~ Know, Grow, Show ~ Wilson’s Endowed C.E. Primary School Monday Decorated Egg Competition (via photo) – Judging Day!  All children are invited to make a decorated hard boiled egg. You can use paint, sticky paper, fabric or any materials you nd 22 March can think of to make a pattern, face or character.  They can also be set in a scene if you wish (optional!). There are prizes for each year group winner.  Photographs of eggs should be submitted to [email protected] by Monday 22nd March by 9am  Linda Thomas, church warden at St Cuthbert’s Church, will judge photographs of the eggs  We will share the winning entries via our Facebook Page

Gardening Club with Mrs Wain – Monday Lunchtime 12.10pm – Willows Class / 12.40pm – Cedars Class

Drumming Lessons

School Council - Zoom meeting at 4pm with Mrs Williams Guitar lessons Tuesday 23rd March Reading Books Returns Day Please, in order for items to be quarantined, reading books need to be returned on Tuesdays. Unfortunately, books arriving after this day will miss out on the turn around Wednesday PTA Friends of the School Meeting 7.30pm via Zoom All Welcome – get updates on current activities and share any ideas. th 24 March Thank you to the Friends of the School for their recent donations to school The Friends recognise the challenging financial times the school is facing and provided some essential support. New carpets will be fitted in Pines and Cedars over the Easter break. The FoS have also come to the rescue of Pines’ Sunshine Room, paying for a cupboard to be installed around a boiler. The room had been condemned in a fire safety audit. They also paid for the laying of the flags outside the hall and £10 book tokens for last year’s Year 6 leavers in lieu of a party. Keyboard & Violin lessons Thursday 25th March Football Club with FC 3.15pm – 4.15pm Friday Easter Service – 9.15am on YouTube There will also be contributions by our diocesan school adviser, Helen Sage and Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff, the Bishop of Lancaster. th 26 March Each class have filmed a different contribution on the theme of Hope, Resurrection and New Life.

Egg Rolling Competition Each bubble will have the opportunity to roll an egg in our annual competition. You do not need to send in an egg. Very kindly, the Gott family have supplied enough Clarence Court Eggs for the children to use.

Easter Craft Afternoon All pupils will enjoy an afternoon filled with seasonal activities. They will bring their crafts home at the end of the day. Covid-19 Lateral Flow Device Tests (LFD) v Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Tests LFT tests help in stopping the spread of the virus and are currently offered to people who DO NOT have symptoms eg Testing ….. voluntary home testing kits for households with school aged children. We have been told from Public Health , that lateral flow home testing is not sufficient in guaranteeing that someone is Covid free. Therefore, we have been told that a PCR test is required for anyone displaying Covid symptoms.

Lateral Flow Get a PCR test to confirm if you have coronavirus when any of the following apply: or PCR? you have a high temperature / you have a new, continuous cough / you’ve lost your sense of smell or taste or it has changed Click here for More information about the different tests available Lent We are using materials from the Archbishop of York Youth Trust to consider how we can help others during Lent. We are going on a virtual journey, collecting badges along the way. Last week was light and Pilgrimage this week is a map. The materials are part of our Thursday worship and the full powerpoint and links to the videos are on Google Classroom. Further down this newsletter you can find this week’s activities. This Week’s Awards ‘Shine like stars in the universe’ Philippians 2 v 14-15 TT Rock Stars Christian Value Award Know, Grow, Show ~ Star of the Week ~ Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

~ Merit Certificates ~ Birkland Eskrigge Swarthdale Capernwray

160 182 167 168 Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, , . LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

~ Know, Grow, Show ~ Wilson’s Endowed C.E. Primary School Monday Gardening Club with Mrs Wain – Monday Lunchtime 12.10pm – Willows Class / 12.40pm – Cedars Class th 15 March Only two classes until restrictions ease so we can keep in our group ‘bubbles’ at lunchtime

Music lessons and Football are running this week No additional spaces available until Covid restrictions are lifted Monday – Drumming, Tuesday – Guitar, Thursday - Keyboard & Violin Thursday - Football Club with Morecambe FC 3.15pm – 4.15pm Tuesday Reading Books Returns Day Please in order for items to be quarantined, reading need to be returned on Tuesdays. th 16 March Unfortunately, books arriving after this day will miss out on the turn around Wednesday Your new headteacher is visiting school Mr Newiss will be spending the afternoon in school. He is pleased to meet the children again and spend an informal time th 17 March getting to know staff after school. He is very much looking forward to meeting parents next term. Friday Non-Uniform Day and Cake Sale We are holding a non-uniform day in aid of Comic Relief and Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK. For a donation of £1 pupils may th 18 March wear their own clothes for the day. School cook, Lucy is baking chocolate treats to sell at break time. Cakes cost 50p To find out more about SMA(UK) check out our Facebook page to see Lyra’s explanation about the condition and how it affected her family.

Reading Books Home Friday is the day we send home reading books for the weekend. We can only send reading books home if they have been returned on Tuesday.

Parents’ Evening Phone Call - Rowans 3.50pm – 5.50pm Please contact school if you need an appointment. All Dates and times are available on last week’s newsletter Monday Decorated Egg Competition (via photo) – Judging Day!  All children are invited to make a decorated hard boiled egg. You can use paint, sticky paper, fabric or any materials you nd 22 March can think of to make a pattern, face or character.  They can also be set in a scene if you wish (optional!). There are prizes for each year group winner.  Photographs of eggs should be submitted to [email protected] by Monday 22nd March by 9am  Linda Thomas, church warden at St Cuthbert’s Church, will judge photographs of the eggs  We will share the winning entries via our Facebook Page

School Council Zoom meeting at 4pm with Mrs Williams Prayer Thank you God for the love of our mums : Thank you God for their care and concern; for Mums Thank you God for the joys they have shared with us; Thank you God for the pains they have borne for us; Thank you God for all that they give us; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lent We are using materials from the Archbishop of York Youth Trust to consider how we can help others during Lent. We are going on a virtual journey, collecting badges along the way. Last week was light and Pilgrimage this week is a map. The materials are part of our Thursday worship and the full powerpoint and links to the videos are on Google Classroom. Further down this newsletter you can find this week’s activities. This Week’s Awards ‘Shine like stars in the universe’ Philippians 2 v 14-15 TT Rock Stars Christian

Value Award Courageous

Advocate Award ~ Star of the Week ~ Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

~ Merit Certificates ~ Birkland Eskrigge Swarthdale Capernwray

153 173 166 161

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

~ Know, Grow, Show ~ Wilson’s Endowed C.E. Primary School Monday Re-opening for ALL pupils Please see attached document for full details of reopening procedures – they are new and different th 8 March Traffic Light System and Merit Certificates will resume from today Adults are required to wear Music lessons and Football are running this week - No additional spaces available until Covid restrictions are lifted Monday – Drumming, Tuesday – Guitar, Thursday - Keyboard & Violin face coverings Thursday - Football Club with Morecambe FC 3.15pm – 4.15pm Wednesday Bag2School Recycling Collection – 9am today We have arranged a recycling collection - https://bag2school.com/what-we-collect th 10 March Please use your own bin bag / plastic bag to fill and drop off outside by Mrs Williams’ window by 9am today Friday Reading Books and Homework Weekly reading books will resume today and need to be returned on Tuesdays to be quarantined th 12 March Homework will resume in April, after the Easter break Parents’ The class teacher will phone you for a discussion about your child at a pre-arranged time Please contact Sarah in the office by phone or email to book a 5 minute slot Evening Please let us know your preferred day, time and contact number - [email protected] Day Class Time Teacher via Phone th th th Friday 19 March Rowans 3.30pm – 5.50pm Miss Morrison 19 – 24 March Willows 12.50pm – 3.10pm Miss McGinty Monday 22nd March Cedars 3.30pm – 5.50pm Mrs Marshall Oaks 3.30pm – 5.50pm Mr Lindsay

Willows 12.50pm – 3.10pm Miss McGinty Tuesday 23rd March Pines 3.30pm – 5.50pm Miss Messenger Cedars 3.30pm – 5.50pm Mrs Marshall

Rowans 1.10pm – 3.00pm Mrs Daynes Wednesday 24th March Pines 3.30pm – 5.50pm Miss Messenger Oaks 3.30pm – 5.50pm Mr Lindsay Parents’ Lateral Flow Testing for Parents Whole families and households with primary school, secondary school and college age children, including childcare and Top Tips support bubbles, will be able to test themselves twice every week from home as schools return from 8 March. Primary school pupils will not be asked to test at this time. Lateral Flow About 1 in 3 people with coronavirus do not have symptoms but can still pass it on to others. Regular testing of people without symptoms is important to help stop the virus spreading and protect your loved ones. Testing Click here to find the nearest collection point for testing kits. It looks like it is the Caton Park and Ride. Lent We are using materials from the Archbishop of York Youth Trust to consider how we can help others during Lent. We are going on a virtual journey, collecting badges along the way. Last week was light and Pilgrimage this week is a map. The materials are part of our Thursday worship and the full powerpoint and links to the videos are on Google Classroom. Further down this newsletter you can find this week’s activities. This Week’s Awards ‘Shine like stars in the universe’ Philippians 2 v 14-15 ~ Merit Mentions ~ for writing an atmospheric setting for his extra effort to improve his maths for his positive attitude to every challenge for his openness and honesty in PD for keeping up the pace and always working with a smile for a fantastic piece of independent writing in English for an excellent approach to maths for an hilarious and well-structured poem for her building confidence with 2D shapes for being a wonderful role model in her approach to learning for hard work in class for writing at amazing setting, using atmosphere for writing a spooky setting TT Rock Stars Eco Award Courageous Advocate Christian Value Award

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, Over Kellet Revised Details for Reopening Information for Parents – Updated March 2021

What happens at the start and end of school?  Parents and carers are required to wear face coverings when on the school site  Only staff and pupils may enter the classrooms  Please do not park in the school car park unless you are using Breakfast or After School Club  Parents are asked to stand behind the painted white line when dropping off and collecting your child  Please could just one parent drop and go (older pupils can just walk into the grounds to their entrance)  There will be no lining up in the morning.  When pupils arrive, please can they come straight into school  When picking up or dropping off please spend the minimum amount of time on the school grounds  On week days the school grounds and play park are closed to the public  Please do not stay after school in the grounds, drop off / pick up and go  Please drop off at 9am and pick up at 3.15pm

Arrival Departure Class Entry / Exit / Drop Off Collection Point Time Time Staff Miss Messenger Pines Tarmac Path into Pines’ outdoor space through the gate Mrs Greenwood Mrs Marshall Cedars Yard into Cedars’ Classroom Mrs Lawson 9.00 3.15 Miss McGinty Willows Through the main entrance until further notice Mrs Smith, Miss Adams Miss Morrison Rowans Yard into Rowans’ Classroom Miss Daynes, Mr Wilson Mr Lindsay Oaks Yard into Oaks’ Classroom Mrs Briggs

How do I contact the school office / teaching staff?  Preferred communication is via email, telephone or book bag note  Staff will not be able to take messages or speak at classroom doors  The school office is open o Parents may enter the main entrance with only 2 people in the corridor at any time o Face coverings must be worn in the corridor o There will be a tray for paperwork in the corridor but items will be quarantined for 72 hours o Mrs Whalley is available to speak with parents through the office hatch

What is different about the school cleaning routines?  All internal doors will be wedged open to reduce contact  Handwashing will be regular throughout the day. There is also provision in place for the regular cleaning of surfaces during the day including iPads before and after use

What should my child bring to school?  Please can children bring as little as possible into school  Children will have access to a locker  All pupils will need is their water bottle, snack, a coat and a packed lunch if they have one  No toys or books should be brought to school  No PE Kit should be kept in school

What will NOT be running?  Pre-school sessions on Monday afternoons  After school activities such as JAM Club, karate or swimming  Choir and Woodwind lessons  Any community events in school

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

What will be different about my child’s day?  Every child will have their own workstation with everything they need for the day  Pupils will face the front and sit in rows  Pupils will sit next to another child  There will be frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitisers located across the school building  Homework will resume in April, after the Easter break  Reading books will be sent out on Fridays and need to be returned on Tuesdays to be quarantined

How will playtimes be organised?  The school yard will be zoned with pupils from each room allocated a section for playtimes  Playtimes will also be staggered to keep numbers low  Children will sanitise their hands on returning to the classroom

What happens at lunchtimes?  Children will remain in the same bubble with the same staff all day, including lunch  School lunches will be provided as normal for infants and any other classes wishing to buy a lunch

What does my child need to do for PE lessons?  There will be no indoor PE  Pupils will not change for PE in school  Please can children come to school in their PE Kit on the allocated day (see list below).  For PE pupils will need to wear tracksuits and trainers on top of their PE Shorts and T Shirt o Pines Monday o Cedars Tuesday o Rowans Thursday o Oaks Thursday o Willows Friday

Will Google Classroom still be running?  Google Classroom will be available for those pupils unable to attend school (eg self isolating)

What are the arrangements for Breakfast and After School Club?  These clubs will operate as usual out of the Willows classroom (next door to Cedars).  Breakfast club is open from 7.30am and After School Club closes at 6pm.  Although we will keep different groups apart during the school day, this is not possible in the clubs.  Please make your booking as usual with Sarah.

Your support is much appreciated as we move onto this next stage. Our actions are based on government recommendations and our desire to do all we can to keep our school community safe. Thank you for helping us in our endeavours.

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

~ Know, Grow, Show ~ Wilson’s Endowed C.E. Primary School Wednesday Special Guests in Worship Our friend Jemma Wraight and around 40 students will be joining us via zoom for today’s worship. The students are wanting rd 3 March to experience worship in a school setting. We look forward to welcoming them. The worship will be the usual Wednesday Christian value theme, which this half term is forgiveness. Follow this link to our website for fun ideas to use at home Thursday World Book Day We have postponed our World Book Day celebrations until the Summer Term when everyone is back and settled. th 4 March So, no dressing up on Thursday.

Rowans and Oaks – Meet the Author Whether at home or in school, pupils in Rowans and Oaks can join other schools in our cluster for two zooms with author Andy Cope. He wrote the Spy Dog stories. We have been allocated 40 logins. You do not need to have a copy of the book Log in details will be sent via text and will be available on Google Classroom. Friday 5th World Day of Prayer Parents and Friends are invited to join Over Kellet’s annual World Day of Prayer service will take place on Zoom at 2pm. March For further information and login details please phone Angela (732972), or Jane (733947) or email [email protected] This years’ service is from Vanuatu. All are welcome to attend. Day Time Class Subject Teacher 10.00am-11.00am Rowans English Miss Daynes Monday 1st March 2.40pm – 3.15pm Willows Class Reader Mrs Smith Tuesday 2nd March 11am – 12noon Oaks Maths Mr Lindsay 9.45am – 11am Rowans English Miss Morrison Wednesday 3rd March 2.30pm – 3pm Cedars Catch Up Mrs Marshall 10.00am-11.00am Rowans English Miss Morrison All details on Thursday 4th March Google 2.30pm – 3pm Pines Getting Ready to Return Miss Messenger Classroom Friday 5th March 9.40am – 10.15am Oaks English Mr Lindsay Parents’ Lancashire County Council has produced some cycling challenges for each week during March. The website is Top Tips full of ideas, routes and information! There are even daily prizes including a brand new bike! Lent We are using materials from the Archbishop of York Youth Trust to consider how we can help others during Lent. We are going on a virtual journey, collecting badges along the way. Last week was light Pilgrimage and this week is a map. The materials are part of our Thursday worship and the full powerpoint and links to the videos are on Google Classroom. Further down this newsletter you can find this week’s activities. Here is this week’s prayer : Creator God, who made the world and all that is in it, guide us on our journey with you with peace and love. Jesus came to show us the Way, the Truth and the Life. Help us to follow His path. Show us who to serve and how to help them. Amen. This Week’s Awards ‘Shine like stars in the universe’ Philippians 2 v 14-15 ~ Merit Mentions ~ for super effort in Maths for an excellent letter to the Romans for super work on google classroom and excellent contributions in school for her understanding of 2D shapes and their properties for a committed approach to google classroom and for participating in zoom lessons for finding alternative ways to create a storyboard for excellent HTML coding on Monday for being so brave in a government Covid-19 research study brave for great contributions on google classroom and in zoom lessons for choosing to complete her work over other activities for great effort and expression in poetry lessons for an original and interesting persuasive article for an imaginative list poem for recording an excellent pitch for her crepe business in Personal Development TT Rock Stars Courageous

Advocate Christian

Value Award

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk

Wilson’s Endowed CE School, School Lane, Over Kellet, Carnforth, Lancashire. LA6 1BN Telephone : 01524 732097 or 07857477140 Email : [email protected] : www.wilsonsprimary.org.uk