Media Coverage

Subject: We, the Irrelevant

March 13, 2016: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Sunshine Week and the state Senate

March 13, 2016: State Journal: Sunshine laws help answer big questions

March 8, 2016: Wisconsin State Journal: Award recipients honored for contributions to openness in state government

Jan. 22, 2016: WiscNews, Pat Nash: Legislators ignore will of voters,

Dec. 30, 2015: Dave Wester Letter to the Editor published in LaCrosse Tribune; Juneau County Star Times; Ashland Daily Press: GOP legislators thumb noses at public

Dec. 24, 2015: CapTimes, Plain Talk, Dave Zweifel: – We, the People? No. We, the Irrelevant

Nov. 15, 2015: Devil’s Advocates Radio 3:00 PM segment - Sheila Plotkin interview

Subject: Open Records

Jan. 31, 2016: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin’s open records law needs deadlines and consequences

Jan. 11, 2016: The CapTimes: WI Public Records Board scraps transitory records changes

Jan. 8, 2016: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Public outpouring: Emails, letters urge board reversal on records access

Dec. 30, 2015: Green Bay Press Gazette: Keep government records open, transparent

Dec. 26, 2015: : Scott Walker’s secrecy policy is wrong

Subject: Public Education

July 13, 2015: The Washington Post: Governor Scott Walker savages Wisconsin public education in new budget

June 8, 2015: Sheila Plotkin addresses Pep Rally for Public Schools in Sun Prairie

Jan. 27, 2015: Sheila Plotkin testifies in opposition to SB1, companion bill to AB1

Jan. 14, 2015: Sheila Plotkin testifies in opposition to AB1 relating to establishing different accountability measures for private and public schools

Subject: Who do they represent?

May 26, 2015: Senator Elizabeth Warren, Video on Facebook

September, 2014: Princeton study: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

Subject: Changing Wisconsin’s electoral process (GAB, Campaign Finance, and John Doe)

Nov. 17, 2015: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial: Scott Walker should veto GAB secrecy measures

Nov. 7, 2015: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial: Wisconsin Republicans embrace secrecy

Nov. 5, 2015: The New York Times: Legislators could upend finance laws in Wisconsin

Nov. 2, 2015: The Green Bay Press Gazette: Don’t scrap nonpartisan GAB

Oct. 27, 2015: Common Cause in Wisconsin: GAB “destruction and campaign finance “deform” stalled in state senate, but could be unleashed any time

Oct. 26, 2015: The American Prospect: Walker and the Kochs make Wisconsin corruption-friendly

Oct. 23, 2015: The New York Times: Wisconsin Governor signs bill limiting political corruption inquiries

Oct. 22, 2015: Politifact: GOP changes to Wisconsin’s John Doe law create exceptions for politicians, Democratic lawmaker says

Oct. 21, 2015: WPR: State senate joins assembly in passing John Doe bill

Oct. 21, 2015: The Wall Street Journal: Wisconsin Assembly approves Legislation to curb “John Doe” probes

Oct. 21, 2015: Think Progress: Scott Walker is ready to turn back the clock on ethics and campaign finance in Wisconsin