Cariparma OBG S.r.l. (This is a translation of the Italian original " Bilancio dell’esercizio chiuso al 31 dicembre 2016" and has been prepared solely for the convenience of international readers. In the event of any ambiguity the Italian text will prevail. The Italian original is available upon written request to Cariparma OBG S.r.l. by e-mail to:
[email protected]) Cariparma OBG S.r.l. Registered Office: Milan, Via Pestalozza 12/14 Capital: Euro 10,000 fully paid up Milan Company Register no. 07893100961 Tax Code and VAT Number: 07893100961 Milan REA no. 1988744 Management and coordination: Crédit Agricole Cariparma S.p.A. * * * * * Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 Company business The Company, incorporated on 19 June 2012, has the sole purpose of purchasing, from banks, mortgage loans, receivables due from public entities, and securities issued as part of securitisation transactions concerning receivables of the same type, through the assumption of loans granted or guaranteed also by the originator banks, as well as the provision of guarantees for the bonds issued by the same or other banks. It therefore operates pursuant to art. 7-bis of Italian Law no. 130 of 30 April 1999. Within the framework of corporate operations, in May 2013 the Company initiated a transaction connected with the implementation of a Covered Bond programme, purchasing receivables portfolios pursuant to art. 7-bis of Italian Law 130/1999 from the originator banks Crédit Agricole Cariparma S.p.A. (the former Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza S.p.A.), Crédit Agricole Carispezia S.p.A.