Monday 24 July 2017 Business Bulletin Iris Ghnothaichean

Today's Business

Meeting of the Parliament Committee Meetings There are no meetings today. There are no meetings today.

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Chamber | Seòmar

Meeting of the Parliament

There are no meetings today.

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Committees | Comataidhean

Committee Meetings

There are no meetings today.

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Chamber | Seòmar

Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 28 June 2017

Tuesday 5 September 2017

2:00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5:00 pm Decision Time followed by Members' Business

Wednesday 6 September 2017

2:00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2:00 pm Portfolio Questions Finance and Constitution; Economy, Jobs and Fair Work followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5:00 pm Decision Time followed by Members' Business

Thursday 7 September 2017

11:40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions 11:40 am General Questions 12:00 pm First Minister's Questions followed by Members' Business 2:30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2:30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5:00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 12 September 2017

2:00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

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Chamber | Seòmar followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5:00 pm Decision Time followed by Members' Business

Wednesday 13 September 2017

2:00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2:00 pm Portfolio Questions Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform; Rural Economy and Connectivity followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5:00 pm Decision Time followed by Members' Business

Thursday 14 September 2017

11:40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions 11:40 am General Questions 12:00 pm First Minister's Questions 12:45 pm Members' Business 2:30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions 2:30 pm Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions 5:00 pm Decision Time

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Committees | Comataidhean

Future Committee Meetings

The future business of the Parliament has not yet been agreed to.

Monday 24 July 2017 6 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan


Motions and amendments are usually printed the day after lodging. When an amendment is lodged, then the original motion will be republished alongside it.

Motions and amendments can be published with symbols:

* before the number indicates publication for the first time *…* around a section of text indicates changes to previously published material R indicates a member has declared a registered interest

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments that are over six weeks old and not scheduled for debate.

Questions regarding this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk.

Members' Business motions that have not achieved cross party support

*S5M-06818 Rachael Hamilton: 25th Anniversary of the Borders Talking Newspaper—That the Parliament recognises and congratulates the Borders Talking Newspaper on its 25th anniversary; considers that the newspaper, which is based in Duns and Hawick, is a vital resource for people who are completely blind or have visual impairments and want to keep up with local news and issues; believes that it is a simple yet effective measure to counteract the social isolation that can occur as a result of sight problems; considers that the 180,000 people across who, according to the Royal National Institute for the Blind, have sight problems would benefit from this or a similar service; recognises the numerous volunteers who give up their time to help keep this service available every week for listeners, and wishes the volunteers, organisation and listeners all the best for the future. Supported by: Margaret Mitchell*, Miles Briggs*, Jeremy Balfour*, Peter Chapman*, Liam Kerr*, Alexander Stewart*, Gordon Lindhurst*

Other new and altered motions and amendments

*S5M-06827 Elaine Smith: Stuart McMillan's Pipeathon Charity Challenge—That the Parliament congratulates Stuart McMillan MSP on his five-day Pipeathon charity challenge in which he played the bagpipes at all 42 professional football stadiums in Scotland, beginning at on 17 July 2017 and ending at on 21 July; believes this to be a unique initiative that has not been undertaken before; understands that funds raised from the effort will be donated to Cash for Kids, Clydeside Action on Asbestos and the Andy Adams Fund; particularly thanks Stuart for visiting Albion Rovers’ Stadium in Coatbridge in the Central Scotland region, and recognises the important role that bagpiping plays in Scotland's cultural heritage and the need to support local football clubs as key community institutions. R

*S5M-06826 Rona Mackay: Fair Trade in East Dunbartonshire—That the Parliament welcomes the awareness-raising of fair trade among children at Lenzie Meadow Primary School through East Dunbartonshire Fair Trade’s End-of-Year Event; understands that youngsters engaged in a number of activities, including crafting to better comprehend the principles of fair trade; considers that fair prices should be paid to producers in developing countries by companies in developed

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Motions | Gluasadan countries; further considers that fair trade contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalised producers and workers; thanks East Dunbartonshire Fair Trade for the work its members do locally in supporting fair trade, and encourages MSPs to promote fair trade to all constituents where possible. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Ross Greer*, Bill Kidd*, Ruth Maguire*, Ash Denham*, *, *

*S5M-06825 Rona Mackay: Welcoming the UK Parliamentary Refugees (Family Reunion) Bill—That the Parliament welcomes the introduction of a UK parliamentary bill to allow refugee children settled in the UK to sponsor their parents to join them; notes that the Refugees (Family Reunion) Bill, introduced by Angus MacNeil MP, aims to keep refugee families together, allow children to be reunited with their parents and reintroduce legal aid for refugee family applications, which stopped in 2012; notes that it has been supported by the Refugee Council, UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency, Amnesty International, British Red Cross and Oxfam GB; considers that the Syrian refugee crisis is the most defining humanitarian disaster since the Second World War, and that measures that go above and beyond the norm are needed to help those families whose lives have been torn apart through no fault of their own; thanks Angus MacNeil MP for devoting his private members’ bill to this cause, and wishes him and his team all the best in getting it passed in the UK Parliament. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Bill Kidd*, Ruth Maguire*, Ash Denham*, Richard Lyle*

*S5M-06824 John Mason: Independence of Judiciary in Poland—That the Parliament is greatly concerned by the news that Poland’s lower house of parliament has voted through reforms to its legal system, which it understands many fear will lead to a major erosion in the independence of the judiciary; believes that the current system sees the National Judicial Council, which is responsible for enforcing legal and ethical guidelines in the country, appoint judges; understands that the changes proposed by the Law and Justice Party would instead see the power to appoint judges transferred to the Parliament, with another bill being progressed that would see the Justice Minister given the power to replace the heads of the country’s courts; believes that this news has sparked concern from a wide variety of human rights groups as well as the European Commission, which it understands has raised the possibility of disciplinary action being taken against the country, which could result in the loss of its EU voting rights; believes that the independence of the judiciary is one of the key building blocks for a healthy functioning democracy, and calls on the Law and Justice Party to step back from implementing the legislation, which it believes damages this independence. Supported by: Ivan McKee*

*S5M-06823 Miles Briggs: Social Enterprises Participate in Asda’s Social Enterprise Supplier Development Academy—That the Parliament welcomes that three innovative social enterprises based in Edinburgh, Ginerosity, Punjabi Junction and The Social Brand, recently took part in Asda’s second Social Enterprise Supplier Development Academy; understands that the academy, developed in partnership with Social Investment Scotland (SIS), is the first of its kind in the UK and is funded through the proceeds from Asda’s carrier bag charge in Scotland; notes that it aims to help product-based social enterprises to develop the skills required to access the large retail market; further understands that a number of social enterprises that attended the inaugural academy in 2016 received national listings with Asda that helped increase the size and scale of their operations; commends Asda’s investment in social enterprise through the academy and ongoing mentoring and access to social investment loans, and wishes the social enterprises success in the future as they aim to grow and potentially become suppliers.

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Motions | Gluasadan

Supported by: Peter Chapman*, Liam Kerr*, Liz Smith*, Bill Kidd*, Bill Bowman*, Tom Mason*, Alison Harris*, Ben Macpherson*, Ash Denham*, Jeremy Balfour*

*S5M-06822 Richard Lyle: Recognising the Work of Tunnock's of Uddingston—That the Parliament recognises the efforts of Tunnock's of Uddingston in its attempt to break into the Japanese market with its confections; understands that the firm has shipped its wafer creams, a departure from the traditional caramel wafers, to Okinawa in a 40ft shipping container, and considers that Tunnock's is not only a major employer in the Uddingston and Bellshill constituency and a vital part of the local community, but is also a key player in promoting Scotland across the world. Supported by: Elaine Smith*, Stewart Stevenson*

*S5M-06821 Ben Macpherson: Good Cause Funding Award for Multi-Cultural Family Base—That the Parliament congratulates Multi-Cultural Family Base (MCFB) on its recent success in securing £204,660 from the Big Lottery Fund Scotland; notes that MCFB is an organisation based in the Edinburgh Northern and constituency, which promotes the wellbeing and life opportunities of vulnerable and disadvantaged children, young people and families; recognises that MCFB plans to provide practical and therapeutic support to asylum, refugee and migrant children and their parents; appreciates that its aim is to support children to better integrate into mainstream schools and make a successful transition from nursery to primary school; believes that children who use MCFB will be able to communicate their needs and contribute in class more effectively, as well as make friends more easily; appreciates that there will also be one-to-one support for children, and support and advocacy for their parents, and wishes the MCFB team all the best with its important work across Edinburgh.

*S5M-06820 Jenny Gilruth: New President of the Rotary Club of —That the Parliament congratulates Lindsay Roy on becoming the new President of the Rotary Club of Glenrothes for 2017-18; understands that Lindsay took over the role on 13 July from the former President, Brian Johnson; notes Lindsay’s achievements in serving as the Member of Parliament for Glenrothes from 2008 to 2015, as well as being a former Rector of Inverkeithing and Kirkcaldy high schools; congratulates the Senior Vice President, Anne Sampson, on securing the position of President Elect for 2018-19, and wishes Lindsay every success in his term as President, as well as continued success and prosperity for the Rotary Club of Glenrothes. Supported by: Liam Kerr*, Richard Lyle*, Iain Gray*, Bill Kidd*, Joan McAlpine*, Ash Denham*, Stewart Stevenson*

*S5M-06819 David Torrance: Linton Lane Centre Receives Big Lottery Funding—That the Parliament congratulates the Linton Lane Centre in Kirkcaldy on receiving a grant of £96,672 from the Big Lottery Fund Scotland; supports the work that will be doing to run its three-year programme of activities, including a playgroup, craft sessions for young children and parents, cookery and exercise classes and a breakfast group where people can also access support and guidance, and wishes the Linton Lane Centre luck with its upcoming programme. Supported by: Richard Lyle*, Joan McAlpine*, Stewart Stevenson*, Clare Haughey*, Ash Denham*

*S5M-06817 Bill Bowman: The Late Developers Fundraise for Brae Riding for the Disabled in —That the Parliament congratulates the Late Developers team from Hillcrest in Dundee, which recently hosted a walking football tournament to raise funds for Brae Riding for the Disabled, a horse-riding charity that works with disabled people in the city; acknowledges that the

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Motions | Gluasadan team raised £1,775 and that the money will go toward continuing and improving the charity's services; understands that the charity provides horse riding, carriage driving and vaulting lessons to around 95 people a week, and wishes all the members and supporters of each charity every success for the future. Supported by: Margaret Mitchell*, Liz Smith*, Miles Briggs*, Ruth Maguire*, Edward Mountain*, Maurice Corry*, Rona Mackay*, Jeremy Balfour*, Donald Cameron*, Alison Harris*, Peter Chapman*, Liam Kerr*, Bill Kidd*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06816 Jeremy Balfour: Organisations in Lothian Region Secure National Lottery Funding—That the Parliament congratulates six organisations in the Lothian region that have secured a total of £1,263,969 in National Lottery funding; notes that Friends of the Award in Edinburgh and the Lothians received £55,000, and commends the group, which will use the money to work with young people aged from 14 to 24 who experience mental health issues; further notes that DTAS Trading received £406,051 and whose project aims to build on the successes of the Community Shares Scotland (CSS) programme, empowering communities through community involvement and ownership; notes that Multi-Cultural Family Base received £204,660 and will provide practical and therapeutic support to asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant children and their parents; further notes that Vocal – Voice of Carers Across Lothian received £358,838, which will be used to expand on an existing pilot, Wee Breaks Midlothian, providing short breaks and other respite opportunities to carers in Edinburgh and the Lothians, and that it will work with around 3,000 people over the next five years; notes that The Ripple Project received £140,676 and will use this to deliver and develop its existing Ripple Buddies Project, a child peer mentoring project; finally notes that Gowrie Care Limited received £98,744 and that it will provide a drop in hub in Edinburgh for people who have experience of, or are at risk of, homelessness; commends these organisations, and wishes them all success with their projects and programmes. Supported by: Maurice Corry*, Bill Bowman*, Liz Smith*, Miles Briggs*, Edward Mountain*, Donald Cameron*, Alison Harris*, Peter Chapman*, Liam Kerr*, Ash Denham*

*S5M-06815 Miles Briggs: Scottish Racing’s Annual Review 2016—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of Scottish Racing’s 2016 Review; notes that the report indicates that racing generated £302 million in Scotland in 2016, sustaining 3,430 full time equivalent jobs, and that 300,200 people attended race meetings; further notes the significant local economic impact of Scotland’s racecourses at Ayr, Hamilton Park, Perth, Musselburgh and Kelso; believes that the report confirms the substantial and welcome contribution that racing makes to the Scottish economy and as a key part of its cultural, sporting and tourism offerings, and wishes everyone involved in the racing sector continued success in the years ahead. Supported by: Bill Bowman*, Liz Smith*, Margaret Mitchell*, Maurice Corry*, Edward Mountain*, Jeremy Balfour*, Donald Cameron*, Alison Harris*, John Scott*, Peter Chapman*, Liam Kerr*

*S5M-06814 Richard Lochhead: Pozzi Ltd Wins at Retas Awards 2017—That the Parliament congratulates everyone at Pozzi Ltd on winning the Best Independent Greeting Card Retailer award at the Retas 2017; understands that Pozzi Ltd provides over 70 jobs across Moray in its award-winning card, gift, jewellery and coffee shop, Bijou, in Elgin, as well as the ever popular restaurant, Bijou by the Sea, and the recently refurbished Pozzi on the high street in Buckie; notes that the Retas awards were launched by the magazine, Progressive Greetings, in 2005 in recognition of the tremendous contribution that retailers both large and small make to the success of the greeting card industry; understands that Pozzi Ltd was the inaugural winner in Scotland and has since secured five awards, including the UK Card Shop award; commends the initiative and

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Motions | Gluasadan determination of Lynda, Jim and David Robertson, who have grown the small family newsagents store into a popular brand recognised all across Moray; recognises the string of awards that the company has won in recent years for its customer service and retail expertise, including being the first business to win the Newstrade Retailer of the Year Scotland award more than once, and wishes everyone at Pozzi Ltd the very best for the future. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Stewart Stevenson*, Ruth Maguire*, Ben Macpherson*, Edward Mountain*, Rona Mackay*, Richard Lyle*, Bill Kidd*

*S5M-06813 Alison Harris: Bo’ness Soldier Completes Ironman Challenge for Cancer Charity—That the Parliament congratulates the soldier, Steve Barrett, who is a sergeant with the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, on successfully tackling the infamous Ironman challenge, which was recently held in Edinburgh; notes that the 30-year-old tank commander from Bo’ness was motivated to enter the Ironman 70.3 event after his uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and further notes that his efforts have so far raised £1,500 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Supported by: Miles Briggs*, Maurice Corry*, Bill Bowman*, Margaret Mitchell*, Richard Lochhead*, Angus MacDonald*, Jeremy Balfour*, Liam Kerr*, Edward Mountain*, Donald Cameron*, Peter Chapman*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06812 Richard Lyle: Congratulations to the Mobile Men's Shed Project by Council—That the Parliament congratulates South Lanarkshire Council on receiving £117,181 from the Big Lottery Fund Scotland; recognises that this funding will be used to develop a three-year Mobile Men’s Shed programme through its Seniors Together partnership; notes that this initiative aims to build communities and reduce feelings of loss and loneliness among older men through men’s shed groups, and wishes the participants in the project all the very best in this and future endeavours. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Bill Kidd*, Ash Denham*, Ruth Maguire*, Graeme Dey*, Jenny Gilruth*, Stewart Stevenson*, Ben Macpherson*, David Torrance*, Edward Mountain*, Kenneth Gibson*, Rona Mackay*

*S5M-06811 John Mason: Anti-Semitism in Scotland—That the Parliament deplores the reported UK-wide rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the last year to what it understands is the highest level on record; understands that Scotland recorded 26 anti-Semitic incidents over the last year, 15 of which led to a criminal charge, with another 19 "non-criminal" anti-Semitic incidents; believes that many within the Jewish community are increasingly worried about facing discrimination due to their religion, with many choosing to keep their faith secret; understands that the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism compiled the analysis, which found that many of those surveyed had stopped attending their synagogue due to a fear of anti-Semitic incidents; considers this to be unacceptable, and calls on governments at all levels to ensure that action is taken to ensure that the problem of anti-Semitism is tackled head-on. Supported by: Bill Kidd*, Jeremy Balfour*, Clare Haughey*, Stewart Stevenson*, Ben Macpherson*, Jackson Carlaw*, Richard Lyle*

*S5M-06810 Gordon MacDonald: Pentland Art Club Annual Exhibition—That the Parliament congratulates the Pentland Art Club on its forthcoming annual exhibition, which is to be held at the Currie Scout Hall from 12 to 17 August 2017; understands that the club celebrated its 50th anniversary earlier in 2017 at a dinner held at Baberton Golf Club, and notes that the Thursday evening club meets at Balerno High School during term time.

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Motions | Gluasadan

Supported by: Ruth Maguire*, Ash Denham*, Gillian Martin*, George Adam*, Stewart Stevenson*, Jeremy Balfour*, Bill Kidd*, Bob Doris*, Rona Mackay*, Miles Briggs*, Ben Macpherson*, Jenny Gilruth*, Richard Lyle*, Gordon Lindhurst*, David Torrance*

*S5M-06809 Emma Harper: Big Lottery Funding for Creetown Initiative Ltd—That the Parliament congratulates Creetown Initiative Ltd on securing a grant from the Big Lottery Fund Scotland; notes that it has received a grant of £100,608, which will be used to continue to deliver a range of existing activities and develop new activities focused on the recently opened community enterprise centre; understands that the community enterprise centre will comprise an arts and crafts co-operative involving 21 people, a 30-bed bunkhouse, low rental work spaces for start-up businesses, a cycle hire and repair shop, a charity shop and a community car share club; further understands that each activity aims to increase spend locally and create employment, training and volunteering opportunities in a rural community, and wishes Creetown Initiative Ltd well for the future. Supported by: Gillian Martin*, Ruth Maguire*, Clare Haughey*, Sandra White*, Stewart Stevenson*, Bill Kidd*, Joan McAlpine*, Rona Mackay*, Ben Macpherson*, David Torrance*, Jenny Gilruth*, Richard Lyle*

*S5M-06808 Liam Kerr: GlaxoSmithKline Montrose—That the Parliament welcomes the £29 million investment from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in its Montrose plant; understands that the investment, which is part of the company's UK-wide £140 million investment programme, will go towards GSK’s expansion of manufacturing for respiratory and HIV medicines, and is further to the £275 million investment announced in 2016; considers that this is positive news for Angus and highlights the company’s confidence in its Montrose plant; wishes the staff at GSK Montrose all the very best for the future, and celebrates the long-term economic benefits that it believes developments such as these will bring. Supported by: Bill Bowman*, Alexander Stewart*, Jeremy Balfour*, Graham Simpson*, Alison Harris*, Maurice Corry*, Miles Briggs*, Edward Mountain*, Finlay Carson*, John Scott*, Peter Chapman*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Tom Mason*

*S5M-06807 Alexander Stewart: Big Lottery Funding for Clackmannan Development Trust—That the Parliament congratulates the Clackmannan Development Trust on its award of £150,000 over the next three years from the Big Lottery Fund; believes that, with the funding, the trust has already begun working on the creation of a community garden in partnership with the Clackmannan Town Hall Trust, which will transform some empty land into a thriving community space to plan and grow produce while allowing gardeners to sit back and relax when the weather allows; further believes that the creation of a new post for an office administrator within the trust, as well as the continuation of the community development officer’s post until 2020, will also be supported by the funding; understands that all of the projects address the aspirations identified in the community action plan; notes that the trust is in the process of devising a development strategy for 2017 to 2020 to take it through to the end of the action plan, and wishes everyone involved the very best of luck in all their future projects. Supported by: Bill Bowman*, Jeremy Balfour*, Alison Harris*, Maurice Corry*, Donald Cameron*, Miles Briggs*, Edward Mountain*, Finlay Carson*, Peter Chapman*, Tom Mason*

*S5M-06806 David Torrance: 20 Million Visits for Sports and Leisure Service in —That the Parliament congratulates the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust on having over 20 million visits by locals to its facilities across the region; notes that the trust has recorded year-on-year growth in attendances since its launch in 2008 to operate and manage Fife Council’s 14 facilities in the

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Motions | Gluasadan region, and that it reached the 20 million milestone in May 2017; commends the trust for its accomplishments, and hopes for its continued success in the future. Supported by: Ash Denham*, Joan McAlpine*, Gillian Martin*, Ruth Maguire*, Bob Doris*, Bill Kidd*, Clare Haughey*, Ben Macpherson*, Jenny Gilruth*, Richard Lyle*

*S5M-06805 David Torrance: Cyclists Ride for Charities—That the Parliament congratulates Ross Mitchell from Fife on organising and participating in the Lang Way Doon event, which challenged cyclists to ride from Tongue at the tip of the north coast to Coldstream at the English border, a distance of 325 miles, in less than a day to raise money for various charities; notes that, with around 25 other cyclists taking part, it is estimated that between £15,000 and £20,000 was raised, and commends Ross and the other cyclists on their efforts to aid the charities. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Ash Denham*, Gillian Martin*, Liam Kerr*, Ruth Maguire*, Clare Haughey*, Bill Kidd*, Richard Lochhead*, Ben Macpherson*, Edward Mountain*, Jenny Gilruth*, Richard Lyle*

*S5M-06804 : Caithness Iron Age Broch in Lego—That the Parliament notes with appreciation the completion of a replica Iron Age Caithness broch in Lego, which features as part of Scotland's Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology; congratulates Dan Harris and James Pegrum on jointly creating the structure, which is now on display at Caithness Horizons in Thurso, and commends the Caithness Broch Project for commissioning the work, which will give people of all ages a better understanding of the area’s history. Supported by: Gillian Martin*, Ruth Maguire*, George Adam*, Sandra White*, Ash Denham*, Mairi Evans*, Clare Haughey*, Donald Cameron*, Stewart Stevenson*, David Torrance*, Gordon MacDonald*, Bill Kidd*, Ben Macpherson*, Edward Mountain*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06803 Ivan McKee: Dismay at Green Deal Relaunch—That the Parliament notes with dismay that the UK Government-inspired Green Deal scheme has reportedly been relaunched; further notes that the Green Deal Finance Company and its assets were reportedly sold by the UK Government to Aurium Capital Markets and Greenstone Finance earlier in 2017, resulting in the relaunched initiative being operated by a private company; understands that the new Chief Executive of the Green Deal Finance Company has been quoted in The Times on 17 June 2017 as saying that, regarding the initiative, “we need to improve”; considers the original scheme to have been ill-conceived, resulting in, it believes, many cases of work that were mis-sold, substandard and of no economic or environmental benefit to consumers, despite being carried out by contractors that were officially approved by the UK Government's Department of Energy and Climate Change, and condemns the UK Government for sanctioning the relaunch while calls for it to compensate affected householders remain unheeded. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Sandra White*, Stewart Stevenson*, Clare Haughey*, Gillian Martin*, John Mason*, Ash Denham*, Bob Doris*, Bill Kidd*, David Torrance*, Ben Macpherson*, Jenny Gilruth*, Richard Lyle*

*S5M-06801 Christina McKelvie: Amnesty International Report, Tackling Hate Crime in the UK—That the Parliament welcomes the recent report from Amnesty International, Tackling Hate Crime in the UK, detailing specific case studies of hate crime attacks across the UK and the recommendations posed to each devolved UK parliament on how best to tackle hate crime; notes the recommendations in the report, including speaking out against hateful and discriminatory language, investing in greater community engagement against hate crime and developing training practices to eradicate online hate crime; further notes the specific recommendations directed to the Scottish Government, the Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation and Police Scotland,

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Motions | Gluasadan including the collection and publication of hate crime data, consolidating existing current hate crime data and to extend the categories covered by protected characteristics, and pays tribute to those referred to in the report's case studies for sharing their stories and experiences, helping the evidence-based recommendations from Amnesty to be realised. Supported by: John Mason*, Bill Kidd*, Gillian Martin*, Clare Haughey*, Graeme Dey*, Joan McAlpine*, Sandra White*, David Torrance*, Ben Macpherson*, Rona Mackay*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*, *

*S5M-06800 John Mason: 21% of Scots Not Saving—That the Parliament notes the findings from the Bank of Scotland’s annual How Scotland Lives study, which shows that a growing number of people in Scotland have no savings; understands that the study shows that 21% of people have not put any money away, which is up 3% on the previous year; notes with concern that those resident in were found to be saving the smallest amount, with 27% saying that they had no savings; considers this to be due primarily to the inequality of income and wealth in society so that those less well-off are not able to maintain savings of three to six months’ wages, which is the recommended amount, and considers that a more equitable sharing of the UK’s and Scotland’s income and wealth must be a high priority for both parliaments. Supported by: Richard Lyle*, Pauline McNeill*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06799 Sandra White: Al-Aqsa Mosque—That the Parliament notes reports of the situation at the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem and the deaths of three Palestinians and two Israeli security officers; understands that Israeli security forces have installed new security measures including metal detectors and additional cameras, which have reportedly been described by worshippers at the site as an imposition of Israeli sovereignty in a holy place and, more generally, as an Israeli encroachment in occupied East Jerusalem; notes concerns that these measures will, it believes, only provide a further obstacle for Palestinians trying to access the site, and acknowledges the reported calls for prayers to be held in squares across Palestinian cities in protest of these new measures. Supported by: Anas Sarwar*, Ash Denham*, James Dornan*, Pauline McNeill*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06798 Colin Beattie: Green Flag Awards for Midlothian Parks—That the Parliament congratulates Midlothian Council on Roslin Glen, Springfield Mill, Vogrie Country Park, Memorial Park, Loanhead, and King’s Park, Dalkeith, being awarded Green Flag status by Keep Scotland Beautiful; notes that these awards recognise high standards and quality among outdoor spaces and parks; considers the awards to be especially timely as they were announced around the beginning of the school summer holidays, and thanks both the council and all involved with helping to maintain what it sees as these well-recognised community assets. Supported by: Jeremy Balfour*, Bill Kidd*, Joan McAlpine*, Gillian Martin*, James Dornan*, Ash Denham*, Clare Haughey*, David Torrance*, Graeme Dey*, Miles Briggs*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lyle*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06797 Jenny Gilruth: KyoceraCodes Winners—That the Parliament congratulates the team of three 18-year-old Fife College HND students on winning the first KyoceraCodes computing competition in Reading; understands that the team consisted of students who study HND Software Development, two of whom, Liam Dales and Jack Vincent, are from Glenrothes, along with Keir Nellyer, who is from Dunfermline; acknowledges that the team’s final presentation to the judges achieved a winning score of 129 out of 150; understands that the competition took place between 22 teams from colleges across the UK, and that the six shortlisted teams went on to receive training on Kyocoera’s HyPAS development kit, which was used to develop the

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Motions | Gluasadan application and enabled the teams to become the first in the UK to become certified HyPAS developers; welcomes the prize of a 3D printer and development kit for Fife College, and wishes all three students the very best in their future careers and engagement in software development. Supported by: Bill Kidd*, Gillian Martin*, Ash Denham*, Joan McAlpine*, Ben Macpherson*, David Torrance*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Kenneth Gibson*

*S5M-06796 Jenny Gilruth: Green Flag for Letham Glen, Leven—That the Parliament congratulates the staff and management at Letham Glen in Leven on being awarded a Green Flag by Keep Scotland Beautiful in recognition of the area's high standards and quality; understands that it was one of seven Fife Council-run facilities chosen to receive the status, which is given to parks and green spaces that demonstrate excellent management and environmental standards; believes that this is also a recognition of the benefits that the park brings to the community, including through promoting exercise and improving mental wellbeing, and hopes that this award will encourage more people to enjoy making use of Letham Glen. Supported by: Bill Kidd*, Graeme Dey*, Gillian Martin*, Clare Haughey*, Ash Denham*, Joan McAlpine*, David Torrance*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*

*S5M-06795 Jenny Gilruth: Dementia Friendly Glenrothes Initiative—That the Parliament congratulates the Kingdom Shopping Centre on being named the first dementia-friendly business in Glenrothes by the Dementia Friendly Glenrothes initiative; understands that most of the staff at the shopping centre have become Dementia Friends and that it has improved ramp signage; acknowledges that Dementia Friendly Glenrothes is a partnership between Fife Health and Social Care Partnership and Alzheimer Scotland, which aims to help people with dementia to live well and stay active in their communities by enabling their continued use of local businesses and services, and hopes that the recognition of the Kingdom Shopping Centre in achieving dementia- friendly status will encourage more businesses in Glenrothes to become more dementia friendly. Supported by: Liam McArthur*, Bill Kidd*, Graeme Dey*, Gillian Martin*, Bob Doris*, Colin Smyth*, Ash Denham*, Joan McAlpine*, George Adam*, Ben Macpherson*, Rona Mackay*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Kenneth Gibson*

*S5M-06794 Mary Fee: Demolition of the Inchgreen Cranes—That the Parliament deeply regrets the decision of Peel Ports Clydeport to demolish the three iconic cranes at the Inchgreen dry dock in Port Glasgow; believes that the structures, two of which were constructed by Butters’ Brothers & Co Ltd and the other by Sir William Arrol & Co, had been a dominant feature of the Greenock skyline for over 50 years, acting as a visible, tangible symbol of the areas proud and prosperous industrial past; recognises that, at its peak, Inchgreen was one of the largest dry docks in the world and was able to accommodate ships of up to 150,000 tonnes, including the Queen Mary in 1960, Queen Elizabeth in 1965 and Queen Elizabeth II in 1967; believes that Scotland should learn from examples of best practice in the preservation of industrial heritage in other European countries, such as in Croatia, where eight cranes at the Uljanik shipyard in Pula have been transformed in to a popular tourist attraction by a government-funded project, Lighting Giants, which, it understands, has helped preserve and promote that city’s industrial heritage by regenerating and modernising the site, and commends the work of the Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative, which is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to restore and preserve iconic and historic maritime sites, on campaigning to save the three cranes from demolition. Supported by: Iain Gray*

*S5M-06793 Angus MacDonald: The Steaming Ahead Project at the Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Railway Preservation Society (SRPS) on

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Motions | Gluasadan receiving a first round pass in applying for a Heritage Lottery Fund grant toward the development of the project, Steaming Ahead, at the Bo’ness and Kinneil railway and the Museum of Scottish Railways; notes that this envisages a new steam engineering facility with public access and interpretation along the route to a new entrance to the museum; understands that it is hoped that this will also help to pass on expert knowledge to a future generation of steam engineers in order to preserve Scotland’s heritage as one of the world's largest locomotive producers; believes it to be important for knowledge of the country's rich engineering history is preserved; encourages SRPS to continue with their work in developing the project, and looks forward to seeing its progress. Supported by: Ruth Maguire*, Clare Haughey*, Sandra White*, Gillian Martin*, Alison Harris*, Joan McAlpine*, Stewart Stevenson*, Graeme Dey*, David Torrance*, Bill Kidd*, Jenny Gilruth*, Edward Mountain*, Elaine Smith*

*S5M-06792 Jackson Carlaw: Internal Palestinian Dispute Halts Fuel Shipments to Gaza—That the Parliament notes with concern reports that a feud between Fatah and Hamas continues, it believes, to cause suffering for Palestinians; understands that the only power plant in Gaza has largely shut down because of the reported halting of fuel shipments to the territory, and that Gazans now only have 90 megawatts of power available according to Gisha, an Israeli NGO; is concerned that this covers barely one fifth of demand from almost two million people, particularly in the hot and humid summer months; understands that residents say that they are getting less than three hours of power at a time, followed by blackouts that stretch up to 16 hours; believes that Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority and member of Fatah, has now barred Palestinian banks from transferring money to Egypt to pay for fuel; understands that Egypt has tried to compensate for the reduction of electricity to Gaza by sending large fuel shipments to the area, and calls for all parties to work together to improve the lives of Gazans rather than blaming Israel for what it believes are their own misdeeds. Supported by: Alison Harris*, Bill Bowman*, Jeremy Balfour*, Alexander Stewart*, Tom Mason*, Miles Briggs*, Dean Lockhart*, Richard Lyle*, Edward Mountain*

*S5M-06791 Bob Doris: Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector’s Fraud Awareness Initiative—That the Parliament welcomes the proactive efforts of the Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector and its initiative to raise awareness among people over the age of 55 of the danger of fraud; congratulates the organisation on being awarded funding from Outreach Solutions to work with a number of partners, including Volunteer Glasgow, to develop methods designed to inform, defend and protect people from scamming and educate people over 55 on the resources available to them; acknowledges the project’s model of using presentations, one-to-one intervention support sessions, conference visits and its Take Five – Stop Fraud leaflets as an effective means to tackle scamming; recognises the importance of programmes that promote fraud awareness and vigilance among older people; wishes the organisation the best of success with its six-month initiative, and encourages anyone who has been a victim of a scam to call the dedicated helpline on 0300 123 2040. Supported by: Ash Denham*, James Dornan*, Bill Kidd*, Clare Haughey*, Sandra White*, Gillian Martin*, Joan McAlpine*, Graeme Dey*, David Torrance*, John Mason*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06790 Bob Doris: Maryhill and Possilpark CAB’s Scams Awareness Month Campaign—That the Parliament welcomes the proactive efforts of the Maryhill and Possilpark Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) in its goal to protect local communities through Scams Awareness Month; understands that young people are at a particularly elevated risk of falling victim to online

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Motions | Gluasadan fraud due to their frequent use of the internet; notes that much of this vital campaign’s focus will be geared towards spreading scam awareness to those under 25 through the utilisation of social media and the distribution of informative literature; acknowledges the work of the chief officer of Maryhill and Possilpark CAB, Sarah Erskine, and the rest of the staff for their many years of service in promoting vigilance to support vulnerable constituents, including the development of this annual campaign, and considers that people under the age of 25 face particular economic challenges as a result of the UK Government’s unfair age-related conditionality for benefits and the living wage, and that they are at substantial risk of exploitative employer practices due to weak UK employment protection, including within the so-called gig economy. Supported by: Ash Denham*, James Dornan*, Bill Kidd*, Clare Haughey*, George Adam*, Joan McAlpine*, Gillian Martin*, Sandra White*, David Torrance*, Ben Macpherson*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06789 Bill Bowman: Kumba Musa Wins The Queen's Young Leaders Award—That the Parliament congratulates Kumba Musa, who is an IT and International Business student at the University of Dundee and originally from Sierra Leone, on winning The Queen’s Young Leaders Award in recognition of being a leading role model in her community; understands that Kumba founded Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Women Sierra Leone (STEM Women) in order to motivate girls to pursue STEM careers and improve STEM education in her West African home country; notes that the award ceremony was broadcast on the BBC’s The One Show where Kumba appeared alongside The Queen and the former Prime Minister, John Major, and acknowledges that the Young Leaders Award was set up in 2014 by the Diamond Jubilee Trust and Royal Commonwealth Society. Supported by: Margaret Mitchell*, Alexander Stewart*, Maurice Corry*, Miles Briggs*, Jeremy Balfour*, Alison Harris*, Donald Cameron*, Finlay Carson*, Edward Mountain*, John Scott*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Tom Mason*

*S5M-06788 George Adam: Paisley FM—That the Parliament supports Paisley FM and its ambitious plan to launch a new radio station in time for the City of Culture 2021 bid; understands that this venture would provide with a local radio station, where local issues can be discussed and brought to the public; notes that Paisley FM is applying for a community licence, which means that the station will be not-for-profit and run by a mixture of staff and volunteers, and acknowledges that this project is another example of Paisley people’s determination and drive to make the town the best it can be, and the first Scottish town to be named a UK City of Culture. Supported by: Ash Denham*, Bob Doris*, Sandra White*, Joan McAlpine*, Stewart Stevenson*, Gillian Martin*, Bill Kidd*, Graeme Dey*, Clare Haughey*, David Torrance*, Rona Mackay*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Kenneth Gibson*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06787 David Torrance: Green Flag Awards for Kirkcaldy Parks—That the Parliament congratulates Beveridge, Ravenscraig and Dunnikier County parks in Kirkcaldy on receiving Green Flag awards for the eighth, fifth and third times respectively; believes that this multiple success is due to the work ethic and dedication of Fife Council’s area parks staff, who have worked hard to achieve this benchmark national standard; considers that developing and maintaining outdoor green spaces to such a standard allows communities and visitors to fully benefit from and enjoy them, and wishes the management and staff at the parks continued success.

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Motions | Gluasadan

Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Jenny Gilruth*, Ash Denham*, Stewart Stevenson*, Clare Haughey*, Bill Kidd*, Gillian Martin*, Graeme Dey*, Richard Lyle*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*

*S5M-06786 Liam McArthur: 50th Anniversary for Loganair's Bryan Sutherland—That the Parliament congratulates the Kirkwall-based Loganair engineer, Bryan Sutherland, on completing 50 years of service with the airline; understands that Bryan joined Loganair in July 1967 as an apprentice, and is due to retire at the end of July 2017; considers that this length of service and the dedication that Bryan has shown to the role represent a remarkable achievement; thanks Bryan for the contribution that he has made over the last five decades to the delivery of an air service that is a genuine lifeline to the Orkney community and other island communities across Scotland, and wishes him all the best in his retirement. Supported by: Ruth Maguire*

*S5M-06785 : Young Clydebank Actress is New CBBC Raven—That the Parliament applauds the Clydebank actress, Aisha Toussaint, who is to star in the remake of the BAFTA-winning children’s TV programme, Raven; notes that Aisha, who is 21, will play the new title character in the CBBC game show, in which a Scottish shape-shifting warrior guides young adventurers through a fabled land with mental and physical challenges along the way; understands that the popular programme aired from 2002 to 2010 and developed a huge cult following; notes that the remake with Aisha will air in late 2017 and more than 2,000 people aged nine to 13 have applied to take part; appreciates that this is a massive achievement for Aisha, and wishes her all the best in her career. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Sandra White*, Clare Haughey*, Bob Doris*, James Dornan*, Gillian Martin*, Bill Kidd*, Rona Mackay*, Ash Denham*, Rachael Hamilton*, Stewart Stevenson*, David Torrance*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06784 Angus MacDonald: The Helix, One of Scotland’s Best Parks—That the Parliament recognises The Helix park in Falkirk district as one of Scotland’s best parks, having received a Green Flag award from Keep Scotland Beautiful; understands that The Helix, which is run by Falkirk Community Trust, has received the award, which acknowledges the quality outdoor space that it provides and the wider benefits that it delivers for communities, including enabling and encouraging exercise, improving mental wellbeing and encouraging play for child development; notes that The Helix park includes the world famous Kelpies and was part of the My Future’s in Falkirk action plan, a decade-long plan to expand and diversify the local economy, which has resulted in the area maintaining a sustainable level of economic growth and employment; commends Falkirk Community Trust on its commitment to making The Helix one of the best places to spend time in Scotland, and looks forward to its continued commitment to providing high standards of community parkland for communities and visitors alike. Supported by: Sandra White*, Gillian Martin*, Rona Mackay*, Clare Haughey*, Joan McAlpine*, Alison Harris*, Bill Kidd*, Stewart Stevenson*, David Torrance*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06783 Gillian Martin: Largest Intake Yet for Shell-sponsored Girls in Energy Programme at North East Scotland College—That the Parliament understands that North East Scotland College recently welcomed its largest intake yet to the Girls in Energy programme, which is sponsored by Shell; recognises that this Skills for Work programme is designed to encourage girls aged between 14 and 17 to consider careers in energy and engineering; acknowledges that 110 pupils from nine secondary schools, including Mintlaw and Turriff, attended the induction to

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Motions | Gluasadan the course on International Women in Engineering Day; welcomes co-operation between industry and educational institutions to promote STEM subjects to girls and women; commends both Shell and North East Scotland College on this success, and wishes the Girls in Energy programme well. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Sandra White*, Clare Haughey*, Rona Mackay*, David Torrance*, James Dornan*, Ash Denham*, Graeme Dey*, Bill Kidd*, Stewart Stevenson*, Richard Lochhead*, Ben Macpherson*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06782 Gail Ross: Terracotta Warriors of Ullapool—That the Parliament notes with appreciation the display of 200 miniature terracotta warriors at the An Talla Solais visual arts centre and gallery in Ullapool; further notes that the pocket-size figures were created by members of the community at drop-in sessions and care homes, and welcomes the fact that proceeds from the sale of the warriors will go towards An Talla Solais’s Dolphin Project, which aims to offer support to people affected by dementia. Supported by: Richard Lyle*, Joan McAlpine*, Sandra White*, Ben Macpherson*, Stewart Stevenson*, Edward Mountain*, David Torrance*, Clare Haughey*, Donald Cameron*, Gillian Martin*, Bill Kidd*, Graeme Dey*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06781 Angus MacDonald: British Heart Foundation Falkirk Raises £300,000—That the Parliament congratulates the Falkirk branch of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) on receiving the Fundraising Group of the Year award at the charity’s recent annual supporters' conference held in the University of Edinburgh; understands that the branch’s efforts over the last 30 years has seen it raise over £300,000 thanks to its commitment and dedication to beating heart disease, as well as it organising annual events such as its golf tournament and fun run, which is in its 18th year; recognises what it sees as the important role that BHF plays in providing life-saving research into heart disease and helping improve the lives of people with heart defects; understands that cardiovascular disease causes more than a quarter of all deaths in Scotland, with an estimated 670,000 people affected by it across the country; congratulates BHF in Falkirk on its award, and encourages it to continue its important work helping to tackle heart disease across Falkirk, Scotland and beyond. Supported by: Rona Mackay*, Joan McAlpine*, Clare Haughey*, Ash Denham*, Sandra White*, Graeme Dey*, Alison Harris*, Liam McArthur*, Bill Kidd*, Stewart Stevenson*, Gillian Martin*, David Torrance*, Ben Macpherson*, Richard Lyle*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Kenneth Gibson*, Jenny Gilruth*

*S5M-06780 Lewis Macdonald: Parks Recognised by Keep Scotland Beautiful—That the Parliament congratulates Duthie Park, Hazlehead Park, Johnston Gardens and Seaton Park in Aberdeen on each being awarded a Green Flag by Keep Scotland Beautiful, which are presented in recognition of high standards and quality; recognises that, while Duthie, Hazlehead and Seaton parks have all won these before, 2017 is the first year that Johnston Gardens has received the accolade; commends all of the staff and volunteers at the four parks on their hard work to improve and maintain the city's green areas, and looks forward to further recognition for these and other parks in the city in the future. Supported by: Bill Kidd*, Graeme Dey*, Tom Mason*, Stewart Stevenson*, Ivan McKee*, Ruth Maguire*

*S5M-06778 Maurice Corry: Bike Shed—That the Parliament welcomes the Bike Shed initiative, which is run at the Coming Home Centre in Govan's Pearce Institute and uses unclaimed stolen or lost bikes donated by Police Scotland and the general public, which are given a makeover by veterans who sell them back to the community to raise vital funds to help more veterans receive

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Motions | Gluasadan support; understands that the Bike Shed initiative is also part of an ambitious fundraising drive, which includes online crowdsourcing, to allow even more veterans to benefit from the Coming Home Centre, as it aims to increase the number of veterans that it helps from over 350 to 500 by raising £150,000, and wishes both the Bike Shed and the Coming Home Centre the best in reaching their fundraising targets. Supported by: Margaret Mitchell*, Miles Briggs*, Jamie Greene*, Alexander Stewart*, Donald Cameron*, Bill Kidd*, Bill Bowman*, Kenneth Gibson*, Tom Mason*, Finlay Carson*, Peter Chapman*, Stewart Stevenson*, Ivan McKee*, Jeremy Balfour*, Edward Mountain*, Alison Harris*, John Scott*, Ruth Maguire*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06777 Gil Paterson: History in LEGO is a Hit—That the Parliament recognises the innovative way that children in Clydebank and further afield are being taught about history by Brick Histories, which depicts historical events in LEGO; notes that Clydebank Town Hall is the first venue in Scotland to host the exhibition, which features 50 key historical moments, from sites in the area, such as the Titan Crane, to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the destruction of Pompeii; understands that it has been doing very well since opening in June 2017 and will run until September; thanks West Dunbartonshire Council on hosting the exhibition, and congratulates its creator, Warren Elsmore, who is a renowned Edinburgh-based author and LEGO modeller. Supported by: Ash Denham*, Joan McAlpine*, Jenny Gilruth*, Ruth Maguire*, Sandra White*, Clare Haughey*, Bill Kidd*, David Torrance*, Richard Lochhead*, Richard Lyle*, Bob Doris*, Rona Mackay*, Ivan McKee*, Stewart Stevenson*, Edward Mountain*, Kenneth Gibson*, Gillian Martin*

*S5M-06776 Annie Wells: City of Glasgow College Chefs Retain Atlantic Cup—That the Parliament congratulates the student chefs from City of Glasgow College who retained the Atlantic Cup international cook-off award against Anne Arundel Community College from Maryland, and notes that the team was mentored by the college's senior chef lecturer, Gary Maclean, who is the holder of the BBC MasterChef: The Professionals title. Supported by: Finlay Carson*, Bill Bowman*, Margaret Mitchell*, Donald Cameron*, Alison Harris*, Jeremy Balfour*, Peter Chapman*, Miles Briggs*, Maurice Corry*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Jamie Greene*, John Scott*, Bill Kidd*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06775 Annie Wells: Barrowland Park Album Pathway—That the Parliament acknowledges the third anniversary of the installation, the Barrowland Park Album Pathway, which colourfully details more than 2,000 of the bands that have performed at the famous Barrowland Ballroom over the last 30 years; understands that the site where it is located lay derelict until the Commonwealth Games in 2014, when new life was given to the area of land and it was turned into a fantastic community open space, and notes that, although the installation has no official permanent status, Glasgow City Council has said that development on the land will not be considered until September 2017. Supported by: Finlay Carson*, Bill Bowman*, Margaret Mitchell*, Miles Briggs*, Maurice Corry*, Jeremy Balfour*, Alexander Stewart*, Alison Harris*, Edward Mountain*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Peter Chapman*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06774 Annie Wells: Judy Murray's Tennis on the Road Competition—That the Parliament acknowledges the work of Tennis on the Road, which is run by Judy Murray and involves 10 competitions across Scotland from 16 to 23 July 2017; notes that the competitions are aimed at club-level players and involve teams of four, which must feature at least one female player, and that the players will earn points for their team through timed mini-matches with fun

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Motions | Gluasadan rules, skill-building exercises, relay races and tennis quizzes, and further notes that the winners of the competition will be Andy's guests at Andy Murray Live at the Hydro on 7 November 2017. Supported by: Finlay Carson*, Ivan McKee*, Bill Bowman*, Margaret Mitchell*, Jeremy Balfour*, Donald Cameron*, Miles Briggs*, Sandra White*, Maurice Corry*, Alexander Stewart*, Alison Harris*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Kenneth Gibson*, Jamie Greene*, John Scott*, Bill Kidd*, Peter Chapman*, Brian Whittle*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06773 Annie Wells: Scotland Women's Football Team in EURO 2017 Debut Against England—That the Parliament wishes good luck to the Scotland football team ahead of its debut against England at the UEFA Women's EURO 2017 finals; notes that the Scottish women's team is drawn from players who play in seven different countries, with the majority of squad members playing in Scotland for Glasgow City FC, and further notes that players include Liverpool’s Caroline Weir and Manchester City’s Jane Ross, but that Arsenal’s Kim Little, who is arguably Scotland's only world-class player, is out injured, as are her club team mate, Emma Mitchell, and Manchester City’s Jen Beattie, with the trio having more than 250 caps and 75 goals between them. Supported by: Maurice Corry*, Jeremy Balfour*, Bill Bowman*, Alexander Stewart*, Jamie Greene*, Margaret Mitchell*, Peter Chapman*, Donald Cameron*, Miles Briggs*, Bill Kidd*, Tom Mason*, Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Finlay Carson*, Ivan McKee*, Edward Mountain*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06772 Annie Wells: The Vue Cinema Chain to Open at the St Enoch Centre—That the Parliament acknowledges that the Vue cinema chain is bringing a nine-screen cinema to the St Enoch Centre in Glasgow on the site that was previously occupied by BHS; understands that the multi-million pound development is set to open in 2019, and notes that this will create a number of full- and part-time employment opportunities. Supported by: Margaret Mitchell*, Alexander Stewart*, Miles Briggs*, Maurice Corry*, Jeremy Balfour*, Bill Bowman*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Bill Kidd*, Tom Mason*, Finlay Carson*, Edward Mountain*, Sandra White*, Ruth Maguire*

*S5M-06771 Jackie Baillie: ScotSoul Quintet Dazzle in BBC Talent Show—That the Parliament sends its best wishes to the members of ScotSoul, who are a singing quintet from Dumbarton and the Vale of Leven; understands that they have been drumming up support on Alexandria Main Street ahead of their performance against five other acts in the final of the hit BBC talent show, Pitch Battle; believes that they have received fantastic support, not just from their own community but from across the whole of the UK; wishes ScotSoul all the best for the final, and encourages everyone to get behind the group. Supported by: Maurice Corry*, Bill Kidd*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*

*S5M-06770 Jackie Baillie: Bellsmyre Housing Association Celebrates its 25th Anniversary—That the Parliament congratulates Bellsmyre Housing Association on its 25th anniversary; understands that the association will celebrate the milestone with an afternoon tea party; notes that invitations will be sent to over-65s in the area; further notes that it is also planning a fun/information day for all residents on 26 August 2017; thanks Bellsmyre Housing Association for its commitment to the local community, and hopes that it continues to provide such an excellent service. Supported by: Maurice Corry*, Stewart Stevenson*, Bill Kidd*, Ruth Maguire*

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Motions | Gluasadan

*S5M-06769 Kenneth Gibson: Three Years of Injustice for the Victims of Flight MH17 and their Families—That the Parliament remembers the 298 men, women and children who died as a result of the reported unprovoked shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 above eastern Ukraine while travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on 17 July 2014; recognises that the victims included 15 crew members and 80 children; notes that many of the children died along with their parents, which led to some families being wiped out; condemns the manner in which the crime scene was reportedly handled; understands that this included allowing looting to take place and investigators being prevented from accessing the site to identify and recover bodies; notes that the conclusion of the final report of the Dutch Safety Board, which was published on 13 October 2015, was that the plane was destroyed by a Russian-made Buk surface-to-air missile; understands that the missile was fired from pro-Russian rebel controlled territory; decries what it sees as the Russian Government’s obstruction of justice by taking two years to provide Dutch prosecutors with low-quality radar images after having been repeatedly requested to do so and by using its UN Security Council veto to block a draft resolution aimed at setting up an international tribunal regarding the incident; urges Russia to take responsibility in co-operating with the Joint Investigation Team to ensure that the forces believed to have carried out this act are brought to justice; welcomes the treaty signed by the Netherlands and Ukraine on 7 July 2017 to provide that the suspects can be prosecuted in the Netherlands; understands that this will mean that all next of kin will have the same rights in the Dutch criminal proceedings and notes that, crucially, this will override a clause in the Ukrainian constitution that prohibits the country from extraditing its own nationals; believes that this is one step closer in the painful process of securing justice for the victims and their families, and expresses its sympathy to everyone whose lives have been impacted by this senseless mass murder and who are still in search of closure. Supported by: John Mason*, Clare Haughey*, Bill Kidd*, Richard Lyle*, Jenny Gilruth*, Gillian Martin*, Sandra White*

*S5M-06768 Colin Beattie: Dalkeith Optometrists Celebrates its 40th Year—That the Parliament congratulates Peter Brooks Optometrists in Dalkeith on its 40th anniversary; notes that the store opened on 29 May 1977, and that a second Midlothian store opened in 2000; understands that Mr Brooks celebrated this achievement by investing in new examination furniture and a state of the art ocular coherence tomography unit; considers that such longevity is testament to what Mr Brooks believes is an attitude of putting the customer first, and wishes him and all at Peter Brooks Optometrists the best of success in the years ahead. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*, Miles Briggs*, Jeremy Balfour*, Ash Denham*, Rona Mackay*, James Dornan*, Bill Kidd*, Clare Haughey*, Richard Lyle*, Stewart Stevenson*, David Torrance*, Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06767 Colin Beattie: Bonnyrigg Stalwart Receives Community Award for 50 Years of Service—That the Parliament congratulates Cameron Scott, who is from Bonnyrigg, on his recent award from Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council; notes that he was awarded for his service to the Bonnyrigg community since 1968; understands that his roles have included burgh councillor, community councillor and justice of the peace; further understands that he played a major role in the creation of Midlothian’s first community councils, and continues at the age of 83 to be employed by Tesco’s Hardengreen store; thanks Mr Scott for his dedication to the local community, and wishes him well. Supported by: Miles Briggs*, Joan McAlpine*, Ruth Maguire*, Jeremy Balfour*, Bill Kidd*, Clare Haughey*, Richard Lyle*, Stewart Stevenson*, Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*, Gordon Lindhurst*

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Motions | Gluasadan

*S5M-06766 Colin Beattie: Prue Leith CBE, New Chancellor of Queen Margaret University—That the Parliament congratulates Prue Leith on her recent appointment as Chancellor of Queen Margaret University; notes Ms Leith's extensive career as a chef, writer and TV presenter, including opening Leith's School of Food and Wine in 1974 and Prue Leith Chef's Academy in South Africa in 1997; further notes that her publications encompass cookbooks, biography and fiction; considers that her charitable endeavours over the years, including Slow Food UK, The School Food Trust and The Hoxton Apprentice, have proven highly beneficial to groups including mothers, schoolchildren and young, disadvantaged people; understands that she was recently announced as a new judge on the popular show, The Great British Bake Off; thanks Sir Tom Farmer for his work as Chancellor at Queen Margaret University prior to Ms Leith's appointment, and wishes her well during her time in office. Supported by: Miles Briggs*, Bill Kidd*, Ash Denham*, Clare Haughey*, Jeremy Balfour*, Sandra White*, Richard Lyle*, Iain Gray*, Stewart Stevenson*, David Torrance*, Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Edward Mountain*, Gillian Martin*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06765 Peter Chapman: Ellon Caterer Three-time Winner of Scottish Weddings Independent Caterer of the Year—That the Parliament congratulates Thistle Catering Services on becoming regional winners of the Scottish Weddings Independent Caterer of the Year 2017 at the Scottish Wedding Awards ceremony in Glasgow; understands that the awards operate a public voting system and that the Ellon-based company's success was secured through widespread support from people in the north east; appreciates that this is the company's third consecutive win, and wishes it further success in this year’s Scottish Food Awards in August in which they are a finalist. Supported by: Miles Briggs*, Ruth Maguire*, Bill Bowman*, Margaret Mitchell*, Maurice Corry*, Jamie Greene*, Jeremy Balfour*, Donald Cameron*, Tom Mason*, Finlay Carson*, Edward Mountain*, John Scott*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06764 Alexander Stewart: Aberdour Heritage Centre—That the Parliament welcomes the forthcoming formal opening of the Aberdour Heritage Centre on 26 July 2017; notes that the former chairman of the area's community council, Arthur Lloyd, will perform the ribbon-cutting duties in front of invited guests and that it will then be open to guests and public from 28 July, which is the opening date of Aberdour Festival; recognises that the centre, which will be based at Aberdour Station, will showcase what to do and see in the village, which has been a popular tourist destination since Victorian times, and stage exhibitions on different aspects of its rich history, and wishes everyone involved with it the very best of luck in their endeavours. Supported by: Liz Smith*, Margaret Mitchell*, Miles Briggs*, Bill Bowman*, Jeremy Balfour*, Tom Mason*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Maurice Corry*, Jamie Greene*, John Scott*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Alison Harris*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06763 Gillian Martin: Haddo and Aden Country Parks Renew Green Flag Status—That the Parliament congratulates the teams at Aden Country Park and Haddo Park on each having their Green Flag status renewed; understands that they are two of 73 across the country to be given the award by Keep Scotland Beautiful; recognise that parks are vital to the health and wellbeing of communities and to the tourism industry; acknowledges the efforts of the people managing the Aberdeenshire parks, and wishes them continued success. Supported by: Miles Briggs*, Stewart Stevenson*, George Adam*, Joan McAlpine*, Clare Haughey*, Richard Lyle*, Richard Lochhead*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Graeme Dey*, Sandra White*, Jenny Gilruth*, Bill Kidd*, David Torrance*, Ivan McKee*

Monday 24 July 2017 23 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

*S5M-06762 Emma Harper: Dumfries and Galloway Aviation Museum's Spitfire—That the Parliament congratulates the Dumfries and Galloway Aviation Museum on the restoration of a Second World War Spitfire, which was recovered from Loch Doon in Ayrshire, after a four year search that began in 1982; notes with sadness that its pilot crashed into the loch during a training exercise from a nearby airbase in Ayr; understands the important historic and cultural significance of this model of plane, which fought in the Battle of Britain; believes that, after being in restoration for 35 years, it will soon be on public display at the museum, and encourages everyone visit the aircraft and leave a donation to help support the great work that the museum carries out. Supported by: Stewart Stevenson*, Clare Haughey*, Ash Denham*, Joan McAlpine*, Gillian Martin*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Graeme Dey*, Sandra White*, Jenny Gilruth*, Bill Kidd*, David Torrance*, Richard Lochhead*, Ivan McKee*

*S5M-06761 Miles Briggs: Edinburgh’s Parks Lead the Way—That the Parliament welcomes the news that 32 of Edinburgh’s parks have been given Green Flag status by Keep Scotland Beautiful as part of a record 73 across Scotland; notes that the parks in the capital, which are in the care of Edinburgh City Council, Heriot Watt University and Friends of Corstorphine Hill, include the Hermitage of Braid and Princes Street Gardens and have been recognised for their high standards and quality outdoor spaces; pays tribute to the council staff, volunteers and residents who help maintain them; considers that parks and green spaces are an important amenity for communities and encourage good physical health and mental wellbeing; commends Keep Scotland Beautiful on organising these awards, which highlight best practice, and hopes that visitors to the city and residents alike will continue to enjoy these 32 diverse parks. Supported by: Liz Smith*, Peter Chapman*, Maurice Corry*, Tom Mason*, Bill Bowman*, Alexander Stewart*, Kenneth Gibson*, Graeme Dey*, Jeremy Balfour*, Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Margaret Mitchell*, Ash Denham*, Ben Macpherson*, Alison Johnstone*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Jamie Greene*, Bill Kidd*, Donald Cameron*, John Scott*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Alison Harris*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

*S5M-06760 Liam Kerr: Blaze Manufacturing Solutions—That the Parliament congratulates the Laurencekirk-based company, Blaze Manufacturing Solutions, on being recognised in the Stock Exchange's new report, 1,000 Companies to Inspire Britain; understands that the business, which was established by Howard and Ann Johnson in 2006, is a leading provider of fire and safety solutions for the energy sector and provides a full engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning service; notes that it employs 32 full-time staff and 67 sub-contractors specialising in the oil and gas and renewable markets and recorded 500% in growth over four years, and acknowledges what it sees as its continued success and the economic benefits that this brings to the north east. Supported by: Bill Bowman*, Peter Chapman*, Maurice Corry*, Miles Briggs*, Jeremy Balfour*, Liz Smith*, Margaret Mitchell*, Alexander Stewart*, Tom Mason*, Edward Mountain*, Kenneth Gibson*, Jamie Greene*, John Scott*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Alison Harris*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06759 Donald Cameron: BASF Pharma in Breasclete, Lewis—That the Parliament welcomes the news that BASF Pharma has expanded its site at Breasclete on Lewis to include a new warehouse and additional car parking; understands that this facility will help service high market demand for products and that the expanded car park will be able to accommodate the planned increase in staff numbers; notes that the life sciences business current employs 73 people in the area but plans to create more jobs over the next few years as its expands operations

Monday 24 July 2017 24 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan internationally; commends Highlands and Islands Enterprise on providing £2.8m of support for the project, and wishes the company every success as it continues to expand. R Supported by: Ruth Maguire*, Bill Bowman*, Margaret Mitchell*, Miles Briggs*, Tom Mason*, Maurice Corry*, Peter Chapman*, Angus MacDonald*, Jeremy Balfour*, Annie Wells*, Jamie Greene*, Finlay Carson*, Edward Mountain*, John Scott*, Gordon Lindhurst*

*S5M-06758 Mairi Evans: Susan Oliphant from Forfar—That the Parliament congratulates Susan Oliphant, who is from Forfar, on taking up the role of district chairwoman of the No 1 District of the Inner Wheel in Scotland; notes that the role covers the 27 clubs and 850 volunteer members who are active in the north east and the Highlands, and recognises the contribution that they make to Parkinson's UK, the Young Carers Trust, Beat and other charitable works at home and abroad. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Liam Kerr*, Gillian Martin*, Ash Denham*, David Torrance*, Stewart Stevenson*, Clare Haughey*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Bill Kidd*, Jenny Gilruth*, Ivan McKee*

*S5M-06757 Mairi Evans: Brechin's Harley Davidson in the City Event—That the Parliament congratulates the organisers, volunteers and supporters of the 2017 Harley Davidson in the City event in Brechin; recognises the dedication and hard work put in by the event's chairman, Bill Sturrock, and the other committee members for producing another spectacular and successful weekend, and understands that it brought a huge boost to the area's economy and attracted visitors from as far afield as France and United States to take part in the ride out from Brechin Castle to the Davidson Cottage in Aberlemno, where the ancestors of the Davidsons, who co- founded the famous motorbike company, lived. Supported by: Joan McAlpine*, Liam Kerr*, Gillian Martin*, Kenneth Gibson*, Graeme Dey*, David Torrance*, Stewart Stevenson*, Clare Haughey*, Richard Lyle*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*, Bill Kidd*, Ivan McKee*

*S5M-06756 Neil Bibby: In it to Win it, Paisley’s Bid to be UK City of Culture 2021—That the Parliament recognises the success of Paisley on being shortlisted for the prestigious title of UK City of Culture 2021; considers the town to be the perfect candidate; believes that its bid is a strong and impressive one and has the potential to be a unique and exceptional showcase of Paisley, Scottish and British culture; commends Renfrewshire Council, under the then leadership of Mark Macmillan, on initiating the bid; applauds everyone who has developed and supported this dynamic and inspiring bid, including the bid director Jean Cameron and the Paisley 2021 team; welcomes the community-wide support for the bid and the goodwill that it has received from across Renfrewshire and beyond; understands that securing the title could be more than a celebration of creativity and culture, as it has the potential for being a catalyst for economic and social regeneration; believes that it would bring a programme of world-class culture and major events to the town, create the equivalent of 4,700 jobs over the next decade and boost the area's economy by £172 million, and wishes the Paisley 2021 bid every success in winning support from across the UK and achieving the title, UK City of Culture 2021. Supported by: Ross Greer*, Monica Lennon*, Iain Gray*, Kenneth Gibson*, Andy Wightman*, Alison Johnstone*, Ruth Maguire*

*S5M-06755 Rachael Hamilton: Gold Medal for Sammi Kinghorn—That the Parliament congratulates Sammi Kinghorn, who is from Gordon in the Scottish Borders, on winning her first global gold medal at the 2017 World Para-athletics Championships in London and breaking her own world record in the process with a time of 28.61 seconds in the T53 200m; recognises that

Monday 24 July 2017 25 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

Sammi previously won three European golds in 2014 and a World bronze in 2015; recognises that this is a fantastic achievement, and wishes her all the best and continued success. Supported by: Liz Smith*, Miles Briggs*, Peter Chapman*, Ash Denham*, Margaret Mitchell*, Bill Bowman*, Alexander Stewart*, Murdo Fraser*, Alison Harris*, Tom Mason*, Kenneth Gibson*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Jamie Greene*, Maurice Corry*, Bill Kidd*, Donald Cameron*, John Scott*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

*S5M-06754 Ash Denham: Caring Soles at The Ripple Project—That the Parliament congratulates The Ripple Project on hosting an extension of its community project, Caring Soles, at the Restalrig Lochend Community Hub over summer 2017; acknowledges that the successful project was set up earlier in the year by the Eric Liddell Centre charity in Morningside; notes that the service delivery is funded by Edinburgh Health and Social Care; believes that it will aim to ensure that people in the area will have access to low-cost foot care to help them stay active and healthy on their feet, and encourages residents to attend the next open information day at the community hub on 1 August, which will be held from 10 am to 2 pm. Supported by: Clare Haughey*, Rona Mackay*, Miles Briggs*, Sandra White*, Joan McAlpine*, Richard Lyle*, Gillian Martin*, Kenneth Gibson*, David Torrance*, Stewart Stevenson*, Ben Macpherson*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*, Bill Kidd*, Ivan McKee*

*S5M-06753 Miles Briggs: British Transplant Games 2017—That the Parliament notes that the 2017 Westfield Health British Transplant Games will be held in from 27 to 30 July; understands that around 850 transplant recipients will take part in the four-day competition, which will feature more than 25 events; is aware that the games have been staged annually since 1978; commends the organisers on their hard work and the sponsors for their contributions; considers that the Games are an important way of increasing public awareness of the need for more organ donors; understands that the Scottish Government recently announced its plan to introduce a so-called soft opt-out system for donation and that campaigners and the public look forward to the publication of its proposed legislation on this, and wishes everyone taking part in this year’s Games success and an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Supported by: Margaret Mitchell*, Liz Smith*, Maurice Corry*, Peter Chapman*, Graham Simpson*, Bill Bowman*, Alexander Stewart*, Murdo Fraser*, Alison Harris*, Tom Mason*, Kenneth Gibson*, Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Jamie Greene*, John Scott*, Mark Griffin*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

*S5M-06752 George Adam: Scotland's UK City of Culture 2021 Bid—That the Parliament congratulates Paisley on its success as being the only Scottish town shortlisted for the title, UK City of Culture 2021; understands that many businesses, community groups, and people from the town have greatly contributed to the bid; commends in particular Jean Cameron and her staff at Paisley 2021 who worked tirelessly to ensure that the bid was positively considered, and supports Team Paisley in the continuation of the process to have a town in Scotland named as the city of culture. Supported by: Rona Mackay*, Clare Haughey*, Graeme Dey*, Joan McAlpine*, James Dornan*, Ash Denham*, Gillian Martin*, Neil Bibby*, Bob Doris*, Sandra White*, Ross Greer*, Richard Lyle*, Richard Lochhead*, Kenneth Gibson*, David Torrance*, Stewart Stevenson*, Andy Wightman*, Ben Macpherson*, Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*, Bill Kidd*, Ivan McKee*

*S5M-06751 Maurice Golden: Paisley Shortlisted to Become UK City of Culture 2021—That the Parliament congratulates Paisley on being the only Scottish town shortlisted as one of the finalists to become UK City of Culture 2021; applauds the hard work and commitment of the team

Monday 24 July 2017 26 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan behind the Paisley 2021 campaign; recognises also the dedication and passion of the Perth 2021 bid, which it believes was a campaign of the highest quality; understands that Paisley will be competing against Coventry, Stoke-on-Trent, Sunderland and Swansea, and wishes the Paisley 2021 bid every success for the final. Supported by: Maurice Corry*, Liz Smith*, Bill Bowman*, Margaret Mitchell*, Miles Briggs*, Peter Chapman*, Oliver Mundell*, Alexander Stewart*, Jeremy Balfour*, Tom Mason*, Murdo Fraser*, Neil Bibby*, Ross Greer*, Alison Harris*, Kenneth Gibson*, Edward Mountain*, Ruth Maguire*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, John Scott*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

*S5M-06750 Liam Kerr: Mairi Lewis and Scott Cruickshank—That the Parliament commends Mairi Lewis and Scott Cruickshank on completing an impressive 100-hour airtime trip across the UK as part of the BSc (Hons) professional aviation pilot practice programme at Tayside Aviation, which is the flying school at Dundee Airport; understands that the programme is run in partnership with Middlesex University and Aviation Skills; recognises that it is the first of its kind to be taught in Scotland and that its first graduates are expected by 2018; acknowledges that it aims to encourage students into the highly competitive aviation industry and attract more women into the profession, and wishes all staff and students of Tayside Aviation every success. Supported by: Liz Smith*, Alexander Stewart*, Bill Bowman*, Miles Briggs*, Peter Chapman*, Jeremy Balfour*, Ash Denham*, Maurice Corry*, Alison Harris*, Margaret Mitchell*, Oliver Mundell*, Tom Mason*, Murdo Fraser*, John Scott*, Edward Mountain*, Jamie Greene*, Bill Kidd*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

*S5M-06749 Alexander Stewart: Stuart Hall and his Sons, Raising Money for Youngsters—That the Parliament congratulates a group, which will be led by Stuart Hall, from Tullibody, which is embarking on a 290 km effort to raise money for six-year-old Logan Mowatt, who has leukaemia, and eight-year-old Jamie Lee, whose parents plan to build a small extension to their home to store the sensory equipment that she requires because of a congenital condition; understands that, over the course of up to six days, Stuart and two of his sons will follow the Trossachs trail to Inversnaid, join the West Highland Way to Fort William, scale Ben Nevis and then walk the Great Glen Way to Inverness; acknowledges that Stuart is an avid hillwalker, and wishes him, his sons, and Logan and Jamie, all the very best. Supported by: Maurice Corry*, Margaret Mitchell*, Peter Chapman*, Liz Smith*, Miles Briggs*, Tom Mason*, Bill Bowman*, Alison Harris*, Kenneth Gibson*, Edward Mountain*, Jamie Greene*, Bill Kidd*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

*S5M-06748 Alexander Stewart: Retired Army Veteran, Dave Brown—That the Parliament welcomes the news that Dave Brown, who is a retired sergeant major from Sauchie, will be taking part in the 2017 Great Scottish Run in Glasgow on 1 October to raise money for the Army Benevolent Fund; notes that Dave was an army physical training instructor for seven years, training and developing soldiers in all areas of exercise; acknowledges that, after 24 years as a warrant officer, he retired from the military in 2013 officer following service in the Gulf War Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kenya; notes however that he continues to challenge himself physically, and wishes Dave the very best of luck in October’s event, at which he will run in boots while carrying 15kg on his back. Supported by: Bill Bowman*, Miles Briggs*, Peter Chapman*, Liz Smith*, Maurice Corry*, Alison Harris*, Margaret Mitchell*, Oliver Mundell*, Tom Mason*, Jeremy Balfour*, Murdo Fraser*,

Monday 24 July 2017 27 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

Edward Mountain*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Finlay Carson*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

*S5M-06747 Rona Mackay: Drena O’Malley's Support for DeafBlind Scotland—That the Parliament celebrates one of DeafBlind Scotland’s biggest supporters, Drena O’Malley, who has retired after almost 30 years; notes that Drena has been the driving force behind the new £1.5 million purpose-built learning and development centre in Lenzie for deafblind people, Field of Dreams; welcomes the news that, although she has retired, Drena will continue her work to raise money to give users of the centre the additional support that they need through Drena’s Guide Communicator Fund, which has already raised more than £3,500, and congratulates all of the people who provided hard work and support to make Field of Dreams happen. Supported by: Ruth Maguire*, Jenny Gilruth*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06576 Jackson Carlaw: Hamas-Fatah Rivalry Killing Palestinians—That the Parliament notes with concern reports that the Hamas-Fatah feud has led to the death of three Palestinian babies; believes that Gaza is controlled by Hamas while Fatah retain control of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank; understands that the report from The Times of London suggests that the three babies suffered from heart conditions and died after the Palestinian Authority reportedly refused to pay for them to be treated in Israel; believes that Israeli and Palestinian officials have said that the Palestinian Authority has stopped processing requests for urgent medical care, which it understands has left more than 1,600 patients on waiting lists, and that, according to a health spokesman for the health ministry in Gaza, six adults have also reportedly died waiting for permits, and believes that, sadly, this can and should be seen as a direct result of the power struggle between Hamas and Fatah, which has also reportedly seen the Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, halt shipments of medicine and baby formula to hospitals in Gaza. Supported by: Peter Chapman, Alexander Stewart, Bill Bowman, Miles Briggs, Liz Smith, Alison Harris, Annie Wells, Jeremy Balfour, Rachael Hamilton, Oliver Mundell, Liam Kerr, Margaret Mitchell

*S5M-06576.1 Ivan McKee: Hamas-Fatah Rivalry Killing Palestinians—As an amendment to motion S5M-06576 in the name of Jackson Carlaw (Hamas-Fatah Rivalry Killing Palestinians), leave out from "that the Hamas-Fatah feud" to end and insert "of recent preventable deaths in the Gaza Strip, including the deaths of three Palestinian babies; understands that these babies and other patients could not be treated in Gaza, where the healthcare system is, it believes, under extreme duress due to the Israeli blockade, which prevents medical equipment from reaching hospitals; considers that responsibility for approving permits for Palestinian patients needing to leave Gaza for medical appointments rests solely with the Israeli authorities; understands that the World Health Organization found that, in May 2017, this approval rate had dropped to its lowest in seven years; considers that Israel’s restrictions on access to and from Gaza go far beyond what is permitted by international humanitarian law and human rights law, and calls on the Israeli Government to honour what it believes is the requirement, under the law of occupation as codified in Article 43 of the Hague Regulations, to permit the proper functioning of civil society and its obligations to respect the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank." Supported by: Jenny Gilruth*, Ross Greer*, Rona Mackay*, Clare Haughey*

Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

Monday 24 July 2017 28 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06746 Bill Bowman: Success for Abertay University at the Develop Awards (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Jeremy Balfour*, Murdo Fraser*, Finlay Carson*, Maurice Corry*, Oliver Mundell*, John Scott*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06745 Peter Chapman: Elsie Matthew from Turriff Awarded Royal British Legion Gold Badge (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Maurice Corry*, Oliver Mundell*, John Scott*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06744 Peter Chapman: Turriff and District Heritage Society's Internship Programme (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Maurice Corry*, Oliver Mundell*, John Scott*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06743 Margaret Mitchell: The Queen Honours Hamilton West Station Staff (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Maurice Corry*, Oliver Mundell*, Bill Bowman*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06742 Annie Wells: Project Ability's 2017 Young Talent Art Showcase (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Sandra White*, Finlay Carson*, Maurice Corry*, Tom Arthur*, Oliver Mundell*, Tom Mason*, John Scott*, Jamie Greene*, Donald Cameron*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06741 Annie Wells: Glasgow FrontRunners' OUTrun Challenge (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Maurice Corry*, Oliver Mundell*, Jamie Greene*, John Scott*, Donald Cameron*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06740 Alexander Stewart: Mary Leishman Foundation’s Dander for Mary (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Neil Findlay*, Finlay Carson*, Maurice Corry*, Oliver Mundell*, Tom Mason*, Donald Cameron*, Annie Wells*, Ivan McKee*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06739 Jenny Gilruth: Kennoway Chosen for Coalfields Community Futures Programme (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06735 Alexander Burnett: Pearls in Peril (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Tom Mason*, John Scott*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06734 Neil Findlay: Happy 106th Birthday, Jessie Malcolm (lodged on 14 July 2017) New Support: Neil Bibby*, Tom Arthur*, Bob Doris*

S5M-06733 Neil Findlay: Young Writer of the Year Award (lodged on 13 July 2017)

Monday 24 July 2017 29 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06732 John Finnie: £4 Million Deal for the Gaelic Drama, Bannan (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*, Jenny Gilruth*

S5M-06731 John Finnie: £2.25 Million Bridge for Inverness Campus (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Rona Mackay*, Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*, Jenny Gilruth*

S5M-06730 John Finnie: Islay Tidal Energy Development (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*, Jenny Gilruth*

S5M-06729 Liam Kerr: Aberdeen Airport's Passenger Increases (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Finlay Carson*, Tom Arthur*, Oliver Mundell*, Tom Mason*, Jamie Greene*, Gordon Lindhurst*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06727 Elaine Smith: Breastfeeding Could Reduce MS (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Neil Findlay*, Colin Smyth*, John Finnie*

S5M-06726 Stuart McMillan: Thomas Pocklington Trust Housing Guide for People with Sight Loss (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06725 Rhoda Grant: HebCelt 2017 (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Neil Findlay*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06724 Pauline McNeill: Jeff Zycinski's Contribution to Radio Scotland (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Tom Arthur*

S5M-06723 David Torrance: Sterling Precision Engineering Services Ltd (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06722 David Torrance: Russell Kilgour, Design and Innovation in Plastics Competition (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*

S5M-06721 Graeme Dey: Rebecca Cottage Receives £10,000 Donation (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06720 Margaret Mitchell: Jimmy Anderson BEM (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Jamie Greene*, Maurice Corry*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06719 Pauline McNeill: Dr Denis Rutovitz (lodged on 13 July 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Tom Arthur*

S5M-06718 Clare Adamson: Glowing Report for Craigneuk Family Learning Centre (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*, Jenny Gilruth*

S5M-06717 Clare Adamson: Community Justice Centre Opens in Wishaw (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06716 Clare Adamson: Aaron Miller and Oliver Park from Wishaw, Selected for the Youth Olympics (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06715 Alison Johnstone: Scottish Rugby's First Woman Referee (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Richard Lochhead*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06714 Alison Johnstone: Provision for Active Travel at Sheriffhall Roundabout (lodged on 13 July 2017) New Support: Neil Findlay*

S5M-06713 Clare Adamson: Nitty Natter Club, Motherwell (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06712 Mary Fee: Neil Rafeeq Oral History Prize (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Tom Arthur*

S5M-06711 Alexander Stewart: The Clackmannanshire Business Awards 2017 (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06710 Stuart McMillan: i. HEAT Secures Funding (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06709 Bill Kidd: The Common Wheel (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06708 Bill Kidd: G15 Youth Project Awards for All Scotland Grant (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06707 Bill Kidd: Cancer Support Scotland Tak Tent (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*

S5M-06706 Jamie Greene: The Queen Elizabeth II Canal (lodged on 12 July 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: John Scott*, Fulton MacGregor*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06704 Graeme Dey: Strathmore Estates Gains Wildlife Estates Scotland Accreditation (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Gillian Martin*

S5M-06703 Bill Bowman: Dundee Sailing Club (lodged on 12 July 2017) New Support: Tom Arthur*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Tom Mason*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06702 Alexander Stewart: Leading Trauma Surgeon from Alloa Dies at 92 (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06701 Fulton MacGregor: Anya and Nyla Singh Fundraise for The Little Princess Trust (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*

S5M-06700 Alexander Stewart: The Great Tapestry of Scotland Arrives in Alloa (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06699 Annie Wells: Maryhill and Possilpark CAB Promotes Scams Awareness Month (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Fulton MacGregor*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06698 Graeme Dey: Chloe Todd, Keep Scotland Beautiful's Clean Up Scotland Hero of the Month (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*

S5M-06696 Tavish Scott: Congratulations to Shetland's Island Games Athletes (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06695 Bill Bowman: Dundee Safe Zone Bus (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06694 Bill Bowman: Congratulations to Chloe Todd for the Clean Up Scotland Hero of the Month Award (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06693 Bill Bowman: Congratulations to University of Dundee Student, Sian MacFarlane (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06691 Annie Wells: University of Glasgow Success at the Herald Higher Education Awards (lodged on 11 July 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06690 Clare Haughey: Congratulating Auchinraith Primary School's Fundraising for Hairmyres Hospital (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*

S5M-06689 Colin Smyth: Sainsbury's and the Fairtrade Mark (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Iain Gray*, Monica Lennon*, Kezia Dugdale*, Neil Findlay*, Andy Wightman*, Alison Johnstone*, Jeremy Balfour*, John Mason*, Ivan McKee*, Ben Macpherson*, Claudia Beamish*, Gordon Lindhurst*

S5M-06688 Mairi Evans: Lina Murray Wins at the Aberdeen and North East Scotland Music Festival (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*

S5M-06686 Ross Greer: Capall Dorcha Theatre Company (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06685 Ross Greer: Ardrossan Winton Community Sports Club Receives Funding (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06684 Bill Kidd: COPE Scotland New Initiatives in Glasgow (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: Fulton MacGregor*, Tom Arthur*, Ivan McKee*, Gillian Martin*

S5M-06683 Jeremy Balfour: Eric Liddell Centre Supporting the Local Community (lodged on 11 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06680 Murdo Fraser: Queensferry Crossing Walks (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06679 Jackie Baillie: Cordale, Housing Association of the Year (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Neil Findlay*

S5M-06676 Neil Findlay: Save Our Scotch Campaign (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Jackie Baillie*

S5M-06674 Anas Sarwar: Special Recognition for James Campbell of Bobath Scotland (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Jackie Baillie*

S5M-06673 Anas Sarwar: Street Soccer Scotland Scores at SCVO Charity Awards (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Jackie Baillie*, Brian Whittle*

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Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06672 : Fighting for Tax Jobs, Fighting for Tax Justice (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06671 Miles Briggs: Edinburgh Festival Fringe’s Days Out Initiative (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06670 Ruth Maguire: Herald Higher Education Awards (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06668 Bill Bowman: Kirriemuir District Agricultural Association's 140th Anniversary (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06667 Emma Harper: Lincluden Community Centre Management Committee (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06666 Annie Wells: City of Glasgow College Students Defend the Atlantic Cup (lodged on 10 July 2017) New Support: Finlay Carson*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06665 Bob Doris: Welcoming the First Glasgow Canal Festival (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06664 Gail Ross: Funding for Scrabster Harbour (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06663 Alison Harris: National Lottery Cash to Transform Camelon (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06662 Gail Ross: Congratulations to Bualnaluib Primary School (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06661 Ruth Maguire: Booth Welsh Raises Cash for Kids (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06659 Pauline McNeill: EIS Reports Rise in Children Attending School Hungry Due to Increasing Levels of Poverty (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Alex Rowley*, Iain Gray*, Jackie Baillie*

S5M-06658 Gail Ross: RSPB Study into Movement and Behaviours of Endangered Seabird Species (lodged on 07 July 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06657 George Adam: Westminster Closures Hit Paisley (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06656 Christina McKelvie: UWS Triumph at Herald Higher Education Awards (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06655 Gordon Lindhurst: Edinburgh Heritage Attractions Nominated for Award (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06654 Johann Lamont: Jobcentre Closures in Glasgow (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, John Mason*, Jackie Baillie*

S5M-06653 Joan McAlpine: Welcoming The Toon 2017 to Dumfries (lodged on 07 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06651 Angus MacDonald: Fellowship Film’s Release of The Gaelic King (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06650 Rona Mackay: Double Success for Bearsden Woman (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06649 Edward Mountain: Tina's Tearoom in Dingwall (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*

S5M-06648 Sandra White: Refugee Festival Scotland (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Jackie Baillie*, John Mason*

S5M-06645 Richard Lochhead: Simon Clark Completes 5,100-mile Run (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06644 Bill Bowman: Congratulations to Olivia Russell on Her Awards for Russian Language (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06643 Bill Bowman: Ronnie Stewart Retires from NHS Tayside after 48-year Service (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06641 David Torrance: Recognising Community Spirit in Fife (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

Monday 24 July 2017 35 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06640 David Torrance: Daniel Shand Wins Prestigious Literary Award (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06639 Angus MacDonald: Eid in the Park Second Successful Year (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06637 Gillian Martin: Strathburn School Raises £5,000 for Cancer Research UK (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06636 Gillian Martin: 11-year-old Aoife Gauld Raises Over £600 for The Little Princess Trust (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06635 Ruth Maguire: Colin Cameron of Irvine Honoured by the Nation of Malawi (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06634 Neil Findlay: Broxburn Job Centre (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06632 Jamie Greene: Congratulations to the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: John Scott*, Oliver Mundell*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06631 Jenny Gilruth: Dementia-friendly Walks in Riverside Park, Glenrothes (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06630 Jenny Gilruth: Congratulations to Glasgow Jazz Festival Winner, Seonaid Aitken (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06629 Clare Adamson: Overtown Community Nursery and Parents and Toddlers (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06628 Clare Adamson: Craigneuk Family Learning Centre (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06627 Bob Doris: Congratulating Maryhill Housing Association on 40 Years of Service (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

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Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06626 Clare Adamson: Airbles Tower Tenants Association Big Lottery Funding (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06625 Clare Adamson: Cambusnethan Boxing Club (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06623 Clare Adamson: Brandon Court Tenants Association Lottery Funding (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06622 Clare Adamson: Congratulations to Partners in Play (lodged on 06 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06621 Clare Haughey: Congratulations to the Social Entrepreneur, Gordon Hart (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06620 Rona Mackay: HPV Vaccination for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06618 Bob Doris: Sounds of Maryhill Project (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06617 Sandra White: Charles Rennie Mackintosh Willow Tea Rooms (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06616 Johann Lamont: Death of Councillor Alistair Watson (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Jackie Baillie*, John Mason*

S5M-06615 Clare Adamson: Best Way Community Development Big Lottery Funding (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06614 Clare Adamson: Congratulations to Wishaw South Bowling Club (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06612 Clare Adamson: Orchard Primary School and Nursery Lottery Funding (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06611 Alexander Stewart: Dunblane Primary School Donates to Sal's Shoes (lodged on 05 July 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06610 Maurice Golden: Big Lottery Funding in Renfrewshire (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06609 Alexander Stewart: Alva Woman Awarded The Queen’s Police Medal (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Jackie Baillie*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06605 Alexander Burnett: First Female SRU Referee (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06604 Miles Briggs: Honorary Degree for Magnus Linklater (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06603 Anas Sarwar: Action Mesothelioma Day (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ben Macpherson*, Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Jackie Baillie*

S5M-06602 Christina McKelvie: Breakthrough MND Study Results (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Ivan McKee*

S5M-06601 Annie Wells: First TRNSMT Festival in Glasgow (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Alex Cole-Hamilton*, Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06600 Pauline McNeill: Protection for Workers on Zero-hours Contracts (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ben Macpherson*

S5M-06599 Neil Findlay: Turn Your Life Around Project, Part of Community in Motion Edinburgh (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06598 Bob Doris: Congratulating Big Lottery Fund Winners from Maryhill and Springburn (lodged on 05 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06597 Annie Wells: Glasgow's First-ever Canal Festival (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06596 Angus MacDonald: 2017 Bo’ness Children’s Fair Festival (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06595 Sandra White: Unlock Employment (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

Monday 24 July 2017 38 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06594 Bill Kidd: Dr Julie McElroy Completes Groundbreaking PhD in Assistive Technology (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06593 Sandra White: William Beckett Securitas Community Award Nominee 2017 (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06592 Emma Harper: Skoosh – Scots Hoose (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06591 Pauline McNeill: Israel Confiscates Solar Panels Donated by Dutch Government to Palestine (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ben Macpherson*

S5M-06590 Gil Paterson: Scams Awareness Month Begins (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Jackie Baillie*, John Mason*

S5M-06588 Alexander Burnett: Awards for All in Aberdeenshire West (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06583 Kenneth Gibson: Congratulations to Noah Graham (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06582 Emma Harper: Lochside in North West Dumfries to Hold First Gala Event in 30 Years (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06580 Miles Briggs: Successful Year for the Edinburgh International Film Festival (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06579 Andy Wightman: Three Years of Scotland's Community Shares Programme (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06578 Christina McKelvie: Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016 (lodged on 04 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, John Mason*

S5M-06577 Jackson Carlaw: Michael Bond, 1926 to 2017 (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06574 Neil Findlay: Young Mum Launches Race for Life (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Jackie Baillie*

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Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06573 Neil Findlay: Bellissima Ball Raises Over £9,000 (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06572 David Torrance: Levenmouth Foodbank Community Support Project (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06571 Kenneth Gibson: Arran's Accommodation Awarded Best in Europe (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06570 Maurice Golden: Funding to Support Sheltered Housing Residents in West Dunbartonshire (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06569 Maurice Golden: Erskine Big Lottery Funding (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Jackie Baillie*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06568 Maurice Golden: Auchinairn After School Care Ltd (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06567 Maurice Golden: Bishopton Primary School Parent Council Big Lottery Funding (lodged on 03 July 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06564 Annie Wells: MND Campaigner Gordon Aikman Remembered with a People's Choice Award (lodged on 30 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06561 Mairi Evans: Hear to Help in Angus Raises Funds to Survive Another Three Months (lodged on 30 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06560 Ruth Maguire: Fullarton Wheelers Cycling Club Cycle for Ayrshire Hospice (lodged on 30 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06559 Ruth Maguire: Staff of Hallmark Hotel in Irvine Raise Money for Charity (lodged on 30 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06558 Colin Beattie: Teapot Trust’s Artful Award (lodged on 30 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06557 Clare Adamson: 25th Anniversary of Ravenscraig Steel Plant Closure (lodged on 30 June 2017)

Monday 24 July 2017 40 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06556 Liam McArthur: Success for Young Orcadian Composer (lodged on 30 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06555 Sandra White: Award Winning Italian Cafe Serving Up Success In Glasgow's West End (lodged on 30 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06554 Sandra White: Celebrating 25 Years of "the Afty" Hyndland School Club (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06553 Clare Adamson: You’re Asking for It Initiative (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06552 Angus MacDonald: European Regional Development Funding Awarded to Scotland (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06551 Miles Briggs: Edinburgh Napier University’s Honorary Degree Awards 2017 (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06550 Richard Lyle: Congratulations to #IncludED in the Main?! (ENABLE Scotland) Cracking Campaign SCVO Award Winners (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06549 James Dornan: Queen's Park FC's 150th Anniversary (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06547 Sandra White: Glasgow Chinese Badminton Club (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06546 Ben Macpherson: 21st Anniversary of Trainspotting as Leith Theatre Fundraiser (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06545 Rona Mackay: Gerry Marley and Campsie Black Watch FC (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06544 Maree Todd: Tackling Household Affordable Warmth (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06543 Colin Beattie: Dalkeith Sporting Memories (lodged on 29 June 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06542 Colin Beattie: Dalkeith After School Club (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06541 Colin Beattie: Woodburn Family Learning Centre (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06540 Colin Beattie: Horizons Recovery Cafe (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06539 Colin Beattie: King's Park Primary School Parent Council (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06538 Colin Beattie: St David’s Primary School Parent Council (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06537 Colin Beattie: Bill Russell Youth Project (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06536 Colin Beattie: Dalkeith Thistle Community Football Club (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06535 Colin Beattie: Grassy Riggs Older People and Carers Project (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06534 Colin Beattie: Women’s Aid East and Midlothian (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06532 Gail Ross: Highlands and Islands Student Association Awards (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06530 Sandra White: Street Soccer Scotland, SCVO Scottish Charity of the Year Winners (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06529 Jenny Gilruth: Rachel Main from Glenrothes (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06527 Richard Lochhead: Speyside High School’s 40th Anniversary (lodged on 29 June 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06526 David Torrance: Jonny Adam from Kirkcaldy, Le Mans Winner (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06525 Bill Kidd: Corpus Christi Primary School (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06524 David Torrance: Kinghorn Library Reopening (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06523 Sandra White: Scottish Detainee Visitors (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06522 Sandra White: Glasgow Acting Academy (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06521 Sandra White: Africa in Motion (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06518 Sandra White: WEvolution (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06516 Sandra White: West End Festival (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06515 Sandra White: Glasgow University Students' Representative Council (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06514 Margaret Mitchell: You’re Asking For It (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06513 Sandra White: Neurofibromatosis Association (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06512 David Torrance: Fife Tourism Boost (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06511 Maurice Corry: British Heart Foundation Awards Nominee, Findlay Campbell (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06510 Liam McArthur: Double Gold Success for Record-breaking Anna Tait (lodged on 29 June 2017)

Monday 24 July 2017 43 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06509 Rona Mackay: Being Silent is Not Being Strong (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06508 Margaret Mitchell: Bellshill EU Congregational Church (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06507 David Torrance: KYFM Radio Station (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06506 David Torrance: Bee Buddies (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06505 David Torrance: Balwearie High School (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06504 David Torrance: Paxton Nursery School (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06503 David Torrance: Kirkcaldy United Services Institute Limited (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06501 David Torrance: Burntisland Sailing Club Ltd (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06500 David Torrance: Buckhaven Beehive (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06499 David Torrance: Fife Centre for Equalities (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06498 David Torrance: Cat and Chat SCIO (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06497 David Torrance: Kirkcaldy Choral Union (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06496 Mairi Evans: Brechin High School Pupils Complete the GOALS Programme (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06494 Gillian Martin: Sandy May Wins The Doric Award at Inspiring Aberdeenshire Awards (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

Monday 24 July 2017 44 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06490 David Torrance: Fife Pride 2017 (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06489 Gillian Martin: Amal Project Wins Inspiring Aberdeenshire Award (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06488 Gillian Martin: Peter Scarlett Wins Inspiring Aberdeenshire Award (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06486 Richard Lyle: Arthritis Support Group (Bellshill and District) (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06485 Richard Lyle: Les Hoey MBE DreamMaker Foundation (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06484 Richard Lyle: The Celtic Sports Academy (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06481 Richard Lyle: Uddingston Viewpark Parish Church of Scotland (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06480 Richard Lyle: Lanarkshire Therapy Support (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06479 Richard Lyle: Support For Play and Early Learning in Lanarkshire (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06478 Richard Lyle: Friends 4 U (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06477 Richard Lyle: Holy Family Primary School (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06476 Alison Harris: Dance World Cup Championships (lodged on 29 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06475 Stuart McMillan: Congratulations to Rowing Champion, Rachel Speirs (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

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Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06474 Stuart McMillan: Greenock Telegraph’s Community Champion Awards 2017 (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06471 Alison Johnstone: 50th Anniversary of the Pill Being Made Universally Available (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06470 Christina McKelvie: Quarter Parish Church Friendship Group Receives Funding (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06466 Margaret Mitchell: VIP Pass Community Project (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06465 Dean Lockhart: Raploch Community Partnership’s ROC’N Garden Group (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06464 Dean Lockhart: Funding Award for Stirling Entrepreneur (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06463 Dean Lockhart: Big Noise Raploch Launches Raploch Symphony Orchestra (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*, Brian Whittle*

S5M-06462 Angus MacDonald: Wallacestone and District Pipe Band, European Champions (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06461 Kezia Dugdale: Vonnie Sandlan, President of NUS Scotland (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06460 Bob Doris: Glasgow 44th Scout Hall Under Threat (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06459 Clare Adamson: Our Lady's High School Wins Kiss Bigotry Goodbye Cup (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06458 Bill Kidd: ANYiSO Receives Young Start Funding (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06457 David Stewart: Congratulations to Kara Hanlon (lodged on 28 June 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06456 Angus MacDonald: Larbert High School Wins TES School Award (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06455 Angus MacDonald: Carrongrange School Receives Awards for All Grant (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06453 Angus MacDonald: Falkirk District Credit Union (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06452 Angus MacDonald: Equipmen Receives Awards for All Grant (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06451 Angus MacDonald: Forth Valley Migrant Support Network Receives Awards for All Grant (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06450 Donald Cameron: Lottery Boost for Carloway Community Association (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06449 Christina McKelvie: The Manda Centre (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06448 Mairi Evans: Macmillan Day Assessment Unit at Whitehills Health and Community Care Centre (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06447 Christina McKelvie: Family Man Group (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06444 Neil Findlay: BBC's Victoria Derbyshire Programme (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06441 James Dornan: The 59th Glasgow Guide Company (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06440 James Dornan: The Saturday Café Club (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee* R

S5M-06439 James Dornan: John Paul II Primary School (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

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Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06438 James Dornan: St Mirin’s Out of School Club (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06437 James Dornan: Congratulating Glasgow South East Childcare Forum (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06433 Richard Lochhead: Tomintoul Primary School and Nursery Receive Positive Report (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06422 Gail Ross: North Sutherland Community Forest Trust Award (lodged on 28 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06420 Jackie Baillie: Energy Advice in Detail (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06416 Annie Wells: National Autistic Society Glasgow Mentoring Project (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06414 Annie Wells: Tea Parties with Contact the Elderly (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06413 Mairi Evans: Brechin Golf Club Hosts Macmillan's Longest Day Golf Challenge (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06412 Mairi Evans: Montrose Academy Sports Marathon (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06411 Mairi Evans: Forfar Sailing Club Awarded £6,000 for New Dinghies (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06410 Mairi Evans: Mearns Academy in Laurencekirk Awarded £6,996 (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06409 Colin Beattie: St Michael's Inveresk Parish Church Improves Disabled Facilities (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06408 Colin Beattie: All Play and Not so Much Work for Bilston Primary Pupils (lodged on 27 June 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06407 Colin Beattie: Rosewell Development Trust Stays Outdoors with Funding (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06406 Colin Beattie: Tickled Pink by Funding (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06405 Colin Beattie: Warblers Funding is on Song (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06404 Colin Beattie: Funding Keeps Bill Russell Woodburn Youth Project Young (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06403 Colin Beattie: Loanhead’s Parents and Tots Not Kidding Around with Funding Bid (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Ivan McKee*

S5M-06395 Donald Cameron: HIV Scotland Positive Persons' Forum 2017 (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06394 Jackson Carlaw: Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2017 (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06391 Maurice Golden: Clark Contracts, Skills Development Scotland Youth Employer of the Month (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06387 Jackson Carlaw: Eastwood Receives Awards for All Scotland Grant (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06380 Finlay Carson: Awards for All in Galloway and West Dumfries (lodged on 27 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06368 Edward Mountain: Fortrose Academy is Dementia-friendly (lodged on 26 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06364 Alexander Stewart: Dunfermline Carnegie Library and Galleries (lodged on 26 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

Monday 24 July 2017 49 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Motions | Gluasadan

S5M-06362 Jamie Greene: HMS Queen Elizabeth (lodged on 26 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06361 Gordon Lindhurst: Record-breaking Year for the Royal Highland Show (lodged on 26 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06359 Alexander Stewart: Fishcross Couple Trek the West Highland Way for Community Centre (lodged on 26 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06354 Liam Kerr: Good Luck to Jonny O'Mara at Wimbledon (lodged on 26 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06353 Ross Greer: ENABLE Scotland's Cracking Campaign Award (lodged on 26 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06342 Donald Cameron: British Empire Medal for David Meldrum (lodged on 23 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06341 Donald Cameron: British Empire Medal for Margaret Mather (lodged on 23 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06340 Donald Cameron: British Empire Medal for Anne Isabel Masino (lodged on 23 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06339 Donald Cameron: The Reverend Dr Roderick Macleod MBE (lodged on 23 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06330 Fulton MacGregor: Food for Thought (lodged on 23 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06313 Jeremy Balfour: Congratulations to Young Start Fund Recipients in the Lothians (lodged on 22 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06306 Liam Kerr: SPECTA 2017 Festival (lodged on 22 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06305 Bill Bowman: Silver Teaching Excellence Framework Award for Abertay (lodged on 22 June 2017)

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Motions | Gluasadan

New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06304 Bill Bowman: Golden Success for University of Dundee in Teaching Excellence Framework (lodged on 22 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06289 Adam Tomkins: Glasgow the Caring City (lodged on 21 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06279 Miles Briggs: Edinburgh Napier University’s New Masters Degree in Business Events (lodged on 21 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06272 Dean Lockhart: Energy Project Reaches Major Milestone (lodged on 21 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06268 Gordon Lindhurst: Police Dog Duke and PC Andy Gamble win National Police Dog Trials Awards (lodged on 21 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

S5M-06258 David Stewart: Launch of SEFARI (lodged on 20 June 2017) New Support: Brian Whittle*

Monday 24 July 2017 51 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Questions | Ceistean

Written Questions

Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an "R".

Inspired Questions are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Inspired questions lodged from 17 July 2017 to 21 July 2017

S5W-10393 Gail Ross: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the progress of the policy review on the future approach to the procurement of lifeline ferry services, as announced by the Minister for Transport and the Islands in his statement to Parliament on 2 February 2017.

Written questions lodged from 17 July 2017 to 21 July 2017

S5W-10246 Anas Sarwar: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on the number of isotopes (a) used and (b) stored by the NHS between 2010 and 2016. S5W-10316 Anas Sarwar: To ask the Scottish Government how many consultant (a) radiologist and (b) interventional neuroradiologist vacancies there have been in each of the last six months. S5W-10317 Anas Sarwar: To ask the Scottish Government how many acute ischaemic stroke patients it estimates will receive mechanical thrombectomy treatment in 2017-18, broken down by the centre performing the procedure. S5W-10338 Ruth Maguire: To ask the Scottish Government what the impact was of the 2017 golf championship on the (a) Ayrshire and (b) national economy, and what (i) support and (ii) international promotion it (A) gave to the 2017 event and (B) will offer the event in future years. S5W-10341 Liz Smith: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will publish the minutes of the meeting of 15 March 2017 between the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills and Bill Maxwell, Lesley Brown and Clare Hicks of Education Scotland. S5W-10342 Alexander Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government how many wind farm applications that have been turned down by local authorities have been subsequently (a) approved and (b) rejected by ministers on appeal since July 2016. S5W-10343 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government on what date it was provided with the gross domestic product Q1 2017 figures, which were published on 5 July 2017. S5W-10344 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government on what date it was provided with the regional labour market statistics for January to March 2017, which were published on 12 July 2017. S5W-10345 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government when it will announce the membership of the steering group on bottle deposit return; what criteria it will use to select the members, and whether the group will include representatives of the hotel, restaurant and catering sector. S5W-10346 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government what input representatives of the hotel, restaurant and catering sector have had in discussions regarding the design of any bottle deposit return system.

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Questions | Ceistean

S5W-10348 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government what analysis Zero Waste Scotland has carried out or plans regarding the impact that a bottle deposit return system could have on trade waste costs for the hotel, restaurant and catering sector. S5W-10349 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made in its discussions with Network Rail regarding the Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme works. S5W-10350 Claire Baker: To ask the Scottish Government how many acid attacks there has been in each of the past five years; how many convictions there were, broken down by average length of sentence, and whether it plans to review the law on dealing with this type of crime. S5W-10351 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government what action Scottish Enterprise is taking to close the gender pay gap, and what outcomes have been achieved. S5W-10352 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government how Scottish Enterprise measures and analyses the effectiveness of the action that it taking to close the gender pay gap, and whether it will publish the findings of this work. S5W-10353 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government what future action it will ask Scottish Enterprise to take to close the gender pay gap. S5W-10354 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government how many housing completions there have been by (a) local authorities, (b) housing associations and (c) the private sector in each year since 2007-08. S5W-10355 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government how many affordable homes were built in 2016-17, and how many were for social rent. S5W-10356 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government how the spending on each fuel poverty programme compared with the budget allocated 2016-17, and how any underspend has been re-allocated. S5W-10357 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government how often police officers relied on hand- held radios to make so-called assistance shouts in the last year, and how many times this method of communication was required following the recent IT failure at the Dundee Police Scotland control room. S5W-10358 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the recent IT failure at the Dundee Police Scotland control room; whether it will formally investigate the matter, and what action it is taking to prevent a reoccurrence. S5W-10359 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the recent IT failure at the Dundee Police Scotland control room, what other failures of the force's integrated communications control system there have been. S5W-10360 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government how the Scottish Police Authority monitors Police Scotland’s integrated communications control system, and whether it will publish the findings of any reports. S5W-10361 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government what resources it has committed to Scottish Development International's High Growth Market Unit since May 2016. S5W-10362 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government whather it will provide an update on its discussions with the UK Government and local authorities regarding the proposed Stirling and Clackmannanshire City Region Deal. S5W-10363 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions Transport Scotland has had with (a) Network Rail, b) ScotRail and (c) freight companies regarding noise and

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Questions | Ceistean vibration pollution caused by freight vehicles on the rail network, and whether it has discussed with the UK Government changing the regulations that cover such pollution. S5W-10364 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government how many homes in each local authority area have been brought back in to use with support from the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership in each year since 2010. S5W-10366 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will publish details of all communication that it has had with Police Scotland regarding the recent IT failure at the Dundee Police Scotland control room and other similar incidents. S5W-10367 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Government whether local authorities are expected to have autism partnership boards, and to what extent these are monitored. S5W-10368 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Government what obligations cinemas and other public places have in terms of being autism-friendly. S5W-10369 Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Government how it ensures that consultation events organised by (a) it and (b) its agencies take account of the needs of people who are visually and/or hearing impaired. S5W-10370 Rachael Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what progress it is making in delivering digital connectivity in (a) the Scottish Borders and (b) other rural and remote areas, and whether it is on target to deliver 100% coverage by 2020. S5W-10371 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government (a) how many and (b) which third sector organisations are involved in prisons to specifically help armed forces veterans. S5W-10372 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government which projects have received support from the Scottish Veterans' Fund in the last 12 months, broken down by amount provided. S5W-10373 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government how many armed forces veterans are in prison. S5W-10374 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government what proportion of armed forces veterans in prison enter employment within 12 months of leaving. S5W-10375 Maurice Corry: To ask the Scottish Government what proportion of armed forces veterans in prison become homeless once they have left. S5W-10376 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government how many self-employed oil and gas workers in the (a) North East Scotland parliamentary region and (b) rest of the country have lost their jobs in each year since 2014. S5W-10378 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has regarding whether the unemployment statistics from the Office for National Statistics take account of self- employed job losses in the oil and gas sector. S5W-10379 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government how many contractor-limited company oil and gas workers in the (a) North East Scotland parliamentary region and (b) rest of the country have had their contract for services terminated in each year since 2014. S5W-10381 Miles Briggs: To ask the Scottish Government whether legislation on the provision of free personal care exclusively to over 65s is compliant with the Equality Act 2010 regarding age discrimination. S5W-10382 Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government how many (a) places, (b) applicants, (c) starts and (d) successful completions there have been for the Childhood Practice (BA) course in each year since 2007-08.

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Questions | Ceistean

S5W-10383 Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government, further to its publication, A Blueprint for 2020: Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland, when the Skills Investment Plan will be published. S5W-10384 Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government how many new childcare workers will be in place in each year to 2020 to meet the increased number of workers set out in its publication, A Blueprint for 2020: Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland. S5W-10385 Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government when the new childcare workers set out in its publication, A Blueprint for 2020: Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland, will be in place. S5W-10386 Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government, further to its publication, A Blueprint for 2020: Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland, whether the commitment to training and introducing new workers will continue beyond 2017-18 and, if so, how many workers will be recruited and over what period. S5W-10387 Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government how many licensed airgun owners there are, also broken down by how many weapons they keep, and what information it has regarding the number of unlicensed owners and guns. S5W-10388 Anas Sarwar: To ask the Scottish Government what programme is in place for training neuroradiologists to carry out mechanical thrombectomy treatment; how many are being trained, broken down by when this training will be completed, and what impact this will have on the number of acute ischaemic stroke patients who will receive treatment in each of the next five years. S5W-10389 Elaine Smith: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-10012 by Angela Constance on 18 July 2017, whether it will provide a breakdown of what specific action it is taking to address discrimination against Roman Catholics in response to the findings in the report; what outcomes it expects from this, and how it will measure the success of it. S5W-10390 Miles Briggs: To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to reports that people in Scotland with ocular melanoma are offered fewer treatment options than in the rest of the UK, and what action it is taking to increase this number of options. S5W-10396 Clare Haughey: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-10034 by Kevin Stewart on 14 July 2017, whether the Scottish Funding Council received the information that it requested from the principals and chairs of college buildings and from the Scottish Association of University Directors of Estates (SAUDE) regarding the use of aluminium composite material by 13 July and, if so, how (a) this information will be used and (b) ministers will ensure that all relevant action is taken. S5W-10397 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-08107 by Keith Brown on 28 March 2017, whether it will request that the Office for National Statistics produces pay gap data on personal characteristics such as ethnicity and nationality. S5W-10398 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-08107 by Keith Brown on 28 March 2017, whether there is sufficient data (a) collected and (b) available on the ethnicity pay gap. S5W-10399 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with local authorities regarding the (a) quantity, (b) size and (c) location of social housing that meets wheelchair accessibility requirements, and whether it holds this information centrally.

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Questions | Ceistean

S5W-10400 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government what it is doing to ensure that there is an adequate supply of social housing suitable for wheelchair users. S5W-10401 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with local authorities regarding the length of time that wheelchair users are on waiting lists for social housing. S5W-10402 Dean Lockhart: To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to assist local authorities to ensure that people who require wheelchair accessible social housing are not on waiting lists for a long time. S5W-10403 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government, in light of Councillor Nick Cook calling for a gull de-nesting programme in Edinburgh, whether it will support local authorities in pursuing such an initiative. S5W-10404 Liam Kerr: To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to (a) issue renewed guidance to local authorities and (b) review the 2010 research to support measures to tackle issues arising from gull nesting and, if so, when it plans to do so. S5W-10405 Annie Wells: To ask the Scottish Government how many mental health link workers will be recruited by the end of 2017, and whether they will be included in its commitment to employing 800 additional mental health workers. S5W-10406 Neil Findlay: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-10073 by on 19 July 2017, whether it will list the main differences between its proposals and the bill considered in session 4. S5W-10407 Annie Wells: To ask the Scottish Government what its estimated funding will be for mental health services in the current parliamentary session. S5W-10408 Annie Wells: To ask the Scottish Government how many people in each NHS board are being prescribed antidepressants. S5W-10409 Annie Wells: To ask the Scottish Government how many people attended A&E departments in each year since 2011-12 where the primary diagnosis was a psychiatric condition. S5W-10410 Annie Wells: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-10074 by Shona Robison on 27 July 2017, how the £2.85 million of additional funding released in June 2017 will be distributed between NHS boards. S5W-10411 Annie Wells: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-10074 by Shona Robison on 27 July 2017, whether the £2.85 million of additional funding announced in June 2017 was new funding or whether it was allocated from the £100 million cancer plan announced in March 2016. S5W-10412 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-10393 by Humza Yousaf on 20 July 2017, when it will determine whether to retender shipping services from Shetland and Orkney to Aberdeen or bring them under the direct operational control of ministers. S5W-10413 Johann Lamont: To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland report, Themed visit to homeless people with mental ill health, published in July 2017, which found that homeless people who were diagnosed with both mental ill health and addiction issues sometimes had difficulty getting help. S5W-10414 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government what the budget will be for the proposed south of Scotland enterprise agency.

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Questions | Ceistean

S5W-10415 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government when it will publish legislation on the establishment of the proposed south of Scotland enterprise agency. S5W-10416 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government what preparations it is making to raise awareness among (a) GPs and (b) the public of the introduction of qFIT to the bowel screening programme. S5W-10418 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government how the NHS is preparing for a possible increased uptake of bowel screening following the introduction of qFIT. S5W-10419 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made with the development of a national public health strategy for Scotland, as recommended by the Public Health Review Group in 2016. S5W-10420 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government what process will be used to appoint the chair of the proposed south of Scotland enterprise agency. S5W-10421 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government when a chair or interim chair of the proposed south of Scotland enterprise agency will be appointed. S5W-10422 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-09787 by Shona Robison on 17 July 2017, what the detailed timeline is for the publication of the final obesity strategy. S5W-10423 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government what role chambers of commerce will have regarding the proposed south of Scotland enterprise agency. S5W-10424 Colin Smyth: To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to promote energy storage in the south of Scotland. S5W-10425 Daniel Johnson: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-04238 by Mark McDonald on 11 November 2016, when it will publish the Flexible Jobs Index for Scotland. S5W-10426 Christina McKelvie: To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on someone under the age of 16 being able to give consent to sexual activity. S5W-10427 Christina McKelvie: To ask the Scottish Government, in light of recent reports from Barnardo’s, Victim Support, Liberty and Rape Crisis, which state that the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) has not compensated nearly 700 child victims of sexual abuse, what its position is on the impact on victims in Scotland, and what action it can take to review CICA's guidelines for Scotland. S5W-10428 Christina McKelvie: To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the impact on victims in Scotland, what action it can take with the UK Government to review the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority guidelines regarding compensation for victims of sexual abuse under the age of 16. S5W-10429 David Stewart: To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to redistribute Crown Estate staff posts across Scotland. S5W-10431 Richard Lyle: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on the quantity of Bio Products Laboratory products that are used in Scotland. S5W-10432 Richard Lyle: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on how much of the Bio Products Laboratory (BPL) products that are used in Scotland are affected by the reported findings of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) following a routine inspection of BPL laboratories.

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Questions | Ceistean

S5W-10433 Richard Lyle: To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the reported findings of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) following a routine inspection of Bio Products Laboratory premises, what action it is taking regarding any impact on patient safety in Scotland. S5W-10434 Liz Smith: To ask the Scottish Government what money it has made available for school buildings in Fife. S5W-10435 Liz Smith: To ask the Scottish Government when finance will be forthcoming to support the building of new high schools in Dunfermline and West Fife. S5W-10436 Liam McArthur: To ask the Scottish Government what representations it has made to Flybe and Loganair regarding the need to maintain air service connections to and from the Highlands and Islands after their franchise agreement ends in September 2017. S5W-10437 Liam McArthur: To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the impact that ending the franchise agreement between Loganair and Flybe will have on air service connections to and from the Highlands and Islands. S5W-10438 Liam McArthur: To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with (a) the Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS) and (b) Shetland's Transport Partnership (ZetTrans) regarding flight connections to and from the Highlands and Islands, in light of the decision by Flybe and Loganair to end their franchise agreement.

Monday 24 July 2017 58 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

New Bills | Bilean Ùra

New Bills and Accompanying Documents

New accompanying documents printed on 21 July 2017

Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Bill (As Amended at Stage 2)—A revised version of the Explanatory Notes has been printed. (SP Bill 7A-EN) (Member’s Bill)

Monday 24 July 2017 59 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Progress of Legislation | Adhartas Reachdais

Progress of Legislation

Bills A list of all Bills in progress can be accessed via the website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill’s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics. As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. a Government, Committee or Member’s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is four sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Wednesday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is five days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for each Stage, when the deadline is 12 noon.

A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2. Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders.

Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day.

(G) = Government Bill; (M) = Member’s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.

Air Departure Tax (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed, 20 June 2017

Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 completed, 29 June 2017 Stage 3 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Children and Young People (Information Sharing) (Scotland) Bill (G) Introduced, 19 June 2017

Civil Litigation (Expenses and Group Proceedings) (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (Justice Committee), 13 June 2017

Contract (Third Party Rights) (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 completed, 27 June 2017 Stage 3 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Monday 24 July 2017 60 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Progress of Legislation | Adhartas Reachdais

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Justice)), 27 June 2017

Edinburgh Bakers’ Widows’ Fund Bill (P) Preliminary Stage, 28 June 2017

Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee), 27 June 2017 Lead committee - Rural Economy and Connectivity

Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Equalities and Human Rights)), 22 June 2017

Islands (Scotland) Bill (G) Introduced, 9 June 2017 Lead committee - Rural Economy and Connectivity

Limitation (Childhood Abuse) (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed, 22 June 2017

Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Repeal) (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 (lead committee (Justice Committee)), 27 June 2017

Pow of Inchaffray Drainage Commission (Scotland) Bill (P) Preliminary Stage, 21 June 2017

Railway Policing (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed, 27 June 2017

Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 2 completed, 28 June 2017 Stage 3 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Social Security (Scotland) Bill (G) Briefing (lead committee (Social Security Committee)), 29 June 2017

Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform)), 27 June 2017

Writers to the Signet Dependants’ Annuity Fund Amendment (Scotland) Bill (P) Preliminary Stage, 6 September 2017

Legislative Consent Memorandums

Monday 24 July 2017 61 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Progress of Legislation | Adhartas Reachdais

A list of all Legislative Consent Memorandums lodged with the Scottish Parliament can be accessed via the website at:

Subordinate Legislation (date of laying) (lead committee)

Affirmative instruments

Lead committee to report by 13 September 2017 Advice and Assistance (Proceedings for Recovery of Documents) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 [draft] (1 June 2017) (Justice)

Negative instruments

Subject to annulment by 6 September 2017 Lead committee to report by 30 June 2017 Education Authority Annual Plan Planning Period (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/165) (25 May 2017) (Education and Skills)

Subject to annulment by 12 September 2017 Lead committee to report by 11 September 2017 Environmental Impact Assessment (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/168) (31 May 2017) (Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform)

Requirements for Teachers (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/170) (31 May 2017) (Education and Skills)

Subject to annulment by 13 September 2017 Lead committee to report by 11 September 2017 Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/171) (1 June 2017) (Education and Skills)

Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (Practice and Procedure) (No. 2) Amendment Rules 2017 (SSI 2017/172) (1 June 2017) (Health and Sport)

Mental Health (Conflict of Interest) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/174) (1 June 2017) (Health and Sport)

Mental Health (Patient Representation) (Prescribed Persons) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/175) (1 June 2017) (Health and Sport)

Mental Health (Certificates for Medical Treatment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/176) (1 June 2017) (Health and Sport)

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Progress of Legislation | Adhartas Reachdais

Marketing of Fruit Plant and Propagating Material (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/177) (1 June 2017) (Rural Economy and Connectivity)

Milk and Other Products (Pupils in Educational Establishments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/178) (1 June 2017) (Rural Economy and Connectivity)

Seed (Fees etc.) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/179) (1 June 2017) (Rural Economy and Connectivity)

Subject to annulment by 14 September 2017 Lead committee to report by 11 September 2017 Education (Fees and Student Support) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/180) (2 June 2017) (Education and Skills)

Welfare Reform (Consequential Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/182) (2 June 2017) (Education and Skills)

Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/187) (2 June 2017) (Local Government and Communities)

Building (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/188) (2 June 2017) (Local Government and Communities)

Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017 (SSI 2017/189) (2 June 2017) (Local Government and Communities)

Subject to annulment by 26 September 2017 Lead committee to report by 18 September 2017 Loch Carron Urgent Marine Conservation (No. 2) Order 2017 (SSI 2017/205) (14 June 2017) (Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform)

Subject to annulment by 28 September 2017 Lead committee to report by 25 September 2017 Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 (Prescribed Days) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/207) (16 June 2017) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 2 October 2017 Lead committee to report by 25 September 2017 Building (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/214) (20 June 2017) (Local Government and Communities)

Subject to annulment by 27 October 2017 Lead committee to report by 23 October 2017 Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/225) (29 June 2017) (Local Government and Communities)

Universal Credit (Claims and Payments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/227) (29 June 2017) (Social Security)

Monday 24 July 2017 63 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Progress of Legislation | Adhartas Reachdais

Subject to annulment by 28 October 2017 Lead committee to report by 23 October 2017 National Health Service (Free Prescriptions and Charges for Drugs and Appliances) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017/231) (30 June 2017) (Health and Sport)

Monday 24 July 2017 64 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Petitions | Athchuingean


The following petition was lodged with the Parliament on 18 July 2017

PE1663 Petition by Leslie Wallace on Driven grouse shooting study.

A full list of petitions can be viewed on the Scottish Parliament website at:

Monday 24 July 2017 65 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Documents | Sgrìobhainnean

New Documents

Other Documents

The following document was laid before the Parliament on 29 June 2017 and is not subject to any parliamentary procedure—

Scottish Welfare Fund Independent Review Service annual report 2017 (SWF/2017/01) laid under section 17(1) and (2A) of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002

The following documents was laid before the Parliament on 18 July 2017 and are not subject to any parliamentary procedure—

Big Lottery Fund Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17: SG/2017/113 laid under section 34 of, and paragraph 21 of schedule 4A of, the National Lottery etc. Act 1993

Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017: SG/2017/111 laid under section 22(5) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000

Press Recognition Panel Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2017: SG/2017/103 laid under sections 12.4 and 13.1 of the Royal Charter on Self–Regulation of the Press

Queen's and Lords Treasurer's Remembrancer Annual Report and Accounts for the Year ended 31 March 2017: SG/2017/114 laid under section 22(5) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000

Transport Focus Annual report and accounts 2016-17: SG/2017/80 laid under section 19 and schedule 5 of the Railways Act 2005

British Tourist Authority trading as VisitBritain and VisitEngland Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017: SG/2017/88 laid under section 88 of the Scotland Act 1998

Health and Care Professions Council Annual report and accounts 2016–17: SG/2017/102 laid under articles 44(2) and 46(7) of the Health and Social Work Professions Order 2001

The following documents were laid before the Parliament on 19 July 2017 and are not subject to any parliamentary procedure—

BBC Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17: BBC/2017/01 laid under the Memorandum of Understanding

British Transport Police Fund Annual Report and Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2017: SG/2017/101 laid under section 88 of the Scotland Act 1998

Civil Service Commission Annual Report and Accounts 2016–17: SG/2017/86 laid under paragraph 17(5) of Schedule 1 to the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010

Monday 24 July 2017 66 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Documents | Sgrìobhainnean

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority Annual Report and Accounts 2016-2017: SG/2017/67 laid under section 6 of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1995

Electoral Commission Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17: ELC/2017/01 laid under paragraph 20A(1) of Schedule 1 to the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Annual Report & Accounts 2016/17: SG/2017/120 laid under sections 14(8) and 26(11) of the Energy Act 2004

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman: Compendium of Case Reports for July 2017: SPSO/2017/07 laid Sections 15(1) and 15(1A) of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002

The following documents were laid before the Parliament on 20 July 2017 and are not subject to any parliamentary procedure—

General Dental Council Annual Report and Accounts 2016: SG/2017/121 laid under sections 2B and 2C of the Dentists Act 1984

Industrial Development Act 1982 Annual Report by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the First Minister of Scotland, and the Welsh Ministers For the year ended 31 March 2017: SG/2017/119 laid under sections 11 and 15 of the Industrial Development Act 1982

Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Report to the Scottish Parliament 2014 – 2016: SG/2017/10 laid under section 2(7) of the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004

NOTE: The General Dental Council Annual Report and Accounts 2016 (SG/2017/28) which was laid before the Parliament on 10th July 2017, has been withdrawn.

The following document was laid before the Parliament on 20 July 2017 and is not subject to any parliamentary procedure—

National Crime Agency Annual Report and Accounts 2016–17: SG/2017/122 laid under paragraph 8(3) of Schedule 2 to the Crime and Courts Act 2013.

Monday 24 July 2017 67 Today's Business Future Business Motions & Questions Legislation Other Gnothaichean an-diugh Gnothaichean ri teachd Gluasadan agus Ceistean Reachdas Eile

Contact Information | Fios Conaltraidh

Contacts for Further Information

All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX

Web site: General Enquiries 5000 Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199 Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187 Legislation Team 5277 Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU) 6124

Committee web sites at: Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations 5234 Delegated Powers and Law Reform 5212 Economy, Jobs and Fair Work 5403 Education and Skills 5204 Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform 5240 Equalities and Human Rights 5223 Finance and Constitution 5215 Health and Sport 5224 Justice 5047 Local Government and Communities 6037 Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny 5390 Public Petitions 5254 Rural Economy and Connectivity 5211 Social Security 5228 Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 6924

Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Parliamentary Bureau The Conveners Group Scottish Commission for Public Audit MSP Details Glossary

Monday 24 July 2017 68 © Parliamentary copyright. Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Information on the Scottish Parliament’s copyright policy can be found on the website - or by contacting Public Information on 0131 348 5000

Published in Scotland by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

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