Year Location Requested by Comments Estimated Total cost (£000s) (£000s)


Accessibility LTP and BVPI Accessibility improvements 15 improvements to existing performance to pedestrian crossings e.g. pedestrian crossings indicators tactile paving

School Crossing Patrols Road Safety Continued improvement of 20 Team sites

Dropped crossings and Ward Forums & Continued programme of 25 tactile paving correspondence installation

Station Road Traffic Widening of footway linking 100 Engineering junction of Toddington Road/Grange Avenue to .

Upper Lea Valley Path ROWIP Action Improvement of route 20 Plan & NHS signing of route between Healthy Weight borough boundary and Action Plan source of the River Lea.

Marsh Road Kelvin Hopkins Completion of Street Scene 10 MP Improvement Scheme

Bramingham Road Trust Pedestrian refuge near to 10 Weltmore Road

Stockwood Park/ Sustrans Active Signing of walking routes 10 Downs/Farley Hill Travel & NHS Healthy Weight Strategy Action Plan

Completion of previous 10 220 years schemes including work arising out Road Safety Audit


Accessibility LTP and BVPI Accessibility improvements 15 improvements to existing performance to pedestrian crossings e.g.

13/26 Year Location Requested by Comments Estimated Total cost (£000s) (£000s) pedestrian crossings indicators tactile paving

School Crossing Patrols Road Safety Continued improvement of 20 Team sites

Dropped crossings and Ward Forums & Continued programme of 25 tactile paving correspondence installation

Leagrave Station LBC & First Investigate improved 25 Capital Connect pedestrian access to the rear of Leagrave Station via Marsh Road

Wheatfield Road Petition from res Improved pedestrian 10 report to area crossing facilities near to committee on Wheatfield Court 10th Oct 2006

Hitchin Road Street New footpath link from 10 Seen/Street pedestrian crossing to Champions Cemetery

ROWIP - Continuing ROWIP Action Wigmore Park 25 programme of Plan & NHS Common improvements to rights of Healthy Weight Warden & Galley Hills way. Action Plan Park

Stockwood Park/ Dallow Sustrans Active Further signing of walking 10 Downs/Farley Hill Travel & NHS routes in conjunction with Healthy Weight Sustrans Strategy Action Plan

Handcross Road at Request from Additional pedestrian refuge 10 Wigmore Lane resident

Humberstone Road at Ward Councillor Pedestrian refuge at 15 roundabout junction with roundabout (similar to that Oakley Road installed at junction of Oakley Road with roundabout) (Ref. Project No. P1296)

Completion of previous 15 180 years schemes including work arising out Road Safety Audit

13/27 Year Location Requested by Comments Estimated Total cost (£000s) (£000s)


Accessibility LTP and BVPI Accessibility improvements 15 improvements to existing performance to pedestrian crossings e.g. pedestrian crossings indicators tactile paving

School Crossing Patrols Road Safety Continued improvement of 20 Team sites

Dropped crossings and Ward Forums & Continued programme of 25 tactile paving correspondence installation

Leagrave Station LBC & First Implement improved 100 Capital Connect pedestrian access scheme to the rear of Leagrave Station via Marsh Road

Further walking routes Sustrans Active Further signing of walking 10 Travel & NHS routes in conjunction with Healthy Weight Sustrans Active Travel Strategy Action Plan

Butely Road at Pirton Hill Ward Forum Improved pedestrian 10 schools facilities

Crawley Green Road School request Improved pedestrian 10 facilities near to Cockernhoe Lane

Church Road to Slip End Parish Additional length of footway 10 Newlands Road Council to link Slip End to Newlands Road ( part)

Putteridge Road Cllr Dolling Move bus stop to end of 10 turning circle reduce the amount of high school children walking across turning circle and increase the amount of space for infant children and parents to walk without being impeded by queue for bus.

A6 north of Riddy Lane High Improved pedestrian 10

13/28 Year Location Requested by Comments Estimated Total cost (£000s) (£000s) school, Icknield facilities just north of Riddy Ward Forum Lane roundabout

Limbury Road/Trinity Correspondence Improved pedestrian 20 Road facilities between Marsh Road and Blundell Road

High Town between School access to Installation of speed table to 20 Cobden St and York leisure centre replace existing refuge Street

Whitehorse Vale Bramingham Pedestrian refuges near 20 Primary Woodmere, Burford Close and Underwood Close to assist pedestrians going to walking bus

Collingdon Street near to Development Reduction in road widths 20 junction with New Bedford Control particularly at zebra crossing Road due to reduced traffic flows plus installation of additional on-street parking/pay-and- display

It is anticipated that this list will increase as further requests and needs are identified.
