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New book from Press

Médiations interculturelles entre la France et la Suède. Trajectoires et circulations de 1945 à nos jours, edited by Mickaëlle Cedergren & Sylvain Briens in collaboration with Valérie Alfvén et Luc Lefebvre

Cultural exchanges "France– – Round trip "

How does the cultural exchange look like between France and Sweden? What cultural relations have been created across national borders over the years? This book focuses on the cultural relations between France and Sweden from 1945 to the present. Three main fields have been identified where cultural identities have been created across borders: representations and conceptual worlds; mediation and intermediation; translation, receiving and circulating of artistic, literary and musical works. The contributions together provide a picture of the complex and variable connection and contact points in history which has occurred between the two countries. The participating authors contribute in showing that there has been a complex and variable cultural relations between Sweden and France. The different articles are based on the research that was presented at the international conference "France-Sweden – Tur och retur" in Stockholm in January 2014. The conference was organized by the in Paris and Stockholm University.

Médiations interculturelles entre la France et la Suède is the second volume in Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages, which is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes published by Stockholm University Press.

Editors Mickaëlle Cedergren is an associate professor in French at University.

Sylvain Briens is a professor of literature and Nordic cultural history at the university of Paris-Sorbonne.

Where to access Médiations interculturelles entre la France et la Suède At Stockholm University Press’ website you can download an epub-file, pdf-file and read the book online or access your books on multiple devices. On the website you can also order a printed copy of the book.

About the publisher Stockholm University Press Stockholm University Press (SUP) is an open access publisher of peer-reviewed academic journals and books. We aim to make journals and books affordable, and to give them the widest possible dissemination so that researchers around the world can find and access the information they need without barriers.