The Royal Society of Tasmania ABN 65 889 598 100 Annual Report for 2013 THE TASMANIAN SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF KNOWLEDGE 1 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA ABN 65 889 598 100 Patron: His Excellency, The Governor of Tasmania, The Honorable Peter Underwood, AC Office Bearers and Councillors for the 2013 Calendar Year President Professor Susan Jones Vice President Dr AV (Tony) Brown PSM Immediate Past President Professor Jim Reid Honorary Secretary Mr Tony Culberg OAM Honorary Treasurer Mr Peter Meyer Honorary Editor Dr Margaret Davies Honorary Librarian Lynn Davies Councillors Dr John Coll Dr David de Little Dr Albert Goede Ms Mary Koolhof Dr Diana Nahodil Mr Graeme Rayner TMAG Representative Mr Bill Bleathman Publicity Officer Ms Mary Koolhof 2 Special Projects Officer Dr Anita Hansen Northern Chapter Dr John Paull (President) Mr Brian East (Treasurer) Ms Chel Bardell (Secretary) Nominated by The Royal Society of Tasmania as Trustees of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) Sir Guy Green, AC, KBE, CVO Professor Jim Reid Contact for the North West of Tasmania Mr Andrew Bishop Honorary Auditor Mr Richard James Registered Office 19 Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7000 Postal Address GPO Box 1166, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001 Telephone 03 6211 4177 Email address
[email protected] Website The office is usually open Thursday mornings from 9.00 am The Society is constituted by The Royal Society of Tasmania Act (1911) of the Tasmanian Parliament 3 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2013 was another busy and successful year for The Society. The annual Winter Series continues to be a major event, attracting significant audiences comprised not only of members but also a wide cross-section of the Tasmanian public.