Serious Sam Double D XXL Torrent

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About This Game

Serious Sam explodes into the second dimension using everything in his arsenal to battle the abominable legions of Mental’s horde. Pull the trigger to let the heavy ordin 5d3b920ae0

Title: Serious Sam Double D XXL Genre: Action, Indie Developer: Mommy's Best Games Publisher: , Release Date: 30 Aug, 2011


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Looks like a flash game, plays like a flash game. If it hadn't come with one of the Serious Sam packs, I would never have bought it. Simply put, there are better side scrolling flash games out there, none of which I would pay for. Save your money.. Game starts with system language as game language by default, and there's no way of changing that, other than renaming the folder in the game directory. Controls are dumb. Aim assist is on by default, reticules fail to provide a simple solution for the problem, which would be just "aim in the direction of the mouse cursor". Secrets consist of dumb "lol useless box internet meme" crap, and the blood effects are not satisfying at all. Sound quality of the voice snippets is questionable as well. I may have played

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further if these obvious problems didn't exist, but I don't see why I should waste my time with it.. I wasn't expecting much from this after the crappy attempt at cashing in on the faux-roguelike fad that was The Random Encounter. But my doubts were fixed pretty quickly. This game may even be better than the main series in many ways. Now before you call for my hanging let me explain. Besides the gun stacking thing (which is very cool and highly appropriate for the series) this goes way past 11 in the ridiculous scale. For example, you build bridges and ladders out of the bodies of the monsters you kill and you ride around on such contraptions as a dynamite powered unicycle. The game is also just plain surreal in some ways. Moreso than the "kill all the things that spawned in ancient egypt because time travel" thing. It would appear that Mental's army was taken over by a freakishly tall (but somehow still having tiny legs). Thing that resembles a combination of prawn and human. The designs of the monsters are pretty weird even by Serious Sam standards. The other art like that of weapons and NPCs is pretty good too despite being a little disconcerting due to the proportions. Which is intentional I'm guessing. and yes, there are also secrets. Many of which are weirder than the main series'. There is also a notification icon that appears when you're in proximity to one. Something I really wish Serious Sam proper had. Some may argue that it defeats the point of a secret to have an icon. But those people are silly. Also you can disable it.. Me: DAMN i finished already most of serious sams games now what *Serious Sam Double D XXL Appears* me: GUD >:C. Holy god this game is amazing! Guns and guns and guns and then stack on THREE MORE GUNS! Easily the most fun I've had with a Serious Sam game. I grabbed it for $1.49, for that price there is no excuse. Grab a copy now.. Not only is this a fun platforming game in its own right, but it actually manages to transfer much of the Serious Sam gameplay and strategy into the 2D space. Just like in its big brothers, you'll find yourself running backwards a lot to avoid getting hit by the ridiculous amount of enemies the game throws at you. The gun-stacking mechanic is fun and useful, and goes a long way in helping out your crowd control abilities. There are several unlockable challenges to try out, so the replayability is good. The writing also does a good job of capturing the silliness that the Serious Sam games tend to have.. This is awesome. Didnt think it would be. I was wrong.

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Serious Sam Double D XXL Torrent