Dear Marist Friends, shoes, because the ground where you L’Hermitage is also such a place for me, are standing is holy ground». Holy ground, where we can see and feel that we are At this time, around 6 June, we pause to that’s where you take off your shoes. A connected: with our common history and reflect on the life of . sign of respect and real contact. This is with each other in the here and now. It is In our communities, in our Province and how I understand humility: with bare a place of silence, where the Spirit is worldwide. feet you are really on the ground, at work, as we celebrate at Pentecost. This is the second time we have celebrated there is nothing in between. I am In the stories and experiences this day during the pandemic, a time of not bigger or smaller than I am. that you read on the following particular challenges and experiences. How could La Valla and the Feast of pages, you are invited to Vulnerability is palpable and endurance Hermitage have become holy St Marcellin holy ground. Beautiful and is required of us. There are also many ground for Marcellin? Special 2021 inspiring stories that make us signs of hope and connection: people things must have happened in stand amazed and invite us to are looking out for each other, helping these places. take off our shoes. May the reading each other where previously this was not Where is our holy ground? For me, the invite you to your own holy ground. necessary and are creative to find new experience of holy ground can be there Many thanks on behalf of the Mission ways to connect. We are becoming aware when we meet. In a real encounter, Council for the inspiring contributions in of what really matters. «barefoot», without pretensions or this Being Marist and especially to Aisling In this issue of Being Marist, Marcellin is intentions. This experience is always for her work in making this newsletter at the centre. It reminds me of the story there when I meet Marists, anywhere in possible. of Moses meeting God: Moses sees a our province or in the world, and it is not I wish us beautiful encounters around 6 burning bush, and wonders how it can’t easy to pinpoint exactly what causes it. June, in connection and with joy. May the burn. After God calls Moses, He says, But it is there: the feeling of being at home Spirit lead us. «Don’t come any closer and take off your together. Conny Stuart, The Netherlands 2 Being Marist JUNE / 2021

Feast of St Marcellin 2021


After the success of last and teachers of the Marist Improve the real year's Anti-Racism Week, College Mindelheim and the Marist Youth group staff of CMI Mindelheim in Mindelheim was highly around Michael has world through motivated to take up and been preparing the theme intensify the confrontation weeks. with racist acts again. The motto of the theme online event week is: «visible, audible and Since February, the active against racism». It was organisational team of important to the planning former volunteers, pupils team that the topic of anti- Being Marist JUNE / 2021 3 racism is specified and that the «neo- colonialist structures» and their effects on today are particularly scrutinised. In many ways I’ve Thus, areas such as colonial continuities and colonial heritage, development always been a Marist cooperation, climate justice, right-wing Growing up in a money for Mary’s Meals and extremism and «allyship» (being an ally) large family, in statues, SCAIF, and also in all those are taken up and dealt with in the theme images and Mary’s who gave so generously. days. influence has always Love was also shown to me Online events such as lectures, a been apparent in my in the individual members of panel discussion and a poetry slam life. Annual pilgrimages the group, all of which gave are planned. We want to make the to Lourdes fostered a up their time energy and topic visible through art projects at the devotion and appreciation talents to help make the group Maristenkolleg Mindelheim, advertising of Our Lady and since a successful. and information on social media, young age Mary has been Finally love was shown to me the local newspaper and a «design my greatest confidant. in the Marist values. Over the challenge». In cooperation with a «fair» past three years I have become very well clothing shop, design proposals for So what has St Marcellin done for me? versed in the Marist values and they never the printing of T-shirts against racism St Marcellin Champagnat came into my life fail to impress me. The values put to words can be submitted and after a vote, the in my third year of secondary school and has the way I want to live my life and helped me «winning design» will be printed and stayed there ever since. I joined the Marist to focus on how to become a better person. sold. All events certainly encourage leadership programme originally excited The Marist values are all about love. Love active action against racism. about the prospect of a trip to and shown through hard work, love shown by The opening service, which took place in the chance to learn some new skills but I being present, love shown in simplicity, Presence, offered special inspiration. The have been given so much more than a sun harnessing the love of a family in day to message was to pay special attention to tan and some notes on how to lead a group. day life and trying to love in the way Mary conscious and unconscious racist acts What I have been given is love. Love shown loved. Each of the values and the live they and their hurtful effects. in many ways. show was evident constantly in my time as After having dealt with the topic of racism Love was shown to me on the trip to a Marist Leader. and discrimination in several events, the L’hermitage. I discovered Marcellin’s love St Marcellin may have not given me my love workshop «How to be an ally» offers a through visiting important places in the of Mary but St Marcellin and the Marists have good opportunity to work intensively story of his life and was able to see his love impacted every area of my life. I have been on how we can develop into an ally of carried on through the brothers and those given a new community full of people from people with experiences of racism. on the programme around me. I was there around the globe who also love Our Lady. From the two events that took place, the with a group of four schools and knew only I have also been given a set of incredible opening service as a hybrid form and a few people. Within the hour everyone friends within my school of which I have a panel discussion with speakers from was acquainted and began supporting one done many amazing things with, I have been Congo, , Kirbati and , we another through encouragement during given new experiences that I had never can draw the following conclusion: group tasks, listening to each other, and had before, experiences In leadership, Through the digital form, it can succeed socialising. All were needed and all were experiences in being part of an organised in uniting people from all over the world appreciated and the trip truly set the scene team, experiences in fundraising and even to this topic and thus stimulate a global for the rest of my time as a Marist Leader. experiences in presenting. Most importantly exchange. Love was also shown to me in the weekly though I have been given the Marist values At the panel discussion, an incredible meetings with my Marist leadership group to help guide me through my life. 50 people from at least 13 countries in my school. In setting out aims to raise Everything St Marcellin did was for love. His were present online and discussed old money for charitable causes and trying to vision of love is shown in the Marists and and new colonial structures and effects make Marcellin and the Marist values known I am so grateful to be able to be a part of together. in our community we had to work hard to that love Julia Mueller. make those aims reality. Love was shown Ruth Black – Marist Leader – Cmi Mindelheim in the work of the charity’s we fundraised St Johns RC HS Dundee 4 Being Marist JUNE / 2021

Feast of Marist – St Marcellin Marcellin 2021 Champagnat

Second from left in photo

During my stay at France I learned about the founder of the Marist Brothers, Marcellin Champagnat and visited Le Rosey where he was born. I feel like learning about him had quite an impact on me as not only was I taught about the Marist Values, but I also incorporated them into the activities that I did with my teammates, which helped us work better, as a family. Impact of Marist

We also learned about his origins and how he values on me came to be the founder of the Marist Brothers My experience as both a student pressure that if I don’t reach a which I feel like was very inspiring to hear, in the Marist community and as final decision within the next especially when I learned that Marcellin had a Marist Leader have both been months, I have dug quite a difficulties with school, yet he still managed amazing so far. A key aspect of deep hole for myself going to persevere. It gave me hope knowing that my five years here, have been forward in my education. I he dropped out of school but still managed to the impact that Marcellin and feel that sometimes we need achieve what he wanted to do in life; Spread the Marist Values have had on to take a step back from our the message of God. me. They have taught me a lot busy lives of work and study His quote «To raise children properly, we about life and have helped me build and enforce the value of simplicity, this should love them and love them equally”, the person I am today, and will help also related to the value of presence, to which he said when he saw poor treatment me to grow further in life. seek for positive relationships in life and of a student from a teacher, is something not to get caught up in the business of that I feel like many people need to realise One value that stands out to me and one life all too often. nowadays as everyone has different talents that I make a part of my daily life is the The impact of Marcellin on my life and abilities, therefore not everyone will be value of simplicity. As a young person has been very evident to me over the academically successful but it doesn’t mean in today's society, I sometimes feel years, the way I implemented his Marist that they’ve failed in life. They should receive like we have to have our lives figured Values into my lifestyle has made a help and support instead of shame from other out from such a young age. There is a huge difference to me, I am glad to adults, just like Marcellin did in 1817 when he lot of pressure on us as teenagers to say that Marcellin has helped me in all slowly started forming the Marist Brothers as try and take on new responsibilities, aspects of my life since joining Marist he motivated other youths with his enthusiasm and face new challenges on a daily College Athlone, as well as the wider for teaching and spreading the Gospel. basis. Personally, I am not completely Marist community. Angelika Konieczko, Marist Leader sure what I want to do in college or in Joseph Martin – Marist Leader St Mungos Academy the workforce, yet I feel this looming Athlone Being Marist JUNE / 2021 5 New Association for the management of «Le Bua» reception centre in Habay-la-Vieille (Belgium)

On Friday 16 April 2021, a very important President, a sub-president, a treasurer as possible. meeting took place via video conference and a secretary have been chosen, is Initially it was decided that the Marist for our Welcome Centre «Le Bua» made up of three Marist Brothers and four Brothers Asbl will remain the owner of the located in Habay-la-Vieille (Belgium). lay people. buildings but the wish in the medium or This reception centre, which has become long term is to allow this new Association Indeed, until now our Centre was independent, will nevertheless be a to fly on its own wings and to continue managed and supervised by the Marist member of a larger association called CRH this project at the service of the youth of Brothers Asbl. From now on, it has become (Centre de Rencontres et d'Hébergements) our region. independent within a new Association. thanks to which it could in the future benefit The Brothers' community will remain on The General Assembly of the latter from funds from the Wallonia-Brussels the spot as long as it is possible and such includes people from the school world Federation in order to hire management is the wish of the members of the new (directors and teachers of Catholic and animation staff and to obtain financial Association in order to continue to mark schools) but also from the associative aid for projects linked more particularly to the place by their human and spiritual world (youth centre, local tourism, welfare the improvement of the infrastructure. presence and to transmit the Marist groups) as well as young people who A person has been hired on a part- values as well as possible. have participated in activities linked to time basis until next June to prepare an A magnificent and promising project has this Welcome Centre. accreditation file in order to obtain official just come into being. The Board of Directors, from which a recognition from this Federation as soon Brother Albert ANDRE

Some photos of life in our Welcome Centre! 6 Being Marist JUNE / 2021 Feast of St Marcellin Being Marist: means 2021 we can all be better teachers In a letter to Philemon, Paul asks that with his own sensitivity, has passed on Onesimus be received as a brother in to me a piece of his life, a piece of his the faith, as a brother in Christ. spirituality, a piece of his experience, For me, Marcellin represents this, and all these pieces put together form an he received young people as brothers in invaluable treasure. One example among the faith, his brothers in Christ! many: an elder brother made me think This is the example I aspire to, to be a about , which changed me. sister/brother in Christ. And who better In addition to this, I had the immense to guide us than Mary, our mother to privilege of being the pupil of a musician all. So to be a Marist for me means to brother at almost 50 years of age. There be a Christian with the kindness and is this sentence of St Augustine: «To sing gentleness of a mother. is to pray twice», which makes me think of an anecdote. I like to say to those who do not know As a zealous student, I wanted to show my Marcellin and the Marist community that music teacher the efforts I had made, so a visit to the brothers is like: I learned the beginning of a song to Mary «Coming home after a long day, you are on the flute. With great generosity and greeted by saying: Come and sit down, a smile, my teacher listened to this very eat a sandwich, have a drink and then rough interpretation. He congratulated we'll talk. me for trying. I must admit, it was pretty It's a whole concept of welcoming, young Jean Baptiste Montagne, who was bad, I still smile. He then took the score helping, teaching, sharing Christ and their dying, and who had not heard of God, and guided me through the work. faith, all under the benevolent guidance his Son, nor even of Mary consoler. We And then, at one point, we sang this song of Mary. all know the rest. Can I, then, let anyone to Mary together. We were in union of It's beautiful, it's strong! We feel like a pass through the valley of death without prayer with Mary. It is one of my most family, the table that Marcellin built is the knowing Christ? For without Christ, beautiful memories, this moment of grace, symbol of this. This table around which without God, there is only nothingness, like a breath in time. I like to think that at we share food for body and soul. which is unacceptable to me and that moment Mary had a benevolent look During my long days, by which I mean incompatible with my faith. Marcellin's on the student and his teacher and that my spiritual journey, I like to make these example and life inspire me every day to Marcellin was smiling. beautiful stops, which strengthen me do better... to do my best for the young I think that it is common to all believers to against the storms to come. What is and the not so young. have moments of doubt, of questioning, beautiful is that I can return again and I would never have known what I am in spite of my questioning about the world again, to be refreshed in brotherhood, capable of if there had not been someone and its setbacks, I have one certainty: in love and prayer. to trust me. any difficulty in my life as a Christian, as a It is with this experience and this renewal As I said in my title, to be Marist, for me, Marist, as a mother, as a catechist or in any brought by the brothers that I can go to means to work every day to be a «better trial that I might go through, I could knock meet the young people of the catechism, teacher» and here teacher is taken in the on the door of my Marist community and who are often themselves in the first broad sense. I know that they would say to me: «Come encounter with God and his son. But to transmit, one must have received. and sit down, eat a slice of toast, have a Marcellin nourishes me as a catechist. It is here that the Brothers of Le Bua in drink,.. and we'll talk afterwards»! The most transcendent anecdote for me Habay-la-Vieille have played a great role Christine Dispa, lay Marist - is the meeting between Marcellin and the for me. Each brother, in his own way and Habay, Belgium. Being Marist JUNE / 2021 7

Marcellin. He never ceases to amaze me! For some time now the question has table, it inspired awe and silence. Brotherhood around a home-made table. come back to me: «What place did the The bowls and plates on it did not match It could hardly be closer and in the midst «Mystery of Life» have in Marcellin's what the table was. They were too well of life. thinking and acting? finished. They had not been used. They Marcellin gave the table to his brothers as detracted from what the table was meant a privileged place. He called the altar: the To begin with, Marcellin probably did not to show and honour. In my opinion, the table of Jesus and his disciples. ask himself this question. They are words table should be empty and bare. Only in The Dominican Edward Schillebeeckx of our time. The question can also be put this way could the imagination work and spoke of the sacrament of brotherhood another way: how did Marcellin live God's the table express what was once lived by when he wanted to interpret the meaning presence? the first group of Marists around Marcellin. of the table of bread and wine. And also as a comment, it is a risky Only the table was enough to recall what I continue to be amazed at how Marcellin business to answer the question about it had witnessed: the brotherhood that made brotherhood so central to his life. the life of a man whom you did not know grew in the group of four or five young We see it in the name he ultimately gave and who lived in a very different time. people together with Marcellin as a young his brothers: Little Brothers of Mary. We The search for an answer to the question adult. see it in the way he consistently claimed says what is important in my life: living Brotherhood, being a brother, was an independent, equal place for the life with the «Mystery of Life». what Marcellin had envisaged from the of a teacher-brother. We see it in March Still, I want to make an attempt. Perhaps I will promise of Fourvière onwards. «We 1840 when he makes six brothers his discover something in the life and thinking need brothers», he said. He lived up to heirs. of Marcellin that continues to astonish me this ideal. Living as brothers was what The brotherhood which Marcellin and makes him still a beloved man. animated him. To live the Mystery in envisaged continues to amaze and to do Let us look at what happened and what brotherhood and to express it by being wonders. moved Marcellin. moved by (young) people. In being a In the sphere of this article «brotherhood» The book «Histoire de l'Institut Tome 1» by brother, Marcellin's inspiration became a is used. In the sphere of our time André Lanfrey is a good guide. tangible reality. It is part of the Mystery of «sisterhood and brotherhood» are The table of La Valla. Life that it is rooted in everyday life. Life considered equal. What does this simple table show us? as a brother echoes through to the words Jacques Scholte f.m.s. When I first saw the decrepit, battered of his spiritual testament. Netherlands 8 Being Marist JUNE / 2021

Feast of St Marcellin 2021

MARISTEN BULLETIN Farewell to the Westerhelling in Nijmegen

Dear Marist Brothers, dear Marist People, By this means I would like to let you know that I recently said goodbye to the Westerhelling on 14 April after almost 21 years. Retirement. That's the reason. You possibly already read the announcement in the previous news bulletin. A big step, of course with a mixture of feelings. Because of Corona, the farewell was in a very small context.

It's a big goodbye to me. I feel heart and soul connected with all the projects that have grown on the Westerhelling over the past 21 years, with the young employees, with the young people I have been able to accompany on their spiritual path. I am eternally grateful to the Marist brothers for having been able to work with them in such a good place, with so much freedom, so many years. Much good has come together on the Westerhelling, from different sides, which allowed such beautiful projects to emerge. I experienced that as a great grace: ‘God builds the house.‘ I therefore said goodbye with mixed feelings. It is not easy to let go of what is so dear to you. But gratitude dominates. Far out. Again my big thanks to the entire Marist Province and Marist World, for everything you have made possible for the Westerhelling. It wouldn't have happened without you, and all the Marist brothers since its origin. I am very well aware of that. May God bless you in all your ways now and in the future. I hope that there will be opportunities to meet again. With a warm greeting, Clara van de Ven Being Marist JUNE / 2021 9 L'Hermitage. What does this place remind us of?

The key lies in the name itself, hermitage: a place of hermitage.

At first sight, l'Hermitage is not a place for a community of teachers to build a house. It would have been more natural to settle among the people. In the context of this article I will mention what strikes me in the choice: silence and tranquillity. What strikes me in the daily rhythm of present in the group at Fourvière. This morning, he made himself familiar with the early years in which Marcellin gave text says that they weighed their desires the path which the One showed him, in shape to the community of brothers, and ideals before God and knew them abundant joy. Thus he lived his union alongside aspects of asceticism, is the in the words of Psalm 16: «You make with the «Mystery of Life». monastic rhythm. The rhythm of the me familiar with the way of life, with In the origins of the life of the Little day reveals a life in the presence of abundant joy with You». Brothers of Mary, Marcellin instils in his God. Familiarisation, the way of life, abundant brothers a contemplative attitude to life. Perhaps we can say that the desire joy with You, fit what Marcellin was full In contemplation he learns to discern to live God's presence was already of. In the silence of the night or early and to say: «It is your work, Mary». The snowstorm I am reminded of a walk not work out for you? Marcellin Champagnat took. When did you get lost? He and a fellow brother When did you have to were on their way home, search for the right way? but in the blizzard they In the sun, in the wind, were hopelessly lost. They sitting in the grass, I urgently needed help. Then mused to myself. I get there was light, a man, and a lost when I keep a part of safe place to hide. myself hidden. Regularly I get lost in dealing with Almost 200 years later. On my energy. I remind a warm, sunny and dry day I myself that I will stay on was at this spot with a group the right track if I make of young people and Brother Gerard. A road sure to have a rest on the way and time alone. through the fields; a house, or what was left of It is also important for me to dance or sing a it, along the road. few steps now and then! In this special place the life of Marcellin Thinking about the road you have gone and Champagnat touched our lives for a moment. are going. Sharing about this with each other. We were invited to go inside ourselves with It is very special to do this in this very place. the help of a few questions. When did things Francine Valk. Netherlands 10 Being Marist JUNE / 2021

Wellbeing Week 2021 in Marist College Athlone Wellbeing Week in Marist College Athlone health guidelines. Working with the Wellbeing the school garden by planting a wild flower took place from 26th to 30th April 2021. The Committee, a list of events was drawn up. garden and painting the benches under the Wellbeing Committee and PE department Students took on a set of new physical guidance of school caretaker, Mr. Fallon, decided to run Wellbeing Week during challenges each day, and competition who looks after the grounds so well. We are Active School Week in order to provide reached fever pitch as they competed with blessed with extensive and well-maintained maximum benefit to students. Wellbeing their classmates. TY students helped Ms. grounds, which are testament to the work of Coordinator Mrs. McTiernan coordinated Gregg and Ms. Corcoran to run them. Daily many Marist Brothers over the years. Outdoor the week-long bonanza with Ms. Gregg. affirmations accompanied by uplifting music space has never been so important, and we were read out over the school intercom by 6th were also very lucky with the weather! Each day involved a mix of mindfulness, year students, with one of the songs «I’m Still The Wellbeing Committee would like to fun and physical activity in the fresh air for Standing» by Elton John capturing beautifully acknowledge the generosity of school teachers and students alike. the mood of the school community at the management, Mike Dermody and Paul Kelly, With their coordinator Ms. Mannion, the Marist moment! Ms. Horan assisted students with in facilitating the event and for their financial Leaders and the Student Council took an this. and logistical support. Thanks also to our active leadership role in the planning stages Staff wellbeing was not neglected with school secretary, Joan Parker, for all her by surveying the student body to see what scones and coffee provided one day, and a help. In the weeks following Wellbeing Week, activities they would like during Wellbeing healthy options buffet of fruit and yoghurts SPHE students are invited to reflect upon Week, within the current limitations of public offered another morning. Yoga podcasts and evaluate the week, and this information incorporating Marist Values were devised and will help provide feedback and ideas for next made available to staff. The whole school, staff year. and students, received an ice-cream treat too. Many thanks to all the staff who helped We are lucky enough to have a Greenway organise and run the week’s events: running close to the school and an after-school Eva Gregg, Rachel Corcoran, Rhea Horan, walk/run was organised on Wednesday for Orla Mannion, Ciara Corcoran, James Byrne, all members of the school community. TY Rita Lawless, Aine Cleary, Martina Carey and students, coordinated by Mr. Loftus, helped all class teachers who helped out with the out by preparing the Greenway by marking various events. each kilometre with balloons in our school Wellbeing Week 2021 was certainly a week to colours of blue and yellow. On Friday, TY remember! students cycled to Moate, where they enjoyed Martha McTiernan some light refreshments before the return leg Wellbeing Coordinator of their trip. They also took time to spruce up Marist College Being Marist JUNE / 2021 11 Wellbeing Week 2021 – Moyle Park College Wellbeing Week was back again in Moyle Park this year, the event took place from April 19th- 23rd 2021. Wellbeing Week has been a tradition in our school for the last number of years. It’s a special time for staff and students to really focus in on and promote positive mental health and wellbeing. The Marist Core Team are the group that organises the events and activities for the week. It is always a jam packed week with lots of events for staff and students and this year proved to be no different!

Now more than ever before staff and student wellbeing has been of vital importance. The pandemic has changed the way that we live our lives and in turn the restrictions have affected many peoples mental health in a negative way. We are encouraged to limit who we see and speak to and stand physically distance from one another has brought its apart, yet for many of us this can be very own set of challenges and logistics. challenging, it’s simply not in our nature Wellbeing Week 2021 came at just the to be so distant! In school we naturally right time for our school. It was a great want to help each other, to offer support morale boost for our whole school to our students, to share stories and community and some fantastic teamwork to encourage each other. Keeping our from the Marist Core Team ensured that the events were safe and enjoyable Hope for all. Some of the week long events included: A 2020-2021 time capsule ‘If you only carry one thing full of students poems, letters, diary throughout your entire life, let it entries and objects to remember this last be hope. Let it be hope that better year of lockdowns, teacher to teacher things are always ahead. Let it be random acts of kindness, podcasts full of hope that you can get through wellbeing tips for students, healthy meals at times. It’s really important to take some even the toughest of times. Let it cook along videos from our PE teachers, time out and do something for your own be hope that you are stronger than mindfulness colouring and meditation in wellbeing. Read a book, go for a walk, any challenge that comes your religion classes, virtual guest speakers on catch up with a friend, whatever it is that way. Let it be hope that you are the topics of mental health and wellbeing, helps your wellbeing make sure you make exactly where you are meant to be a whole school gratitude display, football time for it in your busy schedule. But for right now, and that you are on the events, virtual past pupil discussions, now, let’s get ready to wind down, let’s path to where are you are meant to healthy breakfast mornings and some hope for better days to come and I hope be… because during these times, wellbeing gardening with Bro.Coleman in that everyone stays safe and well and has hope will be the very thing that our newly landscaped staff garden. an enjoyable summer break. carries you through’. Overall, it was a very enjoyable week for Mr. O Mara Nikki Bonas the entire school community. School life Wellbeing Coordinator - is always very busy and can be stressful Moyle Park College 12 Being Marist JUNE / 2021

What Community Engagement, Feast of St Marcellin at its Best, Means for Local People 2021

The Exodus Community is a community development project located in West Heidelberg, , . Operating since 1998, the project was established to commit to meeting the identified emerging needs of local residents.

On the fringes of the city’s affluent eastern suburbs, the West Heidelberg Olympic Village was built to host athletes of the 1956 Olympic Games. At the end of the games, the accommodation was converted to public housing and used to accommodate slum dwellers from around Melbourne. The village was constructed as a temporary development, never intended for long-term use. With poorly constructed accommodation, built on swampy land, these blocks became prone to deterioration, cracking and mould. By the end of the 1970’s, an enquiry into poverty declared West Heidelberg as a district of «special need“, with the sadly familiar story of unemployment, drugs contacted Harry Prout, a Marist Brother, in the wrong direction, Harry generously and poverty to name just some of the to set up a visit to the community project. came to my rescue and collected me from challenges confronted by the community Harry, who was instrumental in founding some random other Melbourne suburb. and its people. the Exodus Community, is a man who has On arrival at West Heidelberg, Harry Following my interest in understanding dedicated himself to meeting the needs takes me on a tour of the estate. more about community engagement, I of the local people. Having taken the tram It’s a fascinating and emotional drive- by, arousing a multitude of feelings and emotions as I witnessed the neighbourhood and learned from Harry about the lives lived in this challenging and equally inspiring place. I learned there was a time when gang culture was so dominant that drug dealing, murder, robbery and addiction problems were the norm. Thankfully, things are now much improved with a greater sense of hope and possibility. It used to be that many of the young people simply weren’t going to school. So in response, Harry in partnership with Being Marist JUNE / 2021 13 a local social worker, got creative and set up a classroom where the children decided what commitment they were able to make to attending. So popular was the initiative, over time, this became a community school in its own right. I was told of the four houses destined for demolition and how, through extensive negotiations with multiple stakeholders and sheer hard work and determination, they have been saved as social housing for those in the community most in need. Harry takes me to The Shed which is a community drop-in space constructed in the garden of where Harry lives - his place housed the Danish Olympic team back in the day! I’m invited for lunch and this is where I experience this community’s enormous heart and soul. I’m inspired by the people I meet here. Each has their own story to tell. A challenging past of darkness and despair. A time of hopelessness and helplessness. I’m touched by the openness with which people share with me, giving me the privilege to glimpse, just a little, how things used to be. One thing is abundantly clear as a common theme with all those I meet here – the Exodus Community is a lifeline. This place gives people hope And aspiration. Being together, enjoying lunch and belonging to community, meets a basic fundamental human need. Everyone expresses how and training etc. It truly is a grassroots vital the community is for their sense development. of well-being. And I understand why As testimony to the people of the Exodus it’s important, since in the simple act of Community, a beautiful publication tells being together and eating together – a inspiring stories of some of the local communication channel is created for residents, many of whom I met. learning about all the other needs people If ever there was a place where have. These informal conversations bring community engagement demonstrated insight into people and their requirements best practice, the Exodus Community and from this the response of the Exodus is it! Community emerges. Responses such Paul Cummings as advocacy, legal advice, education Kinharvie Scotland 14 Being Marist JUNE / 2021

Feast of How Champagnat has had St Marcellin 2021 an impact on my life

I am currently a Depute Head Teacher the Marist Values. at St John’s RC High School in Dundee. We link with and support It has been a great pleasure to carry two Marist schools in , out this role for the last ten years. The Brother Douglas has been school is very special to me as it was the driving force behind this also the school I attended as a young project. In 2012, I visited these person. At that time, we had several schools with my friend and Marist Brothers here teaching and our colleague, Charlotte Jones Head Teacher was Brother Bede, he was and four senior pupils. The the last Marist Brother Head Teacher to schools we visited were P. serve our school. Udayapatty High School and Mangamanuthu High School. During my time here as a DHT, I have These schools are run by been fortunate to be presented with the Marist Brothers and are a many opportunities which have allowed living example of St Marcellin’s me to link with and become acquainted mission, «to educate children until the time we left. So much so that with other members of the Marist Family you must love them and love them all they wanted to stay. It was at this time worldwide. These opportunities have equally». We were made to feel very that I met another extremely inspirational arisen because my Head Teacher, Fiona welcome by Brother Chinna and his Marist Brother, PJ McGowan. Brother PJ McLagan’s vision was to re-establish our fellow Marist Brothers, they were keen was most welcoming and reminded me Marist identity and re-connect The Family to showcase their young people and we a great deal of Brother Douglas, caring, of St John’s with the Marist Community. were treated to several performances kind and a joy to spend time with. He was Over the years as the Marist Brothers during our visit. These young people keen to show us around L’Hermitage and moved on, our school’s Marist identity had were extremely knowledgeable about was delighted to answer our questions. been lost. When Fiona took up her post St Marcellin and grateful that they were These wonderful men truly follow in the in December 2010, she was determined being given the opportunity to attend footsteps of St Marcellin. to rectify this. Her mission has been school and be educated. They were L’Hermitage is a beautiful place and it is accomplished and it has and continues happy and we truly experienced Family clear why Marcellin Champagnat chose to have a positive impact on our school Spirit and Love of Work in both schools. this area for his fellow brothers to continue community. In 2018, our young people were given the to carry out their work. It is very peaceful Our previous Principal Teacher of opportunity to become involved in the and uplifting and allowed me time for Religious Education, Kenneth Black now Marist Leadership Programme. With the reflection. When I left to come home, I DHT, and our current Principal Teacher help and guidance of Aisling Demaison felt refreshed and ready to support the of Religious Education, John Paul Cecil and Alastair Callaghan from The Kinharvie work of our new Marist Leaders. When embraced the challenge of reconnecting Institute, the young people were we arrived back in Scotland and we were and worked tirelessly to make links with selected. Fiona McLagan and I had the travelling back to Dundee from Edinburgh the Marist Community. We were also pleasure of accompanying our new Marist Airport, the young people were enthused. very fortunate to have Brother Douglas Leaders to visit L’Hermitage in October Despite a very busy weekend all they Welsh in Dundee. He was and still is a 2018. This was one of the most uplifting wanted to talk about was the plans they great support to our school. I met Brother experiences I have ever had. We met had for when we returned to school. They Douglas for the first time in 2006 when I and worked with staff and young people were determined to have St Marcellin joined the staff at Lawside RC Academy. from other Marist Schools in Ireland and visible in our school. With the help of Brother Douglas is very special to me and Scotland. Our young people loved the Laura Robbins, their RE Teacher, they an inspiration, he is a living example of experience from the moment we arrived contacted Brother Douglas and he very Being Marist JUNE / 2021 15 kindly organised for Charlotte Jones to Champagnat had an impact on my life?» deliver two beautiful statues to us, one of He has been responsible for bringing so St Marcellin and one of Our Lady. During many good people into my life, had it not our time at L’Hermitage, we visited La been for St Marcellin Champagnat, I would Valla. Our young people were inspired by not have had the privilege of meeting and the timeline there and wanted to create working with Brother Douglas, Brother PJ something similar for our chapel corridor. and the many lay Marists I have connected I am delighted to say after a great deal of with. I will be eternally grateful for the effort and hard work they have achieved people I work with daily, they continually this. L’Hermitage was inspirational for us. give of themselves for the good of our In November 2018, it was a pleasure young people, for me there is no place to visit Mindelheim and connect with a pandemic doesn’t stop the Marists. like St John’s RC High School. We know more members of the Marist Family. Aisling and Brother PJ have organised St Marcellin is always watching over us Brother Michael, Wolfgang, Renate and several Marist Senior Leader Workshops and guiding us. the staff from the school made us feel on Zoom, these have allowed me and Hopefully it won’t be too long before very welcome. Brother PJ and Aisling Kenneth Black to connect with fellow we can start to get together again and were also there to look after us, as they Marists in Scotland, Ireland and Germany. connect face to face. Until then, stay safe always are. This was another wonderful The meetings have been refreshing and and God Bless our Marist Family. weekend of connection, reflection and very welcome during this difficult time Wendy Sinclair Family Spirit. and also a reminder of how lovely and Depute Head Teacher Due to the current pandemic we have not supportive our Marist Family is. St John’s RC High School, been able to meet face to face. But even To answer the question «How has Dundee 16 Being Marist JUNE / 2021 Marcellin Champagnat: Feast of St Marcellin Young apostle as well 2021 an apostle of youth Sanctity is a mixed blessing. While seven when he founded his Little Brothers twenty years because of their faith; others the servant of God’s heroic virtue is of Mary, just six months after his ordination. expelled from Cuba and their institutions highlighted, he or she runs the risk of At the time he had an old house in need confiscated, still others in South becoming domesticated. Take Marcellin of repair, two uneducated recruits, and threatened because of their refusal to Champagnat, for example. Many images no money. He faced many obstacles: implement government apartheid policies. of the man exist. He is portrayed as the behavior of Father Courveille, In our own day, witness the courage of the a wise counselor to young people, a the conniving of Cardinal Fesch and blue Marists in Aleppo, Syria. thoughtful confessor, a wisdom figure Vicar General Bochard, the gossip and When Marcellin Champagnat established of sorts. Others, though, have him backbiting of many of his fellow clerics, his Little Brothers of Mary, he was not only resembling one or another of those his failure to win government approval for young, he also had very little in terms of traditional statues that you might find in his brothers. material and human resources. Like so a Church: hands folded, head bowed, a Do not romanticize the life of Marcellin many young people, however, he had a halo securely in place. Champagnat nor the life of our Institute; dream. And that dream, which came to there has never been a «golden age» in life at Lavalla and began to mature at the Marcellin’s human journey was anything the history of either. Just as hardship Hermitage, has spread today to more than but typical. Born into turbulent times, his marked the founder’s days, a litany of 80 countries, touching the lives of almost life was bookended by two revolutions. He hardships followed for his brothers: the 800,000 young people each year. came to maturity within a divided society; 1903 laws of secularization in France, well The founder, however, was not only an the Revolution of 1789 pitted bourgeois over 100 brothers and lay Marists dead in apostle to youth, he was also a young against aristocrat, state against church, Spain during that country’s Civil War, six apostle. Perhaps that is why he was able new against old. of our French brothers, serving in Hungary to establish his congregation despite the Though obviously intelligent, the turmoil during World War II, brutally tortured by setbacks. Being young, he was more in of the period denied the founder the the Gestapo because they gave refuge touch with passion than burdened by proper schooling that he later insisted to 100 Jewish children and 50 of their prudence, he did not form a committee to was the right of every child. Consequently, parents. study an idea nor worry whether he had he lacked the foundation necessary for The list continues: many of our brothers funds sufficient to bring his dream to life. seminary studies. A year’s tutoring by his in China in prison at hard labor for ten-to- He simply did it. brother-in-law failed to fill the gap. Marcellin would struggle with studies throughout his years of preparation for the priesthood. In establishing his congregation, he sought to address two challenges: the need to put into place new and creative approaches to the evangelization of young people; the desire to provide a faith response to the educational deficiencies he experienced and the deplorable state of education in France during his life time. Remember also that this former sheep merchant turned priest was but twenty- Being Marist JUNE / 2021 17

Some insist that the present moment in each of us today. our Church and in religious life, at least For the last 50 years, we have used in Europe and North America, is marked one human means after another in by decline more than anything else. our attempts to renew our way of life. More grey hair, fewer members, ever Facilitators, pastoral plans and feasibility advancing age. They ask: How we can rise studies are means to an end. For it is a to the challenges that face us considering profound revolution of the heart and faith all of these realities? To find solutions, we alone that will get the job done. Religious need to take on the youthful outlook of life was never meant to have regular the founder. hours, clear job descriptions, and all sorts We have resources today that Marcellin of guarantees. Rather it was meant to could never have imagined. So why do entail enough sacrifice to be worth the gift we continue to talk about aging and of our lives. diminishment when a new generation of Those whose lives have been enriched young people is longing for community, by Ignatian spirituality characterize searching for mentors, hungry for the love themselves as «contemplative in action.» of God. We need to open our eyes and Likewise, those of us who share the to see the needs of today that would be charism of Marcellin Champagnat can best so obvious to him? Ask yourself: Should Spirit of God. For taking God seriously is be described as disciples of a «practical the founder arrive this evening at Berlin’s never easy and depending upon what the ». This approach to gospel Tegel airport, or Amsterdam’s Schiphol Almighty has in mind, it can change our living finds expression in many ways. One, where would he go, what needs would he lives. Mary of Nazareth learned that lesson love is the foundation of our approach to address, how would he live out his dream quickly. evangelization and education. Marcellin today? Nevertheless, Marcellin gave God free schooled his early brothers, «You cannot We must be willing to disrupt our lives, reign. He was willing to accept the fact teach young people unless you love them to be disturbed, to change, regardless of that God’s ideas, on occasion, might be first, and love them all equally». Two, age, and to set out on an adventure that better than his own! In time he began to mercy and compassion are central Marist he would make his own. In doing so, we do things that surprised everyone. More virtues evident in expressions such as, will discover that the dream of Marcellin than a few might have wondered if he had «There are good young people, and those Champagnat continues to unfold in new gone mad. who are not yet good». Three, our mission and surprising ways today. Today, unfortunately some of us who includes all dioceses of the world. For First of all, recent years have given us the publicly profess our firm resolve to live after all, «A Marist is someone for whom great gift of lay partnership and we are radically the gospel message as the aim the world is not large enough». so much richer for it. Lay partnership has and purpose of our lives counsel caution, Marcellin Champagnat was fond of always been part of our life and perhaps we discretion, good sense; we call attention saying, «To become a Marist is to have been late to recognize its presence. to economic realities, and we worry about undertake to become a saint». Let’s These post-Vatican II years have taught retirement. One must wonder who has avoid the risk of domestication. To do us that the charism that came into our gone mad! so, we must pray that the Spirit of God world through the founder belongs to the And so, we need to ask ourselves this lights in each of us the fire of renewal. Church at large and not solely to his Marist question: Do you and I really believe that And we must ask that very same Spirit Brothers. Today so many lay men and the Spirit of God, so active and alive in the for the courage to be as bold, as daring, women also share the dream that gave life life of the young Marcellin Champagnat, and as in love with God as was that and breath to Marcellin and his mission. longs to live and breathe in you and me simple young country priest and Marist Second, today the process of renewal for today? And if we do believe it, are we Father named Marcellin Champagnat. our Church and congregation invites you willing to give God´s Spirit free reign? May we, like him, be fire upon this earth and me once again to become involved The qualities of zeal, a spirit of faith, making Jesus Christ known and loved with the Holy Spirit. In taking up that endurance, and the absolute audacity among the young people to whom we challenge, however, let us not forget that to take on great challenges were surely are sent. Amen. the founder’s «troubles» began when he evident in the life of the founder. They Sean D. Sammon, allowed himself to be caught up in the need to be equally visible in the lives of FMS, USA 18 Being Marist JUNE / 2021

Feast of St Marcellin Marist Interview 2021 Sarah Kelly. Ireland

- Tell us a little bit about yourself. Park College Dublin, is because even in the most difficult times - Hello to everyone in the Marist Community. Dublin, and Marist College Athlone. In he was always an optimistic person. My My name is Sarah, I have recently turned each school there is a Marist core team, Dad was a very loveable person and 28. I have recently bought my first home in as mentioned above the Marist Core always saw the potential and good in Naas, Co Kildare, Ireland, with my Fiance Teams are made up on teachers from everyone he met, this is something I have Sean. I am the eldest in my family, I have all subject back grounds, management, learnt from him and bring with me through two siblings, one sister, Rachael and one brothers, and the Marist Leaders in the my journey in life. My dad was more than brother, Mark. As of August 2019, I am school. Marist leaders are students who a father figure he was my best friend and also now an aunty to an amazing little girl have applied through an application someone I could always count on, again I Sophia. I have two long haired Chihuahuas, process to become a Marist Leader. think this is a trait I have also developed Ruby (4) and Cleo (1). I have been teaching Marist Leadership programme aims from him especially when it comes to my in Moyle Park College, Dublin the last 5 to enable students to lead within their family and close friends. He knew how to years. I teach Geography and Religion. For school environments with Marist values. live life, never let anything get in his way the last two years I am involved in running These students are involved in many this is something I strive to live by as life the Transition year programme with two projects through-out the school, all is too short. My dad was someone who other teachers in our school. year round. An example of a project the helped me see my potential and helped - How did you get involved with the Marist Leaders are involved in, in Moyle me reach many of my goals in life. There Marist world? Park College is the integration of First are probably many more reasons to - As I mentioned above, I have been years into school during the month of discuss but for that I probably could write teaching in Moyle Park College the September. The purpose of the Marist a book! last five years. This was my first step in Core Team in our three Irish schools is - What accomplishments are you most connecting with the Marist community in to ensure the continuation of the core proud of in your life? Ireland, but it has also been the motive Marist Values. Over the year the core - I am only 28, and already I am proud of behind me being able to connect and get team will meet to discuss, update, or many accomplishments in my life. My first involved with Marist communities in other organise many events through the accomplishment I am extremely proud Provinces. In our school we have a Marist year an example is Marist Week. As I of is, I am the first person in my family to Core Team in which I have been part of mentioned previously, I am now the attend University, qualify with a level 8 for the last four years, three out of the four secretary of the Marist Core Team in undergraduate course and I am the only years I have had a more active role as Moyle Park College. person to go further with my education secretary of the Marist Core Team. This - What is an interesting fact that most and achieve a Masters. The second is a team made up of teachers, students people may not know about you? accomplishment I am proud of is securing (Marist leaders), Brothers and the - I have a basic level of Irish sign my job here in Moyle Park College. It was management team. Working on the core language. I can teach level 1 of Irish sign and is my first job I applied for straight team, talking to the brothers, and having language and can communicate with after college and I have been here since. a connection to Aisling (director of Marist a person who may be hard of hearing. The third accomplishment I am proud of Education West Central Province) has This is a new skill I picked up before is buying my first home with my partner opened many doors for myself and has COVID began. I do hope to go on and Sean as of January 2021. allowed me to connect with other Marist continue this skill. - What is the best part about being a communities from different provinces. - Who is a person you admire and why? Marist for you? - For those that don't know Marist - I have always and will always to this day - I would have to say the best thing about Ireland can you tell us a little bit about admire my Dad, he did unfortunately pass being a Marist is the unity we all feel. it and your role? away suddenly last October 2020. There Every time we gather whether it is here - Marist Ireland is very proactive. There are many reasons why I admire him and in Ireland or abroad in L’Hermitage or in are three Marist schools in Ireland; Moyle will continue to do so. One of the reasons many other places I have travelled due Being Marist JUNE / 2021 19 too the door being Marist has opened for me, I will always feel like we all belong to this one large family. - How would your family and friends describe you? - Many of my family and friends would call me hard working, kind and patient. - What is a significant event in your life? - In my 28 years I have had many significant times in my life. I will narrow it down to two events. The first being the day my niece Sophia was born. She is the smallest and youngest family member in my family and without knowing it, she brings so much laughter, smiles and joy into everyone’s life. The second life event that was important to me is the day I got handed the keys to my first home with my Fiance Sean. - When you're having free time what do you like to do? - There are many things I enjoy doing in my free time but majority of the time I love to walk my two chihuahuas, Ruby and Cleo and explore the outdoors. My favourite place to walk would be Glendalough Co. Wicklow. I love to watch movies and any good TV series. I love to spend time with my niece Sophia and teaching her new things, currently I am teaching her sign language for some of the basic words she has like thank you, love you and please. - What has been your highlight in your work in Marist mission to date? - There have been many events I have been involved in being part of the Marist community but to pick a highlight is hard as there has been many. But if I chose one thing that stands out from all the missions, I have taken part in, it is making many friends along the way within the Marist community. - What is your vision for the Marist West Central Europe? - My main vision or goal for Marist Central Europe would be to ensure the next generation of students we are meeting, never forget the main message or goals Marcellin had when he first began. 20 Being Marist JUNE / 2021 Champagnats for Today – Seeing Beyond

Today we remember many things about Marcellin Champagnat with gratitude and joyfulness especially his enormous faith and trust in God. We listen attentively for the echoes of his influence on our lives together here in our Marist ministry as we continue to see beyond ourselves by following Jesus in the way of Mary among the young people God has placed on our path, especially those who are the most vulnerable.

Let us Pray together the Prayer of a Marist Educator

We face the future with audacity and hope. In every corner of the world, there are thousands of young people whose lives are being touched by us. As educators we know the joys and pains of working with them. We know the good we can do. We believe in their future.

We believe in the continuing relevance of the charism of Marcellin Champagnat. We believe in our shared mission as Marist educators. We believe in our vocation to minister to all young people, with a special love for the poor and excluded. We believe in our mission to lead young people to life-giving values, to build a better world, to make Jesus Christ known and loved. We believe that, as Mary did for Jesus, to educate young people we must first love them equally. We believe in the value of the integral education we offer in our schools. We believe in the significance of hopeful and creative presence among young people in all our places of ministry, especially among those most neglected.

Mary, our Good Mother Saint Marcellin Champagnat Saint Mary of the Cross And let us always remember

Pray for us. Pray for us. Pray for us. to pray for one another. Feast of St Marcellin 2021