Community District Profiles
BRONX COMMUNITY DISTRICT 12 8 12 TOTAL POPULATION 1980 1990 2000 7 10 11 Number 128,226 129,620 149,077 12 5 6 10 10 4 3 % Change - 1.1 15.0 10 9 9 10 1 2 11 11 1 VITAL STATISTICS 1990 2000 7 8 7 1 11 11 4 3 Births: Number 2,223 1,895 5 Rate per 1000 17.2 12.7 CITY CITY LINE Deaths: Number 1,353 983 T LINE ND A T TL S R EA Rate per 1000 10.4 6.6 O K C R N A A P WOODLAWN V WAKEFIELD . E ED Infant Mortality: Number 37 15 V EN A W A E SETON L Rate per 1000 16.6 7.9 M FALLS D ER N T E O PARK S W E E R H N PARK DRIVE E WOODLAWNCEMETERY C G WILLIAMSBRIDGE T L J E. 211th S A ST. A N E D . T .R BAYCHESTER H R .Y. R N U .- OLINVILLE H W . N N EAST GUN HILL ROADA Y ADEE AVE. STO O . B INCOME SUPPORT 1994 2001 RD Public Assistance 19,017 9,435 (AFDC, Home Relief) LAND USE, 2001 Supplemental Security 4,937 5,974 Income Lot Area Lots Sq. Ft.(000) % Medicaid Only 5,828 11,128 1- 2 Family Residential 14,039 39,954.6 38.7 Multi-Family Residential 2,954 16,617.6 16.1 Total Persons Assisted 29,782 26,537 Mixed Resid. / Commercial 426 1,633.9 1.6 Commercial / Office 417 4,045.8 3.9 Percent of Population 23.0 17.8 Industrial 147 3,588.8 3.5 Transportation / Utility 162 2,760.9 2.7 Institutions 206 6,316.2 6.1 Open Space / Recreation 18 19,858.1 19.2 Parking Facilities 414 2,011.7 2.0 TOTAL LAND AREA Vacant Land 1,152 6,290.3 6.1 Miscellaneous - 266.5 .3 Acres: 3,596.3 Square Miles: 5.6 Total 19,935 103,344.4 100.0 , New York City Department of City Planning (Dec.
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