Dixit-Pindyck and Arrow-Fisher-Hanemann-Henry Option Concepts in a Finance Framework
Dixit-Pindyck and Arrow-Fisher-Hanemann-Henry Option Concepts in a Finance Framework January 12, 2015 Abstract We look at the debate on the equivalence of the Dixit-Pindyck (DP) and Arrow-Fisher- Hanemann-Henry (AFHH) option values. Casting the problem into a financial framework allows to disentangle the discussion without unnecessarily introducing new definitions. Instead, the option values can be easily translated to meaningful terms of financial option pricing. We find that the DP option value can easily be described as time-value of an American plain-vanilla option, while the AFHH option value is an exotic chooser option. Although the option values can be numerically equal, they differ for interesting, i.e. non-trivial investment decisions and benefit-cost analyses. We find that for applied work, compared to the Dixit-Pindyck value, the AFHH concept has only limited use. Keywords: Benefit cost analysis, irreversibility, option, quasi-option value, real option, uncertainty. Abbreviations: i.e.: id est; e.g.: exemplum gratia. 1 Introduction In the recent decades, the real options1 concept gained a large foothold in the strat- egy and investment literature, even more so with Dixit & Pindyck (1994)'s (DP) seminal volume on investment under uncertainty. In environmental economics, the importance of irreversibility has already been known since the contributions of Arrow & Fisher (1974), Henry (1974), and Hanemann (1989) (AFHH) on quasi-options. As Fisher (2000) notes, a unification of the two option concepts would have the benefit of applying the vast results of real option pricing in environmental issues. In his 1The term real option has been coined by Myers (1977).
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