" We cannot live for commerce alone, nor will our civilisation be Lithgow Smelter Approved deemed great until we thoroughly The State Government has given conditional recognise the fact that the bushlands approval for Australian Silicon to build a silicon and all they naturally contain are gifts smelter at Lithgow. of Nature far transcending in value all As part of the conditional approval, the operator monetary and commercial consider- will be required to use rail to transport silicon ations. The humanising gifts of products through the Blue Mountains. The fluxwood now be discussed and Nature are necessary for our for the furnaces will have to be sourced from decided at special workshops interests, education, adventure, plantations. The operator will also be required to involving members. So far, romance and peace of mind. They establish an 8,100 hectare native hardwood we have policies on Urban constitute an antidote for our semi- plantation to offset some of the greenhouse gases sprawl/limits to development artificial existence. As we destroy created by the smelter project. and Sustainable Energy. our bushland environment we The Society has campaigned that, if it does go These policy workshops are destroy just so much of ourselves. ahead, the Lithgow Smelter should be made as your opportunity to have The balance of Nature is finely environmentally friendly as possible. The your say and to discuss adjusted; upset it, and there will be a Government has gone some way in this direction, conservation matters in desert at our doors. All the glory of and we congratulate Mr Debus for this. depth. the canyons, caves and rolling The most surprising condition concerns the production of charcoal for the smelter. The •••Sub-committees, bushcare plateaux of our great Blue Mountains groups and the nursery are is not nearly so much a commercial Government requires that the majority of the ongoing group activities asset as it is Nature's heritage for charcoal be made from timber sourced from outside where members are needed. legitimate enjoyment, and our own NSW. This condition will go some way toward Sub-committees have been gift to posterity." (The Katoomba protecting NSW old growth forests, but still leaves given more emphasis this Daily, 24th august, 1934) open the unsustainable logging of forests in other year and in our view, are an states. excellent way of being Climate Change Conference The charcoal manufacture requires 230,000 involved in the Society, The Climate Change conference at tonnes of hardwood each year. We will continue to learning how the organisation The Hague in the Netherlands has lobby for an alternative source for the charcoal. We works and acquiring skills collapsed without a deal being reached. understand that CSIRO are investigating this area, and knowledge in your area If you would like to read full and that low-ash coal has potential. of interest. coverage, have a look at this Web Site: One of our main concerns is the impact of ••• Meetings : Monthly http://www.planetark.org/ greenhouse gases from the smelter and its related committee meetings are open dailynewsstory.cfm?newsid=9109 It activities. to members. General includes a press release from The greenhouse issue is potentially catastrophic Meetings are designed to Greenpeace, as well as links to a number and new, large scale, projects must be greenhouse neutral before they are approved. The smelter entertain and inform, and of other stories. involvement and feedback The gist of it all is that the US, project will add about one million tonnes of greenhouse gases each year. The requirement for an from members is welcome. Canada, Japan and wrecked the Phone calls, emails and conference by refusing to move on 8,100 hectare hardwood plantation to offset some of these greenhouse gases is just a drop in the bucket letters are also welcome. reducing greenhouse gas emissions. • Bushwalking The US wanted to include the natural — it should be ten to fifteen times larger. •• There were a total of 659 submissions, of which continues to be an important absorption of carbon dioxide by their experience for environmental forests as a greenhouse sink, to maximise 14 came from state and local government organisations. The remaining 645 were from the learning and communication their 'flexibility' in achieving their amongst members. targets. In other words they want to public and community organisations. All 645 opposed the smelter — none in support. Join in, have some fun, continue the current practice where 24% make friends and have your of greenhouse gas emissions are say through the various generated by a country with only 4% of to keep communication channels open to channels of communication. Effective the world’s population. you, the members. Some of the ways you communication makes our organisations Canada, Japan and Australia can be involved are: strong. Meredith Brownhill. supported the US stand. •••Policy making workshops . All As an Australian, I am ashamed of conservation policy of the Society will the stance taken by our Federal Government negotiators. We risk “““Hut News ”, the newsletter of Blue Mountains Conservation SocieSocietyty Inc. global catastrophe, and our Prime P.O. Box 29, Wentworth Falls, 2782 Phone 4757 1872 Fax 4757 1753 Email: [email protected] Web page: http//www.pnc.com.au/~bmcs Minister says that we don't want to President: Robin Mosman (Ph/Fax) 4757.1354 First Vice President: Meredith Brownhill 4782.4823 carry a 'disproportionate burden’. [email protected] Second Vice President: ImreImre Gahl 4784-3286 CorrespondenceCorrespondence Secretary: Ross Coster. Frances LoveLove, 4757.2585 [email protected] Meetings Secretary: Heather HullHull, 4739.1493 [email protected] Membership Secretary: Ross CosterCoster, (H)4759.1837 (W)4759.1247 (Fax) 4759.1095 [email protected] Treasurer:Treasurer: Les Members! Would you like to CoyneCoyne, 4757.3327 (Fax):4757.2820 [email protected] be more involved? Publicity: Jim Wallace 4784.3305 Land Use: Lyndal Sullivan 4782.1635 [email protected] Walks This year the management Convenor: Bill Graham 4759.1692 [email protected] Plant Nursery Manager: David Coleby (Ph/Fax)4784-1395 committee has made an extra effort National Parks: Lachlan Garland 4754.2796 Bushcare:Bushcare: Laura Hays 4782.7692 [email protected] Education: Bob Seaborne 4751.6100, [email protected] BushfireBushfire Rep: Hugh PatersonPaterson, 4751-2303 [email protected] Projects: Kathy Gott 4739-8124 Martin Beveridge 4758.9829 [email protected]. Helga EsamieEsamie.4787.7690 [email protected] Mike Purtell 4751.2143 [email protected] NewsletterNewsletter Editor: Christine Davies 4787-7246 [email protected] Hut News , No. 161, December 2000 — Page 1. Don Morison. billion; ‘however, the countries which under international law own the APACE: A Better Way resources get about 5% of this or less’. As the founding member, in 1976, of There was also gross under-reporting of APACE, a non-government organisation the size of the catch to the countries’s specialising in appropriate technology authorities. for people living in remote rural areas, I APACE has five micro-hydro attended the official opening in April of systems in action in Solomon Islands, all this year of a micro-hydro electricity run, maintained and repaired, where system that had been designed, built and necessary, by villagers who have been installed by APACE in cooperation with trained on location and in . There Making the Century Greener the villagers of Bulelevata on the island is now a national committee that is At a recent BMCS project meeting, of New Georgia in Solomon Islands. we reflected on past efforts to gain more planning a strategy to bring electricity to APACE’s original raison d’être was to as many villages as possible all over the protection for natural areas of the Greater help villagers to find a source of revenue Blue Mountains. country. APACE needs more funds to that did not involve the selling off of enable this plan to be carried out. Every Failure greeted a nineteenth century their rainforests. Electricity would effort to ban development along the dollar we can raise will be matched by enable them to light the schools and three dollars from AusAID, the north side of the railway from Katoomba churches and house, to power to Bell. However, in the 1930s, Myles government’s overseas aid program. refrigerators, bakeries, cool rooms and You can help by making a (tax- Dunphy, Allen Rigby, Wallace Roots drying sheds for copra and to start small and others purchased the Blue Gum deductible) donation to ‘APACE industries such as making furniture. Overseas Development Fund’, PO Box Forest through private fund-raising, and The Solomon Islands Ombudsman the modern conservation movement had 123, Broadway NSW 2007. All explained the dilemma confronting so donations will be gratefully received. I been born. many villagers in the South Pacific. Restricted access due to the flooding should add that because APACE is ‘People always need money. They want largely run by volunteers and underpaid of delayed develop- and need money for children’s education, ment of the Southern Blue Mountains staff its overheads are minimal, probably transport and the luxuries of life. For the lowest of any NGO. Robert Waddell. until Kanangra-Boyd National Park was many people, all they have to sell are established. The 1980s and 1990s saw their trees, and logging companies will Welcome to New Members the NSW Wilderness Act declared and give quick easy money for them.’ Elizabeth Benson, Lawson applied; Wollemi, Gardens of Stone, The prevailing economic develop- Susan Orem, Wentworth Falls Abercrombie River and Nattai National ment strategy for a ‘developing’ — what Thomas Lodewyke, Wentworth Falls Parks declared; and the management of a misnomer! — country is for the (Kids Club) Jenolan and Wombeyan Karst Reserves government to open up its economy to Peter and Elizabeth Lonergan, Warrimoo improved. the world and identify its ‘comparative Jacqueline Thomas, Springwood Clearly, we face a major challenge to advantages’, that is to say the country’s Steven and Melissa Drakeley, make the 21st century a consolidation main resources — from the outsider’s Springwood and extension of the 20th century’s point of view, of course — and exploit conservation gains. Karen Reid, Katoomba these so that the resulting revenue can Dorothy Huolohan, Springwood Re Ferals To The Minister enable the government to carry out the Presently, feral Lori Boleyn and Monica Finetti, Leura developmental activities that are required David Patfield, Wentworth Falls horses and cattle are in order to raise the people’s standard of only a minor problem Ben and Susan de Silva, Katoomba living. ‘Open economy’ and Rex Morris, Katoomba in our neck of the ‘comparative advantage’ are also the woods. But they Lyn York and Bruce Reoch, Blackheath could become a much basic principles of the World Trade Raoul and Kathleen O'Brien, Lawson greater state-wide Organisation. Most of these activities Jill Hogwood and Adrian Leighton, problem if certain are capital intensive and are carried out Faulconbridge rural interests have by foreign corporations. The villager in Patricia Boyle, Mt Riverview their way — they want whose territory the trees are cut down or Maureen Williams, Glenbrook to declare a herd of the minerals extracted may receive a Camille and Andrew De Picot,Katoomba feral horses in temporary benefit and even a clinic or Rachel Merton, Hazelbrook northern New South school but when the operation is over Ray Kennedy, Bullaburra Wales a classified they are left with a devastated Ian Olsen, Blackheath heritage item. environment and no means of Chris Graves, Lawson It is taking sentimentality about the maintaining the facilities they have Gwen Bocci, Ben, Jacob, and Gemma Man from Snowy River, Simpson and acquired. Sheppard, Lawson his donkey, etc. a bit far, to seek The environmental devastation is Gary Spurway, Springwood protection of four-hoofed ferals. Most of appalling and well documented. A Kevin and Bernadette Sinclair, Australia’s four-hoofed fighters in World Solomon Island government report for Hawkesbury Heights War One were shot for convenience’s the World Bank in 1998 states that: ‘log Denis Compston, Katoomba sake at war’s end ... and early 1900s production in Solomon Islands has been Rex Marshall, Katoomba brumbies were chased until they were pushed to more than three times higher Dieter & Erika Bensch, Wentworth Falls injured or their lungs burst ... but that than sustainable levels. In 1994 and Judith and Jan Van Der Wal, Lawson was for fun and profit, not to protect 1995 log purchases by Japan were alone Jay Turner & Dr Chris Ireland, native wildlife, so I suppose it was all greater than the sustainable yield. ... Of Medlow Bath right. equal concern is the inability of the Jane Hamilton and Ian Baillie Leura Our ALP National Parks Minister, Solomon Islands Divison of Inland Susan Cornwell, Faulconbridge Bob Debus, has encouraged these Revenue to prevent or counteract Margaret Sleath, Bullaburra misguided equestrophiles by implying corporate schemes to evade taxes.’ It that talk-back radio callers influence him also reports that ‘remissions of duty to more than scientific advice on the subject the loggers amounted to S$25million in Membership Enquiries of feral horses. The horseback grand- 1995 alone’. Contact Ross Coster standing by National Party MP, Andrew It is no different with fisheries. It is (Phone --- Work) 02 4759.1247 Fraser is even less helpful, while, for the estimated that the total landed catch of (Phone --- Home) 02 4759.1837 moment, the Liberal Party’s Peta Seaton fish for the South Pacific Exclusive (Fax) 02 4759.1095 is the voice of reason on this issue. Economic Zones was valued at US$1.5 (Email) [email protected] (Post) PO Box 29,Wentworth Falls 2782 Hut News , No. 161, December 2000 — Page 2. Greenhouse Corner Light, Entertainment, Office Control Plans that Sustainable Energy for the Blue Mountains: A Machines and Power Tools. The encourage: Energy- dominant and most flexible way of efficient building Policy Statement by Blue Mountains powering the majority of domestic and designs; Solar hot Conservation Society business devices is electricity. water systems; At a (poorly attended) workshop on Tuesday Electricity is produced and Reduced distance to 21-Nov-2000, Members discussed the first draft distributed by a variety of methods, but public transport, of our Sustainable Energy Policy. What follows is predominantly by burning coal in especially for a precis of the Second Draft. Please send any massive power stations and distributing medium-density comments to me. the resulting electricity through 'the grid'. housing (townhouses The full policy statement can be found on Production of electricity in this way has and units); High efficiency and pollutant our website, http://www.pnc.com.au/~bmcs/ two major drawbacks: Burning coal is standards for wood heater Policies/Energy.htm or phone me on 4759.1247 not sustainable - it will eventually run Blue Mountains City Council and I will send you a copy. Ross Coster. out; Burning coal produces large should also be moving to renewable fuels Policy Statement: amounts of carbon dioxide, the dominant for all Council fleet vehicles. It is a key belief of the modern greenhouse gas. Integral Energy should be environment movement that all human There are two things that can be done introducing: 'Real' green-power schemes activities must be sustainable. To put this to make electricity use become gradually whereby residents can buy renewable in simple terms, we should only be doing more sustainable: Reduce the amount of electricity; Local solar panel power those things which we can do electricity used; Use renewable sources systems at schools and community indefinitely. So any activity that depends of electricity generation buildings. on a resource that will ultimately run out How Do We Use Less Electricity? City Rail and State Rail should be is not sustainable. Sustainability is Every resident of the Blue Mountains, introducing: More frequent services changing human activity so that it and indeed the world, owes it to the between Penrith and Lithgow to becomes sustainable. planet to do as much as possible to encourage local transport by rail; Current use of energy in the Blue reduce electricity use. Never use Electric locomotives with regenerative Mountains is not sustainable. The electricity directly for heating anything; braking; More efficient electric trains. majority of energy used depends on Install compact fluorescent bulbs in place The NSW State Government should fossil fuels that will ultimately run out. of incandescent lamps; Turn off lights be spending large sums of money to Examples include oil, natural gas, coal and appliances that are not being used; ensure that the electricity grid moves and remnant native timber. Buy energy efficient appliances. progressively to wind, solar and waste In order for Energy Use to become How Can Electricity Production powered electricity generation. sustainable we must: Use the minimum Become Sustainable? In order to The Sustainable Energy Develop- amount of energy possible; Use only become sustainable, electricity will need ment Authority should fund a scheme to renewable energy sources. In this way to be produced from renewable sources. lease gas-boosted solar hot water systems we are not wasting energy, and we are The most promising renewable electricity to householders, with the lease payments not depending on fossil fuels for our generation sources are Wind Power, and collected by Electricity Retailers in place energy production. Solar Photovoltaic Panels. of electric hot water bills. Heating Food. At present food is Transport Energy Use. The Federal Government should be heated primarily by either electricity or Liquid and gaseous fuels used for encouraging: The development of by natural gas. Using electricity to heat cars, motor cycles, buses, trucks, loco- renewable electricity generation systems; anything is very inefficient due to the motives and aircraft are fossil fuels that Research into more efficient and cheaper cost in energy and environmental impact are not sustainable . All of these fuels solar photovoltaic panels; The of generation and transmission of release carbon into the atmosphere and development of renewable liquid fuels electricity from power stations to the heat contribute to the greenhouse effect and such as ethanol; The gradual phase out sink. The obvious way to improve the global warming. All of these fuels must of local and imported fossil fuels. efficiency and reduce the environmental be phased out within 25 years if we are Eco Site Tour impact of home cooking is through the to have a sustainable energy system. The only liquid or gaseous fuels that Sunday 21 January, 2001 use of natural gas. While natural gas We will visit several properties that (methane) is presently produced from are sustainable in the long term are those derived from renewable agricultural have implemented ecological design fossil sources, it can and will in future be features and gain valuable insights into manufactured from renewable sources. Methane (natural gas) can be made by biological digestion of waste what constitutes sustainable design and agricultural sources. practice. These people are really "living Heating Water. The most sustain- animal and plant matter, liquefied, and used as a liquid vehicle fuel. Ethanol can it" and have put their body and soul into able method of heating water is solar building their places. Not to be missed! water heating with a natural gas booster. be made by fermenting and distilling crops, and then used as a liquid vehicle There will be more information in Space Heating (Homes and January Hut News. We will need to Business Premises). The most energy fuel. Both of these fuels should be pursued by energy producers as a method know number of people coming. Phone efficient methods are Passive Solar, Vera 4782-5375. Electric Air Conditioning, Gas, and Slow of achieving long-term transport fuel Combustion Wood Fires. Air sustainability. History of the Federal Pass conditioning has the drawback that The obvious way to reduce use of Jim Smith is currently completing a almost all electricity is produced from liquid and gaseous transport fuels is to history of the Federal Pass. This will be fossil fuels. Gas has the drawback that not drive our cars! Walking, cycling and the most detailed history of any Natural Gas is at present a fossil fuel. public transport all result in far less Australian walking track. Only a small Slow combustion wood fires have two energy use than driving a car. Similarly, number of copies will be printed. These drawbacks: The majority of firewood in freight should be transported in bulk by will be for people who have placed an use today is not harvested in a rail rather than by truck wherever order by the end of January 2001. To sustainable manner; Poorly designed and possible, as rail is far more energy secure your copy send a cheque for $25 maintained wood fires can produce toxic efficient due to lower friction and to Jim Smith, 65 Fletcher Street, gases and smoke consisting of economies of scale. Wentworth Falls, 2782. This includes particulates, with adverse health effects. The Blue Mountains: What Can We delivery and GST. The books will be The ideal sustainable fuel mix for Do? delivered in February 2001. Add $5.50 space heating would be: Sustainable All residents of the Blue Mountains for Jim Smith’s other plantation hardwood used in efficient and should do their best to reduce their walking track history: The Blue well maintained slow-combustion energy use. Mountains Mystery Track — Lindeman heaters; Natural gas derived from Blue Mountains City Council Pass. renewable agricultural sources. should be introducing Development

Hut News , No. 161, December 2000 — Page 3. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY In My Backyard ... Dec 16 (Sat) Management Meeting. At last the rain has finished. After (There will be no General Meeting in December) weeks of living in a cloud, summer has Jan 26 (Fri) General Meeting , at the Conservation Hut, 7.30 pm. Guest speaker arrived. Yesterday evening there were will be David Geering, National co-ordinator of the Regent Honeyeater swarms of insects. Recovery Program. During the day, Caper White butter- QUOLL CLUB (Activities for 12 and under) flies are migrating, thousands of them For more information contact Jessica on 4757.2783. For a copy of the flying north. (I wonder how far they Quoll Club Newsletter, phone Ross Coster 4759.1247. travel? How long do they live? Why do they migrate? Do they lay their eggs BUSHCARE (Tools provided — bring morning tea and gloves.) before they go, or do others fly south to Dec 10 (Sun) Digger Cooper Reserve Bushcare Group. Meet 9 am at the Reserve make the new population for next year’s (GWH, West of Sorenson Bridge). Contact Ross Coster 4759.1247. migration? Does anybody know?) Dec 12 (Tue) Valley of the Waters Bushcare Group. Contact Jessica 4757.2783 Mother Magpie now brings her baby for the meeting place. (following Tuesday if wet). to the door, and what a noise he makes! BUSHWALKS : Carry drinking water (minimum 1 litre), bring morning tea, The Wattle Bird baby, who was and lunch for day walks. Wear shoes with a good tread. demanding food from his parent a week Monday Leisure Walks: Usually half day walks,easy/medium, leisurely pace. ago, is now on his own. Today I heard Dec 04 from Blackheath. Meet Blackheath commuter carpark 9am. the lovely song of a thornbill, so loud for Contact June Baxter 4787.7312. BBQ after. such a little bird, foraging on the Dec 18 LEISURE WALKERS CHRISTMAS PARTY, after walk at Lawson. branches of the scribbly gum. The birds Meet at Lawson bowling club carpark 9am. Contact Jan Cutler 4784.3079. have looked quite bedraggled in the wet Bushwalks: Walks of various grades, full or half day. weather, and like us they rejoice in Dec 02 (Sat) Terrace Falls and South Lawson Falls. Meet Hazelbrook Station seeing the sun return. This morning I 9.30. Contact Kate McManus 4758.7936. Medium, half day. found Mother Magpie sprawled out on a Dec 16 (Sat) BUSHWALKER’S CHRISTMAS PARTY, after walk at pile of mulch, flat on her back with Hazelbrook. Meet Hazelbrook Station 9.30. Contact Kate wings outstretched — sunbathing! McManus 4758.7936. Last Thursday we walked at Next year’s walks start in the second week of January, but your walk leader will Glastonbell. On the ridge were masses give you a “Walks Survey for 2001” to participate in planning for next year. If not, of wildflowers — most noted were the ask me for one. Have your say! Return to me direct or to the leaders. Merry Christmas. Bill. Waratahs, just past their prime, and the Native Iris. Below the ridge we Walks are generally Easy to Medium Grade, unless otherwise noted. Easy : Mostly good wandered past marvellous caves, with surfaces, but some rough or steep sections. Suited to people of average fitness. Medium: water falling, dripping and splashing Includes rough or steep sections, some of which may require clambering over natural obstacles. down the rocks, then, in a more exposed Discuss with leader if in doubt. Hard : Strenuous walks, suited to fit and experienced walkers. place, through masses of Boronia, their If this is your first walk , or you are in any doubt, contact the leader or Bushwalks Convener perfume strong in the heat. Finally we Bill Graham 4759.1692. reached the Cathedral Cave — such a beautiful place. (local known as Coronary Hill!). We Some haiku and quotes from the It was a wonderful walk! Many saw some purple orchids in such large Thursday walks with Christine Davies thanks to the owners who allowed us to numbers that some of us had never seen Elphinstone Plateau with Don Morison walk “in their backyard”. Christine so many. We took our time wandering Davies 28/11/2000. Going native back among the heath, down in time for the pine trees AAA Walk at the some afternoon tea at Bottom Points daubed in lichen Station near Zig Zag Station, and a brief On Sunday 29 October we went on a Wentworth Falls with Jill Dark fascinating walk with Ron Wheeler on a tour of the rail yard nearby, viewing track only constructed several years ago, various steam trains from Queensland, "I'm not quite sure how it all works, but from the State Rail's Zig Zag railway Tasmania and an American one, which left alone, it works fine." (Jill on the station, 10 km east of Lithgow, up a hill they hope to have restored up to running symbiotic relationship between certain to the Zig Zag Railway Trusts Clarence status one day. It was one of two that fungi and orchids) Station on the Chifley Rd. and back were shipped out by the U.S. during To Cathedral Cave with C.D. down again via some picturesque World War II, to supplement Australia's This faint track lookouts. lack of trains at the time — unfortunately while being transported to Australia, the under the vertical wall- Anyone who has done a walk with isopogon (Bill Graham) Ron Wheeler (regardless of whether he is transport was bombed by the Japanese leading!) will know that he is a mine of near Fiji, so the other train is currently on Days and days of rain information on anything and everything the bottom of the Pacific Ocean! now the cliffs weep onto red waratahs in the Blue Mountains, so this walk was Catching the train home was rather a made all the more interesting with his novel task, because the train only stops Jordan to Bernadette: "Mummy - the knowledge of the Zig Zag Railway, built there if required (the platform only being drops are falling and then breaking into late last century to enable rail access around 4m long!). A stick is provided on heaps" between Sydney and Australia west of the station with a green disc on top In Name Cave The very air the Blue Mountains. One of the lookouts which is held out when the train is almost trickling we visited, Viaduct Lookout, where we approaching, to inform the driver that over my skin you want to get on! I think we were all had lunch, gave a good overall view of Diana Levy. the whole Zig Zag, made up of three glad to get on as we were a bit worried viaducts (sandstone multi-arched that the little platform we were on Diana Levy will be teaching the art of bridges) and at least one tunnel from wouldn't be able to take all our weight! writing haiku as part of Camp Creative at what we could see. As it was a Sunday, Overall it was a good day, it had a Katoomba High School in January. Her one of the busier days for the Zig Zag good mixture of nature and history, the one-day course is on 9th January. trust, a steam train and a diesel traversed wildflowers and the Zig Zag and it's Further details ring the C.C. organizers the Zig Zag throughout the day. trains, and the extensive information on 4788-1591 or Diana on 4751-3935. The day was complemented even provided by Ron made it all the more more from the various wildflowers we worthwhile. Matthew. saw on the hill above Zig Zag station From the Bushwalkers ... This issue of Hut News has been printed on 100% Recycled Paper Hut News , No. 161, December 2000 — Page 4.