Present Councillor Susan MCGILL (in the Chair)

Councillor Alistair BERRILL Nick MORRIS, Religious Representative Councillor Martin EARL Mary RENNIE, Religious Representative Councillor Bryan FLANNAGAN Councillor Christine SIMPSON Councillor Danny GIBSON (Substitute) Ann SKILLEN, Teacher Representative Councillor Graham HOUSTON (Substitute) Councillor Alasdair TOLLEMACHE Eddie LOVE, Teacher Representative Councillor Evelyn TWEED

In Attendance

Judy Edwards, Service Manager - Early Years & Early Intervention Michael Grassom, Safer Reducing Offending Manager - Children’s Services Tracy Henderson, Team Leader - Schools and Learning Mark Howie, Team Leader - Children’s Services Rosa Huczynska, Lead Officer - Children’s Services Kevin Kelman, Senior Manager - Schools & Learning (Chief Education Officer) James Mackenzie, Planning & Commissioning Officer - Strategic, Commissioning & Customer Development Carolyn McDaid, Service Manager - Broad General Education Morag McLoughlan, Service Manager (Temporary) - Schools, Learning & Education Bryony Monaghan, Service Manager - Additional Support Needs, Health & Wellbeing John Muir, Manager - Children’s Services Tracey Mills, Team Leader – Assets and Support Marie Valente, Senior Manager - Children & Families David McDougall, Governance Officer (Clerk) Mary Love, Committee Officer (Minute)

Also In Attendance

Tanya Starkey, Headteacher - Primary School Nursery Class Hazel Barbour, Acting Headteacher - Wellgreen Nursery Fiona Buchanan, Headteacher - Primary School Elizabeth Olbrich, Headteacher - Croftamie Nursery


Apologies were received on behalf of Councillor Margaret Brisley, Councillor Scott Farmer and Colin O’Brien, Religious Representative. Councillor Danny Gibson was in attendance as substitute for Councillor Margaret Brisley. Councillor Graham Houston was in attendance as substitute for Councillor Scott Farmer.


There were no declarations of interest.


There were no items of urgent business.


The Minutes of the Children and Young People Committee held on 27 September 2018 were submitted for approval.


The Panel agreed to approve the Minutes of the Children and Young People Committee held on 27 September 2018 as an accurate record of proceedings.


The Rolling Action Log was submitted for review.

Decision The Children & Young People Committee agreed to note the Rolling Action Log and to the removal of all completed actions within the Rolling Action Log. The following actions were also agreed: 1. CY41 – Information to be recirculated to Members (as agreed at meeting on 27/9/18). 2. CY36 – future report on Regional Education Collaborative to be brought forward from June 2019 to April 2019 Committee. 3. CY37 – list of all classes within CLD Plan to be circulated to Members.


The purpose of this report by the Chief Education Officer was to present to the Children and Young People Committee the latest information on the performance indicators, and on progress in implementing objectives overseen by Schools, Learning and Education.

The report also provided an update on the following: The First Minister’s Reading Challenge; Food for Thought Grants; School Sports Awards; Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare and the Participation Measure. The Service Manager, ASN Education introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. Discussion took place around young people who had not participated in education, training or employment. It was noted that mental health issues were one of the reasons for non-participation. A pilot scheme was being set up for 2 fourth year pupils from each of the 4 city schools in relation to supporting young people with mental health issues. The service would be working in partnership with other organisations and would include attendance to college, Baker Street Nursery and literacy and numeracy work. It was also noted that around 60 young people in Stirling go into a negative destination after a school experience and Education Services were looking to support these young people.

Members acknowledged the recent Stirling Schools Concert held and it was noted that this was of a splendid standard, with congratulations given to the young people, staff and parents who had been involved with this event.

In response to a question regarding an update on the theft of a school minibus, the Chief Education Officer agreed to provide an update on this matter, along with a total figure of all minibuses owned by the Council and circulate to Members.

In response to another question from Members regarding data targets which had altered within reports, it was agreed that additional explanatory narrative would be included in future reports when this occurred.


Committee agreed to note the contents of the report, which included the performance of reported indicators, any potential risks as a result of current performance levels and the wider updates provided in the report.

(Reference: Report by Chief Education Officer, undated, submitted)


The purpose of this report by the Chief Education Officer was to inform the Children and Young People Committee on the outcome of the published reports by the Care Inspectorate on their inspections of Callander Primary School Nursery Class, Croftamie Nursery and Wellgreen Nursery.

The Service Manager, Early Years and Early Intervention, introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. Representatives from the above nurseries were also in attendance and responded to questions from Members.

Members offered congratulations to all parties involved regarding the results of the report.


Committee agreed to note the outcome of the inspections and the key findings identified in the published inspection reports.

(Reference: Report by Chief Education Officer, 24 October 2018, submitted) CY49 INSPECTION OF PORT OF MENTEITH PRIMARY SCHOOL: PUBLICATION OF EDUCATION REPORT

The purpose of this report by the Chief Education Officer was to present to the Children and Young People Committee the outcome of the published letter by Education Scotland on their inspection of Port of Menteith Primary School.

The Service Manager, Broad General Education, introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. The Headteacher from Port of Menteith Primary School was also in attendance and responded to questions from Members.

Following a meeting regarding Port of Mentieth School, an action plan had been agreed and put in place, which Members noted was reassuring. A meeting with the Parent Council was also held and parents were very supportive of the plans in place.


Committee agreed to note the outcome of the inspection and the key findings identified in the published inspection letter.

(Reference: Report by Chief Education Officer, 31 October 2018, submitted)


The purpose of this report by the Chief Education Officer was to propose to Committee that a formal consultation be undertaken to consider the permanent closure of Trossachs Primary School. The consultation would be undertaken within the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The proposal was to consider permanent closure of Trossachs Primary School from Session 2019/20.

The Service Manager, Broad General Education, introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. The Assets and Support Team Leader was also in attendance and responded to questions from Members.

The consultation process would commence the following week and continue until February 2019, which would allow Education Scotland and the Chief Education Officer the opportunity to compile a consultation report, which would be brought back to Committee in April 2019 for consideration. Members were advised that all options regarding the potential sale of Trossachs Primary School were being considered. It was agreed that information regarding the use of funds from any potential sale of Trossachs Primary School, along with potential options for the use of the building would be included in the information put out for public consultation.


Committee agreed to: 1. Schools, Learning and Education undertaking a formal consultation to consider the permanent closure of Trossachs Primary School, within the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010; and 2. the Chief Education Officer preparing and publishing a Consultation Report on the proposal to consider the permanent closure of Trossachs Primary School and to bring this to Committee for decision by April 2019.

(Reference: Report by Chief Education Officer, 31 October 2018, submitted)


The purpose of this report by the Chief Education Officer was to outline to the Children and Young People Committee a policy and procedures relating to approving early release from school. In addition, this report highlighted to Committee, Stirling Council’s responsibility for the issuing of Work Permits to young people under the age of 16, including arrangements for Child Entertainment Licences.

The Service Manager (Temporary), Schools, Learning & Education introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. The Team Leader, Schools and Learning was also in attendance and responded to questions from Members.

The Team Leader, Schools and Learning outlined the recording process for early release from school. It was noted that a report on the statutory review of council byelaws went to full Council in 2016 when it was agreed to retain the Employment of Children Byelaws in their current form. Within the past two years, only one request for a work permit had been made and it was unknown how many permits had been issued by this council or any other local authorities. Guidance on byelaws had been produced for schools to adhere to. While Members understood the rationale behind the policy and guidelines, concerns were noted around the guidelines for work permits and whether they were robust enough to cover young people working in various environments, such as commercial kitchens. It was highlighted that the main priority was to ensure that schools were aware of the byelaws in place and Members requested that officers seek legal advice on whether the byelaws could be reviewed and a report be brought to full Council, if appropriate.


Committee agreed to: 1. approve a formal policy on early release from school and the issuing of work permits;

2. continue to delegate authority to the Chief Education Officer to approve early release from school where deemed appropriate and the issuing of Work Permits where all criteria are met; and

3. officers seeking legal advice on reviewing byelaws and if appropriate, a report to be brought to Members at full Council for approval. (Reference: Report by Chief Education Officer, dated 31 October 2018, submitted) CY52 REVIEW OF EDUCATION PROVISION AT NURSERY AND DOUNE PRIMARY SCHOOL: PROPOSAL TO AMALGAMATE DOUNE NURSERY AND DOUNE PRIMARY SCHOOL

The purpose of this report by the Chief Education Officer was to propose to the Children and Young People Committee that a formal consultation be undertaken to consider the permanent amalgamation of Doune Nursery and Doune Primary School. The consultation would be undertaken within the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The proposal was to consider permanent amalgamation from session 2019/2020.

The Service Manager, Early Years & Early Intervention introduced the report and responded to questions from Members.


Committee agreed to: 1. Schools, Learning and Education undertaking a formal consultation to consider the permanent amalgamation of Doune Nursery and Doune Primary School, within the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010; and

2. the Chief Education Officer preparing and publishing a Consultation Report on the proposal to consider the permanent amalgamation of Doune Nursery and Doune Primary School and to bring this to Committee for a decision in April 2019.

(Reference: Report by Chief Education Officer, dated 29 October 2018, submitted)

CY53 WORKING WITH ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES, THE MEDIA AND EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS – GUIDANCE FOR EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS At the beginning of the meeting the Convener advised of her intention to defer this report to a future meeting to allow for further consideration.


Committee agreed to defer consideration of this report to allow for further information to be considered/included prior to resubmission to a future meeting of Committee.

(Reference: Report by Chief Education Officer, dated 31 October 2018, submitted)

The religious and teacher representatives left the meeting at this point.


The report presented the Annual Report on delivery of the Children’s Services Plan 2017-2020. The Annual Report was approved by the Stirling Strategic Planning Group for Children at their meeting on 1 October 2018.

The Lead Officer, Children’s Services introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. The Senior Manager, Children’s Services and Service Manager, Additional Support Needs, Health & Wellbeing were also in attendance and responded to questions from Members. In response to a question from Members, issues that addressed food poverty were explained. Plans were in place for welfare management advisors to provide training for staff on the Universal Credit process, in order to provide support and advice to the public.

It was noted that a large number of young people reported that mental health was a problem. Although the level of detail was not provided, one aspect identified was for schools to talk about mental health, in order to increase young people’s understanding of mental health and wellbeing and for schools to have strategies in place to identify early signs of anxiety/exam stress.


Committee agreed to note the publication of the first Annual Report on delivery of the Children’s Services Plan 2017-2020.

(Reference: Report by Chief Social Work Officer, dated 28 October 2018, submitted)


The purpose of this report was to present to the Children and Young People Committee the latest performance indicators that are overseen by Children and Families, including Criminal Justice.

The Senior Manager, Children and Families introduced the report and responded to questions from Members.

It was noted that additional data had been provided regarding placement types and plans for permanence. It was also agreed that future performance reports were to include narrative explaining any increase in figures recorded, such as the number of children on the Child Protection Register.

Staff absence issues were discussed and it was noted that these would be included in discussions at the 6 monthly team leader meetings. There were a varied range of absence issues and staff were supported upon their return to work, in order to address any issues which were work related.


Committee agreed to note the contents of this report on the performance of reported indicators which are overseen by the Children and Young People Committee. (Reference: Report by Chief Social Work Officer, 28 October 2018, submitted)


The Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report provided an overview of the key priorities, challenges, improvements and achievements in the delivery of all social services across Stirling Council in 2017/18.

The Senior Manager, Children’s Services introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. Thanks were given to staff in Children’s Services and Education for their efforts and their joint work with other agencies. It was noted that a report on the inspection of Brucefield would be presented at the next committee meeting.

Recruitment had also taken place for foster carers. Challenges for the future year were being addressed and services would be re-structured to ensure the correct staff skills base were in place. It was also noted that self-evaluation in services would be carried out, in order to record measured outcomes. This would be done in conjunction with Criminal Justice colleagues.

Discussion took place around young people who were referred to CAMHS but not accepted by the service and it was agreed that statistical information regarding those young people would be circulated to Members. It was also agreed that supporting narrative, detailing how the relevant CAMHS information was captured and addressed, would be included within the next performance report.

Members requested that all references to Holiday Hunger within the report were to be replaced with appropriate wording.

It was noted that this report would be discussed at the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Integration Board Meeting to enable discussion around the statistical information and would also be presented at a future Adult Social Care Committee Meeting.


Committee agreed to note the contents of this report.

(Reference: Report by Chief Social Work Officer, dated 28 October 2018, submitted)

The Committee resolved under Section 50A (4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds they involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


This report by the Senior Manager, Children’s Services provided an update on the contract uplift negotiations that had been undertaken with providers of residential care and education placements for Looked After Children. Details were provided on those providers who had requested an uplift of less than 3% of the 2017/18 rates and sought approval to uplift the contracts for those providers who have requested in excess of 3%.

The Senior Manager, Children’s Services, introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. The Planning & Commissioning Officer was also in attendance and responded to questions from Members.

The financial impact of the uplifts would be absorbed through the Resource Allocation Group budget, due to the number of young people who had been supported to return to a community setting and the reduction in Looked After Children (LAC) residential placements. It was noted that there were currently no young people in a secure placement in Stirling and all young people in residential care were reviewed at the Resource Allocation Group Meeting, which took place fortnightly. Discussion took place around the costings for provider placements and it was agreed that officers would liaise with the Finance Team to source an overall calculation of the cost of all placements with a 3% increase and forward this information on to Councillor Gibson.

Decision Committee agreed to: 1. note the negotiations as outlined in Section 2 of the report; 2. approve the uplift of contracts for providers of Residential Care and Education in relation to Looked After Children, which are in excess of 3% higher than 2017/18 rates, as detailed in the report; 3. note that, following negotiation, a number of providers agreed to a 3% uplift and that this has been applied, as detailed in the report; 4. note that the remainder of contracts for providers of Residential Care and Education have been uplifted by less than 3%, as detailed in the report. (Reference: Report by Chief Social Work Officer, dated 15 November 2018, submitted)


A report by the Senior Manager, Children and Families noted that the Accommodation for Vulnerable Young People Strategy outlined the strategic approach that was being undertaken to refine our understanding of, and best meet the accommodation needs for our care experienced young people.

The Senior Manager, Children and Families introduced the report and responded to questions from Members.

In a discussion around the need for accommodation, it was noted that Housing Services had co-operated significantly towards this issue and at present, there were sufficient buildings to meet the needs of the service. No bed and breakfast accommodation had been required for a significant time, however, the demand for accommodation did fluctuate. Supported lodgings recruitment had helped significantly, as it was important to meet the different level of needs of the young people.

A meeting was scheduled for the following week, involving the Senior Housing Manager, to discuss the Housing Allocation Policy. There were plans for housing provision in the area to be reviewed.

It was agreed that officers would consider drafting any future update report in such a way to allow it to be considered in public session (non-exempt) if relevant information could be presented in an appropriate way without risk of disclosure of personal or confidential data.


Committee agreed to approve the Accommodation for Vulnerable Young People Strategy as set out in Appendix 1.

(Reference: Report by Chief Social Work Officer, dated 28 October 2018, submitted).

The Convener declared the Meeting closed at 12.35 pm