International Journal of Epidemiology, 2015, Vol. 44, No. 4 1109

International Journal of Epidemiology, 2015, 1109–1112 Commentary: Far-reaching doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv024 hypothesis or a step too far: Advance Access Publication Date: 7 April 2015 the inheritance of acquired characteristics Luke Isbel and Emma Whitelaw*

LaTrobe Institute of Molecular Science, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

*Corresponding author. LaTrobe Institute of Molecular Science, LaTrobe University Bundoora, Melbourne, VIC, Australia 3086. E-mail: [email protected] Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021

A quarter of a century ago, Eva Jablonka and Marion J Does it ever happen? Lamb put forward a model (reprinted in this issue of IJE) Putting aside the question of mechanism, one of the con- to explain how the functional history of a gene might influ- tinuing problems with the hypothesis is the scant evidence 1 ence its expression in subsequent generations. They were for the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Although particularly interested in the idea that an environmental the authors propose a phenomenon that occurs across all stimulus acting on the parent could alter the behaviour of a phyla, they acknowledge that there is greater opportunity gene in the offspring. The model is simple and is depicted for the inheritance of acquired epigenetic marks in organ- in Figure 1. The environment stimulates a change in tran- isms such as plants, in which the germ cells arise from som- scription that is associated with chemical modifications to atic cells. In contrast, the mammalian germ line segregates the DNA or to the that package the DNA.These early in development, providing less opportunity. Indeed, modifications are inherited via the germ line and influence putative examples in plants are numerous but recent re- transcriptional activity in the next generation. In other views conclude that few satisfy careful scrutiny.7,8 Of those words, epigenetic marks, generally considered to be cleared that do, most, if not all, involve the fluctuating transcrip- between generations, are retained at some loci and convey tional activity of genes adjacent to transposons and recip- a memory of the altered activity state to the offspring. rocal changes in DNA methylation.9 This model emerged in conjunction with the developing In the past, it has been difficult to rule out the possibil- interest among biologists in , in particular the ity that acquired epigenetic changes are inherited in finding that demethylation of DNA could result in gene ac- 2,3 some instances because they are associated with a new tivation and that, at least in , the addition of an environmental stimulus, 5-azacytidine, could change genetic change. For example, in one study carried out in the level of DNA methylation.4 Patterns of DNA methyla- Arabidopsis, reduced DNA methylation did result in a tion had already been shown to be mitotically heritable phenotypic change that was inherited, but it turned out 10 in vitro.2 At the same time, observations that the expres- to be the result of the integration of a transposon. sion of some autosomal genes is dependent on the sex of Whole-genome sequencing provides a feasible way to test the parent from which they are inherited, termed genomic this in the future. imprinting, were being made.5,6 The latter requires that Early examples in mammals include the major urinary ‘epigenetic marks’ be inherited across meiosis to enable the proteins, inserted transgene arrays and genes driven by up- 11 zygote (fertilized egg) to discriminate between the paternal stream retroviral elements, as reviewed. Whereas the ear- and maternal alleles. From these and other findings, Eva lier studies were carried out in mixed genetic backgrounds, Jablonka and Marion J Lamb speculated on the existence in which genetic differences can confound the interpret- of a form of ‘Lamarckian’ inheritance that involved an ation, the agouti viable yellow(Avy) and axin fused(Axinfu) adaptive response to the environment based on epigenetic experiments used inbred colonies, reducing the chance of variations. This bold hypothesis has generated a great deal underlying genetic explanations. The Avy mouse has been of interest and has driven experiments in the field for the the most studied mammalian model. Inbred colonies of last couple of decades. Here we review the current evidence this strain show a range of coat-colour , from for and against the inheritance of acquired characteristics. yellow, through mottled (yellow and brown patches) to

VC The Author 2015; all rights reserved. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association 1110 International Journal of Epidemiology, 2015, Vol. 44, No. 4 Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021

Figure 1. The model of transgenerational inheritance put forward by Jablonka and Lamb.1 1. Environmental stimulus induces a phenotypic change to an organism: in this case, reduced size. 2. The associated epigenetic mark (star) is replicated faithfully during meiosis and . The epigenetic mark escapes the epigenetic reprogramming that occurs during early development. 3. The epigenetic state, which influences of the A locus, is inherited by progeny and recapitulates the altered (blue). pseudoagouti (brown).The phenotype is linked to the epi- offspring is influenced by the coat colour of the dam.13 genetic state of a retrotransposon upstream of the agouti Yellow females produce a higher proportion of yellow off- locus. Alleles that behave in this stochastic manner spring than pseudoagouti females do, suggesting that the are referred to as metastable epialleles.12 In the case of Avy, epigenetic state is sometimes passed through the female the coat colour (and DNA methylation) range in the gamete. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2015, Vol. 44, No. 4 1111

There is now robust evidence for transgenerational epi- Escape from erasure genetic inheritance in C.elegans. Worms have an intrinsic Importantly, for an epigenetic mark to be transmitted ability to resist viral infection, mediated by a pathway that through the germ line it must escape global epigenetic involves small RNA molecules passed via the gametes. reprogramming events that occur during the development This is an adaptive response to an environmental stimulus of gametes and during the early stages of embryonic devel- that can be passed on to the offspring. Knocking out this opment. It is now well documented that imprinted loci ac- pathway results in a loss of resistance after a number of quire DNA methylation during germ cell development generations.14 Further studies have identified some of the and that this is refractory to later global reprogramming molecular machinery responsible, which includes factors events.19 As these regions re-establish methylation state involved in both the RNAi and chromatin pathways.15 every generation in the gametes, they cannot be considered This is one of the few examples of transgenerational epi- to undergo transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in the genetic inheritance in which the changes are likely to be Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 true sense. It is now generally accepted that some loci, par- adaptive. Most of the cases reported in plants and mam- ticularly repetitive elements, are able to resist reprogram- mals, discussed above, appear to be driven by stochastic ming of DNA methylation in the germ line and the early events. embryo.11 However, it remains to be seen if any these loci are responsive to the environment. Is DNA methylation the epigenetic mark involved? Lack of evidence for transgenerational DNA methylation state inversely correlates with transcrip- epigenetic effects on tional activity at metastable epialleles in mammals, but there is no evidence so far that these methylation states are A major theme of Jablonka and Lamb’s hypothesis was the retained in the gametes or early embryo.11 In plants it is possibility of non-Mendelian inheritance providing an also well established that DNA methylation is involved in adaptive and evolutionary advantage. However, despite 25 suppression of transcription at epialleles but, again, evi- years of intense research across a range of organisms, the dence that this mark is driving the inheritance of changes influence of epigenetic inheritance on evolution remains in transcription across generations is lacking. Recent re- speculative. views emphasize the potential role for RNA as a transge- Conflict of interest: None declared. nerational messenger.8,11 References

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International Journal of Epidemiology, 2015, 1112–1116 Commentary: The doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv025 beginning of the end of the Advance Access Publication Date: 7 April 2015 ‘modern synthesis’? Commentary on Jablonka E, Lamb MJ. The inheritance of acquired epigenetic variations Marcus Pembrey

Genetics and Epigenetics in Health and Disease Section, UCL Institute of Child Health, 30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK and Centre for Child and Adolescent Health, School of Social & Community , Oakfield Grove, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 2BN, UK. E-mail: [email protected]

The 1989 paper1 entitled ‘The inheritance of acquired epi- of Mendelian and classic genetic link- genetic variations’ was one of a couple that Eva Jablonka age approaches confirmed, as well as some big surprises and Marion J Lamb published in the Journal of Theoretical that by 1992 would challenge a commonly accepted view Biology in the late 1980s to initiate their now famous col- of the genome as remarkably stable with the DNA se- laboration which led to their books Epigenetic Inheritance quence and its variants honed over aeons of evolutionary and Evolution: the Lamarckian Dimension in 19952 and time. , i.e. parent of origin-specific the ‘catch-all’ exploration, Evolution in Four Dimensions, gene expression, was demonstrated in humans, as was the in 2005.3 Marion J Lamb brought to that 1989 collabor- molecular basis of the fragile X syndrome, the first of a ation 15 years of experimental Drosophila genetic work class of ‘dynamic’ mutations. on ageing in relation to radiation and temperature. Eva There had been a long history of experimental research Jablonka had done rodent studies using the DNA-demethy- on (induced) phenotype transmission before 1989—princi- lating agent, 5-azacytidine, to increase DNase-I sensitivity pally in an attempt to demonstrate Lamarckian inheritance (and therefore potential gene expression) on the inactive of acquired characteristics in inbred animals—but without chromosome X, and to change the timing of X replication much success. Experiments had shown transgenerational during cell division. The 1980s was a remarkable decade effects of drug and hormone treatments in mammals but, for medical and human molecular genetics and I was glad as a review in 1988 demonstrates, the authors were strug- to be in the thick of it in London. That decade saw the gling to propose a plausible mechanism.4 However, the

VC The Author 2015; all rights reserved. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association