Caucus of Women Legislators

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Caucus of Women Legislators Caucus of Women Legislators ROOM 460 STATE HOUSE BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS 02133 617 722 2266 2nd Quarter 2009 Caucus Tours Women-Owned Businesses Prior to the tour, Representa- nicities and backgrounds who tive Wolf, whose district in- are thriving in some of the best SAVE THE cludes Harvard Square, wel- locations the Square has to of- DATE! comed Caucus members and fer. business owners at Rialto, owned by celebrated chef While gathered after the tour at Caucus Retreat Jody Adams. Denise Jillson, the Cambridge Artists Coopera- July 17th Executive Director of the Har- tive, Caucus members received vard Square Business Asso- a visit from Cambridge Mayor Paid Sick Days ciation, facilitated the event E. Denise Simmons, who wel- Brown Bag Lunch l-r: Representatives Katherine Clark, where members of the Caucus comed Representative Wolf and July 14th Kathi-Anne Reinstein, Kate Hogan, Kay Khan, Elizabeth Poirier, Alice met and spoke with the her colleagues with great enthu- Wolf, Lida Harkins and Jody Adams women-owners of dozens of siasm about the particular suc- Dr. Karen Antman, Dean local restaurants, shops, and cesses of the women of Cam- BU Medical School House Chair Alice K. Wolf real estate agencies in the bridge. Jinny Nathans, Presi- Brown Bag Lunch September 16th recently sponsored a tour of the Square. dent of the Cambridge Histori- women-owned businesses of cal Society, also gave Caucus Harvard Square to cap off the The businesses toured in- members an account of the Caucus’s spring “small busi- cluded Lemlem’s Gallery area’s first women - professors’ ness” theme. Harvard Square, owned by Lemlem McCrary, wives and immigrants - who with scores of celebrated res- Marley Brush’s Crema Café, opened shops of their own, es- taurants and shops run by Passport Boutique owned by sentially creating the culture of women, epitomizes women’s Jessica Good, and TistiK run innovation for which Harvard growing and pivotal economic by Perla Brito Cuevas, all Square is now known. Inside this issue: role in the Commonwealth. women of different ages, eth- CO-CHAIRS MESSAGE 2 Task Forces Hard At Work PAY EQUITY 2 The Caucus’s Domestic Vio- process and the state’s services Institution at Framingham in JANE DOE ADVOCACY DAY 3 lence Task Force, chaired by to victims of domestic abuse. order to review the condition Representative Mary Grant and The Domestic Violence Task of the women’s facilities there. Representative Cory Atkins, Force is also focusing on dating Undersecretary of the Execu- INTERNS 3 will hold a meeting in July with violence prevention by produc- tive Office of Criminal Justice Massachusetts Office for Vic- ing a packet of free educational Mary Beth Heffernan met with CELEBRATING 20 YEARS 4 tim Assistance (MOVA) and programs to be distributed to all the Women in Prisons Task domestic violence experts from high schools in Massachusetts. Force recently to discuss her the offices of Middlesex Dis- plan to inform members of the POLICY BRIEF RELEASE 5 trict Attorney Gerry Leone and The Women in Prisons Task Caucus about the several is- Massachusetts Attorney Gen- Force Chairwoman Kay Khan is sues surrounding the plight of eral Martha Coakley to assess organizing a preliminary visit to incarcerated women in the AWARDS 6 any gaps between the legal the Massachusetts Correctional Commonwealth. Caucus of Women Legislators A Message from the Co-Chairs Dear Colleagues, Staff and Friends, Since April, the House and Senate have progressed toward sweeping changes in the way state government does its business. This has been a season of vigorous debate and wrenching assess- ments as well as innovative solutions to difficult issues. Through Transportation, Pension and Ethics Reform, the people of Massachusetts will greatly Senator Patricia D. Jehlen (D- benefit from accountable, transparent and cost efficient government. These significant reforms pro- Somerville) and Representative Alice K. Wolf (D-Cambridge) vide a giant step toward assuring a future devoid of many of the specific challenges facing us today. Although the weakened economy forced a dire budget process, it also forced an awakening reassess- ment of priorities for the future. In all of this, the women of the Legislature have stood firmly for their beliefs on every side of tough issues. We are trusted to make sound and considered judgments by our constituencies and have fought hard to maintain that trust, especially during this demanding time. Particularly admirable has been the stamina and courage exhibited by our newest members, the women of the freshman class. We applaud the spirit that each of these women has shown under such pressure. We look forward to continuing our hard work in the months to come with our colleagues of the Caucus. Sincerely, Senator Patricia D. Jehlen and Representative Alice K. Wolf LEGISLATORS RALLY FOR PAY EQUITY Many Massachusetts State Legislators ble work in order to close existing loop- nority women are hit hardest with Afri- marked the importance of the 28th day of holes which compound the problem. can American women earning 67 cents April as Pay Equity Day. The date was In a study released recently by the Ameri- compared to a white male’s dollar, and in no way arbitrary. It had the special can Association of University Women, Hispanic women earning only a little significance of being the date to which census data revealed that, although more than half at 58 cents to the male the average woman had to work past the women with college degrees earned more dollar. Though the gap is widest in the end of the calendar year to earn as much than those without, the average annual private sector, even in the federal gov- as her male counterpart did in the previ- wage gap between men and women with ernment women’s pay trails men’s by ous calendar year. degrees neared $10,000 nationally. Mi- seven percent. The issue has been a serious focus for members of the Caucus of Women Leg- islators, who maintain that until there are laws in place to rectify the shocking dis- Did You Know? parities in pay for women, the issue will not resolve itself. Senator Harriette L. Chandler (D-Worcester), Senator This year, April 28th marked the day that the Patricia D. Jehlen (D-Somerville) and average working woman finally earned as Representative Alice K. Wolf (D- much as her male counterpart had in the pre- Cambridge) have all weighed in heavily on the subject, filing comprehensive vious calendar year. legislation designed to define compara- Page 2 2nd Quarter 2009 page 3 Caucus members joined Jane Doe, Inc. during their Advo- Did You cacy Day April 13th. Know? Front row (l-r): According to a recent Rep. Mary Grant, Kourou Pich study from the Boston (HarborCOV), Debra Robbin (Jane Public Health Commis- Doe Inc.), Rep. Jennifer Benson, House Chair Alice Wolf, Sen. Jenni- sion, 1 in 11 Boston fer Flanagan, Rep. Katherine Clark. high schools students report being physically Back row (l-r): harmed by a date, Gina Scaramella (BARCC), Laura friend, or acquaintance. Van Zandt (REACH), Isa Wolde- guiorguis (Jane Doe Inc.), Mary Lauby (Jane Doe Inc.), Sheridan Haines (Governor’s Council Ad- dressing Domestic Violence), Sen. Susan Tucker Ardent supporters of victim assistance and THERE WERE rights joined Lieutenant Governor Tim FIFTEEN KNOWN Murray, public safety officials, district at- torneys and key service providers April DOMESTIC 23rd during the 25th anniversary event HOMICIDES IN celebrating the Massachusetts Victim Bill MASSACHUSETTS of Rights at the State House. IN THE FIRST HALF Caucus members from left are: Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, Rep. Ellen Story, OF 2009 ALONE Rep. Denise Provost, Rep. Mary Grant and Laura Teicher (for Sen. Susan Tucker) Caucus of Women Legislators Interns MaryRose Mazzola, interning for the Caucus and the North Shore Community College and has been Domestic Violence Task Force, is entering her sopho- accepted to attend Salem State College this fall. more year at Merrimack College where she is a Political Fluent in Spanish, Mattie brings extra dimension Science and French double major. She has worked on to the issues surrounding the diverse population local, state, and national campaigns since age fourteen of women in state correctional facilities. Kim- and was the youngest volunteer at the DNC in 2004. berly, a Holy Cross graduate, previously interned Outside of her interest in politics, she runs cross country, with the Massachusetts League of Women Voters plays tennis, sings, and handles dogs in American Ken- and brings a multi-faceted and clear understand- nel Club dog shows. ing of women’s issues of all kinds. Among countless other accomplishments, she is notably Matiely Lugo and Kimberly Cotter have joined the the Director of The Vagina Monologues spon- Caucus this summer to continue in-depth analysis for the sored by the Holy Cross Women’s Forum at the Women in Prisons Task Force. Mattie recently com- beginning of March. Top: MaryRose Mazzola Bottom: Kimberly Cotter pleted her Associate degree in Criminal Justice from and Matiely Lugo Caucus of Women Legislators Celebrating over 20 Years of Service! Five esteemed members of the Caucus of Women Legislators - Representative Gloria Fox, Representative Lida Harkins, Senator Joan Menard, Senator Susan Tucker, and Senator Marian Walsh - have served twenty or more years in the state legislature. Representing the Seventh Suffolk District including her adopted hometown of Roxbury, Representative Gloria L. Fox is the longest serving Caucus member in the state legislature. Since 1985, she has conscientiously served her city constituency as a champion for community activism, human services and economic development. She’s held a variety of distinguished leadership roles while in the Legislature and is currently the Vice Chair of the Joint Com- mittee on Housing as well as a member of the House Committees on Rules and Ways and Means.
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