E1358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 20, 2013 Bayport Fire Department on the 125th anniver- She raised Gary Dulin, her grand nephew and land was managed for resource extraction and sary of its founding. Since 1888, this band of current caretaker, like her own son as well. forests thrived. heroes has come to the rescue of community Today, Mrs. Cain enjoys the blessing of That is until the forest management strategy members not only in the City of Bayport but watching her family continue to grow through shifted. As extraction became less popular the surrounding townships and villages with her four grandchildren and five great-grand- and increasingly vulnerable to litigation, timber their all-volunteer department. With literally children. revenue decreased and communities became generations of families serving in this St. Croix In earlier years, Mrs. Cain was employed by wards of the federal government. In fact, tim- River fire department, the Bayport Fire Depart- North Carolinia families in Davie and Yadkin ber harvests in our National Forests have fall- ment is one of the oldest all-volunteer fire de- as a domestic worker and was also a waitress en 80 percent over the last 30 years. Forest partments in the state of Minnesota. at Winston-Salem’s own Salem Academy. health is at an all time low. Jobs are scarce The Bayport Fire Department was originally A woman after my own heart, Mrs. Cain and communities are decimated. established in 1888 when the village of South possesses a green thumb and has committed In Eastern Washington, the Colville National Stillwater formed its own brigade to fight fires much time in her years to planting flower and Forest has been the economic engine for ravaging this small mill town. In the years fol- vegetable gardens in our fine Ferry, Stevens, and Pend Oreille counties— lowing department’s creation, the town has soil. Birds, too, are counted among the bene- providing jobs, energy, and recreational oppor- since changed names and generations of fam- ficiaries of Mrs. Cain’s thoughtfulness as feed- tunities. Yet, mills have closed, jobs lost, and ilies have diligently volunteered to protect the ing and watching them is a favorite of her pas- of the 1.1 million acres in the Colville National Bayport community. Most remarkably, it is times. Forest, over 300,000 are bug infested. This is possibly the oldest all-volunteer fire depart- Her personal relationship with God has unacceptable. ments in continuous existence in Minnesota. been strengthened through her lifetime mem- This past August, I met with forest officials, The fire department’s informal motto, ‘‘desire bership in Mocksville’s Chinquapin Grove Mis- community leaders in the Colville National For- to serve, courage to act, ability to perform,’’ is sionary Baptist Church. Faith in the Lord Al- est, and other stakeholders to chart a path for- a testament to the inspiring commitment of the mighty has sustained Thelma Cain for 100 ward. We need a path that allows states and Bayport Fire Department’s all-volunteer staff. beautiful years, and carried, comforted, and local governments to manage their affairs be- The brave men and women in the Bayport guided her through hardship and loss. The cause they have shown success. Fire Department have selflessly given untold heart of compassion, decency, and spirit of States have shown that they are able to time and energy to meet the challenges and generosity which characterize this woman are produce several times more harvest and rev- emergencies this community has faced over so clearly rooted in obedience to God. enue from a smaller land base than the fed- the last 125 years. It is an absolute joy to recognize Mrs. Cain’s eral government. For example, Washington From community outreach to training drills on the occasion of her 100th birthday celebra- State is able to harvest 7 times as much tim- and even water rescues on the Saint Croix tion. Mrs. Cain, like strong women often are, ber, and generate 200 times as much revenue River, the fire fighting volunteers are extremely is an anchor for her family, church congrega- on 1/4 the land area as the Forest Service. capable professionals who frequently hold full- tion, and community. She is deserving of We need forest management policies that ex- time jobs in addition to their fire department honor, congratulations, and true celebration on ploit these successes. duties. Bayport fire fighters are trained as first this day and for all her days. May God con- H.R. 1526 does just that. It allows respon- responders and routinely arrive first to the tinue to bless Mrs. Thelma Patterson Cain sible timber production on Forest Service com- scene of local medical and fire emergencies. with good health, dear friendships, hope and mercial timber lands—areas that were specifi- The long and prestigious history of the happiness for many years to come. cally identified by the forest service for timber Bayport Fire Department and its all-volunteer f harvest. It also allows state and local govern- staff is a powerful demonstration of what is ments to get more involved in preventing RESTORING HEALTHY FORESTS possible when a community acts collectively— wildfires on federal lands, and lets counties FOR HEALTHY COMMUNITIES ACT it is an inspiration to us all. actively manage portions of National Forest Mr. Speaker, please join me in rising to SPEECH OF land. honor the commitment and dedication of all- It is a common sense solution that provides volunteer Bayport Fire Department as we HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS a sustainable revenue stream for rural schools commemorate their 125th anniversary today. OF WASHINGTON and counties for years to come. It creates f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES jobs, improves forest health, and strengthens A CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FOR Thursday, September 19, 2013 our rural communities. It is a win-win for ev- A NORTH CAROLINA TREASURE, eryone. I urge all of my colleagues to support The House in Committee of the Whole MRS. THELMA PATTERSON CAIN H.R. 1526, the Restoring Healthy Forests for House on the state of the Union had under Healthy Communities Act. consideration the bill (H.R. 1526) to restore HON. VIRGINIA FOXX employment and educational opportunities f OF NORTH CAROLINA in, and improve the economic stability of, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES counties containing National Forest System PERSONAL EXPLANATION land, while also reducing Forest Service Friday, September 20, 2013 management costs, by ensuring that such Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- counties have a dependable source of revenue HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL ognize the 100th birthday of Mrs. Thelma Pat- from National Forest System land, to pro- OF terson Cain, a constituent of mine from Davie vide a temporary extension of the Secure IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES County, and longtime North Carolinian. It is an Rural Schools and Community Self-Deter- Friday, September 20, 2013 mination Act of 2000, and for other purposes: honor to represent Mrs. Cain in Congress and Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. to introduce her to this body and her country Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Chair, I 476, the Unfair Food Stamps (SNAP) Reduc- as a real national treasure. rise today in strong support of H.R. 1526, the tion Act, had I been present, I would have The people who know and love Mrs. Cain, Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Com- voted ‘‘no.’’ which is everyone who meets her, say she is munities Act. This bill is the fulfillment of a loyal, dutiful, responsible, intelligent, loving, promise that the federal government made to f beautiful, kindhearted, and gracious. She is a counties and communities, particularly those in celebrated cook, a beloved mother, a cher- the Western part of the country, more than a HONORING THE 150TH ANNIVER- ished ‘‘Grandma,’’ and an adopted ‘‘Auntie’’ to century ago. SARY OF THE FIREMAN’S FUND practically all the children in her neighborhood. For far too long, our national forests have INSURANCE COMPANY Mrs. Cain was born on September 26, 1913 been managed by a strategy that fails to rec- as the tenth of Henry and Julia Patterson’s ognize the tremendous resource potential that HON. eleven children. With her four sisters and six our national forests hold. At the beginning of OF MISSOURI brothers, Thelma grew up in a North Carolina the 20th century when our national forest sys- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES farming family, working in tobacco and raising tem was being created, the federal govern- Friday, September 20, 2013 cows, pigs, and chickens. ment implemented a program to exchange In 1939, she married Mr. Samuel Cain and land owned by counties in return for a share Mrs. WAGNER. Mr. Speaker, today I wish the two had a son, William Henry Patterson. of the revenue generated off the land. The to congratulate the Fireman’s Fund Insurance

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:50 Sep 21, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20SE8.013 E20SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 20, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1359 Company, which on September 24th of this Toward accomplishing this mission, in 1993 event contest included running, cycling, and year will celebrate its 150th anniversary in the CEC received the first non-profit U.S. kayaking all in the beautiful American River O’Fallon, Missouri. As the representative of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Parkway. Popularly called the ‘‘world’s oldest Missouri’s 2nd district, I am honored to recog- homeless grant offered in the 5 state region triathlon,’’ the contest has grown into a major nize such an innovative company with a long served by the Region 6 office of the US De- summer celebration that annually attracts history in the state of Missouri and throughout partment of Housing and Urban Development. more than 2,000 participants. Next year will the country. Initially extended as a demonstration project mark the 40th anniversary of the Great Race Since its founding in 1863 by retired ship and known now as the Continuum of Care and I know Eppie will be cheering everyone captain William Holdredge, Fireman’s Fund grant, the CEC matches federal funding with on. His race has raised over $1 million for the has been involved with several important private resources at approximately 400 per- Sacramento County Therapeutic Recreation events in our nation’s history. Fireman’s Fund cent. CEC was also recognized by HUD Best Services which offers activities to individuals has insured construction of such national Practice Award in 1998 for their Adopt-A-Fam- with developmental disabilities. I had the treasures as the Golden Gate Bridge and ily homeless program. pleasure of visiting Therapeutic Recreation Hoover Dam, in addition to the renovation of In their effort to meet broader needs, the Services with Eppie, and his passion to assist the Statue of Liberty in the 1980’s. And for CEC absorbed Open Arms Home, Inc. to re- those with disabilities was clear. those of us from Missouri, we are particularly duce administrative expenses and allow more Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join aware that it was a Fireman’s Fund policy funds to be committed to meeting the housing me today in paying honor to Eppaminondas which helped provide for the production of needs of those fleeing from domestic violence. ‘‘Eppie’’ Johnson for being an exemplary Charles Lindbergh’s ‘‘Spirit of St. Louis’’ plane CEC’s mission has also led them to provide member of the Sacramento community. I ask in 1927. testing and coaching to the underemployed to that we all take a moment and give our utmost The company was also the first to offer a identify needs and guide them through edu- respect and condolences to his children, standing grain insurance policy in the United cation and training resources toward financial George Johnson and Lisa Mangles, and his States, and the first to offer nationwide auto- independence. Nutritional cooking classes grandchildren. His life and commitment to our mobile insurance and standardized home- were also added, along with a greater selec- community are an inspiration to us all. The owners insurance. Such innovation has con- tion of fresh produce and frozen meat to better Sacramento area has lost a true legend. tributed to new ideas for the insurance indus- serve the health needs of those using their f try, but more importantly it has contributed to food pantry. the sustained economic growth of our country I am grateful for the commitment of the CEC CONGRATULATIONS TO ANDY DILL over the last century and a half. staff and volunteers for the 25 years of dedi- ON HIS RETIREMENT Fireman’s Fund embodies some of the best cated service to the underserved of Northern values of American business. Not only is the Tarrant County. I join them in celebration of all HON. company committed to servicing its customers, they have accomplished in meeting the chal- OF TEXAS it is also committed to giving back to commu- lenges of their mission. It is my privilege to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nities all across the country. In fact, the name represent the organization and many of their Friday, September 20, 2013 ‘‘Fireman’s Fund’’ comes from the company’s volunteers in the U.S. House of Representa- founding social mission to award a portion of tives. Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise its profits to the widows and orphans of fallen f today to honor a champion for small business firefighters. This commitment to the fire serv- in my district—and a true friend. For the past ice was renewed in 2004, and since that time IN HONOR OF EPPAMINONDAS decade, Andy Dill has served as the President Fireman’s Fund has awarded roughly $30 mil- ‘‘EPPIE’’ JOHNSON of the Community Chamber of Commerce of lion in grants to fire departments across the East Montgomery County. His leadership has country. And in the wake of the May 2011 tor- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI helped grow this important organization and nado that devastated Joplin, Missouri, Fire- OF CALIFORNIA the community it promotes threefold. man’s Fund was there to offer support for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Prior to entering Chamber work, Andy victims of that catastrophe. served in the telecommunications industry and It is indeed an honor to recognize such a Friday, September 20, 2013 petrochemical and agricultural chemical indus- great American company on its 150th anniver- Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, it is with sad- tries. Frankly, I’ve learned there is very little sary. I thank the employees of Fireman’s Fund ness that I rise in honor of Eppaminondas Andy can’t do and hasn’t done. for all they do, and wish them many more ‘‘Eppie’’ Johnson, who passed away recently A graduate of Nacogdoches High School years of continued success and prosperity. in Sacramento at the age of 85. I ask all my and Stephen F. Austin State University, f colleagues to join me in honoring Eppie, as Andy’s career has taken him across east and IN RECOGNITION OF THE 25TH AN- his family, friends, and the entire Sacramento southeast Texas. We consider ourselves lucky NIVERSARY OF THE COMMUNITY community gathers to celebrate his life and he settled on the dynamic east Montgomery ENRICHMENT CENTER legacy. County. Eppaminondas Johnson was born on May Andy’s community honors are many. From 7, 1928, in Astoria, New York. After graduating YMCA Volunteer of the Year, Rotary Club HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS from the University of Nevada, Reno, he Service and Roll of Fame Awards, Andy has OF TEXAS moved to Sacramento to work for his father’s been a go-to person when a civic or commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES restaurant and hotel business. In Sacramento, nity organization wants to get going. Andy also Friday, September 20, 2013 Eppie became a business and community leg- serves our communities on the TCC Board of Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to end. He was to become a symbol for every- Directors, the Board of the Kingwood Medical recognize 25 years of service by the Commu- thing great about Sacramento. Center, Leadership Montgomery County and nity Enrichment Center (CEC). Located in Eppie founded a chain of 24-hour coffee many others. North Richland Hills, Texas, the CEC serves shops and he became famous in the 1960s When it comes to leadership, Andy is a tri- over 7,000 unduplicated individuals in Tarrant and 1970s for running a popular TV advertise- ple threat. He is a 1988 graduate of Leader- County with food, housing, education classes, ment featuring himself balancing a plate of ship Lufkin, a 1996 graduate of Leadership free tax preparation, job services and seniors food while water skiing. He was well-known for Montgomery County and a 2005 graduate of working to stay out of isolation. his lively marketing campaigns, such as ‘‘Pro- Leadership North Houston. It was no surprise Formed in 1998 as a food pantry by the fessor Eppie’’ that gave free sundaes to stu- to me that when Leadership East Montgomery Richland Hills Church of Christ, the CEC has dents who earned straight As. He eventually County needed him, he answered the call. expanded dramatically over the years as they came to own sixteen restaurants in Sac- Andy keeps learning each and every day. identified the needs of individuals and families ramento, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Fresno, He has completed the three-year Community in crisis that extended beyond the basic need and the Lake Tahoe area, as well as hotels Development Institute program and a fourth- for food. In their efforts the CEC has partnered and other properties. year continuing education year program with homeless agencies, local municipalities, An athletic man, Eppie was also the founder through the Texas Community Development churches, community organizations, busi- of a beloved Sacramento tradition known as program. nesses, schools, local and state homeless ‘‘Eppie’s Great Race.’’ Started in 1974 as a Andy couldn’t be the success he is without coalitions. promotion and charity fundraiser, this three- his wife Sylvia. For 44 years, she has been

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