Arodakot 1,:203 77 78 472 217 255 22 23 37 6 138 86 p 9+ 109 Khedi 1,060 87 87 469 231 238 56 60 27 129 47 95 105 J alodiya Panth 2,1+2 108 108 699 355 344 69 70 82 6 191 93 P. 96 90 Piploda 1,686 76 76 428 222 206 30 28 41 133 4 P. 97 103 Akasoda 2,096 107 107 532 267 265 214 199 77 5 150 106 P. 93 32 Kalmer 1,391 84 84 447 223 224 35 52 63 4 133 93 P. 99 112 Chander 4,371 169 169 872 449 423 89 70 72 7 275 164 P. 10(:) 113 Baroda Panth 1,315 50 50 329 IG9 160 41 35 55 93 60 lOt t06 Harnasa 880 60 61 365 185 180 15 15 73 4 104 72 P. 10:2 107 Chatwada 1,895 86 86 442 216 226 53 53 40 3 120 90 103 102 Neori 2,375 126 127 757 376 381 46 46 114 14 181 104 P, Pc. 10'} 95 Sikandri 1,70B 71 71 367 190 177 25 20 37 20 113 19 105 96 Amba Khedi 689 18 18 99 54 45 13 13 17 28 6 106 37 PemaJpur 1,321 62 70 364 18! 183 12 45 45 104 79 107 114 Shahwada 477 31 35 186 96 90 18 II 21 57 50 103 119 Chiklonda 2,110 81 94 549 291 258 135 130 60 167 127 P. 109 121 Agaradi - 476 24 25 130 58 72 6 12 4 36 44 110 104 Atawada 2,974 102 lOB 619 309 310 91 101 83 3 167 162 P. III 126 Palashiya 861 39 43 237 122 115 46 42 20 3 67 57 112 97 Gulawat 836 54 54 248 130 118 28 28 40 3 84 61 P. 113 115 Sagdod 2,941 178 197 1,073 539 534 70 66 169 10 306 211 P, D,Po. 114 125 Karadiya 1,849 85 85 492 250 242 48 50 67 10 134 124 115 99 LordiyaJMohammad­ 330 12 12 101 52 49 6 I 32 25 pur. 116 100 Smgawada 916 36 36 188 102 86 10 6 10 1 57 39 117 116 Shi'-garh 1.213 97 97 494 253 241 53 48 61 7 134 88 P. 118 118 IT ttar,j 667 12 12 55 33 22 7 3 2 22 13 119 120 Daulatabad 2,194 155 155 776 410 366 70 67 147 6 229 202 P. 120 122 Rangawasa 3,326 151 151 782 415 367 108 98 159 12 230 189 P,M,D. . 121 127 Aianda 1,402 87 87 436 229 207 26 22 52 :> 131 88 211


WORKERS Non­ ------. ---~~------'~------~------\Vorkers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Ser­ I ial

-~~!"------.~---~- .. _ ... ------!"---,...._--- Ko . 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F tv! F 1! F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

34 21 2-! 7 14 9 8 9 ... 61 91 80 132 98 52 47 5 1 13 2 2 9 159 203 81

44 9 52 63 5 8 3 7 52 115 82 24 34 46 5 2 51 44 83 42 23 30 23 1 6 1 49 87 84 31 17 28 12 ... 1 1 24 58 85 80 54 30 35 6 1 10 4 3 4 82 121 86 68 46 39 49 6 12 6 3 96 113 S7

40 27 38 26 1 1 48 73 88 91 1 8 6 6 3 72 168 89

58 34 62 62 14 7 3 4 16 9 115 124 90

~,I 44 16 24 13 3 4 2 5 10 8 77 90 91

55 8 18 10 4 2 50 101 92 59 18 59 68 5 10 2 3 79 169 93 91 27 20 13 6 7 6 5 102 191 94 . lO3 3 64 87 13 5 3 3 3 164 251 95 88 2 25 4 16 2 89 202 96

83 55 55 48 6 6 3 117 159 97 85 49 38 39 6 3 4 2 90 131 98 .142 110 66 27 21 11 21 3 2 10 22 3 174 . 259 99 56 33 15 15 10 3 8 6 ... 4 3 76 100 100 66 45 20 18 13 6 1 1 3 3 81 lOS 101 52 32 47 57 2 17 I 2 96 136 102 : 128 85 35 17 15 2 2 195 277 103 73 3 33 H 2 3 3 77 158 104 20 7 6 1 26 39 105 41 34 42 45 5 12 4 77 104 106 29 23 20 25 5 2 1 2 39 40 107 104 83 33 34 20 9 9 1 124 131 lOS

17 29 12 11 2 4 4 1 22 28 109 85 80 47 53 9 20 28 5 142 148 110 29 22 34 34 2 1 2 55 58 I I 1 36 32 37 25 6 3 4 46 57 112

185 141 68 63 22 2 15 2 5 10 2 233 323 113 59 68 67 49 6 7 2 116 118 114 18 17 13 8 1 20 24115

25 17 30 22 ... 2 45 47 116 58 32 51 56 6 15 4 119 153 117

19 11 1 1 1 II 9 118 141 120 59 81 3 21 2 2 18! 164 119 141 126 33 42 17 22 21 17 185 178 120

78 56 32 30 9 7 2 5 98 119 121 212


Worken Ser­ 1951 Village/Townl Area Occu­ Ho- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & ial Census Ward/Block in pied ure CM~ Tribes Educated TotalWo­ No. Serial acres Hou- holds rkers (I. IX) No. ses P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

122 123 Gohan 1,581 86 86 463 230 233 62 60 42 136 95 P. 123 124 Dansari 867 51 51 315 167 148 14 20 21 103 79 124 101 Badodiya Panth 1,004 37 43 201 111 90 16 8 39 3 67 39 125 98 Naugaon 668 29 29 164 92 72 29 15 5 62 42 126 117 Khanpur 1,292 53 53 250 125 125 34 27 22 1 77 63 127 131 Sanawada 1,809 90 90 42+ 220 204 40 29 56 4 131 67 P. 128 159 Rampuria 492 17 17 76 38 38 4 19 10, 129 157 B:mi 1,461 81 81 467 242 225 61 64 49 127 78· P. 130 132 Amli 1,328 73 76 421 210 211 67 79 24 3 123 96 131 138 Sejwani 1,933 60 66 355 180 175 60 49 65 5 92 91 P. 132 128 Rawad 2,384 89 89 496 262 234 110 91 32 5 141 94 P. 133 153 Khatediya Saran~ 1,002 47 47 237 126 111 19 13 21 68 51 134 15H Rolay 1,673 79 79 458 235 223 83 68 54 10 133 32 P. 135 156 Boriya 1,897 81 89 449 229 220 16 21 76 3 127 93· P. 136 133 Medad 352 6 6 33 17 16 3 12 1 137 129 Dhoreri 1,133 46 46 221 126 95 29 34 29 73 1 l~~ 154 Kala Sura 840 30 30 177 91 86 19 49 36· 139 160 La1endi 1,184 93 93 589 335 254 58 40 66 176 51 P. 140 161 Aurangpura 1,644- 134 134 737 370 367 68 54 94 6 199 64 P. 141 162 Muradpur 253 14 14 79 43 36 9 25 13· 142 134 Chand Khedi 351 10 10 59 25 34- 3 4 16 13 143 137 Ram Badodiya 1,675 62 62 402 203 199 65 52 42 118 79 144 155 Mothla 749 34 34 163 77 86 28 34 16 7 50 36 145 151 Betma 1,997 736 738 3,749 1,907 1,842 140 128 998 355 946 370 P, M, H,T,D,MP(O), Po. 146 170 Byaipur 1,058 46 46 253 118 135 15 18 18 66 77 147 167 Mohna 1,525 28 28 161 82 79 10 9 5 46 44 148 165 Rayatpura 1,227 96 96 561 286 275 36 39 51 4 182 167 P. 149 163 Pipliya Zagadoo 702 5 5 24 14 10 11 4 7 6 7 150 135 Maupura 172 12 12 79 48 31 5 3 5 2 26 15 151 130 Jhalariya 1,183 63 63 322 166 156 18 Jl 52 106 83 152 152 Badipura 767 18 18 90 43 47 3 4 5 26 22 153 166 Machal 1,690 188 188 982 510 472 43 50 182 31 283 185 P. 154 136 Datoda 614 34 34 246 132 114 29 24 28 81 63 155 145 Pirpipliya 929 47 47 272 137 135 17 17 31 87 65 156 168 Betma Khurd 2,134 39 39 J89 97 92 16 16 13 51 37 157 164 Galonda 876 34 34 210 118 92 27 23 13 72 24 158 142 Laj Khedi 307 17 17 117 65 52 25 15 20 2 42 21 159 143 Methawada 3,074- 132 132 746 379 367 61 57 127 13 222 161 P. 160 144 Sa1ampur 1,859 41 41 217 113 104 3 2 23 62 56 161 169 Bhanwargarh 438 21 21 III 64 47 36 29 1 36 29 162 171 Dharawara 2,379 177 178 961 516 445 66 58 200 12 285 190 P. 163 140 Osrod 862 44 44 217 110 107 12 II 35 1 69 42 164 13<) Ghata Billod 1,148 110 112 610 305 305 70 63 101 6 172 99 P. 165 146 Karwa;a 915 33 33 157 80 77 64 50 21 4 40 27 166 149 Kishan pura 680 10 10 53 22 3J 11 11 167 141 Sanghvi 961 51 51 281 149 132 54 45 43 82 51 168 147 Ranmal Billod 1369 54 54 309 169 140 56 43 33 91 54 169 173 Bajarangpura '616 41 41 261 125 136 10 63 65 213


------~------..._-----,.._-----~------_-_-- Workers Ser­ ial I II III IV V VII VIII IX X No. ------_-_-_------M F 1\1 F M F M F 11 F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F ------~~-~~~~~~~~~_~~~-~~-~-~------13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

71 56 36 34 5 15 4 3 6 94 138 122 33 69 11 10 4 64 69 123 35 19 23 19 3 6 44 51 124 47 30 13 12 1 1 30 30 125 37 23 28 33 7 3 1 2 1 48 62 126 96 47 21 14 3 4 2 3 4 4 89 137 127

15 7 4 1 2 19 28 128 31 41 26 30 9 3 9 4 2 115 147 129 77 53 30 41 10 6 2 87 115 130 43 42 39 49 3 3 3 88 84 131

80 48 38 39 5 2 6 3 11 2 121 140 132

50 35 16 16 2 58 60 133 54 2 46 24 13 7 3 10 3 3 102 191 134

66 25 30 62 15 4 6 6 4 102 127 135

314 5 15 136 32 1 32 8 1 53 94 137 37 26 10 9 1 1 1 42 50 138 121 40 24 5 23 6 2 6 159 203 139

138 36 ~4 28 11 20 2 4 171 303 140 17 5 8 8 18 23 141 9 6 4 7 1 1 I 9 21 142 65 37 48 42 3 1 1 85 120 143 26 19 15 15 1 7 2 1 27 50 144 16 112 9 143 22 961 1,472 252 96 129 140 47 31 192 61 51 10 4 145

57 67 9 10 52 58 146 35 32 7 9 4 2 36 35 147 119 106 58 61 2 3 104 108 148

6 7 8 3 149 17 13 7 1 2 1 22 16 150 31 2!l 60 53 1 10 2 3 60 73 1~1 7 6 13 15 3 1 1 2 17 25 152 145 93 29 52 25 2 51 38 7 12 4 10 227 287 153

36 32 15 17 26 14 2 51 51 154 67 42 20 23 50 70 155 33 26 14 10 3 46 55 156 38 13 20 4 8 4 2 2 '3 46 63 1.57 12 3 19 11 4 2 2 3 2 23 31 158 123 95 62 62 11 18 3 1 2 5 157 206 159

28 29 28 22 1 2 4 3 i 51 48 160 18 17 12 10 4- ._ 2 2 28 13 161 162 111 53 57 6 7 3 6 7 2 19 13 231 255 162 50 26 10 16 4- i 2 I 1 41 fi5 163 82 48 ·15 48 IS 1 i 6 3 9 133 206 164

18 9 16 16 5 2 40 50 165 665 5 II 20 166 43 20 1'( If) 6 14 11 2 4 2 67 81 167 47 22 37 21 5 2 5 6 78 86 168 54 50 9 10 5 62 7! 169 214


Workers Scheduled Ser- 1951 Occu- House- Total Population Scheduled Literate & ~-~--- ial Census Village/Town/ Area pied holds Castes Tribes Educated TotalWo- No. Serial Ward/Block in Hou- rkers (I-IX) -~- .... -~~- .. _ .. .. -- .. ~---.._ No. acres ses ..- .. .. --.. - _-_------~--~- ... ~-- P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

170 174 Dhannad 1,400 242 242 1,135 592 543 150 136 206 42 368 279 P,M,Po. 171 175 Bagoda 774 57 57 330 177 153 24 16 42 99 78 P. 172 148 Kali Billod 2,078 93 93 487 259 228 25 23 72 12 130 91 P. 173 150 Ambapura 312 10 10 82 36 46 36 46 18 13 174 172 Chirakhan 868 81 81 451 231 220 56 49 65 2 135 114 P. 215


W 0 R K E R S Non------..__------.. --.~ ...... - .. ~------~-____". .. ----.. - .. ~-~--.. ,,____._,,-.. -___, .. -____..-.. .. ~--.. ~-. .. - .. -.,____ Workers Serial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. ---- _-.,__,..-- .. -"'_"'_---,.._"'_ - ... --_.. --- .. - .. -,.._,..---_ .. _... -,..---__..-- ,..---.. -,..-_ .. _ .. -----.~-,..- .. - .. - ----"_-_"_"'_ .. --_ .. _,.. _----_ M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 2-t 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3'1: 35 36 37

243 165 19 55 31 29 34 5 41 24 22+ 26+ 170 45 31 16 13 9 27 3+ 2 78 75 171 70 27 46 63 9 3 129 137 172 II 5 6 8 18 33 173 91 83 29 26 4 2 5 2 2 4 96 106 174


W CX .. wO:: ..'" :;:g g~ «z ;z;-<'" '" l/) - ~ .. 3'0 _jf­ >-0 _v wO "'~ (f)­ ICCr- ~'!:a


(/) wa.. Q IJI (: 11 '0 (l_ _ (!) Z 0 :.: U


' ... -

s o _'0..

... .., .~- ,I z .. z :l ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


Serial Location Location Serial Location Location No. N arne of Village Code No. Code 1\;0. ~o. "'arne of Village Code'" Xo. Code ::\"0. 1961 1951 1961 1951 ------._--- 2 3 4 2 3 4

-~--- ~ ------1 Ajanod 52 45 -l-8 Hmia Khedi 64- 53 2 Ajnoti 92 60 49 Hatunia 70 H2 3 Alwa,a 130 76 50 Hindalya 12 14 4 Amali Kht'da 107 108 51 J akhaya 1+:3 80 5 Baclodya Ama 106 88 52 Jambudi 37 27 Badodiya Khan 14 19 6 53 J a;,s-Karacliya 124- 112 7 Baclodiya Panth I 212 54 J Clurnburdi Sarwar 93 62 8 Badrakha 119 64 55 Jctpura 98 105 9 Baghana 95 71 56 .linda Kh~da 83 58 10 Balarya 9 3 , 57 Kachhalaya 51 217 II Balghara H 47 58 Kacl2\Va 80 103 12 Baloda 67 91 59 Kadawali Khurd 127 123 13 Bhloda Takun 73 42 60 Kadawali Bujurg 126 124- 14 Bardari 145 79 61 Kajalana 54- 97 15 Barlai 81 136 62 Kamalaya Khedi 66 44- 16 Baroda Arjuna 91 133 63 Kankariya Body" 120 66

17 llaroli 131 81 6 0 t Kankariya Pal 72 57 18 llasandara 94 63 65 Katakaya B6 94 19 Bawalya Khedi 22 20 66 Kayastha Khecli 23 34- 20 Bhacla Khedi 39 50 67 Khajuraya 128 65 68 Khal Khala +3 26 21 Bhangaya 146 83 69 Khamod Anjana 26 46- 22 llhawrasla 147 78 70 Khamod Kamliya 58 41 23 Bhondwas 118 129 24 Bibi Khedi 71 54 71 Khanda Khedi 30 28 25 Biju Khedi 132 116 72 Khankarod 109 110 26 Bllodanayata 25 24 73 Kharwa Khedi 121 73 27 Bisa Khedi 142 125 14 Khatediya Baj} at 57 52 28 Bisa Khedi Sawer 53 40 75 Kithoda 6 17 29 Brahaman Khedi 79 93 16 Kudana 41 30 30 Brahaman Piplya 89 104 77 Kumerdi 148 84- 78 Lakhaman Khedi 48 96 31 Budanya Panth 2 219 79 La1a Kheda 28 35 32 Budi BarIai 77 137 80 Lasudaya Parmar 110 118- 33 ChimE 7 22 34 Chitoda 19 4 81 Lohagal 5 16 35 Dakachaya 101 135 82 Machhll Khedi 49 139 36 Dat:iikaradiya 61 99 83 Magar Kheda 138 82 37 Daya Kheda 45 9 84 Ma~ar Khedi 27 6 38 Dewali 59 90 85 Maharaj Gunj 36 26 39 Dhabali 139 117 86 Makoclava 42 141 40 Dhana Khedi 99 107 87 Mala Khedi 20 12 88 Mali Khedi 69 100 41 Dhaturia 85 43 89 Mandota 33 7 42 Gari Pipalaya 125 115 90 Mangalaya Aranaya 103 61 43 Gawala 47 37 44 Ghatgara 16 48 91 Mangliya Sac!ak 140 120 45 Gulawat 10 2 92 Mata Burecli 104- 68 46 Guran 62 143 93 Maudlawacla 112 1'31 47 Hansa Khedi 8 215 Mawala Khedi 96 86 1\94 218


Serial Name of Viii age Location Location Serial .:\"ame of Village Location Locatio!'}. No. Code I\o. CadeNo. i N,). Code No. Code~a. 1961 19:'11 \ 1961 1951

I------~--~---- 2 3 4: I, 1 2 3 4 ------,------95 l\lelkalama lH 127 122 Rampipaliva 116 114 96 Mer Khcdi 97 7'2 123 Rangkaradiya 50 51 97 l\Iukata 3,1- 15 12+ Ratan Khedl 82 56 l\lundala Bag 141 121 93 125 Rawati 137 77 88 lOG 99 l\lund!a Hu'cn 126 Rawer 35 33 100 l\1 urad plll-a 105 87 127 Ringnorla"a liS 89 101 Nagpur 46 10 123 Sagwal 129 67 102 ~ahar Kheda 84 5q 129 Satlana 114 70 103 Padalaya Bajarang 108 III 130 Shahada 13 18 104 Palasiya III 130 131 Shahana 75 101 132 Siloda Buiu!'£{ 68 92 105 Paliva Hedar 74 122 1,1:~ Siloda Khurd 15 23 106 Panchckria 123 113 134 Silotaya 102 132 107 PanchoJa 21 II 108 Panod 24 21 135 Simarole 29 25 109 Patwa Khedi 76 102 136 Sinnoda 32 8 110 Pawadi-Happa 56 140 137 Sola,indi 38 29 111 Pawarda Dai 63 138 138 Solsinda 87 85 112 Pawarda Junarda 136 75 139 Sula Khedi 133 122 113 Pharaspur 134 126 140 Sura Khedi 55 32 114 Pipalai 31 49 141 Takun 65 39 142 Tarana 60 98 115 Pir1iya Kayasth 78 55 143 Thir Khedi 11 13 116 Pirkaradi ya 90 134 1+4 Titawada 4 253 117 Pitawali 113 69 118 Potalod 17 218 1+5 Todi 100 J09 119 Rahu Khedl 117 119 146 Tumanl 18 5 120 Rajoda 74 95 147 Ugam Khedi 40 38 121 Ralamandal 3 I 148 Vyas Khedi 135 128 219

o ClOOl U") "'COU") !~ -l.f")t...'"') j Cl"'r---~-'" j CO<.ON j O"lr-....C'I ...... o;N !~ 1 s."c-,"

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o::J .... : U") <'IN"" • - c:o l~ N j - i N r-- i~ i

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bIl >=: j =:5 u ...... s 0) o co N .....::: L'") "0'"o U o r-- Q .S '"uo ...:l II zo d N ~ * *" 220


Workers Serial 1951 Y!llage/Townj Area Occu- House- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & No. Census \\"ardjBlock in pled holds Castes Tribes Educated Tota! Wo­ Senal acres Houses rkers (I-IX) ::\0. p M F M F l\f F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Sawer Tahsil Rural I Z12 Bad"dlya Panth 975 45 45 236 124 112 26 20 ... 18 76 56 2 219 Budangya Panth 999 315 316 1,546 807 739 158 154 ... 433 179 433 126 P. M, D, MP(O), Po. 3 Ralamandal 1,344 55 55 339 185 154 64 65 .,. 41 106 81 4 253 Titawada 1,327 ,6 76 425 208 217 72 76 .. . 46 127 132 5 16 Lohagal 723 31 34 196 95 IOJ 15 18 .. . 8 54 26 6 17 Kithoda 960 62 62 365 IH 191 121 122 ... 26 94 83 7 22 Chimli 1,534 68 68 337 168 169 44 42 ... 25 2 101 87 8 215 Han


WORKER S Non­ -_.. - _--~---.~-- \Vorkers Ser­ X ial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX No.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M f M F ~1 F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3c1- 35 36 37

39 24 22 32 4 7 1 1 2 48 56 44 27 9 15 114 40 3 7 86 4 45 105 55 374 613 2

54 36 35 45 14 3 79 73 3 45 59 43 67 18 12 6 2 7 81 85 0(- 43 11 11 15 41 75 S 52 55 18 24- 1 3 3 13 1 80 108 6 67 62 28 24 3 1 2 67 82 7 47 44 H 23 14 2 2 1 52 60 8 90 76 63" 58 4 5 2 7 135 175 9

54 57 12 13 3 2 41 62 10 25 25 IS 16 3 1 29 40 11 38 5J 45 56 15 4 7 74 83 12

55 33 3S 25 3 2 1 99 111 13 107 87 +5 37 7 3 117 141 14

30 33 8 11 20 24 IS UNINHABITED 16 22B 187 102 102 15 34 11 6 2 7 211 286 17

13 12 5 14 16 18 53 16 34 20 8 4 3 • 19 14 4 15 4 145 209 19

22 9 7 5 1 28 37 2(} 76 62 57 8 5 2 2 -! 119 117 21

41 32 2B 43 5 2 2 3 135 74 n 58 41 1 J 17 7 7 4 50 76 n 55 21 75 79 9 3 5 112 176 24

65 80 112 III 4 4 3 120 117

60 50 66 75 12 15 6 7 104 144 2&

45 23 22 25 5 4 5 2 4 71 95 27 22 14 J6 J9 9 2 2 4 43 64 28 85 32 44 13 7 2 2 7 130 192 29

14 11 4 5 10 15 30 59 59 14 3 2 2 3 43 52 31 22 25 13 10 a 35 52 32 78 79 34 33 9 15 7 2 6 37 113 33 222


Workers SI. 1951 Area Occu- Home- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & No. Census Villag~!Town! In pied holds Castes Tribes Educated Total \\'0- Serial Ward/Block acres Houses rkers (I-IX) 1\u. p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

34 15 Mukata [.628 53 53 379 190 189 40 45 42 4 104 83 35 33 Rawer 1,57-1* 61 61 316 167 1+9 123 117 66 4 90 58 2,442£ 36 26 Maharajguni 1,127 52 52 299 157 142 50 50 48 83 70 37 27 Jambudi 1,541 119 119 630 327 303 114 127 111 5 187 126 p, 38 29 Solasindi 1,386 54 54 256 126 130 27 33 25 85 58 39 50 Bhada Khedi 225 UNINHABITED 40 3S Ugam Khedi 437 24 24 139 70 69 32 35 21 39 39 41 30 Kudarla 1,652 304 307 1,818 929 889 92 90 454 41 474- 322 P, 1\1, n, Po, 42 14[ Makodiva 2,593 92 91 549 276 273 63 55 1t7 23 171 140 P. . 43 26 Khal Khala 2,010 99 99 586 306 280 63 56 76 2 174 134 44- 47 Bal Ghara 2,146 68 68 390 192 198 45 39 73 8 112 78 P. 45 9 Daya Kheda 1,096 40 40205112 93 56 39 2$ 2 54 48 46 10 Nagpur 1,586 139 139 697 365 332 92 90 125 7 209 178 P. 47 37 Gawala 1,230 93 93 548 283 265 65 51 53 4 147 114 P. 48 96 Lakhaman Khedi 723 ~ W 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 31 6 35 50 49 139 Machhu Khedi 881 92 92 493 243 250 65 77 60 1 142 138 p, 50 51 Rang-Karadiya 877 59 59 351 189 162 9 10 17 104 96 51 2 I 7 Kachhaloya 3,419 259 259 1,481 725 756 116 115 261 33 388 367 P, D, MP(O). 52 45 Ajanod 2,196 330 331 1,909 955 954 117 124 344 41 534 454- P,M,D,Pc. 53 40 Bisakhcdi-Sawer 1,069 35 35 221 112 109 47 56 33 4 57 45 54 97 Kajalana 849 24 24 150 69 81 41 52 14 37 43 55 32 Sura Khecli 336 22 22 128 64 64 16 14 21 40 41 56 140 Pawadi-Happa 1,580 109 108 635 349 286 118 108 40 2 200 133 P. 57 52 Khatedva-Rajjat 662 63 63 371 184 187 36 41 18 108 93 58 41 Khamod-Kamtlya 1,482 44 44 296 160 136 46 42 21 108 77 59 90 Dewali 1,053 38 38 188 91 97 68 77 4 66 51 60 93 Tarana 936 44 44 239 124 115 25 27 10 2 85 71 ~1 99 Darjikaracliya 1,806 142 142 735 3i6 359 61 69 118 12 223 196 P. {j2 143 Guran 1,433 130 130 782 401 381 45 64 154 2 244 222 P. 63 133 Pawarda-Dai 2,007 131 [23 745 390 355 110 98 140 3 229 189 P. 64 53 Haria Khedi 740 32 32 215 113 102 52 42 40 73 31 P. 65 39 Jakun 2,659 112 112 535 280 255 23 24 72 3 167 129 P. {j6 44 Kamalaya Khedi 829 74 74 404 218 186 16 11 81 126 109 P. 67 91 Baloda 716 40 40 217 [01 116 33 36 21 64 63 68 92 Siloda-Bujutg 532 24 24 202 105 97 6 1 29 54 40

69 100 Mali Khedi 402 36 35 244 135 109 45 42 53 72 69 70 1+2 H atunia 2,302 lOS 97 508 264 244 47 51 64 3 149 135 P, M1'(O). 71 54 Bibi Khedi 748 61 61 321 146 175 52 62 25 2 99 96 72 57 Kankariyap:lI 2,660 184 184 1,074 546 528 101 96 lSI 19 307 269 P. 73 42 Ba1cda-Jakum 3,095 125 127 684 353 331 102 110 111 22 209 139 P.

* This are.l [It' Sawn revenue village has been added to the acreage of Rawer Revenue Village. £ As the former village has been merged in Sawer town. 223


WORKERS .:\'on­ Workels 51. III VIII IX II IV VI VII x Ko'

M F M 11 M F F M F M F ~I F M F ~I F 2\1 F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3-1 35 3ti 37

48 42 31 31 17 10 2 ti 86 106 34 39 28 25 29 8 I 1 15 77 91 35

40 35 38 35 , .. 2 3 74 72 :36 78 54 64 70 32 8 2 5 140 177 37

50 36 23 22 12 41 72 33 UNINHABITED :39 28 ~C) 3 10 2 2 4 31 :30 40 278 237 41 45 44 6-1 IS 5 42 {55 .:JG7 41

91 83 40 48 25 6 10 3 -1 lOS 133 42 96 83 43 37 2 23 II 2 I 7 132 146 43 58 45 24 33 II I 10 2 '5 (1) l:W 44

30 32 19 16 3 2 58 {S 45 126 120 33 40 22 17 16 10 15G 154 46

101 84 34 29 '5 3 136 131 47

25 37 7 13 J ~3 36 48 108 101 i6 28 3 7 7 4 3 lUI 112 49

78 77 II 19 10 'J 3 85 6G 50 230 235 75 99 13 21 3 21 '21 6 337 389 51

n 3~9 3~5 7j eo 3il 31 19 15 12 16 17 2 ,I ~ I 5(10 S2

~ 1 9 29 7 .". 5 ~5 G.j. 53 20 28 5 15 4 3 3 :3.2 j3 54 ,) 29 33 7 8 :).j. :.!3 5,~ 82 H 49 45 37 15 I() 4 3 11') 153 56

7'2 7'2 8 19 13 10 I ,) 76 94 57 68 46 :00 28 3 5 3 52 59 58 25 31 26 19 II 3 I I ~'i 46 59 42 n 11 21 18 ..j. 6 1 ." G 39 44 60 134 H4 32 40 30 H 10 2 2 10 153 163 61

152 116 55 62 17 '2 16 II 2 2 157 159 62 135 149 20 29 26 40 10 2 2 161 IG6 63

27 7 21 10 6 3 5 40 71 64 82 77 41 46 18 6 4 113 126 65

86 75 32 29 7 :3 92 ~7I. 66

41 30 lB 2'1 3 37 ~)) 67 28 26 10 14 13 51 57 68 44 50 1') 19 G I li3 -10 69 89 SQ 43 .f5 G { 11) 109 70

43 ,12 Sil 51 13 '2 3 47 79 71 189 187 58 75 25 7 7 23:1 259 72 9-} so (is 8 26 9 192 73 224


Ser­ 1951 Workers ial Census Villa<;e(Townj Area Occu- House- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & ~-~~ __ \ No. Serial Ward/Block in pied holds Ca~tes Tribes Educated Total Wo­ No. acres Ho- rkers (I-IX) uses p M F M F :tv! F M F M F 2 :3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

74 95 Raioda 2,090 112 112 602 305 297 77 93 61 3 183 17G P. - 75 101 ~hahaua 1,729 95 95 550 279 271 69 89 118 3 169 141 P. 76 102 Patwa Khedi fil3 35 34 219 120 99 14 7 28 1 65 49 77 137 Budi-Bar1ai Ll05 133 132 822 428 394 67 62 147 41 259 167 MP(O). 78 55 Pipliya-Kayasth 1.100 68 68 370 194 176 48 51 40 1 108 102 79 93 Brahaman Kbedi 497 57 57 267 132 135 57 70 22 I 85 69 20 103 Kadawa 825 86 83 566 296 270 40 32 77 2 174 116 P. 81 136 Barlai 3,649 268 267 1,44-8 751 697 151 138 295 37 427 330 P. 22 56 Ratan Khedi 1,110 71 71 437 218 219 51 45 35 1 125 125 23 58 Jinda Kheda 1,737 106 106 534 266 268 62 49 82 20 162 138 P, Po. g4 59 Nahar Kheda 723 39 39 304 157 147 25 21 21 106 26 25 43 Dhaturia 1,306 90 90 572 290 282 49 68 50 163 144 P . .86 94 Katakaya 1,583 72 72 490 271 219 41 31 55 3 180 91 P. ~7 85 Solsinda 2,219 158 158 905 454 451 157 170 lI2 10 267 212 P. .88 106 Mundlahusen 1,401 59 59 319 165 154 44 51 39 10 104 70 29 104 Brahaman Piplya 1,245 95 95 534 277 257 82 76 59 5 164 121 P. 90 134 Pirkasadiya 688 83 73 375 201 174 8 12 107 13 112 93 P,M. 91 133 Baroda Arjuna 901 58 58 345 184 161 31 30 63 110 88 P. 92 60 Ajnoti 1,267 54 54 320 159 16l 35 29 47 11 96 6 P. 93 62 Jaumburdi Sarwar 2,044 80 80 409 217 192 41 44 77 7 132 23 P. 94 63 Basandara 1,820 97 97 551 287 264 52 43 90 6 164 85 P. 95 71 Baghana 2,014 146 146 899 459 440 153 142 149 24 256 193 P. 96 86 Mawa1a Khedi 751 31 31 179 94 85 39 34 14 53 40 97 72 Mer Khedi 427 28 28 162 81 81 )3 9 14 52 36 98 105 Jetpura 1,159 59 59 297 146 151 21 17 25 1 89 75 99 107 DhanaKhedi 870 47 47 282 125 157 67 88 13 I 78 81 100 109 Jodi 1,181 90 90 503 256 247 84 92 67 3 157 114 P. 101 135 DaKachava 3,177 297 298 1,673 8+7 826 67 68 412 42 456 434 P,M.. 102 132 Sitota"a 550 50 48 283 139 144 23 27 44 5 83 73 103 61 Mang~laya Aranaya 817 58 58 314 156 158 25 24 23 3 100 52 104 68 Mata-Buredi 2,059 107 108 627 318 309 56 49 97 14 182 124 P. 105 87 Muradpura 1,592 82 82 449 241 208 60 58 69 2 154 118 P. 106 8f! Radodva c\ma 885 21 21 160 85 75 46 37 15 49 36 107 108 ,\maJi'Kheda 887 31 31 193 105 88 47 44 l8 67 43 108 III Parl.ala·,a BC\i 'iran:; 1,0.j6 4fi 51 295 148 14-7 30 31 20 4 98 68 109 110 Khankaroci . 1,544 97 q7 505 256 2+9 85 93 69 5 162 127 110 118 Laslldava-P arW:lr 1.. 186 67 67 193 262 231 53 51 81 10 156 69 P. . III 130 Palasiva 1,365 100 100 626 321 305 48 50 106 2 191 135 P. . 112 131 Maudbwada 1,350 100 101 6~8 330 298 23 16 148 11 181 J68 P. 113 C9 Pitawa1i 549 35 35 172 84 88 45 52 35 46 40 114 70 Sallana 653 26 26 139 66 73 50 60 11 37 31 225


WORKERS Non­ _~~ ___~_" _____"' ___ ' __'''' ___''_'''''''''''''' ____'' _____''_I''-- _____ ~ ______1"------______- .. _ Workers Ser­ II III IV v VI VII VIII IX X ial I No.

1\1 F M F 1\1 F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

101 91 35 G5 10 26 13 2 4 5 122 1~7 74

92 97 41 41 10 10 2 2 7 7 110 130 75 30 22 17 22 6 5 5 2 1 3 55 50 76 91 WO 20 23 64 22 14 8 14 6 10 4 4 41 4 169 227 77

50 53 47 45 3 2 4 2 4 86 74 78 60 47 16 19 6 1 3 2 47 66 79 120 90 25 26 20 6 2 1 122 154 80

196 202 50 34 44 5 32 3 14 8 2 17 65 83 324 367 81 82 90 35 34- 1 3 1 4 93 94 82 74 74 58 58 5 14 5 2 3 6 104 130 83 70 4 29 22 6 1 51 121 84 96 87 38 57 15 7 2 5 127 138 85

95 55 26 26 34 3 12 6 6 7 91 128 86 122 103 74 S8 15 39 14 2 10 6 4- 187 239 87

55 45 28 24 7 9' 2 2 1 61 84 88 70 55 59 62 15 11 4 1 2 6 113 136' 89

76 76 4 11 10 2 5 3 2 4- 10 89 81 90 54 64 19 21 12 13 3 4- 6 74 73 91

63 27 6 4 2 63 155 92 102 19 23 2 3 5 85 169 93

78 24 47 55 23 10 4 2 3 123 179 94

113 108 55 76 16 48 9 8 15 203 247 95

26 11 14 27 5 8 1 41 45 96 36 29 8 3 5 1 4 1 1 29 45 97 33 28 33 45 12 4 I 3 4 57 76 98 34 36 25 42 12 :2 4 1 3 47 76 99 61 53 37 53 35 12 7 2 10 99 133 100

276 312 53 91 30 46 IS 5 15 31 391 392 101

57 51 6 19 1'),_ 3 5 3 56 71 102 46 22 18 23 32 6 2 1 56 106 103 85 72 74 52 6 11 5 136 185 104

76 62 42 42 8 14 11 5 3 2 ,5 87 90 105

14 15 22 21 7 2 3 36 39 106 33 22 25 21 5 4 38 45 107 33 21 35 41 18 5 4 2 5 50 79 108 63 'i8 57 68 20 11 1 2 8 94 122 109 ::,0 37 14 19 22 3 44 8 2 2 16 8 106 162 110 116 93 2S 34 28 3 15 5 4 130 170 III 65 99 23 34 21 17 42 17 11 16 149 130 112

18 14 20 24 3 1 2 :2 38 43 113 7 4 11 24 5 3 13 29 42 114 226


1951 Are:\ Occu- Ho- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Sl. Cemus VillagelTownl in pied use Caste, Tribes Ed'Jcated Total Wo­ No. Serial \ Vard/Block acres Hou- holds rker (I-IX) Ko. ses ----.----___ ~ P F F :tv1 F M F M F 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 II 12 13 H IS 16 17

lLj 89 Rmg-n"dara 96-1 49 49 309 16-3 141 3+ 26 22 100 72 IIG 114 Ram-Plpalya 1,336 73 75 420 212 208 60 66 74 124 72 P. 117 119 Rahu Khedi 756 13 14 59 35 24 13 8 11 15 12 1I8 129 Bhunclwas 846 58 58 358 liG 182 37 38 47 I 111 82 119 64 Badrakha 797 64 6{ 339 162 177 64 62 53 9 91 76 P. 120 66 Kankanya-Bodya 1,893 86 88 581 296 285 73 69 83 7 195 66 P. 73 Kharwa Khedi 272 2 2 9 3 6 :2 I I 3 74 Pahyahedar 1,859 225 225 1,149 591- 555 198 177 310 111 302 199 P, ~I, :Mt W, P0. 123 113 Panchderia 1,386 95 96 517 272 245 103 sa 61 2 158 107 P. 124 112 T",s-Karadiya 506 31 31 194 97 97 34 4! 17 52 31 125 115 -Gan-Pipala}'a 1,1I97 62 66 362 184 178 84 92 46 2 112 98 P. t2G 124 K"da\\-ali-Bujllrg 1,439 129 129 680 3+1 339 21 26 145 8 198 162 P, Pu. 127 123 Kad:nvali Khurd 2,142 162 162 732 %2 370 70 71 14tl 16 208 189 P. 1:28 65 Kbajurava 2,001 99 100 504 260 244 37 3+ 91 6 142 83 129 67 Sagwal 1,805 63 63 428 21" 213 65 63 42 1 IZO 98 130 76 Alwa,a 1,008 91 91 545 296 249 69 75 103 17 177 lIZ P. IJI 81 Bawli !liO 46 +6 252 121 131 32 39 38 76 5') 13:.'. 116 BljU Khedi 439 32 32 167 83 84 36 39 3 53 38 133 122 Sula Khuli 1,246 85 85 518 ~49 269 41 49 72 6 HI 150 p, U4 1:26 Phara"p'Jr 850 45 45 302 1:;+ 148 32 2S 34 3 90 83 133 128 ;:yac Khcc\i b49 63 63 --lI3 202 211 30 25 59 1 109 97

135 75 l'awardaJunarda 1,7G9 75 75 479 245 23~ 81 80 55 2 143 132 1'17 77 Rawati 992 37 37 189 1(,;0 89 51 51 28 l)i) 46 138 82 !\fag ar Kh"d a 1 282 8~ 82 435 227 208 56 5b 48 125 75 139 117 flhah.::i '542 51 52 ~67 145 122 30 34 46 4 83 27 140 120 ::-'I.',n0,lIya Sadak 1,639 172 174 8i4 146 428 102 115 232 60 240 159 P, t-.I, D, Mr:w, Po, Ei. Ea, Ed. J.l-~ 121 MumL"IJ·B:w 529 1+ 14 107 52 55 8 37 27 142 125 Eisa Khedi ' 85{ 42 42 271 1:23 143 45 51 53 19 79 79 P. I-rJ• " 80 J .lkh a'; a 1,024 58 60 282 151 131 H 31 57 10 88 38 P. IH 127 1>lelka]ama 1,524 87 87 420 213 207 87 52 7 123 102 P. 145 79 Bardari 444 19 2(l 116 62 ~{ II 10 23 3 30 21 Hi) 83 Bhang-a)'a 851 HZ H3 464 ~41 ~~::l 107 105 69 2 136 34 l-n 78 Bhawrasla 927 59 59 378 1% 182 8 ') 21 23 86 20 133 B6 T) 1 • ].t8 84 Kumerdi 621 24 24 83 40 17 20 7 2 29 20 227


W 0 R K E R S ?\'on ~ __. __ --_ ---.------.-.-.-.- --~ ------_. --.-----.-----.--- \Vurkcn I II III IV v VI VII VIII IX x ~l. :\"u.

M F :'1.1 F 1\1 .F F M F 1\1 F M F M I' 1\1 F 1\1 F 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37

49 40 3{ 32 13 1 3 68 69 lIS 57 25 H 39 7 11 6 2 2 2 88 136 116

9 12 4 2 20 12 117 67 56 2+ 24 12 6 1 1 65 100 118 48 ·15 18 27 18 :2 1 2 5 71 101 119

89 14 63 45 38 2 3 7 101 219 1:20

I 2 1 2 3 121 81 75 41 81 33 5 36 15 8 22 16 29 2 36 19 292 356 122 55 33 65 67 23 8 7 2 4 IH 138 123 H 11 15 19 7 1 1 2 2 45 66 12-1: 72 58 23 33 8 7 5 2 1 72 80 125

148 125 15 26 4 18 11 6 6 H3 177 126

96 114 47 68 34 3 11 4 6 14 154 181 127

·61 58 79 8 4 2 4 3 3 118 161 128 40 :2 80 96 95 115 129 70 55 59 54 24 2 6 6 4 7 119 137 130

40 37 IS 14 8 2 5 6 -1:5 78 131 30 18 16 19 3 2 1 2 30 46 132 84 101 25 42 11 17 7 4 108 119 133

58 65 13 15 9 8 2 1 6-1: 65 134 63 SO 19 10 10 4 8 3 4 11 93 114 135

76 79 35 47 14 5 1 5 5 2 5 102 102 136 26 23 15 21 8 3 2 6 1 40 43 137 66 +J. 46 29 6 1 1 3 3 102 133 138 25 11 10 16 8 2 28 11 4 57 95 139 61 50 39 26 6 29 9 4 1 33 8 39 93 206 269 )40

17 12 10 10 7 3 5 15 28 141 47 47 21 30 7 1 2 2 49 64 142

40 17 24 18 9 2 4 5 2 2 2 63 93 143

65 68 20 20 15 10 7 13 6 90 105 1+1:

14 15 8 5 3 1 1 3 1 32 33 H5 70 45 29 36 15 2 9 1 8 2 3 105 139 146 82 47 25 35 17 I 2 1 2 2 3 2 63 96 H7

9 4 10 15 4 2 2 H 20 143

INDORE TAHSIL :z -~ "~ "::I % ·=j2 I 1 I I 1 ... ~g a ~ J,.. --;,.. 1::- " 'iii' Q> w a: f- UJ % LL.J W 9 n: a: 51 > 0 ~ 0 <1>' 0 ",,.._,,,'" ~ 0 Z 3 ""0'C\I-.itS '" .. Z 0'" (J) I- -1ll-'" /:.1 ~ - ..~ ~- ','" C3 ~'\ _j U t3~z 0 J' 0: --' 0 \- (/) a: u -' - «:; ~ I r 0

_-" '"

"'\ 0 1:1 3 ... '" n d r v d _1 Joo z -.l. NV) ~ .. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


Se,-;al Name oiVlllage Location Location Serial Xame of\ III age Lcclltinn Location No. Code ~o. Code X o. J\ o. elJde No. Code Ko. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 ,) 3

1 Ahir Khedi 93 2-± ..p Fat-a:~-Khedi 131 59 2 Ambamolya 63 103 ..J.') Fulkar 110 ..J.2 75 Kazi PaJa,ia 99 1-1:..J. 29 Bilaoli 60 III 76 Kcloelhala 6 73 30 Bisan Khcda 33 97 77 Kdod Kartal 130 50 31 Bisnavda 75 32 78 KeGel, a 13-J. 13+ 32 Budhaniya 18 13 79 Khajrana -1:..J. 65 33 Burana Khedi 3-1: 96 80 Kh:mdel 139 169 34 Chauhan Khedi 50 103 81 Kharaclia 133 163 35 Chhit Kana 48 9..J. 82 Khati Piplya 13 83 36 Chikatya 156 135 83 Khatri Khcdi 47 93 37 Dandala Khedi 71 154 8+ Khe:nana 51 86 33 Deki 126 40 85 Kh',IC cl BlUurg 83 145 39 Deoguradia 96 IH 86 KI:udel Khlerd 146 40 Dhamr:ai 117 127 37 Koelia Ilardi GO 25 88 L2~ur(!i\ a ~.I"ri C;'7_, 7f) 41 Dharf'awad H 34 89 L.l~l-T(): a Anant 119 [56 42 Dhaturya 135 5+ 90 Ll~n1)oj~lgZ'.,oi J..l: 43 Dhniel 86 156 H Digw"J 121 161 91 Limbe'eli 55 45 Dudhiva 97 118 92 I\isch:,la 47 46 Fali 10+ 162 93 lI.I < Barocli,a 7 230


Serial '" arne of Village Location Location I Serial N arne of Village Location Location ~o. Code ~o. Code No. I No. CedeNo. Code No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 I 2 3 4 I 94 l\fali Khccli 80 110 I 131 Rao 128 46 95 l\faya Khedi 28 75 I 132 Rinjlai 58 36 96 Minapur 145 52 I 133 Rcdadi 39 6 97 l'IIoklai 125 41 i 134 Sahu Khedi 49 95 98 Moosa Khedi 95 113 I 135 Sahu Kh~di 163 139 99 Morod 142 49 136 Sakkar Khedi 5 77 100 Morod Hat 100 165 137 S;:;kkar Khedi Haran Khedi 14 82 138 Sanawadya 114 101 Muhadi 162 126 119 139 Sawalya Khedi 102 88 157 73 33 140 Sernlyachau 37 103 Mundla Dosdar 148 131 90 104 Mudla.:J et-Karari 84 147 141 Sernlya Raimal 137 172 105 Mundla N ayata 113 53 142 Set Khedi 70 158 140 106 X ahar Jhabua J76 143 Shahadadeo 120 173 Naoda Panth 92 27 107 144 Shivni 122 174 108 NarJai 124 38 145 Sindhi Baroda 118 149 21 17 109 Narwar 146 Sindoda 107 30 166 141 110 Nayapura 147 Sindodi 106 39 148 76 29 III Nenod 59 26 149 SU'pur 61 112 Nignoti 11 79 23 150 Songir 113 Nihalpur Mundi 129 57 3 2 li4 Nipanya 29 69 151 Songuradia 116 129 115 Niranjanpur 25 67 152 Sonwai 135 132 116 Pala Khedi 19 12 153 Soroliya 167 94 116 117 ! 154 Sukhniwas 108 45 118 Panjrya 160 (De~erted) 155 Suklya 22 15 119 Panod 10 80 156 Talaoli K achara 91 35 120 Pedrni 152 170 157 Talawali Chanda 7 74 151l Tigrya Badshaha 20 16 121 Pip aIda 157 138 15S TJ"r"a., J Rao 64 122 Pipliya Hana 62 64 102 160 TIllor Rujurg 123 Pipliya Tafa 57 8 155 137 lU Piplya Kumhar 26 70 161 TIllor Khurd 153 120 125 Pivdai 149 143 162 Tinchha 159 123 126 Rajdhara 147 133 163 lijjaini 134 130 127 Rala MandaI 1'l2 54 164 lirnari 143 48 128 Ram-Garh 66 106 165 Urnarya-Khurd 115 117 129 Ramu Khedi 85 148 166 Undel 151 167 130 Rangwa~a 127 37 167 Upadi Natha 32 99 231

o o ~"

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,-~G';:; 1-1'-';:: L ::: 'W ...., ~,

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CI '"C'l

C'l I 1 100 I~ Ir;:.i I "'Ii:) ()) I~ If"...... t. ~ I;'f~ C'l C ... "" C::' ~ II~ 10 I~ i I i~ Ir-

o cJ


1 5.§ ~ ~ ~ ",," o U Cl S Z ~ o U p .S \ ..... o "" (;J ."« u I o '" H II o ci Z Z o ..... -..... 232


1951 Workers Ser- Census Vill2gc Town! Area Occu- HrJUs- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & .. ---.. --.. _-- ial ,';;','ria! Ward/Block in pied holds Castes Tribes Educated T0t aJ Wo- No. No. acres Bou- rkers (I-IX) ... _ .. __ .. _,.._ .. -,..-0----,.--- ... _ .. __ .. _p----.._ ses ...-----.. _,.---- .. ---... ~- -_-_---.. _- P ~1 F M F 1\1 F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

'Ward Nr. 3 1,214 2,439 10,651 5,735 4,916 2,966 2,692 2,884 9-l6 2,335 556 P, M, B, D. MP(A), !\lP (0), Mew, S, Po, Ed. Ward No.4 672 Z,057 10,067 5,629 4,438 93 39 4,058 2,442 2,680 244 P, M, H, C,D, MP(A), MP(O), Mew, S, Po, To, Ei, Ed. Ward No.5 1,038 1,630 9,457 5,299 4,158 386 325 3,389 1,828 2,564 232 P, M, H, C, D, MP(A), 11P(0), S, Po, Ed. Ward No.6 1,116 2,359 13,055 7,123 5,932 372 290 6 4,984 3,174 3,163 526 P, M, H, C, D, MP(A), MP(O), Mew, S, Po, Ed. Ward No.7 609 1,821 9,823 5,374 4,449 443 379 3,609 2,165 2,431 172 P, M, H, C, D, MP(A), :MP(O), S, Po, Ed. \\' ard T\ 0. 8 1,584 3,632 18,293 9,708 8,585 1,620 1,530 5,125 2,242 4,644 517 P, 11, H, D, MP(A), 11P(0), S, Po, Ed. "'ard No.9 900 1,803 9,121 4,747 4,374 409 378 2,847 1,393 2,191 330 P, M,D, MP(A), MP(O;, S, Po, Ed. "'ard No. 10 1,765 2,159 11,724 6,177 5,547 85 86 6 9 4,041 2,437 2,725 312 P, M, D. 11P(A), M1'(O), S, Po, Ed. 'Yard No. 11 454 1,418 7,079 3,817 3,262 102 84 2,793 1,636 1,679 129 P, 11, D, ]\IP(A), MP(O), S, Po, Ei, Ed. Ward No. 12 1,216 2,719 14,398 7,610 6,788 734 1,089 3,837 1,792 3,744 410 P, M, D, MP(A), MP(O), S, Po, To, Ei, Ed. Ward No. 13 381 1,217 7,585 4,098 3,487 81 64 2,433 1,362 1,983 120 P, M, D, ::'>11'(.'1), 11P(0), S, Po, Ei,Ed. \Vard No. 14 390 1,649 8,431 4,551 3,880 198 193 5 3,195 2,084 2,086 247 P. M. H, D, 11P(A), j\IP(O), S, Po, Ei, Ed. Ward No. 15 818 1,699 7,868 4,288 3,580 341 283 29 23 2,763 1,368 2,081 291 P, M. D. 11P(/I.) , !'.IP(O), S, Po, Ei, Ea, Ed. Ward No. 16 641 2,796 14,938 8,392 6,546 574 524 2 5,461 3,057 3,436 450 P. M, B, D, Hos, MP(A), MP(O), Mew, S, Po, J<:i, Ea, Ed. Ward No. 17 582 2,116 10,393 5,396 4,997 88 57 3,978 2,831 2,115 338 P, M, H, D. \fP(A), MP(O), Mew, S, Po, Ei, Ed. Ward No. 18 292 1,414 6,'190 3,647 3,243 III 95 2,582 1,564 1,693 209 P, 11, D, ~IP(A), MP(O), S, Po, Ei, Ed. Ward No. 19 323 1,810 7,234 3,901 3,333 2 2,905 1,923 1,611 202 P, M, H, D. MP (Al, MP(O), S, Po, Ei, Ed. 233


WORKERS Non­ Workers Ser­ ial I II III IV nI VIn IX X No.

M F M F .1\1 F M F M F J\1 F F M .F .1\1 F 1\1 F

13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 3ic 35 36 37 3 W.N. 2 47 38 1,598 128 186 129 260 22 74 2 656 235 2,900 4,360 3

4 107 2 7 4 780 20 106 4 490 16 152 04: 1,033 194 2,949 4,194 4

19 27 4 22 4 641 20 55 716 23 254 2 829 178 2,735 3,926 5

49 4 82 4 18 20 538 10 76 10 565 12 262 3 1,572 463 :3,960 5,-106 6

19 42 31 12 620 7 43 2 703 13 182 4 784 133 2,943 4,277 7

17 14 94 6 231 42 1,320 100 253 29 1,112 41 449 11 1,165 273 5,061- 8,068 8

107 2 128 105 587 16 117 16 372 48 169 2 711 141 2,556 4,044 9

10 5 52 3 104 80 623 14 98 13 887 38 210 740 159 3,452 5,235 10

30 41 35 542 17 73 2 245 10 127 605 65 2,138 3,133 11

17 3 244 100 1,491 28 148 6 877 94 231 8 734 171 3,866 6,378 12

9 18 16 596 10 215 10 637 27 180 2 328 55 2,115 3,367 13

4 10 56 17 613 32 41 447 22 75 3340 175 2,.~65 3,633 14

8 4 15 68 90 1,023 45 55 18 366 21 S6 450 112 2,207 2,~89 15

3 15 86 92 1,487 69 49 2 55", ~3 181 4 1,058 259 4,956 6,096 16

33 9 12 496 10 94 13 401 42 102 4 979 256 3,281 4,659 17

1 29 3 28 14 569 17 28 352 19 38 598 155 1,954 3,034 18

8 2 33 18 431 7 66 503 16 60 570 158 2,230 3,131 19 234


\Vorkers Ser­ 1951 .\rea Orcu- Ho­ Total Populatiun Scheduled Schcdn1ed Literate & ial Ccn~lb Yil 1.1[',('."l' 0\\ n/ in . lr'd U>:;t'- C.l~t('s Trit.e, Educated Total \\'0- No. Seri,ll \\·.lrdiDlvlk acres H~- huld' ,'ken (I-IX) No. u,;es __~ ____ ~_ ,.._~ __~~"""I.._ P l\1 F J\I F )..f F F F

2 5 (j 7 8 9 1(J 11 12 13 15 17

WC"'c\ "'"'). :!(J 1,101 1,-15:2 i,G07 3,975 3,632 13 13 2,5(il I,.H3 1,521 306 P, \1, H,D, ~,.jP( \), \iP \ 0:, S, }'o, E1, Eel. W Mel ;-.; c,, ~ 1 379 1,382 8,110 +,285 3,825 36 36 2,9+5 1,795 1,982 266 p, l\.~, H. D, ;\11' (A.), 111' ( 0,. S, Po, Ei,Ed. \\'3rd -\n. ~2 61G 1,673 8.97+ 4,810 -1,164 175 141 2,979 1,5-17 2.3-13 235 P, l\of, H, D, :,l1",'..), :NIP \O;,~, Po, Ei, Ed. '''ard ;\;u. ~::; 4-42 1,:22-1 6,743 3,6)5 3,133 2,699 1,731 1,652 91 p, M. H, D, '\[? IA.I, MP (0" S. I' _', El, Eel. \Varcl ::'\0. :2.; 413 1,532 8,2-18 +,309 3.939 7 4 3,lH 2,067 1,963 111 :Ed.

\" ill'< 1 :\f L). ~5 88·1 1,098 9,180 -1,979 4,201 H 85 3,121 1,+36 2,+02 2+3 P. \J, H, D. :\11' 1:-\:, MP (0), S, Po, Ei, Ed.

Ward -:\'0. 26 455 1,7+7 7397 4,158 3,339 124 98 2,:;50 969 2,! 13 193 P, l\L H, D, M1'I.\.), MP (0), S, Po, Ei,Ecl. Ward No. 27 610 1,')~8 8,224 4,32+ 3,90i) 593 453 :2,515 1,29+ 2,028 2+1 p, 1\1, H, D, 1\11'1 ..\), 1\1P (0), S, Pc" Ei, Ed. Wald No. 28 1,756 1,763 8,105 +,409 3,696 190 173 2,679 1, L8:2 2,229 152 P, rVI, D, MP (.Ie), MP (Oi, S, I'd, Ei, Ed. \Yard No. ~9 2,519 2,536 13,193 7,127 6,D66 563 491 3 4,473 2,307 3,239 4+8 P. :'1, E, T, D, Rhc, ]\11' (.-\:, l\lcw, S, Po, Ei, Ed. Ward No, 30 1,022 1,1311 8,823 4,122 4,101 27 26 3,3i7 2,082 2,099 124 P, lVI, T, D, Hm, MP (Xi, \IP ,01, Mew, S, Po, To, Ei, Ed. Ward No. 31 1,351 1,361 7,486 3,953 3,533 3 2,689 '1,307 1,365 p, :\1, H, M1'(AI, 1'.11' (0), S, Ei, Ed. Ward No. 32 1,657 1,658 8,70::; 4,688 4,015 3,261 1,859 2,[96 167 P, 1\1, H, C, D, 1\1P("\) , 1\11' (0), S, Po, Ed. \\. arcl ~ o. ,33 1,221 1,219 7,202 3,777 3,425 2,729 1,886 1,73+ 65 p, M, H, D, !'vIP 1.'1.), MP(O), S, EJ, Ed. \\'arc! ;\;0. '3-1- 1,115 1,355 7,5~ 1 4,OGb 3,535 2,729 1,511 1,890 169 P, 1\1, S, Ei, Ed, \\' ani "'0. 35 1,690 1,678 9,030 4,773 4,2:)7 434 385 14 8 ~,473 1,033 2,243 471 p, M. H, D, Has, ?lfP (Aj, MP (0), 1\lt\\', S, Po, E1, Ed.

;'\ on-\\' ard ::-'1 unicipa1 6,428 9,167 39,163 21,833 17,330 5,767 +,S73 5 7 10,D82 3,020 11,660 1,756· area P, lVI, D, MP IAJ. ]\IP (0), S, Po, Ei, Ed. Circle No. 130 325 868 3,600 2,047 1,553 3Il 218 902 375 1,23--1 135 Circle No. 131 381 988 +,161 2,417 1,74-1- 377 192 3 6 956 Hl7 1,H2· 2*,7 Circle No. 132 H6 679 2,719 1,529 1,190 397 303 699 157 80+ 15& 235


WORKERS 1\011-

--~-~~~------~------.--~-~------_-----_--.. _---_-_-- .. -- -- - .. ---.. - ... -~- .. - ... - .. -~ -,.._-_,..---.---_-_ \\'orkers Ser­ ial I II III IV v VlI nIl IX x No.

M F ]\1 F l\I F M F 1\1 F F F M F F F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 :33 34 35 37 3 W.N. 5 29 2 78 III 582 34 28 552 36 9i 156 123 2,15.J: 3,326 20

14 105 56 608 28 44 4 615 24 111 484 154 2,303 3,559 21

23 126 76 752 23 54 770 22 162 455 112 2,467 3,929 22

2 56 16 466 17 7 763 11 37 321 46 1,963 3,042 23

4 14 24 4 560 16 115 6 632 2 89 547 83 2,324 3,828 24

3 19 98 70 676 29 48 10 507 30 173 878 104 2,577 3,958 25

9 2 31 2 16 4 1,064 65 71 19 257 11 107 558 90 2,045 3,146 26

22 16 11 18 19 3 112 46 712 28 73 12 322 19 168 2 589 97 2,296 3,659 27

6 14 39 35 912 29 75 5 366 12 294 4 522 66 2,180 3,544 23

8 19 55 4 192 76 747 60 152 13 998 29 270 3 837 244 3,868 5,618 29

21 2 15 56 10 533 14 41 8 937 21 109 337 69 2,623 3,977 30

5 11 4 88 59 577 23 96 8 604 15 90 394 88 2,088 3,336 31

3 9 2 93 25 564 17 18 956 9 86 467 113 2,492 3,848 32

3 4 65 15 365 4 3 991 4 41 262 40 2,043 3,360 33

17 19 21 111 24 521 14 61 2 563 19 173 401 106 2,116 3,366 34

10 2 2 59 6 121 100 594 11 179 16 425 129 174 679 207 2,530 3,786 35

324 152 102 24 242 43 118 124 5,904 490 626 158 824 92 545 21 2,975 652 10,173 15,574 Non- Ward M.Area

24 8 7 2 708 33 25 2 36 2 69 2 362 87 813 1,418 6 9 3 12 6 12 1,054 118 52 18 58 9 23 200 48 1,005 1,527 33 16 13 3 13 5 33 433 9 59 13 48 4 12 188 80 725 1,032 236


\\'orkers Ser­ 1951 Arca Occu­ Bo­ Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & ial Census Village/Town/ m pi('d U\c­ Ca,tes Tribes Educated Total Wo­ No. Serial \\' ard/lIlock acres Bo- holds rkers (I-IX) l\"u. USes p F F :M F F 11 F

3 5 (j 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 H 15 16 17

Cilcle ::'\.,. 133 Jet! 973 -~.859 2,587 ~,272 307 278 1,245 3H 1,231 23D Circle ::'\0. 134 577 9:;] 3,757 2,084 1,673 1,129 I,Ou2 ... 811 133 1,159 187 Circle ::'\ u. 135 511 308 ~,i15 1~981 1.7:3+ 1,556 1;+37 662 93 993 179 Circle ~ o. 136 30:.! 621 ~,GJ5 1,H'j 1,190 200 174 670 176 734 142 CIrcle ::'\u. 1:;7 1,537 1)37 7,213 +.064 3,1-19 8::2 747 2,418 1,058 2,078 3G4 138 1,2jD 1.=:2~ ±,.f 19 ~,516 1,903 +96 424- 1,109 288 I,H2 120 .~3G 3+'1 2,OS5 1,IG3 922 172 138 610 179 568 84 ::--fon-!dumtipal 1,:28~ 1,%2 7,7~5 4;139 3,336 1,313 1,126 2,358 877 2,300 302 lJrb3.TI ~\l t'~l P. ~I, D,:-'. Po, I:d CirLle 1';0. 140 557 965 4,5lS ::,396 :!,12~ 1,130 1,034 1'::;29 584 1,149 207 Clrele -' o. 14] 67 DC 1,219 7+1 475 11 11 382 123 39-1: 4 CIrcle No. 142 658 G61 2,038 1,299 739 122 81 6+7 170 757 91

19/3 U!I Indore Tahsil, Rural 223,035 15,421 15,7-1:3 8':;,2:3 {{,384- +0,839 7,956 7,849 26 26 16,S~0 2,657 2 f)32 13,335

3 Flllkaradia 751 55 56 283 H6 137 23 18 67 JJ 77 40 P. 2 Batnd 4,659 712 713 3,G17 1,871 1,746 297 307 1,004 331 932 474 P, 1'1, H, D, Rhe, MP (A), MP (0). Po, Ei, Ea, Ed. 3 2 Son,E?;ir 1,346 59 59 333 liZ 166 87 103 43 4 101 64 4 14 Liil1bodagari P. 1,887 90 III 58~ ~91 291 55 G9 71 3 153 18 5 77 Sakkar Khclh +55 23 117 6U 57 16 3 26 20 6 73 Kc10dhala 909 91 91 506 261 245 57 64 77 8 151 64 P, D, l\IP (A), 11P(O). 1g e j. 7 74 Talawali Chanda P. 899 73 75 375 181 68 65 76 17 110 53 8 72 Arandia 1,062 ::;9 59 315 163 152 38 37 35 8::; 19 9 81 Balva Kheda P. 1,476 45 -1:5 350 189 161 50 47 31 3 99 56 10 80 Pa~od P. 2046 73 73 429 :!21 208 61 65 72 8 145 99 II 79 ~ign"ti '890 46 -1:7 290 150 140 12 12 6 100 71 MP (A). 1\11' (0). - ... q 12 78 J agmal-Pipl) a P. 1,289 1- 73 +00 195 205 32 30 29 2 130 115 13 83 Khati-P;plva P. t,+3 58 58 391 20G 185 32 34 78 I 113 83 'GO ()Q 3']') 3-} 1~ 82 Sakkar Khecll 755 158 164 4IJ 31 2 105 62 (Haran-Khcdi) 15 84 Jani 551 ·12 ~2 2:2G 116 1 III 4 4- 9 75 4G· 16 85 T,.]c,dkeu 842 37 37 ~53 I:!I 1::\2 5 3 40 Ii! 62 17 5 -GunLl Khedi 21::0 25 :25 141 83 58 32 ~4- 19 42 22 18 13 Budh,:miva P. 2,-t26 93 III 587 318 21i9 61 75 86 6 179 18 19 12 Pala Kb~di P. I.H~3 92 112 5'37 298 799 99 WO 67 2 175 104 ,II.:! 20 16 Tigrya Dad,haha P. J ,iDS 1i3 7-t 241 221 116 1:2:! 71 7 131 19 :~n 203 101 35 21 17 N arw ,,1' riH2 '33 1m 42 41 6 50 19 2'! 15 Suklya* P. 1 Hn3* 21:3 3 H; 1,5 112 850 712 214 213 28 481 276 23 18 Kal,ir Khedi P. '7':;3 :l7 97 +80 2fi2 211 31 7'2 5 133 ,(; 3D 17q ~f.~ ,0,7 ., 2~1- 58 hh3ng~!i.h :l33 3 ~4 3 ,19 33 3~9 289 59 25 67 ~iraniClnpur P. 1,372 IOJ G18 53 87 25 190 77 1it) 2G 70 Pin]YL~·I'-umhar P. I,CllO tJ~ 370 191 45 62 61 110 112 7t) L~"~lr~liv,:-:"_\uri p~ 1 :,Ui 11', :cH 1 3m 233 11:, es 117 4 241 27 p'J 92 28 75 1\1:.v.c Khcdi P. 'iiCl ';4 :'-1:9 J:27 4:1 5-'; 39 72 58 J:-l 3,->1 29 69 1,IS, ~ t~:! 139 41 42 23 FlO 74 l.l~,) 11:0 .17;; :'8(, 292 30 IG! Tba~~lry ... P. 61 B+ 37 17R 139 12'; lIn ::;0 9 Hic"_>'ilV~ 1,.")0,; ::'l ::it) 2"', 5S <10 1i7 37 31 " l ·1] :!h ; HI! 126 'l') 32 "i '\:• .,-(1 C''{ 8th~ 710 +1 3::; 32 95 71 t~~ 32() J(i:_; 33 e,;~ ~n Kh("d~ 1). 1. L"l 1,3 1:5 SI 5-1- 59 (, 94 [6 Lot ~7G 4(, 3-1- BW

* Thi, exdudc& the area of 78 acre& of this village which ha~ been merged in Indore Town. 237


WORKERS Xon­ ------~~------,_-...... ------~ .. ~.,~-~------.. -----~--.- .. -- .. -"-"--~-"-----"-"-"-----"---"------",----- \\\)lklrS ~("f­ I II III IV v VI VII VIn IX x lal ::'\0.

III F F F 2\.1 F F F

18 19 ~ 1 23 H 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3'} 35 37

8 27 6 110 24 5 3H 41 106 1:2 137 20 135 1 369 118 1,356 2,042 3 I 9 6 354 91 54 38 55 i 31 4 153 40 915 1,486 32 2 4 16 17 750 23 9 32 13 33 8 110 35 0S3 1,555 73 61 14 6 14 5 7 5 396 34 13 GO G <:5 III ::1 711 1,048 40 9 29 3 36 3 30 29 263 q 210 41 197 25 131 1,142 18) 1,%6 :',8+5 4 28 11 994 69 47 11 165 J 59 2 1-15 21 I,OH 1,783 88 4J 17 3 41 4 10 II Ij3 2 11) 1 36 '27 4- 195 17 J~'J [l38 51 14 3 2 46 10 46 49 703 ·15 ].to 18 129 40 412 3 77U :2,1:'19 :,,03+

21 6 2 29 7 34 :19 .tG:' 15 128 15 10:; 32 90 I ,_.'u- J t/;: 15 2 5 4 284 2 98 ., 350 ·:71 30 8 15 3 12 10 233 30 11 3 20 3 33 397 '27 5·U 6H3

11,780 G,7~9 5,847 5,103 1,293 300 1,448 562 383 136 244 +5 935 GU 243

22 12 6 14 2 8 6 '2 '20 (;9 97 257 174 64 66 30 13 1+3 84 26 23 1:2·1: 15 24 ::!41 1'J.1 939 L2n t

35 19 21 7 10 8 4 II 70 3 43 12 14 6 1 2 3 131) ,)", 11 12 19 2 1 :H JI J 43 61 56 8 2 23 'J 1'2 ilO WI 6

2i 11 50 +1 6 3 B 7 2 5 84 IZi\ 7 49 8 30 11 '2 2 1 78 I:\?, 8 59 22 37 34 I 1 1 ~\\) l()", 9 60 20 72 76 5 8 3 76 10'eJ 10 64 53 31 18 3 :2 ':;0 (i~ 11

]07 ]03 13 12 8 .. 'J. 65 91) 12 82 70 10 1+ 4 ICl J 4 3 ~)3 9) 13 64 39 20 18 6 12 :-I 53 102 1+ 50 35 18 11 3 2 41 ['4 15 46 4} 2(1 15 I 54 7(J 16 28 15 10 7 2 2 41 3G 17 77 I) 75 12 20 2 Lit} 251 18 90 47 68 56 10 1 123 195 19 .) 52 3:) 14 29 3 2 5 u" 110 :20'2 :20 19 4' 11 15 4 10 3 S2 82 21 142 127 59 41 18 I 2:26 :18 2 3 5 7 3{;9 43G 22 41 '35 :\ 12 18 1 136 211 23 ~ 32 32 12 43 54 24- 73 31 77 7 3 139 212 25 67 23 ll~ () 9 1 3 tl9 79 210 66 31) 47 52 7 G 3 15 29 68 3 J[~7 141 27 49 42 22 16 1 50 69 28 61 27 74 9 3 l;? 65 29 83 59 81 77 8 3 5 108 153 30 28 3 27 28 5 7 58 81 :3! 46 40 38 30 1 4 [, 45 55 32 44 40 37 44 3 7 2 3 71 69 33 53 51 38 35 6 1 19 20 5 8 103 135 34 41 40 7 14 8 3 1 1 4 39 38 35 V:LLAGE DIRECTORY

~-~------~ \Vo;-kers 1951 Vd1ag~ITO\ml Area Occu- Hnl..1Se- Total Scheduled Schcduled Literate & ~~---­ :al Census \\';ucl;H!ock in pled holels POJ}ULiliun Casles Tribe, Educalcd Tolal \\'0- !';"o. Seri:'ti aeres Bu- .-kers (I-IX) No. u'){_s l' F M F ),1 F ),1 F :\1 F

:2 3 5 7 10 II 12 13 14 15 lli 17

36 84 Baroda-Daulat P. 1)24 60 60 3S1 lW 182 23 30 49 3 104 85

37 90 Scmh'a-Chau 1,466 127 127 658 356 30~ 109 84 169 43 198 117 P, 1\1,1'0.

38 4 Kalmer P. 1,981 165 180 916 468 448 58 52 160 12 276 277

39 6 Rojadl P. 1,448 79 98 571 293 278 26 28 134 6 150 87

40 9 J amburcli-Hap,i P. 3,096 131 H7 838 443 395 56 45 155 277 211

41 10 Bangarcla-Bacla 2,825 263 327 I,G02 864 ,38 43 40 439 146 458 264 P,Mcw.

42 20 Bangarda-Chhota P. 2,765 149 149 830 434 396 163 18! 174 ~8 235 159

43 19 Banganga * 159 Population Included in Indore City. P, Ei, Ea, Ed,

44 65 Khairana & 3,611 507 507 2,914 1,519 1,395 181 191 676 169 830 423 P, 11, D, Po, Ei, Ed, Ea,

4S 100 Kanadv::! 4,195 294 294 1,780 911 869 186 138 38~ 47 495 377 P,M, Ii, 1Icw, Po.

46 92 Begum Khedi P. 485 34 34 209 110 99 25 23 36 55 46

47 93 Klutri-Khedi 35G 30 30 148 75 73 14 14 27 2 49 39

43 94- Chhit Kana 331 5 5 26 12 12 14 8 9

49 95 Sahu Khccli 455 25 166 85 81 18 19 13 48 38

50 108 Chauhan Khedi 1,058 67 G7 364 180 184 82 80 48 95 42

51 86 Khc.n:ma 1,577 G7 67 303 144 159 59 63 32 84 103

52 91 13hGb Khccli P. 531 36 36 215 109 106 31 34 35 10 63 67 53 87 Garya B7G 3G 36 183 93 90 48 37 26 57 45

54 155 Dhaturya 632 43 244 122 122 67 64 24 69 51

?~ 5S 7 :\Ia!i R"Tf ,liya 447 3B J} 200 101 99 12 9 20 52 43

56 II Hin;oniya Khurcl P. 609 48 54 327 176 151 3 3 59 2 102 71

57 8 380 22 81 41 40 8 3 25 23 58 3G 1,4H 54 54 297 161 136 31 24 41 5 100 71

59 l\:"er:od '!='. 3,IG3 99 99 533 270 263 27 22 132 30 169 124

60 25 Koclia-Bar(~; 591 Ul'\INHABITED 61 23 Sirpur P.Ed. £ 3,08G 205 20S 1,057 555 502 118 116 329 65 262 143

62 64 Pipli\,a-H alla = 1,3,t8 llS 120 706 384 322 64 57 203 15 181 59 P, T,Ei.

* l\n area of 69 acres ofthi, village including the inhabited per to\\n has been merged in Indore town. & 1·,5 -Do- £ 6S0 -Do- 271 -Do- 239


WORKERS ;-;on­ \\"orkers Ser­ I II I1I IV v YI VII VIII IX ial No. :tv! F :tv! F F M ~,l F ,\1 I r ~i F

18 19 20 ~ I 25 29 31 35 JG 37 ------

57 59 33 26 9 liS 97 36

71 51 18 26 3 9 -j. 158 185 37

173 201 64 16 9 2 G 2 7 192 171 38

99 55 20 29 6 2 :3 II lt3 191 39

166 136 82 75 .", 23 6 iSS 18-l: 40

190 155 8:! 92 12 17 9 35 J] 7 8 406 474 41

89 84 62 50 28 15 18 34 7 7 199 '1.:',7

Population Includd in Indore City.

298 225 236 185 79 2 46 7 7e! 2 11 2 6(': 972

228 220 119 110 43 52 41 3 G 18 4- 45

29 20 15 26 11 .5.:J

21 24 11 10 11 5 2

3 3 4 -1 2 4 5 48 32 24 16 14 37 43 49

66 9 29 33 85 H2 50

46 57 28 37 3 6 7 60 56 51 23 30 20 25 16 12 3 39 52 25 10 27 35 4 36 45 53

25 12 25 35 4 2 53 71 54 24 20 10 23 6 5 3 49 56 62 57 13 14 10 6 5 56 17 17 -l: 3 2 2 16 17 57

65 5-1: 12 17 18 3 hI 65 58 84 63 62 56 7 2 2 8 5


G-l: 39 59 71 10 21 30 30 11 8 5 51 61 56 2 85 57 2 9 i::i 2 (; 6 62 240


Workers Ser- 1951 Arca Occu- House- Total Scheduled Scheduled Literat~ & i"-----,.__ .. _..__ .. _ ial Cemu< \-ilhg.'/Townj lD pied holds PopulatlUn Ca~tes Tribes Educated Total Wo- No. Senal \ \' ard} Block acreS HOll- rkers (I-IX) &_ .. __ &_ .. _ .. _,.._o_ .. - ... --- .. - .. - .. - .. -~- ,..__-- -,.-- -_--,,--_ - ... ___ No. ses .. ~------r .. -- P 11 "' 1\1 F M F M F 11 F

-----~- 2 3 .J: 5 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

63 111 Bhichnli Hap,i P. 1,50,t 32 82 4H :246 :::28 62 56 96 3 130 66 64 102 Tigryarao 343 U J\ I N H A B I T E D 65 103 Ambamnlya 555 54 54 347 195 152 17 13 43 2 101 26 66 106 Ramgarh H6 ') 9 49 21 25 9 Il 6 1 15 9 67 105 G;)ri Plp]V;) P. 1,585 11+ 115 669 365 304 H 75 137 3 200 144 68 146 KhudC'! Khurd P. 1.009 70 53 257 13i- 123 30 9 49 2 84 22 69 150 Ank;-a ti-J.l 40 +2 190 96 9+ 22 23 35 1 63 58 70 158 Set Khedi 557 20 20 136 6e 68 16 17 22 5 37 39 71 15+ Dandala Khedi 1'10 U N I ?\ H A B I T E D 72 153 GogaKhcdi P. 7fi:! J-r- f 5f 261 127 134 41 47 25 2 68 40 73 33 Sawalya Khedi 591 U 'N I =" H A B I T E D H 34 Dharnawad eq3 -}G 46 303 151 152 16 14 8 98 50 75 32 Bisnavda P. 1,455 100 100 560 :287 273 106 92 130 4 148 149 it] 29 Sinhasa P. 1,318 139 139 1375 361 314 153 131 :2 :2 131 8 233 164 77 23 Bank P. 1,1-}8 116 116 579 ~99 280 113 105 81 161 110 78 112 Bichuli l\Indana p, 1,333 109 104 612 310 302 In 109 79 4 16+ 113 79 109 Badiva-Keema 2,063 24 2+ 113 h4 +9 21 9 21 4 30 13 80 110 MJl!kh~dl 7~8 18 18 94 5! ~3 16 20 9 29 21 81 104 Asr:lVad Blliurg P. 1,561 110 110 538 277 261 73 e2 117 22 150 34 82 107 Hasa Khedi p, 90t 66 66 457 234 223 38 29 46 7 116 48 83 145 Khudel Blljurg 1,982 240 223 1,289 662 W7 82 75 352 57 320 124 P,M, Po. 84 147 Mudlajelkaran 1,C\76 45 38 Zit 119 95 10 12 38 5 70 20 85 H8 RamuKhedi 53:! 24 25 153 81 72 7 22 30 41 20 86 156 Dhulet P. 1,417 D 51 256 124 132 38 37 42 16 74 75 87 1.31 Asa Khedi 53'; 35 38 206 103 103 35 42 11 1 60 54 88 1:J7 Mundi 357 7 7 40 21 19 1 3 6 1') 4 89 152 Aranya P. 939 75 75 359 191 163 8 9 66 5 100 58 90 31 Kalalia P. 1.120 117 117 593 294 299 36 42 110 12 168 107 91 33 TaL1uhkachara P. 1,089 56 :;f> 313 161 152 30 28 59 76 63 92 27 Naoda Panth P. 1,635 63 63 340 168 172 38 43 51 4 101 101 93 24 AhirKhedi P. 1,449 54 54 287 141 143 38 36 49 10 79 60 94 116 Palda P. 1,166 163 167 872 507 365 75 75 2fi7 43 217 101 95 113 MoosaKhedi 918* 173 173 1,027 563 464 115 101 235 19 279 110\ P, Po. 96 114 Deoguradia P. 849 68 68 310 154 156 41 44 69 24 64 4 97 llB Dudhiya 507 234 234 1,305 687 61B 19 16 355 104- 357 241 P, M,Po. 98 123 Kapalya Khedi 681 13 13 113 69 44 8 5 14 32 13 99 144 Kazipalasia 1,383 140 140 728 383 345 40 37 89 8 193 27 P, MP(A). 100 165 MorodHat P. 1,990 85 85 411 218 193 35 31 83 7 124 34· 101 164 Bawalya Khurd P. 584 139 139 762 353 409 6S 68 169 2,')' 193 128: 102 159 Kaku Khedi 427 u- N I N H A B I T E D 103 163 BawaliaBujurg 594 U N I N H A B I T E D 104 162 Fali 709 33 33 146 78 68 17 22 27 1 42 15· 105 160 Geheli P. 594 70 70 402 205 197 2S 31 54 5 108 12 106 39 Sindodi 743 25 25 138 66 72 10 12 13 41 23' 107 30 Sindoda P. 1.455 £ +238 1,693 70 70 430 233 197 16 13 100 16 128 95,·

108 115 Sukhniwas P. 766 96 96 474- 237 237 4 3 85 7 131 60, 109 43 Hukrna Khedi 787 23 23 63 43 20 8 7 13 2 30 8 110 42 Bijalpur 01,378 624 624 3,689 1,888 1,801 88 96 1,070 133 972 263:, P,T,D,MP(A), MP(O), Ei, Ea, Ed. 111 60 Bilaoli 489 15 13 69 36 33 5 5 15 19 3' * An area 0[88 acres of this village has been merged in Indore town. £ An area of238 acres of Tejpur garbadi village has been added to this area of the village as the remaining area of the former vi1l"g" has been totally merged in Indore town. 0 An area of 74 acl'eS of this Village has t.een merged in Indore town. 241


WORKERS Non­ workers Ser­ ial I II III IV V VI VII VIn IX X No.

M F 1\1 F 1\1 F F M F 1\1 F 1\1 F M F 1\1 F }' 18 19 20 21 22 2-1 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3+ 35 35 37

68 32 46 34 7 1 3 2 1 2 116 162 fi3 U.:-J NHABITED 64 67 12 30 H 2 94 126 65 6 4 4 1 4 4 1 9 16 66 III 86 57 55 11 j 2 9 2 165 160 67 43 I 28 19 4 7 2 :2 30 101 ti8 33 30 19 27 6 1 2 :2 33 36 69 31 26 3 13 3 31 29 70 ... UNINH.',BITED ... 71 33 6 25 34 7 :2 59 94 72 UNINHA.BITED 73 77 10 19 40 ~ 53 102 74- 81 99 38 42 II I 12 7 :2 4 1:39 I:J 75 64 68 1 1 135 88 6 3 2 :2 III 2 11 :2 123 150 76 47 30 7 1 82 78 :2 :2 12 4 5 1 138 170 77 87 67 51 43 7 11 3 :2 3 2 146 189 78 15 3 12 10 2 1 34 S" 79 18 13 9 8 1 22 22 80 93 11 41 23 + I 6 "~ 127 227 81 67 7 43 39 2 1 5 113 17:; 82 165 71 78 49 32 1 3 5 5 2 29 2 34-2 503 83 48 19 20 2 -19 75 84 25 1~ 20 2 :2 4-0 52 85 29 38 30 37 6 3 6 50 57 86 23 21 28 33 9 43 49 87 9 4 2 1 9 15 83 51 28 31 23 10 4 3 3 3 91 110 89 61 5 ~3 83 2 19 24 16 25 3 4 126 192 90 25 24 5 9 85 ':9 91 35 25 5 ., 67 53 21 38 8 2 ,) 67 71 92 35 31 10 21 17 8 I 2 1 13 6'1 83 93 45 35 34 36 12 18 11 17 12 12 34 7 9 36 290 26+ 94 133 50 86 60 3 12 15 6 8 2 14 284 354 95

21 1 20 3 3 6 1 9 4 90 152 96 185 162 60 65 37 5 18 5 18 6 12 2 19 4 330 377 97 20 8 12 5 37 31 98 56 1 73 21 14 4 7 5 21 17 190 318 99 63 2 48 32 10 2 94 IS9 100 127 83 36 32 26 13 I 2 160 281 101 U N I NHABITED 102 U N I NHABITED 103 25 14 13 2 2 I 36 53 104 49 39 9 4 9 3 2 4 97 185 105 28 26 13 7 25 39 106

82 65 34 30 12 105 102 107

51 26 II 10 43 22 4 3 6 13 106 177 108 10 2 ~ 2 7 3 3 7 13 12 109 522 128 97 lID 29 69 9 46 6 7 110 15 77 8 916 1,538 110

9 10 3 17 30 III 242


1951 \'Jlagf"/Tm\'n! Area Occu- Ho- Total Pupulation Scheduled SC;lcdded Llterate & Serial CC 11Sll'S \\. al ui 101.- ,:1; 1 Ii pl('d u~t- Ca5tes Tribes EdLicated T(,ta] \\"0- No. Serial . acres 110u- holds rkef5 (I-IX) Ku. p F 1\1 F M F f F

2 :3 (i 9 10 II 12 13 IS 1(; 17

112 55 Liml_., e'i 1,001 '-J2 S!) 433 :232 201 23 14 6{ lti 126 93 113 53 1\lllJldL-~ayata P. 1,6{9 175 1i.) 956 S0S 4+8 /.B 65 117 27+ 158 11-!" 119 Sap3.V1c1'"a P. 2,28G 117 117 664 ,351 313 76 56 IJI 31 17') 30 115 117 Umal"", Khurd P. 1,194 109 109 622 3i6 30G 49 58 112 2 191 83 i IG 129 Sum~lT'radla P. 969 54 ')5 315 156 159 55 51 H 87 45 117 127 Dh.l'-."dl P. 852 88 OJ 505 261 2H 61 68 56 141 25 118 H9 SlllcHn-Baroda P. 1,509 63 c-::; 418 217 201 56 57 91 4 140 96 119 166 Lasurd\'J.-_.--\nant 427 II I] 42 22 20 Ii 5 5 3 13 9 120 173 Shahada-Deo 614 18 18 73 36 37 9 15 10 l~ 1 lL) I Di<;wal P. 994 6:2 (;0 33+ 159 175 2+ 30 26 1 85 77 122 17-1: ShIEl; P. 7,587 336 336 1,513 858 TCO 105 1++ 4 3 168 16 511 383 1~3 175 Bacii"a-Hat 1,998 2G ~l; 117 52 65 5 39 40 12·1 38 ~arlai P. 970 53 5:i :Jet) 145 155 35 38 +0 3 88 63 125 41 Moklai 600 10 10 4+ 23 21 6 16 17 126 +0 Dehri 726 l7NINHABITE D 127 37 Raag\\"2.sa 39+ 39+ 2,128 1,101 1,027 235 235 588 165 568 490 P. 11, D, MP(A), MP (01, Mcw, Ei, Ea, Ed. 128 46 Rao 3,6+3 760 760 3,896 2,133 1,763 270 258 '" 1,128 282 1,113 227 P, M, H, D, MP()I.) , MP (OJ. Po, Ei,Ea, Ed. 129 57 Xihalpur-Mundi P. 1.765 83 831 626 324 302 H 29 92 I 167 23 130 50 Kdod-Kartal P. 2,348 131 131 695 3-107 348 78 73 35 4 205 47 131 59 Fatan Khedi 817 11 9 57 26 31 + 1+ 5 132 54 Ralamandal 1,492 170 170 781 395 386 72 71 2 3 191 94 21+ 32 ?, T, Po, Ei, Ed. 133 121 Jamnia-Khurd P. 1,0+4 53 53 261 133 128 12 4 54 5 76 60, 134 130 Ujjaini P. 933 {O 40 273 131 142 56 66 22 5 65 135 132 Somvai P. 1,016 61 61 334 170 164 33 32 40 3 88 20 136 171 Bhingariya 537 U N I N H A B I TED 137 172 S.,mlya-Raimal P. 1,050 124 124 606 3 17 289 45 47 3 2 96 5 ]fi6 40 138 168 Kh3tadia P. 1.679 82 83 418 196 222 32 38 72 4 US 96 139 169 Kh2nc1r[ P. 2,51+ 92 92 42 I 223 198 I 92 9 132 45 1+0 176 N ahar Jhabua II 13 13 108 66 42 5 I 2 9 45 26 141 +7 Machala 1,336 95 95 493 265 228 89 90 3 4 105 31 138 85 P, T. 142 49 Moroc! 2,333 125 125 608 316 292 171 162 36 171 33 P,Mcw. H3 48 l7mari 925 49 49 233 125 108 28 29 22 71 9 144 51 Auawad Khurd P. 2,077 125 143 845 426 419 13+ 1+2 170 16 239 202 145 52 Mirzapur 8S8 5{ 325 IS2 1+3 57 42 44 :2 96 68 HI, 12+ Bihadya I ~~f) 42 ·12 215 117 98 11 4 19 3 78 58 H7 13:} Rajdhara 67; 27 27 13::; 70 63 10 28 32 1+8 131 ~,~uncl1~_-I)n:d21 r. 1,203 69 69 390 215 175 93 86 55 3 122 H') 143 Rivdai P. 3,658 309 309 1,333 930 953 146 436 18 488 416 150 jJ" K_8mer'1 i,'272 573 573 :;,032 ].572 1,460 94 562 83 826 468 r. '\1. H. D. Rhc. MP I.'\.. MP(O), ?\Icw. PI). 151 Ir7 Undel 1,::1S:Z 46 4(; 239 137 102 3 6 30 5 53 13 132 Pedrni P. 5,00) 195 195 1,009 532 477 126 91 130 116 304 141 153 TIllt,[- KlnJrtl g,..J~9 358 338 1,841 996 8{5 39 58 439 75 546 356 P. ;,1. D, Po. 15+ 13+ Kenc].,,;J. 971 5 5 26 15 II 4 II 6 155 137 TIll()r Bujurg P. 2,275 126 126 5+ I 286 255 119 114 92 H 166 22 156 135 Chka~ya +38 UNINHABITED 243


WORKERS :\"011- \VOI ters Serial II III IV v VI \'II VIII IX X ;\0.

M F M }' :M F M 'F 1\1 F _\1 F l\£ F

18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3~ 33 :JG 37

35 31 41 56 9 7 3 2 8 ... 24 7 106 103 112 167 111 56 +1 36 6 1 7 2 3 1 234 :290 113 116 8 41 15 4 1 6 3 8 6 172 283 114 139 63 28 16 13 2 1 G 3 2 125 223 1!S 40 13 41 32 6 69 i 14 116 76 42 12 15 13 7 120 219 117 71 42 21 +9 11 11 1 8 4 3 15 77 105 118 4 9 9 9 11 119 11 10 10 1 1-1 27 120 45 52 25 19 11 6 4 74 98 121 316 200 195 183 3+ 7 '277 122 32 32 7 8 13 25 1~3 55 32 23 31 4 3 2 57 -" 92 j'/J. 9 12 7 5 7 4 125 UNINHABITED 126 ,,0 266 295 108 142 50 3 54 48 16 3 30 41 2 5J,J 537 127

307 8 233 153 29 21 78 5 147 14 48 97 62 112 24 1,020 1,536 128

146 1 10 27 4 2 1 3 157 274 129 108 6 68 39 11 16 1 1 H2 301 130 6 3 5 5 12 26 131 33 7 64 20 6 2 10 13 65 25 181 354 132

62 51 9 9 2 2 57 68 153 37 27 116 142 13+ 54 29 18 4 2 32 144 i3::; UNINHABITED 1% 91 34 40 32 1 151 2+9 137 79 80 25 13 9 3 81 126 138 72 7 39 33 3 5 2 2 8 91 153 139 7 29 9 26 21 If, HO 52 30 59 51 I 1 3 2 5 '2 2 13 1Z7 }-13 HI

107 17 14 5 9 3 31 15 1~5 259 142

34 21 4 3 6 3 5 54 99 1+3 138 134 44 51 15 15 11 4 3 '2 4 15 187 217 IH 7'2 54 12 12 5 2 5 2 GG 75 145 39 32 30 23 7 3 1 ~9 146

~ 1 22 22 11 10 2 2 32 Jl 147 70 47 4 93 175 148 256 251 99 134 40 56 23 1 3 15 20 3 4~2 537 149 503 319 88 59 11 50 27 22 5 36 3 5 106 59 746 992 150

39 2 14 11 84 89 151 151 35 103 101 19 21 3 9 2 228 335 152 306 243 160 100 11 3 26 6 12 28 4 450 489 153

9 5 4 5 154 76 4 55 17 14 5 2 8 5 120 233 155 UNINHABITED 156 244


V\'orkers ____ n ____ Ser- 1951 ,"'>.rea Occu- Ho- Total PopulatIOn Schcdukd Scheduled Literate & lal Cen

157 13[l Pipald:: P. J.092 :2i--1 2G8 I,GJe 8z.± 794 40 48 6 G ~13 7 ~10 446 480 158 122 Kachrr,! p. 1,179 06 li6 364 187 177 13 12 43 Iti 103 3 159 123 Tin<+ha 1.134 18 18 109 55 54 6 9 3 I 28 2 7"' 160 Panjrya 800 U N I N H A B I l E D F. V. 161 125 Bcrchaa 1,834 21 21 99 52 47 2 31 4 162 126 Muhadi tJ84 9 9 43 22 21 14 11 163 139 Sahu Khedi 772 U .1\- ~ H A B I T E D 164 140 Gh'lc1ya 441 7 7 26 13 13 9 5 165 136 J amnya Bujurg 381 U N I N H A R I T E D 166 141 Nav'lDura 159 20 20 81 41 40 6 27 4 167 S·u: liya 597 U N I N H A B I T E D F.Ai *1,200

* This pertains to the unsurveyed area of the \·illage. 245


W 0 R K E R S Non- --... -----.. -...... __-.. ~-~-.------.. -.-.. -~- .. ---.. -~- .. - .. - ... - .. - ... - ... ~-.._-,...... _ ... --~-.-,..- ... -,.--... ---... -----... ------.. - vVorkers Serial No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ...... ------_... _ -_--_-_-- --_-_---- -_- _._----_ _-_-_-_- ,.__--- _-_-_ --- _----____, -----.. ~ --.--_------M F M F M F l\1 F M F M F M F M F ~1 F M F

18 19 20 21 22 ~3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

354 393 38 79 18 13 5 4 4 5 9 378 314 157 72 2 31 1 84 174 158 14 1 14 1 27 52 159 U N I N H A B T E D 160 18 1 13 3 21 43 161 7 5 3 6 4 8 10 162 U N I N H A B I T E D 163 7 3 2 4 8 164 U N I N H A B I T E D 165 12 2 11 2 3 1 14 36 166 U N I N H A B I T E D 167


w w L B 30:: -1 G og <. Iz ,- ...~ , / L " ILl ,-.-. __JI­ \::3, <, '; I _u . .;; :"J: j 1;:­ V)a " ;~.' I" ~ If-- i o 0 .. C'~1\ ~~ \~ •• ,1o!J : o '.-'






I i

($. ~ > -..::~ ::r:

'"UJ ::r: « < ...J


'0 -.~ Q



Senal Location Location Serial Location Location No. Name cfVilla-;e Code Nco. CorleN0. ]\'0. Kame ofVillase Code No. Corle No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 :2 3 4 2 3 4

I Ahilyapura 66 39 48 40 20 2 Akvi 47 27 49 Durjanpura 84 59 3 Amba Chandan 53 124 50 Foot Talav 142 72 4 Ambada 100 50 51 Gaclaghat HI 71 5 Ambapura 173 85 52 Gajinda 13] 144 6 Amblipura 143 70 53 Ganga!ya Khec i 51 7 Anwalya 37 48 116 54 Gawhalu 149 141 8 A'lapUi'a 77 108 55 Ga,,"li P"lasia 57 li5 9 Avl::ty ~h) 35 50 Ghoda Khurd 117 177 10 Badgaon 1+1 96 57 Ghosi Kheda 33 136 11 Badgonda 102 105 58 GodKuwa li3 84 12 Badar Khan SS 114 59 Goknya 23 132 13 Badiya 1r,", 170 60 Goknya Kund 151 74- 14 Badkuwa 101 45 61 Gol Khe.ia 119 95 15 Banjari 17 i3 62 Gopalpura 20 18 16 Bardari 1~ 133 63 Gujar Kheda 41 119 17 Bardiya If 8 64 Gcmj arapura 94 151 18 Bar Kheda 168 87 1)5 Guwadi 93 166 19 Bar Kheda 103 149 66 Harr::ya Khedi 19 5 20 Baroda Sindh 64 122 67 Harsola 26 126 21 Bashi Pipri 120 99 68 Hasalpur 82 46 22 Bavi 1"_0 d'3 69 Imlipura 91 152 23 Benka 137 162 70 Jaku Khedi 71 57 24 Berchha 75 112 25 Bhagora 62 121 71 Jamanya 136 34 26 Bhanbardi 104 150 72 Jam Buzurg 145 179 27 Bharda1a 24 22 73 Jam khurd (Chhoti) 174 173 28 Bhat Khedi 10 12 74 Jamli 56 41 29 Bherughat 96 146 75 ] amnya (J agir) 31 98 30 Bhe51ai 9 76 Japhrabad 99 61 77 Jheekadya Khedi 90 169 31 Bhicholi 74 43 78 Joshi Guradya 28 137 32 Bhilami 167 86 79 Julwanya 125 64 33 Bhoja Karadya 85 49 80 Kadawali 157 100 34 Biram 86 47 Kakariya Dabari 89 110 35 Bor Khedi 110 171 81 150 73 36 Bor Khedi (Har


Serial Location LocatIOn Serial Location Location No. Kame of Village Code]\\ o. CodeNo. 2\" o. Name ufVillage Code No. Code No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 :: 3 4 2 3 4

94 Khudalpura 72 54 136 Pigdambcr 3 1 95 Khurda 166 81 137 Pipal Khunt 49 28 96 Khurdi 172 82 138 Pipl} a III 168 97 Koda')'a 52 117 139 PiplyaLohar 4 134- 98 KodiyaJagir 106 63 140 Piplya Malhar 7 7 99 Kolani 132 68 100 Kulamba 37 25 141 Raikunda 162 90 142 Rajpura 92 92 101 K~llth:ma 165 160 143 Rajpura 138 158 102 Kumthi 81 56 144- Ramgarh Palasghat 169 175 103 Kushalgarh 113 165 145 Rampurya 158 102 104 Kuvada Klledi 73 40 146 Rampurya Buzurg 134 66 105 Kuwali 83 44 147 Rampurya Khurd 133 67 36 33 106 Lalpura 143 Raskundya 147 161 107 Lodhiya 95 148 149 Ratvi 127 155 108 Madhopura 164 174 150 RichaBardi 39 19 109 2\-Iahudiyapura 38 24 110 Mahudiya Buzurg 32 23 151 Sandalpur 126 156 152 SanteI' 21 21 Malendi 73 107 111 153 Sejgarh 159 75 112 ]\ialipura 98 60 154 Sendal 124 142 113 1'.1anglya 121 172 155 Shahda 18 17 11+ Manpur 116 65 155 Sher Kund 152 115 Matbbpura 44 51 76 ShErpur 116 ?>.femdi 63 130 157 105 62 117 ]\len 155 97 158 Shi\'-N agar 16 135 113 Menual 97 147 159 ShriKhandi 13 15 119 I\'Ien-ke-Majare 156 160 Sihod 80 55 120 1',lhowg:lOn 25 14 161 Silotya 29 29 121 =" achan Bore 130 170 162 Simrole 65 129 122 X ahar Kh~cli 161 79 163 Sit::

'.::;::...''';) ...... Ou"')l.{') <.O


co""u"') ",-M L') C,D 0) c-J.... O'J"C"J'" I &;~~ CCl-- co ,_ L-- , co"'t>i"~' '"

, I-< II-< , I-< L{")NC0 l> ['.c;)OJ o co CJ",f'-.." ...... I Cl Nt--­ <.C" C'.f!'"""'i ...... '" i

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Uj\.!")~r--...~tCC') ll'")cr::r--.f'-..r-...... t- ...... ro",~ l!") C-JM -.4 """"..,..-:'-'1 C:. "':l"' 0:<)(.0 r..:-t''''C''-l''

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CCl-N ""CCl"" .".-0 ['.coco 00.... =:,"'':,0.... I_~ "'T'tO U) :1...:) ...; -r--.~ N

1...... -'..1:) 00 C, CJ c")ot---C CtO C"::"I G'l ,. I~~~ ~ cr:: ('! Lr) C'f N c-J.... M'" 00'" ('1 : c-~~- N- -- L'") co o ['. ['. bec :~ .~ ~ St: c ..,_. ""'""" ~~

u "0o C()C"'-.I...... --! """"7'':''"":_ o <.{")'" Q : c<")"'t()'" ..go '" u o ...:I II zo : d I i S:~ ...:I : '1 I alJ .. ...;;.- I~~ 250


\Yorkers Serial 1951 Village/Town! Area Occu- House- Telal Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & ::-;0. Census Ward/Block In pled holds Castes Tribes Educated Total Wo­ Senal acres Homes rkers (I-IX) No. P F M F M F M F F

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17

~-~~"---_- ---_"

J9/1 I2f4 Mhow Tahsil Rural

I 9 Bacslai P. 1,351 93 98 5~9 277 102 115 82 172 153 2 10 Sonvai P. 1,313 lO9 109 (ill" 316 61 48 89 183 126 3 1 Pigdaml..,er 1,143 1",3 143 8S9 410 41 41 229 215 147 P, Rhc, )';0', E:, Ea, Ld. 4 PIplya Lohar 413 -13 -i3 179 36 32 27 20 2 57 53 5 Teehi 1,-!-20 133 135 677 331 57 50 H3 11 203 131 P, Po. 6 Kavti 629 50 62 382 ::01 181 17 21 24 119 101 7 Piplya-Malhar 595 36 36 19') 106 89 3 3 32 I 51 11 8 Panda 1,1 ]0 55 55 313 163 145 12 17 51 6 95 23 P, Ea, Eel. 9 13] Kh~rd a Kheda 5~7 6 24 1+ 10 5 8 7 Ii} ]'J Bhat Khedi P. o 315 143 335 4-10 395 16 II 158 4 254 175 11 4 Uman'a -'744 99 529 ~80 249 36 30 112 31 157 35 P, Rhc,:NI cw, Po, Ei, E"" Ed. I:! 133 Bardari 3·l6 ::1 22 1 J~ 54 58 12 7 25 33 13 16 Sarikbndi P. 77+ 62 62 300 150 150 '27 34 64 10 91 13 11 8 Bardiya 234 2 2 ]9 9 10 9 10 I 8 3

15 3 Navda 84 512 261 251 39 40 112 10 H2 48 P, Ei, Ea, Ed. IG IJ5 Shinlagar P. ],576 89 89 427 209 218 70 90 64 117 119 17 13 Ba~jari 409 17 17 9il 47 43 I 1 14 27 19 18 17 Shahda 579 40 40 231 ] 11 120 21 29 31 6 67 27 19 5 Harnva Khedi 737 52 52 304 215 39 21 15 136 30 31 20 Ei, Ea, Ed. :.W 18 Copal Pura P. 468 45 311 167 14-1 9 4 49 11 87 14 21 21 SaLter 775 327 1,375 ],101 774 230 190 703 203 440 110 P, T, Po, Ei, Ea, Ed. 22 127 Bor Khedi (Harsola) 861 36 36 229 114 115 28 21 48 64 40 23 132 Goknya 1,451 23 23 115 64 51 4 41 30' 24 22 Bhardala 2,102 38 38 196 99 97 33 34 8 3 61 10 25 14 Mhow Gaon 3,706 737 791 4,199 2,241 1,958 470 432 1,029 259 951 299 P,M,D, MP(A), MP(O), Po, 26 126 Harsola 7,022 691 696 3,828 2,018 1,810 301 235 818 129 1,067 914 P, M, H, D, Hm, Mew, Po. 27 128 Datoda 7,700 662 676 3,570 1,897 1,673 292 269 2 594 68 1,062 863 P, M, D, MP(A), MP(O), Po. 28 137 Joshi Guradiya 1,383 106 106 523 265 258 23 22 79 28 147 124· P, Mew. 29 29 Silotya 673 32 32 174 85 89 15 13 2 57 36-- 30 32 Panjarya 712 47 47 233 117 116 38 50 33 2 69 5() 31 98 Jamnya (Jagir) 760 34 34 187 93 94 11 11 16 I 46 57 32 23 Maaudya-Buzurg 768 23 23 122 68 54 7 6 20 42 19 33 136 Gaosi Kheda 1,316 39 39 172 93 79 15 3 53 52 34 30 Karadiya 568 33 33 155 80 75 12 12 21 48 44 35 31 Phaphund 680 103 108 574 301 273 31 34 129 5 173 110 P, MP(A). 36 33 Lalpura 333 U N I N HAEITED 37 25 Kulamba 821 22 22 93 49 49 4 31 26 38 24 Mahudiya Pura 327 3 3 34 13 21 6 7 7 39 19 Richa Bardi P. 400 33 35 216 110 106 14 15 40 '2 57 40 20 Dongargaon 8H 105 107 591 302 289 91 99 139 15 179 17 P, D. 41 119 Gujar Kheda 294 339 339 1,578 839 739 83 91 467 171 389 85 P, M, Ei, Ed. 42 120 Slltar Khedi 378 84 84 5?1 270 251 95 75 120 26 118 36 43 139 Pataan Appilya 1,042 23 23 96 52 44 6 2 27 2 44 51 1-.1nta\ab Pura 696 31 31 198 95 103 J5 1') 14 57 44 45 36 Sitapat 910 73 78 396 217 179 38 3~ 73 5 127 100 251


WORKERS ::\on­ \\'crkers Ser.. ial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x No. --~- ..... -~-- .. _.-.. ---.. - .. - - ... -~-- ~~~~-- ---.~------~~-.. -~ _..,...... ___...... __ -----... -~ .. - ... - ... --....- M F 1\1 F M F M F 11 F ~1 F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ------~------

132 118 14 14 9 13 21 1 3 100 124 1 135 74 27 52 1 6 13 I 164 190 2 89 94 5 4 15 44 19 7 10 5 2 38 28 234 263 3

52 50 4 3 36 33 4 135 82 12 39 15 33 10 8 143 200 5

106 90 8 8 1 1 3 3 82 80 6 26 3 6 8 4 1 3 9 2 55 78 7 67 7 4 4 2 3 16 3 17 73 117 8

o 5 6 3 1 6 J 9 155 103 23 42 28 30 30 1 17 186 220 10 74 18 17 17 14 12 13 25 123 214 11

14 17 10 16 1 29 25 12 57 2 15 5 15 3 11 59 132 13 4 2 3 2 1 7 14 131 11 9 2 36 119 203 15 95 97 17 22 2 3 92 99 16 26 15 4 1 20 24 17 25 9 19 21 1 2 7 1 3 6 +4 93 18 12 4 1+ 2 45 2 I 2 7 11 134 69 19 49 19 11 12 1 6 2 80 130 20 67 5 28 67 42 18 4 47 2 29 19 2 34 156 28 661 664 21 38 25 9 6 11 3 5 3 4 50 75 22 19 13 21 17 1 23 21 23 41 3 6 262 6 5 38 87 24 154 45 25 10 50 58 107 76 110 3 26 3 75 16 36 368 88 1,290 1,659 25

550 530 162 242 16 68 34 8 112 36 28 14 3 120 58 951 896 26

'U 13 523 82 77 61 59 16 2 84 70 19 3 139 177 835 810 27

72 7Z 64 50 3 5 2 1!8 134 28

42 24 14 12 1 28 53 29 34 16 21 34 7 2 4 43 66 30 22 27 17 26 3 2 2 1 47 ':)7 31 31 II 8 8 2 1 26 35 32 41 42 12 10 1 2 2. 35 27 33 32 30 7 12 3 5 2 1 32 31 34 77 67 29 35 20 31 3 4 3 12 2 123 163 35 UNINHABITED 36 17 7 9 18 4 1 18 23 37 5 7 I G 14 33 ·43 I 9 4 53 106 39 17 5 32 2 4 3 15 3 14 20 69 12 123 272 40 41 32 14 36 20 2 6 35 5 23 2 50 106 98 2 450 654 41

14 12 8 23 5 50 17 8 15 1'>2 215 42 14 13 2 ~5 42 43 35 22 15 18 5 4 1 33 5



Ser- 1951 Village/Townl Area Occu- Ho- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & -~---- ial Census Ward,/B1ock in pied us~- Castes Tribes Educated Total Wo- No. Serial acres Ro- holds rkers (I-IX) No. uses ~-~--"""'_~-~--~-p.- p.-----. ... -,.---- ~ .. ----- .. ---- .. -~ .. ~--- -,..--.. ---- l' ),1 F M F M F M F M F 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

46 35 Av1ai P. 1,4J9 59 59 382 203 179 13 14 52 101 66 47 27 Akvi 1,006 30 31 163 87 76 34 28 14 51 29 43 37 Thav1ay P. 798 +3 43 197 101 96 26 18 21 51 57 49 28 Pipal Khunt 340 12 12 57 32 25 1 1 21 5 50 26 Kesar Bardi 437 33 34 201 99 102 21 22 26 1 55 28 51 116 Ganga1ya Khedi P. 87+ 54 55 294 155 139 46 45 60 8 73 17 52 117 Kodarva 1,926 ..J36 438 2,323 1,190 1,133 242 244 587 163 597 409 P, M; D. 53 124 Arnba-Chandan 4,003 219 220 1,233 639 594 157 144 329 53 344 290 1', ~cw. 54 125 Neoguradya P. 1,029 96 96 509 277 232 48 38 56 2 147 70 55 133 Chi-Khali 1,820 47 47 223 123 100 11 1 73 2 56 41 Jamli 1,382 18-1: 191 1,071 562 509 93 90 276 51 306 243 1', Mew. 57 115 Gaw!i Palashya 3,220 441 HI 2,515 1,291 1,224 116 117 665 119 659 560 P, M, H, D, MP(A) MP(O), Po. 58 53 Chainpura 1,062 34 34 243 117 126 58 62 23 1 77 61 59 52 Kamadpur P. 2,732 213 213 1,084 532 552 96 100 155 11 343 259' 60 38 Nanded P. 1,126 63 63 290 157 133 27 28 50 10 81 73 61 118 Chordya P. 1,284 140 140 649 357 292 58 48 3 136 22 185 113, 62 121 Bhagra 6,811 342 347 1,922 1,010 912 129 114 286 66 541 423 P, M,MP(A), Po. 63 130 Memdi P. 2,285 137 137 700 387 313 39 33 100 11 197 185, 64 122 Baroda-Sindh 543 21 21 144 32 62 2 3 28 8 38 17 65 129 Simro1e 4,563 383 383 1,877 1,018 859 210 160 9 5 414 89 537 263· P, D, Rhc, Mcw,Po. 66 39 Ahilya Pura 966 U N I N H A B I T E D 67 42 Nandlai 1,035 1 1 14 6 8 4 4 :3 2 68 111 Kelod M. 1,351 208 225 1,356 682 674 110 108 375 49 352 310' 69 109 Bor Khedi (Kodariya) 428 10 10 71 34 37 6 17 7 70 58 Khedi-J amnya 1,538 108 109 546 288 258 5 6 67 4 169 140' P, Po. 71 57 J aku Khedi P. 500 57 57 416 222 194 20 29 36 116 121 i2 54 Khudal Pura 654 2 2 10 6 4 1 2 1 73 40 Kuvada Khedi 264 22 22 108 57 51 26 27 74 43 Bhicholi 1,470 68 68 291 148 143 2 2 22 92 71' 75 112 Berchha P. 1,394 73 73 407 217 190 99 78 78 5 131 82 76 113 Khedli 666 15 16 130 69 61 10 1 39 IT 77 108 Asapura 770 22 29 200 103 97 7 6 30 1 .60 20' 78 107 Malendi P. 2,709 68 70 373 202 171 17 9 40 127 35 79 123 Patalpani 308 21 21 73 43 30 3 15 12 1 80 55 Sihod P. 2,159 117 117 551 291 260 1 1 56 162 123' 81 56 Kumthi 851 55 55 256 132 124 6 5 20 89 6T 82 46 Has-Alpur 1,620 307 309 1,513 775 738 48 30 390 126 409 211 P, M, D, MP(A), Mew, Po. 83 44 Kuwali 1,073 45 45 232 114 118 4 4 30 3 69 60· 84 S9 Durjanpura P. 1,499 73 73 406 198 208 25 20 52 11 119 104 85 4g Bhoja-Karadya 379 18 18 98 48 50 4 31 21' 86 47 Biram 583 18 18 81 39 42 2 31 27 87 48 Anwalya 398 I 1 3 3 3 3 88 114 Badarkhan 3,826 U N I N H A B I T E D 89 110 Kakriya-dabri 26 10 6 4 5 90 169 Jheekdya-Khedi 40 U N I N H A B I T E D 91 152 Imlipura 125 2 2 8 6 2 I 3 1 92 92 Rajpura 258 75 79 391 181 210 33 2 111 106' 93 166 Guwadi P. 140 13 13 79 42 37 26 15 94 lSI Gunjarpura 223 65 65 235 123 112 29 30 55 18 69 2: P, S. 95 148 Lodhiya 121 8 8 60 31 29 3 17 14 96 146 Bhenll~hat 82 8 8 32 18 14 4 7 S 7 6 97 147 Mendal 301 57 57 252 129 123 2 2 7 1 73 75 98 60 Malipura 494 34 34 156 76 80 37 '33 27 2 47 32 253


WORKERS Non­ -~------p------.--,.....__------Workers Ser­ ial I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX x No.


18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

49 25 25 33 14 9 8 3 102 113 46 27 6 11 21 7 2 6 36 47 47 34 30 17 27 50 39 48 14 5 2 5 11 20 49 34 B 6 18 9 2 2 4 44 74 50 30 6 20 11 I 2 20 82 122 51 158 140 169 193 82 43 26 10 20 42 8 24 76 15 593 724 52

164 159 106 122 20 30 5 11 13 4 295 304 53

63 27 30 3 5 I 2 2 43 38 130 162 54 29 38 2 1 I I 3 50 98 55 145 122 68 37 20 16 15 10 10 9 3 39 8 256 266 56

349 316 133 164 5 60 49 II 5 19 5 5 72 25 632 664 57

36 18 36 42 I 1 3 40 65 58 199 169 60 57 18 43 26 4 6 4 15 189 293 59 52 34 23 39 1 76 60 60 68 53 56 35 I 29 7 17 5 19 7 I 172 179 61 244 174 150 176 37 20 52 30 10 16 24 4 2 21 3 469 489 62

137 132 27 43 15 6 8 1 1 I I 190 128 63 24 3 1 1 1 ... 9 12 1 2 I 44 45 64 184 123 173 108 19 15 64 1 2 7 26 2 2 60 13 431 596 65 UNINHAB TED 66 3 2 3 6 67 207 194 78 86 15 4 23 23 2 3 10 3 II 2 330 364 68 8 I 1 5 1 ... 4 4 17 30 69 91 96 42 44 9 21 3 3 119 118 70 97 102 19 19 ... 1067371 1 1 I 4372 21 27 5 31 24 73 35 41 28 33 I I 15 I 3 2 56 66 74 50 36 49 34 3 2 4 5 4 6 14 5 86 108 75 17 5 6 12 5 10 1 30 44 76 26 3 11 11 9 9 6 I 1 2 43 77 77 46 9 4 2 9 4 53 35 75 136 78 3 3 1 6 31 29 79 72 58 26 44 7 43 7 13 2 1 12 129 137 80 59 45 19 20 2 6 1 I 3 43 57 8 I 172 90 56 45 28 22 47 19 3 1 43 5 59 29 366 527 82

38 40 14 16 3 9 2 4 45 58 83 74 67 34 37 6 3 2 79 104 84 15 17 9 10 5 I 1 17 23 85 3 6 18 20 7 I 2 B 15 86 3 87 UNINHABITED ... 88 2 2 4 89 UNINHA BITED 90 3 1 3 I 91 43 43 45 53 11 7 10 4 70 104 92 20 15 6 16 22 93 11 9 9 14 2 3 9 6 30 54 85 94

14 12 2 1 14 15 95 5 4 2 2 11 8 96 53 58 18 15 56 48 97 25 20 22 12 29 48 98 254


Workers 1951 Area Occu- Ho- Total Population Scheduled Scheduled Literate & Serial Census Village/Town/ in pied use- Castes Tribes Educated Total Wo- No. Serial Ward/BlOCk Acres Hou- holds rkers (I-IX) No. ses -p_.... _,..__------~.....---.--.- P M F ------M F M II M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

99 61 Japhrabad 576 65 65 363 184 179 3 4 13 110 93 100 50 Ambada 795 U N I N H A B I T E D 101 45 Badkuwa 1,715 18 18 81 51 30 25 3 27 16 102 105 Badgonda 4,575 140 160 864 448 416 33 6 200 50 237 88 P, D, Po. 103 149 Bar Kheda 83 15 15 74- 44 30 11 1 24 16 104 150 Bhanbardi 197 10 10 45 20 25 I 1 II 9 105 62 Sherpur P. 1,199 70 70 392 198 194 2 2 121 25 62 82 106 63 Kodya (] agir) 929 25 28 146 74 72 12 5 36 38 107 93 Kankariya P. 1,396 108 114 563 277 286 3 4- 29 2 149 184 108 91 Yeshwantnagar P. 2.330 125 148 676 354 322 29 21 90 15 206 172· 109 106 Tinchha P. 937 45 49 303 155 148 1 34 4 76 79 110 171 Bor :E...hedi 137 4 4 29 18 11 3 7 6 111 168 Piplya 200 24 24 232 132 100 10 76 28 112 167 Dam


WORKERS Non------Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Ser­ x iaJ No. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

61 32 40 61 9 74 86 99 UNINHABITED 100 11 12 7 4 1 3 4 24 14 101 81 20 24 15 19 5 21 16 12 2 21 38 49 211 328 102 11 8 3 6 3 3 3 20 14 103 11 9 9 16 104- 40 69 22 13 136 112 105 28 30 1 7 7 38 34 106 94 125 30 44 11 4: 7 11 4 3 128 102 107 92 98, 38 -!1 12 7 9 4 3 5 47 21 148 150 108 50 58 18 21 5 3 79 69 109 7 5 II 5 110 34 27 I 41 56 72 III 33 20 2 6 35 58 112 20 12 4 2 25 27 113 13 9 2 2 1 14 10 114- 14 6 5 3 1 3 :2 10 20 115 93 58 13 28 64 19 78 39 38 27 6 90 16 22 304 87 £89 992 116

41 31 43 33 117 10 10 13 16 10 3 2 27 30 118 39 53 7 5 2 45 33 119 87 69 2 3 21 12 118 134 120 75 56 2 3 1 1 61 68 121 28 2+ 1 1 1 18 34 122 66 36 37 37 3 7 6 2 108 120 123 42 19 42 26 1 2 I 2 48 55 124 35 20 38 46 5 35 58 125 UNINHABITED 126 15 16 5 7 2 3 20 25 127 I 1 3 2 128 38 43 7 12 7 41 45 129 UNINHABITED 130 24 18 12 1 I 34 36 131 , 27 32 6 H- 1 2 4 I 5 34 25 132 28 30 7 12 2 1 5 3 26 23 133 29 22 9 7 22 19 134 29 22 1 .} 3 26 31 135 1 136 43 36 12 10 6 41 43 137 26 22 14 14 3 35 30 13B 87 80 87 123 58 8 45 10 17 9 53 22 23 17 5 299 422 139

36 34 5 14 18 36 28 140 5 5 2 3 5 I 141 29 34 1 1 7 4 3 2 35 31 142 25 25 1 6 1 :2 22 31 143 10 9 4 4 10 15 144 56 52 2 11 3 I 80 74 145 33 33 2 19 10 7 5 38 53 146 17 15 2 2 I I 13 25 147 UNINHABITl'.D 148 64 59 27 25 2 1 1 60 51 149 36 37 I 42 29 150 48 48 43 38 151 37 31 21 20 152 50 46 6 4 43 48 153 62 65 5 35 42 154 119 122 40 46 24 2 21 11 2 3 147 136 155 23 21 5 5 5 5 33 28 156 47 36 7 4 1 3 2 28 45 157 256.


Workers Ser- 1951 Village/Town Area Occu- Ha- Total Population Schedule. Scheduled Literate & ______,_~ ial Ceruus Ward/Block/ in pied use Castes Tribes Educated Total Wo- No. Serial acres Hou- holds rkm (I-IX) No. ses ------~~- --.....------P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

158 102 Rampurya 1,169 49 49 276 150 126 14 86 8 159 75 Sr-jgarh 2,641 41 41 222 ll5 107 63 59 160 78 Chansiya 794 18 18 89 40 49 22 29 161 79 Nahar Khedi 824 39 40 240 129 III 3 63 56 162 90 Raikunda 890 33 33 225 126 99 4 68 56 163 88 Nandgaon 372 21 19 94 49 45 29 33 164- 174 Madhopura 1,003 5 5 34 16 18 2 10 II 165 160 Kulthana P. 902 72 72 377 207 170 13 10 17 10 34 5 103 80 166 81 Khurda 482 52 54 312 183 129 85 43 44 69 167 86 Bhilami 354 36 36 166 74 92 40 59 168 87 Bar Kheda 1,142 15 15 135 71 64 45 40 169 175 RamgharPalasghat 1,459 28 28 168 90 78 46 36 170 176 Buraliya 1,918 18 18 104 55 49 1 24 28 171 77 Kaneriya 3,294 51 55 315 160 155 7 50 87 172 82 Khurdi 1,790 98 103 502 254 248 14 9 66 33 144 126 P, Po. 1?3 84 Godkuwa 1,187 37 36 212 108 104 61 56 174 173 J amkhurd Chhoti P. 1,625 44 45 253 146 107 27 73 52 175 85 Ambapura 65 U N I N H A B I T E D 176 83 KaparKheJa 598 17 16 91 49 42 27 27 257


W 0 R K E R S Non- Workers ------.. -----... _---~ .. - .. ------,.._-~--.. ----... - .. _--~---- I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Ser- ial ___ ... _ ... _o._ .. _o._.. _ .. ___ - .. _--.. _- .. - ... _... - - .. _ .. --_.. _ -_ --.. - .. ------P'"-_ ---- No. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ----M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

64 10 6 9 3 2 64 118 158 63 59 52 48 159 22 29 18 20 160 54 42 9 14 66 55 161 54 48 3 3 10 4 58 43 162 24 26 5 7 20 12.., 163 6 9 1 2 2 6 I 164 56 45 22 17 14 6 2 2 2 6 10 104 90 165 30 62 7 4 2 3 4 139 60 166 40 54 5 34 33 167 39 35 6 5 26 24 168 46 36 44 42 169 24 28 31 21 170 43 81 5 6 1 1 110 68 171 68 68 34 39 15 8 6 5 2 7 I ~~. 12 6 110 122 172 57 50 4 6 47 48 173 60 49 2 2 7 4 73 55 174 U N I N H A B I T E D 175 25 23 2 4 22 15 176



S1. P. No. No. Appendix I-Industrial Establishments. 261 - 268

Appendix II-Towns and Villages served by metalled roads (All villages having roads in the village itself or within one mile of the village are included in the Appendix) 269 - 270

Appendix III-Towns and Villages having railway stations within five miles 271 - 272

Appendix IV-Towns and Villages having bus stops 273

Appendix V-Towns and Villages having public libraries 274

Appendix VI-Towns and Villages having public reading rooms 275

Appendix VII-Towns and Villages having pucca wells for supply of drinking water together with their number 276 - 278

Appendix VIII-Towns and Villages having public latrines 279

Appendix IX-Towns and Villages having drains 280

Appendix X-Towns and Villages in which weekly or fortnightly markets are held together with the day on which it is held 281

Appendix XI-Towns and Villages having co-operative societies together with the description of the society 232 - 283


Note :-This appendix has been prepared from information abstracted frGm the houselists. I t is arranged first districtwise; that is, under the name of the district have been arranged the ir..dustries in ascending order of minor groups; showing the total number of establishments within brackets next to each minor group. The information has been shown by total, rural and urban separately. The figures for the tahsil follow the figures for the district as a whole. The total, rural and urban figures for each tahsil for each minor group of industry showing the number of establishments in each in brackets have been presented first. Then follows the list of the villages in the order of their location cede numbers with the location code number appearing first, followed by the name of the village. Against each village is shown the minor group or minor groups of industry found in the village with the number of establishments in that minor group shown within brackets against each minor group. For towns, figures have been prest'nted separately for each ward, the number of ward being given first, followed by the industrial code numbers etc. as in the case of villages.

ILLUSTRATION Indore District Total-200 (460), 202(6), 203(1) ...... etc ...... 399 (58). Rural-As above. Urban-As above. I Depalpur Tahsil Total-200(42), 206(7) ...... 399(20). Rural-As above. Urban-As above. VILLAGES

1. Girota.-207 (1), 283 (4), 288 (1), 311 (1),300 (2),369 1,2),393 (2), etc. 164. Ghata Billod.-200 (1), 283 (1), 311(2). Depa1pur Town Ward No. I.-200 (1), 209 (8), 264 (1), 270 (2) etc ......

INDORE DISTRICT 335 (1),342 (1),350(287),356(14),365(3),367 (1). 368 (2),369 (190), 388 (45),393 (801, 399 (21). Total-200 (460),202(6),203 (1), 205 (54), 206 (56),207(103), 208(1),209(580),214 (13),215(4),216(11),220(16), Urban-200(314), 202(41,203(1),205 (52),206 (12),207 (52), 230 (60),231 (19),232 (4),233 (35),235 (76), 236(5), 208(1),209(492),214(13),215(4),216 (11),220 (15), 237 (27), 239 (4), 240 (5),241 (8), 244 (4),255 (6), 230 (44), 231 (19),232 (41,233 (26), 235 (36),236 (1), 262 (1),263 (3),264 (I), 270 (8), 271 (41),272 (26), 237 (7), 239 (41, 244 (3), 263 (2),264 (I), 270 (7), 273 (1,003), 274 (6),278 (·l), 280 (40).281 (85), 282 (3), 271 (·11),272 (25),273 (711).274 (6),278(4), 2EO (31), 283 (510), 284 (98), 288 (266), 289 (20),291 (I), 281 (70), 282 (3), 283 (16),284 (90),288 (90),289 (20), 292 (23). 300 (4), 302 (73), 303 (17), 310 (41), 291 (1),292 (23), 300 (4),302 (72), 303 (17),310 (8), 311 (1,100), 313 (10), 314 (12), 320 (28), 322 (2), 311 (154).313 (10), 314 (5).320 (28),322 (2),331 (2), 331 (2), 333 (3), 334 (2), 335 (36),336 (30), 337 (12), 334 (2), 335 (35), 33G (30),337 (12),339 (5), 340 (6), 339 (5),340 (6), 341 (10),342 (21),345 (3),350 (318), :'141 :10), 342 (20),345 (3),350 (31), 353 (3), 354 (1), 353 (3),354 (1),356 (26), 360 (16),362 (7),364 (3), 356 (12), 360 (16),362 (7), 364 (3),365 (58),366 (1), 365(61),366 (1),367 (47),368(40),369 (435),372(48), 367 (46),368 (38), 369 (245), 372 (48), 373 (2), 373 (2),377 (II), 378 (22),379 (12),382 (13),384 (116), 377 (11),378(22),379(12),382(13),384 (116),385 (8), 385 (8),388 (402), 389 (5),391 (1),392 (43),393 (482), 388(357).389 (5),391 (1),392 (43),393 (402), 394 (9), 394 (9),396 (2), 399 (58). 396 (2), 399 (37).

Rural-200 (146),202 (2),205 (2), 20b (44), 207 (51),209 (88), DEPALPUR TAHSIL 220 (1),230 (16),233 (9),235 (40),236(4),237 (20), Total- 240(5),241 (8),244(1), 255(6),262 (1),263 (1), 270 200 (42), 206 (7), 207 (20),209 (40), 230 (6),235(28). (1),272 (1),273(292),280(9),281 (15),283(494),284(8), 237 (19),255 (4),263 (I), 264 (1),270 (3),273 (106). 288 (176),302 (1),310(33),311 (946),314 (7), 333(3), 280 (5),281 (9), 283 (187), 288 (127), 310 (7), 262


311 (37i), 314 (5), 342 (1),350 (100),365 (1), 367 (1), 45 Jalalpura-311 (2). 368 (2),369 (68), 388 (13), 393 (28),399 (20). 47 Ujaliya-200 (1), 273 (2),283 (1),311 (2), 369 (I). 43 BhamaKheda-200 (1),311 (4). Rural-200 (36),206 (7), 207 (20),209 (29), 230 (6), 235 (27). 49 Gokalpur-273 (1),283 (4),311 (3),350(4),369(2), 237 (19),255 (4),263 (1),270 (1),273 (95), 280 (5), 393 (1). 281 (9), 283 (175), 288 (108), 310 (7), 311 (363), 50 Khi:mlawada-283 (2),350 (I). 314 (5), 342 (1),350 (95),367 (1),368 (2), 369 (65), 51 Ataheda-200 (1), 235 (1),273 (2),283 (3), 288(3), 388 (7), 393 (22), 399 (18). 311 (5), 369 (4), 393 (1). Urban-200 (6),209 (11),235 (1),264 (1),270 (2), 273 (11), 53 M"Qndipur-311 (2). 283 (12),288 (19),311 (14),350 (5),365 (1), 369 (3), 55 Gahun Khedi-311 (I). 388 (6), 393 (6),399 (2). 56 Shahpura-283 (2),311(2),350 (I). 57 Khandiya-311 (1). VILLAGES 58 Palashiyapar-3IO (1),350 (2), 369 (2). 59 Jalodiyapar-273 (2),311 (5),369 (3). Location Code Number and Name of Village: 60 Bhidota-283 (2),314 (3),350 (2). 1 Girota-207 (1),283 (4),288 (1), 311 (1),350 (2), 61 Birgoda-283 (2), 311 (2), 369 (2). 369 (2), 393 (2). 62 Banediya-200 (1), 209 (1), 273 (5),283 (2),311 (2), 2 Atnabaliya-209 (1),283 (2). 350 (2), 393 (1). 3 Pirnalwasa-200 (3),283 (2), 311 (1),369 (I). 63 Nandra-283 (1),311 (5). 41\,ulala-311 (1), 350 (1). 66 Lirn,bodapar-207 (1), 237 (1), 283 (3), 311 (10), 5 Phulan-283 (1), 311 (2). 369 (2). {) Bahirantpur-200 (1), 209 (3). 67 Tamatpur-237 (1),283 (I), 311 (1),350 (3). 7 Osra-283 (1). 68 Gangajal Khedi-283 (1),311 (5),350 (2). 8 Garhi Billoda-283 (1), 311 (I). 69 Su:mtha-200 (1), 273 (1),283 (1),311 (6),314 (1), 369 (ll. 10 Talawali-283 (1),311 (3), 350 (1). 70 SelJ1da-273 (1),283 (2),288 (1), 311 (3), 350 (I), l! Jalodiyagyan-200 (1), 283 (1), 311 (1), 350 (I), 369 (1). 369 (IJ. 71 Khatwadi-273 (2).283 (1),311 (3),369 (1). 12 Ralayta-273 (7),283 (I), 311 (3). 73 Ahir Khedi-273 (1). 13 K.harsoda-31I (I). 74 Arniya-283 (1),311 (I). 14 Chhadoda-283 (I), 311 (I). 7S Ringanwas-3S0 (2). 15 Padhliya-270 (1), 283 (2),350 (I). 77 Karki-273 (1),283 (2),311 (1), 350 (3). 16 Dhar:mat-206 (4),273 (1),283 (6). 78 Ahirwas-273 (1), 283 (I). 18 Gautarnpura-200 (7),207 (6), 209 (7), 230 (3), 79 Badoli Houz-283 (I), 350 (1). 235 (19), 237 (11),263 (1),280 (3), 281 (4),283 (7), 81 Mur Kheda-200 (I), 273 (2),283 (1),311 (2),350 (I), 288 (13), 311 (32),350 (8),368 (I), 369 (7),393) 6), 369 (1). 399 (11), 32 Paldi-273 (1),283 (1),350 (1),369 (1). 19 Khanjar Kheda-273 (1), 31l (2). 83 Mirzapur-283 (I). 20 Chandan Khed -200 (1), 206 (2), 311 (5), 369 (1). 84 Runawada-283 (2),311 (1),369 (2). 23 Bhilbadoli-200 (1),273 (1),283 (3),311 (1),350(1). 86 Beganda-273 (1),311 (3),369 (3). 24 Gudar-283 (1), 311 (2), 350 (2). 87 Khajraya-283 (2), 311 (4). 25 Kanwatia-206 (1),273 (2),283 (I), 3l! (1),350 (2). 88 Giroda-311 (3). 27 Ja:rngoda-207 (3), 273 (1),311 (1),350 (2). 89 Hasanabad-3I1 (1). 28 Mendakwas-311 (4),350 (1), 369 (I). 90 Agra-283 (1), 369 (2). 29 Pitawali-311 (4); 350 (2),369 (1). 91 Ushapura-273 (1). 30 Kharoda-273 (2),288 (1),311 (3), 369 (I). 92 Khireli_200 (1), 283 (2). 31 Barda Khedi-283 (2). 33 Aroda Kot-207 (1),283 (4),311 (5). 32 Rudrakhiya-200 (I), 273 (1),283 (2).311 (5),350 (I) 94 Khadi-273 (2), 283 (2). 311 (2). 369 (1). ' 95 Jalodiya Panth-283 (1),311 (4),393 (1) . .33 Atyana-273 (2).283 (4),311 (6),350 (2). .34 Nalllana-283 (1),311 (1). 96 Piploda-273(1), 283(1), 311(1), 350(1), 393(1) . 97 Akasoda-273(1), 283(1), 311(5), 369(1) . .35 Katkoda-209 (1),283 (1),288 (5), 3Il (6).350(2). 98 Kalmer_31 1(3), 350(2). .36 Suoala-283 (1),311 (1),350 (1),369 (2). 99 Chander-2000),273 (1),283(2),311(4),350(1),393(1) • 37 Farkoda-283 (3),288 (I), 311 (6),350 (2). 100 Baroda Panth-283 (1),311 (3). 38 K.ai-273 (1),283 (2),311 (2),350 (1). 101 Harnasa_283(1). 39 Kakwa-273 (2),283 (2), 288 (1),311 (2). 102 Chatwada_283(3), 310(6), 350(2). 40 Karjoda-273 (1). 103 Neori_200(I), 273(2), 283(1), 311(3), 350(1),369(1), 41 Devra Khedi-235 (1),350 (1),369 (1). 393(2). 42 Kharotya-235 (1),273 (1),283 (1),350 (2),369(1). 104 Sikandri-283(1), 311(1). 43 Kundhara-ZOO (I), 311 (3). 106 Pe:malpur-207( I), 273(2), 283(3), 311 (3). 44 Santer.-Z83 (1),314 (I). 107 Shahwada-283 (1). 263


108 Chiklonda--283(2), 311(3), 350(1). 283(164),288(41),310(5), 311(309), 350(101),365(3)~ 109 Agaradi--273(1), 283(1). 369(74), 388(7), 393(32),399(6). 110 Atawada--273(1). RuraI--~200(36), 207(15), 209(11), 230(4),235(10),236(3), I I 1 Palasiya---311 (6) . 241(8), 244(1), 255(1), 262(1), 273(75), 283(163), 112 Gulawat--283(1), 311(1). 288(23), 310(5), 311(297), 350(92), 365(3),2(;9(67), 113 Sagdod~200(1), 207 (1), 273(2), 283 (3), 311 (4), 388(1), 393(28), 399(2). 350(2), 393(1). Urban-200(5), 207(2), 209(15), 230(1),273(19),281(6), 114 Karadiya--369( 1), 283(1), 288(18), 311(12), 350(9), 369(7), 388(6), 117 Shivgarh--273(1), 283(3), 311(1), 369(1). 393(-1-),399(4). 119 Daulatabad--207(4), 230(1), 283(8), 311(9). 120 Rangawas.-200(2) , 237(1), 283(3), 31i (5),350(1). VILLAGES 121 Ajanda--283(2), 311(2). 122 Gohan--273(1), 283(2), 311(10). Location Code Number and Name of Village: 123 Dansari--369(1). I Badodiya Panth.--311 (5). 124 Panth Badodiya_283 (2). 2 Budanya Panth--2CO(4), 235(3), 241(8), 273(6), 126 Khanpur--288(1), 311(2). 283(3), 288(6), 311(7), 350( I), 369( I), 393(9),3S9(2). 127 Sanawada-283(2), 311(3). 3 Ralamandal-3C9(1). 129 Borsi--311(5), 350(2), 368(1). 4 Titawada---369(2). 130 Am,li--273(1), 283(1), 311(4); 350(1). 5 Lohagal-283 ( I). 131 Sejwani-283(1), 311(1). 6 Kithoola-31 1(4). 132 Rawad--273(1), 283(1), 311(2), 350(1). 7 Chimli--207 (2), 311 (I), 350 (3). 134 Rolay--273(1), 283(3), 3tl(6). 8 Hansakhedi---283 ( 1). 135 Boriya--311(2), 350(2). 9 Balarya--235(1), 283(1). 137 Dhoreri--311 (2). 12 Hindalya--273(1). 139 Lalindi--311(6). 13 Shahada--283(1), 311(7), 369(1). 140 Awrangpura--200(1), 207(1), 273(2), 283(1), 311(9), 14 Badodiya Khan--209(2), 283(7), 3II(I). 369(1). 15 Siloda Khurd--311 (I). 143 Ram Bad--3ll(I). 17 Potalod-200(1), 273(2), 288(6), 311(3),3.':0(4), 144 Mothla--283(1), 311(1). 369(4). 145 Betma---200(4), 209(15), 230(2), 235(3), 273(22), 19 Chitoda--235(1), 273(11, 283(1), 310(2). 280(2), 281(5:1, 283(5), 288(5), 311(15), '150(9), 369(4), 20 Malahhedi-3f912'J. 388(7), 393(5), 399(7:- 21 Panchola--2 73 (1 ; . 148 Rayatpura--283(1), 311(2). 22 Bawalya KhEdi---2C:3(2). 150 Manpura---3l1 (2). 2+ Panod--283(1), 350(1, SC9(l), 393(1). 151 Jhalariya---255( I), 2R3( 1), 350( I). 25 Biloda Nayata-- 283 1,2). 153 MachaI--209(1), 235(2), 283(6), 288(29), 311(1), 26 Khamod Anjona--283(2), 288(4), 350(6),369(1)_ 369(1). 27 Masarkhedi---283(1), 311(4), 36S(lj. 154 Datoda--350( 1:,. 29 Simarole--200(1), 207(l), 273(2), 283(2), 311(5), 157 Galonda~350(~), SG9(1). 369(1). 159 Methawada-273(2), 283(2), 311(5), 350(1), 369(1). 31 Pipalai- -283(1,1, 311(1:. 162 Dharawra--200(1), 237(6), 311(5), 350(2). 32 Sinnoda---255( I). 1630srod--273(1), 311(1). 33 Mandota---283(l), 350(1), 3C9(11. 164 Ghata Billod--200(1), 283(1), 311(2), 369(4). 3-1- Mukata---273(l), 2ES(I), 311(5). 167 Sanghvi--273(1), 283(1), 311(4), 35 Rawer- '230(2), 2[3(2), 350(1). 170 Dhannad-200(1), 255(3), 273(2), 283(2), 288(31), 36 Maharajgunj-311 ( 1), :J69( I), 311(12). 171 Bagoda--288(16), 37 Jambudi--283(1). 311(3), 350(1), 369(1). 38 Salasind--283(!'I, 31](3). 172 Kali Billod--283( I), 311 (5). 40 Ugamkhedi--283I I), 311 ( I). 174 Chirakhan--3l1(3), 342( I), 367( I). 41 Kudana·-23613), 273(3), 283(4),311(17),350(5), Location Code Number and Name of Town: 369(3),393(1). II DEPALPUR -1-2 Makodiya--200(1), 273(1), 283(3), 311(1), 350(1), 369(1). Ward No. I--200(1), 209(8), 264(11, 270(2), 273(1),288(1), 43 Khalkhala·-273(2), 2[3(4), :;li9(l). 350(3), 365(1), 369(1), 388(5), 393(5). -1-4 Balghara-200(2) , 283( I). Ward No. 2--200(2), 209(2),235(1), 283(2), 288(18),311(14), 45 Dayakheda.--283(2). 369(1), 388(1), 393(1), 399(1). 46 Nagpur.-24+(I), 273(1:,283(3),311(10),369(1). Ward No. 3--Z00( I), 273(9), 283(6), 350(2). 369( I), 399( 1). 47 Gawala--273(1), 311(1). Ward No. 4-200(2), 209(1), 273(1), 283(4). 50 Rangkaradi,) a----311 (I). 51 Kachhalaya--200(1), 207(1), 273(1), 283(4), 228(1), 2---.SAWER TAHSIL 311(1),369(2). Total-200(41) , 207(17), 209(26), 230(5), 235(10),236(3), 52 Ajanod.-200(2), 207(3), 273(3),283(5),288(1),311(6) 241(8), 244(1), 255(1), 262(1), 273(94), 281(6), 350(4), 393(2). 264


53 Bisakhedi sawer--3II(3). 112 Maudlawada-283 (2),311 (1),350 (2), 369 (2). 54 Kajalana--283 ( 1)_ 113 Pitawali-311 (3). 114 Satlana-283 (1),311 (2). 56 Pawadihappa--283(l), 311(4), 350\1),369(1). 115 Ringnodaya-:183 (1), 369 (1). 57 Khatedya Bajjat--283(2), 311 (8). 116 Rampipalya- 283 (2), 311 (2),350 (1). 58 Khaxnodkamliya-200(1), 311(1). 118 Bhondwas-311 (3),369 (I). 59 Dewali--283(1), 311(2). 119 Badrakha-31I (1). 60 Tarana--311(2). 120 KankariyaBodya-283 (1),311 (2),350 (I). 61 Darjikaradiya--200(I), 273(1), 283(3), 311(7),350(1), 122 Piliyahedar-200 (2), 209 (3), 273 (4),283 (1),288 (1), 393(2). 31I (4), 350 (1), 369 (1). 62 Guran-273(3), 283(1), 311(5),350(1), 369(1), 393(1). 123 Panchderia-273 (1),311 (4),350 (1),369 (1). 63 Pawarda Deri.-283(1), 369(1). 64 Haria Khedi--273(1), 283(1), 288(1), 311(2), 350(1). 124 jass-Karadiya-350 (1). 125 Gari-Pipalaya-200 (1),273 (1),283 (1). 65 Takun.-273(3), 283(2), 311(1), 369(2),393(3). 126 Kadawali-B:ujurg-273 (2),283 (1),311 (4),350 (8), 66 Kam.alaya Kbedi-283(1). 369 (1),393 (I), 67 Baloda-273(1l, 350(1). 127 Kachvali khurd-207 (1), 273 (2), 283 (1), 311 (3). 69 Mali Khedi.-200(1), 283(2). 70 Hatunia--283(1), 311(4),369(2). 369 (2),393 (2). 71 Bibi Kbedi--283 (2). 128 Khajuraya-262 (1),273 (1),350 (4). 72 Kankariyapal-273(2), 283(1), 311(2),350(1),369(3). 129 Sagwal-283 (1),311 (3). 73 Balodatakun-200(1), 273(2), 283(2), 311(5),350(3), 130 Alwasa-283 (I), 3Il (5). 369(1). 131 BaraH-283 (1). 7+ Rajoda--207(2), 283(6), 311(9), 350(1),388(1). 132 Biju Khec:li-311 (1). 75 Shahana--273(1), 283(1), 311(3), 350(1). 133 Sula Khedi-200 (1),273 (I), 283 (6),311 (4),350 (I). 76 Patwa Khedi--283(1), 311(3). 365 (3),369 (1). 77 Budibarlai-200 (1),235 (1), 311 (4), 350 (2). 134 Pharaspur-283 (1),311 (2). 78 Pipliya Kayasth-273 (1),311 (4),369 (1). 135 Vyas Khedi-273 (2),350 (2). 79 Brahaman Kbedi-283 (1),311 (1). 136 PawardaJunarda-283 (1),288 (1),311 (2),350 (1) .sO Kadawa-273 (1),283 (4),311 (1),350 (1),369 (1). 137 Rawati-283 (2). 81 Badai-200 (1), 235 (2), 311 (3), 350 (I), 369 (3), 138 Magarkheda-200 (1),273 (1), 311 (7). 393 (1). 139 Dhabali-311 (2) . .s2 Ratan Khedi-283 (1),311 (2),350 (1). 140 Mangliya Sadak-200 (2), 273 (3), 283 (2), 311 (2) • .s3 Jinda Kheda-200 (1),273 (1), 283 (2), 350 (2). 350 (4), 369 (1). 85 Dhaturia-283 (2), 311 (4), 369 (1). 141 Mundalabag-207 (1). 86 Katakaya~283 (2),311 (3),350 (1). .87 Solsinda-200 (1), 209 (6), 230 (1), 235 (2), 273 (3), 142 Bisa Khedi-283 (1),369 (I) . 283 (2),288 (1),310 (2), 311 (9),350 (1),369 (1). 143 Jakhaya-200 (1),283 (2) . .sa MundlaHusen-200 (2), 207 (1), 273 (1), 283 (1), 144 Melkalama-31I (6),350 (1). 311 (I), 350 (2). 146 Bhangaya-28:3 (5), 31l (7),350 (1),369 (I). 89 Brahaman Piplya-283 (1),311 (3),350 (2). '90 Pirkaradiya-283 (1),311 (1),393 (1). 147 Bhawrasla-207 (1),283 (1). 91 Baroda Arjuna-283 (1),311 (2). Location Code Number and Name 0/ Town: 92 Ajnoti-273 (1), 283 (1),311 (I). 93 jau:mburdi Sarwar-273 (1),283 (2),311 (1). I SAWER 94 Basandara-283 (2),369 (1). Ward No. 1-200 (2), 209 (7). 273 (2), 288 (3), 31l (2). 95 Baghana-200 (2),283 (3), 311 (10),350 (1),369 (1), 393(1). 369 (5), 388 (4),393 (3),399 (2). 96 Mawala Khedi-200 (1),310 (1),311 (2),369 (1). WardNo.lI-207 (2),273 (6),281 (1),369 (1),399 (1). 98 jetpura-311 (1). 99 Dhana Khedi-283 (1), 350 (1). Ward No. 3-200 (2), 209 (8), 230 (1), 273 (8), 281 (4), 100 Todi-207 (2),273 (1),283 (1),350 (1),393 (1). 283 (1), 288 (IS), 3Il (2), 350 (9), 369 (I), 328 (2), ]01 Dakachiya-200 (2), 230 (I), 273 (4), 283 (3),288 (I), 393 (1), 399 (1). 311 (4), 350 (1), 369 (2), 393 (2). Ward No. 4-200 (I), 273 (3), 281 (1),311 (8). 102 Sitotiya-311 (3). ]03 Mallgalaya Aranaya-283 (2). 3 INDORE TAHSIL 104 Mata Buredi-283 (1),311 (4), 350 (2). Total- 105 Muradpura-273 (2),283 (2),311 (2),350 (4), 369 (1). 106 Badodya Ama-311 (2). 200 (309), 202 (5), 203 (1),205 (45), 206 (12), 207 (52), 107 A:mali Khedi-369 (I). 208 (1),209 (426),214 (9), 215 (4), 216 (11),220 (15), 108 Padalaya Bajarang-311 (4). 230 (46), 231 (18), 232 (4), 233 (29), 235 (36), 236 (2), 109 Khankarodi-200 (1),273 (1),283 (2),311 (2),369 (2). 237 (7),239 (4),244 (3),255 (1),263 (2),270 (5),271 (41), 110 Lasudaya-Parm.ar-283 (2),311 (3). 272 (25), 273 (605), 274 (6), 278 (3),280 (30), 281(56), 282 (3),283 (66),284 (84), 288 (76),289 (20), 291 (1) 111 Palasiya-3Il (2). 265


292 (20),300 (4),302 (63), 303 (16),310 (9), 311 (234), 42 Bangarda Chhota.-283 (1),333 (3). 313(6), 314 (3), 320 (23), 322 (2), 331 (2), 333 (3), 43 Banganga.-200 (3),273 (8),311 (3),369 (I). 334 (1), 335 (36). 336 (27), 337 (12),339 (5),340 (6), 45 Kanadya.-200 (I), 207 (1),393 (1). 341 (10); 342 (20), 3.f5 (3), 350 (.')9),353 (3),354 (1), 47 Khatri Khedi.-293(I). 356 (12), 360 (16), 362 (4), 364 (3).365 (56),366 (1), 51 Khernana.-311 (2). 367 (34), 368 (31), 369 (245), 372 (48),373 (2),377 (10), 52 Bhoka Khedi.-283 (1),311 (1),350(2). 378 (18), 379 (12), 382 (13), 384 (108), 385 (8), 58 Rinjlai.-350 (1). 388 (320),389 (5),391 (1),392 (39), 39:3 (378),394 (9) 61 Sirpur.-200 (1),273 (1), 283 (2),350 (I). 396 (2),399 (27). 65 Ambarnolya.-283 (2),369 (I). 67 BaripipHya.-283 (2). Rural.-200 (35), 202 (1),207 (3), 209 (12),230 (5), 233 (9), 72 Goga Khedi.-350 (4),393 (1) .. 235 (2), 236 (1) 237 (1),255 (1), 273 (41),380 (2), 75 Bisnavda.-200 (1), 273 (1),283 (2),311 (6). 281 (1),283 (66),288 (23), 310 (2), 311 (124-),333 (3), 81 Asravad Bujurg.-273 (1),350 (2),369 (1), 393 (1). 335 (1),350 (42),369 (22),388 (22), 393 (18), 399 (I). 82 Rasa Khedi.-350 (1). 83 Khudel Bujurg.-283 (I). Urban.-200 (274),202 (4),203 (1),205 (45),206 (12),207 (49), 90 Kalaria.-200 (1), 283 (I), 311 (4). 208 (I), 209 (414),214 (9), 215 (4),216 (11),220(15), 94 Palda.-283 (2),311 (4),369 (1). 230 (41), 231 (18),232 (4), 233 (20).235 (34:),236 (1), 96 Deoguradia.-283 (I). 237 (6) 239 (4),244 (3), 263 (2),270 (5), 271 (41), 100 Morodhat.-311 (1). 272 (25) 2i3 (564), 274 (6), 278 (3),280 (28), 231 (55), lIOBijalpur.-200 (3),209(5),273 (5),369 (1),388 (3), 282 (3),284 (8+), 288 (53),289 (20),291 (1),292 (20), 393 (2). 300 (4), 302 (63) 303 (16),310 (7), 311(110), 313 (16), 127 Rangwasa.-200 (4), 273 (4),283 (5),311 (12), 350 (2), 314 (3), 320 (28), 322 (2), 331 (2),334 (I), 335 (35), 369 (1). 336 (27),337 (12),339 (5), 340 (6),341 (10),342 (20), 128 Rao.-200 (4), 202 (1),207 (1),2(,9 (I), 230 (2), 273 (6), 345 (3),350 (17), 353 (3),354 (1),356 (12),360 (16), 281 (Il, 283 (5), 288 (4), 311 (12), 335 (I), 350 (3), 362 (4), 364 (3), 365 (56),.366 (1),367 (34),368 (31), 3m (3),388 (5), 393 (3). 369 (223), 372 (48),373 (2),377 (10),373 (18),379 (12), 129 NihalpurMundi.-311 (2). 382 (13),384 (108), 385 (8),388 (298),389 (5),391 (1), 130 Kelod Kartal.-273 (1), 283 (1),311 (6),350 (1). 392 (39),393 (360), 394 (9), 396 (2),399 (26). 141 Machala.-207 (1),236 (I). 142 Morod.-283 (1). VILLAGES 143 Untari.-311 (3). Location Code Number and Name of Village: 144 Asrawad Khurd.-273 (2),311 (2). 146 Bihadya.-283 (1). I Fulkaradia.-350 (3). 149 Pivdai.-255 (1),273 (2),283 (6), 311 (2). 150 Karnpal.-200 (2), 273 (2), 283 (5), 350 (6), 369 (3), 2 Hatad.-200 (5), 209 (6), 230 (3), 233 (9), 235 (2) 283 (4),288 (17), 310 (2), 311 (14),350 (10), 369 (2), 388 (6), 393 (I). 153 Tillor Khurd.-200 (3), 283 (7),311 (11),388 (I). 388 (5),393 (8),399 (1). 157 Pip",lda·-200 (1), 237 (1). 3 Songir.-288 (2), 311 (9). 4 Lirnhodagari.-369 (2). 7 Talawalichanda.-388 (1). Location Code Number and Name of City: 9 Balya Kheda.-200 (1). III INDORE CITY 10 Panod.-283 (I). 11 Nignoti.-283 (1). WardNo. I-2oo (20), 207 (3),209 (18),215 (1),230 (6), 12 Jagxnalpipliya.-200 (1), 283 (1). 231 (1), 232 (3), 235 (I), 273 (21),274 (1), 284 (1), 13 Khatipipliya.-311 (1),369 (1),393 (I). 336 (1), 350 (7), 356 (1),360 (5),367 (1), 369 (1), 14 Sakkar Khedi (H;aran Khedi).-283 (1),311 (6),369 (I). 372 (I), 378 (2), 388 (17),394 (I). 17 Gurdakhedi. - 283 (1). Ward No. :2:-200 (10),205 (2),207 (4),209 (7),230 (9), 27 Lasurdiya-Mori.-388 (1). 232 (1), 233 (I), 239 (1), 273 (25), 280 (I), 284 (3), 30 Jbalacya.-283 (2). 310 (5), 311 (18),335 (1),336 (1),339 (1),365 (2),369 (3), 31 Hingonya.-283 (2), 311 (I). 372 (1),388 (11),392 (1),393 (3). 33 Bisan Kheda.-2S3 (1). Ward No. 3-200 (10), 209 (17),220 (2), 230 (2),233 (3). 34 Burana Khedi.-283 (1),3! I (12),350 (1),369 (1). 35 Baroda Kara.-283 (I). 271 (1), 273 (23), 280 (1), 281 (I), 292 (1), 335 (4), 36 Baroda Dault.-283 (1),369 (1) ... 367 (I), 373 (1),388 (9),393 (5),399 (2). 37 Semiya Chau"-200 (1), 273 (8),280 (2), 283 (1),311(10). Ward No. 4-200 (7), 202 (I), 205 (3), 206 (I), 207 (I), 350 (5), 369 (I). 209 (10), 216 (2), 273 (12), 274 (I), 284 (1), 302 (2), 38 Kalrner.-200 (1),369 (I). 320 (6), 335 (4),337 (1), 341 (1),360 (5), 368 (13), 39 Rojadi.-200 (1), 283 (1). 369(13),372 (17), 377 (5), 382 (6), 384 (43), 388 (18), 41 BangardaBada.-200 (1),283 (I). 392 (1), 393 (1). 266


Ward No. 5.-200 (13),205 (1),206 (4),207 (9),208 (I), Ward No. 17-200(6), 205(2), 206(1), 209(8), 271(1)" 209 (14), 214 (I), 230 (I), 233 (1\, 239 (2),271 (I), 273(11),281(1),302(1),311(1),335(1),367(1),388(8), 302 (1),320 (13),337 (I), 368 (4),369 (20),372 (10), 399(2).

377 (3),378 (I), 379 (2), 382 (7), 384 (35),388 (9), Wa.~d No. 18-200 (8). 207(1), 209(17), 216(l),~30(3), 391 (I). 231(2),235(1),271(1),272(1),273(35),281(4).284(1) Ward No. 6-200 (31,205 (1).206 (1),207 (2),209 (4), 288(1),292(1),302(1),313(1),335(1).337(1),353(2), 230 (I), 271 (1),273 (15).284 (I), 302 (2),311 (Il, 372(1), 388(11), 393(7), 394(2), 399(7). 337 (I), 368 (I). 378 (~), 384 (9), 388 (8), 392 (I), Ward No. 19.-200(3). 202(1), 206(1). 2e9(11),214(3), 393 (I), 396 (2). 220(2),230(3),233(2),271(1),273(42),274(1),281(3), Ward No. 7-200 (10),207 (6).209 (21, 233 (1),271 (1), 284(5),288(1),302(4),303(2),311(10),335(1),336(2), 280 (6), 281 (2), 284 (3), 289 (16), 331 (1),341 (I), 367(3), 372(1), 397(2), 388(18), 392(11), 393(5), 384 (II, 388 (4), 393 (3),399 (I). 399(4).

Ward No. 8·-200 (11),205 (3),207 (4),209 (8),220 (2), Ward No. 20-200(9), 205(2), 209(26), 2~0(1I, 271(3), 231 (3),235 (2).271 (2),272 (1),273 (9), 280 (5),281 (3), 273(17),284(2),288(2),302(8),303(1),311(6),336(1)" 284(1),288(2),292(JI,311(1),336(j),:J39(J),341 (3), 339(1), 360(1), 368(2), 378(1), 379(1),388(19), 342 (2),365 (I), 369 (58),384 (I), 388 (10). 389(2), 393(7).

WardNo.g-200 (21,207 (1),209 (1),216 (1),231 (2), Ward No. 21-200(4), 205(1), 209(6), 216(2), 230(1), 273 (1),291 (1),302 ( 1),334 (I), 360 (2), 3G8 ( 1),384 (I) 233(2),235(2), 271(5),272(1),273 (23),281 (I), 284(2),. 388 (2). 302 (8),311 (3),313(1),337(1),345(1),353 (1).365(20) 367(2),368(4),369(2).378(3),384(2),388(11),392(1) Ward No. 10-200 (7),205 (1),209 (3), 220 (1),230 (I), 393(8), 394(1), 399(1), 233 (2), 237 (1),239 (I), 244 (I), 273 (23),274 (I), 281 (1),284(5),288 (1),303 (2),311 (1),331 (1),335 (2), Ward No. 22.-200(9). 205(10),209(11). 214(2), 231(1), 337 (1),342 (5),365 (2), 368 (1),369 (6), 388 (5),393 (10), 233(3),237(2),244(2),271(3),273(26),278(2),281(2), 399 (I). 28+(4),288(2),292(4),300(1),302(2),303(1),311(9), 320(1), 336(4), 3+2(3), 350(1),365(5), 367(5), 369(3), Ward No. n-ZOO (6), 207 (1;.209 (7),271 (I), Z73 (II), 388( \5), S89( I), 393( 10). 281 (fi), 284 (3), 288 (14), 292 (I). 302 (I), 335 (11, 350 (3), 367 (1),369 (2), 388 (8),393 (I). Ward No. 23.-200(6), 209(34),216(1),272(15), 273(13), 284(8), 292(5), 302(5),311(2).322(1), 335(1), 3(i5(5), Ward No. 12. -~OO (+;,206 (1),207 (1),209 (I:::" ~14 (I), 369(6). 372(1), 378(1), 388(6). 392(5), Sf3(241), 230(2),231 (3),271 (1).273 (30),27+ (I), 278 (1).280(3), 394(1), 399(1). 281 (12\, 28+ (17), 288 (5),300 (II. 302 (+). 303 (1), 311 (401, 320 (I), 335 (1), 336 (~), 337 (1),339 (2), Ward No. 24·-200(6). 209(5), 230(3), 237(1), 271(1), 342 (3), 345 (1).356 (2), 360 (2). 3G7 (1).369 (15), 273(11), 280(2), 282(1),284(3),302(4),303(2),311(2'. 372 (2), 378 ( 1),379 (1), S84 (2),388 (8),392 (3:,594 (2), 322(1),336(1),356(11,367(2),377(1),379(1,,388(2), 399 (I,. 393(9).

Ward No. 13-200(7" 202(1). 2C5(~). :C?I~Oi. 214i2), h'ard No. 25·-200(+). 205(3), 207(3), 209(7),230(1), 231(1), ~33(1), ~35(11, 273([t:) , 22011,', ~81 (1), 23S(5), 273(4 , 281\2), 284(1). 342(1),350(2).362(1), 284(2). 288(1), 289(1),30213), 3('3',1). 3111n. 313(1). 3G5(2), 367(1), 3e9(2). 388(12),393(31• 399( I). 32016), 336(5), 314(3), 3(716). :


Ward NO.3I- 200(1), 203(1), 209(1), 233(2), 236(2), 11 Umarya-~200(1), 283(1), 311(4), 350(2), 369(2)_ 237(1),271(3),272(1),273(12),292(1),372(1),388(7), 15 Navda--200(1), 283(1), 311(4), 350(1). 393(4),399(1). 21 Santer--200(2), 205(2), 209(1), 273(1), 283(1), 302(1)_ Ward No. 32-200(5), 209(15), 230(1), 235(1), 237(1), 22 Bor Khedi-311 (3)_ 271(2),272(2),273(28),281(2),284(1),302 (6),336(1), 24 Bhardala-3 II (2) . 367(4),369(14),372(2),384(1),388(4),393(6), 25 -200(2), 207(1), 209(1), 273(4), 283(4), Ward No. 33--200(1), 205(1), 209(18),230(2), 271 (4), 288(1), 311(9), 356(13), 369(3), 388(2). 272(3),273(22),284(1),292(3),302(1),303(3),313(2), 335(4),372(2),388(1),393(14),399(2), 26 Harsola-200(3), 206(2), 209(5), 220(1), 272(1), 273(13), 283(3), 288(5), 311(14), 350(13), 356(1). Ward No. 34-200(7), 205(1), 209(5), 271(2), 273(2), 369( I), 388(9), 393(2)_ 281(1),288(1),302(1), 336(1), 356(4),369(1), 388(2), 393( 1). 27 Datoda-200(3), 273( 10), 283(7), 288(7), 310(9). 369(3), 3B8(1), 393(4). Ward No. 35--200(4), 205(3), 207(1), 209(6),216(1), 35 Phaphund-200(1), 206(1), 273(2), 283(3), 369(1) 235(1),271(3),273(4),274(1),288(9),289(1), 311(4), 393(2) . 314(1),335(1),336(2),342(4),379(2),388(2) 393 (I), 40 Dongargaon-369(2). Non-Municipal Urban area-200(17), 207(5), 209(5), 41 Gujar Kheda-200(1), 273(2). 2IS([), 235(1), 263(2),273(8\ 280(3), 281(1),289(1), 3[0(2),320(1),335(4),336(1),337(2),340(5),341(2), 42 Sutar Khedi- 273( I)_ 350(1),356(1),364(3), 365(1),366(1), 369(17), 3iZ(3), 45 Sitapat--273(1), 283(1), 311(1). 379(2),385(2),388(4),393(2)_ 46 Avlai-311(1), 350(2). 47 Akvi--311(I). 4 MHOW TAHSIL 48 Thavlay-311(2). 1'otal--200(68), 202(1), 205(9), 206(37), 207(14), 209(88), 52 Kodarya--200(2), 206(2), 207(1), 209(1), 235(1). 214(4), 220(1), 230(3), 231(1), 233(6), 235(2), 237(1), 273(5),281(3),283(1), 311(1), 350(2). 240(5),272(1),273(198),278(1),280(5),281(14),283(93), 53 Amaba ChandlUl-200(1), 206(1), 273(3), 283 (2). 284( 14), 288(22), 292(3), 302( 10), 303( I), 310(20), 311(13), 350(1), 369(2). 311(180),313(4),314(4),334(1),336(3),350(58),356(14), 362(3), 365(1), 367(12), 368(7), 369(48), 377(1),378(4), 54 Newgqradya-31I(3). 384(8), 388(62), 392(4), 393(44), 399(5). 56 Jamli·-200(1), 206(2), 207(1), 273(3), 283(4), 311(4)_ llural-200(39), 202( I), 205(2), 206(37), 207( 13), 209(36), 57 Gawlipalasbya-200(2), 206(4), 209(2),240(5),273(5), 220(1), 230(1), 235(1), 240(5), 272(1), 273(81), 280(2), 283(6),288(1),311(16),350(1),369(3),388(2),393(1). 281(5), 283(90), 284(8), 288(22), 302(1),310(19), 311, 58 Chainpura-283(1), 311(1). (162), 314(2), 350(58), 356(14), 369(36), 388 (15), 59 Kamadpur-200(1), 206(1), 273(3), 283(5), 311(4), 393(12), 350(1), 369(1), 393(1). Urban--200(29), 205(7), 207(1), 209(52), 214(4),230(2), 60 Nanded--283(1), 311(1). 231(1), 233(6), 235(1), 237(1),273(117), 278(1),280(3), 61 Chordya-273(1), 311(3), 350(1). 281(9), 283(3), 284(6), 292(3), 302(9), 303(1),310(1), 62 Bhagora.-200(2), 206(2), 207(2), 273(3), 283(6), 311(18),313(4), 314(2), 334(1), 336(3), 362(3), 365([), 310(10), 350(2), 369(2). 367(12),368(7),369(12),377(1),378(4),384(8),388(47), 63 Memdi--283(1), 311(1), 350(2). 392(4), 393(32), 399(5). 65 Simrol--~200(3), 209(2), 273(2), 311(12), 350(3),369(2).

VILLAGES 68 Kelod--200(1), 273(3), 283(7), 311(9), 350(4), 369(2). 70 Khedi Jamnya-209(1), 273(1), 283(1),284(7),311(3), Location Code Number and Name of Village: 350(3), 369(2). 73 Kuvada Khedi-283(1). I Bheslai-273(1), 283(1), 311(2). 75 Berchha-273(1), 288(1), 311(2). 2 Sonvai-311(2), 369(1). 77 Asapura-288(2), 311(2). 3 Pigdomber.-273(1), 311(6), 350(1). 78 Malendi_311(I). 5 Teehi-273(2), 283(7), 311(9), 350([). 80 Sihod-273(2), 283(1), 288(2), 311(2), 350(1). 6 Kavti-200(3). 81 Kumthi-283(1), 311(1). 7 Pipliya Malhar-283(1). 82 Hansalpur-200(1), 206(2), 207(6), 209(2), 230(1), 8 Panda--273(1), 283(1), 311(3). 273(7), 283(5), 311(2), 350(2). 268


83 Kuwali-206(1). 162 Raikunda--283 ( I). 84 Durjanpura-314(1). 165 Kulthana--311(1). 92 Rajpura--209(1), 283(1), 288(2), 350(1). 168 Bar Kheda--206(1). 94 Gunjara-209(2). 169 Ramghar palasghat-206(1). 98 Malipura-314( I). 172 Khurdi--200( 1), 206( 1), 311 (2), 350( I). 99 Japhrabad--311(1). 174 Jantkhurd Choti--206(2). 102 Badgonda--200(1), 207(1), 273(2), 350(2), 369(2). 103 Bar Kbeda-209(1). Location Code Number and Name of Town: 105 Sherpur-200(1), 206(2), 281(1), 283(8), 311(1), IV MHOW CANTT. 369(1). 108 Yeshwant Nagar--200(1), 202(1), 311(4), 369( I). Ward No. 1-200 (4), 205 (1),209 (15),230 (I), 233(1),. 273 (60), 278 (I), 284 (3), 302 (4), 303 (I), 311 (12)" 109 Tinchba-206(1), 288(1). 313 (2),367 (11),363 (4), 378 (2),384 (3),388 (14), i16 Manpur--200(3), 207(1), 209(11), 273(1), 280(1), 393 (21). 281(1),283(2),311(2), 350(10),369(3), 388(1), 393(2). Ward No. 2--200 (10),209 (20),230 (I), 233 (5),237 (1), 117 Ghodkhurda-206( I). 273 (21), 281 (I), 292 (3), 302 (2), 311 (6), 334 (1), 120 Bashipipri-206(1), 311(1). 362 (1),365 (1),367 (1),369 (2),378 (2),384 (3),388 (21), ' 123 Bavi-283(I). 392 (3), 393 (10), 399 (5). 124 Sendal--311(1). Ward No. 3-200 (6), 209 (5), 214 (I), 231 (I), 235 (I), 130 Nachanbor-206(2). 273 (6), 281 (5), 284 (I), 302 (I), 310 (I), 313 (2), 138 Rajpura-311(I). 336 (3),362 (2),368 (1),369 (5),388 (3),393 (I). 139 Choral--200(1), 209(3), 280(1), 283(1), 284(1), 311(1), Ward No. 4-200 (9), 207 (1),209 (II), 273 (27),280 (I), 350(1), 369(2). 281 (1),302 (I), 368 (2),369 (4),377 (1),378 (1),288 (9), 144 Badgaon-283(1). 392 (I). 145 Jam Buzurg--206(2). Ward No. 5-214 (2), 280 (2), 281 (I), 283 (3), 378 (I). 155 Men--206(4), 209(3), 283(1), 311(3). Ward No. 6--205 (6),209 (I), 214 (I), 273 (3),281 (I), 156 Men-ke-majara-206( I). 284 (2),302 (1), 3H (2),369 (1),384 (2). ~69


DEPALPUR TAHSIL Jetpura, 101. Dakacha,ya, 106. Badodaya Ama, 110. Lasudaya Parmar, 113. Pitawali, 114. Sat­ Urban lana, 115. Ringnodaya, 117. Rahukhedi, 119. Location Code No. and Name of Town: Badrakha, 121. Kharwakhedi, 122. Paliyahedar, 128. Khajuraya, 129. Sagwal, 130. Alwasa, II DEPALPUR 131. BaraIi, 137. Rawati, 139. Dhaba1i, 140. Mangliya Sadak, 143. Jakhaya, 145. Bardari. Rural 147. Bhawrasla. Location Code No. and Name of Village:

5. Phulan, 6. Bahirampur, 10. Talawali, 22. Pal­ 3 INDORE TAHSIL soda, 28. Mendakwas, 37. Farkoda, 49. Gokalpur, Urban 6l. Birgoda, 62. Banediya, 72. Chimankhedi, 79. Badolihouz, 80. Jakkipura, 81. Murkheda, Location Code No. and Name of Town: 82. Paldi, 83. Mirzapur, 89. Hasanabad, 90. Agra, 91. Ushapura, 94. Khadi, 95. JalodiyaPa;nth, 97. Akasoda, 100. BarodaPanth, 101. Harnasa, III INDORE CITY 104. Sikandri, 108. Chiklonda, 120. Rangawasa, 132. Rawad, 138. Kala Sura, 144. Mothla, 145. Bet­ Rural rna, 146 Bijaipur, 150. Manpura, 151. Jhalariya, 152. Badipura, 153. Macha1, 154. Datoda, 155. Pir­ Location Code No. and Name of Village: pipliya, 156. Betma Khurd, 157. Ga1onda, 158. Taj­ 1. Fulkaredia, 2. Hatod, 7. Talawali Chanda, khedi, 159. Methawada, 160. Salampur, 16l. Bhan­ 18. Budhaniya, 21. Narwar, 22. Suklya, 23. Kabir­ wargarh, 162. Dharawara, 164. Ghata Billod, Khedi, 24. Bhangarh, 25. Niranjanpur, 26. Piplya­ 168. Ranrna1 Billod, 172. Kali Billed. Kumhar, 27. Lasurdiya Mori, 42. Ch:b,ota Bangarda, "''4~. Banganga, 44. Khajrana, 59. Nenod, 61. Sir­ 2 SAWER TAHSIL pur, 62. Pipaliya Hara, 76. Sinhasa, 77. Bank, Urban 79. Badiya Keema, 81. Asravad Bujurg, 83. Khu­ del Bujurg, 84. Mudla Jet Karan, 86. Dhulet, Location Code No. and Name of Town: 89. Aranya, 90. Kalaria, 91. Talaoli Kachara,

SAWER 92. Naoda-Panth, 93. Ahir Khedi, 94. Palda, 95. MoosaKhedi, 96. DeoGuradia, 97. Dudhiya, 98. Rural Kapalya Khedi, 99. Kazi , 100. Morod­ Location Code No. and Name of Village: Hat, 101. Bawalya Khurd, 104. Fali, lOS. Geheli, 6. Kithoda, 14. Badodiyakhan, 23. Kayastha­ 108. Sukhniwas, 110. Bijalpur, 112. Limbodi, Khedi, 28. Lalakheda, 34. Mukata, 35. Rawer, 114. Sanawadya, 116. Songuradia, 119. Dasurdya 36. Maharajgunj, 45. Dayakheda, 46. N agpur, Anant, 127. Rangwasa, 128. Rao, 130. Kelod­ 48. Lakhaman Khedi, 52. Ajanod, 54. Kajalna, Kartal, 131. Fatan Khedi, 132. Rala MandaI, 59. Dewali, 60. Tarana, 77. Budi-barlai, 87. Sol.. 143. Umari, 144. Asrawad Khurd, 145. Mirzapur, sinda, 90. Pirkaradiya, - 91. Baroda Arjuna, 98. 153. Tallor Khurd. 270


4 MHOW TAHSIL 51. Ganglya Khedi, 52. Kodarya, 53. Amaba­ Chandan, 54. Neo Guradya, 56. Jamli, 57. Gawli­ Urban Palasia, 59. Kamad Pur, 62. Bhagora, 63. Memdi, Location Code No. and Name rif Town: 64. Baroda Singh, 65. Simrol, 67. Nandlai, 68. Kelod, 70. Khedi (Jamnya), 72. Khudal pura, 74. Bhicholi, IV MHOW GANTT. 75. Bercha, 76. Khedli, 80. Sihod, 81. Kumthi, Rural 82. Harsalpur, 83. Kuwali, 84. Durjanpura, 92. Rajpura, 96. BheruGhat, 98. Mali pura, 101. Location Code No. and Name of Village: Badkuwa, 105. Sherpur, 106. Kodya (Jagir), 2. Sonvali, 3. Pigdamber, 7. Piplya Malhar, 107. Kankariya, 108. Yeshwant Nagar, 116. Man­ 8. Panda, 10. Bhatkhedi, 11. Umarya, 13. Shri pur, 118. Undwa, 123. Bavi, 125. Jaulwanya, Khandi, 14. Bardiya, 15. Navda, 16. ShivNagar, 133. Rampuriya Khurd, 134. Rampuriya. Buzurg, 17. Bhanjari, 19. Harnya-Khedi, 20. Gopalpura, 135. Telanberdi, 136. Jamoya, 139. Choral, 141. 21. Santer, 22. Borkhedi (Harsola), 23. Goknya, Gada Ghat, 142. Foot Talav, 143. AmboliPura, 25. Mhow Gaon, 26. Harsola, 27. Datoda, 28. 149. Gawhalu, 150. Kalikirai, 153. NaharKhodra, Joshi-Guradiya, 33. Ghosi Kheda, 40. Dongar 155. Men, 156. Men-ke-Ma:jare, 161. NaharKhedi, Gaon, 41. Gujar Kheda, 42. Sutar Khedi, 44. 162. Raikunda, 166. Khurda, 167. Bhilami, Matalab Pura, 49. Pipal Khunt, 50. Kesar Bardi, 172. Khurdi. 271


DEPALPUR TAHSIL kaya, 87. Solsinda, 89. Brahaman Piplya, 90. Pirkaradiya, 91. Baroda Arjuna, 94. Basandara. Urban 95. Baghana, 96. Mawalakhedi, 97. Merkhedi~ Location Code No. and Nam. of Town: 100. Todi, 101. Dakachaya, 103. Silotaya, 104. Mata Buredi, 105. Muradpura, 106. Badodya­ NIL Ama, 107. Amaikheda, 108. Padalaya Bajarang, Rural 109. Khankarod, 110. Lasudaya Parmar, Ill. Location Code No. and Name of Village: Palasiya, 113. Pitawali, 114. Satlana, 115. Ring­ nodaya, 116. Ram piplaya, 117. Rahukhedi, 120. 2. Amabaliya, 3. Pirnalwasa, 4. Kulala, 5. Kankariya-Bodya, 121. Kharwa Khedi, 122 . .Phulan, 6. Bahirampur, 7. Osra, 8. Garhi Billoda, Paliyahedar, 123. Panchderia, 124. Jasskaradiya, 9. Sironjiya, 10. Talawali, 11. J aladiyagyan, 13. 125. Gari-pipaliya, 129. Sagwal, 130. Alwasa, Kharsoda, 14. Chhadoda, 15. Padhliya, 16. Dhar­ 131. Baroli, 132. Biju Khedi, 133. Sulakhedi, 136. mat, 17. Naogaon Khanjar, 18. Gautampura, Pawardajunarda, 137. Rawati, 139. Dhabali, 19. Khanjar Kheda, 20. Chandan Khedi, 21. 140. Mangiya Sadak, 141. Mundala-Bag, 143. Bachhoda, 22. Palsoda, 25. Kanwasa, 26. Chittora, Jakhaya, 145. Bardari, 146. Bhargaya, 148. Kumerdi. 28. Mendakwas, 3l. Barda Khedi, 33. Atyana, 41. Devra Khedi, 42. Kharotiya, 47. Ujaliya, 171. Bagoda.

2 SAWAR TAHSIL 3 INDORE TAHSIL Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town: NIL

III~INDORE CITY Rural Rural Location Code No. and Name of Village: Location Code No. and Name of Village: 1. Badodiya Panth, 2. Budanya Panth, 3. Rala­ mandal, 7. Chimli, 8. HansaKhedi, 9. Balarya, 2. Hatod, 3. Songir, 4. Limbodagari, 5. Sakkar­ 10. Gulawat, 16. Chatgara, 17. Potaloda, 18. Khedi, 6. Kelod Hala, 7. Talawali Chanda, 8. Tumani, 19 .. Chitoda, 26. Khamod-Anjana, 27. Arandia, 9. Balya Kheda, 10. Panod, II. Nignoti, Magar Khedi, 31. Pipalai, 32. Sinnoda, 33. Man­ 19. Pala Khedi, 20. Tigrya Badshaha, 21. Narwar~ dota, 34. Mukata, 39. Bhada Khedi, 42. Makodiya, 22. Suklya, 23. Kabir Khedi, 24. Bhangarh, 27. 44. Bal Ghara, 45. Daya Khedia, 46. Nagpur, 49. Lasurdiya Mori, 28. Maya Khedi, 42. Bangarda­ MachhuKhedi, 50. Rang-karadiya, 51. Kachhalaya, Chhota, 43. Banganga" 44. Khajrana, 61. 52. Ajanod, 53. Bisakhedi-Sawer, 56. Pawadi-Happa, Sirpur, 62. Pipaliya Hana, 63. Bhicholi Hapsi~ 57. Khatedya Bajjat, 58. Khamod Kamliya, 62. 76. Sinhasa, 77. Bank, 78. Bicholi Mardana, 93. Guran, 63. Pawarda-Dai, 64. Hariakhedi, 65. Ahir Khedi, 94. Palda, 95. Moosa Khedi, 96. Deo­ Takun, 66. Kamalaya Khedi, 69. Mali Khedi, 70. Guradia, 97. Dudhiya, 106. Sindodi, 107. Sindoda~ Hatunia, 71. Bibi Khedi, 72. Kankariya Pal, 73. 108. Sukhniwas, 110. Bijalpur, Ill. Bilaoli, 112. Balada Takum, 76. Patwa Khedi, 77. Budi Barlai, Limbodi, 113. Mundla Nayata, 114. Sanawadya, 78. Pipliya Kayasth, 79. BrahamanKhedi, 80. 115. Umarya Khurd, 124. Narlai, 125. Moklai, Kadawa, 81. Barlai, 82. RatanKhedi, 83. Jinda­ 127. Rangwasa, 128. Rao, 129. Nihalpur Mundi Kheda, 84. NaharKheda, 85. Dhaturia, 86. Kata- 130. Kelod-Kastal, 141. Machala, 142. Morad. 272


d-aon, 26. Marsola, 39. Richabardi, 4b. Dongar­ gaon, 41. Gu1ar ~heda, 42. Sutar Khedi 47. Akvi, Urban 50. Kesar Bardi, 51. Gangalya-Khedi, 52. Kodarya, Location Code No. and Name of Town: 53. Amba-Chandan, 54. Neo Guradya, 57. Gawli­ Palashia, 61. Chordya, 62. Bhagora, 64. Baroda­ IV MHOW CANTT. Sindh, 68. Kelod, 69. Borkhedi (Kodariya), 77. Rural Asapura, 78. Malendi, 79. Patal Pani, 89. Kakrya­ Dabri, 91. Imli Pura, 94. Gunjara Pura, 95. L{)cation Code No. and Name of Village: Lodhiya, 96, Bheru Ghat, 103. Bar Kheda, 104. 1. Bheslai, 2. Sonvai, 3. Pigdamber, 5. Teehi, Bhan Bardi, Ill. Piplya, ll2. Damali, llS. Kushal­ 6. Kavti, 7. Piplya Malhar, 8. Panda, 11. Umarya, garh, 114. Dhavdiya, 115. Utediya, '122. Badiya, 13. Shri Khandi, 14. Bardiya, 15. Navda, 18. 123. Bavi, 126. Sandal Pura, 127. Ratvi, 128. Shahda, 19. Harnya-Khedi, 20. Gopal Pura, N avadiya, 131. Gajinda, 138. Raj pura, 139. 21. Santer, 22. Bor Khedi (Harsola), 25. Mhow- Choral, 140. Surti Pura, 149. Gawhalu. 27~



DEPALPUR TAHSIL 3 INDORE TAHSIL Urban Urban _Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town:

II DEPALPUR. III INDORE CITY Rural Rural Location Code No. and Name of Village: Location Code No. and Name of Village: 2. Hatod, 7. Talawa1i Chanda, 12. Jagmal Piplya, 6. Bahirampur, 18. Gautampura, 28. Mendak­ 18. Budhaniya, 27. Lasurdiya Mori, 31. Hingonya, 32. Upadi Natha, 33. Bisan Kheda, 34. Burana was, 61. Birgoda, 62. Banediya, 73. Ahirkhedi, Khedi, 37. Semlya Chau, 43. Banganga, 45. Kanadya, 81. Murkheda, 89. Hasanabad, 90. Agra, 91. Usha­ 47. Khatri Khedi, 48. Chhit Kana, 49. Sahu­ pura, 101. Harnasa, 120. Rangawasa, 132. Rawad, Khedi, 101. Bawalya Khurd, 104. Fali, 122. Shiv­ 145. Betma, 153. Machal, 156. Betma Khurd, ni, 128. Rao, 132. Rala Mandal, 149. Pivdai, 168. Ranma1 Billod, 172. Ka1i Billod. 150. Kampe!.

2 SAWER TAHSIL 4- MHOW TAHSIL Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town: IV MHO\\' CANTT. I SAWER Rural Rural Location Code No. and Name of Village: Lllcation Code No. and Name of Village: 21. Santer, 23. Goknya, 25. Mhow Gaon, 26. Harso1a, 40. Dongar Gaon, 56. J amli, 65. Simrol, 2. Budanya Panth, 9. Ba1arya, 17. Pota1od, 19. 68. Kelod, 70. Khedi Jamnya 74. Bhicholi, 75. Berchha, 80. Sihod, 82. Hansal Pur, 83. Kuwali, 'Chitoda, 32. Sinnoda, 33. Mandota, 46. Nagpur, 84. DUljan Pura, 92. Raj Pura, 96. Bheru Ghat, 52. Ajanod, 77. Budi-Barlai, 87. Solsinda, 110. 101. Badkuwa, 102. Badgonda, 105. Sherpur, Lasudaya Parmar, 117. Rahu Khedi, 128. Khaju­ lOB. Yeshwant Nagar, 116. Manpur, 123. Bavi, ~raya, 131. Baroli, 140. Mangaliya Sadak. 139. Choral, 155. Men, 172~ Khurdi. 274



L.&~ti,n Code No. and Name of Town: LocatifJn Code No. and Name of Town:

II DEPALPUR (Ward No.1) III. INDORE CITY Rural Wards Nos.-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,. 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 30, 32, 33, Non-ward Urban-. Locfltilm Code No. and Name oj Village.' Area and Non-;Municipal Urban Area. 14. Chhadoda, 18. Gautampura, 62. Banediya, Rural 90. Agra, 113. Sagdod, 120. Rangawasa, 153. Machal. Location Code No. and Name oj Village: 2. Hatod, 37. Semlya Chau, 43. Banganga, 83 .. Khudel Bujurg, 127. Rangwasa. 2 SAvVER TAHSIL 4 MHOW TAHSIL Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name oj Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town: NIl. IV MHOW CANTI'. (Ward No.2) Rural Rural Location Code No. and Name oj Village.' Location Code No. and Name oj Village: 2. Budanya Panth, 51. Kachhaloya, 147. Bhaw­ 25. Mhow gaon, 27. Datoda, 57. Gaw1i Pa1asia,. rasla. 116. Manpur, 139. Choral, 172. Khurdi. 'APPENDIX VI



Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town: III INDORE CITY

II DEPALPUR (Ward No.1) Ward No.1, 2, 3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, lO, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20,21,22,23,25,26,27,28, Rural 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, Non Ward Urban Area and Non Municipal Urban Area. Location Code No. and Name of Village: Rural 18. Gautampura. Location Code No. and Name of Village: 2. Hatod, 37. Semlya Chau, 43. Banganga. 2 SA WER TAHSIL 4 MHOW TAHSIL Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town: NIL IV MHOW CANTT. (Ward No.2) Rural Rural Location Code No. and Name of Village: Location Code No. and Name of Village: 26. Harsola, 27. Datoda, 57. Gawli Palasia, 2. Budanya Panth, 101. Dakacbaya, 123. Pan· 65. Simrole, 116. Manpur, 139. Choral, 172. ·-chderia. Khurdi, 155. Men. APPENDIX VII


I DEPALPUR TAHSIL (2), 103. Neori (1), 104. Sikandri (2), 106~ Pemalpur (1), 108. Chiklor:da (1), 109. Agaradi-­ Urban (2), 110. Atawada (1), lli. Palashiya (1)~ 113. Sagdod (4), 114. Karadiya (I), 117. Location Code No. and Name of Town: Shivgarh (1), 119. Dau1atabad (1), 120. Ran­ gawasa (2), 122. Gohan (1), 123. Dansari (1),. II DEPALPUR 124. Badodiya Panth (2), 126. Khanpur (1), Ward No.1 (2), Ward No.2 (4), Ward No.3 (1). 127. Sanawada (1), 128. Rampuria (1), 130. Ward No.4 (2). Amli (1), 131. Sejwani (2), 132. Rewad (2), 134. Rolay (2), 135. Boriya (1), 137. Dhoreri Rural (1), 138. Kala Sura (1), 139. Lalendi (2), 140. Aurangpura (2), 143. Ram Badcdiya (2), Location Code No. and Name of Village: 144. Mothia (1), 145. Betma (5), 146. Bijaipur 1. Girota (5), 2. Amabaliya (3), 3. Pi rna­ (1), 147. Mohna (2), 148. Rayatpura (1), 149. lwasa (1), 4. Kulala (2), 5. Phulan (2), 6. Pipliya Zagodoo (1), 15l. Jhalariya (2), 152. Bahirampur (7), 7. Osra (1), 9. Sironjiya (2), Badipura (1), 153. Machal (1), 154. Datoda (1), 10. Talawali (4), 11. ]alodiyagyan (2), 12. 155. Pirpipliya (2), ...... Ralayta (2), 13. Kharsoda (1), 15. Padhiya(3), 157. Galonda (1), 159. Methawada (5), 161. 16. Dharmat (2), 18. Gautampura (15), 19. Bhanwargarh (1), 162. J!harawara (3), 164. KhanjarKhcda (1), 20. Chandan Khedi (1), 21. Ghata Billed (2), 165. "Karwasa (2), 166. Kishan­ Bachhoda (2), 23. Bhilbadoli (3), 24. Gudar (2), pura (1), 167,. Sanghvi (1), 168. Ranmal 25. Kanwasa (1), 26. Chittora (1), 27. ] am­ Billod (2), 169: Bajarangpura (1), 170. Dhannad goda (1)., 28.. Mendakwas (2), 29. Pitawali (4), (4),' 171. B,agcda :(3), 172. KaI_iBillod '(3), 30. Karoda (2), 33. Atyana (1), 35. Katkoda 173. Ambapura (1) . (1), 36 Sunala (1), 37. Farkoda (4), 38. Kai • (1), 39. Kakwa (1), 40. Karjoda (1), 41. 2 SAWER TAHSIL Devra Khedi (2), 42. Kharotiya (3), 45. Jalal­ pura (1), 46. Banya Khedi (2), 47. Ujaliya (1), Urban 49. Gokalpur (2), 50. Khirnlawada (I), 51. Ataheda (6), 52. Akoliya (1), 55. Gahun Khedi Location Code No. and Name oj Town: (1), 56. Shahpura (2), 58. Palashiyapar (1), 61. Birgoda (2), 62. Banediya (14), 63. Nandra 1 8AWER (1), 64. Naogaon Sarrf (2), 68. Gangajal Khedi Ward No. I (1), Ward No. 4 (5). (1), 69. Sumtha (3), 70. Semda (2), 72. Chiman Khedi (1), 73. Ahir Khedi (2), 77. Karki Rural (1), 78. Ahirwas (1), 79. Badolihouz (2), 80. Takkipura (1), 81. Mur Kheda (2), 82. Paidi (2), 83. Mirzapur (1), 86. Beganda (3), Location Code No. and Name Qf Village: 87. Khajraya (3), 88. Giroda (3), 89. Hasana­ 2. Budanya Panth (II), 3. RaiamandaI (1),. bad (3), 90. Agra (6), 91. Ushapura (I), 4. Titawada (2), 5. Lohagal (1), 6. Kithoda (1), 92. Khireli (2), 94. Khadi (I), 95. Jalodiya­ 8. Hansa Khedi (1), 9. Balarya (3), 10. Gulawat. Panth (2), 96. Piploda (I), 97. Akasoda (4), (1), II. Thir Khedi (2), 12. Hindalya (3), 98. Kalmer (2), 99. Chander (2), 100 Baro­ 13. Shahada (1), 14. Badodiya Khan (I), 16. daPanth (2), 101. Harnasa (I), 102. Ghatwada Ghatgara (4), 18. Tumani (2), 19. Chitoda (I),. 277


SAWER TAHSIL--Contd. 142. Bisa Khedi (4), 143. Jakhaya (4), 144. 20. Mala Khedi (3), 21. Panchola (1), 22. Melkalama (1), 145. Bardari (3), 146. Bhan­ Bawalya Khedi (1), 23. Kayastha khedi (1), gaya (3), 147. Bhawrasla (2), 148. Kumerdi 24. Panod (2),27. Magar Khedi (1), 29. Sima­ (1). role (2), 32. Sinnoda (1), 33. Mandota (4), 34. Mukata (2), 35. Rawer (2), 36. Maharaj­ 3 INDORE TAHSIL gunj (1), 37. Jarnbudi (1), 39. Bhada Khedi (1), 40. Ugam Khedi (2), 41. Kudana (4), 43. Urban Kha1-khala (1), 44. Ba1ghara (3), 45. Daya­ Kheda (2), 46. Nagpur (4), 47. Gawala (1), Location Code No. and Name oj Town: 48. Lakhaman Khedi (1), 49. Machhu Khedi (1), 50. Rangkaradiya (1), 51. Kachhalaya (5), III I:\DORE CI'IY 52. Ajnod (3), 53. Bisakhedi-Sawer (3), 54. Kajalana (1), 55. Surakhedi (1), 56. Pawadi­ From Ward No.-I to Ward ]'\0. 27 (One in happa (1), 57. Khatedaya Bajjat (1), 58. Each), Ward No. 28 (3), Ward ~o. 29 (3), Khamod Kamliya (3), 59. Dewali (1), 60. Ward No. 30 (4), Ward No. 31 (4), Ward Tarana (1), 61. Darjikaradiya (1), 62. Guran No. 32 (3), Ward Ko. 33 (6), Ward No. 34 (2), 63. Pawarda Dai (3), 64. Haria Khedi (1), (10), Ward No. 35 (1), Non-Ward Urban Area 65. Takun (2), 66. Kamalaya Khedi (2), 70. (1), Non-Municipal Urban Area (1). Hatunia (4), 72. Kankariyapal (2), 73. Baloda Rural Takun (1), 74. Rajoda (1), 75. Shahana (2), 77. Budi Barlai (5), 78. Pipliya Kayasth (1), Lecation Code No. and Name if Village: 79. Brahaman Khed i (1) , 80. Kadawa (2), 81. Barlai (5), 82. Ratan Khedi (1), 83. Jinda­ 1. Fulkaradia (4), 2. Hatod (5), 3. Songir Kheda (1), 84. Nahar Kheda (2), 85. Dha­ (2), 4. Limbodagari (2), 5. SakkarKhedi (1), turia (3), 86. Kata Kaya (2), 87. Soisinda (4), 6. Kelod-Hala (3), 7. Ta1awali Chanda (3), 88. Mundlahusen (2), 89. Brahaman Pipalya (1), 8. Arandia (2), 9. Balya Kheda (4), 10. Panod 90. Pirkaradiya (3), 91. Baroda Arjuna (3), (3), 11. Nignoti (1), 12. Jamal Pipliya (2), 93. Jaumburdi Sarwar (2), 94. Ba~andara (2), 13. Khati Pip1iya (2), 15. Jani (1), 16. Ja10- 95. Baghana (3), 96. Mawala Khedi (1), 97. keu (1), (17). Gurda Khedi (1), 18. Budha­ Mer Khedi (1), 98. Jetpura (2), 99. Dhana niya (2), 20. Tigrya Badshaha (2), 21. Khedi (3), 100. Todi (1), 101. Dakachaya (5), Narvvar (3), 22. Suk1ya (3), 23. Kabir Khedi (2). 102. Sitotaya (1), 103. Mangalaya Amaya (2), 24. Bhangarh (2), 25. Niranjanpur (5), 26. 104. Mata Buredi (3), 105. Muradpura (2), Pipliya Kumhar (4), 27. Lasurdiya Mori (4), 106. Badodya Arna (1), 108. Padalaya Baja­ 28. Maya Khedi (2), 29. Nipanya (2), 30. Jha­ rang (2), 109. Khankarod (5), 110. Lasudaya larya (3), 31. Hingonya (3), 32. Upadi Natha Parmar (2), Ill. Pa1asiya (3), 112. Maud1a­ (1), 33. Bisan Kheda (2), 34. Burana Khedi (3), wada (1), 113. Pitawali (1), 115. Ringnodaya 36. Baroda Daulat (1), 37. Sem1ya Chau (1),. (2), 115. Rampipa1ya (2), 117. Rahu Khedi (1), 39. Rajadi (8), 40. Jamburdi-Hapsi (7), 41. 118. Bhondwas (1), 120. Kankariya Bodya (3), Bangarda Bada (4), 42. Bangarda Chhota (2)~ 121. Kharwakhedi (1), 122. Paliyahedar (4), 43. Banganga (7), 44. Khajrana (6), 45. Kana­ 123. Panchderia (3), 124. Jass Karadiya (2), dya (13), 46. Begum Khedi (1), 47. Khatri 125. Gari-pipalaya (3), 126. Kadawali Bujurg (1), Khedi (1), 49. Sahu Khedi (1), 50. Chauhan 127. Kadwali Khurd (1), 128. Khajuraya (2), Khedi (1), 51. Khemana (2), 52. Bhoka Khedi 1~9. Sagwal (1), 130. Alwasa (2), 131. Baroli (1), (1), 54. Dhaturiya (2), 56. Hingoniya Khurd 132. Biju Khedi (1), 133. Sula Khedi (3), 134. (1), 57. PipIiya Jafa (1), 58. Rinjlai (1), 59. Pharaspur (1), 135. Vyas Khedi (1), 137. Rawati Nenod (5), 61. Sirpur (4), 62. Pipliya-Hana (1), 138. Magar Khedi (3), 139. Dhabali (2), (5), 63. Bhicholi Hapsi (2), 65. Amba Molya 140. Mang1iya Sadak (5), 141. Munda1a Bag (1), (2), 66. Ramgarh (1), 67. Garipip1iya (5), 278


68. Khudel Khurd (I), 69. Ankya (2), 70. Rural Setkhedi (2), 72. Goga Khedi (1), 74. Dhar­ Location Code No. and Name rif Village: nawad (1), 75. Bisnavda (3), 76. Sinhasa (1), l. Bheslai (2), 2. Sonvai (3), 3. Pigdam­ 77. Bank (2), 78. Bicholi Mardana (3), ber (2), 5. Teehi (5), 7. Piplya-Malhar (2), 79. Badiya Keema (9), 80. Mali Khedi (2), 8. Panda (2), 10. Bhat Khedi (4), 11. Umarya 81. Asravad Bujurg (3), 82. Ransa Khedi (1), (4), 13. Shri Khandi (1), 15. Navda (3), 83. Khudel Bujurg (1), 84. Mudla Jet Karan 16. Shiv Nagar (I), 17. Banjari (1), 18. Shahda (1), 86. Dhulet (2), 87. Asa Khedi (1), 88. (I), 19. Rarnya-Khedi (6), 20. Gopalpura (1), Mundi (2), 89. Aranya (1), 90. Kalaria (2), 21. Santer (IS), 22. Borkhedi (Harsola) (3), 91. Talaoli Kachara (1), 92. Naoda Panth (2), 23. Goknya (1), 24. Bhardala (1), 25. Mhow 93. Ahir Khedi (2), 94. Palda (2), 95. Moosa Gaon (50), 26. Harsola (2), 27. Datoda (30), Khedi (4), 96. Deo Guradia (1), 97. Dudhiya 28. Joshi-Guradiya (I), 29. Silotya (1), 30. (7), 98. Kapalya Khedi (1), 99. Kazipalasia Panjarya (2), 31. Jamnaya (Jagir) (1), 34. (3), 101. Bawalya Khurd (1), 104. Fali (2), Karadiya (I), 35. Phaphund (3), 40. Dongar 105. Geheli (4), 106. Sindodi' (3), 107. Sin­ Gaon (3), 41. Gujar Kheda (12), 42. Sutar doda (I), lOS. Sukhniwas (1), 1100 Bijalpur (5), Khedi (3), 45. Sitapat (1), 48. Thavlay (1), 111. Bilaoli (1), 112. Limbodi (2), 113. Mundla 49. Pipal Khunt (1), 51. Ganalya-Khedi (1), Nayata (1), 114. Sanawadya (4), 115. Umar­ 52. Kodarya (11), 53. Amba Chand~n (9), 55. Chikha1i (1), 56. Jamli (4), 57. Gawli yaKhurd(2), 116. Songuradia (4), 117. Dha­ Palasia (14), 58. Chainpura (2), 59. Kamad­ mnai (7), lIS. Sindhi Baroda (I), 119. Lasurdya­ pur (3), 60. Nanded (2), 61. Chordya (7), Anant (1), 120. Shahada Deo (1), 121. Digwal 62. Bhagora (8), 63. Memdi (2), 64. Baroda (1), 122. Shivni (10), 123. Badiya Hat (2), Sindh (2), 65. Simrole (8), 67. Nand1ai (1), 124. Narlai (1), 125. Moklai (1), 127. Rang­ 68. Kelod (8), 70. Khedi (Jamnya) (1); 71. wasa (14), 128. Rao (50), 129. Nihalpur­ Jakukhedi (2), 72. Khudal Pura (1),. 73. Ku­ Mundi (1), 130. Kelod-Kartal (3), 131. Fatan vada Khedi (1), 74. Bhicholi (2), 75. Berchha Khedi (1), 132. Rala MandaI (4), 133. Jam­ (I), 76. Khedli (1), 77. Asapura (1), 78. nia-Khurd (2), 135. Sonwai (1), 138. Kharadia Malendi (1), 79. Patal Pani (1), 80. Sihod (1), (1), 139. Khandel (2), 140. Nahar Jhabua (1), 81. Kumthi (2), 82. Hasal Pu~ (11), 83. Kuwali 141. Machala (5), 142. Monod (I), 144. (2), 86. Biram (1), 92. Rajpura (1), 96. Asrawad Khurd (2), 146. Bihadya (I), 147. Bherughat ( 1), 98. Mali Pura ( 1), 99. J aph­ Raj Dhara (2), 148. Mundla Dosdar (1), 149. rabad (21, 101. Badkuwa (1), 102. Badgonda Pivdai (18), 150. Kampel (40), 151. Undel (3), (1), 105. Sherpur (2), 106. Kodya (Jagir) (1), 152. Pedmi (4), 153. Tillor Khurd (4), 154. 107. Kankariya (2), 108. Yeshwant Nagar (6), Keodya (3), 155. Tillor Bujurg (2), 157. Pipalda 109. Tinchha (2), 116. Manpur (12), 118. (14), 158. Kachrot (1), 159. Tinchha (I), Undwa (1), 120. Bashi Pipri (1), 123. Bavi (3), 161. Bercha (1). 125. Julwanyia (1), 129. 01ani (1), 132. Kolani (10), 133. Rampuriya-Khurd (1), 135. Telan Berdi (1), 137. Benka (I), 139. Choral (14), 4 MHOW TAHSIL 143. Ambali Pura (1), 144. Badgaon (2), 145. Jam Buzurg (2), 146. Umath (1), 149. Gaw­ Urban halu (3), 150. Kali Kirai (1), 151. Goknya Kund (1), 152. Sherkund (1), 153. Nahar Location Code No. and Name rif Town,' Khodra (1), 154. Chhaprya (1), 155. Men (4), 157. Kadawali (1), 158. Rampurya (1), 159. IV MHOW CANTT. Sejgarh (1), 160. Chansiya (1), 163. Nandgaon (1), 166. Khurda (2), 167. Bhilami (I), 169. Ward No. 1 (3), Ward No. 2 (1), Ward Ram Garh Palasghat (1), 171. Kaneriya (1), No. 3 (6), Ward No. 4 (3), Ward No. 5 (14), 172. Khurdi (2), 173. Godkuwa (1), 174. Ward No. 6 (13). Jamkhurd-Choti (3), 176. Kapar Khedi (1). 279




Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name oj Town: III INDORE CITY II DEPALPUR Ward Nos.- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8~ 9, la, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Ward No. i, Ward No.2, Ward No.3. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 35, Non-Ward Urban Area and Non-Municipal Urban Area. Rural Rural Location Code ]''/0. and Name of Village: Location Code No. and Name of Village:

6. Bahirampur, 62. Banediya, 109. Agaradi. 2. Ha~cd, 127. Rangwasa.


Urban Urban

Location Code ,Yo. and ]'{ame oj Town: Location Code No. and }I,-anze qf TOWll: I SAWER IV MHOW CANTT. Ward No.1, Ward No.3, Ward No.4. Wald Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Rural' Rural Location Code JYo. aild Name if Village: Location Code No. and ,Name of VillaEc: 77. Budi .I3allai, 87. Solsinda; 122. Paliya­ 3. Pigdamber. 82. Hasa1pur, 94, Gunjal'tl Pura heclar. 116 }vIanpur. 280


DEPALPUR TAHSIL 3 INDORE TAHSIL Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town: III INDORE CITY II DEPALPUR Ward Nos.-l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Ward No. 1. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22; ~t:l, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, Non­ :Rural Ward Urban Area, Non-Municipal Urban Area. Location Code No. and Name of Village: Rural

18. Gautampura, 90 Agra. Location Code No. and Name of Village: 2. Hatod, 110. Bija1pur, 128. Rao. 2. SAWER TAHSIL 4 MHOW TAHSIL Urban Urban

Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town:

I SAWER IV MHOW CANTT. Ward No. I Ward Nos.-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Rural Rural

Location Code No. and Name of Village: Location Code No. and Name of Village: 2 Budanya Panth. 26. Harsola, 116. Manpur, 155. Men. ,281



1 DE"PALPUR TAHSIL 3 INDORE TAHSIL • Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name of Town:

II DEPALPUR III INDORE CITY Ward No.2 (Wednesday), ward No.5 (Thurs­ Ward No. 1. (Sunday) day), Ward No. 28 (Sunday). Rural Rural Location Code No. and Name of Village: Location Code No. and Name of Village: 18. Gautampura (Wednesday), 2. Hatod (Saturday), 99. Kazipalasia (Wed­ 145. Betma (Friday). nesday), 128. Rao (Monday), 150. Kampal (Mon­ 2 SAWER TAHSIL day). 4 MHOW TAHSIL Urban Urban Location Code No. and Name of Town: Location Code No. and Name oj Town: 1 SAWER Ward No.3 (Thursday) IV MHOW CANTT. Rural Ward No.4- (Saturday).

,Location Code No. and Name of Village: ltural

2. Budany~ Panth (Sunday), 51. Kachhalaya Location Code No. and Name of Village: '(Tuesday), 72. Kankariya Pal (Monday), 77. 65. Simrole (Tuesday), 82. Hasalpur (Monday), Budi Barlai (Saturday), 140. Mangliya Sadak 102. Badgonda (Wednesday), 116. Manpur (Tues­ ,(Thursday). day), 139. Choral (Sunday), 172. Khurdi (Sunday).

---- 282



Note.-In this appendix, (i) C. C. S. stands for Co-operative Credit Society, (ii) M. P. S. for Multi-Purpose Society, (iii) 1. C. S. for Industrial Co-operative Society ax:d (iv) '0' star.ds for 'Other Societies'.

DEPALPUR TAHSIL 31. Pipa1ai (C. C. S.), 33. Mandota (C. C. S.), 35. Rawer (C. C. S.), 37. Jambudi (C. C. S.), Urban 41. Kudana (C. C. S.), 42. Makodiya (C. C. S.), Location Code '..-0. and ]I/ame rif Town: 46. Nagpur (C. C. S.), 49. Machhukhedi (C. C. S.), 51. Kachha1aya (C. C. S.), 52. Ajanod (C. C. S.), II DEPALPUR (C.C.S., M.P.S., I.C.S.) 53. Bisakhedi-Sawer (C. C. S.), 54. Kajalana (0), Rural 56. Pawardi Happa (C. C. S.), 57. Khateya. Bajjat (0), 63. Pawarda Dai (C. C. S.), 68. Siloda Bu­ Location Code /1'0. ai,d }\/a/11c" of rillage: jurg (C. C. S.), 69. Mali Khedi (0), 70. Ha1unia­ 14. Chhadoda rc. C. S.), 18. Gautampura (C. (C. C. S.), 72. Kankariya Pal (C. C. S.), 73. Ba1oda­ C. S.), 36. Sunala (C. C. S.), 40. Kmjoda (C. C. S.), Takun (C. C. S.), 75. Shahana (C. C. S.), 77. 41. Devrakhedi (C. C. S.), 44. SanteI' (C. C. S.), Budi Barlai (C. C. S.), 81. Barlai (0), 82. Ratan­ 47. Ujaliya (0), 49. Goka1pur (C. C. S.), 60. Bhidota khedi (C. C. S.), 83. Jinda Kheda (0), 85. Dhaturia (0), 69. Sumtha (C. C. S.), 79. Badoli Houz (0), (C. C. S.), 86. Katakaya (C. C. S.), 87. Solsinda­ 80. Takhipura (0),81. MurKheda (C.C. S.),84. (C. C. S.), 90. Pir Karadiya (C. C. S.), '93. Jau­ Run~l\·.;:l~la (C. C. S.), 83. Gircda (C. C. S.), 89. mburdi SJ.rwar (C. C. S.), 94. Basal:dara (C, C. S.), Hasanabad (C. C. S.), 93. Arodakot (C. C. S.), 93. Bagh?mt (C. C. S.), 100. Todi (C. C. S.), 101. 94. Khadi (0), 9:'. Jalodiya Panth (C. C. S.), 96. Dakachaya (C. C. 3.) 104. Mata Buredi (C. C. S.) Piploda (C. C. S.), 97. AkasC'da (C. C. ~.), 9c;. 105. Muradpura (C. C. S.),· 109. Kahankarod (C. Ka:mer I,C. C. S.), 99. Chander ,C. C. S.), lUO. C. S.), 112. Mar-dlawada (C. C. S.). 115. Ring­ Baroda panth (C. C. S.), 102. Chatwada (C. C, S.), nodcrya (C. C. S.), 117. Rahu Klwdi (C. C. S.), 106. Pemalpur (C. C. S.), 120. Ranga\\asa ;C, C.­ 120. Kankariya Bodya (C. C. S.), 121. Kharwa­ S.), 121. Ajanda (C. C. S.), 122. Gohan (C. C. S.), Khedi (C. C. S.), 122. Paliya Hedar (C. C. S.), 123. Dansari (C. C. S.), 129. Borsi (C. C. S.), 123. Panchderia (C. C. S.), 127. Kadawa1i Khurd­ 134. Rolay (C:C.S.) (0), 140. Aurangpura(C.C.S.), (C. C. S.), 129. Sagwa1 (C. C. S.), 13D. Alwasa­ 143. Ram Badodiya (C. C. S.), 145. Betma (1\1. (C. C. S.), 133. Sula Khedi (C. C. S.), 134. Phara­ P. S.), 146. Bijaipur (0), 153. MachaI (C. C. S.), spur (C. C. S.), 135. Vyaskhedi (C. C. S.), 136. 156. Betma Khtlrd (0), 159. Methawada (C. C. S.), Pawarda Junarda (C. C. S.), 137. Rawati (C. C. 162. Dharawara (0), 167. Sanghvi (C. C. S.) S.), 138. Magarkheda (C. C. S.), 140. Mangliya­ 2 Sr\\VER TAHSIL Sadak (C. C. S.), 142. Bisakhedi (C. C. S.),143. Jakhaya (C. C. S.). 144. Mel Kalama (C. C. S.), Urban 146. Bhangaya (C. C. S.), 147. Bhawarasla (C. C. S.).

Location Code No. and Name of Town: 3 INDORE TAHSIL

SAWER-WARD No.3 (C.C.S.) Urban Rural Location Code No. and Name rif Town: Location Code No. and }'{ame if Village: III INDORE CITY (C C.S., I.e.s., M.P.S., 0) 8. Hansa Khedi (C. C. S.), 9. Balarya (C. C. S.), Rural 10. Gulawat (C. C. S.), 13. Shahada (C. C. S.), 14. Badodiya Khan (0), 17. Potalod (C. C. S.), Location Code }I/o. and Name of Village: 20. Mala Khedi (C. C. S.), 24. Panod (C. C. S.), 2. Hated (C. C. S., M. P. S., 0), 4. Limboda­ 28. Lab Khedi (C. C. S.), 29. Simarole (C. C. S.), gari (C. C. S.), 5. Sakkar Khedi (C. C. S.), 6. Kelod' 283


Haia (C. C. S.), 7. TaIawaii Chanda (C. C. S.), 4 MHOW TAHSIL 8. Arandia (C. C. S.), 18. Budhniya (C. C. S.), 19. Pala Khedi (C. C. S.), 20. Tigrya Badshaha Urban (C. C. S.), 27. Lasurdiya-Mori (C. C. S.), 28. Maya-khedi (C. C. S.), 29. Nipanya (C. C. S.), Location Code No. and :r"o/ame if Town,' 30. Jhalarya (C. C. S.), 31. Hingonya (C. C. S.), 34. Burana Khedi (0), 37. Semiya Chau(C. C. S.), IV MHO\V CONTT. (C.C.S.) 38. Kalmer (C. C. S.), 39. Rojadi (C. C. S.), 40. Jamburdi Hapsi (C. C. S.), 41. Bangarda Bada Rural (C. C. S.), 42. Bangarda Chhota (C. C. S.), 45. Kanadya (C. C. S.), 46. Begum Khedi (0), 47. Location Code e'YO. and Name of rillage,' Khatri Khedi (C. C. S.), 50. Chauhan Khedi­ (C. C. S.), 56. Hingoniya Khurd (C. C. S.), 61. 2. Sonvai (C. C. S.), 3. Pigdamber (C. C. S.), 10. Bhatkhedi (C. C. S.), 21. Santer (C. C. S.), Sirpur (C. C. S.), 63. Bhicholi Hapsi (C. C. S.), 25. l\Iho\\'-Gaon (C. C. S.), 26. Harsola (0), 27. 67. Gari-piplya (C. C. S.), 72. Goga Khedi (C. C. Datoda (C. C. S.), 28. Joshi Guradiya (C. C. S.), S.), 76. Sinhasa (C. C. S.), 83. Khudel Bujurg 48. Tha\'lay (C. C. S.), 50. Kesar Bardi (c. C. S.), (C. C. S.), 90. Kalaria (C. C. S.), 91. Talaoli 51. Gangalya-Khedi (0), 52. Kodarya (0), 53. Kachara (C. C. Moosa Khedi lC. C. S.), 95. S.), Amba Chandan (0), 57. Ga\di Palashya (C. C. 97. Dudhiya (C. C. S.), 100. Morod Hat (0), 101. S., Oi,59. Kamad pur (C. C. S., 0), 62. Bhagora Bawalya Khurd (0), 108. Sukhniwas (0), 110. (0), 63. Memdi (C. C. S.), 6.'). Simrole (C. C. S.), Bijal Pur (0), 112. Limbodi (0), 113. Mundia 68. Kelod (C. C. S.!, 70. Khedi Jamnya (0), Nayata (0), 114. Sanawadya (0), 115. Umarya Khurd (0), 117. Dhamnai (0), 121. Digwal (0), 75. Berchha (0), 32. Ha~alpur (0), 93. Mali pura­ 122. Shivni (0), 127. Rangwasa (0), 128. Rao­ (C. C. S.). 10:? Badgonda (~1. r. S.), 10.5. Sher­ (C. C. S., l\1. P. S., 0), 130. Kclod Kartal (C. C. pur IC. C. S.), 108. Ycsh\l-ant Nagzu' (C. C. S.), S.), 132. Ralamandal (C. C. S.), 133. Jamnia­ ll6. ::\fanpur (C .. C. S., 0), 1~3. Bavi (C. C. S.), Khurd (C. C. S.), 134. Ujjaini (C. C. S.), 135. 13~. Kolani (C. C. S.), ] 39. Choral (C. C. S., 0), Sonwai (C. C. S.), 139. Khandel (C. C. S.), 141. 155. Men (C. C. S.), 166. Kharda (C. C. S.), 167. Machala (C. C. S.,O), 142. Morod (C. C. S.), 143. Umari (C.C.S.), 144. Asra\\'ad Khurd (C. C.­ Bhilami (C. C. S.), 168. Barkheda (C. C. S.), S.), 149. Pivdai (C. C. S.), 150. Kampel(C. C. S.). 172. Khurdi (0), 173. Godkuwa (0).


This part contains some useful official statistics pertaining to the district cotlecrea and compiled from various agencies [the agency or Source is indicated below each Table or Statement] and from official publications. These are : presented under the following heads :--

1 Rainfall and Temperature

2 Economic Statistics.-­ (a) Agricultural (b) Prices and Wages (c) Li-ve-stock and Taccavi ( d) Co-operation, Banking and Insurance (e) Consumer's price index for working class

3 Administrative Statistics

4 Progres:; of Community Development Progrs mme

5 Educational Statistics

6 Health, Medical and Vita] Statistics-­ ( a) Heal th and Medical (b) Vital Statistics

7 Communications Statistics

8 Miscellaneous 286

TABLE MONTHLY RAINFALL INDORE ta) No. of Rainy days. (b) Monthly Rainfall.

Recording Years 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Station ~--.--~ -~-..__--~---- ______~------p.------~---I"---- __ -----___ ----.,....._.---- Months (a) (b) 2 11 12

Indore January 3 35.6 February March Ap.ril May June 16 224.5 July 9 52.6 August 22 422.7 September 17 242.6 October 4 229.9 November December --_!---r-- .. ----... - ____ t--______~ ___-_-- __... ______~_----_--- __----_ 71 1207.9 Total __36-t-----t--- 682.2__ ~- __29 !"-_ .. -582.8_____ - ______49 733.4 - 56______1357.6 ----- Depalpur January 3 15.2 6.1 27.4 February 15.2 March 0.8 15.2 April May 0.8 June 8 148.6 7 120.7 9 120.7 2 63.5 10 226.6 July 9 400.1 14- 223.2 11 273.1 12 359.9 4 25.7 August 8 179. I 6 80.0 12 214.9 11 245.9 17 383.3 September 2 37.3 3 31.5 5 155.7 18 635.3 16 166.6 October 2.0 1 3.0 1.0 1 55.2 6 308.4 November 9.4 December 0.3 _ .. __t------_ ..__ .. ______--,.______--- ..- ______~'"--- ______------_--~---- Total 28 778.1 32 458.7 40 780.6 47 1396.3 54 1138.0 ... ------.. Mhow January ------3 32.3 12.4 3 14.0 February 17.8 March 5.1 April 4.8 May June 9 147.8 7 148.6 9 112.5 9 99.1 11 217.4 July 13 412.2 15 273.6 11 300.2 16 303.3 6 41.4 August 9 170.2 10 103.6 13 324.6 12 297.7 19 416.3 September 7 77.5 2 15.2 6 59.4 23 813.3 14 205.7 October 2 24.1 1 10.7 4 152.9 November December - .. -_,.---_ .. _ .. _--_ ... __ .. _.. __ .. _ ... ------.. ------.. ------Total 40 831.8 35 545.8 43 839.7 63 1548.7 57 1047.7 ---.. ----- ... - .. ---.. --~-.. - .. ---.. _.. --~---.. ---.. ------!"------.. ------Manpur January 3 31.5 4 18.2 February 20.3 March April 1 5.3 May 1 6.9 1 15.2 1 9.9 1 2.8 June 10 127.3 5 119.9 7 173.5 8 71.4 16 325.6 July 14 418.6 16 341.9 14 321.8 20 333.5 9 53.8 August 15 168.4 10 135.1 18 570.5 20 287.0 27 545.1 September 4 63.2 3 22.4 5 43.2 25 818.6 18 255.8 October 2.5 3 32.0 1 86.4 5 134.1 November December ----.. _..._--_--_------,_____-- .. - .. ------~--.. ------.. ~---- .. - .. ------Total 44 786.9 36 639.8 50 1172.5 76 1627.1 80 1335.4 .,.__ .. _.. _.. -.._--.. _ .. _-_ .. _-- .. _,..__ .. _ .. _------_.. _----_._----_ .. _-_.. ------.. ------.. ----- .. -~,.__ DISTRICT Average 37 777.2 33 556.8 46 881.6 66 1482.4 66 1182.3 Source--Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 287

1 '1 AND RAINY DAYS (1951 to 1960) DISTRICT (in millimetres)

1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2

9.7 2 19.7 12.7 5 39.9 ] anuary Indore February 2.8 9.1 MHCh 5.1 2 8.0 April 5 91.2 0.8 2.8 2 35.0 May 9 116.8 3 33.5 7 118.6 8 127.2 11 148.4 June 18 238.5 11 175.0 19 260.1 18 702.5 8 162.8 July 12 141.0 9 314.4- 18 406.1 15 354.2 15 365.1 August 10 165.4 6 67.1 12 305.9 IU 383.3 6 95.9 September 3 29.7 2 31.2 I 20.0 5 132.9 1 23.6 October 2 16.5 1 10.4 1 69.8 2 15.8 November 0.5 0.3 December ------~------...--- ... ~p-- ... ----,___... ----~-~------..-p--- ,...__...po------60 B09.3 32 631.9 61 1208.9 61 1739.4 49 879.8 Total ------.. ---... --,..----~-- ... ------.. - .. ------.. ---... _ .. _ .. _ .. ---.. _ .. _------....----,..-... _------4.0 2 24.1 4 36.1 January Depalpur Februarv March' 15.7 8.6 April 3 62.5 1 4.6 0.5 3 31.3 May 7 86.1 6 89.4 4 74.5 6 90.9 7 66.9 June 14 159.8 14 264.7 15 214.7 15 538.1 10 20Ll.2 July 12 144.3 10 279.9 16 357.3 13 389.7 13 205.4 August 7 108.5 3 67.3 9 245.0 10 338.3 3 17.0 September 6 72.6 I 5. I 2 53.3 8 95.6 2 17.6 Oetob('r 1 4.6 2 21.3 1 3.3 November DeeCluber

49 633.8 36 715.6 49 986.3 56 1488.6 42 57-1:.5 Total 0.8 2.5 2 35.2 5 73.9 ] anuarv 1'.lhow Februa'ty 2 20.8 l\'Iarch 5. I April 4 62.0 1 5.3 1 9.4 Mav 6 134.6 7 61.5 6 156.2 7 103.5 7 155.0 June 18 234,4 10 178.8 15 284.5 15 632.0 10 129.4 July 13 233.7 13 320.3 17 285.3 16 381.1 15 281.1 Augmt 6 150.4- 5 63.0 15 325.1 16 326.7 6 53.0 September 4- 51.3 1 3.8 2 42.2 3 80.0 12.7 October -t.6 1 5.8 November Decemb~r

~ ______~ .. ___... _ ... _____ ... _ .. ___.. ____ ~ __ -,.---.. - ... -""-.. ---L....--.. -_""-.. ____ ""_ .. ~ .. __ .. _ .. _.._____~ ___ L....-- .. _"" ____.. _ ... _.._ 51 867.2 36 627.4 57 1105.5 61 1569.6 47 735.3 Total

___~ __~~ ____~,.__,.__-_ ... --_-.._ ..- __ r___ .... -~-""-_ .._ ... _~-__._,...___.r_- .. - .. -~-.. ---.. - .. -r---~ .. -t'"-~-...... _. .. ____ 2 10.9 21.4 January Manpur February 4.0 March 1 4.3 2 5.8 April 3 76.2 1 21.9 Mav 5 164.1 8 78.7 7 167.9 6 190.9 6 144.0 June 17 276.6 17 215.6 15 356.6 10 389.0 15 216.6 July 16 187.2 12 331.0 13 387.8 21 461.0 17 430.6 Augu.t 9 149.4 5 89.4 19 292.3 17 391.0 6 137.4 Senc-tmber 5 108.0 3 72.4 7 104.6 1 32.0 October 1 3.8 1 16.0 November December ------.. --.. - ... - .. ----..__---.. --.. -...... --~ .. - .. ---... - .. - .. - .. - .. ---.. -~-- .. - .. --~- .. ---.. -- ... - .. -~ .. --,._-----.. --,.__ 58 976.7 42 714.7 60 1286.6 63 1573.9 47 986.5 Total

____.. ______.. _ .. __.. _ .. ___ .. _ .. __ .. _~~ .. _ .. _ ... _ ... _ .._ .._ .. _,..---.. -t'"-..- ..-_._ .. __.. _~ ____ .. ___ ~ ... ______,._._.._

55 821.8 37 672.4 57 1146.8 60 1592.9 46 79+.0 288


,.._.------.. - .. ---.. - .. ~ .. ------~ .. -----.. - .. ~ .. ----.. -,..---.. - .. -!"--"--"-~"'-"--I------"-----"'__-~-~"------Year Jan- Febru- March April May June July August Septem- Octo- Novem- Decem- uary ary ber ber ber ber 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1951 A .,. 25.8 29.2 33.1 35.5 39.7 35.9 31.4 28.1 33.2 34.5 31.1 27.2 B .. , 29.4 34.4 36.7 38.9 42.8 41. 1 36.1 31.7 36.7 37.2 33.3 29.4 C 8.0 9.3 16.3 19.9 24.4 24.7 23.1 21.7 20.7 19.7 13.9 7.5 D ... 4.4 2.8 12.8 14.4 21.1 21.1 21.7 18.9 18.3 14.4 9.4 5.0 1952 A ... 27.9 30.0 33.4 38.7 38.7 35.4 29.8 27.4 31.2 33.2 29.7 28.6 B ... 30.0 34.4 39.4 41.1 42.2 41.1 35.0 30.0 33.3 N.A. 31.7 30.6 C 9.3 13.0 14.8 22.2 25.6 24.6 22.6 21.4 20.7 17.6 11.3 11.5 D .. , 4.4 7.2 9.4 16.7 22.2 20.6 21.1 18.9 18.3 N.A. 8.9 7.8 1953 A .. , 25.5 31.8 20.7 38.1 39.2 36.3 29.9 27.9 30.3 31.6 29.5 23.4 B ." 29.4 36.7 38.9 41.7 41.1 42.8 38.9 31.1 32.2 33.3 32.8 31.1 C 9.6 13.3 17.8 21.7 25.0 24.6 22.9 21.9 21.1 16.5 11.3 9.9 D .. , 3.3 B.9 12.8 18.9 22.2 21.1 21.7 20.0 18.3 12.4 7.8 7.B 1954 A .. , 25.3 29.8 33.7 38.1 41.1 36.5 30.1 29.4 26.6 29.3 28.6 26.8 B ... 29.4 34.4 37.2 41.1 43.3 41. I 33.9 33.9 32.2 31.1 30.6 31.1 C 8.6 12.6 15.7 21.4 25.6 24.7 22.7 21.9 21.1 16. I 12.7 9.7 D .. , 2.8 5.6 11.7 15.0 23.3 22.8 20.6 19.4 19.4 12.8 10.0 5 ..0 1955 A ... 26.6 29.1 25.2 36.1 39.6 34.8 31.2 27.8 23.4 28.9 27.4 25.7 B .. , 29.4 33.3 35.9 41.1 42.2 41.7 33.3 31.7 31.7 31.7 30.0 27.2 C 11.2 11.7 17.7 18.5 24.3 24.0 22.7 22.2 21.3 18. I 13.9 9.7 D ... 6.1 5.0 11. I 12.2 20.6 21.1 21.7 21.1 20.0 11. 7 7.8 3.3 1956 A .. , 26.3 29.2 34.7 37.9 39.1 33.5 27.6 27.7 29.6 29.7 27.1 26.7 B ... 29.4 3·-1:.4 38.9 40.0 .J.2.8 36.1 33.3 31.7 32.8 31.7 30.0 28.9 C 10.8 11.3 16.7 21.6 25.2 23.6 22.1 21.1 20.7 17.6 12.7 10.2 D ... 6.7 1.7 11. 7 16.7 21.1 21.1 21.1 19.4 18.9 13.9 6.7 7.8 1957 A .. , 26. I 27.3 31.6 37.2 38.'7 36.5 29.9 2g.6 30.2 32.2 30.2 28.4 B ... 28.9 31.3 35.6 40.1 4(J.B 39.1 35.3 32.3 32.2 3+.6 32.7 30.4 C ... 9.4 9.4 15.0 21.0 21.3 21.8 22.8 22. I 20.1 17.8 15.6 11.7 D ... 6.1 2.9 7.8 17.3 20.8 21.7 21.4 20.3 17.2 13.6 11.7 7.8 1958 A ... 27.1 29.5 33.7 38.5 40.3 37.8 29.3 29.7 28.0 30.5 28.4 26.1 B '" 30.1 32.2 38.2 ·H.6 43.7 41.8 35.6 32.2 31.2 31.7 30.2 29.0 C 11. I I!. 1 16.9 22.9 25.3 24.9 22.9 22.5 21.5 18.0 13.8 11.3 D '" 7. I 8. I 10.1 17.6 21.3 18.9 21.6 21.1 19.8 13.2 9.9 5.7 1959 A '" 26.0 :ZB.6 35.0 37.S 41).1 36.3 28.1 • 27.3 28.6 80.3 28.7 27.1 B ... 30.-1 33.8 38.8 41.1 42.9 40.7 32.1 29.6 32.0 33.0 31.5 30.8 C 10.5 11.7 16.3 21.3 25.0 23.8 22.2 21.8 21.1 19.2 13.5 10.8 D '" 5.8 G.9 12.2 16.7 21.2 20.0 20.6 21.0 18.6 15.1 8.5 6.0 1960 A '" 23.7 31.1 31.8 37.9 39.5 35.3 31.1 20.7 31.0 31.S 29.5 28.9 B ... :29.4 3"1.4 37.1 40.4 43.2 39.8 37.1 29.4 33.9 3+.3 31.0 31.0 C 8.9 '" 12.1 15.3 20.0 23.4 24.2 22.8 21.7 21.1 17.5 12.1 12. 1 D ... 2.2 6.0 9.2 14.6 19.5 20.7 21.5 20.1 18.6 11.8 8.0 5.2 A Mea'} '" :Maximum, B Highest, C ... l\Jean Minimum, D ... Lowest, N. A. ... Not aFaijablc Source: Director, Regional Meteorological Centre, Nagpur. 289


Area not available Area Cultivable Area cultivated for cultivation

~-~,...... __._~"'- ~ ... ~--""-- .. --"_'_--~"--"'-"------... -._... ------.. - ...-- ~ .. ---.. ---_- Land Area Land put Barren & Fallow land Permanent under misc. Year according Forest to non- uncultur- Culturable other than pastures Tree to village agricul- able land waste current & crIops & Net Area Current papers tural uses fallows other Groves not sown fallows grazing included lands in net area sown

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J J

1950-51 829,165 41,775 61,965 11.196 123,398 15,486 77,661 1,720 490,852 5,112 1951-52 829,219 41.602 65,072 7;634 90,055 46,613 77,477 1,577 494,330 4,859 1952-53 861,565 51;195 69.095 7,793 130,917 9,901 82,474 1,632 504,983 3,575 1953-54 876,745 58,999 43,673 7,696 210,342 6,387 24,948 58 522,530 2, 112 1954-55 876,761 58,974 45,756 12,046 206.129 5.031 21,212 52 525,081 2,480 1955-56 876,439 59,092 45,823 11,343 204;780 (898 20,981 48 526,474 3,000 1956-57 876,739 58,881 45,709 7,772 199,864 5,273 28,318 47 527,453 3,422 1957-58 876,413 52,836 54,839 7,804 188,191 5,134 29,125 44 529,630 2,810 1958-59 876.413 58,997 42,239 7,790 199,879 +,754 27,717 47 532,310 26.80 1959-60 876,413 58,997 51.057 7,847 187,697 4,494 27,568 1,075 534,179 3,499 1960-61 876,413 58,997 51;686 7,919 186,424 5,049 27.434 1,075 535,391 2,438 Source :-Director of Land Records 11. P.

TABLE 2A'2 AREA UNDER PRINCIPAL CROPS (1950-51 to 1960-61) INDORE DISTRICT (In Acres) BASIC FOOD CROPS .--_-_-_-_-_-_--.----.--_-_--.---.--_--.-.---.--_-_-_-.---.--_-_-_._-_- _-_-_-_-_ Fruits Sugar Condi- Oth- Year Rice Wheat Jowar Total & cane ment :'r - _.- ~'-'-_-_'_'_'--'-_'_'-'-"_'--'_'-'_-_ Y <:ge- & Food Cereals Pulses Food Graim tables spices crops

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11

1950-5 I 6,307 209,862 119,796 345,773 69,147 414,920 [1,0:33 2,ll08 3,10:2 1951·52 4,305 186.956 115.152 3I6.1C8 83,7£8 399.936 6.063 2.548 8,180 1952-53 3,835 175,872 152,792 346.243 77.313 423;556 6:096 2;:!60 .5,559 1953-54 3,191 182,591 150,313 348;934 \:J:'.G27 +t-l,561 6.986 L453 5.101 11 1954·55 2,944 195.360 S9,944 303,866 I 25.9~3 434.799 6)25 2.GLG 4;915 ':18 1955·56 3,209 224,271 102,952 340.765 113:989 4.51.15+ Gl 562 3.+25 5,! 12 6 1951)-;',7 3,932 236,059 83.199 334,478 ] ]759~ 452.-n2 (.971 +.145 9.789 69 1957-58 3,020 208,319 103,022 :<76.6(;0 135,5'38 ~6::.i98 L039 2,972 7.921 5 1958-59 2.632 22 ~,'l60 98,632 334,857 1~:: .-~47 457.3(1+ 8.41:'·9 2.4+2 5.611 8 1959-60 c () 1'- 2,50.1 244,775 73,::'45 336.906 13;.';·1 47-t,t:~O ~ ._-t/ S.22G (,. %4 Ii 19(iO·61 2,852 211.526 1lC'.S67 337,318 J 36.2=6 4~4,1~1.f 9.1:::4 4.1~2 7.5EO 5

Total Ground Total CC!ttc:n Tor,'! Toted area :\rf'c1 ~,U\\-n r\ct Year Food Xut oil Fii:,res ~o\'\:n undet rnore than :-iTCa Crnps seeds all crops cnct' 5U\Yil

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1950·51 .',28,063 3.310 35.748 35,073 %,22.5 505.:J56 14.50+ 4Hl.G52 1951-52 41<',727 3,9(;6 43,IS9 35.9 10 3fJ.714 :)05A58 11; l2i:l --!<)!,3:l0 1952-53 4'17,471 6.317 27,+91 ';'6, 1 ~6 --lP,GC'2 5:'1:'Hi5 16.4C2 .J().f,~ 83 19:,3·5~ '\:)3,112 6,4-13 2S.G'l6 4-'\3S7 51.353 SH,('H 19.1H 5~t2,S~() 1954-55 448,575 12,5(;9 ~ 1.093 58.0:25 5~J~()2 5·;:,.°34 20:363 5'~ 5,OG 1 195:)-56 469,'259 5.3(18 25,517 '~3.G79 44.2~J2 5-1-5.c·06 19,132 5:2t .• 774 1956-57 473,446 4,743 35.2:3.5 :)+:047 '3~\J~,t)() 54<:<653 ~2.2nn :;:'::7..1;,3 1%7-5& 481,138 5,547 23,4J3 38.061 <,0.('02 5S0.3SC 20,'766 ~,~~ 1':"0 1958·59 473,P-54 .5.701 :27.849 +8/3'2 .'ie'.!))7 5.')7,(':)[1 :!5.51G 5:',2 :110 1959·60 494,278 5,337 3fi.275 22,571 2351:18 560.171 :25.99~ 53~" 179 1960-61 494,975 4,610 20,922 32,530 33,812 555.826 20,+35 535,391 Source :.-Director of Land Records, M.P. 290


Year Rice Wheat Total Total Total Sugar Total Cotton Total Total Net cereals & pulses Food cane Food non-food irrigated irrigated millets grains crops crop~ area under Area all crop. 2 3 4- 5 ti 8 9 10 11 1:L

1950-51 659 1,825 2,359 2,203 5,0('2 2,007 11,853 52 1,190 13,043 11,323 ') - 1 (") 1951-52 468 2,230 3.H2 1,987 ' 5,129 _.J--:-O 12,254 135 1,553 13,8U7 12,032 1952-53 3+2 1,921 2,833 2,105 4,938 2,260 12,792 29 777 13,569 12,026 1953-54 352 2,571 3,179 2,417 5,596 1,+53 13,700 415 460 \+,160 12,861 1954-55 222 2,++3 2,9:'0 2,~25 \155 2,08'1 13,320 172 523 13,848 12.34+ 1955-5b 101 2.746 3, Ii i :Z.OCli 5,117 3,425 14.597 78 344 H,941 13,542 1956-57 151 2,415 2,340 1.&65 +,705 +,1+5 14,910 28 303 15,213 14,067 1957-58 17l 2,286 2,6911 2,055 4.H's 2,972 H,822 34- 290 15,112 13,615 1958-59 170 2,533 2,971) 1.923 4.8S9 2.H2 15,,),28 95 396 15.824 13,976 19,}9-60 143 :L.493 2,969 2.001 1,970 3,2~fi 17,008 19 446 17:4-54 15,368 1900-61 163 2,(186 2,722 1,753 .).,+80 4,142 17,119 20 340 17,,),59 15,582

SOltree-Director of Land Records, (i'vL P.)


I,,{DORE DISTRICT (In ;'cres)

Year Canals Tanb Tube Other Other Total ~~"--~-~-.--~-~-~ -.~-... --~---.....___ .-. ---- .-- ._. - \\'ea~ Welis source~ Government Pri,'ate Tntal

-----~---~--~~ 2 :3 + :) 6 7 8 ')

1950-5\ 810 810 1.2C3 8,827 'l~3 11,J23 1951-5~ 996 996 1,307 9.259 470 12.CJ2 1952-53 483 +88 491 10,617 430 t:.026 1953-5+ 797 797 1,019 10,,),73 572 12,H61 195-+-55 471 ,),71 1,020 11,073 280 12,844 1955-51i 478 .f78 1,223 11,30] 5-10 13,542 195G-57 737 737 %0 11,447 9:33 14.067 1957-58 1,017 1,017 9f2 11.063 593 13,615 1938-59 609 (i09 1.1+5 1 (no 732 13,976 1959-(i0 959 959 1:201 12.+71 737 15,368 1960-61 750 750 l.705 12,538 589 15,582

Source-Director of Land Records (M. P.)



S. No. Name of Tah.il and Year of en- Stag-e nf J~~ijmate ()f Gn',s area }'uture irrjga- Area under Project Village commf'nr:ement progress Cn,ts 1m'olved irrigated upto tion Potential principal or when l:kdy b)" stdges the latest vear (in acres) commercial to start (in acn:s) crops (th e area affected bv the pwicc't) (in acre,)

:! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

JY;te ... --!\.] c11rT r'10lf'ct') coq more than R~. 5 Cf('rc:-',. :\lc'(l: '~Irn pruj ect~ are tho,e costing ixt w~en R '. 10 lakh and .'i cruns. 291


Year Rice Bajra Maize Wheat Barley Gram Tur Potatoes Surgar- Jowar cane 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , 1950-51 169 192 148 157 216 255 277 NA 1,827 3,840 1951-52 154 208 130 84 154 224 277 NA 2,240 3,710 1952-53 260 250 180 270 304 270 297 200 1,500 1,920 1953-54 265 400 160 425 665 510 560 650 2,440 3,000 1954-55 420 280 168 720 760 560 560 420 2,450 2,800 1955-56 279 400 730 487 567 537 374 399 2,240 2,636 1956-57 345 638 747 498 670 NA 794 397 2,240 2,841 1957-58 349 365 462 329 485 NA 335 316 5,415 2,763 1958-59 447 577 457 646 648 NA 398 319 4,828 2,879 1959-60 260 456 440 570 353 NA 414 204 12,209 2,240 1960-61 375 855 325 702 342 NA 351 294 10,461 2,591

TABLE 2A ·6-Concld.

Cotton Jute Year Ginger Paper Chillies Tabacco Ground- Castor- Sesamurn Raped Linseed (Dry) (Black) (Dry) nut seed mustard

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

NA 286 295 NA 385 344 195 204 255 1950-51 NA NA 227 1951-52 NA NA NA 266 545 448 181 298 244 171 1952-53 827 NA 180 200 575 !\A 170 235 215 310 210 1953-54 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1954-55 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1955-56 282 NA 447 563 560 NA 367 NA 279 109 NA 1956-57 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1957-58 NA NA NA NA 360 l\iA 423 560 258 248 NA 1958-59 NA NA NA NA 406 l\iA 180 NA 305 252 NA 1959-60 NA NA NA NA 219 NA 109 160 300 135 NA NA 1960-61 NA NA NA N"\ 398 NA 123 160 273 362

SOl'Tee-Director of Land Records, (M. P.), NA=Not available 292

TABLE. FORTNIGHTLY WHOLESALE PRICE QUOTATIONS (a) 1st Fortnight. (b) 2nd Fortnight. INDORE ( ... ) denotes that figure~ were not available.

Food January February March April May June Year Market Grains Varieties --~------.--- -- ... ----~-- . _-- ... ------~-- ... ---- ~-.--- ... ----~------(a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) ------_ ------_----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1957 Indore RIce Fille 20.:;0 20.50 20.25 ::0.00 21.50 21.43 24.50 22.50 Medium 20.37 17.50 2ll.25 20.75 20.50 20 . .'i0 ( u

1959 Indore Rice Fin" 31l.00 :10.00 30.00 -ir] (i'l 40.00 30.00 32.1}0 30.00 40.00 ?~f('c1iurn 2\).00 20. 1.L) 20.()O 30.0U 28. (I() 24. '25 22.5(} 17.50 20.511 IS.00 :.'0.00 C:oar,,' 1). Ill) 15,('" Iti.5] lli.50 IG.50 17.nO 15.50 15.00 15.75 18.00 i5.50 \Vhe"t Sup .. riof 2-1.87 28 50 '.'.7 ,~s 2+ 50 21.00 !fl. 50 18.00 17.00 17.r'(1 In.37 IG.OO Mediulll :2~ .25 ~+ 50 :!(i 50 21. 75 19.00 16.12 15.87 15.50 iJ. 1.1 17.H 15.00 Inferi(n' 2 i .50 2:5 ..,0 :2-L+~ 13.00 16.50 15.00 I ..L~) H.C!) Sawer Whe-at Supe-rim :_>;i.75 ~8. 51, :21.00 1G. Hi 17.33 18.00 17.50 ! 5. cn 16.00 J\1ec1iulIl :!7·. DO :.'8 :>'7 Fl. IS 19.00 17.75 17.00 16.00 14.:,1) 15.16 Infnior :2~. 50 ~5. h 1 19.00 16.8:! 15.00 16.00 1-1.50 14.00 14.4f De?a!pur "'heat Supni(\r 2 c),00 2G.OO :.> 5. 00 20.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 16. (1) 16.00 16.00 Medium ~-Lon ~l. or) 'z_t .no 18.00 18.00 16.30 15.no 15.00 15.nO 15.00 15.00 I nff'T10r 21 8+ :':3.00 2:; CO 1+ '23 17.00 15.50 14.25. 14.00 14.00 14 00 H.OO Indore Jowar Wh,tt' 12.00 11.00 13.00 13.75 11.87 12.37 11. 12 12.75 12.37 12.37 10.00 Yellow 11. on 13 00 11. 00 Gram De,hi 18.00 19.50 19.50 17.00 16.00 15.50 16.00 16.00 (Whole) Guhbi 1960 Indore Rice Fine 45.25 H.OO 45.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 -10.00 Medium 20.50 20 87 20.00 19.50 22.50 20.00 20.nl) 20.00 30.GO 30.00 30.00 COClrse 15.:25 15.00 15.00 17.00 IG.OO 1fi.00 16 00 16.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 Wheat Superior 18.00 17.GB 17.25 16.00 15.25 17.75 16.37 16.25 18.50 18.25 16.25 MediulT' IG.52 16.75 In.OO 15.00 13.00 13.50 13.00 13.50 16.50 16.00 15.75 Inferior 15.6B 15.62 15.00 14.50 12.50 12 75 12.50 12.75 15.00 15.37 13.75 Sawer Wheat Superior 16.85 16.50 15.50 15,00 14.25 14.00 15.12 14.50 16.15 16.00 15.25 Medium If) 25 16.00 15.00 14.50 13.37 13.25 14.18 14.00 15.50 15.87 14.75 Inferior 16.00 15.50 14.50 13.87 12.S7 12.87 11.75 14.00 14.00 15.00 14.25 Depalpur Wheat Superior IG.OO 16.00 16.00 16.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 Mecii'JIll 15 50 1.').50 15.50 15,50 13.25 13,50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 Inferior 13.50 13.(i0 15.00 15.00 13.00 12.50 13.25 13.25 Indore Jowar vVhite B.OO 13.1Cl 12.25 12.00 12.50 12.75 13.25 13.50 13.75 13.75 12·00 Yellow 13.50 GrGm Dc,hi 1:3.37 13.73 16.00 13.00 14.12 12.50 11 87 13.50 13.75 13.62 12.35 (Wholc) Gulabi 293


June July August September October November December Annual Year ..___ --~- -,.----. ..__ --~ - .. - .. ---.. - .. --___. ---~-- .. .. ------~ ~----- average -- .. -~------.. -- .. .. -- -_ tb) (a) (b) (a) (b) ,a) (b) ( a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

25.50 24.25 26.00 22.45 1957 22.25 24-.25 22.00 25.68 21.45 17.25 17.00 17.08 19.25 19.50 19.25 17.50 16.37 17.25 17.25 17.98 !3.62 13.50 13.50 11.50 10.87 11. 75 11. 75 11.68 12.74 14.50

21.00 22.00 42.50 37.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 25.80 1958 20.00 30.00 29.50 18.00 23.00 20.00 21 73 24.00 19.00 28.00 2 1.50 16.00 20.00 15.00 20.50 H.50 25.25 25.00 24.50 26.00 26.82 27.00 22.14 21 50 24.00 23.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 20.34 20.0f) 21.00 21.75 22.50 :22.25 22.50 21.50 22.00 20.39 20.00 20.50 2! .25 22.00 23.31 23.16 23.16 23.57 24.75 24.00 24.25 26.82 26.83 22.30 18.00 18.50 19.50 21.25 22.50 21. 58 21. 25 22.50 23.75 23.00 23.50 26.0() 26.69 20.76 17.00 17.50 18.25 19.62 21.62 20.4:1 20.88 21.65 21. 71 22.00 21.91 25.00 22.62 19.51 18.00 18.50 20.0U 20.75 21.00 2 J .00 21.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 14.96 17.00 17.75 19.50 19.87 20.50 20.50 21.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 21.50 22.50 24.00 18.54 16.00 16.50 18.50 13.75 20.00 20.00 20.50 21. SO 21.50 20.50 20.('0 21.00 22.50 18.13 20.00 15.00 12.75 13.25 12.00 11.75 13 25 13.25 11.58 13.75 II. 75 12.62 19.(10 16.00 19.50 19.00 19.25 18.:10 18 51 18.00 20.00 19.00 40.00 40.00 +0.00 45.00 +5.00 4:8.00 .33.87 37.12 1959 20.00 20.00 :20.00 20.00 30.0n 30.00 22.75 H.OO 30.00 24.87 15.0U 15.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 20.0U 20.00 16.00 17.00 18 2.1 15.00 16.89 16.00 18.25 18.00 17.25 20.00 22.(10 23.00 21.00 20.50 22.00 19.00 lQ.()O 18.00 ';5.30 15.12 16.50 16.00 16.00 19.00 20.00 21.50 19.75 19.50 18.50 18 ..50 17.06 16.37 [8.45 15.00 15.12 15.50 18.00 21.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 15.50 17.28 16.25 16.50 16.50 16.50 18.GO 18.1)0 18.50 18.~5 17.75 18.00 19.00 10.63 15.50 15.75 15.50 16.00 17.00 17.25 18.00 17.00 17.25 17.50 18.50 17.96 15.00 17.00 16.50 18.00 17.22 16.00 16.00 19.00 16.75 16.00 16.00 18.47 15.00 15.50 18.50 15.75 15.50 15.50 17.36 14.00 15.00 18.00 15.25 15.00 15.00 16.28 12.75 II. 12 13.00 13.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 15.50 16.00 15.00 15.00 12.75 13.00 13, II 14.00 14.00 12.60 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 17.25 18.00 14.50 15.00 12.37 12.50 16.48

40.00 40.00 40.00 48.00 40.00 25.00 40.00 40.43 1960 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 23.00 25.62 25.00 19.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.13 18.00 18.00 18.00 IB.OO 18.00 19.50 18.00 16.00 18.87 18.00 18.00 17.07 17.12 16.25 16.25 17.00 16.23 17.43 18.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.75 16.75 15.87 15.75 15.75 16.00 15.75 15.68 16.23 14.75 15.75 15.75 16.00 14.93 14.75 13.75 14.00 15.75 14.75 14.68 15.75 15.00 14.68 15.00 14.50 14.41 15.65 15.62 13.50 13.31 15.00 17.00 20.22 15.41 15.25 15.12 13.00 13.00 14.50 15.75 18.10 14.27 13.75 14.75 12.50 12.75 13.00 14.75 18.00 14.23 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14-.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.80 14.00 21.42 13.50 13.37 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.86 13.25 12.87 13.25 13.2:; 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 li1.25 13.25 13.47 14.50 14.50 15.50 14.50 14.50 14.56 15.00 14.00 13.25 15.00 15.00 13.78 13.50 13.50 13.87 13.00 , 13.47 12.75 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.53 15.56 14.50 15.50 16.00 14.00

Source :-Director of Land Records, (M. P.). 294-


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting & village __ ... __... _1"' __I'"--f"'- ____~ __... _.~ ... _ ... _ ... _ ..~~~--- ... ------... ---... -,__-1"'-__ --.--___...------~-~---,.__ ___

month centre Plough- ______Sowers and Transplanters-.-.~r______\Veeders Reapers & Harvesters men ,.__-----~-----~..._--... ------... -----_ ... _---..____ M F Non-Adult M F Non-Adult 'M F Non-Adult 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1957 April ... Hatod 1.06 1.00 0.50 0.50 Betma 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.50 0.25 May ... Hatod 1.06 1.00 0.50 Betma 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.25

June ... Hatod 1.06 1.00 0.50 0.50 Betma 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.58 0.50 0.25

July ... Hatod 1. 06 1.00 0.50 0.50 Betma 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.50 0.25 August ... Hatod 1.06 1.00 0.50 0.50 Betma 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 September Hatod 1.25 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.40 Betma 1. 25 1.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 October •.. Hatod 1.00 0.63 0.63 0.44 Betma 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 1.50 1.50 1.00 November Hatod 1. 00 0.63 0.63 0.44 Betma 1.25 1.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 1.50 1.50 1.00 December... Hatod 1.25 0.56 0.56 0.56 Betma ... 1.25 1.25 0.62 0.37 0.75 0.50 0.37 1958 January ... Hatod 1. 12 1.25 1.25 0.75 Betma 1. 50 1.50 0.62 0.37 0.75 0.50 0.37 February ... Hatod 1.00 0.75 1.25 0.75 0.50 Betma March '" Hatod 1. 00 0.62 2.00 2.00 1.00 Betma 1.50 1.50 0.62 0.37 0.75 0.50 0.37 1.50 0.75 0.37 April ... Hatod Betma 1.50 1.50 0.62 0.37 0.75 0.50 0.37 May ... Hatod 1.00 Betma 1.25 1. 50 June ... Hatod 1.25 1. 25 0.62 0.62 1. 25 0.62 0.62 2.00 1.50 1.00 Betma 1.50 1.50 1.25 July ... Hatod 1.25 1.00 0.62 0.62 1. 50 0.50 0.50 Betma 1.50 1.62 0.62 0.50 0.50 0.25 August ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.62 0.62 1. 50 0.50 0.50 2.00 2.00 1.50 Betma 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 September Hatod 1.25 1. 00 0.62 0.50 Betma 1.50 October .,. Hatod 1.31 2.50 2.00 1.25 2.00 1.25 Betma 2.00 2.00 1. 50 1.25 0.75 0.50 November Hatod 1.25 2.00 0.75 0.62 0.62 0.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 Betma 2.50 2.00 December ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.62 0.50 0.62 0.62 0.50 Betma 1.50 1. 00 0.75 0.50 295


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Artisans Reporting

______p....-..__ ... ______.. _,....._._._I"--__.. --.. - .. ~~-... ----~ .. ~-..------p....-... --~- - - ___... ---- village Year & menth Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers centre .. - ... --~-.. ------.---... __,.~~----.. Carpenters .Black-smiths ~---~-~------.....---.. - ... --"'------M F Non-Adult M F Non-Adult ------13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 2

1957 1.25 0.50 1. 00 3.00 2.00 .,. Hatod April 1.00 0.50 1. 25 3.50 ·3.50 ... Bctma 1.25 0.50 1.00 0.60 3.00 2.00 .,. Hatod May 1.00 0.50 1.25 3.50 3.50 ... Betma 1.25 0.50 1. 00 0.62 3.00 2.00 .,. Hatod June 1.00 0.50 1.25 3.50 3.50 ... Betma 1.25 0.50 1.00 0.62 3.00 2.00 ... Hatod July 1.00 0.50 1.25 3.50 3.50 .. , Betma 1.25 0.50 1.00 0.60 3.00 2.00 ... Hated August 1. 00 1.25 3.50 3.50 ... Betma 1. 00 1.00 0.75 3.00 2.00 ... Hatod September 1. 00 1.25 3.50 3.50 '" Betma 1.00 1.00 I. no 3.00 2.00 ... Hatod October 1.25 1.25 3.50 3.50 .,. Betma 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 ... Hatod .,. November 1.25 1.25 3.50 3.50 .,. Betma ]. 00 3.00 3.00 ... Hatod December 1.25 1.25 1. 25 1.25 1.00 3.50 3.50 ... Betma 1958 1.00 2.00 1. 00 0.25 3.00 2.00 ... Hatod January 1.25 1.25 1. 25 I. 25 1.00 3.50 3.50 .. , Betma 1. 00 1.00 3.25 2.00 ... Hatod February Betma

1.00 3.50 3.00 ... Hatod March 1. 25 1.25 1. 25 1.25 1.00 0.37 3.50 3.50 ... Betma 1.25 1.25 1. 00 1. 50 0.75 0.75 2.50 2.00 .. , Hatod April 1.25 1.25 1. 25 1.25 1.00 3.50 3.50 .. , Betma 1.25 1.00 0.75 • 0.50 2.00 2.00 .. , Hatod May 1.25 0.75 3.50 3.50 ... Betma 1.25 1.00 0.75 1.25 0.75 0.50 4.00 3.00 .. , Hated June 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.25 0.62 4.50 3.00 ... Betma 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.25 0.62 0.62 3.50 3.00 ... Hatod July 1.50 1.00 0.75 1. 50 ,1.50 4.00 ... Betma 1.00 0.62 0.62 1.25 0.62 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod August 1. 50 1.00 0.75 4.00 3.00 '" Betma I. 00 0.75 0.50 1.25 0.62 0.50 3.50 ... Hatod September 1. 50 0.91 0.50 1.25 0.50 0.25 3.00 2.50 ... Betma 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.25 0.75 0.50 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod October 1. 50 0.91 0.50 3.00 2.50 ... Betma 1. 00 0.75 0.50 1.25 0.62 0.50 3.50 ... Hatod November 1.50 0.91 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.25 3.50 2.00 ... Betma 1.00 0.62 0.50 1.25 0.62 0.50 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod December l.50 0.91 0.50 ].00 1.00 0.25 3.50 2.00 ... Betma 296


A-U nskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting & village ~-~-"-"--"'__"-po---·-~"-"-"-"--- ~--- ... - .. - .. ~-.. --.. ---.------month centre Plough- Sowers and Transplanters ",eeders Reapers & Harvesters

~ .. __~ .. _t---.. _ .. _ .._ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... __.. _ men --~--.. ------,..~,..__ .. ~ .. - ... - ~ .. - .. - .. - .. ---.. - .. ----.. --- M F Non-Adult M F Non-Adult M F Non-Adult I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12

1959 January ... Hatod 0.50 0.50 1.25 0.62 Betma 0.62 0.62 0.50 0.62 0.62 0.50 February ... Hatod 1.25 0.62 0.62 1.25 0.75 Betma 0.62 0.62 0.50 2.12 2.12 1.06 March ... Hatod 1.25 0.62 0.62 2.00 2.00 Betma 2.00 1.50 0.50 April ... Hatod 1.50 1.80 Betma

May .. , Hatod 1.25 Betma

June ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.75 1.25 0.75 Betma 2.00 1.50 1.00

July .. , Hatod 1.25 1.00 0.62 1.00 0.62 Betma 2.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 August ... Hatod 1.25 1.00 0.62 Betma September Hatod Betma October ... Hatod 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.62 0.62 1.25 0.62 Betma 2.25 1. 75 0.75 0.75 2.50 2.00 1.00 November Hatod 1.25 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.62 1.00 0.62 Betma 2.50 2.00 1.00 December ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.62 1.25 0.62 1.25 0.62 Betma 1.00 0.50 0.25 1.00 0.50 0.25 1.50 1960 January ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.62 1.00 0.62 1. 25 0.62 Betma 1.50 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.50 February ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.62 0.62 2.00 1.00 Betma 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.25 1.25 0.62 March ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.62 2.00 2.00 Betma 2.00 2.00 April .. , Hatod 1.50 1.50 0.75 Betma May ... Hatori 1. 25 1.25 0.62 1.25 0.62 Betma I. 50 June ... Hatod 1. 00 1.25 0.62 0.50 Betma 1.50 1.50 1.00 July ... Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.75 0.62 Betma 2.00 0.62 0.62 0.50 297


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm :::'en'ants B-Skilled Labourers or Reporting Artisans village Year & month centre -.----.------.._--.. ----~------... ------.. ~-~---- ~----~-.. -- Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers ----.------.. - .. ------.. - .. ---~------.. -- Carpenters Black-smiths M F Non-Adult M F Non-Adult 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 2

1959 1.25 0.62 0.50 1.25 0.62 3.50 3.50 ." Hatod January 1.50 0.91 0.50 1.55 1.06 0.31 3.00 2.00 .. , Betma 1.00 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 .. , Hatod February 1.50 0.91 0.50 3.00 2.00 .. , Betma 1.00 0.69 0.50 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod March 1.50 0.91 0.50 0.87 3.00 2.00 ... Betma 1.50 0.75 4.00 3.50 .. , Hatad April 0.81 0.81 2.00 2.00 .. , Betma 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.25 0.75 0.50 3.50 3.00 ... Hatad May 3.50 1.50 .. , Betma

1.00 1.25 0.75 4.00 3.50 .. , Hatod June '0.50 4.00 3.50 .. , Hetma l.OO 0.62 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod July 1. 50 1.00 0.50 4.50 3.00 .. , Betma 0.75 D.50 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 .. , Hatod August 1.50 1.00 0.50 3.50 1.00 ... Betma Hatod September Betma

1. 25 0.50 1. 50 0.75 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod October 1.50 1. 00 0.50 1. 50 3.50 2.00 ." Betma 1.00 0.62 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod November 1.50 1.00 0.50 1.50 3.50 2.00 ." Betma 1. 00 0.62 0.50 1. 25 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod December 1. 50 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.25 3.50 2.00 ... Betma 1960 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod January 1.50 1.00 0.50 1. 50 4.00 1. 75 ... Hetma

1.25 0.62 0.50 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatad February 1.50 1.00 0.50 3.50 2.00 ... Betma

1. 50 0.62 0.57 1.50 0.62 4.0() 3.50 ... Hatad :March 1. 50 1.00 0.50 1. 50 1. 50 0.75 3.50 2.00 ... Betma

1.00 1.50 0.75 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod April 1. 50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 ... Betma

1.25 0.62 1.25 0.62 0.50 4.00 3.00 ... Hatod May 4.00 2.50 ... Betma

2.00 0.50 1.25 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod June 1.00 4.00 2.50 ... Betma

1. 50 1.25 0.62 '1.25 3.50 ... Hatad July 1.25 1. 00 0.50 3.00 2.00 ... Betma 298


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants

Year Reporting ---_._~_._ ... ___ .. ______~ __ ~ ______--,,___ .. _____ rr ___ ,.. ___ ,....__ .. _,____ .. ______~ .. _..,___,...__ & village Plough- Sowers and Tramplanters WE'eders RE'apers & Harvesters

month centre men ~--- --,.-,.-.. -,.-- -,..------_ .. ,- ---,"-"'-~---- ... - ... ----.. ------.. --~ -- ,,-.. - ~~ ... - .. ---.. ----~- M F Non-Adult :tv[ F Non-Adult M F Non-Adult

2 :) 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12

August ... Hatod 1.50 0.50 1. 50 0.62 0.50 Betma 1. 50 0.62 0.62 0.62

September H:ltod 1. 50 2.50 1.00 0.62 I. 51} 0.75 Betma 2.00 2.00 0.75. 0.75 0.50

October ... Hatod 1.50 1. 50 1.00 1. 50 0.62 1. 50 0.75 Betma 3.00 2.00 I. 50 November Hatod 1.25 1.25 0.62 1.25 0.62 1.50 1.00 Betma 1. 50 1. 50 1.37 1.37

December ... Hatod 1.25 1. 50 0.62 1. 50 0.62 1.50 0.62 Betma 0.75 299


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled Labourers or Artisans Reporting -~"-~"~"'_'__"'''-~-''-~--''-----I'''---'''-'''-''-'''-'''-'''-''--I''--'''-'''-''-'''-'' -- .. ------,...... _.__ .. ----.. -....__._ ... --- village Year & month Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers centre ------.. ------.. ---~-- - ... --... --~-- ... - ... -....---..---...... __.---..__ Carpenters Black-smiths M F Kon-Adult M F Non-Adult 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

1.25 0.62 0.50 1.50 0.62 4.00 3.00 ... Hatod August 1.50 1.50 1.00 3.50 2.00 ... Betma 1.50 0.75 1.50 0.62 4.00 3.50 ... Hatod September 1.50 1.50 1. 00 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.00 2.00 ... Betma 2.00 1. 00 0.50 1. 50 0.62 4.00 3.50 .,. Hatod October 1.50 1.50 1.00 1. 75 4.00 2.50 .,. Betma 1.25 0.62 0.50 1.50 0.62 4.00 3.00 ... Hatod November 1.50 1.50 0.50 1.50 1.50 3.50 3.00 ... Betma 1.50 1.00 0.50 1.50 0.62 4.00 3.50 .,. Hatod December 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.75 0.75 4.00 2.50 ... Betma 300



Number of Year ...... ------~---~-~..-----.. ~-----.------.. - .. ---.. - ... - .. -- ... -,..-.. --,..__,.._--.. _.. - ... ------Cattle Buffaloes Shf'ep and Tractors Oil Electric Sugarcane Goats Engines pumps Crushers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1931 179,868 49,313 37,076 1941 KGt Available 1950-51 161,636 65,322 33,126 5 181 1 237 1955-56 182,009 69,619 89,254 12 378 19 1 625 1960-61 201,834 76,427 79,411 44 618 353 399

Source :-Director of Land Records, (M. P.)


Type of Taccavi 1956-57 1957 -58 1958-59 1959-GO 1960-61

2 3 4 5 6

Bullock 5,150 j9,400 70,930 16~,230 Ni"an 145,200 188,500 210,160 9-1,750 Pump 31,3.30 116,300 183,350 192,500 Field Implement 3,700 12,645 4,000 8,300 Reh:'!t 2,,3UO Fertilizer 3,299.69 16,898.29 64,H3.02 53,430.65 Tractor 22,000 Fire 20,560 59,160 47,620 21,375 Horticulture 18,050 8,000 9.100 6.500 Sced~ 73,399.27 93,989.35 30+.G]fi.40 477,388.71 72,5.',9 Plant Protection 3,000 2,400 B.H.C. 450 Wire 2,300 6,250 Tractor Ploughing

------... - .. ---_----- .. - .. - .. - ... ---.. - .. - .. ------.. ------... - ... -~-- ...... ---.. - ... - Total 335,958.96 531, 192 . 6-t 917,775.42 1,028,374.36 81,459.00

Source :-Collector, Indore. 301


Type of Society Year No. of No. of Owned Funds Working Capital Loans Advan- Societies members (in lakhs) (in Lakhs) ced (in Lakhs)

2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Credit (a) Central Bank 1951-52 N.A. 1,648 3.20 25.26 8.86 1952-53 N.A. 1,731 3.28 25.30 8.57 1953-5..J. N.A. 1,768 3.33 21.62 10.07 1954-55 N.A. 1,789 3.45 31. 57 12.40 1955-56 N.A. 1,801 3.35 39.8B 17.71 1956-57 715 1,789 4.59 49.62 27.63 1957-58 695 1,633 7.15 58.0B 41.52 1958-59 732 1,712 9.11 75.55 51.02 1959-60 776 1.854 11.64 117.25 83.13 1960-61 814 1,888 14.17 136.48 111. 16 (b) Agricultural 'Societies 1951-52 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1952-53 224 4,468 N.A. 12.15 N.A. 1953-5+ 223 3.888 N.A, 10.75 No A. 1954-55 236 3,713 N.A. 8.00 N.A. 1955-56 235 4,185 N.A. 9.5.]. N.A. YJ56-57 239 4,612 N.A. 16.11 N.A. 1957-58 218 5,2,],2 6.22 22.37 15.27 1958-59 267 8,769 8.64 33.25 22.72 1959-60 293 10,356 9.58 47.81 35.48 1960-61 279 10,159 9.47 60.76 50.52 (c) Non-Agricultural 1951-52 195::-53 N.A. 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 61 20,525 21.00 73.04 47.61 1956-57 53 :?0.729 16.95 77.70 29.56 1957-58 57 n,116 18.83 82.73 24.03 1958-59 65 26.869 17.82 96.64 24.28 1959-60 67 32,024 19.57 114.29 42.29 1960-61 i I 29,18'3 25.66 12.76 43.49 2. Non-Credit (a) Agricultural Other than Primary 1951-52 Rural areas. 1952.53 1953-54 N.A. 1954-55 6':! N.A. N.A. 52.02 N.A. 1955-56 61 20,525 N.A. 73.04 N.A. 1956-57 66 22,987 N.A. 77.62 l'o;". A. 1957-58 67 23,546 N.A. 82.73 N.A. 1958-S9 1 66 0.15 0.15 N.A. 1959-60 41 662 0.29 0.29 N.A. 1960-61 23 487 0.28 0.28 N.A. (b) Non-Agricultural Societies 1951-52 1952-53 N.A. 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 134- 5,477 N.A. 20.06 N.A. 1956-57 150 9,653 N.A. 33.43 N.A. 1957-58 68 2,703 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1958-59 4 1,694 0.74 0.81 0.01 1959-60 39 1,997 1. 50 2.24 0.02 1960-61 '23 1,812 1.39 2.28 N.A. (c) Societies other than Primary 1951-52 Urban+Rural Areas. 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 N.A. 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 173 9,308 13.18 47.61 3.15 1959-60 20B 8,771 14.43 57.83 10.97 1960-61 280 7,247 16.26 65.37 13.30 302


Type of Society Years No. of No. of Owned Funds Working Capital Loans Advanced Societies Members (in Lakhs) (in Lakhs) (in Lakhs) 2 345 6 7

3 Urban Areas 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 N.A. 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61

Source:-Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Madhya Pradesh.


Year No. of Policies issued Amount insured Amount invested in National (Rupees in Lakhs) Savings (in Rupees) 2 3 4 5

Started from 1-9-1956 1956 48.29 1956-57 2,134,092 1957 158.47 1957-58 2,222,874 1958 177 .14 1958-59 2,960,488 1959 195.56 1959-60 2,598,830 1960 244.07 1960-61 2,378,875 Source:- 1 Branch Manager Life Insurance Corporation, Indore. 2 District Organiser, N ational,small Savings, Indore.


Year No. of Factories covered No. of Industrial workers Total Compensation paid Total cash benefits paid covered (inRs. ) (inRs.) 2 3 4 5

1958-59 59 27,450 9,749.85 597,920.41 1959-60 60 28,000 17,481. 55 545,330.63 1960-61 73 26,000 20,694.48 183,818.03

Source:-Regional Director, Employees State Insurance Corporation, Indore.


S.No. Name of Bank Head Office or Branch Location Office 2 3

1 The State Bank ofIndore Head Office Yeshwant Road, Indore. 2 Branch Maharani Road, Indore. 3 " " Sanyogitaganj, Indore. 4 " Sitiamata Bazar, Indore. 5 " " Mhow. 303


S. No. Name of Bank Head Office or Branch Location Office

2 3 4

6 The State Bank of India Cloth Market, Indore. 7 " " Residency Road, Indore. 8 The Punj ab National Bank Ltd. " Maharani Road, Indore. 9 " Sitlamata Bazar, Indore. 10 " Branch, Mhow. 11 The Central Bank of India Ltd. Sitlamata Bazar, Indore. " 12 Siyaganj, Indore. 13 The United Commercial Bank Ltd. Cloth Market, Indore. 14 Sanyogitaganj, Indore. " 15 The Bank of] aipur Ltd. " Bada Sarafa, Indore. 16 M. P. State Co-operative Bank Ltd. Mahatma Gandhi Road, Indore. 17 The Premier Co-operative Bank Ltd. Maharani Road, Indore. 18 The Paraspar S ahakari Bank Ltd. " Krishnapura, Indore. 19 The Bank of Baroda Ltd. Branch ] awahar Ivlarg, Indore. Sitlamata Bazar, Indore. 20 " 21 The Bank of India" Ltd. Satta Bazar, Indore.

Source:--Collector, Indore; Municipal Corporation, Indore.



Year General Food Fuel + Lighting Clothing Bedding Miscell aneous Footwear 2 3 4 5 6

1951 100 100 100 100 100 1952 97 97 88 102 99 1953 98 98 86 102 101 1954 91 86 92 99 95 1955 82 77 84 85 90 1956 90 92 83 87 89 1957 93 93 92 94 93 1958 101 102 101 96 101 1959 107 112 107 98 103 1960 107 106 107 119 99 1961 116 110 112 159 104 (MONTHS) January 111 104 109 151 103 February 113 108 109 152 103 March 117 lit 110 156 103 April 116 113 110 156 103 Mav 116 III 109 157 105 June 116 112 109 159 105 July 115 110 107 158 104 August 116 110 107 162 105 September 116 III 108 162 105 October 116 110 115 163 105 November 117 109 122 163 105 December 118 III 124 163 105

Source: District Statistical Officer, Indore. 304


Number of Courts No. of original cases No. of persons put up Convicted decided involving for trial

~ ... ~------... --~ ~ -_.. .. -~----~-!,,"-----~-... ~-.. --~- ... ------.. - ...... - _------_--_------Magistrates Sessions Add!. Offences Offences Year Judges Sessions against against M F M F Judges persons property 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1951 10 1 1,324 1,538 5,083 215 2,047 54 1952 10 1 1 1,183 1,388 4,758 254 1,720 93 1953 10 1 1 812 926 3,758 227 1,285 64 1954 10 1 2 1,045 503 4,493 200 1,539 34 1955 10 1 3 488 388 2,683 151 709 9 1956 10 1 3 1,169 1,126 3,578 285 1,572 107 1957 10 1 4 1,206 1,167 5,099 298 1,802 142 1958 10 1 4 1,078 755 3,745 154 1,147 27 1959 10 1 6 2,464 852 5,309 112 2,664 31 1960 10 1 6 3,581 1,'778 8,157 376 4,848 253 Source: District and Sessions Judge, Indore.


STRENGTH OF POLICE AND JAILS ( 1951 to 1960) INDORE CIIT Year Number of Police Number of Police Number of Jails Daily Average Number of Convicts in Stations Constables the Jail 2 3 4 5 1951 22 678 Three 717 1952 21 678 768 1953 21 678 764 1954 21 678 " 493 1955 21 629 584 1956 21 629 " 579 1957 21 629 519 1958 20 629 " 523 1959 20 629 " 625 1960 20 " 622 " 797 Source: 1 Senior Supdt. of Police, Indore. 2 Supdt. Central Jail, Indore.


Year Sales Tax Entertainment Excise Revenue Motor Spirit Sales of Stamps Forest Tobacco Tax Tax Revenue Tax 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1950-51 1,'328,374.00 3~8,182.00 4.185,H2.77 N.A. 890,473.12 1.581.930.44 ~8.,715.50 1951-52 3.911.668.00 332,733.00 3.681.018.25 N.A. 1,022.145.56 2,398,870.46 249.598.19 1952-53 4.231.349.00 293,521.00 4,039,230.67 N.A. 927,757.40 2,219,033.20 351,691. 62 1953-54 4;915.822.00 278,627.00 4.426,826.00 109,577.00 924,638.09 2,242,070.56 382.719.50 1954-55 4,92fi,41:'0.00 30].220.00 3.930.336.25 355,827.00 736,552.19 3,018,391.11 339,221.94 1955-56 G, 1:25.629.00 343,637. on 4,252,088.14 426,534.00 870,916.75 3,500,749.05 451,798.69 1956-57 7.348.222. 00 399,411. (0 +,045.343.16 505.666.00 892,705.19 5,125.565.81 412.740.50 1957-58 8.669,708.00 497,713.00 4,376,472.32 J£11:953.00 1,018,260.02 6,430,409. fJ2 512.616.96 1958-59 7,683,824. on 626,698.00 3,755,131. 07 348,628.00 1,270,595.53 4,098,500.49 742)20.70 1959-60 12,653.080.00 653,749.00 4-,167,939.65 1,139,314.00 1,612,481.78 5,517,622.26 571,644.27 Source: I District Trf'a,ury Officer, Indore. 2 Municipal Corporation & District Excise Officer, Indore. 3 District Sales Tax Officer, Indore. 4 Divisional Forest Officer, Indore. 305


DEMAND Year Collection Regular Arrears 2 3 4 1950-51 1,662,552 51,810 1,610,742 1951-52 1,522,566 54,789 1,567,777 1952-53 1,628,637 50,489 1,578,148 1953-54 2,024,441 71,494 1,952,947 1954-55 1,898,075 57,481 1,841,594 1955-56 1,848,912 2,836 1,846,582 1956-57 1,863,792 2,587 1,861,205 1957-58 1,866,193 2,707 1,863,486 1958-59 1,873,907 1,694 1,872,213 1959-60 1,884,336 1,345 1,882,991

SOUlce: Collector ate, Indore. TABLE 3.5 STATISTICS OF REGISTRATION (1950 to 1960) INDORE DISTRICT

Year No. of documents registered Value of property transferred (in Rupees)

( I) (2) (3)

1950 2,044 23,140,907.66 1951 1,916 46,922,876.20 1952 1,970 24,400,828.66 1953 2,096 10,375,206.76 1954 2,087 9,102,061.81 1955 2,441 10,209,180.25 1956 2,845 10,858,545.56 1957 3,231 21,839,192.87 1958 5,001 26,839,773. 17 1959 4,264- 13,265,622.50 1960 4,635 16,554,108.70

Source: Sub Registrar, Indore. TABLE 3.6 STATISTICS OF LOCAL BODIES (i) Income and Expenditure of Improvement Trust, ~ Indore (In Rs.) (1950-51 to 1960-61) IKDORE DISTRICT


Public safety Year Tax-Revenue Krm-Tax Other Income iacluding Public Health Education Public '\'orks Others Revenue lighting

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1950-5 J 32,000 257,226 461,680 53,277 1951-52 32,000 255,900 242.'244- 80,600 1952-53 32,000 271,825 330)52 32,712 1953-54- 32,000 266,469 2~15,365 87,866 1954-55 51,000 32.000 247.072 J84:,.Jc15 89,466 1955-56 19,500 90.000 661,567 325,000 45,553 1956-57 43,783 108:000 51,958 106.188 181,814 1957-58 10,860 108,000 232,357 12,128 43,960 1958-59 8,252 92,000 124,286 30,542 48,480 1959-60 50,100 36,000 132,556 11.376 54,000 1960-61 7,800 36,000 45,605 77,602 45,600

SOUICC: Engineer Improvement Trust, Indore. 306

TABLE 3.6 STATISTICS OF LOCAL BODIES {1950-51 to 1960-61)

(ii) Income & Expenditure of Cantonment, Board, Mhow

INCOME (In Rupees) EXPENDITURE (In Rupees) ~ ______~ ... _ ----... ~--____,..----r____...... _.~-~~ ____ ~-p.____--- ____~ _____ -~---~-... - .. - .. ---.. - .. - .. ------.. - .. - Non-Tax Rev. Other Public Safety Public Public Year Tax (Grant in income including Heath Education work~ Others Rev. aid) lighting

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1950-51 34+,771.67 20,633.69 226.109.71 42,457.95 256,961.46 116,127.78 57,C65.71 157,978.26 1951-52 376,253.80 21,436.44- 4-W,547.68 49,321.77 250,013.72 131,943.77 79,942.92 267,038.36 1952-53 366,221.96 49,750.00 267,783.91 57,303.53 263,103.55 141,075.94 152,ICO.f;3 J.18,734.S4 1953-54 381,737.21 146,535.01) 333.673.14 52.802. s·t 262,099.65 158,687.61 108,181.40 150,704.39 1954-55 390,376.34 16,833. CO 215,133.46 51,569.72 278,192.46 158,552.64 99.987.49 160,123.13 1955-56 402,025.53 H6,642.00 224,830.06 50,197.19 271,111.53 128,852.21 195,726.75 149.557.26 1956-57 434,329.90 94,709.31 217,036.96 48,l52.81 256,026.36 126,466.92 125,515.74 122,676.64 1957-58 440,193.75 162,239.00 180,497.30 46.828.97 266,084.07 129,280.38 137,7E8.19 135,.146.63 1958-59 517,302.41 740,871. 92 193,573.58 50,493.07 278,776.96 147,646.43 757,758.92 187,203.S7 1959-60 522.104.47 75,194.22 18,962.2:2 55.208.57 300,570.40 160,207.40 165.8C3.46 172.~22.94 1960-61 549,048.96 70,173.00 197,938.65 58.293.67 335,996.82 169,587.26 80;650.39 184,793.48

Source: Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, ~1how.

(iii) Income & Expenditure of Mandai Panchayat Indore.

1951-52 N. A. N. A. N. A. ~. A. N. A. N. A. l\'. A. :"l'. A. 1955-56 to 1956-57 {85,lR4.84 248,103.41 96,443.05 1957-58 62'3, lti7. 38 367.231. 54 1958-59 431,976.97 350,784.21 82,(197.62 1959-60 108,409.00 250,428.94 78,671.55 1960-61 2'30,593.78 103,977 .86 200,911.37

Source: Collector, Indore.

(iv) Income & Expenditure of Kendra Panchayats.

(1) From 1951-52 to 1955-56 only 10 Kendra Panchayats. (2) From 1956-57 to 1960-61 only 4 Kendra Panchayats.

1951-52 22,101.00 1,790.00 15,627.00 1952-53 125,732.00 39,893.00 75,976.00 1953-54 228,480.00 3,267.00 205,448.00 1954-55 471,977.00 139,388.00 323,653.00 1955-56 676,116.00 252,404.00 412,918.00 1956-57 321,382.00 63,020.00 231,227.00 1957-58 118,047.00 22,521. 00 131,102.00 1958-59 267,420.00 183,708.00 72,174.00 1959-60 413,633.00 251,282.00 93,479.00 1960-61 448,761.00 77,863.00 39,118.00

Source.. Collector, Indore.

(v) Income & Expenditure of Municipal Corporation Indore.

1951-52 N. A. N. A. N. A, N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. 1952-53 N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N, A. 1953-54 N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. 1954-55 3,443,564 803,062 6,184,'308 105,226 1,560,023 851,966 7,511,457 1955-56 4,168,442 765,731 5,702,303 108,576 1.505,884 939,350 7.463.926 1956-57 4,943,158 1,436,568 4,571,501 172,934 1,521,402 962,702 7;619;734 1957-58 5,543,542 1,161,226 3,467,889 97,648 1,654,214 1,029,027 5,769,666 1958-59 5.648,825 1,538,283 2.(l61.308 189.5E8 1,623,319 928,997 4,392,742 1959-60 5,780,936 1, 758,838 2.235,159 288,482 2.298,460 1,055,424 3,874,573 1960-61 6,348,577 2,613,041 2,533,271 326,944 2,469,356 910,250 4,609,460

Source: Director of Economics and Statistics, Madhya Pradesb. 307

INCOME (In Rupet:s) EXPENDITURE (In Rupees )

_ .. - ... - .. --__,.....______~---- .. - ... ---.. -I"--.. -~--... - ... -,....._------,.-.. ----__ ... _ ... __,__ ___ Tax Non-Tax Rev. Other Public Safety 'Public Public Year Rev. (Grant in income includIng Health Education works Others aid) lighting 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(vi) IncoD1e and Expenditure of Municipal COUDCn Depalpur. 1950-51 2,207 166 750 371 1,148 534 26 948 1951-52 2,668 763 365 416 175 510 57 1,828 1952-53 2,533 3,959 2,521 573 3,197 1,087 8,273 2,845 1953-54 7,550 3,234 667 8,520 1,263 332 3,850 1954-55 9,463 1,777 10,000 600 4,252 607 308 7,530 1955-56 18,680 1,602 715 10,906 3,384 1,260 4,771 1956-57 20,051 17,905 2,986 1,089 9,315 3,843 2,000 6,253 1957-58 21,176 7,206 1,889 31,213 1,492 1,997 14,504 1958-59 20,771 13,119 45,020 37,005 1,857 20,611 21,207 1959-60 26,748 9,118 45,412 25,659 1,916 8,801 35,288 1960-61 29,814 9,844 6,442 31,289 6,327 1,445 9,821 24,737

Source: District Statistical Officer, Indore.

(vii) Income & Expenditure of Municipal COUDen Sawer (Started from 1-10-1958) 1958-59 5,780 5,802 12,071 453 2,438 ,333 1,101 1,185 1959-60 6,398 5,743 13,972 478 3,187 1,425 258 3,584 1960-61 14,242 5,753 26,972 772 2,610 8,069 3,607 12,580

Source: Chief Municipal Officer, Sawer.



Area in Percentage No. of Percentage Population Percentage Name of Name of Date of Sq. to total area villages of villages covered to total Remarks Block Tahsil inception Miles. of the covered of the (1961) Population district district of district covered covered

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Indore Indore 2-10-56 348.5 25.9 167 25.0 85,223 27.8 Stage II. Mhow Mhow 2-10-52 306.7 22.8 176 26.4 70,431 23.0 Started as N. E. S.; converted to commu- nity Development on 1-4-1956 ; reverted to stage II on 1-4-1959

Sawer Sawer 2-10-59 294.0 21.8 149 22.3 70,434 23.0 Converted to Stage I on 2-10-1960.

Depalpur Depalpur 2-10-62 394.4 29.3 175 26.2 79,860 26.1 The block is in pre- extension phase.

Source: Collector, Indore District. 308


FIRST PLAN SECOND PLAN S. Remarks No. Head Allotment Expenditure Allotment Expenditure

2 3 4 5 6 7 Agriculture 1,537,864 1,395,517 N. A. N. A. N. A. Seeds 284,161 260,679 N. A. N. A. N. A. Manures and fertilizers 72,32:8 63,602 N. A. N. A. N. A. Minor irrigation 664,575 600,875 N. A. N. A. N. A. Land improvement 516,800 470,361 N. A. N. A. N. A. Improved agricul- tural practices 2 Animal Hushandry 96,976 72,970 129,650 120,481 3 Education 243,720 230,663 N. A. 49,329 4 Public Health I\.A. N. A. 7,940 7,539 5 Transport and N.A. N. A. N. A. N. A. communicati0ns 6 (a) Co-operatIve & 1,498,300 1,498.300 447,568 447,568 (b) Panchavats 1,524,506 1,.J:70,354 3,114,614- 3,812,744 (First plan figures (Mand:il & Kendra relate to Kendra Panchayats) Panchayats only). 7 Housing 1,906,179 1,906,179 1,039,842 1,039,842 8 Labour \\. elfare N.A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A.

Source: District Agricultural Officer, Distncl Live Stock Officer, Divi"ional Supdt. (f Education, Civil Surgeon, As~istant Registrar Co-operative Societies and Collector, Indore. TABLE 5.1 EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS (1951-60) INDORE DISTRICT y E A R S Type of institurions ---~---~------~------.. ------~ ------... -..___ ... - .. _-_....___po.------~...---...-- .. - .. --... ---~- ...... ~-- 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (1 ) Primary or Junior ba5ic Schooh. • (q) 398 401 405 410 422 434 473 498 513 546 (b) 22,268 23,301 25,501 26,529 29,600 33,365 37,600 40,695 42,698 46.275 (c) 5,977 6,587 7,184 9,137 9,949 12,893 13,793 15,699 17,537 19/)25 (d) 1,022 1,037 1,045 1,095 1,110 1,170 1,~68 1,348 1,409 1,687 (e) 166 172 178 191 198 268 301 354 378 364 (2) Middle Schools (a) 30 30 30 31 31 34 34 37 48 56 (b) 5,2G2 5,344 6,095 6,395 6,697 7,750 9.980 13,029 15,127 17,086 (c) 1,498 1,531 1,585 1,634 1,709 1,758 1,932 2,439 3,999 5,344 (d) 251 253 263 269 273 277 325 373 403 411 (e) 55 64 91 96 94 96 1+7 178 177 206

(3) Higher Secon- dary or Senior Basic Schools (a) 13 15 17 17 21 25 25 31 30 41 (b) 5,859 5,741 6,770 6,134 7,517 6,938 7,298 10,909 13,104 17,036 (c) 577 593 3,677 3,720 4,608 4,492 6,098 4,363 5,050 8,019 (d) 317 317 336 330 381 387 387 524 577 728 (e) 35 35 135 140 170 275 282 291 392 353 (a) No. of Institutions

(b) No. of Scholars '" Males I c) No. of Scholars '" Fernales Cd) No. of Teachers '" Males ( e) No. of Teachers '" Females

S(Jurce :~District Educational Officer and Divisional Supdt. of Education, Indore. 309



No. of Tea- No. of Scholars Hostel S. Whether Inter, Government chers facilities

No. Name of Institution Degree or or Year I"--~-----~- .... - .. --~---...____..-- ...... ------P. G. Private M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


1* Holkar College, Indore Degree & Po~t Government 1950-51 80 1,158 94 108 Graduate 1951-52 90 1,915 119 108 1952-53 89 1,843 125 106 1953-54 91 2,010 113 107 1954-55 91 2,008 lIB 105 1955-56 104 2,255 154 117 1956-57 112 2,002 187 117 1957-58 112 2,260 159 104 1958-59 120 2,310 162 104 1959-60 142 2,591 181 104 1960-61 138 4 2,190 159 104

2 Indore Christian Coilege, Post Graduate Govt. Aided 1951-52 15 1 392 108 88 Indore. 1952-53 IS I 405 142 80 1953-54 18 2 418 154 86 1954-55 19 I 378 135 ~3 1955-56 18 2 419 126 90 1956-57 24- 2 480 124 98 1957-58 22 2 588 145 105 1958-59 23 I 712 173 110 1959-60 25 2 608 113 115 1960-6 I 26 3 627 126 107

3 P. M. B. Gujarati Ccllege, Inter Private 1951-52 18 236 8 Indore. 1952-53 23 509 29 1953-54 23 549 39 1954-55 23 553 27 1955-56 23 572 23 1956-57 27 554 15 1957-58 25 1 544 26 Degree 1958-59 32 2 772 22 1959-60 38 2 1,332 42 1960-61 45 3 1,385 49

4 Governmen;; lute:' College, 1951-52 This was a private Eigh School (aided ins_ Mhow. 1952-53 titution) which was taken over by the M. B 1953-54 Govt. on 1-11- 1954. Inter Government 1954-55 42 950 1 1955-56 45 1,155 II 1956-57 46 1,214 18 1957-58 50 1,428 17 Govt. Degree College, Degree College Government 1958-59 17 221 30 Mhow. 1959-60 25 136 32 1960-61 25 103 27 No. Inter Classes 5 Girls Degree College, Degree College Government 195 I-52 Indore. 1952-53 1953-54 N. A. 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 17 294 60 1957-58 I Part 18 380 60 time 1958-59 1 24 463 70 1959-60 1 24 607 70 1960-61 1 24 538 70

This college has been split • up in May 1961 into (1) Bolkar Science College:and (2) Government Arts and Commerce College. 310


No. of Tea- No. of Scholars Hostel S. Whether Inter, Government chers facilities Name of Institution Degree or or Year No. ------~-- P. G. Private M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11

6 Daly College, Indore Intermediate College Private 1951 17 142 2 92 till 1956 and 1952 17 150 3 94 Higher Secondary 1953 17 148 2 87 since then. 1954 17 131 1 86 1955 17 119 3 71 1956 16 129 4 95

7 Government Sanskrit Till July 1961 Government 1951 Information not traceable. College, Indore the College was 1952 preparing Students 1953 19 104 50 for Sanskrit Exam. 1954 19 130 50 of Govt. Sanskrit 1955 19 70 30 College Banaras & 1956 19 143 16 50 Vangiya Sanskrit 1957 20 147 22 50 Siksha Parishad 1958 20 164 60 Calcutta. 1959 19 82 19 50 1960 18 148 47 50

8 Music College, Indore Government 1951 8 ll. 90 298 1952 8 3 77 306 1953 8 3 62 248 1954 8 3 66 173 1955 8 3 59 119 Post Graduate 1956 15 4 98 134 1957 15 4 93 195 1958 15 4 100 234 1959 15 4 135 307 1960 15 4 142 288


M. G. M. Medical College, Degree and Post- Govt. 1950-51 28 I 128 18 97 7 Indore. Graduate. 1951-52 29 1 200 23 97 7 1952-53 41 2 258 33 121 10 1953-54 {3 3 258 39 119 7 1954-55 48 3 256 45 105 14 1955·56 46 3 284 53 112 13 1956·57 48 3 329 63 125 17 1957-58 59 3 368 76 132 21 1958·59 55 3 370 100 131 36 1959·60 63 3 389 121 170 36 1960·61 62 3 408 130 190 40

2 Shri Rajkumar Singh Ayur- Degree (5 Years in Private and 1951-52 vedic College, Indore. integrated system aided bv 1952-53 of Medicine). Govt. of 1953-54 M.P. 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 15 1 126 3 25 1957-58 15 2 118 3 25 1958-59 14 3 102 3 25 1959-60 16 3 93 4 25 1960-61 16 2 78 4 25 3 M. P. College ofVety. Sci- Degree & Post- Govt. 1951-52 ence & animal Husbandry graduate. 1952-53 Cum -Livestock Research 1953-54 institute, Mhow. 1954-55 1955-56 11 47 1956-57 17 116 NA NA 1957-58 21 183 2 1958-59 21 236 3 1959-60 21 267 3 1960-61 26 254 4 248 311


No. of Tea- S. No. of Scholars Hostel Whether Inter, Government chers facilities No. Name ofInstitution Degree or or Year P.G. -.------Private M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

C-TECHNICAL-NON PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES: Shri G. S. Tech. Institute, Madhva Bharat' State Private 1951 This Institute was established in August 1952. I.rcdore. Diplo~a in Engineering 1952 16 103 1953 20 250 National Certificate Private & State 1954 22 60 Course of All India- aided. Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (3 Years). ( 1) National Certi­ 1955 34 79 ficate Course (3- " Years).

(2) NationalDiploma 90 Course in Engg. " (Equivalent t'J Degree) of All India Council,for Technical Educa­ tion, New Delhi, (3 Years). ----.----..____------34 169

(1) N ationa! Certifi- 1956 22 86 cate Course " 150 (3 years).

(2) M. B. State Dip- 90 lorna Course in " Engineering.

(3) B. Sc. Engg. (De- 60 gree) (4 years). "

-.-~ 22 236 150 ------.-- (I) B. Sc. Engg. (De- 1957 42 119 gree) (4 years). " 150

(2) N ationa! Diploma 71 Course (Equi- " valent to Degree) ~3 years).

(3) National Certifi_ 72 cate Course " (3 years).

(4) Madhya Pradesh 150 State Diploma " Course (3 Y.n.c.)

42 412 -----150 ----- (1) B. Sc. Engg. 1958 42 186 150 (Degree) (3 years). "

(2) N ationa! Diploma 43 Course (3 years). " Equivalent to Degree. 312


No. of Tea­ No. of Scholars Hostel S. Whether Government chers facilities No. Name of Institution Degree or or Year P. G. Private M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(3) M. P. State Dip­ 277 loma Course (3 years).

(4) National Certifi­ 72 cate Course " (3 years). 42 578 150 --,..._~ ---1--- (I) B Sc. Engg. 1959 48 227 300 (Degree) (4 years). "

(2) M. P. State Dip- 272 lorna Course " (3 years).'

-~ ~------48 499 300 ---~--- (I) B. Sc. Engg. (De- 1960 52 404 2 432 gree) (4years). " (2) M. P. State Dip- 396 lorna Course " (3 years). ------52 800 2 432 ~-- 2. College of Agriculture, Indore. 1958-59 Started in 1959. Intermediate Govt. 1959-60 11 74 28 1960-61 19 119 30

Source.-Principals of various colleges.

TABLE 5.3 STATISTICS OF JOURNALS Daily Papers Weekly and Fortnightly Monthl;' Year No. Total No, Total No, Total circulation circulation circulation 2 3 4 5 6 7 1951 15 NA 11 NA 15 NA 1952 9 NA NA NA 8 NA . 195-3 25 NA 12 NA 13 NA 1954 IS NA 7 NA 10 NA 1955 12 NA 7 NA 8 NA 1956 17 NA 9 NA 11 NA 1957 4 NA 5 NA 3 NA 1958 . 4 NA 5 NA 4 NA 1959 17 NA 3 NA 4 NA 1960 9 NA 1 NA 9 NA Source.-Collector, Indore. 313


HEALTH STATISTICS (1951 to 1960)

Year Descripti

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Primary Health Centres (a) Number 1 2 2 3 (b) No. of beds 10 16 16 16 Hospitals including Nursing Homes: (a) Number 9 9 9 8 (b) No. of beds 239 239 239 258 Dispensaries, Number M. C. S's: (a) Number 14 13 13 14 (b) Number of beds 2 2 2 2 Special Medical Institutions: (1) Leprosy (2) V. D. Clinics (3) T. B. Clinics (4) Mental Hospital No. of Registered Medical Practitioners: (a) Allopathic 21 21 21 21 (b) Homeophethic ( c) Ayurvedic 13 13 13 13 No. ofregistered Nurses 20 20 20 20 No. of Registered Midwives 21 No. of Registered Vaccinators 15 List offamily planning clinic~ ( a) Government 6 7 8 (b) Non-Government 4

Source.-Civil Surgeon, Indore.


Number of Ko. to whom Kumber of Number of Year contraceptiYes I Year vaccinations Revaccinations Remarks Vasectomie, Tube-tying have been ismed ------2 3 4 2 3 4

1951 1951 3,502 342 1952 Family Planning Clinic not opened. 1952 3,454 218 1953 1953 137 691 1954 4 1954 4,113 305 1955 5 1955 6,081 854 1956 6 1956 9,284 6,355 1957 3 1957 9,494 4,:315 1958 5 43 1958 8,066 6,958 1959 15 8 335 1959 7,906 6,595 1960 27 22 625 1960 9,253 11,212

Source.--Civil Surgeon, Indore. Source.-Civi1 Surgeon, Indore. 314


S. Vacci­ Villages protected during Year Tested Remarks Year Total No. of No. nated villages (target) --.. - .. --.. -~- .. ------1st Round 2nd Round 3 2 5 2 3 4

I. 1951 125,044 33,696 'York was not done every year. Work The teams movf'd started in 1953 from district to 1953 323 323 district. 48 2. 1952 30,880 10,754 195+ 323 124 III 3. 1953 85,637 27,979 1955 323 117 110 1954 22.622 6,812 4. 1956 5. 1955 8;862 ') 404 323 216 213 6. 1956 103,595 28;462 1957 649 649 435 7. 1957 1,282 279 1958 651 650 610 1958 41,6+7 16,082 8. 1959-60 658 658 9. 1959 126,288 41,802 658 10. 1960 37,127 15,500 1960-61 649 649 649

Source: B. C. G. Supervising Medical Officer, Indore. Source: Malaria Medical Officer, N. M. E. P. Unit, District Indore. 315


Population as Births Deaths Infant Deaths Birth Death Infant Year of 1951 --_----~------_------_... --- Rate Rate death Census Males Females Males Females Males Females rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1951 T 5,279 4,836 2,980 2,652 N. R. N. R. 16.95 9.43 N. R. R 40 34 23 29 U 5,239 4,802 2,957 " 2,623 " 1952 T 5,369 4,818 3,136 2,991 " 17.07 10.26 " R 51 41 38 20 " 5,318 4,777 3,098 " " " U 2,971 " 1953 T 4,826 4,250 2,788 2,722 15.22 9.25 R 87 69 47 54 " 4,181 " " U 4,739 2,741 2,668 " 1954 T 5,193 1,879 2,885 2,864 16.38 9.63 R 66 70 44- 47 " " " 4,809 " U 5,127 2,841 2,817 " 1955 T 5,429 4,923 2,541 2,280 " 17.35 B.08 " R 74 51 41 45 " " U 5,355 4,872 2,500 2,235 " " " " " 1956 T 6,201 5,720 2,374 2,255 19.97 7.54- R 66 47 51 62 " " " 6,135 5,673 U 2,323 2,193 " 1957 T 5,715 4,966 789 616 10.68 1.40 " R 170 105 121 104 " " " " U 5,545 4,861 668 512 " 1958 T 6,554 5,844 2,964 2,777 " 12·29 5·74 " R " ",. U 6,554 5,844- 2,964 2,777 " " 1959 T 6,856 6,022 2,542 2,259 " 12.87 4.80 R 41 43 4 9 U 6,815 5,979 2,538 2,250 " " " 1960 T 6,422 6,065 2,601 2,409 12.48 5.01 ,. R 203 192 55 70 6,219 5,873 2,546 2,339 " " U " Source:-Civil Surgeon, Indore. TABLE 6B'2 DEATHS IN THE DISTRICT FROM SOME SELECTED CAUSES (1951 to 1960) INDORE DISTRICT

Causes 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11

1. Cholera 2. Small p,x 47 83 51 6 4 17 248 21 3. Plague 4. Fever 1,684 1,779 1,324 1,576 836 905 119 989 868 1,285 5. Dysentry 6. T. B. 364 421 365 382 235 169 506 321 131 47 7. Injuries 96 50 25 114 99 101 114- 85 8. Natal & P. Natal 9. Cancer 10. Heart disease

ource:-Civil Surgeon, Indore. 316


Total distance Type, i. e., all SI. falling weather, permanent No. Name of Road From To in the or fair weather Class Kind di~trict in miles

2 3 4 5 6 7

I National Highway Agra-Bombay Kali Kirar Pirkaradia 55 All Weather I Asphalted

II State Highways 1 Indore-Betma- Indore Ghatabillod 21 I Khedighat 24.5 2 I ndore-Simrol-Khedighat " I Mhow-Neemuch Road Mhow Neemuch 18 " 3 " I 4 Indore-Khudel Nemawar Indore Nemawar 17 I " " " III M~or District Roads 1 Indore Depalpur-Chambal Chambal 36 I Asphalted-cum " " W. B. M. Indore-Sawer-Ujjain Kithoda 21 2 " I Asphalted 3 Mhow-Simrol Mhow Simrol 9 I Asphalted-cum " W. B. M.

Source: Executive Engineer, Indore Division, Indore.



S1. Name of district Distance by rail No. Distance by road

2 3 4

A Contiguous Districts 1 Ujjain 63 56 2 Dewas 39 35 3 Dhar 62 4 West Nimar (Khargone) 136 B Divisional Headquarters 1 Gwalior 635 (Via Bhopal) 493 2 Bhopal 263 189 3 Jabalpur 584 (Via Bhopal-Itarsi) 555 (Via Bhopal-Sagar) 4 Rewa 805 (Via Bhopal-Itarsi, J abalpur, Satna, 718 (Via Sagar-Chhatarpur) Satna to Rewa-connected by out Agency) 5 Raipur 917 (Via Khandwa-Itarsi-Nagpur) 898 (Via Sagar-Mandla) 6 Bilaspur 971 (Via Khandwa-Itarsi-Katni) 888 (Via Sagar-Mandla) 317

S. Name of City Distance by rail Distance by Road No.

C State capitals and cities having Dlore than one Dlillion populaticn 1 * Hyderabad 830 (Via Khandwa- Purna Secunderabad) 2 Shillong 2,345 (Via Bhopal-Lucknow-Amingaon) Pandu to Shillong by Road (103 K. m.) 3 Patna 1,305 (Via Khandwa-Allahabad-Mugalsarai) 4 * Ahemdabad 478 (Via Ratlam) 5 Shrinagar 1,758 (Via Ratlam-Delhi-Pathankot) Pathankot to Shrinagar by out Agency. (401 Km.) 6 Trivendram 2,315 (Via Khandwa-Purna-Secunderabad Dronachalam-Banglore) 7 Bhopal 263 189 Km. by Road. 8 * Madras 1,622 (Via Khandwa-Purna-Dronachalarn­ 9 * Bombay Guntkal) 10 Mysore 1,605 (Via Khandwa-Purna-Dronachalam Banglore) 11 Bhuvneshwar 1,766 (Via Khandwa-Nagpur-Raipur-Vijya­ nagram-Khudra road) 12 Chandigarh 1,096 (Via Ratlam-Delhi) 13 Jaipur 629 (Via Ratlam-Ajmer) 14 Lucknow 830 (Via Bhopal-) 15 * Calcutta 1,690 (Via Khandwa-Itarsi-Bilaspur-Khadagj:vr) 16 * Delhi 852 (Via Ratlam) 17 * Bangalore 1,466 (Via Khandwa-Purna-Secunderabad­ Dronachalam)

* Cities having more than I million population. Source: Compiled from Railway time tacIe.


Name of Name of Station Station

Broad Guage: (7) Osra (Flag Station) (I) Indore (8) Gautampura (2) Laxminagar Chambal Road. (3) Mangliya. (9) Peer Zala (Flag Station) (4) Barlai (South Side) Metre Guage, (North Side). (I) Indore (1 ) Indore (2) Rajendranagar. (2) Laxminagar (3) Rao (3) Palia (4) Mhow (4) Ajnod (5) Patalpam (5) Fatehabad. (6) Kalakund (6) Chandrawatiganj (7) CIFlra1•

Source: Railway Time Table 318


Whether telegraph and Whether telegraph and 81. Name Type of telephone 81 Name Type of telephone No. Office facilities also exist No. Office facilties also exist 2 3 4 2 3 4

23 Rao Depalpur 24 Kasturba gram " T.O . ; P.C.O. 1 Depalpur ... Town Sub-Office 25 Khudel " T.O. '" Branch Office 2 Gautampura 26 Bijalpur .,. Branch " Office 3 Agra 27 Dudhiya " 4 Ataheda 28 Gandhi Nagar " " " 5 Betma " 29 Hatod 6 Banedia 30 " " Kanadia " 7 Chambal " 31 Kampel 8 32 Khajrana " " 9 Noon (Vevari) ... " 33 Machla 34 Musakhadi " Sawer 35 Samliachau T.O. ; P.C.O . 8awer ... Town Sub.Office 36 Sirpur " ... Branch Office Tillore " 2 Ajnod 37 " 3 Fatehabad " 38 Umarya " 4 Mangalia " 5 Palia " Mhow Mhow .. , Town Sub-Office Indore 2 Mhow Barracks T.O. ;P.C.O. T. O. Indore G. P. 0 .... Head Office 3 Mhow Bazar " " 2 Indore Army H. Qr. Town Sub-Office 4 Mhow Cantonment Bada Sarafa ., 5 Mhow Infantry School " 3 T.O. " 4 City T.O. ; P.C.O. 6 Mhow Railway Station Cloth Market " " 5 " 7 Badgonda ." Branch Office 6 High Court ,. " 8 Bhagora 7 J averi Bag 9 Choral " 8 Juni Indore " P.C.O. 10 Datoda " 9 Malharganj " T.O. 11 Dhar Naka 10 Malwa Mill .. " T.O. ; P.C.O. 12 Gauli Palasia " Mill Area " -- " 11 " 13 Harsola " 12 Ram Bag P.C.O. 14 Hasalpura Siya Ganj " " 13 " T.O. ; P.C.O. 15 Khurdi 14 Topkhana 16 Kishanganj " 15 Bhawarkuwa " " 17 Kadaria " 16 Biyabani 18 Manpur Industrial Area " " 17 T.O. 19 l\fhowgaon " 18 Jail Road 20 Patadi 19 Manoramaganj " " 21 Rhasalpura " 20 Nandanagar Sagdod T.O. " 22 " 21 New Pala~ia P.C.O. 23 Simrol Rajmohalla " 22 " 24 Tiki "

NOle: T.O.:-TeIegraph Office; P.C.O. Public Call Office 2 Central Telegraph Office exists in Indore City only, Source: 1 Superintendent of Post Offices, Indore. 2 Telegraph and' Telephone guides. 319


S. Place When held Local religious or Duration Average total Who manages the No. where Mela -"~-"-"-"'-"-~I"--"~"--- ,- ~ ...... other occasion of of the attendance Fair/Mel a or Fair Hindi month Enl[lish month~ the Melaor Mela or is held Fair Fair (in days) 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8

1. Deplalpur Tahsil 1 Betama Chaitra Badi I March/April Chul Mata ki Yatra I 500/700 Gram Panchayat 2 Methwada Chaitra Badi I March/Apri. Chul Mata ki Yatra I 200/50 Gram Panchayat 3 Daulatabad Chaitra Badi 1 March{April Chaul Mata ki Yatra 1 1501200 Gram Panchayat 4 Banediya Chaitra Sudi II-IS March/April Mahabir J ayanti 5 20000/25000 Kendra Panchayat 5 Depalpur Chaitra Badi I March/April Galki Yatra 1 1000{3000 Municipal Committee 6 Pemalpur Chaitra Badi I March/April Holi 1 500/600 Gram Panchayat 7 Betama Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Tejaji 1 900/1000 Gram Panchayat 8 Atwada Bhadra Sudi 10 August/Septem ber Tejaji 1 150/200 Gram Panchayat 9 Dureri Bhadra Sudi 10 August/Septem ber Tejaji 1 100/150 Gram Panchayat 10 Datoda Bhadra Sudi 10 August/Sempteber Tejaji 1 100/150 Gra.m Panchayat

2. Sawer Tahsil II Baghana Chaitra Badi I March/April Gal ki Yatra 1 1,000 Gram Panchayat 12 Rawer Chaitra Badi 1 March/April Holi 1 2,000 Municipal Committee 13 Takun Chaitra Badi 2 March/April Holi 2 14 Panod Chaitra Badi 3 March/April Holi 1 700 15 Darji Karadiya Chaitra Badi 5 March/April Holi 5 16 Devali Chaitra Badi 2 March/April Holi 10 17 Barlai Chaitra Sudi 1-9 March/April Devi Pooja 9 300/400 Local People 18 Todi Chaitra Sudi 1-9 March/April Devi Pooja 9 100/200 Local People 19 ParwardaDai ChaitraSudi 1-9 March/ April Devi Pooja 9 200/500 Local People 20 Mangliya Chaitra Sudi 1-9 March/April Navratra 9 200/250 Local People 21 Kadwali Khurd Chaitra Sudi 1-9 March/April Devi Pooja 9 100/200 Local People 22 Dhaturiya Asadha June/July Devika Mela 3 100/250 Local People 23 Sawer BhadraBadi 14 August/September Ahilya Utsav 1 24 Sawer Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Tejaji 1 5,000 Municipal Committee 25 Mukata Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Tejaji 1 500 Gram Panchayat 26 Ringnodiya Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Ram Deo Pooj a 1 400/500 Gram Panchayat 27 Katkya Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Ram Deo Pooja 1 400/500 Gram Panchayat 28 Ajanoti Bhadra Sudi 10 A ugust/ S eptember Ram Deo Pooja 1 400/500 Gram Panchayat 29 Sawer Asvina Sudi 10 September/October VijayaDashami 1 5,000 Municipal Committee 30 Dakachya Karika Badi 1-3 October/November Devi ka Mela 3 200/300 Local People 31 Simrol MaghaBadi4 January/February Karasdevi ke Yatra 8 2,000 Gram Panchayat 3. Indore Tahsil 32 Setkhedi Chaitra Badi I March/April GalkaMela 1 400/500 Gram Panchayat 33 Gari Piplya Chaitra Badi 5 March/ April Ga1kaMeia 1 34 Khajilrana Bhadra Sudi 4 August/September Ganeshji 1 4,000 Gram Panchayat • 35 Kanadiya Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Tej aji Maharaj ka 1 1,000 Gram Panchayat Mela 36 Dudhiya Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Tejaji ka Mela 1 1.000 Gram Panchayat 37 Hatod Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Tejaji 1 3:000 Gram Panchayat 38 Merndi Kartika Sudi 1 October /N ovember Deodharam ka Me!a 1 500 Mahant of the temple 39 Deo Guradiya Phalguna Badi 13 February/March Shivratri 1 2,000 Gram Panchyayat 40 Semlya Sitala Saptami I 41 Khajarana U rs Mehar ShahBaba. 3 2,000 Durgah Committee 42 Tinchha Asvin Badi 30 Sept./October 1 43 Hatod Kartika Sudi 1 October/Nov. Uderaiki Yatra 1 1,500 Mahant of the temple 4. MhowTahsil 44 MhowTown Sravana Sudi 6 July/August Bhujariya 10,000 Police 45 Sherpur Bhadra Sudi 10 August/September Sherpur Fair Gram Panchayat 46 Hansalpur Bhadra Sudi 11 August/September Dol Gvaras 1 47 Janapao Kartika Sudi 14 October/November Kartik'a 15 2 5,000 Gram Panchayat and Mahant of the Temple 48 Between Simrol Kartika Sudi 1 October/N OV. Mohammadgarh- 2,000 Gram Panchayat & Datoda village. ki Yatra. 49 Simro1 MaghaBadi 4 J anuarY/February Karas Deo ki Y atr a 4 2,000 Gram Panchayat 50 MhowTown October In the memory of 2,000 Police \Valaemiya. 51 Badgonda Nobvemher Urs 3 5,000 Police Source.--Superintendent of Police, Indore. 320


S. Name S. Name No. No.

National Printing Press, 67, Cloth Market, Indor". 25 LekhaJokha Printing Press, Yewshwant Road, Indore. 2 Vinod Printers, 38, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Indore. 26 The Delux Fine Arts, 43/92, Raj Mohalla, Indore. 3 Roopa Packing Printing Press, 43, Yeshwant Road. Indore. 27 Kai Duniya Press, 288, Compound, Indore. 4 Nilkantheswar Printing Press, 108, Rambag & 64, Im!i- 28 Chandra Printing Press, 131, Ada Bazar, Indore. Bazar, Indore. 29 Novelty Printing Press, 35, Rani Pura Gali No. I, Indore~ 5 Aryan Printers, 20, Jail Road, Lane No.4, Indore. 30 Vijaya Printers, 6, Jail Road, Indore. 6 Suputanik Press, Snehlata Gani, Jail Road, Indore. 31 Vijaya Arts, 75, Korla Bakhal, Indore. 7 Akhil Bhartiya Panchyat Printing Press, 22, Old Kasera, 32 Swadhyaya Mandir, 19, Pagnis Paiga, Indore. Bakhal, Indore; (ii) Machla, Tahsil Dcpalpur. 33 Sharma Printing Press, 43, SmIth Raj Mohalla, Indore. 8 Super Fine Arts Press, 60, l\Ipl. Office Road, Indore. 34 Meghdoot Printers, Khajrana, Indore. 9 Kohinoor Fine Arts, 9, Rampura Indore. 10 l\Iatra Bhoomi Printing Press, Indore. 35 l\1alwa Press, 15, Nayapura, Indore. II Swatantra Chhapakhana, Indore. 36 Star Printing Pre";;, 26, Murai Mohalla, Indore. I? J awahar Printing Press, Rampura, 2. J awahar Marg, Indore. 37 Katariya Printing Press, 186, N ayapura, Indore. 13 Style Printing Press, 10, shaganj, Indore. 38 A·I Printing Pres<, 62, Municipal Road, Indore. 14 Mitra Printing Press, 198, N ayapura, Indore. 39 Moti Printing Pres', 37, Ada Bazar, Indore. 15 Shree Printing Press, Film Colony. Indore. 40 Sundar Printers, 5, N andlal Pura, Indore. 16 Rani Fine Arts Press, Ranipura, Indore. 41 Gyani Printers, 15, Satta Bazar, Indore. 17 Nawrang Printing Arts, 107, Yeshwant Gan_i, Ir_dore. 42 Satish Printers, Malhar Ganj, Indor". 18 Sangam Printiers, 198, N ayapura, Indore. 43 Lucky Printers, 32, Banganga Main Road, Indore. 19 Indore Paper "'orks Factory, 204, I\'ayapura. Indcrp. 44 Style 0 Printers, 38, Jail Road, Indore. 20 Co-operative Printing Press, 24, M;:;hatma Gandhi Road, 45 Banshidhar Printing Press, Kishan G::mj, Mhow. Indore. 46 Sarswati Sadhana, 304/2 J awahar l\1arg, Indore. 21 Sun Rise Press, 2 +, lI,1anik Chauk, Indore. 47 Medhi Wala, Indore. 22 O. K. Printers, 903, Itwaria Bazar, Indore. 48 Surendra Printers, 60/5, Pardeshi Pur a, Indore. 23 Sandesh Printing Press, 21, New D('was Road, Indore. 49 Vidhya Printing Press, 103, Usha Gate, No. I, Indor",. 24 Hitchintak Printing Press, 76, J awahar Marg, Indore. :;0 Government Regional Printing Press, Indore.

Source.-Collector, Indore. TABLE 8.3


-~------S. Name Location S. Name Location No. No.

Indore City 11 Navin Chitra Talkies Mlllharganj Yeshwant Talkies Kear Railway Station 12 Diamond MalwaMill 2 Alka Kachhi Mohall a 13 Saroj -do· 3 Jyoti -do- " 14 Starlit Near Lantern Hotel 4 Shrj Krishna" Mahatma Gandhi Road " 15 Bombino Near RI). Station 5 Maharaja -do- " " 6 Regal -do- Mbow Cantonment Mohan 7 Milkyway -do- 2 Moti Mahal 8 Prakash Riverside Road 9 Raj Sanyogitaganj 3 Dream Land " " 10 Maharani Road 4 Orpheum Elbre' " " SOUlce.·-Collector, Indore. 321



S. Year Description of the event S. Year Description of the event No. No.

~~~~~-~ --~--~------~-----.---.------~-.- 2 3 2 3

1951-1956 No information received from the Collector. she was prevented succc,sfully by the Police. 2 1956 Opening ceremony of Mahara.i a Y ash.want Rao Hospital on 23-10-56 by Union Honlt: Minister (iii) Prime Minister of India S}lIiJawahar Lal Shri G. B. Pant Nehru's vhit on 3-11- 1958. Inaugurated \IV orkers's Labuur Training Coiltge ,,' 3 1957 (i) 62nd Ses~ion of A. L C. C. was held Shram Shivir, la~ing foullJalion stone from 2nd to 7th January. Congress of Gov!. Art, and Cummerce Collc~(, I eaders from all over the country i nclml­ Indorf', and Prize n;,triLution of the ing the Prime Minister attended the All India Air Rally by the Prime Session. Minister.

(ii) On 3-3-1957 polling took place in all the 1959 36th Session of All India Medicd three Constituencies of Indore City and Conference was held in the month of on 6-3-57 in Indore Constituencv (Rural). December. (iii) Influenza epidemic in the month of June 6 1960 \i) Visit of Sant Vinoba Bh3VC on 24-7-1%0. claiming nearly 83(' livf's. iii) President of India Dr. Rajtndra I'd. 4 1958 (vi\ Openin

Sour~e.-Collector, Indore. 322


(I) Aganva1 Pustak Bhandar P. O. Seondha, Di,tt. Datia, 1\11. P.

(2) B. S. JaiD & Company, 71, Alampura, Muzaffar Nagar, U. P.

(3) ~1/s Bhopal Sahitya Sad3n, opposite L~lwani Press, Bhopal, M, P.

(-!) ~I/s Prakash Pu~tak Bhandar, Sadar Bazar, Dhar, M. P.

(5) ':\'1/5 ~L B. Jain & B1'OtllCl'S, Sarafa Bazar, Lashkar, Gwalior, M:. P.

(6) ~I/s Popular La,\' House, Jabalpur, M. P.

(7) :M/s Wadhwa & Co., Law Book Sellers & Publishers, Rampurawala Building, Inuon-2, Yr, J'

(8) ~1/s GaJl:ga Se,,\'ak J wala Prasad, Book Sellers & Paper Merchants, Raigarh, M. P.

(9) ~I!s Koorlal Sundarlal Sahu of Jatara, Distt. Tikamgarh, M. P.

(10) -~vI!s ~avyug Sahitya Sadan, Khajuri Bazar, Indore, M. P.

(II) ),1/5 Tater Brothers, Sarafa Bazar, Lashkar, Gwalior, M. P.