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Ohio News Photographer July/A ugust 1999 Page 2 Ohio News Photographer July/August 1999 Board approves changes in clip contest The officers of the Ohio News number of entries was very promising. Photographers Association held a Board The last item under Old Business was meeting in the home of “Suba Vision.” the estate of George Smallsreed. It was to OhioONPA News Photographers Association Inc. Present were Bob DeMay, Ed Suba, Lisa close the week after the meeting and there- Dutton, Vince Shivers, Kim Barth and Dave fore the trust would then open. The board Andersen. will discuss how to investment options at Board Chairman Bob DeMay To begin the meeting, a motion was the next meeting. made and passed to skip the reading of The first item under new business was Phone (330) 747-6216 minutes from the last meeting. the need to apply a Non Profit 501C3 IRS E-mail [email protected] Barth then gave the treasurers report. tax status. This should provide us with The ONPA has $7100 in the checking some tax breaks as well as savings on President Ed Suba, Jr. account and she is still waiting on final postage. Barth and DeMay are working Phone (800) 777-9477 numbers from the convention held last with the lawyers and accountants on this E-mail not yet spring in Dayton. and will report back to the board their find- The first item under old business was ings before any action is taken. Still Vice President Lisa Dutton the Member Directory planned for the fall. The 2000 Convention in Cleveland was Phone (419) 724-6143 DeMay said he would put something in the next on the agenda. Andersen reports that next newsletter announcing that we plan to they are still in negotiations with area E-mail [email protected] publish it. If anyone would like their infor- hotels. Two different locations are on the mation not published, they will have to get list. He also discussed who was on the team TV Vice President Vince Shivers in touch with Bob. so far and what they are doing. Suba said Phone (330) 744-8821 The election of officers is coming up, that his brother and his wife has volunteered E-mail [email protected] so DeMay checked to see if any board to provide day care for the weekend. They members had received any written nomina- have done this before for us and it work Secretary David I. Andersen tions, beyond those made at the business well. We plan on having it at this point. Phone (216) 999-4156 meeting in Dayton. None of the board DeMay would like to have the speakers E-mail [email protected] members had and so the ballots will be in locked up by October. Andersen said that your mail boxes in September. You will we would do our best to do that. Andersen have45 days to return them. Remember, was reminded that lunch be provided during Treasurer Kimberly Barth your vote is important. the annual business meeting on Saturday. Phone (800) 777-9477 In connection with the 50th anniver- A “Best Use of a Live Shot” will be E-mail [email protected] sary of the ONPA coming up in 2001, Ed added to next years annual TV contest. Suba volunteered to do the initial search It was also decided to mail the televi- Still Clip Contest Chris Parker through the archives at OSU for presenta- sion entries for each of the categories to the Phone (614) 841-1781 tions at the convention. The board also will judges rather than fly judges here. E-mail [email protected] begin the search for as many photographers Attendance at the television judging has not who qualify for Life Memberships. The justified the added expense of bringing board hopes to attract as many possible to judges in. TV Clip Contest David Colabine both the convention and the organization. Last on the agenda was the annual Still Phone (513) 763-5443 DeMay had talked with Chris Parker Contest. It will be judged on February 18th E-mail [email protected] about the Monthly Clip Contest. The News and 19th at the Fawcett Center on the OSU category so far this year has been split about campus in Columbus once again. Annual Still Contest Matt Detrich 50-50 between general and spot news. The Barth wondered if the TV side might Phone (800) 777-9477 board decided that next year the news cate- want to take advantage of having the space E-mail not yet gory will be spit into General News and at the hotel that weekend. Spot News. A monthly Portrait category Some loop holes still have to be closed Annual TV Contest Josh White would also be added. And not to disappoint before next years contest. Each board mem- those who shoot illustrations, we will add a ber is going to look at the rules and then dis- Phone (614) 263-4444 quarterly Illustration category. Entries must cussion and changes will be made at our E-mail [email protected] be entered in the month published and then next meeting. will be judged quarterly. It was moved to closed the meeting. It was reported that the results are in We adjourned. Ohio News Photographer The official publication of the Ohio News for the first Quarterly TV Clip Contest. The Photographers Association Inc. Editor Bob DeMay WANTED: Still picture contest chairman Phone (330) 448-6274 With the departure of Matt Detrich ing will be held February 18-19 at The E-mail [email protected] from The Beacon Journal, who left for the Fawcett Center on the campus of Ohio State greener pastures and corn fields of Indiana, University. Address letters and correspondence ONPA has an immediate opening for the If you have an interest in filling this position of still contest chairman. position or have questions concerning the to the editor at: The position has no pay and the only duties involved please contact ONPA 1538 Cullinan Ave. benefit you will receive is knowing you’ve President, Ed Suba Jr. Masury, Ohio 44438 done your part to help our organization do The board will meet in September at the best job it can for its members. which time they will make the appointment The person chosen will be responsible to fill the position as well as vote on rule for the sorting and organizing all entries for clarifications and proposals. Ohio Online the annual still picture contest. Members who have suggestions or http://www.ohio.net/~onpa/ You will see to it that all entries meet concerns regarding any of the contest rules the eligibility requirements set forth in the should contact an officer before September Webmaster Mark Duncan rules as adopted by the board of directors. so your proposals can be discussed at the Phone (216) 771-2172 The chairman is also responsible for board meeting. E-mail obtaining judges for the contest. The judg- [email protected] July/August 1999 Ohio News Photographer Page 3 Odds ‘n ends VISCOM Student documents POW’s release It has been several years since a ATHENS, Ohio — A graduate student in the Times Washington bureau, photographing membership directory has been pub- the Ohio University School of Visual President Clinton, members of Congress and lished. That being the case an updated Communication was hired by the Rev. Jesse other events, the trip to Yugoslavia had a dra- directory will be put together and mailed Jackson to document his recent mission to matic impact on her psyche. to members this fall. Yugoslavia where he obtained the release of “I had a profound sense of the journalistic The directory will only be mailed to three American prisoners. Jackson hired photog- responsibility to document something,” ONPA members. If for some reason you rapher Amy Toensing to document his trip Toensing said. “I wanted to stay. We left like we do not wish to be included in the directory which began April 28 when he led an interfaith were heroes for freeing the POWs, but we were please contact Bob DeMay prior to delegation of American religious leaders to leaving behind people our government was September 1. appeal to President Slobodan Milosevic to free dropping bombs on.” The board is looking for your help in the prisoners. A 1993 graduate of Maine’s College of the tracking down life members as we Toensing did double duty on the trip, toting Atlantic Toensing became interested in photog- approach our 50th anniversary. Over the a laptop computer and equipment provided her raphy her senior year when her photo essay of years some of our retired brethren have by the New York Times. Her photograph of citi- migrant broccoli farmers in rural Maine won fallen through the cracks and off our mail- zens cowering on Belgrade streets during a first place in the documentary category of a ing list. NATO bombing was published in the Times nationwide college photography contest. After a If you know the whereabouts of any May 1, accompanying a story headlined: short stint as a photographer at the Valley News, of these wayward photographers please “Bombs Pound Heart and Homes of Serbia’s Hanover, N.H., Toensing met a Times photo edi- contact any officer with what ever infor- Capital.” tor at a photography workshop and in 1995 was mation you have. Don’t take for granted “It depicts the whole sense of grief and hired in a temporary position in the Times that we have information on file for any- shock the people of Belgrade feel,” Toensing Washington bureau.